Committee Meeting 02-16-11

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Troop 115 Committee Meeting Mintues

February 16, 2011

Present: Bob, Jason, Pam, Matt, Joelle, Sean, Bret, Carrie and Nancy

ScoutMaster Report-Jason

Move to Christ the King Church went seamlessly, scouts are behaving. We had 5 scouts crossover from
Pack 103. Pack 115 crossover is next week with 2-3 solid scouts crossing over.

Attendance is up.

Merit badge counseling is using up a lot of time. Maybe have merit badge counseling start at 6:30 and
any scouts that are interested would need to come early.

Need to add rope to the totes for each patrol so they have rope to work on at the meetings.

Jason would like to spend more 1-on-1 time with each scout before signing off on stuff. Wants them to
know he is interested in what they are doing.

Any Assistant Scout Master can do Scout Master Conferences and can sign off in scout’s books

Discussed the possibility of having a sign-up sheet for Scout Master Conferences and Boards of Review.
This way we will know who needs them, and we will have them in order as requested. These should not
be held the same week.

We received a thank you letter from Mt. Holiday for the service project to split wood.


Reimbursement-Discussed whether to reimburse parents that drive to events. Also discussed how to
reimburse, example actual costs, per scout transported, flat rate. A debt card to the checking account
was discussed as a possibility to pay for gas and groceries for events. It was decided to try a couple
different scenarios and see what works best.

Adults will cook separate from the scouts and will not be reimbursed for food when attending events.

Klondike Derby-We need to fix the sleds for next time.

Permits-The scout office is now requiring fewer permits but they do have new requirements.

Lock In-March 19. Registration has been turned in for 25 scouts and 5 adults. Bob will have a sign up
sheet at the Court of Honor. Is also the same day as Max’s Eagle Court of Honor.

Red Wings-Checked with Rick and he hasn’t heard anything about the Red Wings game yet.

No events are planned for April at this time.

Summer Camp- March 11 is the deadline to sign up for summer camp. A $100 deposit is due.

Spring Camporee-May 6 and 7

NYLT (National Youth Leadership Training)-June 12-17


February 12 merit badges and 7 advancements.


New American Flag- We need a new American flag but it should be smaller. Space is tight in the church
and the one we have now almost drags on the ground.

Platypus- Sean will purchase a platypus water filtration system for the troop.

Service projects at church- Would like the boys to come up with ideas of ways they can give back to the
church for providing us a place to meet and store our things.

New Charter- Our new charter now reads East Bay/Christ the King

More photos- Would like to do a yearly photo of the Troop.

Parent meeting-We should have a parent meeting for the parents of new incoming scouts.

Equipment Needed:

 2 ax plumb
 Platypus
 2 fans and batteries (for Crossover Ceremony prop fires)

It was voted on and approved that each scout can do a maximum of 3 merit badges with any 1
counselor. It is recommend for Eagle Scouts that not more than 2 are done with any one counselor.

The next committee meeting will be March 16 @ 7 p.m. @ LaSenorita on Garfield.

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