Updates On The 2011 Egyptian & Libyan Revolutions

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Updates on the 2011 Egyptian & Libyan Revolutions

The Egyptian Revolution is here in 2011. Radical changes have occurred. People are
celebrating that Mubarak stepped down from his office. That is a good thing since a
dictator ruling a nation is a vice and it isn't a virtue. People have stood up against evil and
nepotism. There are real changes in Egypt. I don't believe that NGOs or the elite influenced the
direction of the whole revolution. The people in Egypt should independently rule their own nation.
People in Jordan, Tunisia, and all over the Middle East are celebrating in the streets as well. This
is a new era. New reforms can occur in the world. Some people in Paris are celebrating. The ex-
Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak has there ruled for 30 years. The Egyptian armed
forces will take over the leadership of the country as Vice President Omar Suleiman
announced. Some fear the Muslim Brotherhood and other influences will dictate policies in
Egypt as Mubarak is gone. We should be careful about the future, but most of the Egyptian
citizenry aren't extremists nor are in league with the Muslim Brotherhood at all. We need to
be very careful to not experience anti-Muslim paranoia or anti-Muslim hysteria. Many
Muslims in the world (even if you personally disagree with Islam from a religious standpoint)
desire in peace, inherit rights, and a goal of cooperation with their neighbors (in order to establish
a more tranquil civilization). Hosni Mubarak's money has been frozen in Switzerland. The future is
uncertain since we live in a new era of time. The genie is out of the bottle. Many people who are
in the Arabic world desire to throw off the shackles of tyranny and desire more reasonable
democratic reforms in respective countries. The solution to the Israeli/Palestinian problem is a
must in the 21st century. Egypt will have to recover from their issues and there should be
employment, food development, and other means of survival. People do have hope to have a
better situation than in the past 30 years.
Glen Beck is right on some issues, but this Mormon is using disinformation yet again. He
believes that Soros and communists are having a hand in trying to cause tensions in the world
(and make America into a more communist nation). That reality is that Soros has done dirt, but
he isn't the biggest player in causing this turmoil in the world. This agenda is about globalists
using offshore corporate cartel (beyond leftist agitators) to force globalization, the new world
order, and a destabilization of the world. Glen Beck is acting like Sen. Joseph McCarthy.
McCarthy accurately exposed Communist influence in the U.S. government with real
evidence. Yet, he didn't see the bigger picture that Communism is just one avenue in how
the establishment use to counter react real Revolution. Real Revolution isn't about
violating First Amendment rights or making a man a cog of the state. It's about transforming
society and transforming our culture in being more tolerant of the poor, the suffering, the
outcast, and the disadvantaged in the world. Beck is right to expose the new world order
agenda, but wrong to place George Soros as its leader. The CFR member &
Bilderberger Soros (who financially aided the Bush family I might add) is a
mid level person of the elite at best. The real elite or bloodlines are promoting the
new age system. Beck tries to link the Muslim Brotherhood to socialism in America. He bashes
labor unions (even though some unions are corrupt) when unions are one of the reasons why we
have a minimum wage, workers' rights, pensions, and other protections that assist workers in
the West. George Soros isn't the ringmaster in the global game of chess. Beck wants us to
blame leftists or the Left Paradigm collectively (with people like Van Jones and groups
being linked to Soros) as the sole reasons for our problems. Glen Beck omits that the Pentagon
intervened in foreign politics. Even the CIA and the U.S. military have for decades, sponsored
and created radical Islamic factions including the Muslim Brotherhood, the Taliban, and more.

Now, a dictator eliminated from power like Mubarak is a great thing. We should celebrate this.
Yet, we should be careful that NGOs, and other Western elites don't stir this revolution. Many
elitists want to use strategic problems to control more of the Middle East and Central Asia. They
have funded Nazi Germany, Communist China, and Soviet Russia (as documented by Anthony
Sutton and other researchers). Geo-politicians like Zbeigniew Brzezinski and Henry
Kissinger admit that there are Hegelian dialectics over race, creeds, and
nationality in order to promote corporate and military interests behind the scenes.
This is expressed in the Grand Chessboard book as written by Brzezinski (He
wanted a technocratic revolution in the world as early as the early 1970's).
Many CIA/KGB factions have used assassinations, false revolutions, and other black ops
tensions to control the Third World. Both sides in the Middle East in their leaderships are even
manipulated by the West too. One example is how the Muslim Brotherhood was funded by British
Intelligence. The West supports Israel and the mostly Sunni dictators too in Saudi Arabia, etc. If a
Middle Eastern nation rebels, they are dealt with. One example is that once Iranian Prime
Minister Mohammed Mossadegh was removed by a CIA coup in Operation Ajax from 1953.
Mossadegh, who was educated in the West and had a moderate, secular rule, had defied the oil
companies in attempt to nationalize energy profits. Even Brzezinski brags about funding Afghan
terrorists as freedom fighters. These fighters now are called terrorists ironically by 2001. Saddam
Hussein during the Iran-Iraq war was aided by the USA that killed over 1 million people. Iraq back
in the 1980’s was once given weapons of mass destruction by the West, especially America.
Even Anwar al-Awlaki dined in the Pentagon months after 9/11. He was the shooter of innocent
people in Fort Hood. A lot of these terrorist incidents either are funded by the government or have
strange circumstances behind them. The Egyptian Interior Ministry building is on fire in Cairo,
Libya is having a Revolution. A US/NATO intervention in Libya is a reality. Libya is approaching a
possible civil war. Libya is an oil rich nation. It's easy to witness that Colonel Muammar Al- Al
Qaddafi (Al-Qaddafi) is a dictator. He's been the qaid or dictator of Libya for about 42 years.
Libya is different from Ben Ali's Tunis
Tunisia and Mubarak's Egypt. Libya was not very submissive to
the United States and the European Union recently.. Qaddafi is a dictator that acts independent.
Some fear that Egypt and Tunisia will have the military machine and neo neo-liberalism
liberalism to remain in
those respective
ctive countries if puppet new regimes exist. The EU and the US wish that Libya is
more controlled by them, so they can gain their resources and be a gateway to get more
resources from West Africa too. From the south, weapons s are coming into Libya with people
promoting revolt. Qaddafi ruled Libya after the 1969 coup agai against
nst the King Idris Al-Sanusi.
Al The
King acquiescence or submitted greatly to the interests of Western nations. Qaddafi used the cult
of personality, cronyism, and corruption in order maintain his power base in Libya. The enemy
Qaddafi immorally invaded Chad to carve it up. He's an eccentric. He has an entourage of
female bodyguards. He allowed many innocent people to die or go missing (including
people from his own nation). There was the case of Lebanon’s Musa Al-Sadr, Sadr, the founder
of the Amal Movement, is one of the most famous of these cases and has always been a
hindrance to Lebanese-LibyanLibyan relations. There have been rivals in Qaddafi's regime.
Opposition to him has been crushed and Lebanon's Musa Al-Sadr Sadr had been killed too. He
was the founder of the Amal Movement
Movement.. Qaddafi has had a very negative effect in creating and
conditioning an entire hierarchy of corrupt officials in Tripoli. Each one looks out for their own
interests at the expense of the Libyan people. Aref Sharif, the head of the Libyan Air Force, has
renounced Qaddafi. Interior Minister Abdul Fatah Al Al-Yunis (Al-Younis),
Younis), who is from Benghazi
(Bengasi) and oversees a branch of the special operations work in Libya, has resigned. Yunis is
reported to be Qaddafi’s “number two” or second in charge, but this is incorrect. Abdullah Sanusi,
the head of Libyan Internal Intelligence and Qaddafi’s relative through marriage, is the closest
thing to a “number two” within the structure of power in Tripoli. The opposition in Libya isn't
monolithic. Some social media networks, international news stations, etc. have promoted regime
change in Libya. Qaddafi is a fraud and I don't agree with him exploiting black
Africans there in Liby
Libya. I oppose black people
ople being murdered in Libya too
by the so-called
called “rebels.” That is why I don’t support all of the rebels or
Qaddafi. These evil people are dragging black people and killing innocent
black people in Libya. Also, these actions by these so-called rebels violate
international law. NATO wants to issue the no fly zone. NATO were the
same ones harming and killing Serbian civilians back in the late 1990’s. I
never forgot about the crimes of NATO. So, the Serbian people are always
allies of freedom loving peoples against imperialists and corporate
bombers. I don’t support Africom either. Carter Ham is the leader of the U.S. Africa
Command. Silvio Berlisconi and the Italian government has supported Qaddafi's regime. Civil war
and democracy are used as pretext for the West to attempt to stir the revolution in Libya into their

Gadaffi is a dictator and a disturbed person. Yet, we have to see if this Revolution will turn
Libya into chaos, a puppet Western state, or a genuine nation-state. Time will tell. I don’t
justify the Gadaffi regime, but there are facts that some individuals must accept. Libya had
a lower incarceration rate than the Czech Republic. It had the lowest infant mortality rate
of all of Africa. It has the highest life expectancy of all Africa. Less than 5 percent of the
population was undernourished. Libya had the highest Human Development index or HDI in all of
Africa. Oil made Libya rich in many areas. The problem was that Gaddafi acted as a dictator in
some of his policies. A military colonel has joined the group and provided them with further
weapons. This uprising began in the Eastern city of Benghazi. Great Britain funded an Al-Qaeda
cell in Libya in an attempt to assassinate Gadaffi. The main opposition group in Libya is called the
National Front for the Salvation of Libya. This group is funded by Saudi Arabia, the CIA, and
French Intelligence. February 17, 2011 was the time of the chaos in Libya. This group unified with
other opposition groups to become the National Conference for the Libyan Opposition. Gadaffi
(whether you agree with him or not) wants to unite one continent in Africa as a hegemony.
Gadaffi is Berber not Arabic per se.

American interests don’t want to happen or a real independent African bloc of power without
Western control. A bloody civil war in Libya therefore would be in favor of the West since the
West can control the outcome better. The Libyan Islamic Fighting group supports the Revolution.
Some of its members have been linked to the al-Qaeda group in Afghanistan that the CIA trained
in Camp Peary. After the failed 1995 assassination attempt against the Libyan
leader reported by MI-5 defector David Shayler (for which MI-6 paid £100,000 to
an al Qaeda subsidiary), eastern Libya was the scene of a protracted Islamist
insurrection. Many al-Qaeda jihadists want chaos in Libya according to jihadist websites.
NATO and the USA used the same al-Qaeda during the 1990’s that was used to terrorize the
Serbs. “Many members of the Kosovo Liberation Army were sent for training in terrorist camps in
Afghanistan,” said James Bissett, former Canadian ambassador to Yugoslavia and an expert on
the Balkans. “Milosevic is right. There is no question of their participation in conflicts in the
Balkans. It is very well documented.” Could the masses be wrong? Could the solution be an
independent solution separate of this present counterrevolution? Libya was once trying to
have Islamic banking in the nation. What we see is the Brzezinski strategy in action. This
strategy is to cause division and a divide and conquer strategy for the West to influence
these Middle Eastern nations (without the US directly invading these nations). They’ve
failed in Iran, but they are targeting Egypt and Libya. The elite want a strategic
headquarters in the Middle East, which is why they target the Middle East so harshly. The
new world order system has infiltrated governments in the Middle East (harming both
Jewish people and Arabic people). Not to mention that the Muslims are one of the
strongest dissenters against the decadence lifestyle of the West. I live in America and I
can tell you what the deal with America is. People want to use surgery in hatred of their
God-given features, people hating other people, people acting materialistic, people acting
fake, people acting stuck up, etc. That’s in America, yet I know tons of real people in
America as well all throughout my life. Qaddafi isn’t a boy scout, but neither are puppets
that the West wants to rule in the Middle East either. I don’t support Qaddafi, but Libya
should be independent without influences from NGO/Western intelligence puppets.

The West is launching attacks in Libya. These attacks come from France, the U.S., and
other NATO allies. Congress hasn’t approved of these deadly Tomahawk cruise missile
attacks in the sovereign state of Libya. Neo-liberals support these actions in a hypocritical
fashion, because they agree with war and destruction if the United Nations approves of
such activities. The corporate media is using propaganda spin to rationalize the
destruction of Libyan in order to spread Western hegemony in the world (to get their oil
resources too). This act is called Operation Odyssey Dawn. Article 1, Section 8 of the
Constitution gives the power of Congress along to declare war. Even the War Powers
Acts gives the President to act in a limited capacity. This was passed by Congress back in
1973 after Nixon illegally invaded Cambodia. These acts now contradict the
Constitution. The President should of at least consulted Congress (in hearing, debates,
etc.) beyond just sucking up to the U.N. The West wants this limited action to be used to
prevent Gaddafi from killing civilians. The problem is that will the West do more to
support the rebels or even have an invasion of Libya since a no fly zone enforcement
policy can only go so far in its reach or purpose. The purpose of the action in Libya
according to the critics of this plan has been ambiguous to put it lightly. A war powers
resolution was made by Congress to justify the war of Iraq after the false flag attack of
September 11, 2011. The authorization to kill people in Libya was made also by the
French President Nicolas Sarkozy. The media call this act a theatrical gravitas. The
Secretary General of the Libyan Parliament named Mohammed al-Zawi accused of the
West of using a barbaric armed attack whose bombs hit residential areas and buildings.
To him, the results of these complications have caused the hospitals of Tripoli and
Misurata to be filled with civilian victims. The propaganda news reported on a picture of
a jet fighter being shot down and some claimed that this proved that Qaddafi was defying
the U.N. by keeping up his air strikes. It was later found out that the destroyed plane
belonged to the rebel air force. The minimum estimated cost of maintaining a no-fly
zone over Libya for one year is estimated in the neighborhood of $15 billion –
enough to fund WIC high-protein meals for impoverished US mothers and infants
for two years. They don’t care for the poor in America, but want massive
intervention in Libya. The rebels aren’t monolithic. Some are made up of the
Muslim Brotherhood, the Libyan government dissidents, monarchist Senussi
tribesmen and others holding the cities of Benghazi and Tobruk.

The British Prime Minister David Cameron and Sarkozy met in Saturday to compare
notes. This was done before they had an international globalist summit on Libya.
Cameron reportedly wants NATO to have a lead role in the act of war. Sarkozy desires an
international leadership structure independent of NATO. Sarkozy therefore wants
globalist minions to run the shows (that came be from Brussels). The Secretary of State
Hillary Clinton said that she wants more Arabic nations to make efforts to stop the
violence and be in an international coalition to handle the Libyan situation. Some Sunni
Middle Eastern nations have followed orders from the Europeans and the U.N. They
might to be partners in the military strikes. The elite want control over dictatorships in
Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and the Gulf Emirates.

It’s very hypocritical for the West to act like they are being tolerant in Africa when they
have done nothing to avert the African humanitarian crisis in the Congo, Rwanda, and
even Yemen or Bahrain. Libya is attacked, because it’s a strategic region with large
masses of mineral and oil resources. They or the Western imperial powers don’t care
about the Libyan people. The French leadership spearheaded these attacks in a slick neo-
colonial move. An U.S. jet called the F-15E Strike Force (it has laser guided missiles and
a machine gun) crashed in Libya. The 2 crewmembers have been rescued since a GPS
devices were on the aircraft. The crewmembers should be rescued indeed. Some believe
that civilians have been killed in Misrata. Both parties have criticized President Barack
Obama since he enacted this policy without Congressional input like Dennis Kucinich.
Americans should have a voice in these decisions. Most Americans support a no fly zone
just like most Americans once supported the Iraq War. The majority isn’t always right.
There was no humanitarian intervention in Egypt, Tunisia, Bahrain, Gaza, or Yemen
(when their government is shooting live ammo at its own populace. There is a bloodbath
in Yemen). Unarmed civilians have been murdered there, but no intervention is
occurring in that Middle Eastern country. Recently, 10 people and over 100 folks have
been injured by government supporters & security forces in Yemen. The U.S. could pay
$300 million dollars per week for Libya. Hillary Clinton and President Barack Obama
desire regime change in Libya or that Gaddafi is eliminated power. Right now, there is
still state security, illegal surveillance, illegal wars, money wasted that should be
spending in home. These acts have been done by the Bush/Cheney crew and by the
present administration. Critics also said that this attack violate the U.N.’s own Charter.
These acts of proposed invasion and partition are very vindictive by these imperialists in
the modern age. The reality is that many of the rebels are radicals that want shariah law
in Libya (some have accused some of them of being affiliated with al-Qaeda). Long term,
some in the West want the balkanization of these Middle Eastern nations, so they can be
made easier to economically or politically controlled. The liberal establishment tries to
speak of justifications for these actions, but the reality is that they don’t use the same
reasoning in going after other nations. That is a part of hypocrisy. The rebels are giving
the West bomb locations from Gaddafi in order for Western planes to strike in anti-
aircraft targets in Libya. The rebels want the West to give them military expertise in
order for them to fight better. According to NBC News correspondent Richard Engel, the
rebels, who control a significant portion of Libya’s oil resources, were willing to “pay commercial
rates” for the services of private military experts. Washington, London, and Paris want regime
change in Libya. Qatar and the United Arab Emirates have promised to send warplanes in order
to enforce the no fly zone.

Operation Odyssey Dawn has been exposed by some researchers as having a ritualistic,
occultic quality. To the global elite, war is a blood sacrifice for promoting globalism and
neo-liberal ideology. Many famous events were on days that deal with numerical or
astrological significance. The present military operation against Libya involved missile
strikes and air bombardments from U.S. and European allied forces called Operation
Odyssey Dawn. It came in March 19th, 2001 after a hastily crafted U.N. Resolution came
about. It was in the height of not only the Super moon phenomenon, but right before
the Spring Equinox (that occurred a day after on March 20th, 2011). Large violence came
about on this day. The Iraq War kicked off exactly 8 years ago on March 19th, 2003.
During the days of the ancient Romans, March 19th was in the time when people had a
festival. This festival celebrated the goddess Minerva (which is signified with the image
of the owl. Minerva is shown in the California state seal and on the Congressional Medal
of Honor). Some believe this day of attack on Libya was a tribute to Minerva. Both
invasions occurred on the eve of the Vernal Equinox – a date that was – and still is –
extremely significant throughout History. It is the date of the Sun’s resurrection and was
often celebrated with a blood sacrifice to “impregnate the Earth.” According to some
researchers, in Illuminati lore, the Spring Equinox is considered a Minor Sabbath but still
requires human sacrifice. March 21-22 is dedicated Goddess Ostara (Ishtar, also spelled,
“Eostre”), for whom “Easter” is named. March 21 is one of the Illuminati’s Human
Sacrifice Night. Ishtar was the Babylonian goddess of fertility, love and war. Her name
derives from the words for “Dawn.” These ritualistic like attacks are common in history.
Some of these events revolving around death and destruction occurred on the Northern
33rd Degree parallel of latitude. The two major cities of Benghazi and Tripoli where a
substantial amount of military action has taken place exist very close to this particular
degree of latitude. The name Operation Odyssey Dawn has special meaning. The name
of Odyssey came from the Greek author Homer. Homer wrote the poem Odyssey about
the Greek hero Odysseus starting 10 years after the 10 year Trojan War. The poem
describes Odysseus’s’ 10 year journey to Ithaca following the war. Ironically from 2001
to 2011 has been 10 years in this war on terror. This war on terror was used after 9/11.
The poem has been viewed as a vital esoteric text according to secret societies and
fraternities. Dawn means the rising of light or Lucifer as mentioned in various orders.
The destabilizations of the Middle East in color like revolution is done in order to make
the Middle east accept the new world order system in a more malleable way.

*The Libyan intervention is still going on. Now, Joe Biden once threatened Bush impeachment if
he bombed Iran without gaining congressional approval. This was back in 2007. Now, he is
supported the military strikes in Libya. He is using the royalty from the United Arab Emirates and
cajoling them to support Obama’s unconstitutional war waged on Libya. This occurred without
Congressional approval in early 2011. He was running for President at the time. Many puppets
tell lies from the elite to gain power and influence in the American politic. Some politicians
promise the moon and deliver nothing or little to the people. The United Nations and the elite
wanted air strikes in Libya. The alternative media is one of the few places where the truth is
expressed really. YouTube even admitted to censoring the view count on Biden’s impeachment
video. The Obama administration is engaging in military aggression against Libya, yet Biden said
back in 2007 (in the Chris Matthews show from MSNBC) that it would be an impeachable offense
if Bush attacked Iranian interests without Congressional approval. Under the headline Could
Obama be Impeached over Libya? Let’s ask Biden, the video has been drawing thousands of
hits as viewers have drawn the comparison to the subversion of Congressional authority by Biden
and Obama via US involvement in UN sanctioned attacks on pro-Gaddafi forces and buildings.
The video in Youtube is stuck in about 301 views. The actions in Libya are completely hypocritical
and unconstitutional. It’s a violation of the oaths that both Biden and Obama swore to protect.
Google CEO Eric Schmidt is a part of YouTube as Google is the parent of the YouTube
Company. Biden in another video found out that Bush invading Iran without Congressional was
an impeachable offense after using expert opinions from 5 leading constitutional scholars. In
2007, Barack Obama made the same statements as Biden. He noted that: “….The President
does not have power under the Constitution to unilaterally authorize a military attack in a situation
that does not involve stopping an actual or imminent threat to the nation.” “As President, I will not
assert a constitutional authority to deploy troops in a manner contrary to an express limit imposed
by Congress and adopted into law.” Obama also stated. Is he following his words from years
back? We know the answer to that question.
The Libyan rebel leader admitted that there is a connection to the CIA-invented al-Qaeda in
Iraq. The Libyan rebel commander is an intelligence operative according to sources. Russia
Today compares Obama’s bombing of Libya to that of Yugoslavia by Clinton in the 1990’s.
Abdel Hakim al-Hasidi is the Libyan rebel leader. He told the Italian newspaper Il Sole 24
Ore that he recruited a couple dozen of men from the Dema area of Eastern Libya to fight
against the Iraqi occupation. He said that many of these fighters now arte on the front lines in
Abjadibya according to a report published by the Telegraph. The rebels have controlled
Abjadiya and other cities. The CIA with the assistance of the Pakistani’s ISI and Saudi
Arabia ran the Islamic network plus its aggressive recruitment efforts. The effort started n
1979. Defense Secretary Robert Gates in his memoir admitted that American intelligence
services began to aid the Mujahedeen in Afghanistan 6 months before the Soviet intervention.
Zbigniew Brzezinski was Jimmy Carter’s national security advisor at the time. He told the
French newspaper Le Nouvel Observateur in 1998 that it was true that people like him
created the Mujahedeen that would evolve later into al-Qaeda (and the Taliban. In his mind,
this was an excellent idea. He doesn’t regret it despite 400,000 people who died as a result).
The intelligence community promoted the Mujahedeen to attack Russians in Afghanistan.
This caused the beginning of the end of the Soviet Union. Al-Qaeda was used as globalist
foreign policy tool to take down nations and regimes including Bosnia and Kosovo. Resisters
of this agenda were demonized by the mainstream media as well. Many of the rebels in Libya
worked for the CIA either directly or covertly. The Libyan resistance is similar to Gaddafi as
being yearning for conflict in order to gain a certain end result. Libya should embrace another
thugocracy in their lands. The CIA and Pentagon have exploited al-Qaeda’s presence in the
Balkans, Central Asia, and Iraq in order to continue the war on terror. “Islamic missionaries
of the Wahabi sect from Saudi Arabia had established themselves in the Muslim republics, as
well as within the Russian federation, encroaching upon the institutions of the secular State.
Despite its anti-American ideology, Islamic fundamentalism was largely serving
Washington’s strategic interests in the former Soviet Union, the Balkans and the Middle
East,” writes Michel Chossudovsky. Strategically, anti-American ideology and Islamic
fundamentalism has been used by the West as a means to use that as a justification for the
West to promote color revolutions (and dismember nations via order through chaos). Al-
Hasidi is a member reportedly of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (or LIFG). This is also
called the Al-Jama’a al-Islamiyyah al-Muqatilah bi-Libya.

It is the most powerful radical faction waging Jihad in Libya and was officially designated as
an affiliate of al-Qaeda and the Taliban – both CIA creations – by the UN 1267 Committee.
LIFG was founded in the fall of 1995 by Libyans who had fought against Soviet forces in
Afghanistan, in short for the CIA and the ISI. Back in 2007, documents were captured by
allied forces in the town of Sinjar. It showed LIFG members made up of the 2nd largest cohort
of foreign fighters in Iraq after Saudi Arabia. Another intelligence asset called Al-
Muhajiroun is active in Libya. The Al-Muharjiroun was involved in recruiting British
Muslims to fight in Kosovo. The organization is banned in the UK. It harbored numerous
British intelligence plants like Haroon Rashid Aswat. Aswat was the supposed mastermind of
the 7/7 bombings. The group’s leader in 1997 called Abu Hamza al-Masri started to work
with 2 branches of the British security services, the police’s Special Branch, and MI5 (or the
domestic counterintelligence service). This information isn’t shown by the establishment
corporate media. Instead, we are fed more inflammatory propaganda, such as al-Muhajiroun
hyperbole that the call for “Islam, the Shariah and jihad from Libya” had “shaken the
enemies of Islam and the Muslims more than the tsunami that Allah sent against their friends,
the Japanese.” The bigger picture is that the global elite (via the CIA and British Intelligence)
want to get rid of the dictator Gaddafi in order to gain his oil/mineral resources. Gaddafi was
a puppet for transnational oil corporations himself. Gaddafi was once a friend of the West
(like Saddam) and he is threatened to be overthrown under the guise of humanitarian issues
(when these concerns in Yemen, other places in Africa, etc. are made know, the West don’t
give an inch of concern).

This is a Black Libyan being harassed by racist cowardly people. I could use other words to
describe these racists, but I won’t go there.

The Libyan so-called pro-humanitarian war has created a humanitarian crisis in Libya. There are
thousands of dead Africans exist now. The media doesn’t report on this. This Euro-American
invasion of Libya is sick indeed. The U.S. aircraft Carl Vinson steamed right past a ship full of
dying Africans in the Mediterranean Sea. The NATO fled didn’t want to rescue African even
though NATO claims the purpose of its mission to save civilian lives. NATO killed innocent people
in SE Europe over 10 years ago, so NATO’s satanic evils is nothing new. The Western
intervention is putting civilian African workers at terrible risk. Black African migrant workers are
trapped in that country. The U.S. backed rebels are lynching people. The death toll of migrant
workers and their families are n the thousands. The West doesn’t care. Washington just wants
Libya to be submitted under the West in a slave client state regardless of how many Africans die
(whether they are Arab, black, Muslim, Christian, animist, etc.). Using the force of arms to have a
grip on the region and steal its resources is an oxymoron to the goal of humanitarian intervention.
NATO didn’t help the 11 survivors (among the 72 black passengers) trying to live in a vessel to
escape Libya. They suffered 16 days of agony and thirst plus starvation in the Mediterranean
Sea. NATO warplanes flew over them and did nothing even among babies. Now, black people
are dying from the vessel are from Ethiopia, Sudan, Eritrea, Ghana, and Nigeria. At least 800
other refugees from Libya are presumed to have died on the high seas last month. Many of the
600 onboard a vessel that sunk just off the Libyan coast this week. According to the U.N., about
750,000 refugees have left Libya since the rebellion broke out more than 2 months ago. 3 million
workers are in Libya and 1.5 million of them are black Africans (who are hunted and hounded by
racist mobs). NATO dismissed an African Union cease fire proposal that would have allowed a
safe corridor for refugees to escape. The civil war has been armed, funded, and supported by the
U.S. and its allies. NATO is guilty of depraved indifference to human life (as the Western news
media that act as cheerleaders for the superpower aggression). There is the U.S. backed
Ethiopian invasion of Somalia in 2006. The same humanitarian interventionists are happening
under President Barack Obama (he called the Somalian invasion as authentic and humanitarian).
The United Nations called the intervention as the worst humanitarian crisis in Africa. The U.S.
didn’t care about civilians then or now.

There can be peaceful arbitrators sent into Libya to get some resolution going on. Yet,
this isn’t going to occur when bombs are spreading among all sides. If journalists can be
in Libya, then independent peacemakers can be actively utilized in Libya in trying to get
a real cease fire and get some resolutions among all parties to exist. Hopefully, a peaceful
solution can come out of this. It is unlikely that American soldiers will be involved in the
conflict for now. Yet, we as people can never support this Manifest Destiny 2.0 in the
21st century. It’s immoral.

Appendix A: The Events in Syria

There are events in Syria as well. There is a Revolution all over the world. This Syrian Uprising
has signs of being another globalist backed coup d’état. There is a conglomeration of Western
backed human rights activist. The Syrian Revolution has a logo. The Otpor fist was first used in
Serbia in 200 and it’s handed off to numerous movements that are trained by the U.S. funded
CANVAS organization, including Tunisian & Egyptian youth movements. It’s called the Syrian
Youth Revolution. “A prominent Syrian opposition figure says the country is “a bomb, ready to
explode” as protesters demand freedom and an end to president Bashar al-Assad’s “cancerous
regime,”” reports Australia’s ABC News. This prominent Syrian opposition figure is “human
rights activist” Haitham Maleh, of the Human Rights Association of Syria, recently released from a
Syrian prison. Haitham Maleh and Muhammad al-Hassani (another activist. His plight has been
used to stir up unrest) each have pro-bono legal services from the CFR-filled “Freedom Now”
organization. Freedom Now receives funding from the Morial Fund, the Lantos Foundation, which
includes Israeli President Shimon Peres as an adviser. Real Network Foundation also funds
Democracy Now. The Charles Bronfman Prize proclaims on its website about Jewish values,
Global Impact. Freedom Now gets pro bono legal support from the Pillsbury law firm, which is a
CFR corporate member. Freedom Now specializes in political prisoners from many regions of the
world. It attracts the attention of globalist ambition. The use of human rights abuses deals with
globalists a perceived moral high ground from which they can exert pressure on target nations.
This is very similar to the operation being run by Chatham House globalist Robert Amsterdam of
Amsterdam & Peroff, who is defending western-backed Mikhail Khodorkovsky to ratchet up
pressure on Russia, and Thaksin Shinawatra to exert pressure on Thailand. There are individuals
from the corporate world using “human rights” as an excuse to promote radical changes in the
Middle East. There have been many evils in Syria against Syrians’ human rights. That is true, but
we can’t use falsehoods as an excuse to promote the Manifest Destiny 2.0. Syria was once
included in George W. Bush’s Axis of Evil and in 2007, Rhodes Scholar and U.S. General Wesley
Clark mentioned in a 2007 speech about wanting Syria being slated for destabilization and
regime change.

Other actors in the Syrian unrest are wary of the London-based Syrian Human Rights Committee
whose hearsay statements posed on its website are cited by corporate news media in outlandish
reports of violence that also include “activists say” after each allegation. The Syrian Rights
Committee puts on a poorly staged demonstration outside the Syrian Embassy in England.
Information on Syria comes from “human rights organizations” like SHRC gives a good majority of
information to mainstream media sources. Kamal Labwani was arrested in 2005 in Syria after
returning from a trip to Europe and the United States. He met with government officials,
journalists, and human rights groups in his effort to change the Syrian government. The officials
Labwani consorted with were George Bush’s Deputy National Security Adviser J.D. Crouch. The
U.S. called Syria a rogue state. John Bolton wants Syria to be targeted by possible U.S. military
action. Syria accused Labwani of communicating with a foreign country and inciting it to initiate
aggression against Syria doesn’t seem so farfetched. In most nations the punishment for treason
is death, under Syria’s cancerous regime, Labwani got 12 years. Some of these movements have
been backed by the West and they have been supported by the corporate owned media. This is a
part of the same events in North Africa and the Middle East. Destabilization efforts are occurring
in Egypt, Libya, and Syria is here. If these efforts are successful, the West could have more overt
involvement in these affairs.

Appendix B: The Ivory Coast and Beyond

There are conflicts in the Ivory Coast, Libya, and beyond. Some elitists want to conquer Africa,
which has been their goal for centuries. Equatorial Guinea's President Teodoro Obiang Nguema
(or the chairman of African Union) on April 5 condemned the French military operations in fellow
West African nation Ivory Coast and the NATO's war against Libya. He said that: "...Africa
does not need any external influence. Africa must manage its own affairs.”
He came to power via a coup d’état in 1979, so he isn't a total model of a democratic ruler. He
governed his nation to this day uninterrupted. He heads the 53 nation African Union. He doesn't
want an intervention of a foreign army in the Ivory Coast. The violence there is between the
Western backed Alassane Ouattara's self styled Republican Forces army and the "Invisible
Commandos" on one side including the incumbent President Laurent Gbagbo's military and
security forces on the other. Nguema spoke after French attack helicopters struck Ivorian military
bases in the commercial capital of Abidjan. They have destroyed over 10 armored vehicles, 4
anti-aircraft weapons, and the broadcasting state of the state-run Radiodiffusion-Télévision
ivoirienne as well as firing on the presidential building and residence. French troops took over the
nation’s main airport earlier in the week. (In 2004 French warplanes destroyed the Gbagbo
government’s modest air force on the ground, an action heartily endorsed by the U.S.). President
Obiang Nguema doesn’t believe in U.S./NATO intervention in Libya. He wants the solution to be
resolved internally. Iraq was fought for humanitarian grounds like Libya and Iraq is still suffering
some issues in that nation. He believed that foreigners are susceptible to propose erroneous
solutions, so Africans should solve African problems (without an European, American, or Asian
view to be embraced in solving complications). Russia called an emergency meeting of the UN’s
Security Council on Ivory Coast. Foreign Minister Sergie Lavrov wants neutrality and impartiality
inspire of French troops (plus cohorts from the ONUCI or the UN operation in Cote d’Ivoire)
intervening in the Ivory Coast. Lavrov later expressed concerns that U.S. and other NATO
members arming anti-government insurgents in Libya stating that such a measure would
constitute interference in the civil war. Some want the violence to end in Libya and the Ivory
Coast. Americans and other Western leaders want arms and missile attacks to end the violence
in both African nations. President Barack Obama wants the former President Gbagbo to stand
down immediately. He wants those who are fighting to lay down their arms and he respected the
actions of French troops and military helicopters in the capital. Hillary Clinton and President
Barack Obama have delivered ultimatums to the Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi to leave Libya.
Bombs and cruise missiles have come into Libya from NATO as well. The recently appointed
commander of U.S. Africa Command, General Carter Ham, told the House Armed
Services Committee on April 5: “This is a historic time for us in Africa Command.
We completed a complex, short-notice; operational mission in Libya and have
now transferred that mission to NATO.” Since Africom handed over command of the
war against Libya to NATO on March 31, over 1,200 air missions have been flown over
nation like several hundred bombings and missile strikes. 2 out of the 5 African
nations that formed relationship with the Pentagon via ARFICOM are targets of
violent uprisings. These uprisings raise their puppet governments to be gone and client
regimes to be subservient to U.S. and NATO allies.

There are news about Eritrea, Zimbabwe, and Sudan. If the pro-French Alassance Outattara (he
was an unelected Prime Minister in the past) then Africom will have a foothold in West Africa
(among oil rich and strategic regions). Ouattara was under the late President for life Félix
Houphouët-Boigny and he was the Washington, D.C.-based Deputy Managing Director of the
International Monetary Fund. The USS Robert G. Bradley guided missile frigate began a nine-
nation Africa Partnership Station West mission on February 1 with a port visit to the capital of
Togo, two countries removed from Ivory Coast’s eastern border on the Gulf of Guinea. The Africa
Partnership Station is an initiative of U.S. Naval Forces Europe-Africa and works in conjunction
with AFRICOM. The U.S. warship itinerary will make visits to Cape Verde, Senegal, Gabon, Sao
Tome and Principe, Sierra Leone, Cameroon, Angola, and Nigeria. Angola and of course Nigeria
are Africa’s largest oil exporters. France, the U.S., China, and Russia divide oil in Gabon. France
once colonized Gabon. In 2005, American oil giants ChevronTexaco and ExxonMobil made
an agreement in exploration and production with Sao Tome and Principe. The U.S.
warship visited Tanzania. It trained military personnel from Djibouti, Kenya, Mauritius,
and Mozambique. The African Partnership Station initiative came in 2007 to allow U.S.
warship to numerous African coastal and island nation, except those bordering the
Mediterranean Sea. In February of 2011, Africom did a Special Forces exercise in Senegal and
other NATO allies. This was called Operation Flintlock. This divide and conquer strategy in Africa
nothing new. Back in the 1884-1885 Berlin Conference divided the African continent into spheres
of influence between the major European powers. The U.S. is dealing with Ivory Coast that once
was colonized by France. Libya was once colonized by France and Italy was a colonial power. So
now, the U.S. and all the major former European colonial masters, (who are now fellow
NATO member states – France, Britain, Portugal, Spain, Belgium, Germany, Italy
and Turkey) – are again planning to establish dominance over what has become the world’s
second most populous continent. They or the globalists want even have NATO to have
more dominance in the African continent and the world.

By Timothy

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