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18 Mirror Want Ads—7171_ .THE A L T O O N A M I R R O R , ALTOONA, PA., MONDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1952.

By Nature Club (Continued from page 1> As Car Makes (Continued Irom ii«ge St

At Blue Knob Camp

Attorney Robert C. .Haberstroh
cp resent s the Douglas couple
ose first testimony was present-1
Three Impacts circumstances, but wo really can-
not. The thief and the kidnapper
Allan R. Patlon, 20, o! 1308 North always holds an advantage. He
today. The Scarangellas testified 1 unlata street, Hollidayaburg, was
The Green-Gauze nature club t a hearinff'Sept. &. They ate rep- lolds something you want, and by
.ct Saturday afternoon, Oct. 18, at ne of two persons injured Satur-
escntod by Attorney Bernard Ju- ay- evening at 6.20 o'clock when that fact can pretty well dictate
he Boy Scout camp at Blue Knob,
clirer. Mrs. Douglas charged thia te automobile he was driving left the terms on which you can get
'he afternoon was spent in hiking
norning that the mother gave lit- oute 22, two miles west of Dun-
vcr the trails where one could see it back. To go after him aggres-
;o care or attention to the chil- insvilie, to hit a parked automo-
blaze of color on every side. Deer sively is to risk losing what you
ren while living at the home of lc, pole and tree.
verc observed near the Boy Scout
er parents in Bellwood, Sho Pattern was admitted to 'Mercy want back, and, in this case, would
wimmtng pool. uoted the father as once remark-
At 5.30 o'clock a picnic supper ospital for possible internal 1n- be to take a real chance on major
ig that he Vdicfn' what hap- uries, a deep laceration of the lip
,-as enjoyed at the dining hall, encd to the children, so long as 1
.fter which the group gathered nd brush burns of the knee.
idn j t have to support them." Mrs. EditK P.' Snivcly of Car- It's much the same with the bul-
bout the fireplace for the program.
Calvin Folk, president, conducted Judge Klepaer deferred decision, cgie, whose husband, P. S. Snive- ly and the murderer. Unless you
lie business program and Miss if an action brought by Stella Wai- ', 52, was operating the parked are ready to play the game, his
ktny Morrow, program chairman, era against her estranged husband, ar, suffered minor injuries. way—and with nations that spells
resented two members of the Samuel Walters of Michigan at Slate police reported that Fat-
he insistence of the department of on, traveling east, apparently war —you can only try to stay out
'ennsylvania Game commission.
nubile assistance u n t i l the man'a ozcd . momentarily and his car of liis way or offer limited defense,
John Ditmar spoltc on the work v'agca are accurately determined. eft the highway to strike the
f the gaifte protector. He stated Not much comfort in this for
Attorneys Abraham Colbus and nively automobile which was
fiat a million acres of land in ubelirer represent the husband arked in front of Rustic isle, near the upright nations. Nor will there
Al, GIONFRIDDO Pennsylvania have been set aside Five numbers of the, clerical staff of I h e - A l t o o n a ubrlrs storekeeper's office received awards lor and wife, respectively, 'The couple be until they have such strength
fountain lake.
o be developed for food and cover 40 years* service with the Pennsylvania railroad at ceremonies Thursday In the office. The recipients arranged an agreement En 1947 un- The Patton car then struck and that the outlaws in the kreml in
or game. This is only one and oflieials who witnessed ItiR ceremonies (left to r i g h t ) ; Clarence 1''. Kauffman of 1503 Seventh der which he was to pay S27.50 icarcd off a utility pole then
Former Dodger f his work. Conservation is taught
schools by the game protectors
rough the use of movies and tec-
avenue, \V. C, llenlogle, chief clerk; David S. Miller of SQ9 I'iue avenue, Do rim J, Mower of 2U
Twenty-third avenue, John T. Straw of 1410 Twentieth avenue, L. G. Wiley, assistant to the works
storekeeper; Merrill A. llaines, works storekeeper, who made the presentations, and Jesse W.
veekly for tho support of two chll
dren. He defaulted in
rashed Into a tree. Damage to it
vas estimated at approximately
no longer dare to conduct their
marauding enterprises against free

Star Accepts ures.

Mr, Ditmar said that one of the
lYniplelon of 12W5 ISJiiir avenue, Tyrone.
he extent of approximately $2,400
and the DPA opposes a proffered
.600 settlement. Walters offers now
1,000 and to the parked automo-
ile at {400.
Mr. Patton was treated in Mercy A wooden javelin, 5 feet long, 1j
Local Position nost urgent problems today is that
[ the night hunters who arc k i l l - OFFICER AWARDED BRONZE STAR Altoonans to o pny SG5 a month but tho DPA
»sks a $25 weekly order to cover
:ospital dispensary for a severe used in Persia in mock fights.
accration of tbe upper lip requir-
ng wild game and the farmers' .he present assistance grant, ng eight sutures, a possible frac-
Albert (AD Gionfriddo, the 1947
world aeries hero, assumed a new
role last week. He joined the busi-
ows which they have mistaken for
eer. Attend Heart Judge Klepser confirmed the. re-
port by a board of viewers' recom-
ure of the nose and abrasions
rior to being admitted to the in-

ness firm of Joseph S. Karp &

Bros., 919 Green avenue, as man-
Each year the opportunities for
portsmen are being improved, Mr.
3itmar snid. They in t u r n can cx-
Sroup Meeting mending the vacation of two Blair
ownship roads. The sections of
road were abandoned a f t e r rctoca-
titution. He was unconscious for
time following the accident.

ager of the new homo furnishings rcss t h e i r appreciation by giving

oil cooperation to the Pcnnsyl-
Dr. Elwood \V. StiUcl, president ion of existing pavement in the
LcamersviUe area.
•lollidayslmrg WCTU to
the Blair County Heart associft-
department. The Dysart native
now resides 4801 Sixth avenue.
•ania Game commission, in, announced that William W.
Tho viewers' report was filed
>y Attorney Charles A. McAJcer on
Hear Delegate Reports
The second speaker \vas William The October meeting of the Hol-
During the 1952 baseball season ard, Alexander Notopoulos, G. behalf of John R. Dtelds, Thomas
.Icllnay, who spoke on the work, inaysburg branch, W. C. T. U.f
Al was player-coach and traveling if the fish warden. His work in- anley Ruth and Norman F. Lane Vcalc an'd himself. Thursday evening at 7.30 o'clock
secretary of the Fort Worth team ludes the study of the stream, the H travel to Bedford to hear Dr Judge Klepser and attorneys n the First Methodist church,
in the Texas league. He was n ow of water, temperature of the oward B. Spraguc, noted heart present in court went over the lollidaysburg, will be highlighted
regular outfielder with Montreal in calendar for the term of argume-nl >y reports of the delegates to the
tream and pollution. ccialist of Brookline, Mass,
the International league in 194&- court that opened today. FS rsl annual national convention and the
The three kinds of trout used In uak ut the annual Pennsylvania hearings were scheduled for to-
49-50-51. tocking tlie streams, the speaker 'ennsylvania state convention,
cart association meeting Got, 25 morrow. The calendar listed
While playing for the Brooklyn Mrs. Charles Jmler, chaplain,
aid, are brown, brook and rain- nd 26. Dr. Spraguo will address cases for argument but was great-
Dodgers in the 1947 world series, served as official delegate to the Now — you can convert your
>ow. The brook trout is the native association at the 6.30 p.m ly reduced through the granting
Gionfriddo made the headlines national convention in St. Louis, photos into wonderful XmaS-
rout found In the cold mountain nncr held at the conclusion o. of rules absolute in those cases ap-
with a sensational catch of a long via. The state convention was held greeting cards. Bring in your
treams while thu brown trout can e scientific session at the Bed pearing in orphans' court.
fly hit by Joe DiMagglo of the New at" Franklin Oct. 13 to 17, and the
York Yankees in the sixth game.
ive in warmer water, according to >rd Springs hotel. A session of domestic relations rlollidayaburg 1 organization was
favorite picture and let us show1
He has been playing professional
Mr. Mcllnay. The rainbow trout Dr. John B. Levan of Reading court is scheduled for Thursday -epresenled by the president, Mrs. you iiow wonderful it will look
vas first introduced from the west •esidcnt-clcct of the Pennsylvania and juvenile court cases an: t as a personalized Christmas
baseball since 19-11. Al entered the William B, Montgomery.
majors in 1945 with the Pittsburgh oast and can adapt itself to dif- part association, will preside a- be heard Thursday. c a r d . Low prices — f a s t
Mrs. Montgomery will announce
etctkl tempetalttrea ot water. \e scientific session from 4.31 delivery.
Pirates. the directors of the various de-
Fish management has to do with in. Oct. 25- Following the commit BISHOP VISITS Tl'KONE.
Gionfriddo hopes to land a man- partments to serve for 1952-1953. Camera
e meetings a panel discussion on
agerial berth next year, but may
drop out of baseball if he is suc-
cessful in his new work.
tocking the right kind of iish in
treams to suit the vegetation and
emperature of the water, the
speaker stated. He concluded his
MuJ. Melvin C. Shintrlrr ( l e f t ) of Altoona receives tlin Tlron/.n
St;ir meclnl 'from 14. Col. Ilsrliert A. V.iegJer, deputy goiicrnl innri-
The Work Classification Unit in
ennsylvania* 1 will be held at 10,3'
rn. Oct. 26, At the conclusion o
he business meeting Sunday* after
Bishop G. Bromly Osman, Plans will be made for the a n n u a l
dent bishop, Washington, D. oanquct and roll call meeting in
area of the Methodist church, with Novem her.
his wife, made a brief visit in Ty-
GABLE'S Supplies.
Mata Floor.
llth Avemi«

alk by stressing the importance of njrer of the 3rd t n u i s p o r t u t i o n m i l i t a r y railwny .service, during rone Thursday morning, calling a
Logan Valley icoping a balance in the la\v.- of
ceremonies in KOTCJI. Shingler ivns cited for meritorious service
wliilfi assigned first as exscutivR officer of tlie 7G5th transportation
oon, Dr. Louis B. Laplace, presl
ent of the Pennsylvania Hear
ssocintion, will speak at the d i n n c
the First Methodist church, tin
Columbia Avemie Methodist ehurcl
and the Methodist Home for thi Have your old fur coat
Large photographs of prize trout railway shop hnltnlion nnd later as superintendent nf motive powrr
Reports Seven caught during the trout season two
years ago were shown.
with, the equipment section o( hciuUiimrlers, 3rd TMRS. The i«»-
jor, wliri recently departed Korea for reassignment in Japan, was
i the topic, "Heart Patients Can
Vork." The two-day session is ex
Aged, The bishop will be in Tyrom
Nov. 30, in connection with thi Restyled to a
din ployed by the Pennsylvania rnilrrmd in Altoona I IP fore receiv- ected to attract physicians fro:
ie e n t i r e state.
100th anniversary celebration o

Seven streetcar and bus operators

of the Altoona & Logan Valley GUNS BACK REDS
ing his commission in tlio. tinny in 1013. His wife, Louise, nnd chil-
dren live at -122 Spruce avenue.
(U. S. viruii/ Ptifito)
Prior to the annual meeting, on
ct. 23 nnd 2-1, a workshop will b
otuluctcd (or chapter represen<a
First Methodist church.
• A t parched Bahrein in the Per
sian gull drinking water 3s obtain
Fashionable FUR CAPE
Electric Railway company nrc cur- ( C o n t i n u e d from page 1) ed from the bottom of the salt sea
rently on the sick list, Dispatcher peak nnd Jane Russell peak about UNCLE RAY'S CORNER
Daniel A. McGlynn reported today, i.35 p. m. Sunday and also shelled
C. R. McKclvcy has been ill at :he allied main line positions.
.oiulon Opera Company
Then communist infantry start- Fo Present "Rigolelto" Enjoy the thrilling luxury, the
his home since test July. He resides
at 221 Calder street, Lakcmont Ter- ed coming In. They swept over
race, and is well known as a mo- Pike's peak, surrounding an Amer-
Youngest Daughter Said Tho London Oprea company, practical year-round comfort of
torman on the Hollidaysburg divi- ican unit. The U. S. ritlemen, bat-
ow on its .second a n n u a l tour of a versatile fur cape styled for
Charlie Stine of 800 Twenty
tling desperately
duels, cut tho.ic way through the
in hand-to-hand Little But Did Much America, will present the opera
Rigolctto" at Jaffa mosque tomor-
iW evening at 8.30 o'cloelt.
PHONE 3-6121 you by Clearfield master crafts-
Or Bring Your men . . at this low cost! (Slight-
fourth street, another well-known,
Hollidaysburg division motorman Americana
has been off since Sept. 39 and is a peak.
encircling reels and joined other
on Triangle's main

The reds Increased their strik-

Some persons promise little but
do ft great deal. Others promise
much but fuil when the t i m e comes
According to information re-
nved from the director of the
ompany. there will be a cast of
5 persons and a f u l l symphony
Acts AT ONCE to Relieve
Furs to Our Slor* ly higher for luxury furs.)


patient at Cresaon sanatorium
ing force to a reinforced regiment to carry out whnt they say. irchcstra, consisting of 2-1 musi- Fur Snlon, Second Floor,
where his address is unit 3, Stale William SViaHespearn it new that
nnd inched toward the main crest cians. llth Avenue
branch, ward 5, nnd wove a piny called "King T..CIU,"
of'Triangle, walking through their Tickets for the performance are
E. \V, Parsons of 2317 Maple ave- own artillery barrages and into This piny was bnse<3 on an old leg-
nue, first t r i c k bus driver on the tile face, of devastating U. S. fire. end, but S h f i k c s p r m r c changed the LOW available at the Book & Rec- CAUSED BY COLDS
Greenwood line, has been a patient story somewhat, Here is Slmkes- ird shop and all seats for the'per-
Hand-to-hand fighting broke out ormanco wilt be reserved. Advfti-tlsetuenl
at Altoona hospital smcc Aug. 7. on the ridge "between thn crest l>ci\.f<:'K theme'.
Russell Dclozier of 282G Oay nnd Elite's peak. After four hours A f t e r King Lcrnr grew old, he
avenue, bus driver, also Is a pa- of deadly fighting, the reds drove decided to give his k i n g d o m away,
tient nt Altoona hospital, confined w i t h i n 300 yards of Triangle peak. sharing it among his three daugh-
there since Sept. 26. There the drive faltered, nnri the ters. Before doing so, ho called
A. L. Rauckle o£ 1GOQ Second ave- Chinese gradually were forced the daughters before h i m , and
nue, an extra bus driver, Is recu- back. askril which of them loved him
perating at his home after under- in o^t.
going an operation at Nason hos- The eldest, Goncril, declared that [
pital, Roaring Spring. He has been §80,000,000 Tax Note she lovoil her f a t h e r more- dearly i CnnleEiu returned to see her
off work since Sept. 22. thim "eye-sight, space a n d liberty t
A. C. Stevens, car starter at the Issue Sold by Slale . . . as much as child e'er loved," | a French army crossed to Britai
car b a r n , has been on the sick list HARRISBURG — T h e common- The second daughter, Regan, said in mi effort to save him,
since J u n e 1 and Js a patient at wealth of Pennsylvania has award- she loved the k i n g Cordelia also traveled to Brita
Mercy hospital. ed to a group headed by the Mel- G n n e r i l did, nnd more besides. '. She suw her father and gave Iitn
Ben C. Lchmtcr of Glfi North lon N a t i o n a l Bank and Trust com- W l i r n tho youngest daughter, alt the comfort she could, but h
Jonca street, Roselawn, Hollidays- pany and the Philadelphia Nation- Cordelia, was "asked to sV;itr h*-r l had lost his m i n d . The Frenc
hurg, a mechanic at the car barn, al Bank the e n t i r e 580,000,000 issue feelings, she replied t h a t she could i a r m y was defeated, and poor Co
is a patient at Mercy hospital. its 1 Vj percent series KT tax never speak l i k e her sisters nnd |delin died at the h a n d s of her end
a n t i c i p a t i o n notes, dated Oct. M,say t h a t she gave all hrr love to; sisters.
CLASS MEETING SLATED. 1052, m a t u r i n g May 29, 1953, on its her father. Half, of her tove. s h e ,
The S. M. Calvert Sunday school bid of $80,000,000, added, must be saved for the man | Five centuries ho fore Shtiki
class of the First Methodist church Under the terms of t h i s issue the slip was to m a r r y . t ' s p ea re 1 i v erl. C cofTrey of Mon
will meet at the home of Mrs. .1. -SRO.000,000 series KT Notes w i l l bo That answer made the aged kins mouth toid this legend, but with
T. VanZandt of 1017 Eighteenth retired by May 20, 1953, angry. He divid I his '("iigrtom i n t o i happier e n d i n g . In his AC com
street, tomorrow evening at 7.30 Proceeds of the sale of the $ 8 0 , - j two parts, instead of three, w i t h - Cordelia's a r m y won the battle an
o'clock. Mrs. H. B. Aycrs will be OOO.O&O note issue will be devoted out any share for Cordelia, Uoar was put back on the thron
co-hostess. A devotional period to paying tho current and other ex- Tilings turned out badly for T.rnr For fj ei i<* ml interest section
will be held and a social hour en- penditures of tlie state government after he gave up his kingdom. | your srraiibook.
joyed. Mrs. Patricia Paschal isin the m o n t h s of November. lflS2 r Gnncril anil Regan became rude to- irxci.K R.-Y.
teacher of tho class; Miss Char- through May. 1953. both inclusive. ward h i m . Tney even were g r i i d f f - Tomorrow: Midsummer Night New Fall Styles that
lotte Willis, president; and Mrs. Since this issue tt\x antici- ing about Idling him have shelter.: Urrntn.
John Mock, secretary-treasurer. p a t i o n issue and will he entirely At length he found himself \viUiouLi To obtain n fre- ropy of the ithr
retired from revenues d u r i n g this any place he could cnll his home. t r n l M l l e u f i e t on THE STQRY O Normally Sell for
bio Ei n i u m there is no increase in Meanwhile Cordelia had m a r r i e d CH I N A send Y » self-addresse
Guy Mauro. 14, of 1801 Fifth ave- the state's Indebtedness.
tlie k i n g of France, She heard about •stamped t'iivt'l«[H to T 'ncle. Uny
n u e was treated in Mercy hospital
hrr father*a ttl UoivlvrtoM, and soon care <\( tlvis uevvsunuer.
12.98, 14.98 and 17.98!
dispensary Saturday afternoon f o r
a f r a c t u r e of the r i g h t w r i s t s u f -
fered while playing footbull.
((•untlnui'tl from P a K p 1)
lo Men and Women
war I us a private in the -tin com-
_ _ _ ._ ._
II you are bothered by Backache, G e t t i n g
pany, 1st b a t t a l i o n , 155th depot In the Service
Up Nights rioo frequent, burning or Mint- brigade.
ing urination). Prej&ure over Bladder, or Surviving arc a son, Harry o r j P a l ' a d C «!«! PiM'tV
tliong cloudy urine, due to minor tempo- Aitoona; two brolh rs ftnd n sister,
r a r y Kidney and Bladder JrrUalloii. for
p&Hlfttlv« Telltf »sk yo-nr tltugRUt about Charles of Salem, O., Roy of Akron, Plnrs were rompliHr f n r llu- n n - ; UAIMBRlDf.E. Mrt. — .Tnscpli \V.
OYSTEX, Popular 25 years. 20 million pack- O., and -Mrs. W i l l i a m Love of Al- rmnl Hnllowcon p n r n d n nn<l i m r t y Kllllns, son of Mr. nmt Mrs. Carl L.
age* used, SalisIacUon or monej back R u a r - toona.
«Dtecd. AJt diuggltt alrfiul CYSTEX today
F r i e n d s will ho received at the to he held nt llioi h u l l Sndirclny. ' Kulins " - o£-' ° R. " D. 1, \Yillianishvirg, is
nov<* u i u l e r ^ o i n g r e c r u i t t r a i n i n g at
Lnnghlin f u n e r a l home a f t e r 1 Oct. 25, nt the regular m r r l i n g of t h e naval t r a i n i n g c e n t or lie re. Fie
o'clock tin's evening. the laidics' a u x i l i a r y tn tlii? Kit- will receive Vrviinins c o u r s e s in.
More Comfort Wearing
t a n n i n g Trail ^irc fompnny. seamanship, g u n n e r y a n d m i l i t a r y
FALSE TEETH F i r e m e n from company The parade \^ill f o r m nt HIP fire ami.
rallrd to t h e A d a m s school nt Sixth Iinll nt ti o'c:loi'U w i t h a pnrty fol-
lowing tli." pnrnili-. All .-hililron of S c r i i n y In Koro:i.
avrrnte and Twenty* f o u r t h .street
a l 9.36 o'clorlt Saturday nipht to the community .ire invited to vwr- WITH TUK 7TH I N F A N T R Y You'll love the wonderful young
e.vtinmii.'ih b u r n i n g Jeavrs which t i c i p n1t e in tin- p:i.-.»lr f i n d pnrty.
D I V I S I O N IN K O R K A - Capt. \Vil-
regular m i ' c t i n j ? wft.s in Itiuu Bromber^. son of Mr. and
styles that were designed to flatter
Ils gltalinr nI(>n-;i< i
had been stuffed into one of I hi; n i r
r h n r K f i»f Sophu- ^^'is(•. vice prc'si- Mrs, K. <". BrombiTg of SchoIKs- junior figures . . . and you'll love« "l.latc «.lor" vriiis in t b o b n i l d i n K by Hallnwecri-
C,ft FASTEKTil lot erM. e i t y police reported. tlent. in tin- aWnro of IVir? prpsi- hnrg. Bedford c o u n t y , i.4 c u r r e n t l y the price on these sample dresses
dont. M r s . Kay f l a l a n t . A l u n r h was with the Tth i n f a n t r y di\'i-
hy .Ixnct s j o n i n jCori'n. by Carole King. Versatile cordu-
roys, rustling taffetas, gay plaids
Now TRY THIS pTctes Four Months.
For and soft velveteens that are sure
For coughs and acute bronchitis due to
.son R. \Volfo. son of Mr. anil Mrs,
I'.ohcrt A. Wolfe of R. D. 2. Ty-
to win your heart. You'll find them
all in this collection of sample
dresses by Carole King.
colds you can now get Creomulsion rone, r e c e n t l y completed f o u r
ipecialJy prepared for Chi] Jren in n ncv/ Sponsors Parly m o n t h s in Koresi with the 7th ii\-
f a n t r y division.
pink and blue package and he sure: l.aiiu-s KuiUI of St. Michael's
( 1 ) Your child will like it, Catholic r h i i n - l i , HoIliflayshiirR is
(2) Jt contains only safe, proven snonsorinp H p a r t y Friday oven in K
Ingredients. Tfio Door of Hope group, Altoona,
nl S.l'i o'clock in the Blue ronm ol
(3) It contains no narcotics to dis- American tx-Rion homo, Holli- conducted a special service at the
turb nature's processes. daysVnirg and Ihr public is cordial- Centre I-ine K.U.8. church last, cvc-
(4) It will aid nature to soothe and
ly invited tn iUU'n;i. | ning. The Girlhaven chorus pre-
heal raw, tender, inflamed throat p n J Mrs. .Tames K. C r o m l l l r r jr., i.s
bronchial membranes, thus relieving W i i l i a l f the c a m p a i g n spe- sented sjiecia] sacred numbers.
t\;t\?, \vViistte slops nnd comrncr- srrving as chairman of tho com- Miss Dorothy Sultsman spoke on
the- cough and promoting rest nnd
ileep. Ark for Creomuhion for Chil- ri.'i] r.-nfio -iml Iclcvisioii bro.-ul-
miltoc of nrraiiKcmcnts for (he
social event and the proceeds will the program being carried out In Take Advantage of These
dren in Ihe pink and blue package. caKl«, (ho ri.ilronris ^nd r ^ d i o Ihe Altoona honie. for girls. Rev.
be given t h e b u i l d i n g f u n d of St,
f o l k s w i l l p r o b a b l y h,-i1e lo see
CREOMULSION Election Pay come, ll'll he sort
Michael's Gal hoi ic church for a
new school b u i l d i n g .
Dwaync C. C'fttierier, paslor of the Savings Tomorrow!
of. t i k e winter enclinc Die nice Ctfnlrn Line church, extended Junior Department, ^J
FOR CHILDREN M i m m c r business of n hot don
Mrnihers of the fiiiikl nrc sorvinfi
thank.i to th
/*litv*i Coutht, Ofit Ccldi, A«l« BroixMii fin thr? commillcc on arrnnjjcrncnt.s A U o o n a group for Second tloor, lllli Avenue ^
Ailcvrtiiornenl stand, <£> NE* f n r Lhc p a r t y . I lie snocial service.
18 Mirror Want Ads—7171_ .THE A L T O O N A M I R R O R , ALTOONA, PA., MONDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1952.
By Nature Club (Continued from page 1> As Car Makes (Continued Irom ii«ge St

At Blue Knob Camp

Attorney Robert C. .Haberstroh
cp resent s the Douglas couple
ose first testimony was present-1
Three Impacts circumstances, but wo really can-
not. The thief and the kidnapper
Allan R. Patlon, 20, o! 1308 North always holds an advantage. He
today. The Scarangellas testified 1 unlata street, Hollidayaburg, was
The Green-Gauze nature club t a hearinff'Sept. &. They ate rep- lolds something you want, and by
.ct Saturday afternoon, Oct. 18, at ne of two persons injured Satur-
escntod by Attorney Bernard Ju- ay- evening at 6.20 o'clock when that fact can pretty well dictate
he Boy Scout camp at Blue Knob,
clirer. Mrs. Douglas charged thia te automobile he was driving left the terms on which you can get
'he afternoon was spent in hiking
norning that the mother gave lit- oute 22, two miles west of Dun-
vcr the trails where one could see it back. To go after him aggres-
;o care or attention to the chil- insvilie, to hit a parked automo-
blaze of color on every side. Deer sively is to risk losing what you
ren while living at the home of lc, pole and tree.
verc observed near the Boy Scout
er parents in Bellwood, Sho Pattern was admitted to 'Mercy want back, and, in this case, would
wimmtng pool. uoted the father as once remark-
At 5.30 o'clock a picnic supper ospital for possible internal 1n- be to take a real chance on major
ig that he Vdicfn' what hap- uries, a deep laceration of the lip
,-as enjoyed at the dining hall, encd to the children, so long as 1
.fter which the group gathered nd brush burns of the knee.
idn j t have to support them." Mrs. EditK P.' Snivcly of Car- It's much the same with the bul-
bout the fireplace for the program.
Calvin Folk, president, conducted Judge Klepaer deferred decision, cgie, whose husband, P. S. Snive- ly and the murderer. Unless you
lie business program and Miss if an action brought by Stella Wai- ', 52, was operating the parked are ready to play the game, his
ktny Morrow, program chairman, era against her estranged husband, ar, suffered minor injuries. way—and with nations that spells
resented two members of the Samuel Walters of Michigan at Slate police reported that Fat-
he insistence of the department of on, traveling east, apparently war —you can only try to stay out
'ennsylvania Game commission.
nubile assistance u n t i l the man'a ozcd . momentarily and his car of liis way or offer limited defense,
John Ditmar spoltc on the work v'agca are accurately determined. eft the highway to strike the
f the gaifte protector. He stated Not much comfort in this for
Attorneys Abraham Colbus and nively automobile which was
fiat a million acres of land in ubelirer represent the husband arked in front of Rustic isle, near the upright nations. Nor will there
Al, GIONFRIDDO Pennsylvania have been set aside Five numbers of the, clerical staff of I h e - A l t o o n a ubrlrs storekeeper's office received awards lor and wife, respectively, 'The couple be until they have such strength
fountain lake.
o be developed for food and cover 40 years* service with the Pennsylvania railroad at ceremonies Thursday In the office. The recipients arranged an agreement En 1947 un- The Patton car then struck and that the outlaws in the kreml in
or game. This is only one and oflieials who witnessed ItiR ceremonies (left to r i g h t ) ; Clarence 1''. Kauffman of 1503 Seventh der which he was to pay S27.50 icarcd off a utility pole then
Former Dodger f his work. Conservation is taught
schools by the game protectors
rough the use of movies and tec-
avenue, \V. C, llenlogle, chief clerk; David S. Miller of SQ9 I'iue avenue, Do rim J, Mower of 2U
Twenty-third avenue, John T. Straw of 1410 Twentieth avenue, L. G. Wiley, assistant to the works
storekeeper; Merrill A. llaines, works storekeeper, who made the presentations, and Jesse W.
veekly for tho support of two chll
dren. He defaulted in
rashed Into a tree. Damage to it
vas estimated at approximately
no longer dare to conduct their
marauding enterprises against free

Star Accepts ures.

Mr, Ditmar said that one of the
lYniplelon of 12W5 ISJiiir avenue, Tyrone.
he extent of approximately $2,400
and the DPA opposes a proffered
.600 settlement. Walters offers now
1,000 and to the parked automo-
ile at {400.
Mr. Patton was treated in Mercy A wooden javelin, 5 feet long, 1j
Local Position nost urgent problems today is that
[ the night hunters who arc k i l l - OFFICER AWARDED BRONZE STAR Altoonans to o pny SG5 a month but tho DPA
»sks a $25 weekly order to cover
:ospital dispensary for a severe used in Persia in mock fights.
accration of tbe upper lip requir-
ng wild game and the farmers' .he present assistance grant, ng eight sutures, a possible frac-
Albert (AD Gionfriddo, the 1947
world aeries hero, assumed a new
role last week. He joined the busi-
ows which they have mistaken for
eer. Attend Heart Judge Klepser confirmed the. re-
port by a board of viewers' recom-
ure of the nose and abrasions
rior to being admitted to the in-

ness firm of Joseph S. Karp &

Bros., 919 Green avenue, as man-
Each year the opportunities for
portsmen are being improved, Mr.
3itmar snid. They in t u r n can cx-
Sroup Meeting mending the vacation of two Blair
ownship roads. The sections of
road were abandoned a f t e r rctoca-
titution. He was unconscious for
time following the accident.

ager of the new homo furnishings rcss t h e i r appreciation by giving

oil cooperation to the Pcnnsyl-
Dr. Elwood \V. StiUcl, president ion of existing pavement in the
LcamersviUe area.
•lollidayslmrg WCTU to
the Blair County Heart associft-
department. The Dysart native
now resides 4801 Sixth avenue.
•ania Game commission, in, announced that William W.
Tho viewers' report was filed
>y Attorney Charles A. McAJcer on
Hear Delegate Reports
The second speaker \vas William The October meeting of the Hol-
During the 1952 baseball season ard, Alexander Notopoulos, G. behalf of John R. Dtelds, Thomas
.Icllnay, who spoke on the work, inaysburg branch, W. C. T. U.f
Al was player-coach and traveling if the fish warden. His work in- anley Ruth and Norman F. Lane Vcalc an'd himself. Thursday evening at 7.30 o'clock
secretary of the Fort Worth team ludes the study of the stream, the H travel to Bedford to hear Dr Judge Klepser and attorneys n the First Methodist church,
in the Texas league. He was n ow of water, temperature of the oward B. Spraguc, noted heart present in court went over the lollidaysburg, will be highlighted
regular outfielder with Montreal in calendar for the term of argume-nl >y reports of the delegates to the
tream and pollution. ccialist of Brookline, Mass,
the International league in 194&- court that opened today. FS rsl annual national convention and the
The three kinds of trout used In uak ut the annual Pennsylvania hearings were scheduled for to-
49-50-51. tocking tlie streams, the speaker 'ennsylvania state convention,
cart association meeting Got, 25 morrow. The calendar listed
While playing for the Brooklyn Mrs. Charles Jmler, chaplain,
aid, are brown, brook and rain- nd 26. Dr. Spraguo will address cases for argument but was great-
Dodgers in the 1947 world series, served as official delegate to the Now — you can convert your
>ow. The brook trout is the native association at the 6.30 p.m ly reduced through the granting
Gionfriddo made the headlines national convention in St. Louis, photos into wonderful XmaS-
rout found In the cold mountain nncr held at the conclusion o. of rules absolute in those cases ap-
with a sensational catch of a long via. The state convention was held greeting cards. Bring in your
treams while thu brown trout can e scientific session at the Bed pearing in orphans' court.
fly hit by Joe DiMagglo of the New at" Franklin Oct. 13 to 17, and the
York Yankees in the sixth game.
ive in warmer water, according to >rd Springs hotel. A session of domestic relations rlollidayaburg 1 organization was
favorite picture and let us show1
He has been playing professional
Mr. Mcllnay. The rainbow trout Dr. John B. Levan of Reading court is scheduled for Thursday -epresenled by the president, Mrs. you iiow wonderful it will look
vas first introduced from the west •esidcnt-clcct of the Pennsylvania and juvenile court cases an: t as a personalized Christmas
baseball since 19-11. Al entered the William B, Montgomery.
majors in 1945 with the Pittsburgh oast and can adapt itself to dif- part association, will preside a- be heard Thursday. c a r d . Low prices — f a s t
Mrs. Montgomery will announce
etctkl tempetalttrea ot water. \e scientific session from 4.31 delivery.
Pirates. the directors of the various de-
Fish management has to do with in. Oct. 25- Following the commit BISHOP VISITS Tl'KONE.
Gionfriddo hopes to land a man- partments to serve for 1952-1953. Camera
e meetings a panel discussion on
agerial berth next year, but may
drop out of baseball if he is suc-
cessful in his new work.
tocking the right kind of iish in
treams to suit the vegetation and
emperature of the water, the
speaker stated. He concluded his
MuJ. Melvin C. Shintrlrr ( l e f t ) of Altoona receives tlin Tlron/.n
St;ir meclnl 'from 14. Col. Ilsrliert A. V.iegJer, deputy goiicrnl innri-
The Work Classification Unit in
ennsylvania* 1 will be held at 10,3'
rn. Oct. 26, At the conclusion o
he business meeting Sunday* after
Bishop G. Bromly Osman, Plans will be made for the a n n u a l
dent bishop, Washington, D. oanquct and roll call meeting in
area of the Methodist church, with Novem her.
his wife, made a brief visit in Ty-
GABLE'S Supplies.
Mata Floor.
llth Avemi«

alk by stressing the importance of njrer of the 3rd t n u i s p o r t u t i o n m i l i t a r y railwny .service, during rone Thursday morning, calling a
Logan Valley icoping a balance in the la\v.- of
ceremonies in KOTCJI. Shingler ivns cited for meritorious service
wliilfi assigned first as exscutivR officer of tlie 7G5th transportation
oon, Dr. Louis B. Laplace, presl
ent of the Pennsylvania Hear
ssocintion, will speak at the d i n n c
the First Methodist church, tin
Columbia Avemie Methodist ehurcl
and the Methodist Home for thi Have your old fur coat
Large photographs of prize trout railway shop hnltnlion nnd later as superintendent nf motive powrr
Reports Seven caught during the trout season two
years ago were shown.
with, the equipment section o( hciuUiimrlers, 3rd TMRS. The i«»-
jor, wliri recently departed Korea for reassignment in Japan, was
i the topic, "Heart Patients Can
Vork." The two-day session is ex
Aged, The bishop will be in Tyrom
Nov. 30, in connection with thi Restyled to a
din ployed by the Pennsylvania rnilrrmd in Altoona I IP fore receiv- ected to attract physicians fro:
ie e n t i r e state.
100th anniversary celebration o

Seven streetcar and bus operators

of the Altoona & Logan Valley GUNS BACK REDS
ing his commission in tlio. tinny in 1013. His wife, Louise, nnd chil-
dren live at -122 Spruce avenue.
(U. S. viruii/ Ptifito)
Prior to the annual meeting, on
ct. 23 nnd 2-1, a workshop will b
otuluctcd (or chapter represen<a
First Methodist church.
• A t parched Bahrein in the Per
sian gull drinking water 3s obtain
Fashionable FUR CAPE
Electric Railway company nrc cur- ( C o n t i n u e d from page 1) ed from the bottom of the salt sea
rently on the sick list, Dispatcher peak nnd Jane Russell peak about UNCLE RAY'S CORNER
Daniel A. McGlynn reported today, i.35 p. m. Sunday and also shelled
C. R. McKclvcy has been ill at :he allied main line positions.
.oiulon Opera Company
Then communist infantry start- Fo Present "Rigolelto" Enjoy the thrilling luxury, the
his home since test July. He resides
at 221 Calder street, Lakcmont Ter- ed coming In. They swept over
race, and is well known as a mo- Pike's peak, surrounding an Amer-
Youngest Daughter Said Tho London Oprea company, practical year-round comfort of
torman on the Hollidaysburg divi- ican unit. The U. S. ritlemen, bat-
ow on its .second a n n u a l tour of a versatile fur cape styled for
Charlie Stine of 800 Twenty
tling desperately
duels, cut tho.ic way through the
in hand-to-hand Little But Did Much America, will present the opera
Rigolctto" at Jaffa mosque tomor-
iW evening at 8.30 o'cloelt.
PHONE 3-6121 you by Clearfield master crafts-
Or Bring Your men . . at this low cost! (Slight-
fourth street, another well-known,
Hollidaysburg division motorman Americana
has been off since Sept. 39 and is a peak.
encircling reels and joined other
on Triangle's main

The reds Increased their strik-

Some persons promise little but
do ft great deal. Others promise
much but fuil when the t i m e comes
According to information re-
nved from the director of the
ompany. there will be a cast of
5 persons and a f u l l symphony
Acts AT ONCE to Relieve
Furs to Our Slor* ly higher for luxury furs.)


patient at Cresaon sanatorium
ing force to a reinforced regiment to carry out whnt they say. irchcstra, consisting of 2-1 musi- Fur Snlon, Second Floor,
where his address is unit 3, Stale William SViaHespearn it new that
nnd inched toward the main crest cians. llth Avenue
branch, ward 5, nnd wove a piny called "King T..CIU,"
of'Triangle, walking through their Tickets for the performance are
E. \V, Parsons of 2317 Maple ave- own artillery barrages and into This piny was bnse<3 on an old leg-
nue, first t r i c k bus driver on the tile face, of devastating U. S. fire. end, but S h f i k c s p r m r c changed the LOW available at the Book & Rec- CAUSED BY COLDS
Greenwood line, has been a patient story somewhat, Here is Slmkes- ird shop and all seats for the'per-
Hand-to-hand fighting broke out ormanco wilt be reserved. Advfti-tlsetuenl
at Altoona hospital smcc Aug. 7. on the ridge "between thn crest l>ci\.f<:'K theme'.
Russell Dclozier of 282G Oay nnd Elite's peak. After four hours A f t e r King Lcrnr grew old, he
avenue, bus driver, also Is a pa- of deadly fighting, the reds drove decided to give his k i n g d o m away,
tient nt Altoona hospital, confined w i t h i n 300 yards of Triangle peak. sharing it among his three daugh-
there since Sept. 26. There the drive faltered, nnri the ters. Before doing so, ho called
A. L. Rauckle o£ 1GOQ Second ave- Chinese gradually were forced the daughters before h i m , and
nue, an extra bus driver, Is recu- back. askril which of them loved him
perating at his home after under- in o^t.
going an operation at Nason hos- The eldest, Goncril, declared that [
pital, Roaring Spring. He has been §80,000,000 Tax Note she lovoil her f a t h e r more- dearly i CnnleEiu returned to see her
off work since Sept. 22. thim "eye-sight, space a n d liberty t
A. C. Stevens, car starter at the Issue Sold by Slale . . . as much as child e'er loved," | a French army crossed to Britai
car b a r n , has been on the sick list HARRISBURG — T h e common- The second daughter, Regan, said in mi effort to save him,
since J u n e 1 and Js a patient at wealth of Pennsylvania has award- she loved the k i n g Cordelia also traveled to Brita
Mercy hospital. ed to a group headed by the Mel- G n n e r i l did, nnd more besides. '. She suw her father and gave Iitn
Ben C. Lchmtcr of Glfi North lon N a t i o n a l Bank and Trust com- W l i r n tho youngest daughter, alt the comfort she could, but h
Jonca street, Roselawn, Hollidays- pany and the Philadelphia Nation- Cordelia, was "asked to sV;itr h*-r l had lost his m i n d . The Frenc
hurg, a mechanic at the car barn, al Bank the e n t i r e 580,000,000 issue feelings, she replied t h a t she could i a r m y was defeated, and poor Co
is a patient at Mercy hospital. its 1 Vj percent series KT tax never speak l i k e her sisters nnd |delin died at the h a n d s of her end
a n t i c i p a t i o n notes, dated Oct. M,say t h a t she gave all hrr love to; sisters.
CLASS MEETING SLATED. 1052, m a t u r i n g May 29, 1953, on its her father. Half, of her tove. s h e ,
The S. M. Calvert Sunday school bid of $80,000,000, added, must be saved for the man | Five centuries ho fore Shtiki
class of the First Methodist church Under the terms of t h i s issue the slip was to m a r r y . t ' s p ea re 1 i v erl. C cofTrey of Mon
will meet at the home of Mrs. .1. -SRO.000,000 series KT Notes w i l l bo That answer made the aged kins mouth toid this legend, but with
T. VanZandt of 1017 Eighteenth retired by May 20, 1953, angry. He divid I his '("iigrtom i n t o i happier e n d i n g . In his AC com
street, tomorrow evening at 7.30 Proceeds of the sale of the $ 8 0 , - j two parts, instead of three, w i t h - Cordelia's a r m y won the battle an
o'clock. Mrs. H. B. Aycrs will be OOO.O&O note issue will be devoted out any share for Cordelia, Uoar was put back on the thron
co-hostess. A devotional period to paying tho current and other ex- Tilings turned out badly for T.rnr For fj ei i<* ml interest section
will be held and a social hour en- penditures of tlie state government after he gave up his kingdom. | your srraiibook.
joyed. Mrs. Patricia Paschal isin the m o n t h s of November. lflS2 r Gnncril anil Regan became rude to- irxci.K R.-Y.
teacher of tho class; Miss Char- through May. 1953. both inclusive. ward h i m . Tney even were g r i i d f f - Tomorrow: Midsummer Night New Fall Styles that
lotte Willis, president; and Mrs. Since this issue tt\x antici- ing about Idling him have shelter.: Urrntn.
John Mock, secretary-treasurer. p a t i o n issue and will he entirely At length he found himself \viUiouLi To obtain n fre- ropy of the ithr
retired from revenues d u r i n g this any place he could cnll his home. t r n l M l l e u f i e t on THE STQRY O Normally Sell for
bio Ei n i u m there is no increase in Meanwhile Cordelia had m a r r i e d CH I N A send Y » self-addresse
Guy Mauro. 14, of 1801 Fifth ave- the state's Indebtedness.
tlie k i n g of France, She heard about •stamped t'iivt'l«[H to T 'ncle. Uny
n u e was treated in Mercy hospital
hrr father*a ttl UoivlvrtoM, and soon care <\( tlvis uevvsunuer.
12.98, 14.98 and 17.98!
dispensary Saturday afternoon f o r
a f r a c t u r e of the r i g h t w r i s t s u f -
fered while playing footbull.
((•untlnui'tl from P a K p 1)
lo Men and Women
war I us a private in the -tin com-
_ _ _ ._ ._
II you are bothered by Backache, G e t t i n g
pany, 1st b a t t a l i o n , 155th depot In the Service
Up Nights rioo frequent, burning or Mint- brigade.
ing urination). Prej&ure over Bladder, or Surviving arc a son, Harry o r j P a l ' a d C «!«! PiM'tV
tliong cloudy urine, due to minor tempo- Aitoona; two brolh rs ftnd n sister,
r a r y Kidney and Bladder JrrUalloii. for
p&Hlfttlv« Telltf »sk yo-nr tltugRUt about Charles of Salem, O., Roy of Akron, Plnrs were rompliHr f n r llu- n n - ; UAIMBRlDf.E. Mrt. — .Tnscpli \V.
OYSTEX, Popular 25 years. 20 million pack- O., and -Mrs. W i l l i a m Love of Al- rmnl Hnllowcon p n r n d n nn<l i m r t y Kllllns, son of Mr. nmt Mrs. Carl L.
age* used, SalisIacUon or monej back R u a r - toona.
«Dtecd. AJt diuggltt alrfiul CYSTEX today
F r i e n d s will ho received at the to he held nt llioi h u l l Sndirclny. ' Kulins " - o£-' ° R. " D. 1, \Yillianishvirg, is
nov<* u i u l e r ^ o i n g r e c r u i t t r a i n i n g at
Lnnghlin f u n e r a l home a f t e r 1 Oct. 25, nt the regular m r r l i n g of t h e naval t r a i n i n g c e n t or lie re. Fie
o'clock tin's evening. the laidics' a u x i l i a r y tn tlii? Kit- will receive Vrviinins c o u r s e s in.
More Comfort Wearing
t a n n i n g Trail ^irc fompnny. seamanship, g u n n e r y a n d m i l i t a r y
FALSE TEETH F i r e m e n from company The parade \^ill f o r m nt HIP fire ami.
rallrd to t h e A d a m s school nt Sixth Iinll nt ti o'c:loi'U w i t h a pnrty fol-
lowing tli." pnrnili-. All .-hililron of S c r i i n y In Koro:i.
avrrnte and Twenty* f o u r t h .street
a l 9.36 o'clorlt Saturday nipht to the community .ire invited to vwr- WITH TUK 7TH I N F A N T R Y You'll love the wonderful young
e.vtinmii.'ih b u r n i n g Jeavrs which t i c i p n1t e in tin- p:i.-.»lr f i n d pnrty.
D I V I S I O N IN K O R K A - Capt. \Vil-
regular m i ' c t i n j ? wft.s in Itiuu Bromber^. son of Mr. and
styles that were designed to flatter
Ils gltalinr nI(>n-;i< i
had been stuffed into one of I hi; n i r
r h n r K f i»f Sophu- ^^'is(•. vice prc'si- Mrs, K. <". BrombiTg of SchoIKs- junior figures . . . and you'll love« "l.latc «.lor" vriiis in t b o b n i l d i n K by Hallnwecri-
C,ft FASTEKTil lot erM. e i t y police reported. tlent. in tin- aWnro of IVir? prpsi- hnrg. Bedford c o u n t y , i.4 c u r r e n t l y the price on these sample dresses
dont. M r s . Kay f l a l a n t . A l u n r h was with the Tth i n f a n t r y di\'i-
hy .Ixnct s j o n i n jCori'n. by Carole King. Versatile cordu-
roys, rustling taffetas, gay plaids
Now TRY THIS pTctes Four Months.
For and soft velveteens that are sure
For coughs and acute bronchitis due to
.son R. \Volfo. son of Mr. anil Mrs,
I'.ohcrt A. Wolfe of R. D. 2. Ty-
to win your heart. You'll find them
all in this collection of sample
dresses by Carole King.
colds you can now get Creomulsion rone, r e c e n t l y completed f o u r
ipecialJy prepared for Chi] Jren in n ncv/ Sponsors Parly m o n t h s in Koresi with the 7th ii\-
f a n t r y division.
pink and blue package and he sure: l.aiiu-s KuiUI of St. Michael's
( 1 ) Your child will like it, Catholic r h i i n - l i , HoIliflayshiirR is
(2) Jt contains only safe, proven snonsorinp H p a r t y Friday oven in K
Ingredients. Tfio Door of Hope group, Altoona,
nl S.l'i o'clock in the Blue ronm ol
(3) It contains no narcotics to dis- American tx-Rion homo, Holli- conducted a special service at the
turb nature's processes. daysVnirg and Ihr public is cordial- Centre I-ine K.U.8. church last, cvc-
(4) It will aid nature to soothe and
ly invited tn iUU'n;i. | ning. The Girlhaven chorus pre-
heal raw, tender, inflamed throat p n J Mrs. .Tames K. C r o m l l l r r jr., i.s
bronchial membranes, thus relieving W i i l i a l f the c a m p a i g n spe- sented sjiecia] sacred numbers.
t\;t\?, \vViistte slops nnd comrncr- srrving as chairman of tho com- Miss Dorothy Sultsman spoke on
the- cough and promoting rest nnd
ileep. Ark for Creomuhion for Chil- ri.'i] r.-nfio -iml Iclcvisioii bro.-ul-
miltoc of nrraiiKcmcnts for (he
social event and the proceeds will the program being carried out In Take Advantage of These
dren in Ihe pink and blue package. caKl«, (ho ri.ilronris ^nd r ^ d i o Ihe Altoona honie. for girls. Rev.
be given t h e b u i l d i n g f u n d of St,
f o l k s w i l l p r o b a b l y h,-i1e lo see
CREOMULSION Election Pay come, ll'll he sort
Michael's Gal hoi ic church for a
new school b u i l d i n g .
Dwaync C. C'fttierier, paslor of the Savings Tomorrow!
of. t i k e winter enclinc Die nice Ctfnlrn Line church, extended Junior Department, ^J
FOR CHILDREN M i m m c r business of n hot don
Mrnihers of the fiiiikl nrc sorvinfi
thank.i to th
/*litv*i Coutht, Ofit Ccldi, A«l« BroixMii fin thr? commillcc on arrnnjjcrncnt.s A U o o n a group for Second tloor, lllli Avenue ^
Ailcvrtiiornenl stand, <£> NE* f n r Lhc p a r t y . I lie snocial service.

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