Curtis Courier January 1978

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President's Weeks Awards Recognition 67 HONORED FOR SERVICE Cistis Courier January 1978 ‘The CURTIS COURIER is published montbly for Curtis employees, $4 MILLION RECORD PRESIDENT SY SPUNT PRAISES INCREDIBLE PERFORMANCE CONGRATULATIONS! You have, through your fine efforts, made President's Weeks — 1977, an un- precedented success by all standards. ‘Thus, this message contains well de- served praise, individual recognition and sincere congratulations to each and every employee of Curtis Indus- ‘The weeks of September 26th and October 4th will always be most sig nificant as the President's Weeks sales, composed of two record setting weeks fof over $2,000,000 each and totaling $4,078,186, ig'a most overwhelming performance! Your fine team effort made this period the brightest and the highest sales period in the history of (Curtis Industries incredible performance Was ac- complished through a blend of many right ingredients, a8 well as the right Heise’ of flak aot detain ep everyone on the Cars teams Market ing, Office, Manufacturing and Dist bition peronnel, "Together, we have, once again prow enthat the combination of Carts prod- tes, service and dedicated peor. ance crates she opportunity for cen pester sles us wel as personal sucors {Grexch of us now and in the future Tam wall ware ofthe vast amount of personal drive and energy necesary fo [accomplish the Preadent's Weeks rest res and for this Tsalute you fad am deeply grateful for this fne tute you provided for Presidents Weeks’ 197 iMy hope ‘is that each Curtis em- ployee will continue to enjoy satis Tig’and challenging carer with Cus Industries and that, along with this ac- complishmenc, find much pleasure and happiness at a personal as well asa pro- fessional level ‘Once again, 1 wish to express my most sincere and very humble thanks to each person for this overwhelming ovement and tribute. SERVICE AWARDS DINNER IS LARGEST EVER Sixty-seven veteran Curtis men and women were honored for their years of service at the Company's sixth annual service awards recognition dinner. “This was the largest roll call since the event was begun in 1971 President SY SPUNT proudly heaped praise on the honorees for their loyalty and dedication to Curtis, which has been so important to the Company's continued growth and to the excellent position Curtis has attained in serving a dynamic world-wide marker. “The annual dinner has become the hallmark of the Gom- pany's sincere effort to show concem and appreciation to the many people who daily meet their responsibilities and keep the wheels of Curtis turning smoothly. ‘Recognition of individual service, whether 35 years or five years, is recognition of the strength of Curtis as a com- pany ofeing oustanding career opportunites and incen- ‘Arrangements for the dinner were handled by ANNE REICHENBACH, Assistant to the President, who was assist ed by RUTH BENNER, Manager, Benefits Administration. (continued on page 6) JERRY ADAMS TOP REPRESENTATIVE-3rd STRAIGHT YEAR JERRY ADAMS, Atlantic Industrial Representative for DMM KEN BRONNER and RMM JESS SIRILA, again holds the distinction of being the Number One Representa tive in the Company for the most dollars written during President's Weeks. ‘As an eight-year Curtis veteran and consistent super achiever, the honor of being in first place is not new to Jerry. For three consecutive years — 1975, 1976, and 1977- Jerry has attained the sales volume that has led him to the ‘winner's circle of the most important event of the year, President's Weeks Translated into dollars, Jerry's written sales for Presi dent's Weeks in the last three years exceeds $170,000! Certainly, it goes without saying thac Jerry Adams isthe all= time Curtis Sales Champion. And, like true champions of all endeavors, Jerry makes a habit of working long hours and putting forth that extra effort. ‘This coupled with an intense dedication and desire to succeed has made Jerry Adams a super performer, and for the third straight time, the title holder as the Top Repre- sentative for President’s Weeks. ‘Congratulations, Jerry Adams. CURTIS COURIER ~ SPECIAL EDITION January 1978 “os Tea (CURTIS COURIER ~ SPECIAL EDITION January 1978 January 1978 To The Winners LAPEL PIN=This handsome reminder of President's Weeks 1977 was award- ed all Representatives who attained their Reach-Out target, CRYSTAL TANKARD~A set of four 16 ounce tankards, hand-blown in Portugal, were personalized and pre- sented to each of the top three repre- sentatives in each district. GOLDEN PLAQUE~The top repre: sentatives in each Region were induct- ‘ed into the President's Council and re- ceived 2 Golden Plaque proclaiming this outstanding achievement. CURTIS COURIER — SPECIAL EDITION Page 5 TEAM EFFORT PRODUCES HISTORY-MAKING ACHIEVEMENT by Joseph DelBroceo, Senior Vice President, Marketing Je happened during President's Weeks 1977: $4 Milion Plus in sales! We did it as a team; individuals working together, toually committed to achieving the highest sales weckstin te history of Curtis Industries. But, more importantly than the dollars generated, is what we proved to" ounelves in’ the Proce. We proved that our capabilites and opportunities for in- creased sales and personal success are infinite. There are no boundaries. The only limitations ate chose that ae self. Posed, Teis a matter of desire and dediation. By Increase ‘ou sales performance we can substantially increase our level of earings, Ths ws evidenced during President's Weeks when sales targets were cxcseded by lnerlig nilions of dollars. Individual earnings reached an all time high a the resi of fore outstanding performanc Cerwsinly these incredible sales didnot just happen magically. They were planned and developed through longer hous, extra eal, and more prodaceSemonsirtions ail of which meane more lites per srr and more onan br ay, Auge ae, were generated by better use of the catalog, and maximun customer exposise to our sales promotions. President's Weeks 1977 exemplified true professionalism. We presented product Programs and profitable promotions, not jus pieces and items. We planned gut els and presentations. ll ofthis contributed to two incredibly succesful sees wocks, Today, as we continue to stive for greater heignts of performance, we wil wach higher levels of achievement as witnessed during President's Weeks. With this post tive thought in mind, iis imporcant that we sustain and build upon the tremenous sales momenitim we have create to insure even greater succes 1978 TOP DIVISION Industrial TOP SALES REPRESENTATIVES JERRY ADAMS, Industrial MARK LOVELACE, Retail DANNY SEALES, Automotive WILFRED FREY, Canada TOP REGION IN COMPANY Atlantic Industrial, JESS SIRILA, RMM. TOP REGIONS JESS SIRILA, Industrial VERN ABLA, Automotive ROBERT BYERS, Retail ‘TOP DISTRICT IN COMPANY KEN BRONNER, Industrial TOP DISTRICTS Automotive: FRANK ASH, BOB THIBODEAU DON MACDOUGALL, ED HENSLEY, JOHN REYNOLDS Industrial: KEN BRONNER, AL CONWAY, ANTHONY CROCCO, AL MAHNKE, TOM NICOLL Retail: DAVE THAXTON, VERN DRENNON, DARRELL COUNTS, ANTHONY SCHMIDT Canada: ROBERT LITTLEJOHN National Accounts: JIM POLONEY Page 6 CURTIS COURIER — SPECIAL EDITION January 1978 HONOR ROLL 35 YEARS Edward Knapp 30 YEARS Martin Roppolo 25 YEARS William Hockenbrocht ‘Amelia Nagode Lloyd Oskin Susie Rossoll 20 YEARS Julius Beasley, John Coleman Patricia Healey, O. James Howard 35 YEARS Geraldine Jackson, Donald Kidd Left to Right: Lucy Kolodosky, Catherine Sirca a Heken ‘Sirea, Witelenee Grider NATE LIEPTZ, EDWARD KNAPP (recipient) Helen Stiffler RENNIE FRUTKIN, and SY SPUNT 15 YEARS Geraldine Ellis, Helen Mears Barney Thomas, John Williams Margaret Yonchak - 10 YEARS Josephine Bohine, Mildred D'Amico, Bernice Dunlap, Alma Fisher, Reynold Frutkin, Lorraine Garner, Cecelia Kolesar, Margaret Martin, Dolores Meconites, Diana Moran, Virginia Potting, Margaret Susa, Mary Uhas 5 YEARS Marilyn Abarea, Susan Bender Christie Boehm, Elizabeth Ben- nett, Andrew Brzezniak, Mark Draveeky, Arlene Ehrhart, Pat- ricia Frank, Jean Friday, Norma Hintz, Candace Hughes, Thomas Katoch, Gregory Killeen, Robert Koei, Frank Likovie, Vincent : Lindeman, Meredith Morris Thornt Moses, Richard Nelson a Ann Nemeth, Bruce Nicholas John Onyski, Cyril Perusek 25 YEARS Diana Rakes, Marilyn Sarns, Ken- 15 YEARS KIN Heth 5 Schilling, (Caroll Sheet) MARGARET YONCHAK PTET George Sito, Glenda Stetson NE Koel’ Stojanor, Alice Toussaint GERALDINE ELLIS and SUSIE ROSSOLL and Kathy Winkleman HELEN MEARS WILLIAM HOCKENBROCHT January 1978 CURTIS COURIER — SPECIAL EDITION Page 7 First Row Lucy Kolodosky Helen Stiffler Catherine Sirea Helen Sirea Patricia Healey Geraldine Jackson Marcelene Snider Second Row John Coleman Julius Beasley ©. James Howard Donald Kidd First Row Alma Fisher Josephine Bohine Mildred D'Amico Bernice Dunlap Rennie Frutkin Lorraine Garner Cecelia Kolesar Second Row Mary Uhas Dolores Meconites Virginia Potting Margaret Martin Marilyn Sarns Diana Rakes Kathy Winkleman ‘Ann Nemeth 2nd row Alice Toussaine Elizabeth Bennett Thomas Katoch 3rd row Candace Hughes Christie Boehm Norma Hintz Jean Friday Glenda Stetson Bruce Nicholas Page 8 THE YEAR OF THE WOLF By Ed Goodie, Vice President, Indust President's Weeks 1977 was a huge success, particularly for the Industrial J division. From the first cold days of ‘Tanuay, we pledged ourselves. to total teamwork, and a re- Ientless sales determination. Like the fabled wolf — a respected and dedicated hunter — we showed an untiring drive to become more skillful at our profession; building greater sales by knowing our market, our products, and realizing our unlimited capabilities. We decreed 1977 as the “Year of the Wolf”, and with this esprit de corps the Industrial Wolf Pack generated the ‘most successful year we have known. This spirit of dedication, achievement, and competitiveness manifested itself ‘most during President’s Weeks. Leading the Wolf Pack in sales was JESS SIRILA'S Atlantic Industrial Region, His region set the pace for the rest of the Company and culminated in the spectacular record setting sales weeks for which we should all be proud. 1977 PRESIDENT'S COUNCIL JERRY ADAMS Adlantic Industrial WILLIAM DeGUERRE Northern Industrial HERB KUPERMAN Southern Industrial ‘MICHAEL SPACKMAN Central Industrial LEW SQUIRES Pacific Industrial LAWRENCE ALBERT Eastern Automotive ‘AL FRIEDMAN Western Automotive BOB LINDSLEY Southeast Automotive DANNY SEALES. Midwest Automotive LYLE WESTBURG Central Automotive LEWIS KRUMBEIN Southeast Retail MARK LOVELACE, Central Retail ROGER NOBLE ‘Western Retail MICHAEL THIES Northeast Revail WILFRED FREY Canada CURTIS COURIER ~ SPECIAL EDITION REFLECTIONS By John Anthony, Vice President, Automotive President's Weeks ~ Outstanding results! Outstanding atticude! ‘Outstanding team work! How did it happen? Who made it hap- pen? Why? September 26, 1977 thru October 8, 1977, two normal weeks of the year selected to recognize and contribute our efforts to the office of the President. Each day just like any other day of the year. Calling on the same customers we called on in the past. ‘The same catalog; similar sles programs. However everyone in the Company ~ you, home office person- nel, warehouse personnel, and me — cach’ projected charisma, and a total team effort to be recognized and do our part. Each of us striving to be part of the action. Each of us extending ourselves and our abilities to do a better job. Each of us proud to belong ach of us succeeded! We did our pure, we did contribute, we did recognize, we did extend ourselves; we performed a near perfect effort. ‘Be proud. You are a team, you are professional sales people, But why stop after two weeks? Shouldn'c you strive to dedicate your special efforts and results each day co you and your family? President's Weeks are a state of mind, Each day and week should be President's Week. Project a warm, friendly, business charisma each day. The rewards are the same as they were then: pele deserve itt Bet contributor every day and be proud you area member of January 1978 THE SPECIAL AURA OF PRESIDENT’S WEEK By Bob Williams, Vice President, Retail ‘There is a time of year when we notice leaves changing color and falling from the trees, hunters cleaning their equipment, youngsters donning football pads and helmets, and frost on window panes in the early morn. |The combination of these observations is frequently exciting to the blood. Senses become more alert! Breathing quickens! In| this vibrant time we encounter President's Weeks, our annual salute to our top executive ‘The achievements of our sales organization during President's Weeks affirms the stimulant that the fall season has upon us al Our appetite for sucess blossoms, we are thrilled when writing a big order, and we experience a competitive interest in the achievements of our brother salespeople like no other time of year It ends too quickly! Why can’t it continue? BUT IT CAN! We need only decide that every week is President's Week from now on. E wa + BEST ORDER OF THE DAY DICK ROSENBERG of the Northern Industrial Region, and his wife, ROBERTA, will remember President's Weeks 1977 for a very special reason . . . the arrival on September 27 of their son, ERIC SCOTT.

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