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‘The Courses of Interest sheet is alist of introductory-level courses, organized by time slot and indentified by General Education Requirement category, which is used as an advising tool bby AARC advisors in discussions with student-athletes about major exploration and course selection. Stanford student-athletes often have practice and competition commitments that conflict with aftemoon and evening course offerings, and as a result, face unique time constraints in soting class schedules. For this reason, the ARC advising staff produces the lst quarterly with student-athletes as the intended audience. We make the list available in hard copy at the Athletic Academie Resource Center to promote the use ofthe Courses of Interest sheet in the context of an ongoing advising conversation withthe student. Our student-athletes are encouraged to explore all of Stanford's cours offerings and create a study list that meets both short and long term academic goals. Courses of Interest Winter 10-11 (a ae ate 38.9) ve ted oer eye Det lt Cone Ti, Deine cs mec a oni) (Ie fie) 9am ARTHIST 102- Empire and Aftermath: Greek Art from Parthenon to Praxitles, MWF 9:30-10:45 (4)(HUM) ‘ATHLETIC 187 - Analysis of Human Movement, TTh 9-10:50 (2-4) Kissick Aud COMM 18- Media, Culture & Society, TTh 9-10:15 (5X5) MATH 19 -Caleulus, MWE (3XMATH) [MUSIC 41 - Music History 1600-1830, TTh 9-10:30+see (4)(HUM) [MSE 271 - Global Entrepreneurial Marketing, TTh 9-10:30 (3-4) ‘STATS 60- Intro to Statistics, MTWTAFesee (5XMATH) 10am ANTHRO 1 - Intro to Cultural and Social Anthropology, TTh 10-10:50+sec (5)(SS/6C) DRAMA 103 ~ Begining Improvsing, MWF 10-1:50 (3) must attend 1" class EESS 2 - Earth System History, TThesec (3XNS) ENGLISH 160- Poetry & Poetics, MTWTH (5)(HUM) HIST 1068- Global Hunan Geography, MWFesee (5)'SSX6C) POLISCE 1145 - Int. Security in Changing World, MTWThsee (55S) PSYCH 125/CTL 130 - Beyond Stereotype Threat, F 10-1:50 (3) 11am ARTHIST 3- Intro to History of Architecture, TTh 11-12:15 (5(HUM) must attend 1" class CLASSHIS 101- The Greeks, MWF (4-5) HUM) COMM 131- Media, Ethics & Responsibilities, TTh 11-12:15 (4-5XSS) CSRE 196C- Intro to Comparative Studies in Race & Ethnicity, MW 11-12:30 (B\(SS/AC) DANCE 156- Social Dances of North America II, TTh 11-12:05 (1) ECON 1A - Elementary Economics, MTWThesec (5)(SS) HISTORY 50B/1508 - 19" Century America, MW 11-12:15 (3/5\SS/AC) HUMBIO 1228. Social Class, Race, Ethnicity & Health, TTh (4)(SS/AC) POLTSCT 2 - Intro to American Natl, Govt., MW 11-12:15esec (5\(SS) PSYCH 1 - Intro to Psychology, MWF 11-12:15esec (5)(SS) ‘SOC 120 - Interpersonal Relations, Th 11-12:1B+see (5XSS) ‘SOC 149 - The Urban Underclass, TThesec (5(SS/AC) Noon AFRICAST 300 - Contemporary Tssues in Africa, MW 12:15-1:05 (1) (CS 547 - Human Computer Interaction Seminar, F 12:50-2:-08 (1) MED 207 ~ History of Medicine, Th 12-1 (1) [MED 242 - Physicians & Human Rights, M 12:15-1:05 (1) SOC 142 - Sociology of Gender, MW 12:50-2:054sec (5)(6S) 1:15 ANTHRO 15 - Sex & Gender, TTh 1:15-3:05 (3XS5/65) CEE 64 Air Pollution, MWF (3)(NS) DRAMA 20 ~Acting for Non-majors, MW 1:15-3:05 (1-3) DRAMA 103 - Beginning Improvising, MWF 1:15-3:05 (3) must attend 1" class PSYC 135 - Sleep & Dreams, MWF (3) URBANST 110 - Intro to Urban Studies, MWF (4XSS/AC) Evening ENGINEER 103 - Public Speaking T or W 7:30410 3) SAE 41 Financial Literacy, 7-8 (1) Miscellaneous AFRECAAM 105-Intro to African & AA Studies TBD (5(HUM/AC) MSE 472 - Entrepreneurial Thought Leaders Sem, W 4:15-5:30 (1) Don't forget language conversation classes & frosh/soph seminars Special language classes (in frosh dorms) GER fulfilment - Table NS Natural Science E/AP ~Engineeting & Applied Seience MATH - Mathematics HUM Humanities $5- Social Sciences ‘AC American Cultures {GC Glabal Community 65 ~ Gender Studies ER- Ethical Reasoning

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