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I think these three colours would be appropriate for my R&B music magazine as they are bold

colours. They all contrast one another so details and information given will be easily read and
understood. I will have a black background with red and white text. The vibrant colours will attract
people’s eyes and make them want to buy the magazine.

I think these colours will be a good idea for my magazine, this is because the colour blue will be to
lure the boys in to buy my magazine, and the red will lure the girls in, making my magazine a unisex
magazine appealing to both genders. The background will be white with blue and red writing, and
again the contrasting colours will allow my audience to read and acknowledge the information given
with ease.

These three colours may also be suitable for my R&B music magazine, this is because they are
colours that stand out, and the colours are also colours that will attract both men and females,
showing the audience that it is not targeted to a specific gender and that it is a magazine for
everyone. The background will be black, with green writing, my most important sell lines and
exclusive information will be in yellow to catch and engage the reader in to buy my magazine.

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