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Propf!f ~o{lI'/r,.hun('.

Pidures oj w"rl. ,.ro~· re.<.~. Pll~(,.s I. 2. 16. 17 and 3"1. Story.m fII.l/!r3.

Slury uJ II G .. rt'mmrm recinmntiQ" 1'1'1'11.

Editorial Page "Sail 011."

The Railroads' library By R. If, }U"'I$/lIII. A. A. R. Lihrnrinn,

A /"UlI,< pre!H'lIllflim, tJ/ II/cobulic imlulgrlle,·.


TW'~"TY -I-S-~. CI:I,,;I r.i. hx-omot~\'l!:i nrc IIlld;'I' '·\m~I'I'lI,.ji·"1l in l.hc Il(~ndillg: CIIIlI[I>III_I" LIl~1I1L10)tiYc. Shop al Rl'ading, Pcnusylvunin.

Till- itl<"lHllotiws WI'rf> tlcsil;l1ccl hy the HI':a&lIg Moliy\! Power J)"I,,,rinwnt. iu 1"lltlhul'ulinn wnh thl' ElIgil1t"'ril1~ !-5t.nlr 1.11' the ltuhlwin 1..J!I'Ohwtil'(' \\·{ld,.~.

'l'hu now 111,,')lTlntin's ;11'0 iutended For l'I'('i~ht ~('ITi,'(" II(.jl1g l'l[llil'l','d wil.h 70" dinmctur- dril-il'!; wlled,,_ :11,,1 unlonh]c "I' ul~rating: <It a ~11C('t1 01' (is miles per hour,

An intl'resting Ioature ill UII""I on-

brill!"; IS rclh-r hellr!lI!; n!,plil~at.i<ol!

1,,'I,he tl'II..J"II':li\('I'<llIo.l

~iltd:ccil wi]l II,)\"(: oil luhri-utud

driving .iuul'u:d" nnd cue cug'iuc to equipped lhroughullt with roller bearing,; on till! axles or all ,il'idug wheels. 1I!·!ml·s.~~· nil lnbrieators, type DI":.·S, ;l]>l'li.-:,] f." drivillg wlwd nxk .... with f'riclioll 11"'ll'il1£:';:, 011 -Il) I'Wfllll"lin'_,; nl101 '1'IIJlI;:"11 rullru- l!,'III'illg-"UII thu t c-r.utiuth to-emotive.

Oilier fe!lhm"S iudillit' light w('i.e:ht piston nnd lill-type V:k:king, IIl\lltiplebenring ,·russht.';ul with single gui,ll!; Si!lHlIl opomted c~'lintll'r -ooks ,111\1 Utl'-

ulmnicnl juln-iuntiuu To min-

illli7.<: mil nlld ~hu~k ill Jlig'll

speed cperution, p.uth-ulnr nrtention \\'11.."; pnid to the uross-eountcr halnm·iug uf till:: 'WIIII \\"ll1~l" and tL,' counterhalnlH'ilig of tho ~lImilling d,'h'Ing

1:0 ~i:.1illg H "01,1 w(lt"r PUIllP, a h,t water 1'0111]1 :111,1 the ln-nrcr. The euld water I'ump l-llk,.,., the ,-(1M wnter from the tender and ,l,·!i\·('_1'li it 1.0 tile heater 1,~at'''I1 in tile rl~ll1t of the 1000~Jl!II,(i,·f' llm-u j-.]IO \1'111:1,., i.,> 1I(:nt.{~a b.\· direct <:I)Jl- 11I1't wlth uxlmnst ,-j"aw f'rmu thu 1""0- motive (·ylindcrs. 'I'lw lronted W:1t ... r Ihen 1l:1$!;fS down to the llot water IHIUIP, wlti<·h dl'lil'l'TS it t.\ the boiler. 'I'lris ('(luil)llll'nt, J('fillilC'ly inercnses boiler horsepower :11101 Pt'l111il.';:111 11,ltl('~1 So'wing in Jucl Hili! wntor-,

To ftl<:iliinle 101lg,'r l'IUlS, j,!'uolrrs IlI'U

Reading Railroad Magazine


Superintendent Motive Power and Rolling Equipment

('quiPl.IC11 with six wheel trucks, the tonrk-r ("U"I cflpm:ity heill.!; 20 to.lll!; and Inls 1\ water cnllHciL,I' of 19,000 gallons lind is equipped with nu iudieutor whic-h shows the water revet at lilt times,

The liJl'Omotiw':'\ lire bnilt of Oenemt Steel Cnsti ng,;, one-piece east-steel Ioeomotive lwd of which tile eyliudera nrc 1111 i"tpgnll 1",)1"1..

The lruilru- 1,1'11<'];-;:; n re the CUlIUlI(>llwenlth t'our-whool Delta type. The. r-ngtne truck is of tim rocker- t.l"]lQ which dispenses with [riu supported ~""\'ilJg Iiuk. s.

The IOCOU1()ti\'l' boiler i:s C'llllipp(·,l with thrcc ~Y]lIIUIl;; ill fu-ebox alill 0110; in CUII1' bustion chaurbcr whief mutminlly ill' CI'CIl._~ the heating service und thereby illcrc.'lSilig we steruning <::1J1l1<·it_y of Ihc boiler. 'l'ype "A" supm-heafer is abo installed. A multiple vnl-ce throttle is leeuted in the front "IHi of tilt:! boiler lI'illo-h ,kli\'crl; tile ~111"~l"heflh~,J steam di-

n'ei,~Yo~::;~,.tt~' ::~;\~~~h~~;e maximum lmui-

ing cnpuciry or the locomotive over ItSN'lliling grades :It scheduled S)lC(1\\, a Prunklin hU(lStc.l" is applied to Ihe trailer tnwk of tno locomotive which iru-reuscs 1.)1\1 ]lllllillg" POII'Cl' of 1:11(' ]p[;oll1ol.;l'() ;;U

tlurt 1ll'.1\·Y tonnage he l'eao1il,\'

handled over t.hut VOIti!)1I the rail-

rund where heavy g-rades are 1'11\:01111- 1I·rt){i, thns eliminating the ueecssity of 111I\'ing all extra loeomct.ivu nssist ill moving- the trnin O\'CI' these grndea.

This booster consists (If' U srnnll two['.\'ljlld~l· sfr-unt uligillC W11i,·11 is (~OT1IIL,<:h~(l hy gears tc the 1'('aI' trail.,!' nxlc nnd can be cnt ill or out of ';('lTi('e hy the engin(!C.rs while Ih{' locomotive is IU 1110- tion. The booster is int.(!IIII(,11 for use (0\'(>1" the JlHay.y h'T:ldc!; wheru addit.i(mal ])1)1\'(,1' is neederl ill ol'l-II'I' t(1 keup tile tmln rnoviug nb u rcasonnute speed uud pn::\·e.utstnlliIlg of the tralu.

The furl is. fed dirc<-U.\· from the tell,11'1' into the firebox by m('nll~ of n type ''HT.'' screw ('OIl\'C'yur stok ... r furnished IJr the Stall,hml Stoker- CllIll}lall.\\

'l'he l(!('Olllotil'('s 1"llliPI'I'.1 witf

1.\\"0 SY2" urcss-eruupunnd uir '·'.II1lPl"C'!l-

SOl'S. Tim hl"akL",; lire the \Yestlllghollsc \'0.8 Wi'.

The principal cimr<lL'kl'istics vi: l.IlL'SC locomotives which will he uumhered ~I()O to :!Jl!), inclusive, is as follows:


.Journals-Driving, :\13.;1] ...• 1:!1/.:".); 14" :lltUI''''lh;-I)ri"ing, :tIl uti,e" .. 11Y2".~J'1" .IO\lnl.:d~-Ellg-illO Trw:k ••.•.• T¥!" Uulkr .Ioumnls-c-tl'railer '1'~u"k •..... ,lJ.l .. Uullcr

.loumnls-e-Teedce Truck till:"' Jlolh~r

Sixe of G.ylindl.!t'S :1'''3:::::1''

:Sire of Fif;tun \',11\'1'5 .•.......... 1:;"

Tr:lcLi"e Jo;fTort . . (;S,UUOlhs.

J3oosl~r Starting" 1:lrun }1,100lb8.


.. 'i!l,l~U Ills.

Factor of Adhesion.


Stearn Pn.'IlS1U1:: .•.........•..• 240Il.lS.

Tulx'S-----Kum\ler ::!91 50

1'ub,'s--ouBide Viu.. . 2" 5~"

'.Iilb~s-l'L'ugtll n"I.\\'c(m 811<:,-,18 .. ]U·10';:'''

1,'in:hox-IJI~jd,) L~]lgi,h 10' (F)il"

Jo'i,,·l....,x-l"nsi(Je Wi,ltl! U'!Jl't"

Grntc Aren •.. 9".5l;(1.ft.. Hcnting Surfaoo Tul>es 2"' ... :::,054 ;«1. fl.

HI.'tlting SUrf"cc ~\n,h . . .•. ]; 11<1. ft_

HHnting Sur[:-u'{' Pirl'box. . .:;27 sq, ft.

Jh:"til1g' S]1T'facl' S.ypholiA (4) .. 121 aq. ft.

n~ntiHr,; 81ll'fatl' 'f'1I1;l1 4,920~q.ft..

11t!tlling Sur-face Superhcnter .1,2148q.ft.

.Tell(/"r CII/III(;ity =:w Tons or Conl

19,000 GI'UUUS 01' Water WheelBJI!;e .

To/al /l'IIrrl 1i(!.M

.Bag-i)H' '1'~11l1er fin' (1U!"


Eng-inc' T'~lIIll!t . . .... ]]O'l¥.!"

Addifional ;;IK~'ialti"" npplied as foltows: King S,U1d(!TS Xo. :tl), autoumtie Rre doors, ten sets of S.l\:.}O'. rnller- bearinga :m!l t£>11 set.s of T'imkon mllcr benrings HIIPiie(l til tondurs.

(Tum 10 l'<1y,!JO)



A,,;;;:~p~~g~t~~~~~ll;;~~{!\\'~)l~l ~11~r i5C:_~~~

telephone. The fir.;;_t impression gleaned of OIlT service as a whole is \1,;'11- nlly based upon this cOlll:1Cl, nnd becomes II i:).';r.ing Irnpresslon. I'horcfore, one should cultivate II good telephone personality, nnd in every way render pleu.'lillg' and cnlt;lcnt telephone service.

Employes 01.1 Ole Hroding sholl},] handle all eontncta by telephone 111 such n mntHlel' that customers "ill be Fuvornbl y lurpressed with our methods 1)1: doing business. 'Phe tcll'phonc service we render is 0111." na goot! ns our customers think it. is, and the good will or onT customers is essential to the ';IIL'(.~$ of: (lUI' business. Our sei-dce wlll IX! good

nnd it, will eontiuuo 1,(1 if we

I'l'i·ogni1.e ;\Iu1 utilize to the

!Uany opportunities lo rnnke ('vcry ('011- j,u('t ",iUI O!C eustomcr- 'It't.'('p1:lble nud pi!'a;;illg 10 him,

The aerviuc reuderrul, he ,1cCLl.l'IIU!, prompt, ~OIlIJ!Ir.tr, :111(1 pcndnblc. l'hi:; l'uquir(::; ,lI'l'(,lo!Jiug !lbility to look ;It problems from the ,;1IJ;.tonier's viewpoint and C!>pCt'iHlly because uura is n transportntirut business, dealing with many Iorms or industry.

E"Cl'YOII{~ 11'110 1'11;11,('1; or J'PI'eives phone ealls has lIli ol'purtunil;y nn obligntion to mnke friends lor the Rending Complwy, E"I'Ct'iall,\' these dnys when the tables a re turned ;111(1 customers ure elmnnring f01' 1)111' service, it wuuld be c~~y f'or us to hCf'{'IIIC a little int1cpclldel\t-~i:o 1'O]'g'(,L that, n':!/ ('0\11'tl":!l~' pays big dividends,

Therefore. we must nuswcr our telephones promptly. e,dling our .·u"imner /Ilj IW"'C \\'hCI1!'\"'!' I)u~,.ihfc, Expluiu do- 111,\''; and \)1' uttoutive HI all lilllr~, ~\ !.Hl\'C :I!! \\'(! mllS! be [lutiNIL und ph'n,;nllt Hll<! give the customer the best service possible.


Avoid UIII1I'('(';;':;Hl',\' pel'sulla[ «nus. TIm - 3, SI'I';AK CLE.llLL\', DrS'I'INO'l'I,\-, ANI) IN

Company must pay tor every (lut,,"{lillg .\ K.ATUIt..\L TONI' (II>' vorca

eall made and u eonsidcmble sl\\ing in Don't whisper, don't shout, don't.

Lime and uronev is effected when such ealls nrc eontlued to t110iiC r~lIy necessary and r.'~i:wntinf, Hef(J1'{' you ,'nfl, think whetlnu the elJII is rcully uecessnrv. Think whut Y')II'rc b"Oilig In say, ;;;0 you will not hUH' to call :I, seeourl time. Keep :111 calls s hort,

The following- indientoa TEX ESSE~· TLU.S ill the prouer hnlldlillg 01' tetepl1011C enlls-e-h-u ~illlph: rules, ua!;_I' to uudorslnnd, ea .. y to lollow. TIH'Y will help each ('mploye in this important, phase of 0\11' work-help them to do n better job 1111(1 thereby muke them better I'nlpfo)'e,~,

I, AXSW,:li '1'1-:[.1,1'1-10:--'1,: C,I[,U:l PllO,\II"TLY

Nothing is uture i!'l'i1~lt,j!lg to till' cu» ImuCl' Hum waiting on the li Ill' while the t('I('IJIIDII(' rillhr$; uuuuswered. Slow :\11- swcrs ucedlessly tie 11]1 [el"pIJl'lne Iiuos

und impnl'll\ut eal!s. Whl!nel'PI

possible, PI' I!I~r, and busi-

IIC.~~ r(,l:o['lb at 11:111'1, ,"OU CUll 11:;l'

Iht'JIl :ll\ needed during :I ,--:Ill without h:\I'ing to lenve lite t('!epiJonc nnd keep ether pm-sous wnitiug,

2, ALW,W::j AXSII't:ll HI' Gn'lXO YOIJII

itlg "Hul!c." Say, "This is PUn,i1nsing' Depnrtmeut, ~rr, Jonl'$ speaking,"


mumble, speak direetly ill to tile mouthpiece, Don't. try to talk with a dgnr or pipe in your mouth,

4, H.\/;,i,Lt: 'l'HE GAI.I. YOUIlS!i;LF, IF Pes-

Don't truusfru- file customer to some-

01111 else if you (';11'1 get Ihe uuswer. It' you han' to keep him wulting, tukr- hi", Iek-phonr- number :\IId teu him you will I.:nll him hnck. B(' lIUrI' to do :;0--;15 soon

as possible.

5, "\'ll,"N YOu H.I\"; '1"INI$lllcl' Yo on CONTEUS,A'J'lO'S'

SIlY "Goodb.l'e" or "Tlnlnk YOll," then ruplnee tho:" l'Et'eiwr gently, I f you slam

the receiver dow», you will gi,'c tile euswmer a bwl impression.

n '''In:x YO!' Gil l\w,\y Ftf1'll Y')Cl!

'I'd! rhe pr.rson who wi!! nuswur fmyou i,l,;t whut to II'!! 1>I'uufl' wflt) 1;1.11- (Ttjrn to pagt! :I8)

Reading Railroad Magazine

Jell Chuo·Po

TunOUGn the effol1.-; of the hnemational Tmiuing .\uministr.lt.ion, I'IC., the Im~t!j;;{ tmiuiug IH"Ogrnm ever attempted is nuder way III1fI before it is completed, about :t year from 1I0W, J,310 Chinese teehuieiuns of various kinds will have had the ix-uf'fit;o or Amerit·.an Industrial expenenee. Ot Ih~ IInmbe.r, llO were eho;;en to study American methods of railroad, fixe ~iug :1.5Sib'"llOO to the Reading Company.

.All the t.rniUC(1S i!l)C!tk F.nglislJ nuu cadi une is a grudunte Clll:linccr or n Chinese eollegu :uu1 hilS IHul :1 minimum of. three years' expcri(,IIl't! 1.111 nulroads Qf UJ.at \"»>;1:, wor-tcrn ecuntry. '1'111')' were selected for f.1I11,hcr !;('hoolillg 011 the basis of thei r >1uilil,y, lClIIlel'ship, sehctasne I]',ullingnmlullrituut! lor railroad work.

Yanlt Y"o-Cbiug

Cl1UI1A Yin·no

Cbau; Yin,Ho graduated from the ChilQTUIlI UniTeNity, r«eiTio; the B.A. ,levee in Rail .... )' Adminil;tralion. He is learnin&

eur method! of railWll)' auoontilli.

-L -tl!: J jj_

Wang Shih.Chen

\VOIIII Sltih-Chcllg hollis" n.s. in Ch'U En. gineering degree rrom th" TangEhl1i EIl;-;' neerill!; CuUe!;c anti ;s ~tu<lying l1lil"'Il},


Jen ChllQ-l~e i~ II graduate of Notional Cc"tn,1 Unh'enit)' whh I B.S. deb rr ee in Civil E.uginecringlluolismajorin; in seapcrt jer-

minal const.ruction.


I')' l.ootU:I! like plulu junk, !.oms upou tons of rusted, bnticred-looklug; nsotess IlhdI just ripe for the sernp henp. 01\ (1 HI.!l\IJiug lj,iliillg WU!4 H earjuno! ur wl.!!IUIC'r·1>C!HI"11 truck wlwt>ls alill ritus ; inside tile llalf-milc.loug building, ['ilell ill grt'nl ]l),I'(IIU;'J.", were !I,'on'S! ur !'"x,'>! c(}uiailling- "\"('I'ything from jt·(·p lind linIL'·lra.:k I'lIginl~';, in whole nud ill I,u riJ1(~S, bnYIlIIl'~.", t.rCIl(.\1i I\llin'~' \\·!It,·III''~' 11117.[101.::\», l'lll'1:~ OL "HI'l-l, Ll'nill'l'.~, 1,;'1111 :lIlytllil1g' else yon 1;111'1' Iu Illiwe :11I1(>l1g rho Lhnusnnds of' ilr'lIlR AWN'it'all sol,licl's usc in fighting n wur,

It wna ScI'HJl g'lli,horctl IIJl nn.cr the fighting 011 1X':lchhcUlls or N()J'1uflncly 111111 the South I'uuifle, Ircm battle gl'I_OImJ.<; in :F'nJllec nut! Africn, on Tnmw;\ nnd Guadulcnnal, even fl'OIU the l\lasktlll Higlilrar, IIIHI ~hil'l>c,l baek t« Aru(lrif'n,

But ill tho c,'r~ of Urc Army's OrdIHtII(IIl ])cp.u1.rl1eul it \\'n~Il't jill;" nt nIL It wns procious wnr mnteriul, much 01' it of:1 Hitic;lllllltUnl 1111111uITOJ to obtain. So ":1ll1ablc is it Umt Inl"6'c fI~lmrr:ltion '[('I)(Its neve 1)Cel1 e;(:II),lis)w:t) to ('01111-

temet UIU shurtnge of certain t'([uipIllellt :Iud spare purt ... hy l'I~lailrlilig <I:; milch as possiblu ot tire J,UOO 1.'It:; tllflt r ..... me daily to Oil!' slr{)\'C!! from nil the battle f'rcuts. At S:llt I .. ike City, Utuh; Anni;,;ol., AlnhumH; Mallison. It!.; POII....;tO\\'Il, PH" und Ihe little town ur Cn':;'~IHI, 11Imr Pottsville, Peunaylvuuiu, I.lti:; gi&'11I1lil; i'('('lnlulltiUll project is uudnr TIll] work t.u hI! !l{'I'!'ol'n1l'll

:I ~lll'HI.!\IIl,i!l1 ~11\'ilig 111 I[Hl nnrill[l['I'"r.;illb[ydilllinislil.'H illllll~I.I'.I'.

,,!. lil:r\, lUlllll.illg [lilt. or :;tlllT ui. tln, Cn':i~Ullll Q".!III1I1(':C .I)('l'lit. ns au exnmpln ur WIlli! ill reeeived lit the depots, yuu would nevor believe Ibut any of it C\"'!, would be fit 1'01' 1IS1! ugnin. ~ot all of it i", hut, ilL't·UI,.lillg' to Mujor Howard P. Kluir, ffllllrillU\(ling uffi,'cr III Dressonn, tllcy lmh'n~'tl a "cry high per(·cnlage uf nil Uml euures through Ibe \'llCci,"illg ')UIJI'};. \\filh tlu-ec omc,'r assistant.s ,lIlel H l>tnlt nf thirt ... sen elvilinus, .:\Iajor Klnir oversees tJH~ joh heing cnrried 011 by HII' flrur tlr DH.\· und Zimruermno. Iuc., Iur- the Onlmlll('f' Depnrtment.

The cn:,-iuC(·riug finn, till n N>st plus

Lefl 10 ri~hl; George M, vesseloge, «eoeral manap:cr; Major HOIO'lIIrd p, Klair, er)lnJ1)alltlin~ officer; ]. ~r. Troulnan, Re: .. linl!; COlllilany agent, Se"u~'lkjll lInen.

Reading Railroad Magazine

fixe-i· too basis "unll1h't, bin,'!! some 3,.500 workl!l'S, nil u( wJ101IJ IlIl\"ch:lI\ from tWII In flvo weeks' 81)(. .... ,ill\ lnlil1ing by thl' Ann)' to JU'tlJuu'{' them for tho eompliented business of illl'ntif);ng 7,500 tons per month or U1C IIlIl!it ooliglollJl'rnlc umss of tool" or wnrf'nre imnginnbll'. Mrn."i: of thl' work is Ikme iLL nil klUtI>Cc1 hnillliLLg' a lml r mile Jlmg. I t. was huilt nt n 005t or 525,000,000 by the Federal GoycI1lUlcnt'" DI,j'f'IISC Plnru Corporn. lion nn,l origillnll~' It'll';{'ll 10 the Alumiuum C,ltHpuny of .I\mt'ril':I,

',"11('11 aluminum i)('(':UII(! WOI't! I'I~n. tifuJ, the CUllln",i W/l~ nhn'Jg:lj('iI. :'Ih'lulwl,ile the Onlll:1I1I'1': Ikpal'llilcllt rl'CiamntiuII 'Jl'ugnlllL \"IIS :"'l'Uin~ under \\,ny, un.l t.1L" huge 6'lWI'rnnWIli-!l\\'lll<t] strueburu wus 1i.'iLu,lly what, wus 1I1'.·,\ed -fllst.! 'I1w.I.\lumillllIl'lCOLllpHlIylll'g:ul 111uviug ils runuhiuury out. HI: (011(' "i,le uf the building lIi!(lut Odolll'I' ], while ~ilU1111':l!Ioou~1.r 111(J 01'<hnllll'" ])('jJlld,. ILICllt and it.'I "i\II!:I"ldor'-~lp!'nl!,HI', });t," ufn] 7.inll"(II'lIrllll, IIIHI'(),1 iuf.o !,I", ChIHKI"~ ill iIIS!,I'III'I,j,'1I HII,dinivl,I', '11111

WHI'k,'d ill t.it(' III'

N,rdilllll)d rigitl, WI with \'t!l'y litil(~ jo"'_~

WUrk()I'j) WC'rl' I'f'ljllil't',l "" lit,' Cn'SIi'01I:l portion nf tilt! l'I'('l:lIlH1tioJl, Pl'Ojcct ns corup:tI'Cil willi ]/)00 lIc(',l(),l to muka nlumiuum.

EI't'1l MILjnr 1\lltir. 1,'ln14'1It'l1 II;'; he (1"urll 10 I1lJ9t" 18)

Thi", view like;! in Dilly. I'ClrliOIi Or ill~i,Je onlnllll"el,lzani.

Reeding Roil,ood Mogozine

Reading Railroad )Iagazine


VOL 10 Odober, 1945



A Chaplain's Letter


R~:_\DISG ItAII,IU);IO ~L\G~\zIS~::

First or all, thank you for your interest ill reprinting one of my weekly "Yankee Boomer" editorials in the Rlal). ~G RJ\ll.ROAh ~lAG.\Zl!'F.. ~ntllrnlly, it, pleased me very much to huve Rending men bringing tlieir copies to IUe--"WC Point With Pride," CoL Biltz, whose offie.e is next 10 mine wus the Ilrst to show me his 001')'.

In HIl: box lit UIC top of the pugc YOI1 state I mil a "ehuplnin of the SiL' Poii' nttaebed to lim railroad troops," lUlU my main purpose ill wt-itiug is to j}lurity till' position oj' UI(! "Bn,ilwllY Cllnpl(lill~/ Ilil we proudly iilulltify ourselves.

There nrc lhilty-eight chnpinilili IISsigned to cluty with the Militnry Rniiwuy SCTYi"e_ Ench OIX'rating Battalion has one, eaeh Gruntl Division has OILC, boUI Firs~ and Sl~lId MRS Hornlqnurters have their- own Supervisory Chaplnin, nnd there is the Senior Chaplni!! in Gil Q, who direets HIlII supervises the work of the entire so-ticn. We work direc:tl:.uuder-fhe 'Ibellter Chaplain, CO!\JZONE, and we regard 0IU"SC\V(!s and nre regarded by om: mel! liS Hniiw;I:-' Cllilplujns, It is an intimate ussoeintiun, indissolubly Iurtifled bv couutleee gullous of strung coflce drunk wllm'('\'PI' nil !lfB.S man \\'Ililo Ii) Ill! found :1!(lllg tho thousands of mil(!~ n~ tecek from CUSilblrull,a to Rcmo trom Cherbourg to Berlin.

Yon knew why I've written thissimply, as uun "roil" to another, to be sure that if the ceeasicn should ever !lri"" again you may know thai Amcrielill milTOad men IUL\'e hed their OWII n;;>si):ucd ehaplniea who would rather be "Rnilw;'!)" Chaplains" than anything else tlu::y enn think of-(!.'(teJlt, perhaps, eivjlinns l

Dm"AI.I, G, L. Ht;}.~n .. c, Senior Chaplain, GIIQ, jms.

"Sail On!"

Behiud him lilY the gray ~\7.0f('il, Behind the Gates of Hercules; Before him uut the gho;;t of shores, Before him only shoreless seas.

The good mille said: .. xow must we pruv,

FOT lo! the very stars are goue.

Brave Adminll, speak, what shnll I

,~;;~,~:\y 'SlIil on! sail on! I\]\(I on!'"

")ly men gl'Uw umtinona dny by ilay; 1\1.1' 111C1I A't'{)\\' g-Ililstly \\'111] 11I1rl wonk." 'I'hu sluuj, nmtc t.llOl1g;1i1 of jj()IIL(lj n Ijpl'n~' Of sntt. wave wnshed Iii" 8Wl1rt!IY check.

"Wlmt shall t say, brave AIlrtlirnl, say, If we sight. IIH1Ight but seas (It ,IIIWlI'" "Why, you s.hnll say at ln-enk or lillY, 'Sail (Ill! sail on! sail OIL! nm! Oil!'"

They Sllilc(1 1111..1 sailed, as winds mjght blow,

Until lit laat the blanehed mate said, "Why, no", not even God would knew Should 1 and all Illy OI('n [a.11 !lend.

These very wiu.l;.; forget their- WilY,

Por Ood l'roui thcse dreud 8CI1Sis b"one.

Now spenk, brave Admirnl, SfU'lll, and say"-

He erdd : "Sail OIl! Sail Oil! und on!"

'I'hey snilml. They sailed. TheIL spakc thelUnto:

"This IIIlLd sen shows l.t.is teeth tonight.

He enria his lip, he lies in wait, With lin .... 1 Leeth, as if to bilt!!

Bm\·c Admit,.tl, ~Iy but one ~lO<l word: \fllnt shull We 110 when hOP(l is gone'.!"

The words lenp!; like 3 1f':1ping sword: «Sail Oil! sail on! sail on! lind ou!"

Theu, pnle l111d worn, he kt'pt his Jilek, AI1<l ))10('1'('(1 through dnrkucss, Ali, t.hat uighL

O[ nil dnrk Iligbl:.~! Ant! thr-u /I sJlct:kA ligh!! It light! a light! n light!

II grew, H stnrlit [lag uuturled!

It grew to he Time's hlll"'t of dnwn. fie glliul"{l :t world: hr- h'1IW1 1.Imt world Its gn\nJc:il 1<=011: "On! snil on!" ~loAQul'" xtn.r.en.


Add !IOIIlC new words 1:(0 your voenbuIn!)- Ieday, Pirst, ;;eleot:t lhc onc uurrect .Icfinition out of the three giveu for cadi of the folluwing "-01'11:;. Till'lL ch!l<:k the UIiS\H'rs to !iCU lJ1)\\' muuy yuu neve deIlnod nm-roctlv. Anl'I' .1'1111\'4] chocked YOlll'sdt', gn 9"4]1: tl!(' words ugnin nud eoou you'!! be using \,lu'111 tlucntly.

1. IJiterrogn!~(a) nibil', (Il) rip, (e) inquire.

2. ~ldnLl.·holy-(a) happy, (b) gtooury, (e) gnttcflli.

:t Olll1oxious--(a) hateful, (Il) lovely, (e) ntrL'Cliol1n{e.

4_ Ob",1,illut~(a) ,.;!uhhnnl, (b) old, (e) easy.

5. SubSt.'(llleut-{a) never, (b) following, (I') before.

6_ Iriet.it.iollr-(a) pos;;:ibl<" (b) hon-

CBt, (e) nut real. .

7. ])o\'(l\\r-{'l) desire, (II) doubt, (e) NtL

S. j\~iI.lu'lIli('-(fl) liglll, (h) l'CHI, (e) profltnble,

znswera: 1. (0); 2. (b); :1. (a); 4. (a)i 5. (h); 6. (!"); 7, Hi 8. (b),

* * *

"First of all, I don't know undly wbut demoemey is, or the reot, commonsense Ulcituing of a republlc. Bitt as we used to Inl k things ever in Chinn, we all agR't:u Umt we were fighting for the American Girl. Sbe to 115 was America, Demoemey, Coca-Colas, Hamburgers, Clean Places to Sleep, or the American Way of Lifc."-Col. Robflrt L. SCtJu, "God 15 My Co-Pilot!'

Readiness is aiL-Shakespeare.

I ------------------------------

Reading Railroad Magazine

Th" rollowinlt tlll"IO)ei have been comm"nded b~the Mnn_!ement ,Iurinl the month or An~l, 19-J.S

Datil of OC('1I" .. ,,<:t

Sam,. 111,11 ()<:~"'lH,'io ..


ln~A()L'\'G nl"\,18101\

Aug. 10

Gu~' Stoudt, IJmkenuon

When riding on plnHorm of C-o.'ldl 15,18, 9th en.r from t!ngillC', 'J'min 1\0. 97, Eng_ 176, heard bump nnd lltOI'IM,,<;1 lniin hy opening eruergencr ''al~ liscl~ .. 1 t,roken t'<lunli:u'r ear "A" cnd, right side, wen en,1 lOr cur, Icn.l truck.

lteported \\,l"F.X 49S89, I"Jt journru in 'J'r;lill 1'11.3, Engine :!OOl, wee,

RI'I}llrtl'd l"KP 1:!S.1G in tmtn of ,,1'·10, ('Il.StiJolIPd, wllh broken wbco.·1 t.rt'ml.

Rt'porlf'll RU..&BM 15551, Train ?<--p.g, Engine 2010, Milt, ut Lebanon Yalley Junction.

Aug_ :':"!

\\".I ... "·enA" .... Ml, Cr'OSlIing \\'"I<'1ulllln




Open. tor

_\_ug, 22




J-:. " ". ,·"n,\rt&llIl,·n, Aller 1>D$,IIg" of }.'xtrn ]912, (,:,::1, with (j9 e:tn of ToWC'rnmn tonI. ol)!;t'n"l"{1 eoal in interloeking swltehea nt "P"" Tower, T_·lIlgborne. geetjou f(l= called nnd cleared truck.. hl~llotel..ion of tr,.;u :It Yardley dCn'luJled two MIn< ill train leaklng j eoudition e(lrn:"tNi by crew. "',",,'rled pcseible dera ilment of following tmln.

.I, xtorrre. AM CRB Tm.lu ;\0. I "'3S passing grade crossing at

Crossing \\"llIei1U11I11 GIf'1' Lake nntl I.nng:l10rne, 1':1. Crossing "'all·hmcn

,J. ,J. Bucecllo, 1111,1 '1'OW('rJ1l1l11 observed fire flying from k'lLuing cnr"

{'r(!S~illg \\·!lI~II11ITLIl ill tm!n. rlL~I'Nlihn (len~lol'e,l brake beam sufl·ty iron

~:I1~~·;Tn~:;: 11 ,\ rtlKIIL len, ;~~ll;;:I, .~'I~~ :;~;h;~;~i ~;~. 1~::~~~'UG~l~:,::u~;;~llfi'~~~i ;~:CI:;l,

·'.l1g_ 29

Aug. ~!1


"Our rnilroeds nru !loing It tremendous job with Hmlted ClluilJIILClit nnd with fewer nreu tlmll tit!')" hud six ycnra ngo. Au(~ nlrcndy plnns 1111: ucing lnid for U,c future. New !>lrcnll1lillell, high-powered loeomotlves-c-uew eonehei! of revolutionury {lcsign-llew snfety Ilc.·ites nlld signailing sppnrntns. SI'(!C!tlier, safer, more erouomiNtl tmve] thnll c,'('r Iwfore-thnt's the nmin lim' t rnek our 1,lilro:uls Will fUI1(l\\" tomorrow:'

-Wir""II, J.:IJJ+.,~., RI'(I,'f)II,

"The rnilronds huve been ~nrrying on with eousuuunute skill durillg tne past few years. They unvo bcou hnndling wnr truffle '-IIlU eiviliuu Lrnllie ill Prol>ortiollS never before heard of. Tltc~' hove been uceomplishing results which probably ncbod ... was willing previously to roretell. As the war orders lmve inereesed, the railroads lmve sunply put on the IH'lSSUTe, reorganized their prnetices, and lIlet uie needs of U1C mOlllcut."-Bridgc. IlOrt, Conn .. Post.

Reading Railroad Magazine

"HOX~:S"l"\. is self safisfnetion," said Halph James, )808 s, 19th SI:r('('t, Philadelphia, porter in IiLe Rl'lHling" 'Tr-rtninnl for 23 years, in f'(.lnling Ith"'t!' hi" (!tilling and returning :1 ~llIull 1'1It'S4' eontaiuing $l,O-lO ill eash.

011 Augu.4 3, Mr. .Iames, while asl\j"lillg n IU\;;''i(!ugt!r with his lugguge boarding- lmin No, 373, found a SIl1:l11 purse on Ill(' pl:1lform rdongaide of tuc steps to 1I1e tmtn. Tbe purse was dirty f'rorn people trodding- on it and ki"king it aside, Upon olll'ning the }lUI~ 1fr. ,Tnllle!> sew the large amoont of hill", hilt did uot ;;1011 to eennt it. hut turllf'1I it O\'C'T inunediatelv to the Lost 111111 Pound D('J>nrtmellt~ "hen 1If r-, Cuo!,{'r :11111 1fr. James eonnted it to~thl·r. Tlwre were no menus of identifleetlou 11>1 to 11m owner, On August 4, )l]'s .. U{'lIry BI111l;:,Q1I, 3622 Haymon! A\·CUlU', Philudelphin, culled at the Termiunl nnd reported the loss of sueh a PU1'Sl', nud nf'tr-t- properly deser-ibing urc put',,{' Hull t·ontrnt", of it was rctUI'III'tl 1,,, 11('],. SIH' rewnrrlnd Xl.r. J,mlCS willi ~m),

1","II'hig t'I\lIlIII('lld{ld [{('I'II(':llld 1'ltul!'ttcr Iwlml':

"I h1\ 1'1' l't'I,unU v been arhi!;c<l thnt on AlIgu;;l :l ,VOl! fOl·HlIl n small purse conilliuillt: hills tabling $1,0 .. 1-0, which )"011 umu-rl uver tn thePuree! Cheek RoomL.nst 1I11l1.F'tllllUI, nnd 1:1(.('r the party losing I,lle motu'y made elnim for it, and niler 1\ Illoruugil investigation by our Pettee Depnrunent, the money was returned to the owner.

"It ts indeed pie!1sing to know of this 'hI(' :lI'l on your part. nnd desire to exprt'S.~ 111.\' npprccintiou and thanks fOT not, ollly your honesty. bnt 10~'3Ity to thr- R('nding Company_"



TH'F. R._·\IlJtOAI) Y .. 1LC.A. is many thinl;.S to lII;)lJY l)(!(>plc. To some it is a shower both or it clean bed or a 1I(1~lllei1l. To others u plate tu Tiled l'vieuds UL' to bowl (lilt! plny g;lItll.:s. )bny tnuu mnke it. their Iromc or joiu a study gruup or I'fui"ieiplltc in entertainments and religious activities. V e ry few mensbcrs embrace all these things. Others

~~~~Ll \\-~~~~'i:~l{~ uf the <T!:~;;II;'lJ~~~t1~l::~J~

IlIcwl)crs do p:llt in any of

these Jlri\'il('~'t)S ,'nufribute e,lt'h ),('ar

beeeusc th('~' know urat it is a £00(1 t1lillg to belong to. Whcthu til()), arc 1Ii OT U(j vents old, 'regardless of politiL'S OJ" religions faith, me!! always hove something ill conuuou ,,-iLh good renewsliip nnd the mutual help t\nlt membership :lI1'on[s.

A hl\l1(I"'1I y<.'nt~ ago, George "~ilIiams, n 20-nv,u'-oh! f;tOl'tl clerk in LoIIdon, 'Engl;ll;d, bad nn il\CII Ihut young fellows like him~J( nee-led fellowship nud a. 1'1:11:1' fijI' mutual 'pleusure IIlId growth. Tlo rented cue room, and willi five other young mrn, started what \\'11>; later to 1.M'l~1Il~ the YOUllg Men's Christinll.L\s.<;Of'iutioll.

The five Y.M.C.A.'s OIl the Rending Lines am ull IW1l!'ly 50 venrs 01<1 and nn' a defluitc part, of 1(),aOD lunncucs thn;lllglu)Ut, Hie world, with 1,400 in tim United Stutes and C:Illa(13.

The purpose ani! IH1J::r::UIl cf Ihe Y.i\I.C.A. is the Ilen·lopmellt or Ehristinn persounlity nll(l the building of a Clrristinu soelety. B,lI:h Assoe.ialiol1 or l111it is nutouomons in its orgnuizntion nnd opomlion :\11<1 is " P:'II't or tho sy"'· tom, the nntlcual HllIl intamatlounl 01'glllli7~'l.tiolJ. MClUben:hil' in one 1\s:-<ol<intion eonsututes nffilinted membership ill :111 A:;sI\f·iatiQI1."i.

The RCIIClilig C<>IIlP:lll)' owua nll of the Aaaoeiation buildings 011 the Rending Lines »nd pertlJit:!; tllri1' usa H!lIt free [01' Y.U.C .. A. purposes.

The management is c1elllOl·mtie in pr-inciple, with n Board of Directors of 1. or morr- l'l\.ilmull rncu srlrdl'!l from ::'1!1I0ng UIC mcrnhorship :11111 representing the vnrions dep:Jl'bm'llj'H, 'I'Ius Honr'il employs its own Guuernl Se<'rt'tary, who


Arthur L nme

with the help of various anb-eouuoitlI'I!S, OjlCirnte the Y,~1.C.A, Iucilities ami prcjrnun >l«(·ol'llillg: 10 the 11~cd;; (,If their respective territory nnd within the lilUit~ of tit('IT equiphlent ned Iiunuces.

Everv Y.M,C.A. is n definite nonprofit ~rgll11iz:ltion and has us it .. lmsis (If support :

1. E:lI'IW'\ income from survicos.

2 . .Memh(ll'i'hip Ices nud eouti-ibutions, 3. Cash ('Ontributiow; from the Rend-


111 :l(1<iitioll h) this the Re:Jtling Com· )lilny Jm.~ coutt-itiuted tile free USC\ of its Enginccring, LI'gal und Finnnciat Dupnruuents to 111I1Hll(~ the m~ny ~pe· einlixed nucl r"Ollll'lcx problems of operation and manngameut, of a Rnilrond Y,)f.C.A,

The bnsic ]JTilHlil)le of C\'CIT Y.i\'l.C.A.

I!'; to l'I'ml('1' service miller f:!i:JlI CUI'I! n proM, ;11101 R:1;i('on<l Y,iIf,Cj\.'~ WI:~'C org!IIl.i~,ecl t.o 1lI(1('t. the pceulim- l\(>I'ds. of milroad nmployus,

AllY railroad men enn justly fed proud of his nffiliation in a "world-wide fellowship of men and boys muted by ,'OltUllOII IO\'alty to JC;;UR Chrisl" to mnke this wo1'111 ,1 'beUOl' plnee [0 livo ;111d this milroud a better pluce to work,

T·l Loeomotlve (C()ltIi!lvl'd from PlIOc 3)


gdlla iUode! ;'A,," 30 poi lit, 10 pumpiII::!,' units (8 Iced) macbnuicnl Ilt[~l'i0nt\,"'s on rigjlt. side to lnluicate with 011, eylindors, -\';lln.'S, stoker, booster, liange oilers and ercsshead guides.

King ~rodel 31, 2-1 pint, S pllmpiug 11I1it.", IIlc<,Jmllil'alll1i)ri"atQTiS on Jeftside t;u lubricate w11h oil, ellgine t.rnck ]1[,,1(1 nnd P~dl)";L;lI~, dl:il'lng podcetnte, Irniler I'I'Ut,k p.."il'o;lill s rrnilcr truck r-adius lmr sent,

Each \\'('05tillgholl:iC air pump is equipped \\iui tl. King .l[o,lcl xo. 30 meehnnienl lubricator- nud the \\"Qrihingtoll

reed wntcr bearer is equipped

with a Nntlmu type mcclmuicul


* * * "What Is a l\1arine"

A Mnrtue is a fight, \1 thuudorcns night, A lKo-fist.e,] paralvzor, Ch:1l1111i(H1 of


lle's a 11In,li'lg,asprnl'lICllll,n.el\aIlClIgcr, timid,

.\ bullet, II t):lyonct., a kuif(!, :I grelUllle.

lte's stamina, sncrlfleed, II("s guts,

1111'S <111 onlcl' fillflilcd, lie's no "irs or 1m!:!;,"

He's :I 1'!lIII{m!\:lg'clt fox-hole, a hnrbed WU'(l fence,

TIc's a Sl'ulry 1111 wut.-h, hy the leathernecks" tents.

11 .. 's n hulf Imngry stouiuch, 11"11(111 rnLiens !lro.) loll',

And a lmif 1I11':11{e shuuber, lest "muster" should hlow,

Ito's n feverish thirst, when the lister

bag is shot, .

Aud I\. foul SIlwHilig body when the going gt-ts hot,

He's a figlitp.1' to tile Huish, :lIld "vietory or <tenth,"

A lid I\. dnugcrou.s foe to his n~lT last breath,

Wilen the hattie is over nnd the lH"'t Icc has nca,

He'R "RED, WUJT I~, II ND BLUli:,"

high overhead.

-Ant·hot' Unknown.

Contributed hy .Iosm-u .T, Ht;IXf:, U. S. i\lruinc Oorpe,

Nay!!l Air ShlHilll,

Lnla 0;1:,1·, Flnri(1n,

Approntiee .i\flWhillis!., i\IP&R.E.

Rending Railroad Magazine


0)« A t:OIIST 1, 1910, fhe Bureau or Hnilwnv Economies was establishcd . by the railways of the united States to make scicutiflc studies of problems of eonunon interest to the companies. It, set lip offices in the .liUIlscy Building- in ·Wa.':iliwgt_on, D. C., und tim initinl section to he offieered W:lS the Library, to which was entmsted the task o~ nssembl ing tile matcrint with which 10 work.

'l'IIi.'1 rnilwuy orgauixntion did not spring suddenly lito being hnt \l'n;, tile fruition of an nxperimautn I organlzal.icu that 1111(1 Iuruuu-ly w<lrk(~d \\'i\,\Ii11 II sllIn1101' sl'lwl't1.

.ln tho ycnr 1£105 tho

f:ll~illg u ennuunn under

took u common couuntuec of

railwnv prCl:li,lcnL" met. and cst~llI1i!;he<l what become known as the "SPCIIMT Bureau," headed by Samuel Bpcncer, President of t.he Southern Railway.

.llr. SPCllCCT brought L. G. l[c.Phf'l."on from a lectureship at Johns Hopkins Ilniveraity, Many T. Newcomb, rill econemist find Inwver, and J. C. Williams from the New ·Yorl.. Herald and set. up 11 small office over the Brndbnry Pinnc Store. Pennsylvania ""\ venue, Wa"hiuglou, D. C.

This bnrenn, with a small ulerienl force, begnn the a!Osembling of materinl from which studies were prepared, pamphlets issued, and fluallv n booklet entitled "F'oT the Railways," eontnlniug much vofnable informntion, WliS IlI'Cpnred. Mr. SPl'.nCCT was working wiUJ the umterinl thus collected up to tile lime CI~ his tragic death.

'J.'lli8 venture, while not overly sueCCSST111 in results, dill evince a pattern 1\"llir.1I the railway prcFii(lcnts thought

• b'"OOll, nnd 11.11 clIoIi was made to ostebli811 n similar institution on n pcrmnnent bnsis . .At fir-st this was 11ttemptcd lhrongh the .tulH!j'ic:m R,'1ilwny Associntiou which, however, was Interested only in wlmt pertained to operation of the milwnys. But lifter the !\far meeting of the American Rnilwnv Associntion in ]910, lilt' milwnv presidcuta sat as all interested body nnd set 01) nn orgnnlantlou to "stml.'· problems of eommou intel:l'St to Ihe railways." The Commit-

Reading Railroad Magazine

By R. H_ JOHNSTON, A. A. R. librarian

R.. B. Johnston

tee in Charge consisted of six railway presidents II.'> follows: ,V. C. Brown, Prru;i.dcnt ~CI\' York Central Lines (Clmlnnan); W. W. Fluley, President Southern Railway; Darius Miller, Presideut Chicago, Hnrlington und Quine.'" Railmad ; E. P. Ripley, President Atehi:;OD, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway; Daniel Willard, President Baltimore and Ohio Railroud ; B. L. Winebell, President St. Louis, & San Frnneiseo Railroad. Thnt is, two for UlC East, two fOT the South, and two fOI" tile west, A litUe inti-x the number Was reduced to t.lrrcc, one Jrcin each seetiou, aud t,llis eommittee called on M'r. M.:;Phcr;;OlI to set np the p(ir!;OIIIH~1 find their work in what \\"a~ to lie termed the Bureau o-e Railway Economics troll) A116'l1.~t 1, UllO. III ID34 the aruencan Railway Assoeiutiou, lhe Association of Railway Executives, the Railway Accounting Officers' Association, ilie Railw11.\" 'Prcasury OITit.:CI"S' .assoeleuon, the Burenn fOT the Safc Hnudliug- of Explosives, the Bnrenn of Railway Economics and other railroad organizations were combined to form the present Association of Amer. iean Railroads.

Mr_ M ... Pherson sought to bring- in his old assoeictes in the Spencer Bureau, but one had boon claimed bv the Delaware and Hudson and the other by tim

Southern Raih~I1Y_ However, a force of well-trained men W11S assembled, nnd under the lenrlership of Ole pre>e;lt Direetcr, Dr. Julina IT_ Pamlclee, the Bureau hns attained a world-wide repntatiou for integrity and scholarship. In iad, the Bureau car-ries all some of the work previously performed by the 111- tcrstate Conullcn:e Commission because of its extensive usc of photostating, a process used hy the Ut~mry Di.fJfl$t n little lnter- {luring a printers' str-ike ill October, 1010, with a clnim to priority.

But it is or thu Library we nre to ~Jlo11I" :It is tli11icult ill I!H5 to look bnelc to tllO suspicions nutcrtuincd in

]1)'10 of. Lhe II(lI1 But such \\·n~

tlle condition, it was deemed best

lhnt tho I.ibl"'1l"~' eiuphnsi.zed ns tile

gl1)\lI\d\\"Ol'li for scientific studies

proposed. Pmt this plnn was not

only to set up a complete lihmry 0111"selves but ulso to ascertain what other.librnries 1111(1 l1'lntine:: to lMWUY trnnsportation both as a mark towflId whleh we were to aim, but also to locate 1011- terial we eould net obtain but which we might IleCt.I to use.

Aecordingly, sitting iu an office ana waiting for offers to come in would 1I0t only be much more e. x pensive but also too time ecasumiug fOT these purposes. So out all the Toad the Lihmry 1'"1:111, visiting- other librurics 11n<1 recordillg tI,!'.]I· J'llilw!lr eoutents Sl.'nn:iJing out hook !:ItOJ"(~ and rare book dealers, lllllilltill~ Illwtioll rooms and individunl t101\!WtOl"S .';0 that the mpid growth of the Libmry from a more notlling to a colluetion of OY(~l' ,!OO,OOO iteJllS is the result or n friclldly eo-operation with liurtu-iuns, hook Ilcalcrs aud private seholurs, nll ruagnificcntly backed by uur omeer~ and our COlllmittee, of whom it is net illl'idioll$ to mention UJI\ tete Howard F.lliutt:J!,; OUl" chief friend and counsellor.

Witl, such eo-operation the Library has published lists of publications of '-3.l'iOU5 subjects, lcenting the various items as found in other libraries, UlUS !IIaki.ng it l"K)".-..;iblc for a stll(lcllt to "onduet his stlltl.'" nnywbcre, inllSlllm·h :loS ihrongh the iuler-lihrnry Ionn :Jrrnllg'('-

(Tvrn to pagc~)


Is \I()ijt-W~ll' )ll'l'iod or intense I1npl:lJlnillg, the ]l!"imc purpose to :lCi:omplii>h with sllI'cd tim 1'('eonvcrsion of production, !listl'ihut.ioll, tnmspod.:ltion, t"OmmuniclItiOI1;; und exo:!mnge [mill n wartime 10:l peacetime h'-'81".

'I'his jJlllIll\etl f'ffort of lhe Knlion !<Ilould not be rotorded by 11('e(II('ss nnd destructive (In'S Oil the AIII('rit-1l11 mitron;ls. ,,'.,. es milroll(IeJ'$ should renuun- 1)('rl'lI\tfir(>t·n;,.1.mltie$!lndfin'l~ (:lin 1)(' eurtalled lind ~lIemlly eliuuneted b.\· eons .. 1:lIItl)" n'JI1f'mJx..ring that fire;> nre aI'Cidenb and, IhnL in lhe last :ut(ll~.,.i", UK' prevention of ftres is mueh the SIWIC kind or prnbhnn :HI pre\'clltillg OIlI(,T nl:ddcl1t.~, suen es industrial, traffic, STude eros...;ing 01' those thnt ecr-ur in the heme.

ConN'rlling this prohlem it is ('.'1"('.11- ti,,1 thai nul' miuds be H,fJ'('"Ijl(ld rcgnrdillg lir(~ :IS both u f'ricnd 1111d foe of IIW1HlIl sf)Piety, HLlIIIIII1 SO~i('I;'y IIns 1)('('11 nldc.l, slu,lj:nill(·(l and pel')J()blllted 1),\ ol'ig'illnlnfltlll'ni clcmen+s siuoo thc dnwn o,l eronuon. 'indeed, tho 0:1 fon'~ or muttel' Il:ll'cf'ollstnnill'scl'\"'II manklnrl's, needs pl'ogl'f'Ssi\'cly lilnJl1ghuut the IIgC.i, (!Spo.,'inll~' when utili:;.('d hy Ille various races for upbuilding- uud not dcstruerire purposes, lhe~' hnve 11('('11 highly benefit-inl lind Iflr,;('ly resllOlI"ihlc for tllc development, of Cil'ili, .. 1tiOU,

or these !}5 basie r-hemieal l'iemellt", ("fllllStitu(,nt of nir, 1I"nU!r >IIltl cnrth, none arc IIK.re impmi:lIIt or of gn'llfcr scr-dee than Ihnt volnminons, gaseous, (')u;omil'al "ll'menl (oxygen), a eomponeut, purl of air. whieh ';1I])pOl't8 fl"SJlirntiOIl nnd '·llU,~ Ih(' eombustinn of ('nr!)oIlHtWUS


substuueo in Arc.

OXyg!!11 is W()~t, abumlnnt. cln-mi-

cnl etcmeut in (:rnsl(!rtlie enrth=-

it fOI'llIS 21 per 1'('nt nf LIm urmosphere, 89 per cent of wutor nud 50 per ('j'ut of m c ks, lind i;. t.lu' curdinul fril'ml ami savor- of nil [i\·ing' tiS$u(":< nml (,('lis. "'hen this basie 11gt'1lt. is oombilled with that non-nlelalic ehemienl known as curbon, which oeenrs freo in nature nnd which is l.ikI'\\-i.'I(! II l~nUllnl'llt ('OI~o;titDent. of li\'ing' ('1'11" 111111 I i~-nei.. it is :1 pri .. eless servant of JlTOi,,"n':IS through the uatnrnt de\'clopmcnt IIlltll'fTt • i-t or i:;uitjon and eorubustlon. In netion lind result, comilOsliul\ is the genernl process of Imrning or du'miclll Illler-:letion ilf fuels, ete., with OX:'gcll, usually OX~l,"('n in the air.

III order to obtniu combustion, intimata ('OUhlf,t lXlt,lI'cell ('!u'h 1111(1:11\ j'O!11- hUoS!:ihle mul jllflamllll1hlc !I1nticl' 11Ild is 'roqnired 1111(1 !).'(]Wl'i('II('(J lins UI'11"1' to illililltc

11{:('C:>IlIY Io l'ail!l! the 1.(·mpcmt,(ll'O nntil t.hu lgulkion point of HUl po.l'tiC11t:U· fuel 01' mnterinl ill 'l11(.'St.iO)) is 'renehed.

llmn!,'cr, ulllll~r r-crtnin eircUln5t;IU\'C~O;, combustion 111:1.\· be initialI'C] without; tI!I' applieatioll of I'xtt'rllnl li(,111 :I" ''''idl'IWI''t1 when eoat i~ stored in inl}!'C (Inmltiiil'S, without proper or ~llm"il'lIt venfiiatiun. SPOIlt."U1L'011S eomhustiou 1U1Iy and bns Of'cunei! due 10 loelliiT,cd slow oxidation, lobe ~1I1t of Ul1.:ltOlUirull·lertron f'IJ:\II~'l!S whieh withln itself ('\'l'llhml1~' rlll;;e;;: UII' t.cJllll('l~UUre 10 the i;.::nitiOIl poiut.

Thus fire fllIm('S. fricmJ or foc in :11'_ tinn, is tllt" l"'(':<uHallt II'mpornry eonlcs,


eence IIf oxygen mill oilicr d('ml'ul,_, eijher- sepnratcd or in \'uriou,; cueuhiunti,,"s nt proper temperature ccmpolling ignition nne! eomlmstinn,

Thu,,'>, fir" as a Ir-ieud does serve bolh life lind I'roperly mul lire ns a rOC' IIms nnd will eontillue TO harur humuus and d~'ro~' pnlll('rl.y,

On Reading Lines WI' 11('('(1 Ill<' !«'I'\'iNI of s-mnbusf.ive forces, lin'. 111'111 ull,l t'nl'.ll>Y everv (lay ill each year- in unlrt llm~ we mlly ('onlilllll' 10 j'liIl1'lillll lind i'l1'I'VI! 0111' patrons to the high(~~t nttuinable al'gl'CI', hnt let eaeh or Ull ill 11111)1"('r-intiun 01: !.li'lL ,-,olllhnstil'O.! I'O\\'{'I' kc'('p 0111' Il'il,md Ilro in its propel' 1'1:1';(', 1111- 11(\1' constnnt vision IIl1d eoun-ol ll~ 0111' cesnccnvc rcsponsibilibies requho.

'1'0 mnlutniu fire as n fl'i('lId is nut nil impossible task, hilt in nrder to do so WI! !'hQllld enref'ully rend nll lire pn-vcuriou bulletins and instructions ;l,~ ]10.<;1(,,1 nnd llll'ninllr tlmilifll izc ourselves wilh the ennses lind defc...!::;; thnt IJro.lu.'c fire IL'O; a foc Ilt nuwunted I'i:l<"f!i nnd rhus fire IIt-cili"IIU will be llilllinisil('ti 31111 redueed to :1 minimum when we ('reute within nnrs..>!I·1'S Il fire '''OIL'''('inus!l(~ or Imowk'tl~"C relative 10 its fri(,lIuly 111'1 pruloess lind destructivu mmiA"alinll!1 :'1$ ;111 uncontrolled foe,

During Fire Prevention Wf'l'k. October 7-1:'1, Ilud cadi week U1CI'Cllfh·r. ('011- si-Si.enUy maintain protection of Hooding Col!lplln~' proPCI'f:\- in preventing needless waste due to the .scourge of lire 11S II foe h)' cOml)I~·illg with the following rules of guidanee.

JI.[,IJX'r,\IX flitit'll I;;, IJlillnf'cs, \\'llh,III1WIl, 11('ut:illg,

"iV,ITl1H f'nruaecs, stoves, spark llI'n~t.

I'I'S, :1;;11 1'1111;;, r-tectrienl li:l7.nnls, gnsoIine kllltllilig', pnint ::.ior:!gl', oil storHgt', 101'(:111"5 lind \l'l\lding,

S'nll" l'HI'('II!><'; SIIIOJ..--illg_ b"'lliitJlinl! 11117.nrd ... , oil :111,[ waste lm7~1rtl~ h),_.k('t Im7.ani", overheated be:lIi_jI~, dust hnznrrls, spark nud eonl hazards, trash Il,;CtIlIlU_ laliun;.. dlimne,\' h."ll.'lTds, SI)llrk" from nUe!!, trespassers, 1111.<;.:1C(' <'<juiplIIl'ut and ,'."lrell'AA pr:h,tk-C>',

1~~:llJ:ltJlF.:II, fire preveufiuu is tli£' kl'~' (If IIl1' 1111.1' nud 1000k or till' njgilt in kL't'piug "''''11ft' what w(' ha\'(., ··hnlh lil'(' IInc! I'rupcriy_"

Reading Railroad Magazine

A wnmuu guest, J1o~S(!SSOl' oC nu (!)(!Utrill iron, ro-cutty npprom-hed the dl~l"k lit !~ I'hJrull·lphia betel.

"Huve you ;\C or DC current bere'" slu':lsketl

"I'll Bud cut.' snid

,·11'1"1., Itt n

* *

A .1lclhOo.Ii:;t ~cgl"o esbcrter- shouted:

"Come 1~1l jiuc de :.rIllY oh de LoIIlI!"

"I'se dOIH' jincd," replied nne or Lhe


"\VI1>l1"',1 you jiIIC~" asked til':: cxlrortor. "111 de Bnptis' ,·II'ch."

"-\\1iy, "hila," snid the exhorter, "you nin't ill the :lrlt1~-; yOU'!; ill de n:1\'Y."

* * *

All 1~llglislllll<11I 011 his visit: to

Amet-icn ~H\\' u slgn tlillt "00

sluwly; unu means you."

"By jove," said fill! Englishmuu, "how ,lid they kuuw I W:l,; here."

* *

Cpt: "Si ,', thoro is all ',ppii,:nnt here who S'I)"S III! used to ionko n living "lil'kiug his right arm ill a linn's mouth,"

Lil.lut.: '"lntcn..-;,iiJlg. \\"Iml;'\; his


Cp!.: "The.\· (':111 him Lefty."

'1'111' nohlust (lC all illOg"H is Lim hot dog , it Feeds tlHl haiti! that hit.e>; it.

* * *



"But how on em'!.h did YOII COllle to get 50 completely lutoxleatcdt" ns.ked the judge.

"I got ill had eompnny, Your Honor.

You see, there were four of us. I uad a bottle of whiskey-c-nnd the other three don't touch the stuff."

* * *

Lawyer : "What's (0 be dljferent nbout

nils wtus''

Mr, Heupecked : "I'm Ieuviug everything to my wife, providing she marries again within a yenr, I want someone to be sorry 1 died!"

* * *

Tlle lady ill. the upn rtmeut house win-

dow was pit.ying the poor man standing on the street corner. ITe was 'nidently too proud to beg openly, but every now nud then someone would walk up to him, whisper a few words, and give him a dollar or two. The lady smiled at him, und he smiled back, so she decided to do her share of charity. Taking a $"2.00 bill, she put it into au cu· velcpe with a eard beariug the words, "Tnke courage," and tossed it to him. A bright smile was her reword.

But not all of it. That cYcnwg her doorbell mng and there was her uequaiutnnee of. the street eoruer. "Here's your $4-0.00, me'm. 'Take Oeurege' won at 20 to L Would it bc too much to ask where you got the tip?"



Pa~n1:;"r: "How much you get for tickets 10 Philadelphia?"

AIle.IlI: '"One dollar aud Iifty-two celli •. " Passenger-: "'DOl" funny, al Pouodo .. en Ihey ,;ell 'elll for one dollar a",1 eight ,·"nl"."


Reading Railroad Magazine


WlT,r.IA:ltSI'OI:T, n Junia street of industry and disu-ihutiou in the United Stales, was Iirst. seWell ill 175G, ehnrtered ill 1806, ineorporuted as a Gil), in 1866.

Per umny YC,lTS it W(lS famous for its lumbcriug operations, umuy fortunes being millIe from 1110 surrounding forests. As lumbering activities grew, the tcwu grew, end from 1865 to 1870 it produced more sawed lumber than uny other cit.1' ill the United States. Bnt, unlike ether lumbering cuntcrs, it did not become u ghost city when tile timber stands WCI'C exhausted, but has SU1CC been tmnst'ormcd £rom a one-industry town to n oify of 100 dinmwicd lndnsIries, Gn~nier WllLf:mlsport hudng' U


population of 57,000 persons.

Of tjm nuury products maunfuctured here, u few /11'C untionnlly kunwu and promlueut ill international trade.

The! Avlutlnn Corporntiou, Lycoming Division, produce the! world-famous Lj-comiug- motor used extensively in aviation and automotive industries.

The Aviation Corporation, Spencer Heater- Division, manufacture one of the Iiuest and most effidcnt of household hc.'\ting equipment, and in the industrial field tbe E. Keeler Co. manufaeLure pcwor boilers to uwrt :111y condition.

The Dm:ling Valve Company is another futuous numo, mauui'actlll'ing just wnot the UIUllC implies. Valvcs of all description, together with the fire hydrant or fire plug so prominent ill many towns and cities thronghout the eourrtry, whiell has played tlO small -part ill the protection of our homes and industries.

The Wire Rope Division of thc "Bethlehem Steel Company, (onnerly the 'Viliiamsport \Vil·c Rope Company, is 1..-1l0Wll all over tile world for Lhe high quality sled cable produced, This plant is equipped to f'urnish steel cable fox every possible use, lind Juring the wnr- manuInctured a torpedo defense lief; which was used extensively in eouvcyiug munilions and troops to various war theaters,

The Sweet's Steel Company contribute

both to 0\11' COlll.cOli ing light s!,ec!l'(liJs, QUI' nnthrnnite and fields, also steel fence posts throughout the United States in connection with snow tenees uml highwny markers, together with reinforcing bars.

Cromur Company. Iumeus for its hardwood Drcmar flooring, have 1.'01)tributed Inr<.,"Cly to the beauty and Mill· fort of our homes, shipping extensively throughout the A mericns,

C. A. Reed Co1ll1':lny, rnunufnetrrrcrs o£paper novelties, furnish u large

tiou of tim pnper 1111]lkiIIS, doillics, cloths and plates used, hflVill£, a

wide disc-lbuuon.

Grit Publishing Compal1Y, home of 1'}1(I Grit, lhe la.rgest independent weekly nnwspaper in Amcrien, ci reulales more th.:1.11 batf a Illillion topics each week in oyer 16,000 small Iowus end \'i~"'P..S througbout tile United States, was founded in 1882, ,11111 has a subscription list including- subscribers from every eountrv in the world.

,"Yillinms]1ol't is also n railron.I center, the city proper being served hy both Reading Compauy :11\d Pennsylvania Railroad, with the Newberry Junction yards, where connection is mnde with the New York Central Railmud and tbe Erie Ratlread.

Reading Railroad Magazine

HE._-\DQU~\ltT~:I!S, A lUI V 1'&'\:"8.1'OflT.ITJON COllI'S, EUI1UI'I·;--Y-E DHY £01' tho 712th H,lilw:lY Op'~l'Htillg' Bnttnl.ion wns just <11101;1101" work dny. \Vith the eossntiou of hostil ltics, S1l1lpiil'l! or food, clothing and fuel were still in demnud up uhcnd. But t,hl' ganCI';11 tension was relaxed, cvorvone could look buck on ii, lun-d tnsk unx-h nenrcr unmpletion, and hope fm: nu early bont home.

Ifnadqunrtnrs Compnny continues to function us usual. Tht! nmuv mess hntls II\OJlg the road dispcu . ..;O 110t munls to cvor-hung-ry OT'", SU]ll'ly uud pointiun Hl"fl ktill OIl the jl)b

men of the train section d(!\,urtmCllt. "011- tinue to write tmiu orders nml clearnncesv etc.

Company "A," eoumuuulcd hy Cnl'tnin John U. Boston, 11;1.~ Iuuud plenty of. work to do. Tht' truck ;;CCtiOlL has its work clcm-lv mapped out for it. Men wnrlcing- on j·.he roadbeds nnd ill I.lle yru-ds cnu testify to the cn'ccnvcnoss of' ~,-\llica bombing.' But tile Y!lrd;; :lJ"C now I;nking on a more norma! look, and more [racks urn uvuilab!e fur storage :lnd j.ruusit truffle. F'irst Liuutenuut F!"HII('i~ O. Keens Hila his Lmck «rcws hnvc changed chaos into order.

"A" eoropany'" BI'i(lgc ned Building

Platoon is keeping up its end repine-

illg bombed-out structures bmeing

others. 'I'odny a few lI"eek" nttor tho - tlefe;tt of Gcrlll:tll\". tile roadbed is a r-rndit to auy 1'0;1(1 ~~;IY'I·II('r('.

Sineo tho lust. shot was (il·r·a the men oE C01npHllY "13" hn vn dispatched 3,O()4 locomotives 1111l\ givcn light running repuirs, to 3,1:{7. Heavy repairs showed 270 loecuiotlvas serviced. A totnl of' J30,947 em-s were inspected and glynn nuuuug repairs and urure thorough rcpair's wen, given to Siili unrs, III (:01\nl)r~tion with the stencilling of enrs find Illig-inc;; the unit turned out 'W--! engincs Hnd 11,255 (mrs.

Since y-g D~:moved 11 tut.a] of

MORE RECENT PROMOTIONS ~~;:~·~~;::;~;::~tiDg

___ ~ Battalion Since V-E Day

WI'I'I:lthUl}'l"UWUliUII~ ill

OUl" Scptember issue, em-

ployes atso moved up into impurlaut positions. AI(lol'g thorn c-ere \\'illi:lm E. Y,(~iIlCI', \"110 succeeded J. H. Silludle.'· IIH Clli('f Cieri. to ViccPresident in Chnrge of Operation nnd i\lilin{.cnauec; J. Hownrd 'i\Lil1el', Jr'.,

replacing" RU!;"l'l" S. Wn~'l1C Chid

GI"I'k to Vicc-Pre,;itlEllt in 01'

'1'1':llI1c, nnd L,~~l('r C. Bosler, SIIC-

coedin£" ?oJ,.. ,\1 iller :1;; Cilipl' Ckl'k UtI!

Gencrut ·t:·reighL Tndlic U:lllagnr.

1[1'. 7.elnp!" stnrto.r wit.h the Cowpany !IS u clerk in the GGl\{~I';d Cinilll DupurtAl'l'il 1, ]!EG, nud \\";l~ [.1'~11.~tu the Yice-Prusidonr's ollice the

B()~kl" tlie: Compnuy's

aervice II~ n.I1 ill the General

Freight Department on October 17, 1930, und was mUllu(1 clerk ill November,

J.!J:U. III 1\1)1"11,1938, Ill' Fj"j~iglJt

'l't'affie Hoprcscutntive, WlIS 111)-

pointed Chief Clerk to the Division l"rt!ight Ag{!ut in M,m·h, 11)-l:.1, where he renmiucd until his recent nppoint-



S!l)JI[!)'Cfl u'. Otl81I(1;;itif)ns poillhncnt. to S(')d.('mher J.

,'lr. Millur's sarvlcc Wit)1 tho Cnmpuuy

~jll.d{,tl Oil 1, 1D24, ,,~ ;1 steuog-

t';lpill'.r ill Room or the Fn'ig:ltt.

1'n.lflk DCI'<lrlruent, and ill JlIly, 192i, Will; named Freight 'l'mfflc Jjepcoseut»tivc. In ,\pl"ii, '!inS, lie became Chief Clerk to rho A~~i~t.al1t. Prcight '\'rnnl r · i\!UII:lger, uud ill ~on'llIhrl', l!)'j.'~, Chief Dlork to the fh-ncrul Freight Tram.., }.[uuugcr, which position IlC held until his recent ])1"011101:i(")11

Lester C. Bosler, Jr.

Reading Railroad Magazine

the division with :I gl'O';''i tonnnge oC 1,271,102.

"Be Generous in Vidory-Give to 'he United War Chest 1946 Vidory Campaign!"


The Telephone-Your Business Parmer

(Conlihtltd from pogt: 4)

where you have gone, nnd when you will return.

7. \YllE.."~:\·ER You LEAn:

See Ulat it i:! the rcsponsibiluy of some partienlar person to answer- your tcleplioneprolllptly.

S. wunx YOt: ;\1.-\,,£ A G.\I.I.

Get thu numbru- ~·olll'l>(!lr. it possible, Jf you :lI'C not uhlloluC4'ly sure or n l1UUIlie,', look ill till! Ilil1.'l:lor;L 'Yroug" numbers mean wa:t...'t\ 1'1l.1l,,; (IILt1 tiruc. Don't ask Inrorumtion for umubcrs that nre Iisted in the dirN;tury. l1emcmiwr your private bnuu.:h ('XclUlllgC i.'j n passngcWHy lIl1'Ollgo!1 which all tolcphoue culls must, jl:lSH, Let yOI11' opcm,tOl' he r'reo to luuidlu ill'lI(ld.ant. jlLt'OIuitl!;" coils. Whellc\'cr possible, umke your <:11[]!1 durjug: the "off peuk" hours-11:oo !looll to 2 :00 p.m., 5 :00 p.m. W 7 ;00 p.m., and 9;00 p.m. t.l'l 9:00 e.m.

0, '\\"IJ~;X YOu PLAOE A CAI.I, \Vl'I'1.l TlU: Op~:n'~T0It

StllY OIL the line until !.he pCl'S01l enlled IInsw('I'S or unW you ref'ci\'" n report, It is discourteous not to be readv to talk 10 your party when lIe ('Ome;; k, the telephone. I L creates 1\ poor imIH"CSsioll,

]0. BE Coumsous IN AI,I. Yuun 'l'.;u;PHOSE CoNTM,,'TS

Don't interrupt. non't 1U"g1\t', Don't be impnfir-nt. Listen atk-uti\"ch' !II) that ihe eostcmee will !lot have to n!-I~t, ,\(,t :IS though you were I:;llking to him fne ..

10 face. Put yourself ill hia pluee and get his viewpoint. Show your interest by your- toile of voice us well as bv what you say, Don't forget thnt \,'h(,,11 \'ou're tnlk.illg' on the telephone, your voice is YOU, :lJ1{1 YOU represent the Reading Company.

If you lire alert, you w-ill find t1ere are a slIrJJrising number of occasions wheu you eau give eustomers service hv telcphone which UI(::Y hnve hoped £0;, but did not expect, and if you lire consumtly Oil UIC lookout for them, you will


find innumerable opportunities [Ilrthe.l' to improve our service.

The art of gelting good n'l-illits by telcpboue-emakiug pleasing impresslous, meriting !:,"OOu will, imving people J ike to telephoun you is largely n mutter or dealing with others as you would huve them deal with von. "Phone a~ YOU

would be phoned to.;' •

Sometimes when von answer- nnother person's telc})iJuI1C, -it will he desirable to find out who is culling-i[ he docs not iUl'IlLify himself', the UI!!>-t WII,'- III 110 this without appearing inqnisitive, 111\'\ to make it clear thut the infortuutinn is for tile other person, is to ask II quesuou Iike thesn:

"May T tell him who is falling (01' 11'\10 called), pleascf"

pI;'~':!;~~\;' I take n IlLe~"nge 1'111' IIIILl,

""'ould )"011 like to IU1\'e hilll cull yon!"

1'his method indicates your willingness to be uf ser-vice to the onller,

III ern- (HI"n Company, it i~ c~LilUntcd 2:),000 telephone convr,l'Sltli"l1~ nrc 1IIIId(' {l:lil~', 'rJlC!SC COIL\'eI~ati{1Il" nrc with OUI' eustomera, our Iellow-employes, nnd others, The tnnnnur ill which thcv urn handfed plays a ,'ital part in m:,killg' mends for both tue Heluling CQlIll'uny and ourselves,

Our tdCI)holLe fnciliti('s nre hunlellcll with the greatest numbe.r or calls in history, Toous.'lnds or these calls :\I'C ,-it-'ll to the war effort IIlId, like eonroys, these enlls must have the :right or way,

Tile ROllding Company's privute Idephone sy,"h'lI1 consists or 1,;:10(1 'milk miles, opru:nting in eonjunetiou with tJH~ following private brunch exchanges:

Bethlehem Freight Station

Harrisburg Station

Lebanon PrciglLt Station l'hiladclphia-Rc'ndiug'renllinnJ I'lliladcdphin-Willow :111\1 ~ol110 Streets

Pl'lOight Station

1'ltibdeJphin-Pmt Ridlllloml 'l'erminnl Port Kt':ldillg Tertuinnl

lI('1uling ?lbin Station

St. Clajr-A~L 'l'rllillllLlI!lo1cr's Offi(!e Tnnmqua Di!5pat,'hcr'" Officn

'l'ronton Fl'cigl!t. Shition.

During the yell l' 1944, the. telephone ~'xpen!'ie paid by the lli;atling CoIllPUUY involved the rollo\\ing:

Telephone Reutala. _'."., $-19,780

TeleplJOllc Toll Clmrgcs., 40205

Federal Taxe;; . 12,Gfil

Total Expense '


Success by telephone depends on thoughti'lli effort nud illtdligeut cbservuuee of eortain fUIl(L11111!l1tai principles. ] r cbserverl, the simple requircmeuta of: good tclephoue technique will illdil;ntc, :IS mall)' othnrs hnve Inuud, that "OIU' tdephonc call become 1II01'C truly u partncr, 'fILe net result tlepeutb entlre!v upon the degree of eo-operation ronheoming from each employe iu his reiation wit.1I other L~uploycs :lL1J who serves tile public by telephone in ticket, fl'('ig'ht, iuluruudiou, and telephone ;<wiichbo:lrtlO'ltlccs,


(Cou/illll,cd from l}{lQI!I 7)

11115 b'~('I' b," exposure to the £'IIOI'1Il0l1SIII'S;; of tho Drdunuee Dcpnrlmcnt's wartime job ever since he first JK'g:\1I servicc Ilt Aberdeen Proving Ground in 1!).,I0, is nffccted II." the endless stream

~:~l{'~:~I~:'~~~II~::,d~,,\~,l::ltki~ ~::~~~:: t~:~~

tmildiug," IIC sn,vs, "lind looking at nil this stuff is like Iliplling the pages of the higgL'Sf.. mnil-order eutalcguc you 1'1111 put your h,l.nd." Oil, ~o maucr bow tunny timei you do it, you alwa.ni find solllething yon didn'r sec. before."

AmI it'>! mIS~' [0 beli('\'c, \\'JII~IL you l'c'ulir.c thnt 11arts for nrdnanee items nlcnc run to the siag","'Cling totnl of 530,000, :uttl r;lngt! fTOlU /1 90 111m, gull weighing 19,000 pouuds, 10 Sprillg$ so till)' lImi dczeus of them al"C kept ill a slILull phial.

M(lre Limn $10,000,000 worth of nutterin) i~ l'('"laifl(Nl each month at Cn.>;;'Wl1a,

All Reading Company Employes and Their Fr,end!L Philadelphia Area

-Aro Invited 10 a~


Friday Evening. Oeteber 26, 1941) AI OIU Spring Garden Y.M,C.A, Spring- Garden Station

8:00 to 11:00 P.M,

Gamet will be played

Prizes will be given -as weu as_

Dmdnq 10 the IUne of Gus Schwarz's Orebestra




Reading Railroad Mogoitine

Thgma~ J. Burke, S 2.lc. Iur- Alvin W. Shenk, MOm! 3/r.. Thomas C. Kinlz, WT lIe, for- Alexander P. Sadevey, F Ue. loughed cheeker. Noble Street, roruler warehou~ell1an at Man· mer fireman, Reading Oh·i!tion.

now in training.. Newport, R. I. helm, Pa .. now is training Oil

Linle Creek, Va .


S~l. Frank Melones, nOw in Ger· Sgt. Wm. H. As<;henhranil, furloughed

nlllU)" former hrnkenuur. Reading brakeman from Erie Avenue, IlOW

j);";5;01l. furlougbed hy Army Lo U. P. R. R.,

al Norlh 1'laue, Nebr.

Sgt. John J.Clo,l, formerly oft"e Police D0111., Philadelphja, reo cen"ly rclllrllt),l from EtlrOpeall


T/SgL. James A . .Anderson, now in Germany, furlouJ!bed from Aud. of Revenue office, and his nine-menth-cld 60n, Rebert James, whom

he hils never seen. .

Reading Railroad Magazine



Company Briefs

S HAM 0 KIN el'\. Aug!l~t L. D I V I S ION Hill],', .Jr., fur-

R. T. Walburn, Corres.. :~'~hN~t:'~' \':~

'x,·w\.M:rry det, -eeeouy. while on furluuglL CI'I. Uill!\! has just ,1'1:11111('01 (torn o ... !,.-SI~lii, \\'hN'ti he !\I:tVcU ill l-)nglamJ, _J:'nmoo lind GCI'l1ll1IlY.

ilfr. Ilm1·lIlrll. wane J[C~h~IlHtcr nn,] duughtcr, .1l':111, spent 11. '1\(:lIt,0I1 ;11 Atlaurie. City, N. J. ArrivillJr home thc~' were :Lr,·ullll"'"il.~1 h~' .\liss I\I'Uy Iloclllllntter "",] i'.li!l:!.Je:;nllufIumtl,IurmcrrcRid(,,,t tlf :\Iah:lll"~' Cit,\", Both 11".'5(t .ruling i,,<ii!9 nrc now cmV1oycu. us .PlllU!cngcr Brukemanell~ fur Ihe Jt.o:tding CUIIII):u'Y. wurking outofl'hiladcl"hia.

lit. IUlIl !In!.. J!lml'll B. Jlnnl!)n, :;U Lnfuyette t'trCCI, 1'lIl1HUI"", u1.'lICrn.'d their ~.jlh WI'\ldiug' allui,'cr!!ar.", Tlwy Imvtl two .\augl.ih:nl, )Jury ElIen ami ~'rlOll<:l,'lJ ',['h._" H'SlI, .llr, llaulQU 13. u ~lJa",..,kill Dh'ision ellgin{'m"n,

lir. 1', W. CURl!" ·U (Ir~nwoud Street, Ttlltll1qll:i, resigned hi~ poeiticu a~ ",utd! itl8jJ(~';tur vn the ~1J"lIlokill JJil'ision, Sill' tCIIlI)Cr 1, 1 ~),l;), ufter ~:? yC'lni or IICrvice with the Re-.I<liug CUlnp:ln~·. Born af SI,ring JliII, Pa .. ~fr, {"Imp worked on :l (ann in hi,. youth, lnn-r takillg' nIl the jewelry husineas and UJlC111tillg' II shop III ~rUlI<"~', 1'11., i,efure act'{'pting u positioll with u.u ('tlmpnn ....

l.lr. un,1 ~Irs. H.'tlpll Wlilburn, Yr. nud 1r.11'll. Willi,,,,, fo.'neolt1un, ; .... 1 !fUn 'Thecdure, H'lum"d tc T"mlltl":l. 11[1,,1' ~l"'lltlinJ; th"ir \',,,,ntiVI1 !It \\'iI\!lI'o\>\l, Atl'1Tl\11l Cit;y nnd Ulll") 1Il:1.\·, N .. T.

:\(1'. :lnd J\lrs. C. E. Blngnnmn ('''joyed Il \~I~<1tiOiI ar O"en,n City, ~ .. 1., RCCOIll' louni( .. , b~' lIT. :lIld 1111!.. .rohn J(e.:.:.e.

('pI, ,111,1 Mrs. .I111.lor Z(,hn('T, :ItS IIn1.('1 Strcot, ohs.'rn:!d Un'il" 1I'~ond wed diH~:1I1";\'Cr.;;.ry',!i<·lltcml>cr t, 1!1·15. Mrs. Z"hn.~r is the former t',nher;,lll Herrin:!. liT. ?ei'ner, furloughed crew ~nlJer, hns I"~II s,,,tionl't.! in tltt' &Iutl. P"cific fur the IJ;UltJ!1 mouths.

:'Ill', nud :'Itt,~. Clurt-nce 'Plnlev 1I11l1 Il:<lIt.:litcl', ,kan, left HI'l'tclnl"~I' '1 fur Os-enn City, 1\. ,I'., "'heru they will 811('",1 n j.we-wcck veeattou.

:nr. IIud lIT!!. D::"'id W. Powell I'(!turuC',\ frum a \"l"o!it wif,h t.heir son-tu-luw :11)(1 dall,L!hl!'T. Mr. urul ~rl'S, 'Pheoduru J)ll"i~, of weldon Spriugs, lfo.



Sillllal ecustrucuen , .. ug, We.>I Millon.

C. T. Bishop, COrtes.

Cl+n~nHu"'tiulI" ,,1101 !H'~~ wishes nt',· .. xt"u\I"fllullll' renewiug ujlUn l"l'iT ru-


1'. _\. Lucente, {lener.ll .\e<"Oonl:u.t

.1. A. ('llrbarl1~, !:i':ttisli<-i,,,, Walt{'I'Pull'll", '\~l!-iH!.:lUI Geuerul Book-


Paul Kuntz, .. \iI!!],;tunl ~1"tistl<'I,m \\·i1l;1I.111 BroWlI, 8ul'",n'jsllr of In.;Ol1r:u,,:j' lInn." Ornlwn, 1':tX A~('nt

Kny Leonard I"C]Jorts thnt in kl,'('pjng" witlt tlte "~IH,t1 I't'I"ll)l'\~ ~,~ Ynnll"y, 1111' uu-squitoes 11",',' 'HI.~Ull"',j nlU~t!).lvn prcpurtioD.!! nnd muititudiuuuiI qunntlt.k-a nml in onler lo ,",'CI Y(ll1r"uu;a<!r" uae urusa wcek the plunger of the modern ~pr;.y·gun wilh the jHJw\·tuf" IIt·!'t·uh ....

Ph'.n'r l!i~"lol< nt" ~I.ill hdug opemn-d ill many '·Olllllluuiti.'!! aluu!-i the n"'nwarl' River IH'Jow Tr1'llton. whieh "nl~' pn) .. '~ that uw \,101 Iudlan I'USIUlll lingers on "n<1 that the 1II"1II0r.'· of Minnie ll,t! 11:1: ro>ib'TI~ ;n th~ 1I1vd(·~t huu",~IJ+Jats al1d <,:1111101 I""·g.,~,

\\"illi'liu F.. pl1·i ...... , 1/1: he-tnun, paid the girhl ,m,1 buys a Inief "i",it one S"h.r· d,,~' ulutning 1'Ill'iy. l"n.\er pressure ·<Bar· nude Bill" ts !!iill tho ''']lInill of thell1 all -« bi~ grin 1In.1 ha.)<lsh"ke for the lj(l~'11 awl thnt kitHII,\" twinkle nnd a I'rcHsiuj; :lu.l :I UlO!:!L hC:lrly J! ..... ·ting for thc '·gnls." We hoI'" "Hill" ean IIUOn he \',11:1 with U~ Il(;rlu'ln('ntl~·.

('un.I.I' (:,,11>1":: irllm ··&;I.tul'ic," frolll PJ:wt.('r :\ml l)CW'lll, fronl GilIH:rt, nnd fri(>",IPull:'I';yCS,j""I!ltllll·"I'I.\'f"·"I'.'·')l"~ fl'OlU ,11'8"ie, "h,'111 H:luinai i\ra("k"u7.i(!·~. too. Willi 5W()C't but the kind thnt ('>1I11e frunl Un." &"lll Bill w:os rc:(ll_" h"T'1 10 11Cl't. lIt! nmn.'· lklnk~ 10 i."'r-ry·(Ine. "'I,,~' the CU5\nrU I:lij( Jut1l'h In"l:l'r, thl' 'lU:Hltit~· e"<'" ill"I'(':I~\' IIn<1 tho LaslC gr,>\\" ~(r,,"g' nml stronger.

OFFICE AUDITOR of '1"\1'0 "('I'Y 1"-'1'1Ih01

DISBURSEMENTS llit'l1i1ft'I'S 01' the

Re-ba B. B4<1Iis. ConH_ ~r:;I~) ;."n:~,::~

t':'(JloJ!; ,m,1 Tholl1ul!. J, Gihlin. were uniU'l1 in 11"'lTillJ.,"t! ill $L llnnl .. ,\~' C:otholic L'hur\'h. C"nl'hul1<,d,cu, 011 H:dllTlhl~' morn· ill~, S"p1,'ml,;:r :!:!, .l!W:;. )iupti:11 l\f!ll;8 Will! ,·"II'I>r:<I\ .. 1 :.1 10 o'I·I,),'k in the IUUrli' in~, r .. lIow ... 1 by :l \\" ..... 1<Iini:' br""I;:fusl, ,11111 :It i "'\'l,,lI'k in Ihe \'n~nilll; II rec'r-ptiOIl was IlI'IoI in K of C II"n, ('''lIsliohu\'k.m, nf'tcr \\"10;,·11 lIn' N'u]11f' I"fl, 1'vr 11 \tUlll·.l'lU(I<,I\ l<> C:II""I", 't'I,,' ",('d,ling' I'"r'ly ,'"n~iHi,(',l "~ \11(! maid uf hOllur, [\Iil$ll Kiu.,· Glbliu, "isu'r tiC IiiI' ~rr""llI, an.1 twc bri.le:l.llItlitls, ;m,1 tho,! best nmn, lli.ll!hilllllllU .lolln O'Jiarll, now of C~lwnhia Loin·mil .... ltest wi"h, ... fur 11 Ivng nnd hlll'l'," "Blrri",1 life.

\\',,]t<,r S. Hil,I!IIS. a g-<'lIi,,1 m"",lu'l of II ... :\ of D SUl'C1Tiij<,ry [\In'". i;J bllck on 'hI' job IIfter:l11 iUU\':>S whlrh ~"'ge\1 " ~horl litny in the Hc:"ling llt1~llit:11.

'i'lli' fvUuwing' i"'nl UI'I)(';lr,'<.I ill the lir''';ll.'l lJHlldi", .\ub'1J~t JS, l!1~::i, 1I11d is "~'I ",,, 1""" r,! I' I.ll')~() \Y II" Ii i,j II i' ~ ~I'" 11, : ,·t:''1'taiu Alviu R Jtru-rts, tJ8 &llIrord R.~"I, L'I'l"'r nat1,~·, Ii.a,.; be ... n uwnede! Il.e 1"i1",r 1'1:0' for cnlln~' :I1HI "W_~h'e- 1Il,'IIII in If'luliug his 111(:11 ill uumercus attueks on I'llem,r If,,~iti\/II~ durin~ n I<Jllr· dar 1~ltth' fill' XCIlI1l'()'kl, U"tllmu.,'. Unl" luillH:'rrill la ncwut l'-urtl)ix.

l'lIpl,,;n J):,,';,j li. 1><'<1:1., sen o[ '-'ihon L 1'\'Ck, h1Ul II(.'I'n Ilnhle for II short fur",ugh. (:''1,h'lin P,ock i~ , .. ith llne.\rlhur't; IJI"n~iu" Furces.

'I'llclll:III.rfl"it"lltls"r.turllll'I·'['ilJl.;Jn· ~\,,<""I"l' .ruhu 'I •• · Cul"tH!1O "xll!",1 COllgr:IIIl' l"tiulIH und IM ... t w"'h~.." (ur :1 lIuct<'II1Iful :l11f1 l,al'l'~' rebtiollshil' in his III'\\" fi('1d "r \Iut~· Will, till! Y,'tl'mll.!!'llnrc:UI, Mr, Col ... 1111\11 wail preseun-d willi II r-w KlIilllhlc ;!irL:< fr"l1l his f!'llv\\"·wu"k"l"iI UI,uJI hili departure.

Reading Railroad Magazine

FREIGHT TRAFFIC \'11;1701:S: Sgt. DEPARTMENT t'h:trl('I! J. Burn!!,

JDt.n W. Golly, Corru. ~\'~'B ~::l' i\brinl~~~


eivlea any day.

Y ::/'" \,'illian' t:. Ui<'ter, ",ho has d'r' tainl.l't1lUl.dI"n('<1 UIJinllw'Nll'T,wanl.sus to know his family i~ well. nm ts Cl'g!:'r Jur 11(:\\,8 (It' ""1' <Il!'Til'l"IJC,iI.

T/i; A. G"rultl Eells eallw ill to hear or our ,1"I",rll1Wntal l'lnm:';l'li din'("l frou, the 11()~'s 110,1 girh;.. .J!'rr~· ls "t:.tj"nNl in l'hih(tie1l,hin wilh t.hc ;\lcil.i,·:t1 Corps un,1 is IHlI·k ill ttne 10001I1th.

l-fc. TIlf)n>"~ J. Jo'itzpall"i,·].;. "I' tlH' 8th ,\ir Ft>n·c. just, T"WTlW.J froll' :!l In.mlh,' l!('nit"l, iu BnJ!I:ul!l. ami i~ hOllw ",,:::0 dOl)'!>' leave. He , .. ;k",1 :t1'IJut !'jud,.". lOIn'!!, \\"1'11<-, Zif'g"ll:r and " l<t>~t, of otl"'1"1> wliu :!I'C ~till ill the ~'·1"\"i,",·. '.1'"", lookod so 11"1'11 amI Sll"(lII~ unu We Imrdl_,- rt~·o;:!· nil!:I,.1 the ':In all,1 Ihin hoy who tert us three ),C:ITlllI,gO. "\t lln- "oHll'h'riun of hi" lcuve Torn "'ill go to Of'{!rg;:\.

.1//lil j:nll-:":igl. "u~I'llh I', (:'1\'''1,;''''''1 ;",h,ll1'ltl,.·,1 hi!! thinl \\"e,].tiu!!" :Llllli,·,·r~"r.". Ilis wifc lind h,~ h:I"'~ II sou, .lollO:"h i' .. HI now one venr 01<1, whom .roe 1m!' never S('Cn. A,ldrcsg-J::CJ\lIl:~i[,--(;·::; ~':e.. 11;)11, Inr. Inv., AP() 201J, "';0 l'_"\t., N<:w York,

N. L

T/S:::!. Fr:mk T~. 8t;lIliJ, wriling front T"lris, Prsus-e, sends his best rl'g:u'(]l; to ,,11 lit the offie ... , '1ntl ill e:lg.'rl ..... Illokin~ forward 10 the lin~' ,d",m 1t(J will be "';11, ,..,;.

\\·oJ·,1 has 10("'11 r<'cei ... >tl that Lt. C .. I.

James C. Beene i.s ccuenlceehig "flcr 1,," ing in n h()Sjli!:I1. .\1\ hen' wish I,il" a !1pN'<1~' and ecmplotc recovery.

('hl,l"i{'~ \Y. (1(11'1'<1;111 h"," Ih'('!l 1"'<111<1>1,·,] to 1.'0111:111 thi",1 d:ls.~. Il'e uve ]!l'oLl<l of )'OU, ('h:lrlk. l\,ldr('S.~-.H'OHX :!!i, ('/" Fleo.'l,p(»;lum."t'.S:lIIi-'r.lIltilU·O,t'"lif.

[>,.t. ,Iulm Hn-Inmuun wrttes 1IiI Jlil; "'ifl', Olil"!, I':I~ surpr-leed him :111(1 is '~I'('ll'lillg some \ inu dnwn Snuth 111'111' lli~ ",,,,,1' .. r.)hn *1)·;; rllc hosJljbli~' of the po.>opill in M.:ll"<lll, (:;1., I,. wurth wriling 110lHl' uooul. H., wigll(~ III 1)(· r"n1t'JIlio.·n_'11 101111. (:uu.llu,·kt"",,,ll,.Juhu, AII,ln";'s-J-:)j;j:ri:J;!. Go. 0., ~lnI n», 01<1l1jl IVI"'<ticl', Ga.

'ere. Bar! G. GroiO('k has hOI""" of grt· ling to Pari!!, wtu-re he will try' to 10' ente Oll,.-.r Ue:uling COlUl':my SI.'n-i'·l'nt"n. l\'hillll'Y i~ nt. pr('lIent ill Furth, U(·'·I1I:1I1.I-, IInil ueu.Is llis wnnuest !;:"n:e~illi!~.

'/Sgt. \\'illi[lIu .J. 1I"iser was :Ltk_1HI· ;ng" :I USO ~holt- on Luwu, P. 1 .. ~t"rring K:I~' Kylil'r und an clllert:linm('nt teccpc \l'lll'n Ihe WIl1"'5 ('uri with .T"I'nu WII~ rcn'.iw',l. Bill 1m" (,,,tHI'II'led 4-Jh yeflr~' 51·r,,· i ...... \\"itll illi' "m,,\'. lTi~ ~in"':'I'l' wishes (lI-C grnll'fully :l('1ulo\\'h~lg{'<1 b)' his (l'11ow· wnrk.,r;<t.. Vhoto!! of his: son, now three lllCll1lh~ n101, ""n! him I,y I,i~ wif(', n~llly "':loi,' !.~i1i \""'1 1'1"<\\1,1.

Readirlg Railroad Magaz;rle

pre. JuLIO O'Keefe, son tlf .Jolm P.

O'KC('"_fl', who hilS hecn stntlened in Iraly, "",I the ol'l,u,·lUnit.,·. while on Jil'~ d~l~'~' 11':11"<', In vieii, HwIJlI'. A Ju.v .y(':HH :og", wloilr CH\,:r'"i': Hil"ily, their ship wali slrlH:k hy l'nl'lU~' Ii~". :lIld .Iulln ",nl! fortunruc to II.:.",,' l>l:f''' ill lit" rif:ht ]>1:l<"e, I_his new!'! !tHI'iug- jusl te-en r"II'lISt"j by "CIl>:l<lr to UH'ir "<Jnting-r'nl.

New Addl'c~~: '1'/:") CI.lihel·iull Mel""'llna-.\·::J!)S.~,. "'GG Dd. ]SS:l SOU, n..':IUIUOUI Gt·Iu.,t:t1 Ifuspil;ll, £1 Puso, 'rcsns.

![O~II~ Nt;\\';.:---(:umpleling csaeuv ;;2 yC"I'1I wi\,', t.11<~ Heading R:1ilrO:I,I, 1!i;IIWOIi Olis :,I\mlf"t<1 n'lj,-e,1 nil ,-\US-llst ::.1. Priur III ~l"ning "'itl, n." I", had IICl'H :l!l$)<::iate<J wilh the .\.R. &- A. li.R, :II ,']{"con, Ga., ,,",1 nito~elh,,~ has bud 50 yen~s' rnilrcndiug'. U<'lat,ing- llia expc,-i\;lll"i'S, hn erutce I,,: I< I~ vcr 1''''::lI1~ IJ(lillg 0 1I L !J f wu rk Ion g(~ I' than rh ... ~) d".,·s. !luring \\"url,1 War JI. lIr. Swafford 1'n.'>1iil(. ... 1 :It 1111 going·aw:IY und !"rift preseumfions to our sen'ilTmcn. .\" l,nrn~1 rl.'~trj(';ti"ns "rll .tifr.,·", Ill! :11111 :'0 r I'~. f:I"'llll'i, '-II h: I I'U 1,111 liS te, S'~I' til!' gl'I': I I Unit",t I-I.I:\U'" on ,·"nons trip~ ani) tour!!. Fril'lUi~ of :'otr. :-"",tror,l, through Joscpls .\. l"jsller, YiC'(·"Prcsi,lent. presented him wilh n l:x::.tuliful tr.n·eliug bug. Everyone ".-i~I,,:l'i tile ~\t""Il\,,'(I~ "OllliIlt,,!d !J(",lth nu-t HVI' \''':>''1:"11.

we extend our ainccre s;."llll'at.hr to ".1: ... 1;;;,," J(011.<,11 on the d~"Hh of her mother.

1'''''I!litlJiiIlO-l!C'lCI1K'':l.t'J11ekgl'''J!tfl ,I .. n;,:l,tful 1I'1:l'\: nl CHI"~ ;\Ta~', .N .• r. FraJik :U. 8uyllcr nnd wira ",('ro::,.,t their eott .. lgo in the !:''''''OIJOS rn .. 1Ir :'l:l~·lorsl'url:". T~>o GOll' "':1111 aml r.1I"lt)'51~1lI ,I "IlQ' reslful time nt (Iccau C a tc, N . .I .. John P. O'K(.'efc

C. L. Killian, fon~lIInn, W<:~I Millon Enginc Ho,,~e.

was nt. Atlantle Cil~'. Thomas)f. Brown Tf'turn(!(l :from n lrumler(ul stay in the l'()(.:OUOIi. \\'i11ium J, Sparks is t:mnlli! ["0.)1<1 a 1,1\"0 1I"1',!k~' AI,IlY nl. .':i1.Ql1() Hurbnr, .:oI.,r. Sumucl Z. 1:'ri,>,llin lI"i11 he ;,wny, :'11,1 perhaps h" ,,·ill he luck~' :It the nle~;s.

AllllOinfm.·"' . ........c. C. Goodwin, A, to P,T . .!I., sllcu.!Cdiug S. O. SIl1\Jrnrd, retirc,!. .\. H. SjJlml"', Chi('"f: Cli!~k, tn E, J .. )_):I~h, AI~tillg ,\.G.T.A, GC<lI'b't o. Atl\,lf, Clii,'f GI<!~k, to W. 'I. Potts, l}.~' .• \. Jlcnr.'· ,I. 11:1\'15. t'hi,,[ Ctcrk. 10 JI .. ",.r,1 Alhrighl, Fereigu 'Freight, Ag...'lIL Dorothy It lluhus, ~1.CJlogr.,]Jh\JI·, !.U Jlim·." H. Light" O,I:'.T.il1., SUCf. e ,!I:ling" PhyUi~ l"ul,ur.,·, rc~i!;I)(."1. .h:lhm .J. F.i!ICHl:Ln, ~t"nogrni'hcr, to W. M. Pothl., D.F.A., :mulL .\. J. Kenn.,.\·, Ading D.P.A. l\largaret R. Nell:m,I', ch-ek iu 1'n~jlf I~lln~"u, s",.:"cc<liH~ illary E. Kinnllrd, l"c$i;;pll"l<J. Rlith A. Keen, ~t('lwgnll,IIl''' UI1 \\'('HtllOliliti Ball: ))c>lI •. Marg:.rcl J~. CmmeTll, ~tl'1\ognlpllet, to W.

J. Tlclt:ln, cer-n.

Nelr 6m,.loye.<-An<lr e w j.undill

::i~: i~~:~~l~:~\~~I\\~;;I;~igll~~; ~':~~I~'"

I'C~'CllU.,· <.liselmrged trem the Arm)'.

Alillil Ha Iner :md MTlI .. \farjuric ,\r· nol.I, sle-llogl"3llhers in T.'l,ing Burcllu. A ,'onli:!l welcome is f'XICDlI"a Our new elll' pi,l.\'l'~.

IT. Mnrt;-.·u Cnrncll, wuuum 1'. ('rom) Enrl('y, Benjruuln Burnley, Hunter V. H ... rndon nud .John \'. i\fdhuglwy we ..... in to renew a('q1l:lil1tanl"'S, The rllfil't!tl gunt.lemeu l""k \\'olHlt!rflll, anti we ('nj".'·Uu l"1""lin;~I:illl; ,,·itl, tl,,'III,

PASSENGER TRAF- Hury Bea eh, Fie DEPARTMENT COnlIl1;/ls:try Car' L. Johnson, Com!$, ~~1.e2,1:~p~lil'p~~r~:

mcnt, "-1I(i ;U.iS<! Verna Palmer were nmrril~1 1111 S"lnrd:1)', August 11, in the )Jessiall Luthemu Clmrcll, Philndelplua, 1"':1., h." l~I'I·. n.o~.~ lL. Stover. A recopttou II"HS l'I'I,! at 1.111' 1I0l1i1l <l~ tho hrWn't' pnrents in Pit.· man, Xc,,' .Iersey. Best wishes .for many j-ears ot happiness,

\\'il1in", "'rill, formcrly oi the Dining C:lr DI']lllrl.mcnt., wr.tes 1M tc.,n us he lHl~ I)(~el< stutlouc.I in Greeuluu.I 1'01' "b<ll,t tour mouths. Bill is a stol'ck;:eper '2/c, and Ili~ 1I,1I1t{%.<; is ::0;.-,1\- .... 150::, c/o F'leet P()I!toffiee, )i.,w York, 1\".Y.

The IWI\' :HI,lrCS!! of Carrell .\t_kin;;on, 1'0,.1\11;" ckl'k ill the AlhC1'I,i~il1g Depar-tment, is Bb>t. C. K Alkin!!",,,, :::, .. 80'24::, _Me.lk:,j Secrien, H'I. T.S.F."KT. (Renr), APQ SS" ejo Posfauaster, "'e,,, York, N. y, ('aul\lllm(J lwen 1.0("U1ei1 at S,lI.A.E.~'. hcadqun rtere in Reims, l:'rUl)ce, hilt wns l'CC(!1ltJy tl":lll~fe!"l'<1il to nnot.hce j'J<'lltinll :11,,1 hopes to be bnek in the Stutes ~Q()U.

Cnrmela Trolleo, oe Camden, Ken' Jer· sey, is til" new l;lt:nr>grapiwr in I,h~' -\d· 1·I'rfising-j)'·p:.trln'1l1J1,.

(,1'111"(,1,01"'(/" . .'f)


Z'o *oee Z'Wt~?



Police and Fire Surgeon, Medical to Bureau, Department of Public Safety, Philadelphia; Medical Examiner, Philadelphia and Reading Relief Association and Reading Railroad


Reading Railroad Magazine

The Railroads' Library (Ccmtirnwd from JHl911 11)

IUQnt bv which books mnv be borrowed by mail {rom any of 'lhe prineipnl libraries by filly other librnry, tlH~ neeessnry books may be 11011"(lWeU for his use. This prh'il~ tile Bureau of Rail\yay Economies enjoys nnd empleys,

But tho l)rinf"ipal result. of this tOIlT of resourees produced 0111' major publication, "Catalogue of Books all Rnilway Economies," published by the Unlversify of ChiC"ng'O Pres.'>, 1012. Thi" g:IVC a r6swlle of the prlneipal holdings U( UK: main eotlecuona of' 111nt time which included: Columbin Univcr..ity, Hopkins Haihmy Librnrv [Leland granford Jr. Unlvorsity}, IInr\'Ht'L} Iluiver~it~·, Intorstutc Commurec Commission, John Cl'(,rfll", Library oE Congn:s..<;. New York Public Library, Uni,'orsity ot ChiN1l:;O, Ulli'·{,I·.~ty of 'Illinois, Uuivcrsity of Mi('hi~II\, University of Pcnns'yh'llnia, Luivorsitv ul' \\'isconsin, Ynt" [Iuiversity as well as 0111' own. This Union CnfntogllC of I'Hilll'ny IlInt.I·!·ifl!, OIU~ uf tile few of its kind, is sf.ill regal'IIed highly, and even yf't a dealer who offers all item not in this tatalogue is sure to so state. However, the IIl1nl~tienl work whieh 113S been so Inl'f,"e n pnrt of our subsequent Tontine is not "IIOWI\ in this work. nnd in Ihu inUH't!St of econcmv man); pamphlets lind excerpts \\'CI~ omitted.

Such studies as OO\'&lmlent Owncrship, Valuation nod Oonsclidation have been prcpllr(!(l in ronfine, whe'l'(>m; others have been SIIg'b>'($lc<l to us .. udl us the lists Oil the Union Pal·ine in counoetion with the Spike Fund nt Olllnllll, t.Jle Bnltimore & Ohio in connoetion with theil' 100tlt :lnlli\'er.mr)·, while ollwi"S hnve been prepared with 011C or nllol:II(> r of many requests 01\ 0111' PIHt <)11 rnilwa~enmpauica for their 011"11 Pllhli(·ntitllls.

But with tho nccumulntiou ct so Im'ge u eollectlon o£ mntcrinl l'l'Inting to milwnys-c-books, J>nmphlets, poriodienls, guides, annuals, posters, passes, broadsides, and pictures-s-our reference work 1111s grown to an alnrmiug extent.

Durillg UJe past few ,l'Ctll'!! tho demunds of till! OOYCl1lment bodi!!:'! flSSOtinted with the wnr 01\ the librnrioa ill Wa4ingtOIl has been so grt'nt thnt nn overlend of demands on om Lihrnry has rosnlted. Kot n single Government Burem intCI'CStetl in l1lilwny~ here or nbrond has Iniled to mnko nae or ua in lim search [Or inConnnliOJ1 liS to gnugcs

Reading Railroad Magazine

of foreign :rnih ... nys, their equipment nnd moti .... e power, the location of their sbops and tunnels and UIC nature nf these searches has at times given us ca refully preset .... ed hints as to impending events.

OUI' ro(crc!lt:c work accordingly is the wny in wuleb we arc best known wherever students of railway transportation nrc found, but useful and valuable as ihis is, it is basctl on acquisition of pertinellt mater-ial nnd the processing of whut we Oms nttained. By procea . .,ing is meant. the antilysis or purts of books which also deal with other snbjeets than tmusportation, nnd tbe i..ndc.:ring of articles al)Pf"Ilring ill general magazines nud thc proceedings of learned bodies not nll of which uppeur ill the useful Wilson Indexes. But even if eu indexed, we would othorwisn have to nwni't the delny between preparation lind prillting which is often several weeks in duration.

III this refereuee service wo issue uaeh week a lette\' thnt eontnina reference to imp0l'tant material appearing in either hook form or in mugaxinus and thi~ is uvnilnbla to ull who are interested ill the 1I0t always easy to find SOUITCS_

Naturally, the Library has: secured some particularly mre source books lind il InW section -of these pertaining to Amerienn Railways, the Inennabuln of Hnih'Otulinllll, are listed in "l'hom!;on's Check List of Publicntiona of American Ruilroads Berore lSll,n in the preparation or whieh this Librarv hcartilv 00-

()pera.~l .-

Othcr gl!llernl classes nru dcsc.ribed ill I~ booklet entitled "The Railronda' Library," which has hr-cn I'I'otty generally distributed.

Among the items in which Reading men would be most interested would be OUT srl of the Annual Reports, which nnfOJtnnntcl}, lwgins only with 1842, unHl some friend helps us out. OU1' set. of the "Pilot" bcgtns with Volume 10, No. l), but this a-uri givcs us Hare's History nf the HCUflillg. Interesting, nlso, nrc t.he passes issued for the vcnrs 1877- 1875, 1881~]S96, 1898-1901; 1907-1910, 1913-1916, ]920, 1!t23, rmi. 1934-]9;W, nnd wit.h such int.crCfl~ing signatures ns those of Franklin B. Gowen, Geo\'ge de B. Kcilll .. J. Y. Humphl'eY (President's Asst.), .A. A. )[t'Leocl (Grnel'1I1 Mnll~ n~r) .. 10000piJ S. Hams. Theodore Voor~ bees (Vit'c-Pre:;i,lelll), Agnew T. Dice, ('hl1rl(';> 111'111')- Ewing [Yice-Presddent}, Edwnrd \Y. Scllf'rl', R{'vdh' \V. 'Bl'oWI\ (vtcc-Preeidcnt}.

Among the older pamphlets relating to tbe Reading to he found in the library

An a.ddress to the tric.n<Js of the railroad from Philudelphin to Rendiug, proposed to 00 located on the weer !liuc of the r-lver Selmylkill. Pubtlahed by direction of the meeting a.t the "Boll T:t.yern" held 9th of 5th month (May) 1831-for the use of eommittees.. Philadelpbja : Printed by W. Broll·D,18.11. 8 p. S~.

Philadelphia and Reading :Railroad Company. Act of ineorpornlion of thll Philadelphia und Reeding Rni! Road Com· puny. Approved Allril fourth, A. D. 18.>3. Philadelphia: 1'hoUlns Kite & Co., printeea,

J833.19p. 12-.


lLo\IL nOA n CO?l[P.ANY. Report of the engineers _of the Phil:lJclphi.n. und Rending nnil Road COlllpnll.y, witl! accompnnyiug doeumente, n.nd tho report of a committee ut the boned to whom the same were referred. Printed by order of the managers, Scl)temoor, 1838. Philedclphia : Printed

by John C. Clark, 1838. 14 p. SG.

Signed: Moneure Robinson, Wirt Rollin· Bon, engineers.

And the inl(~restil\g trio of pmuphlets whieh contain the {'€fort of the Schnylkill Navigation Company to provc t.hat tile Reading could not pRy. These wen! t he reports of the F.ngll\ce.rs;

PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAn.. ROAD cm.£1"Al\TY. lkport of tho

:~n;;:dof ~:.p~~~:ld:l~::inn:':'~~~

documents. Printed by order of the managers, December, 1839. Philadelphia:

Printed by Jol.n C. Clark, 1839. 14 p. S~_

tile Nuvigatlon Company's critieism ; :;~ilroud9 And cnnnle. n.t.cp. [lS39.] 7 p.

Text begins on ... erso of il.31f-til1e. Revicm! the report (printeU Sept., 18:t8) of the r.ngineen of tlu~ Reading Rail Rood nlld \l'Il8 presumably issued from the office of the Behuylkifl Nnl'ig:l.tion Comll:'lny.

nu(1 the rcply;

TIle Rending Unil-Rotld: its admutnges for till' ehe ... V transportation of eG.'lI, as (()lIIpMi.'o1 with the Sehuylkill Nnnl;lltion nml Lehigh Cnn. a 1. NO&. I to S. B.,. x. Phi!tlddphill: Printed hy Haswell, ·.Bur ringl.on, and Haswell, M:1Y, 1839. 4:l p., 1 fuiliell map. 4°.

Includes : A map, 9hewing the oonnuion between Phil" &; the' eeal fields, by me:ms of the Phil" Reading 4: PottsvI"De Bail R. &; ,.lso the et!lItTal position of th .. \t road for trn ... el nnd other business, :IS conneete..J wlth improvements in Penn" 4: the adjoining statca.

('rurn 10 lJ{Ige 31)



Com pan~' Briefs (Co"lillut'd from pUllC :?1)

GENERAL CLAIM "Vlcr n:t;Ul)' venre

D EPA R T MEN T of failltIul eerv-

~:!~~ M~K;mG~I~~~o,~::' ~~:~;;:n;~;;

]lllTt ... ,) for hi~ I:t~t <la,I"~ work UlJ Prjdll)" ALIgns!,:)!. On thut ,lay, Ut'. il .. J.lIlllir· 1):1(;11, Gmwl"o1 Gll1i", Agent., presented tile. 1)0(;,,,1' wu.h n. 13101''[ T'n:~.<;l1"'l lI.[lIchiu(J {Jl1 hl,l,alr ,..It diu nl~TI)"I'''H ()f thc Gnuerul Clu.lm J)i'I"l,'n""ILt, ult,1 ".Doe" 1'o0.i[1I'o)' ,,,,t;,',l WiLli n ~lIl'PI'i~,' icc i;!'\'Hm u!ld cake fi~~~t. JJ(!lic.iollS!!! "J)M." will 1,1) rlli~sca lJ~' ,111 of us '1110..1 WI! hope \H! keepa his promise to ~I,o]l in often.

j\T'I!")' .I:WINI ;0; lllLek to work nguiu "ft('r :1 scelcus e:l!ro !;If surnrner grip~. 'Take euru of ~'ollr;ldf, "pony."

,ntl, the return of 1[ •. DeCaro, out .J.s.<;i.!HHnt Ocncml CL'1.im Agent, from hi,; \·:tt':tliOIl, ~pCT.t 111 htlll\f: getting :l goo<l TC!;t. with Ihe exeel)tiolt of:l f"w uny, in ?>C\\· Yutk, Iho Ccnel""..ll Claim DeI~'trttl1cnt ii :thouL bauk to nonn:ll :ill.1 TC:.lly to plun;;e into fall !loll winter business, ,..1th reuc,,'et.1 "igor,

A 11(':l1'1r lI"l'\MmC from :ill we uiour\K'rs of 11m Gener:!\ CI~,im;; Depnrtmeut goes out to Dr. A. Neupauer, our new Cluef Ml.'<.licnl Examluee.

M>lr:·(·llel1 FowJ(lr'" finn<.:e, SgL i\ll,r' tin i'ipiU,o. h,,~ exper-icur-ed 11 Clu-istruas in Angusi" it "'D!JILI seem. U(' received eleven 1":H'k:\g();'l ill one \In,r-luek.,· boy! 'Marl tc, a famili;ll' (tillltl:;rh never ~""n except in pilotol;"npll~)fiA't1l'(j .u-ountl tlli~ offi<,;u. i~ '!lL~ of 1.11(' g,lll:'llt )IIlI'im.'$ \\"110 lIelperl ll",h, the bllilirrg~ in Tokyo i'<>s$illlu '"," I tiL., Nips peaeo-ruin.Iel. U;lr,\'cllen is 1.I:I(:k 'li work ufterIl wcoka itt Ocean City, N .. r.

.lusf in ,;usc YDU !t:\\"(,,,'t h('llnl :Ihinl!. it vet. (anol we doubt It), tlu~ IO\'c;I,r en.!!:'gem.'ut ring Helen Gi!hcrl; is proudly wearing lli.'>W .1:1~·~iB proof of serious iutenriens wij.h (I eertaju Tj:i currently sturioned in WUllhington, D. C_ We un(ler- 5.t:iml the pl:ml!, for the wedding are ul· t(':\'l~- til king almpe. Tncldentally, Helen is scM;ng lIS n :\'ursc's Aide at the Jefferson Hosplral :tnd fin.h; the work in· spiring:18 In'lI liS inlCr('!!ting.

Th.'re is semething st:luili>;ing and ro:l><''''uring in l,,'in~ nble In look up from our- work to see \\·"lter Pecht, our under~1:lIl(linj::' ami ;;elli:ll office man"ger, carryiUI! (111 hill dutics in hi:; u~n:ll qule! mit!


dflcienl murmer. Strictly 01'1' the reeord :

Walter'5. two cltihlrllD, T>hyllill nnd walter, .Jr., ure lhc sweetest we','e seen u.reund ill a Ion:.;: wh.ilf'_

Tbere uec a I(lt uf people etlming anti J;(,illg' in the Claiul .uclmrt.mcnt .Iaily, but II "ery- attr.lctinl 1\'a,-.'· NUT!:!(! heM thl! "met!'j< nnenLion n tew wO!·ks IIJ.,"O in the pcraen ofRn5. ,M:lriePetS()('k. She 15sbli(loCtI :It :1 Na,,::,l Air 13:1.9t' !It Banana m,'I'T, Flnrida, these Ila~-s, and many InIcn.'i5ting SlOries were told of her experfenecs by her sister Betty, peute aesistunt, of {Jllr AeC(luntant,. Carl Quay. fly the way, Carl, we're glad to knuw vour young tI:lughtcr has completely reecverot after her rOOClLt tonsilCtltvmy.

,Juuis Kiuunel, the newest :l.Mi1.ion in l,hD otltco, nnd nlso :\CC01HjI:lllist i<lr tJJ{1 Ikn~1i.Ig CH!llp:my ellora1 SI)ciIJty, is l)(l\"cr seen without ILe!' sill'"r \\'"i.ng~-her h.~art l!c1ollt:,'s tu n handsome f1j~l' iu Uncle SHill'S Arllly Ai r Corl'~. Sjw:lking 01: .Taui~'

:'il;:::t~\j6.~~r:~:-~,~ ~;:;'O~~t',II'L'I\~I~~\·~t:'.' ;~~d~

101m], :JaniH, he'll he lal).Ii.llg in Pilihulclphia one of these tby",

Ocrpoml Pmuk R~, furloughed clerk, who spent 30 lIIonths in the Chinn. Burma theater, has been going to' school for a :I-1--da~' ~riod, studying metlu:wb on "lIow 1(, T)i5.Charge Men in till' AI'I1lY." Wi' have learneel from Illil wife t11l'l,t Frunk will he reh.rning: to an Army B:I!\l' in 'J':unp.'1., Florid,,: to (,tkc up I.j!l flCW duties in the Personnel Department.

)r,m~' happy returns fire in onkr fllr Ille follO"'ing, WIIO eelebmte till'ir Birth,h,~'~ Illis month:

Eli7.:t.heth Pcl!\QI:k-O<>tQber II, C"rl Qnay........Qetobfor 8,

IIHrry liii'hel---()(:tol'H'r 1L

(Turn, to IKlgtl f!8)

* *

Agent at Steelton Retires

!,nbll servic-e of

Shrtiouod !1t '1821, he worked 'rnilrnnd eoml'llll,'" ut Bethlehem between Mil.", 189:1, :md Mny, 1!)-21, serving in various eupaeili('!-; from me;;.<;pngt"· hoy to chict r-lm-k.

Billheilll('!' is a lIJ~wh£,I' or the boa ... l nnd treasuree of Heading YUCA lit Rutherford, FOn'men's Club of Harrisburg TIrc.\, meml'lel'oftlll! board of the Heading Company \-el£'rnns' AssocteI.io», 011(1 Fellows: Kni~!Jb! or .\Ialt., lind scvernl philntelie soeiet'ies, nud is assist:mtsnrl('riutf'Il(It'IlI, ofth{' SI('\'(>11s:\I,l"l11o. ';:.1 (\{f'thn.li.'<t SUlltlny School, Nardshurg. jJl' n>;;.idl'>; with his wirl' :Jt lu:!:~ l','SIIlIl fih'C'pt, Hnr-r-islmrg.


~~t Ef~;~~ E'R?lIi~~~ S~.~I:!:i·n~~.!"'I!:I'j

821,.100.00 1.'Grlli of hends in recent llh War Howl Detve.

It's You

"-If you wuut to work for the kind of firm

Like lltc kincl or finn you like,

You 1I1.occ1n't; slip y0111' elorhes ill u gdi'l A no Simi 011 a long, long hike.

You'll oulv nntl wlwt you Jdf F'or tlte.rc'lj 11()!lling th"t:'!o;

It's a knock at .nllll'!;().i f when you your firm;

It i.~Il'L yrnu- Ihlll-it!s yon.

"Good firms nre »ot mll,l!' hy men a.Iruid Lest SOUl<.'iJlH! else gets nbend.

wuo» l!VC .... WHW works 1I11d nobo,!y shirks, You euu mise n firm from the tlem!.

Ami if, while yon make your persounl stnke,

Your neighbor r-nn make cue, too, Your firm will he what von want it

tv be--. -

It isn't your finl1--iL's j-cu !l"

Did you mail those Christmas pac«ages to the boys overseas? Deadline-October J 5.

Reading Railroad Magazine


Senger, Irud,er, al Reuding Leconrctlve Shop.


Do You Drink?

(Co"UII,u'(l/rom lH1!Ie :?2)

How does fh., ubove ph·lnn) eln-e-k S(.;cn!ifi,-,dlyi (;1'111('1" uud Til"'l",

.unl 'I'ruvis nnd I)(H'.~I·.\·, I\'hl>~(' investiguf.iuns 011 lite nlcnhulie content of the hrnin tis.~u{', blood, m-ine nnd exhaled hrcnth and reflex time, are all in :lb'Tt.'I!llIl'nl. Iirsf , that the picture Im',-c'IIIL ... l .11'i!C'mL..; 111"-111 Ulf' (-1'11\'I'lIlnlll0n III' alcohol )11 the hrniu nnd blood

;;IJe,-,ili~ I hno, un.I IIU1, lIl'''lI

ill~c:it(],J ut' O:UIlSllIIIC,1 j the ~;IIII(! picture will be ,.;lIu\\"1I b.l- the experienced driuker us by the nov-eo or- teetutaler, if tl,e ecneoruratiou or :LIN,lml is file same ill the brain 'Uld blood of' ("II:.\). The only

ilHTcn'no:e: is tJHli. the ccnecru.rnlie renuhud 11101"(> quickly b.\" UIl! nuvice thau b.,- tho habifuul 11111llk. In otl[«" words, the IIv"i,,!' will show the l'ITcd VI' IIIl(:UUl(~ iuicxicated Iuste r than the 4.'XIK'riCI\L~1 user, lx-e:HI$r, he will Im'·C (Il:;;u.r absorption :\lId will roaeh UIC maximum "fll1(:(~lltr>lt.ion Ihnn

~i\lll \\'4.'I'I~ ,lIh"'fI~1 earlv uHer tl\k.ill~ IN OUI( COUNTl{Y'S SERVICE :lll·"hol lIwl that ihcfull f'ITI .. -t wu .... nolL"':l From 1 to ]if.=. hOUN; lifter t:lki..ng: :1ll:ullol:'

If'\"('fwriou"I"Hlll!sin,:,<r"I\'('oll;;i,ler 1.1111 ~ig-II~ of ulcohclistu, we 1::l.I"l Itll :1]1- 1'1"l<"i:ltl"tiwl\:rIlg:CL"ut":llcoilolill it..'idI\.wl 111"1<.111 -""fd.)" nnd ett\ci('IlC~-. Sillc(>, I hclicvr-. ,"e all l'l'(:ugnize the ultngel' ot II-orking- fur or with a mmkIy dr-unken IIIlIll, it 1)I<hOllW!S 1111 or us til realize the c11111g<"'rs lit imlividu»!s, WilD, while not 1"1':llIkl.v rh-nnk, 111'0 d('fillil;cly i'''II:lil'f"l ]lII_I"~i"ally, uud It serious dilrlg"I'I', 1)('"UII,;(' iht·)" han! lind one 01' 1II,)re drinks. In eonctu .. ...;inll, let me pnrnphrnsc the wurmug rnn{1o of the New Jenil'Y t-lighW;Jr Dt'lmrtment: "If yon drink, .lun't drive! .l f ~'()11 ']I'i\"(;·. don't dr-iukl" and S:I.\· "if .\·Pli \\":lllt, t,,, \\"<",1; un the ruil- 1'0:1<1 mid ;.;iay nlive. don't ch-ink, lor YOI1 It!ay IWI lin' vl'ry lOll:,! if YUII do." To \'\Cll-k 01\ lile H:lilroa,l, You X,"(!(l All of Your }'tH:ultics and GO(I(l Jutigmcnt All ot the Time ; Not Some of the Time.

:,:~~,~~~~::~l~~II~~~\Hi~l~ill,lk~~'k1~~ "1:~I:I~;1 tl;~ William. H. McConnell

reach ille sann- ~UII'-(,IIII~llinll, lit' also Mil. 3.iI;CoNXEI.I,. zcnlunsly wntehcs

shows in nIL tll"gn't':'; th ... 0;:1111(' ph~-!>i,::tl O\'Cl' gifb. presented him hy hi"

iurpnirnu-nt of 111'11Ig" under- thu influeueo Iellow-wcrkcrs on the ocension

or illi()xi'·:li.iug Hquur. IIf his retirement rroru aetlve duty, Sop-

'I'heir ecnclusions llf'in.iI" l1rnl :11- 1.1'II1QCI" S. ?I'l'.l\l,'Conuell started Iii" rrril-


gall;'; or the b"ll,\'j jhat. :1],-011 .. ) iur-rcuses l· .. uetiou Lime, wlrid. is Ulr time interval 11.."<llIin'tl [0 send 11 stimulus Irmu jJlll

!11:~:~"a~~,,~:~~ \;::I'ious ~:'~II~~I;."~/~I~~~:.7I~

lI11Ii')1\ ill1]lnil-:> fUIl,·t.iUllillg

(,1" tno liod.1 III week


Whilll· till" tllinl lind fourth stuges of nlt"Uholi<: intnxi'·llli.-,n ~':\n I~ ddl)i·fcd !·nsily. I!\'('II hy ,·hil,l..n·lI. OJ(! fir.:;l :11 .. 1 S(~""ld sin!. ... ,;:: nrc npl (!ui,·kl.\· j·c,·ugniz(·d, :dt.1J<mgli L!J"~lt wllU nrc ilrtillinte HI" who


'J'hc.I"~' !lr4.' !tI:IU)' who ~:\y "lie or

1\\"11 drink" do lIut impair Illr cflleieucyIIf ihe worker, but lh. }'ralwii< ]>,,'n~li,.j. ill nil nddrl'S.., III·f"I"C~ 111(' Xew York

;.~::\l/Il;ni~~~ "'1~·'f;~~tl:;:i.::~, ~:~111.;:;~(j! 1~~~1~:~1 :,))I~

f.nt..OIrntol·Y ,)[ t.he Ctll"Cwgic 'Irliilitll\{' ill \\Fnshinghm. I). Co, he Iound th,)t "uleoI .. ~I retards or slows the SpCf'U of stimuli from hraiu to musele by ]() per- cent in speech, sig11t 1I1lt1 fiugt'l' movement. morn-

111".\·, nnd f'rce :lillio,·ini.iol1 t.II()llg1,i

\\'t:'I'HlIrlllffl'cl,(111,l!ll1; :l11(11'1"I!ci-


1·()lInt1111/11.~(', Augusf 28, J!)02, ns :.lI1 (111k~ IlIIY. Til 100:; IIC !I"III\$fer1"u.1 to thc Phuo.lelphiu Division nnd then retnrued to Third and Berks Streets ns II. cterk ill }\<hnwry,l!JO!, rmd remained ill the 1roti"~l Power and Hl)ll.ing F,llllipIlll'n.t Dop.lrllur,nt !;iTlNI Owl Lime, il,hniltlug" to 11m posit.ion of Chiet Clerk.

He W:lS 110rn ill Philndelphin ana spent his entire life here, receiving his educerion ill tllO public schccls of this city, He hn,; been verv nefive ill eivil affnirs. He will be f"1·t:~tly misscll by fJIO'S(!. wIIO \\"()rk(~ll with him nud they wi<;11 hhn a long, lurppy life.


(is. Kenneth L. l30ycr, fir('umn, Shnmokiu Di"i~ioll

(i\). .Juhu M. :E'OCIlI'l, JI·.; lirprmLll, Reudiug ])i"IlIi'/1I

iO . John l(. Rill, macltinit!1 helper, RutherfoT\1 Engine House

il. jo·r-.wk L EUf<luinger, nast. bllJ;g:tgc "gent,. Trunspoetnfion

i2, .T",nc~ P. Sulli\'Hn, firel1lHll, 'f1""II~por-

Returned 390


Durinq !he last decade in Ihe Uniled States, 100,000 persons have burned 10 death!

170,000 pelsonS have been bw:ned and dtsliquled by lire!

Three billion dollars' worlh of property hall gone up in smoke I

Six million fues have occurred! Fire is our most polent WIIr weapon.

FUe;s ou:rgreatC$t aqeru:y 01 destruclion.. BUI-1lles et hOIlli! are takinq a vasl loll 01 lives and property and we muslhall this Iragic waste.

We ha.ve ahQut 650,000 buildln.q fires every year!

In 1941. fires caused 10,000 death". 17,000 6erious injuries. and S450.000._ 000 of propelty loss.

rue i'leventioo Week (Oe!ober 7·131 Is desiqn.a.ted by Prodama.licn of the President and !he slale governors 10 focus public allenlion On the seriousneSS of lire losses and the simple precaulion~ry measures 10 prevent fires.

Reoding Railrood Magazine


Company Bciefs

(Collli,..«1 fro", page eI)

OFFICE AUDITOR Birth\I:I~' greetOF REVEN U ES iUb:' 10 the rcl-

LoU;5 Richl~' .. nd Herb.,1 !~:\~li~g~'-:llsb

T. Ritch, C .. tresp .. nde"n l~l~:ulUr li:CCIII!

W. P(~I.rN' Smilh Theodore Llcln

Est,her Gol1nlll Elsie Tinkler

Alvin E. Ftshor, Jr.· l::U~C1W A. Murrlly

G!'(Jrg'c Kunl:1," Snruh ltoeenberg

.I<1all Colutunu J?,'cll Riley

Fl'al,,~i~ \VU(I.tIUil'l,y'" :ll1IIW~ n. "h·.Clil~kuy

8""ya Slol!in \'uru Fey

cuno» GII.UlllhnU· Phyllis Haru

Marl~ Lyons Maril~ b'riol

Sllirltiy Nnthunson Alfted Trott

"in the Armcd j>'ore<:S..

Welcome to 1ho new Ilrrh'als:

.ll. .E. Vca.rling .1. C. Smith

K.. T. )lorton !.L T. Bullman

u M. Tinney ~ 11 MeClllIrey

To the boys nnd girls of che Rel"enuC Department ,bat ate in the service ... , we here at the offio;e join 11t.'1U'u; anti p",yl!~ .nth nil the I'i"Qrhl in 'l fen-cDt "God be Tha.n.kcd·' thnt ~hill mighty Iir.tJurgc of ~rballfinal1y 1",I!II(.'lIaw..y. Welll1miS!! yuu :In,1 ran't ,,-ait for the .!::or when every one u[ you will be baek 'Lt your desks t:l.rrying un where yoo left off. Your letters nee the most interesting onl'$ wo hnve read yet. \re'll continue !OJ wrue, 110 ,lon't think because the war is o,'cr tlmt we \\;11 ':CI1I!C in our I:fl'ort~ to ket·!' you po~t"d on whnt'll g(ling on in tho An,Ji1.ur uf H~\'('u\H'~ DCI'''l'tnU'Ht, No, ~ir·",!;'.

\\\11'11 hrl~ 1'('('11 r"eui\'(",1 Irnnr mo~t (If our boy,~ nnd !;il"l~, awl t,I,(: :II"", O'(I~, J1l1!1'i:llii nud I'ji,b()na \\'011 b,l' meat, (If 11111111 JIm tou n\11IICl',!oS to moru.luu •• 111~t, U [1'\\', t.o suy tlie lenet, of tbu lJi~till~\.islu~d .C'l.l'ing CrUS!;Ci! 1"UII by Lta. Johml~' Scott lind Uharks (Ohic) Oicchillo, Bruuzu Mt~l· njs njul HI'Lri< h~' ArHil: I1nglaHtI :\.1,,1 Ed· die Bnrker. \\'e ruuid gil un :lnd ou, 1wd thank God lhey nrc CUllIing back,

Sgt. Mnnu_,' lJiIle.r "11Ik~~1 right in on us one d:I~' In!!t month, after Ioeing :lMI.'· in "Sunn~' Itnl,.," lie look.i like :I mil· lion, and was he glad to be buck "'ilh Ibe gang enee "braiD.

Sgt. .ttm Ellly, :lB chubby :IS :t bror. s_rroll~1 into the oftlc(! the othcr oIny nnd really looked in the pink. Jim had bee.D. O'Yn!e:UI over theee yool"6.

A bnn~luet ,,,,.11 gi"L'Il at the Yeaiee in hODQr of George Il:!,nkillA. About 20 ot his friends attended and a lIwell sentl·olr Willi


gin," hlsu. To (;"(I(b"l: Huuklua we :Lll any Ahoy Ir1lp()ines>I Allc:u]!

J<'lu'Ih-\Ym. n. Ii.:cr>!tcLter "~liI rccently umtie Chic:[ WarnlUt Officer, etancned in Brazil. CongmtulatioM. Willie! We knew you rould do it, :wi! IlIIrry bnek to the States, \\Tc'rc looking forward 10 ~'UUt speedy return to the otHce.

Tuny O'Brien, of Reri!lion Bureau, reeently 1l0ni.lUllttd her cng:lgelllcnt to S~rt. Beb .:UIcn, of JOlst. Airborne Divi;sion, now !er"ing in Austria. Sb"'V:UlI)~tcd wilh n gorga>IIl! diamond riug 011 her birthd:l.Y·

Mr. and lI.r!!. Ed'\~Lrd .TuuM! cuterruined with dinner at their homp. in houor of .loun Coleman and Kntllryu ZaclJringcr.

)fnrge )[eCann is rnu:k aL her desk nf'ter It long siege, and it'a ynJlity·yupity ynp on~ "guin. Aw, gee, :\fargo, we rl:ally dill miss you, :m{\ null' we !IrQ !Ill hll]lpy

YULI ~:~'ult;~:~k''l'urllbull is out Oil thu alck 1iHt 1.I.1Id 11~re'8 hoping )'1111 will ~1I0)1l be well und return to the orrtcc.

"()~"I'hine AlfonS<! sr,ent her vncatlou ill urc l'~ono.'l, und did sho wow them.

'Ihe fullowing uppciutmenta weremude in Auditor of Re'-CDuCli Department, cf· reeuve September I, ]94..,:

RUlIIlCn A. StraUon-Tn(\'cling StlltiuD Auditor

lI:llI:wtJI C. Flegel----Chief oC HCl'illion BUr1!3n

Rieh:ud H. Smith-Head Clerk

Samuel \Y. Hnnt-Read Clerk Congmtulatioru. (In the ~OD (If ~'our I,romotion, :lIul ",ith it. you enrry tile u..'I!t wishes from the entire department,


It has been said that Imnginufion WIIS given to man to eompcusate him tor whllt lie is not, nud n liCUSC of hnmor provided to console him fur what he is.

The best tift}' in which to i1C(!omplish sllmetJling is Llre cla.\' \)('I'uro t1)11101'1'O\\', Ft111 is like insuruuco-c.thc uld¢l: you gl't, the more it cosmo

Tho fellow WIIO lJOIiRts thn t he runs thin~ in his l1011SC prohnbly menus tho washing machine, the vneuum cleuuer, buhy'a em-s-inge and er-ruuda.

* * *


The address on all. overseas pnekoge will not become blurred mill illegible en route, if it iii eoated with eolortess nail polish'

There are now 72,000 Smiths, -tS .. '){}O Johusons, 39,000 BrowIIS, 3.'1_:100 )Iillers, 31,000 Joneses, 30,000 Devises, 29,000 Wilsons, 24.500 Andersons, 24,000 1lartins and 22,000 Taylors in the ~\m'ly'

\V alter D. Knerr Retires

C Olu'u:-rlNI) 49 YC:II:S of faithful service, W;llte r D. Knerr, 'l'ravcling Stntiou Auditor ill -the Office of Auditor or Revenues, bas retired from aerive duty.

!ir. KIlf'IT wns born in Alburtis, Pe., March 2~, 1875, aitcnilillg' Ioeet schools und ihn Keystone Srnte Konnai School nt Kllt7.t()WII, Pn.

During UII} venrs ]S9-'i and 1896 he lenrued trlf"brr:l)lhy end assisted w ith generll! station work nt Shamrock and Athurtis. 'In June, 18!)u, he entered the sorviee of the AI.l!wiic Ciiy Railroad as

~~f~\~c?~~r;IJ~~~ ;~I~1I :'~~:~;~I~~' h~ .\\'~~ ~~~i~

Agoill III Strnt.lurd, N, J., serving !It tllnl poiut unfll Murch, 1808. He was nppointcd '.I:i(;I«)I: Ag'litlt ,It Kaig'lill's Point, Cam dell, ~, J., i\Inldl 1:1-, 1808, l'clIHliliing ~l!c['c nnf.il IIi;; appointment 11>; TI':lvdillg' Suuiou Auditor, .July 1, !!JOI, SCl'vilig ill u.ls ('''pm,ity until the elute of lIis retirement.

Duriug- his long service with Readilig Compnuy. i\lr. Knerr WD'i active in commUlJit.y nrrlli~ \I'IL" a member of the I'.O.S. or 1\. 1II1t} RNt Men lodges, also Past oniL'Cf or Ule Odd Fellows' and Trimble ~~, F. and A. M.

)lr. Knerr enjoyed nthletie aetivifiee, being CSIKX'ililly interested in baseball.

His !lIIUlY frif'ltcls nt the offk~ proscutod him witJl sotue useful gijts, to-gether with their be"t. wishes for a long and 11l'I1'PY life.

Reading Railroad Magazine

Soldier-Railroaders Have a Total of 78,362 Years

of Experience

WI'l"H the U. S.l>'ort:e;; ill Fmuce=In a study .receutly mndn 011 the background \if tim soldier-milrnndcrs ('I[ I:III! 1I1ilibr,\' Hnilll'(I.\' 8('1'l'i("0 ill Europe, it \\'n~ I'ouud that tlit'.y lind n toml or 7S,3(;2 YC'HS or eivilinn milrend experionee.

TI,c overall nverngv, including offi,,(>rs nut! enlisted men, is 3,00 years. The average yeura service per oiliN'r totnb .. lUIS and for enlisted 11)('11 2.(~1 years. TOJlJ)iug ull railroad T.nIJI::illllrtnfioll Corps units frn- uvornge ,\'1'111':;; of 1"(\;1- ronding is the 7(){jt.1, Hllil\\"u.r Omud Division with 0,2;; .\'C,lI'S, In hltal ruuuher of venrs \:01' till! IIIIil, the TI:~th Hnihl'llY Or)('I'fIting Bnttntieu 1<.',,<1s with -l0S5.

The tnlmlafion ;;]unH'1! :U2 ofii,,('.r.!; :11111 1GO enlisted men heving- records or mow fhun 10 ycnn.; of «ivifiuu ru.ilroudiug;

A parti:11 cow:ring 1-1 units,

slwI\'4!(1 f)!'j and f'lIli~t{'.1 IlWII

ro-ords I'rom :,ui


Brakeman Praised for Courtesy and Loyalty

M!!..'>'. ,1,u;1(JE lI.ill>I!LWro=-, Jlas.~c11.ger brnkernan 011 the Philndelplriu Division, has. been llle recipient. of mueh prnjse [rum till' patrons who ride our rraius, and Rending Cmll\Jnn)" officials Ior COII,l"tcs~' and faithfulness. UlIll.'- letters Iuwo been recctved rf'gllrdiug conrtcstos )lhl' lms show», and :\1< her .f:lithfulll($~ II'e wtslr to lolloll"illg iustnnco. B.()('~Ill.I,\", dletou wns nn vncutiou, hilt krpt ill with wlnn W:IS goi11g on :l1'011U1i the minnl. and !;.hc learned that \\'1' were to have a hell\'." troop mOn!lflcllt, so she immediately got ill tom·h wiUI her superior officer to AmI out if there was :lnything she eould do 1.0 help. It lmppened that IIUl Passeugor ])OP:U1UII'IIt \\'11.'1 i 11 need 0 L' tl':1 i urn ell, :1111.1 >;II(~ up two d.rvs 01: l,(,!" \"n(':,li,ll1 t" [hi" emergt-uey.

.M!'s. l\1iddll'i"on's lJU;;1):lnd js with the ,\ nnetl l'Ol'C(o;o overseas, Sh(l has om! \,"ild, a daughter.

Reading Railroad Magozine

The: st,ll~I.\-, made hy the Gr-nernl He:1I1- quarters of the llRS, hrinh'S to light the .,uali(jl~ :\1](1 uxperieuce Ulllll'rlying tim sueeess or mil o)ll'n"tiiotls ill dght r-cuntries of Europe and Afriea.

* *

Take Care of Your Teeth

ALI)'!' of 1'oopll' lnhor under t,lIe a~IU";(111 that unluss " tooth nctnnlly hurts, Yi)U 11('('(\ not JI:lY any atlr-ntinu 10 it-c-nnd timl'.; just abo\l~ what it is-e-u delusion, Fur- at IC:L.~t 9S 1)('1" ,-('nt of all ,\mcl'iclIll" nrc nfflided by [outh d('i'I1~'-UIO mo~t nouunon of nll luunun dlseoscs.

A toolll'h·lie ta tll'lt

sOllll'tllil\!,j is wrong. :1 thnt

hns sl.lItl'd to dC'C'I,\· "'\II he snved, bUL ii's a lot wiser to prevent, such deeay before it even starts.

1'be phrase "See your dentist twice 3 year" is H trite on<-but it still conrains :1 lot ot good advis-e. Bllt, there's a !OtIIlUI1' kef'llinl!" votu- tC'dll strcug th:ln,iUi;t

Diet, pl"y>; all ill(]lorl,lInt. rdlc ill pre\-cl1ting ('10th decnv. Plenty or tmit juices 111](1 milk, I'liridmd hrend. leur)

"cgctnbI~ and lots uf J"1l1\' fmiT. hdp combat deeny. Food siloulll be ebcwed thorou~hl \' nud well, too .

Prol~r' hmfihing of Ole teeth TI'!11o\'es Ihe film and food panielcs Irum the moutb nnd Lhlls retards tooth deeuy. The best, method or brtlslling is up und dowu, ;;t.l'uking fmm l,he gt1!IIS I1UII'II to tllt:! bitillg edge, Tile Icft-to-rig'lil

often irritutes klld(:!' gU11i

nrcund till! f:('{Jth as does the rutn!)' method.

Remember these fQlIr simple niles ill

caring [or vonr teeth :

1. Eat the proper food.

2. Chew your food Ihorcughly.

3. TIn!.. .. I] your- teet I! (lfliiy, preferahly a1'turlJlt':ils,

.J., Visit j-our dentist j'('gllt~Tly,

* * *

A KfI\')· rec-ruit on ganrd h'1I1 striet orders to admit no ear- UIIIcs.<; it bore H special tng. He srrrppad 011C whose passenger wus a high-ranking officer. 'I'he gmu-d henrd tlH, br:1SS hat order Ilis

;~ ~':~;~~'~~r;:' ~i\I.:'();:~~' l:~:::j J~':,l;\~l1l;~~ S:\:i~~

wuc do 1 shoot, you or the tlrl"cl''!''


George E. K1einstuher Retires

Koll 0/ Honor




Reading Railroad Magazine

The Railroads" Library (Contill.Kl1a fr011l pagc t!3)

But Hending men nnd women :1I"C wel- 111U1(' to o'VIIII: and see fur UII·IIlSe!\"I'>'.

:I'I.('rc are quite 11 rew histories ot inrlividnnl roads, SOIliC good histories of 1.1", r.Jil\\"a~-,; ill various sections of the country, but them i;:; no gcllcr.11 hb,illry of the railways in their action on, ortheir intcrnetlcn with, the other- foreus whic-h have hl"Onght nbont 0111" present \·idlilmti<)l1. The ('rrl....-·~ ur the H.1.il\\,l\Y 'l'raasportatiun .Tnd\1~ir.1' on CI1S1TJlnS, !,dll,:nti(lII, socinl 1, .. lntiulIll, inrlnstr-inl de\,L'I()lllll~llt nnd pl'\l:;I"(~~~, C.xtf)ll~i('IL ot nnn-kr-ts, :111 remuiu for the hillj,l>\'iilll wh« will wr-ite wilh I('Sf; mention or iu•. lividnnl eompnuics, or of hri.I:;rf'S nud t.lllln('I.~; but I'ljhcr 1111 imp.os.ing or weldilll-'" 01" ruitway- histol'Y "'11 sc .. -ial Ili!;t.,)('Y,

TIl(! Railnl/ld.~' Llbrnry with its reenrds uf IlICCnngs h. urge mil.m,ul building, ille' ,·ity, stale nne! GO\'crnllJ('lIl reporta J"('ltitillg to the Tlrojf!(·t:;, hJ!,"('UIl'r with the files of the reports of the mil4 way companies IIl1'lIl!<cl\"C'S und HlC IhJlg 111('1< of -rnilwny periodieals duted huck 1<11831, can urost ecrtainly Hid ill the prepnrutiun (II such a. History uf the Hnilwnys ill the United Stnic~:


,,'ll('ll you hlll',\' the im!.c:hct., du 11111.

IIH1rk the spot,

"0 get. hurt. ,11111 .;il down is to aeknfiwled~'l! dc.C(·nt; to .ris r- 11lU! fi:rht tlj • miu and profit by experience is to sneeeed.

Some heads RTe like .loodmou.'i--atl\"-

bodv ean turn t11(,!Il. '

F(atteI)' is !<Oft SOH]J and suft SQn]) i.i!)O IJer ceut Ive.


Miniature cabonse built by Verne 1. }-'Iellgle, lin el<hibilioll at the Gcu}8lmrg 5laliol1. II Is a *'. seale model or a eabeose Iorrues-ly eper'lied by COlllluf.tor Charles E, Flea~le, Verne's rallier, on tl,c r"'~1 rre;:;},t rim 10 H;agenilowil. TIle or';;;1I111 i~ no .... on 11,., Ccuy~bur; rUII ulI,ler Con.luctor Morris FJca:;-lc. verne's

unde., to ... 110111 he pr ... .<:entcd the model,

Thanks to Blood Donors

MIL LOUl:-; ir. BII':I",:r:, Clnlin'L:1l1 of till! Blood DOll!)1';;' Service, l\.lllcl·icnn Red Cross, hu;; 1\"I'i1;t('11 to R.Cl1dillg COIJlp>tuy a lr-ttr-r "I' Ihnnks fur Lln- ~l'l("tltlill 1"1'(:<)1'(1 umde uy ClIlllloycs ill <Jannting bTOOt1 flnring UIIl wne.

=No words enu express," wrote :'<lr, Bieler, "the fhnnka of U100C whose lives hnvu 1)('1'11 snved Lhnmgh ynur l'fIurt.-; nud tho.~ llSl<UCinled with you .. \11 1'111'ti.·i]l'ltin~, elther- liS .I{lllo!:,; OJ' vulun,

tilis "1'll<llillllil.\· !u Ihnuk .\'1'11 r"r ypllr eo-operution nud 11l·lp in this viuu wnr (·!'fort. 1011 h,lr{' plnycd a purt ill a vast nnfinnul p"''''",'ram. Will ,\'011 I'X~ tend our- appreciation to all nssceiuted ' with von who III\\'(" ll.h:Jrcd ill litis 1lI1~ .ll'Tt.aking!"

R('a,iing COlllttnllY ell.pl('~'I'>I g':I"1!

VjO() J)illl .... "I' hluoli from 19·n uufil the encl of hu"lilirif'».

,----- 1fu ;!$lemoriam -----.

~:':::. Dro" AVO I


I ~;';;:;:'":,,,

~, ~ I'> ;~ ~ :!II I_ ;'; '·I~ I: • ."

31:1r.1UI S::!I)I'- I',. ~ 'I: I~ ;.;:

S 1'1:; ~ $'101 l~ ;; '·I!IS 0;., ~'":J;'jj "" ~/11"r. ~ ~f e ,:; :."

Reading Railroad Magazine


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