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Muhlenberg College/Morning Call


APRIL 2011

Frequency Report

Number of Interviews: 471 Adult Pennsylvanians

Number of Registered Voters for Election Qs: 395
Margin of Error: +/- 5% at a 95% level of confidence.
Fielding Dates – February 9 – February 28, 2011
Method Of Interviewing: Telephone
Method of Sampling: Random Digit Dialing (RDD) Including Cell Phones

Intro: Hello, my name is ________. I'm a student at Muhlenberg College conducting a research
project regarding current issues facing Pennsylvania. Would you be willing to help us by
answering a few questions?

Q1: In which of the following age categories does your current age fall?

1. 18-29 13%
2. 30-49 29%
3. 50-65 36%
4. or over 65 21%
5. Not sure (Volunteered) <1%
6. Refused (Volunteered) 1%

Q2: What county do you currently reside in? ____________________

Recoded into Region

Southeast 25%
Southwest 16%
Other 59%
Q3: How many years have you lived in Pennsylvania? _______

Recoded into Categories

1-10 Years 12%

11-20 Years 9%
21-30 Years 13%
More than 30 Years 66%

Q4: Overall, how would you rate Pennsylvania as a place to live? Would you say it's an
excellent, good, not so good, or poor place to live?

1. Excellent 32%
2. Good 59%
3. Not So Good 5%
4. Poor 2%
5. Not Sure (Volunteered) 1%
6. Refused (Volunteered) 1%

Q5: Overall, how would you rate Pennsylvania as a place to raise a family? Would you say it's an
excellent, good, not so good, or poor place to raise a family?

1. Excellent 33%
2. Good 56%
3. Not So Good 6%
4. Poor 3%
5. Not Sure (Volunteered) 2%
6. Refused (Volunteered) 1%

Q6: In general, would you say that life in Pennsylvania is getting better or getting worse?

1. Getting Better 28%

2. Getting Worse 43%
3. Staying the Same (Vol) 24%
4. Not Sure (Volunteered) 3%
5. Refused (Volunteered) 1%
Q7: Next, I would like you to rate the quality of various categories of life in Pennsylvania. For
each category that I mention, please rate it as excellent, good, not so good, or poor as it
pertains to life in Pennsylvania. First, health care services?

1. Excellent 19%
2. Good 60%
3. Not So Good 11%
4. Poor 7%
5. Not Sure (Volunteered) 2%
6. Refused (Volunteered) 1%

Q8: The economy?

1. Excellent 1%
2. Good 32%
3. Not So Good 46%
4. Poor 20%
5. Not Sure (Volunteered) <1%
6. Refused (Volunteered) 1%

Q9: Transportation?

1. Excellent 5%
2. Good 51%
3. Not So Good 25%
4. Poor 14%
5. Not Sure (Volunteered) 4%
6. Refused (Volunteered) 2%

Q10: Public schools?

1. Excellent 11%
2. Good 52%
3. Not So Good 18%
4. Poor 11%
5. Not Sure (Volunteered) 7%
6. Refused (Volunteered) 2%
Q11: Law enforcement

1. Excellent 16%
2. Good 68%
3. Not So Good 8%
4. Poor 4%
5. Not Sure (Volunteered) 3%
6. Refused (Volunteered) 2%

Q12: Race relations?

1. Excellent 7%
2. Good 65%
3. Not So Good 18%
4. Poor 3%
5. Not Sure (Volunteered) 5%
6. Refused (Volunteered) 2%

Q13: The environment?

1. Excellent 12%
2. Good 64%
3. Not So Good 17%
4. Poor 4%
5. Not Sure (Volunteered) 2%
6. Refused (Volunteered) 2%

Q14: Housing?

1. Excellent 10%
2. Good 62%
3. Not So Good 19%
4. Poor 5%
5. Not Sure (Volunteered) 2%
6. Refused (Volunteered) 2%

Q15: Government services?

1. Excellent 7%
2. Good 57%
3. Not So Good 20%
4. Poor 9%
5. Not Sure (Volunteered) 5%
6. Refused (Volunteered) 2%
Q16: Recreational opportunities?

1. Excellent 27%
2. Good 52%
3. Not So Good 11%
4. Poor 5%
5. Not Sure (Volunteered) 3%
6. Refused (Volunteered) 2%

Q17: Now, I would like to ask you some questions regarding your satisfaction with various
aspects of your life. For each aspect that I mention please indicate if you are very satisfied,
somewhat satisfied, somewhat dissatisfied, or very dissatisfied. First, how satisfied are you with
your current job?

1. Very Satisfied 33%

2. Somewhat Satisfied 25%
3. Somewhat Dissatisfied 3%
4. Very Dissatisfied 5%
5. Not Sure/Retired/Unemployed (Volunteered) 33%
6. Refused(Volunteered) 2%

Q18: Your family income?

1. Very Satisfied 25%

2. Somewhat Satisfied 48%
3. Somewhat Dissatisfied 11%
4. Very Dissatisfied 9%
5. Not Sure (Volunteered) 3%
6. Refused(Volunteered) 5%

Q19: Next, I have a few questions regarding your level of concern for a variety of issues. For
each issue that I mention, please tell me if you are very concerned, somewhat concerned, not
too concerned, or not at all concerned: First, how concerned are you that you will become
unemployed in the next year?

1. Very Concerned 15%

2. Somewhat Concerned 12%
3. Not Too Concerned 15%
4. Not At All Concerned 38%
5. Not Sure (Volunteered) 10%
6. Refused (Volunteered) 11%
Q20: How concerned are you with the safety of drinking water in your community?

1. Very Concerned 21%

2. Somewhat Concerned 23%
3. Not Too Concerned 22%
4. Not At All Concerned 32%
5. Not Sure (Volunteered) 1%
6. Refused (Volunteered) 2%

Q21: How concerned are you with the air quality in your community?

1. Very Concerned 16%

2. Somewhat Concerned 24%
3. Not Too Concerned 27%
4. Not At All Concerned 30%
5. Not Sure (Volunteered) <1%
6. Refused (Volunteered) 3%

Q22: How concerned are you with becoming a victim of a crime?

1. Very Concerned 17%

2. Somewhat Concerned 28%
3. Not Too Concerned 28%
4. Not At All Concerned 24%
5. Not Sure (Volunteered) <1%
6. Refused (Volunteered) 3%

Q23: And how concerned are you with the loss of open spaces such as forests and farms in

1. Very Concerned 31%

2. Somewhat Concerned 32%
3. Not Too Concerned 19%
4. Not At All Concerned 13%
5. Not Sure (Volunteered) 2%
6. Refused (Volunteered) 3%
Q24: Next, I would like for you to rate the performance of a few political officials. For each
name that I read, please tell me if you approve or disapprove of the way he is doing his job.
First, President Barack Obama?

1. Approve 48%
2. Disapprove 44%
3. No opinion (Volunteered) 5%
4. Refused (Volunteered) 4%

Q25: Governor Tom Corbett?

1. Approve 36%
2. Disapprove 15%
3. No opinion/ Not Sure (Vol) 45%
4. Refused (Volunteered) 4%

Q26: Senator Pat Toomey?

1. Approve 39%
2. Disapprove 19%
3. No opinion/Notsure (Vol) 38%
4. Refused (Volunteered) 4%

Q27: And Senator Bob Casey, Jr.?

1. Approve 48%
2. Disapprove 22%
3. No opinion/Not Sure (Vol) 26%
4. Refused (Volunteered) 4%

Q28: Which of the following categories best describes your current voting status? Are you
registered as a (READ LIST)?

1. Democrat 36%
2. Republican 36%
3. Independent 11%
4. Other Party 2%
5. Not registered to vote in PA 9%
6. Not Sure (Volunteered) 2%
7. Refused (Volunteered) 5%
Q29: Do you feel that Barack Obama deserves to be reelected, or do you feel that he does not
deserve to be reelected?

1. Yes 40%
2. No/Does Not 45%
3. Not sure (Volunteered) 14%
4. Refused (Volunteered) <1%

Q30: If the 2012 election for President was being held today, do you think you would vote for
Barack Obama the Democratic candidate, or the Republican candidate?

1. Obama 37%
2. Republican 33%
3. Depends on the candidate (Vol) 22%
4. Not sure (Volunteered) 8%
5. Refused (Volunteered) <1%

Q31: If the 2012 election for President was being held today and the race was between Barack
Obama and Sarah Palin, who would you vote for?

1. Obama 53%
2. Palin 25%
3. Neither (Volunteered) 13%
4. Not sure (Volunteered) 7%
5. Refused (Volunteered) 2%

Q32: What if the 2012 Presidential race was between Barack Obama and Mitt Romney?

1. Obama 43%
2. Romney 36%
3. Neither (Volunteered) 7%
4. Not sure (Volunteered) 13%
5. Refused (Volunteered) 1%

Q33: What if the race in the 2012 election for President was between Barack Obama and Mike

1. Obama 44%
2. Huckabee 34%
3. Neither (Volunteered) 6%
4. Not sure (Volunteered) 15%
5. Refused (Volunteered) 1%
Q34: Do you feel that Pennsylvania Senator Bob Casey, Jr. deserves to be reelected, or do you
feel that he does not deserve to be reelected?

1. Yes 48%
2. No/Does Not 24%
3. Not sure (Volunteered) 25%
4. Refused (Volunteered) 3%

Q35: If the 2012 election for United States Senator were being held today, do you think you
would vote for Bob Casey Jr. the Democratic candidate, or the Republican candidate?

1. Casey 41%
2. Republican 27%
3. Depends on the candidate (Vol) 18%
4. Not sure (Volunteered) 12%
5. Refused (Volunteered) 3%

Q36: As you may know, President Obama reached agreement with Republican leaders in
Congress on a broad tax package that would extend the Bush-era income tax cuts for two years,
reduce worker payroll taxes for one year, and continue unemployment benefits for an
additional 13 months. Do you approve or disapprove of this plan?

1. Approve (Skip to Q38) 62%

2. Disapprove 21%
3. No opinion 5%
4. Not sure (Volunteered) (Skip to Q38) 6%
5. Refused (Volunteered) (Skip to Q38) 5%

Q37: Do you disapprove of the deal mainly because the tax cuts increase the federal deficit or
mainly because tax cuts should not go to the wealthy?

1. Increases deficit 29%

2. Cuts shouldn’t go to the wealthy 46%
3. Other reason (Volunteered) 17%
4. No opinion (Volunteered) 8%
5. Refused (Volunteered)
Q38: How would you describe the state of the nation’s economy today? Would you say that it is
excellent, good, not so good, or poor?

1. Excellent <1%
2. Good 11%
3. Not so good 51%
4. Poor 31%
5. Not sure (Volunteered) 1%
6. Refused (Volunteered) 5%

Q39: Do you think the nation's economy is getting better, getting worse, or staying about the

1. Getting better 28%

2. Getting worse 27%
3. Staying about the same 38%
4. Not sure (Volunteered) 2%
5. Refused (Volunteered) 5%

Q40: Do you think President Obama's policies have helped the economy, hurt the economy, or
haven't made a difference?

1. Helped the economy 28%

2. Hurt the economy 28%
3. Haven’t made a difference 31%
4. Not sure (Volunteered) 7%
5. Refused (Volunteered) 6%

Q41: Do you think President Obama's policies have helped your personal financial situation,
hurt your personal financial situation, or haven't made a difference?

1. Helped my situation 18%

2. Hurt my situation 23%
3. Haven’t made a difference 51%
4. Not sure (Volunteered) 2%
5. Refused (Volunteered) 5%
Q42: How serious do you think Pennsylvania's budget problems are? Would you say they are
very serious, somewhat serious, not too serious, or not at all serious?

1. Very serious 48%

2. Somewhat serious 39%
3. Not too serious 5%
4. Not at all serious
5. Not sure (Volunteered) 4%
6. Refuse (Volunteered) 6%

Q43: To balance the state budget, if you had to choose, would you prefer- raising taxes or
cutting government programs and services?

1. Raising taxes 23%

2. Cutting services 50%
3. Other 11%
4. Not sure (Volunteered) 10%
5. Refused (Volunteered) 6%

Q44: Governor Tom Corbett has pledged that in trying to balance the state's budget deficit he
will not raise taxes or fees. Do you think Tom Corbett should have made this pledge or not?

1. Yes 43%
2. No 39%
3. Not sure (Volunteered) 12%
4. Refused (Volunteered) 6%

Q45: Do you think Tom Corbett will be able to keep his campaign pledge or not?

1. Yes 25%
2. No 50%
3. Not sure (Volunteered) 20%
4. Refused (Volunteered) 6%

Q46: To help balance the state budget do you support or oppose leasing the Pennsylvania
turnpike to a private company?

1. Support 29%
2. Oppose 47%
3. No opinion/Not sure (Volunteered) 18%
4. Refused (Volunteered) 6%
Q47: Pennsylvania legislators have recently proposed a bill that would allow low-income
families to apply for state scholarships in order to send their children to the school of their
choice. The plan, which would give students a chance to transfer out of significantly
underperforming schools, would be phased in over three years, and the costs to taxpayers
would be lower than traditional costs of education in public schools. Do you support or oppose
allowing students and parents to choose a school to attend at public expense?

1. Support 54%
2. Oppose 30%
3. No opinion/Not sure (Volunteered) 8%
4. Refused (Volunteered) 8%

Q48: If the bill is passed, would you prefer that the vouchers be used for public schools, private
schools, or both?

1. Public schools only 23%

2. Private schools only 3%
3. Both 61%
4. No opinion/Not sure (Volunteered) 5%
5. Refused (Volunteered) 7%

Q49: Would you support or oppose the use of vouchers at a school that is funded by a religious

1. Support 54%
2. Oppose 28%
3. No opinion/Not sure (Volunteered) 11%
4. Refused (Volunteered) 7%

Q50: During recent years there has been an increased level of natural gas drilling in
Pennsylvania's Marcellus (MAR-cell-us) shale deposits. Currently there is no tax on the
extraction of natural gas in the state. Do you strongly support, somewhat support, somewhat
oppose or strongly oppose the creation of a tax on natural gas drilling in Pennsylvania?

1. Strongly support 34%

2. Somewhat support 23%
3. Somewhat oppose 12%
4. Strongly oppose 14%
5. Not sure (Volunteered) 10%
6. Refuse (Volunteered) 7%
Q51: In order to help reduce the state's budget shortfalls some have called for Pennsylvania to
sell its state-owned liquor stores. Do you strongly support, somewhat support, somewhat
oppose or strongly oppose the sale of the state's liquor stores?

1. Strongly support 34%

2. Somewhat support 24%
3. Somewhat oppose 12%
4. Strongly oppose 15%
5. Not sure (Volunteered) 8%
6. Refuse (Volunteered) 8%

Q52: Pennsylvania is currently experiencing a shortfall in funds to repair and maintain the
state's transportation system. Would you be willing to pay higher drivers license and motor
vehicle registration fees if the money raised from those fees went directly towards the state's
transportation system?

1. Would pay more 53%

2. Would not pay more 31%
3. Not sure (Volunteered) 7%
4. Refuse (Volunteered) 8%

Q53: Finally, I have a few questions about yourself. First, what is your current marital status?

1. Single 21%
2. Married 55%
3. Separated 2%
4. Divorced 7%
5. Widowed 6%
6. Partnered <1%
7. Not sure (Volunteered) 1%
8. Refused (Volunteered) 7%

Q54: What is your highest level of education?

1. Less than High School 4%

2. High School graduate 25%
3. Some college or technical school 27%
4. College graduate (4 yr only) 21%
5. Graduate or professional degree 14%
6. Not sure (Volunteered) <1%
7. Refused (Volunteered) 7%
Q55: Which of the following categories best describes your racial identity?

1. White/Caucasian 74%
2. African-American 8%
3. Hispanic 3%
4. Latino <1%
5. Asian <1%
6. Native American <1%
7. Mixed race 3%
8. or other 1%
9. Not Sure (Volunteered) 2%
10. Refused (Volunteered) 9%

Q56: Which of the following categories best describes your religious affiliation?

1. Catholic 31%
2. Protestant 35%
3. Jewish 3%
4. Muslim
5. Hindu <1%
6. Other Religion (Including agnostic) 17%
7. or Atheist 3%
8. Not Sure (Volunteered) 2%
9. Refused (Volunteered) 9%

Q57: Which of the following categories best describes your family income?

1. Under $20,000 11%

2. $20,000-$40,000 21%
3. $40,000-$60,000 16%
4. $60,000-$80,000 11%
5. $80,000-$100,000 7%
6. Over $100,000 15%
7. Not sure (Volunteered) 4%
8. Refused (Volunteered) 15%

Q58: How many children do you have under 18? ______

Recoded into Categories

None 73%
One or Two 19%
Three or Four 7%
More than Four
Refused 1%
Q59: Finally, would you be willing to be contacted by a newspaper reporter for a follow up

1. Yes 34%
2. No 56%
3. Not Sure (Volunteered) 3%
4. Refused (Volunteered) 8%

Q60: Thank you for your help with the survey. We appreciate your time. (DO NOT ASK!)

1. Male 47%
2. Female 50%
3. Not Sure 2%

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