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To the commanding generals of the Russian Armed Forces

The overthrow of President Podkopayeva brings us into a new era of political and military
supremacy. Of initial primary concern to our new Soviet nation is ensuring a complete turnover of
government authority by any means possible, including the perminant elimination of our traitorous
president. Following our takeover of all government bodies it will be time to strike at the hearts of
our capitalist enemies. In our current state, full scale invasion of the American continent is
impossible. Instead we must strike at their weakest link, their reliance on oil. We will begin by
closing the tap to Western Europe. Our vast Siberian oil reserves will no longer power the cogs of
capitalist enterprise. Without oil to heat their homes, fuel their power stations, drive their armies,
our tanks will roll across the European continent as their corrupt governments topple in the face of
our revolutionary forces.

I am ordering a force 200,00 strong to support 6,000 main battle tanks and 8,000 infantry fighting
vehicle units as they forge their way across the Ukraine, Belorus, Poland, until the Atlantic is
reached. Simultaneously the Air Force and Strateigic Rocket Force will conduct long range bombing
and missile attacks against Western held oil fields and production facilities in Southwest Asia. As a
warning to the American aggressors, our silent nuclear submarines will slip past the American
patrols and sonar nets and lie off their capital city and conduct missile drills. The capitalist forces
have been weakened by the turmoil of recent weeks and will crumble before our mighty tanks!

Our upheaval of capitalist European governments is to occur in conjunction with a large scale air
war against the American controlled oil producing regions of Southwest Asia. Our bombers will
ignite their oil wells and send their tankers to the bottom of the sea. As the American empire is
separated from their primary source of fuel, their vast war machine will crumble and capitalist
enterprise will grind to a halt. As the Americans falter in turmoil the working people will organize
and shake free from the shackles of their prior capitalist existence and embrace the new socialist
world order.

In the next few weeks we will face much opposition, but the justice and wellbeing of the people
requires that we persevere. Other nations may seek to face us in combat, threatening military
action against the Rodina to which we must defend our nation at all costs. For this reason I am
authorizing the boundless use of long range tactical nuclear weapons against any country which
dares land one foot upon our homeland.

Glory to the new socialist revolution!

Secretary General Anitoly Serdyukov

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