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March 23, 2011

Rev. Stephen V. Sundborg, SJ

Seattle University
901 12th Ave.
Seattle, WA 98122-1090

Dear Father Sundborg,

It has come to the attention of The Cardinal Newman Society and Students for Life of
America—who are joined by the Catholic and pro-life leaders listed below—that Seattle
University has many disturbing ties to Planned Parenthood, the largest abortion provider in the
United States. In addition, the University’s website encourages student involvement in pro-
abortion organizations that directly oppose Catholic teaching.

The University refers students to Planned Parenthood for “sexual health” services, allows
and promotes student internships with Planned Parenthood, hires employees with past experience
with Planned Parenthood and highlights that experience on the University’s website, and honors
students for their past work with Planned Parenthood. Please see the enclosed summary of
information that was gathered from public data on the Seattle University website.

Trusting in your commitment to Catholic education and your concern for the dignity of
all human life, we urge you to sever any ties to pro-abortion organizations and to institute
policies that would prevent further cooperation with such organizations, including

We also urge you to institute policies that would prevent employment or any sort of
honor for an individual who formerly worked or volunteered for Planned Parenthood or
another pro-abortion organization and has not publicly disavowed such prior work.

With prayers for you and Seattle University, we are,

Sincerely yours,

Patrick J. Reilly, President Kristan Hawkins, Executive Director

The Cardinal Newman Society Students for Life of America

Joined by (according to written endorsement):

Austin Ruse
Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute
Erik Whittington Fr. Frank Pavone
Director National Director
Rock for Life Priests for Life

Helen Hull Hitchcock Msgr. Ignacio Barreiro-Carámbula

President Interim President
Women for Faith & Family Human Life International

Jason Jones Jennifer Kimball

President/ Executive Producer Director
I am Whole Life/ Bella Culture of Life Foundation

Jo Tolk John-Paul Deddens

Director Executive Director
Human Life Alliance Students for Life of Illinois

Lila Rose Marjorie Dannenfelser

President Founder, President
Live Action Susan B. Anthony List

Mike Sullivan Rev. Patrick Mahoney

President Executive Director
Catholics United for the Faith Christian Defense Coalition

Penny Nance
Chief Executive Office
Concerned Women for America
Seattle University and Abortion – Website Sources


Counseling and Psychological Services points students to various resources for “sexual
health” including Planned Parenthood’s website.

The Women’s Studies program encourages students to “get involved” with pro-abortion
groups including the Feminist Majority Foundation, Legal Momentum, and the National
Organization for Women.

Student Internships

Public Affairs internships with Planned Parenthood of Western Washington.

The School of Law’s June 2006 issue of Case Notes also announces 2006 grants by the
Public Interest Law Foundation, based at Seattle University, which funds legal internships for
Seattle University law students. The announcement states that a 2006 grant recipient
interned at Planned Parenthood of Washington.

The School of Law’s Winter 2006-2007 issue of Lawyer celebrates the work of the Public
Interest Law Foundation, citing its funding for a student internship at Planned Parenthood of
Western Washington.

In May 2009, the School of Law’s Center for Professional Development promoted a summer
internship at Planned Parenthood of the Great Northwest.

Student Honors

The School of Law website includes a 2009 news report on two students who were awarded
full-tuition Scholars for Justice Awards for their dedication to social justice, citing one of the
recipients’ former experience as a “health care associate” for Planned Parenthood in

Each year Seattle University selects nine freshmen to serve as “peer leaders” and receive
four-year, full-tuition scholarships called the Sullivan Leadership Award. The University’s
profile for recipient Hannah Rolston cites her membership in Planned Parenthood’s PEER
(Peer Education Encourages Responsibility) group, which promotes contraception among

Seattle University’s Office for Wellness and Health Promotion sponsors the Peer Health
Action Team (PHAT), which includes students who teach their peers about issues including
“sexual health.” One of the PHAT students proclaims on the University website, “I got to be
on the Teen Council for Planned Parenthood in high school and loved it.”

Faculty/Staff Profiles

During the 2006-07 academic year, the Seattle University School of Law employed Helen P.
Howell as Distinguished Practitioner in Residence. Howell was previously Vice President
for Public Policy of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America, according to a biography
distributed by the School.

The online profile for Debbi Lewang, Adjunct Professor of Financial Management for Arts
Leaders, highlights her past work at Planned Parenthood of Western Washington.

The website notes Edward Esparza’s experience on the board of directors of Planned
Parenthood of Central Washington. Esparza is a graduate of Seattle University’s Master of
Nonprofits Leadership program and serves on the program’s Visiting Committee.

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