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J. Croft
What have we died for? On fighting other people's wars.

What have our people died for?

I'm writing this on Memorial Day; established by the Government to commemorate all the
people who died fighting for it… and presumably our Country. Presumably, because what have
our people fight and hurt and die for? Here's a overview, in roughly chronological order of all
the wars the United States of America has fought, and some commentary as to why.

The American Revolution(approx 1775-1783)

Remember, pre-Revolution, Americans were British Citizens… they were Subjects of the
Crown. So, the British Colonials were looking for a new opportunity beyond the long settled
and parcelled up England that had formed a crusty class system. The lower classes, rather
than crudding up British cities more than they already were, were encouraged to come to
America. There, they settled new farms, businesses, and pushed west-no, the British Crown
set a stringent limit on settlements west of the Appalachian Mountains. A settler, even after
seven years of indentured servitude(willingly selling yourself into slavery) to get over here
became trapped between breaking the law and heading out into the frontier, and all the
Native Americans not happy you're invading, or trying to buy ever more expensive legally
settleable land. They certainly didn't appreciate the taxes Britain levied to pay off the debts
incurred from fighting the Seven Years War, which was certainly a world war. Populist anger

The landed rich in America also resented England's policies; so much so they sought to assert
their own colonial governments. The British Crown, being a imperialistic government,
resented their colonials attempts at usurping authority so they sent troops to round up
conspirators and confiscate arms. The Colonial British, having tasted freedom, were not so
easily shackled to government authority as their modern day descendents are, so at Lexington
and Concord they fought the Redcoats… and THAT'S when they can rightly begin to be called

It was eight years of desperate fighting, a British Civil War-ordinary, and some not so ordinary
citizens, pitting themselves against their own government. The British were the strongest
single empire on Earth and had more than enough resources to crush this rebellion. Yet, they


People romanticize guerilla warfare too much. Certainly if you know your battlefield and
were willing to put up with whatever deprivations came along and were smart and resourceful
and sucessful you can wage such hit and run raids for a long time. Sooner or later however, if
you want victory, you have to take on the enemy force and defeat them. Guerilla fighters
with scavanged and otherwise second rate arms and training are at a huge disadvantage
because to win against a determined enemy you have to meet them on the battlefield and
defeat them. This can only be done against a determined adversary if you develop resources
and industry to turn out soldiers and their weaponry and this can only be done by securing
territory to safekeep those resources and industry, or securing weaponry from a third party.
We had France, yet they didn't have command of the seas-England did. And the British Army
went nearly anywhere they wanted in their Colonies because despite our ingenuity, tenacity,
initiative and our much better marksmanship, when the Redcoats bore down on you en masse
they were nearly unstoppable. They were the 18th century version of our modern military.

So how the hell did the British lose the Revolutionary War?!

Certainly when isolated or caught by surprise the Americans could win, but force to force-no.
The British had the Colonials at Bunker Hill, but they escaped "somehow" across New York
Harbor under the cannons of the Royal Navy. They were left alone to half freeze to death at
Valley Forge. There were plenty of battles where the British should've won. And Yorktown!
The British willingly let their forces get sandwiched between the bitchslapped to death
Colonials and the French navy?! With England ruling the seas and thousands of Redcoats in
New York City(we never did capture it)? It was a 18th century Dien Bien Phu for the British,
and a thinking man can contend that certain high up elements might've set out to lose.


The British had a caste based society(which we inherited) and those that commanded came
from the upper end of that society. Yes there were incompetents and fools but there were
also geniuses. The British commander in chief, Burgoyne, was such a genius and for him to be
able to understand his opponent's many weaknesses and not expoit them, with the material
advantages he posessed? He and those immediately under him had what it took to put this
rebellion down.

He was a British Gentleman, a genius, and a Mason.

The Masons virtually dominated British high society… which meant they virtually dominated
Colonial American high society. Their ranks were filled with nearly all the leading figures on
both sides of the conflict. The Masons have stamped this Nation with it's symbology for two
centuries. Our Federal Reserve Notes, our fraternal organizations, our architecture, our
government and law-Masons have dominated America. The Masons are secretive and although
you'd think they're just a bunch of businessmen, local polical hacks and cops who get
together, higher up there are some serious circles of power who get together…

So whose to say the American Revolution wasn't thrown by the British generals? No other
reason for American victory seems plausible. And saying that, is it totally out of the realm of
thought that the reasons for the American Revolution were staged managed as well? As you
read on, stage managed conflicts that whip up Righteous American Patriotism for viciously
evil purposes become a staple of American history.
Oh, before we go on, I have a question: have any of you read the Paris Treaty of 1783
formally ending the Revolutionary War? To sum it up, why all the flowery language and
concessions towards King George III? Didn't we win the damn war? You'd think we were still
technically part of the British Empire. If that's true then what did our ancestors fight and
freeze and die for?

Shay's Rebellion

America was independent. Under the Articles of Confederation, each State was almost like a
independent nation only they pooled together for common defense. There were however
massive debts from the war and in some of the states taxes were ruthlessly levied. In
Massechusettes, farms were foreclosed on for missing a tax payment, and without a "safety
net" those farmers and their families would perish. BUT, instead there was a rebellion, and a
sucessful one because the tax collectors backed off. It would be one of the few sucessful
standoffs against government authority in American History(ironic, no?).

Perhaps this is what prompted the Constitutional Convention-and did you know it was
originally intended to amend the Articles of Confederation? The people who were in that
convention had a different agenda-they were Federalists and they had a slick game plan. A
banker's puppet, who were the creditors of the war debt, Alexander Hamilton pushed with all
his might to sneak-SNEAK our current Constitution into being.

And it's funny. We give lip worship to it, yet most Americans today don't even know what's in
it. Essentially, it gives a form of representative government that was designed to on the
surface mollify the well educated, well armed People just enough not to stage another
rebellion, yet have enough wriggle room to expand the government. Quietly. Which is exactly
what happened. Their opponents, the even more barely remembered Anti-Federalists, didn't
pick up on the game plan in time to derail it. Jefferson was in Paris being a diplomat-and he'd
never go along with such crap. But our hero, the masonic George Washington certainly did
and his moral leadership was crucial.

I recommend a book "Hologram of Liberty" by Kenneth W. Royce. Look for a distributor on the
Internet and be ready for a rude awakening.

War of 1812-15

Round two between Great Britain and it's breakaway colonies, partly because our ships and
men were being dragooned on the high seas for fighting the Napoleonic Wars. Really it was
another world war between European powers and we got sucked into it because we weren't
strong enough to NOT be. Britain invaded, and probably could've beaten us-but all they did
was do some raids, bombard some forts, and probably kept us occupied on our own turf long
enough to not make another dumb mistake and help Napoleon.
The American Wars of Conquest during the 19th Century

The various Indian Wars, the Mexican-American War, the annexation of Hawaii. It was the
same hustle; poor white trash would be encouraged to stake out a homestead on some
native's turf, or a business(by some Mason)would go in and do the 19th century version of Wal
Mart and monopolize trade. The natives would get screwed, naturally go to war to free their
land, and then the U.S. Cavalry would literally ride out of the sun to protect the white folks.
Actually, they were tools and I bet more than a few saw through the b.s. But what does a
soldier trained to obey orders and is used to butcher other people and steal their land to do?
Social consciousness was out of the question for these basic 19th century types and the
powers that be used that unfortunate trait to send our warriors and corporate thieves across
the continent. On their backs was America expanded into a federal empire.

If I'm cracking on peoples concepts-too bad. It's past time for America to face itself honestly.
What the hell do our soldiers fight for? Were we defending Red Cloud's freedom? Geronimo's
freedom? Or were we dying for some blue blood chumps greed?

Civil War

500,000 dead. Nearly half the nation devastated. New, more terrible advances in weaponry
developed and the power of the Federal Government expanded. Yeah, we freed the slaves
but that was a wartime political move by Lincoln to further weaken the Confederacy. Fort
Sumter wasn't blasted because Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation after South
Carolina formally seceded. I'll say it again-the freeing the slaves thing was a cynical wartime
ploy. Lincoln said it himself if not freeing the slaves would win the war, he'd do it.

Speaking of Lincoln; that election of 1860 was a strange one at that. Never before, and never
again would there be a four ring circus of candidates. It was a turning point, and Lincoln's
election (as a Abolitonist(?!)) guaranteed the South breaking away.

Why couldn't the government simply buy the freedom of the slaves or something? Did freeing
the slaves really require the utter devastation the South endured? Did freeing the slaves
justify making the federal government a unstoppable colossus? I'm sorry if you're black that
your ancestors got a shit deal, but don't blame MY ancestors for that-they were brought over
as rent-a-slaves and worked to death. But look at our government today, hiding behind the
flag, the constitution, and buzzwords like "freedom". With 2 million or more laws on the books
and nearly half our incomes taxed before we see it, are we not their slaves?

Spanish American War(1898)

The prototype of 9/11, or the USS Cole happened a century before in Havana harbor. the USS
Maine, a old battleship parked in the middle of the harbor when it's coal bins-stupidly located
next to it's ammunition-exploded. William Randolph Hearst sent his photographer to Cuba
shortly before to make a case for war-and told him one would be made. It was. We fought the
Spanish, who were by then a has been with some relic colonial territories. America on the
other hand had just completed consolidating the west and needed some fresh brown skinned
fools to whup ass on. And colonies. And so with that war, America became a world power.

World War One

There were no "good guys".

Imperial Germany didn't start the war, the Austro-Hungarian Hapsburgs did. And people forget
that at the time a QUARTER of the Earth was under British rule. The Lusitania was a munitions
ship gussied up as a passenger liner. And for all the evils of German submarine warfare, Great
Britain had a blockade of German shipping that nothing could break. American billionaires
made great fortunes in loans and armaments manufacturing during that war.

There were however victims. The tens of millions of brainwashed soldiers flung in suicidal
charges against machine guns and poison gasses. A generation was gutted. Worse, civilization
itself was blighted by the incredible trauma-like a great blood sacrifice. And yet more terrible
weapons were produced.

What would history have been like if that nobody blue blood hadn't gotten himself capped in a
open motorcade cruising like a idiot in hostile, occupied territory? Would the prosperity of
Europe and America have trickled down to Asia, Africa, Latin America? Would there have been
a World War if the peoples of the world insisted their governments stopped spending up to a
quarter of their gross national products on vast armies and fleets of warships?

What the hell did America have to fight for if all the nations of Europe at the time were
pretty much the same?

War is man's biggest folly, it's greatest vice. It acts like a tax on human progress and
productivity, and lives. World War One traumatized the whole human race, enough for it to
fight a second one.

World War Two

So those blue blooded Masons set the terms-set the screws to Germany after the
armistice(they weren't defeated, they were settling for peace). They put the screws to that
nation so bad it drove enough Germans desperate enough to vote for Adolph Hitler.

In today's terms, Adolph Hitler would've been called a nerd. As bad and stunting it is for the
human race to degrade it's intellectuals in general, some need it. Hitler was one of the latter.
All he did was mooch off his friends so he could watch cheesy Wagner operas and make
paintings. In today's terms, he'd probably be a really off putting trekkie with permanent body
But events and people were behind him, guided him as he was the right personality at the
right time for the wrong cause. And he was a tool… until he got into power and turned
renegade on his handlers and the whole human race. Hitler was a intellectual beserker, the
love of war bred from being a psychotic in four years of trench warfare making him willing to
throw the whole planet into the fire. Hitler's Nazi Party had serious cash behind it though.
The Bush family. Henry Ford. Rockefeller. Right through World War Two, Standard Oil shipped
oil to Spain, which shipped it to the Third Reich to power their U-Boats and Stukas and Tiger
tanks. Certain factories belonging to Henry Ford were designated off limits to bombing.

Nobody lifted a finger to help the average Eastern European Jew being shipped off in cattle

And Japan-we build them up, knowing they were imperialistic assholes, THEN turn around and
be in shock when they acted like imperialistic assholes. So we embargo them, push them
against the war, force them to risk going to war against us-when we're many times more
powerful than they were. And presented them with a collection of obsolescent warships to
bomb because we knew their plan down the line.

World War Two was no accident, nor was it Hitler and Tojo's sole doing. Elements planned the
deaths of sixty million people for… well, the United Nations came into being. And the United
States of America became the tool of global government. How else do you reckon the
stationing of our forces in 145 foreign countries?


We Americans acted under United Nations authority-and the Soviet Union was a member! We
HAD to give our battle plans to the Chinese and North Koreans. No wonder 53,000 of ours
were murdered. Of course we murdered a couple million of theirs in turn… we are Americans,
the most fearsome race of warriors on Earth. And for what? It's a stalemate.


We picked up from the French. How sad's that? This was yet another preventable war; Ho Chi
Minh wanted to link up with us-literally wanting Vietnam to join the United States if you can
believe that! But no-our leaders wanted to make more darker skinned enemies for us to
whomp on. And we whomped on the Vietnamese for over a decade. We lost 58,000. They lost
millions. And we straight up fought it not to win. Why go to war if you're not going to win? If
you're going to go around being imperialists, at least have the desire to win.

Gulf Wars

We arm Saddam, then have April Glaspie encourage him to invade Kuwait-who were slant
drilling into Iraqi oil fields across the border. I guess we needed to whomp some more
weakling darkies and keep control of the oil…
The oil! Our blue blood Masonic elite conspire to make civilization dependent on a finite
resource that's available in only a few strategic areas and create a oligarchy to control it's
flow. So that's why we slaughtered a hundred thousand Iraqi solders, and bomb their nation
for a decade after-and then finished conquering them and wrecking everything.

What are we fighting for? What have our brothers, sisters, parents and friends died for?

Freedom? That word's becoming sadly quaint, like "fair play" or "doing what's right".
Freedom's out. How about something more venal-prosperity? Are you more prosperous? If
you're already rich and have no problem exploiting others, you probably are. Everyone else is
either barely hanging on or falling down.

God? How does murdering others for their land and goods, or for a false sense of fighting for a
just cause-how is that fighting for God? It isn't! Despite what American culture pushes, God
does not want Wal-Mart, GE, and the Federal Government running the world. You shouldn't

We are all here on Earth, now. We are supposed to make this place better for those that
follow after us, but we have allowed ourselves to be deceived and lulled into sleeping off the
destruction of our civilization. We must fight for our land, our culture, our freedom and
ourselves. We must fight all of this back to the point of willingly dying for it.

We must win back our world, and forge a new civilization of free individuals in free societies.
A world of free nations counterbalancing and complementing each other so that all benefit
and no one nation is in a position that the occasional collapse into degeneracy and
imperialism will threaten the world. This free world must also put the tightest of reins on
those whose power extends beyond borders, and affects a global influence. These institutions
and individuals must not ever be permitted to influence legislatures, leaders, institutions,
either publicly or in secret. They must be immediately and ruthlessly dealt with upon
discovery as any traitor should. Same with any nation that falls into degenerate imperialism.

We must be willing to fight for freedom-our own and others. We must be willing to die for our
freedom if it will help bring our final victory.

This is my first article. It shows.

When one develops their talent their inexperience and general youth will show even when they are on
target. One thing I hadn’t figured out was that there have always been two Americas. When one learns
that the version of history they grew up with was not what happened it does take a psychological and
yes, spiritual toll.

That stated all the political and historical points I would hammer later on are present. We are
responsible-for ourselves and each other. That means if you’re going to go out and kill people, take their
land, subjugate the survivors you had better do that for a righteous reason. Problem is when you
repeatedly rely on those that give you your marching orders to tell the truth when they’ve repeatedly
shown themselves to be liars, thieves, swindlers, murderers.

If you’re going to die for a cause you best be Goddamn sure it’s for a righteous cause. You do have to
answer to God for what you do-and don’t-do. It’s August 2010 and we’ve been in Afghanistan for almost
10 years, Iraq for eight, and we’re preparing to jump down Iran and Pakistan… they both have nuclear
weapons and modern militaries. Going to war with them will draw in Russia and China-world war three.
When will we learn to stop fighting the Illuminati’s wars?


J. Croft

America, land of the Free-no it isn't if you judge our public servants by their actions instead
of their words.

Every time some Bush (any govt) crony speaks he's either droning about some "threat" or
salivating over taking away more of our freedom. Come to think of it, it was the same with
that male slut Bill Clinton. If we're the land of the free, how come we let ourselves be "led"
by those who by their actions have no respect for freedom?

Every time you step to a govt. bureaucrat (or more likely, they step to you) you're toe to toe
with someone who'd otherwise be a small, petty person who'd normally be shunned. Should be
shunned and your Kids encouraged to harass to the point they leave your community.

But they work for the GOVERNMENT. That clerk behind the DMV counter, that traffic cop, that
building code inspector, that federal bureaucrat; they all exude the rank arrogance that
comes from unbridled power unaccountable to the average "taxpayer". Taxpayers-US-getting
up to HALF our pay stolen from us by seven trillion dollars a year. To pay for this "freedom" of
theirs-more niggling rules, less freedom-and they just love their jobs. They get off imposing
all these rules on us, that we pay seven trillion dollars a year for.

What the hell does SEVEN TRILLION DOLLARS buys us beyond the most pervasive, most
massive government in history? How much freedom does seven trillion buy?

Actually, it seems that seven trillion/yr more like takes it away. If you try to honestly pull
yourself up to a better life, open and above board, you're faced with taxes, code inspectors,
osha, health inspectors, agents-a legion of small petty bureaucrats trying to justify their jobs
at your expense. You say "aw, the hell with it" you won't be earning so much. And being
properly taxed, you're more on the margins than a entrepeneur.

You can lose your health-and between the HMO and the government saying money's tight, you
can lose what little you got and be homeless. Do you know what bureaucrats are most likely
to deal with people who can't secure shelter or regular places to shower or change their
clothes? The cops. A lot of them are on a straight power trip(admit it) and get a kick out of
harassing bums-it beats going after criminals posing as public servants or otherwise powerful
people who can literally buy whatever legislation they desire-that become our laws… which
they enforce. Without thinking about it because they're on that power trip.

Power trips. And they're jealous of their power! Try to fix a problem on your property yourself
without "permit" and a "official" comes down on you for it. Recognize the police have no
mandate to guarantee your personal protection-and take personal responsibility for your own
safety-and you'll get some thug cops swarming you, and the criminal justice system will see
your sorry ass as just another excuse for their gulags. And America has the largest prison
system in the world-to go along with the largest body of law in the world. For the land of the

Sounds like a lot of rambling, right? All over the board, field or whatever metaphor you like?
No. The problem is systemic. It's the entire system that is at fault and it has been building to
this juggernaut for two centuries. Two hundred years-and nobody has yet to successfully
check it. Because nobody has realized that the problem is the system.

The system is the problem. The problem of why we are not free in the land of the free.

And too many of us have been cowards in this supposed home of the brave to do what we all
knew and know needed to be done. And it's out of hand. It's all out of hand. I wonder if Ken
Royce(Hologram of Liberty)* is right and it was rigged that way. It's a scary thought.
We used to be taught that we were a free people and that our prosperity is a byproduct of
that freedom. The point of America is to be free to be prosperous. Where the hell is either of
them? What the hell did we do? Did we by our silence give consent to giving up our freedom
for prosperity? Well, I don't see us being very prosperous today! Never mind what the
networks and cnn and foxnews and the govt. and that jackal Greenspan say, you drive around
some factories, some steel plants, some downtown skyscrapers, guess what? THEY'RE EMPTY!
Did by our silence and consent did we agree to prosper our traitorous corporations to move
them to Mexico and China, and take away our prosperity… and by doing so making us struggle
and focus on survival so much we haven't the energy or the time to act on our FREEDOM.
Freedom to find out why our prosperity has been stolen from us. Freedom to take the time off
work and that otherwise trivial game on tv to hold those traitors who institute the destructive
legal and monetary policies responsible for taking away our prosperity-our means of
sustinance. Our futures, people.

If we're not free to defend our freedom, we certainly cannot and by judging the actions of
today's "americans" WON'T defend our right to a enviroment and society where one can sustain
himself and a family. That's right; on top of unctous bureaucrats and politician buying,
traitorous corporations there's the brutal impact of their enviromental gangrape of our land. I
will mention the following because I hold that to be free also means to be able to have the
freedom to breath clean air, drink clean water, and eat foods clean of poisons and pathogens.

MTBE a fuel additive supposed to clean up automobile exhaust is making our water poisonous.
Our farmland is being literally washed down the Mississippi River because corporate
agriculture finds it too difficult economically to actually take care of the land.**
Contaminated foodstuffs are being passed along to us, and on top of that the corporations
load up with hormones and chemicals that actually damage us. Our very infrastructure, our
way of life is not geared to be efficient-it's incredibly wasteful with the distance between
markets and communities demanding the car. And they're gashogs. Cities are trashed so
developers can hype the latest subdivision made from farmland. Farmland we're gonna need
when oil production wanes and there's not enough to fuel our wasteful cars, our power grid,
and make fertilizers. Our consumption, this consumerism is a money pit. A resource pit. It's a
false prosperity you're literally mortgaging your futures on that's not going to last past the
next few years.

And these policies, to so totally screw ourselves, our children, our nation and our world-did
we vote on them? Did we approve of the courses this once free nation has taken? Of course

And yes; it's all interconnected. Because who made these decision? Us?


It was a CEO. It was a politician, a bureaucrat that took that payoff, that budget increase to
implement the policies that allow these crimes to flourish. And we're free? To what? Have half
our labor stolen by these people so they can poison us, take our livelihoods away and make us
slave for half the effective pay we made thirty years ago. Strung out on debt SLAVERY so
much we have to work twice as hard for a illusory taste of what the "american dream" was.

The "american dream"; I thought it was to be free. I guess it's an illusion to get you to give
your money to some bureaucrat or corporation.

Well, you're supposed to be free, right? Free to do this, or that as long as you don't go out to
harm someone else. Then, act free-be free.

Take back your freedom. Use your freedom of action to give your tv chair a rest, and
rediscover what freedom is. You'll have to do that first because I'll bet this article's the first
exposure you've had to any real notions of what that is. Educate yourself. Then find a issue
that pisses you off, and take back your freedom.

Find others like you and do the taking together. For some reason the freedom-haters can't
stomach a more evenly matched opponent. Maybe it's something to do with the fact that
they're bullies and cowards; bullies for imposing their tyrannies on us, and cowards for
pushing their violations of our freedoms behind closed doors, or disguising it as for "public
safety", "for the enviroment", "homeland security", and "for the children".

Time to knock their teeth out for Freedom. Time to do it now while we still have SOME
freedoms left!

*Ken Royce is a regrettably obscure Libertarian writer who wrote Hologram of Liberty back in
the nineties. It's a frightening book that surmises that the Constitution was deliberately
sabotaged by the elites of that time to eventually produce… what we pretty much have

**Farming was once a family affair in America, but corporations like banks got suckers hooked
on easy loans to expand production during the seventies, and then pulled the rug from under
them during the eighties. Those farming families were denied credit despite A1 ratings, and
they were foreclosed on. The lands and equipment were scooped up by… more corporations
and by the nineties corporate agriculture was washing our topsoil(where the roots are) down
the river, and foisting their frankenstein genetically engineered seeds onto the environment.

How Humanity might yet avert it's Apocalypse-because our survival is at stake.

J. Croft

As a writer, and a Human Being, I have over my brief time in this world observed the
gathering storm of disasters that threaten our race. I have watched the tv news and read the
newspapers and internet at all the disasters-mostly preventable-that have struck again and
again. Famines. Wars. Economic Sabotages. Industrial foul-ups of all kinds stemming mainly
from our purposely faulty, wasteful, backward technology. These disasters could be
preventable, even by retards yet they keep happening. And they keep getting worse. Union
Carbide in Bhopal. The Murrah Building and the two assaults on the World Trade Center. Pearl
Harbor. The last Great Depression. The in-progress demolition of America's social and
economic being that is nearly complete save for the last props that are primed for
detonation… the props that are touted as the very roots of America's and the world's
economic and social prosperity. Then again, someone could decide to salvo their nuclear
arsenal at some enemy in a radioactive gottendammerung. It keeps getting worse and worse,
as though according to a deliberate master plan.

It is.

And there's a whole gang of environmental catastrophes. Asteroids. Hurricanes. Drought.

Supercell storms. Earthquakes. Coronal Mass Ejections striking the Earth. The Yellowstone
Supervolcano that's primed to blow and destroy much of America and kill off most of Earth's
biosphere in a black cloud of toxic ash. Yet, nobody's securing ways of growing our food, or
hardening our infrastructure in the face of these threats. Nobody is preparing a defense
against the asteroids or even a much more serious search for them. Nobody who matters, who
can make things happen in this corrupt society is saying we must make emergency
preparations against a CME strike or try to do something to avert a Yellowstone eruption or
prepare. Well, if nobody's doing anything against the traitors sabotaging our Civilization, you
can't expect them to be honest about the threat of sudden ice ages or falling celestial bodies.

Stupidity? No: the people who run the show didn't get there by a lifetime of beer swilling and
television addiction. The people who run the show KNOW what the hell they're doing, so it's
obvious: it's all part of a evil, genocidal master plan. I say genocidal because our current path
is going to lead to all of our deaths.

I have been in my former life as a unthinking "christian fundamentalist" a avid consumer of

what's referred to as biblical prophecy; that the Hebrew god Jehovah, that rogue, that
murderer and enslaver would impose on some poor Bronze Age soul the heavy yoke of being
one of his prophets. These "prophecies" would logically be directed at some enemy of this
Yahweh-either some haughty Assyrian or Hebrew king that usually wound up in a genocide of
some form and enslavement of the unlucky survivors. And yet… and yet, somehow they're
forming up to be heralds of the events I keep seeing on the tv, the newspapers, the internet.
I won't engage in reprinting bible verses-anyone reading a essay on Revealations should know
them pretty well. A series of catastrophes that break the Human Race to the point where
they accept a planetary wide techno-slavery and worship some fraudulant "messiah" that in a
short time is replaced by another "messiah". A "messiah" that doesn't attempt to stop what's
called the "antichrist" but let's that evil plan come to fruition just so he or they can come in
and mop up.

So what does the above mean? I've been thinking about it for a long time, railing in my mind
and heart against the gross injustice of it all. The pronouncements by so-called "holy men"
that Man is evil, filthy, deserving of "divine judgement" unless there's a willingness to debase
one's very soul and accept spiritual slavery. That from what I've observed cannot be true. It
makes no sense: God-our Creator-grind us down as if He were the devil? Evil can't come from
the ultimate good. Yet God creates because He wants to interact, to be with others, to share
in our experiences, help us out if we need. We're His Children. Viewing creation, the natural
conclusion to reach is God is very creative and loving-so the conduct ascribed to Him in much
of the Bible? We all have the spark of life, a shard of the divine in us. Not to sound like some
new age twinkie but if you recognize you are a part of the Creation you are inclined to take
care of other parts of the Creation, like your fellow man. So, I've been thinking and have
come to two conclusions.

The first is that the organized religions are in the most part a evil perversion of spirituality, of
Man's connection to God. Not that that three letter word even does justice to the concept of
the Creator or Source of All. No! It's a evil perversion set up by brilliantly evil perversions of
Creation to pervert and subvert our connections to the divine and eternal out of our
ignorance-so that we are enslaved to whatever self-destructive doctrine that "they" set up. I
can relate detailed, gruesome firsthand experience vainly justifying my former faith in
Christianity with what that Frankenstein of a "holy book" called the Bible says… or contradicts
itself somewhere else in saying.

To make sense of the Bible you have to take into account it's origins:

*The first five books-known as the Torah in Judaism-were handed down by Jehovah to the
Israelite underclass that had been a worker class in ancient Egypt, much as Latinos are in
modern America. These five books have very strict rules on how to copy them; one flaw and
the whole document must be ritually destroyed. Why? Allegedly, they contain a vast code that
can "predict future events". Genesis, on the origin of humanity, is a highly compressed, edited
version of much older Sumerian texts.

*Later Hebrew writings incorporated into the Bible(by a debauched Roman Emperor)reveal
Jehovah to be a absentee god-who comes around to make his estranged followers suffer.
These encounters when scrutinzed reveal not a God, but something akin to a being using
advanced technologies to beat up on hapless bronze age humans.

*The New Testament is composed of the four gospels, Paul's writings, a few token writings by
James and Peter, and Revealations. Seeing how it's Christianity, it's rather suspicious that
Jesus Christ is only in the four gospels-which were written decades afterward, that barely
scratch the surface. Where's the Jesus-what did Jesus teach-there had to have been a hell of
a lot more than what's in the four gospels. Then, we have to suffer that pretender Paul-a liar
and a hypocritical Pharisee(the ancient religious lawyer class of Judea)who's teachings
contradict what little of Christ's teachings survived?

It's Paul's writings that are the center of gravity in the Bible we know. Jesus is used as a
religious symbol-can be because Jesus was already long ago edited out. The Jewish writings
become the Old Testament, that are used because they form a history, a code of religous
based authoritarianism. Slavery. A slavery Constantine the Roman Emperor brought forth out
of the Council of Nicea in 326. The final form of the Holy Bible was formed by another
debauched royal, James II in the 1600's.

Religion is a evil perversion of spirituality, so why take it at what's presented as face value?
It's spiritually suicidal, separating us from Our Father.

And Revealations?

My second conclusion logically derives itself from the first: what is presented as the
Apocalypse is but the execution of a evil plan laid out thousands of years ago. Evil by evil
perverted creations, the cancers and viruses of the Universe to have their way so that their
secret backer takes advantage of the mother of all hegelian dialectics to be the solution. That
solution being the genocide of the Human Race, God's greatest creation.

The Apocalypse of St. John, and Ezekiel, Daniel, what was attributed to Jesus at his last
sermon; these amount to prototypes of the Protocols of Zion(Illuminati)… they're blueprints of
a horrible master plan for the Human Race laid out in general millennia ago, to be finalized
and executed as the scheduled time of their enactment drew near. Suppress genuine Human
spirituality. Rob us of our true history-whatever that was, born witness by all the massive
monolithic structures that keep being found all over the planet. Enslave us all in warring,
competing Empires and States run by despotic frontmen to the master plan. And the kicker is,
they've laid it out right in front of our faces in the Bible, just like they lay out their Masonic
front symbolism and tout them as American.

To the master plan, laid out as Revelations, "Jesus Christ", the "messiah", the second coming
are the ultimate authors of this horrible, genocidal master plan invading and finishing off the
pathetic, enslaved, deluded and divided remnants of Humanity on the plains of Meggido. The
scrolls, cups and bowls of the Apocalypse are the general layout of a plan to crush Humanity
before we can arise and throw off our enslavers… our murderers.

And, so, coming to grips with the truth, then the only proper response for the Human Race-
for any Human Being-is to RESIST. Resist it all; resist the economic attacks, resist the
formenting of plots, resist the cultural, religious and economic chains of enslavement and
death, resist their enforcers, resist the allowance of unpreparedness against enviromental
destruction. Most of all, resist the evil, perverted creations, the viruses of the Universe who
insist that what was written down two millenia ago in what reads like a ET encounter of the
Fourth Kind be stopped. Resist the final implementation of a ritualized genocidal campaign.
Resisted whether they present themselves as Presidents, Experts, Central Bankers, Royalty,
and especially as any kind of "messiah".

So, we must resist. Yet how are we to do that? How can we?

Let's review, shall we? The solutions are readily apparent if we really want a solution.

We must take personal responsibility for ourselves, our families, our communities, our
people, our planet. This is all interrelated but it comes down to not passing the buck to
others because that's a big part of how we got in this mess in the first place. The actions of a
individual can reach from the lowest common denominator to the very shaping of history

So what does that mean for you? First it means educating yourself as to how things really are.
You probably have already come to the conclusion either by first hand experience or by study
that what's passed as our institutions are frauds. You must do more. Find out for yourself
whether what you come across the Internet or other resources are true or not. This might
take time away from the TV or your golf game but those are amusements designed to distract
you, to keep you passive and ignorant.

Passive and willfully ignorant will get us all killed.

Educate yourself as to the way things really are. Then you'll come to the conclusion that you
must join others and together separate yourself from the system-the entire system of culture,
lifestyle, law, commerce, politics that's been carefully designed to enslave us as Americans,
yet touted as freedom.

Culture: watch TV for hours, entranced by it's banality and programming-which it literally is!
Turn it OFF!

Lifestyle: renting it under debt(slavery) a oversized tar paper and plywood "mansion", a gas
guzzling SUV, a "home theater" that'll be obsolete in a few years anyway. The clothes, the
fake gold jewelry, the credit cards. Sell it. Sell it all to someone dumb enough to stay with
the illusion. You can get by with a hell of a lot less; lot's of fine folks around the world have
no choice. We were NOT born to borrow luxury at 9 to 22 percent annual interest.

Law: written by the lawyers in our representative bodies-which we've given up trying to
control so we can just be bothered deciding which show to watch on TV. These lawyers have
operated unopposed by a sleeping America for a century now, and thanks to our negligence
and apathy have built the greatest most sufforcating body of law in the known history of
mankind. Is this the mark of a free society? You clean your own self of what enslaves you, you
seek out others like you. Find a town that has a weak government and take it over on the
local level. Then, clean out all the laws oppressing us and become a example of what being
Free really is.

I have more details on how to do it in my essay, "Message to Mr. and Ms. America at

We have to seize back control of ourselves, and then seize back control of our planet.

If we cannot persuade those that make the rules that govern commerce, govern the value of
our money, that "gatekeep" what's presented on the media as news and entertainment, that
not destroying their fellow Creations is in their interest, then we must remove ourselves from
as much of their institutions as possible. Stop using their sabotaged fiat currencies. Use
money that has intrinsic value in and of itself, like Silver and Gold-real money that's been
supressed by that "them" because they can't destroy it's value with a printing press or debt
issuances. Or straight up trade for items with other items or with skills.

Even better is to stop consuming so damn much in the first place. The economy is set up for
maximized purchase of goods and purchase of services to fix said goods. Why feed what we
know is utterly corrupt and designed as bait to enslave us in debt? Stop spending on trifling
junk! You are DEFINETELY NOT what you pay back at 21% annual interest to borrow to
purchase. Americans have been sold a false set of goods with the "American Dream"; a
cleverly executed bait and switch on the promise of freedom. Does that SUV, that plasma
screen, that prefab faux mansion allow you to be you? Of course not! You're literally killing
yourself body and soul in debt slavery, working overtime hours at a job that's slated to be
moved to India or China soon!
I must also insert something about Nations and nationalism. Our cultures help define us, and
as long as you keep in mind that the culture at large can do a better job of nurturing and
supporting Human free will and expression, then defending your culture from the ravages of
enslaving, numbing globalism is a duty. It however does not give license to engage in what
America's dumbest President has been told to call "wars of pre-emption". This means no so-
called war on terror. No jihad to make the world muslim. No war for international socialism
or aztlan, or a greater East Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere or Third Reich or any of that crap.
They are the tools and excuses that malignant "they" use to get us to kill each other faster. If
we all can't wake up and point our guns at the true enemy of us all, all the attempts at
political, economic and spiritual liberation will be for nothing.

You are you in what you do, in what you contribute to those around you and to our Race. In
fact, sell your junk. Get rid of it NOW while it's still worth something relatively speaking. That
relief you'll feel is the sweet breeze of freedom.

Yes, sell that damn TV! What's on but distractions from the engineered destruction of society?
If you live where America experienced it's greatest yet blackout in 2003, you'll remember-
fondly I bet-how pleasant it was to step out of your mortgaged cocoon and actually talk with
your neighbor. There was no TV trying to sell you something or make you envious or scare the
crap out of you. You could actually think. For yourself. And that redneck or scary black person
or snobby yuppie across the street probably turned out to be someone a lot like you-in the
same sorry boat as you. How, people supported and helped each other and were courteous
and understanding. And talked. And for one night acted like Americans-like Human Beings can

And then the damn power came back on and we all went back into our mortgaged cocoons
and had our brains zapped by the damn TV you bought with debt. But the lesson was plainly
evident; people not twisted by evil are generally moral, decent Creations. And we don't need
all that crap we're sold really.

So, our economic freedom means separating ourselves from the economy. Trade items. Learn
to grow food, make or repair items. That sort of thing. People will be isolated at first but
clustering together in groups, and then trading with other groups, with our own monies,
people will liberate themselves. Becoming independent of the global economy means
independence from the worse effects of the coming engineered collapse.

With the liberation of time and labor will come the opportunity to liberate our own minds
with observation and reflection. With stress and the TV largely gone, people can begin to
think for themselves. At first it will be about practical day-to-day things but eventually it
comes around to "why are things so screwed up?" Then the questions shall fly-all the questions
our leaders, our institutions and our so-called faiths desperately try to stifle. Like all the
protestations to love thy neighbor, unless gawd orders them massacred-or so that preacher
says. Humanity must learn to be critical about the terminally diseased bovines sold as sacred
cows if we all are to free ourselves. And if there are no honest answers coming from whoever
is asked these questions, then where they're coming from will be apparent. They will be the

We as Free People must come together. It matters not who you are or where you're from. And
we must come together to mutually support each other. I mean that foremost in a literal
sense. The Libertarians have the right concept in their "Free State" efforts but their numbers
are far too few to effect state wide changes. They and all of us must crawl before we can

We must start with communities. A community: geographically isolated situated on defensible

terrain. It must have the basic resources; water, decent soil, raw materials of some kind. The
people already residing in this community would be the kind sick of their current local
government, and I'm picturing a inept pack of busybodies and petty tyrants given way too
much authority for way too long.

We move in as Free People. We integrate into the community, offer our skills and goods.
Come election day we pack those voting booths and insist on receipts of our votes. We will
add our votes independently of the election board and raise all kinds of hell if they even
attempt to execute any vote fraud.

We take over the community. And we scrap whatever bureaucratic nonsense that's
accumulated. We rewrite the local laws to honor freedom. Freedom of assembly, information,
self-defense, association, travel. We revoke the criminal property tax and restore alloidial
title to all private property. We hire police that honor the right to bear arms enough to train
a volunteer community militia in the latest swat tactics. We rescind all traffic laws save those
that actually keep the roads safe and make the local roads free to travel on without a license.
We encourage third, fourth, fifth parties. We open the accounts of the community and if the
Combined Financial Annual Report shows enough of a surplus-we let the government live off
that and end taxation.

With the liberation of this community it will be a lightning rod of retaliation. It will also be an
example-provided we expand on our alternative media production and distribution efforts, as
the "mainstream" media will crucify this effort.

This liberated community of Free People shall become a example of how everyone could live
in peace and freedom and prosperity. These Free People will of themselves replicate their
efforts in neighboring communities. This will expand the liberated area to a county wide
arena. It will greatly enhance the economic, political and if necessary the defensible viability
of the liberated community.

And no doubt, the zone of liberation will expand to other communities, other counties, and
eventually states and regions will become liberated, and with that shall come a showdown
with the powers that have enslaved us since before recorded history. It is a showdown that
must be embraced, must be won-because victory, even in extinction, is preferable to the
absolute slavery they're attempting to push on us.

And don't kid yourselves for a minute. The enemies of Humanity who control our institutions
will resist these attempts at liberation. All I can say is be ready. Always have extra places to
go, extra goods, money to survive on. As a group, be willing to assist others in common
defense. And always be spreading the light on your own as individuals. Liberation is one
person at a time, one person at a time. Be ready to lose but fight to win. And we shall win.
Strange as it sounds from someone who trashed religion as perversions and lies I have faith in
God in our eventual victory. You have to have that faith in your heart. Because we must win.
We must wrest control of our Civilization and Destiny from these evil creatures that plot to
systematically destroy us if we are to have a chance to survive the enviromental
catastrophes. Because with those threats, the only hope of survival shall be a truly socially,
politically, and spiritually Liberated Humanity acting as ONE to defend itself.

And, finally what of this second coming? Gentle Jesus wouldn't lay out a monstrous hegelian
dialectic to get us to ritually murder ourselves, especially on numerologically significant dates
and coincidences? Gentle, healing, loving Jesus wouldn't let a pack of inbred jackals enslave
the human race-I bet in fact that was what he opposed with all his heart… going so far as to
command the disciples to get weapons no matter the cost as his final teaching.

No, mostly the depiction of God in the Bible is actually an enslaving alien entity and it's step
n' fechit human coolies. If when we liberate this planet we come in possession of the
technology-the true technological state of the art-of the human race it will be a no brainer to
use it in the final stage of this revolutionary war. Take on and defeat them, because in the
end it's the only option we have.

These however are contingent on Humanity acting together. Humanity acting together isn't
going to happen until Humanity frees itself from the financial, social, political and religious
chains of slavery that keep us all dependent, despairing, dumb, at each other's throats and
enslaved to the notion that we must go through the Apocalypse of St. John.

We don't have to!

2011 NOTE: I had no idea that they’d go so far as to literally crack the seafloor in the Gulf Of
Mexico and unleash hundreds of millions of barrels of abiotic oil… then spray COREXIT to sink it…
which is not only still being sprayed, but a deceptive campaign of them sealing the blown
well(they didn’t). Meanwhile, industry whistleblowers are murdered if they can’t be silenced,
upwards of 40 million Americans living along the Gulf Coast are the immediate victims of
chemical poisoning.
Furthermore, the very nature of the Gulf waters has changed. See the Gulf of Mexico is a very
warm body of water, with temperatures approaching 90 degrees, which makes it a powerful
booster to the global ocean current system-but the oil apocalypse unleashed by the royal
controlled British Petroleum has stopped the flow of warm water from the Gulf. Meaning the
Gulf Stream that heats the Eastern Seaboard and Western Europe has largely faltered. Meaning
the record snowfalls and bitter cold and God knows how else that will progress but we are staring
at an induced ice age.

Meanwhile as I type this, the system of Muslim World pro-American tin pot dictatorships are
being deposed in street protests and revolution, which will isolate Israel. Apparently the
illuminati’s love of enacting the Book of Revelation continues. A general war will see the
destruction of the US military as a global force, being cut off in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Other than that, we got a full blown police state here and panic buying due to Obama seizing the
opportunity afforded by the attempted assassination of Gabrielle Giffords is prompting people to
arm up even more ferverently than when Obama was selected to be President in the first place.

Let’s not forget the Wall St. engineered global economic collapse and depression, or deepening
depression since the American domestic economy has been systematically destroyed. Downhill
since before I was born!

So, be good to each other, because we WILL need each other.


Your God-given Right to Weapons-and how pacifism is not only cowardly in the face of evil,
but ungodly as well.

J. Croft

In the Garden of Gethsemenie, Jesus Christ was in torment, praying to the Father in
desperation. See, Jesus had gone against every corrupt power in Judea, and knew that a
betrayal and a gruesome end were coming. Nobody wants to go out having their closest friend
betray them(Judas), and systematically tortured to death.

That however was what was going to happen, and having to go through with it was a terrible
burden, even for Jesus.

So Jesus finished prayer to God and summoned two Apostles, and gave the last words of
advice. In paraphrase: get a sword, even if you have to sell anything and everything else to
get one.

A sword. In the time of the Roman Empire, before, and until the invention of the handheld
firearm a sword was the most lethal personal weapon up to long range. Not getting into
quibbling about the bow, a sword was a weapon of the military specifically designed for
killing other men.

Killing other men? Wait, didn't Jesus say something about turning the other cheek?

Yes, but; why did Jesus say have military armament for self-protection? It makes no sense
unless you actually start discerning what the Bible says from one verse to another and who
said it.

The Bible has been in Human hands for millennia; more than enough time for mistakes,
manipulations, and outright lies to be inserted. Indeed, knowing this one would be half
tempted to call such a manuscript "Satan's Big Book of Lies". Except, why were these works
manipulated in the first place if the basis for having their true meaning twisted wasn't to
cover up something from God? To turn freedom into slavery, knowledge into ignorance, love
into hate. You have to have faith that God is about freedom and knowledge and love-these
concepts spring from our very hearts, where God resides and has a embassy of the spirit.

That is the litmus test by which you and I can discern with wisdom the Bible.

So at its very essence, the message of Jesus Christ is Human Liberation and Redemption in
Love by our common Father. This liberation unfortunately also requires physical self-
protection against those fools who hate such things.
And there are plenty of those types. In the criminal underclasses, the bureaucracy, the
military, and the rich. All such social classes incubate envy, greed, jealousy, wrath and other
base evils.

Good news: unlike modern "liberals" and a lot of government types, Jesus would NOT have us
walk through this planet of the shadow of death without protection.

God the Father extends His protection spiritually to those who fight for His fellow Children.
He also provides in this "physical" plain by the inventions of Man.

Such inventions inexorably progress, even with the satanic retarding of Human Progress.
Swords become more efficient in design and construction, as does the bow(Jesus used the
sword as it was a much cooler visual).

Human technology progresses to the firearm, and arms of increasing effectiveness are built.
Pistols for close in and concealed carry. Shotguns for devastating close in counterattack in
your home. Rifles, for when you expect to fight, as the rifle is the premier hand held weapon.
As the sword was in Jesus' time.

So if Jesus was walking the Earth today preaching, He would instead of getting a sword no
matter what, would get a gun. A rifle preferrably. A pistol when you can't get to a rifle, but a
rifle's the priority here.

What kind of rifle? The kind used by the military. The evil black assault rifle that get the calls
to be stolen from YOUR hands every time a lone nut loses his ritalin prescription, somehow.

These rifles come in two basic varieties; main battle rifles and intermediate range "assault

Main battle rifles fire a powerful .30 caliber cartridge of some kind and are designed for
aimed, precise fire out to a minimum of 500 yards. A minimum, because marksmanship
standards have deteriorated to the point where it's forgotten except for gun enthusiasts that
19th century marksmanship standards called for engaging man sized targets out to a thousand
yards. These are heavy weapons, firing heavy, hard hitting rounds and the typical military
weapon will be a proven winner.

Assault rifles fire either a shortened .30 caliber or nowadays a high powered .22 caliber
round-not usually over 300 yards as the cartridge fired isn't as powerful as a main battle rifle
round. The payoff being many more rounds in the weapon and carried. The weapons are
lighter, usually have full automatic or burst capability. They're designed and built around
modern marksmanship standards-that is, a retarding of the marksmanship standards that
demanded precise fire out of conscripts fresh out of the city and farm out to 1000 yards.
In fact, guns and their effective usage have been demonized and filtered out of the
manufactured mass culture for two generations now. Guns are seen as evil, and their
effective use-marksmanship-is now a subject only practiced by the remnant gun culture and
government soldiers. What is depicted on TV is NOT how you use a gun, that is "programming"
to make you miss.

Jesus wants you to hit, and He wants you to have the most effective arm, and that means
having a main battle rifle. They're longer ranged and will penetrate tree trunks, auto body
steel, concrete, light brush, and body armor. Something that can't be said for any assault rifle
cartridge, which is what most government soldiers and most civilians use.

America may struggle with a false form of freedom, but there is still a good selection of
military small arms with which one can observe Jesus' final commandment with. What would
Jesus pack?

There are in bolt action, which are for those that are poor:

.303 Lee Enfield-10 shot detaching mag British rifle. Quickest bolt action, it's weaknesses are
it's ammo; sometimes difficult to find, and it's rimmed cartridge invites feed problems. You'll
spend at a flea market or gun show about 1-150 for the rifle and if you have any sense get a
case of 800 rounds for another 100 as the .303's availability is spotty. (Note: all calibers are
being cleaned out and there isn’t a cheap Enfield to be had.)

8mm, 30-06, and .308 Mauser-5 shot rifles made in the millions and in hundreds of variants.
Most desirable and harder to find are Mausers in .308 and 30-06, however 8mm is
currently(2005)very cheap and there are millions of Mausers from Turkey and Germany-via
Russia. Slow, but dependable. Currently, 8mm Mauser is available by the case at gun shows at
7.62x39mm prices. A bargain. A .308 however will allow you to keep shooting with military
ball ammo. The rifles will run from about 60 bucks each from Turkey(buy several along with a
case of 800 rounds per rifle) to about 200 for a .308. (Those were the days…)

7.62x54R Moisin-Nagant-5 shot rifles flooding America, it's cartridge is unique, but plentiful
currently at gun shows for cheap prices, as well as the rifles. Accurate, powerful. You can
arm several people for the price of one modern combat rifle. And the design can withstand
the worst climate and abuse on Earth. The cheapest of the bolt actions the carbines and full
length models run from 50-100 bucks a rifle. Ammo is abundant at the gun shows currently. As
with the Turkish Mauser buy a case per rifle.(You can still find these but the prices will only
go up.)

For those who can afford it, more modern, semiautomatic rifles provide a great leap forward
in shots on tap, plus they can be reloaded faster.

In .223 are the following: AR-15, Mini-14, AR-180, Robinson M-96, and Romanian AK-47. These
are all carbines-300 yards maximum but you have 30 round mags and drums up to 100 rounds.
The .223 will NOT penetrate much cover but the right bullet will cause tremendous shock.

AR-15's are the civilian version of the M-16, and there are many manufacturers offering a
practically infinite amount of options. Accurate, and a joy to use, it's weakness is it's fragile
semiautomatic action that blows propellant gasses directly into a number of finely
engineered, low tolerance parts. Hold out for the now brand new short piston conversion that
eliminates this stupid lapse of design judgement and finally makes the AR-15 a viable carbine.
They start at about 600 dollars. The rifle's designer, Eugene Stoner, even thought it was which
was why he designed the… (If you go for a piston, get spare parts for that exact model of
rifle, otherwise, go standard and deal with the maintenance requirements.)

AR-180-The M-16's nearly forgotten replacement, it features a more conventional gas piston
system and the new production Armalite versions feature some AR-15 mag and part
interchangability with a more rugged design. Not so many gizmos for this carbine. About the
same price as a starter AR.(It’s replacement is nearly forgotten as well. Trigger sucks

Robinson M-96 is a redesign of the Stoner 63 for U.S. Special Forces in Vietnam. This is a well
engineered rifle that is too expensive to be practical. Uses M-16 magazines. Forget this one
don‘t pay 2 grand.

Romanian AK-47. Comes in three calibers-7.62x39, .5x45x39, and .223. The .223 is the one
you want, and it uses it's own magazine but they are currently cheap at gun shows. Known as
the SAR-3, it and about 20 magazines will run you about 4-500 dollars. The AK's controls are
not user friendly, it's sights are communist basic, but THIS AK is accurate and the Kalashnikov
design will still be running when the last AR breaks down. (5.45x39mm is still reasonably
priced and available but the supply of AKs of all calibers are rapidly being drawn down due
to the Giffords shooting.)

Mini-14. DON'T GET! No! Mini-14's are fragile, inaccurate, and unreliable.
(If you want this rifle, then spoof Ruger into getting spare parts or get a spare rifle.)

Main Battle Rifles

Get these proven winners as they deliver full powered rifle ballistics in a modern
semiautomatic package. All are in 7.62 NATO and use 20 round magazines and heavy, but you
can do everything with these cartridge wise as a older bolt action, plus give out up to 4x the

M-14, is a American design descended from the Garand Rifle that the Johnson Administration
replaced with the M-16 as part of the Vietnam War. It was a mistake as the M-14 is reliable
and accurate. It handles well and boasts the best iron sights. It's gas system is self regulating
as John Garand was a genius. It is the lightest and has the fewest number of parts of any semi
automatic rifle. They will start at 700 dollars for chinese copies and about a grand for
American made civilian copies. The primo National Match guns go from 1500 bucks up. Since
you're spending the big bucks, shell out about 500 dollars more for a good quality rifle scope
and mount with bullet drop and rangefinding capability. Get a synthetic stock for a no warp
bed for the action. Magazines are the most expensive at about 30 bucks each.(10 buck Korean
magazines are out, which helps balance out the skyrocketing price of even the basic model.)

FN-FAL is a Belgian design that was used by over 90 countries before .223 was standardized. It
has a pistol grip, fully adjustable gas system and sometimes a bipod, but it's sights are a lot
more basic than the M-14's so a good rifle scope is mandatory. A very reliable arm. Several
makes and price schedules. A Century Arms import will run from 500 to 700, a DS Arms FAL
will go from1000 dollars up, and a original FAL will be over 2000 dollars. Magazines however
run about 5 bucks each.(Mags are no longer 5 each but there are 700 dollar FAL rifles again).

HK-91 is a German design that was also popular. This rifle has a delayed blowback system that
is the most reliable of any semiautomatic weapon, and will function no matter what. What
sucks about it is it's afterthought placed controls and crude sights. It recoils horribly unless
you get a CETME spanish copy, which then you'll have to contend with sometimes crude
remanufacture. Get a good scope for it. Mags are even cheaper than FAL mags though.

Okay you got a rifle-can you use it? If you know marksmanship you can.


The key to unlocking any gun's potential this is imperative in a rifle meant to strike killing
blows out to 500 yards. There are many guides but here's a basic rundown.

Positions, in order of stability:

Laying on the ground(prone)-the ideal as this offers the most stability and lowers your body to
the ground making you a more difficult target yourself. Use whenever possible.

Sitting/Kneeling When Prone isn't practical due to water, deep mud, obstacles, or because of

Standing-least stable, your rifle's unsupported, but you can MOVE to a position where the
more desirable positions can be used. You'll be in this position when you let yourself get

Rifle Handling:

Your buttstock is FIRMLY TUCKED in the meaty pocket of your shoulder.

Your left arm grips the forestock, preferably with a sling wrapped around it for stability. The
ideal is a Military Sling; this is a complicated design with two hooks and a lot of holes. But it's
use is simplicity itself; there's a loop midpoint just forward of the rear half, and you twist
your sling a half turn clockwise and tuck your arm in. Wrap the sling counterclockwise around
your left arm and your muzzle's a lot more stable-which will help you hit.

Otherwise you can just wrap your arm counterclockwise around the sling but this "hasty sling"
makes the gun shoot left.

Your right hand has a death grip around the stock/grip EXCEPT FOR YOUR TRIGGER FINGER!!!!

Your trigger finger quickly, but lovingly caresses the trigger; it FEELS the trigger parts slide,
resist, let go according to their mechanical design to send your rifle's firing pin on the round
you've aimed at down range. ONLY IT MOVES.

Next, sight picture-align the top of your front post with your target, judge and adjust your
range with the rear sight, align the rear sight with the front-unless you're using a rifle scope
then you just align the crosshairs.

Breath in a full breath,

let out half,

focus your eye first on target then front sight,

squ-eeeze-and let the gun surprise you when it fires. Anticipating the recoil will make you
miss. That's why gentle recoiling guns are easier to shoot.

Then you do it all over again for the next shot. With competence comes speed from
repetition; just trying to be fast will cause you to miss. You want to hit.

It's a discipline, and it requires instruction and regular practice, and a place to shoot with a
dirt backstop for the high powered rifle rounds, but fortunately the basics can be handled
with by air guns and dry fire practice.

Airguns are fun, they allow shooting practice in the privacy of your own backyard or hallway.
Get a basic bb gun and do each shot by the shooting methodology.

Dry fire practice is using your own rifle UNLOADED. No ammo around or you'll get careless and
put a round through the drywall(I know).

So, where do I find these fine items?

You can find them at gun shows, flea markets, yard sales, or a gun shop.(NO GUN SHOPS)
At gun shows, there are dealers and private collectors. Dealers make you go through a
government background check and fill out a yellow registration form which informs the
federal government you have a firearm. You don't want that so look around for a private
collector. You can tell someone's a private collector if he or she doesn't have a sign saying
such by the following:

Guns; they will have funky, older models along with more desirable arms.

Prices: will be rounded off to the nearest ten or five.

No pad of yellow forms or a phone visible either on the table or somewhere underneath.

It is best to wait for the gun show to get your guns, and they're advertised in the newspaper.
If however you don't have a gun show nearby check out flea markets or yard sales. This is pot
luck; bolt action rifles are not common and modern semiautomatic rifles are rarely
encountered. BUT, at least one flea market or one yard sale will have at least one viable
defensive arm for sale.

What if you can't find a gun show, and you can't find a halfway decent arm for sale? Then you
have to hold your nose and hit a gun store, fill out the yellow form and go through the
background check. The government will have you and your gun on record… and there will
come a day when the Government Agents are unleashed to come for your guns.

Get a gun NOW!

In His final instruction, Jesus communicated how much of a priority it was to be armed-to sell
one's cloak if one had to. A cloak kept a person warm in those distant times, so personal
protection is to be ranked above keeping warm… above keeping well fed… having that new
car, that new plasma screen TV, that mall shopping spree.

Get it now; gun confiscation is coming to America and when most of the American People
have surrendered that last vestige of their Freedom, then all hell shall descend upon this
country. Don't look for the "rapture" to give you a easy out-nearly nobody on this planet even
knows what Jesus really taught and meant, or lived as He did. You're here for the duration,
and your inaction has helped make this planet a hellhole. Thanks.

So get that rifle. Get your sword while they are plentiful and available and not a hassle or
dangerous to acquire. Do it, or else be utterly without defense against the evil one's minions.

How the false promise of a free ride to Heaven with a single prayer has corrupted otherwise
good folks and damned the Earth by their inaction!

J. Croft

What on Earth of any worth is really free?

A rock laying on the ground is free, but unless it's a diamond what value does it have? Other
than flinging it at something or using it for paving, not much.

Spoken words are practically free as well. Do something that harms another, and the cultural
programming would have us say "I'm Sorry" and there; that verbal bandaid fixed that problem.
No it didn't. It's used mainly to buy off the righteous outrage of the person harmed for the
bargain price of a few exhalations of air and sound.
That sort of garbage is used a lot by guilt-ridden children. Forgive them, as they don't know
any better-yet.

It's also used by the powerful-but only after a miraculously failed fight against the people
they harm. It becomes no better than a excuse.

An excuse. In common usage a lame reasoning for bad decisionmaking. There's a lot of that as
well, and more preferable than the "I'm Sorry" as there's no Guilt implied. Excuses are as
plentiful in modern-day America as debt.

And the damnable thing about it is, lame excuses, being free and of no value to the problems
they're tacked onto are created and used by those who should know better! Those, are people
that go to church and watch the televangelists as part of the worship of that excessive time
waster and mental enslaver that is television.

What excuses are they making for, and why?

The excuses are their-the self-professed "christians"-inactivity and submission to the many
forms of corruption and darkness that are gripping our communities, our Nation and our
World. They who preen about as if Righteous permit many crimes. I'll make list of fairly
recent events that barely carves a snowball off the tip of the iceberg:

1.)Emil Gonzalez; a 6 year old Cuban refugee from Castro's hellish communism, some folks
actually bothered to defend him from Janet Reno. The ugliest Attorney General in U.S.
history staged a cowardly SWAT raid at 4 in the morning at his relative's home and literally at
MACHINE GUN POINT a terrorist looking "agent" kidnapped that child out of the hands of the
man who literally had saved him from the Atlantic Ocean.

So, where was the outrage from Pat Robertson? Why didn't he lead a crusade against his bud
Jeb Bush and that shaved Sasquatch(you can tell I hate that woman)? Better yet, when Pat
the walking bobblehead doll did his aw shucks what can you do routine, why didn't all those
seemingly good folks not take their own initiative and consider that the last straw? Probably
for the same excuses that made all those "good christians" fail to even utter a peep for their
fellow believers in-

2.)Waco. ATF-better known as F-Troop-these folks are the result of the failed Whisky
Rebellion in the 1790's. President George Washington himself led a 15,000 man army into the
hills of rural Pennsylvania to put down a righteous rebellion of ordinary folks resisting a
onerous tax on distilled spirits made by a power mad wanna be tyrant Alexander Hamilton.
The rebellion crushed, the treasury department made the bureau that would eventually grow
into regulating taxes on tobacco and … firearms.

Two hundred years after the Whisky Rebellion this same outfit of tax regulators would be
equipped with body armor, military communications and the world's finest fully automatic
weapons would go regulate a… church. A commune to be more precise but Freedom of
Association is implied with our Bill of Rights. Now David Koresh did deal in firearms at the
Texas gunshows, but he went out of his way to be cooperative with F-Troop. Even though
right of uninfringed firearms ownership is explicitly stated in our Bill of Rights. They even shot
at targets together and Koresh was often in town. He was in that respect law abiding.

So why, really was a firearms tax regulating bureau sent on a bizarrely stupid and excessive
military style attack, treating the Davidians like a enemy objective? If Koresh DID commit
child rape, that was the perview of the Texas State Police and Rangers. How come they didn't
bust him in town? If Koresh DID brew methanphetamines, that was also not in F-Troop's
jurisdiction. But firearms regrettably are as born witness by the THOUSANDS sent to America's
prisons for the lamest of reasons. Koresh invited inspection of his firearms business.

F-Troop decided to attack, and make their ineptitude in military and police matters preserved
on video for all time. So the big boys of the FBI were sent in and after 81 days of shooting at
stragglers trying to surrender and non-stop psychological warfare they burn that clapboard
compound to the ground and use CS gas that turns to a cyanide when burnt.

So where were the Branch Davidian's fellow Christians? Why were they allowed to be
murdered by the government without protest? Children were burned and poisoned alive, and
all the worshippers of Jerry Falwell could do is keep their born again heads tucked firmly in
the sand. What lame excuse did they have?

3.) Terri Shiavo; where are those "christians" that worship T.D. Jakes-other than at their self-
glorifying temple to him? Why aren't they raising holy hell with the state of Florida and her
conniving lawyer-husband to give her the treatment that will cure her? Her brain problems
are treatable, yet only a handful of people, and her loving Parents have risen to this helpless
woman's defense?

4.)The "Patriot Acts". The first of these abominations was passed mere weeks after 9-11; as a
legal document you could literally knock someone out with it if you had the muscles to chuck
it, it's that thick. Nobody read it. Nobody had time to read it. It was near unaminously passed.
And a Police State was officially codified.

And now hundreds of thousands of petty, power mad bureaucrats and legions of automatic
weapon wielding ninja garbed goons terrorize us all. Where the hell is the outrage? Why aren't
the Christians, those that are supposed to be bravely defending the virtues of America
organizing and cleaning the Senate and the House of Representatives of all those traitors to
God and Freedom? Is it that they're too busy? Too cowardly? Or is it all for this war on terror?

5.)War on Terrorism-how do you wage war on a military strategy? Or rather, how does anyone
of conscience stand by and approve invading nations that had nothing to do with September
11? Iraq didn't have nuclear weapons after the first Gulf War. They didn't even have terrorists
until after we invaded and finished on the ground what over a decade of bombings didn't get-
their nation's destruction. We have created a new Vietnam War for us to lose and killed
hundreds of thousands in a doomed attempt to secure the oil fields before India and China
catch up to America in consumption with over half the people on Earth. There's no way that
enough oil can be pumped out to satisfy everyone, so there will be war. Where are all those
people packing America's megachurches? Why do they not object to war, to tyranny, to
murder and repression?

There are thousands of injustices over the years that America's "christians" have let slip, and
the world has become a lot more dangerous place to be in. Our-their-world is dying and they
let it happen, even quiver with excitement like the day before Christmas. Why?

They're waiting for the rapture. That theological free ticket out of having any responsibility
for their inaction and cowardice in the face of the dark forces trying to destroy this world.
These self-professed followers of Jesus Christ are locked in a death cult mindset that
predicates what they reckon as salvation on the death and damnation of nearly all of
Mankind. So they sit their useless corpulent butts in their pews and lazy boys and listen to the
toxic crap sold as gospel:

*Give money to your church!

*Obey your leaders!

*Pay your taxes!

*Support the system!

*Sneer at outsiders. They're going to hell anyway.

*We need even MORE MONEY so we can build a bigger church!

*But if you give, Gawd shall annoint and bless you and give you a better job, a better credit
line, and a bigger SUV to get you to our megachurch and give bigger tithes!

*There's a Apocalypse coming, and there isn't a thing you can do to stop it, because every evil
deed was preordained by the Lord Himself. But there's a easy way out-just confess Jeezus as
your lord and savior, and when it's time for the lawd to tell Satan to finish off the planet, he'll
take your good, tithe and taxpaying fatbody up to Heaven! That's it. That's all it takes.

*Support your President in the meantime. He believes in the Rapture-hell, he's trying his best
to make the Apocalypse happen sooner, so we can all drive around in Heavenly SUV's and
reside in even bigger versions of the homes we have here in 'Murika, and endless TV watching.


The first Truth about the "Rapture" is that your average brainwashed 'Murikan churchgoer
would never DESERVE such a out! We are all responsible for what we do and think, and if we
allow others to take charge, to do our thinking for us, to tell us what to do, to define the
dogma of what scripture says about God, then we have failed in our individual and collective

We are our Brother and our Sister's keeper. By implication, we are also keepers of the
integrity of the institutions we consent to have over us. And we have failed utterly to keep
those institutions in check so is it any wonder that our legislatures and our schools, and our
churches and our media have been taken over by forces hellbent on destroying us all? Such
people who would lie on their backs like a puppy wanting it's urine crusted belly scratched
don't deserve Heaven.

The second Truth is that there is no mention by Jesus Christ in what is accepted as the Four
Gospels of a rapture-as defined by modern christian theology.

Jesus mentions coming for a Bride-someone worthy of a union of equals, a fraternity with
God. Godly people do NOT allow corruption and theft and murder without a fight to the

Jesus mentions that this Bride is without guile or defiled-that is this union is with people who
do not follow false teachings. Regrettably there are false teachings in the Nicea Council
Approved Biblical Canon; a bastardized work cobbled together by the Roman Emperor
Constatine of watered down Gospel, Paul's abominations and the Hebrew Torah to forge a
document that has either enslaved or caused those who study it to reject God.

I personally, nearly fell for that cruel trick. I stuck with God in my heart however and
overcame the lies and deceptions. And because of that I can testify this: the assembled Bible
is a brilliant manipulation by the Devil.

Yes there was Jesus-what Christianity is supposed to be about, but He's represented by four
books composed long after the Resurrection. Most of what Jesus-probably 99.9 percent is

The rest is the Torah and Paul. And the Apocalypse. There's a disconnect one finds when one
starts using wise discernment.

The Torah and Pentatuch-the Old Testament-are about Yahweh, who acted like the devil
himself in forging a religion to worship him. Yahweh was very demanding, and very brutal
about enforcing those demands to the point of slaughtering innocents and permitting theft
and rape of entire peoples in the enslaved Hebrew's conquests. In that, Yahweh acted no
differently than any of the pantheon of gods of other peoples of that era.
Jesus however claimed to fulfill the law so what happened to the Old Testament can be said
to be in question. The Torah WAS precisely written to a extreme-over the centuries, and yet
if there is a single mark that's wrong on a handscribed torah it is ceremoniously burned. Why
the demand for such precision? Why else, so that you can find bible codes in it. On this I'll
make a opinion; Yahweh, a great intelligence, but not God is still arranging things to suit him.

Or, maybe God really is crazy-bipolar, or has schizophrenia or is disassociative. Perhaps it was
manipulated by God. Or the devil. Perhaps Jesus came to save the Hebrews from themselves?
Whatever it is, there's a disconnect that either enslaves or causes people to reject God
because they blame the religion handed to them. And since nobody on Earth has a time
machine, this issue can only be settled by wrestling with your faith-and the part of God that's
in your heart.

There is that disconnect, but another disconnect that finishes sabotaging Christianity is Saul
of Tarsus-a Pharisee. Jesus cursed the Pharisees. Saul's writings comprise most of the New
Testament, yet he was never, ever with Jesus. In fact, he persecuted Jesus' followers and
would brag about his evil works even after being "converted". Saul's writings emphasized
everything Jesus was set against.

Jesus spoke of faith and works to back up that faith. Paul preached that a few nice words, a
"I'm Sorry" to God are sufficient, when they're not by all the evils that have flourished since he

Jesus made no excuses. He healed the sick, took care of the underclasses and went to war
against the financial and religious elites of his day, advocated personal possession of military
arms even at the cost of having nothing else-and paid the ultimate price willingly. All Paul
could say was to say "yas suh, Boss", and obey your masters, even if you were a slave.

And that house slave mentality has permeated America. A deceiver, Paul would feel at home
as a elite of a Nation that propagandizes Freedom, yet taxes and regulates and enslaves and
poisons and murders more than any other in history. Don't believe me, just look it up in the
history books-even they attest to America's un-Christianity.

Fortunately, Saul of Tarsus has had his bones blackened by the fires of hell for the past two
millenia. Of that I have faith in.

And speaking of hellfire, there is Revealation. Some John gets whisked away in a psychedelic
encounter with angels and events far in the future are laid out. Cryptic tales of evil beings
and battles and great destruction and the genocide of the Human Race-we are to be rarer
than fine gold. Thank, God.

Or, maybe it's not?

As presented in the Bible it reads as God's Plan, but that's like Americans destroying towns
and cities all over the Earth to save those we war from themselves. Yes God shall judge, but
God also wants to save Humanity, and has also stated in the Bible He can and would shorten
and even cancel apocalypses-especially those arranged by the enemy.

But that's not what's taught. God is presented as wrathful to the point of wanting Humanity to
cruelly perish. That presentation destroys faith, and those that it hasn't are, naturally given
an easy out.

The Rapture.

Just ask to have Jesus in your heart, don't do anything else to upset the apocalyptic apple
cart and if you're around when the bugle blows you get a free out. How more irresponsible,
how more ungodly could a doctrine get? It can't! Your salvation dependent upon supporting
the status quo and your World's destruction?

Be of wise discernment. I personally was at one time a pre-millenialist fundamentalist

Christian-but only because I was forcibly sent to church at an early age and regrettably
became enamored by the falsehoods preached by Hal Lindsey, and some other crusty old
phart who is happily forgotten who actually gave a date on TV and arranged a tour for the
"holy land".

But one day I started to read it for myself. I fell away from rapture theology after I
discovered how the Bible couldn't support itself. Containing warped truth and lies, how can it?
So I stumbled, but NEVER having rejected God outright allowed me to approach the Father
objectively. And I thank Him for the wisdom and strength to make the journey-not back, but
to Him in the first place! How? I was objective, I was logical, I used my God Given Wisdom and
Discernment and reasoned for myself and struggled mightily with God against my societally
given belief systems and cast them aside for the lying trash they are.

I faced the wilderness and the hard questions and overcame, and joined my Father.

As should all those that start actually reading the Bible objectively and in partnership with
God who resides in your heart. And faces all the hard questions that shall pop up-and they
shall, and shall floor you. This is your struggle-you must be brave and face it yourself. You get
floored by Truth, you get up anyway. Your trust is to be in God-not Jesus who said there is
none good but the Father. Certainly not in a devious Pharisee or a bloodthirsty demigod who
requires flying contraptions, fire and wanton human savagery.

Most certainly NOT in the likes of Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, Jack Van Impe, Oral Roberts,
T.D. Jakes and the rest of those spiritual hustlers. And it goes without saying that you never,
ever put your trust in the likes of a U.S. government that has burdened the people it
purportedly serves with more taxes, more niggling regulations enforced by psychotic gun
wielding bureaucrats, enslaved more people for more legislated and socially engineered
crimes in hellish prisons, and killed more people in wars of conquest than any other
government, ever.

You put your faith in God. God has no need of guilt ridden slaves or ornate buildings or
spiritual pimps. God detests such things. He has need of You. He needs you, wants you to
know Him and to grow in love and friendship, and to test everything, even holy scriptures,
even spirits, even Him. Because God can pass every test and is happy to prove He loves you
and me. Service among Friends is a mutual, joyous thing. It is works, mutual favors, looking
out for our Brothers and Sisters no matter what the manipulated and perverted authorities
color them as. Feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, healing the sick, defending the
defenseless, freeing those enslaved, casting out demons and other turds polluting our
institutions, setting past wrongs right.

And God will come to our rescue, of that I have faith. We don't have to go through a genocidal
apocalypse; if we seek God and ask for help He will deliver the Human Race from those that
plot to destroy it, no matter how much they pawn themselves off as Him. God shall do this
anyway! God however will not help those who suscribe to a false religion that promotes evils
yet paints itself as salvation. He certainly won't be taking those, or even those who DO know
God from Earth and let the rest of Humanity perish in the hands of Satan. God wants us to
FIGHT for our Brothers and Sisters-ALL of Man is our Brothers and Sisters! Black, White, Red,
Yellow, German, Zulu, Russian, Korean, Iranian, Australian, Japanese, Columbian, Mexican,
and definitely Americans of all the flavors of Humanity.

And when We have awakened from the deceptions handed down as religion and ideology, and
risen for the fight for our Earth, God shall stand by our side to cut short the Apocalypse, to
crush the plans of those that would enslave and destroy us. And it won't matter what the
enemy throws at us, with God in our hearts in partnership we'll overcome it.

The Human Race has not even begun to express it's genius, it's true capabilities without the
chains of enslaving religious dogma and oppressive government that currently bind us and
make us spiritually and materially ineffective. When we free ourselves with God from those
enslavements I have faith that we shall soon enough be able crush the evil ones. I would only
suggest that to prevent our Race from ever being enslaved again we actively make certain
that those that tried to do us all in never ever get another chance.

When we liberate ourselves from satanically inspired "christian" dogmas and oppression we
won't need a Rapture, a easy ticket out when we can annex Earth into Heaven. We-you-should
be insulted by being offered a cop out like that. And you need to start calling out those
spiritual pimps that preach such crap.

So stop praying for death and a ticket out. You'll just get the death and God will curse you for
being a evil coward and you'll get to see what 2,000 years of hellfire does to human souls by
watching Saul of Tarsus as you burn yourself. Saying "I'm Sorry" or making lame excuses at that
moment will just annoy God more.
So, be just and righteous and loving and pray for God to have a direct relationship in your
heart. God's infinite and should be listened to. Pray for Life and Freedom, and deliverance of
us all from the devil and his apocalypse-including you. And take Personal Responsibility for
securing the victory yourself and for everyone around you.

Of this I make this written prayer to God. Amen.

J. Croft

Wouldn’t change a keystroke.


J. Croft

Ever feel like a tool?

Ever feel like a ass enforcing a arbitrary speed limit with the same force as you would chasing
away drug dealers and creepy trench coated old men from elementary schools? Ever wonder
what the hell you or your partner were doing arresting that victim of criminal assault-ever
wonder what you were doing making that assault? Making a anthill into a 'prosecutable'
mountain so that your partner, or God forbid, yourself can make a collar? Or standing by and
stonewalling a desperate person pleading for your help, turning them away so that they go
over the edge and create another bust or two for yourself?

Ever feel like part of the problem, even though you're told that you're part of the solution?
Well, thank God you at least feel some responsibility for what you and your 'brother officers'
have done to help destroy America.

That's right; modern American policing is destroying America. It's a preening cult of
overtestosteroned man-children; 'cowboys' looking for the slightest excuse to wreck some
lives to make busts… for the 'law'.

And who do you wind up sending to the disease-ridden homosexual rape camps known as
prison? Poor white, black, and brown trash deliberately dumbed down and corrupted by a
covertly communist education system and mass media

You're rousting the wrong people-while the criminal rich steal from us all. The criminal rich
who are behind the shows that you recoil in disgust at… if you still can recoil in disgust. The
criminal rich who back the foundations and unions who have long ago transformed American
education into a manufacturer of adult children-unable to think for themselves, ignorant of
their heritage of Freedom and God, conditioned into having a programmed hostility towards
knowledge and those who still value it despite the programming. The criminal rich who have
over the decades progressively made living in America a desperate struggle for survival as the
jobs that can still sustain that seductive lie known once as the 'American dream' are sent
overseas to poor Chinese and Indians who will NEVER know of it.

The criminal rich who are mass produced by this nation's overabundant law universities and
become the trial lawyers, judges and representatives. The same pack of lawyer rat bastards
who have literally downed entire forests to print all the bureaucracy that has killed all the
joy of being a Free Man in America… and given you 'peace officers' a cornucopia of 'law' to

Law-a rich man's game as it takes a rich man to go through eight years of law school and
college and a hundred grand in tuition to become a lawyer. A move to keep as much of the
people the laws are targeted against from learning their convoluted rules as possible, and still
maintain this fiction that their 'laws' come from the People.

Oh, what-the law is the law to you? It hasn't sunk in that the law is one of America's worst
rackets? Let me run down a few catagories for you, see if they mesh with what America's
supposed to be:

Traffic laws-nominally to keep about two hundred million motorists safe on the road, they've
long ago been turned into a vile source of revenue and colossal waste of police resources. A
vile source of revenue as it's a fear based tax based mostly on driving habit, and a colossal
waste as traffic detail ties down you guys-who could be investigating shady folks like Ken Lay
of Enron, or tracking down who's really bringing more and more dope into the country. Or
even something as picayune as the corruption of the local government-which cuts your
paycheck. But it's a lot easier to play with some hapless Citizen than any local power broker
who could break you, isn't it?

DUI-Used to be you had to be honestly drunk and a threat to get pulled over for this. Now, it's
past overkill; the new drunk laws can mean a single beer and you're screwed. That and your
Goddamn checkpoints are killing off being able to go out. This is one of the few outlets
Americans seem to have left, and what do we find-a gauntlet of you bust hungry bastards to
run through. "Thanks".

And if you're homeless! These lawyer made 'anti-vagrancy' laws mean if a American loses their
job, winds up sleeping in their car or on the street, you guys roll on them and give them a
ticket to the nearest homosexual rape palace-which you call the county jail. What the hell
did these people do besides come out losing in a increasingly hostile economy? They drink and
take drugs, yes-you would too if you were cast to the bottom of a socio-economic pit you
have no hope of climbing out of.

Persecuting crime victims for protecting themselves; too many of you get mortally offended
when average folks use a gun to prevent their own mortal demise. You see anyone but a
fellow bureaucrat armed, and it's like he or she might as well have raped schoolchildren with
you. You forget the Bill of Rights recognizes each and every one of us has the God given Right
to armed self defense? What is about the very thought of the People being able to match you
in firepower that scares you? Are you looking at all of us as opponents?

Are you that twisted, that brainwashed by that perverted cop culture you've swan dived into
that your fellow Americans are your enemy? Are you even aware that you are brainwashed,
conditioned into being the razor edge of the spear of totalitarianism that's being thrust into
the very heart of our People?

What does freedom mean to you?

Does it mean anything? Or is it just another word?

Does it mean an ever increasing stranglehold of 'laws' that just give power to the state and it's
bureaucrats in a piecemeal fashion, so as to not arouse righteous opposition?

Do these laws reflect the respect for you as a free person? Do they protect us all from a
evermore invasive and belligerent government?

Does more bureaucracy not expose the people to more and more pushy, uppity, obnoxiously
authoritarian small minded cretins in cheap suits-given way too much power? And, if more
bureaucrats are a threat to all of our livelihoods and freedom, then doesn't it make sense that
more laws and regulations would only give these white collar scumbags just that many more
excuses to rob us of what is rightly ours?

Wouldn't LESS LAW be better for a free society?

You know the answers. You also know that the lawyers are not going to have a sudden change
of heart and start reversing all the damage done to our nation. You also know that most
bureaucrats are not going to look at a person and a rule and not enforce it.

So that leaves one person left, one safeguard remaining from the state confronting another
innocent vitcim-you.

YOU are the people's last line of defense from a out of control state!
It's your choice: stand with the People or stand against them!

The time is NOW to choose! More tyrannical law is being passed by more and more tyrannical
lawyers and other sycophant bureaucrats. Enforced by tyrannical bureaucrats mistakenly
armed and sworn, they cause more and more people to HATE YOU. This added hatred, along
with the increasingly technostalinist bent of our "laws" will make YOU a TARGET for those
unable to "cope" with the loss of their Freedom. A target literally.

For the sake of our Children, our Nation and your own ability to look in the mirror without
recoiling in shame, resist.

How you can resist

Get to know your non-cop friends again, and your neighbors. You probably let those
relationships go bye-bye when you bought into the crap that cops are "a breed apart". The
people you joined the force to 'serve and protect'; and you view them as scum?

Your mindset will be the first obstacle to overcome, but since you're reading this you're
hopefully already on that road. The 'cop culture' like most aspects of American culture is
managed by it's own 'gatekeepers' who serve an Agenda-to fill your discipline and duty
oriented mind with all sorts of psychological cues that herd you into being a insufferable

Yeah, that's what that 'they' want-there's always a 'they' around to ruin it for everyone. You
blindly enforcing laws which oppress everyone. 'They' fill you with pride in your profession,
give you a cool looking uniform, all sorts of means to carry out your job-and you get guns! All
of which are but bait-egotistical masturbation.

Assaulting this egotistical masturbation is your first duty, assaulting your 'brother officers'
programming as you can is your second duty. There is a line, and it's different with each
individual, but it basically is their patience at listening to you challenge what they've been
programmed with. Don't count on getting them to see the light quick, as you know the
programming's thorough and very deep. Don't push too much, and use examples you come
across. This is a war-not a battle.

Your third duty: shielding the People as best you can from the ravages of the laws lawyers
pass. Look into your heart-if you are with God, you will know which laws are sensible(stopping
murder, rape, robbery, reckless drivers, crack dealers selling to grade school kids). The
rest(niggling regulations, laws that rob people of their rights) must not be enforced. They
must be IGNORED.

Ignoring as best you can, because your supervisors watch you to make certain you do your job
as proscribed by them. You're in a bad spot, and sometimes you will be forced to pick your
battles. Sometimes you won't be able to directly help someone about to get steamrolled by
the state. You'll have to surreptitiously get evidence of their innocence and get it to a
attorney willing to fight for their freedom. Sometimes you'll encounter a scumbag son of a
bitch-who's shielded by the local powers-that-be. That person might even wear the same
badge and uniform as you. Here is where you shall have a real gut check: what if there isn't a
way to stop this bastard legally? What if this state sanctioned criminal plants dope to cause a
raid and asset forfeiture seizure? What if this human sized cockroach is going to whack a
'troublemaker'; someone working for Freedom just like you?

How far will you go to do something about it? And can you do it smarter-as in being able to
get away with it? There are people who know of these things, and one or two even wrote
books on the subject if you can't get a hold of that someone. Beyond that I dare not say what
you should do, except that it needs doing, and nobody's doing it at all.

There's more you can do; a lot more. You can do this under a alias or not, but it's my wish you
cops would start showing the People on a individual and community level how they can
defend themselves from the bureaucratic predators. How to get around the bureaucrats, and
who among them are still patriots. There are bad and good in every walk of life, and if
bureaucrats can see that they too can join in renewing freedom, this struggle shall end in
victory that much faster! Motivating them as officers to actually stand up and as a group
demand that laws start getting scrapped. Tell them that they wouldn't have so many cops and
bureaucrats in their lives if there weren't so many laws for them to enforce. Make it plain that
their lives will NEVER get better if they let themselves keep being hypnotized by that
electronic narcotic called the TV.

Teach the People how to physically defend themselves and their communities. Yes, if you
love freedom this would include the safe and effective use of firearms and when to do it.
Your police and military training makes you a natural choice to teach the People. Yes, this
incurs the risk of being labeled a 'militia', but for hundreds of years the gathering of all able
bodied adults in case of a collective danger was a key part of American civilization. They
organized and drilled and shot their rifles in public square it was that enshrined. It was when
a permanent, standing US Army and a permanent standing professional police force that the
Citizen's Militia quietly faded away from American public life.

The militia isn't a bad thing actually. If you actually read the older historical accounts there
are examples-like during the 1800's when the James Gang got cut to pieces in Minnesota; the
townsfolk got their guns and resisted, and won. Likewise, in Athens, Tennessee in 1946;
returning GI's tried to win a local election to clean the crooks that had been running the town
into the ground for decades. The crooks attempted to rig the election and went so far as to
hide in the jail and shoot at gunpoint anyone who tried to stop them. The GI's borrowed some
National Guard rifles and shot it out with them, and won. More recently, a few years ago, the
State of New York attempted to enforce cigarrette taxes on a Native American Tribe and
came with dozens of State Troopers; the entire Tribe greeted them with muzzles of their
assault rifles… the Governor wisely negotiated a compromise.
So that's the point: collective resistance works! And it doesn't and shouldn't if at all possible
have to be violent. A second hand personal story: days after the Columbine massacre a public
school mandated ID tags for every student… obstensivly to stop a massacre. A bunch of them
got together and smuggled in water guns painted to look like real guns, and objects made to
look like sticks of dynamite. They presented them to the principal and asked him if ID tags
stopped them from bringing in their made up weapons, and would it stop real weapons from
getting in… the ideal was scrapped.

Peaceful noncompliance works if done en masse. The emphasis should be first local; pushing
back the bureaucracies that strangle our lives. Start small, always, and build on that. First
you and your people could do something like get the parking meters removed. Then build on
that with pushing back niggling housing codes. Your weapons are your wallets; collectively
threaten to wage a tax strike, or a labor strike(don't forget to prepare with extra cash and

Then expand to strike at the big oppressions; property taxes, traffic laws, anti-constitutional
gun bans, drivers licenses and car plates, caps on laws made. Each victory builds on itself and
similar advances made by other like minded individuals. YOU can lead this; you have the
drilled in discipline, social standing and leadership, AND, you know something of the dirty
tricks the bureaucrats and traitor cops will pull to stop us. You're in a position to protect this
necessary revolution. Yes… a revolution to win back what our ancestors gave all for over two
centuries ago.

Together we can resist and win back our freedom. Our first obstacle to unifying as a people is
to overcome our racial and caste barriers-and as a cop, you are part of a caste… call it the
enforcement caste, made up of bureaucrats and law enforcement. You as a American must
reach out to those that have been maneuvered and manipulated to be your intended enemies,
the working and underclass castes-the people you're sent out to roust for fines and make
busts on.

Unite with them, because our enemies are the lawyer caste that makes and judges on the
'laws' they make, and the caste of the super rich. These people buy the lawyers out, and have
systematically looted America of our industry, our technology, our prosperity, and by their
house slave lawyers, bureaucrats, and cops, our freedoms. They've reduced us Americans to
being a military state-our real economy, our society propped up on a life support of debt that
they, the super rich can yank with but a few manipulations of their financial markets. They
will most likely do this in a manner much like yanking the cord on life support for a dying
man… which is what America is.

They want the world, and have used America to trample any and all opponents. They now
look to use the last allotted strength of America's military might to batter the nations of Earth
into a global empire run by them-with America to be consumed by economic and political
collapse and a engineered multi-front civil war NOBODY but the super rich will win. And that's
why you acting NOW to begin fighting for Freedom must be your one priority. This war we are
in, it's bigger than one individual or family or community. But if you don't join the fight, you
make victory for us all that much more difficult, and how will you face God with THAT crime
on you?

Posted by J. Croft at 12:00 PM 14 comments Links to this post

Friday, March 18, 2005

J. Croft

Was it that "trailer trash redneck" in the cheap 'rasslin t-shirt that raised your taxes? If that's
true, why does he look almost homeless himself? White folks write sad country songs and take
up angry rap for good reasons. You think those people live in rundown trailer parks and drive
beat pickups because it's fashionable to be economically screwed? Poor white trash have been
getting the shaft as long as the rich have been importing blacks and exterminating the

Was it the "wetbacks" hanging out at the bus stop corner for a ride to their farm jobs that
voted in a smoke filled back room to deindustrialize America(by that I mean ship our means of
production-our factories-overseas)? If that's true, why are they here by the millions looking
for work? They get screwed over by their "leaders" enough to be motivated to migrate here,
and they get screwed by what they find out is the most insidious caste system in history?

Was it those "dotheads" operating the local convenient food mart that thought it'd be a great
ideal to have "free trade" that's sucked America dry of wealth? How does robbing people of
their jobs, and money, make them want to buy more? And wouldn't they suffer too? They
immigrated America, they'd want to enjoy being an American-not regret it.

Was it those gangbanging "niggers" who wrecked our education system, and turned our cities
into blighted war zones? If anyone's the victims of deliberately dumbed down public schools,
drug smuggling, and economic warfare, it's the blacks. And anyone else too poor to move out
of a slum. They didn't create the problems, they grew up in them and became the twisted
stereotypes of your manipulated nightmares.

Was it those "camel jockeys" operating another liquor store that think it's a great plan to
further shackle ordinary Americans with intrusive ID schemes cooked up by former Soviet
apparatchiks, while our borders are made more wide open than a Hollywood Hooker's legs at
midnight? Sure it's the official line that Muslims were behind 9/11, but anyone who saw the
live broadcasts heard further explosions at the moment the towers came down… as if being
demolished. And our vaunted air defenses let FOUR lumbering passenger planes fly off course
for over an hour… passing over nuclear power plants that if penentrated would make the most
populous sections of our nation a radioactive dead zone? Approaching major metropolitan
areas unchallenged? No. Just as much as that gas station owner does NOT think that
transforming the United States of America into a reborn Union of Soviet Socialist Republics is
nothing less than the uttermost evil-triumphing over whatever good America has done in
promoting Freedom.

Was it those "chinks" in the laundromat who cause our money to buy less, even as we make
less of it to begin with? You, I-certainly not the average Chinese controls our money. The
federal reserve does by how much money it prints out. It causes inflation, printing more
money, thus making each dollar buy less, and making all kinds of market manias-imbalances
that eventually, inevitably burst. They can and have also shut off the money supply, causing
depressions. And it's done on purpose to keep us all poor.

Was it those "injuns" who take up to half your wages before you even see them on your
paycheck? It's the government-robbing you of your earnings before you even see them with a
hundred different taxes. A hundred different excuses, much as the Native Americans were
given a hundred different excuses why their lands were swindled from them, and their
peoples had a genocidal war waged against them.

No. It's not your favorite race to hate that has turned living in America into a nightmare. It is
the fault of rich folks and other power craving fools of any origin. It always has been;
inheriting vast wealth, they seek more control. Thus, they take over government and craft
the laws and taxes and bureaucracies to serve them… meaning we get served with the theft
of the fruits of our labors, the theft of justice, the theft of our freedoms, the theft of our
future, the theft of our security.

This is what we have to learn again. This is what we have to rediscover as not only Americans,
but as Human Beings who stand and say WE shall determine our destiny. WE shall determine
how we live. WE shall have have freedom and whatever sacrifices it takes by each of us to
keep our freedom, we shall. Until we do that, we shall have tyranny, we shall have the fruits
of our labors systematically robbed from us, we shall not have justice nor freedom.

So why waste time hating folks in the same boat as you?

The Black Man, the White Man, the Red Man, the Brown Man, the Yellow Man. We are all
united under a common denominator: our culture, our economies, our laws, our institutions,
our communites, they have all been subverted and are being systematically destroyed… WE
are being systematically destroyed.

We can combat this. Each of us is an individual with the capacity for free will, to do right or
wrong. Step back from your racial and social predjudices-which are programmed into you by
the way-and look at the next person different from you as an individual being as afflicted by
what he or she's forced to live in as you. All of us pay excessive and unnecessary taxes, have
to submit to arrogant, preening bureaucrats for licenses to do and go to what is our natural
right. All of us can at any time become the victim of a sadistic, hardnosed crook with a badge
and a gun and be systematically destroyed by the state. All of us can have our means of living
robbed by greedy rich bluebloods and their sycophant lackeys when they move your job to a
Third World Hellhole.

Talk to them. They're in the same boat as you. And then stand by them and fight for what's

J. Croft
Posted by J. Croft at 11:49 AM 0 comments Links to this post

Thursday, March 03, 2005

February 28: Just another sad date in American History


J. Croft
In the above picture I depict ATF "agents" assaulting a rural church with everything they got,
and having a good time about it. The picture itself is a satirical comment on the nature of our
current government, and if anyone's had any dealings with federal agents, the bootleg usage
of Beavis and Butthead is entirely appropriate for the bottom feeding scum that compose
most of their ranks.

The event itself: February 28, 1993, Mount Carmel, the Branch Davidian church and it's raid
by a hundred buttheads, is tragic. The federal agents shot first and only asked questions after
a righteous hail of defensive fire from the victims drove them back.

The tragedy became all the more horrific when the FBI was called in to salvage the "image"' of
the federal government and laid down a brutal siege that ended with the extermination of
the victims by fire and cyanide gas created when the "nonlethal" CS gas was ignited.

That horror was made all the worse with the systematic whitewash conducted by the Clinton
Administration that made every excuse they could to justify going after 81 American Citizens
in such a hardcore manner. They made excuses about a meth lab and child rape-and had a
firearms regulatory agency "investigate". They made excuses about the need for fully armed
military tanks and helicopters. They made excuses about the need to systematically torture
the victims with continuous loud noises and cutting off water-to children! They made excuses
for torching the place-with children inside.

Do you know what the worst part of this tragedy is? The worst part is that nobody did
anything to stop them. The government murdered those people as a show of force to scare us-
and we let them get away with it. We desperately accepted their excuses, so that we
wouldn't have to come face to face with the evil that has grown into the terminal cancer of
tyranny choking our nation-choking our world! We valued our gently deteriorating way of life
over standing up for our rights yet once again. We chose our gently deteriorating way of life;
our trashy entertainments, our welfare, our current comfort over setting right what has gone
horrificly wrong.

It's part of the real American Way. Common folks buying the excuses and lies to retain what
they got and not facing down the evil oppressing their fellow man, that's a American tradition
going back to the acceptance of stealing this land from the Native Americans and tolerating
British Aristocracy importing Africans and poor Europeans as slaves. It's a tolerance, a denial
of elites inflicting suffering onto others who are "different" that clashes with the popular
notion in this country that we are willing to fight for freedom.

Our own elites crushed a righteous rebellion in rural Pennsylvania in the 1790's and ironically
gave birth to the very government agency that would start the war against the Branch
Davidians two centuries later. Those same elites kept expanding the United States across the
Continent, and crushed all that opposed them. Elites brutally crushed populist movements to
organize unions with deadly force, and the common folks accepted the lie that their fellow
men in the movements were communist or whatever. They accepted the ever enroaching
government controls of licensing and regulating that steals one's freedom. And for the most
part, common people failed to see this fundamental truth: it is necessary to oppose evil at
the first sight of it.

We haven't. We haven't come close to trying as a people-and history WILL judge us for that

Some however, some people do see and do what they can to oppose evil. The civil rights
movement in the 60's springs to mind, as does the antiwar movement when it wasn't being
hijacked by fabian socialists. Your average soldier, fighting for America, does so but does it
all too blindly. There are organizations and individuals on the internet who labor mightily to
awaken America. They stand for freedom and justice. They are on both sides of the "left-right
political paradigm". They are as yet too few and too marginalized by the elites, cut off in
large part to fair media access to reach most Americans. Yet they fight on.

We as awakened Americans, it is each of us, our individual and collective responsibility to

recognize the war we are forcibly cast in over the destiny of the Earth and the Human Race.
To fight the evil enslaving us all and crush it, forever. It is easy to see this evil, just look at
what people accomplish.

If someone or an organization proposes something that winds up robbing people of their too
hard earned wages, they're part of the evil whether they realize it or not.

If someone or an organization proposes or does something that winds up robbing people of

their personal property, they're part of the evil.

If someone or an organization proposes or does something that robs people of their right to
personal arms for the protection of themselves, their families, and their nation as part of the
unorganized militia, they're definitely part of the evil oppressing us all. And it's been proven
that such victimizers hypocritically go armed themselves!

And if someone or an organization proposes laws that steal your inalienable rights for
whatever excuse, it's a no brainer they're evil.

And there's so much interlocking evil to fight you say? There's so many of us, a division of
labor is automatic; figure out which evil pisses you off the most and go after it with
everything you've got. Believe me, when you are in the fight and wage war against the enemy
in a righteous cause God will help you unlock strengths and skills you had no ideal you even
had. That's how weakened Humanity has become due to the poisonous evils in every level of
this civilization.

There are ways to fight evil-individually and collectively. Each one of us can hand a
informative or inspiring book or video or pamphlet to a stranger or even tuck it in a popular
book at a library(an ideal that gives me a sweet little plan-I'll write it up in another article).
We can learn how to use a rifle competently out to 500 yards and pass that vital knowledge
onto others. We can attend our town hall meetings and monitor our elected officials. We can
prepare for our own survival when America is subjected to it's long planned collapse-stock up
on foodstuffs, basic tools, 19th and 20th century knowledge of making things. We can
network, get more people to wake up.

Collectively… we can act in unison. We could move to a small rural town that has good
resources surrounding it, register to vote and in the next election take over. Accomplishing
that, we could repeal all property tax laws, eliminate many of the regulations choking
America-as a lot is done locally. We can make such a small town an example, a bastion of
Freedom in the land, inspiring others to do likewise. And with control of the local apparatus
of power, resistance to federal atrocities like Waco, Harper's Ferry, the Whisky Rebellion,
Ruby Ridge and Wounded Knee become possible. Good people, acting with righteous indignity
at federalized buttheads can and will stop them. It's possible-it's already happened in

After World War Two, in Athens Tennessee, returning GI's wanted a clean local government.
The ruling corrupt politicians who had made living in Athens miserable did every trick in the
book to steal the election and went so far as to lock up the ballots in the local jail and shot at
anyone trying to examine them. This didn't stop those Warriors-they went to a local armory,
requisitioned some rifles and shot it out with the corrupt local officials. The Governor at the
time did nothing to oppose the GI's effectively sealing the corrupt officals fate. So opposing
evil is still possible in America-we just have to decide to say NO MORE!

That old saw-about every journey starting with a single step-is an old saw because it's really
true. Find your cause. Seek a quiet space, be all alone and casting everything else from your
mind probe your heart. There, God awaits you to talk to Him. Have some maturity about this;
don't be like a little kid asking a make believe santa claus for a wish list. It doesn't work like
that, and it shouldn't; YOU wouldn't want to be pestered by your ignorant kid's birthday or
xmas wish list every day, even if you could deliver. So have some maturity and ask what can I
do, and then listen, and God will advise you how to do it, even if you have to work two jobs
just to "keep" the crap you've bought with enslaving debt, or you have huge medical bills, or
have kids. God is all that we aren't and that includes knowing what to do. And He really is on
Humanity's side so trust in God and listen.

And then work to stop any more tragic days in American History from happening. This can only
be done if good people say NO MORE!


J. Croft

Hello, how are you doing today Mr. and/or Mrs. America.

Are you content, satisfied with your life and all the toys you've hocked the rest of your life's
labor for? Does your work at that megacorporation you bust your hump for fulfill your desires?

Do you have enough time for your loved ones with all the bills you have to make? Be able to
give them the love and attention and guidance we all need? Do you even have energy to spend
a few minutes to play catch? Read a book? Share a hard-learned life lesson to them, so they
can do better than you? How 'bout a hug?

Do you have enough to live on-even so much you don't have to borrow? Can you enjoy a trip
somewhere for the weekend-you can get away from that office and your barely human
overseer-er, manager, can't you? Do you have anything to set aside for, in case of your car
breaking down, or you lost your job?

Do you feel at ease with the society you live in? The increasingly difficult struggle to make
ends meet, the invasion of illegals, the ever increasingly choking presence of law
enforcement, the decreasing availability of quality jobs you can live on? Can you honestly say
to yourself that all the advertising, all the programming in the magazines, the papers, the
television-that push for you to just consume, consume, consume and for God's sakes don't ask
hard questions-that doesn't bother you as you sink ever deeper into debt trying to live up to

Do you go to church? Do you watch those televangelists on TV? Are you at ease with what they
preach-restricted as they are by their 501c(3) corporate status that restricts how and what
they can talk about if they want to retain their tax-free status? Did you know that under
corporate status they are regulated by the Internal Revenue Service as far as political speech,
social issues, and anything that may be construed as "anti-government" and get shut down?
Reading that, do you think they would tell the truth about what's going on, even in their own
ranks? Is it okay to ignore the outright use of religion like a truck stop whore to push for more
war, more murder of God's creation-your fellow Human Beings?

Do you think your public servants are truly there to protect you? That they'd honor your
Constitutional Rights, and never target you for speaking your mind about what's wrong? Do
you think your tax burdens at approaching 50%, are fair and just? That all the laws, the YARDS
of bookshelves filled with the U.S. Code, that the bureaucrats and lawyers generate are there
to preserve our liberties and our way of life? That you can take a politician's election night
promises as gospel truth? That they're all altruists, and don't have any ulterior designs for
more power?

Do you trust the police without question-that those that accuse the cops of abuse of authority
and brutality are liars or just wrong? That cops are really there to protect us all, from the
poorest to the richest? That when they pounce on you on the roads out nowhere, charging at
you at dangerous speeds and making you jump and temporarily lose control of your vehicle,
that it's just to look out for you?


You're in danger-you, I, and every other American-of losing it all. Already being content and
satisfied with our lives and our society has become a dim memory, a fleeting wish. Nostalgia.
We can't possibly be content when we have to work much harder for much longer hours, for
much less to live on. Our jobs, our labors only satisfy and enrich the mega rich we work for.

We work for others, and most of the fruits of our labors go to others-if not the mega rich who
own/control the megacorporations then the government, in all it's manifestations and taxes.
For us, a small pittance; enough for us to make that monthly payment on that debt millstone
called a mortgage. Auto loans, credit cards-that we're programmed as "consumers" to enter
into like lemmings, like idiots when we see something advertised on the TV-that electronic
narcotic. It is a narcotic because watching the boob tube for more than a few seconds
stimulates your right brain into producing pleasure hormones, even if you're watching a crap
ass reality tv show.

Yes we've been made into idiots, admit it. Our education system is not made to educate, it
indoctrinates with just enough educating for us to read the big lettered offers on loans and
credit. Just enough education to ignore the fact that that offer comes with terms of payment
on the fine print that'd make a loan shark envious. Just enough education for us to not
question where exactly we got that impulse to buy that bigger TV, or that bigger SUV half of
us can't seem to handle on the road. (hint, the idea probably came from that TV you want to
replace with a plasma screen) Critical thinking, an awareness of our history, a basic sense of
right and wrong-what's that to you as you heed the battle cry: "Let's go to the mall!"

So, we're consuming idiots for what little compensation we're allotted for our labors. And the
sorry excuse for the money we use seems to have less and less purchasing power year after
year. Yet we work ourselves all the harder to keep up the programmed expectations of having
that bigger plywood and sheet rock home, the cars, and all the other junk sold to us by our
American Idol, the TV. Television's the source of our programmed desires, our beliefs as
modern day Americans. And that TV's content is created by a interlocking network of basically
a handful of megacorporations-owned by a few rich old white men. The gatekeepers that
somehow sing the same tired tune on up to 150 channels. Same WAY too rich old white men
who benefit from the status quo as the government… the status quo that's killing you. Rigging
the economies of the world so you're forced to work yourself to death(if they haven't sent
that work to Mexico, China, or India). Work so much you wind up alienating your spouse, your
children, making them dependent on the TV set for the attention you're denying them.

That's the slow death; there's also the quicker, more painful death that we're increasingly at
risk from, thanks to generations of traitors that we've allowed to run this great nation of ours.
Traitors are everywhere folks!

Traitors who know that when you put tax and regulatory barriers to entrepeneurs, when you
ship good, even decent wage paying jobs overseas you force people out on the street when
they can't make their mortgage or rent because they have to eat. Or when you steal their
legal livelihoods you create criminals.

These traitors are everywhere you find power, and it's all because we've ALLOWED ourselves
to be put to sleep by the TV and that chimera pushed as the American Dream and all it's petty
trinkets that has only pushed us into chains of debt slavery to their banks!

So who are these traitors? How are they so powerful that they can manipulate generations of
people like this? As far as I've been able to determine by study, "they" are a group of
interbred-inbred really-megarich, violent sociopathic bluebloods who literally think they own
the world and that their actions to literally dismantle America and the World, are just
consolidating their power.

You may have read or heard rumors about their names: Rockefeller, Rothschild, Bush. You'll
occasionally hear about their organizations like the Council on Foreign Relations, the
Trilateral Commission, Bilderbergers, Skull and Bones. I'm sorry to say the rumors are true,
and they're the rich old white men who's lackeys acting as the cultural and media gatekeepers
made the title "conspiracy theorist" a slur even worse than "enviromentalist wacko", "right
wing extremist" or "n*gger".

Sounds crazy to you? Want to stop reading? Want to label these words as the products of one
of those conspiracy types: the kind who run around in cammies, toting gun show special tec-
9's, picking their nose, oogling their kinfolk, and claiming microchips are implanted up their

Ever ask yourself where that automatic impulse to make those snap judgements, to think
those thoughts without any consideration of their truth came from?

The culture. More specifically that TV you spend hours in front of. And, thanks to that
electronic narcotic you paid hundreds for at a nice interest, and forty bucks a month for the
cable, you're conditioned so that when someone presented by "them" is labeled a "conspiracy
theorist", you immediately discount anything he or she has to say, no matter how true.

The greatest trick the Devil ever played was to convince people that he doesn't exist. "They"
have done the same thing; owning all the levers of human power, they get their dupes to get
their dupes, dupes to implant in the media they directly control that conspiracies are for
kooks, not kids or anyone else.

Someone brings up valid critiques of how the Warren Commission report was pure crap? Have
Peter Jennings host a crap ABC News Special using patently erroneous data, or the Mythbuster
dorks go by that erroneous data and staged a patently botched and biased test.

Government story on 9/11seem like lies? (and they really are lies)All the media you're likely
to take in outside of the internet will paint the same brief story; we "weren't prepared
somehow" the greatest military power in history: then show the World Trade Center go down,
and then cut in with some video of our troops on some wild goose chase in the middle east.
More people question it? Have your stooge who controls Popular Mechanics do a purge of his
writing and editorial staff and do a state approved whitewash.

Here's a example that you'll have to relate to: ever wonder where all the jobs went? You'd
think there wasn't a problem at all except you not consuming more by watching the
teleprompter readers at CNBC having a heart attack about America having a "service
economy"(financial traitors like them and their masters getting rich hustling their share to
your dumb ass at peak prices). Meanwhile, you want any pictures of what their treasonous
service economy has done to deindustrialize America: if you're too cowardly to roll through
Detroit, LA, Buffalo, Flint, NYC, or Pittsburgh, try hitting the temp services, or catch a Feed
the Children special at 1am.

But hey; the TV's never lied to me!

There are conspiracies folks. And America's got the greatest tangle of them controlling our
very perceptions of reality. "They" really are in control; the puppetmasters, the hidden hands
of history, they've used as many front organizations and bad guys(and "good guys") as required

1)Keep Human Civilization repressed and ignorant, and dependent on their institutions, their
resources and technologies. Why else would we be stuck with 20mpg SUV's after a hundred
years? Explain the crappy space shuttle that takes a minor miracle to complete a mission?
Explain Microsoft?

2)Occasionally cull this "herd" with wars pitting their front men against each other-using us all
as their cannon fodder.

It's a hidden history. A good primer can be found going through the articles at
Also, go to and look up their archives; specifically the articles by Charles
Savoie about the Pilgrim Society. Also and are good
background sources on "they".

They're the "they"-and "they" have been sucessful in hiding their agenda for generations. As
you'll find out, "they" have long ago infiltrated universities-where our educators, our lawyers,
our sucessful businessmen, our politicians, our military commanders, our bureaucrats, our
media gatekeepers go through. They go through college and from day one are
comprehensively and systematically brainwashed in a ideology that turns high school kids into
unthinking elitist puppets. Puppets who've been twisted into pushing whatever part of the
Agenda they've been trained for. Slaves.

…Yet, these puppets, these robots, these slaves, they either have no ideal what they're
helping to push or they've become so twisted by the traitors, they're now traitors themselves.

Our Educators-most of them so far up Karl Marx's ass they couldn't be surgically separated.
They push a vague form of American brand socialism that's created the colossus of
government choking us like kudzu. They're trained to churn out all the unknowing and
knowing socialists that comprise all the other classes of college graduates, who take socialism
as American as apple pie.

…And almost none know of the treasonous programming they indoctrinate us with.

Our Lawyers-who also become our judges and politicians. They're also trained in this anti-
American socialism and push for more laws, more regulations drafted by their "comrades" and
enforce these tyrannies on us all. And charge us hundreds of dollars a hour to be represented
by them in their courts. Where they steal more of our hard earned money with judgements of
fines and confiscation and jail time.

…And almost all are aware that "they" want it to be like this, and if they want the power and
the petty comforts being their tools allots them, they will continue to oppress their fellow
man with this insidious form of slavery.

Our Businessmen-churned out by business schools, they manage the massah's

megacorporations that market us to death with their shoddy products that don't last or
become obsolete, and poison our air, land and waters in the process. Poison us as well. These
megacorporations have taken over everything, and driven private entrepeneurs, family farms,
and flag waving American companies out of business or overseas. They're interlocked so in
essence they're one vast incorporation-that's owned in part by the Federal Government when
their stocks collapse and the government goes in and buys the stocks to keep Wall Street
going! A many-faced monopoly that mutually owns each of it's components, a devious form of
communism but with a Armani suit. These corporate suits, these traitors think nothing of
cozying up to a tyrannical federal government, and advancing the beast's agendas. Just think-
their labors help steer the slave galley all of us are cooped up in as we're pushed to row faster
and faster for less bread and water.

…And all have long ago sold out to the beast so they can have that wannabe mansion in that
gated community.

Our Military and Police-deserving to be lumped together because they've become one Habeus
Corpus violating entity. Our armies "peacekeep" and enforce government will like cops, and
our cops are suiting up like punk ass ninjas with military ordnance and armored vehicles, like
they were the a-team. Strutting around on a power trip many of these people are nothing but
puppets, many of whom who have no ideal what freedom is and how precious it is, go about
enforcing the massah's many, many enslaving edicts as if on a mission from God. Open season
on average citizens to harass and intimidate? Taser little kids repeatedly and cuff em' up?
Knock around some(fill in preferred slur)? Ambush folks after the bar even though they're
driving safely? Expose decent citizens to the homosexual rape palaces known as our prisons
for exercising their Constitutional recognized Rights to Free Speech, Assemble, Petition for
Redress of Grivences, and Bearing Arms for our God-Given Right of Self-Protection? No
problem, just another day taking out the trash. Many of them would literally wear a swastika
armband as long as they get to carry that badge and gun and mess with ordinary folks all day.

…And one day, a few of these traitors in black will have their jackboot on your throat, or
pump fifty thousand volts of electricity into your kids or your grandmother. Maybe they'll just
pump 'em full of lead.

Our Bureaucrats-a lot of them think they're serving "the public" but to a bureaucrat(or a
cop)it's a nebulous term that envelops the People, yet at the same time doesn't include us as
Individuals. Really, it's more of a synonym with the State, which has in America grown into
the greatest socialistic tumor in history. Global in reach now, it's self-imposed borders of
authority entrench themselves deeper and deeper into American life like kudzu. Kudzu's a
plant that was imported from Japan into the South that not only grows at a prodigious rate,
choking all around it, it's roots can extend down to a hundred feet-bogarting nutrients and
sunlight from all around it. That's the American government.

…And our "public servants" serve this cancer in order to have a secure job, a bit of that "good
life" falsely promised to all of us if we just "went along". All at the fifty percent tax burden
you're forced to shoulder, and the unending regulation of what's supposed to be a "free

Our Media-some of the most obnoxious socialists outside of a university political science
department work to shape our culture, our views, what we buy, wear, drive, live in, think
and say. They have vast power and have a effective monopoly thanks to the megacorporations
that own it. These house slaves preach the supremacy of the state, the chimera known as the
American Dream that enslaves all that aspire for it in debt in a vain attempt to attain it. And
it's not like the trash they sell us is worth watching or reading or wearing-there's literally all
sorts of programming that keeps us asleep. Asleep to all the traitors running around,
destroying this great nation of ours. It also subconsciously lowers our expectations of
ourselves and others as our media's insidious mediocrity is pushed as virtues, and it's hurt us
so badly. Few anymore even think about excelling, because a People who think about
excellence also tend to think about things like Freedom and Prosperity. No. "They" can't have
that so part of the literal programming of our TV softened minds is the lifting up of being
mediocre. Just do your job good enough to keep it. Play on the weekend. Obey the laws
without so much as a thought of protesting their justness in a supposedly free society.

…And they all know the real scandals, the buried bodies, the missing, the abuses of power.
And also they also know it's suicidal to try and expose the corruption we've all let metasize in
this country.

…And yes-there are good folks still, in all of these controlled institutions, but they're in the
minority-pining away just like you for a hero to save the day.

There isn't a organization existing now that'll do that. The Republican Party machine has been
taken over by a pack of people either planning armageddon so they can get to heaven or want
to profit off the manufacturing of war materials. The Democrats would do the same thing,
only under a United Nations government that would make ours, as bad as it is, look like a
paragon of small governance.

There isn't a person in power that'll do that now. Remember JFK? He started making noise
about pulling out of Vietnam, détente with the Soviet Union, and dismantling the Federal
Reserve-and he got blasted in broad daylight. He sure as hell ain't riding back from his grave
on a white horse, and neither is anyone else gonna jump on that pony ride, or in a red striped
black van that's gonna save the day for you. Mr T ain't gonna bitchslap some sense into the
cops before they taser the next toddler acting out because she hates that crappy day care
center she's stuck in by her overworked parents. Face Man isn't gonna run for Congress and
win, and singlehandedly push laws through to dismantle all the agencies and their agents that
choke Americans and their efforts. Hannibal Smith isn't going to your kid's university and
chase all the idiot marxist professors out by firing his assault rifle at their feet. And Howling
Mad Murdoch sure as hell isn't going to steal a Army gunship and use all those traitorous CEOs,
bankers and politicians rolling in their limos for target practice.

It's going to be up to us. You. We are going to have to be our own heros. We are the ones
ultimately who are responsible for our society by our actions and inactions, definitely, and so
it's up to us to clean it up.


I know your frustration. Struggling against a entire society going "wheee" as it's flushed down
the toilet is a daunting challenge, and from what you've been taught in those public schools
and the TV you've gotten "their" message that the only thing to do is to go with the flow.
Those are lies.

It's also a lie there isn't a thing you can do about it. There's EVERYTHING you can do, you've
never been shown a concrete plan of resistance and victory. Read on, if you truly desire

What you can do as an Individual

Before an athlete can compete in a game he must be in his best possible shape. To win the
war for our freedom, you too must be in the best possible shape-physically, mentally,
financially, and spiritually. You must clean up your own house before you can clean up your
neighborhood, so to do that you must clean yourself.

A house, a person is only as good as the foundation, and that foundation isn't in your material
wealth, your health, or the soundness of your mind. Your foundation is your soul, for without
righteousness, without truth or love, nothing else you'll do will be certain. So let's start with:

God-in spite of what your pastor might've told you, or Pat Robertson, God expects us to do
battle against evil wherever we see it, especially in ourselves. Love God and others like you
do yourself-it's because we as Americans have been conditioned into thinking strictly about
ourselves, being selfish, and that taking responsibility sucks that we're losing our nation. Love
God, because He loves you enough to have let you come into this world as a free agent, a
Human Being in a society of relative affluence-as corrupted as it is.

So,why did He make you as a American in 2005, and not a Brit or Russian or Somalian or Iraqi?
It sure as hell wasn't to await some "rapture" and let our traitors destroy our planet and
civilization. It sure as hell wasn't to damn 5 billion, seven hundred million people to death so
YOU can have some imagined get-out-of-the-apocalypse-free card. It sure as hell wasn't to
pursue that masterstroke of marketing called the "American Dream" of shoddy, imported
megacorporate junk.

No! We're here as Americans at the dawn of the 21st Century because God puts us here for a
purpose-to fight to get back the Nation and Freedoms our ancestors fought for. To be equal
under the law, free to do as one will without harming others, with no corporate tools
poisoning the enviroment, hypnotizing us with their ceaseless advertisements, or having their
lackeys push us into pre-arranged wars of conquest. Taking back control over America's
direction, stop fighting bogus wars, and avert a global Holocaust that's slated to kill off most
of the human race.

A holocaust "they" have been laying the groundwork for at least the past century if what I've
studied about them is accurate. How else could the elites turn around and progressively strip
America of it's economic strength and spread our forces out over the entire globe like a more
insidious form of imperialism. Almost all the nations of Earth have our troops stationed there.

And yet our borders are wide open. We have the greatest debt levels in history. China was
sold our nuclear weapons and high tech secrets by Clinton and Bush, who took their money
and invested in corporations who literally strip America of it's industrial strength and ship it
over to them. So have all of the super rich living today.

Reading that, "their" game plan's obvious; one more ruinous global war-between America and
China. This time, America will not be victorious; we have been used and abused and we shall
be tossed to the side-violently. China will probably still stand, but all the nations of Earth will
be so ravaged by this coming conflict, we'll all be ready to accept anyone's proposal to fix
things. And "they" have such a plan; you might have heard of it whispered, it's called the "new
world order". Which is nothing more than "them" controlling everything and everyone through
a choking high tech bureaucracy. America will be broken up into a bunch of dependent states-
resource colonies where the remaining assets, the land, the trees, the minerals in the ground,
our homes-our very lives will be used as collateral to pay back the debts our leaders took out
as we all slept.

"They" have made a fatal mistake though. Fatal to them.

It may have been "their" true plans for America to use this nation to build a "new world
order", but in their hubris they unleashed ideals dangerous, lethal to them; the expectations
of Freedom and Prosperity. Because never before in human history have there been such a
codification of the Rights of Man as in the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights.
Freedom of Religion, Speech, Assembly, Bearing Arms, Secure in your Home and Property,
protections against self-incrimination, a speedy trial, bans on cruel and unusual punishments,
and strict boundaries on government authority with the advantage going to the People.

Those ideals of Freedom come from God ultimately; why else would God make us individuals,
with free will? For those "founding fathers" however, who were attributed with their origin,
they owned and traded slaves. Washington, Jefferson, Franklin-all had plantations and never
freed their "property" while they were alive. They were the elite-part of the "they" back in
those days who sought a "new atlantis", a mercantile empire. So, why the First Revolution?
The obvious answer, knowing history, is to provide the British elite with a eventual enforcer
state to spread and enforce their own fortunes through their corporations, especially after
"they" got done exhausting Great Britain proper and make it a dependent state. They needed
a excuse, to get the People to go along with no longer being British subjects, but Citizens of a
independent America.

So, in a conspiracy with elites in the British Homeland they staged a war that constantly saw
the British Army lose in European style warfare-just enough for the third rate regular Colonial
Army to survive and fight another day. For cannon fodder "they" sought to recruit the common
folks for their War of Independence. Same common folks that they were constantly putting a
squeeze to in Colonial America by sewing up the legislatures and the laws, and rigging the
economics to benefit themselves-and keep everyone else dependent on them. For these
Colonial rich to get them to fight "they" had to inflict what's known as the dialectic on them.
The British Crown raises taxes and imposes regulations on economics and travel beyond the
Appalachian mountains on people wanting a new life and opportunity, which frustrates some
into open revolt. Most just wanted the Empire to be reasonable but they were unknowingly
being herded into rebellion. A few "radicals" in league with "they" take the rebellion to the
next level. They in effect launched a civil war and wrapped the whole cynical thing under the
banner of Liberty.
"They" played a most dangerous game; unleashing those ideals to people armed, to raise their
expectations-to go from subjects to a king to being virtually kings of themselves and the
government the subject. "They" got their American Revolution alright. It also took decades of
fighting off a number of rebellions after the war, against "their" foreclosing farms for debts,
their taxes on whiskey(which launched the federal agency ultimately known as the ATF) and
the imposition of the 1787 Constitution and Bill of Rights to put a leash on what they
unleashed from Pandora's Box.

Pandora's Box is still open, however. No matter what their descendants have done in using
America as a tool for world domination, no matter how they've used America as a whore for
their designs, the concepts they've unleashed can and will never be unlearned. And now, in
2005, it is up to you Mr. and Mrs. America, to finish the American Revolution. Finish fighting
these all too rich elitists for our world.

That's why God's put you here, now. Not to have that job you prostitute yourselves for, and
yet not even see a tenth of the fruit of your labors for. Not to have that mortaged-for-life five
bedroom "mansion". Not to have that SUV you can barely drive, or afford to gas. Not those
18%APR VISA cards you use to get that garage full of crap you probably used maybe twice.
Certainly not to have obnoxiously authoritarian bureaucrats running around imposing yards
worth of books filled with regulations on every conceivable aspect of life so that the People
are mired in red tape. Or worse, stage murderous raids on those seeking to be outside of their
tyranny-tyranny they desecrate the American flag with by wrapping their foul deeds in it.

You're here to forge a better world for you and your children. You're here to do that by doing
what's necessary to liberate America from the chains of the "soft" slavery that bind us mind
body and soul. Starving the corporate made consumer culture of the demand for it's junk.
Breaking the back of the government and it's lackey corporations by denying it dollars in the
form of taxes from what you spend and what you report. In doing so stopping it in it's tracks
from installing a permanent police state here, and smashing third world nations over false

Fight, you must instead of fretting over what game to watch or what you're gonna grill up for
the weekend. But to do that you must be ready for the fight, and the very first thing you've
got to do is get right with God.

First, make some time to be alone, and with absolutely nothing going on but your thoughts.
No music, TV, or interruptions. Let all the stresses and worries of your life slip away. Let your
thoughts slip away until the only thing you feel is your heart.

Your heart does more than pump blood. It feels, and those pangs of consciousness, that voice
that's told you to do the right thing-that's God talking to you.

So pay attention to your heart and listen to what God has to say to you. Direct, and not what
some pastor or that scam artist Benny Hinn says God says.(I'd like to see that blow dried creep
follow Jesus' teaching and sell all he has, give the proceeds to the poor, and quit with that
ridiculous doo)

God's gonna surprise you, I'll warn you right now. Somehow you came across this message, and
somehow something inside you got you to read this message. Guess what? That's God, and the
good news is you listened so you're already on the path. You got to keep going though,
because you're already in a war declared against you by the rulers of this sorry world. You're
already in the war, and further acquiescence, further submission to their evil is not only
futile, it should be insulting, shameful, degrading-beneath you! Dying? This body dies, as does
everyone's, but after that we're all in God's hands, and what we-you do now and for the rest
of your life in this world WILL matter.


We do what God would have us do. Reading the Bible, you'll find different books and authors
contradict each other a lot-a lot saying you should "obey your masters and government" and
whatnot. Consider who wrote what, because if for nothing else it was men that put together
the bible. Mostly the type that are Roman Emperors, bloodthirsty conquerors looking to
legitimize their crimes, and false prophets who claim God sent them but turn around and
contradict everything.

So you have to consider what most likely came from God and Jesus and go from there,
weighing the author and his words against God. The closest that is would be the Gospels at
the beginning of the New Testament, although Christ didn't write those. This is Christianity
we're talking about, so assuming that the four gospels containing Jesus Christ's words are
accurate you weigh the rest of the Bible on that.

So what does Jesus say we should do? We heal the sick, help the homeless find a home, free
the prisoners(and we're all prisoners on our own planet by the way-think we Americans have it
bad?), expand the frontiers of Freedom, fight evil and prevail wherever we find it and crush
the demons literally and figuratively. Jesus DID all of that-and got executed for it!

But first we must be right. It's not important to God that you have a lot of junk-in fact, a
childish need for the trinkets the megacorporations push on us gets in the way of the
essentials of life. It IS important to God if you do right. So if you're not to be trusted with
secrets because you're a gossip, quit trash talking about your neighbors who don't deserve it.
If you borrow things and never return them, that's stealing. If you don't spend time with your
kids because Survivor or American Idiot is on, well what's more important?

God wants us to love ourselves and love our people as ourselves. He also wants our love as
well, but religion, in service to "they", always wind up painting God as a celestial crackhead
frothing at the mouth for our suffering-when they're not asking you to tithe. That's actually
the devil's propaganda, a subliminal message that makes God repellant to folks. What you get
for a religion that's been in the hands of evil men for two millennia.
No. God wants our love because God is love. And if you love, you'll express that love as
action. You'll defend yourself and yours; your family, your home, your neighborhood, your
town, your country and your culture. Only people who have God are capable of this; those in
positions of power certainly don't have God in their hearts-why else would they attack us and
destroy our lives as they do?

God wants you-needs you to do your part because you're already in a war for yourself and
your world. So you might as well join the battle.

The point is, if your heart ain't right you won't have the inner strength to withstand what's
coming, let alone resist it. You'll collapse, give up, take the "easy" way out, betray your
friends when things get tough. Being a traitor; that's not something I'd want to carry around
for eternity.

Next: learn what's really going on. You sure as hell won't learn it by watching CNN or Fox. The
internet's the way to go, as it's the last bastion of independent voices that have a wide reach.
Go to as it's a warehouse of information… how much of it's valid well, that's for
you yourself to determine. Take personal responsibility for what you believe in. Some other
good sights are,, for straight talk about the economy.
Another website I would recommend you think about is

Start getting alternative views-a lot of them are right. You find out what's going on, and while
you're not on the internet: get the hell out of debt and that slave wage job you're working
like a chump. Most of the fruits of your labors either your employer keeps or the government
taxes away-and then like a genius you turn around and spend what's left on crap you'll have to
replace because it's engineered to break down or otherwise become obsolete.

Now, you must take steps to prepare yourself financially; you can't get political freedom if
you're still dependent on the same economics that has you like a mouse in a wheel for our

Stop buying crap you don't need! What you got should be fine. In fact you probably got extra-
sell it! Then, take that money and start paying off those credit cards. At 18%, it makes me
wish I owned a bank. You'll immediately notice you have more money in your wallet.

Sell that SUV, and get a somewhat older decent car that you can pay for up front: kiss that
300 a month loan payment goodbye! You can barely handle driving that monstrosity anyway.
There are auctions in the paper all the time, giving you a even bigger savings. Having 300
bucks more a month not tied up in debt payments gives you more options-like liberating
yourself from debt.

Scale down your domicile; sell that huge house and that huge mortgage payment for a smaller
home that you can own free and clear. Having at least a grand a month of cash to do as one
needs is liberating.

The end result? You are debt free, with no obligations other than your taxes and to feed and
clothe you and yours. You're no longer stretched to the limit trying to juggle bills. You, with a
purpose and free time and money can now take the next step; finding your purpose.

Economically freeing yourself, now you can ask this question: what's your purpose? Well, what
is it in your heart that you want to do? Not what career's being promoted to get you to get
training for. What is it that you've wanted to do when you were/are a young adult?

Do it!

In doing it, and talking to God about it in your heart, you should be able to discover what it is
about it that will serve others. In effect, what you like doing and how you're meant to do will
in some way that help others. The larger permutations and consequences you should leave up
to God to worry about; like I said, we're in a war and He's trying to set us free, not annihilate
us, so we have to have faith.

So you find your purpose(s) and in doing that with a debt free lifestyle you should be able to
make a living on it. You will have effectively a small business-you'll get to keep all the fruits
of your labors…

…wait, I gotta talk about taxes.

Having in effect a small business, you're required by the state to register as a "corporation",
report sales tax, and all the regulations bureaucrats love to lash onto you to be permitted to
operate. Reclaim your freedom; stay small, stay hidden, deal strictly in cash or barter items
or work. The state and it's bureaucrats have long ago proven they don't deserve our tax
dollars by the way they've ruined living in America. Deny them the fruits of your labors, keep
it underground and black market. Starve them of money.

Furthermore, those dollars in your pocket, on your checks and in your accounts-they're not
really dollars at all; they're debt notes. IOU's denominated in dollars by a private banking
cartel that loans these insturments to the government at interest. Our money is supposed to
be gold and silver as mandated by the Constitution, but until a economic crash occurs and the
dollar's printed into toilet paper this is but trivia.

But what isn't trivial is how we're all addicted into judging almost everything by dollar worth.
And it's through using these dollars that the state taxes and fines us to death. No matter what
we buy, there are taxes tied to it. So in your dealings cut down on the usage of their funny
money. Don't consume. Trade, borrow, lend, barter among others who want to be free.
Anything's preferable to feeding the beast.

Next step to take to make yourself ready for the fight; life insurance. Not some policy from a
insurance firm, but preparations you take as being responsible for yourself and yours. What
are you preparing for? The shutdown of America and it's way of life as a engine for
consumption and debt based economics. As you've discovered by your cutting back we
Americans have been trained to be the most hoggishly wasteful society in history. This was
not by accident. With our consumption comes cashflow for the megacorporations that set this
system up after WW2, so the logical outcome is the extreme wastefulness that goes on today.
We're trained to get the shiniest new junk they pump out, even at the expense of a lifetime
of debt slavery. We're dependent on being wasteful.

This wastefulness makes America extremely vulnerable; just cut off the flow of oil and the
flow of goods and services comes to a halt, and with most of us living in urban sprawl with
few outlets of basic goods within walking distance-think of the August 2003 blackout, and
picture it going on.

And on.

And on.

And on for weeks, months, probably years.

People will run out of food within a couple of weeks. Crime will skyrocket before that, and
when that last dusty can of green beans is consumed cold desperation and panic will set in.
And the blood will flow. Blood will flow-probably from you if you're unprepared-when that low
income neighborhood next to yours starts running out of food.

That's just one scary scenario, and it's not even close to being the worst case. Nuclear attack,
a restaging of a 9/11 style operation, mass terror strikes using stolen briefcase nukes, North
Korea lobbing ballistic missiles at our cities. A civil rights crisis involving abuse of illegal
immigrants galvanizing the estimated 20 million illegals in America into reacting violently.

Then there's what the government will do when they drop the hammer on our Constitution
and Bill of Rights and institute Martial Law; think those ninja suited madmen will stop at
incinerating a few backwoods churches and cabins?

You've read this far so here are some things you can and must do to protect yourselves

Look at a map of the United States of America. You'll see all the major cities, the clusters of
suburban towns that cluster around them like grapes, and the interstates that connect the
urban areas like vines. Now, look at the clear areas(not in the southwest, that's desert!) You'll
find some areas pretty far from the urban areas and interstates that have towns-move there,
or have a second home or relations, or even a trailer on a patch of cheap land. Those towns,
those rural areas will become the new redoubts of Freedom in America, because "they" have
their power in the major urban areas and military bases. Seek towns that could survive a
breakdown of the economy. Plus, they're cheap to live in.

Have some spare fuel for your car-rotate it out every six months because gasoline's
formulated to break down. Get some 55 gallon barrels, some 5 gallon jerry cans and a hand
pump to have as a emergency reserve. Take the jerry cans to the gas station and fill them up
each time you gas your car, then fill your barrels. Have your barrels in a separate shed, like a
tool shed, and when they're full, draw fuel from them to gas your car up and replenish as
needed. It's not to take advantage of price spikes, it's to have a emergency reserve.

Get a generator. A gasoline generator would be more compatable with your fuel storage but
lower powered. Diesel generators are more powerful and has the advantage of there being a
recipe for brewing a biofuel out of vegetable oil to fuel it.(THIS CAN ALSO BE USED IN
AUTOMOBILES WITH DIESEL ENGINES). Any generator however can power tools, a computer for
internet access, refrigerators-it's better having electricity than not having it of course.

Have what they used to call a pantry. Buy extra food you'll eat, and rotate that out like I
described with the gas storage. Buying in bulk saves cash in the long run anyway. And what's
even better is growing your own food naturally; having your own food supply and a few items
to trade will keep your food costs low.

To learn a LOT more, get the following magazines and their back issues.

The old MOTHER EARTH NEWS, up to about issue 80. These you'll have to look for at garage
sales and flea markets.

LINDSAY TECHNICAL BOOKS CATALOG. Everything you need to know about to restart a
industrial civilization after the apocalypse, they have it-but don't wait until after the
hammers dropped on us to get at least a basic battery of books.

BACKWOODSMAN. Small publication, but has a lot about basic living and old frontier
knowledge. Having back issues makes a good start to a survival library.

BACKWOODS HOME MAGAZINE. Like the Backwoodsman, but they have all their back issues on
CD's to view on your computer.

Learn how to use a weapon-preferably a rifle, because life in America can become very basic,
very easily and at best the desperate and the criminal are going to do what they got to.
Worse, is a out of control state being unleashed in a martial law(no law but what's dictated at
the end of a muzzle) scenario. They can shoot kids in the back, burn and poison whole
families alive, so they'll have no problem capping your middle class self. So if you want to
keep what's yours, learn to use a rifle in a combat situation.

Quick firearems overview

Pistols you carry on you when someone brings a fight to you-they allow you to fight your way
to your rifle, which is much more accurate and powerful. You always have your pistol on you,
or beside you within reach. Automatics are preferable over revolvers. You can always go to a
gun show and find a Glock, or 1911 type. Also common are Browning Hi-Powers, Sig Sauers,
and Smith & Wessons(last resort). Stick with 9mm, .40, and .45 auto calibers as they're cheap
and common. Have extra magazines and ammo and practice shooting live ammo and dry

Shotguns are good in a limited sense. Home defense and a car gun in a combat situation in
moving vehicles, a spray of buckshot allows a greater margin for error. Riot type shotguns
with the magazine going the full length of the barrel are preferable. Fit the weapon with rifle

Rifles are the PREFERRED weapon to have in a gunfight. And the preferred type of rifle to
have is one made to fight with in the first place. That means assault rifles that traitors in
government have nightmares about. If you have the money, and being middle to upper class
you should have the money, get a M-14. It's accurate, has a nice trigger pull, and shoots the
hard hitting 7.62mm NATO round. It's also gonna cost you about 2,000 bucks to properly
provide for it with extra magazines, ammo, and spare parts. It and it's ancestor, the 30-06
WW2 M-1 Garand are used in the Civilian Marksmanship Program. This course will teach you
how to shoot and hit out to 1,000 yards(and how it's survived over the years is something of a
miracle). Sign up and learn how to use a rifle in combat.

Second choice is the FN-FAL-it has a pistol grip, but it's sights and trigger are crappier. The
HK-91 is the most reliable rifle of all, but has even crappier sights and trigger, is the most
expensive, and it'll kick like a elephant gun. Stay away from the "clones" cobbled together
from parts kits, unless you want to learn gunsmithing to get them running properly.

If you're broke or just cheap, war surplus bolt actions like the Enfield and the Mauser are
cheap and ammo's currently plentiful-but look for .308 versions of these guns. You can buy
several and have them to arm friends and others who tag along in a pinch.

Where to get these weapons? First, look around for any gun shows; you can buy privately
without filling out federal forms that register you and your gun with the government. You'll
get the widest variety of weapon and ammo selection at these weekend shows, plus good
advice from folks who know what they're talking about.

If no shows are around you, or you're in need of a gun quick, you can look through the
classifieds. Someone's always got something for sale, though it probably won't be what you're
looking for.

A third option is to cruise garage sales and flea markets, but that's a crapshoot and your odds
of getting ripped off if you don't know what you're doing go way the hell up.
Gun shops? Nice for buying ammo and getting your gun serviced, and they're the most
reputable, but you'll have to sign that form and get registered with the government and have
a background check. And why go through that if government's the problem in this country?
You're only free with a gun when the government doesn't know you have one.

Having a gun is a great responsibility-it's your responsibility to never point the muzzle of your
weapon at something you don't want to destroy. It's also your responsibility to become
proficient in it's use. That means practicing marksmanship. Find someone who knows how to
show you the basics. Also, get a bb gun and "plink" at targets in your backyard or hallway. It
would also help if you took up paintball, which will teach you what combat's like. If you're
able, sign up for one of the premium firearms academies like Gunsite, or Thunder Ranch.

Here are some resources for you to continue your quest for personal protection:

PALADIN PRESS-they have a large selection of books on firearms and how to use them-among
other no-no topics like bomb making and guerilla warfare.

REVOLUTIONARY WAR VETERANS ORGANIZATION This is a website run by "Fred" who's
trying to promote old school rifle marksmanship; being able to shoot and hit with a service
rifle out to 500 yards. The principals can be taught at 25 yards with a backstop.

SNIPER COUNTRY.COM-this is a knowledge base for those hungry enough to want to learn to
shoot out to a thousand yards or more.

SUBGUNS.COM-another longtime message board. It's like being in a online version of one of
those old gunshops. They'll answer any question about guns or government you got.

Now, with you out of debt, having stopped being a slave of frivilous consumption and
overtaxation, and possessing the basic means of self-sufficiency and personal defense, it's
time and your responsibility to become personally responsible for others. Now you're ready to
join the fight for our freedom.


Share with them what you've discovered and have gained. Get copies of the text, files and
video that made you aware of the truth and share them. Just keep in mind the slow learning
curve that you went through, being at one time as conditioned as they are. Patience, tact,
and a minor miracle are needed to get through to the standard right or left wing American.
Patience as in not giving up, ever, to educate. Tact as in not making them as the enemy-
they're the ones who engineered our entire culture and society into it's current sorry
landscape. You don't win over white collar types by getting in their faces with black crusted
bare feet, bell bottoms, a hemp shirt and a week without a bath. Likewise, you don't win over
the millions of "lower class" Americans at the local bar watching nascar by trying to engage
them in a analysis of the government backed manipulation of the precious metals markets.
You have to get people to relate to you so they will listen-that's just how Americans are

Find out who they are. Find out what their buttons are. Corrupt, traitorous bosses, dirty
"brother cops", dirtbags making their neighborhood a hellhole, their jobs getting sent
overseas-there's enough illuminati generated miserey to go around for everyone. You'll find
some topic that's got them by the balls…

…and then, the miracle is up to God-does this person have a open enough heart, enough love
so that God can get this guy to listen to you? Have faith; God works in ways the devil and his
legions cannot comprehend. He's got a million plans for victory for every one they labor to put
together, but what He needs is your actions to get through to others. Osmosis only works with
bacteria folks; we want Freedom, we're gonna have to fight side by side with God Almighty to
do it, not watch the spectacle from our living rooms on CNN.

It's gonna be slow going; we Americans are a closed minded lot, and it takes a lot for us to not
trust our lifetime friend the television. But if you keep at it, and even the failures will give
you lessons on how to reach others better, our numbers will increase. You might even make a
few new friends. And getting more people in the fight is vital, because with many, a lot more
can be accomplished!


With others with you, even in your neighborhood you can enhance your own personal defense-
you extend the zone you're capable of securing from outside threats by protecting each other
like you were protecting yourselves. That's the attitude you have to have with all group

Doing things as a freedom loving group has definite economic advantages-ever heard of group
buys? Pooling together cash for bulk purchases allows you to buy a lot more. Just about
anything outside of luxury items can be had for a better bargain when you can hand the
merchants more cash.

Also, a group of self-sufficient individuals who are honest with and trust each other will
almost automatically create a localized economy in their neighborhood or extended group.
Services and items are bartered, rendering such untaxable and therefore free from state
theft. One guy does metalwork, one guy continually trains the group in self-defense, one
woman can grow herbs, one guy maintains computers. More than one can open up a quality,
private homeschool for their children, as the public schools paid for by your property taxes do
little beyond program us to be unthinking slaves. It's communal, but definitely not communist
as you rightfully keep the fruits of your labors.

As your duty for expanding freedom, you simply must phase out federal reserve notes(you
know as cash)-they're the financial insturments of our slavery to the state. Do barter items,
labor, knowledge, and silver and gold for currency. Silver and Gold are suppressed because
they are real money and cannot be inflated at will by the state, which is why prices always go

It is not enough to just save yourselves. As you've liberated other individuals, so you as a
group must help other individuals and groups to liberate themselves. This helps expand
freedom in general, and create more groups for mutual trade, defense and cooperative
political activities. The composition and strengths of each group will vary as to their nature;
you'll have a old enclave of survivalists sharing long accumulated knowledge and training.

A rural town that's always loved freedom that knows how to survive hard times-because
they're already in hard times. Rooted, grounded folks who know how to take care of
themselves as a close knit community will have a lot of hard won experience to share.

A middle class suburban block group that's become motivated to take care of each other. Not
only that, they offer sanctuary to persecuted freedom fighters and access to the community
as acceptable citizens. Also, America's middle class has in their neighborhoods experts from
every field and will have the largest incomes-AFTER YOU PEOPLE GET OUT OF DEBT.

You'll have a geographically disconnected but unified secret group of decent Freedom loving
street cops and soldiers providing some much needed stability and direction(and firepower).
These folks if they have any sense will be among the most motivated to get people to work
for change. They need to be because Americans have been trained to take authority figures at
their word… and Freedom fighting street cops and soldiers ARE "authority figures".

A self-unionizing factory whose workers know how to make things. These are the people who
will lead the economic struggle to rebuild America from the many decades of treason. In the
meantime, their knowledge will enable freedom loving groups to be self sufficient and
integrate trade and industrial efforts.

A secret group of freedom loving bureaucrats and politicians working as a intelligence

gathering agency, letting us know when raids are planned, more oppressive laws enacted.
They more than anyone will know who the traitors are and where they'll hide.

A group of computer technicians, hackers and independent filmmakers documenting our

successes, the evils of our common enemies, and creating hard hitting news and how to DVD's
and text. We're going to need a backup communications system when the internet's
sabotaged-and these people will know how to build it.

We all don't need to agree on everything. What we all need to do is to act in common cause
against our main enemies-the hydraheaded government-corporate composite organization
that's enslaved us. Only with it's destruction will we have the luxury to have a civilized,
peaceful debate between the WASPS, the poor, the minorities, the cops, the enviromentalists
on how things should be-and I'll bet that without Illuminati manipulation and sabotage Human
Civilization can and shall make great leaps and bounds.

We have to defeat them first. That's going to require united political and possibly military
action from all of these disparate groups. Question is, do you love freedom enough to unite in
common cause with folks you've been programmed to hate?

When you've got a group that's liberated themselves from the state's controls, you can expect
a lot of negative attention from their bureaucrats and house slave cops. Don't expect any
relief from the state's bureaucrats by using the state's courts; even more than you were,
these clueless souls have been enchanted by the pseudo-freedom illusions of the satanic
entity they serve. Yet, to fight a government, you need a government, or… take over the
government persecuting you!

Taking back the government-peacefully!

This is the preferable manner of us as groups reclaiming our Freedom. To be effective, one
must have a understanding of America's political system as it relates to our cause. We have a
president, a vice-president and their agents, a congress, a federal judicial system, and the
duplication of this political layout among the states. Beyond that you have the many
thousands of county and local governments. So what will work best?

Take over the presidency?

It's long been proven that unless you have the blessings of the two official parties of this
nation, you cannot seriously run for president. The closest independent candidate was Ross
Perot back in 1992, and even being a billionaire didn't shield him from getting shredded by
the media.

So, assuming the voting machines are honest(not)and the media's fair(not) you need the
machine of a major party backing you(won't happen).

And the president can only do so much; America's system of government is extremely
compartmentalized, so that unless you have a common ideology and party mechanism guiding
and controlling the various components, it's impossible for one man to dictate policy. So a
independent party president, one lone person against the rest of the hydra headed federal
monstrosity is not only impossible, it's retarded even planning such a thing.


Congress is made up of 540 members-100 senators and the rest in the house of
representatives. All are elected in staggared election cycles so it would take approximately a
decade of successful nationwide campaigning to create a majority party. Yes, congress writes
the laws and taking it back is essential in our struggle, but even factoring out the two official
parties and their political machines the structure of this body demands a massive political
machine of our own.

Massive organizations that have a heirarchial structure have been penetrated, subverted and
corrupted by our enemies since the beginning of time. It's a process that to them is a natural
as breathing. Then there's all the fundraising that will be needed and we're not rich-the only
ones with money in America are the same pack of vampires who've been sucking us dry. So a
singular, national organization will not be sucessful.

Independent and rogue candidates however do have some success. Bernie Sanders of
Vermont, Tom Tancredo of Colorado, Ron Paul of Texas, and at one time James Trafficant of
Ohio sadly represent the successes. Most candidates are attorneys who've long ago prostituted
themselves. They whore themselves to the political machine that will take them where they
want to go. All they want is power and in exchange have legislated the monstrosity American
government has become. The democrats and republicans, their bosses for all practical
purposes appoint these elitists their congressional seats and they're prepared to spend
whatever cash it takes to take or retain that seat. Vote fraud of course is part of their

There are no rich left in these times who would willingly sacrifice their lives, their fortunes
and their sacred honor-they're either sold out or scared. So any candidates for congress will
have to be raised and funded by us. That means we have to do it in a grass roots manner. We
have to build not one political machine, but a army of political machines that are
independent of one another, yet cooperative.

Many small parties, one common agenda

This form of political resistance lends itself naturally to our groups. It will go like this:

The group helps other groups form. They in turn during the next local election cycle turn out
and get the candidates they choose elected in town and county governments.

Much of the oppressive laws plaguing us are drafted and enforced locally. Taking over local
governments will not only give the freedom groups relief from local law enforcement
harassment, it will give us the tools to revoke and repeal such things as:

Property taxes that allow the government to sieze that home you're working a lifetime to pay
for if you miss one "rent" installment. Those in power whine that property taxes are for the
schools and the children-isn't that what their gambling rackets known as the lotto are for? And
they're willing to make you and yours homeless for the children… such evil makes me just
want to shoot them. But let's try not to go there yet.

All those damned zoning restrictions, regulations, speed trap traffic laws designed to churn up
"tax" revenue, laws criminalizing all sorts of things and actions that bother nobody. Think of
any local ordinance that seems to have been drafted by a neurotic control freak… the list
would be endless really!

Un-Constitutional, pro criminal gun control legislation. A big part of their program's disarming
us so that we're helpless and have to rely on them exclusively for protection, establishing
dependence. Not that the cops are legally obligated to your personal protection of course.

Anything that pledges cooperation with state and federal authorities, at least until we take
our nation back!

Another book recommendation: HOW TO WIN A LOCAL ELECTION. Should be in your local

When we take back a local government and bring that jurisdiction back into line with the
classic tenants of American government, it will be a beacon of light, an example of successful
peaceful resistance. It will immediately inspire and launch similar efforts in neighboring
communities. Each composed of small, decentralized groups working together on the big
problem, so that one day they can afford to bicker on the small stuff-that the Libertarians,
Constitutionalists, Christian Patriots and Conservatives currently do. So together, with control
of enough cities and townships, the combined efforts of those groups can take over counties.
With control of enough counties, an entire state can be taken over by our groups.

Why take that next step? The list of things we can do when we take back our local
governments is vast, but then there would be the call to centralize governmental control with
state and federal authorities. So when this begins we must be as aggressive as possible-being
examples to others, advising, and most importantly WE MUST NOT FIGHT AMONGST
exploited by our enemies, it will be our biggest downfall.

And if we can take the nation back…

There are many things we must do immediately, as soon as we can take back control of
America's destiny.

(1)Secure our borders from any further infiltration. Whatever that takes, whatever
manpower's available, we must find a way to seal up thousands of miles of hinterland border,
and many thousands of miles more of coastline. This will take bringing our troops and ships
home, and in effect end America's era of being used as a tool of global empire. It will be
good, as being number one just makes you the one everyone else wants to take out.

At the same time, a heightened state of alert must be maintained if another power were to
take advantage of our transistional phase and attempt some economic or military adventure
against our interests. America will be painfully contracting from it's global economic empire
as we attempt to revive a self-sufficient free republic and the last thing we'll need is for
Muslims seeking revenge against the Empire, or China rolling the dice on a military adventure
against us.

(2)Impose a flexible series of tariffs so that no matter where on Earth a imported good is
made, it's cost after going through customs is just a few percent more than one made in
America-with all the taxes still imposed. This must be implemented by law for I'd calculate
twenty years; because this is the minimum time required to rebuild America's manufacturing
economy. The rest of the world's just going to have to learn to live economically without the
American consumer, and the American consumer is going to have to learn basic economics. It
will be a horrifically shocking adjustment, and lead to a economic collapse-of the
megacorporations. It's the bitterest medicine, but America and Americans have become
almost terminally sick with the current system imposed upon us and those that don't
immediately take steps to save themselves will need some hard lessons quick to bring them
back to reality.

This adjustment wouldn't be nearly so horrific if we'd acted thirty or even twenty years ago
when the traitors began dismantling our economy wholesale to finance their "new world
order". So, with this bitter medicine a depression is guaranteed, but unlike the last one, we
won't have a Federal Reserve to keep the money supply tight and the economy depressed-
keeping the depression going until World War Two could be engineered. No, because:

(3)It's time to dismantle the private "federal" reserve banking system. Central banks have
been the main culprit behind destabilizing economic boom and bust cycles by printing or not
printing "notes" that have the backing of nothing. Left alone, a economy will gently expand as
a result of increasing population and innovations in technology. However, the economy has
been constantly and continuously tampered with, and the key to the tampering is a "flexible"
currency. Silver and Gold boullion are by their nature inflexible-and thus STABLE-because
precious metals are difficult to dig out of the ground, process, and form into coins and bars.
Because of that difficulty in introducing new metals into the economy you could count on a
ounce of silver or gold, or a gold backed dollar to buy the same fifty years from now as it did
fifty years ago. Also, back in the day there were numerous state and private issuers of money,
all backed by silver and gold; the ones who engaged in issuing fiat or inflated their notes by
overprinting didn't last.

That system was killed by those way too rich old white men. They ended the use of silver and
gold. Our "federal reserve notes" have been greatly inflated since the foundation of the
federal reserve system in 1913; the dollar's purchasing power has fallen by 99%! All because of
a printing press and a monopoly on currency. If we're to have a stable currency, we must
abolish the Fed and bring back precious metals backed money.

(4)Apprehension and immediate trials of all persons responsible for the christmas list of
treasonous acts that have brought our nation and our world to such a perilous state of
emergency. Mainly I speak of the mega rich. They cannot be allowed to remain free to
sabotage our efforts to avert their armageddon, with their vast, hidden fortunes. Everyone
DOES have a price and these traitors to the human race have accumulated literally most of
the world's wealth, so they're capable of bribing all but the most Godly. Their lackeys and
tools also must be brought to justice before they can carry out orders and sabotage our
Revolution. Their assets can be distributed among our poorest first so they have something to
help contribute to rebuilding our Republic. Beyond that, financing a economic renaissance in
our poorest areas, like the inner cities, former factory towns, Native American Reservations
and Appalachia must be made by grants from seized assets.

(5)A one time jubilee must be declared; the biblical version where all debts are forgiven.
Those debts being owed to a few multinational banks tied to the private federal reserve
banks. When the banking cartel's smashed, it will make no sense, nor be just to let them keep
imposing debts on the people they've been hustling. The People keep clear title on what
they've been paying on; it will be just punishment for all the crimes the bankers have
committed against us. Their excess assets not claimed by any person or company they
foreclosed on can be distributed amongst our poorest for rebuilding purposes.

(6)Review of all laws on the books; any that don't minimally guarantee freedom and individual
safety as proscribed within strict Constitutional limits-abolish. The entire tax code is to be
scrapped and overall tax rates slashed to no more than ten percent. The IRS is to be
abolished, and it's personnel subject to review of their conduct for potential prosecution.

(7)A immediate and thourough review of all judgements and sentences of every incarcerated
person. There are a LOT of people who've commited no crime against their fellow man in
prison, and many are completely innocent. They must be immediately released and
compensated for their false or malicious prosecution by the state. All persons involved in
malicious prosecution must be brought to justice for their crimes. All persons committing
atrocities against incarcerated persons must be brought to justice.

(8)Immediate open review of all government projects and operations. Any found harming
American Citizens and the Republic must be ended, the victims compensated, and all persons
involved in treasonous acts brought to justice.

(9)Some of the confiscated assets must be earmarked for grants to restart private industries
of all kinds and for education; a manhatten project to rebuild America's intellectual base
from grade school to colleges to vocational training. Privatizing public schools as practical,
ending the government monopoly and degredation of education. People will learn according
to their aptitudes, desires and speed of completion of the basic curriculum and standards as
practiced a hundred years ago. The regimented public schools must be made into a thing of
the past. Engineering, technology, the arts, history; all the forms of learning that will rebuild
us as a free nation must be pushed and offered for free. Most importantly, a imperative of
constantly guarding our Freedom and Safety must be taught, as well as the ultimate form of
that guardianship; effective usage of military arms to secure it.

(10)A deregulation of access to media must be done to allow freedom of speech and access to
media to all.
(11)Immediate shutting down of all activity that poisons individuals and the nation. This will
involve everything from dumping waste into rivers to putting flouride in the water to
additives like asparatame and msg into our food. Any found practicing these treasonous acts
shall be punished, their assets seized.

(12)Rebuild our crumbling infrastructure, using seized assets to finance.

(13)Rebuild the United States Constitution so that the abuses and manipulations inflicted
upon us for all of our history will NEVER be repeated!

This is a huge workload and will require the participation of the entire nation. America will, if
the Revolution is successful enter a period of reconstruction and restoration. It is a necessity
that all of us not engage each other over petty differences while the period of restoration
takes place. We must be able to afford debate on the issues that divide all of us that love
Freedom, and we can't afford it. Certainly not now, and certainly when we're engaged in the
herculean tasks described above that will consume us for a generation.

So: will we be ALLOWED to complete this Revolution peacefully? Will we be able to complete
it at all?

I don't know if we'll be a hundred percent successful. More than likely, as hundreds of small
local citizens groups make a impact the temptation by the powers that be to stage a 9/11 and
throw this nation into martial law and suspend normal political activity will be irresistable. I
hope and pray they just become panicked, like deer in headlights but I know that's just
wishful thinking. They'll try to shut down the political process rather than hand it over to a
grassroots revolution. Barring a pro-freedom military and police coup, martial law will

When that happens, all of us will be targets of the government, literally. Banded together in
common defense however and possessing the basic tools of civilization and the knowhow and
will to use them to wage war, a second civil war will erupt.

Small bands of freedom fighters will dot the landscape, HOPEFULLY aided by breakaway
government forces. We probably won't be able to rely on any foreign assistance. This worst
case scenario will be bloody, but it will eventually rend most of the federal beast apart.
America will break up for awhile into several areas of varying degrees of unity and political
composition. There will be strong entities both forged by us and still retained by vestiges of
the elite and federal government. There will be hundreds, thousands of tiny enclaves relying
on each other for sustinence. America will look like Germany after the Thirty Years War in the
17th century-a map so convoluted with autonomous territories it will give anyone looking at it

We would however gradualy reunify, as the common bonds of Freedom and the heritage of
being an American will win out over the efforts of the elites to bottle the genie they unleased
in a attempt to use America as the disposable tool of their plot for world control. Liberty is a
flame that once unleashed cannot be quenched no matter how much made in China crap, how
many zero down payments, how much they put Paris Hilton on the TV. The human desire to
be free shall win out.

…At the cost of millions dead of starvation, disease, bullets, perhaps radiation from fallout. A
peaceful transistion is imperative if we want to avoid that.

Time is of the essence if we want this Revolution to be relatively peaceful! It's now June of
2005 as I write this; the next series of elections is in 2006-GET COMMITTED AND GET TO WORK
NOW!! If you want back what you've lost to these bastards and get it back without a decade of
civil war, we must do this now and have a united national platform with a strong across the
board grassroots base supporting it by the 2008 elections. This must be in conjunction with
MASSIVE peaceful protest and citizen action to monitor government election officials
whenever even a whiff of vote fraud is detected. We are Americans-we CAN do this if we'll
show just the courage of the Minutemen patrolling our southern border.

Our enemies would like us to stay ignorant til' they drop the hammer on this country. Failing
that, they'll take misdirecting our anger, and our energies. We must stand as one if we are to
free ourselves and our world. God and our Children are counting on us.

Additional reference works for you to read and learn. Hey, use your brain; if it's on the
internet DON'T USE YOUR OWN COMPUTER! "They" keep track of everything these days and if
you're careless they'll build a profile of you on "their" files-and you don't want that! Use
someone elses, preferably some one else's that lots of other people use. Think "public".

INVISIBLE RESISTANCE TO TYRANNY by Jefferson Mack, Paladin Press

The inspiration for this rather long essay, Invisible Resistance is a primer on how we
Americans can fight back.

HOLOGRAM OF LIBERTY by Kenneth Royce, Javelin Press

Royce does the research on how the 1787 Constitution was subtly sabotaged by the elites of
the day to produce in time for their descendants the many faced tyranny we're shackled to.

RICH DAD POOR DAD SERIES by Robert Kiyosaki, any bookstore

A "entry level primer" this series when looked at not for it's sometimes bogus financial advice
shows the parasitic nature of the rich in America; going so far as to rewrite the laws to
maximize their benefits. We working class people are nothing more than "income streams" for

Good starting points to search for the truth about who we are, where we came from and
where we're being steered toward.

BOSTON'S GUN BIBLE by Boston T. Party, Javelin Press

The basic primer on firearms today. Advice on weapons, tactics, dealing with hostile law
enforcement, "their" never ending crusade to take them away from you. Most informative are
his consumer report on the five common Main Battle Rifles; he shot them extensively and
made his notes for you to make a informed decision.

BOSTON ON SURVIVING Y2K by Boston T. Party, Javelin Press

Although the Y2K bug was a nonevent, this is for an overall view of how to survive any
collapse of the American economy.

YOU AND THE POLICE by Boston T. Party, Javelin Press

Boston T. Party by being a American Freedom Fighter is at the razor's edge of this war-
consequently he's had more than his share of run ins with the police. So here's an expert's
advice. Take it.

UNINTENDED CONSEQUENCES by John Ross, Accurate Press

Nominally a fictional work, Unintended Consequences goes through a century of ever more
government enroachments on freedom and public safety, leading ultimately to a band of
rogue agents being confronted as they're planting evidence by a Righteous Man. After that it
turns into a fictionalized primer on how to wage a low intensity guerilla war campaign against
the traitors and win.


This infamous series of book(also on CD-ROM) goes beyond rifles and shows you everything you
need to know about how to kill folks. Seriously scary stuff-or empowering, depending on how
you want to look at it.

BULLETPROOF PRIVACY by Boston T. Party, Javelin Press

Want to order all these fine books, but don't want people to know who you are? Want the
government to not know who you are? Get this book and begin liberating yourself from the
government's intrusions in your affairs. I lived for several years under a different identity and
address and let me tell you the peace of mind knowing the government didn't know where I
really was at… Freedom! I never felt so secure.
BEHOLD A PALE HORSE by William Cooper

A overview of the beast and it's plans, it's author was assasinated by corrupted cops during a
raid. When they kill you, that just shows you were right, right?

DEEP INSIDE THE UNDERGROUND ECONOMY, by Adam Cash, Breakout Productions

Adam Cash gives us a thorough overview of the underground(free)economy and how to

participate in it. And let me tell you having my tax burdens drop to next to nothing… it feels
GREAT not having half of my labors supporting the system that keeps trying to press it's
jackboot on my neck.


Marksmanship basics from a civilian standpoint, Mr. Van Zwoll has hunted everything and this
book is a great starting point to mastering your Main Battle Rifle. When you've sucessfully
absorbed this work you can get:

THE ULTIMATE SNIPER, by Major John Plaster (Ret), Paladin Press

Major Plaster in this much larger work goes beyond basic field marksmanship and into how the
military and paramilitary forces shoot at unsuspecting foes-which may well be us all.
Something to always bear in mind.


Read why there was a American Revolution in the first place.

Long Range Shotshell idea

Perhaps someone can develop this. The main issue I see is the design of the wad, and whether
the fins on the projectiles should be straight or curved like a arrow for spin.

The amount of weight of the projectiles is kept down so that more thrust=more velocity.

If this is doable, I see it as a way to expand the combat capability of any shotgun beyond 100
yards with the 1 oz slug. Longer range, more forgiving hit probability, the chance to have
penetrating or expanding projectiles, or a mix.

The propellent could even be blackpowder! This design could give those who cherish Freedom
a fighting chance when, and it will be a when, rifle ammo becomes scarce and reloading
capabilities crude at best. A rifle round requires far more precision to make the bullet
jackets, the primers-already hard to formulate when working from scratch, the precise
measurement of high performance rifle powders.

Low powered propellant, the projectiles can be cast easily since there's no need for a copper
jacket to ride the rifling at high velocity. I'd like to hear from anyone who can do something-
post a comment below!

Posted by J. Croft at 12:24 PM 4 comments Links to this post

Thursday, July 21, 2005
Second Message to the Police Officer


J. Croft

We have problems in America Mr. Police Officer-a lot of them.

We have, obviously, problems with crackheads and meth addicts causing all kinds of havoc to
anyone they come in contact with to get their next hit.

We have, obviously, problems with street dealers strutting around being problems to their
neighborhoods-what with the fight over "markets" that ends with shootings, and all the
crackheads they attract to make their pay.

We have, obviously, problems with these dudes being able to so readily get a kilo of cocaine
to sell in their crack houses. Problem is, they get it so regularly despite a decades-long "war
on drugs" that's locked up a generation of inner city Americans.

There's something way the hell wrong here!

We've had, for decades, huge problems with sealing up our nation's frontiers-with the most
powerful armed forces, including your police department, in human history. And the drugs
keep flowing in like water going over the Niagera Falls.

How the hell does that happen?

How the hell do you penetrate the world's best defended airspace and coastal waters in a
private craft? Airplanes have transponders, and any deviation from flight course gets you a
fighter escort with shoot to kill orders. The Coast Guard-now part of Homeland Security-
guards all the ports and makes nuisances of themselves to every boater on the waters. The
minimum wage perverts the TSA employs at the airports grope everyone, and the ones they
get boners for twice. Or more. Our southern border is a virtual wall of… empty desert given a
token patrol by the Border Patrol and… private citizens from the Minuteman Project… and
there are gunmen with automatic weapons shooting at them… and the Bush Administration
told the Border Patrol to "stand down" while the Minutemen were patrolling?

How the hell do the drugs NOT get in?

Why would our government in a time of a "war on terror" leave our southern border as wide
open as a homeless crack whore's legs when craving for rock? Why would the government
allow drug smuggling like that when there are more people locked up for drugs than ever?
Why would the government make our southern border a four lane highway for cocaine,
illegals, and vengeance seeking terrorists?

Why is the government so intent on being part of the problem? Why-especially after
incarcerating millions? Why after creating a police state after 9/11 that's turning the
Constitution and Bill of Rights-the greatest achievement in government in human history-into
a quaint museum piece to be eventually forgotten?

Or is it the government-or elements high up yet hidden-that IS the problem?

Is it a bloated, out of control government so greedy for power that it's willing to tolerate the
addiction of millions to hard drugs and the criminal empires such trade produces so as to gain
power by a fear-struck America? With a "war on drugs?" If there's a war, how come each of our
inner cities can practically build a snow castle out of cocaine?

Is it a bloated, out of control government so greedy for power, it punishes generations of

people for succumbing to illegal narcotics, and yet practically imports the shit at the same
time? Because I cannot figure how else we can have so much drugs AND drug enforcement

So the government, or elements implicit thereof, are part of the problem. And yet you as a
sworn Officer, do you at least think through their logic before you accept their marching
orders? With such criminals? When they spend more time trying to regulate to death average
Americans with a nazi-ass "Real ID", than staunch the high tide of drugs, illegals, and probably
suitcase nuke-bearing terrorists?

What's going on? What's the agenda?

The agenda can only be to profit off America's fall as a necessary byproduct of world
domination. Before you think I'm smoking crack myself think about this:

Where have our manufacturing gone-the good paying blue collar jobs that used to employ the
simple folks that would otherwise try and deal drugs to get by. Or not and smoke their
problems away.

Where have our high technology jobs gone, that used to make America the cutting edge of
innovation? That used to give millions of innovators a outlet and reward for their ingenuity.

Anywhere but here. And yet, that siren call of the "American Dream" calls for us on the TV.
Calls us to buy that bigger house, no matter our income prospects, buy that stupid ass SUV,
buy that newer TV that'll be obsolete or unrepairable in a few years-all borrowed at interest.

Rambling all over the place? No-it's a jigsaw puzzle, bigger than what we're conditioned to
usually look at. Because that's what scale the scum that smuggle the drugs operate at. Same
scum that write the drug laws you enforce on the crackheads and street dealers they create
when they can't get jobs-because they're now in Mexico or China. Same scum that control
public opinion via their idol, the television. Same scum that offer those sorry, broke bastards
an "opportunity" to borrow at interest to get that made in Taiwan junk. Same scum that
attack our Freedoms and won't stop with their bullshit "patriot" acts until they can make
America into some kind of flag waving dictatorship and use the Constitution and Declaration
of Independence for kindling. Or a ass wipe.

And these scum are the ones behind YOUR ORDERS, YOUR TRAINING, YOUR CONDITIONING!!!

They make you Mr. Police Officer-as hardcore patriotic American as anyone, into part of the
problem. How? Your orders, your training, your conditioning. You're ordered on a daily basis
to harrass otherwise average, patriotic, law-abiding Americans by enforcing "laws" and
"regulations" crafted by scumbag lawyers in our city halls and legislatures, and judged over by
the same class of parasites in court. Traffic ordinances designed for revenue generation, rules
governing everything from the color of your house to whether you can have the privilege to
have a yard sale, gun control that leaves those citizens naked before the crackheads, robbers,
and murderers. And the state.

Your training: after years of observing police behavior I've come to the conclusion that your
paramilitary training is geared as much to perform as your superiors want as it is to narrow
your mental horizons to think the way you're told to. There's something way off with some of
your training-like how you're mentally corralled into making officer-citizen contacts into
making any kind of ticket or arrest, even for something so picayune as rust spots on cars and
some other bureaucrat made rule. Break the arm of a crippled or elderly person when they
reflexively reach out to you for support. Pass the buck on situations you're repeatedly called
out for because it's not "departmental policy".

Taser small children. Cuff them. Arrest them and expose them to the patently brutal and
corrupt "justice" system. All this as part of your conditioning-the sum of your orders, your
training, the cop "culture" of beating your chests and throwing your weight around because
you're superior in modern America to the average citizen. Your peers who accept how they're
being turned into federalized agents of destruction of our nation and our Freedoms. They are
the problems.

As to you Mr. Police Officer, are you willing to be part of the solution? Some nice sounding
noise out of your mouth about loving 'Murica is not pushing back the homegrown police state
your scumbag bosses are making, rather than enforce our laws and national boundaries. Time
is not a commodity we have much left of. Neither can we afford to let our nation's problems
be someone else's to fix. Each of us much pull together, across whatever social divides there
are if we are to stand a chance of reclaiming America. That's not going to happen if you keep
blindly enforcing the 'laws' the lawyers make. It serves those in power for you to harass, fine,
imprison, inflict pain and commit murder. Think I'm talking about you doing that shit to
robbers and rapists and serial killers and all those other no account motherfuckers who need
to be permanently removed from society-no!

When I talk about those in power who direct you to harass, fine imprison, inflict pain and
commit murder, I talk about the poor and the homeless your "brother cops" direct their
sadism towards. I talk about people who've worked all their lives to get that coastal property,
and then have their government put a few marijuana plants so they can sieze it. And execute
the owner when their "public servants" enter on a bogus no knock warrant.

I talk of the man in Vermont who's had various lowlife bureaucrats harass him and inflicted
great distress towards over their petty rules; the man a couple of your "brother officers" pull
over and harass for a couple of rust holes in his truck!

I talk of people rushing to the hospital with their loved ones, and instead of getting an
ambulance or at least a police escort, your "brother officers" force them to wait while they
ticket them… or worse, assault them when those victims rightly decide their loved ones' lives
are more important than your "brother officers" power tripping.

I talk about 13 year old children getting arrested for trying to help save a handicapped woman
condemned to starvation by a scumbag judge. I talk of children younger than that getting
tasered. I talk of accident victims having state troopers gloating over them, looking up in
their lawyer-made rule book what offence they can slap on them regardless of fault. I talk of
protesters exercising their Constitutional Rights to freedom of speech, association, and
protest getting assaulted and arrested en masse for opposing treaties drafted by traitors that
rob America of it's future.

I talk of average "productive citizens" who fear the crime and carry protection in spite of anti-
Constitutional, lawyer-made rules illegally prohibiting such bearing of arms and how your
"brother officers" bust them like they were crack dealing gangbangers. I talk of unwanted
advances made on attractive women, and being coerced into granting sexual favors in
exchange for your "brother officers" not throwing the state on them… or worse-there have
been rapes committed.

Didn't you sign on to stop such crimes? Or did you sign on to be able to commit those crimes
and more under color of law?

I will tell you this: all those homeless, all those property owners robbed by the state, all
those motorists endangered by sadist cops, all those protestors wrongly beaten and jailed, all
those sent to prison for assuming the Constitution meant what it said, all the women raped by
your "brother officers"-each offense you and your fellow police officers commit helps fuel a
righteous anger. An anger that if you don't start policing yourselves and get serious about
shaping your departments up, start resisting this lawyer-made creeping tyranny of legalism
will spark a Second American Revolution. And you will be among the first targets of their
wrath, by guilt of association.
I don't want that to happen to you. I LOVE a righteous Street Cop who looks out for me. Such
a man or woman I'd gladly help out in their time of need. Well, we Americans need you!

We need you to start yelling at these foolish spineless sheep that try to pass themselves off as
Americans these days. Do your traffic stops or questions on the street: make it real plain that
the laws lawyers make you enforce wouldn't be enforced if they would do their duty.

Make it real plain that there's much worse coming their way-for you to enforce and they to
obey. Make it real plain that the time's going to come when the velvet glove's going to come
off the steel fist of state power, and that the only people left on the force will be those that
will gleefully wield that steel fist and smash their heads in. Make it real plain that it's already
happening. Make it plain that the time to keep themselves narcotized with the TV set to
alleive the stresses of the day are over.

Then you can tell them what the hell they can do about it:

Telling them it's time to get their own houses in order. Get out of debt, store spare food and
fuel, get a rifle.

Get organized, with selection of candidates and a campaign, to take over city, township and
county governments and liberating them of the bureaucratic fat that's accumulated because
we've all been lax in policing our public servants. This is all of our civic duties.

Organizing self-defense courses done in private with everything from hand to hand to non-
lethal weapons to pistols to rifles. From defending against individual attack by a criminal, to
defending the community against threats to life and freedom. This is the essence of the
Militia: not a pathetic pack of beer guzzling loudmouths who can barely handle their guns
safely, but every able bodied Citizen ready with rifle to defend what's theirs.

So, you're asking how do you do all this in a few minutes or seconds, with cameras monitoring
your conduct, and the certain wrath of your corrupt 'leaders'? Make pamphlets up, and include
a address and time for a private meeting later. Preferably as a group-that'll impress them of
the seriousness of our situation. That and the fact that it's you, as a police officer-acting as a
patriot. A modern day Paul Revere warning the People of danger. You'll actually be heroes!

Make connections with any groups wanting Freedom back, wanting something of that America
we all grew up in. Only without the scum in three piece suits that import drugs and terror and
trade our jobs for it. There are many different groups in America-we have to realize we are
all in this together and the only ones who are going to get our Freedom back is us!

Beats spending your life just collecting fines for the state from irate motorists and guarding
the donut table, doesn't it.

Posted by J. Croft at 4:20 PM 0 comments Links to this post

"State slaves"


J. Croft

Back in the days of open slavery in America(before the Civil War for those who got their
education only from public schools), the Americans in bondage, the Blacks, would divide
themselves into two classes:

Field Slaves-only did the minimum possible work, rebelled when they could, and ran away if
they had the heart. Knew enough about Freedom to know that they sure as hell weren't, and
always kept in mind that they were enslaved. And were treated like walking, talking shit by
their blue blooded "massahs". Denied the right to live their lives as they wished, made utterly
dependent on the white trash that worked them all their lives without hope of reprieve or
even just compensation. Birthed, lived-in a limited way-worked and died for another's profit
and pleasure.
House Slaves-did whatever they could to get with "massah" so they could get a few extra
scraps of the luxury those Southern wannabe aristocratic types deigned to toss them. Luxury
gotten at the sweat, blood, tears of the "property" that KNEW they weren't free. House Slaves
were likewise enslaved-a slave's a slave-but these fools somehow managed to forget about
Freedom, forgot how their chains chafed them to their very souls. I don't know if they
actually loved being enslaved, but they were as hostages suffering from Stockholm Syndrome
are today; supporting their captors and their demonic motivations.

Slavery eventually split the nation between the States who considered resolving the social
disease inherited from the British on their own, and the Federal Government under Abraham
Lincoln who wanted it resolved nationally in a Civil War. The slaves were freed over the
bodies of a half million Americans and the permanent crippling of the South and
Constitutionally limited government in general. Modern day America was given birth with the
Civil War.

And with it a new, unspoken, far more insidious slavery that's bound all of us in chains
stronger than steel.

"What?!" You're spazing, "I'm no slave-I'm a 'Murikan, living free in the freest country on Earth.
The hell you talking bout I'm some slave?!" You think you're free? You REALLY think you're
free? Well, let's go over the facts of living in modern day 'Murika: Can you, for example, just
hop into your car and drive anywhere? "Yeah" you say-WRONG!

You can't just "hop in"; you first must have a driver's LICENSE. The definition of license is
basically having standing permission to do or have something until revoked by the power you
submit to for that license. You're buying the American government's permission to drive on
Public Roads, submitting to the ruse that driving on Public Roads you pay out your ass in taxes
for is a "privilege" that can be revoked. You have-had-a right to use Public Roads unfettered
until you bought into getting permission. Or rather, your Grandparents did and screwed us for
being weak minded, and otherwise asleep at the wheel. The price of Freedom's eternal

They weren't; so, the government, exploiting it's carefully crafted image to the average well-
indoctrinated 'Muriken, couched the driver's license to your Grandparents under the guise of
"public safety". This issue of "public safety" would be exploited by those weak of character
enough to be power hungry, and eventually that license card became a de facto ID. That,
coupled with your social security account number that the state requires for
identification(FDR said it was only to be used for your retirement account)has lowered
America to the level of any other nation. You, me-toadying up to the license bureau and
begging PERMISSION to be able to use a motor vehicle-OUR PROPERTY-to travel on public
roads we're supposed to have a RIGHT to use. Yet you don't need a license to operate a
bicycle on the same roads-yet.

Oh, about your SSN? Another identifier that was once long ago promised by the state to just
be a "account number". Since then your parents caved in and obeyed their state "massahs"
when they required the social security number to be used as identification-even though
federal law prohibits such abuse.

Section 7 of Public Law 93-579(Privacy Act of 1974): (G)(1):

"It shall be unlawful for any Federal, State, or local government agency to deny to any
individual any right, benefit, or privilege provided by law because of such individual's refusal
to disclose his social security account number."

Unlawful-yet required by the state anyway. Today we're even threatened with arrest by
massah government's agents if we lawfully refuse disclosing our government retirement
account number as a identifier. And private corporations? They have even less right to
demand our SSN but have gone along with their fellow "massahs" in "public service" to demand
it from us like we were living in Nazi Germany-"your papers please". Your "papers" serve to
identify you and hound you with every step you take, every purchase you make-you can and
are tracked and monitored in everything you do. How free do you feel thinking about that?

"But, we got our license, we can drive." Yes. You got "massah state's permission" to use OUR
public roads with the state's nazi-ass identity cards. NOW you say we can "hop" in and drive-
whoa there, Gilligan; you now need license plates.

License plates have their origin fighting government-generated crime during prohibition-when
alcohol was banned and millions of tax dollars and thousands of Americans lives were wasted
enforcing it. Police and Revenue Agents had to have a way of tracking and identifying their
fellow countrymen partaking in activities as old as man, as were otherwise legal and innocent
a mere decade before and that included their automobiles. Because of laws passed by
intolerant fools, their treason sowed more excuses for social controls by the power freaks of
that era as criminal activity turned violent. This violence made it mandatory that all cars be
licensed and identifiable by a visible serial number. So now, not only can you be tracked, your
vehicle can as well. Does it stop thieves? No! Does it act as yet another control mechanism
like your driver's license and SSN, more chains? You try driving down our public roads without
license plates-see how far you get before you get pulled over by a "house slave" in
government service who's bought massah's line even more than you.

So: you got your driver's license and your plates-now you can drive-whoa there again, little
buddy! Now you need insurance from a private corporation as "proof of financial
responsibility" by massah. See, the private sector wannabe massahs they thought that it'd be a
sweet income enhancement if they could make having auto insurance legally mandatory for
the privilege of operating a motor vehicle on public roads. So, being rich these corporate
whores lobbied the whores who occupy our state legislatures and now you have to have
permission from a private party… to use your private property… on public roads you're
supposed to have a right to.
So yeah, you can drive your car-after you beg massah state and his overseers for permission.
Not that you even properly own your own car, having fallen for those chains of slavery known
as debt! I'll get to that shortly, but the point is we need PERMISSION from the state to enjoy
what should be our RIGHT! We mind conditioned 'Murikans need permission from massah for
just about everything!

Want to operate a business? Get massah bureaucrat's licenses or get shut down. Probably get
shut down anyway if one of massah's agents decides they take a personal disliking to you or
even just had a bad day.

Gotta have massah's license to teach-not that it's any guarantee you'll get a quality education-
in fact, somehow state(NEA)standards seem to have made a nation of dumbasses too ignorant
of their rights and heritage to know they've been robbed, too dumbed down by their own
schools to care. The teachers: conditioned by the very colleges they went to earn the
privilege to teach, are even more socialistic.

Gotta have massah state's license to practice medicine, or manufacture drugs-even though
doctors and hospital stays account for the biggest number of fatalities in Modern America. A
system of medicine that can treat traumatic injury very well, but is at the same time the
greatest long term threat to your health with the poisons they tout as 'medicine'.

Gotta have massah state's and it's overseer the BAR's license to practice law-and monopolize
judicial appointments, and use that piece of parchment to cause awe in a dumbed down
Modern America, so those rat bastards can rob us of our money and freedom in our courts, our
legislatures, and in our executive offices. Any wonder a single copy of the United States Code-
just the Federal law-takes up YARDS of bookshelf space? Many yards more of bookshelving are
groaning under the various state and local ordinances, AND the regulations of the 36(so
far)federal agencies. Interpreting and enforcing all those rules of course is up to the various
overseers and flunkies who are otherwise unable to make their own way in life, but
dependant on massah state as cover to steal from YOU!

Gotta have massah state's permission slip to build or fix up your own home-otherwise one of
massah's bureaucratic overseers come over, see you acting uppity and sic massah state's finest
to enforce their edicts with guns and fines and possible jail time. Don't want to get
homosexually gangraped by literally hardened convicts do you? Better obey massah! And it
just got better-your house can be taken away if massah state decides someone else can
generate more tax revenue. That's what you get for not earning enough-coolie.

Gotta have massah state's permission slip to use your Constitutionally guaranteed Right to
Free Assembly. Otherwise a whole bunch of massah state's finest will dress up like wannabe
Darth Vaders and use your body for batting practice with their aluminum batons. Even with
massah state's permission to use your First Amendment "right" the overseers might have a
undercover operative to stage some scripted violence-a excuse to beat, tear gas, arrest en
masse or even murder your little public get-together.
Gotta have massah state's permission to use your Constitutionally guaranteed Right to Bear
Arms for personal protection(if you're lucky enough to be in a locale that actually allows such
a thing!) Most of the time you won't have it anyway so if'in you're uppity enough to consider
packing that heat to save yourselves from common criminals, massah state's unknowing dupes
in the great crime of robbing your Freedom, massah's overseers in blue will spaz and probably
kill you for such impudence! Besides, criminality is encouraged in the land of the laws
because the increasing likelihood of being randomly victimized makes you forget how your
'massah' is victimizing all of us… because of your apathy and inaction against tyranny!

We're free?!

We're in chains, folks; chains far more pervasive, interlocking, and far stronger than steel.
They're chains of indoctrination, of conditioning, of years of public school and television that
teach a warped view of Modern America that serves to preserve the status quo. That being
you bearing your chains of slavery without complaint as you get massah's permission to drive,
massah's government retirement account number to be used as a identifier. And as you drive
to and from that job(you might not have in six months if that traitorous private firm you slave
for decides to export it to China), you might decide to think about whether giving half the
labors your given from your corporate massah to your state massah is worth it.

We're slaves-to the state. The state being the federal government, the state government, the
county and city governments. The state is also surprisingly the corporations; whenever the
stock market plunges, the government goes in and buys up stock of major corporations to
keep the market up-to keep you SLAVES giving money to that fraud. Lotto for the middle
class-and in return the government can more firmly stamp our wrists and legs with their irons,

Economic slavery-as in that McMansion that's a financial ball and chain around your neck, and
that auto loan on that ridiculous land yacht that binds a leg, that boat you take out maybe a
dozen times a year on the other leg, those credit cards that shackle your hands. If you don't
own it free and clear YOU DON'T OWN IT. They're chains of debt slavery with gold paint and
some glued on rhinestones that their manufacture culture's conditioned you to "need"!

Don't have a McMansion, a SUV, a boat? All the better to massah state-you're enslaved by the
poverty that's been racheted higher and higher since the 1960's. You're too busy trying to
make ends meet, so you have almost nothing left except to watch… Paris Hilton on at least
two goddamned "reality" shows. No matter where you are on the income scale, that income's
taxed upwards of half of yours by massah state. Same massah who can outright buy billions of
shares of corporate stock when folks sell out of those fraudulent insturments. A fraud-that
robs you, keeps you indentured on massah's economic plantation.

So you see, you are a slave. So what kind of slave are you gonna be?
Are you going to remain a house slave-a state slave-who serves massah state by blindly
obeying all laws, rules and regulations? Are you going to be a good overseer or trustee and
make sure none of the field slaves get any notions that they're more than servants or catch
any kind of uppity attitude?

Or are you going to rediscover your humanity, rediscover God who is that soft voice in your
heart-not the confusion you and your slave programming make in your head.

Get back with God in your heart-don't rely on the bible or the koran or some whackjob money
pump disguised as a cult by a hack sci-fi author, or any other document touted by Man as the
"word of God". There you will find our Father the Creator, who Loves you enough to endow
you with a soul and Free Will. This is prima facie evidence that God Almighty desires you to
be Free, so long as you respect others Freedom. Evidence God Almighty didn't go through all
the effort to have you here, in this country, at this pivotal time in history to be someone's
property-whether you know it or not!

So exercise that Freedom. Free yourself from listening to those state slaves, those house
slaves on the TV-that electronic narcotic. Explore the Internet while it stands free. Learn
about Freedom. There are dozens of those on what you've been programmed by massah's
culture to think as the "fringe". Fringe is exactly where they should be-fringe of Freedom.

Do you know what the most striking thing about a slave is? That in spite of the privations,
hardships, abuse, and even physical threat to their very lives they lack the means and the will
to defend themselves.
So learn how to protect your Freedom-and the most imperative is for you, personally, to learn
how to use a weapon. A gun. The most powerful, most effective type of gun you can learn
how to use is the rifle. And the most effective type of rifle for a liberated Daughter or Son of
God is the semiautomatic military rifle in 7.62mm NATO caliber. The rifles, and ammo and
spare mags will set you back about $2,000. Enough to buy that plasma screen instead; but can
that TV be used to defend you and yours?

Get a airgun first though, learn the fundamentals at on making the rifle
shot and practice in your hallway with a box filled with newspaper. Take index cards and
make 1/6 inch targets and practice the fundamentals of the shot:

Shoulder the rifle, put the butt in the meat of your shoulder, death grip with your right

Place your front sight post on your target, center hold but a 6 o'clock hold(on the
bottom)is acceptable.

Align the rear sight with your front sight, still on target.

Breath in, then half out and HOLD, keep those sights on target...
While keeping front sight on target focus on your front sight...

With a caress your trigger finger feels through the trigger... keep those sights on target
and then let the shot be a surprise-and keep your eyes open and on target as the shot
goes off, it's called follow through.

If your sights are sighted in and adjusted for range you'll be in the black.

The rifle you can currently find at gun shows. The marksmanship training to use your rifle
properly will be harder to come by. Perhaps you'll find someone at the gun show to train you
but just in case you can't, here's a training aid-get a bb gun. You'll learn all the fundamentals
of making a accurate shot by using a 30 buck air rifle. Body positions, sight alignment, target
tracking, breath control, trigger squeeze. Use the internet to find tutorials on rifle
marksmanship-I suggest going to RWVA.ORG for much more detailed direction.

When you get your rifle and your skill squared away,(and your life for that matter GET OUT
Freedom our Father in Heaven gave us as a gift as important as our Life, you'll HOPEFULLY be
motivated to awakening others. Start with small groups and keep them small and separate.
Your group will be your survival net-each supporting everyone else. Together, as your
numbers multiply you'll begin to expand your power and reach, even start taking over local
governments. As your power snowballs you'll start taking over state governments, and
eventually sieze back the federal government. I GREATLY expand on this in my essay "Message
to Mr. and Mrs. America" at

It's possible, even destined, if you'll have faith that you are meant to be more than someone's
slave. You may think after reading this essay that you are small-you are not! Not by a long
shot. Any Man or Woman who loves God and Freedom and their Fellow Man is worth more
than a hundred of massah state's overseers and flunkies.

That can be you if you'll allow yourself to think of yourself as more than a slave-field, house,
state or otherwise.

Posted by J. Croft at 4:20 PM 9 comments Links to this post

Message to the Latino-legal or otherwise


J. Croft

Welcome to the United States of America.

Someone had to say it; to be honest, the average uninformed American citizen is afraid of
you. They're afraid you're driving down wages-to the point where they-we-can't support
ourselves. Let's face facts: you are, but I realize it's because your homeland's traitorous
leaders and rich have looted your industries, your economies and made you desperate enough
to trek across desert and make deals with criminals to come to the United States. Where
you're treated as a modern day slave class by my country's traitorous leaders and rich.

They're afraid you're smuggling everything over the border from diseases previously conquered
to drugs to military firepower for your fellow countrymen in the 18th Street Gang and MS-13.
Your "leaders" export you to stave off revolution in your country and make you come to the
U.S. to eventually help forment a civil war.

They're afraid you're attempting to flood the USA with your people so some of your misguided
countrymen can whip up a revolution and carve out of Northern Mexico and the Southwest
USA some half-assed Aztlan state that sounds like a pipe dream doomed to failure. A lot of
you would go along with such a stupid plan.

I know you Mexicans, Nicarauguans, Guatemalans, Salvadorans, Columbians, Venezuelans,

Bolivians, Hondurans and Cubans are desperate enough to come to a land that uses you like
whores, but think. Do you really think that the political whores who would wind up in charge
of this "aztlan" would turn that stretch of brush land and desert into the garden of brown
skinned eden? Do you really think the utter, in your face corruption of your homelands
wouldn't turn "aztlan" into yet another banana republic? Do you really think you'll get away
with taking Texas from Texans, or any other part of America without making Latinos forever

I know you don't want that. I know you want to be respected as courageous, hard working,
dilligent people and be able take care of your families, even if you have to come to the
United States to do it. I know a lot of you came to America to be Free, to have the prosperity
denied in your homelands.

Your homelands; all the real crooks are either drug lords, cops, judges or elected officials
who loot your economy at every level, prostitute your resources and industry to my country's
money whores or ship it to China-home of the slave laborer. No wonder freedom, civil rights
and respect for property are alien to your "leaders". Your homelands are nothing but whores
to them!

And you? You are used and abused like a common streetcorner whore. Used by the rich money
whores in the United States who sell out their countrymen by getting you to work for slave
wages, driving down our wages while costs go up, denying us too a equitable economy. You're
in the United States-therefore you're not only contributing to the economy of your homeland.
You as a strong, justifiably angry Latino are away at the same time, keeping the fires of much
needed revolution at a manageable level for the whores, who can maintain their traitorous
policies of economically disemboweling your country's economy so it can be integrated into a
"new world order". This is a plot that needs you here in the United States to help the whores
finish economically disemboweling America by being willing to work much longer for much
less. This further attacks the average American's economy which weakens their potential to
revolt and liberate themselves from the whores-as they make billions of dollars off your way
underpriced labors. You're used by the whores who run your nation who have squeezed you
dry since Simon Bolivar died. How his revolution has been betrayed-freed from the Spanish,
you're enslaved by the descendants of their colonial overseers!

You are being used; by the same whores in three piece suits you vote for in rigged elections.
These whores, in exchange for some money and some power over your lives, pimp all of Latin
America out. Their government agents enforce too many regulations over you-when they're
not stealing it in the form of taxes or bribes. The whores in your legislatures and presidential
mansions take your very means of survival in your homelands by letting in slave labor
factories, and then letting them get exported to China or Bangladesh.

So, looking for a way to keep your families fed you leave everything you hold dear and travel
to the United States, looking for a way to make a living. You put your lives in the hands of
professional criminals who traverse hostile desert… all so that you can be worked as slave

If the average American-those white, black and brown people you see rolling in SUV's, getting
fatter off food bioengineered to do so, and flocking to the mall like lemmings when a "sale" is
advertised-if they remain asleep and yet made just aware enough to falsely think of you as a
threat, then we will not be free of the whores or their masters until it's too late. And no;
most are still ignorant enough to not listen to you.

What the hell to do about the whores?

You can't stop trying to help your people in your homeland. What you can do is the following:

Get educated about the United States Declaration of Independence, and the U.S.
Constitution's Bill of Rights. You must learn about Freedom so you can teach your countrymen
about Freedom, both here and back in your homeland. You will only defeat those who plot
against us all if you reclaim control over your own countries.
A quick breakdown:

First and foremost, we are all God's Children, endowed by our Creator with rights no one has
a right to deny as long as we respect each other's rights. Those rights are as follows:

Right to have a government who is transparent in it's functions and as accountable to the
People it serves as can be engineered. This government's primary, ideally, only function is the
preservation and enhancement of the Individual's Freedoms from threats both within and
without. Mainly from men lacking respect for your rights but also from natural threats like
disease or natural disaster.

Right to Free Speech, including inventing and using media. This means if you want to stand in
public square and expose your corrupt city councilman's corrupt dealings or his lust for school
age boys, you can't be stopped or even required to get a "permit".

Right to worship or otherwise love your God(s) as you see fit, without sanction from the state
or any religion.

Right to petition for redress of grievances against government wrongdoing, and to have those
grievances addressed in a timely and public manner.

Right to ownership of personal property, including your home, transportation and money.

Right to honest, stable money that won't be inflated by bankers or corrupt government
officials into toilet paper.

Right to keep and bear arms in defense of yourself, your family, your community and your
nation against all enemies foreign and domestic.

Right to a jury trial of one's peers, in a timely manner, under law both just and easily

Right to have a jury nullify a law if it interferes with government's mission of perserving

Right to have a economy and society where one can pursue his or her talents and abilities and
enjoy the rewards of one's hard work without being unfairly squeezed by the rich or the state.
A right to a economic future.

Right to free and aboveboard elections that have a voting system that can be verified and as
impossible to steal as possible.

These among other Rights are what God wants for us because God wants us to be all we can
be. Now, you are reading this and you're saying "this J. Croft, he is a gringo and a childish
dreamer, he needs to grow up and face facts." I am, and I'm saying your current situation-OUR
current situation is intolerable. It's not only intolerable, it won't even allow for survival for
anyone if things keep going the way they are. So I say YOU have to face down your fears and
do what YOU can to change things.

So, when you go back you must become teachers of Freedom and leaders of your own

I can't say just go home because you need to be here to feed your families. Organize into
small groups; these groups will be autonomous yet cooperate with others of like mind. From
there, organize a strike of that Gringo's business exploiting you for less than minimum wage.
You must set precedent that your labors are as good as any American's and therefore you
should get paid the same. And you must do it together-as you know, one worker demanding a
living wage will get fired. A crew demanding a living wage will get fired. A whole community
demanding a living wage from all the gringo farmers and factory owners-that will not only
give those whores no choice but to raise your wages, it will help gain support from the
average American.

Learn English. If you're not trying to earn American citizenship at least have the respect to
learn our language and a few basic customs. This way when you describe just how shitty your
homelands are when you find a American that does care, they'll listen.

Stop trying to take advantage of so many U.S. government programs and loopholes. This
enrages us and does nothing to gain sympathy and support for your cause. I personally would
rather look at a Latino as someone being victimized by the same system as I, and not as
someone who's short-sighted actions are helping the system crush me. You likewise would like
to walk American streets and not feel the constant vibe that behind your backs you're being
called wetbacks or spics.

If you're in a gang, it's time to use your strength against the whores who wrecked your
countries, not average Americans. You're soldiers brave enough to shoot it out with each
other and the police; smuggle yourselves back home and go after the criminals who's
economic policies make fathers leave their wives and children and travel thousands of miles
to a land which uses them as practically slave labor.

When you go home, convert the rebels of your homeland to stop being communists and join
the Cause. They usually have military weapons, as do street gangs here in the U.S. Aim those
weapons at those elites who made you smuggle yourself North, made you degrade yourself to
support your families because they stole your livelihoods and freedoms away.

Most of all, be willing to fight for your Freedom, even unto death-because death will be the
only freedom you'll get if you keep letting the whores sell your beloved homeland like… a
Keep these thoughts in mind:

Your expectations are what's given to you by your leaders whether in your government or who
run your cultural institutions. I say, you can set your own expectations. Expect the best of
yourself and others, expect freedom and demand nothing less.

Freedom is a gift from God, as is life and a chance for happiness. Does God want your people
to live in never ending poverty? Never ending exploitation by the rich in your nation as well as
in the United States? No, a loving God would never want that. God wants you to be able to do
your best, for yourself and your people. It is only by the unfettered pursuit of excellence in
what we want to do, in what we are destined to do that the Human Race will find it's
salvation, and purpose.

To get that freedom though, you first must free yourself. Rediscover God in you. Seek Him
out for yourself-that small, still voice of conscience. Don't rely on other's opinions on God, nor
some cheesy televangelist, nor even some (probably) corrupt church official. The TV, the
church, your cultural icons all shape you and herd you to playing roles, to believe in certain
things that keep that corrupt system going. Dispense with everything that takes Freedom from
you and your fellow man. Get right with God, and find what you're really here on Earth for.
All of us have purpose, talents and resources we can give wholeheartedly to gain our

Your leaders are your problem, not having a million more square miles of desert and urban
sprawl to be exploited in under the Mexican flag. Your true fight is against Vicente Fox and
his drug lord lackeys, not the Minutemen. They, like you are sick of the corruption and
treason by their "public servants" and have the will and vision to take action. Perhaps a few of
them might be interested in helping you resist the scum that make you smuggle yourselves to
the U.S.?

You'll have to fight for Freedom. Building from the grassroots, take over your villages, your
towns, then unite. Join in common cause with other groups in other towns like yours to take
over provinces. You'll have to fight for Freedom-probably literally; I've never heard of a ruling
group who simply handed power back to the People because they said so. They held onto it
until the very last.

You must make it their last because they're pushing us all to war and the destruction of all
our cultures. Our children and our future are at stake.

Posted by J. Croft at 4:19 PM 0 comments Links to this post

Tuesday, July 05, 2005



J. Croft

If you're a celebrity reading this, be thankful to God for your blessings.

You can be thankful for being able to do what you want to do, to have time to play, relax,
reflect. You can be thankful for having the money to live very well-which is no small
achievement in today's America, seeing how all the opportunities to advance or even tread
water are disappearing. You can be thankful that you have opportunities to make something
that others will appreciate, that those works will-hopefully-last after your fame has faded.
That you have millions of perfect strangers who love you-who don't know you and wouldn't
care less about you if you weren't on the TV or cineplex for them to idolize and try to
emulate. …Those millions need your help.

(I know a LOT of you contribute to charity. You're talked about all the time on the TV and
magazines on how so and so gave this to this foundation or that charity, or participated in this
event-all proceeds going to whatever. It makes you feel good, I'm sure, HOWEVER: what are
your charities doing to solve the problems they're against? You're against, presumably.

*Does the charity or foundation you support get at least 90% of the donations to where they're
stated they're going? 50%? Any %? How much of the funds wind up as executive perks-or yours?

*Does the charity or foundation you support, do their goals actually help? Take for instance,
cancer: a cure already exists and it has to do with proper diet. Any people not exposed
regularly to the toxins found in American foods don't get cancer. Most animals in nature don't
get cancer. Any person knowledgeable in "alternative health" know how to avoid or eliminate
cancer-which is a natural bodily process that gets out of control. So knowing that, does the
charity or foundation you support spread this knowledge, or is it just a fundraising machine?

*You need to ask these kinds of questions for all your charitable benefactors-it doesn't make
sense to throw a multi-million dollar concert to petition leaders to end poverty wherever,
when they're the sources of poverty. When that money and those resources could be much
more efficiently used to bring the Third World into the 21st century; would it kill anyone to
show these people how to live free, be the sources of their own livelihoods and how to
basically be prosperous without being such a enviromental cancer like we Americans have
been railroaded to be by the society imposed on us?

*Most importantly, are the charities and foundations you work for, are they honest and up
front about their agenda, or are they pushing something that will wind up robbing people-of
their livelihoods, their property, their freedom? Is that what you want-make the problems
worse in the long run just so long as you get to feel good about doing it for "the cause"? Are
you doing that charity event for others, for the millions of fans who aren't doing well, or are
you just stroking your own ego?)

I know a lot of you contribute to charity but the cause I'm advocating you help fight for now is
Freedom. All of ours, before we lose them all. It's not a left/right paradigm issue, it's a
matter of survival. The current political climate in America resembles nothing less than the
early years of the Third Reich; rampant imperialism, a expansion of state power into every
facet of life and into every corner of the globe, a cult of power with the centerpiece around a
war leader with a "destiny".

If we keep going on this "destiny" the destination for our country's going to be the same as
Nazi Germany or Japan-utter defeat, destruction, and collapse. Millions will be killed outright
in war, millions more succumb to disease and starvation. America's pissing off the world and
in retaliation the world might decide to engage our divided, far flung military in a all-out
attack that won't end until foreign troops are occupying American soil. Nuclear war might
even be acceptable to get rid of the beast America has become. A beast we've all helped
nurture by our blind support and lack of action. Because not enough of us have risen up to
oppose the evils imposed on us.

When the government votes for itself more power to tax and regulate, how many of us
opposed them and demanded their immediate resignation for their treason? Not enough.

When the government's agents go overboard to enforce those taxes and regulations, how
many of us opposed them even to the point of exercising our Constitutional Right to resist
such criminals? Anyone?
When the government, trying it's own agents acquit them when they MURDER innocent law
abiding Americans in their homes, businesses and churches, and steal their property and
livelihood, how many of us said NO? Not enough.

When the government scratches the back of it's plutocratic partners in big business-to the
point of cutting sensible enviromental regulation, rigging the trade laws to permit the
wholesale dismantling and export of the American economy and making millions of your FANS
destitute, and outright government buying of stocks to prevent a stock market collapse-how
many of us threatened any kind of reprisal, say, like a boycott of the traitor businesses
"goods", or a tax strike? …Not nearly enough.

Those millions of fans-Americans like me, and YOU-ARE getting squeezed. Have been for the
past two generations but the squeeze has been slow so as not to enrage us into action. A
squeeze that's been so successful we're forced to work much more-for much less.

No: we DON'T live well! Our opportunities are disappearing because, who can open a grocery
store or gas station or restaurant when you have megacorporations with global resources that
can literally go anywhere, set up shop and outbid you with slave labor? Who can run for office
when they can't even make all their monthly bills? Who can invent something and have that
patent respected without some corporation engage in piracy? Who can even work a chump job
and not have up to half their income stolen from them by the government and all their taxes?
And here's one you guys can relate: who can make a tv show or movie and get it distributed
without the media industry's blessing, or respect the contract made?

And those who have the spare time, energy and will to even attempt such things in today's
America are the exceptional ones! For everyone else, it's been a slow squeeze so as to keep
everyone still asleep, still believing the myths and lies. The squeeze comes in many different
forms, from many different directions so that it's not apparent that the socioeconomic war
being waged on Americans is a coordinated effort, and the components are as follows:

A imperialistic federal government that takes up to half of the average American's labors
through every kind of tax possible-from income tax, to social security(a slush fund), to state
taxes on every commodity and product out there. Locally imposed taxes, by small time hoods
that get elected through vote fraud just like the federal mafioso they wish they were. These
trash slap taxes and regulations that forces businesses to pass on to the "consumer". And when
the government isn't taxing, it regulates; a single copy of the United States Code, the body of
federal law takes up literally YARDS of bookshelves! All the regulations made up by the 36(so
far)federal agencies-they could fill up the rest of a small library that the US Code doesn't. And
all these laws, all these regulations are enforced by packs of jackbooted thugs who if they
weren't sworn agents would most likely be working for some mob boss. Except they are
working for the biggest pack of mobsters on the planet; "our" government. Most of them like
their work.

What's so bad about all this government you say? Doesn't all the social programs and the law
enforcement and regulatory efforts, don't they help America? Look around you!

Does it help that there have to be federal social programs-because the same imperial federal
government made it a unstated policy to de-industrialize this nation through overregulation,
inflation, and "free trade" that makes them have to compete with Third World slaves? Those
people now financially and psychologically dependent on welfare slavery would be either
working at a factory making quality American products or opening up businesses of their own,
or pursuing higher education or the arts. They can't because it's economically impossible save
for their brightest and most determined, so they either turn to crime or suck on the federal

Does it help to have thousands of thug agents harass and steal from the People? Ask the
survivors of Ruby Ridge and Mt. Carmel, and Oklahoma City. Ask the thousands in federal
penitentiaries for violating some regulation they have no possible way of obeying, out of the
millions of regulations choking us all.

All the people put out of work, stolen from, dependent on government handouts, imprisoned,
murdered; those are people who won't be able to see that next picture, won't be able to go
out and buy new gear or fragrances or beer with your name on it. And at the rate "our"
government's growing we'll ALL be out of work, out of our homes, our cars, and having little
choice but to turn to them for assistance-the same imperial federal government that stole
America from us in the first place. That day, your fame and fortune won't matter because
your job will be finished: that job Mr. and Ms. American Celebrity, is to distract the People as
their very nation's stolen from them. You are the modern American equivalent of the Roman
circus to the imperial federal government's bland welfare bread. Why else are your private
lives made into public spectacle; the gossip about you filling the 150 channels of crap?

And the work you do? When's the last time you came upon something remotely great?
Remotely watchable without a suggestive laugh track to encourage group think with the
average brainwashed American to laugh along at the pathetic "joke"? When's the last time,
being offered such work that the studios didn't fuck it up? Or that "messages" weren't written
in the storyline or background or advertised that didn't seek to continue oppressing Americans
with a celebrity(you)driven consumer culture that has all the substance of redi-whip? When's
the last time you challenged the tyranny of "political correctness"-whether it be based in the
left wing or the right wing when the p.c. stance was simply wrong?

Did I cross some lines with that last paragraph? Are you secretly a Marxist? A globalist? Many
millions have been murdered in the name of Marxist-Leninist Socialism and hundreds of
millions more have been enslaved-denied even the illusion of opportunity the America
Fabianist model of Socialism "gives". Are you ready to die knowing you, with all your money
and clothes, cars, the mansion; you got all that by just being a fucking tool of a group of way-
too rich old blue-blooded white men. Old blue-blooded white men who approve the projects,
who gets to be a star, the messages in the works, the same pack of elitist jackals who own
the megacorporations that ship your fans work overseas, the banks that ensnare them in a
lifetime of debt slavery, the seats of power in government that direct the bureaucrats and
federal agents to systematically harrass and rob and murder your fans.

Why keep serving such parasites of the Human Race?

Angry? Still angry? Want to do something about it? Let me offer a few suggestions based on a
realistic appraisal of our situation and your particular circumstances.

Americans all but worship celebrity-because celebrity worship makes for easy TV
programming to keep them asleep as the traitors work to destroy us. Destroy you in the end
because our money pays for your lifestyle. And yet, you're hemmed in by the same media you
get your fame and riches from because it's tightly controlled by the same bastards who're
destroying us. You know you have no control once your work hits the editing suite. You also
know that if you go "too far", your contracts will be terminated and you can kiss your future
work goodbye; have a paid for home and saving set aside, and throw your celebrity full bore
into the fight. So, using your fame as a soap box for advocating a return to Freedom's not
going to work-in the mainstream media. So make your own.

You have the cash to blow on another car or a million dollar rock? You definitely have the
cash to join with other like minded individuals and finance new media outlets and
distribution. A new media system's needed anyway as the mainstream media's as
impenetrable to reform as every other American institution. I would not advise you to directly
participate in any underground media production and distribution, as discovery of such
activities will immediately end your career in the mainstream media. Rather, use those with
talent that are motivated to fight for Freedom and bankroll them. Fortunately, Hollywood's a
magnet for these types and odds are there's a few you'll encounter with the goals and talent
to be your surrogates.

Another line of resistance you can do covertly is bankroll a group of Freedom-loving People
organizing for a election campaign at a local, or regional level. Any Freedom Movement
political effort's going to have to start at grassroots level to build communities that love and
practice Freedom. These community groups are going to be the foundation and support for a
real third party to challenge the frick and frack Democrat and Republican party. It would be a
great boost in their efforts if someone like you could hock a couple of your custom rides, or
some bling to help a group retake their community.

A few important words about finding or founding these groups:

(1)Look for people who're practical-minded; they have a long range goal and lay out the steps
needed to get to that goal, and they figure out how and what they need to take each step.

(2)These people of course have been fed up with the imperial federal government and all
their antics. Be certain though you don't get one of those idiots who advocates bomb making,
or is a nose pick who thinks his gun show cammies, jam-a-matic tec-9 and made in pakistan
sword's gonna win a war. And if you get a person who advocates illegal activity right out the
bat; that's a government agent provocateur.

(3)Work through a trusted intermediary; even these Americans will lose their minds at your

(4)The effectiveness of your group(s)will be greatly magnified if they're geographically close.

What I'm saying is the Third Party groups can work better supporting each other if the
communities they are liberating are adjoining each other. Those groups that succeed become
not only examples to others seeking Freedom where they live; they can render assistance-
everything from advice to manpower to resources.

If you and other celebrities can financially and materially assist these Third Party groups in
their own communities to win their local elections and enact Freedom reforms, they can unite
to liberate their county. And when enough counties have been liberated by the hundreds of
Third Parties, they can unite in common cause to liberate their state. And with enough states,
the Third Parties can take back Congress and the Presidency. …And from there all of the
Judiciary, all of the Megacorporations and their way too rich owners, all of the federal
bureaucracy, and all of the shadow government can FINALLY be taken out!

Imagine-a Free America: Not having the police react to everyone who isn't a cop like they're
the enemy, that they actually go after those harmful to a Free society-whether they sell
crack to kids or to traitors in government office legislating all sorts of tyranny gift wrapped as
"good government".

Not having obnoxious local officials shake you down for bribes, or pass endless ordinances
that infringe on your personal Freedoms.

Not being conditioned by the PROGRAMMING on the TV to do everything from being a

lemming-like consumer to being apathetic in the face of corruption.

Not have to go through a media bottleneck controlled by corrupt insiders to get work, and
that work will actually be good-not the deliberately mediocre crap they like to push to keep
Americans dulled while they worship the TRUE American idol: the TV set.

Not having to fear what you eat may have genetically modified genes from fish or rats or God
knows what.
Not having to fear the air you breathe, the water you drink may have toxins from
megacorporate industry.

Not having to fear that corrupt officials in YOUR government will decide they want your
property enough to seize it, whether by legal bullshit or planting drugs and going in with a
pack of jackbooted federal thugs.

Not having to fear those corrupt officials bosses deciding to expand their bureaucratic
fiefdoms and write up a bookshelf of more regulations for their agents to make your life
miserable with. Not having to fear a government united in desecrating the American
Revolution and using American might for global empire.

Can you imagine it? Will you fight for it?

Message to the Patriot Movement


J. Croft

The modern Patriot Movement had it's beginnings during the 1970's and 80's with the
Survivalist Movement, as Carter and Reagan danced with the Soviets. The smart people-not
buying the media propaganda that nuclear war was unwinnable and not worth surviving
through anyway-acquired guns, gold, foodstuffs, tools and land in remote places with basic
resources in the hope of being able to rebuild in the aftermath.

Yet the Soviet threat collapsed as if on cue. A staged event because previous ventings of pent
up rage against communist oppression had been brutally put down by the Red Army; Hungary
in '56, Czechoslovakia in '68. But that summer of '89, the Red Army stayed in their barracks
and with the exception of Romania Eastern Europeans were "allowed" by absence of being
gunned down to rebel and "win". One place gave lie to the "revolutions" in the communist
world: Tianamen Square, where thousands of Chinese Students duped into thinking they too
would have peacable change were murdered in a military assault that would've made Mao and
Stalin proud. Most people would think that the Chinese Communist Leadership were just being
assholes about retaining their power, but we in the Movement know better.

So the communist threat as defined by the armed might of the Soviet Union and China
"disappeared" to most in the west as Russia imploded and China allowed some market forces
to put a happy face on their depraved slave system. We fell asleep during the early 90's and
the decade had promise to see a unwinding of the distortion of that WWF scripted trillion
dollar farce known as the Cold War. As for myself, I was content with gearing up for college
and maybe take up my life's work whatever it was when I figured that out…

Until Clinton was raised up by the ever tightly controlled media to be the President, after
Bush the Elder went down in the fifth for some undiscovered huge favor. Clinton was a
straight up liberal, a conditioned reaction to the country club republican morass of Bush. Soon
as he and his partner Hillary got into the white house they started raising all kinds of hell.
Being a conservative enough, I reacted with alarm and fear. Those fears were soon stoked
with Waco, Oklahoma City, the Brady Bill, the aborted Health Care Plan, and other stunts
they pulled. I and everyone else in the Movement would soon learn another bitter truth-we
wouldn't, we couldn't fight back.

We were shown to have no will to fight back with Ruby Ridge under Bush. Under Clinton the
Waco siege made us as a bunch of cammie wearing wannabes. I mean, what did people do
beyond ineffectually protest at the police line? The only heads that rolled outside of the April
19 assault on women and children were when the survivors-victims all-were sentenced to
decades in federal prison. All the government players got promotions and pay raises.
Although, in retrospect it did shift the militia movement into high gear what with all the gun
and ammo buying by millions of casual shooters and gun collectors-a trend that was staunched
by the Brady Bill and the Assault Weapons Ban of 1994. I say staunched because fresh supplies
of foreign made military pattern rifles were blocked until US importers could get the tooling
up to make compliant parts, and that those weapons and all others became registered in a
easily accessable computer database.

We were then blamed for the staged Oklahoma City bombing, showing us to be ruthless, yet
cowardly-willing to exterminate innocent women and children, even though we in the
movement KNOW the government had it's agents away from the building on the day of the
attack. KNOW that a "Ryder truck full of fertilizer and fuel oil" could not possibly shear off
half of that federal building like it was demolitioned with plastic explosives. Before that we
were conservatives reacting to Clintonian leftist excesses; after April 19th, 1995 we became
dangerous far right extremists the American "people" were programmed to seek government
protection from. …Same Goddamn government that planted those charges and blew up that
federal piece of shit after it's agents were on a "exercise".

The Sudan medicine factory attack? It was supposedly on our CIA asset Osama Bin Ladin and
one of his camps. The symbolic attack was made to coincide with testimony in Washington DC
about him lying about having sex with some skank intern… which masterfully deflected
attention not only from the lurid details, but also from all the murders and drug and gun
running with the Bush clan in Mena, Arkansas.

The Elian Gonzales soap opera openly trashed our beliefs in Freedom as the media made
getting little Elian reunited with his Cuban Intelligence Officer Dad morally superior to
keeping him in America-supposedly the land of the free. And what a better capper that
communism and statism is preferable to Freedom and Individual Rights than with the raid on
that house by our own government. …That infamous photograph of a federal jackbooted
terrorist pointing a machine gun in the faces of a terrified Elian and the very man who
rescued him from death in the Atlantic Ocean.

Goddamn Bill Clinton-thank God he was out in 2000 … Only to discover "dubya" would make
the previous drama queen-in-chief's tenure seem as a gilded age.

I never would have thought that this limpwristed, cowboy wannabe, waste of a five minutes
of lust son of a inbred sociopathic blueblood could've caused so much havoc. I mean, Y2K was
a no show that made all the survivalist look like boobs once again as nothing happened, and it
was technically a republican at the helm of our ever so subtly sinking ship. I didn't think
anything beyond a economic collapse would occur soon-and I had gold so I figured I just get a
apartment building and a bar after the collapse. Nor did I think that the most dangerous
period in recorded history would be engineered by his puppetmasters, but September 11,
2001 proved that assessment so dreadfully wrong. I lost; we all lost that morning with the
news coverage.

And the Movement lost. We totally got blindsided, and lost the last bit of ideological
momentum with the staged events of 9/11. Not just two jets making three skyscrapers
collapse like they were demolished, when they were specifically designed to take such
damage, it was a total media package; the graphics, the drumbeat for a police state-now!
The slogans "this is the new America, it is forever", the traitorous "patriot act" all ready to be
passed by a panicked Congress, the "war on terror" that somehow goes along with the
Neoconservative Project for a New American Century in it's progression of invasions. It was a
disaster for America, which not only got the public behind a series of imperialistic land wars
in Asia, but also served to turn the American "people" away from Freedom, away from any
expectation of Constitutional Rights with fear of a potemkin enemy. Now we've crushed two
Third World nations and sent our remaining military might there to be crushed in a planned
World War III. Now, the sorry excuses for 98% of the American People are ready to bend over
when "our" government finishes off our Constitutional Rights with the next staged attack.
Looking back, at Reagan, Bush I, Clinton, Bush II, the systematic dismantling of the economy,
the scripted collapse of the communist block, the assaults on the sorry fringes of American
society at Ruby Ridge, Waco, Oklahoma City, the Brady Bill, the Elian Gonzales soap opera,
the stolen 2000 election, 9/11; it all has come together. A master plan made by masterful
planners whose ultimate aim is to weaken America to the point when it's sacrifice in a coming
soon world war will make the survivors gladly accept global slavery. Weaken so we as a nation
will never recover any semblance of our former glory. In fact with the Latino invasion we're
due for a engineered second civil war that will divide us into warring states. What survives
the nuclear fire of course, until we too give up and accept a life of abject slavery to avoid a
life of abject horror, death and starvation on a daily basis. And we'll lose our souls in the

So, our current situation: we as a movement in our current form have lost this war of ideals,
simply because we were outmatched in every possible way; in organization, in strategy,
tactics, propaganda. Anybody who claims to be in the patriot movement or even start talking
about the obvious government deceptions is already tuned out by the brain deadened sheep's
indoctrination and conditioning. And ignorance. Worse, even those on the "left" or even
ideologically close won't listen to us, and we usually don't listen to them either because of
some difference in doctrine or more programming. But do you know what's the worst, most
absurd aspect of our defeat in the war of ideals? We waste energy and TIME fight over the
pettiest of reasons as our enemies finish setting ALL of us up for their Armageddon: unless
there are a lot of Patriots in the closet that'll pop out and spark change, we'll lose the war to
avert Armageddon-the destruction of America as a sovereign state and military power, the
holocaust of upward of a billion people, and the acceptance of slavery by the starved,
irradiated "survivors".

If martial law, economic collapse, civil war, nuclear attack happen we'll be forced into a two-
fold mission: survive all attempts at our capture or murder, and the preservation not only of
the ideals of Freedom but the basic knowledge of civilization itself. Basic agriculture,
metalworking, machining, commerce, war tactics including marksmanship and weapons
manufacture. More importantly the reason for preserving such knowledge; that we all have a
loving Father who wishes each of us to exercise our Free Will in Love and Respect for our
fellow Man and to build a civilization based on uplifting the Individual to their maximum. Each
and every one of us has to assume we will be the sole surviving source of that knowledge, and
have the means to copy and disseminate as needed. You think all those fat fools who waste
their lives trying to keep up their borrowed lifestyle with some imaginary "Jones", they'll have
the vision, the grit, the knowledge to rebuild? Or some welfare parasite? Or a lawyer or a real
estate agent or a stock broker?

It's up to us to rebuild a entire civilization-but it'll be damn hard when the enemy has had
your number. That house you've worked hard for all your life, your car, all the guns you were
dumb enough to submit to federally registering to get, your credit cards; your ass is on a
master file and you have been profiled for a long time now. Our entire movement, and all the
other movements that have arisen? Long ago factored in with the enemy's plans; counted on
in fact in a exceedingly cunning way. It's a no brainer that resistance to tyranny pops up; if
you wanted to rule isn't it better to divert your enemy's efforts into battles amongst
themselves, or in ways that advance other thrusts of your efforts to enslave humanity? The
radicals of the left are sent against the establishment in ways that actually target middle
America and make them hate grubby, rude-assed hippies even more than they do. The
radicals of the right have buildings blown up in their name, their families murdered and they
get painted as the American equivelant of Al Qaeda-not that one in a thousand of you could
live up to that moniker at the present.

Face it: you're going to have to do better. If your current efforts aren't getting results-change
your efforts. In the meantime, you're gonna have to preserve yourself, and that means making
yourself as hidden from the enemy as possible. Get a place that's somehow not in your own
name-even a old camper with one of those old titles you don't have to go to the registrar to
change, parked on some old guy's property for a nominal rent, or a stash in the sticks. IF
you're young enough; college towns have students looking for roommates all the time. Take
over a abandoned town, squat on some long abandoned property, live on a boat on a lake or
river. Don't be at a address you can be easily found when they come for you-and there WON'T
be any warning!

It's time to get serious: reaffirm a commitment to your loving Father to help liberate us all.
We'll need God's strength in the years ahead so make your peace now! Get physically ready.
Burn off the fat, practice with your equipment, refine your gear for maximum mobility.
Practice with your rifle until you can hit man sized targets at 500 yards-that should be a
minimum, and if your rifle isn't up to the task get one that will.

All that's the easy part. The hardest will be working together-I'm not kidding! We're a sorry
lot-we gossip and infight, we make enemies with each other over issues of doctrine that really
ought to be settled later. I think our biggest problem is our egos. We think that just because
we're out to save the world everybody needs to listen to us and do what we say.

We're Patriots-we love America enough to see what it truly is, warts and all. And fight for
redemption. To everybody else were cammie clad, nosepicking, buttcrack picking, beer
guzzling, ignorant, bahbul thumping, intolerant, racist, tin foil beanie wearing trailer park
cretins who when not handling their tec-9's in one hand and a bottle of wild turkey in the
other are bedding their sister. Or Mom. Or Dad.

We expect other Patriots to come heed our call and rally behind us-each of us and do what
we say. We don't ask what we can do for them. And that is why our "movement" has moved

And when we bungle even networking amongst ourselves, we turn around and bungle reaching
out to others. We shove some facts arcane to the general public and expect them to
comprehend-which is like taking a person who's never played a video game, gave him a
quarter on a fighter game, and after that told him to take the controls of a F-15 fighter jet.
We just press facts strange to them, and ask them to join and help us-the Patriots. Those
radical militia types who bomb federal buildings and shoot all those hero cops who're really
trying to keep society safe-just a few bad apples that set people up.

You, I, We are what we do, not what we say. What do we do for the people we say we want
to help?

Our fears and prejudices also cripple us. We don't reach out to the average blue collar worker
and ask how we can help them-what troubles them. We sure as hell don't reach out to the
inner cities and ask how we can assist them in their struggles against the CIA imported drugs
and the brutal, corrupt government. We don't reach out to the police officer struggling with
working for the beast, the bureaucrat who knows what's really going on behind closed doors
and wants to talk but has no safe place, the white collar worker, the gangsta, blacks, whites,
asians, latinos, natives.

And these are the few that have awakened-and we do nothing for them; the norm in this
country is a blissful ignorance about such important issues. In fact, it's encouraged by our
oppressors as their systemic mind control operations permeate our entire society. A
inescapable consumer "paradise" that enslaves the nations of the world with our own
materialist slavery.

Time is running out; government power is expanding, choking freedom-our freedom to move
and communicate. They're maneuvering into positions necessary to drop the hammer on
Liberty. Don't think they'll just keep their incrementalism going-they've calculated a time and
set of conditions where a quick, violent take down will be successful. When that time and
conditions coincide they'll stage something as a excuse to make the sheeple obey their new

That day comes we will lose that ability due to a staged catastrophe and we'll be picked off.
Making a stand at that home you've slaved your life for is stupid-you'll get killed and instead
of being a martyr you'll just be a example of what happens to resisters. Make a run for the
border? Should've done it before 9/11; unless you can speak Spanish and pass for a Latino
you're not gonna get past the heavily surveiled borders. Hide out in the woods like Eric
Rudolph and Ted Kazinski? Unless you have friends, supplies and spares of everything cached
and know how to escape and evade you won't last. Live as nomads in trucks and vans or even
like the Native Americans on horseback? America isn't a vast wild prarie; it's huge metropolis
with a grid of smaller communities almost all the way across the continent. Think of each
small town in the sticks as a blockhouse of sorts; with enemy troops and surveillance
equipment-all of the enemy and all of the population of that community thinking you're the
enemy. This national grid of communities act like the British blockhouses did during the Boer
War; they prevented the Boer Commandos from being able to maneuver and resupply across
their nation. It will be the same situation when martial law is enacted.
No, we won't be able to just hide. We can't make a stand, and we won't be able to verbally
persuade enough people not to support the state in enslaving them for some "guarantee" of
safety. We'll have to wage a propaganda war as hard as a war for survival. Propaganda as in
exposing what the enemy does to oppress us in a way that will be credible. Raids, to help the
people not be so oppressed, freeing unjustly imprisoned, liberating supplies; all must be
taped and videos distributed so the truth is known.

And we must help other groups even if it hurts.

Time to stand together. Time to ask your "rival"-if you were stupid and selfish enough to have
one-what you can do for them. Don't wait on them to make the first gesture; it must be up to
YOU to move first! If someone needs help, no matter what, if you can, do. We are far too
few, and everyone has their worth.

Instead of expecting others to help you, ask what you can do for them.

We must expand our ranks, and to expand we have to give reason why. To do that requires
education, and to do that we must present our message in a way that will penetrate their
indoctrination and ignorance. Time will not allow us to do this mission in the half-assed way
we've done it for the past quarter century. Half-assed as in assuming that what we understand
now, they will understand right off the bat. We didn't, so why could they? Furthermore, you
have to consider this: we were actively searching for the truth or were turned on to it, and
over the years the pool of people like us in the population that hasn't been exposed has gone
down. So what's left? More than likely a happily compliant tool, or otherwise someone who's
resigned to not have much.

You have to attack their complacency first and foremost before even considering
spoonfeeding the basics.

We must do a MUCH better job categorizing the truth into levels, like grade school, because
what we're trying to do is deprogram a lifetime of New World Order brainwashing on first
contact; and we come off like we're insane. Our enemies use a variety of delivery methods
delivered over time-much as subtext so that the conditioning isn't too obvious. Also, it must
be noted that as part of their conditioning, Americans are kept in a arrested state of
development. Adult children dependant on the state and corporations for everything that
they associate with being an American.

We simply must perfect a better, more efficient means of countering this, get these state
slaves to grow up on their own before the plug's pulled on America's economic life support
and their world's taken away. Get them to make all the progress we have in a much shorter
timespan so they can use what economic and personal resources they have for the Cause.

We have to attack their assumptions in ways that they can understand. We must copy the
advertising methods of the enemy, break our messages down into common denominators that
can be verified by our pathetic target audience, and make them begin to question their
assumptions. We must leave hints, bread crumbs to more meatier messages that will not only
make them begin to think, but also as a byproduct rehabilitate the arrested mental
development "our" engineered society's inflicted on them. Then, as the individual's curiosity
and intellectual capacity has grown can we inflict on them by hints in the lower levels of our
messages the whole, ugly truth.

How? Simple, we have the lowest levels at the effects the average person feels, yet is
anesthetized by the enemy's propaganda. Keep it simple and short, yet effect a cognitive
dissonance in the person taking it in, and at the same time make hints that there's a lot more
to be uncovered-and ways to find out. This will require great skill in crafting as we don't want
to make it obvious at first that he's dumbed down-if Americans have anything past body fat
and debt it's pride. Something akin to a Chick Tract that can be deposited in a location as
appropriate to it's message-for example how shopping at Wal Mart's disembowling America-a
tract can be put into a product at Wal Mart.

The next level(s) of messages can be a burned DVD or booklet offered on the internet, the
address detailed in the first level tracts. Here we can lay down the individuals and the history
behind their problems in a more mature manner-like a essay or photo compilation. Or a comic
book. Here we don't want to go full bore into subjects like the thirteen illuminati bloodlines.
Here we go into the government and business players and the organizations at their level that
they use to keep us enslaved. Here we must also offer solutions and paths for the person to
do. This level we must get people motivated to begin pulling their weight in the Cause; a
return on investment.

We have to use the types of media they do-that means video. Yes, lots of Patriot videos have
been made; how many of them even begin to stack up production wise against the poison our
enemies can make? And it's not only quality issues we have to address; we must adjust our
propaganda, our attack. People just beginning to have doubts about their world view are not
going to be equipped to analyze, say, whether or not the 1787 Constitution was deliberately
sabotaged by banker agents. Most people are ignorant about the real essence of Freedom to
begin with.

The top level, if there is to be one is the stuff we in the Movement view all the time. Do you
understand? When we bust on the Rothschild clan for their dynastic greed we're looked at as if
we're talking about the Earth being flat-because most people don't even know who the
Rothschilds are.

Baby steps. We must have beginner, intermediate and advanced levels of deprogramming and
education built into our propaganda.

We MUST target the next generation! We MUST get the truth out to the youth, those who will
grow up seeing this false paradise fall because it will be them who finish this war and it will
be them who will build the Second Republic out of the slave state that's about to be

We have to present the Patriots of the First Revolution as who they really were; common folks
wanting Liberty enough to challenge the greatest power on Earth, not cornball caricatures in
stockings and three cornered hats. We have to educate them on Freedom; what it is to do as
one wills so long as others are respected and to demand that respect back. We have to
educate them on their enemies, and how even this manipulated culture is a enemy. We have
to teach them how to survive and fight once we win them over-teach them what we know to
survive and resist, and hopefully win. We have to do this most of all, in ways they'll want to
take in and grasp… certainly not like this long assed essay until they're ready. The next
generation is audio/visual oriented so this reinforces the need to do MUCH BETTER in that
field of communication than we have-and not something retarded like Barney or Teletubbies!

Long term, we'll also have to develop our own clandestine manufacturing and research assets.
That means having either the cooperation of needed facilities on the sly, or actual physically
liberated territory in which to get or build. How the hell to do this? As of now(summer,
2005)we could IF WE GET OUR POLITICAL ACT TOGETHER we can do what the Free State
Libertarians are trying to do on a statewide level in Wyoming and New Hampshire-but we
start with one community in a area that:

*Is politically ready to have a huge part of the imperialistic government yanked off their
backs, no matter the cost in "perks".

*Has pre-existing resources and facilities-power, raw materials, manufacturing.

*Can be defended in a worst-case scenario.

With location, enough Patriots, a plan of action can be enacted to take over the local
government in the next election.(1) Peacefully taken territory will afford unfettered access
and use of manufacturing and technical research of areas of Citizen Self-Defense. And we will
need to research several areas to defend ourselves:

*Develop a redundant wireless mobile internet system with portable communication nodes
relatively cheap to manufacture, with some kind of integral power supply. The internet as
we've known is headed for extinction with the declaration of martial law, and we MUST have
our own communication system.

*High tech weaponry that can be turned out by small businesses and shade tree mechanics.
Accurate rifle fire is only a start to effective Citizen Self-Defense against an out of control

*Discover practical applications for "lost science" including Tesla technologies, as the junk
that's pawned off as high technology is decades behind what's available to the enemy.
*Defenses against enemy microwave and ELF attacks. Microwave weapons will literally fry us
and Extreme Low Frequency can insert false messages into our minds, literally, and used to

If research has to be conducted under wartime conditions it will go at a tiny fraction of the
progress that we could do this in peacetime, so that gives additional impetus to "winning the
'soft war'" as Fred of RWVA.ORG advises.

How can we possibly do all this? When people join us-and that's when they finally figure out
that we're regrettably correct about too much. We can win this war if we can just get our
message out!

In the meantime… work out and get in shape, get a hideout, shoot, get your gear and bugout
kits ready, buy extra food, ammo, fuel, tools, extra guns to cache. Use the internet as much
as you can before "they" pull the plug; download survival info, the truth about our enemies,
combat tactics, basic 19th and 20th century technologies, combat tactics, countermeasures
against EMP, microwave weapons, spark gap generators(jammers).

Find recruits amongst all who are sick and tired of the way things are going and where they're
headed. If they haven't bought a gun or signed up in anyway to anything that can flag them as
a gun owner STRONGLY persuade them to keep that status and to let themselves be used as a
safe house for the Cause. Get them shooting! Our Victory will ultimately be built on everyone
being as accurate and efficient with a rifle as possible!

I've stated that one of our problems is we don't ask others what we can do for them. So, I'm
going to tell you what I can do for you.

I'm a writer, I'm well versed in video production, animation, and have studied film my entire
adult life. I've had a strong interest in political and military issues since I was a child, and
since I've awakened a appreciation for who really runs this world. I can be reached at; just make a comment to an article and leave a e-mail address.

(1)I present a excerpt from "Message to Mr. and Mrs. America" at my blog on how to do this:

Taking back the government-peacefully!

This is the preferable manner of us as groups reclaiming our Freedom. To be effective, one
must have a understanding of America's political system as it relates to our cause. We have a
president, a vice-president and their agents, a congress, a federal judicial system, and the
duplication of this political layout among the states. Beyond that you have the many
thousands of county and local governments. So what will work best?
Take over the presidency?

It's long been proven that unless you have the blessings of the two official parties of this
nation, you cannot seriously run for president. The closest independent candidate was Ross
Perot back in 1992, and even being a billionaire didn't shield him from getting shredded by
the media.

So, assuming the voting machines are honest(not)and the media's fair(not) you need the
machine of a major party backing you(won't happen).

And the president can only do so much; America's system of government is extremely
compartmentalized, so that unless you have a common ideology and party mechanism guiding
and controlling the various components, it's impossible for one man to dictate policy. So a
independent party president, one lone person against the rest of the hydra headed federal
monstrosity is not only impossible, it's retarded even planning such a thing.


Congress is made up of 540 members-100 senators and the rest in the house of
representatives. All are elected in staggared election cycles so it would take approximately a
decade of successful nationwide campaigning to create a majority party. Yes, congress writes
the laws and taking it back is essential in our struggle, but even factoring out the two official
parties and their political machines the structure of this body demands a massive political
machine of our own.

Massive organizations that have a heirarchial structure have been penetrated, subverted and
corrupted by our enemies since the beginning of time. It's a process that to them is a natural
as breathing. Then there's all the fundraising that will be needed and we're not rich-the only
ones with money in America are the same pack of vampires who've been sucking us dry. So a
singular, national organization will not be sucessful.

Independent and rogue candidates however do have some success. Bernie Sanders of
Vermont, Tom Tancredo of Colorado, Ron Paul of Texas, and at one time James Trafficant of
Ohio sadly represent the successes. Most candidates are attorneys who've long ago prostituted
themselves. They whore themselves to the political machine that will take them where they
want to go. All they want is power and in exchange have legislated the monstrosity American
government has become. The democrats and republicans, their bosses for all practical
purposes appoint these elitists their congressional seats and they're prepared to spend
whatever cash it takes to take or retain that seat. Vote fraud of course is part of their

There are no rich left in these times who would willingly sacrifice their lives, their fortunes
and their sacred honor-they're either sold out or scared. So any candidates for congress will
have to be raised and funded by us. That means we have to do it in a grass roots manner. We
have to build not one political machine, but a army of political machines that are
independent of one another, yet cooperative.

Many small parties, one common agenda

This form of political resistance lends itself naturally to our groups. It will go like this:

The group helps other groups form. They in turn during the next local election cycle turn out
and get the candidates they choose elected in town and county governments.

Much of the oppressive laws plaguing us are drafted and enforced locally. Taking over local
governments will not only give the freedom groups relief from local law enforcement
harassment, it will give us the tools to revoke and repeal such things as:

Property taxes that allow the government to sieze that home you're working a lifetime to pay
for if you miss one "rent" installment. Those in power whine that property taxes are for the
schools and the children-isn't that what their gambling rackets known as the lotto are for? And
they're willing to make you and yours homeless for the children… such evil makes me just
want to shoot them. But let's try not to go there yet.

All those damned zoning restrictions, regulations, speed trap traffic laws designed to churn up
"tax" revenue, laws criminalizing all sorts of things and actions that bother nobody. Think of
any local ordinance that seems to have been drafted by a neurotic control freak… the list
would be endless really!

Un-Constitutional, pro criminal gun control legislation. A big part of their program's disarming
us so that we're helpless and have to rely on them exclusively for protection, establishing
dependence. Not that the cops are legally obligated to your personal protection of course.

Anything that pledges cooperation with state and federal authorities, at least until we take
our nation back!

Another book recommendation: HOW TO WIN A LOCAL ELECTION. Should be in your local

When we take back a local government and bring that jurisdiction back into line with the
classic tenants of American government, it will be a beacon of light, an example of successful
peaceful resistance. It will immediately inspire and launch similar efforts in neighboring
communities. Each composed of small, decentralized groups working together on the big
problem, so that one day they can afford to bicker on the small stuff-that the Libertarians,
Constitutionalists, Christian Patriots and Conservatives currently do. So together, with control
of enough cities and townships, the combined efforts of those groups can take over counties.
With control of enough counties, an entire state can be taken over by our groups.
Posted by J. Croft at 10:49 AM 6 comments Links to this post

Message to the Rifleman


J. Croft
I am a Riflemam.

I'm not literally the last Citizen Rifleman in America, but I feel like it. Outside of the Internet,
unless I hit a random old gun shop(can you count the "sporting goods section" of Wal Mart?) I'd
bet money that you could go all day and not find someone actively practicing military rifle

It shouldn't be this way, especially not these days. There should be ranges everywhere where
Americans from all backgrounds can get together-are taking time off from work-to hone their
rifle marksmanship, skills instilled from the earliest age. A place where people can talk about
Freedom, who or what's threatening it, and organizing a campaign to defend their Freedom,
take Freedom back, expand it.

But that's not our situation. A Citizen Rifleman is a rare breed in today's America, a nation of
adult sized children; intellectually stunted by government schools that do anything but

Today's 'murikens, mindlessly waving their made in China flags on cue; they're morally
bankrupt, and conditioned to view that as a "good thing", which actually weakens them in
ways they can't understand, not while modern America can coddle them at up to 21% interest.
They're psychologically and financially dependent on a kind of public/private establishment
that over the decades has systematically enslaved them. A system that talks all day of the
"American way" yet does everything in it's power to subvert and deny Freedom. Especially the
right to bear arms... and most importantly I think, suppressing the skills needed to wield
them effectively.

So, is it a wonder we're alone? We Freedom loving shooters have been cast on the outer
fringes of a already fringe element of American society. A fringe that's been under constant
attack by traitors in positions of public and private power for two generations. How many
representatives, cops, soldiers, bureaucrats nod in approval of us valiantly keeping civilian
rifle marksmanship alive? Or rather, how few?

When's the last time you heard of a local high school shooting team? When's the last time you
saw a TV show that showed the proud heritage of Free Men using their rifles to defend
Freedom? When's the last time you heard all those teleprompter readers that pass for news
anchors go off on the evils of gun control? Or your favorite TV character for that matter?
Riflemen-if anyone's not thinking of that old western-are synonymous with a pack of racist
backwoods cammie wearing incestous rednecks.

That has to change if we're to revive the spirit of Freedom in America!

We have to change the People's perceptions-well, we have to expand their horizons first. The
average person hasn't a clue about rifle marksmanship but before we can get them to shoot
accurately we have to get them to see us as more than radicals out on the fringe.
The person that will have to change first, though, is you. Everyone has their predjudices,
their untermenshen, their n*ggers. Whatever issues you have with so and so from such social
group-get over it because I view it literally as sin to deny someone wanting freedom the
means to secure it… even if do have different skin color, background, or listen to music you
don't relate to. You don't know their story, and besides your house is made of glass too… so
drop that stone already! We need as many people as we can get for this struggle.

We can't settle with just showing someone how to shoot straight. The message of Rifleman
Training MUST become integrated with the larger message of Freedom. That Freedom was
won only with the effective use of force-in modern times the cornerstone of that force is the
rifle so it's MEANING must be taught along with it's proper use… after you get them to make
some hits in the black, of course.

Three examples off the top of my head that prove my point, that we can use:

American Revolution

Farmers, Craftsmen, Frontier Settlers heeded the call of Revolution by the Colonial upper
classes-who wanted THEM to do the dying for them to set up their own independent
mercantilist empire… that would exploit them instead of the Crown. Nevertheless, our
Ancestors fought and fought hard for their own concept of Freedom.

Most had captured Brown Bess Muskets and shotguns-short range pieces but many of the
Frontiersmen had the Kentucky Rifle. A elegantly slender, simple flintlock weapon, in the
hands of a man honed by years of repelling Native Americans in guerilla actions and simply
surviving in wilderness it had up to six times the range of British massed musket fire. Not that
today's threats to Freedom would wear fruity red coats and march in file in open country,
unfortunately, it does illustrate that those Riflemen had to be crafty as well as deadly
accurate to survive against the world's best army. A union of weaponry, skill and righteous
purpose the American Rifleman set the pattern of Freedom loving Individuals taking their own
personal Liberty into their own hands… in spite of how far future Americans drifted away from
their God given heritage! The American Revolution showed if given a opportunity to change
things for the better people will go for it.

Boer War

I mention this because the struggle of Free Men is universal. The British Empire was on the
march around the world-the biggest in history! Hundreds of millions ruled by a technologically
advanced, yet smallish set of islands of no more than fifty million the British looted and
dominated wherever they went. And in the 1890's the same clans of aristocrats that lost their
Thirteen Colonies a century before had their eyes on South Africa… all the gold and diamonds.
One obstacle that remained against Britain securing that wealth was the Boer-descendants of
Dutch settlers in the 1600's. The Boers were much like the Americans of that era; self
sufficient, settling a land not of their origin, contending with highly organized and effective
resistance from the native Zulu tribes.

The Boers, not being stupid, prepared for the inevitable showdown; they got the world's best
rifle at the time, the Mauser m1895. Bolt action, 5 shot, in the flat shooting 7x57mm Mauser:
the Boers ordered as many as Germany could make and ship until Britain blockaded… and
invaded… and rightfully got shot to hell with the same sorry musketry-based tactics and fruity
red uniforms. The Boers, like the American Frontier Riflemen, organized into small voluntary
units, used a lot of hit and run tactics, cover, and expertly aimed rifle fire from their brand
new Mausers with skill honed from a lifetime of warfare and survival.

As long as the Boer had his rifle and ammo, his horse and support from the People he was
unstoppable, so the British used their superior resources to methodically build up
fortifications called blockhouses. Marched them throughout Boer held territories to cut off
the Boer's manuverability in a way 7mm rifle rounds couldn't easily defeat. The British
brought in loyal subjects from Canada and Australia-frontiersmen and riflemen who's
misplaced love for Queen and Empire blinded them to their Boer Brothers and Sisters fight for
Freedom. Then the British-bastards that they are-rounded up the Boers, all of them, and
forced them by bayonet into concentration camps, so the Boer Commando lost his food and
shelter. With the blockade cutting off outside supply, isolated geography , and no capacity to
manufacture more ammuntion the Boers were doomed and eventually surrendered. A loss,
yes-but of strategy and resources, not of fighting ability which the average Boer Farmer
showed were superior to that of the backwards British Army.

Given even a few years of industrial development, perhaps reaching out and making common
cause with the Zulu, that average Boer could have not only stood his ground against the
world's most powerful military, he could've won! South Africa could've become a truly
independent nation, a second America... another lesson there on recognizing one's true
enemies and allies.

Battle of Athens, Tennessee

During the 30's and 40's Athens Tennessee was dominated by some "good ol' boys"-the type of
human waste that slicks their way into the local levers of power and keeps themselves there
at the expense of everyone else. And they milked their power for all they could. During World
War Two, those Athens boys sent off to war got a first hand appreciation of tyranny thanks to
fighting the Germans and Japanese(and their own superiors, to be truthful) so when they
came back home as Men the conditioning to accept things as they were was broken. They set
up a GI ticket and ran a grassroots reform ticket to roust the bastards out. Being bastards
though, those "good ol' boys" pulled a crude version of the 2000 election and stole the ballot
boxes, securing them and themselves in the local jail-threatening to shoot anybody who

Remembering their Heritage, those GI's went to the local National Guard Armory and
borrowed some equipment they paid with their tax dollars; M-1 Garands, Carbines, and some
American produced No4 Enfields, and all the ammo and dynamite they could scrounge up and
laid a siege on those traitors! Fittingly trapped in their own jail they eventually
surrendered... and those Patriots won because the Governor of Tennessee was wise enough to
know sending in the National Guard would mean a revolt-not Civil War sized but probably on
the scale of the Whisky Rebellion. Those GI's cleaned and returned their government property
to the Armory they borrowed them and went on with their lives. The Battle of Athens, TN
showed the proper response to tyranny in America-both from a Citizen's AS WELL AS A PUBLIC

Do you see?

We have the history. We have the skills. We have the Message-we're just going to have to be
willing to stick our necks out, and risk all to get that Message out.


America is not culturally homogenous anymore. It's a kaladaescope of subcultures ranging

from the remnant WASP mainstream most of you belong to, to Latino, Urban, and all the
subcultures that spring up from music, hobbies, careers. Particularly with those careers
involving a great deal of indoctrination, like the military and police.

With all the differences, all the varying outlooks, how's one to spread the liberating message
of rifle marksmanship? See their perspective on their lives. See their perspective on Freedom,
and then see their perspective on guns and go from there.


Older folks, with a "respectable" career-with a mortgage, an auto loan and more than a few
credit cards. People whose ideologies are firmly locked, not easily swayed unless through
overwhelming evidence-and even then that's a maybe! Given to believe the establishment's
line the most because they've willingly exposed themselves to that the longest. Collectively
they still have the financial and social power to transform the nation, to complete the
American Revolution and make a society that serves the Individual and uplifts the highest
Godly principles of Freedom, Truth, Justice, Beauty and Love.

They don't. And won't unless there's a intervention; because those adult sized children think
that the establishment-the state, the media, the traitorous corporations shipping their
neighbor's job to China-personifies those traits… or at least enough of them to still blindly
support it and buy it's bullshi-er, it's line.

That establishment line sees Freedom as something to be compromised for the sake of
convenience to the state and it's favored. Hence all the laws, regulations(and loopholes),
executive orders, court rulings and so forth. And since the establishment can't have it's
"citizens"(subjects) running around with rifles, being able to say "hell no" to them they've
been laying siege to the Second Amendment for a century now.

Mainstream Americans, if they do have guns, have it for a occasional sporting clays shoot, or
duck hunting. Or their Dad or Granddad did. It's a fun yet noisy and potentially dangerous
hobby, and for too many if guns were outlawed the vast majority would voluntarily turn them
in. Their spouses certainly wouldn't miss em. I'm not counting hunters in this category; by
their very use of rifles for hunting they're automatically in a "fringe element".

To awaken Mainstream Americans… these are the most socialistically conditioned, most
anethetized, most brain deadened of Americans yet their power, even at this late stage could
tip the tide! To get them to the range to defend Freedom, a appreciation of Freedom, of a
Free Society that maximizes individual opportunity and potential must be introduced. We're
starting from the beginning with these people, and even then we'll come off like we're
speaking Martian!

Worse, it will have to be made from scratch as the nearest comparable ideology,
Libertarianism, has serious flaws as far as "free trade" are concerned, plus their message is
still geared toward the few intellectuals that make up most of their stalled movement. (Yeah,
it is stalled because you Libs haven't made any results!) This message must be powerfully
persuasive, yet simple. A direct ideological approach may not even be possible with these
folks; proven examples by other more "fringe elements" converted to the Movement will
probably have to do.


All the usual suspects who think voting Republican and plunking down a few bucks in dues to
the often sellout NRA will make do. Otherwise they TRY to get their overpriced deer rifle to
hit the side of a barn, or fawn over their collection of wall ornaments(guns)… or worse, with
the Gun Show Ninjas buy cammies and cheeseball knockoff gear that only looks kool, with
their jackassed SKS wannabe assault rifle and hit the range maybe once a year and blow off a
whole bunch of rounds for nothing. All supposed "style" like their favorite action hero but no
results… any wonder they only do it once a year?

Yes, most DO KNOW their beloved hobby's under attack from 'liberals' yet most are still stuck
in the enemy's "mainstream" thinking. However, the huge hurtle of introducing guns was long
ago taken care of, so now the next huge hurtle is introducing these casual shooters to the
rigorous discipline of rifle marksmanship-and the reason for it.

The introduction is simple; bump into them at the local rifle range and after letting them see
you punch all your targets in the black, as they struggle with their guns lure them in. Their
initial curiosity must be met by your enthusiastic sharing of knowledge and a few rounds
through your rifle. Then show them how to do likewise with theirs; believe me, actually
showing them how to hit with their rifle will open their eyes… but anyone who's a Rifleman
knows this. The critical part is the conveyance of the rest of the Message; the need for the
average citizen to have a rifle and the skill to to personally defend themselves and theirs
from attack… from whomever.


This is more diverse a group than you'd think-more like several sub groups…

THIS is the generation we have to get to in restoring America-or forge a Second Republic.
Either way, it's they who are going to shoulder the greatest load in rebuilding not just
Freedom, but the entire domestic economy-manufacturing, infrastructure, finance,
agriculture, services, retail. Our culture; music, entertainment, literature, morals, the
churches or however way we wind up in the aftermath being with God. If we don't reach
them, they're going to hate us for not having anyone among us who cared enough to take time
off from watching "dancing with the stars" to warn them.

They're a pretty diverse group as I said; think back to high school and all the little cliques and
subcultures, and all the social stratification that carries over into adulthood.

The Athletes, the Honor Rollers, all the people honored in the yearbook; consider them
"mainstream" in thought-buying the enemy's line because they get rewarded for towing it
enough to get those little "perks". That being stated, you're most likely to find your shooters
in this crowd; so there's a conundrum of people accepting the way things are-with guns! That
however is my view, there might be lot's of people who could see the light.

What's in the middle? Lots of folks just trying to get through another eight hours of soul
draining routine-being conditioned by the obscene Prussian model of schooling traitors
imported in the 19th century to create a exploitable working class. These people are hit or
miss like any group but they don't stand out, so you'll have some people toeing the party line
and some nice malcontents to recruit.

At the opposite end of the spectrum are all the outcasts-some are troublemaking little punks,
most band together for support, some aren't worth thinking about, and some you shouldn't
even think about showing how to shoot a gun! …The gangs already have guns-it's too late
getting the things out of their hands. Same goes to that sad bunch of outcasts with enough
sense to know standing alone only works in the movies. That budding psychopath alienated by
a education system designed to divide, conquer and stupefy you need to get his parents to
give the poor bastard a COMPLETE change of enviroment!

Aside from the budding psychopath and obvious shithead, these people do have one thing in
common; they know a lot of things are messed up.

GOING WAY THE HELL OUT ON A LIMB I believe they could be our best prospects for
recruitment-even if there is that horrible culture clash issue to deal with. However, like most
young Americans these people have nobody to show them what to fight for, as conditioned as
everyone else.

A few conscientious Riflemen who'll try not to judge them on their music and clothes but on
their acts… next time you're at the gun range and you see some "metal faced punks" I'll quote
from some old geezer who bitched at about their "hollywood marksmanship"…

…They won't learn how to be a functional person without guidence. They sure as hell won't
learn how to channel their energies into a proper and comprehensive effort to take America
back. A media first approach is needed with these people, plant the seeds in their culture.
Getting those cultural seeds is going to be a chicken-and egg sort of problem, and someone
into generating their media "underground" who's recruited is going to have to be found.

Once those seeds are generated, once in their "underground" they see how things really are
and rise up to the challenge, stop blindly lashing out at random but channel that rage against
what's oppressed us all-only then are they ready. Showing some "kid" how to use that "assault
rifle" to get hits might get him to listen to you about other important topics, build some
mutual respect, get some recruits to the Movement when you show them they can fight back,
change the way things are.


Very hard to find nowadays, very risky to approach given how today's police are systematically
losing their minds, between the psychotic paramilitary training they're getting and the
propaganda about how they're defending "the people". This is nothing but code for the
incestuous union of public office and private power that is the establishment. Sounds 60's?
Sounds like a line a street cop would never buy? Probably-probably not because these cops
wouldn't be sympathetic if they didn't see the utterly total corruption their profession serves
and protects.

These people should be our natural allies-but approaching, finding them, involves approaching
tens, hundreds, probably thousands of traitors and otherwise ordinary criminals armed by the
state. They likely have MOST of the skills needed but like the military have been deprived of
the rifle marksmanship standards our grandfathers were trained under. Some tracts a
invitation to a rifle marksmanship clinic by a range or range officer who either is a sworn
peace officer themselves, or has enough respect from that community that any thug cop who
tries to break up the party will be protected.


Probably all of them aren't too thrilled being issued Eugene Stoner's bastard child. Some even
are not liking the way this "war on terror" is run, where it's going, where this whole 9/11
adventure's taking the country. Too damn bad most of them are conveniently overseas; if
allowed back into this country in any numbers I guarantee a social and political upheaval
would take place that would make the 60's look like a mild hiccup. We'll have to catch the
active duty ones as we encounter them while on leave… hope that DU poisoning hasn't
crippled them up first.

The Gulf War and Vietnam War Veterans? Lump most of them in with the Korean War and
World War Two Vets; getting infirm from "modern living", weak from old age, service-induced
sickness, or both. Good trainers and motivators; we can give them a channel for the deep
deep rage they feel towards the rulers of this once free nation of ours. Many are hunters or
collectors, some go to the gun shows. Obviously, they're found at the local VFW.


You can't trust them-this includes the cops. You going in yapping about "freedom" and
"heritage" and long dead dudes in three cornered hats and at BEST you can look forward to a

Yes there's a lot of pent up rage in the cities that'll yield another series of riots with the next
crisis. Yes we'll need their cooperation in building a more equitable society. Yes city folks
have a lot of technical skills needed for the rebuilding that'll have to happen no matter what
the next decade yields.

The big no remains; how do you trust people who's enviroment consists of a lot of shady
characters, denied economic opportunities, malignant neglect, forever low expectations? I
don't have a way and I shouldn't. Let those who've come from the street, who know what we
know go to them. I know what you're thinking now. You think gangbanger, crack dealer, pimp,
welfare mom, future Maury Show guests. Yeah…

…Yeah but these AMERICANS along with the new slave class known by you as all those Illegals
poring through our deliberately underguarded southern border, they want to be able to live as
you and our parents did. They can't because "they" have social engineered the poor and
minorities to be as the Goths and Vandals were to the late Western Roman Empire; the
unassimilable oppressed barbarians who finally brought that civilization down.

Besides, these "criminal types" they've been resisting the establishment all their lives-not that
those pricks have given them any other option! That and the systematic economic treason by
those blue blooded bastards have alienated them, made trying to "fit in" a struggle most folks
from any background would find insurmountable. Perhaps their personal strength and
experience being the typical adversaries of the establishment will give others much needed
wisdom and strength. Most important, they need our help. And we need theirs.

We can't do it now. We shouldn't. And I'm afraid a lot of bad things are going to have
happened to us all before they're willing to look honestly at themselves, see how
dysfunctional they are and begin to make changes. Bad things like a collapse of America's
civilization-a house of cards as you know. When they do wake up they'll make great recruits as
our message is a message of self-actualized hope; but until then DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME OR



MEETING TO LISTEN TO! It doesn't help the cause if you come off like a psycho, or a creep or
a doofus or some other brand of asshole. Nothing will hurt our cause more than a bad first
impression. I mean, would YOU listen to a message about Freedom and Rifle Marksmanship
from say, Urkel? Scott Peterson? Bill Clinton? Jeffrey Dahmer?

If you know you make a bad impression or can't effectively do it person to person don't feel
too bad; everyone's got their strengths. But that doesn't mean you can't strengthen your
interpersonal skills, and you need to.

Gun ranges-best place to meet shooters.

They already got guns and are trying to shoot. Now's your opportunity to show off your
shooting skills and hopefully get noticed. Let them try your 25 meter targets-bring extras! If
they bite, start training them right there-even if it causes you to be late for whatever, even
work. Your personal sacrifice of time to aid them will make a big impression.

If nobody's there at the time, leave extra 25M targets-one with your results.

Get a 25M rifle clinic or challenge going with the range owner. Even a clinic will bring in
renters and that means $. Having a Rifleman Challenge with a cash pot for best shooters will
bring in $$$ for the range and the greed will help spread our Message.

Booth at the Gun Show-while they're still allowed!

Second best place to meet shooters, network with all the characters that hock stuff, get a
live audience. Get some salesmen among you to take a Saturday and Sunday afternoon to man
the booth. As for the booth, well if you just have some tracts you won't get much attention-
you need an attraction that's also educational-how about a pay-to-play shooting gallery?

Some sort of rifle marksmanship demonstrator using AIRSOFT GUNS-configured like a M-14 or
some other MBR with the proper sling and sights. Targets like you'd find in a combat situation.
Wouldn't such a interactive display get people's attention? How much more attention could
you get if you offer money back if they score high enough.

Oh, since you're operating a booth you might as well have some goodies for sale. Have private
sale MBR's or even SKS's, Enfields, Mausers. Targets, slings, ammo. And media… tracts, videos,
books. More on that immediately below!


While person to person contact is the best means of reaching out, media allows reaching out
to a much broader audience. Fred's column in SGN is one way and I believe an effective
means of delivering the Message. We need MUCH more.

More tracts, like those cheesy little Chick Tracts you find in church but with a basic message
about marksmanship or freedom are good attention getters, and cheap. A lesson that gets the
reader to ask more questions-and places they can get answers to should be on the back cover.

Video production; this is a audiovisual generation, that's where we need to go!

One category that's a no brainer is how to shoot. There are some out there, like Thunder
Ranch, Gunsite, the Marine Corps video guide, but Citizen Riflemen should make their own
videos. Get some master shooters together with a how-to video production that also delivers
the why as well. As you know, Americans equate TV with reality-where's our TV?

Another category is our Heritage; our own productions on Colonial Militiamen, Frontiersmen
and Indians, the Boers, those GI's at Athens, Tennessee cry out to have their stories told both
in documentary and fictional accounts. These are far more difficult to make; they'll require a
master's touch in the writing, the production. The distribution's coming around to finally
benefit us; I've been tracking developments in the filmmaking industry and the distribution
networks that have been bottlenecked by our enemies are giving way to technological
advances that allow us to distribute on the Internet-not to have to go through "their" markets
and film festivals where it'd have a snowball's chance in hell.

A word: any video production requires professionals for the job. You can't rely on bubba and
his trusty ol' 8mm camcorder for this! You need $ to hire sympathetic actors, directors,
cameramen, and all the others that constitute a film crew, plus $ for camera rental, $ for the
editing platform or time at facility, $ for video duplication, $ if by some miracle you can get
this "right wing" work into a film festival just to twit the lefties. Yes video is a very powerful
tool-it's used to brainwash millions of Americans every day, but it's a expensive tool.

The way to finance this is through a corporation-a Nevada incorporation so as to allow

anonymous shareholders and executives. Through this privacy shield the Riflemen and other
Patriots can buy stock; the cash can then be used to rent equipment and locations, hire
actors and crew and used as representation for media distribution. Consult "Boston's Privacy
Manual" as to making a alternate address for you patriotic stock purchasers.

As we recruit and expand we must encourage those we find that are expert in their fields to
contribute-incorporate our Message in their work or contribute work that directly helps ours.
We're in a war-it's already been declared on us-and the only right choice is to fight back.

If we want help, we should give it first.

There are other Patriots that are fighting for Freedom. They could use our help-volunteering
and such.

Say a anti-tax group or a group protesting new laws that have nothing to do with gun rights.
Union workers circumventing their corrupt leadership, protests against a whole slew of issues
that get you angry too. Go in, volunteer, even if you wind up doing the grunt work. Don't start
off with the Message; let them get to know you first as a stand up kind of person and a hard
worker for their cause. Earn their respect-it's that reputation you forge that will open the
door in their minds when you get around to teach. Or won't.

If we want people to listen to us, to help us we must be willing to do likewise for others.

What's the point? A synergy of individuals and groups fighting for everyone's Freedom arising
like a swarm of fire ants. Right now there are a few of us and we are easy enough to bump off
or otherwise discredit, but get the whole colony going and it's retreat or get literally eaten
alive! If we want a renaissance of Freedom we'll need everyone's efforts, everyone's causes to
be mutually supported, and used to attack the establishment, the system simultaniously.

If everyone, from all walks of life could just get together and fight for their Freedom back we
could win! We really could; the enemy doesn't have enough technology, enough brain dead
jack booted thugs and bureaucratic scum to stop us. We just have to awaken to that.

We don't struggle alone. God is with us as we fight this most necessary struggle. Because God
created us as Men and Women with Free Will, He meant for us to live in Freedom not in
slavery-otherwise we'd be as bees or ants, a hive mind. Our enemies want humanity to have a
stupefied hive mind, to break us down to our very souls, to be but tools to serve them.

God works through us and even the devil himself every moment to bring this about, but He
would have a lot easier time of it if YOU would just drop that remote, get up off that couch
and fight side by side with our Father-for your Freedom!

Martial Law Survival Guide


J. Croft

This article will start off assuming that the Reader (you) is already subject to MARTIAL LAW;
that is, the "suspension" of the Constitution. Curfews, rationing of basic goods, enforced
relocations, confiscation of firearms and supplies, and summary arrest/execution by soldiers,
paramilitary police and other jack booted chumps in black wielding assault rifles. Basic
survival tips will be followed by more detailed ideals on how to counter this coup against the
American People.

The remainder will apply IF you're reading this before MARTIAL LAW is imposed by the current
corrupt government. IF you are reading this while you still nominally under Constitutional
Law, it's urgent you read from the beginning to end so as to appreciate the opportunities you
currently have to not only protect yourself and yours, but to attempt to stop a coup.


Rule #1

Never take the government's word at face value-except when they tell you that they'll kill

Government-it's components of career politicians, bureaucratic vermin, and SS ninja

wannabes live, have lied. For a lot longer than you'd think. It's the very job; being part of an
empire wrapped in the cloak of American political traditions of Freedom, that corrupts. All
that power, attracting the most venal along with the most patriotic to defend America. All
that license under ever mutable law written by money whores to lie, steal, embezzle,
blackmail, extort, poison, torture, enslave, murder.

Is it any wonder then that such human scum would get together and work "the system" to set
themselves up as kings, dispensing with the pretty coverings of Constitutional limitations that
trip their crimes like a prom dress? Taking as much as they can, while keeping YOU ASLEEP AS

Yes: a lot of the blame can be laid on your shoulders, American. You dropped the ball with
going along with not finding the truth about JFK's assassination. Dropped the ball with MLK,
RFK, Malcolm X. Dropped the ball with Vietnam, the air trafficker's strike that Reagan
crushed, Iran-Contra. Dropped the ball with the 92 election-picking that drug runner and
murderer Bill Clinton because he was charming… like a pimp. And boy did he pimp you out at
the expense of Randy Weaver and his family, the 81 casualties at Waco, the peoples of the
former Yugoslavia. You were too busy following Micheal Jordan and watching Friends.

Then you assholes really dropped it when George W. Bush STOLE the Presidency, with the
media not even allowing a Ross Perot to run. If you would've elected him in 1992 in fact
America could've been saved. BUT, you'd rather take government careerists at their word and
plan your next outing to the mall than save your nation. Save your jobs, your freedoms, YOUR

Now it's gone. The criminals that've systematically taken over YOUR government they've
removed the last vestiges of Constitutional law. Now it's law by the barrels of their assault
rifles in your face-do ANYTHING other than obey in utter fear and you're dead. Or worse. You
listened to their lies for over a century, you and your ancestors-where has it gotten you? Don't
take their word on any "news" they have. Nor take their advice, their "assistance" their laws at
face value because they manipulate everything they do to screw you.
What you can take their word on is, if you DON'T go along with them screwing you, they'll kill
you for it.

Rule #2


Do NOT tell anyone anything that could get you in trouble. Assume anything can get you in
trouble, because it probably will. Especially with any government official, but anyone looking
to gaining a favor with the state can and will snitch on you. The rat who would sell you out
for his thirty pieces could be:

*A small businessman looking for a in with the state so he can make money a little easier.

*A former friend who's looking to get some revenge.

*Someone desperate for even some food. Times are tough and will get tougher.


Review the remaining rules of surviving MARTIAL LAW with Rule #2 ALWAYS in mind. Because
some rat on two legs you say the wrong thing to WILL snitch to the "authorities" in exchange
for favors or even brownie points… and then you get to find out how ironclad Rule #1 is.


Rule #3

ANY AUTHORITY FIGURE IS THE ENEMY! Unless you are waging a war of liberation-gathering
intelligence or spreading disinformation or infiltrating-have no relation with nor voluntary
contact with any soldier, police officer, bureaucrat, or anyone in authority in private life
cooperating with MARTIAL LAW. Review Rule #1: they're all liars, con artists, hustlers,
thieves, murderers. Same goes to any fellow travellers in big business; they and government
have been in the same bed for a century.

Stay away from them as much as possible. Tell them lies. Don't do any business with them.
Unless they're sticking a gun in your face don't even acknowledge that they exist.

Shun them, their family and any sycophants that fawn over them for a few favors.

Rule #4

prohibited from having an item that helps you survive, get the item, review Rule #2 AND KEEP

If you're prohibited from having extra food, medicine, guns (no brainer) then you will CACHE
your prohibited items in a place where it won't easily be found. Foods, after properly sealed
for storage, and medicines can be placed in hollow spaces in walls, floorboards, stairs, behind
false walls in closets, or even in a hidden underground pantry dug underneath your foundation
or basement.

Firearms are metallic; they can be detected by metal detectors unless you store them deep
underground or in a place they won't think of looking right away… like sealed in wider
metallic tubes, or away from your property. And if you by chance acquire or keep firearms
knowing HOW TO USE THEM(sight alignment, trigger squeeze) and RELOADING AMMUNITION
will be mandatory.


To use a gun, first find the PROPER AMMUNITION FOR IT. After loading, pointed end forward,
the ammo into the magazine, cylinder, or chamber load the weapon. On semiautomatic
pistols if the slide-that moving part on top-is locked back there's a small lever on the left side
of the gun. Push on it and it will close. Otherwise you'll have to pull the slide back yourself.

Pistols are concealable, rifles and shotguns are for starting a fight. Shotguns you load from a
port on the underside, behind the fore stock or it breaks open. Rifles come in several flavors;
single shot, pump, bolt action, automatic, and feed from the chamber, a internal magazine or
has a detaching magazine. The rifle you want first and foremost is a automatic rifle in a
military common caliber. That coupled with proper marksmanship transforms you from a
victim to a freedom fighter.

Here's the most important part: see what you're aiming at… put your FRONT SIGHT where you
want the bullet to go… then WHILE YOUR FRONT SIGHT'S ON TARGET align your REAR SIGHT
with your FRONT SIGHT. …When your FRONT SIGHT and REAR SIGHT aligned like this more or
O target
( ( I ))

…when you're aligned and aimed AT THE SAME TIME DO A SMOOTH, QUICK PRESS ON YOUR
TRIGGER. The gun will go BOOM! and will push back in RECOIL. Don't be afraid; think of it like
setting off a firework, only you're also sending a lead bullet at someone. If you did all the
steps right you'll hit.

Dry firing a empty gun at a target is one way to practice. Even better is getting a air gun,
paint some targets on a sheet of paper and going at it until you can aim and land every round
in the black as fast as possible.)

Rule #5

While keeping the above rules in mind ALWAYS HELP OUT THOSE WHO ARE RESISTING! They,
unlike you, have decided that there's nothing to lose and therefore deserve anyone's help
who's willing to risk their lives. You think MARTIAL LAW is going away on it's own? Those
bastards in black will have a sudden change of heart and do something worthwhile for a
change and not oppress you? I like to dream too…

The VERY LEAST: have extra food, water for resistance fighters, basic medical supplies, ammo
caches(hint, these should be concealed).

A secret room either built from some closet space or under the home can house a couple of
fighting Patriots. Those who fight will need to keep hidden, yet able to communicate with
fellow fighters. You can be a intermediary.

You have skills, like welding, machine tools, chemistry? You can take that secret room and
make weapons, ammo, other things the resistance needs.

You have inside information? Share it. You have videography experience, tools? Make how-to
videos on resisting the theft of your freedoms. You have medical training? Set up a
underground hospital.

Not all Patriots can or should pick up a rifle and blow a traitor's head off. Riflemen need
ammo, food, a place to rest, medical assistance, repairs for their weapons, intel on their next
target. Most of all they and you need each other because a man alone doesn't stand a chance.
Only by uniting in common cause with all one has to offer can the traitors be defeated, and
Freedom restored to the land.

…If you're not at least giving aid to those helping to liberate you put this article down, go
back to being a victim of government oppression; maybe you can get by being a pathetic
lackey they'll thieve from and occasionally beat or take sex from.

Rule #6

With the utmost care develop a SURVIVAL NETWORK. This is a group of people with skills
and/or resources who can help each other in areas they would be lacking on their own. It
could be anything from extra food, medicine, repair parts, fuel, transportation-whatever.

In any given neighborhood you can have machinists(weapon makers), medical personel,
drivers(good knowledge of local roads), gardeners(agriculture knowledgebase).

Petty bureaucrats secretly opposing martial law are prime candidates to spy, steal, or commit

Computer technicians can hack government systems and create surveillance systems and
guidence packages for missiles.

Construction workers can build secret rooms to hide anything from a arms cache to a secret
factory. People in the media can smuggle cameras and work with computer techs to: bug
enemy meetings, produce freedom media that documents sucessful means of resisting and
present government atrocities for the reasons why.

Salesmen can "borrow" merchandise from their stores for use-anything and everything is

Especially useful will be disgruntled cops and military who can provide everything from intel
on raids to weapons to training.

Keep the numbers of your group "small": smaller cells are more difficult to penetrate by
enemy agents and professional snitches. Keeping that in mind, a means of communication
independent from wiretapped phones and audible eavesdropping devices must be developed
amongst you.

Runners can be a athlete or a kid on a bike. They can carry small packages, or notes with a
handy breakable vial of flammable liquid if discovered. With a sealed packet of potassium
chlorate taped to it the gasoline(preferable) will automatically ignite; otherwise you'll have
to actually light that incriminating evidence.

A mail drop can be a home, a hollowed out tree trunk, a hole in the ground, a open fence
pole-anything. Just be sure it's discreetly out of sight of surveillance.

If God's really liking you, one of your group will be a SMART SURVIVALIST. This will be a
exceedingly rare breed, because most in this group were smart enough to begin preparing for
the collapse to begin with. They WEREN'T smart enough to avoid detection of their awareness
and distrust of government. They signed form 4477 registration forms for their firearms, used
credit cards and checks for their weapon and ammunition purchases, registered for weapons
permits, or registered themselves with gun clubs and shooting organizations. These people
more than likely got swept up in pre-dawn raids or got blasted resisting.

No the SMART SURVIVALIST prepared-and kept his mouth shut about those preps. He or she
never signed federal permit forms for purchases or carry license. He or she presented a
"average American" profile or totally disappeared. Get or find one in your group and you'll
have a literal treasury of knowhow and resources to survive… maybe even start taking back a

Rule #7

AVOID GOVERNMENT MONITORING AND CONTROL! Know where the cameras are and how to
avoid them. Know who patrols where, and what routine they follow so as to avoid contact.
Know your snitches and always feed them b.s. if you can't avoid them.

Find ways around checkpoints. Side streets, forest paths, neighbor's yard, railroad tracks,
tunnels; whatever go arounds to getting from point a to point b without a pack of government
troops searching you, checking your ID. I can't and won't go into detail; how you find your
ways is up to you.

Rule #8

AVOID A GOVERNMENT ROUNDUP. It could be from a disaster, a attack, or even because

they've decided to end the pretense and show you what they really think of you and your
"rights". You'll just wind up in a detention camp where your freedom of movement and
resources will be strictly controlled. That means having a place to go away from your area, a
means to get there, and supplies.

Very difficult to do in a martial law situation, with shortages and rationing at gunpoint.
Remember the victims of Hurricane Katrina; how they were set up to be stranded in New
Orleans by the government? How they were constantly baited with false hope of rescue for a
week after the catastrophe? How they eventually were herded by FEMA into concentration

You disregard Rule #1, you'll find out.

Get a safe house of your own-a friend or a abandoned home, a empty storefront or even a
patch of woods. When the troops start going street to street, house to house have escape
routes by lesser used streets, trails, whatever. You may have to go on foot, so have a light
backpack with a few days worth of nonperishable food, portable water purifier, a first aid kit,
a light sleeping bag-and your weapon. A mountain bike may be a more optimal and versatile
escape mode than your road-dependent car. Better to be on the run, desperate-and have your
freedom-than be imprisoned in a FEMA slave camp.

Rule #9

Find a way you can successfully resist. Probably not with guns or bombs unless you have the
training, but there's plenty of ways you can monkeywrench the basic functioning of the state

If you work for the state you have plenty of opportunities to mess things up, but even private
firms are subcontracted by the government. You know who's just earning a paycheck, who's
backing this war against the people, and who's getting off on "just following orders". If you
can take action, great; concentrate most of your planning on getting away with the job.
Otherwise, get contacts with Patriots and be the most reliable source of intelligence you can

Every bit of drag on the government beast helps-perhaps in botching that paperwork,
breaking that surveillance camera in disguise, or misdirecting that bureaucrat or soldier cop
that act might be the beginning of a butterfly effect of bringing down the state of MARTIAL
LAW and restoring Freedom to our nation. Always keep that in mind. You must find your own
way, but find it you must if you want what was stolen from you back.


To be honest it's probably the most difficult challenge anyone can face. Because you're
starting a conflict from scratch inside the belly of the beast. You can't fight for territory when
you've only got a few guns against divisions of enemy troops equipped with automatic
weapons, armor, air support, the pitiful acquiescence of a "people" who long ago gave up
Liberty for the trap of existence of a childlike, cushy debt slavery.

So the smart coup leaders that prosecute a martial law takeover will do it against a
population that's already been pacified in one way or another. Now with the gilding stripped
off their chains they're as frightened hostages willing to go along with ANYTHING massah state
wants so long as they have some semblance of their former "lives". Aside from sickened,
disgruntled vets, the American People; untrained in the military arts or even basic survival
have been pacified-or the coup would never have taken place.

It is simply fear of loss after being so coddled, so divorced as a culture from personal
responsibility -although enough exposure to fear and the human psyche has a way of
becoming psychologically inured to it… which can lead to anger, and then revenge.

No: better way to pacify is to bring it on in a overwhelming torrent onto a population

unprepared for it, unprepared for hardships. Take away their culture, their moral cores, their
connections to God. Ply them with trinkets and baubles and other junk-get them to find
solace in material things, in distractions like spectator sports, television. "Our" junk culture.

Keep them hypnotized by a junk culture while their means of sustenance-their jobs-are
shipped overseas piecemeal, so they don't wake up.

Keep them hypnotized by a junk culture while their rights are legislated into impotence,
irrelevance to the state's enforcers.

Keep them hypnotized by a junk culture, as even the know how of being able to survive
outside the system; basics like growing food, repairing stuff, marksmanship is slowly stifled.

And all the time tell them they're free and prosperous. Eventually you'll have a people much
like modern America's dumbed down materialistic debt slave. Such a people as ours, fed lies
about our evil corrupt system as you find on TV are ready for a fall now as I write this. All
that's needed is a plausable pretext, a cover story for the sheeple to accept the loss of their
freedom in exchange for a impression of security in a land where the plenty of food and goods
has been taken away.

Now some will see through the b.s.; but Humans can be stubbornly stupid when it comes to
misdirected hope. These slaves, in every sense of the word, will actually defend the system
that has enslaved them. Such is the enemy's genius at their social engineering. All those
slavishly obeying the state in a martial law enviroment for some forlorn hope that their lives
will somehow go back to the false paradise of the late 20th century will in effect be the
enemy themselves.

You won't be alone. The enemy's genius is formidable, but not perfect. Quite frankly they're
overconfident-and even if they weren't they're not God. They can't see all and will make fatal
mistakes. The question will be, will you be man enough to exploit those mistakes to bring
their downfall and save the Human Race?

How to beat the state when it has all the cards; can't take on an army with a pistol… but you
can take on one of it's soldiers when you sneak up on him when they're not looking for it. If
you're skilled with a rifle you can kill at distance and sneak off… if you have a supressor on
your weapon you can do a whole lot of killing and not be detected. If you know chemistry,
you can come up with all sorts of nasty stuff that can do damage to the enemy's expensive

If you have friends or fellow travellers you can do a lot more damage, even recruit if you have
a video camera, editing system, and dvd duplicators(get someone skilled in video production)
to advertise your victories and how others can duplicate your efforts, plus why they should
fight in the first place.

If you're successful your area of operations will be overflowing with Patriots looking to bag as
many jack booted thugs, bureaucrats and other traitors as they can get at. The excess
Patriots can then spread out to other areas of our country, replicating as best they can what
you've done.

With whole regions of the country infiltrated and secured secret industry can develop. Light
weapons can be constructed at first, but eventually heavy weapons will be designed and
made, and distributed. Ammunition, food, fuel, medicine-all can be manufactured on or
made with basic machine tools and chemistry.

The time will come… if the enemy still clings to their forlorn hope of defeating the American
People with the brainless thugs and sheeple that lick their boots… the time will come that
OPEN WARFARE can begin and territory openly liberated.

After that… it'll probably devolve into a stalemate. The enemy isolated in their city/prison
states unable to retake the surrounding countryside, but the Patriots not having enough
strength to retake the cities. Or perhaps enough time because either the enemy develops
some funky new superweapon, or their continued control of military assets overseas causes a
outside power to intervene… on whose side… who knows?


Because a MARTIAL LAW will lead to CIVIL WAR… and national destruction… what I just
described to you.

Let's NOT have a civil war, and spend the next century rebuilding. Much better to organize
right now, as I write in October, 2005! We still have a political process we can use if we learn
how to use it effectively. We can together find a small town and take it over-like the
Libertarian's Free State Projects, only focused onto one town. Take that over, free it, and
spread out from there. We as Americans need a standing example of what a Free State is;
since we don't have the numbers to take over a state, we have to take over a town… so we
can get the numbers to take over a state.

Even some in the traitorous elite don't want to see MARTIAL LAW because they recognize the
exquisite control and enslavement the current American political system has over Americans,
and want to keep their power. They can be used, then abused.

Individually, if you have guns, bury spares of your fighting arms, or sell them privately to new
Patriot recruits. This will get easier as deteriorating conditions bring the reality of our
situation home, and the government's conduct in New Orleans make personal preparation a
Buy lots of ammo, food, medicine, reloading supplies. Get these at gun shows for CASH ONLY.
Go to gun shows while they're still legal!

Find books on basic manufacturing processes-that's vital!

If you have EVER joined a gun group, bought guns and ammo with credit cards, checks, and/or
signed registration forms and permits HIDE AND/OR SELL YOUR EXCESS GUNS TO MOTIVATED
PATRIOTS! You WILL be searched first on "The Day", and if so much as a empty shell casing's
found you can count on being starved, beaten and raped to death in a internment camp. Or
maybe they'll take you anyway for being on record.

Start driving around: look for abandoned homes, businesses, and roads or trails that'll get you
to them. Caves, forest haunts, old barns, the nastiest trailer in that tired old trailer park.

When you recruit, don't let them put their names on any forms that could implicate them in
the eyes of the government. Keep their profile low-Patriots will need infiltrators, safe houses,
spies… can't do that if you're still running around openly displaying a "I'm the NRA" sticker or a
Gadsen Flag. Sorry.

Take your Recruits and:

*Toughen them up. Camping, survival courses, hand to hand combat courses. Even getting
them to let their TV gather dust to do… anything will be of benefit. Demonstrations, projects,
meetings, find places to hole up like anything without people around…

*Shooting, and lots of it! Paintball to teach tactics. A range of some sort for battle rifle
practice. Airguns and required turning in of targets for their own practice-the airsoft guns are
coming along as viable training tools and as soon as they perfect a paintball that'll cycle
through them you should splurge a couple hundred bucks and get some guns and paintballs.

*Group buy ammo, parts, food, knowledge, a legal fiction to acquire property not under your
own name, nor any connection to you. Have your stashes in several small units throughout the
area you figure you're going to operate. The more the better, and, no one person should have
knowledge of where all the caches are at. A cache should have ammo for the standard
weapon/caliber your group should standardize on. I recommend a military pattern rifle in
7.62NATO, along with spare parts because they'll break down with all the shooting and abuse
you're gonna heap on them. Enough ammo to refill all your carry mags for a mission. Also,
nonperishable food. Should have lots of calories, carbs, protein. Medical supplies.

…No you're not going to get a lot of recruits. The enemy's cultural weapons are pretty damn
powerful, and their mind control of Americans is exquisite-but not foolproof! On occasion a
event will occur that will defy their spin control and b.s.-like the live coverage of Hurricane
Katrina and their criminal abandonment of the Black Community to die in that open sewer so
they'll abandon the city to foreclosers wanting a "Las Vegas on the Gulf". Point out the
criminal abandonment of the government of their People. A lot of eyes were opened by that
hurricane, and not all of them are going to shut again by the system's lies. Take your
opportunities as they come.

I have a plan of peaceful political action that can be used, so here's a excerpt of my essay,
"Message to Mr. and Mrs. America" at my blog

Taking back the government-peacefully!

This is the preferable manner of us as groups reclaiming our Freedom. To be effective, one
must have a understanding of America's political system as it relates to our cause. We have a
president, a vice-president and their agents, a congress, a federal judicial system, and the
duplication of this political layout among the states. Beyond that you have the many
thousands of county and local governments. So what will work?

Take over the presidency?

It's long been proven that unless you have the blessings of the two official parties of this
nation, you cannot seriously run for president. The closest independent candidate was Ross
Perot back in 1992, and even being a billionaire didn't shield him from getting shredded by
the media.

So, assuming the voting machines are honest(not)and the media's fair(not) you need the
machine of a major party backing you(won't happen).

And the president can only do so much; America's system of government is extremely
compartmentalized, so that unless you have a common ideology and party mechanism guiding
and controlling the various components, it's impossible for one man to dictate policy. So a
independent party president, one lone person against the rest of the hydra headed federal
monstrosity is not only impossible, it's retarded even planning such a thing.


Congress is made up of 540 members-100 senators and the rest in the house of
representatives. All are elected in staggared election cycles so it would take approximately a
decade of successful nationwide campaigning to create a majority party. Yes, congress writes
the laws and taking it back is essential in our struggle, but even factoring out the two official
parties and their political machines the structure of this body demands a massive political
machine of our own.

Massive organizations that have a heirarchial structure have been penetrated, subverted and
corrupted by our enemies since the beginning of time. It's a process that to them is a natural
as breathing. Then there's all the fundraising that will be needed and we're not rich-the only
ones with money in America are the same pack of vampires who've been sucking us dry. So a
singular, national organization will not be sucessful.

Independent and rogue candidates however do have some success. Bernie Sanders of
Vermont, Tom Tancredo of Colorado, Ron Paul of Texas, and at one time James Trafficant of
Ohio sadly represent the successes. Most candidates are attorneys who've long ago prostituted
themselves. They whore themselves to the political machine that will take them where they
want to go. All they want is power and in exchange have legislated the monstrosity American
government has become. The democrats and republicans, their bosses for all practical
purposes appoint these elitists their congressional seats and they're prepared to spend
whatever cash it takes to take or retain that seat. Vote fraud of course is part of their

There are no rich left in these times who would willingly sacrifice their lives, their fortunes
and their sacred honor-they're either sold out or scared. So any candidates for congress will
have to be raised and funded by us. That means we have to do it in a grass roots manner. We
have to build not one political machine, but a army of political machines that are
independent of one another, yet cooperative.

Many small parties, one common agenda

This form of political resistance lends itself naturally to our groups. It will go like this:

The group helps other groups form. They in turn during the next local election cycle turn out
and get the candidates they choose elected in town and county governments. Much of the
oppressive laws plaguing us are drafted and enforced locally. Taking over local governments
will not only give the freedom groups relief from local law enforcement harassment, it will
give us the tools to revoke and repeal such things as:

Property taxes that allow the government to sieze that home you're working a lifetime to pay
for if you miss one "rent" installment. Those in power whine that property taxes are for the
schools and the children-isn't that what their gambling rackets known as the lotto are for? And
they're willing to make you and yours homeless for the children… such evil makes me just
want to shoot them. But let's try not to go there yet.

All those damned zoning restrictions, regulations, speed trap traffic laws designed to churn up
"tax" revenue, laws criminalizing all sorts of things and actions that bother nobody. Think of
any local ordinance that seems to have been drafted by a neurotic control freak… the list
would be endless really!

Un-Constitutional, pro criminal gun control legislation. A big part of their program's disarming
us so that we're helpless and have to rely on them exclusively for protection, establishing
dependence. Not that the cops are legally obligated to your personal protection of course.
Anything that pledges cooperation with state and federal authorities, at least until we take
our nation back!

Another book recommendation: HOW TO WIN A LOCAL ELECTION. Should be in your local

When we take back a local government and bring that jurisdiction back into line with the
classic tenants of American government, it will be a beacon of light, an example of successful
peaceful resistance. It will immediately inspire and launch similar efforts in neighboring
communities. Each composed of small, decentralized groups working together on the big
problem, so that one day they can afford to bicker on the small stuff-that the Libertarians,
Constitutionalists, Christian Patriots and Conservatives currently do. So together, with control
of enough cities and townships, the combined efforts of those groups can take over counties.
With control of enough counties, an entire state can be taken over by our groups.

Why take that next step? The list of things we can do when we take back our local
governments is vast, but then there would be the call to centralize governmental control with
state and federal authorities. So when this begins we must be as aggressive as possible-being
examples to others, advising, and most importantly WE MUST NOT FIGHT AMONGST
exploited by our enemies, it will be our biggest downfall.

And if we can take the nation back…

There are many things we must do immediately, as soon as we can take back control of
America's destiny.

(1)Secure our borders from any further infiltration. Whatever that takes, whatever
manpower's available, we must find a way to seal up thousands of miles of hinterland border,
and many thousands of miles more of coastline. This will take bringing our troops and ships
home, and in effect end America's era of being used as a tool of global empire. It will be
good, as being number one just makes you the one everyone else wants to take out.

At the same time, a heightened state of alert must be maintained if another power were to
take advantage of our transistional phase and attempt some economic or military adventure
against our interests. America will be painfully contracting from it's global economic empire
as we attempt to revive a self-sufficient free republic and the last thing we'll need is for
Muslims seeking revenge against the Empire, or China rolling the dice on a military adventure
against us.

(2)Impose a flexible series of tariffs so that no matter where on Earth a imported good is
made, it's cost after going through customs is just a few percent more than one made in
America-with all the taxes still imposed. This must be implemented by law for I'd calculate
twenty years; because this is the minimum time required to rebuild America's manufacturing
economy. The rest of the world's just going to have to learn to live economically without the
American consumer, and the American consumer is going to have to learn basic economics. It
will be a horrifically shocking adjustment, and lead to a economic collapse-of the
megacorporations. It's the bitterest medicine, but America and Americans have become
almost terminally sick with the current system imposed upon us and those that don't
immediately take steps to save themselves will need some hard lessons quick to bring them
back to reality.


Most important thing you can do? Pray. I'm serious. Don't do it in some gay mega-church and
tithe to some blowdried huckster-do it like Jesus taught. Find a quiet place, quiet your mind,
and open your heart. God WILL talk to you , or at least convey some feeling. You can't listen
because you're out of practice listening so, practice. Eventually God will talk to you, and it's
in your best interest to listen because God does love you!

He isn't looking to burn you for eternity for your petty imperfections. He's looking to liberate
His People-all of us. Can't liberate a people if they're dead from some "bible prophecy" going
on as scripted: wouldn't the events of Revelation carried out as written be a victory for the
devil… wanting to possess and destroy? Humanity's all but destroyed in the end of that book.
Why not fight to derail that outcome?


Lindsay's Technical Books-basic knowhow and such.

Gun Show-to buy guns and ammo, but also camoflage, gun books. Look in the paper in the
classifieds. Bring cash for discreet purchasing.

Google-start googling terms like militia, patriots, martial law.

RWVA.ORG-Revolutionary War Veterans Association; these people are working hard to

resurrect rifle marksmanship in America, and you WILL need to be able to shoot straight if you
want your meager supply of ammo to be effective.,,, are

independent news media and also popular nexus points to web search and find out the truth.
The Power of NO

The Power of NO!

J. Croft

In our lives we are given a endless series of demands.

Demands on our time, our money, our energies, our allegiances, our beliefs, our patience.
These demands, given without a semblance of choice, have molded us into doing things we
really wish we didn't have to do.
Submit to the anti-American work culture, which whether you're on the bottom or the top
which robs you of the best years of your life in exchange for a mere pittance of what you

Take out a lifetime of debt to "get" what is sold as the "American Dream" which turns you into
a consumer of a bunch of made in China junk.

Support policies and actions that we know harm us all, from ever increasing taxation and
regulation to policies designed to socially engineer-create-a underclass and suppressing them
to the point where they blindly lash out. You know it as crime and it's not only to generate
profits to those that make a living off jailing them by the millions. It's to socially engineer the
rest of the nation to support a authoritarian corporate state, to unquestioningly waving a
made in China U.S. flag in support of that abomination as it crushes other peoples in senseless
war. These wars serve to spawn further hatred of America and it's people, setting up a cycle
of misplaced hatred that's going to wind up destroying human civilization.

What's the root cause? We've lost the will to say NO! And back it up as far as we have to, to
regain control over our lives, our rights and our destiny.

Looking at our society, it's no surprise we can't say NO to the injustices perpetrated in our
name-and on us. From infancy the average American is indoctrinated, conditioned to a set of
core beliefs:

*"The American government is full of good people selflessly giving the best years of their lives
for public service". A lie-when we know power corrupts, and the government in this country is
not only all powerful, but all pervasive. Millions of petty tyrants throwing their weight around
wreaking havoc on Americans; claiming to be safeguarding them, but doing anything but. Just
step in your local DMV office, or get pulled over by the wrong cop, or God forbid you file hits
the wrong agent at the wrong time.

*"You deserve the lifestyle you see on your god the TV (which never ever lies)". With the ever-
tightening economic conditions in this country you literally have to be rich to afford that
"American dream". For the average American, having that house, SUV, shopping sprees to fill
that house full of junk requires that person-having the same spending power in 2005 as in
1975-to go into a lifetime of debt slavery. For modern America; uneducated and mind-
crippled by government schooling, bombarded by fashion makeover shows, home makeover
shows, MTV Cribs, Desperate Housewives, and all the slick advertising that goes into selling
loans the patina of financed "good times" is irresistable.

*"To have the 'American Dream' in the 'Land of the Free' you need to be a productive member
of that society". "Productive"-to whom? Productive to your employer, who'll get most of the
fruits of your labors? To the various government bodies and agencies taking up to half of the
perhaps 5% of what your dedicated service generates for your boss?(that's half your income,
for those not understanding that last sentence) Which leaves you with 2 1/2%, or abouts, of
the gross profit of your efforts. No wonder you resort to a lifetime of debt slavery to at least
FEEL like you're "making it" in modern America.

Come on! You REALLY wanted to be some corporate drone, doing all the work while your CEO
and Board of Directors get to use all the corporate profits for themselves, while your efforts
help destroy America by sending our productive capacity overseas?

You REALLY want to be a 8.00/hour assembly worker living in constant fear of being
downsized, struggling with keeping ever-increasing health care for your body, rapidly
deteriorating from all the work you do for massah job? A fast food worker cultivating a face
full of zits while your friends are out enjoying themselves, with not a hope of getting health
insurance? A Wal Mart slave, helping to drive the last vestiges of American business overseas,
in one of the most oppressive work enviroment in the country? A glorified revenue collector,
getting nothing from the people you're obstensively charged with protecting but fear and
hatred, while crack dealers, thugs, rapists and other criminals prowl the streets… you're
otherwise known as a traffic cop?

NO! You REALLY wanted your own company, or at least get some good slice of your labors.
You REALLY didn't want to get tied down on that factory job, that restaurant job, that Wal
Mart ball and chain because you were STOOPID enough to try living way the hell out of your
income bracket. It's what you get for chasing after that now elusive "American Dream".

To repeat myself: it's a beautiful chimera, a ghost of expectations of a era now dead, where
Americans could and DID do what they liked. But YOU Mr. and Ms. braindead consumer, you
just had to have that lifestyle, even when you said "yes" to a lifetime of back breaking work
at jobs you hate. Jobs: with most of your labors stolen by the corporation, and half the rest
by the government, and the remainder by the creditors who loan you the money for that crap
made in China, and that way overpriced, oversized house.

Worse, you say "yes" to all the laws, all the regulations, the licenses, the taxes that
government loves to levy on us all. Except if you're very rich and can bribe politicians of
course. You saying "yes", your parents and grandparents saying "yes"-it's gotten to the point
where the Bill of Rights is merely a symbolic fig leaf of Liberty on a oppressive fascist state
itching to rip it off and expose it's raw, naked authority for all to bow down to.

You said "yes" to your chains of slavery.

I'll let you in on something you were never taught: you can say NO!

"What?! No to my house, my SUV, my shopping sprees at the mall?! You want me to do

without?! Be some bum?!"

That's what you're saying, yes. NO however is the only hope you have if you want your
Freedom back.

You do want your Freedom back, right? I mean, what I just described as your life-you really
want to be a slave? Have, and I'll state this again, 95%(and more) of the fruits of your labors
go into someone else's pocket? Live in constant fear of violating some law, some code of
conduct in what's supposed to be the "land of the free" and get robbed and imprisoned by the

Saying NO is you asserting your Freedom. NO means you can make a choice, are making a
choice, and if someone doesn't like it, well too damn bad, no matter who they are.

NO is a act of self-liberation. When someone presents you with a selection of options-none of

which are good for you-and you say NO, you're reaffirming the fact that YOU are making the
choices in your life. YOU are the one in control of YOUR destiny. Being able to say NO is a God
Given Choice, the indispensable part of being Free. To be able to say NO to slick advertising,
high taxes, sufforcating regulations, hucksters in three piece suits wanting your vote, and
jackbooted state sponsered thugs is as saying NO to the devil himself.

We all need to say NO a lot more than we do. Because everyone in "our" society is pressing us
to say "yes" to, let's run through this again so there's no doubt:

*"Yes" to those society elevates as people to emulate… like professional athletes, third rate
"reality show" entertainers, teleprompter readers presenting lies called "news" with a inch
thick layer of makeup. These shills and yes men are touted by those that run our society as
models to emulate and listen to, but what makes whatever the hell they say worth more than
what you have to say? Because you saw them on TV that electronic narcotic, that god you
devote most of your free time to, that you implicitly trust never to lie to you like the naïve
adult-sized child you've been brought up to be by American society?

*"Yes" to, I'll say it again, getting a bunch of overpriced foreign made junk that entails a
lifetime of debt payments, that bring on stress at jobs we hate. With the harassment from
collectors when we inevitably fall behind on those payments, and most of all, the bitterness
when we get old that we didn't do what we WANTED TO. Because we couldn't say NO, since,
those celebrities on our TV god sell them.

*"Yes" to, whom they self-refer themselves as the "intelligentisa"; a pack of snobbish two-
faced traitors who dominate our educational institutions and media. All day, every day they
follow their agendas to define-warp more precisely-the minds of Americans through our
"education system" and culture. All to expand and solidify their vision of a socialist America:
socialism being stealing what you have and earn for them to control… come to think of it,
we've had socialism for a long time in this country. They're the ones who force that socialist
agenda onto all the college educated professionals-who become America's manegerial class,
who then go along with whatever anti-Freedom pro-state agenda's passed for them to
enforce, because they've been trained to think that way.

*"Yes" to thieving, lying professional politicians and bureaucrats who either use flowery
language or coarse scare tactics to get your dumb ass to say "yes" to their incompetence,
their ever more restrictive rules, their power grabs, and their never ending quest for more of
your dollars. They're just men-scared little man sized children who rely on the state for their
living; couldn't make it in the real world if they had a trust fund they'd blow it in a year and
wind up on welfare or strung out on the streets selling sex for crack. But, because they had to
go and get a law degree they can take bolshe-shit and make it into our laws.
*"Yes" to fifth column agents and provocateurs who you know sabotage the causes you fight
for, yet are rewarded by your continued allegiance. (Cindy Sheehan, PLEASE TAKE NOTE!)
They could be that greasy haired loser who obnoxiously and repeatedly brings up suggestions
that are counterproductive, or just to disrupt your agenda. Worse, they could actually be
respected leaders running the organization-into the ground. It's done to divert your energies
away from being effective, to stem any populist threat to "them".

*"Yes" to every whim of a out of control police subculture that think itself above the
Citizenry, as they harass you under the law, taser you, plant evidence and "drop guns", even
murder you in cold blood. Meanwhile, the biggest criminals live in opulence deciding all of our
fates in the boardrooms and country clubs; people we're all conditioned to respect and
revere, touted as paragons of American society… when they're the ones who've hijacked this
country! And if you're a good street cop why do you tolerate the continued presence of dirty
cops on your force?!

*"Yes" to a pack of hairsprayed bible thumping liars and thieves who scare you with a dogma
of a death cult "christianity" designed to get you scared of a apocalypse without offering a
way out for mankind. There's a way out for you if you merely confess your sins and drop as
much money as you can in their offering plates; which they promptly spend on mansions,
bentleys, artwork, five thousand dollar tailored suits, and prostitutes and crystal meth on the
weekends. And they have the chuztpah to tell us to keep our genitals in our pants and say no
to drugs, and all those other worn assed slogans they spew.

"That's all true, but you say NO to those people you can lose everything."

Lose what? Your wage slavery? Your trinkets you sold yourself down the river for? Honestly,
you really need all that crap you see on TV? You get it, use it once or maybe three times then
chuck it into the garage with all the other crap you thought was cool. Say no to the wrong
person and you lose the ability to accumulate all that garbage that was supposed to salve
your pain at being exploited?

It's just stuff.

What do you really need? Clean air, good food, decent shelter from the elements, fulfilling
your heart's desires, sharing your love with someone mutually worthy, good friends, a
community that trades within itself, takes care of each other, a system of government who's
sole purpose is to guarantee our Freedom to get those necessities.

"Try saying NO to the government lately?"

It's because way too few have said NO to the government lately that defying those state-
lovers, thugs and other traitorous filth is so hard… on your own.

Rosa Parks said NO. Government made her pay the price of jail but that frail little African-
American woman had more guts, more courage than 99% of the chumps reading this-yeah, I'm
probably talking about you. A little old lady finally shamed a couple generations of African
Americans to stop letting themselves be treated as a bunch of slaves with a little more length
to their chains and some nicer clothes.(We're all still servants, but at least we have the
option of breaking free of this opulant slavery)

Cindy Sheehan's saying NO on a daily basis, and yes she's getting arrested for it. A grieving
mother, ostracized on national television on a daily basis, yet you still see her breathing, still
fighting for what's right. Cindy opened her eyes, saw the light and stop permitting herself to
being used as a propaganda tool for the powers-that-be… because not nearly enough
Americans say NO in the first place!

Yet you're a big, burly 'Murikan-land of the free, home of the brave. Why ain't you weighing
the true costs of your slavery. Why ain't you figuring out that there's strength in numbers and
convince your friends, neighbors and coworkers that if you UNITE and say NO, TOGETHER, and
be able to back up that NO, you can retake your Freedoms. And there's SO MUCH to say NO to!

How about that fiction of a prosperous lifestyle you're financing for the rest of your life?
You've read this far; if you really could afford that McMansion, that SUV, the mall shopping
you wouldn't have to drown in debt to do it. Get real! Sell that oversized house and get out of
that mortgage millstone. Sell all that crap you've got your garage or attic overflowing with
and unused and have a yard sale or e-bay it. Get a decent five year old car in good shape for
cash. Take that money and pay off your debts, reclaim your Freedom; say HELL NO to being a
debt slave!

Another thing you can say NO to: paying withholding on your wages-better yet, working a
slave wage job in the first place! How about harnessing you innate talents to support yourself-
that's how Mankind got along for at least five thousand years before the Industrial Revolution
chained us all to corporate jobs. And doing it all underground market style so there's no tax.

There's SOMETHING you want to do, a passion, a gift you have. And there's a way you can
make a living off that gift. Yes, wage slave, people actually still do what they want and
survive in this sorry era. You work as a mechanic, or carpenter or plumber; those skills are a
no-brainer for underground enterpenurialship. If you're artistic, you can market your creations
on the internet. Anyone can grow extra vegetables in their back yard, or use a old truck or
van to haul stuff and people around. If you have military training, you can start a protection
service or training academy.

Most of all, how about saying NO to having your beliefs shaped by others-like the traitors that
educate you, preach to you on those godawful religious programs? Don't let CNN and TBN give
you your thoughts and beliefs-think for yourself! You don't need Paul and Jan "ro-beast"
Crouch to find God-it's best you do that on your own… whatever your relationship between
you and the Almighty is, it can only be between you two! Quit wasting valuable time and
money on lying, hypocritical televangelists! Quit being a human bobblehead doll when you
watch O'Reily, or Deutshe, or Scarborogh. None of them would know what the truth was if
they ever tried to honestly present it. The only one who should be judging that is YOU.

That's saying NO for yourself, but there are many areas in life that are hard to say that to
alone-like wherever the state can make you pay for saying NO. For example, to have to ask
the government's permission to use YOUR PUBLIC ROADS YOU HAVE A RIGHT TO USE via a
license-which they use to categorize, track and control you? Hard, very hard for one person to
say NO to a badge heavy cop with the whole state backing him up.

So get backup of your own.

The state has tons of bullies working for it, and a bully is usually reliant on bluff-unless he
knows he can defeat you, and a lone person saying NO to him can be defeated. A group saying
NO, and able to back that NO up, presents problems for the state; the employment of large
amounts of force is bad publicity, unless they can successfully demonize you. Keep the
sheeple bolshe-shitted that "their government's looking out for them".

If however, you can get some real numbers; tens of thousands, preferably much more, to
stand with you and say NO in unison, then and only then can you defy the state. Getting
together, like about ten thousand brave people at a time, having a bonfire and chucking all
your ID's and license plates in that sucker would give all those self important buzzcut cops and
thieving, lying bureauCRAPS a NO they wouldn't forget! A Boston Tea Party for driver's
licenses, property taxes, or other stupid government permits by a sizeable portion of the
population will put the no-win situation on them for a change: relent with their anti-American
social controls or wage a civil war.

(IMPORTANT REMINDER: organizations are easily penetrated by enemy agents. Don't have one
big, top heavy org. directing the movement. Be a movement of Individuals-lead yourself!)

Which reminds me: if you're reading this, and are in "public service", there's a whole lot to say
NO to! Like, harassing common working class people, covering up for the richest who
systematically loot this country-with you their tools. Not so much as telling your superior NO,
but by actions, like being a lot less efficient about helping your asshole boss go after some
small businessman or other average American. Paperwork gets lost all the time, mistakes are
made typing information into a computer; systems do crash now and again. Also, perhaps that
guy who makes it his mission in life to zealously enforce every government edict? Perhaps it's
HIS TURN to come under government scrutiny for something or another.

Speaking of "public service" certainly, saying NO to selective service, volunteering for the
military, a draft. "What that's unpatriotic!" What's so patriotic about dying for some inbred
psychotic blueblood's war? The only call for armed forces is the protection of the nation and
it's freedoms from all enemies foreign and domestic, NOT for plundering the planet to
maintaining a lifestyle calculated to sucking up so many resources a policy of global
domination is mandatory to sustain it. If we're saying NO to feeding that stupid, wasteful
consumption there'd be no need for our military to be in other people's lands to safeguard our
thieving of their resources! We could live our lives in Freedom, and the rest of the planet
could be spared having their economies warped to service ours and keep them down. This is
another area where it's best for everyone to say NO, at once, whether getting hit up by that
recruiter, or on the front lines.

To accomplish any of this, the people you talk to have to go through the same wrenching
psychological and financial struggle to Freedom as you have, or will. The "American Dream" of
wasteful prosperity for working a corporate job for a pittance of your efforts has become the
chains of slavery. Our consumerism, that salve to ease the pain of not being the masters of
our own destiny, has been used by the power elite to economically enslave the rest of the
planet to meeting our shopping needs… As ironically our jobs are exported to them to make
the crap we buy-robbing us of our individual financial ability to survive.

It's falling apart, this system, and so the power elite will need a new paradigm to maintain
their control over the Human Race. That shall be World War III, which is scripted to cause the
nations of the world to destroy themselves waging for. The survivors of that war will be so
shell-shocked, so destitute they will say "yes" to whatever form of world government the
power elite will have for them. And it shall be a form of slavery that will close the book on
Human progress and civilization. A few families of inbred, psychotic bluebloods with way too
much time and money on their hands are going to blow up the planet and rule in it's ashes
because too many of you dumbasses can't see you're being hosed and say "yas suh boss" to
whatever they want.

On the other hand, picking up a rifle to defend yourself against some inbred psychotic
blueblood with way too much money, and his minions, that's one thing you should say YES to!
State's minions love their guns, and would love to be the only ones with guns; they don't like
their victims armed. They especially won't like a whole bunch of what they subtextually think
of as their "slaves" getting uppity to massah state. So getting one of those "evil assault rifles",
preferably a military pattern .308 they've been trying to ban because such weapons enable a
lone man to successfully defend himself against a onslaught of traitors and other criminals.

Get one at a gun show from a private seller, and actually shooting it, and learning the fine art
of rifle marksmanship is as mandatory a part of being able to say NO as having your loved
ones, friends, neighbors and coworkers join you. Rifle marksmanship is a suppressed subject
in America; the teaching of it used to be in our public schools! Now it's restricted to hardcore
shooting enthusiasts and the police/military-and even THEY get a watered down version of it,
lest too many disgruntled veterans who can honestly shoot join some future revolt. That's why
you on the "left" are driven to push for gun control!

How do you use a rifle? Well, rather than make this article about twenty pages long I'll just
refer you to a website: where you can begin your journey of regaining your
Freedom and claiming for yourself the full benefit of the power of saying NO!

Bolshe-shit-adaptation of "bullshit", the lies statists spout for people to go along with their
Freedom and property stealing agendas. Those that spout bolshe-shit are usually referred to
their superiors as "useful idiots". So check what you say to make sure you're not regurgetating
someone else's bolshe-shit.


J. Croft

Why'd you sign up, Soldier-

"-To defend America-you pinko piece of shit! You wouldn't have your Freedom to lip off with
your peacenik claptrap without REAL MEN like us putting on the uniform defending your
rights! Fuckin' Bush-hater."

First off, you'd never find me burning the flag-I love America too, which is why I write these
articles. You set out to fight for our Freedom by joining the armed forces. I set out to fight
for our Freedom by casting a light on the dark heart of our nation. And it is a dark heart that
our America has-like there are TWO Americas that are and always have been engaged in a
struggle for this nation:

*The America we all grew up with, which really exists as myth. The land of the free, home of
the brave. The land with a Constitution that was meant, at least,(1) to limit oppressive
government whether that be a foreign invader or homegrown and help secure our God Given
Freedoms. The land where as long as you don't hurt others you can do what you want, be who
you want to be. The land that strove to overcome it's horrible shortcomings to become in
reality the ideals expounded in the American ethos.

That's not the America you've been fighting for, Soldier.

*THIS America, the one you volutarily submitted to be transformed into a psychotic
automaton for is where your orders come from. This America is the back alley whore of the
ruling caste: the central banks, oil conglomerates, megacorporate arms merchants, and the
violent inbred psychotic bluebloods that pull all the strings. Your strings too, with their
headlock on America's culture and society, and the way they dress up their clapped out
prostitute of a nation with the trappings of the America we-and the rest of Earth-still cherish.
This America sells itself out to the rich and powerful every chance it gets. The results are all
around you; a People under the heel of millions of laws enforced by millions of lawyers. This
lawyer-made system of laws, regulations, taxes and enforcement without regard to justice
has stolen our Freedoms, our livelihoods, our money and soon the very food we eat… as this
country finishes self-destructing.

These are shocking words. Disconcerting words, that bring up some powerful defensive
reflexes in you right now. Yet these are things that must be talked about and talked about
now because your unquestioning loyalties to the U.S. Government's military is actually having
the effect of robbing us of our Freedom-

REMEMBER 9/11!!"

Heard of the "patriot act"? How do you defend Freedom by taking it away? And if the United
States government is adept at anything, it's taking people's Freedoms away. It's something
nearly everyone in government is trying to get onto for what seems like a authority turf
battle, with the turf being our Freedom.

The "war on terror"? Let's look at this war from a military standpoint, being a lifetime civilian
student and a Citizen-Rifleman.

…How do you wage war against a strategy? Some neoconservative sloganeer got confused right
before coming up with this retarded name for this war. Terrorism-the arbitrary use of military
power be it conventional or clandestine against random or selected civilian targets to force
societal and governmental change-terrorize those changes into being as a "lesser" of two evils.

Who uses the strategy and tactics of terrorism? Governments, clandestine groups, individuals.
The U.S. Government for example uses aspects of terrorism in it's warfighting strategy and
tactics, as well as in it's daily administrive and law enforcement activities.

Who is waging war against those that use terrorism? The United States Government, in a
worldwide campaign of conventional military invasions of Third World Islamic nations that
also, without a trace of mere coincidence, control vital oil interests in a time of peaking oil
production… according to the oil corporations that have a energy stranglehold on the global
economy. Oil dependency in a age of lower production isn't just a technological bitch; it's a
manufactured shortage that's a key component to our true enemy's domination of Mankind.

More on them below, but the point is: the "war on terror" is self-perpetualizing, because
America's leaders are sending you into these strategic Third World countries. What's

-First, you're either outraged over their barbarism, or that they might get their hands on
nuclear weapons. Well, in Afghanistan we left them on their own, permitting the CIA backed
Taliban to gain control. And Saddam Hussein was "our boy" for a quarter century; we even
sold the bastard chemical weapons with a handshake from your Secretary of Defense, Donald
Rumsfeld!(there's a pic of that)

All the generals and intelligence types knew for a fact that the Taliban were backwards
fundamentalists. They knew Saddam Hussein was a wannabe Stalin. They only became targets
at the ruling class leisure; the Taliban when they refused a lucrative oil pipeline contract
from western oil corporations, and Hussein when even he got tired of having Iraq used as
America's punching bag, threatened to convert it's oil sales from dollars to euros. Which is
part of the ruling elites domination of oil supply and the prop to America's financial economy.

So, that Al Qaeda, what in Arabic means the "toilet seat", is funded and set in place in
Afghanistan ahead of time. Clinton makes some deliberately half-assed cruise missile strikes
to not just distract from his impeachment scandals(which cover his higher treasons with
China) but also to as a institution piss you guys off for when your leaders are ready to unleash
you on whoever they label "terrorist".

-Then, with pretext and goal set, you guys are sent in… underequipped and manned for the
task needed, and with the wrong doctrine. Yes: our bombs, rockets, fighters and tanks are
awesome but you need troops, lots of them, for ground conquests. Or liberation if you still
want to believe that fairy tale. In neither Afghanistan or especially Iraq were nearly enough
of you Soldiers sent in. Worse, you're still burdened with worn and faulty weapons(thanks to
Clinton's drawdowns and the Pentagon's big boner for big weapons). Not enough body armor,
not enough ammo, a piece of shit rifle known as the M-16 that was made to jam up and shoot
a ineffectual round. The planning was faulty. The execution was made to fail-going into a
horrible duststorm and then have you sit still like targets for a full day for whatever the Iraqis
were thought to have.

Worst of all was after you won; any liberating force wanting to remain on the good side of a
very well armed populace would be wise to respect it's customs and ways of doing things
whenever practical, and to treat them respectfully, as Individuals and as a Nation.

Well, we sure as hell didn't do that in Iraq! After securing that sorry country's oil
infrastructure and intelligence files we let all the criminals go buck wild looting everything
from refrigerators to arsenals to the most heinous crime, the six millennia worth of
antiquities stolen in broad daylight-when a few of you Soldiers could've stopped that with a
show of force. The heritage of Sumer, the origins of much of Human Civilization-certainly the
West's-is now a mere memory.

This was a terrible slap in the face of the average Iraqi, who was expecting us to be
Liberators, not conquerors. Not criminals. But that slap in the face would be followed by
many rifle butts in the gut, boots on the neck, rifle barrels pressed in the heads of the Iraqis
we were led to believe we were "liberating". By you. Treating Iraqis like Americans-
conditioned by generations of TV to accept being hogtied, terrorized and beaten in order to
"protect and serve" at 3:00AM-when even Saddam's regime was more discreet… it was a recipe
for defeat.

Face facts: our criminal abuses, our bull in their china shop conquest was the catalyst to
setting off Iraqi resistance. Not merely Al Qaeda that moved in after Hussein was
deposed(Saddam hated Bin Ladin)-though that CIA supported pack of murderers has used Iraq
as a giant live fire training camp for their misguided "useful idiots".

Not merely that Saddam had used all that UN food for oil money to buy every RPG, AK, and
pack of C-4 explosive he could purchase in the world's arms markets.

Not merely that we fired the entire Iraqi army en masse without honoring any pay agreements
instead of using them as a transitory force to help stabilize a society we've waged war against
for over a decade.

Not merely that we ignored that Iraq is a tribal society and we could've saved a lot of lives if
we merely showed their tribal leaders the time of day.

Not merely that you Soldiers were given policing duties when you are trained killers on the
razor's edge and will shoot at anything.

Not merely that restoring basic infrastructure and a basic level of civilized living was put on
the back burner furthest back.

Not merely that you, the U.S. Soldier were sent in without a clue as to how to communicate
with the people you were obstensivley liberating, their customs, what they perceive as

It was all of these, together; a willful obtuseness, the simple-minded arrogance that we as
Americans have time and again shown as we've been directed by the powers-that-be, the
ruling elite, our true enemies to throw America's military weight around. In effect, WE in
every possible respect created the "problem"; that thug Hussein and his "Ernst joins the Army"
level of competence waging war against Iran and Kuwait. April Glaspie encouraging Hussein to
be the dupe to invade Kuwait-those asshole sheikhs slant drilling into Iraqi oil fields so
America's ruling elite can have a war to assert our effective control over the Middle East oil
fields. And after the atrocity of 9/11 WE have been used to solidify control over half the
world's currently exploited oil sources.

We've been used, and will continue to be used for world conquest.

"That doesn't matter! We gotta wage this war on terror to secure the homeland, no matter
the cost! REMEMBER 9/11!"

I remember September 11, 2001; the day America died as the internet writer John Kaminski
rightly put it. I still remember waking up, turning on the TV… seeing the live footage as one of
the World Trade Center towers burned from a hit by a jumbo jet. I remember thinking "this is
some kind of movie made up as a live telecast"-but at 9 AM?

Then the second plane hit-and then there was no doubt this was a military strike.

I remember pacing back and forth with a fury like I've never quite felt before, keeping in
mind where my rifle and ammo were, like some knee jerk survival reflex. Like I was going to
encounter some "muslim terrorist" on my own streets, as that was what this attack was
attributed to.

…And then I started seeing the contrivances, the very visible flaws in what I was being

First, how do two subsonic passenger jets elude the United States Air Force-both NORAD
complex and the various Fighter Wings along the Eastern Seaboard for over a hour-flying
peculiarly zig-zagging courses throughout New York, Pennsylvania, and Ohio? How does a
Boeing 757 outrun a mach 2+ F-15? (Later it was revealed that NORAD was running a large
series of hijack scenarios that very morning-so how would Muslims terrorists possibly know
about them to time their supposed attack? Aren't such exercises kept secret?)

Then the towers started to fall. I remember the live coverage; audio reports of explosions
near the base of each tower. The massive amount of dust and debris generated up and down
the towers. The way each building fell into it's own "footprint" as it collapsed-and so fast! So
neat! So very much like a demolition…

…Yet those towers are modern skyscrapers, specifically designed to withstand fire, jumbo jets
colliding into them. The jet fuel fires were beginning to taper off, with not a chance in hell of
even beginning to melt the 47 steel columns. There's even a photo available on the internet-
there's a woman standing at the very edge of the hole where one of the jets went in-ALIVE!
The fires that were in the uppermost section of the tower-yet massive amounts of debris
started to erupt from the base of each tower like a volcanic eruption.
If Osama Bin Ladin and Al Qaeda were behind the attack, why the low loss of life? Why not
make each tower tip over into lower Manhatten, get the maximum amount of death and
destruction-supposedly they managed to elude the world's best air defense network with a
handful of passenger jets for over a hour, made the towers fall neatly as if demolitioned. And
those towers were made to withstand jet plane crashes.


…Why such a low payoff? Why crash that third jet into a section of the Pentagon that was
being refurbished, that wasn't being used?

If Osama Bin Ladin and Al Qaeda were behind the attack… no-Muslim terrorists couldn't
possibly be behind the attack. They'd have had to have insiders-high level traitors in the U.S.
Military-to arrange air drills on the day of their attack, or time their attack to the secret

They'd have had needed the most brilliant demolitions and metallurgical experts ever born-to
execute a relatively neat demolition of the twin towers, not have those towers topple to the
sides, potentially killing many thousands more… why not make those towers topple?

Explain WTC 7 being demolitioned in the same manner as the twin towers-with no airplane
strike, a minor dying fire-falling into itself demolition style virtually at the speed of free fall,
a feat that as you've read only professional demolition experts have the knowledge and
MOTIVATION of doing.

Explain Israelis videotaping and cheering as the World Trade Center was destroyed. Israelis-
not Muslims? Explain how the Israelis time and again on 9/11, the Jordan bombings, the
London bombings and other events-that they alone get the word not to be in a certain place
at a certain time of terrorist events.

Explain how the state of Israel has been the net benefactor of 9/11 and the wars against
Afghanistan and Iraq as they hide behind terrorism and the holocaust as they perpretrate
their own genocide against Palestinians-men, women, children, whole villages.

And then, listening to the news broadcasters-the ready made phrases, the ready glitzy
graphics, the entire ready-made new language of the post 9/11 paradigm trotted out at once
that day, to instantly brand it after the shock and awe of the, let's get it out, staged terror

Staged, to scare and bludgeon Americans into accepting their country's role as imperial ogre-
to wage that "war on terror"(funny how the media had those buzz phrases ready that day).
And a lot of you mind conditioned, power loving Soldiers are willing to go along with it. I
know personally because that night, I was at a bar. Across from me was a soldier-Ranger he
told me he was. Short, squat, buzzcut blonde dude-and the only happy dude in the entire bar,
grinning at the coverage and everyone's reaction like it was fucking x-mas for him.

I guess it would be if you considered your ideal x-mas to be let loosed onto the world for
imperial glory. I swear, the dude was about to bust a nut, knowing he was going to be turned
loose on the world under the cover of this "war on terror". He bragged about the prowess of
Americans at warfare(undeniable). I'll give you a quote of his: "hell, we're worse than the

He went on… with that knowing tone of someone on the inside of a crime who's just gotta
brag. "Yep, things are gonna change. We're going to have to learn to live with fewer rights",
"lower standard of living". Being me I forcefully disagreed… yet he proved right-no, on the
inside knowing of things. The "patriot acts", "homeland security".

That man is a traitor, and anyone-particularly you, Soldier-who agrees with him out of lust for
power or fear is a traitor too.

"That ain't me, Dude. I signed up to defend America and our Freedom no matter what my
bosses say or do!"

You still say you defend Freedom? Historically, government forces-in particular, ours in the
"land of the free"- have been used to crush dissent-using terrorism as a key part of it's
warfighting doctrine. Yes: despite the hype, American government has caused more than it's
share of suffering. A few historic examples:

*Whiskey Rebellion-Western PA farmers got tired of the federal government's brutal taxation
of their liquid corn-based products… they'd fought and won a revolution against England for
such a thing. So those farmers started shooting government tax agents and burning their
offices. George Washington, President at the time, personally led a 30,000 man army into the
Pennsylvanian hills to crush the populist revolt. A trivia note: our founding father had
thousands of acres of estate in the area, so he probably had a personal interest in securing his
property. He DID own slaves to the time of his death, y'know.

*Civil War-Now I know we're all told it was fought over slavery. In fact, the slavery issue was a
underlying cause; the thing that actually tore America apart was the old "who's in charge"
issue. Black suffering was just being used as a excuse for war and war profiteering. The
Southern States wanted no interference from the federal government in it's internal matters-
as sordid as they were. The leaders North, whipped into a anti-slavery fervor by hypocritical
abolitionists who shut their eyes at Yankee versions of human servitude.

Yes: blacks were kept as slaves in northern states, but also children who were enslaved by the
northern versions of plantation owners in factories that maimed and murdered them. Pushing
the South to revolt over state's rights became the excuse to get the government to spend
billions of dollars raising and equipping a "Union" army. War is a racket(2). The free the slaves
goal was only brought up to keep the North fighting the qualitatively superior Confederate
Army until they were overwhelmed by coastal blockade, their own lack of industry pitted
against the North's much greater industrial base and manpower reserves. The Union army tore
the South apart, sparing no one the horrors of war-like Al Qaeda terrorists wished they could!
Lincoln himself stated that if could've avoided freeing the slaves to win the war he would've.
Look at the end products: the federal government became all-powerful, the South crushed,
the Blacks got Jim Crow, and all kinds of eastern establishment arms merchants got really
really rich. The slaves needed freedom, yes-but ALL the slaves needed freedom. This issue
didn't need a civil war that wound up enslaving us all to a rapacious beast of a government.

*Indian Wars-200 years of the government practicing eminent domain on the original owners
of America for the rich. If our ancestors really DID believe their propaganda, at the end of the
American Revolution the slaves and indentured servants would have been freed. And the
Native American Tribes would have been offered a chance to join the United States-not be
destroyed. Yet most of them love America as much as you or I. Amazing the power of the
ideal of America. Amazing how people still mistakenly assume the ideal of America
synonymous with the United States government.


*Bonus Army Riot-Middle of the Great Depression Americans were literally starving. Thousands
of desperate World War One vets and their families made a gigantic Hooverville in
Washington. A Hooverville was that era's term for a encampment of homeless. Again, these
folks weren't crack fiends or bums, they were hardworking folks who got squeezed by elitist-
generated economic forces… same ones threatening us all today.

So what did Herbert Hoover do? Sent in those American heroes Eisenhower, MacArthur and
Patton, who sent in cavalry and tanks and broke up their peaceful marches, burned their
camps and murdered them and their families. Would it have been too hard to simply convert
their bonuses-due in 1945-into some kind of note they could each sell at a discount? Near
unknown bit of history, our Tianamen Square helped kick Hoover out and bring in FDR… who
all but made the United States of America into a form of communist state with all his federal
expansion, his THEFT of our individually owned gold, and most of all, his DELIBERATE
SACRIFICE of 3,000 AMERICAN SOLDIERS to get us into World War Two-a war his eastern
establishment buddies(Prescott Bush prominent, Dubya's granddad) set up by financing the
Nazis into power into Germany after crushing that nation in World War One and the 20's. Not
to mention, pissing off the Japs by threatening their nation's destruction by a oil embargo.

Off on a tangent-no! History is interrelated, events spin off to bring on better, or worse
events-all by our standing up for principle or taking the easy way out and going along with the
powers-that-be. Safe for us, until our acquiescence comes back to exact it's price when it's
OUR TURN to be sacrificed.

*Waco-1993, a criminal, unchecked branch of the federal government known as the ATF
staged a showy, over the top raid on some sorry countryside church and their off the beaten
path leader… which in their utter lack of regard for Constitutional Rights by trying to murder
them with heavy automatic weapons fire they bungled. So they called in the pros at the FBI,
who got a hold of some military hardware-including tanks-which they used to burn that
church and poison gas 83 men, women and children. A tragic mistake? No way-another
example of federal government expanding it's perceived mandate to crush all-now it'll be
mainstream America's turn. What our rulers like to call "flyover country".

*Hurricane Katrina-2005, the worst natural disaster to hit America yet makes a desolation of
the Gulf Coast and New Orleans. While all the "rednecks" as they're demonized daily by the
ruling class' owned media lost everything, the People of the Big Easy got it much worse. See,
being so poor they can barely keep up with rent they didn't have the resources to evacuate.
The city did; hundreds of school buses they just let lay in their depots to be ruined when the
levees broke. We'll never know how many thousands died from the storm itself-just as well as
the ruling elite still thinks of these people as "niggers". They think that of all of us, even you

That was just the beginning of their suffering. Anyone not deliberately keeping his head
ducked in the sand remembers what happened: the long lines, the endless waiting to get into
the Superdome/shelter only to be searched like common criminals. The inadequete resources
made available to them. New Orleans bungled preparations, generations of poverty, crime,
and welfare slavery combined with Hurricane Katrina to make a human catastrophe of death
and suffering Americans haven't been exposed to in living memory, but the perfect storm
wasn't made until the Federal Government comes into play.

Or, lack of play, as the Federal Emergency Management Authority threw it's bureaucratic
weight around like a sumo wrestler to… stop all effort at rescuing the People of New Orleans.
They stopped convoys of relief thrown together by folks from all walks of American life
"because they weren't FEMA approved". They threw every conceivable bit of red tape at
efforts to evacuate people from what became the world's largest open air toilet. So what WAS
"approved" as relief?

How about buzzing around in helicopters over the heads of American Citizens slowly dying,
not even dropping a few pallets of bottled water or emergency rations until the outrage over
the live TV coverage threatened to begin civil unrest and Citizen resistance.

How about letting neighboring racist Parish authorities set up roadblocks and send refugees
back to the hell that New Orleans became at the muzzles of their shotguns.

How about making a Potempkin Village of relief activity for George W. Bush, miles away from
the real crime scene so as to keep him bullshitting the government miseducated and TV
hypnotized American People.

How about sending in the fabled 82nd Airborne along with state and federal SWAT and
FOREIGN MERCENARIES to transform the shattered city into a federally operated police state-
with those goons swaggering around with automatic weapons to disarm our fellow
countrymen-so they could be forcibly evicted even from areas not flooded.

How about plans to use eminent domain and tax forfeiture laws to rob the People of New
Orleans of their property after they were forcibly evicted.

There, even America's history makes your short-sighted assertion that you're "defending
Freedom" a delusion. The America that's the empire you serve isn't the America that's been
victimized by empire.

And for the record I'm not so much a Bush-hater as I think he'd be better qualified as say, a
bartender at a sports bar picking up the slower shifts. Frankly I'm glad I not in his shoes;
dancing a proverbial razor wire tightrope suspended above a fiery pit. One wrong move either
sending the planet into a maelstrom of thermonuclear hellfire, or himself being introduced to
the kind of hellfire in the hereafter-after getting "Kennedy-ed"(3) for not following the game
plan. I DO hate the traitorous trash around him though: they're the terrorists who executed
9/11and it's aftermath. There's nobody else on Earth who couldve pulled it off.

So, I'll ask a question: Why DID you become a soldier again?

To endure months of humiliation, stress and behavioral modification designed to instill the
basic programming of a modern US soldier-ideally to the Pentagon a expendable pawn, a
human shaped meat robot that does whatever they're told without question. Knowing the
above, and that the government in it's various local, state and federal incarnations take half
of your income and subject you to the most extensive, the most pernicious and diabolical
code of "law" ever conceived, WHY DID YOU SIGN UP? You still wanna say "Patriotism"-to
serving the beast in Freedom's clothes: to go to foreign lands, kill without remorse, without

"-They're America's enemies! We gotta go in there and take them out before they do it to us!
Besides, it's our orders!"

Who cuts your orders again?

Your generals, your elected representatives, the bureaucratic machinery of the government?
Not really, they're all of a caste secretly getting their orders from others much more
powerful. They're American ruling caste, the "eastern establishment"; old money, who have
whole buildings named after them, whose wealth is hidden under innumerable corporations,
foundations and trusts, who uses that wealth to buy power by pimping all the lawyers,
bureaucrats, elected representatives-and yes, the generals.

They are my true enemy, your true enemy, the true enemy of all Mankind who spend their
lives plotting to take more and more from everyone else. They belong in such societies as the
Masons, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, the Royal Institute of
International Affairs-the most powerful of them belong to a much more secretive order known
as the Pilgrim Society.(4)

On the other hand, you my fellow countryman and I belong to the working caste; we wear our
names on our workshirts and do all the grunt work, and are supposed to believe the ruling
caste's propaganda that we're all equal under the law. The ruling caste can't manage us
themselves, couldn't stand the thought of them and us being equal so they take the most
pliable of their slaves(that's what we are to them) and promote them to the managerial
caste: lawyers, politicians, generals, bureaucrats, cops and soldiers.


And you Soldier, you see your superiors, the managerial toadies, those generals and
politicians, stand and wave American flags of Chinese manufacture as they spout their
treasonous crap-so you JUST GOT to bob your fool head in agreement with whatever the hell
those traitors have to say. All they have to do is drape themselves in the flag and the America
we were brought up with. Next thing, you're flying overhead your fellow Americans in
blackhawk helicoptors denying them relief in their flooded city. Or maybe you're on the
ground backing up thug cops as they tackle down 90 year old women for actually taking the
Bill of Rights at face value, and having a mere revolver for defense against gangbangers and
other low level criminals.

Low level criminals the ruling class has seen fit to cultivate the past half century through
more laws and worsening economic and social conditions so that the great herd of mainstream
America will accept the loss of everything they should hold dear for some perceived "safety".
The "safety" of slavery. The "safety" of not having guarantees against government theft of
your property, of your Rights to Free Speech, Free Assembly, your Arms, to not be detained
without cause or inquiry, or be tortured while detained.

If you're in uniform to defend America, why do you go unquestioningly along with policies and
orders that you know betray our nation and our people-AND YOU? Does wielding the might of
the U.S. Military trump doing the right thing? You really won't stand against tyranny in your
own "homeland" but you have the gall to say you'll go anywhere else on Earth to take out
some third rate Third World thugs?

"I can't say no, I'll lose my job!"

What, you don't want to lose your job? Face court martial, a dishonorable discharge for
disobeying orders that go against Americans and their Freedoms? Lose the privilege of
continuing your service to the beast as a cop or a private contractor-a fucking mercenary?!
Are you going to shoot your fellow Americans like some of you do Iraqi children? I do recall
the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina: at least one of you stated you would if your fellow
countrymen didn't surrender their own arms. Shoot them for being desperate for food? Shoot
them for wanting to defend themselves and theirs against criminals-whether of the street
variety, or minions of a ever-rapacious government?

You're not afraid of losing your job that much are you? Afraid of not being able to qualify for
debt slave loans for overpriced housing? Overpriced gas-guzzling SUV land yachts you can't
even drive safely? 25% annual percentage credit cards to fill your overpriced house with
shoddy made in China crap that'll either break in a year or sit in your garage collecting dust
because it really was another stupid gimmick toy you fell for?

Then kick back, physically and mentally exhausted and let yourself be hypnotized by that god
you really worship, the TV set-that electronic narcotic that you let do all your thinking for
you? Sells the very crap you waste your money on? That electronic narcotic who's content is
produced by the very ruling class, the very violent, psychotic, inbred, retarded bluebloods
who want you-American Soldier-to not question why you let yourself watch all that crap assed

That PROGRAMMING of YOU that gets you to just let the politicians worry about the politics.
The politics that get you to use what money you have after having half of it stolen right out of
your paycheck by the very government that owns your ass, gets you to blow that too hard
earned for cash on spending sprees and debt slavery that help prop up a artifice of prosperity.

A artifice of prosperity built on you being a foolish slave to consumermism and debt payments
that create demand. Demand and cash flow the ruling class uses to take over the Third World,
reduce those peoples to slaving away for a buck a day as their country's looted of it's
resources and future-just to shod your feet in the latest sneakers, because LeBron James or
Christina Aguilera hocks them?

That the kind of "freedom" you defend?

"You can't fight city hall, and you certainly can't fight the pentagon! Who else am I gonna
convince to take a stand? All this empty talk about fighting for rights and principles…"

No, you can't do it alone.

So join with others. Individuals start revolutions-groups finish them!

You can start, in private, with others in your unit-at least get a consensus of general principal
that you're all being used. Keep your own survival in mind at all times, going out like Michael
New should be a last resort. And mind who you talk to-keep away from the brown nosers and
other snitches who'd be happy to wreck your life to get that extra chevron or star on their

On missions, as individuals helpless against a all-powerful military you must walk a fine line
between conscience and what those traitors in command call "duty". Because those bastards
want you to kill, destroy and terrorize other peoples. Create enemies, conflict, wars for them
to get the government to buy more weapons, take over and monopolize vital resources, keep
the entire Human Race at each others throats as they profit.

It is vital that you show them by your conduct that you're Americans, not the U.S.
government. Represent our America. Fight: every moment, every action you take counts.
Educate those you serve with. Figure out more loopholes by which you can make a stand, or
at least make the burden of empire on everyone easier.

And… if… you can turn your unit reach out to other like-minded individuals. Get your people
higher up in command and get yourselves reassigned to other units so that you can continue
to reach out to others.

Be very careful whom you try to reach out to. Snitches and other people of low character
abound-we were brought up that way, y'know.

When you're discharged, likely you will become a police officer-continuing your role in the
other America's "enforcer caste". I have a whole other message for them called "Message to
the Police Officer", and Second Message to the Police Officer" at my blog, Basically, the whole "cop culture" has to be changed; you cannot
"serve and protect" people you think you're superior to. The superiority complex, the
government and cultural reinforcement of that complex with privileges and a deceptive image
portrayed by media, it's serving to transform America's cops into the overseers of a fascist

Help others with their efforts to regain Freedom, as they're being misdirected, sabotaged, or
plain stopped in their tracks by the enemy. Your fight doesn't end when you take off the
uniform for the last time-it just morphs.

There are union workers-patriotic citizens just like you-who are being economically
pulverized by the empire, and their own sold out leadership.

There are civil rights organizations desperately trying to keep our Freedoms, defend those
brave enough to directly challenge the beast or otherwise victimized by it.

There are local elections in your own hometown; you can run for office and then with others
use that local government to resist as best possible tyranny-maybe even take Freedom back.
All politics is local, and having you a Soldier go in and clean up city hall; repealing regulations
and taxes(especially the property tax that has robbed Americans of their homes)!

Third party political organizations need your participation, your dedication and skills. Left,
right, somewhere off that false dichotomy; look for and recruit those honestly wanting
Keep up with your physical fitness, your marksmanship, your training. Train others. Organize
three or four man groups to make peaceful change and share self-sufficiency knowledge with.
Alone, you're as scared and dependent as any other brainwashed person in this twisted
society-stand together and your strength is far greater than the sum of your numbers.

Start a shooting club and get some land for a range and some rifles-use a anonymous legal
entity or a person you keep unconnected from your cell for the land and corporation and get
your guns and ammo at gun shows through private sales and cash. Because a nation of
Individual Riflemen saying NO to being slaves is the greatest threat the ruling elites fear. A
lone man skilled making his rounds count with a semi-automatic battle rifle in rapid fire can
engage and defeat a squad of thugs. A community skilled with the rifle, self sufficient, saying
no to government and corporate slavery can change history. I talk a lot more about this with
my (admittedly long) article, "Message to Mr. and Mrs. America" at

There's a website for the proper rifle training you'll need as, unless you were in the Marine
Corps you didn't get it:

Eventually, stronger actions will need to be taken-because the ruling class has plans for the
U.S. military; engage the rest of the world in a destructive world war. The only possible
defense against that with "our leaders" is to do what the British, French and German soldiers
did on Christmas Day, 1914.

Those troops, classically educated, working class products of imperial Europe had been
fighting in muddy, disease, lice and rat infested trenches for the past four months, living,
fighting and dying amongst their own dead, sent headlong into suicidal frontal charges against
interlocking machinegun fire and massive artillery fire.

So Christmas Day comes around. Everyone wants to celebrate Jesus' birth but the same breed
of inbred psychotic sociopathic bluebloods who got Europe to killing each other over one of
their own wants the killing to go on.

The soldiers started refusing.

First as individuals, making gestures. Then those individuals started to meet each other in No
Man's Land and talk. And trade. And celebrate the holiday. Whole units followed, and soon
the entire western front was shut down!

For the generals, politicians and royalty this was a affront! How dare their slave stop killing
each other! Worse, talk was rapidly spreading of stopping the war on their own.

Heads had to roll. Examples made-and they were.

See, the Europeans had had enough horror to stop fighting, but they lacked that cultural
aspect we have-rebelling against leaders. The generals made some arbitrary examples, the
Europeans caved in against a few lackeys of the murdering motherfuckers who started that
war… and spent the next four years charging in suicidal human wave attacks against
interlocking machinegun fire and massed artillery barrages.

We have to do better. We can't afford to buckle under like they did. It's hard making the
adjustment of viewing all those terrorist "ragheads" as being victims, but if you STILL haven't
gotten the gist of this article, so are you! We as a race, the Human Race can only survive and
overcome the genocidal plans of the ruling elites-the Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, DuPonts,
Vanderbilts, Windsors, Foleys, Bushs, and all the other interlocking and interrelated old
money violent inbred psychotic bluebloods-if we stand together and say NO MORE FIGHTING

So which America will you represent? Which one shall you fight for?

Decide now and steel yourself for the consequences of promoting "subversive ideologies",
"aiding and abetting the 'enemy'", "insubordination" and "mutiny". Because it's going to take
teaching others about their God Given Rights enshrined in the ten amendments of the Bill of
Rights to get them to want something better than some elitist's "new world order" of feudal

It's going to take giving heads up on treasonous plans to those in this struggle for Our America.

It's going to take standing by the side of those you'd normally wouldn't because we've all been
duped into arguing over the smaller issues.

It's going to take overcoming all our petty prejudices-class, race, culture.

It's going to take learning from others everything we can-down to the very basics of survival.

It's going to take seeing yourself not as a soldier, but as a American, a Human Being and
asserting YOUR RIGHTS.

(1)Order from the book by Mr. Ken Royce (Boston T. Party)Hologram of
Liberty about the elitist origins of the 1787 U.S. Constitution; how it was hustled into
becoming the law of the land by eastern establishment types of that era, and how it was so
cleverly designed to unfurl the hydra headed oppressive federal government we have today.

(2) Smedly Butler, War is a Racket. No pinko peacenik, this Marine Corps General spent his
career making the world safe for American Corporations by blasting beaners, chinks, crackers,
coons and other poor riff-raff. He was even tapped by certain rich folk during the depression
to stage a coup to replace Roosevelt's communist socialism with their more fascist brand of
socialism… Butler refused.
(3) Kennedy-ed: my term for presidential assassination staged as sacrificial ritual for those
foolhardy for making a frontal assault on the powers-that-be unprepared. Usually held on a
numerologically significant date, at a symbolically important place, important time, two or
three shooters and backup. And a nosepick patsy given credence for the event-supposedly
with a wop piece of junk "rifle" with a defective scope. Whose assassinated himself by another
deluded dope.

(4)Go to, then to the archives. Find the articles by Charles Savoie: World
Money Power, World Money Power II, World Money Power III. It's these articles that I believe
expose the ancient center of power that have dominated, exploited and harvested Man in
endless series of financial and social manipulations-the most cruel yet profitable to those
bastards being war. It's what you signed up for, Soldier!


J. Croft

Have you ever noticed that America is scizophrenic-of two minds, two ideals, two ideologies
that contradict? How much American rhetoric doesn't match up with American actions?

Notice how there are so many laws in what's sold to the world as the "land of the free?"
Speaking of that slogan, it's ironic how many dictators we support as "allies", isn't it?

We protect our freedoms by letting them be taken away. We secure our country by waging
war against others, and leaving our borders unguarded, selling our ports to foreigners. We let
"free trade" be promoted for the richest, while letting more and more taxes and regulation,
and a inflationary imbalance choke and kill the dreams of all Americans as we're priced out of
competitiveness with the rest of the world. We let the government "promote the General
Welfare"-as is it's charge in the U.S. Constitution-by letting it clandestinely ship in drugs with
one branch, as proven by Terry Reed and Michael Levine(1), and then waging a "war on drugs"
that locks otherwise peaceful citizens for possession of some pot. Degrading them and
warping them into more criminals by a prison system designed to spawn more crime, more
fear, more pressure for more laws and more government authority, more power... which they
turn around and DON'T use when honest disasters like Hurricane Katrina hit.

We think we're free, yet we cower in the face of abusive authority that seeks more power and
more people to label as "criminals so they can ticket and taser and shoot at and lock up. We
think we're prosperous, yet we tremble in fear of losing our slave wage job and joining the
ever-growing ranks of the damned known as the homeless. We engage in cowardly double-
think to keep ourselves in line with "mainstream though"-as we lose our nation.

How can we be so warped about ourselves and our nation? How can Americans embrace such
diametrically opposite concepts simultaniously? Are we as a people scizophrenic? Is Freedom
scizophrenic-no, that can't be it!

It's something else, something far more insidious.

There are two Americas.

There's the America most of you reading this actually believed in-or still believe in. That
America is the fabled "land of the free, home of the brave".

That America was founded on the principles of Freedom, limited authority, a free hand to
make your own destiny in this life with what talent and smarts you were able or willing to
bring forth from yourself, on a legal, social and economic level playing field. That America
was the place where your individual beliefs were respected, was where anyone from
anywhere could come and start over with the same opportunities as a person born here from
a family going back ten generations.

That America was a land and people who had a limited, representative government that
guarded them and their Freedom, and more importantly, was held in check by a document
known as the Constitution, that enshrined an article called the Bill of Rights-which didn't
deliniate individual rights so much as made boudaries beyond which the government could not

Now reading that, think; do you live in this America?

No. You, me-we all live in a different America.

This America, in reality a kind of federal empire, drapes itself in the trappings of the America
we were all taught was the way this nation was as a form of ideological disguise. We were
lied to. This America, the fabled "land of the free, home of the brave", uses that quote as a
slogan, a sugar coating on the many poison pills of lawyer-made laws, regulations, taxes,
fines, agencies, and the corrupt ruling class that wields all that power for its own good.

In this America, Freedom is a sugar coated lie to get us to accept the many political and
social controls imposed upon us. This America's ideal of "freedom" is actually license-for
example do you freely own and operate your automobile without government approval and
permission? No? Then explain that chain of slavery known as your driver's license-you applied
to a government agency for PERMISSION to drive, when nothing physically stops you from
hopping into your car and driving safely anyway. Explain the vast bureaucracy that cloaks
itself in "public safety" yet has the effect of taxing permission, taxing even harmless driving
habits, even so far as taxing the condition of your vehicle in some areas-and I'm not talking
busted headlights, I'm talking about having just a little rust-and you get fined!(Someone
actually snapped and killed two cops over this-google "Carl Drega"... the state is becoming
overbearing in it's arrogance and reach)

You also don't have Freedom of Assembly; go to a church and it's a 501(c)3 incorporation
under IRS rules that PERMIT it to operate without paying taxes in exchange for the church's
keeping quiet on the real important issues of the day. Keep going on about personal sin and
pumping the myths that the America we believe in is the America we live in, and you can rake
in all the tithes you want. Rail about government abuses, and the IRS will bust a audit-like
what happened to a "liberal" Californian church last year when they criticized the war.

Plan a protest? State doesn't recognize your 1st Ammendment Rights: gotta get a PERMIT or
you'll be labeled a riot, and have troops have a gay ol' time pepper spraying and caving your
head in with their nightsticks.

Want to get together in private and work toward peaceful, positive change? One paid snitch
lying under oath is all it takes, and the government will come down on you under anti-terror
laws, say you're "conspiring".

Need to protect your person against the outlaw class the government's cultivated through free
trade econmics and barely covert racism over the past half-century to terrify you into
accepting more overt control and restrictions? Depending on where you live, who you know,
you likely have to get a PERMIT...PERMISSION from the government to exercise your RIGHT.
...Depending on where you live, GETTING CAUGHT carrying a gun makes YOU a criminal too.
And trust me, those government minions you come across in those types of jurisdictions are as
small minded, as greedy, as ruthless and without a moral compass as the government
manufactured street trash they deal with. A peacable "productive citizen" is nothing more
than another bust, another conviction.

Want more examples on how your Freedom's a nice myth meant to keep you pacified? No-too
bad; your Fourth Ammendment Right to protection from "unreasonable" search and seizure
has been reasoned out of effective usage by a federal government that reasons it can keep
taking more of our rights so long as it's non government partners in the media and big business
can keep us plied in cheap Chinese goods gotten by cheap enslaving credit. Yes-the very
credit you put your ass into lifetime debt slavery for, congragulations on that brand new blow
up playset your materially spoiled, emotionally neglected kids will use maybe three times. So
enjoy your borrowed junk before the government "reasons" an excuse to raid your home and
trash the place.

( Speaking of money-it's supposed to be silver and gold specie-coinage, and notes redeemable
in precious metals. Since 1913 it's been "federal reserve notes"-issued by a nongovernment
organization you think is the government's central bank. It's privately owned by the inbred
elites that've run this country and they've made a 1913 dollar worth FIVE CENTS as of my
writing this in 2006 by overprinting dollars-that's why everything keeps going up in price!)

Same principle with the Fifth Ammendment-the one you hear those nasty criminals on the
hundred TV cop shows the media puts out use to duck the righteous street cop's interrogation.
Make it the province of scumbags and bullshit us with the state-lover's principle that "if you
have nothing to hide you have nothing to worry about". DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY OTHERWISE

What has your encounters with the police, agents and other bureaucrats been like? Danny
Glover(Lethal Weapon) pull you over just to tell you to fix that taillight that just went out
before some no life having prick with too much authority and a gun ruins your day and your
meager budget with a court appearance and fines?

Kim Delaney(NYPD Blue) ever conduct self-defense training courses, because the cops can't or
won't come to your aid in time-like someone can't pull a trigger before you dial 911... like Mel
Gibson's(Lethal Weapon, again) gonna come out of that phone speaker like Alladin out of a
lamp, guns blazing?

Stephanie March(Conviction)gets your case-y'know the one where a bureaucratic busybody's

seizing your house because you're on land some eco-geek's called a "wetland"-and decides to
prosecute the liar who proclaimed your dry, grassland backyard instead?

Craig T. Nelson(The District)decide to stop police harrasment of people forced to live on the
street-without real jobs they can live on, homes, drug detoxification, help them find a reason
to go on, hope?

Michael Chiklis(The Shield)operate a table at a gun show selling privately owned firearms
under the table to a nation in desperate need of the means of self-protection enshrined in the
Second Ammendent?

More than likely, no.

Most people in government, they learn to live with the yoke of federal tyranny they're
mandated to enforce-it's their power. Many of them are of such small minds they to love the
power trip, the open display of guns in a nation that's been programmed to surrender their
own right to bear arms for self-protection. The worst of them commit their own crimes-theft,
drug dealing, rape, murder; they are the ones most likely to be promoted.

Promoted by criminals in three piece suits, known as career politicians.

These criminals in three piece suits unfortunately operate not a Constitutionally limited
government, but a hydra-headed monster of a government that masquerades itself as many
federal, state and local institutions. This monster's tentacles never stop reaching for more
power, more authority, more of YOUR MONEY AND LIFE'S WORK, seizing it and stealing it from
YOU! In fact, this monstrous federal government's reach into our lives is so pervasive, so
overwhelming, only the largest of corporations can operate in the country with any degree of

At the pinnacles of power there is a small group of inbred elitists who regularly go back and
forth from private life as CEO's and Directors in the corporate boardrooms to positions of
power in government. They are greedy and corrupt beyond description, and have
perpretrated literally every act of treason against us-and gotten away with it. You need a
visual on this go to and you'll see this is fact!

You want power, that so-called good life? You either have to be born in the right family, or
know somebody-"it's not what you know it's who you know" as a insider once told me at a
chance encounter at a bar. This piece of shit with too much money and power was about 35,
dressed like a frat boy, and exuded a self assurance and confidence that told of a person
who's always had their way. He breezily talked about him being in this bar in this suburb in
this nowhere town because he had a swearing in ceremony the next morning-after that, all he
had to do was produce a signature and it would be used as a license for some kind of niggling
bureaucratic license. This walking, talking elitist filth told how his family "in politics since the
the Revolution" went further, stating he'd next get a congressional seat in a few years. So I
asked him about getting voted out of his "destined seat" by competitors, and he said it doesn't
matter, he'd get it.

"Well," I asked, "what if some Ross Perot type runs against you, with a billion dollars?"

"Doesn't matter. We'd outspend him. ...It isn't what you know, it's who you know." And then
the rat bastard tells me not to be "cynical", to "have faith in 'your' leaders".

The entire political system's rigged like this folks. Get anywhere beyond a village council seat,
and you gotta be accepted by "insiders" who own the game. For all practical purposes, in this
country, if you don't go along with the way things are, you'll lose. And if you do win
somewhow, because we have a federal, republic form of govenrment there are all kinds of
checks to you doing any reform, all sorts of ways you can be corrupted and compromised...
and if you still prove to be a danger, do a seance of JFK-ask him what the elites of this
country do to reformers. Go to Go to Start reading up on how these
"elites" really are-you'll find the truth is they're literally satanic, which explains their
predatorial behavior.

So, two Americas; one's a illusory piece of propaganda genius, and we're stuck in the one with
no level playing field, no limited representative government, no guarantee of Rights. It's a
insider's game and conditions have been ratcheted to squeeze out as much initiative, drive,
intelligence and resources out of the American People as possible.

The state-it doesn't serve We the People, it serves the Elite(2)-a pack of three piece suited
hereditary criminals who have been exploiting Americans of all walks of life since the first
footfall of Europeans on this continent. Africans and poor Europeans as slaves, indentured
servants, wage workers in hazardous factories, soldiers to be shot to pieces in wars they set
up. Those rare individuals that exhibited some talent and drive that allowed them to move
upward were either regulated or taxed into oblivion, or exploited when they sold out.

And what of this Constitution that's the supreme law of the land? What of our Rights?

I'm afraid that too is a illusion, a "Hologram of Liberty" as Kenneth Royce put it as his title to
his groundbreaking book. Order it from or hit a gun show while you're still
allowed... His premise, and our history has proven it correct is the Constitution was made in
secret sessions by the very aristocratic ancestors of the pack of elitist inbreds running this
country. The Constitution was engineered to have a veneer of limitied republican government
while actually being a legal trojan horse of government power in service to the elites. The Bill
of Rights was thrown in to appease enough people to BARELY get it passed, yet written to
eventually get them nullified with technicalities and enroaching government power.

We live in the "land of the free"? That slogan's a LIE! A great deception to appease us, keep us
distracted, disinformed, asleep as the elites of this nation consolidated power-slowly, just
enough to not wake up a armed, self-sufficient, intelligent Free People. Get them caught up
with wasteful entertainments, sell them shoddy foreign slave labor made trinkets, wave that
flag in their faces...

...And keeping that flag waving they've dismantled the American nation:

*Made private entrepeneurship nearly impossible with megacorporate competion, regulations,

a ever debasing currency.

*Expand federal, state and local power to take away rights to private property, travel,
freedom of speech, your right to arms, a real education, a level economic field.

*Force everyone to resort to wage labor to keep up that materialistic "American Dream" that
turns everyone into a corporate or state tool, then ship the jobs overseas thanks to taking
down tariffs that leveled the playing field with nations with no regulations that used literally
slave labor. Without jobs that sustained their lifestyles, mentally crippled by government
schools and a elitist controlled media, Americans are sold on getting into lifetime debt slavery
to keep up with the Joneses.

This didn't crop up in the past 20 years either! No; the seeds of our destruction were laid two
centuries ago when a people who fought a Revolution against the British Empire chose to let
themselves be deceived into accepting a new Constitution that laid the groundwork for the
theft of Freedom. Go to and order "Hologram of Liberty", but basically the
people who crafted the 1787 Constitution were lawyers and bankers agents. They stood by
while the real Patriots fought and died, pulling strings on both sides because it was England's
war to win-and they bungled the job so completely.

History books talk of the many miracles of the American Revolution, but it was actually all to
a plan; the Continental Army had it's few victories, and our Riflemen using guerilla warfare
and marksmanship had the potential of winning if they played by their rules... but the
generals chose set piece battles with the British Army and got asswhipped in straight up
confrontations from New England to Georgia. See our enemies controlled the top ranks of
both sides of that conflict; being monied interests they've ALWAYS controlled both sides
surreptitiously in a grand game of problem-reaction-solution... the dialectic that's meant to
artificially transform human societies-our attitudes and beliefs-through their induced inputs
of money and violence.

For example, slavery could've been abolished upon independence, but the writers of the 1787
Constitution kept it in-80 years of slowly building outrage, racism, the selfish interests of the
minority of plantation owners who controlled Southern politics and you have the flammable
social conditions that led the the Civil War. With the conclusion of that conflict, States
Rights, a bulwark against tyranny was removed, the states humbled and the Federal
Government became the dominent power in America. Blacks remained a hated underclass and
were the scapegoats for the beginnings of unconstitutional gun control laws. Furthermore, as
they were suckered by bankers and industrialist from fleeing the raw deal of southern farms
to working the factories of the north, those same blueblooded bastards were plotting to
eventually move those factories overseas for "free trade"-cheaper labor with less attitude.
Those Blacks were trapped in the older part of the cities, and being promoted by the elites as
a hated underclass; discriminated against, subject to harsher treatement by law
enforcement, denied opportunities their part of the town eventually disintegrated, decaying
into the ghettos we all know and loathe today... except for clueless young wiggers who
foolishly think being broke and socioeconomically doomed is a cool thing.

Everyone's been screwed over by the elite's dialectic. Everyone's been worked and molded
into either good little worker drones, criminals to scare the little worker drones into going
along with getting screwed, or cast aside, gulaged into prison or homelessness as a "example".
Having lost their self-reliance Americans have lost their courage, and having lost their
courage, they've cowered for the past century as the bankers and the blue bloods and the
traitorous social engineers have had their fun with America; building a united global empire
using American might abroad to bludgeon the world into surrendering... as they play a
brilliant balancing act of consuming this country and it's people as they build their "world


As it stands as I write this, the job's about done. Everyone's a materialistic little debt slave-a
nation of sheep herded to the slaughterhouse. When war breaks out with Iran and China, you
can count that the final pretenses will be set aside, and America will become a fully
militarized totalitarian state dedicated to total war. The Constitution-as rigged for the ruling
class and flawed in it's protections as it is-will be scrapped and the full power and authority of
the state will be felt by everyone.

Armored vehicles and machine toting state thugs, finally unleashed under martial law on a
unsuspecting, unprepared, asleep America. They'll make a big, terrifying show and then
psyching out you adult sized children, give you an "out"; obey them at all times, spy on your
fellow countrymen like you were living in East Germany(remember that country?), or perish.
Food will be rationed-think you'll be able to dissent and still eat-or do you know how to tend
a garden, get seed? Maybe you'll luck out and catch a bullet right there and then... or more
probably, you'll be shipped to a "detention camp"; concentration camps have long been a dark
side of American history people! The Japanese-Americans knew of them during WWII. The
Native Americans know them as "reservations", Blacks have their "inner city ghettos".

Is that what you want? Be freed of Freedom, free of being personably responsible? Are you
THAT developmentally arrested that you want a mommy and daddy into your old age? You
really want that America, the one our enemies have been building into our prison so long as
you have your barbecue grill and NASCAR, and Christina Aguilera's new album?

Or do you still yearn for the America we were promised, the "myth" as they put it behind our
backs, that keeps us docile, compliant, asleep? Do you have the courage to be responsible for
yourself-Freedom does require you be independent, self-reliant, resourceful, wise... not the
things Ameicans are conditioned for by the elites "popular culture" and educational
institution-plus there are all those laws... still yearning to be Free? You willing to take the
certain confrontation with the government to secure your Freedom-you willing to say NO to
bowing before them for permission and license to practice what is your Right?

Do you have what it takes to make the America we believe in-that's currently a illusion used
by the enemy to pacify us-into reality? Will you stand, even alone if you must, even pursued
relentlessly by the enemy's jack booted thugs for even peaceful noncompliance?

Would you even have the guts to give a Freedom Fighter even a morsel of food you were
gonna consume-getting fatter and fatter on your couch, as American Idol rots a few more of
what brain you have left?
Are there ANY Americans left that value their Freedom over their borrowed comforts? That
would rather live in truth than enslave themselves to lies for some false promise of "safety"?

As I write this I wonder if we ever had that America we were promised... and I pause...

...I have to say we have had that America in the past.

We've had that America when escaped slaves and indentured servants of all races moved
beyond colonial authorities into the Appalachians and the Great Plains, risking their lives to
have a place of their own, a place they could be Free. To keep their Freedom those brave,
shining examples of Humanity picked up the rifle, learned the fine art of rifle marksmanship
and fought for their freedom from both the British Crown and our own nation's native born
inbred elitists.

We've had that America when Abolitionists helped escaped slaves make it out of the South,
risking everything they have in disobedience to a corrupted government flush with plantation
and factory owner bribes.

We've had that America when millions of women rose up, risked arrest and imprisonment and
ruin to gain their Right to vote.

We've had that America when millions of Blacks rose up, and shook off the overt racism of Jim

We've had that America with the brave defenders of the Alamo-Americans and Mexicans
wanting Freedom from a corrupt Mexico.

We've had that America with the brave citizens of Athens, Tennessee in 1946, who witnessed
the horrors of World War Two and found they could not accept the homegrown tyranny of a
pack of corrupt traitors-using the weapons from a local armory their taxes paid for these
Patriots routed them after a attempt at vote fraud.

We've had that America when in 1998 at a "town hall meeting"(remember those?) in
Columbus, Ohio, Madeline Albright and a couple other elitist tools were foolish enough to
have a question and answer session with average Americans-trying to sell a Iraqi invasion! Left
and Right, Veterans and Peace Activists got their heads together on the spot and like Real
Americans made those warmongerers regret even trying to sell that war... they had to wait
about four years after they blew up the World Trade Center and the Pentagon to scare us into
World War III.(3)

We've had that America with every worker intitiated strike, with every government employee
who tries their level best to contain their employer's destructive reach and appetites, blow
the whistle when the corruption is wafting in their face, when the thugs that government
likes to have get set to ruin innocent lives.

We have that America, in the hearts of those who cherish Freedom.

It's not enough to have our America in our hearts however, we must make our America a
reality in our land if we are to save ourselves from the techno-feudal police state that
threatens to stunt and enslave humanity for all time. We must ACT and take back authority
from those who conspire with that America-the enemy of all men that oppresses and taxes at
home and wages war abroad, that has promoted every evil under the sun while clothed in the
image of the America we Free People love and cherish.

We MUST have Our America if we're to survive!

How? First off it's up to you. You have to want it enough to sacrifice-whatever sacrifces it
takes to be Free, that's the commitment you and yours has to make, or you won't even begin.

If you do, it will amaze you what one person can do. Know your limits, as the state's more
than equipped enough to handle individuals. A small group, the state's equipped to handle...

...Spawn many individuals, many groups-all independent yet all working toward a common
goal and the state will be as a hapless cattle in a field full of fire ants.

But start with you. You've got to flush your head gear of the propaganda and conditioning
that's damned you, cleanse your body and mind of the poisons that are killing you. Mentally
and physically prepare for your struggle, because this the Devil's world and we were put here
to Liberate it.

Find your destiny. What you're good at. Believe in yourself and your cause. Don't look for
examples, BE the example, survive, and that will be success enough for others to join you.

First off-getting your head straight: while you still have unfettered internet access visit these
sites, and LEARN: how to use a rifle, because the Armed Citizen is the foundation of a Free
America.,, how

messed up our economic policies have been, and then protect what's left of your assets by
buying silver. T. Party is a Libertarian author I like to refer to. His Hologram

of Liberty should be required reading as to the corrupt origins of this nation. Also there are
links to his Free State Wyoming project-a effort to peacefully take over a Wyoming county
and build a real-life working model of a Free Community. I also write about this at my, in a article titled "Message to Mr. and Mrs. America.", Jones has late breaking news, and has

himself infiltrated elitist gatherings and taken video of the pagan ceremonies they perform.
No, these people are NOT church going lovers of Jesus! source of info on the true state of America and aspects of

it's darker origins. Wolfe is another Libertarian, and her message board's a great

place to meet other freedom-minded folks. motherlode of alternate information on the internet. A cyber Grand

Central Station of Truth. Take a few weeks, go through the archives, read all you can-if this
site doesn't wake you I don't know what will.(Warning: UFO's are among the wilder topics
tackled here.) Also check out,, leftist, and I think the Left lets themselves be ruled by their gatekeepers
too much, but these people are expressing themselves and their struggles and doing a good
job. Network with them, learn, teach, get together on the big issues because only united
under the cause of Freedom will we stand a chance. write extensively on the above subjects and I encourage you to

read through my essays. I don't write for soundbytes though.

Get some education, then DO:

*Cleanse yourself. Stop eating corporate made, government approved processed foods-they're
killing you! Eat organically, in fact go on a vegan no meat/dairy diet for a couple months
coupled with abstaining from the TV and actually working out. I've done it myself and you'll
be amazed at the difference. Stop drinking tap water and using fluoridated toothpastes, they
poison your body and dull your mind, making you more suggestible and weak minded.

*Store up food, herbal medicine, candles, fuel, batteries for when the elite get done using
Americans as the economic engine of their global plantation and crash this country.

*Pray to God directly. Our Father the Creator will hear all who find a quiet time, a quiet
place, and quiet their minds. Our Father's voice is a quiet humble voice and not knowing how
to commune with Him(thanks to all the deceptive religions meant to spiritually enslave us)...
it will take time and practice and perseverance but Our Father WILL help you, believe me!

*Get a anonymous server. After you educate yourself take the essays and articles that have
influence you the most and copy and paste them everywhere. Go to sports sites, fan sites,
message boards of all types and post like crazy. Get the message out!

*Find out when the next gun show is. Then start shopping for a military pattern
semiautomatic rifle in .308, a supply of magazines, and a case of 7.62x51NATO. DON'T GO TO
for people walking around or a table with a private seller even numbered prices. Get a FAL or
a M1a/M14, or even a HK-91. Stay away from the AR-10's, they malfunction and parts are hard
to come by. Get spare parts too. The effort will cost about $2,000. You can do it-sell that
extra SUV, or have a yard sale-whatever it takes. If not, then find a bolt action war surplus in
.308-a mauser or Indian enfield, otherwise you'll have to spring for several cases of obsolete

*TRAIN! Get some targets and the Guide from Fred's( and go shooting. Shoot until
you can hit a 1 inch target rapid fire at 25 meters-you'll be good out to 500 meters after you
figure out how big a man looks out that far, and you'll be a threat to tyranny. Get some
airsoft guns and practice close in tactics. Camp for a week at a time; wean yourself of the
cushy mainstream lifestyle that's enslaved you mind and body to the system. Being self
sufficient and independent is the only antidote to the cultural and social poisons we've been
pumped with our entire lives, and the key to being self sufficient is self sufficiency protecting

*Get activated politically! Find a cause that gets under your skin and get involved! Work with
others, with their causes, be a good example of yours as yous selflessly help others and you
might gain a recruit.

*Get out of debt. Stop being a slave to consumerism. Pay off the car, the house, the credit
cards. Sell that house if you have to but stop being a slave to your job and to the elite
bankers who enslave you with the childish materialism they've conditioned you with with their
media your entire life! Find a new place to live, even renting, in the country where you will
survive a staged economic collapse or a nuclear 9/11.

*This will be tough... try to talk to someone not like you. For example, if you're a relatively
successful(by wage earner standards)blue or white collar guy, start a conversation with that
gangbanger looking dude as you both watch the ball game at the bar. Urban folks are
oppressed and are more likely to be aware. Or if you are a rural type, the next time you have
to help one of those yuppie types who can't figure out how to change their own tire, take the
opportunity to wake them up. If you're a good Cop next time you pull someone over you
should make some blunt comments on how their vegging in front of their big screen TV's
allows crooked politicians and traitorous social engineers to pass the laws he or she enforces.
Part of the enemy strategy is to keep us divided along race and class lines-we are all
countrymen who have sat and watched helplessly as Our America has been waved in our faces
to keep us decieved, as it has been slowly killed.

*When you actually get people listening and motivated work together start preparing for the
worst. America's consumer economy is run by a thin margin; that is, if the trucks stopped
rolling in two weeks FAMINE would hit this country. So build up food stocks. Group by ammo
by the case at gun shows. Train together. Better yet, get involved in local politics. Take over
a local government and start dismantling the federal beast! I go into detail about this in my
essay, "Message to Mr. and Mrs. America" at

God's put us as Americans in this time for a reason. America's being used for global
domination in a process designed to destroy it in the process-because the enemy used ideals
dangerous to them in creating this nation. Our Father WILL win this war against the enemy
and their scheduled apocalypse, but He will have a much easier time of it if YOU will join him
in Liberating this world. Besides, you're going to die sooner or later and face Him; what are
you going to face Him as, a made in China flag waving couch potato "patriot"?

(1)Terry Reed, Compromised: Bush, Clinton and the CIA-this is the suppressed truth about our
last three Presidents; how they commited acts of treason with their drug running. A
dangerous book if you like keeping your illusions about this country's ruling class. A companion
volume, more dealing with the South American side of the drug game is The Big White Lie by
Michael Levine.

(2)You know that all our Presidents are related?! It's true; Burke's Peerage traces the ancestry
of all the men who became President-they're all related to Charlemange. What are the odds
this is coincidence? Folks on the internet talk of a "new world order"? These "royals" trace
themselves back to the Roman Empire-some try to hustle us to believe they're descended
from Jesus Christ! "New World Order"?!
We've been living in this rotten old world order for thousands of years!

(3)9/11 was staged. There's no way modern high strength steel skyscrapers will collapse
demolition style neatly into their own property, not tipping over, after relatively lightweight
aluminum and composite jetliners crash into it, and burn out their kerosene fuel-which can't
begin to melt heavy construction steel! And a collapse certainly wouldn't produce all the
volcanic style outgassing of vaporized concrete and steel and send steel beams weighing
thousands of pounds shooting out sideways like someone detonated a really powerful bomb...
not by aluminum jetliners crashing into buildings designed to withstand such a event, not by
jet fuel that burnt out a hour beforehand. And where the fuck was the U.S. Air Force for two
hours as four jumbo jets were lumbering across American airspace off course, with their
transponders shut down? Trillions spent on air defense during the Cold War and we can't track
nor intercept jetliners with our state-of-the-art mach 2+ interceptors?! Who staged this
monstrous fraud? Neoconservatives in their "Project for a New American Century" called upon
a "new Pearl Harbor" attack to scare the American People into transforming the U.S.A. into a
empire. It's worked.

J. Croft

I‘ll start this essay by being up front: I grew up with a lot of conservative beliefs.

I grew up around guns and know how to use them-a skill that at one time every American was
taught along with learning how to read and do math. I counted myself blessed born in the
Land of the Free, Home of the Brave.

I supported wholeheartedly the Cold War-because I saw Soviet communism as a threat to

Freedom(and admit it, it was. Just ask anyone from Eastern Europe.) So I was for us having as
many guns, tanks, ships, attack jets and nuclear weapons as American industry could turn out
so we could defend ourselves.

I was for an aggressive foreign policy-no, I was for a REALLY aggressive foreign policy… as in
spreading Freedom and the tenants of the Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence
as the Communists were pumping Marxist-Leninism. No wonder then, that I supported the war
in Afghanistan against the Soviets, that THIS is how we could turn the tide of world socialism-
armed populist resistance. I thought that overwrought show of force in Grenada wasn‘t
enough; that we should‘ve gone straight into Nicaragua and Cuba and cleaned the commies
out of ―our‖ hemisphere. I played a lot of computer war games; guiding stealth fighters and
tanks and ships to blast all of America‘s enemies, as if taking on their military would
automatically free those people such a war would murder…

I had faith: in Ronald Reagan, in Pat Robertson, the GOP, Jerry Falwell, TBN, Morton Downey
Jr., Ralph Reed. I knew, as a kid, as intuitive that unconditional welfare handouts and gun
control and abortion on demand were immoral and anti-American. Not respecting of Life,
Liberty, the Pursuit of Happiness, that encouraged just giving up and living off the
government dole; excuses for more taxes, more poverty…

Those that hold "conservative views", yes we do love God, Guns and Country, but
at the same time, there are attitudes you in the ―left‖ have that I always agreed with:

The Earth is our Home-we don‘t have garbage and wastes strewn all over our houses(well,
most people) yet we usually permit toxins and the products of the socially engineered
consumer culture to be disposed of wherever it‘s most profitable… to the benefit of just a
few that own and control the corporations. That quality made products made to last years-
like Americans made once upon a time-is a far wiser use of valuable materials, energy and
labor than shoddy, imported, slave labor-made crap that all too soon winds up in the trash.

I‘m down with the concept of labor-us, working at wage slave jobs-uniting, organizing and
being strong in the face of greedy, far-too-rich old men trying to squeeze us for every dollar
they can. That the common man can and should unite to get a slice of that corporate pie, if
the economic conditions make it impossible for everyone to have a self-employing skill or

Being an artist myself, I believe in the right to self-expression. I believe in the unfettered
Right to media access to express myself. I believe in the unfettered free market of ideals-free
of interference by either smug religiousity or some falsely pious political correctness.

I don‘t care much for the callous greed a lot of people programmed with ―right wing‖ beliefs
has-like the whole world revolves around them and their lifestyle, and to hell with anyone
and everyone that gets in the way of their next debt-fueled shopping spree. That their broken
moral compass is the one true measure for all things, peoples and beliefs-when they run
around and cheat on their spouses, take drugs, steal, gamble. Those self-proclaimed ―godly‖
are gluttons, wouldn‘t dream of sharing their wealth to help the poorest, are unloving,
uncaring, and root for the ―prophecied‖ genocide of the Human Race and Earth‘s destruction
known as the Apocalypse-so they can have that go-to-heaven-free card known as the
‗Rapture‖. Something I regret believing in most of all, because it‘s at the root of a lot of
dysfunction amongst those that call themselves christian-dogmatic irresponsibility and
passiveness to the evil that rules this world.

Furthermore, as I educated myself about the reality of modern America, I found a lot of what
I supported and believed in as a onetime ―right-winger‖ were misguided:

*People can be born into a underclass whose location and socioeconomic status exclude all
but the most brilliant and driven from succeeding-and that‘s before being buried by taxation
and regulations. While at the same time traitorous politicians, CEO‘s and Directors on
corporate boards conspiring to lift foreign tariffs the slave-labor goods and the never ending
expansion of government authority and taxation ―force‖ those three piece suited traitors to
lobby for ―free trade agreements‖-keeping as much of ―their‖ money in their pockets as
possible. Thus the underclass expands, forcing more people to either join the military, work
at wal-mart, go on welfare that robs relatively better off Americans through taxes, sell drugs
or just say the hell with it and take ‗em themselves in a futile attempt to ease their pain.

*No matter how grisly and evil dismembering a Person in their Mother‘s womb is, I cannot
abide by the callous disregard for how bringing a child into this world can wreck someone‘s
life in this country. Much of the social stigma‘s gone, but a single mother, or someone in
America‘s underclass is still faced with being forced to live hand-to-mouth to take care of
their kid, in a ever-worsening economy, their ―fathers‖ socially programmed through a variety
of means we trust to be irresponsible, to have some ―baby mamas‖.

*Those ―conservative‖ politicians on TV, wearing those guilty shiteating grins making nice yet
useless noises with their mouths? They‘re almost all for lining their pockets and expanding
government. Gun control, abortion, taxes, welfare, crime-it‘s all but props they and the same
breed of shiteating grin wearing politicians that call themselves ―liberal‖ use in their ongoing
political pro wrestling show.

At that, I must remind you that the ―left‖ has nothing to brag about either. You in the left
turn respect for the enviroment into excuses for government to tax and steal the People‘s
lands from them. You let politicians and other whores exploit your activism to oppress us,
keep us from truly owning the land we work our entire lives for. Your misguided social
conscience is exploited by those in government that hold the homes of the People hostage to
foreclosure for delinquent land taxes. Taxes to fund the horrible state run schools that make
each graduating class dumber and more pliable to government control than the last.

Your natural and understandable horror at all the violence caused by government and
corporate policies aimed at creating social and racial inequalities-that when coupled with
dumbed down state schooling-leads to criminals… you don‘t attack the sources of the crimes,
you try to get the government to steal the People‘s Rights to arms to protect themselves and
their communities. Yes: you too have the right to protect yourself from a criminal, no matter
how he‘s been victimized. You think I lie, go ask any of your friends that lived through
hurricane Katrina.

In fact, you in the ―left‖ take this anti-violence sensitivity to such a suicidal extreme some of
you are willing to compromise our Nation‘s defenses. Yes, the military-industrial complex is a
monster; but that doesn‘t validate your unilateral disarmament drives when the Soviets
had(and still have)hordes of tanks, planes and nuclear weapons aimed at us. Any peaceniks
care to say something about communist China building up a military to take on the rest of the
planet? Any of you willing to expend some protest time against North Korea? Sure-take this
country to task for it‘s sins, but there are no innocents when it comes to the governments of
this sorry world.

Pacifism only works if everyone practices it. Being weak in this world just makes you prey; if
there‘s anything I can still agree with the ―right‖ about, it‘s that.

Yes, I had faith in ―my‖ ideology just as you have faith in ―yours‖. Time marches on however.
You gain life experience and sooner or later if you haven‘t completely given your thinking
over to those you listen to, who manipulate you, you start seeing what‘s wrong with what you
previously held as inerrent truth. That some attitudes, some people are wrong. Some of those
attitudes, those people are lies, liars-a con to get your money, your vote, your approval of
whatever crime they tried to pull. Yet I and most people keep believing the main tenants of
their prepackaged ideology to be worshipped and followed without question.

And yet… there DOES come a time, a place, a event, a book that opens your eyes, that takes
your world view and torches it like a pyromaniac with a gallon of gas. Probably hasn‘t
happened to you but it happened to me, in 1991, with a book: Compromised: Bush, Clinton
and the CIA, written by Terry Reed. A late night radio host by the name of Chuck… someone, I
forget his last name, he had on Terry Reed… And the tale he told…of cocaine shipments by
large cargo planes into Mena… with Clinton, Bush senior, Oliver North, and a cast of spies and
other criminals… well, the way that man told the tale had the heft of Truth to it, in spite of
it‘s seeming unbelievability!

I bought the book… and I read it all night… and began the process of liberating my thinking
from the ―left/right‖ paradigm that‘s helped put the thinking of most Americans in a
ideological straightjacket, a hegelian dialectic that has two seemingly opposing forces on
some throwaway social issues yet are united in using those ―left/right‖ causes to advance
government power and control over the People.

Terry Reed? Never heard of him? Not surprised; the media pulled out all the stops in
suppressing the whole affair-making a ―limited hangout‖(1) of the Whitewater scandal-a side
show meant to launder drug money basically, not the main event. And your ―hero‖ William
Jefferson Clinton became President.

You hated Reagan like I hated Clinton-in reality they were about the same:

They both radically expanded the power and size of government.

They both engaged in useless, reckless overseas adventures: Grenada, Somalia, Kosovo,

They both did their damage to this nation‘s laws and people. Reagan broke the unions with
the air trafficker strike, and made it easy for corporations to export themselves overseas,
accelerating the economic decline of our nation. Clinton gave the green light to Waco-where
women and children were deliberately poison gassed and burnt alive. Clinton signed NAFTA
and GATT into law, further accelerating the looting of our manufacturing base.

They both made a show of being ―reformers‖ yet ―somehow‖ wound up bolstering the very
system that‘s oppressing us. They both paid lip service to the causes we believe in-then either
distract us til we forget that they‘ve done nothing of substance, or worse, use those causes to
bring more power onto themselves, steal more of our hard-earned money.

They both have ―partners‖ far more evil than they. Hillary Clinton and the Bush family.

The Bushes are worse, of course, much worse than Reagan or Clinton. A family of blue-
blooded bandits and fascists responsible for financing Hitler, supplying Nazi Germany with oil
through Spain when our Grandfathers were getting murdered by the Wehrmacht. Filling the
economically and socially engineered inner city ―ghettos‖ with cocaine they smuggled in
through the C.I.A. Rigging two Presidential elections with fraudulent, easily hacked electronic
voting machines manufactured by a corporation owned by a close political friend. Open our
borders to a invasion of illegal, ignorant Mexican rednecks and encourage them to scoff at the
law to create a economically based race war. Having close business and social ties with the
Bin Ladin family-INCLUDING OSAMA BIN LADIN-and running interference for them years before
the shadow government black op known as 9/11.
And Hillary? She‘s a partner with Bill in the Mena drug smuggling operation with Oliver North
and the Bushes. She helped engineer a media orchestrated comeback after Gennifer Flowers
revealed she was his mistress(at a time when the Donna Rice scandal brought down Gary Hart-
remember those ―quaint‖ times?) Hillary designed that monstrous health care plan-remember
the schematic that looked like the plans for the Death Star? Would‘ve been a ―death star‖ to
the economy and our lives if she had been slicker about it. She went to New York and like a
yankee carpetbagger after the Civil War got herself a Senate seat. Now she waits for her
time, waiting for George W. Bush to fall, for America to fall so she can go in like a vulture,
ride in as a ―hero‖ to supposedly save us all from those nasty right wingers. I tell you; if Bush
doesn‘t spark a second civil war, she will!

―Left‖, ―right‖-IT‘S ALL A SHOW! A political pro wrestling act that keeps us TV tranced, state
schooled dumb down ‗murkans bamboozled as everything we and our ancestors believed in,
fought for, died for is robbed from us. What or who will save us from the Bushes and all their
bandit friends-and Hillary if the script calls for Bush‘s fall to discredit American patriotism
and christianity? Is there someone in the political arena-virtuous enough, yet with enough
clout, enough wealth, enough pull with the media and the CEO‘s and Directors on the boards
of the handfull of megacorporations to make him or herself a viable candidate? Get ―elected‖
President and lead like-minded Patriots to sweep into Congress and clean up the federal

No. You and I are going to have to do it. You see what kinds of thieves and clowns parade
themselves in front of the cameras-and I write about the career politicians we‘ve surrendered
control of OUR NATION to. Can‘t rely on compromised, greedy criminals to develop a
backbone and do battle. We‘ll have to; have to start up an entire political movement, come
up with a pro-Freedom ideology that will awaken the mind controlled masses. We‘ll have to
forge a political movement, a economic austerity movement to a American People long
spoiled with foreign manufactured junk they‘ve mortgaged their lives on.

The timing is critical. It‘s spring, 2006, the elections are in November, and despite America
literally falling apart around us, most people that can still pay their bills are still asleep.
Those that have been rudely awakened to reality find their time is spent trying to survive
with what little they can keep.

The momentum is against us; by the time America wakes up to how they‘ve been
systematically robbed by a single band of thieves that dangle a political system that‘s already
scripted out, they will be mostly destitute. Destitute people lack the money to buy airtime-
assuming the mainstream media would let them have access. Destitute people are too busy
finding shelter, food, staying out of the way of thug cops who get their sick jollies off
persecuting them. Dirty, desperate destitute people that reek of sleeping in garbage strewn
alleyways have no respect in today‘s sorry excuse for America; they couldn‘t survive in a
increasingly hostile social and economic climate, hence they‘re garbage. And we treat them
as such.
We cannot afford the American People to wake up when their homes and Freedoms are taken
away! They, and you have to wake up and make the hard choices NOW!

I‘m trying to do something with my essays at maybe they‘ll inspire someone someday. What
about you? What are you willing to do to take back your destiny? What would you sacrifice to
be Free?

What amount of time zoning out in front of the TV are you willing to sacrifice to find out
what‘s really going on, and fighting against it however you can?

How many shopping sprees are you willing to sacrifice to have the money to get out of debt to
have cash for a week or two off your job to participate in political action? Investigating
crooked politicians? Protesting? Making flyers, videos? Going to town meetings?

How much ostracism, how much sudden intolerance from your more mind conditioned,
shallow, petty excuses for ―friends‖ are you willing to sacrifice game days and backyard
barbecues in order to help in the struggle to regain Freedom?

How open are you to examining your most cherished beliefs-do they pass the reality test? Are
you willing to consider Truth from a ideological opponent if that Truth will help secure your
Freedom and your Life? Dogmatism is the intellectual crutch of the weak and cowards.

How far are you willing to go to be Free? Our forefathers who fought for independence from
the British Empire, who signed the Declaration of Independence, they gave all. Men who had
lands, ships, businesses, beloved wives and children-they turned cannon on their own homes
when the British occupied them, sacrificed all their ships in smuggling arms to our shores,
kept on fighting themselves even as their wives were raped and tortured in British gallows,
endured the loss of everything they built up on this Earth. They were willing to sacrifice all
they had in this world, because securing their Freedom, their Nation‘s Freedom took that kind
of sacrifice. It‘s no different today.

Rather forget you read this, turn on your master the TV set and tune out all your fears, let
that electronic narcotic lie to you all night long? Well, it‘s a free country I suppose, but
consider this:

We have but a short time on this Earth, an even shorter time when we have our health and
our ability to not just accomplish something for ourselves, but leave our world a better place
for those that follow us. That we as a People have forgotten this Truth-drunk with beer,
fretting over perceived status, submitting to those that systematically rob, murder and
tyrannize us and soothing our guilt for being so cowardly with debt-fueled consumer spending-
will only mean we have robbed our Children. It will be up to them and their progeny who will
have to bear the load of making up for lost time, lost progress of Human Civilization… after
cleaning up the mess we will leave them.
So what will you do to make it up for your irresponsibility? What will you do to make up for
participating in robbing your Children?


1)They‘re not really your enemy, so stop treating them as such. We‘re all in this together;
taxed, ruled over, our labors channeled so that only the government and a few major
corporate stock owners benefit-unless you really expect to stay thirty years and get that 14k
gold plated watch! So stop cursing out everyone who doesn‘t drive a hybrid, or doesn‘t eat
vegan, or doesn‘t march in lockstep with Noam Chomsky or Amy Goodman. In fact, lose your
manipulative, lying gatekeepers and rediscover how to think for yourself. Talk with a
construction worker or a gun owner at a bar sometime about the issues that bother you both…
you‘ll discover you‘re really on the same page on the issues that matter.

2)There ARE causes ―right wingers‖ support that you can get behind, that promote Freedom,
respect for others. Find common cause, get together on the big issues, show them how to
organize a good protest movement-only without the gatekeepers that lead all of you astray.
Example: the recent Latino protests in Los Angeles and other American cities was organized
and led at the ground level by Communists. Yes, you read right, Communists. Ted Twietmeyer
has actual photos of a Communist activist organizing angry yet naïve youth to protest(look for
it at Common folks just like me wanting to be able to live their lives, and they‘ve
been manipulated and molded by globalist caused poverty into being their tools to destroy
America. Our America, the one that we once believed this nation was, the America that this
nation could really be if we unite… we can‘t unite if we LET OURSELVES be divided along
racial lines, or some bullshit left/right paradigm.

3)Be respectful of others when you protest. That cop or white collar worker you don‘t spit on
or repel due to some hippie aesthetic funk might listen to what you might say-unless you start
off by wanting to raise taxes… everybody‘s paying too much of those! If you want to honestly
gain the support of ―right wingers‖ be someone they can identify with, someone whose
opinion they‘ll respect: wear a suit when you protest. Save your venom for the bureaucrats,
the corrupt lawyer/politicians, the way too rich CEO‘s and members of the Board of Directors
of the major corporations.


1)Get over their lifestyle choices-you got bigger things to worry about, like losing your wage
job because your boss wanting to shift production to countries that allow their citizens to be
exploited for a dime a day. America is a diverse stew of peoples and cultures but there‘s a
core of Freedom and respect for others that all can share. They do too, so why not protest
against economic and political traitors instead? Find the common denominators we can all
agree on, most of the social hangups can be sorted out later.
2)When they protest something you can agree with them on, join them. Mix with them, and if
you know the ones manipulating the protest for some shady socialist reason disrupt their
game. Talk to the average folks, get to know them, get them to see you as people, not the
stereotypes we‘re all programmed with.

3)Invite a ―liberal‖ over to talk, socially. A barbecue or a game like that. More ways to get
them to see you as people, to weaken their ideological programming. When you speak, don‘t
get defensive; instead find the common ground… you‘ve got beliefs that are wrong too

If you go to you‘ll note a lot of similarities with my other essays. I do this on purpose because
I search for the right alchemy of words and thought that will wake people up or inspire
someone to do a better job of waking America up than I.

(1)LIMITED HANGOUT-damage control technique used when a scandal‘s grown beyond the
criminal‘s lesser means of containing it; have a prearranged patsy and a small piece of the
conspiracy to be bullshitted as the main event. Works like a charm in these simpleminded
United States.
J. Croft


That‘s what you call yourselves and you should be, although ―Black‖ is much easier to use.
―Black‖ isn‘t accurate though, as you‘re some shade of brown. That however is being
technical, like the nice propaganda slogan that we‘re all equal under the law-hence my title
―African(American)‖. Not just the shaft your people get by the state but what more than a
few whites call you: ―c**n‖, ―jungle bunny‖, ―spearchucker‖ or the n-bomb I hear dropped
about you when you‘re not around to hear.

Yes: half the time you‘re NOT being paranoid about racism; you‘ve always been an
―accepted‖ underclass-much preferable to the Native Americans by the elite throughout this
country‘s tragic history. No wonder that a lot of you are racists yourselves. Yet, you have to
realize some things:
*Racist attitudes start off as cultural-your parents and your friends and their parents, they
were most likely taught by their parents and friends that this or that race was inferior and/or
dangerous. This attitude is a product of tradition. Tradition, on both sides of the race line,
are reinforced by people‘s unquestioning acceptance of the teaching (and teacher) of that
tradition; especially when someone harms them in some way. Then the epithets fly, fists and
sometimes bullets fly and discrimination to ―outsiders‖ becomes the order of the day.

*Racist attitudes can and are exploited by those who seek to dominate, control, and make a
buck off your misplaced hate. Skinheads make money off their membership and their crappy
literature from fear of you or the jews taking over and having hot, sweaty sex with their
blonde daughters. Louis Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam wouldn‘t be where it‘s at today if
it wasn‘t for the racism on BOTH sides of the color lines-you don‘t think there isn‘t a profit
motive behind their actions, their crappy literature and their creepy bow tie cult? You don‘t
think Mr. Farrakhan isn‘t as corrupt and ultimately destructive as any other racist? I don‘t
need to remind you that the system-the state and the major corporations-uses a subliminal
form of racism in making the laws we‘re forced to live under, the media that‘s presented to
us to entertain and ―inform‖ us. Attitudes, security systems, cameras in public places, SWAT
troopers on every street corner, gun control, bigotry, and a ever-expanding government are
the wares they sell of of hatred of you.

*Speaking of the system, it‘s in the interest of those who control the reins of power in
America to keep us divided and afraid of each other when distraction and overwork at a job
won‘t keep us quiet, obedient taxpayers. Those that hold the reins have done so since this
nation‘s founding, a heritage of power they‘ve passed down through the generations and,
unlike most of us common folk, they‘ve had the best of everything-education, upbringing,
business and social opportunities. ―Their‖ elitist ancestors wrote the Constitution, not the
thousands of common folk who lost their belongings, their loved ones, their limbs, their very
lives fighting against the most powerful empire on Earth-their former nation.(1) Hijacking the
American Revolution, they cleverly reversed much of the progress toward equality for all
colors and sexes with stock market manipulation/depressions, provoking uprisings until a
Constitution could be made in secret that provided a ―hologram of liberty‖. Many of
descendants of those suckers became the rednecks you‘re programmed to hate… who‘ve been
dumbed down in state schools, denied the opportunities ―they‖ have enjoyed, had the wage
slave jobs shipped overseas when ―they‖ decided to cash in on Chinese slave labor.

It‘s not the redneck in the skidmarked bedsheet that‘s the greatest enemy(unless you wind up
on the wrong side of town).

The elite are your enemy. The elite are enemies to all of us. The elite are not the faces that
are paraded on the TV-they‘re much more powerful, much, much richer, and own the media.
The elite own everything in this country, including the people paraded on the TV as those in
charge. They manipulate a carefully contrived and controlled political process that gives the
illusion of a Republic yet is in practice a ever-expanding one-party state. A fraud whose only
real differences between it‘s two institutionalized parties is how fast they grab more power
for themselves, more of our taxes, make it harder for a supposedly Free Man to build
something of his own in this life.

To those criminals and their stooges in government service and the corporate hacks, we
ordinary Americans of all other colors and backgrounds are all servants, slaves, marks-
n*ggers! Yet we stupidly, blindly hold onto the lies they program into us, as we waste our
lives, our too short time on Earth working a slave wage job for ―massa‖, or watch some
retarded sitcom. Or a ball game. Or hit the mall and go on a foolish spending spree with some
of that 5% we‘re ―allowed‖ to ―keep‖ after taxes and accepting that wage job in the first
place(company gets the fruit of your labors)


So you‘re Africans, in a American society that‘s really neither yours, or mine, or the Asians, or
the Latinos, or definitely not the Indians. People among a People that have been conditioned
to view you as a underclass-when really they don‘t really know you personally, don‘t know
you as a people and definitely have some misconceptions drilled into them about you. So for
the benefit of those not Brown I‘ll run down some things about what you are.


Your people come from a continent of survivors, as much of Africa is really a hostile place for
human settlement; if it isn‘t lifeless desert, it‘s some of the thickest jungle teeming with
disease, and if it isn‘t jungle it‘s plains that were dominated by the largest land animals. Such
hostile conditions don‘t allow for a civilization to get started easily, yet your ancestors have
had their share of empires… it‘s just that it‘s hard for much of anything beyond stoneworks to
survive there.
Hostile enviroments do make for more ruthless people however. Those forced into a survival
mentality on a daily basis form more ruthless societies. Ruthless enough to engage in brutal
tribal warfare, slavery-the big reason the European elites were so successful in the slave
trade was because Africans were and are brutal-and brutalized-enough to sell your ancestor
to them. In America, starting off as slaves in societies still with the European imprinting of
class separation and bigotry, that held you back as much as any number of whips, guns and

Yet, you and your people have done the best they can to tread water in a sea of bigotry and
discrimination. Eventually, the yearning of Men to be Free overcame… most of that. You are
technically, the equal of everyone else-yet like I wrote earlier racism and fear is used by the
powers that be. You‘re scapegoats for everything from government spending on welfare to
crime to government spending on the ―justice‖ system and prisons. Rougher times still, are
ahead as government oppression extends to the formerly protected ―mainstream‖. Yes,
―cracker‖ that means you. Checkpoints, unconstitutional search and seizures, arrest without
cause, foreclosure and homeless destitution, starvation, it‘s all coming down on you as the
American Consumer rapidly becomes obsolete to the elite bankers. As obsolete as America
itself will be to the all-too-real ―new world order‖ as this country‘s spent in a careful
calculation of power expenditure, as our military and economic power is used to bludgeon the
rest of this planet into accepting a global slavery.


Goes hand in hand with being survivors. Your Ancestors, when they couldn‘t rise in revolt or
run away, shirked off and did as little as they could get away with. Today, many of you are
the heart of the underground(Free)economy doing everything from hard crimes to bootlegging
major corporate products at swap meets and flea markets. If more people could wake up and
bypass the mainstream economy(owned by the powers that be, the ―elite‖-our mutual
enemies), and learned how to be entrepeneurs themselves we could reclaim our financial

Many of your young have long resorted to gangs to secure the basics of survival. Being united,
that‘s made you a natural target of the police state. Where you go wrong with the gangs is
the primitive parasitic criminal activity you inflict on the very places you live, the very People
who could support you, give shelter to you, stand by you when you‘re in trouble. Instead of
blasting each other over crack turf or some insane standard of respect, you should realize you
and your community are one. You‘re going to need to wake up if you‘re going to survive

A close group of people; armed, mutually loyal, helping to lift their community‘s economy
and keeping them and theirs safe-that is what you communities should aim for. You‘ll need all
the help you can get when this potemkin economy (2) is shut down and you wake up to find
out the government really does own everything-including you!

You know firsthand how rough America‘s institutions can get. Many of you see through the
veneer, the propaganda, the version of America that exists as myth in the real world… and in
our hearts. Every time you step outside your door and face the shitstorm of fear, crime,
government oppression, the trained avoidance of much of American ―mainstream‖, the
endless loops the more assimilated of you have to hop through just to get a taste of that
corporate packaged ―American dream‖. All that struggling leaves a lot of you dispirited
enough to obliterate your seared souls with drugs, a lot of you disillusioned enough to stop
giving a fuck who you hurt or kill to get yours… yet all that struggling has given most of you
insight into how this country‘s really run, beyond the corporate packaged bullshit.


Aside from the personal achievements of the very best of you(or the most connected), your
people have been consigned to the bottom of the racial order that has been set up in
America-not counting the Natives who were condemned to genocide.

Your Ancestors were brought over as slaves, their children born into a lifetime of servitude.
When they were freed as a result of the Civil War, they were then condemned to economic
and social apartheid. When as a result of the unions and industrialization good paying
manufacturing jobs enticed them, they migrated by the millions into the inner cities. It was a
cruel trap.

Those rich-many the descendants of those that bought you and brought you over-they decided
it would be a good ideal to make lax the trade and tariff structure that enabled American
industry to thrive in the first place. They, controlling our very money decided to also weaken
the dollar by 95% over several generations through control by the private ―federal‖ reserve
bank. Combined with ever-expanding government that restrains the creative impulses of what
is supposed to be a Free People, and a Hegelian Dialectic(3) is formed whose only apparent
―solution‖-for them-is to move their factories overseas, and exploit Mexicans and Asians as
their new slave labor.

The result is where many of you are living in today; economically depressed communities that
stay depressed because of America‘s economic dependence on trans-national corporations for
it‘s market economy. These depressed areas are then neglected by the same powers-that-be
that pulled the economic rug from under your fathers and grandfathers feet. Less taxes, in a
system that needs money and vital services start to suffer. An already crap ass state school
education that turns out dumbed down worker/servants to industry becomes completely

People become desperate. Desperation that isn‘t overcome becomes despair. Despair turns to
hopelessness and along with the racial divides produces everything from dependence on
government welfare programs to self-destruction with drugs to high risk crime. A people
denied and defeated, hopeless, turns on themselves, and everything from abandoned,
dilapedated homes to broken families to gangs result… which result in more bad feelings
towards you, more mistrust by brain-dead white America, more persecution by the

Your hopelessness, socially engineered ignorance, and self-destruction help maintain your
mandated position as America‘s racial villains: welfare queens, gangbangers, pimps, hos,
bums, drug dealers and murderers. People who ―deserve‖ to have over testosteroned
government goons beat, arrest and shoot them, even if they haven‘t done anything wrong.


Help yourself.

Can‘t help others if you can‘t do for yourself. If you‘re dependent on working for someone
else to survive, get a skill or learn to sell, or a trade you can entrepeneur because you‘ll
never get anywhere giving out 90% of the fruits of your labors to your ―massa boss‖ and 5%-
HALF of what you get afterward-to ―massa state‖.

You also can‘t help others if you‘re making a lot of debt payments. Get the hell out of debt
no matter the cost. Be the master of your own finances. That means sacrifice… I know the
whole consumer culture, the plywood and sheet rock mansion, the SUV, the wallet filled with
credit cards ready in a instant for a shopping spree, the backyard grill, the home
entertainment center… it entices you to live a life you‘ll pay for, some other day. That other
day always comes, and the more you borrow, the more money it takes to service the debt,
the more time you have to devote to working to service the debt, to have all that overpriced
crap. You can have 80% of the fun on 20% of the expense-what‘s more important, status or
gaining your Freedom?

Read a lot more about this at Look under ―Message to Mr. and
Mrs. America, and ―Free Yourself to Free Others‖.

If you‘re on drugs, you have to realize there‘s much more to this life than getting a buzz, no
matter the cost. Part of that cost is the time lost in a drug induced haze to stifle the pain.
You want to get rid of the pain, find and do what you‘ve been sent here by Our Father. Yes,
there really is a spiritual side to this struggle, but it‘s not what the corrupted churches say it
is. Is sure as hell isn‘t asking for ―miracles‖ and ―prosperity‖ like God was just another credit
card. We are all here for a reason-it‘s not always something great, but there‘s a greatness in
the simple things. I believe that reason is to FIGHT for this world and it‘s People. To free
them, to awaken them in their hearts so that Our Father can commune in them and us with
Him as one Family in Love. A secular humanist I am not: without a grounding in our spirit by
Our Father you‘re given over to the worst of you and others, and the next thing you know
you‘re selling out: serving toxic corporate fast food or selling mortgages or pulling guns on
folks toking up in the fraudulant war on drugs. A Man with Our Father won‘t do such things.

You waking up, striving to make even your community a better place-free of government gone
amok and self-destructive crime can and will make a difference. Yes this is a new paradigm of
thought-for you. Actually it‘s what Jesus taught two millenia ago before he was murdered for
what He tried to do in what was only partially touched on by the four gospels.(4) God didn‘t
write the Bible, men did. Learn to go directly to God and He will save you from the lies of
man. He did with me.

If you‘re in a gang, well I have a surprise for you, this isn‘t a anti-gang message. Why?
Colonial Militiamen-simple farmers and tradesmen-faced off against their own empire‘s
military, the most powerful on Earth at the time. They could‘ve been considered a gang: they
had weapons, and associated with each other, and resisted government tyranny as best they
could. Your gang however is currently a liability to your community, a menace to those it
should be protecting and helping out. You have strength in numbers but you let the scum of
your neighborhoods make you into a mirror image of their own sickness. You standing up along
with others and with your people for Freedom and survival could transform your gang from a
community disease rightly targeted by everyone into part of a cure for your own problems and
your community.

Sell your CIA supplied crack if you must-but use the addicts money to start small,
underground businesses. Sell locally made media, food, products; you get together, find the
person with the best ideal and back him up. When she or he is in a position to pay back what
was invested, they can lift the next person up. Use your muscle to keep the crackheads, wife
abusers, and your psychopaths in check. Do try to make connections with others who also
want their Freedom. Stock up on survival items: seeds, fuel, tools, 19th and 20th century
how-to books, and especially ammunition. Make peace with your fellow man whether he be a
cop sympathetic to your plight, or rival gang members or white folks you come in contact

Help those that fall through the cracks and get pushed to the bottom survive.

African-Americans know how to survive in a hostile system, and those newly poor because
their tech job gets sent to India for a 90% saving on labor cost, they‘re going to need help!
Not to mention what happens when a disaster like Hurricane Katrina strikes and the
government deliberately does nothing to foster social and economic changes those that call
the shots see as beneficial-to themselves. Most mainstream Americans hold onto their
programmed trust in this country‘s institutions. Take the opportunity when their world‘s been
shattered to help rebuild it-and by doing that helping to build a better world for yourself.

Be the best Villains you can be-to the system that oppresses us all!

Protest loudly when some asshole from the rich suburbs tries to put cameras on every street
corner, thug cops enforcing ―zero tolerance‖ policies that reek of slavery. If possible, get
your own candidates in a recall election and drive the traitors out of power. If he rigs the
election and the courts use legal excuses to do nothing, then you have no obligation to obey
tyrannical law. Smash the cameras, spit on the sidewalks, burn your drivers licenses and
plates in mass protest, stop paying taxes, openly carry your guns!

African-Americans have no business supporting a system that‘s oppressed them. In my essay

―The Two Americas‖, I go into detail how the America that‘s in our hearts isn‘t the America
that‘s imposed on us all. Don‘t feed the beast-starve it of labor, taxes, the best years of your
all-too-short life.

Learn how to economically support yourself as a community.

Along with dependence on government-who invariably is the enemy-you‘re dependent on the

major corporations for jobs and dependent on their products to salve the pain of being poor,
enslaved. The superficial allure of the ―American Dream‖ is truly powerful, but it‘s past time
to recognize that debt-fueled consumerism is itself a insidious form of slavery. A slavery
designed to use your vanities as the motive force of a global economy that pillages the lands
of others, enslaves the poor the world over no matter their pigment of their skin in servicing
your latest trends… at 18% annual.

I have to add something that a lot of you aren‘t going to like-a lot of tools operate as your
leaders. Al Sharpton is big on reparations for slavery. First off, where do you think the
money‘s going to come from?
Not from anyone responsible that‘s for sure! It would come from my pocket, and there isn‘t
much there to begin with, so this reparation ploy is nothing more than another racist attack-
get everyone to hate each other. The taxes that would come from white America would put a
lot of families under. Certainly the federal government won‘t be sacrificing any of it‘s assets
to compensate. You have in effect a spark for a stupid race war.

You want Freedom? Free yourselves of thinking that divides that oppresses you.

Wake up others:

Get active in local politics. Take over the local reins of power, free your communities of
government oppression. Kick out the big box stores that stifle local entrepenurship,
encourage small business to thrive and protect it. Money made by people from their own
labors that benefits them instead of the government and the elite CEOs stays in the
community and lifts everyone up.

Freeing your community, reach out to other communities in need of Freedom. Reach out to
other races, and help them, thereby crushing most of the hate and latent racism directed
against you.

Get enough communities, take over a state. Take over enough states, and you can begin to
reshape the federal government. Perhaps this can be done in time to thwart any federal plots
to ignite a civil war and gain the people‘s approval for martial law.

We‘re all in this together; but until the average American has had his wakeup call-whether by
job loss or some government thug‘s jackboot on his neck –he‘s not going to hear you. We‘re
on our own.

(1)I highly recommend going to and ordering ―Hologram of Liberty‖ by Ken
Royce. It‘s a shocking eye opener to how we got the government we‘re being crushed by in
the first place.

(2)A lot of money‘s spent keeping Americans lulled into a brain dead childlike state as they
spend money they borrow from the elites on shoddy crap the elites shipped them from their
slave labor factories overseas. Most of America and it‘s economy isn‘t owned by the average
American-it‘s owned by the government and the elites that control the government. Go to to find out about just how big the government really is.

(3)Hegelian Dialectic-Basically it‘s Problem/Reaction/Solution. To get a desired reaction or

outcome the ―elite‖ first engineer a ―Problem‖, carefully planned to cause a reliably planned
―Reaction‖ in us all. In combination with our fears and our exquisetly engineered cultural
programming, our Reaction, signals ―they‖ to trout out the ―Solution‖ that will qualm our
socially engineered fears. And so ―they‖ get more power, more control, more of the
fraudulant depreciating ―money‖, more of Our FREEDOM in exchange for some lie of
―security‖ in their slavery.

(4)Read the King James Version of the Bible; if it isn‘t the Old Testament, it‘s the writings of
Saul, a Roman Pharasee, which contradicts what Jesus taught. In fact the Gospel of Thomas-
which is nothing but quotes from Jesus-was ommitted from the Bible. Paul taught acceptance
and obedience to the powers that be but Jesus attacked the status quo every chance He got.
You cannot be Good and let Evil have it‘s way-that make your purported ―goodness‖ a lie.

J. Croft


Really, why should you? This is coming from a regular citizen-some Jane or Johnny Paycheck
blowing off some steam at all the taxes they have to pay, the ever increasing body of laws,
rules and regulations they must suffer. Suffer the ever increasing contacts with government
officials of all types enforcing the millions of pages of law-or is it millions of laws-that they
require us all to obey. The article itself even looks long-like it‘s some kind of overblown
antigovernment rant. Well, it is.

Who do you think wrote this diatribe? Was it some useless Berkely liberal: no, it must be some
―right wing‖ rant-like from these unwashed government-hating mutants:

So I guess for you it‘d be okay to stop reading this, throw it in the trash and get on with your
…and that‘s the problem all of us have to face as Americans. You just doing your job as
mandated by your superiors enacting government policy is destroying living free in this
country. IS destroying this country. Has just about destroyed it to tell the truth. Millions of
pages, I‘ll repeat, of local, state and federal dictate enforced by an army of government
power-loving lawyer/politicians, socialist social workers, some naïve do-gooders, and a lot of
crass careerists who know who butters their bread.

You love your job, your pay, your benefits, your power. Especially your power. Yet while you
love your job, we‘re hurting under the oppression of your collective efforts. If it isn‘t taxes
it‘s regulations, or court rulings, or some whim by a rogue bureaucrat.

―Rogue bureaucrat‖? That‘s a person in government service who thinks they‘re above the
People-that they‘re supposed to serve and protect… so far above they regard We the People
as nothing. Not just the obvious corrupt types but also the ones who heartlessly enforce all
the laws, rules and regulations pumped out by lawyers over the years that that exclusive
group has had exclusive control over what laws are made.

You‘re wanting to say something like ―can‘t make a omlette without breaking some eggs‖ or
―we gotta have rules or there would be anarchy‖ or something to the effect? Some defense of
the beast as being a better civilization than none? Guess what? To those that control the
beast we‘re all going to be omlettes. Sooner or later, one of your superiors will decide to
break you.

You know it‘s happened. You‘ve probably seen it. You‘ve closed your eyes to the havoc you
do to us all in the name of being the bitch of the federal government by repeating to yourself
that you‘re doing this for the United States of America. You‘re not, and you need to awake
from that delusion before your job completely steals your soul. I know in your quiet moments
you worry about it-you should.

Read this: and know the true state

affairs with the beast and our Nation.

―So what the hell can be done?!‖

Damn good question. The political process is sown up by those really in charge of this nation-
the scripted banality reminds me of a pro wrestling show if it were produced by C-SPAN.
Which is intended of course to discourage political participation by a ―people‖ of dumbed-
down, civically ignorant, anesthetized sheep. That is, when they could be pried from their
couches watching Paris Hilton perfect the art of practiced stupidity.

See, the degeneration of the American People into adult-sized spoiled children kept busy
making money for the few way too rich old white men who run this Nation into the ground for
world domination-it wasn‘t a overnight affair. Americans didn‘t one moment decide to take
on a lifetime of debt, trust big corporations with their financial future and see how fat they
can get instead of maintaining themselves, their own finances and what‘s supposed to be

It was a process-a kind of (mostly)non-military form of social war, waged with skill, subtlety,
patience on many fronts that has victimized many generations. Think about it: you think the
19th century American, who knew and practiced law on his own, could fix or make most
things on his own, could run successfully his own business, grow his own food, school his own
children, knew how to use guns and wasn‘t afraid to turn them against the bad guys-you think
such People would sit still for a second for:

*Being subject to millions of pages of law that NOBODY ON EARTH would have a hope in hell
of knowing, and being subject to knowing perfectly that titanic body of ―law, yet being held
accountable as if we were a nation of Rain Men? Maybe we‘re all idiots-sans the savant.

*Stolen elections using rigged computer systems with untraceable paper ballot readouts
manufactured by corporations whose CEO‘s are allied with one of the presidential candidates?
Who run regularly with some Supreme Court ―Justices‖?

*Federal agents-just like you-assaulting and murdering peaceable men, women and children
with automatic weapons and flammable CS gas that when ignited becomes poisonous cyanide?
Have you seen Waco: the Rules of Engagement and seen the forensic pictures of CHILDREN
bent backward, incinerated?

*Drug and gun running by two Presidents through Arkansas; murdering anyone, including
children who stumble upon their operations, turning the inner cities of America into crack
central? The punchline being one of those drug smuggling fatherfuckers has the gall to open a
office in one of the communities he helped pollute with his smuggled drugs?!
*Federal invasion and eavesdropping of their private communications, with the fig leaf excuse
of ―we‘re fighting a ‗war on terror‘‖, a excuse that could mean anything from insurgents we
make in Iraq when our Troops driven crazy by war pop caps into innocent people and their
relatives want revenge, to naïve fools attracted by false-flag Al Qaeda(the toilet seat), to
seven dumb angry Blacks getting entrapped by the same breed of criminal scum that would
plant drugs or murder mothers with their infant children in their arms?

*Theft of up to half of their earnings through every tax scheme imaginable, claiming there
was a budget shortfall-yet their consolidated annual financial reports indicated investments
worth multiples of the debts incurred-so that the taxes remain high and we all struggle?

*Using money that is unsound, backed by nothing, is worth less and less each year do to
―inflation‖? The issuing of that inflating, depreciating currency by a cartel of private banks
that‘s never ever held accountable for the credit booms and economic busts it deliberately
manufactures for the sole benefit of the richest-while everyone else-YOU INCLUDED-suffer?

No. The 19th century American-who could and WOULD defend himself-wouldn‘t stand for it.
Didn‘t stand for it… at first. But ―they‖ the inbred psychotic blueblooded ―elite‖, the masters
of the beast, managed to tame their descendants-slowly, incrementally, over several
generations of slow ―progress.

Kept them distracted as they snuck in their laws, careful not to go too far too fast and arouse
their enemy.

Kept raising the standard of living, while making everything more expensive. Kept sneaking in
fees, licenses, permits, regulations, laws nobody held their Representatives accountable for
anymore because they became too engrossed with living in this modern day bastardization of
what America was supposed to be about. Freedom, instead of the permitted liberties that get
more and more curtailed with each act of state terrorism. Pursuit of happiness, instead of the
vapid pursuit of shoddy material crap manufactured by Chinese slave labor(we should be
ashamed!) borrowed at 18%APR and a shattered domestic economy.

Now, the 21st century ―murikan‖, between working for both massa corporation and massa
state, and anesthetizing his seared body and soul with mind numbing alcohol and TV. Any
people who‘ve endured the losses we have, yet still seem eager to put their Nation down
even further just to keep the good times going-such a craven, ―lazy‖, cowardly people
probably deserve all the crap that you and your compatriots in federal service have planned.
Don‘t they?

I mean, world war, economic collapse, deliberately bungled post disaster recovery
operations-you‘re just waiting for the orders to finish communizing this once gloriously free
nation. Gather all those fat ignorant sheep wandering around in a daze when the power‘s
gone, the malls are closed, the restaurants close, there‘s no more gas, the gangs are roaming
the streets ruthlessly scavanging for whatever‘s left.

Your bosses feed you some lines about you really being in charge when such a worthless
people let themselves get herded into those Halliburton built ―community centers‖? Get to be
the concentration camp guards as you take that broken people and mold them into obedient
worker slaves?

Isn‘t that what Americans are now? Obedient worker slaves-but with too much license to get
fat of bad food, too much leisure time, too much Freedom ―permitted‖? No reason to fear;
you‘re here to save the day for ―the people‖-which really means the state, it‘s corporate
partners and the way things are-or are planned to be.

Born in the Land of the Free and get spend the best years of your life as a communist
apparatchik. If you knew when you applied for your job what you do now, what would you do?

Seriously. Would you just ―go along‖?

If you‘ve read this far, and all that repressed anger‘s welling back to the surface and you‘re
ready to cut loose with some righteous rage, I think you‘d fight back.

I know you want to fight back now, if only you had a way of overcoming the beast. How the
hell does one do that when it‘s effectively tamed and all but enslaved what was at one time
the freest People to ever walk the Earth?

You know the beast has had the lawmaking processes secured since about Day One. Secured
enough through cronyism, ideological conditioning, media control and the sheer costs of
election campaigning that only the corrupted attain office. The corrupted can be controlled
well enough.

You know the beast has the courts secured. What are judges but politicians in a different
branch of government? ALL of them are lawyers-a breed that‘s been given way too much
leeway in influencing American life. A giant racket the law; they write the laws, make more
rulings in the courts about the law-or in spite of it-and their guild gets to profit off of both
prosecuting and defending those that get drug before it-like the poor bastard who got
entrapped by ATF agents into making a 18 inch shotgun barrel into a 17 inch or so unlicensed
short barreled weapon-a National Firearms Act violation. To feed his starving family living in a
ramshackle mountain hovel the poor bastard nicks less than a inch of steel off a single shot
shotgun and the whole weight of the federal government comes down, murders his son, his
wife and his infant child.

You know the beast controls the strings of power in the various military, law enforcement and
intelligence agencies. The beast always has it‘s corrupted and compromised where it needs
them. Those that are permitted to office are as corrupted as those in Congress and the
You know the beast controls the state and local governing bodies and agencies. All the
wannabes toadying along with the party line, hoping for a shot at the big time federal league
of politics; if they can just be the one with the thickest coating of brown on their nose. They
got their handlers, their enforcers to keep them in line-as if they already weren‘t
brainwashed by the universities they go to, that the beast controls through it‘s communist
puppets in the ―left‖, preaching state power over all.

You know the beast‘s minions are everywhere in government-that they watch your
movements, your attitudes to various tasks that destroy average American‘s lives. Watch you-
comrade federal agent-just as if you were living in North Korea, Romania, East Germany, the
Soviet Union… any misstep in thought or action that might advertise you as one of those
unwashed populist ―patriots‖…

You know the beast isn‘t just in government; it‘s minions run the corporations, especially the
media. TV, movies, music, celebrities-all are used to keep a People being robbed of
everything drowsy with petty materialism and trivia. Like those minions in government, the
beast‘s minions in the cultural institutions get indoctrinated in college by the same funky
tenured useless idiot marxists that feed the crap to the future bureaucrats, politicians, and
you the federal agent that you are some kind of ―elite‖.

You know the beast is efficient when dealing with dissenters. If they can‘t be kept asleep
they‘re steered into easily controlled front groups that run them in circles with useless acts of
protest that only satisfy their egos that something gets done. Fed lies and half-truths and
otherwise kept ignorant so that nothing they think of as a solution will work because it isn‘t
rooted in the truth of the situation. These efforts are sufficient for the average dissenter until
they tire of the real sense of lack of progress and go back to being obedient ―productive

Politics is structured-scripted-so that there‘s a ―left‖ and a ―right‖ of hot button issues to
divide folks, to distract folks, as they‘re taxed and legislated into slavery. Racism? It isn‘t so
overt, at least in front of ―mainstream ‗murika‖ to maintain that ―politically correct‖ front,
but it‘s planted as subtly cultivated attitudes in the culture. Promotion of the most ignorant
of celebrities, with drugs, with deliberate neglect of the cities, with mismanaged funding for
all those dependant on government so that the generated inequalities make Black and White
and Brown blame each other instead of those that should be responsible-those who make

Those that cause trouble in spite of these efforts to brainwash are subjected to everything
from ridicule by the beast‘s tools in the media and academia, to harassment by you, the
federal agent. There are enough laws that it‘s impossible to live a normal life without
breaking them. Those that persist even after threat of loss of their lives, possessions, family,
career and liberty, the beast eliminates.
You know the beast actually WANTS someone to snap. Yes, provoke them to do something
desperate and attempt a resolution by force-so that the majority of Americans it‘s already
conquered mind, body and soul will approve of the government‘s preplanned ―solution‖ of
martial law and the final foreclosing on what Freedom remains. That they would willingly go
along with literally, your jackboot on their necks so long as they can retain their borrowed
comforts of the lazy boy, the plasma screen parading Christina Aguilera and their six pack.

The charade cannot go on forever, that someday people will run out of credit, the world will
tire of being America‘s economic and political bitches, the ―elite‖ will have set their final
war in motion and don‘t need America as the consumer suction pump of the world‘s wealth-as
that model of economic exploitation will be obsolete when the nukes fly and the markets
crash. Hell, the country‘s already been de-industrialized, what‘s left but to dismantle what
can be foreclosed and sold to Asia?

So why the hell not provoke the Patriots into a futile last stand and wipe them out in one fell
swoop, leaving a distressed, docile, and decimated slave population to exploit?

Sounds too far fetched? Read the following you can track the government‘s logic in this
strategy and why it would attempt it:

There are roughly 70,000,000 (legal) gun owners in this country-that‘s all 85% of them are,
they just own a gun without the knowledge of how to properly use it in combat… let alone
would. The fifteen percent that could conceivably be a threat-police officers, veterans,
seasoned hunters, hard core patriots and survivalists… most are brainwashed that things are
hunky-dory as the average American. Many are even as conditioned as you being government
employees. Most of the rest, that see things as they truly are, have at best rudimentary
training in military operations, marksmanship, primitive survival. A few isolated, lonely
groups; nothing enough soldiers can‘t overcome given enough time.

Of those, how many have sufficient knowledge of guerilla warfare, propaganda and counter-
propaganda, logistics, basic weapons manufacturing? Who among them has a clear picture of
the Problem, and the Many Steps that could lead to a Possible Solution given enough time and
success? Who among them has the vision and strength of Washington, Simon Bolivar,
Cromwell, Che Guerverra, Lee, Alexander to pull such a incredible coup as to take down the

No wonder you think it safer to go along with the beast to get along-going along and
destroying your fellow countrymen. Who can stand up to such a behemoth and even survive…


Think again! Think back to what you‘ve read: the beast is made up of people-like you or
worse, or better.
Each of those persons, like you, can be persuaded, given enough information and
enlightenment. Each of those persons could lose their health, or their job, or become a victim
of the beast themselves.

Each of those persons can realize that yes, you can and probably will lose everything in
struggling against the beast, including their lives.

Each of your fellow Agents can also realize these Truths:

1.)We‘re all going to die sooner or later. Sooner or later the DNA in your cells deteriorate,
break down, start making more mistakes than the rest of the body can compensate for. Your
hair starts to turn gray, your skin starts to sag, you start losing muscle mass, your metabolism
slows down. You grow fat, frail, your faculties start to fail, your mind fogs, you can‘t see so
sharp or hear so good, you lose control of your bowels at the worst possible moments, you fall
and you can‘t get up. Without cellular renewal, entropy is inevitable, and hence, old age
homes and death. Which leads to:

2.)What will people remember you for? What actions that you do or do not do, how will that
make their lives better? How do you justify taking part in monstrous manipulations,
conspiracies, murder with leaving the world in a better shape than you entered in? What in
the way of Freedom, a society that uplifts the Individual, a livable planet, a civilization that
will carry Man into the future will your personal efforts to help the beast suppress everyone
from political dissenters to inventors of devices that threaten government and corporate
domination bring? Ultimately:

3.)What if there really is a God I‘ll have to answer to for my life‘s work? Or lack of…

Somehow everything came into existence-everything came from something. The Universe,
from the structure of the largest of it‘s galactic supergroups to the smallest of subatomic
particles reveals a intricacy, vibrancy, and most importantly a design of such wonder we will
never catch the full measure of. Since it‘s God, Our Father‘s Creation, we are all of us Our
Father‘s Children.

How have you treated Our Father‘s Children, Federal Agent of the United States Government?
How have you treated the society they‘ve been brought up in? How have you personally
treated those of Our Father‘s Children who don‘t share your color, your culture, your
ideology, your class or income level?

And, having done what you‘ve done in your life, how do you think Our Father will treat you
WHEN, and this is an ABSOLUTE, WHEN He gets his hands on you after your shot, worn out
body takes it‘s last breath?

That WILL come, and it won‘t matter how many church appearances you made, how many
fifty dollar bills you stuffed into the Salvation Army kettle on holidays, how many self-
congratulatory awards you get for your years of loyal service to the public(or in a way you
don‘t realize, it will)…

…What will matter to Our Father is whether you helped out that woman the IRS is trying to
steal her home, business, and future over a tax mistake.

…Whether you disregarded personal danger in stopping the beast‘s minions from pressuring a
desperate backwoods ―undesirable‖ to sawing a inch of steel off a single barrel shotgun,
averting a frightening show of force by them.

…Whether you did your best-even if meant career suicide-in averting a massacre of women
and children by being simultaniously burnt alive and poison gassed to death.

…Whether you tried to warn agents, police officers, those in authority who still hold
themselves accountable to the People of a plot to stage a false flag terrorist operation-even if
you had to do a end run around the official channels and risk your very lives against the beast
if but to foil a plot to whip up yet another war started for false reasons.

…Whether you decided yourself to seek out those Americans still owning themselves, still
willing to gamble all they have like their ancestors have done for Freedom. Help them
however way you can, with training, advice, intel. To warn them when the beast decides to
wage the final offensive against those that would be Free, enact martial law and wage
another civil war in order to wipe out the last vestiges of Freedom… even with the approval of
all they‘ve sucessfully enslaved.

That you did or did not these things and more, THAT is what will matter to Our Father. Your
Father who loves you and would love to see you STAND as a FREE MAN in common cause with
your Brothers and Sisters, even against the beast that runs this country and runs it into the
ground in a last, great effort to consolidate it‘s control over us all.

You can be Free.

You can, standing with others intelligently, resist.

You, especially being a federal agent, can help slow the beast down, and together we could
slay it.



What do you really need to live and be happy? That half-million dollar plywood and sheet rock
millstone you and probably your kids will spend the rest of your days paying on? That huge,
honking SUV your spouse can barely handle in traffic? That collection of credit cards that
you‘ll never pay off because you just gotta hit that mall for more crap made by slave labor
you‘ll use maybe twice?

You‘ve brown nosed to the beast for all that crap, it‘s tainted with the blood and suffering of
innocent people.

Besides, being so craven and cowardly should be embarrassing to a big, strapping lawman.

Point is, no matter what choice you make you‘re gonna lose something-you can keep serving
the beast and lose your Freedom, forever. Or, you can lose your fear-among them losing the
materialist chains of debt slavery that keep you dependant on the beast and it‘s trinkets it
loans you for some mirage of happiness.

So if you‘re committed to the Cause, it‘s time to do a gut check. You can‘t have freedom of
action if you‘re tied down with debt payments and love of comfort. Truth is, your life is going
to get damn uncomfortable from here on out, no matter what choice you make, you might as
well make the choice that‘ll guarantee a real future for your children.

You do have children, a spouse, right? You‘ll have to have a big sit-down with the little debt
slaves-in-training and share your epiphany.

THEN, provided your loved one doesn‘t speed dial their attorney to begin divorce proceedings
you get to figure out a plan to wean yourself of the false trappings of success you ignorantly

*Turn off the TV. All it does is lie and hustle for your money-after the government‘s done
shaking you down. Soon you‘ll discover you can actually think for yourselves, you‘ll start
spending ―quality time‖ with your family and you‘ll see how things really are in America

*Sell the house. As of July, 2006 there‘s still a housing market. SELL NOW!! Sell while there
are still buyers dumb enough to believe the hype on CNBC and FOX. Sell and rent a older
home in the country, where there will be some degree of safety when the preplanned
collapse is triggered.

*Get rid of the SUV if you haven‘t paid it off. You‘ll take a loss on it anyway, but the point is
to get out of debt and get out of gas hogs your 100lb wife or 300lb husband can‘t handle. Get
a older car that‘s reliable-it‘s possible.

*Cut up the credit cards. Debt obligations masquerading as ―cash on hand‖. In fact, go cash
only for all, any purchases.

*Go out a hell of a lot less to eat. Find and patronize a organic food store, eat natural food,
drink non flouridated spring water and notice not only how much weight you lose, but also
how much healthier you feel, how better you can think, how less apathetic more free spirited
you are, and how much more cash you have in your pocket. Stock up on extra food in case of
something going to hell with the food supply.

*Find a way for your family to start becoming ―self-employed‖; under the table cash only
business. It‘ll teach business and money handling skill that‘ll benefit yours the rest of their
lives. Plus add another stream of cash flow or two.


You know that speech you gave to your family before you rescued yourselves from being debt
slaves? Give a condensed version to the next person you encounter-could be on the job. Could
be at a bar. Could be at the supermarket.

The Average American still looks up to authority figures, and to hear the unvarnished truth
from a Federal Agent about how things really are could wake some people up. Some-because
the educational and cultural programming of the sheeple by the beast is rock solid. Truth be
told, the average ‗murikan‘s mind has been so debased, so miseducated, so devoid of
character or internal strength that they‘ll mentally tune you out or change the subject.
Nobody likes being told their life‘s been a fraud.

Some will listen; it‘s up to you to help organize them into effective political and self-
defensive groups.


Standing alone is for the suicidal, the stupid, or the desperate. Acting together, with a plan
while doing your best to not be exposed works.

Get involved with citizens working intelligently with local politics, or start your own local
group. Plenty of issues to address.

Cover each others asses when the beast gets set to crush some more of your fellow citizens.


You know perfectly well that those people represent the best, most patriotic Americans left.
Sadly they are a handful, and need your help badly. Besides, WHEN the beast targets you…and
it will… you‘re going to need some stone reliable folks to back you up.

Help the Militias infiltrate government positions with new members so that they can be a fifth
column-keeping in mind to keep these infiltrators off any ―official‖ militia circles.

Help the Militias form front organizations. Why? To take over town and village governments,
start dismantling the beast at the local level-it‘s where the fucker is most vulnerable while
we still have a multilevel representative form of government. When they build a working, real
world example of Freedom and use effective propaganda to spread the message, a thousand
more liberated towns will spring up.

I go into detail about this at



What the hell is this about-isn‘t this a plan of action in the real world?

It is, and you and Our Father reuniting is THE MOST IMPORTANT PART.

Men lie. They do it every day. Men ordained in religious doctrines made by men lie whether
they know it or not, because the religious doctrines they preach-propagandize actually-were
made by men. There‘s a lot of power, money, control in religion. It‘s a racket used by states
throughout history to corral, control the very thoughts and beliefs of Man.

Religions-especially Christianity, Islam, and Judaism, are contrary creations of different

teachings and doctrines by different people with contrary motives. Some actually wanted a
better world. Most just wanted loyal followers to enrich themselves with, to control, to use as
cannon fodder in the next war.

If the Universe was created-and it‘s getting harder with each discovery to discount that-then
there‘s a Creator.

A Creator of the Universe has to be by nature a intelligent and loving being because creativity
requires intelligence, love, and the catalyst of inspiration.

So if Our Father was inspired to create a sentient being-us-that could commune in spirit with
Him, has(in theory)intelligence, capable of love, can be inspired to do great and noble things-

To be murderers, of ourselves and Our Father‘s Creation for the sake of some manmade paper
entity‘s bottom line?

To enslave, when it is Human Desire given freely by Our Father to be Free, and at the same
time take it upon ourselves to personally guarantee other‘s Freedom?

To stealing from others, including everything they‘ve worked for their entire lives because
some bureaucrat decided that was appropriate for a hundred fifty dollars, federal reserve
notes that are worth less and less each year?

To regulating a person in every part of his and her life to the point where Freedom becomes
another vague word?

To subjecting the youth to life destroying state run ―public schools‖ that take people full of
energy, creativity and curiosity and after 13 years of grinding down turn out brain dead
consumer slaves-‗murikans.

To use the holy ideals of Life, Freedom, the Pursuit of Happiness, a responsible
representative government as fig leaves for conquest, genocide, plundering, domination?

Our Father would NOT want that!

When YOU realize that, then and only then can you accept the example of Jesus as laid out in
the Gospels when encountering the bankers (moneychangers) and lawyers (pharisees)-they got
not one moment‘s rest. Jesus wasn‘t about pacifism, Jesus and Our Father were about
reacting in the strongest possible manner to tyrants and the other ilk that toadies to them.

When YOU realize that, and that the conclusion is only YOU can forge YOUR OWN
CONNECTION to Our Father, and that THAT is the path to your salvation…

…that only your actions count as only actions are worth anything in this world…

…that only by standing with others like minded in being awakened, aware, and willing to pay
the price for their Freedom…

…only then does Man have a chance of Salvation, for themselves and the world we‘ve all
helped trash because of the evil of foolish, craven men and the demons of power and greed
that rule them.

How about you?


J. Croft

WARNING: The following is absolutely made up, it‘s just some drunken ranting so you can just
go back to sleep Mr. and Mrs. ‗Murika. Chumps.
This happened a few years ago, right before we invaded and conquered Iraq. It was at a
stereotypical chain sports bar, in the middle of suburbia amid the great mass of Middle
America-―flyover country‖ to the person I had this bar conversation with.

I was on my computer, and… you ever get a feeling you should do something, go someplace?
I‘m not talking the average notions that enter our noggins, I‘m talking grab you by your very
soul and go do it right now, damnit!

I did there and then, and that compulsion was to hit this one bar. (1)

Now, I like hanging out at bars and drinking, having some food to soak up the beer so you‘re
still good to go on the drive home afterward.(2) So this was looking to be a good ideal, cuz I
like hanging at this particular bar… it‘s one of those chain bars but they have decently sized
drafts at decent prices and the food‘s good (tasting) enough so I went.

I go in, hang at the bar and it‘s in a horseshoe configuration. I go and sit: in the middle,sat
this howdy-doody redhead looking yuppie dude. I‘m talking bowl cut redhead, a flaming rich
assed preppie with the gay gator shirt, shit-eating grin, texas drawl, y‘all and he was so
obviously SLUMMING IT at my bar.

This person‘s air… I got to comment on the ―air‖, the attitude people give off.

People have a presence that goes beyond the sum of posture, cleanliness, health, dress, the
look on their face; it‘s the manifestation of their spirit. Their spirit that reflects the totality
of their lives; what they‘ve experienced, learned, done.

And this cat‘s presence… it was like watching a great white shark in a school of minnows… in
a rare moment of contentment with his appetite, yet perfectly capable of using a hundred
different means to literally destroy any one of us at that bar that night.

His beady gaze, his eyes: underneath the well-practiced joviality he had the eyes of a cobra.
This, in other words, was a man to reckon with in spite of the preppie frat boy image he
pumped out so hard.

And this dude was unusually outgoing, engaging. The dozen or so other dudes and one
withered up old bar skank-and especially myself-would say a few things, between beers and
eating watch the NASCAR. Or, zone out in thoughts about the half dozen or so things in our
small, ordinary lives, that crop up to the beat of Metallica and Pearl Jam.

But not the Texan. His voice booming he‘d talk to anyone and everyone-this asshole‘s some
kind of politician! Okay, he‘s young so he‘s some kind of aspiring politician-which is even
worse because everyone knows a aspiring politician has a whore‘s morality with the hungry
ruthlessness of a crackhead… There‘s a bit more to this though-his voice is familiar to me
somehow, I heard it before but I‘m racking my beer-soaked brain trying to figure out where…
Anyway, this dude, first time at this bar, wants to get everyone involved in a big across the
bar conversation, manufacturing a social moment, and the first comment was on NASCAR.
Now me with a couple of drafts in me, I let it rip. I tell everyone ―NASCAR is the redneck
golf.‖ (C‘mon. It is, admit it; unless you‘re actually DRIVING it‘s a colossal waste of time.)

―Only way that ―sport‖ could get my attention is if they mounted machine guns on their

That got Tex‘s attention, which is what he wanted as politicians are attention junkies. He
mainly took offense at me using golf to rip on NASCAR. Being drunk-and a rifleman/patriot-
and not having the best of judgement I tell him that golf ranges are a waste and should be
made into rifle ranges.

Yes, in spite of the less that subtle sense this guy was dangerous, I shoot my mouth off.(A
tactical mistake, yes, revealing my politics so brazenly-but see, I was drinking at the time and
I‘m typing this now so it‘s all good.)

That ended that for a couple minutes, and some folks cleared out. I drank, ate my food,
listened to the metal, watching howdy-doodie charm the bar skank and the others. Most of
them cleared out.

―Hey, come over her and sit by me. I‘ll buy you a beer.‖

You‘d do the same thing; amble on over and get that drink. So I went and dude spazes all of a


He said it in a outwardly stern voice-yet underneath there was a palpable sense of fear, like
he felt vulnerable... as vulnerable as any of us "common folk".

At this point out of the corner of my eye I see this Mr. Clean looking weightlifter in the tight
fitting white t-shirt rise, looking ready to do battle. He was obviously a Soldier, and a very
experienced one at that, and any battle with him wouldn‘t have made him break a sweat.

Having left my gun at home(see note #1) anyway I could tell him the truth: uh, no, I say

―Good.‖ The political crack whore says. Mr. Clean sits back down and becomes irrelevant to
the rest of this completely fictional story, dude then throws down his politics in a
confrontational manner: ―you support Israel don‘t you?‖ Confronting me with a ―you‘d better
say the right damn thing‖ attitude.
Now I fucking lie: Yeah. Sure. I say. And here it hits me where I heard him before when he
introduces himself(3). Hits me like lightning when I realize I heard him on the radio!

(Tex was a caller at a popular talk show I at onetime listened to ‗til they showed their true
colors and stuck with the official line about 9/11. They had on this author who wrote a book
about two prominent politicians belonging to this secret society at this prestigious university.
Tex identified himself as a member-from a old political family dating back hundreds of years,
and with royal ancestry to boot. He talked about how when he was a kid, he broke into his
Granddad‘s footlocker full of the crap their secret society used. Talked about how his
Granddad, who never was hostile to him beat Tex like he‘s never been beat before or since.
He called in mainly to defend that power cult he was in, that everything wasn‘t so
conspiritorial as the author was claiming. )

So: here was the reason I was so compelled to come to this particular bar on this particular
night. Embracing Destiny, I sit next to him, he orders me a beer having paid by credit card as
millions of brainwashed ‗murikans have been trained to do at 18% APR, and up.

Dude throws some flattery in my way, complimenting me about my leather jacket; then
makes a comment that styles repeat themselves, showing off a little of his extensive

He starts talking about his family; his was in politics since the Revolutionary War he states.
Feeling my cojones, wanting to test him a bit I ask a question to probe a conspiracy theory:
―So, you‘re like royalty, aren‘t you?‖( Through my years of study I‘ve found that there are a
few, interbred ―royal‖ clans that really run this planet‘s civilizations. ______ was I believe
one of those. Google ―Illuminati families‖)

Yeah, that tested him; he suddenly got uncomfortable on me, catching him off guard: he was
actually shaken, like I stumbled upon some vile family secret-and I bet I did.

―Uh, yeah.‖

He talked about the coming second round of fighting with Iraq; about how his brother went
off to war(SUPPOSEDLY), and his parents laying out the plan for his life. Basically, he‘d get
this symbolic post where his signature would be used for one of the many licenses the state
requires of you. Dude was in town because he had a swearing in ceremony 9 AM, so logically
one of his ―regality‖ would want to get bombed to numb the obvious discomfort of dealing
with the commoners.

So, I thought, let‘s ask him another penetrating question; this time about foreign policy. So I
ask him about the at that time Islamic Gold Dinar being pushed by the Malaysian President
Mahtahir as a trade substitute for the dollar. I also asked about Saddam Hussein‘s attempt
before we invaded to lead a Muslim uprising in switching payment of crude oil to the euro.
―Well, you have to understand that the coming war is about keeping control of the oil.‖
Understanding that America‘s economic hegemony has been reduced by deliberate
surrendering of our economic infrastructure to the dollar being the universal reserve currency
backed by our military.

Dude then got nasty, suspicious and troubled I could ask such a question: ―How did you find
this out?!‖

Not thinking ahead enough, I told him the truth; got it off the internet.

―We‘re gonna have to do something about that‖ he mutters in disgust. I mean, he actually
deflated a bit in a mix of disgust and anger. But being the political player he was, my boy
bounces right back to his practiced joviality.

We then talked about his political family (you‘d know the name if I revealed it) and
aspirations of getting a congressional seat; his attitude was that it was as guaranteed to him
as a king‘s crown would be to a prince. An attitude which totally disgusts me as this is
supposed to be a Republic.

So I press again: How about if someone runs against you?

―Doesn‘t matter; I‘d still win.‖ As certain as if we were talking about the sun rising

―But, what if he‘s got money‖-thinking of Ross Perot, perhaps the last real challenge to the
farce that is American politics.

―Doesn‘t matter, we‘d outspend him. It‘s not what you know, it‘s who you know.‖

Thing about politicians like Tex is, they‘re sociopathic in nature; they don‘t give a damn
about what they do to folks, so long as they can retain power. Oh, they care if you threaten
to take their power away, so if they can‘t shut you up they‘ll bullshit you. Tex here now pulls
his lame ass psychological game, trying to make what he just admitted to seem as nothing.

―You‘re too cynical.‖ He says, papering over the obvious admittance of corruption. ―Have
faith in your government, and your leaders. Pay your taxes.‖

It was then he gets around to asking about me. I tell him I invest, which seems a pleasant
surprise to him so, what do I invest in? I tell him silver(at the time it was below $6.00/0z)

―Worst possible investment you could make‖ Tex says, with the certainty he KNOWS that
market‘s manipulated and supressed by friends and relations of his, in spite of that
commodity‘s actual scarcity-and that if investment demand revives sufficiently it could and
will cause a disruption as supply would never catch up with demand.
This bar conversation was wrapping up; he was wrapping it up as he got the bartender‘s
attention to cash out with his credit card. He makes this comment.

―Yep, in three to five years this is what we‘ll be using instead of cash‖.

(Can only be counting on the dollar being so devalued in the near future-much nearer now-
that a new currency is instituted. The federal reserve bank cartel‘s not reporting m3 money
data anymore. A North American Union is quietly being forged and a new, unified currency
called the amero will come with it. Americans have been trained for years to use credit cards
instead of cash and increasingly, written checks. Do the math!)

I answer back: ―Or live like Daniel Boone.‖

(My forced out acknowledgement that such a evil scheme is all but unstoppable with the way
you chumps-yes you reading this-are. The only hope a Free Individual has is total separation
from the beast. Yes, my second tactical mistake of the night, and it helped him home in on
my political stance-but I‘m still here typing this, so maybe I lucked out.)

So that ended my talk with the blueblood. He went on for a few minutes with the withered up
bar skank talking about how some judges were being punished because they were taking more
in kickbacks than they were ―allowed‖. I left.

I couldn‘t take being in the fucker‘s presence any longer. (3)

I drove home, the conversation the whole night imprinted in my memory as deep as 9/11-
including another conversation with a Army Ranger who basically was having a hard on about
the coming ―war on terror‖ and how things were going to change in this country-how we‘d
have to live with fewer rights. Something I vehemently disagreed with, but looking back see
that chump knew Americans better than I did. Knew the way things really are in this fraud of
a nation better than I did. Perhaps he was even on a mission to evaluate firsthand peoples
reaction to the 9/11 black op.

That‘s for another time; what do I conclude?

First off, all those conspiracy books, reports-their warnings about how corrupt America is
were brought to stunning, horrid life to me. Confirmation that these traitors run the
government and they go along with a master plan in exchange for personal power. That they
own the political processes, and that it‘s no wonder that even a billionaire outsider, a
patriotic populist like Ross Perot couldn‘t win-had no chance of winning.

Second, that sitting next to Tex it also was revealed that these blueblood traitors are as
human, as frail, as mistake prone as you or I-and as fearful of the same things we are. That
being out in the public they‘re no different as to strength and weakness as you or I. Draw your
own conclusion on that one.

Third, and this came later, that their power is not absolute. They‘re not omnipotent, nor
invincible. They can be cornered. They can be surprised. They can be fooled. They could even
have what they‘ve built turned on them if only people would wake up, realize what‘s really
important and get activated.

Fourth, as much as the Patriot Movement has been thwarted, we ARE having a effect. That
people still struggle against the beast HAS slowed it down. If we could learn to exploit the
beast‘s weaknesses: the Internet and local political offices in small towns capable of being
self-sufficient, and build a ground-up decentralized Freedom Movement it could have a
chance. A chance because not everyone in government serves the dark side. That if the
People could rise up and effectively challenge the beast on a national level, that that would
be the window of opportunity for them to show their true colors, make the moves that could
truly free America, and save this nation from it‘s planned destruction.

Yet, like I stated in the beginning; this is a work of complete fiction, I‘m making all of this up.
Draw your own conclusions.

(1)Curious, as I got that compelling urge in my heart to hit that bar that particular night, at
the same time I was also getting this thought that didn‘t seem like it came from my own
head. That thought was to grab my gun and take it with me…, blasting dude in a public place
is a great way to scorching the rest of your life, and next time I shot that gun for the first
time it jammed up on me and I had to dump it at a gun show.

(2)When I was little, I nearly got killed by a DRUNK driver, and several years ago I came so
close you wouldn‘t believe to getting run over by a DRUNKEN hick at a accident scene. That
CHECKPOINTS!! Fuck their insurance and seatbelt laws too.

(3)I still wonder if perhaps I should have had that gun, to shoot that traitor-but I realize then
I‘d been caught, and his execution wouldn‘t have sparked a Revolution, it would only result in
me spending the rest of my life tortured 24/7. No future. No chance, no hope of making
change in this rotten society.
MY 9/11

J. Croft

Waking up about 9:30 or so in the AM on September 11, 2001 I thought it‘d be just another
day off:

Go back to bed for a few more hours of sleep.

Eat, shower, get in my ride and cruise around town in the afternoon. Maybe see a movie.

Do some shopping, go out and drink in the evening.

…But sometimes you can‘t get back to sleep. So I turned on the electronic narcotic that
manages to rob me of my time…

What I wound up turning on was the live news coverage that day. I stared at the TV, and my
first thought was ―must be some kind of disaster movie. They‘re spending a lot of money cuz
they got the World Trade Center on fire and everything-but why is it in broadcast news

Then it hit me that 9:30 in the morning‘s a rather odd time to show a faux live drama… maybe
some programming executive was doing some way out of character experimenting.

THE N it hit me-this is really happening! A jet really did crash into the World Trade Center!

I start flipping through the channels: all the networks, both Foxnews and CNN, all the Turner
channels, MTV, CNBC-all were covering the crash.

Then the second plane hits.

This is an attack.

Has to be terrorists hijacking the airliners, yes.

Then news comes of the Pentagon getting hit.

The Pentagon? ! Wait a second, where the hell‘s the Air Force?! They intercept small planes
going off course all the time, and they miss three hijacked airliners?

From the initial news accounts they came out of Boston and flew jagged, obviously off course
flight paths. Commercial jetliners aren‘t exactly the fastest things in the air, and America‘s
eastern seaboard‘s dotted with not only SAC air bases, but Air Force tactical wings and the
National Guard squadrons as well…

…Where the hell were they? That was what was going through my mind as I watched the
World Trade Center and Pentagon burn.

I join my parents at their place, as one of the towers suddenly collapses-you‘ve seen the
video. It was kind of like watching a rocket take off, only it‘s form smoothly compresses and
disappears amid a violent explosion of dust and debris.

I pace back and forth, angry beyond belief we were being attacked.

Then my father, says something that helped me put it back into perspective:

―You‘re angry aren‘t you?‖

Yes, I said. Oh yes.

―That‘s what you‘re supposed to feel.‖ To him, he saw this was a setup of colossal
proportions. Not thinking clearly at the moment I argued with him about the planes taking the
buildings down, as he in frustration shook his head, reminding me they found bombs in those

I went back to my place. Out of a useless, but primeval need I checked, made certain my
pistol and my military pattern semiautomatic rifle(of which I had been properly trained in it‘s
use) were ready… but ready for what? Jihadists to roll through my town shooting up the
neighborhoods in drive-bys shouting ―Allah Ackbar‖?

So I watched television some more: just about the only channel not putting it‘s spin on that
darkest day was Turner Classic Movies. That pox on God known as TBN was spinning it like it
was ―prophetic‖; I turned the channel before I did something stupid to the set, as I had just
gotten it for Saturnalia-er, x-mas.

It was coming out that there were 19 Arab hijackers that were responsible. 19 Arabs who
kamikaze the whole world into World War III. The teleprompter readers on all the networks
were all of a sudden introducing new buzzwords:

―War on Terror‖

―New Normality-get used to it‖

―Homeland Security‖.
And the way they trotted those words out, it was like that too was scripted-

-Scripted?! This whole attack, scripted?! I had to get the hell outta the house. I couldn‘t

So I drove, listened to the radio as they too were tripping over that day. Everywhere I went
there was this universal feeling of violation, of outrage, of wanting to go to war. Still had a
hard time thinking through the raw anger that was burning inside me, yet the clues were
jumbling around in my head. The absence of our trillion dollar air defenses, the reported
bombs by cops and firemen before the towers imploded like they were demolished(which they
were), the rollout of new slogans to help paradigm shift Americans thinking. The reports on
the internet that I was slowly recalling about shadowy deals with the Taliban that fell apart
about oil pipelines, about warnings of terrorist attacks scattered throughout the media.

Rolling on by the gas stations, seeing the long lines for gas-some stations were out. Hearing
reports of greedy gas stations jacking the prices all the way to 4 dollars a gallon(a outrageous
sum at the time).

It was too much, so I hit the bar to drink(the same bar I had inspiration to go to about a year
and a half later to have that talk with that traitor).

Everyone was in as much a state of disbelief and anger as I was. Everyone…

…Everyone except this short, stout, well built, buzzcut dude. I believe his name was Mike, but
it‘s been five years, so who knows. He was actually grinning of all things, like this was fucking
x-mas for him!

Over beers, we talked.

I fingered him as being in the military-he stated he was a Army Ranger and that he‘d be going
over to Afghanistan soon.

They were that certain? Or was his mission already planned before 9/11?

Yes he was excited, as he had been anticipating this himself.

I was cautious. I had my doubts-not only about the true nature of the events of that day, but
of our ability to win if we‘re going into the Middle East and Central Asia-a place as far
removed from America‘s ocean based power as you could imagine.

Didn‘t even faze him: ―Hell, we‘re worse than the Germans! There‘s nothing worse than
Americans pissed off!‖ Trying to work the pissed off patriot angle, all I saw was how
thoroughly the planning for WW III, how deep the brainwashing of our brothers, sisters, sons,
daughters, mothers and fathers, and friends in the military.
He went further: ―We‘re going to have to give up some rights, some Freedom in order to win
this‖(the way he said it, it was like we‘re loosing our Freedom no matter what kind of false
flag operation had to be executed)

―No way!‖ I shouted, ―No way in hell the American People would accept such a thing!‖

That traitor shrugged his shoulders, smiled at me, like he knew better about such things.

That was five years ago. Seeing how things have deteriorated, how the war in Iraq has been
proven a fraud, how average folks have rolled over for massa state when they grope their
wives and kids privates, how much more surveillance, how much more law we‘re subject to…
well, he did know better about such things.

I left. I called my people alerting them to fill up their gas tanks fearing a shortage-which
didn‘t come.

Over the next days, weeks I scoured the Internet; a whole lot of chest beating and flag waving
oh yes, but also a lot of numerological coincidences started coming out. There are a lot of
astrological and numerological ―coincidences‖ that occur throughout human history, through
the design of America‘s symbols, architecture. 9/11 was a day that had been in planning for a
VERY long time.

I had also been visiting, the website of the now self-exiled Mike Ruppert who had
participated in the fraud that was the drug war-busting street corner gangstas for drugs Bush,
Clinton and Ollie North smuggled in. He was one of the first on the internet to call bullshit on
the day‘s events, at least as far as intent goes.

Over the years I read hundreds of internet reports on 9/11, printed out thousands of pages
documenting the vast, murderous fraud that the shadow government perpetrated. Same
shadow government that people get persecuted for if they talk about it-like if they were
talking about UFO‘s or Santa Claus.

The mainstream culture has kept a lid on the 9/11 truth movement, kept the brain-deadened,
craven, materialism-enslaved, cowardly ‗murikans asleep. That movement has just about had
it‘s day, and with the upcoming operations against Syria and Iran I suspect any leeway we‘ll
have to seek out the truth and do something about it-peacefully-will evaporate when full
martial law is in effect and soldiers go door to door looking for those on that ―red list‖.

Stop looking for "leaders" to lead you out of the death spiral of this once great nation. Learn
to lead yourselves-at least get together some basics like stored food, firearms and training,
ammo, fuel. Better yet, move to a small community with a balanced locally self-sufficient
economy, water resources and hopefully locally generated electricity form a party and take
over the local government. Deconstruct the beast in your own backyard and become a
example of what Freedom is, so that others can be inspired and encouraged to do likewise.
Form militias to resist and repel the inevitable backlash that will come... this won't be the
start of a civil war because we've BEEN in one-it's just that nobody's fought back yet against
the beast that perpretrated 9/11.

J. Croft


Yes: I‘m some (white)dude you‘ve never heard of, and this is going to be a long read so you
can put this down, find out how ―your‖ sports team did today… or you can make some quality
time if you‘re sick enough of the way your life‘s going to read this.

You‘re sick of having so many enemies, and I‘m not just talking about the cops and courts and
correctional facilities, or someone from a rival gang-that‘s pretty much like you.

What I‘m talking about is not only all of them, but your neighbors who some of you rob or
steal from, or otherwise terrorize.

I‘m talking about every single stranger you run across; that working man or woman you‘re
stalking right now, getting ready to strike to jack the few pitiful bucks they bust their asses
for every day. Every day: busting their asses, killing themselves just a little more, for only a
tiny percent of the EFFORT they put in to survive.

I‘m talking about all the brain dead ―middle class‖ ‗Murikans-trying to sustain that fleeting
consumerist mirage, that FRAUD known as the ―American Dream‖-who don‘t question for a
second all the programming from the TV and government that paint you as a Threat… A
picture you reinforce when you actually victimize someone outside of your ghetto. That gets
you into even more trouble.

I‘m talking about all the other po‘ folk-cr*ckers, gre*sers, w*ps, m*cks, g*oks, kr*uts, n*ggers,
h*cks, bums, crackheads, chickenheads, pimps, fry cooks, mechanics, drivers, waitresses,
clerks, line workers… Who you‘d seem to rather attack than, say for hypothetical example, all
the motherfucking lawyers who write the laws in ―our‖ representative bodies, who sign them
into Law and then direct their bureaucratic stooges to enforce. Meanwhile, you and I are
forced to hire those same motherfucking lawyers to ―defend‖ us in their motherfucking
courts-where they judge us all to whatever rules they want.

It‘s not like there ain‘t scarce-open up a fucking phone book!

YET, you got this Don Corleone/Scarface/ name-your-favorite-rapper-here fantasy that only
makes you a menace to those around you, all your Family, Friends, and any random person at
the wrong place at the wrong time. Ruthlessness wielded stupidly and I‘m actually happy that
so many of you ignorant gangbangers get locked up so easily.

That‘s right; I don‘t care to being a target of your misplaced wrath. That‘s what it is; you
can‘t defeat the beast-the state, the corporate CEO‘s and Directors, lawyers, banksters, and
all the useful idiot socialist change agents(1) and thugs.

You‘d love to but you could never do it on your own. Too many cops itching to battle you. Yet
you feel that need to band together and stand, to hit at something, ANYTHING to reclaim
some of that pride, that humanity that being the Designated Urban Boogeyman and target of
hate has stripped from you… along with being deliberately trapped in a socioeconomic
hellhole you call the ghetto.

Most of you not completely crazy or otherwise hopeless yearn to be the Hero, yet settle for a
cheap imitation of a cartoonish hollywood ghetto anti-hero. We‘ve all fallen short of who we
want to be. Certainly, even what we want to be falls short of what we need to be-which tells
you just how fucked we all are!

Really, we‘re all fucked because we won‘t hold personally accountable those who have stolen
our nation, our future, our very lives from us. We‘re afraid of paying the price it would take-
the price of whatever comfort our sad little lives we can get-or allotted by our master, the
beast. The beast-that corporate/government amalgam of tyranny that pays out our slave
wages, loans us at 18% and up, that finances our retarded-as-fuck mall spending sprees for
shit that we don‘t use or won‘t last, owns the mortgages and car notes, bullshits us with their
―education‖ and ―entertainment‖.

We‘d rather say ―yas suh boss I‘m on it, thanks fer not firing me yet‖, than quit to free up the
time needed to prepare ourselves for the coming struggle-mentally with knowledge about
how to survive independently of the beast system, as in economic, cultural and political self-
reliance. Spiritually with a renewed connection to God Our Father so we remain strong in
heart and don‘t falter. Physically with exercise, proper nutrition, practicing all means of self
and community defense.

We‘d rather play fantasy football(?!)than take that time to study how we got to be slaves, and
who is personally responsible for perpetuating our slavery. How all the various groups, and
peoples have been turned against each other for profit and control. How Freedom and human
rights have been used by the beast to wave in our faces as it perpetrates crime after crime-all
the while slowly whittling away at Our Rights.

Not me, but a lot of you would rather take massah state‘s enslaving handouts than reject this
theft from those just trying to get by with a job, and find a way to live outside of using
taxable incomes.

We‘d rather buy new junk that‘ll break down in a few years using debt than freeing ourselves
from that form of banker slavery, rejecting the call of the corporations to spend what little
scraps are thrown your way for the labor you give in return.

We‘d rather suck down another chicken wing-grown in the filthiest conditions in corporate
farms, pumped full of antibiotics that will breed new strains of incurable bacteria, than eat
fresh locally grown food and cleanse our bodies. Not to mention keep our money local,
instead of some megacorporate traitor‘s hands.

We‘d rather zone out for hours flipping through about 200 channels of crap than do… damn
what couldn‘t we do:

*Work out, get in shape. Lift weights, walk around the block. Learn some new fighting moves.
Learn how to be more self-reliant, survive.

*Spend time with those you love. Taking care of them, showing them what you learned, and
them doing likewise.

*Make a new friend, even somebody outside of the circles you‘re used to running.

*Make peace with those you‘ve wronged, or wronged you-not just because you‘ll need each
other to survive in the coming years, but that we‘re all in this together and if we don‘t get
together we‘ll all surely die separately. Alone. Helpless.

*Find out everything you can about the yuppie dork who runs your ward-the one with the
buttplug up his ass for turning your section of town into a open-air prison, with all the
security cameras, declaring you ―terrorists‖ that have not even a pretense of rights.
Look: I‘m coming at you straight. I‘m not trying to sell you religion or a new studio-
manufactured artist, or a new pair of slave labor made sneakers you buy at 200 bucks because
LeBron James sells them. What I am doing, is trying to address the heart of the problem we
all face. That problem is we‘ve been enslaved and the conditions of our slavery are about to
become much, much worse. Lethally worse.

See, Americans are the most psychologically programmed people in human history. We‘re
programmed to associate anyone, anything waving Old Glory about as being patriotic, on their
side. The beast-big government getting bigger at our expense(and lives), but they shove the
flag in our faces and we shut the fuck up, remembering our programming about it supposedly
being ―our‖ government. The beast-big corporations getting bigger off selling us slave labor
made crap as they steal our jobs…

…And anyway-what kind of deal is it to be a employee?! ―Wage Slave‖ isn‘t just slang-it‘s

The corporation-the CEO‘s Directors on the board and major stockholders get about 95% of
the fruits of your labor. They don‘t have to own it, they just have to control it. Out of the
pitiful five percent(and that percentage is rapidly dwindling)massah CEO allots us, massah
state takes half of the rest through every tax it can throw at us without sparking revolt.

(Like that would happen with everyone dependent on their jobs to get by, because
entrepenurialism-having your own business-has been all but killed in this country, and done so
people are dependent on the beast. Hoping their job isn‘t the next one shipped to China and
they wind up on the streets as homeless… being equivelant to being fucked in this country.)

No wonder people turn to stealing, selling the CIA‘s drugs.

It‘s all done with a purpose!

You gangbangers are socially engineered to be a part of that purpose.

See, to justify a police state, there must be a ―threat‖. Who better than the offspring of
fucked over blue collar workers trapped in inner city neighborhoods? When our common
enemies, the CEO‘s, bureaucrats and professional lawyer/politicians decided to start shipping
your parents jobs-where as described above you get just a tiny percentage of the fruit of your
labors-to Mexicans for a tenth of what they paid your parents and grandparents. Make where
you live a economic dead zone. Throw in some class and racial bigotry by the
lawyer/politicians and police and gangs form as a means of self-defense(at first). Have
another, higher up branch of that government ship in drugs they make illegal, and enough
junk guns like Lorcins, TEC-9‘s, and M-11‘s and you‘re ready to scare Mr. and Mrs. ‗Murka into
giving up more of ALL OF OUR FREEDOM… for a little blue lie of security.

More cameras are set up-the new models in England actually have loudspeakers so the
―operators‖ can shout down on you like Big Brother. It is Big Brother.

More psychotic, over testosteroned cops from lied to death blue collar conservative roots,
further mindfucked by their paramilitary training and their fetid little subculture. Who are
selected more for being able to blindly follow orders than to preserve life, liberty and justice.
Those three concepts are as quaint to today‘s law enforcement officer as horse drawn

More enemies among the rest of America as you mindlessly, stupidly criminally lash out at
folks you ought to be making amends to, try to wake them up as to their slavery. Perhaps
even making some alliances-for survival sake.

More money for more prisons as your ranks are constantly culled from the streets, your
property seized. As the corporate prison industry gorges on all of our tax dollars you get to
spend decades caged; pumping iron, fighting over cell blocks and being degraded by forcibly
made into homosexual rapists. Meanwhile, the next generation that joins your gang don‘t
know better because you‘re locked up.

You‘re tools. All of you. The beast has made a tidy profit off their socially engineered ―War
on Crime‖.

You can‘t win. With all the viciousness the United States has bred into you, all the
government supplied cocaine that funds you, you‘re isolated, divided, weak, actually inept at
combat if you‘re willing to be honest.

Yet in spite of being tools you‘re still potentially dangerous to the beast.


You band together. Not too many people in America outside of tight ethnic groups do that.
That alone is a threat to the beast that has systematically isolated, tamed, enslaved us. This
entire society is a form of opulent, open air prison; lots of distractions, plenty of food, a
illusion of Freedom and some flag waiving makes for a physically and spiritually soft people.
You can be traced anywhere-in large part because you‘re trained to be traceable; from your
credit cards to your driver‘s permits and plates.

Knowing that, it‘s also important to know that there are ―permitted‖ forms of ―free
assembly‖ allowed and forms that are not as freely allowed. Gathering at sports events, bars,
malls, the beach-that‘s okay because you‘re merely involved in making massah CEO rich off
your too-hard earned for money. Gathering together for self defense, to make yourselves
money however you can in this shattered economy-that‘s not allowed and you know it. In the
eyes of the beast and it‘s appendages in the form of the state and the media dominated mass
culture, individual and collective self-defense is a cardinal sin.
You‘re willing to defend yourselves. You have numbers, have (junk)guns and are willing to use
them(with no skill). This makes you a issue for the beast, but nothing it isn‘t skilled at turning
for it‘s own use. It has: you running around being a menace to your own does nothing but get
the sorry excuse that passes for the American People to allow more and more of, I‘ll say it yet


Get it? As you are, you‘re no threat to the very forces that have kept you down(and done a
good job of it). You are however, a threat to the very people who could support you, could
fill your ranks, could provide your entrepeneurs with legitimate cash flow that could be kept
in your communities, helping to revive your local economies-independently of massah
bankers. You‘re only a threat to those outside your sorry ass hoods PEOPLE JUST LIKE YOU
who you could unite with in common cause. There‘s plenty of those; there‘s a whole society
made of, by, and for the rich and connected, that locks the rest of us-all of us-out.

Your isolation may help give you strength and a image of being bad assed, but it makes you
vulnerable. When the state‘s done using you as fear insturments to scare Mr. and Mrs.
America into giving up the last of their Freedom, using you to keep yourselves and your
communities down, they will wipe you out and grab a few cold ones.


According to the government, you‘re terrorists now.

As if law enforcement and society don‘t have enough incentives to go after you, the
department of homeland security lists you as terrorist threats… along with animal rights
activists, tax protestors and white bread militia members. The Military Commissions Act has
as I write this just been signed into Law. That means you‘ll get the Jose Padilla treatment;
locked up indefinetely, with no contact with family or legal assistance, or receive even the
pretense of a trial that‘s foisted as the justice system.

You can‘t stand alone!

You‘ve had that lesson burned into you growing up in the government engineered ghettos. Yet
even with the support of your gang you‘re still alone. Your neighborhood‘s afraid you‘ll rob,
rape or kill them. You know damn well the government and it‘s agents are counting the days
until martial law is declared and they can cut loose on you-strapping on the body armor,
hunting you down, M-16‘s blazing! The rest of America would cheerfully greet their own
slavery, the loss of Freedom to take you Designated Urban Boogeymen out. Yet… and yet you
and your sorry ass rivals in other gangs are too busy fighting over C.I.A. supplied drugs, turf
and avenging each others dead to see how isolated you fools really are.

You won‘t make it alone.

You can only steal so much from a community. You can only rely on your own numbers and
talents for so long if all goods run out because the gasoline‘s gone. No power, no news, no
food or water-certainly no ammunition(not that you can hit anything you aim at). You can
only live isolated in your own group when the entire world‘s arrayed against you. At best, you
go to prison or the cemetary, the shorties grow up just as ignorant as you, and the gang
remains to be a tool to scare Middle Class America into accepting slavery-FOR ALL OF US. At
best, because as you are you‘re not much of a threat.


For starters, recognize who your real enemies are.

Who engineered urban ghettos in the first place? Joe Six Pack you‘re about to jack? No.

I‘ll tell you: it‘s a pack of old Eastern Establishment rich. Violent, psychotic inbred bluebloods
who have so much money and power, they got nothing better to do than to create a global
slave state they like to call the ―New World Order‖. They have a number of ―secret societies‖
they belong to:

Council on Foreign Relations
Trilateral Commission
Pilgrim‘s Society
Any Yale Fraternity

Also with them are Neoconservatives and Zionists-utterly ruthless, elitist Jews, or not-Jews
who‘s ancestors never lived in the Middle East, yet wage war by proxy to conquer. They even
went so far as to sacrifice their own people to the Nazis to help create political sympathy
points to take Palestine.

And somewhere in the shadows of Catholic Church are the Jesuits, who have their own plans
for a return of the Holy Roman Empire and the Inquisition. Sounds like some tin foil hat stuff
but it‘s regrettably true; go to,,,,, and start reading.

They the elite that control the beast-government, banks, media, churches, military. All of it.
The ―elite‖ use the lawyers in and out of public office to ―evolve‖ the law to squeeze you.
Their never ending production of enslaving edicts are obeyed, ususally without question, by
the bureaucrats and the cops-who make us all obey them!

The ―elite‖ are so powerful that over decades they can raise nations like the United States to
world dominance, then without a care build up other powerful nations through economics and
theft of military secrets like the ex-Soviet Union, China, India. So powerful they can keep
Americans deluded that their nation is still the greatest on Earth, when it‘s economy has been
hollowed out by those crooks for profit and it takes all kinds of debt to sustain the illusion.
Debt owed to the very ―elite‖ that plot daily to destroy us all.

And America, this fraudulant version will fall it‘s only a matter of time. Everything‘s so
centralized, so precariously interdependent, propped up by finance, so overstretched
militarily that a engineered collapse is certain to work. We‘re just strong enough to wreck the
planet, but this nation will be expended and destroyed doing it. That‘s the plan.

So, can you fight back? Now?

Between you gangbangers, the rural patriots, average folks trying to survive and the cops
running amok… by the time everyone‘s spent their ammo, run out of food, become too sick to
fight THEN the ―elite‖ will choose to ride in, offer their solution of permanent slavery and the
extinction of our future for staying alive.

Right now they‘re plotting to bring about their ―North American Union‖; Mexico, Canada, and
the USA merged… picture Mexican squalor, maddeningly inefficient Canadian socialism but
without any pretense of Freedom. Picture hopping through endless bureaucratic hoops,
abused by cops at checkpoints every few blocks like you‘re Palestinians and then having to
compete with Latino rednecks for dollar-er, Amero(new currency after they finish devaluating
the dollar into toilet paper)-a day slave work that maybe will either feed you or pay your

Who are these ―elite‖ that have kept us all down and plan on finishing the job?

In America, they‘re the Council on Foreign Relations-a evil three piece suit wearing think tank
that has been managing America for about a century now. Located at the Pratt House on 58 E.
68th Street, on the corner of Park Avenue in Manhatten-just so you know because their
lackeys obviously know where you live. Their members are in every position of power

Also, there‘s a overlapping group known as the Bilderbergers-named after the European resort
they originally met at. They boast members from not only America but also Europe and Asia.
They meet yearly to set the agenda-want a reliable predictor of future events? Find out what
they talk about and you‘ll know. usually has coverage of their agenda, as
does .

Remember finding out that both Bush and Kerry are members of Skull and Bones? It‘s a rigged
game…. They like to have occultic initiation rites where they have gay sex with each other in
a crypt, rob graves of famous people and generally plot to use the stage managed left/right,
elephant and donkey show they call politics to form a dialectic problem-reaction-solution
toward their own brand of world domination. That when they‘re not fucking their teenage

They in turn take their orders from a even more shadowy group known as the Pilgrims Society.
Only the richest of the rich-and all Presidents-belong. Their mission is to literally concentrate
all the world‘s wealth into their hands. Since you‘re probably reading this on the Internet go
to go into the archives and look up articles by Charles Savoie.

All of them are of a type; respectable looking, superficially charming but utterly ruthless.
Believe it or not I met one of them. has that encounter
under ―Once upon a night at a bar, with a traitor‖. Read it and know your enemy. Know how
arrogant, how overconfident, and how vulnerable they can be-hell anyone with a gun could
blow one of their brains out if he was willing to take Responsibility.

THESE are the people you should be directing your hate toward!

THESE are the people you need to be preparing to wage war against-not some futile shootout
with some rival gang who are just as fucked as you.

So, you agree that there are much bigger issues to combat than who dissed who or who‘s
selling where? Think you‘re ready right now to face the Long Struggle to reclaim your
Freedom? Not unless you do the following to prepare:


Do you have extra food, fuel, water filtration, tools, emergency generators for power? Noting
how perilous the times are is it wise to spend every dollar you make on bullshit when any
disruption could cause the supermarkets and gas stations to empty out in a couple days. A tire
garden can be set up. Greenhouses, hydroponics driven by solar panels and batteries-yes that
technology isn‘t just for pot plants. That little old lady you stupidly terrorize might know how
to keep everyone alive WHEN the party stops in this country., have the survival info you‘ll need.

Security-you have most of the resources for this already but right now you‘re a threat to
those that can support you. You attack the people you as your community‘s mindfucked
dogmen are supposed to defend. Anyway you‘ll never be secure if your own people are the
enemy so start making amends. Don‘t talk about it-just do it. Be respectful of others and
their property. Clean out your ranks of those who won‘t see things clearly. Guard your elders,
your women, your children. Some of them might see the change, might even start doing
business with you-NOT DRUGS-but just about everything else.

Physical preparation-as a group you‘re more fit than most Americans but a lot of you are still
out of shape, eat bad food. You know what you need to do; if you‘re fat, eat less and do
more, if you‘re weak pump some iron. Self discipline is actually a good thing-and this is from
someone who‘s had a lifetime hatred of the word. Control yourselves and you can control
your fate.

Financial independence-a lot of you are entrepeneurs but the deliberately engineered
economic depression and racial apartheid of your ghettos needs to be overcome. Take some
of those profits off that C.I.A. crack you sell and use it positively. Go to for some
ideals. If you‘re working a wage job it‘s a nowhere proposition, find your gifts and milk them
for some cash. Those with money must finance those who need it if they‘re able to carry out
their vision.

Inner city ghettos are highly dependent on outside power, fuel, food, sanitation. Attempts to
make inner city ghettos self-sufficient(free, really) have in the past met with fierce
government resistance. The early efforts of the Latin Kings to the recent shutdown by Los
Angeles government of the Compton agricultural co-op make independence impossible…
without seizing control of the local government.

So it‘s time you found among you (or your neighborhood) loyal, attractive candidates that can
pass political smear fests with flying colors. Finance their election campaigns to your wards,
your school boards, your chief of police, city council. STAY THE FUCK IN THE BACKGROUND,
and man the phones, post flyers, help organize rallies. A well backed slate of candidates for
your local political offices could mean the beginning of you seizing back your destiny… isn‘t
that why you joined your gang in the first place?

I recommend the book ―How to win a local election‖. Should be in your local bookstore.

With control of your local public offices you can begin to make laws you can live under. Being
―reformed‖-actually using your unity and power you can help lead your people back to
freedom-and then make your community self sufficient. INTENSE pressure from state and
federal government will follow when your community rebels from the script of being a
disaster zone that breeds crime and slaves for the prison system. Interference from
bureaucrats, agents, state troopers, perhaps even intervention by military forces is possible,
so it‘s very important that you coordinate your efforts with other communities around
because like the lone individual being easy pickings, isolated communities are vulnerable.

Things could get ugly. Far, far uglier than the Rodney King riots or Katrina.

You‘ll need all the allies you can make before that day. Every person you meet you have to
start thinking ―could he be at least an ally‖? You‘re not looking for friends or anything like
that, just new ―business partners‖. Deal honestly with them, and maybe they‘ll even be good
enough to start spreading the word that there are some of you gangbangers, like (INSERT
YOUR NAME) that aren‘t crazy, that can be dealt with like good folks. Not that everyone‘s like
that; Americans are trained to fuck each other over for their own selfish goals but there‘s a
surprising number of folks who won‘t succumb to that cultural poison. And a lot of those are
willing to cross race and class lines imposed by our common enemies.
Most importantly, you‘ll need true inner strength to carry you through the scary prospect of
Resisting the beast. Fortunately, Our Father hates the beast as well, but just as the devil
relies on minions a lot to screw things up, so God relies on those who know and hear the Voice
in their souls to do Justice. Unfortunately most of those claiming to be ―born again‖ or
whatever don‘t know or don‘t care-they‘re just fat, lazy cowardly ‗murkans with crosses. God
could get a lot more done to make our world Free and at peace if we‘d stop looking for the
lie of a ―rapture‖and a easy ticket out of our Responsibility.

Responsibility-the price of Freedom. Our ancestors were all fools and put this nation on
political autopilot and got all caught up in that mirage known as the ―American Dream‖.
Those traitors that serve the beast took advantage of their short sightedness-you know the
rest. Freedom really does require eternal vigilence against not only politicians and police, but
businessmen and supposed holy men that steal your money for telling religious lies spouted by
liars long dead, but still useful for spiritually enslaving us.

The beast wants you to not resist, to just look out for yourselves until some supposed
―rapture‖ comes, but God demands everything you‘ve got to offer in the struggle to free this
world. Any thing you can do-even something seemingly stupid-can and will help. God will find
a way to use it.

God‘s gonna win this anyway, but we‘ll all have it easier if YOU will do your part, help God
win this.

(1)CHANGE AGENT-College brainwashed fool put in a position to trick or otherwise hustle

everyone into giving up just a little bit of Freedom in exchange for some fraud that either
steals what little money they got or winds up taking even more Freedom.


J. Croft

What do you do that is so important that it keeps you from facing what‘s wrong with America?

What the hell could be so fascinating about some billionaire owned sports club or some skank
celebrity that it keeps you glued to that electronic narcotic known as the TV set for hours at a
Is it that there‘s so much wonderful sh!t on that it keeps you from finding out what‘s really
going on-like how come cops nowadays are so psychotic they tazer and shoot children?!

How come voting Democrat isn‘t cleaning up the government?! Or stopping inflation or the
continued disembowelment of America‘s economy, or stopping the stage managed drug war?

Maybe it isn‘t that American culture is so fascinating, maybe it‘s just plain FEAR.

You‘re not alone:

There‘s a Working Family; Dad, Mom, maybe two or three Children. There‘s love, but they‘re
not together. They can‘t be. Dad works the night shift at the auto plant-because his Dad got
him in and it was good money(relatively speaking)for a wage job. Yet Dad‘s constantly
worrying not only about pleasing his demanding bosses, but about threats of wage cuts,
benefit cuts-kids gotta have braces and shots full of mercury and viruses, and other modern
day hustles like health insurance.

Mom works through the day, at a diner-dealing with all kinds of customers, the leering stares
of her boss sexually fantasizing about her… not that she‘d be tempted by his slovenly greasy
ass. She hates her job, but she needs it, oh so badly, and that lecherous pervert she calls
―sir‖ knows it. Job performance is key; it‘s a frantic pace serving the lunch rush and screw
ups wreck the whole rhythm of work flow. In the back of her mind Mom worries about her
kids, how much she and her husband haven‘t been around for them.

Both FEAR that despite their best efforts they won‘t be able to give their Children the
opportunity to go to college and raise themselves up in status-although that FEAR is never,
ever talked about since everybody KNOWS America is all about equality… unless you‘re black
or latino, or some other kind of white trash.

There are millions of Americans, of all ages, ethnicities and cultures. They all get up at a
time they don‘t want to, travel to a job they don‘t care for. They endure a gauntlet of
stultifying work, horrible managers and bosses, and then commute back and forth hoping they
don‘t get pulled over for going at the wrong speed or noticing their taillight‘s broke because
they had to spend the money on rent or groceries or gas-the last two items the prices never
seem to fall! They come home and after that physical and mental ordeal they‘re so drained
understanding how their nation and destiny have been systematically stolen is… just not

You think all these Americans don‘t have the dread of their bosses deciding their job‘s the
next to be outsourced to Chinese slave labor, and their paycheck-to-paycheck existence will
come to a end in a alleyway begging for change?

Yet, without much hope they set their alarm clocks to get up the next morning and do it all
over again.
There are thousands of otherwise decent folks who made the horrible lapse of judgement and
became government bureaucrats. Whether it‘s for the pay or they perceived they were doing
society some good they went to college, took the requisite pol sci courses with the neo-
Marxist professors and whatnot. They passed their civil service exams. Then they found out
the real deal; they found themselves a part of the beast, the amalgamation of federal, state
and local government that through the tyranny of (supposedly) good intentions robs us all of
our money, our time, our wellbeing, our Lives and our very Freedom. They work with power
hungry little trolls, each of them brainwashed by their college professors to believing
themselves the ―intelligentsia‖ the ―elite‖, each of them the king of their own anthill. They
work for a caste of neo-marxist administrators, career politicians-all lawyers, all traitors.

You think these Americans don‘t live in constant FEAR that they serve the beast and it‘s sole
purpose is to conquer and to consume and to destroy the futures of our nation, our planet and
every person it can? That all the purposely designed bureaucratic misery they and their kind
come down on each and every one of us-that somehow if they can‘t stop it or even slow it
down they just might face judgment for their crimes one day?

Yet without much hope they get up each morning and pick their battles as best they can
without getting fed to the beast themselves.

There are millions of Americans, born in the backwoods, the trailer parks, the gutted out
factory and mining towns of what their-our common-enemies dub ―flyover country‖. Born
without, they struggle with hunger, with poor health, poor education. They struggle with
trying to make ends meet in a economic dead zone, that ―American Dream‖ exported long
ago. Most of all they struggle with class and racial bigotry licensed by their enemies-our
enemies-through the culture and official government policy. America‘s white n!ggers, the
peoples of the South and Appalachia, if they would wake up, shed their blind loyalties, their
blind hatreds perhaps they and the blacks and all the latinos exploited like slave labor could
forge a new America, truer to what we think this nation should be.

Except they still hang on to their delusions and prejudices, in FEAR that their lives truly are
that worthless, that the stereotypes are that true. Or even that they have always been and
always will be America‘s white n!ggers.

Yet they get up at four in the morning, and get to the factories and coal mines and try to
make their bills.

There are hundreds, thousands of beautiful, talented men and women who every day attempt
to make their childhood dreams reality in the cesspool known as the entertainment industry.
Most are crushed in the attempt at penetrating what amounts to a racket that demands you
sell out-put out on the casting couch-to a ideology and a lifestyle that does great harm not
only to themselves but to the nation as they‘re used as pawns for social engineering and
thought control. A few actually make it. Most don‘t and either head back home to salvage
what‘s left of their lives or use themselves up salving the pain of having their dreams crushed
with drugs. Some are in a hellish no man‘s land of being one great project from success yet so
terrifyingly close to oblivion-and time is not on their side. They‘ve made horrible mistakes or
twists of fate and they try to struggle on, but as much as their friends and family support
them those that run the entertainment industry treat them like plutonium… as if their
scandals and treasons don‘t deserve the death penalty. They‘d love to blow the lid on the
whole sordid thing but know their voice would never be heard.

You think these men and women don‘t have their fears, and dread how inevitable they are?

Yet they go from one audition to another, not giving up, going for Greatness irregardless of
their past failure, the tragedy that hangs over their head like a sword.

There are Police Officers who stay true to their oaths to protect and uphold the Constitution.
These lone souls do their best to protect the People from not just the criminal element on the
streets, but the criminal element that has entrenched itself in positions of power. Daily they
walk a tightrope between doing what‘s right and being able to do their jobs amidst the sneers
of those that love their jobs, love their power, love that no matter what happens to America
they‘ll most likely keep their jobs as massah state‘s overseers.

You think the brave cops that work in that enviroment don‘t have moments of fear, of

Yet they strap their bulletproof vest and gun on every day and face their own mission

There are millions of Americans-probably a lot like you in some ways yet different. The
existence they live doesn‘t have nearly the opportunity to work a 9 to 5 job for the reward of
maybe 5% of the effort they put into it. No, these Americans are stuck in economic and social
dead zones, trapped by poverty, lack of opportunity and culture. These Americans could just
say the hell with it and resign themselves to being without, being beaten or shot for the
crumb they struggled to get. Most do, but some don‘t; they band together and however way
they can… even if it means hurting you… they struggle against their circumstance, against the
power structure oppressing them. All to even TRY to grab a peace of that American Dream
that‘s promised on the TV.

You think these gangbangers, these criminals, these Designated Urban Boogeymen don‘t have
their moments of despair, of FEAR it‘s all futile?

Yet they get up every morning and do what they got to, against us, because the rest of us
ceded control of our Nation to those criminals in three piece suits that proclaimed themselves

There are hundreds of thousands of Americans who remember what that meant once.
Remember in their hearts and minds our history, our true purpose. Not to die with the most
toys but to help kindle the flame of Freedom, to be an example to the rest of Man to
emulate, to even improve on. They write, make videos, pass out flyers, get on the low
powered nearly unnoticed college radio station week after week. They wage a herculean
struggle against the socially engineered apathy, resignation, and most of all, the FEAR of
nearly everyone around them. Apathy enough to tune out the in-our-face treason, resigned
enough to settle for perhaps enjoying the weekend ball game as the sum of one‘s purpose,
fearful enough to forget that together, united as one voice they still have the power to say

This collective psychological surrender is what those hundreds of thousands of Patriot

Americans struggle against. You think for one second they don‘t reckon with the certain
knowledge that they‘re playing with fire by speaking out? I know for a fact I struggle with that
FEAR of futility, of being brutally and permanetly silenced.

Yet, we still lay their hands on the keyboard. Grab the latest bunch of flyers, our camcorders,
sit by the mikes and at their assigned time thousands of people listen to them for the Truth,
hoping that they remain on the air, that they don‘t burn out and quit, or worse be silenced by
massah state.


It rules our lives, our thoughts.

FEAR has shaped us, molded us into worker bees for massah corporation and massah state.
Molded us into overseers. Molded some of us into resisting being enslaved by massah by either
criminal activity or practically accepting a vow of poverty and a perpetual set of crosshairs on
our foreheads by assuming the lonely, despised title of Patriot.

FEAR is what most Americans grow up with. FEAR of being hit by Mom and Dad. FEAR of being
punished by those entrusted with what‘s known as ―education‖. FEAR we‘ll violate some
infraction and suffer the wrath of authority… which dovetails nicely into the slots massah
state and massah corporation had planned for us all along. FEAR that, if we‘re not
―productive citizens‖ that not only will we not partake in the cruel, increasingly fleeting
mirage known as the er, ―American Dream‖, that we‘ll even wind up as homeless, or common

FEAR of exclusion-which the homeless and common criminals face every day. Of being socially
exiled into a underclass in a nation trained by college ―educated‖ social scientist to both
think in terms of class, status and at the same time hold oh so desperately onto the
mortgage, the no interest lease on the family land yacht, the slave labor made baubles that
once upon a time, fucking Americans made for themselves!

Yeah, if you‘ve followed my writings at and now at I‘ve written repeatedly and at
times excessive length about how enslaved we are.

Enslaved by a century of government and corporate policy in how we gain our sustenance,
how we shelter, clothe and feed ourselves. Enslaved by the opinions and thoughts of others
that out of deliberately engineered childish ignorance we adopt as our own because it came
out of that electronic narcotic, the TV.

Most of all, we‘re enslaved by simple, craven FEAR. Animalistic, natural FEAR of being
dependent on a inherently evil system, of losing what little we‘re permitted by it. And that
reaction is counted on by those social scientists that prostitute themselves to the beast, to
massah state and massah corporation.

We are owned by massah, slave-mind, body and soul. That is the root of your FEAR-that
you‘re really a slave.

Well, you are. So am I.

We‘re property; our birth certificates are filed with the goddamn federal department of

Massah state owns the land your mortgaged home sits on. Want to dispute that, try not paying
the rent-er, property tax for a single year. Try it and then you can experience just how
wonderful being dirty, hungry, cold and a constant target of thugs and thug cops is.

We have millions of miles worth of PUBLIC ROADS we paid taxes to create, yet we have to
apply to massah state for permission to use them with a car that they can revoke at any time.

We have a Constitutional Right to Bear Arms except where prohibited by law and by what

More and more places you can‘t smoke. Social drinkers become the target of DUI law
racketeering that feeds back to the court, the prison system and the lobbyists that get a
piece of that action.

Nazi-ass ―political correctness‖ chokes free debate-there are certain subjects that can get
you labeled a ―racist‖ or ―radical‖ or ―kook‖. You know which ones; like the FACTS about
9/11, or how many people really died in Nazi concentration camps during World War II, or
who really shot Kennedy. People have literally been imprisoned for saying the wrong thing.

Want to exercise your religion? Better be a minority because the nazi-assed ACLU will jump
down your throat for any ―public displays‖ if you‘re a mainstream Christian. Have a church?
That had better be registered by the internal revenue service if you want it tax free-and then
there‘s ―political activity‖ that you‘re prohibited from engaging in.
You can forget about a fair trial even if the enemy doesn‘t declare you a ―terrorist‖ and
―rendition‖ you to a foreign country to be tortured.

All your other Constitutional Rights are simply not recognized by massah-and do you even
know what the hell they are?! When‘s the last time you read YOUR Bill of Rights?

We have what‘s bullshitted to us as a representative government yet most of these clowns are
related to each other by ancient bloodlines. It‘s the truth: Google BURKE‘S PEERAGE. They
certainly act like royalty spending our money and at the same time stealing our rights until
we‘re now keeping quiet in honest fear we‘ll be picked up on suspicion of terrorist activity.
And spend the rest of our lives being tortured for that suspicion.

You‘re afraid all the above and a lot more are true, which is why you willfully hide from
facing the terror every day. Just keep working fo‘ massahs an‘ bide your time for the
weekend where you can hit the bar or watch the game or take that road trip or whatever else
nonsense you keep yourself occupied with to unwind while your nation-OUR NATION-is
systematically destroyed.

Guess what slave? Things will never, ever get better until you make up your mind to face your

Nothing of consequence to restore what‘s been stolen from us will be gained until we are
willing to sacrifice our comfort, our very lives in order regain our Freedom.

That means facing our FEAR.

Funny thing about ―fear‖, it‘s like a schoolyard bully; it‘s a real menance, and looks like it‘ll
crush your ass and go grab a six pack for all it‘ll think of you. You face it down and give it a
good asskicking and it don‘t come back.

Oh, the troubles will certainly still be there but it‘s the FEAR that is the central pillar that
supports the structure of tyranny that keeps you and me enslaved. Yes massah state and
massah corporation are formidable but take away that central, supporting pillar of FEAR and
their whole house comes crashing down upon them. It‘s just that massah‘s still in business
because not enough people have faced their ingrained fear down.

How do you face down your FEAR?

Good question, because the answer‘s different with every individual.

Some will FEAR having to change their views… okay a lot of people will. Fools of all ages,
vocations and colors hold onto their timeworn prejudices like family heirlooms. If you
consider your great grandpa‘s ball and chain from slavery a priceless heirloom you could make
that argument.

For what? You really think, white people, that to keep hating blacks is going to lift you out of
your home grown third world hellhole called Appalachia? Or save your dying Middle America-
murdered by the same pack of blueblooded traitors that run our nation into the ground like
it‘s a birthright?

You really think, black, that every white person‘s a Klan member? You KNOW how fucked up
America is, the shafting that‘s the real deal. You think blame all whiteys is going to lift you
out of the home grown third world hellhole called the inner city? Or save your dying dream of
making it in Middle America-murdered by the same pack of blueblooded traitors that run our
nation into the ground like it‘s a birthright?

You really think, latino, that you‘re going to pull off this ―reconquista‖ daydream-or at least
get even from those greedy enough to exploit you for seven bucks a day(is it lower?) You
think-considering you pull off the impossible and make it past all the millions of Americans
who will fight you to the bitter end, and make a blood enemy for generations to come-that
this ―Aztlan‖ is going to get you Freedom? Prosperity? Consider whose running the campaign;
all they want is a empire of their own so they too can exploit you for seven bucks a day.

See the hustle of race hatred? It‘s perpetrated by the very people you‘re taught-programmed-
to look up to. They try to frame America in the ideal of race or even to a safe point for them,
class. Those are lies-America is a IDEAL of Freedom brought into reality. Freedom is for
everyone and while THIS America has truly betrayed Freedom, has done it‘s utmost to kill it
and get away with it, OUR America will rise again… or could if you‘d get over your FEAR.

Maybe loss of your most cherished hatreds isn‘t your problem… maybe it‘s what you think you

Some will FEAR losing what they perceive as their friends. Americans make ―friends‖ way too
easily so they don‘t value people, just like they‘re trained to not value anything else. What
you need to truly fear is not having anything you hold precious, that means something. What
in your miserable lives is worth more than living free in a land clean of toxicity, in a society
that upholds that Freedom?

Some will FEAR losing their jobs, their lifestyle-your lifestyle‘s slavery! Wake the hell up and
know that the five percent of the fruits of your labors massah corporation kicks to you for all
your sweat and tears, government takes half, and your mortgage, car loan and credit cards
bills take the rest. All of it benefiting a few thousand way too rich old white men that control
the corporations, the government. What is it about being dependent on massah is more
attractive than freeing yourselves from their chains and learning how to sustain yourself and
work for yourself?

A whole lot will FEAR the time and effort it will take liberating yourself-it might mean missing
your favorite shows on TV. Thirty seconds into watching that damn thing your mind essentially
falls into a sleep-like state… so ask yourself what is it about allowing our enemies to literally
PROGRAM you that is worth more than taking time away from TV worship to waging a
peaceful revolution?

…While we still have a political system we can affect change with?

Some will FEAR losing what they reckon as their ―freedom‖. First off, you know you‘re really
not Free; otherwise you wouldn‘t have read this far! To massah state you‘re sure as hell not
free to:

*work one‘s profession
*bear arms in defense of one‘s self and theirs
*conduct business
*buy or sell

without massah‘s tax or license. Certainly not without the blessings of massah‘s army of
bureaucrats and agents and thugs who exploit that we won‘t stand for our rights. Certainly
not unite with others being oppressed like cr*ckers or n!ggers or b&aners who‘s being crushed
by massah when they get uppity.

And certainly, everyone will FEAR losing their lives. Know this: your body‘s genes will make
more mistakes than can be fixed and you‘ll wear out, but you, your soul is eternal. Everyone‘s
going to face death someday and the only cure for that is to have a purpose from God to set
things right. Again:


And no I‘m not talking about that bucktooth douche Joel Osteen‘s self indulgent me
generation pandering garbage. You people have had enough of being made to feel good. You
feel so good it‘s killing you; everyone going through bankruptcy now, or are gonna, you think
they don‘t regret not facing reality before the party ended?

Your party will end too. You know this, otherwise like I stated, you wouldn‘t have read this

I‘ll spell your purpose out to you: it‘s to help reclaim the America we‘ve all let go of for the
false promises that have made you a debt slave. That have made you forget one of the most
important lessons of history… you can‘t count on your enemies to respect what‘s yours. It
takes fire and spilled blood and inflicting unbearable tragedy and death to secure what‘s
yours. And yes, that‘s NOT a lesson taught in the state run publik skools and the
megacorporate owned media and cultural outlets. Teaching Freedom doesn‘t make for good

Two centuries ago brave men, some of them rich, gave all to gain Freedom. I have some
examples here, cribbed from a favorite book of mine, Hologram of Liberty: Signers of the
Declaration of Independence…

FRANCIS LEWIS had his home burned and his wife tortured by the British for two years. She
died shortly after her release.

JOHN HART‘S home was looted and burned, his ailing wife died and his 13 children scattered.
He eluded capture by sleeping in caves.

The 1,000 acre estate of LEWIS MORRIS was ransacked and burned. His home was destroyed,
his cattle butchered, and his family driven off.

RICHARD STOCKTON was imprison and repeatedly beaten at the brink of starvation. His home
was destroyed, his papers burned.

CARTER BRAXTON saw virtually every merchant ship he owned sunk or captured. He was
forced to sell off his land.

THOMAS NELSON, JR. led 3,000 Virginia militia against the British. Redcoats took refuge in his
own home, so he turned a cannon on it.

Doesn‘t sound like you or me does it?

I‘ll tell you the truth: the only difference between them and us is they realized that there are
Ideals worth fighting for that are more precious than their own loved ones lives. That to
struggle for a Future of their own design is worth more than all the gold, all the land and
businesses and ships and goods they could ever hope to acquire. has
some more philosophical thoughts about the greater need of humanity has to overcome one‘s
own intolerable losses. Yes the struggle for Freedom will get this ugly.

Order Hologram of Liberty at learn how a pack of bankers and lawyers
hijacked the American Revolution-OUR Revolution and turned it into the beast we all struggle
with every day. Then order Boston‘s Gun Bible.


Yes-a SMART, hopefully PEACEFUL Revolution but I‘m not counting on our enemies to be
See, elements in government actually WANT a armed uprising of some kind after they‘re done
using this country up to forge their ―new world order‖. Collapse the economy when the
Americans are no longer needed or wanted as consumers and soldiers.

Being without the knowhow to fight properly or even just to survive, millions will starve
helpless. Millions more will throw themselves blindly at government forces, guns at their hips
blazing away wasting ammo as the TV taught them that gosh, the good guys shot this way and
the bullets hit the bad guys why ain‘t this work-ugh.

Millions more will toady up to their enslavers, now fully unveiled for the beasts they are
hoping for another piece of bread to fuel their starving bodies in another day of abject

Yes, millions will die when the financial props holding the corpse of America‘s economy are
kicked out from under us… with all the factories gone, everyone a debt slave to keep up the
appearances of prosperity, our military stretched to a breaking point so it‘ll destroy itself
destroying the rest of the planet… So that means learning some basic trades, like repair work,
metallurgy, agriculture. Google Lindsay‘s Technical Books, spend a couple hundred bucks and
then find something that matches your temperment. Kurt Saxon also has some good info in his
Survivor series-order that at . Also, check out
for a lot more articles.

As for guns… violence will be unavoidable-it‘s the enemy‘s plan and sooner or later somebody
will snap and wage war on the government. At that point martial law plans will be
implemented and that hapless rebel will be used as a domestic Osama Bin Ladin-a straw man
to justify the government finally being honest in how much they hate us. All the patriots who
think just buying some gun show special SKS, some clips and taking their marksmanship
lessons from the TV set are going to be easy pickings for all the over testosteroned
psychopathic cops and agents massah state has been psyching up for decades… to take YOU

More fools tricked into thinking they‘re superior for some stupid neo-marxist reason.

So if you want to stand a chance, learn how to shoot. Go to the Revolutionary
War Veterans Association. Keep the rhetoric to yourself and concentrate on learning how to
shoot. Then hit a gun show to buy unpapered(unregistered to the government) firearms and
ammo and TRAIN. SWAT shoots a thousand rounds a week in training-what‘s your excuse, Real
World Denver on?

Make five quality friends that you can depend on with your life. Make them EARN your
friendship for a change-hopefully they‘ll do likewise. Fast ―friends‖ will become fast enemies
when everything is gone.
Get a mountain bike and extra chains and innertubes. The fuel will be cut off. Be prepared to
abandon your worldly goods and become a nomad to stay Free.

Stock up on hand tools, basic 19th and 20th century technical books, basic foodstuffs, seeds.
This society‘s designed to implode easily so you‘ll have to sustain yourselves. Get land near a
small town with adequete mix of goods and services well away from the highways and cities.
Start growing your own food.

Learn a basic trade or three or more. Survival won‘t be the best hunter, trapper, or nut
gatherer it‘ll be the person who can weld, machine, cook, repair, shoot or train others to do

Go for some road trips. Find some abandoned homes half collapsed, or some caves nobody
uses. It could be in the country on in some cracked out ‗hood. You might piss off massah and
will have to make a run for it.

Find a militia unit on the internet and train with them, learn. Do it now while you still can
associate relatively freely.

PROCESSED FOODS, EAT ORGANIC. Massah likes to put all sorts of poisons into us to make us
dull and lazy. Eating organic as God intended will clean you out-I speak from personal

Learn how your local government works, who runs it, and look for ways to take over.

I could go on all day but the Revolution must be a peaceful one if possible. Go to my blog,
look up Message to Mr. and Mrs. America, it‘s my basic plan to retake our nation peacefully
through self reliance and team work in taking over government from the grassroots.

But the Revolution must first start in your heart. You must face down your faults, your
prejudices, your FEAR before you‘re able to stand against the coming storm and be counted
as worthy of Freedom.

You can‘t-you won‘t-be able to stand unless you‘re truly right with God.

Don‘t‘ roll your eyes I‘m not talking about joining a church. In fact I say avoid them. They
preach lies and being IRS approved will get down on both knees for massah state.

No, your true church is in your heart, your soul. Jesus said the Kingdom of God is within.

Ever take the time to just tune everything else out and just feel your heart?

Hint: that‘s where Our Father lies. Take time, make some silence, or just cruise in your car
that‘ll work and just listen.

Next thing you‘ll know, you‘ll be changing your diet, you‘ll be exercising, stop watching TV.

You might even start figuring out your true talents, and what it would take to do what you‘re
meant to do.

You might even stop working so much at massah corporation‘s peon job-which‘ll cut into your
shopping budget but you‘ll be selling off all that crap you‘ve accumulated as a salve.

You might even start challenging all those ―authority figures‖ you‘ve been trained to think
are good in spite of being so rough. You might start thinking ―no they‘re not overworked
they‘re just assholes‖ and fight for your rights.

You might start going to websites like, and and start asking for advice on how to properly arm up. You might start hitting
all those evil gun shows, start looking for tables with prices with no cents or ―private seller‖
signs. You might start acquiring a couple good firearms like a FAL, HK-91 type, or M-14, a
dozen or more magazines, web gear to hold your mags, spare parts and all the cased surplus
.308 you can lay your hands on. And a good fighting scope and mount. You might sign up for
an Appleseed shoot and learn how to use your new purchase properly out to 500 yards(if not

You might actually read the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. You might start going to your
local city council meetings, and quickly becoming the local political hacks worst nightmare.
You might start raising awareness of others-not all at once because that didn‘t work for you
either and the person who tried came off as a babbling kook… but only because you were so

No, you might start at points the average ignorant FEARFUL ‗murikan can relate to, like how
jobs have become America‘s number two export(behind weapons and wars)and how illegals
are imported to further depress your slave wages. Then you might go into how corporations
are run and how the CEO‘s and the Boards of Directors are also on other corporations and
subsidiaries Boards, revealing how all the corporations really do work in lockstep. gives a graphic Flash presentation.

You might go further next time you talk with your mark and talk about how those CEO‘s are
all lawyers and not only that, of old line royal blood, and how their cousins and whatnot also
dominate national and state politics like it was their royal birthright. You might go on and
state with all that power that they control how these ―royals‖ could NOT POSSIBLY REFUSE TO

You might start telling your new friend just how fearful he‘s become-how fear has been
inoculated into his very psyche by the very centrally controlled American culture. How FEAR
controls him, rules him. Or her. You might even go so far as to state the only way to get rid of
your FEAR is to face it, with COURAGE-and that you‘ve found the only source for that in a
nation of fearful sheep is by communing in a quiet place directly with God, Our Father.

You might make some new friends. Together, you might start training together as one of
those (gasp)UNDERGROUND militia units. You might start becoming active in your local town‘s
politics; getting candidates for all the offices and aldermen. You might run on a platform of
radical reduction in taxes and revelation of your town's true finances with the Consolidated
Annual Financial Report which shows where your tax dollars truly go to make
more cash by investing in massah corporation(they and massah state truly are one and the
same!) That and ending corruption and firing bully cops.

You might win. You might actually keep your election promises and turn your town into a
example of Freedom. The People might actually become inspired, make pilgrimages to
breathe some Freedom into their starved souls, and inspired replicate what you‘ve done in
their community.

You might be the one who starts a snowball of profound political change-a political revolution
of many individuals and parties working together to secure a common goal; the bottom-up
transformation of the American political structure to what the common folk of the First
American Revolution fought and died for-and had cruelly stolen from them by the ancestors of
the bankers and lawyers that have been laying siege to Our America for the past 220 years!

You might be able to do all that-but only if you will face your FEAR! Only with God given
COURAGE to say NO MORE! and be willing to sacrifice as our forefathers did will you and your
children have a chance to live Free.

If you‘re on the internet here‘s a quick test of how willing you are to struggle for your
Freedom; go to Edit, click SELECT ALL, then click COPY. Go to all your favorite message
boards and whatnot and PASTE this essay, or some other essays that inspire you. Or COPY and
PASTE the link from wherever you read this. Or, if this doesn‘t quite do the job PLEASE write
something that will! I don‘t write these essays for myself, but for the hope that people will
learn to overcome their FEAR. That everyone will in their own way lead themselves and us all
to Freedom.

J. Croft


The Photo above is from a Durham, NC SWAT raid of a "suspected" crack house.

No drugs were found yet the police treated the incident as a "success"; because a "message"
was put out that such activity "won't be tolerated".

So, is "sending a message out" worth THIS?!!

Your answer should tell you just how conditioned by the beast you are to your SLAVERY

J. Croft

J. Croft

ATTENTION: This is NOT a “anti-semetic” essay. I am NOT condoning the extermination of any
group of people. That kind of thinking is what’s caused so much bloodshed, so much misery for
the human race throughout our tragic history. Especially for the Jews, who have been targeted
more than any other people in human history. However, I feel its time for me to address the
issues surrounding you, the Jew.

This is a topic I’ve been trying to avoid. I’ve been trying to avoid writing to you because I’ve had
some ambivalent feelings about criticizing you and your People. Partly due to residual
conditioning from growing up a Fundamentalist Christian praying for the apocalypse. Partly
because of the nazi tactics some of your People like to use, but mainly because I had doubts
and questions about issues pertaining to your People.

The doubts are gone now.

I had doubts as to why you were targeted throughout history; as a Fundamentalist Christian I
bought the doctrinal line that Satan was persecuting you and God was judging you for
murdering Jesus-yet I was to pray for you because you were the “Chosen People”.

Truth is, there’s nothing special about you, nor anyone else; the doctrine of a group of people
being superior to any other is the flip side of the equally misguided belief that other people
need to be exterminated because they are inferior… yet both idiocies bring the same outcome.

The fact is, it’s your religion’s doctrine of being so separate, of being God’s Chosen People and
the ruthless survival tactics so ingrained into your religion and culture that, yes, preserved it,
but have also brought your People so much calamity throughout history:

*Ruthless business some of you practice towards “goy” outsiders while giving special deals and
perks to your own. A racial and religious cronyism the elites among you carry way too far
without check.

*Willingness to go along and help tyrants crush hapless peoples throughout history so long as a
few of you can gain power-even at the expense of the rest of you. And you go along with it.

*Willingness to go along with the deception that all of you are actually descended from
Abraham. Most of you look nothing like a Semitic would, you came from what’s now the
Ukraine and Southern Russia-the one time Khazar Empire. You lost it to the Mongols when they
swept westward across the Russian Steppe.
*Willingness to go along with jawdropping ruthlessness when it comes to silencing those that
merely question the Holocaust. I’m not talking about some toothless, tweaked out skinheads,
I’m talking about kidnapping Ernst Zundel from America, extraditing him to Canada and then
Germany and going so far as to arrest his lawyers for simply acting in defense.

(The man’s a lifelong pacifist. A lot like your Parents were when the Zionists ordered them to
econmically boycott Germany, and when the Nazis came to power the Zionists got the British
and Americans to deny you refuge. Made your pacifist Parents a easy mark for the SS to round

I’m talking about David Irving, who expressed doubts as to merely the number of your People
who died in the Holocaust-in 1989… yet he got THREE YEARS IN PRISON for that speech! That
man’s a scholar! I thought with your history your People would have a bit more tact, sensibility
and sensitivity about coming off as hypocrites.

*You even let your leaders push through “hate speech crime” legislation that destroys Free
Speech… a crucial aspect of living in a Free Society-which explains Zundel and Irving. And not
living in a Free Society, with checks and balances, puts you the Jew in particular danger because
of your culture’s ingrained aptitude for academics, and achieving success in a power structure
already having a heavy demographic loading of your People.

The danger is when the People your people take advantage of have had too much.

Think that’s impossible in America?

As a recovered Fundamentalist Christian I was taught to revere you almost to the status of God,
because according to people like Hal Lindsay, Pat Robertson, and Tim LaHaye being on your side
was like being on God’s side. I’m certain that as a Jew you view such bloodthirstiness for the
apocalypse as horrifying as you would, say, the rebirth of Nazism in Germany. Or it’s institution
in America.

I say recovered because I saw the fundamental contradictions in Fundamentalist doctrine.

You’re not gods, you’re people-deeply flawed in your own ways like any other. Yet you’re
revered-are made out to be revered by your elites and the Zionist jackals that have hijacked
Christianity and turned it into a adjuct of the ADL.

So, doubts out of the way here are my questions:


Your People in Israel are committing ethnic cleansing and a slow genocide. Bad enough
Palestinians had their lands stolen from them at gunpoint. Bad enough their Arab “brothers”
give them only token support. Bad enough Palestinians are untermensch in Israel-remember
THAT derogatory term?

Your People in Israel however, aren’t content with such measures. Your People have
transformed Palestinian towns and villages into high security prisons, steal the very land
needed to grow their food, steal their water. Your People, acting as soldiers continually disrupt
their lives with checkpoints, roadblocks, detaining whole groups for hours.

Use them for target practice. CHILDREN are being murdered by Your People.

You say “they want to drive us into the sea”-DUH! Your People stole their land! They had roots
thousands of years old-more than a few probably had ancestors who were real Hebrews!

You say “this is the land of our forefathers and Abraham”. Look in the mirror lately? Do you
look anything like someone from the Middle East?

Abraham was a Sumerian; black hair, olive skin-essentially an Arab, a Palestinian. Most of your
People, and you if you don’t look like a Arab, are descended from the Khazars. Khazars look
nothing like Semitic peoples, never set their feet on the Holy Land until the Zionists played
power politics and help instigate two world wars to create Israel. Khazars were converted to
Judaism in the dark ages by royal decree. You’re a Thirteenth Tribe per the title of the book by
Alan Koestler. You and your People are committing fraud by claiming otherwise.

At least some of you justify such fraud, such murderous activities under religious guise. I’m
talking about your Talmud. In that book written by your Pharisees is justification for conduct
that would make the Nazis shudder. Dwell on that.


Yes, your People were singled out because of the actions of your Elite Zionists whom you did
little if anything to check-rejecting deals with Nazis to get your People deported while you
languished in work camps. Be that as it may, how come your People’s accounts can be
disproved, even sixty years later?

How come Dr. Fred Leuchter, a highly respected forensic pathologist and expert on executions
went to Auschwitz; he concluded the facilities there could not and were not used for gassing?
Your Zionists got him banned from Germany for his findings!

How come Auschwitz and similar “death camps” were really concentration camps used as
factories to produce weapons, munitions and other war materials? Weapons?! And yet the only
recorded revolt against the concentration camps was at Sobibor, which had a high percentage
of Russian POW’s.
Even curators at Holocaust museums regard the whole gas chamber deal as a hoax.

There were NUMEROUS Red Cross visits to the concentration camps; any attempt to mask a
genocide would be readily apparent by comparing visits.

And the number of Jews who died is debatable; the “six million” figure is a impossibility given
statistics, the nature of the camps and the numbers of Jews who emigrated to Palestine.

Perhaps a million-and a lot of that was by starvation and disease due to lack of food and
medicine because of disruption of the German rail network by Allied bombing.


Zionists orchestrated economic boycotts of Germany when the Nazis took power. That would
be expected but not the same Zionists having their political activities tolerated. Nor finding out
your Zionists orchestrated America entering World War One in exchange for the British Empire
to lay the foundation for the future state of Israel.

But back to the 1930’s; Germans remembered the 1918 revolution. They too had a high
percentage of your People dominating law, culture, financial institutions, and a high percentage
of smaller businesses. Yes your People do work harder to gain success but your elites don’t
know when to quit and felt they could grind Germans into submission. To be denied foreign
markets in a country dependant on sales of exports for it’s manufactured goods was bad
enough, but to endure the shady practices a lot of your People by a lifetime of Jewish
conditioning inflicted-especially the richest-was too much. Your People’s greed made the Nazis
job of gaining power that much easier-and we’re talking Germans here, you know they’re some
of the most docile, decent, obedient people on Earth! They took your People in after surviving
the pogroms in Poland and Russia!

And yes, most of your People work hard just like any other., but in desperate times being found
guilty by association is a very hard thing to avoid. You can thank your Zionist elite for leading
you to you and your parents trials but undeniably, you may want to take a hard look at how
you’re raised, what you believe in. What paths your leaders take you and your people.

(I have to repeat this: did you know that most of the death toll from the concentration camps
came at the END of the Second World War-when American and British bomber raids had
destroyed Germany’s rail network, effectively cutting off precious food and medicine to the
camps? So it could be argued that America and the British Empire were the co-perpretrators of
the Holocaust.)



As stated, your culture and religion make at least some of you too ruthless and too powerful for
a People to endure. I’ll use my country’s example; your People dominate our culture, our
politics, our economy and far too many of them have an agenda that’s brought my nation to
the brink of collapse and self-destruction. Mostly for lining their own pockets like any honest
parasite, but also to expand their domination.

*Hollywood movies have a secular, liberal, Jewish outlook that corrodes the family-the basic
building block of a healthy society. Instead the state is glorified and it’s portrayal is grossly

*Political Correctness is a way to silence opposition by making everyone afraid to speak

honestly, regardless of the truth of their statements which could be readily proven or disproven
in a open, free exchange of ideals. For example, someone criticizes Israeli snipers for blasting
little Palestinian kids in the head and your Zionists slap the P.C. slur “anti-semite” faster than a
quickdraw shooter.

*Bush’s Cabinet is absolutely dominated by Zionist Jews and sycophantic Neoconservatives who
make certain Israel has all the political, economic and military support it needs to keep the
Palestinians crushed and the rest of the Arab World under threat of nuclear annihilation. They
do this and find a way to funnel the public moneys spent into private corporations they control
and make war profiteering a art form.

That’s America. In Germany, your elites got so greedy they caused and excasperbated a brutal
depression that brought the Nazis to power.

In Russia, your elites made and directed the Communists to power and in the subsequent
decades after the 1917 revolution burned thousands of Orthodox Christian churches, murdered
millions of small farm owners, attempted the genocide of the Ukranian People… yet not one
Synagogue was touched. Criticism of Jews was punishable by death-perhaps because all the
ringleaders of the Bolsheviks were actually elitist Zionist Jews themselves… the kind your
People have always been neglectful of keeping in check.

The Poles once upon a time tried to exterminate you because your elites worked for their lords
and other inbred royalty and ruthlessly collected debts and evicted peasants from their farms.

Every society from the Romans, to the French, to the English, to the Hungarians, Poles,
Russians, Germans, Spanish-have kicked you out because you won’t police your own People
from going too far and endangering all of you with a brutal backlash.

If enough people tell you you’re an asshole it’s not them persecuting you-it’s you being an
asshole in the first place.

Americans are the most warmongering people in history-we make the Germans, Russians and
Mongols pale in comparison. Proven fact. White, Black, Latino, Asian, Native-it’s our culture
that shapes us… or rather, your People trying to shape our culture, government and financial
institutions to do the Zionists bidding and keep us stupid and docile. Your People’s culture war
isn’t working well enough I’m here to report.

Americans ARE getting fed up with all the hustles, the scams, the fraud, racketeering, thefts,
and murders done in OUR name. Crimes often perpretrated by YOUR elites-who you’ve
historically failed to keep in check. And Morris Dee isn’t going to get all the guns confiscated out
of our hands, not before enough of us are pushed too far and react.

And if you know your history, Americans don’t react in a good way to being pushed too far. Our
people invented nuclear warfare, we’ve committed slavery, genocide. You let Your People(and
you know exactly whom I refer to)you let them push our backs against the wall and all that
middle class Ozzie and Harriet conditioning will slip away and you’ll see savagery the likes
you’ve never seen.

And we’ll be looking for people to blame, to hold responsible for what we’ve all lost. We’ll be
noting just how privileged Israel’s been to our public servants. We’ll be noting how many
KHAZARS are in positions of power. A lot of us, when that day of revolt comes and it will, might
confuse Saul the Bank Manager for Wolf Blitzer, or Eli the Plumber for Michael Chertoff. Or
maybe some of us just won’t give a fuck and bust in your door and steal your possessions and
string you up… even if you really are a plumber or a chef or a mechanic.

Sounds like a skinhead fantasy doesn’t it? Well, you’re helping to bring this about. What are you
going to do about it? What are you going to do to help bring the criminals among your People
to Justice so as to prevent an American Pogrom against you all?


1.)You have to do something about yourself.

Stop being such a follower, so quiet in the face of your leaders criminality. You must make it
loud and plain that you do not condone lies, oppression, theft and murder. If you’re a moral
person then you must make your morality as un P.C. plain as possible.

Be honest and fair and consistent in everything you say and do. Be the counter example of the
Zionists, the REAL Neonazis at the ADL and AIPAC who think nothing of murder and destroying
our Freedom for power only for themselves.

Grow a sense of humor about the skinheads and other neo-Nazis. They glorify a dead, failed
political movement and do it in a manner befitting a pack of ignorant losers. Next time all ten of
them march in public square calling for a national socialist revolution and shipping you off to
concentration camps(and they exist in America today), ask them how they can afford to take off
from work to march when the lot rent on their trailer’s due?

I would also suggest asking yourself some hard questions about the Torah and Talmud. Ask
yourself is murdering other peoples for their land and enslaving the survivors what you believe
in as well?

2.)Furthermore, you have to persuade others to stop supporting Zionists and promoters of lies
in your People’s name. Every time you stay silent as the Neoconservatives and the Israeli
government act like Nazi wannabes you tacitly support their evil. You must lend your voices and
support to people and organizations that oppose Zionist imperialism by America and Israel,
oppose the Freedom destroying doctrine of political correctness and any notion that Jews are
superior to any other People.

3.)About the Talmud: you must openly repudiate its racist, anti-human doctrines. If I a former
Fundamentalist Christian can repudiate the fantasy of a “rapture”(invented by a Zionist by the
way) that involves the blood sacrifice of 99% of the human race so I could have a mansion made
of gold forever, then you can reject the doctrines that 99% of the human race are “goy” cattle
fit only for exploitation and/or destruction. Really, the Talmud’s more racist than Mein Kampf!

4.)Be an asset to your community. To risk painting a broad brush, Jews do know how to survive,
how to run businesses, how to ingratiate yourselves into positions of power, how to persuade.
Average Americans need such skills in order to survive what’s coming.

Your town could use some new leadership. Help organize a emergency recall election to sweep
your community of the professional politicians and parasites that have made living in America
hell. Take over one single community and rewrite all the laws and cut taxes and you’ll have a
beacon of Freedom that will be a Revolutionary example to your surrounding communities.
They do likewise and you get control back of the county government and Sheriff-who is the
highest law enforcement official in the country… even federal agents have to ask permission
from the Sheriff to operate in “his county”.

Be a part of the solution and you won’t have the wholesale scapegoating of Jews in America like
what happened in Nazi Germany. That’s including you of course.

We’re all going to have to come together when the hammer’s dropped on the fantasy that is
Modern America-a potemkin prosperity created by debt slavery, militarism, and greed. Really,
the country’s been in decline for decades now, and pretty soon all of us not of the elite or their
toadies are going to be homeless or starving or fighting to survive. That includes you and a lot
of scapegoating’s going to go on so make yourself obvious by who’s side you’re on.

J. Croft


I’d like to show you what I’m doing about those of your People you can’t or won’t control so for
all the Palestinians out there reading this I’d like to present to you the Palestinian Guide to Rifle
Marksmanship. I assure you in the coming years we’re all going to be considered as Palestinians
by the “elite”-including Jews.


Pistols are only for close in, and are meant to help you fight to your rifle should you be dumb
enough to go without it.

Aimed rifle fire is still surprisingly effective in this age of guided missiles and precision guided
bombs. In Afghanistan the Mujahideen would open fire with Mausers and Enfields at up to 600
meters at a Soviet convoy. The Soviets would dismount and charge up at the Afghan
sharpshooters-men with a lifetime of shooting behind them. They’d try to assault up to within
AK range and then more Mujahedeen would use AK’s and bombs close up and not being able to
react effectively would be taken out.

AK-47’s are as common as sand in your part of the world, but they don’t make the best rifle

*inconsistent ammunition produces wildly varying bullet trajectories and thus degraded
consistency, which is the key to accuracy.

*the AK-47’s sight plane, the distance between front and rear sights, is a mere 14 inches and is
therefore more unforgiving of improper shooting technique than say a FAL or G3.

FAL fires a larger 7.62x51 round but the FAL malfunctions under desert conditions, as you may
know. Still, it can be used at much greater range than the AK-47.

M14 uses the same round as the FAL but is much better in the desert. M1 Garands may be
around. They’re in a longer .30-06 round and use a en bloc clip, but it’s sights are made for
longer range aimed fire. It’s front sight is the same width as a soldier at battle sight zero-it can
readily be used as a rangefinder to determine being able to shoot without adjusting for

Any other rifle’s front sight could be used for such a task, but it’s front sight width won’t
correspond to it’s battle sight zero as a M1/14.

G3 is the most rugged but it’s recoil is brutal. It’s ergonomics leave much to be desired.
M-16 is accurate, but fires a 5.56mm round. It’s also fragile and it’s operating system requires
more maintenance than other rifles.

A good cheap rifle would be a old Enfield or Mauser. They were made to be shot accurately,
ammo should still be available somewhere, with the rilfes. They don’t shoot as fast as a FAL or
AK but they’ll shoot.

Rifles are made to be aimed, not pointed in a general direction like a oversized pistol and pray
to God to guide the bullets.

You can do that yourself. Hold your rifle; notice your sights?

Put the buttplate of your rifle on the meat of your shoulder. If it has a folding stock extend it

Raise the barrel up, put your front sight post onto target. Lead a little if the targets moving, and
at longer range.

Align your rear sight with the front sight.

Focus on your front sight.

Breath in, exhale partly, hold your breath briefly.

While keeping your front sight on target at the same time squeeze your trigger finger.

Keep your eyes open, on target, let the weapon’s firing be a surprise while keeping your sights
on target. This is follow through.

Do this every time you aim and shoot.

Use your rifles for combat and sighting in. Train with airguns, like a spring airgun. BB’s are much
cheaper than ammuntion.

Train everyone in the use of rifles-men, women, children. Shoot regularly and often and you’ll
not only expand the size of your militia(basically your entire community)but you’ll greatly
increase it’s effectiveness.
Posted by J. Croft at 11:41 AM 0 comments Links to this post

J. Croft

Once upon a time in America, the police officer was a part of the community. An agent of the
state, yet a cop had more allegiance to his fellow citizens than to the bureaucrats and career

Times have changed-been changed-by a elitist political, economic and social movement that
seeks to destroy the America we still hold dear in our hearts and transform it into part of a neo-
communist empire. I say neo-communist because the policies the government pursues come
straight out of the ten planks of communism(1) The state is supreme, and since these TRAITORS
are imbedded within the state they get to control that supreme state.

A key component is control of the guns-force. Can’t get people who’d resist having their homes
stolen from them for nonpayment of property taxes without force.

Can’t tax people via meticulous monitoring of their daily driving performance without force.

Can’t stop people from organizing resistance to being oppressed without force.

Can’t protect the state from the people without force.

Can’t enforce all the edicts from the bureaucrats and politicians and judges without force.

Get the picture people? Despite your personal relationship with certain cops the police are not
and never have been on our side; police forces are standing armies trained to “keep the peace”.
Their “peace” is YOUR SUBMISSION! And they are lavishly equipped for the job:

*A vast, ever expanding legal code designed to entrap the people and give the state’s agents
the license to steal from them and kill them.

*Weapons-from aluminum nightsticks, pepper spray, TASERS, and handguns to assault rifles,
sniper rifles up to .50 caliber, high explosives, armored fighting vehicles, even military aircraft. A
standing army indeed.

*A subculture that’s kept insulated from the mainstream, a cult of authority and power that
never ceases to glory in it’s affectations of self-righteousness, it’s prowess against ignorant,
hapless victims. Drawing from those that naturally gravitate toward authoritarianism, cops
today are molded into the state’s enforcers, robotically and sadisitically enforcing laws written
by lawyers, judged by lawyers.

“But, the police are here to protect and serve.” The police are NOT required to protect you.
Want proof? Look at the Columbine Massacre in 1999; the police, heavily outmanning and
outgunning Eric Harris and Darren Klebold, simply laid siege to the high school and as everyone

They didn’t lay a hand on Harris and Klebold-they simply kept shooting until their meds drove
them to suicide instead of mass murder.

Ruby Ridge, Waco; federal agents wielding automatic weapons, body armor and armored
vehicles just like the hero cops that didn’t do jack in Littleton, Colorado went all out on a
backwoods family and a small communal Texas church. Women and children were openly
targeted and MURDERED.

Isolated examples you say? Crack open your paper, look around, observe YOUR PUBLIC
SERVANTS in action. Do they remotely act like the hollywood cops you see on TV every night? If
you’ve ever been harassed over a “infraction”, profiled, or worse you know the right answer.
Today’s cops are NOT like Sgt. Joe Friday, T.J. Hooker, or any cop character Bruce Willis or Mel
Gibson played.

As Boston T. Party so eloquently wrote in “You and the Police”, the police work for the state
and the state is looking for bodies.

Yours will do just fine.

IF you get stopped and you will sometime, have a voice recorder going. Yes you have to identify
yourself and present ID and proof of insurance-what you get for letting professional politicians
and their lobbyist pimps write the laws rather than you getting involved.
You can refuse search requiring a warrant but the cops will do a inventory search anyway-have
any valuables and other no-no’s locked in a place secured to the car. Something that will
require Probable Cause to get a warrant to open.

Probable Cause-in your encounter, you must deflect your public servant’s ideal of a Reasonable
Articulable Suspicion. Basically he’s looking to justify his finding a excuse to stop and detain you
on your normal business into a reason to arrest you. If you look like a ordinary person with no
obvious criminal activity in a jurisdiction that doesn’t have harassing everyone they can get
away with as their sole preoccupation you… may have a chance of continuing about your
normal business.

And for God’s sake, watch your temper. A lot of cops are just itching for a provoked fight and
will think nothing of putting you into the hospital. Some would just love to add another notch
on their gun and put you in the ground.

And yes, race too has a impact on this. No arguing there.

If you’re lucky you get a ticket and a date with a traffic court and some fines. Otherwise you get
arrested with extreme risk of bodily harm to yourself, even death. You’re thrown into cells
designed to inflict a low grade form of chronic torture by discomfort. You’re surrounded by a
ruthless criminal element deliberately cultivated by the state to terrorize you into continued
support of their All-American tyranny… maybe you’ll make some new friends and avoid being

You get some court appearances. You’ll be compelled to plea bargain for a “reduced sentence”.
You’ll be compelled to hire a lawyer to defend-for lack of a better word-you, presumably
against fellow lawyers who prosecute you and judge you on laws they wrote. Usually they work
out a “script” beforehand, in spite of your innocence or guilt, or the fault of the law being

Getting a jury trial? Getting even one person who understands that JURIES CAN NULLIFY THE
LAW amounts to something of a miracle as such knowledge is actively suppressed by the legal

And it all costs a lot of money, as the legal system is a racket and lawyers measure their time by
the hundreds of dollars-per-hour. So no wonder the numbers of acquittals are small. No
wonder 1 out of 100 Americans are now in the system in some way. Like I said, it’s what you get
for letting professional politicians and lawyers run YOUR GOVERNMENT for you.

So what do we do?

First, you have to protect yourself.

I know this is supposed to be a Free Country BUT, try not to look or act like a “dirtbag”. Sad to
say it, but middle class, mainstream American “conformists” are “less” likely to be harassed
than others. Rich looking people are the least likely of course to be confronted by the police.

Make certain your car is up to code. Nothing broken, nothing that suggests “dirtbag” to cops.
Some cars are automatically “suspicious” like those “gangbangers” gravitate toward.

Certain times you’re at greater risk for busts. Always be careful at night. If you see a long line of
cars, and in the opposite lane there are cars at regular intervals, there’s a roadblock;
immediately find a alternate route to your destination or you will be stopped. Be careful around
schools as well, and any place that may remotely look like a speed trap. Any area where bars
are at you’ll have cops fishing for busts for any reason they can come up with.

Wire up some tiny spy cameras and microphones in your car; in the front and back with a
hidden activation switch to get evidence of evidence planting or police brutality. With the
police officer also being an officer of the court, his mere word is considered as evidence, so
you’ll need solid proof of your innocence. Only video makes that standard these days.

Perhaps you can travel in a group-safety in numbers. One guy gets stopped the rest stop as

Just about any behavior can be labeled “suspicious” by cops. Watch what you do. Any sideways
glances, any uppity attitudes can and will be squelched by weak people with too much power
who’s sense of person is dependent on how much authority they can wield on others.

For further reading, Boston T. Party’s “You and the Police” is available at
and I highly recommend it. It has everything you need to know to defend yourself against your
average power hungry cop short of violence.

Better to be able to change the law and eliminate the dirty cops. This is politics so you must
enter the political arena. You want change in the laws and the way the laws are enforced you
have to get in a position to make those changes.

“How to win a local election”-written by lifelong political hacks provides a textbook to spring off
of, but mostly you’re looking to get elected by finding your locale’s hot buttons and pushing
them as long and hard as possible. This book you’ll find at your local bookstore in the politics

You want to change the cops you have to change your institutions-you have to actually take
over the decision making process from professional politicians and parasitic lawyers. Local
towns-not big cities-are the achilles heel of the beast’s political system, and the United States
Government is part of the beast that’s turned this once greatest of nations into it’s absolute

Local town government is how most government power is enforced upon the People. These are
shady, small minded cretins for the most part who revel in their power over our lives. They
gladly go along with the status quo of taxes and regulations and current American political
thought in order to profit for themselves.

Inevitably, they piss people off about something. That is what you use to inflame opposition-
opposition enough to get people to the polls on election day.

You could have a election sooner than you think. Look through your town’s local laws for
anything allowing a emergency recall election. Follow the procedures.

Organize your campaign; get your candidates, get your volunteers. Know your demographics;
what kind of people live where, where your support’s at where your opposition’s at. Most likely
you’ll have the poor areas and middle class to support you while the rich will want the status
quo-but that’s a rule of thumb.

Have your red button issues. Hammer on them relentlessly. For those that retain that American
attribute of hapless apathy, remind them that THEIR POLICE wouldn’t harass them for all kinds
of stupid stuff if they were ORDERED not to. BEWARE OF THE POLICE, THEY WILL BE DIRECTED

Come election, and your slate wins you and your people will actually have political power. Now
that you’re in the driver’s seat it’s time to take care of some election promises. Cut some taxes.
Eliminate property taxes and allow full alloidial title so that the People truly own their homes
and land and be secure in their ownership. Create tax-free zones in all those boarded up
downtown buildings for local small businesses. Go over your town’s Comprehensive Annual
Financial Report and see where your town’s invested in… maybe that money would be better
spent on schools or tax breaks.

And to get back to the point of this article, clean up your police department. Get a copy of their
departmental procedures and start some very heavy editing. Clean YOUR POLICE DEPARTMENT
of any and all law enforcement officers who have betrayed the trust of the People. Get input
from any decent Peace Officers whether on your force or not. Your police department can’t be
of the People unless it’s run BY the People.

ANY piece of equipment “donated” by the federal government MUST BE RETURNED! Under
federal guidelines, accepting federal assistance puts YOUR POLICE DEPARTMENT UNDER
FEDERAL CONTROL! And you spent a lot of time and money to get elected just so you could rein
in your rogue cops.

What of the laws coming from the county government? First you have to take over enough
small communities in your county to win a county-wide election. That means duplicating your
success in surrounding communities, preferably at the same time.

Taking control of county government is a bigger goal, but if you free your town from the current
crop of socialist, elitist parasites it will become a beacon, an example of Freedom that other
communities will see, and duplicate. Taking control of a county means running your candidate
for Sheriff-this is big because the Sheriff is the highest ranking law enforcement authority… he
can even prohibit state and federal authorities from operating in “his county” without

Taking over a whole county… instituting government deconstruction and return of Freedom
and assets back to the taxpayers will go a long way toward greatly improving the quality of life
in your community; politically, economically, socially, and would greatly reduce the need for

See the logical conclusion? Take over enough counties and you have enough grass roots
political muscle to usurp the Democrat/Republican party lock on your state’s government. Run
your candidates and with the examples of your community, and your county(PROVIDED YOU

Win control of your state government and you can disband your state’s highway patrol, on the
general principle that I’ve never heard of a state trooper who wasn’t a programmed law
enforcing robot. You can also bring your state’s finances under the same scrutiny you did your
local community. Start scrapping laws and create tax-free enterpeneur zones for the poorest in
all those boarded up city storefronts. You’ll see an even bigger improvement in quality of life,
which will mean of course less need for police.
Win enough states and now winning the federal government is within reach. I advocate it’s
utter dismemberment and replacement with something… a hell of a lot smaller.

This of course is contingent on there being elections and a Constitutional government, which
would be null and void in a martial law scenario or when the “elites” realize their plans of
integrating America, Canada and Mexico into their “north american union”. In either case, there
will be no elections and your local police will truly be unleashed.

J. Croft

1) 1-Abolition of property in land and application of all rents to public purposes

Unless you possess Texas property with alloidal title, you “own” Real Estate-you pay a yearly
property tax to the county. You miss your tax you lose your land in a tax forfeiture sale. I myself
tried to take advantage of this communist policy and get a house and flip it for ten to twenty
times what I’d pay out but that’s a racket that already has big fish in it… or they get a lot of
people in on the bid so they can max out the profits.

2-A heavy progressive or graduated income tax

Federal, state and local taxes, are rated according to income but unless you’re homeless you’re
going to dish out at least 40% to some kind of tax scheme. Medieval serfs paid less.

3-Abolition of all rights of inheritance

Ever heard of the estate tax?

4-Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels

You leave America and renounce citizenship the government takes your property and/or make
you pay taxes for three more years. You try resisting the government in self-defense they take
your property. The forfeiture laws make a broad sweep and any excuse the government can
make to take what’s yours they’ll do it.

5-Centralization of credit in the hands of the state by means of a national bank with state
capital and an exclusive monopoly

When the Constitution was signed, there was a standard of coinage of silver and gold that
anyone was allowed to follow to legally coin their own money.

Two attempts at a national bank were defeated in the 19th century and America enjoyed a
decentralized banking system with a stable money. With the fraudulant passing of the 16th
ammendment we now have a heavy, progressive income tax and a privately owned, centralized
credit and money issuing system with a monopoly on issuing money.

6-Centralization of the means of communication and transport in the hands of the state

The FCC requires a license to transmit over airwaves. Licensing-permits form the state-are
required to use public roads.

7-Extension of factories and insturments of producitons owned by the state; the bringing into
cultivation of waste-lands, and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a
common plan.

Basically the zoning laws, and regionalism.

8-Equal liability of all to labor. Establishment of industrial armies, especially for agriculture

A national draft for non military needs has been proposed and will be enacted during martial
law. Conscript labor is already a reality in the nation’s 3 million prisoners.

9-Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries; gradual abolition of the distinction

between town and country by a more equable distribution of the population.
Corporations, with much of their outstanding stock owned by the government control most
agricultural land in the US.

10-Free education for all children in public schools. Combination of education with industrial

Public schools run under the Marxist NEA have dumbed down Americans for generations. Most
people are “guided” into “careers” to be useful to the govenrment and corporations instead of
receiving a balanced education.


I'm watching the video on YouTube; of the "brave Peace Officer" assaulting a woman half her
size because she cut the drunk f*uck off.

I watch this and I see two, three dudes...

...No, make them punk assed bitches-who can't summon the common decency to come to a
woman in need. Three cowards who've been trained oh so well by massah state to be the
obedient slaves they are... salving their pain with booze as that candidate for a post-birth
abortion yells and slugs them "playfully" in the arm... then starts manhandling that woman.

Crip gangbangers got more heart than these pussified "murikans"! Certainly if THEIR women
were getting knocked about by PUBLIC SERVANTSdrunk on power as well as alcohol, they'd risk
a stretch in the penitentiary to defend them.

This is what happens when YOU and your parents let others steer the Republic-turn politics into
a career, back into a caste for the "elite". They change society to the point where YOU are
brainwashed by state schools and corporate dominated media and culture for a lifetime to be
obedient little consumer debt slaves:

More preoccupied with materialism than morality

More concerned with keeping the slave wages flowing than standing up to the tyrants
wherever they are.

More concerned with saving their own worthless hides than defend one another in common
cause, even if one loses all because uncompromising defense of Freedom is the ONLY
guarantee that those Freedoms can be secured!

So have another beer, Murikan-it'll salve that pain of knowing you're a COWARD who'll let
anyone do anything to you. No wonder the rest of the world despises us.

J. Croft

J. Croft

See the cartoon?

Well, keep looking at it. Because it illustrates quite nicely who really has the bigoted viewpoints,
who really are the racists that are keeping average folk (like you , hopefully) from getting
together and actually trying to solve the problems that threaten to destroy, obliterate the
admittedly greatly flawed-yet greatest nonetheless-social expression of a Free Society in known
human history. America.
Well, OUR America, the America the United States; what you can call the beast uses as a cloak,
a front to keep up support, or at least the taxes, as it careens here and there. The United States
is a all-powerful tool of the real racists and bigots, their legions of minions, the millions of
unwitting slaves-and the rest of us poor bastards struggling for our lives.

Anyway that picture again: You see the Klansmen who are lifted up by the beast to be the great
racist threat to America, but you look over to the right, and you see who are the real racists:

The Mexican communist, in peasant garb promising a revolution against the hated gringos and
wanting to form their “aztlan” from the American Southwest and Northern Mexico. Never
minding they’ll turn their new “paradise” into another third world hellhole… or have already.

The Black Power socialist, who blindly strikes at anything, and is all too willing to be used as a
tool so long as he can make his rebellious posing. Never minding of course who really creates
the problems for Blacks-that doesn’t matter so long as he or she can make a career out of
making it look like they’re doing something about it…. they’d be out of a job if they solved the

The shady “civil rights” liberal-typically a lawyer-who shamelessly patronizes both groups so
long as he can take swipes at the America he and his kind hate and have nearly murdered.
Lawyers and their never ending lawmaking have choked Freedom in America like kudzu has the

And behind them all? Scumbag politicians who whore for campaign monies, rig elections, make
promises like cheating spouses and when campaign season’s over they go back and seize more
power for themselves.

Using anyone and everyone to create hegelian problem/reaction/solutions to advance agendas

of those they owe their allegiances and fortunes to.

There are more varieties of real racists but you get the point. All of them defile, desecrate,
destroy America-they hate the naturally empowering ideals of Freedom that our Ancestors
struggled for, died for, fought wars for-a lot of times that’s what they believed at least. Black,
White, Asian, Native American, Latino have all struggled for Freedom, hoped their children
would have a better deal than the one they were given. None of which matters to a racist, or
their puppet masters. They are really, puppets of class warfare waged by those puppet masters-
the “elite” as they like to call themselves-who always seek to divide and conquer.

What better way than to exploit common racial and cultural differences?

Divide and conquer-that is what the racist fails to see. That is what the racist can never see,
because to acknowledge they have been used as tools of oppression would shatter the self-
image they have as Freedom fighters. Can’t have Freedom for only one shade of man!
Yet it’s easy to hate someone who has no pigmentation, or a lot, or who are loud and dress
different and act different, unrestrained. Yes, I’m talking about white people in general who are
the American stereotypes for race-based hatred. Let’s spend some time to review some history,
try to understand the roots of racism.

Europeans, in general, lived as poorly as any race on Earth-poor, disease ridden, plagued by too
little food for too many mouths and a ruthless, avaricious “royalty” who enslaved them and
murdered them in never ending wars for power, glory, land. Europe also suffered at the hands
of the Roman Catholic Church, who while keeping some knowledge from ancient times also
kept people from discovering new things-that didn’t serve the church like gunpowder for
cannons and navigation techniques to find new lands to conquer in some inbred blueblooded
psychopath’s name.

So they “discovered” the Americas and managed to conquer it from basically stone age human
sacrificing Aztecs and Incas-who had not one shred of moral superiority over the Spanish and
Portugese… and later the English, and French-and a couple other minor states. It was the
stronger, more adaptable empires defeating the weaker and every common person suffered

White Europeans suffered, oh yes; you didn’t know most of the settlers from the 1600’s up to
the time of the First American Revolution were slaves? They were technically “indentured
servants” who rented or were forced to rent by a court for stealing bread or being homeless
seven years of their lives to some rich mercantilist, plantation owner or some other rich
asshole. The Revolution didn’t end indentured servitude but it did cut off the constant import
of the British Empire’s surplus population enough that those that managed to survive the 50%
death rate eventually made a life and a future for themselves out on the frontier. Those people
became the small family farmers, general store owners, blacksmiths, and miners who would
eventually rear the businessmen, inventors and small investors that would build the America
we remember.

Unfortunately for America, those rich mercantilists and plantation owners didn’t like all these
uppity independent people. Independent people-with deadly accurate Kentucky rifles-thanks to
all the German gunsmiths that came over. The mercantilists like their inbred European
counterparts wanted more and more, yet they had to placate all the riflemen aroused by
Revolution so they crafted the 1787 Constitution and laid down a clever framework for them to
scheme, and to eventually become as royalty themselves.

They, America’s “royalty” were the reasons all the treaties with the Native Americans were
broken. They were the reason that British holdover of slavery was held over until the civil war-
when it was used as the fulcrum to leverage federal power over states rights, exploited by the
plantation owners. They were the reason America suffered it’s first Gilded Age in the 1890’s,
used a coal explosion on a obsolete USS Maine in Havana to wage war against Spain and seize
it’s last colonies. They were the reason America was suckered into World War One to save their
inbred cousins running the British Empire from defeat by Germany-a war fought over one
unpopular inbred blueblooded psychopath named Ferdinand who was assassinated.

It is “they”, who standardized all public schools and eventually dumbed down all of us to the
childlike, near retarded levels of intellect. They who kept Appalachia back by stealing the land
from the People and kept the descendants of indentured servants backward. They who
instituted Jim Crow, joined the KKK by the thousands; and when the rich make something
popular like race hatred, everyone else has to don bedsheets burn crosses and beat up Blacks
to keep up with the Joneses. Those same “they” of course would rig economic scarcities to
make poor Whites struggle against poor Blacks for the same pitiful crumbs “they” would deign
to leave us. They who would by increments steal all of our Freedoms.

They of course, had much larger plans-the first great depression brought millions of those
uppity Americans down low with poverty. In desperation they let FDR in to supersize the
government, steal their gold(HIS FIRST ACT AS PRESIDENT!), and create a lot of the alphabet
agencies that make all our lives miserable today. Under FDR’s blueblooded kin in America and
Europe Hitler rose to power in a defeated Germany, to create the catalyst of German
vengeance and starvation for resources that would kick start World War Two. FDR backed the
Japanese Empire(ran by asian RACIST assholes) into a corner with a oil embargo, forcing them
to attack us-and left a collection of some more obsolete battleships for them to take their fury
out on… which made our Grandparents furious enough to fight both them and the Germans.

Together? No way in hell; the battlefield would’ve become the catalyst for racial understanding
and common cause for Blacks and Whites which is why a segregated armed forces was rigidly
enforced, even at the cost of battlefield defeat. Keeping Blacks in the rear with the gear did
keep the racial hatreds stewing in the ranks quite nicely, and postwar the Whites would keep
shitting on the Blacks, pissing them off more and more to the glee of the inbred bluebloods.
Eastern Establishment shitheads who kept us all at each other’s throats while making more
fortunes off selling us homes and cars and all the bounty that our factories would produce
when our Grandparents finally came home and started spending all that cash they made
fighting and building war material.

So, our Grandparents, bless their hearts, came back from the war spent their money, had lots of
kids, hated each other and kept their faith in the same inbred psychotic bluebloods that set up
the wars and now began to set up our ultimate demise.

The Blacks were lured to the cities by “they” with good paying factory jobs… right before they
started outsourcing America’s hard-earned industrial might to the Japanese, the Koreans, the
Mexicans. Trapped in the cities, broke, with no opportunity, their neighborhoods became
economic prisons that broke the Black family and with the deliberately deteriorating state
schools, crime became the solution for a lot of people… if they didn’t just give up and got a drug
habit. Others turned to the nearest radical who hated whitey, never having a clue they might be
some kind of agent steering their blind rage toward their own destruction.
White folks with their heads up their asses, or just screwed, trained never, ever to associate
with Blacks if they could avoid it, assumed in their hearts it’s just the nature of n!ggers to burn
down their own neighborhoods when they have too much and riot. More crime, more cops,
more jails, more dangerous criminals… More crime, more heavily armed cops who won’t give a
fuck if they blast you, more prisons where your humanity’s stripped from you and if you don’t
become a predator yourself you’re prey.

Is it any wonder the racism runs deep in both races? Cultivated, encouraged by the inbreds?

They weren’t done; they started driving Mexicans and other Latinos by the millions, taking
away what jobs and means of survival they had in their own countries… same pack of inbred
psychotic bluebloods set them up. Made them desperate enough to cross inhosptitable desert,
endure the same class of asshole merchantilists whose ancestors brought Blacks and Whites
over as slaves.

Only, the terms of their slavery have been fine tuned-fear of being busted and deported Latinos
put up with well below minimum wages for the most part. To have something to return to their
families at home they put up with overcrowded housing, overcrowded vehicles, living almost
like homeless people. They see how they’re exploited-they’re not stupid-and they see how
Whites turn their noses at them, don’t bother to fight for them, do something about the
mercantilists and the modern day plantation owners. THEY’RE AMERICA’S NEW N!GGERS AND
THEY KNOW IT! And of course, they hate us for this.

It’s no wonder a lot of them take advantage of the perks “they” set up to set up race wars-the
easy credit, eased identification requirements, catch and release policies from on high. Drive
plastered on tequila and endanger everyone on the road, insult White people for being
weak(you are), Blacks for just being Black. Sign up with MS-13 and the 18th Street Gang, support
a pack of marxists-thieves and murderers really-who preach taking over the Southwest and the
north of Mexico and making their Latino socialist paradise, drive out all the Whites and Blacks
who in the big picture are just as oppressed.

And the Blacks are weak, divided, led astray by blind, animalistic gangsters and racist
“preachers” who forever help massah state stoke their own problems. Whites who have no clue
and waste their rapidly disappearing economic power-or never had it and waste their time
getting drunk in front of the TV.

Everyone’s been programmed to blame each other for the problems the violent inbred
psychotic bluebloods have caused-BUT NOBODY SEES THE TRUTH. Half-Spanish EUROPEAN
Mexicans want desert lands that once belonged to mass murdering Aztecs. Black radicals want
to wage a suicidal campaign to make a “new africa” out of the heart of Dixie. Poor white trash
simmers and the nosepicks among them who join the skinheads and the Klan hate the jobs
stolen, the crimes committed against them.

A comment: in that above statement about skinheads and Klansmen I do not include the
Militias. Militia gets tar babied by elitist racist whites-painted in the colors of white racists and

Why? I’ll tell you why: Militia represents people power-power independent of government
control. During the early 90’s after the government attacks on the People at Ruby Ridge and
Waco, average Americans woke up to the existential threat posed by traitors long out of
control. They formed up, began training in guerrilla warfare and marksmanship. As the Clinton
Administration pushed further with their neo-communist agenda, the assault weapon ban and
the attempt to impose a Soviet style health care system tempers flared and the Militias spread
across America like wildfire. Revolution, by common working folks of ALL RACES against the
inbred psychotic bluebloods was imminent.

All those racist rednecks in camoflage-with guns-running around? Something had to be done.
And something was.

April 19, 1995 the government executed the Militia movement along with 169 Americans who
had no ideal what was coming… while every federal agent was absent and FEMA was
predeployed. So was the spin after the bombs went off-it was the Militias! …A government
operative by the name of Tim McVeigh was designated the patsy… speeding … in a car without
license plates… carrying a Glock.

Reread that last sentence. He wanted to get caught. He was a dupe.

My point: it was all a setup to destroy the Militia movement, send it crawling back to the trailer
parks of racist white trash ‘murka. Militias represent rifle armed, trained, FREE MEN of ALL
COLORS and there is NOTHING the “elite” racists and their cronies fear more. Disorganized,
disarmed, unprepared working class people however, can’t influence policy-they have no
power! It takes everything they have just to make the rent and car note and put food on the
table; how the hell does any thinking person reckon they have any pull in the media,
government, corporate circles?

Poor white trash doesn’t have the power, and they know it but I’ll tell you what groups of
whites THINK they do, and those are the “elite” and upper class college indoctrinated liberals.

Upper class college indoctrinated liberals are mainly in and around major universities and cities.
They make all the politically correct noises about equality and social justice but when’s the last
time you heard of white upper class liberals giving the poor minorities the time of day? The very
thought of associating with those they patronize and deliver a never-ending series of cheap
platitudes terrifies them.
They’re otherwise harmless, but the politically correct have a tendency to go into government,
corporations and the media and applying their college warped beliefs on us all. They don’t
realize their professors are charged with warping their brains, to turn them into politically
correct drones of the beast.

Yet they don’t care, so long as they have their SUV’s and trendy downtown housing and coffee
houses where they can spend ten bucks on a cup of coffee with cream. You can laugh at their
stupidity but at their heart they’re as racist as anyone-as they’d rather blow their money being
trendy than using their economic power to honestly fight for all.

But I guess being a whole class of posers and sellouts is easier than facing the fact they’re
RACISTS, who would rather sustain their given fantasies rather than seek Truth and take
responsibility and join the real fight.

“Black power” RACISTS makes Black folks powerless

Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson; both purported to be men of God, with followers and lots of
money coming their way, but when’s the last time you seen either of them try to solve the root
problems of urban decay, crime, broken homes, the never-ending flow of drugs?

(The root problems are, I have to repeat, that rich elitists long ago screwed black folks by luring
them from Southern farms to urban factories-and then shipped those plants overseas. With no
replacement jobs of equivalent income, much less a return to self-employment they became
trapped and hence urban decay. Crime is inevitable as are broken homes as the stresses of daily
survival become too much. In such a enviroment setting up a drug trade is no problem.)

So, I ask again, what has Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson REALLY done-beyond exploit any and
every possible racist insult? Where are those two jackals when a city council votes to build
another fucking billion dollar stadium for some jackoff while the cities rot and the citizens are
forced to live there? That’s RACISM-against their own kind!

All I hear is some noise about “reparations”; trying to take more money from average folks and
foster more race hatred, more racism. That’s RACIST.

Mexican RACISTS want to destroy two nations to create a third world hell hole

Latino communists want to carve their own little bolshevik workers paradise out of Mexico and
the American Southwest into “aztlan”. Never mind about fixing Mexico-kicking out their “elites”
and making a fresh start for that cursed nation-no! That would make too much sense.

They’d rather be used as tools just so they can carve their own racist empire; exploit Mexico’s
poorest instead of helping them, sending them on a life-threatening trek across inhospitable
desert and attempt to demographically conquer that same useless land. Where’s the sense?
What the hell do they think will happen to Los Angeles, Phoenix, Tuscon, Las Vegas if they
actually succeed? They really think the water’s going to keep flowing? And without water, all
those desert paradises are going to be reclaimed by all that desert.

In the meantime, what kind of government will be instituted? The same kind of corruption,
tyranny and government by thuggery that has kept Mexico in third world status instead of
becoming the world class contender that nation could be! They would condemn their own to
continued oppression just so they can rule.

Yeah, La Raza is RACIST-especially against their own!

And who are the biggest racists of all? Again, the people manipulating everyone else to hate
each other. Inbred psychotic bluebloods-otherwise known as the “elite”-all the nobility, all the
CEO’s and Politicians that have centralized and monopolized power in their own hands and
have always had their foot on everyone’s necks. They are the ultimate racists and the world is
their plantation! Rockefellers, Rothschilds, DuPonts, Warburgs, Vanderbilts, Morgans, Bushs,
Foleys, Spectors, and anyone else who literally gets royal treatment merely by having the right
last name.

They’re bred to rule and to view everyone else as property to be used and used up. They’re the
puppet masters whose fingers control their overseers who administer their corporations their
government agencies.

They in turn control their house n!ggers who issue tickets, arrest, fight their wars… tell you who
to hate

They’re the ultimate racists. And they would have you ignorantly look at someone JUST LIKE
YOU but with a different hue of skin, different culture and hate solely on that, blame them for
the problems you have that aren’t their fault!

So stop hating who you’re told to hate.

I’ll tell you who to hate. Here’s a list:

*Anyone who’s been in and out of government and corporate circles their entire lives

*Tired “activists” who come out for a scandal like crack fiends when the dope man walks by

*College professors with their bigoted heads up their asses their entire lives

*Communist operatives posing as “activists”

*Any and all house n!gger, state n!gger tool of the beast who refuses to see Truth
*Anyone who’d rather worry about what’s on TV tonight or what their favorite team’s doing
than seek Truth and do something about it

*Anyone who think their family bloodlines alone entitle them to be the ones making the

And what should you do with your hate? Use it as motivation to fight for all of us! How? I have
40 essays detailing just how to do this at .

You can find out the Truth at the following websites-AND I’D HURRY WHILE WE STILL HAVE A

You can begin the path on becoming independent of the beast by getting yourself in shape;
financially, physically, mentally and spiritually.

Financial Freedom involves getting out of debt and eliminating the materialistic dependencies
that are presented as fashionable. It also means ultimately having your own sources of income
that don’t involve being a wage slave of some megacorporation… owned by the inbred trash
that have always oppressed us.

Go to and to start

your financial education. And buy some silver and gold, preferably silver!

Physical Freedom involves getting your body into shape; eating organic, working out, purging all
the toxins and learning how to survive and fight. is good to find out how to purge
and purify your body, while is the militia site to go to for learning how to fight. is where you go to learn to use that tool of Freedom, the rifle.

Mental Freedom involves more than learning how the world is, it involves learning how to
THINK FOR YOURSELF. It involves becoming your own leader because that is what it takes to
financially and physically Free yourself.

Ultimately, you can’t Free your mind if you’re not Free spiritually. This means finding your way
back to God. God your Father wants you to be Free-not to be slaves of the beast, of violent,
inbred psychotic bluebloods who run the corporations, the central banks, the government, the
media that fills your mind with crap.

Father’s waiting for you. Find a quiet room to be uninterrupted.

Still your mind. Close your eyes.

Gently ask for Father, and LISTEN.

Listening to Our Father in Heaven is something you have to work on, because the mind will
intrude. Like anything else, if you apply yourself you can do anything. And that’s the key to
defeating the RACIST “elites” and their minions and dupes and making a future for all of us.


That's what "law enforcement" thinks.

It's what the beast wants them to think, just like it wants them to think that it's okay to
plant incriminating evidence or destroy evidence that could prove innocence.

Most laws are made by racketeers and thieves we call lawyers.

Lawyers hand down laws for the control freaks we call bureaucrats to enforce.

Bureaucrats employ armed thugs and killers we call cops-who presume you don't have
a right to be out at certain times or at certain places they designate a "high crime area".

Law enforcement by and large doesn't care you have a cell phone to record your friends
and loved ones getting assaulted and tortured by them, because they'll earn a nice paid
vacation if they take a life.

They know you the college student, office worker, homemaker, factory worker(we still
have those?!)are too domesticated too tamed by the massive cultural onslaught of their
masters, too cowed by the image of authority and competence the TV wraps them in to
do the natural thing, the right thing-fight back.
In the end, that's the only thing law enforcement respects, power. That's why they go
after gangbangers; because they're about the only people in this country left who are
willing to fight the beast.

Why? Because they came to the conclusion that they really have nothing to lose in the
first place.

Certainly they target anyone of opportunity they can overcome, it's their nature, but the
beast has been using them in Iraq and Afghanistan, and they're absorbing the lessons
and resources of the military and using them on the streets. Against law enforcement.

Cops are getting led into ambushes, sniped at. They're being attacked when they mount
drug raids in their neighborhoods. It's only going to get worse, for the cops. It's already
about as bad as it can get for those that have to live in "high crime areas" without the
food and fuel getting cut off.

Sympathy for the gangsta? Not if they're trying to harm me but I've personally never had
a Crip, Folk or Blood harm me. They got bigger fish to fry.

Most other Americans? Too busy practicing their doublethink, too busy keeping their
mind on the next Britney scandal.

Or maybe they do notice, and care, and are trying to come up with a new protest

Law enforcement doesn't care.

They only respect force. And force may be the only thing that will save your life if they
decide to just add another notch on their service weapon when they "detain" you; which
they view as you being "legally" under arrest.
So that's the quandary; "cooperate" and lose everything, or fight and lose everything.

If you do wind up fighting though, where will you go? Better have some friends who
think like you to give you shelter, provisions, because you're going to embark on a new
life of being a homeless outlaw. Hated by the beast's minions, used by the beast as a
domestic Osama Bin Ladin to scare the sheep into complying with ever-more heavy
handed dictates.

Never able to see your loved ones.

Risking your life every time you step out into public spaces, especially if you don't have
a disguise?

Always on condition one, scanning the cops for interest-and they will know you're
scrutinizing them, they do it for a living!

What will happen to you? Will you be an example and have people join you, or will the
flouride and TV be too much?

Wouldn't it be better to just turn off the TV set and get together with friends, target the
sleaziest small town around? Conduct a emergency election and replace the entire local

Cut taxes so jobs and small businesses can reenter the community?

Divest all the investments as stated on the town's CAFR( give it

back to the People?

Fire the local thugs-"law enforcement" en masse, replace it with a volunteer militia
comprised of ordinary citizens-just like YOU?

Have your new town be a shining beacon of Freedom so that others can do likewise
and we can take our Nation back peacefully?

...While we still have something of a Constitutional government?

Your choice, People-fight back...

...or accept that YOU might be the next person a government traitor deems is always
appropriate to taze.

J. Croft

Time to free yourself of your slavery

J. Croft

Got a mortgage? For a mcmansion that’s been overpriced, and overly expensive to maintain,
heat and cool? Filled it up yet with crap made overseas? Having a garage sale to make room for
a fresh bunch of foreign junk?

Got a auto loan for a vehicle that cost more to repair than the car you bought 10 or 20 years
ago? Think it’ll last long enough for you to pay off-or are you just going to get another lease?

Got a wallet full of credit cards you’re going to spend the rest of your life trying to pay back?

Got more bills from all that debt than you got cash for, so you get a payday loan to make ends
meet-so you can get gas for your SUV and eat?

Got thousands more in student loans-because a college education takes a fortune-so you can
afford to finance all the credit cards and the auto loans and the mortgages… and there’s no
work in the field you chose because all the work’s gone overseas?

This picture look like your life?

Got a foreclosure notice from a court because you lost your job to China or India?

Got a moving truck for all your made in China crap because you lost your home?

Trapped, because the bankruptcy rules were changed and so now you’re bound to service this
debt hell and high water, even adjusting for inflation?

Wonder how did things go to hell in this country?

Thank a banker.


International bankers influence government policy… meaning they control a lot more than what
interest rate they charge. They control their banks through seats on the boards of directors of
the major banking firms, and through stocks. The US Federal Reserve System is a private
banking cartel illegally given government license. Bankers and their minions(they don’t have
“friends”)determine how many laws you live under, how they’re configured to shape and
influence your life. Since their overthrow of the US government in 1913 with the Federal
Reserve Act and the unratified 16th Amendment that illegally allows income taxes the bankers
have run America into the ground. They’ve rigged the regulations and economics so that
America has been subjected to repeated, artificially manipulated boom and bust economic
cycles that serve to manipulate government policy, and public opinion as the bankers see fit.
America has been emptied of it’s domestic industries-you can’t hardly even start up a “mom
and pop” small business and have much hope of success, they can’t survive in a economy
deliberately being destroyed.(1.)

A major industrial effort like steel or manufacturing? Better be a multinational conglomerate.

Bankers determine who gets the deals, the loans. No-not you, nor anyone you might know. But
to those that are “in” with these parasites, that go along with either franchising some
megacorporate chain store, or a merger that winds up shipping middle class jobs overseas and
having literally slaves do the work, or robbing small family farmers and independent businesses
of their homes, land, and livelihoods-you’re golden!

Bankers set the controls, the inputs and outputs of their society-we just try to survive in it but
we’ve had any opportunity to advance ourselves systematically robbed from us. What are we
left with? Working as an “associate” for some franchise store, picking cotton, lettuce and apples
at a corporate run farm, or maybe you’re just ass-out at a temp firm.

So how do you get that “murkan dream”? Get some banker’s loans and credit cards. Salve the
pain you feel in your heart about the crap deal you’re getting from the bankers and do some
shopping-becoming even more their slave. Except it’s not a dream you can actually attain, it’s a
myth passed down from your parents and grandparents who were weaned of their self-reliance
and responsibility-domesticated by massah state and massah corporation. America’s their

Their chains are the debt they make you obligated to pay back-in spite of everything they’ve
done to enslave you. It’s the ingrained obedience to anyone in a thousand dollar(current
value)suit and their lawyers and bill collectors that ultimately binds you. Not losing your home
or your car. And you’re going to lose it, when the bankers finance your employer to ship the
factory you work overseas, or that franchise store you work at shuts down because of falling
profits-because everyone else’s job’s been shipped overseas.

Do you know what those parasites, those TRAITORS do with the loan they make you spend a
lifetime paying back, that they generate out of NOTHING? They use it just as they would actual
federal reserve notes in the bank vault; they count it as a “fractional reserve” to make more
financial insturments-and generate yet more insturments from those! Collateralized debt
obligations, derivatives, and probably a lot more types of banker magic “money”-that they use
to control or outright own every object, every institution, and everyone. Our chains of debt
slavery are but the invention of their twisted, greedy little minds.

…You still think this is normal somehow? The bankers could literally transform our Earth into a
paradise with all the wealth they hold, and they DO hold all of it… but this world of war and
strife and suffering, disease, poverty, death: it’s what they want because weak, divided people
preoccupied with religious, territorial, resource and economic side-struggles of their design are
too preoccupied to fight back. That includes you Mr. and Mrs. ‘Murika: too busy gawking at
Britney Spears having her last shot at a comeback blown out from under her on MTVcuz she’s a
basket case, to notice you could’ve bought everything you owned at a THIRD of what you’re
paying if you had done like our ancestors had done and paid up front.

Guess what? You’re going to lose your job because the whole scheme is coming undone. By
design; because the bankers have all the money… now they want the assets so they take the
last real jobs, crash the economy and foreclose on America, sell it all off to the highest bidder.
They’re already stripping down old homes down to the last board and nail and reassembling
them in Mexico-they’ll have the last American industry be asset strippers-disassemble
everything and cart if off! Maybe if you’re lucky you can work for them and as you help finish
off our once great nation you might be able to feed your family…

…Then again, if we’re going to lose it all anyway, lets lose it on our terms.

…If you’re gonna lose it anyway, lose it on your terms!

What do I mean? Repudiate your debts and free yourself.

What are your debts but aritifices, fictions of obligation tied to crap you don’t need and is
shoddily made to boot?

Stop paying the bills.

“Are you CRAZY?!! I got this and that to pay for, and they’ll come after me, and I love my junk
and blah, blah, blah.”

Our enemies the international bankers use our desires to entrap us in their imaginary chains of
debt obligation. They’ve demonstrated they are the greatest enemy to Mankind, as they
control all and set us against each other like so many toy soldiers. They thrive on destruction
and enslaving others.

They have a weakness and it is the same weakness with any “authority figure”; they only have
the respect they are given.

They only have the respect of their “authority” that WE GIVE THEM!

Therefore, the “obligations” they impose on us are only as valid as the authority WE GIVE

They the bankers have committed FRAUD, unimaginable FRAUD against the entire Human

Their imposed debts are null and void.

Their “federal reserve notes” are fraudulant, therefore null and void.

Their contracts are rooted in fraud, therefore are null and void.
Their very lives have been spent murdering and repressing the Human Race from it’s true
destiny-our true destiny! Therefore their very lives are null and void.

So act accordingly.

First, get ready; body mind and soul. Get in shape; eat organic foods, use a filter rated to
cleanse water of chlorine, dead bacteria and flouride-the brain number.

Get right with God; you’ve got a purpose on this planet and it’s not to catch up on who wore
what at the Emmys. Hint: it has to do with those talents you’ve let rot because you pursued
some “career” set up by some bankster scumbag. Find a quiet place. Think nothing, say nothing,
don’t let anyone or anything interrupt… Our Father WILL talk to you and the hard part is to
LISTEN. Go from there.

Learn how to fight. Americans are trained to be dependent on the very beast for protection
that enslaves them. Go to to learn how to use a military pattern rifle, out to 500
meters. Go to to learn how to be a soldier, because saying NO to the beast and
challenging the “authority” of it’s minions is a inheriently dangerous matter. Besides you might
make some Friends, and you’ll find out you’re not alone.

Take back YOUR GOVERNMENT! It’s OUR government, not the beast’s! Most of the tyranny
that’s currently imposed by this nation’s Constitutional government is through local channels,
through local government. So get some people together to take over the scummiest local berg
or ville and FREE it of the neomarxist oppression that characterizes current government. Get
the book “How to win a local election”. I cover these topics in much better detail among my
various essays at so prepare because this is the kind of war
that’s preferable to flinging bullets.

“The bankers control the governments, which control the troops who man all the high tech
weaponry our tax dollars pay for, and they’re not going to allow this”!

That is the stumbling block. Backed into a corner like Ed and Elaine Brown the beast that is the
federal government will use force-because if they don’t their whole house of cards that is their
“authority” will crumble forever.

It’s like this; this is a war of beliefs between true human spirituality and the artifices imposed by
the beast, between Freedom and slavery, between our America and the United States that has
been conquering and murdering in our name, between good and evil. And this war is fought in
the hearts and minds of every single person-it’s a choice they must make and stick with when
that moment of epiphany, of clarity comes.

What will you do Mr. and Mrs. America-while you have choices to make, income coming in,
people who will buy your stuff, your home? Act fast as I write this in September, 07 because
time’s about out for you!
You-who works at a financial institution-what will you do? What will you do to begin to atone
for serving those that have enslaved the entire Human Race and have set us on a course for
genocide? Will you dedicate your lives, your treasures and your sacred honor?(yes you have
that in your heart, it’s by Our Father and He’s ready for you to embrace Him) Will you warn
anyone and everyone to steer clear of the banks before they get their meathooks into them for

Officers, Soldiers, Agents-what will you do when your “superiors” give you orders to attack your
fellow countrymen, your fellow man? You have the guns-would you rather begin forging a real
future for your children and all of Mankind by turning those guns on the minions of those who
have warped everything about us? Surely a revolt is preferable to living with the damage to
your very soul each time you evict a family out of their home, that they’ve worked their whole
lives for, or murdering someone who saw through the FRAUD the bankers have committed on
us all? The very FRAUD you uphold because “it’s your orders”? Nazis used that same excuse at
the Nuremberg Trials…

What will all of you do-those that live by the beast-when WE THE PEOPLE shake loose your
mental conditioning, and rise up in an unstoppable wave of FREEDOM and overthrow your
putrid slave system once and for all? I’ll tell you; you’ll be quickly tried, found guilty of
collaborating with the enemy, and summarily hanged from the nearest tall object. Or maybe
have your throat slit or something.

And to the bankers… what will you do when the last of your minions, your soldiers desert you…
and Justice is coming after years of seeing all you and your gangster families have built for
generations come crumbling down? You want my advice? Give up now, repent and perhaps you
can have a mansion and retire in exchange for righting what you have wrought upon us.

Do it now while you still have that option. Do it now while WE THE PEOPLE might let you off so

J. Croft

J. Croft

“WHOA! You need to stop right there! You crazy or something-advocating murder?!”
Okay, I’m not advocating you to kill all lawyers. Happy? I mean, lawyers are people too. Men,
women, white folks, black folks, all the other hues of the Human Race choose to hit the books
for four more years of grueling study and face the scholastic gauntlet of the BAR exam. Usually,
unless you got connections, or manage to bribe or get a copy of the answers you have to be
pretty sharp to pass.

They put their pants on one leg at a time. They eat, sleep, fart, pick their noses, their butts just
like a lot of us. Sometimes publicly…

They drive faster than allowed by law their colleagues draft at times, just like us. They see a
dollar bill wafting on the ground they try their best to look slick while they swoop down to pluck
it up.

Sometimes they’ll eat too sloppy and spill some spaghetti on their pin-striped suit. Sometimes
they’ll think they’re making a fart and crap their pants, and try to look slick as they excuse
themselves to clean up their black pants. Being smart, maybe they have a spare pair laid aside
in case of such a contingency-then don them and realize only when they go RRRIIIIIIIIPPP at the
crotch that they’ve grown a size or two.

Lawyers like anyone else are forever looking for a leg up, an opportunity. Every client that
comes to them pays cash-the total amount may be smaller if in a lump sum up front… but that’s
dependent on the client’s negotiating prowess, the sum, and that particular lawyer. Most
people though take the offer that’s given-if they can afford it.

Lawyers, if they have any skills with people-and most of them do-will sell their client on their
ability to get the outcome they’re looking for… or something they might live with. What those
poor bastards don’t find out until too late is the simple truth that lawyers have to also maintain
good relations with their colleagues-whether in other law firms working their clients for every
cent, or in the courts presiding, trying over their cases for massah state, or in various political
offices-forever plotting to seize more money, more power from us all.

That means if you’re their client they have to sell you out if truly defending you means pissing
off those that butter their bread, that let them have a easy time “litigating” in the courts for
easy cash flow as you turn and twist in whatever trouble you’re in:

You could be the target of a opportunistic turd looking for a easy score by suing you, or getting
you arrested for something they set up. Soon as you hire on a lawyer, he or she will get on his
phone to talk to the opposing counsel-another lawyer or the local prosecutor-and they’ll both
work out a game plan for your attorney to drain you dry before the state has it’s way with you.

You could be out and about-doesn’t matter where or when-and some chump starts a fight with
you, like he has a license to do so. He does because he’s the mayor’s son/live in gay
companion/whatever and has to be the alpha male somewhere in his life… you being his punk
bitch will do. Pick the wrong lawyer, someone who has to practice in that town, and some kind
of back door deal’s made… trumped up charges are made against you, it turns into you
assaulting the faggy chump and instead of the mayor’s boy toy doing time it’s you.

Kinda outlandish, over the top you say? How about this one: you’re on a lawnmower having a
beer and some traitor cop gives you a DUI as you mow the lawn? And you’re CONVICTED?! By
the way this is a true story-man appealed to the State Supreme Court to overturn it… think
dude had a lawyer solidly backing him the first time on this ridiculous charge? Nope.

…How about the thousands of innocent Americans convicted for self-defense each year…
forced into plea bargains by their step-n-fechit lawyers making that deal with the scumbag
prosecutors(lawyers) that just want another prosecution on their record instead of doing the
right thing and dropping the charges, the illegal, unconstitutional prohibitions on carrying a
weapon for self-defense.

How about the thousands of innocent Americans that had to kill in self-defense and were
forced by “their” attorneys who after bleeding them dry financially callously railroad them into
accepting the state’s “deal”-deals made by their golfing buddy/prosecutors.

How about all the civil suits where the outcome is predetermined-and God help you if you’re
the target because you got some money.

Now let’s flip this around-how about all the lawyers working in government… all the judges who
fix the rules in favor of the state. All the prosecutors who ruthlessly condemn the innocent to
years of hell in prison and destitution, all the “public pretenders” who the damned turn to as a
last resort only to be sold out.

How about all the lawyers who get themselves elected to the legislatures that write all the laws
the legal racketeers use against us all. All the lawyers who become mayors, governors,
president who are in charge of administering and enforcing the laws the lawyers make.

How about all the really rich lawyers who serve the CEO’s and international bankers who use
the sargasso sea of legalese their fellow BAR(1) lawyers write to avoid all the rules and their
repercussions that the rest of us are condemned to obey or lose it all.

Lawyers are the enemy.

I’ll repeat, at length in case what you just read escaped your mental grasp: lawyers are the
enemy. Not a physical threat if you encounter one-they’re typically as flabby and weak as any
other person who spends most of his time clothed in fine suits.

Unfortunately, like most people who spend most of their time clothed in fine suits, they wield a
disproportionate amount of political power, because they make the rules and then turn around
and use the loopholes they make for themselves to get away with everything that’s wrong with
our nation.
Lawyers in fact have created most of the problems with our nation, and have done so from its
very origin.

Open your eyes and look around! Lawyers have transformed a once Free Nation into a tyranny
of laws, and for those that write those laws-lawyers.

Lawyers teach other lawyers; taking them from the public school brain dead the neo-
communist universities already mind controlled into serving the beast, as they’re turned to
think they are some “intelligentsia”(2) supposedly superior to the rest of us. That’s why they
view people who actually work for a living as so beneath them.

Lawyers make the laws, writing them as convoluted and complicated as possible so the People
have no defense, no recourse save other lawyers who keep their convoluted law codes to
themselves.(3) And yet these lawyers use their laws against us, blaming us for not knowing it,
claiming “ignorance of the law is no excuse” as they rob us of everything we’ve worked for.

Lawyers are not the top of the heap. That spot belongs to their masters, the bankers and their
inbred banking clans. Lawyers however, oversee the administration the enforcement of their
laws. To repeat for your benefit lawyers command bureaucrats to make certain everyone obeys
their laws. Bureaucrats being the small minded, jealous, control freaks that they are(too stupid
to make it through law school but not stupid enough to disqualify them from “public service”)
revel in the “authority” the “law” grants them. They in turn write their own rules and
regulations to “guide” compliance and enforcement of lawyer’s laws, that they bust our balls

Bureaucrats typically are just as wimpy and out of shape as lawyers so it might seem easy to
just reach over and snap one’s neck, or use them for target practice. Unfortunately these
traitors have protection-and these traitors are armed. Federal agents, cops and soldiers-more
authoritarians who just want to kill and rob-are commanded to enforce their rules, regulations
and laws without question-and they write their own “guidelines” on how they enforce the
lawyers laws and the bureaucrats regulations.

Most ‘murikans are trained by their favorite hollywood actors to love and worship their cops
and troops, even when they go door to door after letting thousands of stranded Americans to
die of thirst and hunger to sieze their guns, even when they shoot women and infants with high
powered sniper rifles, burn them in their own churches. They hear about the up to three million
of their fellow countrymen incarcerated and think “gee there must be a lot of crime”. They
don’t think that they might run afoul of one of the beasts law enforcement thugs(4)that they
might meet the wrong cop at the wrong time while they were minding their own business doing

… and then they get arrested. More often than not they get roughed up because massah state
likes to employ the most sadistic brain-dead, unpatriotic thugs they can get. You might even get
killed in the process, but that’s relatively uncommon-unless you’re a minority or a gangbanger.
It’s better than 50/50 if you’re in a Patriot group.

When you are arrested by one of the state’s enforcement thugs for breaking some lawyer’s law,
and indicted by lawyers employed by the state, you’re compelled to hire a lawyer yourself-
because there are so many laws, regulations, rules it takes a lawyer to wade through the legal
mess they and their predecessors made. “Your” lawyer is by the way, an “officer of the court”-
just like the prosecutor, bailiff, the judge, the law enforcement officer who read you “your
rights”. Together they administer the law… against YOU!

You definitely will be paying out some sum of cash-in court fees, because it’s a for profit
business your sacrificing for. Doesn’t matter about the why-get that and any other sense about
“justice” out of your head right now. To those that serve the beast, what you allegedly did or
did not do is nothing more than a statistic. Driving a little faster has no more real moral impact
than say, robbing a bank. Only if you happen to harm one of their own does it become
personal(5)… not that you can expect justice from a pack of racketeers and thugs in the first

The state’s minions would prefer you to occupy a cell in one of their prisons-fighting for your
life and get stuck with more time, or breaking down and wind up forced to explore your new-
found femininity.(6) America spends billions in incarcerating a ever-growing number and variety
of victims. Those billions spent go into someone’s pocket.

Prison guards get a pittance, but they took the job mainly for the power, physical and sexual,
over slaves: when you’re in the system you’re a slave.

The administration, including the warden, get a little more. If they own stock in a firm that
manufactures items and constructs for the prison system they get a lot more.

It’s the prison industry that constructs the prisons, manufactures the clothes, builds the
security systems and weapons that get all the government spending-all the taxes you pay out
half your wages from your corporate slave job for!

Your money flows into the corporate coffers, which then flow into the stock values, dividends
of the shareholders… of which most of the shares will be owned by… wanna guess?


So what to do about them? How do we take our America back from their collective and
individual grip?

PREFERRABLY, in a manner that doesn’t involve destroying what they’ve left of America in a
bloody civil war.
You can start by fighting them in their own courtrooms; as a member of a Jury.

Juries have the little known-little talked about-power of JURY NULLIFICATION.

Jury Nullification is where the Jury asserts it's right to judge not just on the facts but the
circumstances, and WHETHER THE LAW IS EVEN RIGHT!

Judges, prosecutors and other lawyers hate it when Juries nullify laws, setting innocent people
free from their racket... all that work screwing people over and sending them to prison over
some lines of coke-wasted.

All you have to do is IGNORE the judge's "instructions", which amount to JURY TAMPERING, and
decide from your heart and make up your own mind.

Go to

Overturning bad law and bad lawyer(about all of them)in their own courts is a start-but just a
start. If we are to free our land from their legal tyranny, we must seize our government back!

As stated, lawyers either serve the beast in some kind of official function or they have a private
practice and serve it by being vultures-circling around the victims of the beast who in ignorance
go to them for help. The ones in government office are more vulnerable, particularly in all the
shitty little burbs they corrupt. Just look up that town’s laws on elections, and start a
emergency election campaign to clean house-right now while we still have SOMETHING of a
Constitutional government where the beast has to use local governments to impose most of it’s

Find a slate of candidates. There’s lots of unemployed folks, lots of senior citizens enduring
agonizing boredom yet who still can function, lots of average folks with axes to grind enough to
take a chance…

You find the clauses that enable you to call an emergency election. Shouldn’t be a problem to
find cause of some kind or another due to fraud, corruption-or worse.

You set up your campaign-DO NOT HAVE A CENTRAL OFFICE IT WILL BE RAIDED! Pretextes are
made up all the time for “drug raids” by psychotic SWAT cops who just want to wreck your
lives. Have all your records and equipment duplicated and located secretly in PRIVATE HOMES
well outside the targeted town’s jurisdiction. You and your people will have to watch each
other, guard each other very carefully because planting drugs or “drop guns” during unjustified
stops and detainment will be standard operating procedure for the lawyers and their bully
cops… you’re threatening their livelihood of being public parasites.
Document your efforts by a skilled videographer and produce videos on your peaceful efforts.
Get them distributed across the internet and burned disks placed at newsstands, libraries, bars,
malls, wherever they’ll be picked up.

If you choose your targeted town well, there’s enough rage by the People for you to simply tap-
and offer solutions. Obvious stuff like rewriting the town’s criminal code, top to bottom
cleaning out of the police force, examination of the town’s true finances according to it’s
Consolidated Annual Financial Report ought to carry you over the top and into elected office.

You have to seize public office, all of them in a town. For only when you seize government
office and clean out the lawyers and bureaucrats and their tazer happy thug police can you
begin to do something about the plague of lawyers that infest private practice. Write some laws
regarding all lawyers practicing law to submit to a examination of their records. A new standard
for practicing in YOUR town should be made that weeds out all the charlatans and thieves…
you’ll wind up with a short list. If they don’t pass your muster…. and they shouldn’t… they’re
banned from practicing and subject to arrest and prosecution… what irony.

Rewriting YOUR town’s laws so resorting to a lawyer won’t be necessary in the first place would
be a even better ideal.

To eliminate the lawyers on a national level the small town miracle you just pulled off must be
replicated in neighboring towns, taking over counties, marching across the states until the
metropolitian areas are under siege by Free Americans. That’s going to require that your
motivated fellow townsfolk who helped you pull off your revolution move to neighboring towns
across the same county and replicate what you just did-adjusting for each towns own politics
and circumstances.

Pending successful campaigns across your county-which shouldn’t be a problem once you’ve
cleaned out YOUR town of the scum occupying public offices and ripped out all their laws it
ought to be paradise-your primary target in YOUR county is the Sheriff.

Sheriffs are the most powerful law enforcement officials in the country. They alone have the
power to stop both state and federal officials from enforcing the enemy’s laws.(7) Having a
Patriot Sheriff and a cleaned out Sheriff’s department will of course block any other legal
attacks by lawyers… if the can’t serve papers to sue or collect judgements if their own agents
are arrested.

And once you’ve taken back YOUR county from the enemy, and made it and it’s towns and
townships into examples of what true American Freedom is, your motivated people need to
move to surrounding counties, concentrating in the most vulnerable little shitburgs like you did
in YOUR own county, dislodging the local scumbag lawyers, bureaucrats and thug TRAITOR kid
tazering cops.
The movement you got up off your lazy, couch potato ass and attacked lies and fraud with
TRUTH will then have a momentum all it's own as Freedom expands across the country,
isolating the enemy in their bigger metropolitan areas. Big cities, providing they haven’t
succumbed to Regionalization(8) will fall piecemeal just like the country did. Provided that is, if
you get up off your lazy couch potato ass and start taking back your land from the lawyers.
Eventually enough local power will be taken back through local towns, counties, cities and
ultimately states that a move to clean out the federal government can realistically be achieved.

where I go into further detail on what you need to do:

Yes all this sounds rather naïve but the only other option to freeing ourselves from the tyranny
of the lawyers is to kill them all, however we have no choice-it’s us or them, our America or
theirs(9). Jesus warned us of their type-appearing as virtuous as can be, the finest decor but
inside the worst corruption. What would you rather have-a political war across America, or a
shooting war that will destroy what’s left?

J. Croft

(1)BAR-that’s an acronym for BRITISH ACCREDITED REGISTRY. The American BAR association is a
branch of a British organization. The term “esquire” lawyers call themselves is a title of nobility.

There was a 13th Amendment, now lost, that banned titles of nobility to any office holder in

The legal code the lawyers have written is secretly known in their circles as admiralty law or
maritime law. That gold fringe on the American flags in government offices isn’t just flag bling-
it’s the symbol that that office is operating under unconstitutional law. Admiralty law is a law of
contracts that has replaced the old common law that ordinary could understand-and knew. Yes,
once upon a time in America, average folks represented themselves in court-but with the little
remembered bankruptcy declared by FDR during the depression that law was
We are still unwittingly under bankruptcy administration.usa-the- The uniform commercial code is maritime law,
it is used to regulate us. No lawyer is going to tell you this, not just because he’ll get disbarred
but because in his warped worldview it’s not in his interest to tell the sheep how they’re getting

(2)Had a college professor who taught political science 101. Charming man, had a gift for public
speaking. His first day he stood with his lanky frame extended his arms and proclaimed to us
snot nosed college students that “we are the intelligentsia, we are the elite”. The rest of his
course he spent filling us with information about the origins of America that should’ve been
taught in grade school. Last day of the class I go up to him and he complimented me(I spent
most of my time doodling cartoons on the desks)and I ask him what “progressive” meant, since
he proclaimed himself one. He said “socialism”.

Socialists are thieves that use state power to get what they want. Remember that.

(3)Go to any library with a law section. Takes up like a quarter of the books. And the beast
expects us to know the law?

(4)You’re online reading this? Google up “police brutality”-there’s millions of hits. Go to go to their forum and read in shock and horror; today’s cop is a brutal,
brainwashed, authoritarian robot just bright enough to try to entrap you in some lawyer’s law.

(5)And I suppose you’re saying its way passed time these bastards got clipped. That would be
rather violent, I mean, do you know what that would take to pull such CRIMINAL ACTIVITY off?
You’d have to:

Get physically tough; do some exercises, learn how to fight. Learn how to shoot, both close in
combat and long range rifle fire-go to for the best training. Join a militia group
through for the rest.

Make some alliances with other like-minded folks, better they be in a demographic not related
to yours.

Get some safe houses, make some arms caches with clothes, money.

Start making your target lists now. Know where they live, what they do , where they hang out.

Learn how to be a urban chameleon. How to dress so you blend in with the crowd you’re in,
how to observe both average folks, police, where the cameras are. This is basically people
hunting, and your prey is the most dangerous on Earth; the beast that controls and enslaves our
Plan your raids with escape and exit plans your first priority, and build your raid operations
around that concept.

Have someone with a video camera whose cool under combat conditions but won’t otherwise
kill someone themselves. Documenting your victories and including educational tools on how
you pull such operations off, keep the disasters as instruction on how NOT to do it.

Sound suppressed firearms give a big advantage. .22 Ruger automatic pistols are easy to fit a
ad-hoc suppressor made out of a plastic tube, duct tape, some clamps, and stuffing. Any caliber
bigger and you’re looking at making a really good one; to commit a federal crime that brings 10
years/100,000 dollar fine look in your local paper for the next gun show, find a book seller
working the show and finding a green book called “military grade suppressors up to .50BMG”.

While you’re at the show pick up a .22 Ruger pistol from someone walking the aisles-for target
shooting. You can also find “private collectors” and buy your weapons and gear unregistered.
You’re also most likely to find night vision gear you can buy without mail ordering it and
divulging your address to a database.

In any event, you're going to be on the run until you either die from exhaustion, get killed, or by
some miracle you actually start a real shooting war you actually win...

(6)You’ll definitely find others who hate the system just like you. Unfortunately they might hate
you more for being a different color or you look at them wrong. If you can make alliances in jail-
do it! Just remember nothing’s free in the joint and if you don’t have some kind of skill, strength
or knowledge to share or some friends they’ll take the one asset you do have-your ass.

(7)Outside of the federal government using naked military power against you and your
“insurgents” so I’d also read MARTIAL LAW SURVIVAL GUIDE.

(8)Regionalization is the movement to integrate all local, and county governments into a
unaccountable, unconstitutional body with all the real power and no checks or balances. Any
such govenrment body will require retaking the federal government to handle… legally.



J. Croft

The First American Revolution was a radical break with the past.
Past revolutions or coup d’etats were either power struggles between rulers and governments,
or religions-which amount to still more rulers, more government bodies ordering people to
murder each other. The result-aside from the need to draw new maps-was the same. Kings,
dukes, bishops, knights, priests lording over the People demanding labor, tithes on Sunday,
their bodies as cannon fodder for their constant wars.

And the People suffered. Almost none of the wealth ever came back to the common man as he
lived too short a life and died from a farming accident, or disease, or from a bloody battle that
resulted from one blueblooded inbred getting insulted by some other blueblooded inbred.

For real. Royal families are all inbred-to keep it in the family and not have any tainted “common

Well, nothing lasts forever; those violent psychotic inbred bluebloods decided to start looking
for new lands to screw up like they did Europe. They came to the Americas-and conquered the
despotic regimes of the Aztecs and Incas, and nearly annihilated them, setting up the colonies
that would eventually become the despotic regimes of Latin America.

They provided a new market for African slaves, a convenient dumping ground for their excess
population that was straining the resources they bothered to provide the People. So as millions
of Native Americans died out millions of Africans, and Spanish, Germans, Irish, English, and
other European commoners came… to be exploited and expended for empire-both royal and

Yet, for Empire, there’s nothing more dangerous than a frontier. And America was the ultimate
frontier; a continent with vast stretches of unpopulated territory, virgin forests, untapped
resources beyond calculation. It was too tempting to not exploit, yet expanding westward was
exactly the sociological opening that endangered the inbreds world order. Because for people
who have only known servitude the chance to head west and be their own master, even with
the danger of Native Americans attacking them, that chance at Freedom was too tempting as

With the need to take care of one’s self in the wilderness came the need for firearms. Rifles.
And German blacksmiths came to the frontier, fine tuned their skills and made the finest rifles
of the era. Those rifles didn’t just arm those who chose to head west; they imbuled a sense of
God Given Inalienable Rights. Living independently of any Crown or Lord with one’s self
responsible for their own survival imbuled a self-sufficiency and ruggedness that made the
Frontier Settler as much a alien to being subject as any Native Tribesman. Regrettably, too
many of those people had retained the racist and cultural supremacist attitudes of Imperial
Europe but belief you’re number one and always right is a universal human affliction.

So, Americans expanded westward and for better or worse engaged the Native Americans and
the half Native/half Spanish Mexicans, and won. And with rifle and plow and pick axe, under
the protection of the Bill of Rights built the greatest Republic, the greatest Free State in known

So what happened?! What drove me to write this and you to read?

I wrote in “The Two Americas” that there are actually two Americas; the beast, the imperial
machine that culturally, economically and militarily dominates Earth-and the America the beast
and it’s minions have been steadfastly trying to kill… even as they use OUR America as a
disguise, a foil, to commit all the atrocities that have been attributed to the United States.

The United States government stems from the Constitution that was created in 1787. The
Constitution was NOT the first governing document of the United States-that honor goes to the
Article of Confederation. The first government of America was a Confederacy; each state having
nearly all the attributes of independent nations save for a Congress, a President, and a Navy.
Needless to say that government was very constricted.

Those that came up with our Constitution were known as Federalists; they were the wealthiest,
most educated of early Americans, and being “elite” they did not like the Articles restricting
their power. They sought a government they could more easily exert influence and control
over. To that end they manufactured so much economic and political havoc among the 13
Colonies that the Continental Congress authorized a convention to fix the Articles… and in 1787
those Federalists audaciously scrapped the Articles, and created the Constitution in secret.

Opposition was fierce but slow in response and uncoordinated; they could not defeat the
Federalists but did manage to force in the Bill of Rights to get the Constitution ratified. In case
you forgot, or never learned they are:

*Right of Free Speech, Assembly, Press, and Religion, and to Petition for Redress of Grievance.

*Right to bear arms.

*Right to not have troops quartered in their homes without consent.

*Right to have their home and personal effects secure from intrusion and seizure. No warrents
issued without probable cause, affirmed under oath and restrictions on time and place.

*Right to not be forced to incriminate oneself, to not be tried twice for the same crime, to not
be deprived of life or liberty without due process. To not have property seized by the
government without just compensation.

*Right to a jury trial in a speedy and public manner and ability to mount a defense.

*Absolute right of the jury to have verdict stand as final.

*Right to not be cruelly or unusually punished, nor have excessive fines posted.

*Equality of Rights

*All other powers not designated reserved to the States and the People.

It’s these Amendments, these Rights that have impeded the elitist Federalists and their
descendants the bankers, the dynastic political families like the Kennedys, the Rockefellers, the
Foleys. They and their deluded toady bureaucrats, lawyers and police have mounted a stealth
campaign to besiege our Rights. They create problems, cause reactions and propose solutions
that ultimately take away those Rights:

*Free Speech is being restricted in government schools and at political rallies and protests.
Freedom of Religion is violated by the IRS conferring 501(c3) tax free status in exchange for
restrictions of political speech-violations of which are brutally punished. The Press is either
controlled by the beast’s fellow travelers in the corporate media, or in the case of the Internet
there’s plots to destroy it. Petition for Redress of Grievances? What’s that-who uses THAT?!

*The Right to Keep and Bear Arms DOES NOT EXIST. Except in Vermont, you cannot openly or
carry concealed personal protection. The proper Militias are no more-save for the tattered
remnants of the 90’s Militia Movement, and the beast constantly tries to demonize those brave
souls. Military-level training is largely suppressed save for a few academies that cost thousands
of dollars and the Appleseed Program.

*The quartering of troops in private homes would become a huge factor in wartime-but if
things keep going in this country expect to have some troops kick you out of your own home.

*Search and seizure laws violate the 4th Amendment on it’s face-it’s dead. Thank the
government manufactured “wars” on drugs and “terror”.

*Seizure laws, again, violate parts of the 5th Amendment. Due Process is increasingly being
violated, and lawyers have conspired to make a true legal defense practically impossible…
unless you’re rich. Trials are stretched out to further ensure bankruptcy of any defendant,
violating in spirit the 6th Amendment.

*Juries have been interfered with by Judges and Prosecutors as to how they’re “allowed” to
vote, by having “troublemakers” eliminated to ensure a guilty verdict.

*Excessive fines, jail time, unusually cruel conditions are universal in America’s legal system.
Ask any pot smoker, street dealer, dissidents, or anyone taking their 2 nd Amendment at face
*Certain “minorities” are given breaks and special “rights” that engender racial and social
divisions and conflicts. This keeps everyone’s eyes off of the beast who perpetrates more
conflict as they sieze more Rights as a response.

*The federal government, the beast, exerts power with every grant, every perk, every loan to
the States and the People. Highway funds for deliberately shoddy highways are denied unless
they do everything from unreasonably regulate speed to arresting people for riding a bicycle
with a beer in them. Supply of funds and surplus military equipment to police forces come with
obligations to obey federal mandates. Student loans for overpriced college education comes
with decades of financial serfdom. Federal agencies of every kind interject and assert
unconstitutional authority and power in every facet of life-government is now 40% of American
GDP. Worst of all are agencies like Homeland Security, ATF, FBI, and the IRS who are destroying
our Rights wholesale now that knowledge of them has disappeared from common knowledge…
yet another facet of the beast’s war on us.

So you see, Our America is but a myth-a made in china flag the beast drapes around it’s criminal
actions so that ignorant ‘murkans will go along with the war on them-not realizing they could
be next! Our America, right now, exists only in our hearts… and our actions.

Heart and Action: what is in your heart ultimately become the acts you do and don’t do.

You believe in Freedom, Justice for All, at least the principle of equality under law, you’ll act on
those beliefs, you’ll be responsible in the constant monitoring and correcting of public servants.
You’ll keep and bear arms-and happily teach others in their effective usage as part of the
Militia. You’ll treat each time you’re called for Jury Duty as an opportunity to use the courts to
help free any innocents being persecuted by bad law or bad government officials. You’ll
monitor your local police and government officials constantly-mounting emergency recall
campaigns and even calling up the Militia to restore good government.

You believe in looking out after Number One and minding which side your bread’s buttered-and
who butters it? Just look at the parasites and scum that consist of the lawyers, bureaucrats,
bankers, and cops.

Lawyers who’ve turned America’s laws into their monopoly, their racket. Bureaucrats who
choke the land and it’s People with millions of more rules and regulations. Bankers who fleece
the People of their money through debt slavery and even go so far as to illegally use currency
unbacked by Constitutionally mandated silver and gold-so they can debase it at whim. Cops
who now set up average citizens for victimless “crimes”-violations of rules bureaucrats and
lawyers make up… and beat, tazer and murder the innocent when they can.

So you see; your Heart dictates your action or inaction. And in today’s America only someone
with courage and wisdom can hope to have that hard foundation in his Heart strong enough to
bear the actions that are needed-that will be needed.
Our America can only arise and become triumphant IF AND ONLY IF we Patriots can awaken the
True Spirit of America in others. Not just our fellow countrymen, but in all men that they have
God Given, Inalienable Rights.

Ultimately, the heart is our battleground-not just the cities, towns, farms, forests and
mountains, though that will come as well. To succeed, the Second American Revolution it must
be made into a struggle for the heart and soul of every person.

Toward our success, I offer this plan of action.


1-The Government WILL kill you.

2-Keep your mouth SHUT.

3-Learn how to shoot.

Surviving is good, but without the hope of eventual Victory, survival is but a form of living
death. The kind of death prisoners serving life know, or the billions of human beings that are
born, live, and die in the 160 or so squalid dictatorships.

No, mere survival is not enough; the promise of a new dawn for mankind must be MADE, not
dreamed of. That is why I’m writing this follow-on to Martial Law Survival Guide. Mainly for
Americans but I’m certain the lessons can be used by just about anyone from any society on
Earth. Let’s proceed.


What is your destination. What kind of society do you want to live in?

I’ll go ahead and tell you the kind of society we all should live in:

1)Society must serve the Individual; not only in her or his basic needs-protection from enemies
foreign and domestic, the guarantee of Rights, dispensation of Justice but in each of us
encouraging one another to be better, to as Individuals contributing what God has given each
of us. Current models of society wind up having the People serve the state-either embodied by
a god-king or a collective of bureaucrats, agents, professional politicians and financiers.

This model has caused nothing but endless war and misery for Man. For each and every person
living on Earth the only way to stop the murders, thefts, and subjugation is to overcome the
state and make the Individual fulfillment the measure of governance.
2)That being said, such Individuals, such Free People need a moral guide that unmistakably
comes from God. Because only through a moral baseline lovingly instilled from birth can the
baser impulses of human beings truly be suppressed-not with more guns, more laws and more

3)This Society of Sovereign, Free People must have their Rights defended by a basic law,
enforceable by that Individual against the very government that would violate those Rights.

The Right to Bear Arms must be guaranteed. So must Private Property without taxation, the
Right to Vote after proving competency, Freedom of Speech, Belief, and Protest. The greater
demands of Justice require that Jury Trial by one’s own peers-once proven to be competent
citizens-be the rule in all cases and that Jury Nullification be enshrined as an absolute Right.

4)Such a society of Sovereign, Free People require that each Individual be competent in the
handling of such power. One cannot be a full citizen with the Right to Vote and serve Jury Duty
without being fully educated and proven to wield such knowledge with competence. Of course,
racism is about as viable in such a society as belief in flat earth.

5)With these Rights, it must be impressed upon this society of Sovereign, Free People that it’s
constant, eternal defense is everyone’s Responsibility. It’s laws must be everyone’s
Responsibility. It’s enforcement must be everyone’s Responsibility, as are the conduct of those
entrusted with public service as is amendment, removal and punishment for the slightest
breach of Public Trust-for such is TREASON!

And there is only one suitable punishment for Treason-death.

That is a rough sketch of the society I strive for with my writings, which every day bring risk of
who I am being discovered by the beast. The beast of course, is a tyrant and so for the sake of
future generations must be utterly destroyed. That is my goal, and it should be yours.




Our Ideal is Individual Freedom-and that society must be constructed around the preservation
of Individual Freedom so each person can have the opportunity to achieve their maximum
potential, which in the end contributes to the society. Real Freedom from enslaving ideologies,
from enslaving government. Towards taking this Freedom, many steps must be taken-many of
them will be painful. But such is the price of taking one’s Freedom.

Those steps are physical-getting in shape, becoming self-sufficient and capable of defense of
one’s self and others. Mental-ruthlessly eliminating addictions, dependencies on the beast and
JOURNEY BACK TO OUR FATHER. Because only having Our Father in your Heart will give you the
strength to say NO.

Freedom, in today’s debased America, is an alien concept. Americans are trained from infancy
to believe they’re free while actually being the most comprehensively controlled people in

There are many aspects of Freedom-however many people being introduced to them will not
understand them, and so will tune you out. Therefore, it’s vital to know who you’re talking to
and what they’re ready to hear. So, I’ve divided the common Patriot themes and ideals that
have been expoused over the past half century into separate categories based on common
knowledge and ability to be accepted upon first contact.

Introductory ideals

These are what average uneducated folks can readily grasp and agree with. They should be
delivered in a way that entices them to find out what causes them-which will lead them to the
intermediate ideals. They should be rooted in answering everyday problems that lead to a truer
vision of what’s wrong.

I must state here that people are usually only ready to hear the truth when they’re ready to
listen-that is when the world model they operate off of can’t explain how their life is so messed
up. They struggle until they reach a epiphany, where all the little doubts in their minds come
together in a perfect storm, and they awake.

Our introductory ideals must be constructed to artificially induce this perfect storm that will
crack open the programming the megacorporate ran mass culture and government schools
have bathed the average American their entire lives. They must be outwardly simple, easy to
grasp and attract the attention of the average American’s childlike mentality, yet once viewed
or read engineer the epiphany they’ve long needed.

Yes, see what average folks are bitching about and start there. Show them the beginning of the
rhetorical rabbit hole as the source of their problems-yet hint that there’s a lot more to figure

Examples? Hmm, that’s a good one, because there are so few-I don’t know if any exist. They’ll
have to be made in the first place. But let’s figure out what the average American’s worried

*Keeping their jobs-but their traitor bosses are cutting benefits, pay, or just shipping them to

*Try to provide food for their families-but all their food is poisoned, as is their water.
*Give their children an education-but they can’t add or know their history, or mentally function,
but they can follow state school indoctrination and be good little Hitler Youth.

*Save for their retirement-but don’t know insurance is a fraud, their 401k’s are a fraud, even
keeping their money in a bank is a fraud.

*Keeping safe in a dangerous society-but don’t know government engineers the crime and the
criminals to create a problem, their crimes cause a reaction which leads to the public accepting
the government’s plans to take their Freedom.

Intermediate ideals

This will be the standard issues we in the Movement struggled with, that which form the
entrance to that rabbit hole analogy. It’s important not to expose the Recruit until their mind is
receptive to understanding and accepting them. Fortunately most Patriot literature fills the
need in this department-it’s just that we’ve lost sight of where most folks are at and that we’re
trying to teach the equivalence of quantum physics to people who can’t answer 2+2 correctly.

Deepest ideals

These will be the ultimate motivation to the Recruit to join the Struggle. Spiritual, because this
struggle is ultimately a struggle for the souls of every person. That people’s lives have to have
purpose! Purpose! We as Americans have been placed on Earth at this time not to be
spectators to Armageddon, but to STOP IT! Nothing less than the destiny of the Human Race is
dependant on each of our decisions to wake up and fight.

Counterrevolutionary resistance

Already happening. America’s mainline culture is a marvel of social control and debasement.
The beast has managed over a period of a century to debase the greatest, most free people in
history and turned them into cowardly, greedy, materialistic slaves. Slaves. ALL OUR RHETORIC

A note on overcoming culturally induced passivity and evil

Americans are now so self-centered, so uncaring they’re literally watching people dying and not
doing anything to help, they’re the first to snitch to the government against innocent people-
over nothing.

Such people will only care about keeping their sad little lives as the beast’s slaves going. I see no
hope for such individuals. It’s those who are repulsed at a basic level by these attitudes that are
our hope.


Finding like-minded, motivated individuals

The most obvious place(and you need to hurry while it’s still permitted to operate)is the
internet. Go to popular web sites, hit the Forums and Message Boards. Start talking about (1)
Introductory Ideals applied to (2) local issues and people that can be related to. It will be
obvious what those will be.

There are lots of frustrated people-but most will be too apathetic to do much more than bitch
online and then go back to their lives of quiet slavery. The first test of the prospective recruit
will be actually meeting up. If they make a date and show up, it’s downhill from there.

Downhill in varying degrees based on who you meet; maybe you’ll find someone who’s
studying, learning, trying to prepare like you. Then you can work as a group, and a group is
much more powerful than the sum of the individuals.

The counterrevolutionary danger of course is that you’ll be targeted by the government as a

dangerous fringe group. So try to keep it quiet, small, and each person having their own group.


Persuading those who will listen to introductory ideals-well that depends on whether they’re

Most people are content with their slave wages, their debt-fueled fraudulent lifestyle. Rather
watch the game on TV than wake up to how they’re “American Dream” is really their
nightmare. Subconsciously knowing they’re in a nightmare they go into denial, desperate to
keep blissfully asleep so they can just kick back, crack open that beer and just enjoy

People are awakening. They’re awakening at varying stages. Some are noticing how prices of
food and fuel keep going up while the TV lies to them that inflation is still “low”.

Some are noticing that America’s turned into a police state-how the laws, the cops have
become the oppressors of the People.

Some notice on election day how their votes are changed, that candidate x can win even
though they’ll get together and they all voted for y.

Some notice how the same cast of greedy rich old men get recycled in and out of positions in
government and the corporations.

Some notice how America’s economic, political and military strength has been harnessed for
empire and profit-even at the expense of deliberate sacrifices of soldiers at Pearl Harbor and
ordinary people on 9/11 to create pretext to go to war.
So your approach is obvious; engage those who are ready to listen by where they’re at. FIRST
ask them what they think is wrong; they’ll tell you… then you let them know it’s much worse
than they thought.

…But you don’t give them too much, or go too deep into how bad things are. You’ll overload
them, plus their mainstream cultural programming will kick in and they’ll mentally shut down-
call you a kook.

So you engage them where they’re at. And you have to let them connect the dots themselves-
connect the dots to where they see that 1) you know what you’re talking about and 2) they
need to ask a lot more questions than you can answer at first contact. So get together with
them again, and if you got a Friend, have them tag along if you can. Keep expanding their

Keep stoking their fire-for knowledge. Keep stoking their anger, keep them motivated to learn

Keep leading them not just to the Truth, but also, solutions. Solutions that will actually work will
be what will keep your recruits, and motivate them to transform themselves-and that is where
you should be having them direct their efforts. You don’t throw raw recruits into the battlefield,
without training or physical, mental, spiritual preparation. Especially with a long term
Revolutionary struggle, a battle to the death against the beast.

Get them to eat right-organically. Get them to kick the TV habit. Get them to start walking, or
some other introductory physical conditioning.

Invite them to go shooting with you; if they’ve never used a gun before this is the Golden
Opportunity to instill good shooting skills and good shooting habits. Then take them gun
shopping, based on their available money. Ideally they have about 1-2000 dollars to spend on a
M-14 and accessories.

So, take your recruits to the range. Turn them into riflemen. Take your recruits into the woods,
turn them into Militia.

Develop your friendship-by then you should be friends. Forge a relationship with them, help
them become what they’ll need to be to stand fast for the struggle to come. AND EVALUATE
THEM-FIGURE OUT WHAT THEIR CHARACTER IS!! One thing the Revolution cannot afford is a

Eventually they’ll be ready to start downsizing their lifestyle to a form that will survive what’s

They’ll be looking for land in the country, by a small town with a balanced economy, fairly self-
sufficient if need be, near other Patriot enclaves and defensible.
Counterrevolutionary resistance

The beast is forever monitoring, cataloging, catagorizing, assessing. The beast profiles each and
every one of us-through our social security numbers, driver’s licenses they can get into

So, any behavioral changes your recruit will show, any shifting of their spending habits, what
they watch, buy, do will show up and be interpreted by agents of the beast. If you’re already
under increased scrutiny, being monitored, tracked, so will they. And if the beast is good at
anything is intimidating.

They might even be so bold as to arrange a encounter where they can scare off your recruit.

What to do?

Train your recruit on privacy, proper spending habits and rapidly dropping out of the beast’s
system. In short:

*Stop using credit cards-not just as insturments of debt slavery but also because what they
spend on can be tracked. Same with checks. Cash and money orders are the only acceptable
means of payment for the Revolutionary.

*Downsize their home down to a rented apartment. Sell all that junk-they should have done
this already-and use the proceeds to liberate themselves from debt slavery.

the beast off there are more gun owners. Hit the gun shows-while they’re still around-and get
them their rifles, ammo and gear. Scour the yard sales if the need’s urgent and the flea
markets. Make sure none of you come off as “street”; most sellers are straight arrow law and
order types.

*Have a private place to shoot in someone’s back woods. Train them there. Go over the basics
of rifle and pistol shooting until they can hit consistently out to 500 yards. Get some Frontsite,
Gunsight and Thunder Ranch training videos and practice the techniques. Paintball… valuable
close combat simulation training.

Cultural, and social barriers to these steps are going to be intense. Friends, coworkers and most
tragically family are NOT going to understand. Friends come and go, you get new coworkers
when you shift jobs. Family… they will be the biggest stumbling block for the recruit. You’ll lose
recruits from spouses or parents overpowering their awakening. Kids will rebel-wanting to keep
their friends and lifestyle.
Or, you may get especially angry recruits, because they realize the beast has cost them their
loved ones. They’ll probably be among the first to start shooting. You’ll have to keep a close eye
on these.

Or, you may get more recruits via their family. You may hit the jackpot and get a few friends
and coworkers. Just be discerning, okay?

And if you get too successful recruiting, the government will notice when it’s no longer just you
or a couple of people-you’ve got a group-and now you’ve got a “cult” or a “terrorist cell”.
Which is when you have to split up and each of your fellow Patriots starts recruiting

In all of this you have to see yourself as, say, a Master-of being Free-and your recruits as
Apprentances, because this is a continuing journey for all of us.


Campaign Organization

Your candidate should concentrate on selling himself as a candidate. Have a campaign manager
and support staff to run his campaign, strategize, figure out where they can get the best results
for resources, fundraising.

Targeting the “right” community

This won’t be easy, there will be many, complicated and even contradictory considerations to

Survivability in case of the worst case scenarios(all out war, civilization collapse) must be
considered. Are there enough basic resources to make the town or area self-sufficient? I’m
talking water, land for farming, fuel, sources of raw materials. Are these resources nearby?
Easily accessable?

Is the town geographically defensible; is it on hilltops? Are there water barriers like rivers and
lakes where land traffic is channeled into narrow strips of land or bridges? How far is it away
from major cities and interstate highway networks?

Is there a mix of industry? Machine shops, lumber yard, a junkyard? Small, independent

Just as important, how are the people? Is there a reasonable mix, is there several groups? What
are the demographics; how many rich, how many middle class, poor?
Who runs this community? Is it a group that’s been in government forever? Do they hand off to
each other offices, or is it like Boss Hogg-a single oligarch?

What have they done to piss people off-are they pissed off enough for someone to galvanize
their anger into resolve to replace them with you?

Community factors-and how to stoke them to a roaring fire

Working class people are the most numerous, but they have the least time to devote to change
as they are waging a daily battle to survive-that they’re slowly losing. Pointing this out to them
will kill their hope things will “get better in the end” as we know they won’t by themselves.

“Minorities”-I hate using that word, but racism is used by the enemy to create racial bias
against those that have been discriminated against feel they can strike at. Fighting the battle
they can win-but they have to see they’re losing the war with such thinking.

Small business owners not affiliated or related to the local power structure are a resource for
funds and supplies for a campaign. They’ll know how city hall really works.

Disgruntled workers at the country clubs and the fancy restaurants overhear a lot of secrets,
and are in positions to plant surveillance devices.

Waging the election battle-sweeping them all out.

Keep your campaign office well out of the jurisdiction you’re campaigning for! You WILL be
raided, and evidence planted, and that will be it for you.

Pamphleteering, going door to door-any activity in the town you’re trying to free, have
somebody with a video camera ready to record any abuse of power by the local PD.

Hammer relentlessly on the corruption, the heavy-handed authoritarianism, the cash register
“justice”. Hammer on the crooks that exploit public office for personal power.

Keep yourselves squeaky clean! Don’t give the enemy an opening! Don’t go out to bars, don’t
do anything that could possibly be construed as “controversial”, that can be used against you.

The closer you get to election day, the worse the pressure.

On election day, you better have monitors to ensure no votescam fraud is happening.
Hopefully, they won’t be too sleazy-maybe they’ll be overconfident, or incompetent.

IF THEY ARE… and you lose, you could try recourse through the courts, but I wouldn’t count on
a win. Have people with cameras, document each and every vote and voter independently and
raise hell.
Otherwise, you should win, because only a few hundred to a few thousand people, a fraction of
the total of eligible voters, vote in these local elections anyway-THAT’S THE BEAST’S WEAK

After the Victory:

Liberating the town. There’s a lot of socialist scum to clean out, but once the job’s done you’re
going to see immense changes.

SCRAPPING LAWS AND TAXES-There are hundreds of laws designed by lawyers for their own
benefit when they take people to their own courts. Impose a ban on lawyers serving in public
office. A lot of regulations designed to draw in income through fines-out. Slash taxes, and how
to bridge the budget gap? Divest all investments…

RECLAIMING CAFR INVESTMENTS-Nearly every town has sunk tax dollars into for profit
ventures and investments, while whining for more levies and scheming to impose more fines.
Selling land and buildings, stocks, and other investment vehicles and returning the money to
each resident.

RECLAIMING THE SCHOOLS-Kick out the feds and the NEA. Have a curriculum designed by home

REIGNING IN THE POLICE-With the wholesale scrapping of laws, the cops aren’t going to have a
lot to do, and they were doing way too much beforehand. With a new chief or sheriff fire
everyone and hire Patriot veterans or ex-cops who wouldn’t go along with the corruption. Any
and all funds and equipment gotten from the federal government MUST BE RETURNED as any
money or equipment obligates local governments by contract to bow to federal authority.

FORMING VOLUNTEER MILITIAS-or call it a neighborhood watch with military training at the
newly liberated police department if you like, so long as Americans are prepared to defend
their newly liberated town. Militia service is as much an obligation toward maintaining good
government as attending town hall meetings and paying taxes.

Revolution to succeed you absolutely must continue the momentum you got off your victory by
encouraging those able and motivated to move to neighboring towns and replicating what you
have accomplished. Your town’s greatly improved enviroment will attract a lot of negative
attention, and one person or one town standing alone will get taken out. So that alone means
your survival will depend on spreading the Revolution as aggressively as possible.

FEDERAL INTERFERENCE-This is a CRITICAL step, as the only shield to federal power is the
Sheriff. This means winning enough town governments to ensure a election victory, which
means you really can’t afford to be satisfied with cleaning out the state loving scum in your own
town because the feds will come a knocking. With the Sheriff though, the feds cannot even
enter the county without permission. And without permission, your county, your town once
liberated from state and federal tyranny will become ground zero for expanding the Revolution.
Yes, surrounding counties will try to stop your efforts, so it’s imperative that the next counties
you infiltrate you strike so that several town Revolutions happen simultaniously.

Managing Revolution-targeting efforts for best overall prospects of final victory

There are more factors regarding sucessful Revolution than merely which locales are the most
corrupt. Towns and counties can be isolated and cut off economically-could your county sustain
itself? Can your county be self-sufficient in food, power, basic manufacturing, can it stand a
chance of defending itself militarily if need be? Probably not-not by it’s own, further
necessitating the maximum aggresiveness in spreading the Second American Revolution.

This aggresiveness must be coupled with an eye for America’s internal geopolitical reality. This
is a nation made interdependent on other regions and foreigners. In many areas, perhaps some
form of independence could be cobbled together, but in other areas, this struggle will be much
more difficult, maybe impossible until the final cleansing of the beast from the land.

What areas would be more conductive to Revolution? Putting aside purely political
considerations which would mandate the inner cities, Appalachia, the Indian Reservations and
much of the South be the more successful candidates, economics and geography must be

The Northeast won’t be a good first choice, as there’s too much population within easy reach of
the eastern seaboard cities, which will be the last areas of America to be liberated. Their only
hope is as near a simultanious massive Revolution-which upon some govt. tool reading this will
be planned against. So their turn will have to wait.

Appalachia, if their apathy can be overcome, will make a good base for Revolution. Good
farmland, climate, terrain, there’s some development but enough for self-sufficiency as a
region? Appalachia is the most defensible area east of the Missisippi.

Great Lakes region encompass rural areas as well as the rust belt cities. These are dominated
from Chicago, so a hundred mile area around that bastion of government tyranny will have to
be written off. Northern Michigan is isolated. Much of Indiana and Ohio has hilly terrain and
lots of towns with some potential for self-sufficiency. Going west, especially in the vicinity of
Chicago, the land is flat, undefensible. State slave mentalities have really taken root, so
prospects are as stated, dim.

The South could do it-if they don’t erupt in racial violence. Lots of self-sufficient types, decent
climate, and they’re already enured to a deprived lifestyle. Problem areas are much of Florida
and Atlanta.
The Midwest will be among the last to be liberated, as the terrain is too easily taken, there’s
few resources, and there’s too much dependency on centralized power grids and roads.

The Rocky Mountain region is just west-and just west of the enemy strongholds of Denver and
Cheyenne will be the strongest base for Revolution, but they’ll need to overcome
communications problems, energy, and isolation between bastions due to terrain and
population sparcity that will wind up with a lot of besieged towns.

The Pacific Northwest, not counting the Seattle-Tacoma vicinity can be counted with the Rocky
Mountains in potential.

California north of Sacramento can be counted with the Rocky Mountains and the Pacific
Northwest. From Sacramento-San Francisco south you must calculate as you would the Eastern
Seaboard but with desert and mountainous terrain-lots’ of power centers and thouroughly
socialized populace.


Spread like wildfire throughout the hinterland, and when strong enough geographically and
politically begin enroaching toward the cities, eventually besieging them.

Taking the cities will be dependent on political structure. Regionally integrated cities will be
much more difficult as the regional government will be hard to penetrate and have resources to
respond. Fractured metropolitan areas-cities and town govenrments not politically united-will
offer much better prospects for infiltration and takeover, gradually until efforts can be made in
the major city itself, however it’s organized.

Prospects of a peaceful Revolution?

Best to expect and prepare for the worst. Because power corrupts and these people we
struggle against have had it their way for far, far too long. They’ll use every resource at their
disposal to thwart the People taking back THEIR government.

Certainly, if the People awaken a lot of these criminals can be driven out of government office.
But the beast won’t go down quietly; if it is willing to burn and gas women and children at
Waco, wage war against innocent peoples and nations for a fraudulent war, they’ll sic their
thugs on our Revolution. Plant drugs, create scandal, perform tax audits, or maybe just send a
SWAT team at the “wrong address”.

Certainly, if those that serve the beast feel the system is finally being used against them, they’ll
change the rules of the game; suspend the Constitution, declare martial law and rule with
naked force.

There will be no choice then but to fight back.


Completing the American Revolution

Violent Government Retaliation; a certainty.

A message to the First Resisters

First, you probably won’t survive. Perhaps the government has been surveilling you for some
time. They’ll know who you are, who your friends are-and watch them as well. They’ll be ready
when you “act out”.

Perhaps it’ll be one “encounter” with law enforcement too many; those cowboys are a bunch of
thugs who look for a easy mark to bully. You probably won’t be 100% ready, but neither will

The point is, when it jumps off you’re going to be alone. Unless your true friends have eluded
surveillance or escaped notice they won’t be in a position to help you right away-if at all. If out
on the road you’ll have at best a fraction of your resources-but you’ll probably still have your
vehicle for a bit.

But you’re going to be alone.

You’re going to be the next Eric Rudolph; man bombs two abortion clinics and spends the next
five years hiding in the North Carolina hinterland, and pick out of garbage cans… Until you’ve
lost fifty pounds, you’re always hungry, you’re physically sick, you’re psychologically sick of
being alone and forever on the run and subconsciously you let yourself slip up. And you wind up
the beast’s next trophy.

Or maybe like Ralph “bucky” Phillips: escapes jail, kills a New York State Trooper. He goes on
the run, initially has support of family and friends-but the beast knew who they were. Phillips
had to run and hide on his own, managed to dodge capture… for a short while. He hid, shot two
more Troopers but like Rudolph he was eventually chased into exhaustion, and gave up.

You’re going to be alone-unless you have Friends, New Identity, and Purpose

Friends-relationships you’ve established before where there’s NO phone records, NO e-mail,

neither you nor they under active investigation and surveillance. You have a place for them to
rest and re-equip and they likewise for you.

New Identity-Doesn’t have to be ID but that would greatly help. A new identity means enough
of a change of what’s established as who you are to throw off those hunting you. This will
facilitate you being able to fulfil your Purpose.
Purpose-All Eric Rudolph, and Bucky Phillips had was a need to escape capture-and that’s never
enough. Those making last stands like Carl Drega(killed two New Hampshire State Troopers a
editor and a bureaucrat before suiciding) or Marvin Heemeyer (built a makeshift tank out of a
heavy construction vehicle and demolished a town) see nothing beyond going out fighting.

To raise an army, you must do much, much better.

Run, hide-yes, of course! …What will you do next? Where will you go? Who will you try and
contact? What will you do when you get there? Determining that is all up to you, I don’t want
to give the beast any more clues than they got.

Most importantly, how will you get your message out? This I will go into detail.

Forget pamphleteering with long manifestos (okay, shut up, I know) nobody reads. You have to
exploit the digital revolution, with laptop computers, wireless internet and the new generation
of high definition camcorders you can literally put into your pocket.

First, you need your story, or event.

Have a camera fixed outside your operation. A mini camera hooked to your head gear as a point
of view (POV). Capturing surveillance video would be a good ideal.

You edit your footage together either as a propaganda piece or a educational video on what not
to do. How-to videos should also be made while you’re at it.

Then, using the internet distribute the videos, or burn some dvd and plant them around like

Growing the Resistance

The same principles that apply to peaceful Revolution apply to using force.

Growing individual cells and individuals with a common purpose; recruit motivated people by
scouting for those willing to take risks, and are competent. Approach them; don’t take anyone
who wants to join! Ever! You can’t take the chance they’re the enemy!

Get them trained up to at least be a rifleman, but each person has some kind of talent or
knowledge that needs to be cultivated. Because you never, ever know where you’ll find a
person who knows chemistry, or how to operate machine tools, has a medical background,
knows someone inside the beast who’s willing to pass on info. Hell, you might find a genius who
comes up with a new weapon that can be turned out in clandestine machine shops or figure out
new ways of fighting. Never ever know, so keep an open mind.

Guerrilla warfare overview

Winning the support of enough Real Americans for a support/recruitment base

You do this by winning. Big victories are nice, but showing the People that resistance is possible
and you can get away to fight another day or hour will provoke more resistance against the
enemy, more cooperation with Fighters. Encourage each person to fight the war in the way
they can best fit, because only a small fraction of people make good warriors. Most can pick up
a rifle but only a few can really fight. A lot of people have no business going out looking for a
fight, but they can grow food or make weapons, or spy.

With more Fighters you can wage more war. With a clandestine war economy you can keep
waging war. Machine tools will be needed to manufacture weapons and weapon making
equipment but the need for clandestinely produced power will be critical. Siphoning power
from the grid is the worst option because your power consumption can be tracked… and
machine tools need lots of power. Solar panels could be made illegal or registered, plus they’re
impossible to camoflage. Power generators are fuel dependent; diesels can be fed biodiesel
made from waste plants or used cooking oil. Better would be a in-engine hydrogen conversion
from water as fuel. Generators are also noisy and radiate heat, and require venting for the
exhaust gases. Geothermal has the best possibility if you start underground in the first place,
and only in a few places is it readily tapped-you’ll need drilling equipment, and such machinery
is very hard to hide, very hard to kept fueled and going without detection.

Gaining enough operational territory to begin transition to conventional warmaking

Keep your cells small, keep your cells targets small-attack the enemy as individuals. Grow your
resistance, grow your active territory. Spread out across the land. Each cell should be self-
sufficient as far as personal survival, but also if possible have a service or production capacity to
contribute to the larger war effort.

A clandestine Internet will be needed to share information. Redundant wireless relays cheaply
made with common parts along with compatable receivers and a encryption system to lock out
enemy monitoring will be needed. Otherwise information sharing will be by personal contact
and that is much slower.

Sooner or later, after the entire nation has active cells in number and strength efforts can be
made to manufacture weapons. Raw materials will need to be processed, fabricated into new
kinds of weapons a clandestine economy can make yet able to take on the current state of the
art. At the same time, denying resources to the enemy is critical because this is the attrition
phase to choke off weapons, food, fuel and personnel from the beast’s strongholds, the major

Time must be right to permanently sieze territory. Any effort must be sustainable, and have a
probability of success in taking and holding that territory. Furthermore, said territory must be
able to facilitate further seizure of territories adjacant in support of strategic goals. With
permanent territory the ability to wage war is greatly increased now that there’s less need for
clandestine guerilla manufacturing of varying quality and output. Much greater manufacture of
much better weapons and weapon systems will be possible, and the liberation that should’ve
taken place through elections under a Constitutional Republic can take place.

There will be concentration camps; whatever plans are made, plan for the dispersal and
integration of those freed into your cells and communities. This will be a shock to your
resources even when you do your best to ready yourselves. Yet the effort must be made to get
fighters and workers, and to show the beast they cannot imprison us and get away with it.

Better to free prisoners in convoys, trucks, and local jails.

Endgame: Major Cities versus the Countryside.

Possibility of infiltrating and subverting cities filled with people who’ve already rejected

There’s some because a lot of people who want to be Free will be trapped for one reason or
another. Perhaps there’s enough who want Freedom that the town can be taken. Or sections of
the larger metropolitan area can be taken and the others conquered. Urban fighting by the
way, favors infantry with simple, heavy weapons that shoot high explosives. Air power is
fleeting and often inaccurate even if you had the US Air Force. Tanks are nothing but targets
because most of their armor’s up front and you can assault a foe from any direction with cover.

Possibility of permanent division between cities under federal government and Our America.

If both sides agree to an armistice. There won’t be a peace treaty-there can’t be because both
sides will be too invested in winning to stop. Because this is do or die. If the fighting doesn’t just
keep going on, there will be a number of pauses as both sides catch their breaths, gather
resources for the next round of fighting. This will be a long, bloody war.

The greatest sieges in history

Sieges are brutal to those subjected to them. If sustained, without reinforcement or relief the
buildings get destroyed, the population has their fighters slowly killed off, the rest die of
disease and starvation. America’s major cities will be extremely difficult to penetrate because
they will have the most surveillance. Starving them out would be easier given the long,
vulnerable supply lines between the major cities. If nuclear weapons are used, that is because
the siege is broken.

How long would this horrible war last?

Not factoring in anymore federal imperialism-decades. America will be devastated. Knowing the
nature of the beast however, the federal government will keep invading more defenseless
third-world countries, keep trying to tighten the noose around those nations that can keep
resisting, keep subverting until…

…until someone snaps and decides to resolve the United States government’s incremental
imperialism with nuclear weapons. They will seek to end once and for all the beast’s power and
so will attack the cities. It’s uncertain WHO will deliver the killing blow, but there are only a few
possible candidates:

Our America-if we find a way to acquire military stockpiles, or some genius comes up with a
way for American Patriots to manufacture one… the commander that would authorize using
such weapons would be extremely ruthless. Otherwise-no.

China-I’m certain the Chinese WILL use nuclear weapons on us anyway, but to support a
countryside rebellion? That wouldn’t fit with their ideology or mentality to do such a thing-
RIGHT NOW they’re shipping poisoned foodstuffs to our shores. They want us dead. Period.

Britain-technically they could as they have enough weapons but they’re tied into the beast.
Won’t happen.

France-don’t have the delivery systems to reach America, tied into the European Union. Won’t

Israel-acquiring the delivery systems to do this, but part of the beast. Won’t happen.

India-In the more distant future, but can’t now. Currently an ally of the US due to China.
Probably won’t.

Russia-Could take on the rest of the planet in nuclear warfare. Under constant pressure from
the US government, China, the EU. If anyone would be cunning enough, desperate enough it’s
the Russians.

To sum up:








Plain and simple it is the raising of Self-Sovereign, Free People in Free Communities. The
resulting chaos of unleashed human potential shall swamp any tyranny.


You can and must be Free. You can and must be Free with like-minded others. Only through
inspiration shall others be inspired to claim their Freedom.


THE single most important aspect of a Free Person is being armed. The most effective arm one
can wield is the rifle, and the most effective all around type is the military pattern semi-
automatic in .308. This must be coupled with a Rifleman’s practice of rapid fire marksmanship
capable of downing the enemies of Man and Freedom out to at least 500 yards.


This is won when Free People band together for a common goal, say the takeover of a small
community and transform it into a showcase for Freedom. It is from the creation of real life
examples that political control can be won. Coinciding with wise targeting of communities as far
as politics, resources, defensibility and tactical and strategic worth.


Comes when Free Communities rise up in mutual support and protection. Whether by ballot or
bullet, our rise shall by it’s very nature confer to us political power.


This is the culmination. It is the successes accrued through shrewd planning and courageous
struggle that the Individual-who we’ve been trying to awaken and win over to the Cause-that
will sway. When Free People of all races, all nationalities rise up and overthrow their states, and
the parasites that have dominated Man for millenia… even a few successes shall unleash that
final torrent of will to be Free.

The battlefield ultimately for Freedom is and shall always be the Human Heart.

I have written forty four essays over the past two years. Our Father pushes me to make them,
gives me the ideals that burn in my heart and mind.
Likewise, if you value your Freedom you need to find out what Our Father needs for you to do.
The only way to do that is to set aside some time alone. No TV or any other distractions.

Close your eyes, and still your thoughts. Think nothing.

Hearing Our Father will take time, it’s a skill in making your mind still, listening and patience. In
time though Our Father will be able to speak to your heart and sooner or later it’ll make sense.
Because we are in a war for our Freedom, and Our Father needs you in the fight; because the
more people in the fight, the fewer casualties the less destruction will result.


J. Croft

The following article is dedicated to my fellow Miltiaman, ConSigCor at the A Well Regulated
Militia website, who asked me personally to begin working on counter-
propaganda solutions to our enemy the beast’s psychological prison that has the minds and
hearts of the People entrapped.

You don’t need to join the militia-you ARE the militia!


I’m talking about mindset; their culture, background, their mental state. America is a vast
conglomeration of peoples yet there are common issues that could unite us. That could unite us
if you can open the lock to a person’s mental conditioning. A quick list of what rules the
American group mind:

Culture-for lack of a better term

Shaped by hollywood scuz merchants, all kinds of crap is promoted and sold as… well not
virtue, but at least “trendy”, or “cool”. Stars wear certain clothes, do certain scripted acts,
behaviors, and are presented in an idealized setting and Mr. and Mrs. America want to be just
like them. The same principle is used against subcultures like Ghetto Youth are bombarded with
fake gangster rappers, and cops have been under the thrall of Dirty Harry Callahan, Crockett
and Tubbs, and Chuck Norris-all Constitution haters-for generations. Going into debt for a
lifetime to enjoy now, screwing thy neighbor over, going with the flow,

and leave government to the corporations and those with law degrees; this abrogation of
personal responsibility is cultivated in this deliberately soft society.

Constant exhaustion on the ‘murkan dream hampster wheel

Americans with careers or jobs and wanting to maintain a semblance of what their parents had,
even at the pain of lifetime debt slavery, work until they’re so exhausted all they can do is crash
on the couch and veg on the beast’s electronic narcotic, the TV set. Combine that with a “diet”
deliberately destructive to health and it’s no wonder lots of people aren’t exactly jumping off
those couches to seize back their country.

Government issued stockholm syndrome

This is state terrorism-using authority to overawe the People into frightful obedience while
waving the beloved American flag. Waving the flag makes people deliberately undereducated
and overconditioned in state schools to obey their massahs in government service, because
they’re defending ‘murika and ball games and beer and TMZ and MTV. So long as some
spokesman say it’s for our own good they’ll go along with any atrocity. Ask the ghosts of Waco,
Ruby Ridge, and the World Trade Center-if seances are really real.

The murder of spirituality

Yes, murdered-and replaced with a artifice of religion, with celebrity televangelists preaching
the beast’s propaganda, and belief system to a unsophisticated, unadult and unaware
congregation. Unsophisticated-naïve ‘murkans who’s bibles are more like idols, totems of belief
they open at their preacher’s cue and accept without question their slanted interpretation.
Unaware-that a lot of what televangelists preach is poison that if Jesus were in the audience,
would crack out that bullwhip and flay him on nationwide tv. “Prosperity” preaching, the
armageddon death cultists wanting to trigger a rapture on the bodies of an exterminated
human race-none of this has anything to do with the teachings of Jesus. Unaware-that their
televangelists are tied into the beast. Hell they’re not even aware that there’s a beast that rules
over them!

Even factoring the churchgoers out, how much time do people devote to communing with Our
Father? People are programmed by the beast to fear God, to think God is the enemy and so
shun Him. And without Our Father comforting and showing that while this world’s important,
there’s another world beyond that’s better and that we can transform this one, there is no core
support in people’s hearts for resisting the beast. All of you in the struggle know what it’s like to
stand, and know you need God’s help.

All the above is a all-too brief and by no means encompasing overview of where the average
‘murikan’s mindset’s at. A beautifully designed mental prison that is highly resistant to change
or even question-so long as they can look forward to the weekend ball game and barbecue and
the trip to the mall.

Then there’s a person’s subculture; this is an added twist that further insulates certain groups
and individuals from well meaning individuals looking to unite for common cause. Cops come to
mind; they enforce the beast’s will on a local level and have guns. They could do a lot, a lot to
shielding the People from the machinations of the beast and it’s minions and so are very heavily
targeted with conditioning from the military in boot camp to when they first step foot into the
police academies, to their “brother officers” who by the time they’re issued a badge and a gun
are the ONLY people they actually respect.

Likewise, the Urban Gangbanger, whom I like to call “designated urban boogeymen” are
conditioned by below even substandard state schools, economically depressed areas they’re
trapped in and a steady flow of CIA smuggled cocaine and heroin to lash out ignorantly at
whoever and whatever is convenient. Actually willing to not obey the beast, the gangbanger is
too conditioned to look at you as either enemy or prey to want to readily listen to you.
Race too, plays a role, as America’s racial divides are cultivated by the beast to hate on each
other. A successful propaganda effort will take racial tensions in mind.

So how do you appeal to such social and psychological obstacles? Appeal to common
denominators and hot buttons.


Obviously, that’s to be:

*Armed and proficient with the use of their weapons

*Free of mind, physically capable, spiritually sound

*Self-sufficient as much as possible

*Willing to sacrifice all they have and are to engage in the Struggle, just like those that fought
the Revolutionary War.

The above is what we’re selling. How to make what we’re selling appealing? Let’s examine each

Armed and proficient with the use of their weapons

That is, owning a military pattern rifle (M-14, FAL, HK-91, M-16, AK)that they’re able to shoot
accurately on man-sized targets out to at least five hundred yards, as is the minimum
standard. Able to make their weapon function and serve in battle conditions.

This standard is a far cry for most people, even those already owning such arms, and are
police/military or are survivalist oriented. Most gun owners are either hunters with bolt action
hunting rifles who get within 100-200 yards of their prey and miss a lot, shoot skeet, or “just
own a gun but never shot one”.

Free of mind, physically capable, spiritually sound

Being able to think for oneself, seeking to improve skills, and understanding of the world, not
automatically accepting what the TV says is reality. In shape and keeping fit with exercise, work,
and eating a healthy, organic diet. Seeking God on their own, not relying on the flawed
interpretation of others.

Most “Americans” are badly out of shape from lack of exercise and the poisons put into our
weaponized food and water. Most Americans are programmed to be addicted to television and
to accept whatever is presented as the Truth. Most Americans are either too absorbed with
how wonderful they think they are or too preoccupied with the daily struggle they face to think
much about God, if at all so they’re more likely to rely on their local 501(c)3 IRS approved
preacher or the blow dried shills preaching blasphemy on TBN.

Self-sufficient as much as possible

Emancipation from debt slavery, not dependent on a huge inflow of cash to maintain a false
lifestyle, able to draw from more than one means of income to survive, having skills and trades
to support oneself instead of a wage job where most of what one works for is kept by their

Most folks have been trained since childhood that debt is good-because it’s called “credit” and
helps them maintain a artifice of prosperity, when all they’re doing is giving the banksters a
lifetime income stream at the cost of their hopes and future. To maintain this debt bondage,
wage jobs that constantly decrease in number and quality are presented as the means for
people to finance this stupidity. So the corporations and banks whose Directors and CEO’s are
on each others corporate boards, own each others stocks benefit all around.

Willing to sacrifice all they have and are to engage in the Struggle, just like those that fought
the Revolutionary War.

That is, being part of a survival group or militia, a valued contributing part of said team.
Constantly active in propagandizing, recruiting, motivating resistance, training. Going full bore
into the political process to affect positive change.

If Americans don’t own a gun or can’t even handle the deer rifles they do own, look like
teletubbies, are too paralzyed by debt slavery and television to do anything, then the last goal is
rather moot. This is the hardest part to sell but once a person’s eyes are opened this is where
we want them to be, so this must be the most glamorized.


The enemy doesn’t try and overwhelm their target with their propaganda-it doesn’t work and
they don’t have to. Keeping their target mentally simpleminded, they first give their
propaganda organs credibility, then have easy to digest pieces laid out like a toddler’s first
puzzle. If they put them together, it adds up to cleverly spun lies. If not, they’ll lose interest and
get back to watching the game on TV like they’re supposed to.

We Patriots must adjust our propaganda to our target’s simplified mindset. For example,
instead of rattling off different aspects of 9/11on them at once, use one obvious glaring fault
with the enemy’s propaganda. I personally like to use the fact that our Air Force-which we, and
our parents and grandparents spent trillions on-let four rogue planes fly off course and
unopposed in our airspace, over sensitive sites like the Indian Point nuclear power plant in New
York. Unopposed while Stewart Payne and his entourage suffered a catastrophic and fatal loss
of cabin pressure on their lear jet and F-16 fighters escorted the plane over the Midwest until it
ran out of fuel and crashed. And ask how could Moslem terrorists subvert our air defense

Then leave them to chew on that, maybe give them some quickie literature with websites or
books that are on a level suitable for them to begin thinking about things.

If they’re like at least half of Americans who just want to enjoy the game, but still bitch and
moan about taxes or bills (it’s always money-the enemy’s too greedy for their own good) then
start where they’re at. Ask if their favorite ball player’s doing anything to bring jobs back with
all the hundreds of millions they’re raking in from their contracts. Ask them how they’re doing
anything at all to help.

Start where your target’s at. The more stress they’re under from their conditioning breaking
down the easier getting through to them will be: unless they’ve spent their entire lives in the
dump or growing up rich. Then it’s nearly impossible and you’ll just have to leave the mentally
unfreed in the hands of God. But that’s just a rule of thumb so by all means, try.



You are your own most important propaganda tool. Consider the enviromental movement; yes
we need to take responsibility for our conduct as individuals and as a civilization because, we
live here and we’re shitting in our own home… However too many enviromentalists are
ignorant of basic sales and propaganda tactics: they’re rude, obnoxious, they’re more wrapped
up in some 60’s hippie culture nostalgia than in selling their message-and much of their
message is used by the enemy as cover for their government supremacy. Really; some funky
smelling scraggly bum two weeks out from a good hot bath screaming at office workers who
are just as powerless as they are-that doesn’t do anything.

Another example is a lot of Patriots; spending years educating and freeing themselves and
equipped as best as possible, they go up to pig ignorant Joe Six Pack, in full battle dress, Gadsen
flag on their shoulder. So how does Joe relate to our earnest Patriot who forgot about how his
learning curve and just blindly starts trashing the UN? All Joe Six Pack knows about the UN is
that they have a funky old skyscraper in Manhatten and they’re in places with lots of black
folks. Couple that with a openly carried firearm and being bombarded about him being part of
the Militia and as soon as Patriot goes away, he’s dialing 911.

Consider how you come off. Match yourself to your target; his culture, dress, his energy.
Present yourself as relateable, and more important, respectable-because that’s how people

Consider how you’re introducing your message. Consider your target; who he is, where he’s
been, what he’s going through. Most folks are lost and feel fortunate for just a sympathetic
shoulder to lean on-but this is his lucky day. Why? Because you’re going to hand him the key to
unlocking the door to his mind and you’re going to show him how to turn that key himself…
Because you’re also going to reveal to him that things are NOT going to get better, they’ll get
much worse and that he is his own salvation.


Critical that they’re designed to provoke, to lead those that read it to begin to ask questions.

Pamphlets should first be inviting to read, fun, enticing. One sheets should have graphics on
one side and print on the other that begins to get people to think.

Another is a folded pamphlet with either three or four folds, but you’ll need Microsoft Publisher
or something like it in Apple.

Another kind of pamphlet that has been widely successful is the Chick Tract-this is a miniature
comic book that tells in about 16 tiny pages a provocative message that gets you to consider
exploring further. They’re compact, and have an irresistable cuteness that you can literally slip
out of your pocket, and it’ll get swept up into someone else’s pocket. They just take more effort
to make. There’s a eye catching, provocative cover, then 14 pages to tell your message and
then the back cover where contact info and websites should be.

To make a “chick tract”, you need a duplex printer; partition a standard sheet of paper into
eight sections of 2 1/2 inch by 4 ¼ inch. Lay them out like this:


Back Cover I Front Cover Page One I Page Forteen

---------------------- I---------------------- --------------------I----------------------

Page Thirteen I Page Two Page Three I Page Twelve

----------------------I----------------------- --------------------I---------------------

Page Eleven I Page Four Page Five I Page Ten

----------------------I----------------------- --------------------I---------------------

Page Nine I Page Six Page Seven I Page Eight

You could type in the smallest font and draw really small, or you can make full sheet pages for
each page and shrink them down to the format. The reason they’re arrayed like this is that
when you cut ACROSS-NEVER UP AND DOWN-you can then stack the second strip behind the
first, the third behind the second, and the fourth behind the third strip. Have a stapler with a
five inch reach and staple them together-bam, you got a chick tract. Go to your church and grab
examples of these tracts to get a general feel on how to make them.

Pamphlets can be printed up by the thousands on your desktop computer and passed out
everywhere. People don’t need to fire up a computer, it’s in their hands.

Pamphlets need to start where people are at and shock them into starting on their own journey
to where we’re at.

Internet Video

We have lots of books, and a good amount of video, but most of our current material is of
intermediate to advanced level of awareness and knowledge. Among them are the fine works
of Alex Jones, who sets the standard for quality in the Patriot movement. Doesn’t mean
someone else can’t do better, they can and probably will-maybe that person will be you.

What we need is video that like the pamphlet, is watchable, fun, and at the same time provokes
people into further exploration of things they’ve spent their lives in blissful ignorance of.

We need some internet web shows, web series of episodes about five to ten minutes each for
however long it takes to tell the story-the more the better. Stories about Patriots getting
screwed by the beast and its minions and machinations and in a almost how-to fashion show
ways to resist within the context of the story.

We need of course, more full length DVDs but don’t bite off more than you can chew.

For internet video:

Get some practice handling camera, and writing script, even for a documentary, or straight
propaganda piece. Do some short stories, learn your craft.

Write your story-write it in a way so you can actually make it with what you can realistically get
a hold of if you do it tomorrow. Don’t hold out for a re-enactment of 9/11 because Uncle Bob’s
scratching that lotto ticket or your cousin Kyle knows someone who knows someone who
performs homosex acts for Stephen Spielberg. Remember, your hero must be relateable yet as
confused as your audience. There will be no problem portraying the beast as the enemy.

At the end, your audience must be motivated to find out on their own and seek out the truth.
Direct them to the body of Patriot literature and video that’s been produced up to now, they
ought to be ready.

Internet video like this should be produced so that a DVD with film quality video and audio can
be compiled. Get you in the discipline of doing the best you can-because you need to.
SCRIPT-Make this as tight as possible. If a narrative fiction, study the screenwriting books. Get
DEEP into your characters, know them like you know your family and closest friends… all their

ACTORS-Match your actors to your roles as best possible. REHEARSE!!! Take a month like a
theatrical production to get your actors ready… don’t be like a lot of independent filmmakers
and have like, a day or something to rehearse. Take the time to get the quality.

CAMERA-High Definition cameras that can deliver a progressively scanned film-like image at 24
frames per second are available for rent or purchase. Television is at 29.97 frames per second,
and interlaced with half the frames scanned then the other half. Consumer types at Best Buy
are the American NTSC television video quality. European PAL format have the 25 frames per
second rate that’s easier to down convert in your computer to 24 frames per second. One from
Aiptek is $130 but has a chintzy digital zoom. Sanyo-if you can find them in the stores-have a
optical zoom, and record in mpeg4 format that you can directly download to your computer.
Canon, Panasonic, Sony and JVC have cameras in the 900-1500 range.

Higher end “prosumer” HDV camcorders from JVC, Panasonic, Canon and Sony have 24 fps
progressive scanning, but the HDV format is highly compressed to fit onto a miniDV cassette.
That technology’s obsolete as some of these cameras can download the full uncompressed, or
nearly uncompressed output directly onto hard drives, some have interchangeable lenses that
allow much superior film camera optics to be fitted. YOUR GLASS IS THE SINGLE MOST

The pinnacle isn’t film cameras, it’s the RED ONE camera that shoots at literally 35mm motion
picture quality. A kit for one of these new beasts runs at $40,000. Maybe you should just rent
this one….

AUDIO-You have to have a excellent audio person with the equipment, because sound is a
larger part of your effort than the actual video.

COMPUTER-Buy the best computer you can. Just do it. Because hd video files are huge. The
minimum would be the intel core duos but getting core quad would be much better. Have two
high definition screens; one for the video, one for your editing program. Adobe, Avid, Pinnacle,
and for strictly Apple, Final Cut Pro are all HD capable programs.

Some resources that go into much more detail than I can:

SCREENPLAY, by Syd Field.

30 DOLLAR FILM SCHOOL by Michael Dean

Find a local filmmaking club and get under the wing of some film students who’ve spent a lot of
money and time learning how to do this. Yeah they’re typically “liberal” but come at them with
cash when you’re ready, they’ll do it-and learn something.


Look where you’re target’s at; that average Joe Six Pack who only thinks about his fantasy
football team or that next trip to the mall, or sweating whether to buy groceries and eat or
gamble at the local convenient store for a little extra cash to cover gas-or get another payday
loan because their credit cards are maxed out.

Know how they think, and give them something that will surprise them, get them to read or
view it. Get them to see that they’re being exploited and oppressed in the first place. And that’s
it for those introductory pieces. Leave links or titles for further exploration.

Your next level propaganda leads them to the bulk of Patriot Media that’s been produced.

Remember, start with their problems, and show them the path to solutions.

J. Croft

J. Croft

As you know our Republic is in mortal danger of dying-is dying before our eyes. Too long have
evil men used the power of government offices to enrich themselves at our expense. Expense
of our money as we’re taxed above fifty percent, our Freedom as all levels of government make
their own “interpretations” of Our Bill of Rights, our security as America is transformed into a
police state, we provoke the rest of the planet to wage war against us. Too long have we
depended on major corporations for our livelihood, for our news, the products we use, the
culture that shapes our attitudes and tastes-only to be rewarded by being exploited at every
opportunity, and eventually abandoned.

Abandoned… yes, those in power have abandoned their oaths of office long ago for the power
cult that is government service. A cult whose members abuses over the long decades have
nearly destroyed us as a Free Nation, and yet has created the very force that will in the end
overcome them.

Yes, I too support Ron Paul in his campaign. He is the last chance we have under the present
Constitutional system to change America’s course before the evil power cult that has seized
power can find a plausible excuse to get rid of that very Constitution without too much
objection from the American People. Yes, those American People that struggle day by day,
dimly aware that something’s not right but unable to put the pieces together.

You, me-we’ve put enough of those pieces together to see the Truth and we are doing the right
thing, the only thing you can do, and that’s to act to save America like Ron Paul. Yet I have to
ask this first question; if he does become president, how will he change things? What can Ron
Paul as President of the United States of America do?

Ron Paul can cancel out a lot of Executive Orders-and that would greatly aid in dismantling the
beast that uses those pieces of presidential writ as authority to run roughshod over us all.

Ron Paul can order the military to come home after having been deployed on a worldwide scale
since World War Two. Standing down, and entering into a new international arrangement will
go a very long way toward diverting precious energy and resources currently being wasted on
warfare. If that’s possible what with the current political situation, a pullback from empire will
still mean having a credible deterrent from agressor powers seeking to be the superpower.

Ron Paul can direct the various federal agencies to stand down and perform a top-to-bottom
review and investigation of any and all wrongdoings against Americans. Although, how many
people are going to be trustworthy in this is a big question.

Ron Paul can issue pardons for millions of unjustly incarcerated Americans-the emptied space in
the prisons will house all the criminals that have run rampant in government, provided they go
peacefully into custody and not give up their power.

Ron Paul can do a lot as president, but there’s a lot he cannot do:

Ron Paul cannot write the laws or Constitutional amendments needed to clean up the federal
government. That is strictly for Congress to do by the Constitution. Ron Paul has nobody
partnering with him running for congressional office and even if he did the way the elections
are held it would take two more election cycles before Congress is cleaned out of pedophilic
traitorous scum.

Ron Paul likewise cannot effect direct change over the fifty states, 67,000 county governments
and the over million municipal governments ranging from village councils, townships, to
metropolitan governments-all occupied by traitorous criminals who use the law to take
advantage of Americans.
Ron Paul is becoming a president. He isn’t going to become a king with absolute power, it’s not
in the Constitution and it’s not in his nature anyhow. Too bad because the only way we’re going
to make the changes needed is to get a lot more candidates for public office to run… where will
we find the tens of thousands of candidates needed to run on a Ron Paul reform ticket?

I can only think of one source, and that’s YOU.

YOU are going to have to become Ron Paul’s political machine.

The democrats and republicans have political machines(no capitalization intentional); people in
Congress, in state legislatures, governors, mayors, city councils, sheriffs, police chiefs, judges.

Don’t you know that the beast uses local governments to administer most of its tyranny? Don’t
you know half the time these lifetime political apparatchiks run with NO OPPOSITION?

Don’t you know much of the “grassroots” support of the two approved political parties is in
local offices, that they recruit the biggest toadies to the machine-who go on to faithfully serve
the beast in higher office?

Again, it’s with the machine-the hundreds of thousands of public officials and the army of
bureaucrats, agents, and soldier-cops-that the beast uses to impose it’s tyranny. So to fight the
beast, fight them where they’re most vulnerable while we’re still under some semblance of a
Constitutional Republic; organize and take over local governments. We’ll need to take over a
few towns anyway-because nobody has any ideal what it is to live FREE! Even ONE Boss Hog
run, cash register law enforcement, Peyton Place little boogerburg of a corrupt town… take it
over… institute true reforms… it would be an inspiration to surrounding communities to do

Yes; find the most oppressed little town you can-forget the cities, we’re not ready just yet.
You’re looking for a town where the People are long past miserable, where the cops are
unbearably heavy handed and thuggish, the “public servants” are just so jaw droppingly
arrogant-like little feudal lords. Which is what they think of themselves.

Such institutionalized criminality will have a long, visible trail of sins. I’m not just talking about
the bribes, the kickbacks, the “missing evidence” and “improper procedure” when a friend of
theirs gets popped. I’m talking about all the investments purchased with YOUR TAX DOLLARS-
while the mayor lies about the “budget” being “short”. If you’ve been to then
you know the real deal. I’m talking about all the eminent domain crap pulled on families-having
their land stolen for rich developer donors to your “public servants” retirement kitty. I’m talking
about the fraud of “real estate” and how property taxes are used to claim false ownership over
the People’s lands-stolen through tax auctions.
But having corrupt officials to go up against will do. So let’s get our issues together and have an
election already. What, it isn’t election day? Then that’s your first task: get an EMERGENCY


You need people to run for offices-run for them all you might as well do the job right the first
time and clean them all out! Get some WW2, Korea, Vietnam vets to run for mayor, council
seats, chief of police, dogcatcher-whatever.

You’re going to need people to manage the campaign while the candidates concentrate on
whoring themselves to jaded, apathetic or scared people. Someone to manage the
money(should be trustworthy), someone to manage the advertising, the phones, someone to
get the dirt on the opposition(shouldn’t be too hard), someone to manage the canvasing, the
targeting of specific groups, someone to coordinate all the above.

More important, don’t have your operations in the town you’re taking over, you’re just going to
invite the chief of police you’re trying to get rid of to stage a “drug raid” or a “burglary”. Have
operations out of town, and have backups of everything.

The most important part though is having people who can attract votes. Doesn’t matter who so
long as they can deliver voters. Look up “George Washington Plunkett” on Google to get a
better flavor of what I mean.

“How to win a local election” by Lawrence Gray, a lifelong political apparatchik judge in Athens,
Ohio is the how to book on holding an election.

And mind any votescamming! And raise holy hell if any attempt to use those goddamn
electronic voting machines!


Isn’t it obvious? Everything possible within the public offices taken.

Scrap the traffic laws, the property taxes, divest all the CAFR investments, fire all the thug cops,
the uppity bureaucrats. Declare your downtown a tax free business district for Mom and Pop
businesses and tax the crap out of Wal-Mart. Liberate your public schools from federal control,
rip out the traffic cameras. People WILL notice that your town’s actually Free and a REAL LIFE
EXAMPLE is the beast’s biggest fear.

However, one town is just a beginning, a demonstrator of what living under Freedom is like. To
guarantee success, your campaign must duplicate what they’ve done-immediately! Go to
neighboring communities and seize public offices. Your next goal must be to take over your
county government. Why? So you can have one of your candidates become Sheriff… because
the Sheriff can throw out State and Federal law enforcement-and unless they’re willing to
declare martial law to take back the county government and trigger a civil war they won’t
interfere. They WILL interfere with your town government when you take it so you’re going to
have to do this anyway.

I go into much better detail about this in my essays, “Message to the Patriot Movement” and
“Message to Mr. and Mrs America” at Freedom Guide


I would urge Ron Paul to make a call for his supporters to start active campaigning for local
public offices if they want their Revolution to succeed-or survive. This is the last chance at
rescuing America’s current political system before economic and political forces force a
scrapping of the Constitutional Republic that still gives us a realistic shot at killing the beast
through peaceful political means.

J. Croft


J. Croft
You gave years of your life to defend America. You might have given an eye, a limb, years off
your life or your sanity, or gained years of serious health problems.

You gave-and you’d like to think that your sacrifice was to preserve America… but I have some
bad news: what you gave was taken by a pack of violent, psychotic inbred blueblood “elites” for
their own gain.

Leftist rant? Right wing paranoia? You think I’m wearing a tinfoil hat?

Then how come the borders are wide open yet Americans are being accosted Gestapo-style at
our airports and bus stops? How come checkpoints are sprouting up all over our once Free
nation? How come thirty million illegals can run rampant in our once Free nation yet we are
constantly accosted by overtestosteroned uneducated cretins with guns and fragile egos-known
as cops-for the most asinine “infractions” and run through a cash register legal system?

How come lawyers run this country and write the laws and administer them, prosecute us for
their laws? How come we let bureaucrats enforce each and every asinine rule and impose life
destroying penalties on whole families and communities? How come we let what’s supposed to
be our government commit massive fraud against the People by taking the money from all
those taxes and investing them in for –profit financial vehicles, then taking the profit and using
it to pay the bills? (Go to to confirm this).

How come known traitors like Bill and Hillary Clinton-who murdered children with poison gas
and fire at Waco and sold nuclear weapons secrets to Red China-can still walk free? Run for
President? How come we let the government enforce “free speech zones”? How come We the
People let a few interconnected megacorporations own the banking, media, financial
institutions who then turn around and have systematically looted our nation and ruined our
future? How come We the People refuse to confront these problems because we’re trained by
the media to be more preoccupied with Dog busting the N word in a private phone call to his
own son, or Lindsay Lohan giving the paparazzi some fresh “wardrobe malfunctions”?

Is this what you fought and sacrificed your youth, your health, your future for?


The current wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are proving to be frauds. If 9/11 was planned and
staged from Afghanistan by Bin Ladin, how is it we can’t find that six foot plus old man and his
kidney dialysis machine? Worse, how is that before 9/11 we were trying to cut a deal with the
Taliban for a oil pipeline? How is it that opium production is the highest it’s ever been in that
sorry land under NATO?

Iraq… we’ve been waging war against the cradle of Human civilization for the past fifteen years!
Saddam Hussein was our CIA stooge-we armed him with chemical weapons for use against the
Iranians. We encouraged him to attack both Iran and Kuwait when they slant drilled into their
oil wells. When Saddam did just that, we went to war-go track down that CFR stooge April
Glaspie, maybe the bitch will tell the truth on how she suckered our own stooge into destroying
his own country.

And we have destroyed Iraq. A short catalogue of the US government’s war crimes:

*Coup that plants CIA stooge Saddam Hussein in absolute power.

*Eight years of brutal war against Iran-which only ended in stalemate, exhaustion, millions
dead-all because our stooge Hussein-photographed shaking hands with Donald Rumsfeld was
absolute dictator and led that nation to war.

*Baiting Saddam to invade Kuwait commencing direct hostilities against Iraq.

*Desert Storm, which led to a decade of devastating economic sanctions against a already
defeated war weary Iraqi people. In spite of the fact that the only people those sanctions
affected were the estimated one million Iraqi children… children dying of starvation and
disease… those sanctions weren’t deemed sufficient; under the guise of “no fly zones” Iraq’s
basic infrastructure was systematically bombed.

*Operation Iraqi Freedom, waged even though there was NO connection to 9/11, NO proof that
war ravaged land was-or could-develop nuclear weapons. You Iraq veterans were sent in,
inadequetly equipped because Rumsfeld wanted to wage the war on the cheap… made to HALT
for three days… you could’ve been attacked if Saddam had nukes. Again, there was no plausible
reason for an invasion. Sure Iraq was conquered. Then what? Shattered infrastructure-still
unrepaired? Daily terror from your fellow soldiers driven to paranoia and psychosis? Iraq’s
Mesopotamian heritage stretching back six thousand years-looted? The near universal hatred
of a entire nation every day we’re there, every innocent gunned or bombed out by warplanes
and artillery?

That’s just Iraq. What about Vietnam-the staged Gulf of Tonkin “attack” that led to our decade
long wasted effort, over a million Vietnamese dead-and our “leaders” just pull out, when the
Marines could’ve taken Hanoi?

What about Korea-American troop positions, plans, and even personnel rosters were dutifully
reported to the UN… which gave them to the Soviets, who gave them to the North Koreans and
Chinese and caused a three year stalemate?

Let’s briefly examine World War Two; how FDR deliberately offered a collection of obsolete, old
battleships to the Japanese Navy to piss you off enough to go to war? How about the US
government forcing Japan into a corner with a embargo? How about Dubya’s granddaddy
Prescott Bush helping to finance the rise of the Nazi Party and Adolf Hitler? How about IBM
helping the Nazis catalogue the Jews with primitive punch card mechanical computers? How
about our support of the co-starter of World War Two, the Soviets, when they and the Nazi’s
invaded Poland?

We’ll go on to the First World War-that was started by an assasination of some inbred
blueblood duke became the excuse to empty a generation’s worth of war production in a year
of some of the most horrific warfare experienced. How is it that the British Empire became the
“good guys”; they had a quarter of the Earth’s land mass under their rule? How is it that the
German Empire repeatedly offered peace terms-that the British and French refused? How is it
that Woodrow Wilson supported the empire that the sun never set on, hoping the Germans
would get desperate enough to sink one of our ships, pissing us off enough to get suckered into
another war?

American history is filled, filled with false provocations and misplaced rage against those the
self-titled “elite” stage manage behind the scenes. For what? Average folks everywhere
murdered? Their lands and wealth they struggled to build with honest work stolen? Oppressive
empires built and torn down for more empire?


What did you get out your military service? Got to fly some damn cool aircraft, or steer a
90,000 ton aircraft carrier, or shoot automatic weapons. Or maybe it’s having hundreds of men
under you, responsive to your orders. Certainly, the military has some sweet perks to get you to
sign that dotted line…

No, it was making a difference for your country, your people. That’s what it boils down to. You
go in, get told you’re going to do things that matter, and that’s important for people-that they
matter in the greater scheme of things. Problem is, the greater scheme of things is controlled,
directed, designed by a pack of criminals-violent psychotic bluebloods who consider themselves
gods. You’re their toy soldiers and the entire planet is their sandbox. When they’re done with
you-when you get too expensive to care for from IED blasts or sucking down too much depleted
uranium microparticles you’re kicked to the curb. Back in civilian life, denied your benefits.

They make trillions off weapons sales and stock speculations and you can’t even get treatment
for the injuries you got from their wars. They shape history to their whim, and you wind up
alone because nobody can live with you and your post-traumatic stress disorder. They pose in
front of the flag and proclaim that their scripted conflicts are for securing freedom, and you get
harassed by state loving cops for sleeping on steam grates because you’re homeless.

Your biggest enemy was the government you served.

Your biggest enemy IS the government you once served so faithfully.

Your biggest enemy is still on the offensive against us all; keeping us at each other’s throats…
what will it take for you to rise to our defense?

More than you can realize, but do you have the will?

You need to anyway because, look around; America has been used and abused and put away
wet with false wars, economic vampirism, globalism-all perpetrated by flag waving traitors.
Why is it that a lot of those who wave the flag hardest, that make the biggest protestations
about their “patriotism” turn out to be the biggest traitors?

Vietnam, Korea veterans-you have lots of actual combat experience, like the Iraq and
Afghanistan veterans, and some of you still have your health. Yet you remember how America
was supposed to be… you need to enter the political arena-like the G.Is of Athens Tennessee
who in 1946 rose up against small town tyranny and won. The difference is today’s tyranny is
bureaucratic in nature, and universal… those criminals with law degrees know how to hide their
war against the American People behind the flag and the fantasies put out by Hollywood.

It’s November, 2007; time to join the Ron Paul Revolution as that man and the people behind
him-Americans of all kinds-recognize this is our very last chance at affecting peaceful political
change in this country. Join, and do more than support Ron Paul; run for political office in your
home town, or some town near you whose local parasites in government service are making life
hell for the People.

Those returning from Afghanistan and Iraq, or at least able to if you haven’t been stop lossed
your recent combat experience is valuable to the People. They will need lessons on how to
defend themselves in modern urban combat when this country is deliberately collapsed, so get
with the good Patriots at A Well Regulated Militia and
Revolutionary War Veterans Association and form rifle clubs and militias… the Minutemen
bravely deployed along our southern border. Know that the beast that is the US government
seeks to disarm us all and is already trying to eliminate ammunition by taking it off the market
and by putting impossible technological limitations, like the serial numbering ordnance passed
in California and signed into law by Arnold Schwarzenegger.

If you’re going back to military service, know that the government’s plan for martial law and
dictatorship cannot be allowed to succeed. It would be the final death of the America we hold
in our hearts. Know that it will be up to you to thwart the beast inside it’s own military
machine. How? That’s best left up to you and where you’re at.

Are you moderately successful? Start laying in private sale war surplus rifles and ammunition,
cache them by individual rifle and 500 rounds in a sealed PVC tube, bury them. Bankroll a
Appleseed shooting club( outfit( Lay in machine tools,
knowledge of basic 19th and 20th century manufacturing techniques. Secure underground
tunnels, and smaller caves-most caves are on record and undoubtedly on search lists. Since you
being successful have a better knowledge of the local politics than the average American, help
finance and advise a emergency recall election campaign to clean out the scum. Back local
Patriots with talent. Any vets out there homeless? Any of them you know? Help get them off
the streets already!(Yes, they smell and they’re usually messed up in the head but… this is how
we thank them for their military service?! We bitch at the government but we act just as cold.)

…See, you actually have money. Jesus said that it’s easier for a camel to fit through the eye of a
needle than a rich man reaching heaven because people are supposed to help others-and rich
folks can help more folks than anyone else. Whether from metals investments or you have
businesses you have resources to make the Second American Revolution happen. So what’s
stopping you? You know you’re not going to take it with you, and you’re not even going to be
able to give it to your kids because the beast that is the US government and their banker
masters are going to steal it from you one way or another anyway.

Are you a regular blue collar guy? Just getting by? You and others can do what a rich person can
do-just each of you kick a portion into a fund-that’s not in a bank. And have it in gold and silver.
Get back in shape, get shooting ( get a militia unit going ( sort
out who can do what, and back your talented people because the beast fears motivated,
talented people who hate them enough to dedicate their lives to war against them more than

Homeless? I don’t know the depths of your pain; what drove you to the street. I do know that
you ain’t making it on your own-so band together with other homeless and vets if you haven’t
already. Your priority is survival, but first you need shelter, so here’s a crazy suggestion; take
over a abandoned home by ADVERSE POSSESSION. Your whole group; if there’s 20 or 30 of you
get a big house. You’ll probably wind up in some gang war zone-but you’re vets, so those
gangstas you don’t get together against, maybe you can convert them to the Cause. Keep in
mind you probably won’t have a car so locate within walking distance of grocery stores and
other shopping. This isn’t a permanent suggestion, because the cities will become the citadels
of the beast but you can’t do anything else like hold down a job and get your lives back
together until you have shelter. Once you have a roof over your heads you can start enacting
the suggestions I wrote about above.

Most of all, hardship is coming, like nobody in history has experienced. America has been
deliberately sabotaged. We as a people have lost the very means to sustain ourselves to defend
ourselves and have become dependant on the very ghouls in pinstripe suits who plotted our
downfall. Americans are the most unprepared people in history for collapse-and the planned
downfall will be the harshest most horrifying event. They’ll succeed-and most people who
survive will probably bow down to eternal slavery-but in that collapse they light the fire that
will wind up destroying them. You know about hardship, how to survive, fight, plan, build,
think. Take that military training and help those among the 250,000,000+Americans who are
going to become destitute and starving in the coming collapse who will listen, who will struggle
to get back the America we believe in. The America we can make reality.

The America that minds its own business, yet spreads Freedom to all mankind by motivated
individuals who go back to their countries of origin and enact American Revolutions.
The America that has as its priority the maximization of the individual and opportunity for her
or him to make the most of themselves in a climate of individual Freedom.

The America that encourages small businesses and for profit coops of blue collar workers for
mutual gain yet keeps a one inch leash on big corporations.

The America that doesn’t need to turn every square inch of land into wasteful suburbia, or use
it for a dump.

The America that honors it’s treaties, that doesn’t engage in wars of political intrigue or

The America that doesn’t need a leviathan of a government that sucks up most resources.

The America that leads the way for Man to take their Destiny and expand out into the Universe.
See, it’s my vision that if we can overcome the beast, the n.w.o. we can accomplish everything
Hollywood dreams of in their sci-fi shows. We have to free ourselves first, and you the Veteran
must lead that battle.

J. Croft


J. Croft

Hell approaches. The forces of evil surge toward a final confrontation with good-with those that
will not bow before tyranny, will not compromise, or pass the responsibility of doing what must
be done to someone else. Anyone else.

No! Not us the Remnant-of men and women, young and old who would rather face certain
death than go quietly into the night the beast, the “new world order” that is really the power
elite that has held it’s malignant grip over Man since before recorded history.

We see the reality of our situation. That the beast has had control over what we pledge
allegiance to, who we pray to, what we believe in, what we’re taught is right or wrong. We see
beyond the convenient labels the beast’s society stamps on us, past the conformity or the
instinctive rebelling. Past the styles and the slang, the cultures and nationalities. See that we
have a common enemy as old as the civilization we live in.

In fact it is the totality of civilization that we are at war against! Yes, war-because civilization
has been at war against Man! Civilization invented slavery in all it’s forms; whether through
conquest by armies or conquest by manipulating people into debt, or conquest by laws made
by lawyers, judged and tried by lawyers.

Throughout recorded history, brave people have awoken to their true state, and have grappled
with civilization, with the beast. Many fled and opted for the primitive existence of their distant
ancestors just wanting to be left alone. Many others tried in various ways to resist; personally
by challenging norms set by an elite to oppress Man’s spirit and intellect, or striking out directly
against one’s oppressors with whatever means they could get.

Most failed, not comprehending the true extant of what they struggle against. A few got
enough of a view that they attempted to wage war against the beast-of those brave attempts
only a few succeeded! If you’re reading this in the United States of America you’re living in the
dying shell of the one that succeeded the most-yet even America has been bridled by the beast
since it’s birth!

Civilization, the “elite”, the beast, has for millenia done its utmost to keep a check on the
underlying human need to be Free. Freedom is the natural state of Man, in communion with
God and Creation. Freedom is as the seed that gets blown around the solid, unyielding concrete
of the beast’s false civilization. It is false I say, because it is largely a creation designed to
separate Man from his natural state-in communion with God and Creation in a state of

Concrete is unyielding. It eventually cracks, forms a weakness and that weakness is where the
seed of Freedom finds a place to begin to grow, sink roots and develop. The beast can and has
yanked Freedom from the people, poured a fresh patch of tyranny where there were cracks,
vulnerabilities. Unfortunately for the beast more cracks always develop in its cruel joke of a
civilization precisely because it is unyielding, selfish, cruel, domineering, avaricious, murderous.
And there are always more seeds of Freedom to exploit the beast’s cracks, it’s vulnerabilities.

Sometimes, the beast gets careless, takes risks for some imagined benefit. Risks, like the
founding of America. Yes it’s true-one of the beast’s servants Sir Francis Bacon wrote of the
beast’s plans for America in his book “The New Atlantis”-a plan for a nation to fulfill the beast’s
dream of a united world empire under it’s never-ending rule.

See, the beast’s civilization is global, but not united, not all encompassing. Large swaths of
concrete have cracks, some sections are still gravel bedding, some are rubble. No, there’s
virtually no unpaved areas left on Earth now, the managed development of technology has
seen to that. The beast desired a tool, a force that could wage war upon the entire Earth, to
subjugate it under a single all-powerful rule that could ruin even the mightiest of nations.
That according to Sir Francis Bacon was to be the beast’s American destiny.

Certainly, he wasn’t the only upper class English twit to spout such abomination. Upon
surrendering the battlefield at Yorktown, General Cornwallis made the “prediction” that the
British Empire would through trickery eventually reclaim the United States and through it rule
the world. Cornwallis was a high level freemason-as was George Washington, Alexander
Hamilton the banker’s tool, and Benjamin Franklin whose New York residence was recently
discovered to have the remains of human ritual sacrifices performed in the basement.

Freemasons have had a central hand in the planning and development of the United States.
Beyond their temples in literally every town and city-aligned with each other and most major
buildings and monuments in occultic arrangements-they have had a nearly unbroken rule over
this nation’s governments. Nearly every President was a 33rd degree freemason-and of royal
lineage that can be traced back to Britain… back to the Romans who fled to Britain when that
empire collapsed… Back to Egypt when in the time of Jesus Rome abandoned its Republic roots
and became just another empire… Back all the way to the beginnings of this current civilizaton
when kings began rule over all.

This “royalty” that has had its lackeys boots on Man’s necks all throughout history, they have
struggled to forge a one world empire that would never be overthrown, would never decay,
where their rule would be eternally secure. They needed a nation that could grow, that could
sweep all before it until its frontiers were secure. Then and only then would it begin to be used
as the weapon by which the greatest empires of Earth would fall one by one, until the day came
that it too would be expended and cast aside as all other of the beast’s empires have been.
(Understanding of course that with the destruction of the nations the peoples of those nations
would be crushed as well.)

So, being to the tool to unite the planet in perpetual slavery was the beast’s grand design for

The beast’s “grand experiment in Freedom”-the beast needed to motivate people to cross the
Atlantic to brave invading other peoples lands, so a “measure” was allowed…

…And I tell you that THAT decision shall be the beast’s ultimate downfall!

There are Two Americas-the beast’s lawless, imperialistic, murderous United States and Our
America. You and I know what THAT America is! Land of the Free, Home of the Brave, the Great
Melting Pot of all of the Nations of Man, where one is guaranteed Life and Freedom and the
pursuit of one’s happiness. Our America; that stays out of other nations affairs, stays as a
Nation out of entangling alliances, where all of Man seek to learn how to be Free, and perhaps
they or their children or their children’s children would go back to their homelands to plant the
seeds of Freedom there as well!
That is what was told to us once upon a time, while such concepts were still acceptable for the
beast to teach us-if only to keep up asleep, unaware of what America’s destiny was to be. The
beast seeks to use the United States as it’s weapon to finish crushing the Nations in a final
apocalyptic war, the game plan written down as “prophecy” millenium ago. Yes, it can only be
true that “prophecy” is but the beast making its game plan known-knowing that thanks to
conditioning that we would take it as predictions of the future from God and therefore
unalterable. Did I not state before that Man’s civilization is the invention of the beast that
would murder nearly all of us?

The struggle between Free Men and the beast is never ending, and advances and retreats, new
frontiers and the advancement of technology have made the war a fluid one. An Endgame is
upon us however, as the beast harnesses it’s technology to forge a military machine almost
unstoppable, a electronic control grid unescapable, a civilization so all-encompassing in it’s
tyranny, one could be born, used, abused, die and never know one to be a slave. Such a cruel
fate is one suffered by most Americans-immersed in a vapid, stifling culture, poisoned by pills,
food, air and water, psychologically neutured by state schools that teach obedience and apathy,
exploited for not even one-twentieth of the benefit they exert. When premature aging or
cancer or a bullet or bomb turns them from a “productive member of society” into a liability all
the promises the beast lays on them for their loyalty are revealed to be the cruelest of lies.

It’s the beast’s endgame, and this is for control of the destiny of the entire planet. The problem
posed by people who would be truly Free is to be solved by enslavement or death. There is no
middle ground with the beast, no negotiating, and no escape from our Destiny.

Our Destiny, you ask? Our Destiny is nothing less than the utter destruction of the beast, the
“new world order” the rule of those that consider themselves “royal”, “elite”. Their resources
are practically limitless, but their numbers are few and their soldiers and bureaucrats and
lawyers are fallible. They can be beaten! They HAVE been beaten!

We’re going to win.

So, Christian: that person who believes as you do, as I do about the beast-his interpretation of
Satanism as being self-empowerment is but a trivial matter, as all religions have the taint of the
beast. Just as that other Christian belonging to another denomination has as much lock on the
Truth as you do-none.

Republican: that person, who wants honest, accountable elections, that they’re a lifetime
Democrat is meaningless, since both parties are at the top the same; they just used hot button
social issues to distract and divide the People as they worked their manifold treason on us all.

White Man: the next person of color you meet just might be a fellow Freedom Fighter as you
are, so do your best not to fall back on your conditioning about gangstas, the “designated urban
boogeymen”. Blacks, Mexicans, Natives-the same goes toward you as we are all enslaved by the
beast and until it’s slave civilization can be overthrown, crushed and a new one started we’re all
in this together. We’re in it together anyway, so bury that racial crap before it finishes you off.

To those who conform, wear suits and ties, have respectable jobs: that hippie or bum rebelling
against economic and cultural slavery is actually ahead of you in freeing themselves from the
beast. Jesus stated that it’s easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than a rich
man to make it to heaven, so consider if your labor might be better put in your own business
that helps the Cause, or at least stop serving the corporate arm of the beast.

Those who are enviromentalists: know that not being understood, not have others relate to
you, to offend rather than to gain an audience, to make a spectacle in a pale imitation of 60’s
activism hasn’t work, isn’t working. Isn’t going to work. Also, you’re way too naïve of those on
the “left” and too many of them are playing for the other team-not the “right” but those that
would enslave us all.

See, the Remnant is anyone and everyone who stands against tyranny. Many swing at what
they think is the enemy but don’t see the true threat-like Designated Urban Boogeymen…
otherwise known as Crips, Bloods, Folk, Latin Kings. Know your enemy isn’t your neighbors, or
any random person you can prey on. It’s the bankers who loot the world because they can. It’s
the lawyers who work for them, make the laws, judge you by the laws they write and make
them impossible to prosecute or defend oneself save for another lawyer. It’s the bureaucrats
who enforce the millions of laws the lawyers love to hand down and make us obey, and all the
soldiers and cops who don’t know any better, who don’t care except that it’s they who wield
the nightsticks, pepper spray, tazers and guns.

Anyone else I can’t think of as I’m writing this? Well, I’m talking to you too; what will you have?
Because I’ll tell you, your lifestyle’s going bye bye as the beast takes your livelihood, calls your
loans, freezes your lines of credit, comes with collections agents and cops to seize all you got
and turn you out of the home you worked your entire life for. So while you have some money,
what will you do? Continue to salve your pain and fear with prescription meds, beers, shopping
sprees? Or will you take the starting steps to survive:

1.)Get some guns: a .308 or .223 semi-automatic military pattern rifle, ten magazines, gear to
hold the magazines in and a thousand rounds. A reliable semi-automatic pistol in at least 9mm,
with spare mags and 500 rounds. A .22 rifle and four bricks of ammo. Get all of these at gun
shows-look for people walking the aisles because you can pay with cash… go ahead and burn
out a credit card withdrawing cash you ain’t gonna be able to pay it back anyway. You shouldn’t
anyway-get back at the banks for fucking you and your life. Oh while you’re at the show, pick up
a airsoft gun that’s like the rifle you’re getting and use it for target practice and familiarzation.
Go to and learn the basics of rifle marksmanship.

2.)Get in shape already! Eat organic, drink spring water, go for daily walks, lift weights. You’re
going to need to be in shape for what’s coming. Get a good mountain bike-look in auctions and
the classifieds for a cheap one some other spoiled yuppie got bored with.
3.)Link up with a militia group. Go to and learn everything else about being a
Free Man. Militia is for everyone; the one time head of the Ohio Unorganized Militia, J.J.
Johnson’s a black man.

4.)Get a place in the country if you can-either buy it or rent it or get with some relatives or
friends. The cities are going to become prisons, after all the riots and mass starvation.

5.)BUY FOOD RIGHT NOW! Canned goods are good, non-hybrid heirloom seeds are better along
with a grain mill. has about all the survival info you need RIGHT NOW!

6.)If you have extra cash, buy some extra rifles and ammunition to equip those that wake up a
little late to fulfill the above five steps. Get some Mosin-Nagants because they’re stone reliable
and as I write this, there’s ammo at the gun shows.

7.)Get right with God. Find a quiet place without any distractions. Quiet yourself, your mind and
LISTEN… Father will speak with you, it’s just a matter of tuning in. God will guide you to what
you ‘ll need to do and what to stop doing.

8.)Everything’s collapsing, but that don’t mean we don’t try to push back the tide of tyranny.
Time to seize back your local government. Go google “Hope Steffey” and watch the video of
those cops about raping her, and their Sheriff covering for them! Go look: and realize that
EVERY community is like that! Organize and take back your town’s government from the
lawyers, the bureaucrats, the thug traitor scumbag cops. Put some Patriots in and gut the laws
out! Be a example of Freedom to others so they will be inspired to do likewise in their towns…
and support Ron Paul and call for election reform-get rid of black box vote fraud!

Yes the time has come for the Gathering, of all those that would be Free.


update 2/10/08

J. Croft

This is a horrible possibility, but one that must be considered because at least some of Ron
Paul’s supporters are now thinking this after the debacle of the rigged Super Tuesday primary.
But let's back up month before; the New Hampshire primary was rigged in large part due to
political hacks at the local level acting to destroy votes as evidenced in Sutton and Greenbriar.
Vote scamming is a time honored American political tradition as exposed by the Collier brothers
in their groundbreaking book Votescam: the stealing of America.(btw, good luck finding it in a
bookstore, you’ll have to look on the internet.)

Diebold electronic voting machines add a new wrinkle: they use proprietary code and are so
easily accessed by modem or opening the machines themselves, they’re designed to steal
elections.The CEO of Diebold has strong ties to the Bush/Clinton crime families, even stating in
2004 that he’d “work to get George W. Bush reelected”.

This level of corruption was to be expected and in fact a lot of Ron Paul supporters were
steeling themselves.Steeling themselves to fight for a proper count, a proper vote tally-an
honest view of Americans in this most critical of election seasons.

Apparently someone forgot to pass that memo on to Ron Paul who despite collecting over
twelve million dollars up to then decided to concentrate his campaign’s efforts on later
primaries in Michigan, South Carolina, Nevada-where he had the rug pulled out from under him
as well.

...Super Tuesday-was Dr. Paul hoping for a miracle? he hoping the documented convicted drug

dealers and other sundry officials directly overseeing the Diebold machines suddenly have their
hearts grow three sizes and run an honest election? s he hoping the megacorporate owned

mainstream media actually gives him equal access, equal time, equal treatment?

Was he hoping that the Bush/Clinton crime family whose crony runs Diebold, will also have a
miraculous change of heart and run a fair election, not have the votes altered or deleted? s Dr.

Paul hoping for “somehow” some kind of Hollywood ending this year?

As I write this I have his latest (2.09.08) communique and my first reaction comments.

From Rense-my thoughts below:

Ron Paul - 'There Will Be No Third Party Run' Turns Attention To Keeping His Congressional Seat
Message from Ron Paul 2-9-8

Whoa! What a year this has been. And what achievements we have had. If I may quote Trotsky
of all people, this Revolution is permanent. It will not end at the Republican convention. It will
not end in November. It will not end until we have won the great battle on which we have
embarked. Not because of me, but because of you. Millions of Americans -- and friends in many
other countries -- have dedicated themselves to the principles of liberty: to free enterprise,
limited government, sound money, no income tax, and peace. We will not falter so long as there
is one restriction on our persons, our property, our civil liberties. How much I owe you. I can
never possibly repay your generous donations, hard work, whole-hearted dedication and love of
freedom. How blessed I am to be associated with you. Carol, of course, sends her love as well.

Let me tell you my thoughts. With Romney gone, the chances of a brokered convention are
nearly zero. But that does not affect my determination to fight on, in every caucus and primary
remaining, and at the convention for our ideas, with just as many delegates as I can get. But
with so many primaries and caucuses now over, we do not now need so big a national campaign
staff, and so I am making it leaner and tighter. Of course, I am committed to fighting for our
ideas within the Republican party, so there will be no third party run. I do not denigrate third
parties -- just the opposite, and I have long worked to remove the ballot-access restrictions on
them. But I am a Republican, and I will remain a Republican.

I also have another priority. I have constituents in my home district that I must serve. I cannot
and will not let them down. And I have another battle I must face here as well. If I were to lose
the primary for my congressional seat, all our opponents would react with glee, and pretend it
was a rejection of our ideas. I cannot and will not let that happen.

In the presidential race and the congressional race, I need your support, as always. And I have
plans to continue fighting for our ideas in politics and education that I will share with you when I
can, for I will need you at my side. In the meantime, onward and upward! The neocons, the
warmongers, the socialists, the advocates of inflation will be hearing much from you and me.


Excuse me for being critical, but if you read between the lines this sounds like a carefully worded
concession speech.
I don't know what to think; did Ron Paul seriously think that if all he did was present his ideals,
the path to victory would just present itself?

Dr. Paul's not a stupid man by any means. He knew about the massive vote fraud, the corruption
of the mainstream media... yet he went in with a campaign strategy that looks like he assumed
it was actually a level playing field!

Evidence is mounting rapidly that Super Tuesday was run fraudulantly. Massive vote fraud from
coast to coast.

This lastest communication by Ron gives me NO indication that he's even going to challenge it-
just some nice sounding platitudes, and promises that the fight will go on....

I've held an essay back about this situation but this demands I look at it. Expect it next week.
J. Croft

Does Ron Paul strike you as being that naïve, that stupid, that he'd just waltz into ambush after
ambush? I don't think he is. He's obviously one of the smartest politicians currently serving....

Deep Cover Operative: someone tasked with infiltrating a group or movement, maneuver into a
prominent position, rendering years, decades of loyal service to the targeted foe. When the
time comes he or she moves to sabotage or otherwise destroy the movement they had so
seemingly, faithfully served.What I’m saying is that deep cover operatives to be successful have
to be the most successful members of the opposing force. This definition may describe Ron Paul
better than being a ringer because of his near canonization by the Patriot movement-but ringer
sounded better as the title to this regrettably necessary article.

So, is Ron Paul a deep cover operative? A ringer?Is there any evidence of these charges?

Beyond his recent conduct, there is. However, any evidence of someone being a ringer is usually
scant at best-and if they’re good, so scant it can be more reasonably deduced that the evidence
is indicative of say, bad judgement, fatigue, confusion, personality quirks.

So what’s the evidence?


Campaign staff mishandling of primary vote fraud debacle-or conspiracy?

A lot of angry voices have arisen over Ron Paul’s apparent decision not to challenge the now
obviously fraudulant New Hampshire primary. Furthermore, his campaign staff have according
to accounts reported by Devvy Kidd have shown annoyance at the efforts to get a recount.
They, deriving much of their support from web based people are simply swamped to begin

Ron Paul websites abound:

…I could go on but I’ll get to the point; there are hundreds of thousands of people trying to get
the attention of a tiny staff, and the sheer volume must be maddening. Picture using a fire hose
to fill a shot glass.Picture yourself being the shot glass and you’re picturing yourself as a Ron
Paul campaign staffer.

Not to mention the flak he’s gotten for not acting on the OBVIOUS VOTE FRAUD perpretrated in
subsequent primaries.

Ron Paul: secretly allied with the enemy?

Some would say that the most solid evidence-aside from not challenging New Hampshire vote
fraud-would be the incident last year where upon entering the studio where the Daily Show is
produced, Ron Paul made the following hand gesture:

Copied from The Truth Seeker website:

Is Ron Paul All That He Seems?

News Brief – November 30, 2007
Introductory Update – February 9, 2008Late last night, Ron Paul conceded his place in the
presidential race and did so quoting Trotsky, of all people. If nothing else this only emphasises
suspicions outlined in the article below. A similar ruse has been tried on British voters. When
the British National Party, led by a known intelligence asset, campaigned on issues of
“patriotism” and “anti-immigration”. As it turned out the BNP did absolutely on the latter point
but it effectively led disaffected voters up a blind alley. Where it then left them. Thereby
neutering any feelings of discontent among voters before they could coalesce in a genuine,
popular political movement. This is how the voting public is now manipulated in the West.
Seems like Ron Paul has just pulled a similar trick on American voters.
Is Ron Paul All That He Seems?Although completely ignored by the mainstream media, the El
Diablo hand sign has become a trademark for success in U.S. politics. From Dan Quayle and Bill
Clinton to George W. Bush, right down to Bush's wife and daughters, just about every major
player in American politics has been caught flaunting the El Diablo salute. Now one of few U.S.
politicians with any apparent semblance integrity has been spotted displaying the same hand
signal. The videos linked below are pretty inconclusive and prove nothing either way. But the
photo clearly shows Paul displaying the now infamous hand signal.

We leave it for readers to decide if Paul is consciously signalling his true allegiance or whether
this is just a simple coincidence. It may be entirely innocent, unlike the Bush family who have
been photographed repeatedly and quite brazenly flauntinging the El Diablo salute, as was the
case at George W. Bush's last inauguration.

Ron Paul on the other hand may have simply been waving harmlessly, unaware of the real
significance of the exact gesture. The arguement that the gesture is simply a signal of support
for the University of Texas Longhorns is simply a crock. Former Italian leader Belusconi has also
been pictured making the gesture, along with other prominent international figures, and we are
pretty sure that they are not all Texas Lonhorn supporters. Admittedly the photo, pulled from
an Internet video, is not of the highest quality, so perhaps we should not read too much into it.
Nonetheless, the El Diablo hand sign or satanic salute has become a feature of American politics
and it’s as well to be aware of it as and when it appears. So for the time being this web site will
reserve judgement on Ron Paul but would suggest readers bear this in mind. For the Illuminati
have a history of fielding political candidates who appear to oppose the New World Order but
whose real function is to lead opposition to the Illuminati in entirely the wrong direction,
thereby neutralising it. Only time will tell whether Ron Paul is one such. And to those readers
who were offended by this report: we reserve judgement on Ron Paul and the photo but
America is in such dire straights politically because its politicians are no longer held to account
for their actions. This is precisely why the likes of Bush and Cheney are currently in the White
House and things wont change until ordinary Americans hold their leaders to account. Below,
links to videos sent in by a reader: This video shows Ron Paul
flashing it as he comes up to the podium and there is a close up of it.
Printer friendly with pictures / without pictures

A hand gesture?Evidence of betrayal?You’re laughing, but many haven’t. Bush, Clinton, and
many other “dignitaries” make the Il Cornuto hand signal all the time in the most
inappropriately public places.

Many suspect this is a secret visual code a sign of loyalty to a hidden agenda.A signal that is
particularly ominous when made with the left hand-and Ron Paul did flash that hand signal with
his left hand.

Well, let’s step back from this and look in context; Ron Paul was promoting his campaign on
nationwide television, on a very popular talk show.He’s getting the most attention he’s ever
had in his life-of course he’s excited! Just like most people get excited at rock concerts and
when the guitar hero flashes the Il Cornuto they also think it’s a “rock on” gesture and imitate
them… along with regrettably their lack of fiscal discipline and hard drug abuse.

Frankly, I included this because I had to address my own personal suspicions but upon review I
must say that the charge of Ron Paul being a ringer, a deep cover operative is no longer
ridiculous-it has to be treated as a possibility, because the future of America depends on what
we do.
So… is Ron Paul a ringer?A deep cover operative who when a critical mass of the People
awaken and saw how their Country has been stolen from them would go in as a “man atop a
white horse” and subtly sabotage a reform movement by failing "gracefully" rather than fight
the obvious corruption?

So, is Ron Paul a ringer, a deep cover operative?

This isn't easy but we must see things clearly. We contributed MILLIONS out of our own pockets
because we saw in Dr. Paul the chance to save our country peacefully! I see the man’s voting
record.I’ve watched him on the debates. I’ve listened to him, his son Rand on the Alex Jones
Show and read his articles over the years. The thought of him being a ringer, a deep cover
operative is a horrifying possibility that it must be spoken of!

If he really was a Deep Cover Operative, a Ringer to squelch the "elite" expected backlash from
a cornered and desperate American People he did magnificently! A once growing movement
became splintered between those wanting Ron Paul to do a third party run and those who
wanted Dr. Paul to maintain a Republican based strategy.

The Republican strategy as Dr. Paul noted himself, was blown to hell with Mitt Romney's

Any third party strategy was blown to hell by Dr. Paul himself when he opted to maintain his
Republican party status to maintain his congressional seat.

It certainly doesn't help when the premier figure in the Freedom movement, Alex Jones, does a
shuck and jive for what's becoming manifestly apparent-that Ron Paul is now trying to
gracefully quit:

Why Has Ron Paul All But Suspended His Presidential Campaign?Congressman makes a shrewd
decision to safeguard amazing progress made by retaining Congressional seat
Paul Joseph Watson & Alex JonesPrison PlanetSaturday, February 8th, 2008

digg_title = 'Why Has Ron Paul All But Suspended His Presidential Campaign?';
digg_bodytext = 'Congressman Ron Pauls decision to essentially suspend his presidential
campaign and focus instead on safeguarding his Congressional seat will confuse and disappoint
many of his supporters, while delighting establishment media debunkers, but the truth of how
far we have progressed and the reality of the battles that lie ahead show that the campaign has
made a shrewd decision.';
Congressman Ron Paul's decision to essentially suspend his presidential campaign and focus
instead on safeguarding his Congressional seat will confuse and disappoint many of his
supporters, while delighting establishment media debunkers, but the truth of how far we have
progressed and the reality of the battles that lie ahead show that the campaign has made a
shrewd decision.
After months of media censorship, smear attacks and dirty tricks, Ron Paul was essentially left
with four choices.
- Drop out of the Republican race altogether and allow the establishment to claim a hollow
victory while disappointing his legions of supporters. This was never going to happen.
- Drop out of the Republican race and run as a third party candidate. Up against Hillary and
McCain, Paul would have had a 20-30% chance of success but would have immediately
endangered his Congressional seat.
- Seek to capitalize on a brokered convention should the Republican's conservative base move
against the left-leaning John McCain. This was always a remote option because to have any
chance of success, Paul would have had to be trailing McCain by just a few percentage points in
the primary results, which was not the case.
(Article continues below)
- Stay in the presidential race in the hope that a scandal would cripple McCain and leave Paul
going head to head with Huckabee but essentially shift all campaigning efforts to focus on his
Congressional seat which is now under threat.
Paul rightfully picked the fourth option and in doing so has adopted a rearguard stance to
safeguard the influence he has already accrued as a result of appearing in the debates on the
campaign trail. Should he retain his seat, Paul will return to Congress with the backing of a
gigantic grass roots following the likes of which has not been enjoyed by any other politician in
recent times.
The Congressman summed it up in this passage of his press release last night.
"I also have another priority. I have constituents in my home district that I must serve. I cannot
and will not let them down. And I have another battle I must face here as well. If I were to lose
the primary for my congressional seat, all our opponents would react with glee, and pretend it
was a rejection of our ideas. I cannot and will not let that happen."
Paul's Texas District 14 congressional seat is being challenged by pro-war Neo-Con Chris Peden,
who deceived the Congressman by going back on his word that he wouldn't run against Paul
during the presidential race. The Paul campaign have evaluated the circumstances and the
consequences of losing the Congressional seat and have responded accordingly.
In shifting the focus of his campaign, Paul will still be able to use the millions raised in his name
to hold his district and he will still appear in national debates to educate people about the real
power structure that seeks to control and dominate us.
Undoubtedly a certain portion of Ron Paul supporters will feel disappointed and let down by the
fact that the Congressman is all but suspending his presidential campaign and most of these
individuals will be new to politics. They need to understand that we can not and will not win the
game with the first roll of the dice. America was not gutted overnight and it will not be restored

The Ron Paul Revolution was the first major salvo in a battle for our freedom that will never end.
What we are fighting is a war of ideas, an information war and a game of brinkmanship. The
fact that Ron Paul's message resonated with and woke up millions of people is a victory in itself
and provides us a niche with which to continue our efforts.
The focus now shifts to the Congressional race and if we can help Ron Paul retain his seat then
the power of our message will be amplified in Congress, especially if and when Hillary Clinton is
anointed in the White House and continues the same policies we saw under Bush.
It is essential and shrewd to maintain a positive attitude and consider how far along the path
we have traveled in the pursuit of restoring liberty. A powerful message has been broadcast to
those who would attempt to enslave us that there will be a reaction and that our numbers and
influence will only continue to grow, presidential race or no presidential race.
As we have said all along - this is not about a political campaign, this is not about 2008 and this
is not even about Ron Paul. This is about an idea, an idea that surpasses the transitory nature of
a presidential election and one which can not and will not be stopped no matter what the
As Ron Paul himself says,
"This Revolution is permanent. It will not end at the Republican convention. It will not end in
November. It will not end until we have won the great battle on which we have embarked."

So what conclusion does one make by the man's actions?

What Dr. Paul, do we make of the decisions you've made?

You took the last best hope of Americans who were counting you to be the proverbial man on a
white horse and you've wrecked them.

No more money bombs for you. None. In fact you've managed to knock hell out of all the
credibility you've had, and by giving this signal to quit confirmed our worst fears. That is, if you
just keep going along with some script...


AUDITING OF OUR OWN VOTES!This way, there’s a record not even a voting machine made for
vote fraud can alter.

What Dr. Paul must do however, is WHEN the crime family that runs Diebold, which runs the
vote fraud machines, when they steal another primary vote… he must act and act with fury! Call
for paper ballots, recounts, criminal charges, mass civil protests-whatever’s necessary to pull
the curtain back and expose the Bush/Clinton crime family’s control… corruption… of OUR

FURTHERMORE, and he needs to be doing this anyway, Dr. Paul absolutely must use every bit of
his persuasiveness to get people to run for public office themselves-particularly in those
jurisdictions where vote fraud was committed. Call for an emergency recall election along with
filing civil and criminal charges in both state and federal courts. I offer my recommendations on
how to conduct such a campaign in my essay “Message to the Ron Paul Campain”.

Patriots are thin on the ground, so efforts must be concentrated on the worst, most corrupt
little burgs.Examples must be made.More importantly, for Dr. Paul, a political machine must be
built NOW so that when he becomes president he’ll have government support at local and
hopefully state level.

Either that, or Ron Paul needs to drop out of the race, return all the money bombs to those he
accepted from and retire from Congress. We the American People have suffered too much at
the hands of the traitors in control of the United States Government to tolerate anyone who is
just running “to prove a point” or “bring issues to the forefront”.


That makes him a traitor on a horrifyingly grand scale! Imagine: giving lip service to the Patriot
Movement for decades; knowing in the larger scheme of Congressional matters you were one
lone voice anyway… Grooming yourself, building trust until the fateful time when the American
People began to arise to cast off their change-and as the lone Congressional standard bearer of
Freedom you in your dotting old age arise to give battle… only you knew ahead of time that
you’d stumble and fall anyway.

It's like this people; WE are our only hope of salvation from the beast! Not some compromised
ringer on a white horse, certainly not Ron Paul.

You tired of hearing about innocent crime victims like Hope Steffey being arrested, brutalized
and practically raped by thugs? You tired of local hack politicians-gangsters really-covering for
them while advancing the agendas of communists and banksters, and taking in a portion of
what they STEAL from you?

Look up "Message to the Patriot Movement", "Message to the Ron Paul Campaign", and
"Message to Mr. and Mr. America" at my blog, form a
campaign, take that money you were going to spend on Ron Paul to finance it. Find the worst
little turd berg of a town and concentrate your efforts on cleaning EVERYBODY out! Gut the
laws, fire all the thug cops, return all the money stolen back to the People.

If you're still reading this Dr. Paul, I strongly suggest you take that money bomb cash and
finance a campaign to overthrow all the primary results.

Alex Jones: time to hold the man responsible. We in the Freedom Movement must have NO
TOLERANCE for ringers... if Dr. Paul is a ringer... or maybe YOU need to step aside. You're
suspect anyway; go to his forum. They have maybe ten percent of the traffic
they did when it started last August, because Alex likes to have homeland security wannabes
censor dissent. If you're going to stand for Freedom you have to honestly do it, or we'll cast you

And you too, Dr. Paul...

If you are a ringer Dr. Paul...

I wonder what kind of reward such a man would have in this world. I wonder what kind of
punishment such a “man” could have after this world; will they have to build a tenth circle of
hell just for such a traitor?


I know what all of you are asking: what the hell got into me to post such a article?
I'll tell you, somewhere in the back of my mind I knew this campaign was going to get stiff-
armed, and our attempt to use this utterly corrupt system to get what we HOPE is an honorable
man in as president... it was pathetic-like watching the high school football team pull pranks on
or otherwise beat up the school nerd.
Nerd. I think there's more than vote fraud going on-not getting into the thought yet that he's a
ringer, but Ron Paul in those debates came off as nervous and weak, going over subjects
What am I saying? I didn't want to post it, but after reading Ron Paul's carefully worded
concession speech yesterday, I had to put the subject of whether he was a ringer out. I had to
get the debate going whether he was a ringer or something else.
Anyway, some e-mail replies I got about my post. My replies in BOLD.
You are saying what must be said.
Good for you.
I doubt he is a "ringer."
Too much history as an "American."
J, I would like you to post what you can of all the following.
DONE I have read your posts since you became an RM agent, and we have a lot in common. I
doubted Ron Paul from the beginning, knowing, of course, he has worked within the system for
so many years. B-U-T, regardless of who he really is, remember he was a Libertarian candidate
back in 1988. He's honestly tried to get issues out, and he has done so brilliantly. Even if he has
had handlers, maybe he has been double-crossing them. How will we ever know? BUT DOES IT
I want to see the MOMENTUM that characterizes the Ron Paul Populist Campaign DEVELOP
into a demand for 9-11 Truth and the Exposure of the Government Mafia that has stolen every
election since I was old enough to vote.
Telling people all of a sudden to work alone in their own communities to put their names on
ballots to clean up their own city hall is BULLROAR. They will get no votes in that "Independent"
black hole of the ballot. They are not the community Masons! They are probably already
perceived as oddballs around town. Come on!
But resistance is NOT futile. To this end, I have written the following:
Under the subject title below, I have posted the following on and on
PLEASE put this up on the main RM board:
Follow me closely now. When someone is kidnapped, and they are being closely watched by
their captors, they TRY to get the word out. At first, to an onlooker, it doesn’t make sense what
they say or do. But then, maybe, someone understands the person is in trouble and is crying
out for help. Thanks to JEFF RENSE, if for nothing else, pointing out the ANOMALY of Ron Paul
quoting Trotsky, whose demented brain fomented the Russian Revolution of 1917. Ron Paul
would normally NEVER quote Trotsky to encourage his followers. The Revolution of Dr. Paul is
not a “revolution” which sends millions to the Gulag or deliberately starves farmers in the
Ukraine. GET THE PICTURE? Ron Paul is letting us know, in the only way he can, that he has
been forced out. He has been threatened, and he has been elbowed out of the race by THUGS.
Think-Think-Think-Think! It is so important now that we face this Government Mafia and tell
P.S. to J:
My 3 previous warroom posts yesterday were (oldest placed first):
Since the coup d’etat on November 22, 1963, America has been an illusion. Now is the time for
every supporter of Ron Paul to put aside media-fed fear of conspiracy theories once and for all,
because a Conspiracy, with a capital “C”, has now removed our champion. Any serious study of
history will prove that Conspiracies, with a capital “C”, have placed kings on the throne, and
pulled them down again, since the human race began. After he killed his brother Abel, Cain
started gathering supporters around him.
Many people who have dared to tell the truth have been murdered in this country. Some of
them, including a former Congressman and a former Governor, are in prison today. They are
political prisoners, framed by a regime which has corrupted the court system. As for
whistleblowers, they live in their own special hell, in prison or out. We may never know the
truth about the criminal pressure that was put on Dr. Paul. It may only come out 30 years from
now. But today we need to draw a line in the sand.
Do not let Dr. Paul go silent into that deep night of American amnesia. ”HE DID NOT WANT TO
DIE” - RON PAUL - That should be our new sign, our new slogan, our new standard. Tell America
WHY we have no leaders, except the Janus-headed FASCISTS/COMMUNISTS of both political
parties. Dr. Paul is standing there, alone in the Roman Coliseum. We are in the stands. What
will we do now? ROAR!!!!!!!
------ #2
How do you recognize these people? Well, first off, they immediately label anyone with an
opinion different from that of the sheeple as a “disinfo agent”. An honest, open-minded person
would never be so quick with the knife. But, truly, on Alex Jones’ program this week, it was
discussed, and taken as ‘a given,’ that there are people who literally are paid by the hour to
post accusations and stop reasonable discussion on internet forums like this one.That said, let
us consider that there are people working in ‘private industry’ as part of the InfraGard (sp?)
program, which is all over the net today. There is already a network of informers in place, in
schools, offices, churches, utility companies, everywhere. Alex Jones has documented this idea
in an earlier video production.
To consider that Dr. Ron Paul may have received a tangible threat, not just a generalized
menace as a Presidential candidate, is not off the table. Kucinich’s brother is dead. Kucinich is
not running any longer, either. Dr. Paul has children and grandchildren whom he loves. He also,
at the age of 72, would not welcome the treatment this country gives political prisoners, if he
were framed by some corrupt prosecutor and hireling judge of the Justice Department. Yes, as
submitted earlier on this board, Dr. Paul is standing alone in the Roman Coliseum. We are in the
stands. Instead of denying there are lions roaring behind the gates, ready to tear him to pieces
if he continues an all-out Presidential race, I believe we have to face the ugliness that our
nation has become… a nation which is run by a government mafia.
9-11 happens once in umpteen years, thanks to the bumbling idiocy of the enemy and his
minions. They haven’t been able to pull off an encore lately, have they? But political blackmail
and the threatened destruction of good people is really an everyday ‘terror event’.Yes, it’s time
to speak the truth - and ROAR!!!!
HE DIDN’T WANT TO DIE - RON PAUL - the slogan for Monday and beyond.
A number of articles on various websites, as well as comments on this board, are skating on
thin ice by paraphrasing Dr. Paul’s statement of February 8, often out of context. Please
consider carefully what you are being told and for what reasons.Dr. Paul has said what he has
said: (Quote) Let me tell you my thoughts. With Romney gone, the chances of a brokered
convention are nearly zero. But that does not affect my determination to fight on, in every
caucus and primary remaining, and at the convention for our ideas, with just as many delegates
as I can get. But with so many primaries and caucuses now over, we do not now need so big a
national campaign staff, and so I am making it leaner and tighter. Of course, I am committed to
fighting for our ideas within the Republican party, so there will be no third party run. I do not
denigrate third parties — just the opposite, and I have long worked to remove the ballot-access
restrictions on them. But I am a Republican, and I will re main a Republican.I also have another
priority. I have constituents in my home district that I must serve. I cannot and will not let them
down. And I have another battle I must face here as well. If I were to lose the primary for my
congressional seat, all our opponents would react with glee, and pretend it was a rejection of
our ideas. I cannot and will not let that happen.In the presidential race and the congressional
race, I need your support, as always. And I have plans to continue fighting for our ideas in
politics and education that I will share with you when I can, for I will need you at my side. In the
meantime, onward and upward! The neocons, the warmongers, the socialists, the advocates of
inflation will be hearing much from you and me. (Unquote)
Dr. Paul will continue to fight “FOR OUR IDEAS” (paragraphs 1 & 3). But is there a single
Republican candidate who will implement any of those ideas? No, I don’t believe there is. Do
you know of someone? On the other hand, putting party differences aside, because parties are
meaningless now, an elder whistleblower named Daniel Ellsberg, who stopped another
fabricated war that destroyed millions of lives 40 years ago, is at the link below in a 2-part video
Give me a break moron. You need to lay off the bong every now and then and maybe you will
think more clearly.
I know many who wanted to believe otherwise, myself included but never was able to buy into
the 'revolution hype' anyway, just thought that I'd point out the anagram for Ron Paul...It's...
Our Plan. Our meaning TPTB.
Keep up the fantastic work, as a lurker here, your posts are the ones I look for in particular.
HELLO...Ron Paul is kicking some serious butt in the spokane caucas right now and in
washington state...he is leading everyone! no name or email if posted...thanks
In response to your article:
1. In the picture it was his right hand not his left that was held up (contrary to the statement "A
signal that is particularly ominous when made with the left hand-and Ron Paul did flash that
hand signal with his left hand" I have noticed that he talks a lot with his hands and there is
movement of the digits of his hands sometimes in an awkward way.
2. With a level playing field perhaps a third party run would work. BUT it's a stacked deck
running against the corrupt electoral process with their rigged machines and dishonest officials.
3. What his campaign has done is to wake people up to what is really going on in the
mainstream media and in the voting system. Paul is the catalyst for individuals to take it one
step further within their own sphere of influence to wake others up-and yes run for public
office and voice the issues they have learned about.
4. So many people of Good Will from all parts of the political spectrum have connected with
each other who would not have done so without that catalyst. That is a formidable force
because they are coming from the heart-and have gotten off the fence.
5. It's not over til it's over-and he has had formidable odds against him. Who knows what will
happen between now and the Convention. People would do well to focus on what they can do
rather than what Dr. Paul hasn't done. After all, those who supported him all want a future
where you (and the rest of the world) are not living under draconian rule. The worst thing
people can do is fight among themselves and lose sight of what is important. There is too much
at stake.
I have been deeply disappointed with this campaign. Just when it seemed that people were
beginning to wake up to the nature of the criminals who govern us, a white hope appeared.
There were two actually, Ron Paul and Dennis Kucenic - both seemingly honest men. Neither
with a snowball's chance in hell of being elected. The good sheep suckered for it -- big time. In
the teeth of the obvious conclusion that America is not a democracy but is rather a company
store the good people started howling at me to support Ron Paul, contribute dollars, etc.. They
fell for the con -- hook, line and sinker. If you recognize that we live in a company store you can
understand that as in all corporations the CEO serves at the pleasure of the board of directors,
not at the pleasure of the customers. However, it is of paramount importance that the suckers
believe that they have the power to determine the course of the empire. They do not. I submit
that the historical evidence is unmistak eable. Paul and Kucenic do not need to be ringers. Their
role is the same whether they are or not: to clothe the illusion that ours is a government
founded on the consent of the governed. Any support for any candidate is evidence that the
citizen still supports the fundamental illusion and in so doing legitimates the tyranny under
which we live. I believe that ALL the candidates, including both Paul and Kucenic, understood a
month ago that Hillary Clinton has been chosen to be our next CEO and that the entire
presidential campaign is a very expensive theatrical event designed to gull the public into voting
-- as if it mattered.
J. Croft


These are the panels from my first "Freedom Tract". Since I cannot display the MS Word
document on Blogger I had to individually post each one in order. To produce a tract do the

Go to the link for a formatted sheet:;10181777;/fileinfo.html

How YOU can create a Freedom Tract:

1.) Open MS Word, open up your tabs to within a quarter inch of filling literally the entire page
and create an 8 cell layout. Select COPY and PASTE and you should have two formatted pages
with a third blank.
2.)The top panel and the bottom panel are the FRONT and BACK. All other panels between are
1-14 in descending order. Lay them out EXACTLY like this:
1 -14
To PRINT go into the PROPERTIES and look around until you find a PRINT ON BOTH SIDES or
DUPLEX option. Go back to the main PRINT PAGE and select from PAGES TO PRINT 1-2 (YOU
WON'T BE PRINTING THE THIRD PAGE) and however many copies you want.
PRINT and then CUT ALONG THE ROWS. Stack each cut section UNDERNEATH the one above it.
Using a long enough stapler staple in the exact center, then fold.
You now have a Freedom Tract you can deposit anywhere surrpetitiously. Wear gloves to avoid
You can make your own; use MS PAINT to put your graphics and text in and with MS WORD laid
out put them in the order I gave you. Be certain to maintain a 14 panel length. Front cover, back
cover w/links, contact info.

You can put these little bastards anywhere! Much smaller size than other tracts-like calling


J. Croft


What comes to your mind when that word’s brought up? Do ye olde men in tricorner hats and muskets
come to mind?Probably not these days, what with the expectation of everyone to rely on the
government for protection; that hasn’t worked out.Certainly you don’t associate the word to mean your
neighbors-and you-practicing rifle marksmanship at your weekly muster as they did once upon a time
when America actually had some Freedom.

What comes to mind when you think of people who join a Militia? These:
…You can laugh your asses off, or be as offended as you want but that’s the image the media grinds into
yourmind every chance they can-God forbid average Americans taking care of themselves instead of
relying on these thugs:
Leave the government to govern themselves and that’s what happens.You want to know the punch line?
The Militia were the ones trying to warn you dumbasses! Check out these videos from the Phil Donohue
show as that liberal douche lamely tried to attack them!

Some great Americans that were up there. You notice there wa s an Africa n-A merica n up ther e?

Yet they weren’t the bravest Americans of the 20th century; the fine Citizens of McMinn County,
Tennessee were…


Know what that was?August 2, 1946 and Americans-probably not a whole lot like you-stood up to a
corrupt small town government when they attempted to steal an election… literally… at gunpoint. They
appropriated rifles and a machine gun their taxes paid for from a National Guard Armory and laid seige
to the jail, trapping their rebellious public servants who had turned the offices entrusted to them into
their own criminal racket.Understandably, they were protecting their racket-and understandably, the
People were taking their government back!

Too bad that happened sixty years ago, and not twenty or even forty years ago.


Can you hike ten miles with a hundred pounds of gear?

Okay, how about fifty?Thirty?

Okay, how about just walking with the clothes on your back ten miles?
When’s the last fight you been in?When’s the last time you shot a rifle and hit the bullseye at a man
sized target at 100 yards(which should be no problem for a properly trained rifleman.)

When’s the last time you willingly weaned yourself from comforts? Ever even went camping in the

When’s the last time you deliberately broke the law, to directly defy authority?
See, these questions matter because to be Militia is to be in defiance of whoever is in positions of
authority.Even in the now former Constitutional Republic that was America the Militia had a duty to be
the final bulwark against tyranny-as happened in Athens, Tennessee on August 2, 1946.

To be effective, those in the Militia have to be rugged, self-sufficient, able to shoot a rifle accurately in
combat as well as being proficient in all other manner of fighting skills.Most importantly the Militia must
cultivate the spirit of the Outlaw, of being ready and able at a moment’s notice to oppose and crush
tyranny whether from a foreign foe or those domestic usurpers of our Freedom.

Somehow I don’t see your flab, out of shape lard ass doing jack against the psychotic roid freaks that are
today’s cops.Besides you wouldn’t even think of going up against massah! You’re conditioned to think
your slavery is “freedom”.

Americans are the most mind conditioned, mind controlled people on Earth.Even more so than North
Koreans, who at least know they’re enslaved, Americans are subjected to a psychic cesspit of suicidal
liberal pacifism, crass materialism, unquestioning obedience to authority, and worship of traitorous
politicians.All with a underlying sense of “superiority” because slogans like “land of the free” are
repeated ad nauseum.

Americans are first hit from the television, which under control from a handful of CEO traitors. The very
signal, the image is at a frame rate designed to induce a hypnotic state that makes the victim susceptible
to all manner of messages-whether they be from the stories told, or from hidden visual cues, or from
hidden subliminels inserted in the video feed.From this insidious technological base come all manner of
lies and deception.All designed to make you passive, to believe in some implied inherent good in those
who scheme to usurp public office for personal gain.All designed to accept said authority when they
usurp and steal your Rights.All designed to cloud and deaden your automatic reflex against their lies and

Americans are also targeted by the food choices they’re given-nearly all from agricorporations that
consist of items that have had the nutrition leached out of them, replaced with frankenstein genetics,
pesticides, and outright poisons like aspartame.Said “food” is then lathered in monosodium glutamates,
cooked in transfats or made all the way dead in microwave ovens. All to deaden our reflexes, our minds,
and sabotage our health.

Americans are subjected to a state run “education” designed to kill imagination, curiosity, free will-kill it
and replace with operant conditioning designed to produce good worker drones.For twelve stultifying
years Americans are ruled by rigid learning plans filled with lies, with no allowance for independent
exploration of interests, and constantly interrupted by that bell and a mad scramble to get to the next
class-or face punishment for being “tardy”.Get in trouble, and you can expect no justice from
administration which punishes guilty and innocent alike-the guilty gladly accepting the break from class
and the innocent suffering, wondering why they too were targeted.Thus the genesis of the passive,
hapless ‘Murkan mainstream herd of sheeple, and the criminal sub culture that targets them.

After about twelve years of this evil subjugation Americans are classified and herded into “careers”.
Those that still show some aptitude after a childhood filled with poisoned food and propaganda, and are
willing to take on a lifetime of debt slavery go to college. Here is where the “inteligentsia”-as these
marxist traitors fancy themselves-spend the next two to eight years packing these poisoned, enfeebled
minds with a screwy brand of elitist thought.That just because you have a degree you’re superior to the
wage slave masses.These Americans are then turned against their own countrymen; serving in
government or a big corporation to enforce the agenda to further destroy their own nation, their own
Freedom, their own lives.And they have no clue what they do as their fellow Americans struggle under
the tyranny they mistake as the “American dream”.

It wasn’t always like this.Once upon a time in America we could think for ourselves. Once upon a time,
we founded businesses, settled a continent, built cities, won wars.We were the most educated, the
most inventive, we could argue our own cases in court without a attorney. We could plant and harvest
our own crops, make our own guns and use them to free ourselves, help each other to rebuild after a
catastrophe, watch over our children. Once upon a time America was the envy of the world. Everyone
wanted to come here, to have a new start, to be Free.To live in a country with Free Speech, Rights to
Property, Privacy, Arms.Where the government is restricted by law.

We don’t live in that America.We live in an America that perpetrates the above as implied myths while
our Freedom is usurped and subverted on a daily basis.The America we believe in, that we want is a
myth precisely because we and our ancestors did not remain eternally vigilant, did not rise up as the
Militia when Robber Barons manipulated the laws to steal homesteads. Or those that illegally passed the
16th amendment that saddled us with the income tax and the IRS-and the illegal federal reserve system
that’s privately owned.Or hustled us with staged events like the USS Maine explosion in Havana, or the
sinking of the liner Lusitania-loaded with munitions for the British Empire, or goading the Japanese to
bomb the US Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbor.Or 9/11 with three buildings perfectly demolitioned-allegedly
from two jet liners the buildings were designed to survive impacts and fire from-and a 16 foot hole in
the side of the Pentagon that was allegedly from another jet liner that was many times bigger and left
no wreckage.

So, there it is: two Americas in a death struggle for this land-the beast that would have you surrender
the last of your Freedom and livelihood for lies.All because we let the Militia die off, become forgotten,
until those that did remember became the butt of bad hillbilly jokes. At least the hillbillies of past had
the sense to rise up against their oppressors-what’s your excuse?


McMinn County, Tennessee, summer of 1946 and the local “authorities” were gearing up to defend
their rule over the People in a election-and prepared to do whatever it took to keep the government as
their racket.See, there was a clique that had ruled and they were used to having their own way…
because the People wouldn’t hold them accountable.So the People were harassed, thrown in prison for
the flimsiest of excuses, or half the time no reason at all except to jack them for some more cash.

Yet this election would be very different.The GI’s who came home from World War Two saw firsthand
naked tyranny, had fought against it, and won.They came home, and realized their own county was in its
own way a form of American tyranny when their own were arrested and beaten-just because those in
power could!So the GI’s got together and organized a ticket of candidates to sweep THEIR government
clean of the crooks.

Those crooks of course would stoop at nothing.Election day came and the first order of business for
those tin badge gods was to beat up and drive off a black GI who tried to vote.Things went downhill
from there as a hostile crowd gathered around the polls, outraged at the naked aggression the cops
displayed.The GI’s own headquarters was attacked, and arrests were made.The prisoners and the votes
were taken to the local jail where death threats were made against anyone trying to come in.

The GI’s had had enough. Going to a nearby National Guard armory they armed themselves with
whatever was in hand and assaulted the jail.They laid siege to it all night, the cops standing firm, fighting
back, hoping the governor would send in the National Guard and break up the uprising. Perhaps sensing
time was short, the GI’s resorted to dynamite charges; not wanting to die, the tin badge gods
surrendered, both the prisoners and the votes were liberated. Things were headed out of control; those
pigs had friends nearby and the GI’s prepared for a second round of fighting but the governor of
Tennessee in a rare display of common sense even then decided not to send the troops in.The votes
were processed and the GI’s won.


First off, the beast would never again let such a willful stand by the People it enslaves go unanswered
like that.Ten thousand tin badge gods would rush to help their “brothers” defend against any effort to
ensure fair elections… not that the untrackable, ever hackable, electronic vote fraud machines are even
Those ten thousand tin badge gods would CRUSH any haphazard resistance by a flabby, cowardly, pack
of sheeple who on average put maybe a dozen rounds through their guns in a year and are lucky that
they don’t blow their own feet off more. Gangbangers fighting over corners got more heart than the
average ‘murikan-if you could ever get them that motivated!

Furthermore, the beast would just love a second Battle of Athens scenario!Patriotic Americans rising up
in self-defense would be treated as domestic terrorists-the governor would be flying out to lead the
campaign to crush us themselves!The feds would jump in and push the state pigs aside, put them on
perimeter duty as the ATF, FBI and homoland security fight among themselves to take the glory.
Blackhawk mercenaries would probably find a way to get some and that hypothetical second Battle of
Athens would end with a lot of dead, untrained, unprepared Americans.


Who here in America has the will, the guts to fight against the beast?

Who in America today has the will to stop a thug cop from tazering or murdering the innocent?The
elderly and the children are assaulted by government agents on a daily basis-and the Militia could stop

Who in America today has the will to remind those in office who they’re serving whenever they get a
ideal about a new tax or going along with some “elite’s” agenda to steal our Freedom? Measures like the
Agenda 21 plan to control all resources, property and people under an unaccountable bureaucratic
dictatorship could be stopped by a Militia force that drills on municipal property to remind them that
they can be removed BEFORE the next election.
Who in America today has the will to stand with their neighbors when the banks steal their homes and
foreclose, even though they’ve sunk decades of their lives to pay them? A quick tactical deployment and
surrounding by the neighborhood Militia contingent of the repo agent and any cops brazenly traitorous
enough to back them up could deter them.Having the Sheriff be reminded by the Militia drilling in urban
combat tactics and rifle marksmanship could remind him to bar such thefts of the People’s homes by the
banks in the first place.

Who in America today has the will to stop public officials from shielding drug smuggling and distribution
activity?Poisoning of our neighborhoods could be stopped with the Militia raiding each crooked cop
protected drug house and confirming who’s operating under who’s protection. A subsequent operation
to remove said protection would stop the flood of high end narcotics. Who in America today has that
kind of will?

Not this crop of ‘murikans.By and large they don’t even have the will to wage a election campaign to
clear out their local governments of those neomarxist bureaucrats and rich folks that hold those offices
in a death grip.You have to realize these people are NOT like you and me!See, they crave power, and
they’ve spent years in universities being fed propaganda that they are the “intelligentsia” by, yes,
neomarxist professors.Neomarxist-a form of communism disguised as altruism, wrapped in the
American flag when necessary.They RELY on a ignorant, psychologically and culturally sabotaged(by
them) American People to be too preoccupied with work, or the weekend ball game, or the next hit of
their favorite brand of smack to keep an eye on the rats they turn out to administer their evolving
Socialist Paradise.
Socialism is communism at a slower pace-it’s still theft.And murikans have been trained from childhood
to accept being thieved from as the ‘murikan way. Sure, deep down they know they’ve been hustled but
their worldview relies on believing the lies their own assailants, the ones in all positions of power give
them.The minions of the beast march practically unopposed as a result.

Those that wake up, that realize that they are but slaves in a slave society, are targeted.The more they
wake up, the more effective they are in waking others up, the more severe the reprisals used to shut
them up, keep the illusions and lies going.Worse, most of them don’t take the time to do some basic
research-see who came before them and how they failed, what the beast and its minions did.

Peaceful demonstrations by themselves don’t work.The beast loves to unleash its riot squads on them,
plus the media spins the facts around to paint them as 60’s counterculture wannabes.Nobody’s willing
to SACRIFICE for any goals so calls for boycotts and national strikes fall on deaf ears. Symbolic acts like
bike runs, sit ins, hunger strikes and such are a bad joke.

You want to get the beast’s attention?You want to command respect?Have arms and be competent
with them!


Only an armed, PREPARED populace can give tyrants pause. You ever notice how polite people get when
they even suspect others may be armed and willing to use their weapons well?You haven’t because
you’ve been conditioned to believe only the government should be armed, and that they’re the only
ones that can competently handle their guns-and that the government is always there to help…

Truth is something else.As I forever grind on, government is filled with the worst crooks. They don’t
respect you or our Freedoms.They count on you being stuck in your slave mentality to not say NO to
their million petty tyrannies.They count on you not being armed… or not being well armed… or not
being competent in the bearing of your arms… or at least being stupid enough to register your guns with
the government.
They definitely count on you not banding together for mutual support and to defend the Bill of Rights.
They count on you not learning to shoot accurately and effectively at all ranges and under all combat
conditions.They count on you getting your gun handling notions from gangsta rap videos and bullshit
hollywood movies.

So are you going to keep doing what the beast counts on you doing?

You going to keep your chains of slavery wrapped tight around you, pretending they’re as Linus’ funky
comfort blanket?

You going to let those that have wrecked our once great nation get away with their crimes?

Then assume your Responsibility as Militia.



Too late to do anything about that.The very word “militia” is tainted with images from the “war on
terror” and the movie Deliverance.SO: have to find another term because calling you and your group the
M word’s going to get you nowhere but unwanted trouble.

Call yourselves a “neighborhood watch committee”.JB Campbell advises joining or forming such a group
in fact.This SHOULD get you some consideration with the tin badge gods as you watch over your
neighborhoods… offer basic self defense courses… advice and help with home security… shooting

Or just call yourselves a “shooting club”-in fact join the Appleseed movement at .These are Patriots in the truest sense who are working to revive
military rifle marksmanship… and a Militia-whatever they call themselves-at heart are Riflemen who can
pick up a rifle and hit a man-sized target at up to 500 yards.

Or form some kind of military reinactor group and under the guise of drilling for reinactments you’re
training to fight and shoot.

Look, whatever you do, do NOT publicly call yourselves Militia unless you’re ready to take the heat and
be a purely political/training outfit, and have those in the underground ready to bail you out in case of


Wherever tyranny’s origin, it is at the local level that it’s evil’s enforced.The local level is where they’re
most vulnerable, as taking over local governments can involve the least amount of resources.
If you think about it, it’s not hard to attack the beast through the local governments as they overstep
their bounds on a daily basis.The more crooked a town the better for our purposes as the People will be
looking for someone to come in and save them.


1.)Get rugged.Take walks, then runs.Do some weightlifting, exercises.Eat organic food, drink spring
water, go raw food for a few months.Go camping-cut your ties to the dependencies of American society
for a weekend.You probably won’t die.You might learn you can do more to toughen up.Get some street
combat training if you can’t fight.Man up already!

2.)Get independent.Wean yourselves of debt slavery-stop wasting money on shopping sprees for crap
that just fills your house… course in 2008 that’s becoming a bitter memory of wasted money for more
and more Americans.But still-ditch the debts and get paid for housing, vehicles.Learn skills you can do
well, grow your own food, team up with those who can complement your knowledge and liberate
yourselves from the grasp of the beast’s slavery.
3.)Learn how to shoot-the cornerstone of Freedom!Having guns isn’t enough… and I’ll keep saying it
until you get a clue and go to and sign up for an Appleseed shoot.Get a air rifle
for daily target practice-get a airsoft gun modeled after the rifle you’re going to get. Hit a gun show or
the yard sales or classifieds and buy private sale semi automatic military pattern rifles, magazines, web
gear for the mags and as much ammo as you can lay your hands on. DON’T buy guns from a licensed
dealer!You’re registering your guns that way.DON’T shoot or take instructions from cops, they’re
profiling you for “the Day” they go door to door to take them from you.

4.)If you’ve never bought guns before, or used credit cards or other trackable means to acquire any kind
of naughty items, then you can reasonably stay covert. You need to because the Militia will need safe
houses and places that arms and ammunition can be made. STAY UNDERGROUND AND COVERT TELL
NOBODY NOTHING!If you’ve already made your contempt of our enslavers plain, then stay visible and
be a public activist.Convert others and have them stay covert-they’ll be where you run to when they
declare martial law.


As I see it, our only hope is for YOU to realize that only the WILL to stand with OTHERS and willing to
fight as long, as hard as possible for Victory, no matter what will deter the beast and it's minions from
taking anymore than they have. Already they've taken way too much. We cannot prevail when there are
so many COWARDS, so many TRAITORS in our ranks. Certain people would rather take care of
themselves, and skin others in order to "get ahead". They only hurt themselves in the end, as they cut
the throats of those around them that COULD'VE helped them but won't because they thought it better
to rob them, betray them, leave them with nothing than Stand with them.

Not until the People awaken to this truth can we begin to prevail.

J. Croft

Posted by J. Croft at 4:44 PM 3 comments



J. Croft

As I write this, millions of gun owners are celebrating the Supreme Court’s Heller ruling.(1) Going off
what they’re hearing from the newspapers and television they believe our Right to Keep and Bear Arms
has been affirmed. They’re mistaken. And you're mistaken if you keep believing the hype... you'll be
believing their lies right up to when a SWAT team busts in your door at 3 in the morning to take them

See, the majority opinion, in actuality a stealth assault on our Rights states that we have a “right”… BUT
the state has a “right” to “regulate” WHO may keep and bear arms, WHERE they may keep and bear
arms, WHAT KIND OF ARMS they may bear, and HOW they may bear their permitted arms.

Permitted. Within “reason”. Let’s review what the Second Amendment states:

“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep
and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

Regulated, you say. Yes the Heller decision certainly allows “regulation”-THAT’S NOT WHAT “WELL
REGULATED MILITIA” MEANS! A well regulated Militia is YOU and YOUR NEIGHBORS having operating,
modern rifles and TRAINED in their use-WELL REGULATED. Remember the Bill of Rights was designed to

Militias were, ARE, We the People. Everyone able bodied was a member, and once upon a time when
We the People still remembered that WE are Sovereign and NOT the state, We drilled and target
practiced on public property… weekly.

Well-Regulated Militia-which was considered necessary to the security of a free State. See, the
backbone of the nation’s defense was on each of us arising out of necessity with arms and the skills to
handle them well. They certainly did rise-whether the threat came from British Empire during the
Revolutionary War; Mexico when it tried to conquer the Midwest during the 1840’s; the James and
Younger gang raid in Minnesota in 1876; or when our own govenrment needs checking-as last happened
on August 2nd, 1946 in Athens, Tennessee. (2)
All of those conflicts required the Militia arising in defense. The Militia was the backbone of our nation’s
defense. Guns equal power. America’s power was diversified, diffused into each and every one of us
that could shoot. And we had Freedom-because we had those Rights, unassailable by government
decree; that “SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED” clause.

The Heller decision just overturned that clause. You cannot have a Right by permit, a permit is a
beast every day. It’s a series of never-ending wars for our Rights; every time some bureaucrat, cop,
lawyer or politician tries to enforce a new regulation, collect a new fine or tax, or restrict Freedom it is
YOUR responsibility to resist!

Everyone, the United States Government has just won the judicial war over Our Second Amendment.
Remember who rendered this decision-LAWYERS! Lawyers lie and twist words around like a bowl of
spaghetti for a living. The nine vile creatures who just decided to blow the bottom out of YOUR RIGHT
TO KEEP AND BEAR ARMS are the nine vilest lawyers in America. This is the SAME court that stopped the
recount in 2000, delivering the Presidency to their select man, George W. Bush.(3) Same inbred son of a
bitch who used 9/11 to wage war against nations that HAD NO CONNECTION to the attack. Same greedy
bastard whose signed off on a police state run by ex-KGB, ex-stasi communist apparatchiks.(4)

What, you think Al Gore, that elitist socialist, would act any different?! The only difference between a
Gore presidency and the one that’s led to our final downfall is that Al Gore wouldn’t be quite as crass as
dubya. Today, Americans, you already have given up your guns-you just haven’t handed them in yet!

“No” you say? Let me remind you of whom you’re dealing with.

You’re dealing with lawyers, bureaucrats, politicians, agents, cops-all trained in double speak, well-
versed in the fine arts of psychological deception and ALL of them possessing an infinite hunger for
power. They lie, they steal, they imprison, they murder. Many of them are so full of their own bullshit
they actually think they’re doing right.

Their fellow travelers who run America’s highly centralized cultural institutions-television, newspapers,
book publishing, motion pictures-they all possess the belief systems they shove down our throats as we
consume their intellectual and moral poisons several hours a day:

“Guns are inherently bad. Especially the kinds of guns a modern day Militia would use, those evil banana
clip machine guns.”

“You could blow your foot off or a kid’s head off with a accidental discharge”

“You’re a bad person if you use a gun for self-defense, you need to be put through the mockery of
justice called the legal system.”

“The state should be the only ones with the guns. They’ll keep us safe and protect Freedom.”

You WILL give up your guns. You’re trained to. The beast has been systematically dismantling the Militia-
that’s you-with standing armies and pacifying us for generations. It’s been a systematic process a
dialectic imposed on us all by incredibly crafty evil people to breed us, groom us back to slavery.

Believe it or not, the pacification started with the very drafting of the Constitution itself; there was a
faction known as the “federalists”-the elite of the 12 Colonies-who wanted a strong government they
could permanently dominate but they had a huge problem. That problem being the American People;
armed, battle hardened from fighting the British Army, educated, self-sufficient, so well-versed in the
law they argued their own cases in court and WON.

Already two post-Revolutionary War uprising had occurred, the most notable being Shay’s Rebellion
which was a revolt against the incredible injustice of that era’s debtor’s laws-basically manipulating the
markets so that the small farmers had to borrow and go into debt. When they inevitably failed, the
creditors who controlled the markets swooped down, stole the farms and sent innocent people to the
gallows. Evil.

The federalists were further hampered by the Articles of Confederation-designed to stymie any strong
national government. The States were essentially independent states with their own currencies and
militias, bound only by a Congress and the need for a Navy to repel the British.

Well, the federalists had a very dangerous situation for themselves. A frontal attack to secure more
privilege for themselves would lead to a second Revolution, given there were already armed revolts over
debts. They had a most unruly people to tame.

So being as wise and well educated as they were, those lawyers and rich mercantilists conspired. They
manipulated the markets of Colonial era America to bring about depression and engineer an economic
collapse. This engineered crisis forced an outcry to amend the Articles of Confederation to allow a more
centralized hand to stop the “elites” manipulating the markets…

…They enacted the next stage of their conspiracy. They met in secret in that Philedelphia courthouse in
1787 and drafted the US Constitution. Once completed the federalists launched a blitz ratification
campaign that attempted to shove this beast down upon the American People’s throats. They won,
barely-only after throwing in the first ten amendments-the Bill of Rights. Only after enacting an embargo
against Rhode Island in 1791.

Why am I painting the US Constitution in such a bad light?

First, it was born out of a conspiracy, as I described above. It was the best course of action the
federalists could take to secure their rule; a framework that protected their domination of a strong
central government that would grow over the years, while at the same time offering the People a
semblance of individual Freedom a Hologram of Liberty. (5)

It’s worked brilliantly. Over the next two centuries, the federal government would grow in both power
and scope. It’s controllers, the ruling “elite” of this nation would use the Constitution as the springboard
to grab more power-secure in it’s faux divisions of power, the staggering of elections to prevent a single
disastrous(to them) election from sweeping them from power. Even the Bill of Rights were either subtly
sabotaged, misconstrued, or simply ignored.(6)

Yet the American People would remain the greatest threat to their power: armed, rugged, self-reliant,
literate, and often rebellious. Having control of America’s economy by their control of the major
corporations, and control of the United States government they set about the long process of taming us.

The economy has long been manipulated; stock and commodity prices driven up and then pummeled to
guide the unsuspecting American People into behaviors and patterns they could use to gain further
control. A prime example being the depressing of commodity prices to drive the millions of families
formerly on the farm into the cities to work for wages in factories. Eventually a psychology of
dependence upon big business for their sustenance would be imbuled into the American psyche.

A people dependent on others for their livelihood cannot be free.

The educational system has been a prime weapon used against us; government schools are modeled
after the Prussian model-strict deliniation of time periods, strictly held schedules of what they learn and
when without regard for individual aptitude. Once control of America’s schools was achieved the long
process of gradually, subtly dumbing down each and every successive generation has yielded today’s
sorry lot.(7)

A people ignorant of who they are, without even the faculties of being able to think, cannot be free.

Immigration was encouraged; millions of Europeans were shipped in who were pig ignorant of what
Freedom is. Eventually their mentalities, formed by centuries of despots wielding absolute power over
them, made more radical social controls a viable option. Controls… like the banning of guns in New York
with the Sullivan Act in 1916. Being used to being ruled without complaining, their apathetic attitude,
their poison would eventually infect the whole of the American People as submission to authority
became normed.

A people who won’t fight for their Freedom at the first sight of potential tyranny cannot be free.

Laws were enacted. Being under the secure control of the lawyers, the body of law the People were
subjected to expanded exponentially. It eventually became NORMED that only lawyers handled the law,
handled the prosecution and defense of THEIR laws in THEIR courts. Eventually even THEY could not
reasonably keep up with all the law they write, but it wouldn’t matter as only their word mattered-
America’s legal system has so many laws, rules and regulations it is essentially lawless.

A people who let an “elite” be the sole writers and arbritors of the laws they submit to cannot be free.

That US government would eventually become powerful enough and confident enough to impose a
direct income tax. Using arcane Senate rules allowing a few present to bring a bill to vote the 16th
Amendment that would bring about the hated income tax was brought to the states to vote on. Not
even legally ratified by a 2/3 majority of the states, it was nevertheless enacted into law-much as the
ORIGINAL 13th Amendment barring anyone with title from holding public office was… forgotten-since
attorneys hold the title of “esquire”… a title of nobility. Yet the lawyers rule us and the income tax
would grow from a “reasonable” (that word again!) 1 percent to now-with so many direct taxes the
American People now pay over FIFTY PERCENT of their already meager wages back in taxes to the beast!

A people who allow their very sustenance to be robbed from their mouths cannot be free.

As the “elite” gained more and more power and the People forgot who they were and that their
opponents became their most respected citizens, they acquired new capabilities through the invention
of the television. Operating at 60 hertz at a frame rate of 29.97 interlaced frames per second the
hypnotic flicker of America’s new electronic narcotic would be the platform by which generations would
be progressively, systematically conditioned and ultimately zombified. Americans entire world view is
now in the control of the corporations owned by the very “elites” whose ancestors first plotted to take
this nation over.

A people who don’t even own their own minds cannot be free.

Out of a stated need to “fight crime” caused by their manipulations and lawlessness the “elites” started
forming Police forces. In clear violation of their own Constitution against standing armies, in defiance of
the Second Amendment correct Militia, the police have become the beast’s bully boys. The American
People have become conditioned to rely on their security on a paramilitary force hostile to even their
basic rights. A “brotherhood” that views themselves as the only righteous element left in America the
law enforcement subculture has become one of the most virulent cancers in American society-and
would not hesitate for a second to send you to prison for years on trumped up charges. And just you try
and use a handgun in self-defense… even carry it under the Second Amendment-at best those tin badge
gods will cite some BS lawyer crafted legal precedent to deny you your Right…(8)

A people who rely on criminals to enforce the peace cannot be free.

Now mull on that as we come to today’s Heller ruling.

The supreme court has just ruled the very government that has plotted to rob you of everything you
have and everything you are can use the technicality of avoiding a outright ban to ban you from owning
guns anyway under whatever pretext they can “reasonably” concoct! You’re too dumb to even realize
the government’s your enemy, too impoverished to free yourselves from the beast, and too conditioned
by the corporate built “mainstream culture” to even act in self-defense. In violation of the Second
Amendment you’ve never received Militia training, you think they’re evil rednecks. MAYBE you’ve shot a
gun… a few times… badly. Those who’ve even approached Second Amendment standards for their
Militia requirements are a distinct minority. You rely on the very same police that spend most of their
time harassing and taxing you with fines, arresting you for no cause, and imprisoning you in disease
ridden gulags for protection against thugs the beast cultivates. You rely on the very same military being
trained and conditioned in Iraq and Afghanistan to go door to door at 3 in the morning and rob, rape
and murder you when they transition out of the military and take a career in law enforcement to
“protect” our nation in the role the Second Amendment correct Militia once did a lot better.

A people like you who are so twisted and enfeebled they love their slavery will give up their guns.

YOU will give up your guns…

…Or you can realize that You ARE the Militia!(9)

J. Croft

(1)Heller vs. District of Columbia-a WWE scripted court “battle” if ever there was one. The outcome was
fixed from day one when the prosecuting attorney deliberately failed to raise up the “shall not be
infringed” clause-instead not so subtly attacking it with exclusions against “assault weapons”,
“concealed carry” and so forth. Today, as I was watching the news coverage, the spokesman for
Handgun Control put in a piss poor acting effort to be outraged… You could see the gleam in his eyes as
finally the lawyers endorse restricting guns to death instead of a frontal assault on the 2nd Amendment
which would bring about a certain Revolution. Clever.

(2) Battle of Athens, Tennessee-August 2, 1946; returning GI’s attempt a peaceful change of government
from the corrupt good ol’ boy network that had systematically terrorized the people of McMinn county.
The Sheriff seized the ballot box, raided the GI’s campaign office, and took prisoners. They barricaded
themselves in their jail and threatened to shoot anyone who approached. The GI’s, having fought Nazi
Germany and Imperial Japan, went to the National Guard armory, took rifles, ammo and a machine gun
and laid seige to the jail they were holed up in for several hours. The cops surrendered after dynamite
was used on them. The Governor of Tennessee wisely did NOT send in the National Guard sensing the
whole state would rise up in rebellion. Unfortunately for us, there hasn’t been a uprising like that since-
we’ve become soft and stupid.

(3)Not that the popular vote matters-the Electoral College is another block against the People by the
“elitists” that wrote the 1787 Constitution, barring any potential challenge to their hologram of liberty.
(4)Incredibly, regrettably true! Michael Chertoff a dual citizen of Israel is head of the unconstitional,
anti-freedom department of homeland security that is the vangaurd of America’s police state.

(5)Hologram of Liberty by Ken Royce, I most highly recommend his book on the plot by those men who
met in Philadelphia in 1787 to stage a clever coup against the American People with a strong centralized
government that people mistakenly think is their own and that somehow guarantees freedom-when
we’re the most enslaved people on Earth! Even the North Koreans have a better deal as their beast of a
government makes it plain they’re slaves. Anyway, you need to read this so order it from, or hit the next gun show, after you get a private sale military pattern
semiautomatic rifle… while you can!

(6) About the Bill of Rights…

*First Amendment has been breached. “Free Speech Zones” restrict protest as do city issued permits.
Churches are forced to get IRS 501c3 exemptions or have their church/state separation clause violated.
Even the press, even reporters and photographers of the corporate owned press, are now routinely
assaulted and arrested by America’s tin badge gods.

*Nobody respects the Second Amendment anyway. Even in no permit needed Vermont, if you bump up
against the wrong tin badge god you’re going to jail. God help you if you get caught carrying in
Washington DC, NYC, or Chicago without a permit only connections and LOTS of money can secure.

*Prohibitions against “unreasonable” search and seizure have been systematically reasoned out of

*Excessive fines are constantly levied against those the beast deems need a lesson taught to.

*Even the local jails are torture camps. County jails and prisons are gladiatorial hell holes or are models
of systematic psychological and physical torture. All designed to either break you or transform you into a
criminal thug whose apparent societal function is to commit crimes against you… to scare you into
surrendering yet more Freedom for vague promises of “security”.

*Court proceedings are designed to systematically rob you of your money until you’re no longer
financially able to resist because your attorney wants more money than you got, and you have to resort
to their plea deal. All the lawyers go home richer and you suffer for the rest of your life. Go to and learn how to use the juries to fight back!

*Oh yeah, trials by jury are avoided as much as possible because it takes the court verdicts away from
the lawyers. A real American might actually sneak their way into the jury box by playing dumb and throw
a monkey wrench in the process.

*Rights are commonly denied to others based on BS legal or psychological pretext; a psychiatrist’s
prognosis can rob a veteran of their Right to Bear Arms.
*The tenth amendment has been cleverly dodged by the Constitution’s “commerce clause” and any and
all pretext of “public safety”, “national defense” or their favorite, “for the children”.

(7)Go to, Charlotte Isebyrt has lined out in detail how America’s
schools have destroyed your mind.

(8)I dare you to go to or and lurk in their forums. The jackboot
thug mentality of your tin badge gods… if that don’t scare you into waking up I don’t know what will!

(9)I have more recommended reading, some essays of mine; go to

and look up the following essays from the table of contents:

Message to Mr. and Mrs. America

Martial Law Survival Guide

Message to the Patriot Movement


The Two Americas

Second American Revolution Victory Guide

You are the Militia

Posted by J. Croft at 4:41 PM 6 comments

Friday, June 20, 2008


Here is the URL for the printout you can make into a tract:;10727659;/fileinfo.html

IMPORTANT! Do NOT just print this off by hitting the print icon! Go into your FILE, into PRINT, go into
select 1-2 pages ONLY! "3rd page" is a blank and will screw up the duplex printing. Then cut by rows,
stack them each behind the row in front and then staple with a stapler long enough to reach the middle.
Fold and you're done.

Below are the panels.

J. Croft


Against the United States Government and all interested parties controlling it’s policies

J. Croft

This BILL OF PARTICULARS is a complaint and indictment against the United States Government, it’s
separate federal bodies, controlled State governmental bodies, individuals in employment and elected
representatives, and all parties with either official or covert controlling interest in perpetuating the U.S.
Government’s crimes against the American People:

Endorsing and encouraging banks and other financial institutions to encourage the building of debt
among the American People, while at the same time denying when possible loans for small business
startups squelching competition for major corporations.

Operating a national education system designed to deny Americans their heritage of Freedom, to
systematically dumb down, indoctrinate and condition the People towards integration into a modern
day feudalism.

Consistently and brazenly favoring major corporations and rich and powerful individuals through the
laws and favoritism in lobbying for said laws.

Conducting elections in a systematically fraudulent manner with rigged voting machines, rigged counts
and even falsified results.

Operating unconstitutional federal and state agencies using people easily seduced by power and
authority, who abuse, assault, rob, bear false witness against and murder the People as a means of
intimidation, control and conditioning.

Consistently excusing major corporations and government bodies of enviromental laws that are
ruthlessly and abusively enforced upon the People for the sole purpose of stealing their property.

Operating a judicial system that knows nothing of justice, that disregards the Rights of the People, that
imprisons millions of innocents in a gulag system scientifically designed to inflict torture for profit of the
state and the corporations that service the system, in particular the “privately run” prisons that use
inmates as slave labor.
Operating a non governmental enforcement body, the Internal Revenue Service, to collect
unconstitutional income taxes, fraudulently for the private banking cartel known as the Federal Reserve.

Illegally tasking the issuance, at cost to the government via interest, to the private Federal Reserve that
is owned by the same moneyed interests that control the rest of the US government and all major
corporations that dominate America.

Deferring matters of national policy to private groups of well-connected figures out of the Council of
Foreign Relations, the “Bilderburger” group, Trilateral Commission, and other elitist groups that actively
act against the interests of the American People.

Operating unconstitutional courts whereby Jury Trials are not conducted, where property can be seized,
children taken without consent and other matters of law that are the provence of Jury Trials.

Conducting a conspiracy against the American People whereby independent technological development
is stifled in favor of technologies pushed by major corporations and government that make the People

Enforcing even the most minor points of at best questionably passed law and regulations with excessive
force, even at the cost of the lives of those held at fault.

Perpetuating a conspiracy by which Television is used to reduce the thoughts of Americans to the most
base impulses through progressively dumbed down programming, subliminals, and the very way
televisions operate to induce a trance like state.

Permitting the major television and news media to perpetuate lies through biased news reporting.

Substituting property rights with the legal fiction “real estate” that can be legally taxed and seized by
the government for taxes, or seized through eminent domain.

Denying the right of travel on the nation’s public roads, by requiring license to drive, which is a permit
and can be revoked at will, and requiring by law insurance that the insurance corporations lobbied for.

Attempting to shut down the only real access to media by Americans, the Internet and replace it with a
system as restricted as print, television and radio.

Covertly setting up a surveillance grid of sensors under pretext of “public safety”, both privately owned
and government operated by which the People can be tracked without end.

Persecuting those Americans that protest and struggle against these and other tyrannies.

Running a fraudulent “drug war” that imprisons millions, steals their property and creates the legal
pretext for tyranny while another covert branch ships the very drugs that are “controlled”.
Operating intelligence agencies for the purpose of spying and committing espionage against the
American People.

Operating under de facto martial law where Rights are thrown to the side for “public safety”.

Economically segregating large sections of the American People so as to create class conflict,
hopelessness, welfare dependency, and crime to scare everyone into accepting a police state.

Undermining the Sovereignty of the United States of America through treaty, “agreements”, trade pacts
and other devices that impose unconstitutional laws upon the American People and loot the nation’s
wealth and industry.

Denying recourse to the People of government abuses at all levels of government by law and policy.

Endorsing and promoting abortion, which has cost fifty million lives and stunted the future growth of

Encouraging millions of illegals to take underpaid menial work Americans can’t live on, exploiting them
as indentured servants.

Denying defendants in trials the benefits of a Jury fully informed of their Right to nullify bad or unjustly
applied law and free of interference by any judge.

Using military forces in violent assaults against the American People.

Imprisoning Americans in concentration camps.

Violating numerous treaties with Native Americans, committing genocide against them and banishing
the survivors onto barely livable reservations where they’re economically and politically segregated.

Starting numerous wars under false pretenses in the name of the American People whether by goading
attack or using agents masquerading as a supposed enemy, murdering many millions, conquering and
devastating many foreign lands and plundering their resources for the profit of the few controlling
interests that currently rule America.

Operating under the lawyer conspiracy-born U.S. Constitution that was forced into ratification under
contrived emergency and duress, and cleverly worded at the time of it’s drafting to license future
expansion of government power and authority under deception and fraud.

The unlimited usage of the Commerce Clause and “implied powers” to regulate absolutely every aspect
of Americans lives, block true reform movements by staggered elections of Congress, by the Electoral
College, and the unchallenged power of the Supreme Court until it’s tyranny far overshadows anything
the British Empire attempted.
For using legalism and naked force to breach the guarantees in the Bill of Rights, including;

Right to Free Speech by mandating license to protest, by restricting certain protests to areas not
conspicuous to the public, by restricting content and regulation of means of delivery in order to shut out
all voices that are not backed by monied interests;

Right to Religious Freedom using the Internal Revenue Service to regulate Free Speech and Expression
with 501(c)3 “tax exemption status”, with persecution of so-called “cults”;

Right to Bear Arms using the Interstate Commerce Clause to restrict Militia-appropriate weapons from
the American People with taxes;

Replacing the Militia, which is of, by, and for the People with standing armies of National Guard, federal,
state and local law enforcement forces now being fitted with military weaponry unconstitutionally
restricted from the People, and restricting availability of suitable marksmanship and tactical training and
equipment from the People;

Indoctrinating the soldiers, agents, and officers of said forces to the lie that they are the “modern day
equivalent” of the lawful Constitutional Militia and only they should have weapons fit for Militia service,
and instilling a air of superiority in status over the People;

Using eminent domain statutes to steal property, either for unneeded interests of the government or
for private interests beholden towards;

Using judicial fiat, executive orders, unconstitutional law and government agency “policy” to “reason”
the Fourth Amendment protections from “unreasonable” search and seizure out of existence;

Undermining and eliminating Fifth, Sixth, Seventh and Eighth Amendment protections by working to
abolish Juries independent of government control for “misdemeanors’, by imposing excessive bail and
pre sentence jailing in order to force Americans into pleading into guilt, by drafting procedures designed
to deny evidence and generally stacking the rules in favor of the government;

Ignoring the Ninth Amendment: “The enumeration in the Constitution of certain rights shall not be
construed to deny or disparage others retained by the (P)eople.”;

Breaching the Tenth Amendment by delegating to the federal government powers reserved to the
states and the People;

Ignoring state ratification of the original Thirteenth Amendment abolishing titles of royalty, specifically
the title “esquire” which lawyers are bestowed to by the British Accredited Registry, and banning those
bearing such title from government service, for replacing it with a subtly worded “replacement”
Thirteenth Amendment endorsing slavery to the United States Government;
Creating a privately controlled legal monopoly through the BAR association by which only lawyers can
write the law, make rulings and try in courts;

Illegally enforcing the unratified sixteenth amendment, the income tax and using withholding.

Repeated attempts to get rid of the Constitution and replace it with a governing document that doesn’t
have to pay lip service to the Rights of the American People.

Conspiracy to murder millions of Americans and enslave the survivors in work camps and tightly
controlled cities.

This Bill of Particulars is by no means complete as a complete list of violations against the American
People both individually and as a Nation would be impossible to compile. Nevertheless, the violations
listed above alone are sufficient to warrant a demand for recompense for damages afflicted.

We the People hereby demand such compensation and those perpetrating the above crimes and any
others not mentioned to be held liable and accountable.

J. Croft

Posted by J. Croft at 2:32 PM 2 comments



J. Croft


It’s true. The Internet is considered by the Pentagon to be an “enemy weapons system”. Why? Because
this current Internet is the last flourishing bastion of Free Speech and free enterprise and Freedom is a
philosophy the government is an enemy of.

Large parts of the Internet the government can shut down on it’s own but that’s not foolproof-it is also
alarming to those who cherish Freedom and would lead to escalations beyond what’s planned. So the
plan is to let the current Internet infrastructure die off by letting the major servers crash one by one
until everyone is forced onto the reservation known as Internet 2. This will be a constricted pipeline
whereby you can only go to a few thousand major corporate and government websites instead of the
millions of free voices you can now. Just like cable.


Most all of Congress is bought and paid for, and they don’t like your Freedom either. They’re in lockstep
with the private moneyed interests who control the US government and the major corporation like
puppet masters. They fear the truth. Specifically they fear the truth about them to finally get out to the
general public still mentally asleep. So any attempts to get Congress to mandate repairing this Internet
will fail.

So will attempts by entrepeneurs to bolster the current internet because it’s in the government’s
interest to let it collapse. Companies can be bought out, patents bought up or violations of patents
brought up by major corporations in court. The FCC could simply barge in and ban it. There is no legal
recourse to saving it.


There’s no saving the Internet from its earmarked demise, and without it we’re thrust back an entire
technological era in communications. And we need a Internet more than we’ve ever needed it due to
the enemy’s stepping up their program to rid themselves of us.

We need a Internet-so we need to build our own. From the ground up.

Now, it’s obvious a loose-knit pack of Patriots are NOT going to string up millions of miles of either
copper or fiber optic line. It’s also obvious that using existing infrastructure, that those attempting to
use that will be no problem to track down. And shut up.

So I propose a wireless solution.


This is going to be a series of disposable, easily built nodes using readily available, off the shelf
components for ease of manufacture in small, clandestine workshops with iffy electric power and
resource availability.

Broadcast signals can be encrypted, frequency shifted. They can use different frequency bands than
most normal traffic, switchable in case of government interference. Logging in must be able to be
handled by currently available components or devices that can be easily built in clandestine workshops.

Intel has come out with a long range wi-fi router with up to a 60 mile range. Costing about 500 dollars
the device is simply a radio transceiver with modern electronics. Using this as a model, it is my
contention that a reverse engineered model easily constructed from readily available components can
be made in large numbers. Such efforts are necessary because the Intel node or any copies made will
most likely be able to be hacked by the government and thus made useless.

The devices must be mobile, relatively small so that they can be easily moved and hidden. Preferably
small enough to fit inside a van or the bed of a small truck and relatively lightweight and simple to
assemble and set up.

Antenna design… must have length but it must also be able to allow portability. These things will be
hunted down because to the government they will be an enemy weapons system.

The devices must be hardened as best possible against destructive electromagnetic pulse.

The devices must have it’s own power supply. Some kind of on board generator or solar panel array, but
plugging it into the existing power supplies will allow it to be tracked down because electricity flows are
monitored. Recent advances in solar energy could make a small, relatively rugged solar array give a
strong enough current to power a node. Another consideration is using a small Tesla turbine fueled by a
wood or charcoal fired tube boiler to power a on board generator.

The devices must also be cheap to build-to the point where thousands can be easily built, giving our
Internet a disposability, a redundancy because the government WILL object to us raising our own
communications system. The radio components should be easy enough to build, and the processors
hard drives for the server are also inexpensive. Second hand components and scrap.

The devices must be powerful enough so that working in unison they can overcome jamming. Rugged
enough to take abuse and able to function with not the best of components.

The devices must be rugged enough to withstand natural disasters, and abusive handling.

One avenue that, I have to repeat, needs to be explored is using Tesla technology both for transceiving
signals and power generation. I am thinking of ground wave transmission, a steam engine based on
Tesla turbines, or something more exotic that Nikola Tesla came up with.

Those working on this must use the maximum security. Once a working prototype is completed and
tested a means of distributing a cypher to Patriots must be made. This must be slaved to a means to hop
frequencies at random to confound attempts at spying or jamming. Once a working design is perfected
this must be distributed freely to Patriots. This can’t be a moneymaker it must be a essential tool of
Freedom. We will need our own Internet for a open source information and knowledge base to facilitate
leaderless resistance.

Posted by J. Croft at 2:31 PM 0 comments

Saturday, August 16, 2008



J. Croft

238 years ago Americans-subjects of the British Empire-felt compelled by repeated and escalating
abuses of power by that government to write the words below, in part:

WHEN IN THE COURSE of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the
political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume, among the powers of
the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature’s God
entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the
causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed
by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the
pursuit of happiness. That, to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men,
deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That, whenever any form of
government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish
it, and to institute new government, laying its foundations on such principles, and organizing its
powers in as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.

…when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object, evinces a design to
reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and
to provide new guards for their future security.

…The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and
usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute tyranny over these
states. To prove this, let facts be subject to a candid world.

Such words and the rest that formed the Declaration of Independence codified in writing the will of the
American People to resist tyranny. This will-first brought forth with the formation of Colonial
Assemblies, strikes, protests, and the resistance to the confiscation of their firearms at Lexington and
Concord, is the same will to be Free that Man has had since the origin of our species. This will carried
those brave Minutemen, those Americans through seven years of constant retreat, of almost
unremitting battlefield defeat until that fateful year in 1781 when the might of that British Empire was
defeated decisively in open battle.
Wars end brought Freedom, which was victory-for a time. The children and grandchildren forged the
greatest nation to bestride the Earth, a colossus that unbound the best in man that would otherwise be
oppressed by tyranny. America grew, despite deep flaws inherent within the nation’s founding,
overcame them for better or for worse as history tells. People however forget themselves. The great-
grandchildren of our revolutionary forefathers forgot that to stay free a constant vigil of their
government must be maintained. That this vigil must be rooted in eternal distrust of those that are
entrusted with the public good, or the struggle for Freedom would begin anew.

We, the great-grandchildren of those that began to let their Responsibilities slide in checking their
government, whose Revolutionary ancestors are now largely forgotten, We face that terrible struggle
anew. We face it because you who in what is a mere technicality of “public service” you have become
instead self-styled masters of the People, treating the Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence
as “just a goddamn piece of paper” as President George W. Bush famously stated. Like that illegally
selected President you too think your jobs are easier so long as you are the dictators. You have usurped
our Freedoms. Every complaint the Founding Fathers had listed in the original Declaration you have
exceeded far beyond expectation or imagination; once again “let facts be submitted to a candid world”:

The government “has refused his assent to laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public
good”. Instead you have used the “law” as a shield, a cover to grab power, to steal, to oppress those
that oppose your criminality; imprisoning, impoverishing and murdering We the People at your merest
whim. The laws have become such a multitude, such a tangle of contradictions, technicalities impossible
to challenge those that become “public servants” are in fact masters of an enslaved populace.

Worse, the government has grown in sophistication far beyond forbidding governors and other lower
officials to pass legislature of pressing importance without assent, or blackmailing the People to give up
representation in exchange for needed help… at least not until martial law is declared. Even so,
legislatures from Congress to the local school boards are effectively as remote as the Moon to the
People due to being systematically enslaved mentally-dumbed down-in state run schools, kept ignorant
of even their basic Rights. Kept ignorant of the crimes perpetrated by what is supposed to be their
government by fellow corporate travelers in the plutocratically owned media. They entrance the People
with mind-numbing, manipulative, subliminal-ridden television that openly and knowingly lie, distort,
and hide the Truth such that you can get away with the merest of blurbs. Ground down economically in
every possible way by those same plutocratic overlords of Our America, the People their puppets(you in
government, for you and they are one and the same)enforce an economic serfdom that eats away with
a multitude of taxes that robs up to half of what remains. Such blatant yet sophisticated oppression
weed out all but the most resilient of Citizens-who are promptly marginalized with the basest of slurs
which the serfdom you’ve transformed the American People into readily repeat because you’ve trained
them to accept every thing you their masters, their oppressors, their murderers as “truth”.

The government has since 1913 illegally and unconstitutionally handed over the powers of issuing
money to a cartel of private international bankers. Such cartel, deviously titling themselves the “federal
reserve” have defrauded the American People with a continually debased, illegal debt based currency
that decreases in spending power each year due to their self generated inflation by issuing more
currency than needed. Worse, this same cartel, these same plutocrats that own corporations and
government officials alike, turned and actually had the lawful money of silver and gold outlawed for use
and removed said specie from circulation. Such removal of “competition” of solid, stable money leaves
the People at the “mercy” of criminals who force them into debt bondage to have at the cost of lifelong
slavery what their ancestors could once had for a few years of hard work.

Government “…has erected a multitude of new offices, and sent hither swarms of officers to harass our
people, and eat out their sustenance”; using Constitutional clauses to enact the very tyranny the
Founding Fathers fought against. With many dozens of federal agencies-standing armies of bureaucrats
and heavily armed agents to enforce every petty whim with maximum force and sadistic, criminal glee
the great multitude of laws provided to oppress and enslave the People. Notwithstanding the great
multitude of state and local government offices and the great multitude of state and local standing
armies of bureaucrats and heavily armed agents in the fifty states, the over 70,000 counties and the
million or so village, town and city governments. All enforcing all their petty whims with the same
maximum force and sadistic, criminal glee laws the great multitude of laws they themselves generate to
oppress and enslave the People.

“…Has kept among us, in times of peace, standing armies without the consent of our legislatures..”
Standing armies, indeed: the military-industrial complex, those same plutocrats that own the major
media and the illegal federal reserve, have through their owned political servants in Congress made the
maintenance of vast standing armies and naval forces over the entire Earth for their own twisted ends
national policy. That national policy being to use the resources of this Nation in a deliberately self-
destructing campaign of economic and political domination and war by baiting other nations into
attacking or setting up false-flag operations, victimizing every nation, every people on Earth with the
end goal of world conquest. The true, plutocratic masters of this truly slave nation have “…affected to
render the military independent of, and superior to, the civil power” as a central thrust of their campaign
so as to remove any possible obstacle those of the People that object.

As the King of Great Britain attempted 238 years before, those plutocratic masters have “combined with
others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws;
giving… assent to their acts of pretended legislation…” by entangling by treaties with foreign
governments and foreign supernational government bodies to subjugate the nation legally to foreign
law and foreign rule. And by secret plot the very dissolution of the American nation into a larger federal
empire under their more convenient and total rule, and far exceeding any King of Great Britain did;

For using military forces against innocent people, even going so far as to awarding their soldiers
commendations for attacking the wrong target;

For protection of anyone in government service that serve this traitorous agenda the full legal
protection while fully punishing anyone who upholds their Patriotic duty to defend their Nation against
all enemies foreign and domestic;
For cutting off our trade with all parts of the world-not with embargo, but with the government policy of
so-called “free trade agreements” with nations that produce their goods with slave labor, while
imposing punishing tariffs on our goods, to have the effect of starving, gutting and killing American

For systematically favoring the plutocrats that secretly control the government in all matters, for writing
tax laws favoring them while small businessmen, family farms and entrepeneurs the backbone of
America are ruthlessly crushed;

For operating an unconstitutional private banking cartel as the nation’s illegal central bank, for
destroying the money of the United States of America both by substitution of fraudulent debt notes
masquerading as dollars and by systematic, deliberate devaluation of said currency, and for conspiring
to outlaw the lawful possession of lawful gold and silver;

For imposing upon us great multitudes of taxes and fines great and small, even stealing our money
before its even handed to us, with the consent and design of traitors in the various legislatures;

For depriving us in many cases, the benefits of a trial by jury, by manipulation of court rules, by duress
imposed with asset forfeiture laws, by imprisonment before trial with excessive bond or even without
bond, by fellow conspirators in private legal practice impostering as “defense” attorneys who plot to
drive everyone into plea bargaining while robbing them as well;

For transporting American Citizens to places beyond American jurisdiction to avoid American legal
standards for pretended offenses of “terrorism” and using torture;

For making lawyers the sole writers and arbritors of the law, and for making so many that the body of
law acquires a form of legalistic lawlessness open to interpretation by the lawyers themselves;

For ignoring the lost 13th Amendment abolishing titles of nobility and barring said nobles from public
service-which would bar esquires and “your honors”… lawyers and judges and politicians;

For illegally and unconstitutionally imposing the 16th Amendment imposing a direct income tax barred
by the Constitution;

For unlawfully breaking up families, for ignoring abuses endemic in foster homes;

For abolishing the free system of English Common Law so as to impose the bondage of Admiralty Law
that imposes legal contracts upon unsuspecting people, for using that same contract law to nullify our
Rights and Freedoms;

For conspiring over generations to weaken the minds and will of the American People by their very
upbringing through state operated schools that fail to provide even a basic education but mentally
condition the People to serve and obey;
For assaulting our very health with approved toxins in the food and water and air, for ruthlessly crushing
healthy alternatives;

For granting monopolies over the use of media resources to private plutocratic cartels that use those
resources to further dumb down and condition the People to accept their enslavement;

For expanding and consolidating its power over the states and local governments so as to make them
adjunct to the federal government;

For theft of the People’s property in the name of ‘eminent domain’, and for such theft to benefit certain
monied private interests;

For selling the public roads to private foreign interests, for theft of property and whole towns to
construct massive infrastructure that only facilitate our economic conquest;

For perpetrating wars of conquest in our name, for goading foreign powers into attacking our armed
forces deliberately placed into harm’s way, for using American forces not for national defense but in
manipulation toward a goal of world domination;

For the use of secret military and intelligence agencies to penetrate, subvert and take over state and
local governments so as to maintain control and to spy on the People;

For denying Freedom of Religion by compelling compliance with Internal Revenue Service rules for tax
exemption status by stifling Free Speech and for conspiring to use the churches to persuade the People
to voluntarily disarm and accept the destruction of Freedom;

For the systematic usurpation of the People’s Right to Bear Arms, by gradual transformation of that
Right into a licensed privilege;

For further violating the Second Amendment by replacing the Militia that constitute the whole of the
American People with state controlled police forces and National Guard and conditioning them to
support this usurpation of the People’s Right to Bear Arms;

For further violating the Second Amendment banning by tax and interstate commerce clauses the
acquisition of arms suitable for militia service, and usurping the bearing of arms by infringing on
possession, and use of arms even for personal defense;

For depriving the People of the Right of Free Speech except by permit and further restricting protest in
areas away from public notice;

For abusing the word reasonable-as in reasoning away bit by bit the Fourth Amendment protections
from government spying and unwarranted searches;
For denying the Right to a Jury Trial for “misdemeanors” in violation of the Sixth Amendment, and to
impose financial hardships designed to force a plea bargain;

For using absurd asset forfeiture statutes to steal the People’s property without compensation, without
even a lawful charge;

For conspiring to destroy all other Rights enumerated in the Bill of Rights and any and all other Rights
implied in the first ten amendments, including separation of powers, Rights to travel and private
property, of association, of belief;

For exempting those that work within and for the government of the restrictions placed on the People,
for granting immunity for any and all conduct;

For banning certain drugs, prohibiting their possession, then engaging in conspiracy to distribute said
drugs to the most vulnerable communities, and waging a so-called ‘drug war’ to further profit by
incarcerating millions of Americans, and using said ‘drug war’ as excuse to federalize the local police
forces and equip them with military weaponry unconstitutionally forbidden for the People and the
unorganized militia;

For suppressing technologies and innovation through regulations and intimidation, for favoring
technologies benefiting large corporations and their plutocratic masters so as to retain control over the

For running a false two-party political racket throughout all sections of government, for systematically
shutting out alternative candidates, for using all available manner of vote fraud and ballot box fixing to
steal elections;

For exploiting certain flawed clauses in the US Constitution and Amendments to expand power far
beyond the People’s expectations or wishes, for repeated and never ending abuses of the Constitution
to expand power and control over the People;

For any other crimes against the People not specifically enumerated in this Declaration;

For ending the Constitutional Republic in favor of a militaristic police state;

The United States government has abdicated its legitimate claims by using any and all methods of
trickery, deceit and brute force to wage war against us, whether individually or as whole communities
by disaster natural or manmade.

The government has plundered our economy, massacred our People in their homes and communities
with military force, and destroyed countless lives over the most trivial of technicalities.
The government is at this time raising yet more armies both in government service and private to
complete the works of death, desolation, and tyranny worldwide, “…already begun with circumstances
of cruelty and perfidy scarcely paralleled in the most barbarous ages…” totally unworthy of a nation that
prides itself on calling itself Free. The government conspires to finish the transformation of America
from a Republic into a dictatorship and to crush even the memory of Freedom.

As our Forefathers had to endure 238 years ago, at every stage of these oppressions we have petitioned
for redress in the most humble terms. As happened before, our repeated petitions have been answered
only by repeated injury. A government, whose character is thus marked by every act which defines a

We the People hereby declare our independence from the US government, and will no longer recognize
its supposed authority nor the authority of any agent or officer both public and private;

We declare our independence from any and all laws, rules, proclamations, orders, decrees and
regulations issued by the United States Government, any and all obligations null and void, and no longer
recognize the authority invested by the US government of any and all agents;

We declare our independence from any obligation public or private thereof, and any and all debts null
and void;

We declare our intent to rebel and resist such agents as best possible and to resist any and all attempts
to subjugate us;

We declare our intent to resurrect Our America and replace the United States government with one
truly and forevermore subservient to the People. We pledge our lives, our property, and our Sacred

J. Croft

An open letter to Congress, and their puppetmasters

J. Croft

740 billion dollars.

That’s what those crooks in Washington want to pay their employers on Wall Street; 740 billion dollars
to cover all the bad bets, the scams perpetrated on the American People. I suppose it’s natural to take a
dumbed down, masterfully conditioned to slit their own throat kind of people as modern Americans and
fleece them for every last cent-which is what you’ve done.

Meanwhile, Americans of at least even worth in everything but multi-billion dollar portfolios are having
their businesses foreclosed on, their homes foreclosed on, their cars repo’d, their lines of credit shut
down, their bank accounts seized. You crooks skate off with all the world’s wealth while we sleep in cars
and under bridges waiting for the 1st Brigade Combat Team to clear us out? The biggest banks and the
fraudulent federal reserve and the federal government can save their own asses, but we have to be
finished off?

Hell no!

Why should you pin striped motherfuckers get a bailout of all that bad paper when you’re going to make
us fulfill Thomas Jefferson’s prediction about you child raping greedy bastards dispossessing us in our
own land. We’ll hang you from the lampposts after we’ve worked you to death as prison labor
rebuilding all the cities you’ve starved of investment-BY HAND. Ever use those soft, pink hands for
anything beyond feeling up your dad’s inbred ass? I bet not.

I can be… practical. I can see the wisdom in sparing my country, my world anymore grief than you’ve
already inflicted on it consolidating your ill gotten power. So get your depraved little minds off how sexy
your kids are and pay attention to my proposal:

1.)You want to bail yourself out? You bail the American People out with that same sweet deal you’re
cutting for yourselves-except we require payment in Constitutionally correct silver and gold specie… yes,
real money not that toilet paper you can print up all you want with that federal reserve bank you own.
Which brings me to-

2.)Federal reserve system’s got to go. Abolish it, restore a legal gold and silver backed dollar and never
ever even try to set up another central bank on American soil. Ever. We are NOT going to tolerate
inflation and usury eating our substance again.

3.)I would say repeal the 16th amendment but you know and I know that it wasn’t really passed, but it’s
treated as Constitutional law. The income tax is history as well as the IRS and anyone working for them
will be subject to review by Grand Jury for purposes of indictment and prosecution for violations of civil
and Constitutional Rights.

3a.)For that matter, ALL government officials will be subject to Grand Jury investigation. ATF(especially
them)FBI, CIA, NSA, DSA, EPA, Homeland Security and all other existing agencies will be subject.

4.)The US government has millions of acres, trillions of dollars of hard assets from surplus items to
housing to God knows what. There are Americans driving around in rust buckets, homeless, had
everything they had stolen by their public servants-what have you. Give it back to the People as well,
letting them pick what they want.

5.)An apology to the Native Americans for stealing their lands, injecting poisons labeled vaccines and
then we’ll have to figure out where to go from there.

6.)Opening of all books of the Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports and giving all investments and
assets back to the American People-anything not covered by public assets.

7.)Full disclosure of all black projects, technological developments and machines developed in secret
and making them freely available to the American People.

8.)Employment of the US military to fix all the enviromental and social destruction you’ve caused.

9.)Full disclosure and prosecution under Grand Jury of all participants in vote fraud.

10.)Full disclosure and prosecution under Grand Jury of all participants in government shielded drug and
gun running.

11.)Immediate repeal of all gun control laws, rules, regulations nationwide. Immediate release of all
persons incarcerated under gun control laws.

12.)Immediate and unconditional provision of aid for those suffering under your staged economic
collapse, abolishment of the export/import bank, all “free trade” agreements, and compensation to all
American companies and workers for rigging economic and political conditions to cause them the loss of
their livelihoods in the first place.

13.)Crash program to rehabilitate the generations of Americans that were subjected to mind
conditioning and denial of a proper education through government schools, the abolishment of the
Department of Education and the immediate disbanding of the NEA.
14.)Immediate vote and ratification of the following Constitutional Amendments:

*Abolishment of the interstate commerce clause.

*Abolishment of eminent domain.

*Aligning all Congressional elections so they all occur in the same election year.

*Reduce the size of the Supreme Court to seven and 4 year term limits.

*Strengthening the 2nd Amendment with the following: “The Right of the People to Keep and Bear Arms
shall not be infringed, nor regulated, nor shall training necessary for the maintenance of the
Unorganized Militia shall be infringed, nor the knowledge, nor any future developments in arms be
denied. No government official can claim sovereign immunity when violating said rights nor shall
persons defending themselves from said violators of their rights be prosecuted.”

15.)Review and repeal of all laws that violate the Bill of Rights.

16.)Prosecution for war crimes of all guilty parties.

17.)Disbanding of Trilateral Commission, Council of Foreign Relations, a permanent ban on all think
tanks in government service.

18.)Immediate end to attacks on the free internet.

19.)Divestment of media conglomerates of all communications assets.

These points are a good start and more than easily within your power to implement given you own
and/or control of the vast majority of assets on Earth. Just do it: give up your mad dreams, your lusts to
crush us, fulfill the points and go back to your mansions and retreats and we’ll let you screw your family
members into inbred imbecility.

It’s that or you will lose the hardest way.

Posted by J. Croft at 9:28 AM 1 comments

Thursday, September 25, 2008



A plea for help in changing the course of American History before its too late-it almost is!

J. Croft

We’re in a lot of trouble. I don’t need to tell you what you know first hand. For two generations now,
America has been in economic and social decline. You been serving long enough, you know exactly what
I’m talking about.

The factories and jobs have been systematically shipped overseas, creating pockets of poverty-and as
you know, the poor are the most likely to resort to robbery, theft, drug dealing and using, prostitution
and murder. Not too many middle class suburbs with a high crime rate… yet. America has fallen to the
curse of lowered expectations; the attitude of “oh well, the good jobs are gone let’s take on a loan we
can’t afford or get some lotto tickets” pervades a once prosperous, productive People as they willfully
enter into the bonds of debt slavery. Someone came up with the “bright” ideal of welfare for anyone
with a beating heart and generations of government dependants were raised-born expecting less for
themselves and for their nation.
Decadence-the willful sloth and decay of moral standards of a once upright, proud American People… or
enough of a rotted segment to bring the whole nation down. It seems Americans are allowing the rot, or
don’t recognize the fall of a once great nation for what it is. Or they watch in dismay, helpless as to what
they could possibly do to stem the tide of collapse.

Drugs; they’ve been pouring into the country for decades. The more money and resources devoted to
capping the supply the more it springs back up. Too much money for people not to risk everything to
smuggle it in, and distributed to people with typically too little money not to sell them on the street. Not
to mention too much demand from people looking for any kind of out, even if it’s at the end of a hot
crack pipe.

Addiction begets more crime as those desperate enough for a blast of crack or meth or the psychic
comfort blanket of heroin will do whatever it takes to get and stay high. Many a pawn shop and drug
house stays fat with cash from all the crimes the addicts commit to maintain their habits.

And while in certain jurisdictions you have your hands full dealing with the addicts and the street dealers
that like weeds never disappear, corruption has taken over business and government like a insidious
virus. Businessmen and government officials work together to weigh the rules of the “game” in their
favor and fleece the American People of every last dollar, every last possession they can wring out of
them… when they’re not trying to screw each other. Worse, they wield enough power and influence to
warp the all-too-many laws you’re enforcing in their favor. The only word for it is predatory-and that
mindset has crept into every position of power; people reveling in their financial power, their political
power. Taking their power and shoving it in the faces of everyone below them. You too, if you object.

What’s worse is the seemingly magical spell of apathy about it all that hangs over the land like a toxic
pall; a resignation, a denial of the nation’s problems and their causes to the point of either feigned or
actual mental retardation. This stems from not only the poor quality of the public schools, but also the
commercial mass media that pumps out the same propaganda whether you’re watching ABC, CNN, CBS,
MSNBC, or FOX. No not the left-right drivel over hot button social issues designed to be cause for
division and distraction but all the problems stated above.

And a lot more… oh so much more than could be practicably listed in an essay.

So that’s where we’re at Officer. How do we solve our problems together-and it is ONLY by being
TOGETHER could we begin to solve our problems… how?

Well, to solve a problem you have to know what originally caused the problem. What are all the sources
of America’s problems? Let us review the regrettably incomplete list above:

Factories gone, jobs gone-creating economically depressed areas where poverty, deliberately bred lack
of morality, drugs and the expectations of the “American Dream” collide to create crime ridden ghettos?
First off, it has been official government policy to export American industry and jobs overseas; the
Export/Inport Bank is the US government agency tasked with guiding American corporations overseas to
the cheapest, least regulated “job markets.” Second, multi-national corporations sponsor and probably
even draft treaties like NAFTA and GATT that drop any protective barriers, further draining the corpse
that was the American economy.

This latest round of theft-I mean, the economic crash happening as I type this-is all a giant scam to take
liabilities like debt and other toxic financial insturments off the books of the rich and have the U.S.
government buy it up. Judging from past performance of government agencies, particularly the IRS, the
government isn’t just going to write it off… they’ll make ALL OF US pay… for the scams of the ‘elite’.
Economic treason-all for a few more bucks.

Selling debt as “credit” wasn’t hard once the jobs started disappearing, the dollars started to buy less
and less(as more were printed or created by “credit” by the private Federal Reserve). People needed
money. They weren’t getting enough from their jobs as effective wages factoring inflation have declined
since 1970. The banks-run by the same upper class crooks as any other corporation-stepped in and
offered easier and easier credit. The nation’s debts, the people’s debts, increased at an exponential rate
as “keeping up with the Jones” came at a price of the rest of your life.

With the loss of time due to working more and more to make the bills our “public servants” increased
taxes, came up with more taxes, fees, fines-all to increase their own revenue. Any and every excuse to
nip a few more dollars from us was used… do you know what makes this theft all the more criminal? The

See, governments took money raised from taxes and invested it… they invested it-bought everything
from municipal bonds to stocks, to real estate… they invested in whatever they could make a buck off.
Government from your hometown to the federal government has invested so much their holdings,
including stocks, bonds and real estate comprise the MAJORITY of the American economy. Don’t believe
me? Look at your town’s Comprehensive Annual Financial Report and learn the Truth.

So why all the taxes? Because a poor people are a dependent people. People with their own
investments don’t need a corporate wage slave job-get maybe two or three percent of the value back of
every dollar you earn your boss… have at least half of that meager crumb stolen by the government.
People running their own store or gas station or some other kind of shop don’t have to apply for
welfare, which serves as an excuse to not only tax those that do work, but also gives license to the
government to run the recipients lives, violating their Rights(remember those?)

Same with most fines; as police officers you issue out fines for speeding or burn out license plate lights
or “weaving”-traffic tickets that are mostly b.s. …The person you detained and pulled over wasn’t
necessarily driving in an unsafe manner or had a truly dangerous vehicle to drive… there was an
opportunity under the traffic laws to bust him and you did it. Now under coercion for basically nothing
that driver has to go to court and pay fines… he’s been hit with a tax of opportunity collected by you, an
armed individual. Highway robbery! Don’t state it’s for “safety “; that excuse is as abused by
government at all levels as “implied”, “reasonable”, “legal”, or “it’s for the children”.

See, the beast this nation’s government has become has incorporated you in its evils. You: disciplined,
willing to serve, sacrifice by becoming a police officer, and all around you are slothful, weak, brain dead,
heartless fools. Yes, most Americans have been reduced to such so it’s understandable you having that
opinion…. ever consider such opinions might be exploited by unscrupulous men who present themselves
like you to further detach yourselves from the People?

Everything in America is manipulated; television programming is manipulation on a scale and technique

unparalleled. The very technology is based on a visual signal sent at 60 cycles a second-the best rate to
induce a hypnotic state. Just start watching the TV and see if you don’t waste a hour or two flipping
through channels for something to watch instead of doing something productive? And what’s on the
TV? Liberal ideology, lies, and a lot of materialism, cruelty, and egotism; all skewered to dumb
everyone’s thought processes down even more than what’s inflicted on us in public schools.

“Public” schools: 12 years of substandard learning, conditioning, and the killing of curiosity and intellect.
American schools are patterned after the old Prussian model designed to turn out soldiers for Frederick
the Great for the neverending wars he was involved in. Today’s publik skoolz are designed to turn out
dumbed down, ignorant, apathetic worker drones. A certain small percentage actually thrive in that
enviroment and so are groomed for college-where they’re further conditioned with more knowledge…
the kind once taught to everyone a century ago… but more importantly they’re fed the bullshit that
they’re the “intelligentsia”, and it’s done by high ranking professors. Couched in nice sounding terms
what these people learn is communism-state theft of our Rights, our Property, and our Lives.

They become university professors, bureaucrats, lawyers, politicians, business leaders-our rulers.

Our rulers as described above have a interest in continuing the self-serving system that’s been designed
and imposed as a yoke on America. Imposed by very powerful, very smart and very secretive men but
going into who they are is beyond the scope of this article. It’s more than enough to try to awaken you

I wish this was a complete list but that’s not all they do, not by a long shot!

So who specifically is responsible?


Neo-Marxist arrogant nerds who impose a totalitarian collectivist ideology known as “political
correctness” to a population already softened by years of bad schools and overtly liberal mass culture.
It’s bad enough that, as a group, they show utter contempt for the best about America while daily
drubbing young minds in the tragedies and wrongs-these bastards are brainwashing college students to
enact the same communist philosophy they preach. Yes, communist: every one of the ten planks of
communism have been enacted in this country. Planks you’re charged with enforcing.


Give a useful idiot a degree and they think they’re God. Give that idiot with a degree a position of
authority and God help us! This has become a title of authority and Americans are programmed to
always obey the “experts”.

It has been “experts” that have redirected the American economy toward divestment of it’s World War
Two economic heritage, creating the underlying poverty that crime flourishes in. It has been “experts”
that bullshitted generations of Americans into suicidal consumerism, suicidal means of income, suicidal
eating of bad food, suicidal political beliefs-yes, suicide is NOT too strong a word to describe what we’ve
been conned into doing to ourselves, to have permitted done to us.


Whores in three piece suits who think only of their own power and wealth. They’ve harnessed the
political system for their own gain. They’ve spent this nation into the same abyss of debt and
deindustrialization that doomed postwar Britain to becoming a dependency of the US-who are they
going to make us a dependency of?


Petty, needling creatures who get their twisted sense of self worth off honest working Americans. Not
you nor others you know?

You sure about that? Are you even being truthful to yourself?

Every day bureaucrats can impose fines, issue summons to court. Every day bureaucrats put people in
jail, steal their time, their money, their property. Their edicts are the laws you’re tasked to enforce-
without any sense of justice nor weighing the merits of the law yourself.

Don’t try and tell me that’s not true; cops every day judge who is going to get a “field interview”, and
issued a fine or arrested. Bureaucrats do the same damn thing only they’re too cowardly to strap on a
vest and pistol, they rule behind guarded offices and use you to inflict their petty games on the People.

Scum who’ve used the government to impose a legalistic Taliban on America. Millions of pages of
millions of laws, backed up by millions more pages of millions more regulations to help enforce all those
millions of laws in the first place.

Hell, lawyers have been screwing America up since the country’s founding! You can consider this next
statement the proverbial bridge too far but the very Constitution you swore an oath to uphold and
defend(at your discretion, of course)was rigged in the first place. Provide a illusion, a hologram of liberty
but in reality provide the foundational framework for the tyrannical uberstate you serve and we all
suffer under.

…There are of course another source of trouble. They enforce what the above pack of traitors decree.
Those are your fellow cops.

Many of you instinctually react to the toxic mass media culture, the lack of a foundation of morality. Yes,
you should-but the obvious glaring fault there is that you’re operating at about the same level of
ignorance as most Americans. And it’s that basic ignorance about what Americans are supposed to be
that our common enemies exploit; to them you’re cannon fodder, pawns, useful idiots to wield the
batons, the tasers, the German built machine guns.

You are even more conditioned than ordinary Americans. You have to be because, you wield the state’s
weapons. So you, full of respect for the law, country go into the police academies…

…Police academies do their best to instill into you that you are a ‘breed apart’; that you ‘can’t count on
Citizens’ for assistance, that you could expect a threat from anyone, even children and the elderly. They
teach you to look for any legal pretext to ‘make a bust’, even if the law’s ridiculous, or it would be wrong
to enforce that law(s).

Then you start serving, patrolling the streets and people hate you, fear you. You retreat further into the
police culture, absorbing and adopting the us versus them mentality, the covetous attitude over your
powers, the exclusive license you have in keeping and bearing arms. The daily swim in the open sewer
two generations of economic warfare and cultural sabotage instituted by our common enemies the
'elite' have created.

Yet your also under pressure from your own department-the way the rules are rigged so that you file
out MORE paperwork for letting people off than manufacturing pretext to arrest them. You're under
pressure to pick on homeless, attack anyone wearing certain outfits and lifestyles no matter their
innocence, come down the hardest on those trying to peacefully reform and simply defend themselves
from this toxic society.

Don’t you ever feel like a tool? Don’t you feel used enforcing rules and laws made by elitist lawyers,
judged over by elitist lawyers and judges? Don’t you feel the misery you and your fellow cops impose on
the People-when you pull them over, stress them out over a cracked windshield, a burnt out license
plate light, imposing fines that bust too tight budgets, taking days off for court?

Don’t you feel any guilt when your partner decides to plant evidence to get the bust? Or delete video
that could prove innocence? Or decide to arrest Americans just defending themselves? Don’t you feel as
much a criminal as any gangbanger when you watch as those ‘cops’ who have no moral boundaries tune
someone up for no reason? ‘Pinch’ them in exchange for letting them go? Look forward to serving in riot
squads busting women up, pepper spraying small children for peacefully protesting the criminals in
government service that pit you against us?

You ever do those things yourself?

Would you do those things to your Spouse, your Parents, your Children, your Friends?

Your silence, your inaction is as good as doing the above crimes against your fellow countrymen

So what can you do? A lot!

First, network with your fellow officers. Time’s run out on this nation for people to just go about their
lives and things need to be done. Find out how many of like-minded cops there are in your department,
that will determine what you do from here.

If you have a majority of Patriots you should try taking over the entire department. Run off the thugs
and criminals that make the People hate you. Run off the corrupt chief with a revelation of some kind of

Certainly, begin to go among your neighbors and friends, start getting them ready. Ready not only for
the coming horrors but to politically organize them to take back their governments. Ready them by
providing the leadership, the discipline and the training to reconstitute the Militia. Yes, the Militia is ALL
the People.
If Militia is too harsh a political term for you, call it “neighborhood watch” or whatever. Just so long as
you provide those you awaken and activate training and heads up on police state activities.

Anyway, you know gun safety, the basics of shooting, tactics, how to organize and fight. Many of you
have military experience. Train and practice in secret and toughen them up. Teach them what and how
cops cue in on and how to avoid trouble or at least ameliorate the danger.

You know martial law is coming. You know you’re going to be tasked with going door to door stealing
the People’s guns, rounding up dissidents-I have first hand knowledge. Whatever contingency plans you
got, keep them secret-TELL NOBODY. Someone will brag, someone will be a snitch.
The military’s being brought back from Iraq and Afghanistan to enforce the final destruction of America.
In it’s place will arise a tyranny that once established will not be overthrown for a very long time. Man
has struggled for thousands of years to fight for the Freedom we won in the American Revolution. The
enemy is crafty, intelligent, ruthless-as you know-and now we face the need for a Second American
Revolution to regain our Freedom, to throw off their rule once and for all. Join your fellow Americans…

…Or are you just another Tin Badge God? Rather keep your power and privilege than work to rebuild a
Free Nation for our children? If you think for one second that the beast won't fuck you over when
they're done using you to oppress us you're an even bigger fool than I thought-because they will and we
won't let you win.

Posted by J. Croft at 10:14 AM 3 comments



My call for a tax revolt

J. Croft
It’s time for a tax revolt. Way past time. We the People of America have let criminals in three piece suits
steal our economy, our money, our Rights-and criminals in battle dress uniform wielding machine guns
have enforced their theft.

What have they done?

What haven’t they done! The banksters and the lawyers long ago hijacked our money and our laws-
making them into weapons of war to be used against us. The federal reserve system-a private banking
cartel whose shareholders are in Europe-run a racket whereby they LOAN the government the currency
it issues AT INTEREST… they profit from printing the cash in our pockets! The lawyers… they write the
millions of laws securing their, in reality, lawless rule over us and protect the federal reserve banksters
from the justice they so surely deserve.

Banksters and lawyers manipulated the economic policies to enable corporations to export the
American domestic economy, creating ghettos, trailer parks and crime in the wake. Banksters and
lawyers discouraged American industry and innovation at every turn, making us subsist on wage jobs
whose rates never climbed, whose dollars always purchase less, and less, and less. All the time they and
their stocks and investments increased in value, their power ever increasing as we were forced to go to
those motherfuckers for loans to have the homes and cars and college educations our parents and
grandparents could pay for out of pocket themselves. Now the same banksters and lawyers are finishing
America off; having strip mined the economy and exported it to every other nation on Earth they’re
foreclosing on the rest with this Wall Street ‘bailout’.

Need it you say? Let me tell you something; the stock market’s a ponzi scam, a hustle of the highest
order. You were told by your god the TV set to invest on stocks when they’re at their peak.
“Momentum” the stock touters like to say. The same crooks then crash the stock, you lose your shirt
and you sell at the bottom, and they scoop it up. Wait a few months or a few years then pump up the
stock and then get their stooges on CNBC to make their sales pitch to you. Again. But wait, that game
got boring for the banksters and lawyers so they came up with derivatives-“insurance” on the stocks,
and bonds, and mortage notes and all the other debts and what not.

So you not only throw money at them when you work and pay excessive taxes to feed the beast, you
throw much of what’s left into Wall Street stocks into, yes, their hands. No matter what you do, they get
your money, but like all games this one’s at an end because we have no more savings, no more
businesses, no more money under the mattress. We have no more credit because we’ve maxed out on
every possible insturment to keep this Potemkin Economy going. It can’t go any further, we can’t be
milked for another cent, which is why the banks are failing.

Which is why the banksters and lawyers are finishing us off with this “bailout”-all it does is cover the
losses they incurred by draining too much blood out of us. They are robbing us so they wind up paying
NOTHING out of pocket! And they’ll do their damndest to make certain we’ll pay; the 3rd Infantry
Division’s 1st Brigade Combat Team is already deployed for action in Georgia (our Georgia) against the
American People when we revolt-and we should! Tanks, Apache Attack Helicoptors, artillery, 5,000
soldiers who've spent nearly 3 years in Iraq busting doors, shooting anyone and everyone... a brutal,
brutalized bunch and they're as brainwashed as most cops about their own supposed superiority. More
military units battle hardened and conditioned to be as brutal as possible against anyone they’re thrown
against will be joining them.

Why do you think they’ve been building up the SWAT units in every community in America? Why do you
think the Department of Homeland Security has grown into our nation’s Gestapo? Why do you think
they’ve struggled so hard to take our guns away, to take away the skills necessary to use them? Why do
you think they’ve been trying to murder the veterans with everything from bad hospitals to Agent
Orange to Depleted Uranium? Why do you think they’ve spent so much time and effort to make us soft
and dependent and stupid? They want to win this upcoming Civil War, Revolution-whatever you want to
call it. Those that don’t resist will be literal slaves, working a lifetime for a bowl of porridge and enough
power to keep the TV going in their shanty.

So why do we suffer them their lives-let alone keep paying the taxes, fines, fees and whatever else they
levy on us?

Enough! No more!

No more filling out their tax forms. No more sending in checks, or signing away on W2’s permission to
take taxes out of our paychecks even before we see them.

Time to stop paying taxes. Time to stop feeding the beast our money, our livelihood, our fear. We are
300,000,000 people-and if even HALF, even a QUARTER of the American People overcame their fear and
said NO MORE taxes, no more quavering obedience to the bureaucrats, the lawyers, the banksters, the
tin badge gods we could be Free.

George Bush was on the TV trying to fearmonger us into going along with his bankster massahs great
swindle. He stated that if this bill didn’t pass that large sections of the economy would grind to a halt-

Screaming won’t solve the problem, although screaming your outrage at the gang rape of America to all
the ignorants still obsessed over the weekend ball game or the latest hollywood hijinks. Not too
effective unless they finally get a clue that their way of life is over.

Yes this Potemkin America, this Potemkin economy, a movie set of prosperity has been rigged for
demolition. We have almost no domestic industry, almost no family farms left. Our paid for public
interstates are being sold to foreign companies, our infrastructure left to crumble and rust. Even our
homes are but plywood and sheetrock-no substance. The fuze has been lit and the charge of either
credit seize up or hyperinflation will destroy the movie set.

So your first order is, always, survival. Get food, extra fuel, essential items, start networking with
neighbors to share items, look out for each other. Have a good rifle, good pistol, airsoft replicas of your
weapons and PRACTICE at least an hour a day. Go to hit the message boards and start
downloading info while there's an internet! Get active by joining a Ron Paul group or,
get educated and hit and learn the

More important is to resist the beast. Now is the time to stand, united, and say no more tax money for
you, no more obeying, no more quavering in fear. The Second American Revolution begins NOW with
you joining your fellow Americans in civil disobedience by not filing and paying taxes. Neither federal,
nor local, nor state.

Demand accountability for your community's finances-get educated by going to and
then demand of the crooks that run your town, state, and federal government just how much
investments, how much money they really got and why have they been hustling us for taxes for
generations? If they don't, organize a emergency recall campaign and get rid of the crooks and
prosecute them for fraud.

Demand that the federal reserve system be immediately dismantled for the illegal operation it is as the
16th Amendment was passed on Christmas Eve by 3 senators as the Senate is allowed to pass legislation
with that few members in session. More than one state listed the amendment as passed when it wasn't.

Mind you this will not be a easy road. People will suffer, probably die for peaceable activities but that’s
the fate the banksters and lawyers and their toady bureaucrats and tin badge gods have in store for you
anyway, so why fret? You’re going out, go out on your terms.

Enough of us do this, we could win this. We might even pull off a peaceful revolution-in the meantime
prepare for martial law, battle hardened troops in the streets, bureaucrats unleashed like never before.
Each of us will have to decide their level of commitment, what skills they have to contribute to the
Cause. Know yourself, your talents, know when to act and when to walk away. Resistance however is
mandatory and the best peaceful means, the first order is a national tax strike.

Posted by J. Croft at 10:13 AM 0 comments

Friday, September 05, 2008



J. Croft

Or so according to the Time Monks at a website tracking events using a

technology called web bots, that in part inspired this report. Web bots? Web bots are a complex
computer system that tracks language used on the internet; the underlying theory being that the human
subconscious can shape reality, and that reality is expressed in many ways, one of them being word
usage. The web bots predicted an event on 9/11… which was collaborated by a university experiment
measuring random numbers-which aligned up on the same date.

Didn’t you feel on September 11, 2001 something special about that day-not just the attack perpetrated
on us all but the very energy of the day?

Intuition, the subconscious mind, taps into something we don’t understand, something very powerful. A
few understand it, and mostly keep the knowledge to themselves. The rest of us get to bumble and
stumble along, blind. Such feelings could be called occultic; the beast and its minions are obsessed with
the occult. There are hidden occultic symbols everywhere; the entire city of Washington DC

... churches, skyscrapers, the one dollar bill.

The way the numbers 19 and 39 and 666 and other numerological significant numbers are used. (See
Codex Magica by Texe Marrs)Politicians, celebrities all use occultic hand gestures at significant

The entire history of NASA is one of missions timed with stellar and numerological alignments, somehow
suggestive of a suppressed field of science known as Hyperdimensional

My point: there IS something to it, in large part by belief and assent of those they entwine their spells
over but also by scientific principles far beyond Newton and Einstein. Besides, way too much is
happening in the news on every front-the enviroment, culture, the 2008 presidential election, Russia,
the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran. The web bots for example, if you’ve been paying attention to or have a subscription, have been right enough times to pay attention to.

Could October 7th be the Perfect Storm of economic and geopolitical events that swamp America and
the world? If you’ve been paying attention to alternative media sites such as,,, and others you know there’s going to be
a confluence of events in the next month. It could happen earlier; it doesn’t even have to be on October
7th-although the web bots at have been warning about this for a long time.


What can we gleam from hard news about our current predicament?

The dance of death between the US government and Russia over Georgia could easily get out of hand-
fast! Sacrificial US Navy ships are in the Black Sea-Russia’s Persian Gulf-and have no hope of defending
themselves against mach 3+ Yakhount supersonic anti-ship missiles. That tie chewing babbling idiot of a
coward Georgian president and covert Mossad agent Saakhasvili could be duped again into launching a
sneak attack. A similar conflict could start in the Ukraine or Poland over NATO expansion and
encirclement of Russia as per CFR/Brezezinski policy.

A shooting war could rapidly escalate; sleeper agents could be activated to carry out their final missions
against American infrastructure, causing disruptions in food, fuel, electricity. Such will lead to riots and
martial law.

The façade that the foreign-born, marxist Barrack Obama is eligible to run for President is going to be
shattered by the Berg suit. With the surprise nomination of the new American Darling Sarah Palin as
Vice President… putting aside how genuine she really could be-or not. Putting aside how she
“somehow” got enough money to overcome lifetime Alaskan politicos to become Governor-like she’s
been raised up for this like Obama has… the apparent plan of using McCain as a straw man candidate is
ruined. Palin’s nomination is just the catalyst for knocking Obama out of the race… Hillary Clinton having
held onto her delegates by a technicality she’ll be raised up as the democratic candidate. This will spell
utter chaos, and will definitely lead to mass protest, maybe even racial conflict as hoped for by ‘elites’,
and lead to yes, martial law.

The collapse of the global economy and globalism continues to accelerate into an apparent Kondratieff
Winter scenario. Deflation finally catching up to the central bankers with bank failures due to defaults
and bankruptcies… because they wouldn’t take care of and maintain all the ‘little people’ whose
productivity is the well spring of their wealth. With the coming shutdown of the banks, the debts will be
no good-they and the IOU’s bound to them will be WORTHLESS. With the collapse of the derivatives
market like Mickey Mouse’s broomstick army in Fantasia drowning everyone, deflation in most paper
assets and most stocks and corporations will hit like Russia’s nuclear arsenal… now… tangible assets-the
means for survival and wealth preservation-those will go up in value.

Also, anything imported will suffer price inflation-a seeming contradiction yes but it costs money to ship
goods across oceans and if there’s no guarantee of payment for those goods they won’t be shipped.
What happens to US/China relations then if we can’t pay for their slave labor good anymore-what use
are the 1 trillion plus in US Treasury Notes China holds? What worth is going along with a global
economy destroyed by the way too rich inbred psychopathic bluebloods that set it up-what worth is
peace to a government as ruthless as the Chinese Communist Party?

Worse, the dollar will suffer hits not just from the final loss of confidence worldwide as it’s intrinsic
value of zero is finally manifested, but also because to stem off the economic cannibalism a deflationary
enviroment brings. In response to pay the bills, the federal reserve will turn the volume of their FRN
creation up to 11… or 20. This means that as the value of your home and stocks plummets the cost of
basic items like food, fuel, ammunition, or anything else of tangible value in a survival situation will
skyrocket. The resulting riots and chaos will be the excuse the US government needs to have a martial
law situation that enough Americans will stupidly go along with for them to attempt to secure power.

Yes, this is but a giant scam perpetrated by the ‘elites’ the super rich and their sock puppet the US
government to consolidate power and crush any competition for the future of this world-us. They
manipulate the levers of power, maneuvering everyone into their crosshairs, and economic collapse,
martial law and world war 3 are what they’re going to use to blast us to hell and gone. They don’t have
everything in hand however-the sun is sunspot free.

The sun has no sunspots. First time in 200 years this has happened and what happened 200 years ago?
The Little Ice Age; in one year there literally was NO SUMMER-SNOW WAS ON THE GROUND IN JUNE!

Recent discoveries from ice cores suggest that rapid climate shifts can happen in as little as a year…
maybe even less if the Art Bell/Whitley Streiber book The Coming Global Superstorm and the movie
inspired by it The Day After Tomorrow are in anyway accurate…. barring a The Day After.
A British document the 2006 Development Concepts and Doctrine Center (you’ll have to Google for it)
report can confirm a lot of what I’m writing about as would a day studying the recent posts at the web
sites I’ve mentioned. A couple of quote:

“Globalization will result in critical interdependencies that will link members of a globalizes society that
includes a small super-rich and a substantial underclass of slum and substinence dwellers, who will make
up 20% of the world population in 2020. A severe price shock, possibly caused by an energy spike or a
series of harvest failures, could trigger a domino effect involving the collapse of key international
markets across a range of sectors. The impacts of this collapse could be transmitted throughout the
global economy, possibly resulting in a breakdown of the international political system, as states attempt
to respond to domestic crises and the local effects of wider economic collapse. Sophisticated societies
that depend on complex, transnational networks for the supply of basic human needs, such as food that
cannot be provided indigenously, are likely to face severe infrastructure failure, collapse of public
services, and societal conflict.”(p. 79/pdf 94)

“The middle classes could become a revolutionary class, taking the role envisioned for the proletariat by
Marx. The globalization of labour markets and reducing levels of national welfare provision and
employment could reduce peoples’ attachments to particular states. The growing gap between
themselves and a small number of highly visible super-rich individuals might fuel disillusion with
meritocracy, while the growing urban underclasses are likely to pose an increasing threat to social order
and stability, as the burden of acquired debt and the failure of pension provision begins to bite. Faced by
these twin challenges, the world’s middle classes might unite, using access to knowledge, resources, and
skills to shape transnational processes in their own class interest.”(p 81/pdf 96)

They’re expecting trouble! They’re expecting mass resistance to genocide and enslavement! They’ll have
prearranged paths to destruction for those ignorant yet struggle, but mostly they hope you’ll keep
watching the soaps and sports until they shut off the power and the trucks roll down your street to haul
you away…

You’re not supposed to know about this stuff; you’re supposed to be caught by surprise and die so the
inbred psychopathic bluebloods can inherit the earth. Well, I’m here to put a monkeywrench in that
plan. I do it with the greatest pleasure. Since the preceding excerpts provide such a view of these
bastards line of thinking , lets analyze and see how we can still prepare in the coming month. There’s a
lot to be done and no more time to waste!


That’s clean water, food stores, a roof over your head. You not only have to have such things, you need
the means to acquire them.

Know how to dig a well, to make a rain cistern.

Have storage containers for potable water. Have water filters to strain out contaminants and

Have food: buy in bulk.

Buy rice and wheat by the bag, your canned goods by the case. Have lots of toilet paper. An outhouse in
case the plumbing stops working.

Have an alternative means to the gas stove for cooking your food-a dutch oven or a charcoal or wood
fired stove or grill works. Put in a garden-have a window cill garden, or hydroponics since it’s
September. Hopefully you’ll have enough food stores to make it to Spring where you should have seed
ready for planting… if there’s going to be a Spring. If not, then you’ll have to construct a south-facing

How is your housing situation? Perhaps a debt free home or a country farm is out of the question; see
about consolidating debt right now. You need a home base in order to survive, or your challenges will
become a hundred times more severe out on the streets with nothing, in a brutal winter, in a
depression. Several million Americans died of famine during the last one and this nation was 80% rural-
what will it be like now?!

Have knowledge, basic skills, trades that are depression proof. There’s many files on the internet right
now, so get away from checking out Lindsay Lohan’s latest boob slip and go to these sites:

Download NOW! Anything on survival, anything on shooting, tactics, equipment. Download anything
and everything on gardening, woodcraft and carpentry, masonry, machine shop operation, welding,
repair work. If you can, take some classes at your community college or equivalent on welding, repair
work, computers. Have more than one means of making a living-for example, you know how to weld,
have hunted since childhood, are an expert marksman, have had combat experience, and are fairly
creative. You could offer repair work, learn how to run a machine shop so you can offer a complete
machinery repair service. You can harvest and sell game. You can offer shooting lessons with airguns and
lots of bb’s and self-defense courses for the millions of Americans with guns but with little ammo and
training. Your back yard can become a survival garden… there are more options but the time is NOW to
give yourself those options with some carefully chosen items(tools, home machine shop, generator) and
know how (get a Lindsay’s Technical Books catalog, a Paladin Press catalog, and start buying books or
hunt at or the torrent files for online copies. Start downloading, start printing, start reading
and learning.


Now is the time to start talking to your neighbors about current events; if they act like their priority is
still the weekend ball game or how fine Lindsay Lohan’s breasts are then they’ll be either a mooch of
what you got or a potential threat. If they agree, and sound like they too are worried then perhaps they
might be a partner in some small way-maybe they have a van for hauling items or scrap, or they have
tools that can complement what you got.

More importantly is to gauge how they feel about what little they have and their willingness to defend it
from… whomever. Express your desire to defend what’s yours as well, and agree to mutually defend
each other and your neighborhood. You get more than one person in agreement, back it up with guns,
rifle training, and some airsoft CQB training and guess what? You’re one of those Militias the US
gooberment spends so much time and effort demonizing…

would you rather be dependent on cops who in better times(like now)relish the opportunity to inflict
grievous bodily harm and death, and think nothing of economically ruining you with their petty rules and
outlandish fines?


Know and ally with the old-they have knowledge.

Know and ally with the young-they’re not only the future, they likely know the streets and what’s going
on in the neighborhood.

Know and (hopefully if they haven’t gone completely mad with power) ally with the neighborhood cop
or other government official-they can provide knowledge, training and give heads up on any further
government theft of what little we’ll have left-be it property, rights or our very lives.

Know and try to ally with everyone, because anyone could be of use EVEN IF YOU DISAGREE WITH
THEM. Know that we all have a common enemy in the beast that built us up just to tear us down. Be of
use to others yourself. Then again American society seems to breed more useless people, more
scumbags than ever-the product of deliberate design and decadence. Beware and don’t let them get
away with scamming you. Make an example out of them!


This means not using your checks, ATM and having your bank shuttered and locked. Or they do open
and they got cops just looking to arrest you in your justifiable distress at not being able to pay your bills.
So do yourself a HUGE favor: this month, today even, withdraw your next check and hold onto cash. I
wish I could tell you with certainly how the collapse will swing, but having dollars in hand in the face of
deflationary collapse is a smart move. Cash could allow you to get your needed supplies in advance, or
buy any silver left for sale. You might need gas for that dash to your country home before the collapse
sets in…

It could be deflation overwhelms the central bankers but then again they could recover and
hyperinflate-making your dollars worthless. So have some spending cash but a good part in tangible
trade items, and a part in silver. This way you’re covered. Basically, assume your bank’s gonna close in a
month and withdraw all the money you can. Don’t forget to buy food, fuel and ammo!


Want straight teeth? That surgery to straighten something out? Spare eyeglasses and contacts or LASIK
if you’re so inclined? Get it now while there’s a economy to support the doctors and dentists, before
they figure out it’s better to run to the hills before you figure out it’s a good ideal.


If they have any brains they too will note what’s going on. Talk with them about how they’d function
with half the business they get now… or ten percent. Ask under what conditions could they keep you
employed and whether a kind of work shared proposal would be feasable. And does your work cater to
needs or luxuries-that’s an important question to ask yourself.

If your job’s not gonna last a downturn, get more than one means of making a living. Get some trades
going, start selling items of use or make them. Start growing that garden.


Get a solar array or some kind of generator. Figure out how to reduce your electrical demand as much as
possible. You can make a generator out of a car alternator and a lawnmower engine that could power a
power tool, a computer or a television. Stock up on fuel. Google home built generators and such. Cruise and Google for downloadable books-use survival catalogs as a guide.


Stock a duffel bag or backpack with as much emergency supplies as you can muster. Have a larger kit in
your vehicle along with a couple of jerry cans of fuel. I’d even go so far as constructing a mini-pack for a
purse or buttpack. A list:

Toilet Paper
Toothbrush and Toothpaste
Map of your area
Pocket Survival or Wilderness Guide
Folding Shovel
Spare prescription glasses and contact lenses
Pack Pistol w/holster, spare magazines and ammo.
Pocket Cooking Stove
Sewing Kit
Space Blanket
Magnesium Fire Starter
Plastic Sheeting
MRE or other pack food
Purification tablets
Portable Water Filter/straw
Limb Saw
Fishing Hooks, line
.22 rifle, either shortened or a takedown design like the Marlin Papoose
Bandages, First Aid Kit
Extra clothes-long sleeve shirt, denim jeans, socks
Spare hiking boots
Knife Sharpener
Wind up radio
Roll up hat

This probably ain’t even half of what you could get.

Remember, pack your kits for not only compactness but ease of removal/replacement. Structure your
kits so that you have the barest means of survival on your belt. Your backpack/duffel bag has enough to
reasonably get by and your car kit is everything you could use plus tools and parts to keep your vehicle


Four rules of gun safety:

All guns are loaded, even when they’re not.

Don’t point your barrel at anything you don’t intend to destroy.

Keep your finger off the trigger until it’s time to shoot.
Mind your background, what’s behind your target; even if you don’t miss your bullet could

Now onto the advice.

Get a .22 rifle. A brick of ammo-500 rounds-costs under 10 bucks there’s no excuse for not stocking up
and a .22 can kill deer and threats out to 50 yards.

The Marlin tube fed .22 runs about eighty bucks used and holds 14-18 rounds in a tube magazine. Single
short and CB rounds can be chamber fed. Attach a 50 buck Tasco scope and a sling, you’re set. A step up
is the Ruger 10/22, which can be configured into a Liberty Trainer(see for
rifleman training. Also for quiet pest control as longer barrels can reduce the crack a standard velocity

.22 rimfire round makes.

A .22 Ruger autoloading pistol (MK 1,2, 2/45) provides pistol training and quiet pest control.

A pistol is for if you’re attacked and for concealed carry. Revolvers carry 5-6 rounds and are clumsier to
reload. Semi Automatics carry at least 7. Stick with common, effective calibers (9mm, .40, .45) or stock
up a lot if you’re a .357 SIG or 10mm Auto fan. Stick with proven designs; Glock, Browning Hi-power,
later Smith and Wesson, Sig-Sauer, H&K USP for double column designs.

The M-1911 are experts guns. I don’t care for Rugers, their ergonomics suck but apparantly a lot of
people like them enough. Sub compacts like the Kel-Tec, Seecamp and such offer greater concealabillty
but at the cost of magazine capacity and sight radius/accuracy. STAY AWAY from Hi-points, Tec-9’s, and
other junk guns, you can get the same 30 round firepower with extended magazines for all the Glocks,
Hi-power, Smith and Wesson, Sig-Sauer, etc.
Carry as many as feasable in a submachine gun pouch, you’re going to be alone and you’ll have to fight
your way out of trouble.

A riot shotgun with 5-8 round tubes, 18-20 inch barrels, ghost ring sights and a folding stock are good for

home defense.

A reliable semi-auto like the newer models or the recoil operated Browning Auto 5 can provide good

vehicle defense.
I really like the new Saiga 12 gauge AK’s, you can get 8 round detaching magazines, switch from
buckshot to slugs instantly. Otherwise you stoke your tube up and unless they’re in close you load one,
shoot one like it’s a single shot, keeping your tube shells in reserve. If you’ve got a double or single
barrel shotgun learn to hold a couple shells in your support hand between your fingers-hold them tight!
Each time you expend your barrels, they’ll be in hand instead of your pocket or bandolier saving
precious seconds reloading.

Rifles transform you from subject to Citizen.

They allow the elimination of threats outside of their effective ranges-provided you know how to wield
one. Go to and order Fred’s Guide to Becoming a Rifleman. Get a air gun or a
airsoft replica of the rifle you have and PRACTICE. Your first priority gun is an UNPAPERED PRIVATELY
PURCHASED-NO FFL LICENSED DEALER INVOLVED-.308 semiautomatic military pattern rifle-M-14,


Scour the classifieds, hit the gun shows while we still have em. Get web gear(to hold your magazines)

with suspenders so the belt doesn’t slip down, or a tactical vest. Buy as many extra
magazines as you can. Get as much milsurp .308 as you can-go to the gun shows, buy with cash. Get a
.308 even if you have to sell silver to get one. Devote a good portion of your ammo for training-get
Fred’s Guide to becoming a Rifleman at

A M-1 Garand in 30.06 is a acceptable alternative, you use top loading 8 round en bloc clips and there’s
currently surplus being imported that’s cheaper than .308. If budget’s biting you, get a war surplus
Enfield, Mauser, or Mosin-Nagant; all will still kill out to at least 500 yards and they can be accurized for

much better performance. I’d recommend the Mosin mainly because of all the cheap 7.62x54R
steel core currently imported. Try not to get isolated and swamped with these old rifles, use team
tactics and have one man with an assault rifle to cover any needed escape. Practice reloading with the
stripper clips, discard any that won’t feed reliably. Get Fred’s Guide.
“Assault rifle” offer more rounds on tap in exchange for less performance at longer ranges either with

accuracy or power.
The AK series are reliable, but their short sight radius cripples their long range shooting capability as
does the typical crap ammo produced for them. Get a side mounted rifle scope. Save the folding stock
models for duffel bag/car duty. If you don’t have the SKS-D that feeds the AK magazines, stick with the

original 10 round magazine.

Those SKS duck bill magazines are just too cumbersome to reload at best and the zytels were made to
malfunction. The 7.62x39mm is about a .30-30 in raw power and can penetrate some cover but drops
off in power and trajectory rapidly after 300 yards. A lot of the production of this round, quality control
wasn’t top priority so test your brands as you train with Fred’s Guide from and
stock up on the most accurate brand.

The AR15-M16 series are much more maintenance intensive, although the new piston models and
piston retrofit kits solve a lot of the problems with this rifle. .223 can tear flesh up but is useless against

heavy cover.
Get magpul brand magazines, they WORK. Try not to buy every gadget for your weapon, you’ll be
carrying and trying to hit at long range with it. A .22 long rifle retrofit kit allows cheaper training with
Fred’s Guide from so get shooting.

If you can, get night vision scopes and goggles, and an gun mounted IR laser. A suppressor will increase
your effectiveness even more but legal requirements will negate any efforts at private purchasing of
needed weapons.

If you’ve got say Dad’s lever action or a bolt action hunting rifle, be sure you can stock the caliber it’s for.
Practice reloading it rapidly; grab several cartridges at once in your hand and practice reloading the
magazine. Fred’s Guide from can help you shoot better-as will a proper
shooting sling; get the military M-1907 sling.
Set up correctly you can be looped in and hold your rifle steadier in seconds, and get out just as fast.

A muzzleloading rifle, especially a flintlock, will allow you to stretch your ammo out, and make great
training in holding your aim as you fire.

Practice dry firing your weapons. Concentrate on the fundamentals of every shot. Make each shot

Attend an Appleseed Shoot and get the basic training. Then PRACTICE what they taught you-practice
every day with dry firing, and target practice with airsoft replicas of your weapons. Get as much training
in as possible before martial law!

I emphasize rifle training so much because the Rifleman is the most basic component of a Free People. A
man with a rifle becomes a Citizen-and having mastered such a deadly insturment has confidence
enough to master the rest of his own life. Mastering his own life, he and she will see what is wrong
around them in their neighborhood, their town, their nation and will do what is needed to fix those
problems as well. Fred has it right: teach rifle marksmanship and the rest will fall into place.

For a MUCH more complete tome on firearms I recommend Boston’s Gun Bible available at


Dark ages are here; the government in order to make you dependent on them or otherwise kill you off
will kill the internet shortly. Hit the torrent files, hit scribd, hit Google and download catalogs of survival
and military manuals and download all of them by pdf’s onto 8 and 16 gigabyte flash drives.

Get a current production laptop computer, dual core, a USB powered scanner, printer and a FOLDING
SOLAR ARRAY. A handcrank charger would be a good ideal as well as constructing a faraday cage. Do this
now, because pending legislation will make sharing files of 90’s survivalist manuals and general how to
information illegal. Download the archives of sites like because the articles tell the tale of how paradise wasn’t lost-it was never ours. Scan
your how to books and manuals and put them on the web like or some other file
sharing site and network.

Each of us will have to be ready to be the ember of Civilization that repository of knowledge for the


Don’t use your own computer for this. Use public access internet anonymously. Use fake names, fake
addresses(you should be lying about this anyway!) Meet at busy public places with lots of ways in and
out. Be very, very, very, very careful. …Or if you’re into activism there’s or but you won’t need a Public Enemy T Shirt
to have crosshairs on you-but still protest activities are a great way to keep those of the great American
herd that know what’s going on that they’re not alone in this.


Alright, they already are at war otherwise we wouldn’t be in the spot we’re in!

The beast will step it up if the predictions from Wall Street insiders and anon politicians and the Time
Monks at are right about late September/October 7 being a time of great
surprise and doom… “transformaton” they labeled it as. Even if they're not, sooner or later we will face
the final push. Times get desperate and the government will take the gloves off in crushing any
perceived dissent so have friends. Have safe houses or safe places to go. Have spare gear food and
ammo in 5 gallon pails, buried. Have spare rifles and ammo in pvc pipe with epoxied end caps and
dessesicant buried or otherwise stashed. Have a bicycle with spare inner tubes.

Get in shape already! Walk, run, lift weights, play that self-defense video you’ve been letting collect dust
for the past five years.

Get Battle Dress Uniforms that slip easily over your civilian clothing. Know your area intimately; all the
caves, tunnels, side roads, trails, alleyways, side exits, forests, hills. Know what allies you can reasonably
trust and try not to impose on them.

Never ever accept vaccine shots, they’re lethal poison-it’s just a eugenics operation designed to dumb
you down and thin the herd. The more of us dead or dumbed down until they’re done with you, the
better for them so stay healthy, get informed, get in shape and get armed and proficient.

News reports state that yes, the sun’s output is down but the ice caps are still melting. Confused? So am
I but predictions of a brutal winter should motivate everyone to winterize their cars, their gear, their
homes and themselves. Have snow shovels-the kind that are bent down funny-and rock salt. Be
prepared to mount your roofs to shovel snow off. Have lots of candles, handcrank radios, blankets, and
stored foods.

If the ice caps do start to melt and the coastlines start to rise-move! Have friends and or land way
inland. Those Time Monks predict a “global coastal event” in 2009 and seeing how in some unconscious
way we make our own reality… y’know that’s a big part of the enemy plan? Manipulate our
subconsciousness to manifest things they want.

Underground homes can be built, or dug out of the earth. Use the south side of a hill when possible. Cut
down timber, plastic, a treatment for the logs, wheelbarrow, shovels and some stout backs can get you a
earth home warm in winter and cool in summer. Get Mike Oehler’s 50 dollar and up Underground
House Book.


Good question. Nobody making normal incomes, with normal bills can. Even better-off people will be
hard pressed to meet the challenges coming by themselves. So team up; someone will have guns,
someone will have ammo, or seeds, or tools, or a van, or a country home, or items that could constitute
survival gear, or a laptop computer, or farmland. Or know someone.

We have to get past this “Me first” survivalism because that’s how we WON’T survive!

The beast has us atomized, isolated, alone. Divide and conquer. A lone man’s just that. Most people
don’t have what it takes to stand alone, so people stick with obeying the beast because that way they’re
not alone-even if they are slaves. We’ll only get through this together.


I don’t advocate any religion I advocate getting back to God in a personal way, without any need for
intermediaries. Jesus stated that there are none good but the Father. Jesus taught us to pray to Our
Father in Heaven.

So let’s pray.

Find a quiet area. A room. Your car. A little used park.

Clear your mind. Close your eyes. Feel your heart, your spirit; there Our Father awaits. He wants to
speak to you.

Just let Our Father speak… this is a skill and your initial efforts will probably be frustrating but soon you’ll
start to feel… then just… know. You’ll have feelings on what you need to do-do them! Don’t think you’re
going crazy, crazy is not enjoying a relationship with God… something the beast has worked hardest at
denying you. When I go to bed I say the Lord’s Prayer, and at the end I ask Him to watch over those I
care about and if I have a Destiny, a mission for Him to guide me to fulfilling it. Nothing egotistical about
that; there HAS to be a reason we’ve been put here, at this time.

The forces of evil are mounting their all out attack. We’re here to stop that attack and crush them once
and for all. Only with the removal of the so-called ‘illuminati’ can Man assume his proper path, his
proper destiny. We’ll have to fight, fight harder than any other time in history. We’ll have to rebuild a
poisoned, blasted, diseased, irradiated world and rediscover the lost sciences-but after that, the stars
will be ours.
You can share in that destiny if you’re willing to surmount the challenges of Doomsday.


The beast is trying to finish Free Humanity off. It’s our job to stop that from happening. The levers of
political power in their current form are insulated at the top and require deep cover agents hiding their
true agenda for years, decades to get access to. Third party candidates for most political offices lack the
media access, the political machine and funds to undertake such a campaign, and I’ve been personally
told that even billionaires can be outspent if needed. (Once upon a night at a bar, with a traitor at for my personal account of meeting one of these inbreeds.)

So, any political freedom movement has to start at the grass roots. Get together with like-minded folks
and take over a small town. Garner local support-it shouldn’t be hard given the universal and systemic
corruption and arrogance of today’s breed of “public servant”. DO NOT DISCLOSE YOUR FREEDOM
AGENDA, YOU WILL BE TARGETED. Have your real offices and paperwork at a secret location, the public
front office is expendable in case of a raid. Loudly protest any secretive ballot counting and use of
fraudulant electronic voting machines.

Win the election, take it over, repatriate all funds siphoned off into investments-look up the town's
Consolidated Annual Financial Report. Scrap all laws that don’t directly contribute to a Free and safe
society… you’ll know which ones. Eliminate all taxes for mom and pop local businesses. Fire all the
bureaucrats and tin badge gods. Get good people, downsize government, revitalize the Militia and train

When people see your liberated town still has a functioning local economy and real Freedom they’ll
want to move there. You and your like minded Patriots have a duty to expand, propagate the Second
American Revolution. Form Committees of Correspondence-they work like political parties and efforts
can be coordinated to liberate the remaining towns in your county-at which point you challenge the
county officials to a election and take over the county… particularly the Sheriff’s office. By then the
enemy will know who you are, what you’re about and things can get dicey. Have the Militias trained and
ready for self-defense, if needed.

You take over the county, and the Sheriff’s office in particular you can bar federal officials from entering
your county, at least officially. Lend support to surrounding towns and counties as they too throw off
the beast. As we gain whole states, we can then challenge the inbred psychopathic bluebloods for
America’s national offices. We can win-unless they declare martial law to stop the political movement in
which case I recommend the steps outlined in my essays Martial Law Survival Guide, Message to the
Patriot Movement, and Second American Revolution Victory Guide at my blog It is our duty to spread the Second American Revolution and never
ever stop. There are Two Americas and this land’s not big enough for the both of them.

It only took 3% of the American People to kick off the First American Revolution. 3% of the American
People today is 9,000,000-that’s plenty for the Second American Revolution.



Why you must learn to do things for yourself.

J. Croft

You’re trained, in a twisted sense, to be helpless. To be dependent on “experts” for everything from
fixing your refrigerators and cars to governing you and what’s supposed to be your country, to what
passes for educating you. A People cannot remain Free if they become dependent on others to function,
freedom and dependency cannot coexist without one concept taking over! Either being a dependent
encourages, tempts those you’re dependent on to fully enslave you, or you’ve had enough of their scam,
their theft of your Freedom to throw off their chains.

So throw off your chains, you only have your current provided comfort to lose. Losing your comfortable
laziness… yes dependency is a result of encouraged laziness… is the price you must pay to be self
sufficient, to be Free.

Now, that’s not to say you can be 100 percent self-sufficient. Unless you need practically nothing or are
rich enough to create a happy bubble of resources and means you WILL need help. In that case, consider
self-sufficiency to be you, your family, neighbors, your town, county-all working together to be Free
from dependency from outsiders. That’s not so bad as not only you get the same effect, you and yours
are supporting each other, banding together. Something that needs to happen as standing alone, you’ll
get crushed. Seemingly a paradox, yes, but it’s true. However one must be selective as to who they
choose to become mutually self-sufficient with-unless they’re rich enough… but even then one person…
you still need others for markets, help around the estate, retreat or whatever. You get the point by now.

So, how to be self-sufficient?

Start doing for yourself.

Your stereo’s speakers go out, don’t call a technician whose gonna laugh at you for calling them to plug
your jacks back in. Get the owner’s manual out, see how it’s supposed to be plugged in.

Your refrigerator conks out, get a home repair manual-hit a used book store and pick one of the
Reader’s Digest home improvement and repair books for like, five bucks. Or hit to download
a PDF. Get the Owner’s Manual out, look up the troubleshooting guide get the proper tools, get the part
from a appliance repair shop and replace the part.

A part on your car, say your light or your brakes go out, or you got to patch up a rust spot before some
tin badge god gives you a ticket, you get a how to repair your car book from the used book store or a
PDF. Get your car manual-you can copy from free manuals at your local library-and follow the steps. You
can change your oil(oil pan, replacement filter, five quarts of motor oil, correct grade), check your
transmision fluid. Hell, I helped tear apart and rebuild a friend’s automatic transmission to replace two
backing plates that gave way-have the parts, the knowhow, and follow the steps.

Follow the steps. Have the manuals, the tools, the will to do what it takes to take each single step at a
time. Look at the engine.

Look at the schematic.

Look at the manual and the how-to book. Unscrew your engine’s oil plug AFTER you put your drain pan
in place. Unscrew the old oil filter. Put a little of the replacement oil in your new oil filter, screw that in.
When the old oil stops flowing replace your oil plug, securing it tight. Crack open your new quarts of oil,
pour them in. Pour your old oil into your now empty quart bottles.

See? You break your job down to individual steps. You do each step YOURSELF-and hopefully you
actually did it right. You don’t call a repair man, you don’t take it to the shop. You do each step, making
certain to check and recheck the instructions if this is your first time(and, every time) until you’re done.

That’s self-sufficiency. That’s being Free; and if you can change your car’s oil you can grow your own
food. Know what will grow where you’re at, how much soil you got, the type. Buy your heirloom seeds,
your organic gardening books, the recommended tools. You prepare the soil or the containers you’ll
grow your seeds in, plant them, water the soil and provided you put the grow box by a window with
direct sunlight your plants will start growing. Follow the instructions, put the plants in your field…

Follow the steps. Know what you’re doing; make certain you know what you’re doing before you start
and have the parts and tools, and time to finish. Finish and do it right. Especially around the more
important matters of constructing shelter and shooting guns… know the steps.

Know and follow the steps you got to and you can do anything. Anything. Build a house, build up a home
machine shop(Dave Gingery has a series of books on how to literally build one up from scrap. Incredible
knowledge.) And with your field of organic food, your machine shop, you can achieve a measure of self-
sufficiency, of Freedom undreamed of. Nobody’s going to hold your hand on this, it’s something you
must do yourself.

Just like it’s up to YOU get yourself into shape. Get up, do your exercises; lift weights, jump rope, your
conditioning exercises, walk, bike ride. Eat right-buy organic. Look for USDA certified organic food, or
better yet grow your own organic food. Stop going out so much. You change your body chemistry, wean
out all the toxic garbage they put in the food, purify yourself, and you’ll get toned as you should be.

It’s up to YOU to raise your kids. Teach them what you’ve learned, what mistakes you made, what to
look out for, who to look out for… more important than ever. It’s up to you to take care of your family,
to watch over your wife, your grandparents, your husband, your kids, your neighbors. Yes, looking out
for your neightborhood is an extension of looking out for your family, and from there your community-
but that’s for a little later…

You can hit a lot better with a rifle. Follow the steps, you first find your target as target detection is the
most difficult task. Targets can closely match the background, they run and hide, they can be
camoflaged or behind obstacles. That takes practice-so practice your search pattern which is to treat
your enviroment to a pie slice search pattern. Searching from nearby to as far as you can see. When you
find your target, you figure out with a rangefinder, your rifle scope, or your front sight width versus
target size to know how many yards it is and adjust your sights. Dope your wind; how strong it’s
blowing, and at what ranges-knowing how fast your bullet’s going to travel and at what range, the
direction so you can know what value you can give the wind.

Then, with target in your sights you make the shot, whether off a bipod or some other rest or with a
proper shooting sling like the m-1907 military sling wrapped around your bicep holding the front of your
rifle tight to reduce waver… You’re in your position properly, supporting your rifle on your bone
structure and not your muscles. Place your front sight or recticle… take a breath, exhale and hold: keep
your sight on the target, allowing for lateral movement and range you squeeze your trigger… squeeze,
squeeze-BAM! Keep squeezing through let the report and recoil of your rifle surprise you. Recover,
check your target and if it’s still up and about aim and do the steps again.

See, you can shoot a rifle and if you can shoot a rifle you are no longer a slave, you no longer are at the
mercy so to speak of our oppressors. You’re a Rifleman, a Citizen of the American Republic; Our
America. As a Citizen it is your Responsibility to maintain Our Republic in as much a first hand manner as
you and your talents, resources and time permit.

That means you keep the reins tight on your public servants; it’s because we and our parents and
grandparents haven’t that they’ve turned into the rapacious power-crazed beasts that steal people’s
homes for $200 in unpaid taxes, assault women, children, the elderly for the barest of slights to their
fragile egos when they’re questioned as to why tickets for 5 mph over or a seat belt are issued to us by
the dozens while 911 calls are unanswered. Yeah. And a lot worse-like Kathryn Johnson murdered by
Atlanta Vice Squad over a bogus tip by a career snitch/drug dealer and drugs planted in a lame attempt
to justify their home invasion. Carl Drega, Marvin Heemeyer-persecuted by the local power structure of
businessmen, councilmen, mayors, police until they snapped and went out in a final flash of defiant

Such episodes are used by the beast to justify more surveillance, more gun control, more cops with
worse attitudes backed up with military hardware. Yes we can regain control of the government, it’s just
like any other task; break it down to the steps and do them.

To regain control of the federal government requires a full-fledged political machine, on the scale of the
Democrat and Republican party. As recent history testifies, Third Party efforts haven’t been enough
because there’s no grassroots machine in the states and counties and towns. That means winning and
holding offices in the states and counties and towns.

Most people are… were like you-hapless, helpless and not even interested in changing. That’s because
they haven’t been shown a better way. That’s what you and your fellow countrymen are going to do.
Pick out a small town that has a flaming corrupt government and move there to be eligible to vote. Run
candidates for all the offices. GET THE VOTE OUT-and you do that by agitating resistance against each
and every abuse of power you can document. Get the vote out even if you have to double the town’s
population to do it. Have your campaign office in a secret place and a duplicate public office that holds
nothing useful in case the police are used to raid. Watch like a hawk for any election day fraud.

Take over a town, and dismantle the local ordinances. Slash taxes. Eliminate property taxes and
guarantee Allodial titles to the People’s homes. Provide incentives for local small business. Tax the hell
out of Wal-Mart. Fire all the bully cops, the corrupt cops, the traitor cops and replace them with
Patriots. Take back control of the local schools and institute real learning.

Free your home town and you make it an example of what Freedom is, what America is supposed to be.
You document the hell out of your efforts and you WILL gain converts. Those converts then hit the
adjacent towns and townships and duplicate what you’ve done, only you’ll be there for support and
guidence… and if the People truly hunger Freedom they will take a chance on you.

Take over enough towns in a county and you can take back the county government using the same
template. With county government you gain control of the Sheriff’s office-and you can expel state and
even federal agencies and prohibit them from operating. You can also stop foreclosures and tax
forfeitures of homes. A county that is Free will generate enough converts, enough awakened people to
take over towns, cities and counties all over the state.

Enough towns and counties, a majority, and you can take back your state government. Much more can
be done to alleviate taxes, roll back gun control, take control of the state’s National Guard, raise a
statewide Militia, generate economic activity and get the beast off the People’s backs. Enough states
duplicate your state’s efforts and, guess what? You, we, are FINALLY in position to take back the federal

Can you imagine a federal government cutting back, spending 1/10(at least) as much as it does now?

Can you imagine a federal government abolishing the federal reserve banking cartel and issuing
Constitutional money that holds its value?

Can you imagine our troops brought home for good-from Iraq, Afghanistan, Korea, Germany, Britain?

Can you imagine the end to the war on poverty, drugs, guns?

Can you imagine the wholesale scrapping of the United States Code?

Can you imagine barring lawyers from public service?

Can you imagine the rules rewritten to encourage and protect American entrepenurs and stop the
economic bloodletting that’s gutted the economy?

Can you imagine bringing the IRS, the ATF, Homeland Security abuses and abusers of the People’s trust
to Justice?

Can you imagine the inner cities cleaned up, treatement facilities for the addicts, jobs and investment
for the people trapped in those economic and social prisons?

Can you imagine what you started in your home town inspiring immigrants to gear up and do likewise
when they return to their countries and start taking their lands back, town by town, province by
What I’ve just laid out for you is the Second American Revolution. Nobody’s going to hold your hand to
make it happen.

Posted by J. Croft at 12:48 PM 0 comments

Thursday, October 23, 2008



J. Croft

Know what you want. Know what you need.

If you don’t know what you need, I’ll tell you; you first need a Constitution Rifle, a weapon you can strike
the enemies of Freedom down at hundreds of yards away. This and the mastering of the technique and
art of rifle shooting is the foundation of our Constitutional Republic and of Freedom-the means to
defend our Republic, our Freedom. Beyond that there are the needs for every day home and personal
defense-those can be met with pistols, shotguns, and even semi-automatic “assault” rifles. .22s for
target practice, plinking and small game.


Know your guns. Know each type, know the models, their strong and weak points, what to look for. Can
you get spare parts, is it rare and collectible or total junk. Can you get ammo for it, how badly does that
particular weapon treat it’s brass. Check to see if parts are intolerably loose.


Most sellers are going to be adult mainstream American males. Dress and act acceptably to them, but
not in a way that suggests you’re patronizing them. KNOW ABOUT GUNS because these guys certainly
do and are mostly Law and Order types. Remember, they don’t have to sell to you so don’t act like it’d
be a bad ideal to sell to you. Be:

*A hunter looking for a new rifle

*A decent, hardworking family man looking to protect his family

*A collector starting out(REALLY know history)


Yard sales, flea markets, etc.

A source for a gun-probably not what you’d like but it beats nothing. Also, it takes some additional
legwork. Its pot luck; there could be a drought of guns, or there could be ten guns, or it’s ten guns that
are useless.

Gun Stores-yes for parts, ammo and accessories, otherwise hell no! Why? Federal registration form

Used to be yellow, you could orbit the tables at gun shows and it’d be obvious who had the forms-who
was a dealer. A couple years ago they changed the color scheme to white, which makes it look just like
all the other paperwork dealers like to lug around.

I can refuse to buy guns off dealers on principle: they KNOW by obeying illegal federal edicts to coerce
you to submitting to registration via the 4477 they’re laying the groundwork for confiscation. I mean,
anybody remember that scene from “Red Dawn” where the Nicaraguan general gives orders to hit the
local sporting goods stores and gather up those forms? Anybody remember where all those gun owners
wound up? The concentration camp.

Now we got home grown communists, and they’re going to do the same thing-because people are too
soft to not boycott anyone that makes them submit to becoming targets.

Gun shows

My God do I love gun shows! One of the last vestiges of unfettered Freedom-Americans walking about,
armed. Aside from that, gun shows are one stop shopping for not just guns, but bulk ammunition, web
gear to secure your extra magazines, manuals, training videos. You will meet many people a lot like you
who are preparing for the worst, or just enjoying their Freedom. That being said, there are downsides to
a open air arms market.
Junk gun sellers and other hustlers.

More than a few guns are junk from the design board. More than a few guns that aren’t junk from the
design board are manufactured poorly. More than a few guns that aren’t junk when they were new
become junk when substandard parts are substituted, or the barrel wears out, or the weapon isn’t taken
care of. These guns should be labeled as parts guns and priced accordingly but there are more than a
few sellers out there who will… misrepresent what they got.

So don’t be a mark: know your guns, how they work, what to look for. Check out the headspace with a
caliber gauge, feeler gauge for the HK/Cetme rifles, and a bullet for the muzzle-if it goes all the way in it
won’t shoot right. Know where to check for excessive wear, cycle the weapon to make certain it won’t
bind or is too loose, check the feed and function of the magazine with dummy rounds. Use those same
dummy rounds to make certain the weapon will feed, extract and eject. Check the sights-make certain
they’re aligned, and tight. Study up especially for the Cetme and M1Garand/M14 rifles as they require
specialized knowledge. Know who are the scumbags, who will slip a bad gun in once in awhile, and who
you can trust.

Times are tough, but there’s no excuse for conning Americans.

Licensed dealers versus private sellers

Next thing is to spot and avoid licensed dealers, because the same rules apply to them as gun shops; you
buy from them you’re registering yourself with the federal government as a gun owner. Like I stated
above, gun ownership is a Right that cannot and must not be subject to license as said license will
inevitably be taken away by the beast. So, walk around, orbit the tables. Look around at the seller’s area
and if you see paperwork with the white 4477 sheet smile and move on. Trust me you’ll find a private
seller for anything you need.

F-troop and their lame ass traps

Unfortunately the BATF loves gun shows too; they swarm and look to entrap people, and profile
everybody who they talk to, looking for violations of their unconstitutional, arcane rules.

One time, I had this 400lb fat slob of a agent come up to me, showing interest in a Enfield bolt action
rifle I had bought. He rudely grabs it out of my hands and trying not to retch from his fetid breath tries
telling me that it’s a “assault rifle”. The fucker comes at me tries to sound like he’s part of the gun
culture and it’s just so obvious.

Another was when this skinny 5 ft loser comes to me, wants me to straw purchase a Mini Uzi for him off
this one dude I used to buy guns off of regularly. There’s a low grade predator/vulture vibe with these
people that coupled with their obvious lack of knowledge about guns, obvious lack of respect and love
for them that comes across. Exit the conversation with them as quickly as possible and never, ever speak
or acknowledge their existence again. Tell others so they to can shun them and hopefully their lack of
performance can get them fired, or at least demoted.

There ARE skilled BATFags out there, that are good at entraping Americans with their rules. When they
do, it’s going to be you against the beast and the rules are rigged for you to lose. They decide to bust
you those fucks will strong arm you into becoming one of their snitches-you’ll be running around trying
to get people to straw purchase a gun for them, or buy a machine gun off of you, or some other bullshit.

What to get as of October, 2008

Military pattern semi-automatic main battle rifles in 7.62x51 NATO. They offer the best optimum of
range, cartridge and firepower. With them you can engage and hit your enemy past 300 yards, well past
most troops marksmanship training and well past the effective range of fully automatic assault rifle fire.
You have the small arms advantage, so keep your enemy beyond your battle sight zero. I have
experience with all of the following rifles, save one. I will list them in order of personal preference.


Development of the M1 Garand of WW2/Korea, with a greatly improved gas piston that’s self regulating
and a detachable 20 round magazine. This incredible rifle is accurate, reliable, the 7.62mm NATO round
is devastating. The iron sights ramp up to 1200 meters allowing fire from several trained riflemen to fall
on enemy targets like machine gun fire. The front sight is sized so that the average width of a soldier
matches the width of the sight at 250 yards-battle sight zero. That means you can fix your sight on a
traitor and if he’s the same apparent width as the sight you just squeeze the trigger. If he’s ¾ the width
of your sight, ramp up the elevation knob to 400 meters and shoot. If he’s ½ the width, ramp up to 5.
Past that you’ll need some kind of range finding device as the size of the target becomes too small to
judge accurately enough to get a range-but you can hit him with the M14. Every M14 is threaded and
tapped for a scope mount, but you must shop around for the best one to get; getting one, you can
employ modern rifle scopes with rangefinding and bullet drop compensators which will allow shooting
past 500 meters, and much more accurately.

Especially if you use a proper shooting sling; the M14 was designed to utilize a shooting sling that loops
around your support arm. Marksmanship standards for American soldiers was much more stringent
back when the M14 was made. Join the Appleseed program at learn what has
been forgotten, so you can use your M14 to its maximum potential.


This rifle was the competitor against the M14 in the 1950s. We went with the 14 but most of the rest of
the Free World went with the FAL. About as long as the M14 it’s not nearly as elegantly balanced-
although it boasts a pistol grip and a break open disassembly which spares the muzzle crown from
potential abuse. The controls are easier to operate and some models have a last round bolt hold open
device which peels valuable seconds off reload time like the M14. Most don’t. The triggers vary from
decent to grinding horror, the rear sight is inexcusably crude-a simple ramp that goes just to 600 meters
and wobbles to boot. There is a aftermarket M16 type sight produced by DSA Arms that largely rectifies
that design flaw. The weapon has a adjustable gas regulator, and can take a M1907 shooting sling fairly
well once you get a front handguard you can put a Harris bipod M16 adaptor into. Sadly, I had to sell
mine due to economic difficulties.

M1 Garand
I learned how to shoot with one of these. Eight shot .30-06 semiautomatic. Most things I stated about
the M14’s shootability apply to the Garand except you cannot mount a rifle scope directly over the
receiver-you need a offset scope or a scout mounted option. Buy HUNDREDS of the eight round en bloc
clips as you will lose them in battle. .308 barrels exist to convert the Garand.


German design meant for mass production, this rifle will work as reliably as an AK-47 and is unique as it
employs a roller delayed blowback operation. Which means it will KICK-unless you’re shooting a CETME
as it’s just different enough that the recoil impulse is ameliorated. The HK91 just has a recess for the
cocking handle to engage to hold the bolt back, meaning it takes valuable time to cock the handle fully
back to seat a round in the chamber-time you could get killed in. HK91 has an atrociously heavy trigger
that makes precision shooting very difficult, so get a CETME trigger pack and buttstock and put them in.
HK’s are well made and reliable. CETME was well made and reliable when they were produced but when
Century Arms imported them in the late 90’s and put them into new receivers to be legal… they botched
a lot of them up. I got one for $250 when they were cheap and it took a second rifle to cobble the parts
into a functional, shootable rifle. The ergonomics blow, the rear sight is even cruder that the FAL, the
barrel at 18 inches is a little too short for the .308, but it WILL shoot and shoot very accurately. Get a
scope mount and a Burris Fullfield II with ballistic plex sight and you’re good out to 500 meters.


This is the one .308 MBR I haven’t owned nor shot. That’s because I have a dislike for the design itself as
it blows gas directly into it’s action where Eugene Stoner has lots of critical, small, sometimes fragile
parts that the gasses and debris will inevitably clog up… or sand, or muck from the outside. My rifles
need to be able to handle abuse as they will see combat and the AR series has proven that without a
modification to use a gas piston it will not. Original magazines that hold the bolt open are still expensive
and the M14 converted mags won’t keep the bolt hold open.

.50 BMG rifles

You NEED to get one of these! the .50 BMG cartridge offers a whole new world of target engagement;
you can make kills out to 1000 meters or more, engage lightly armored vehicles the tin badge gods will
use to gun down Americans, even engage helicopters. Their downsides are that it takes practice and skill
to effectively use one, they’re long, heavy, they’re very expensive. They are worth the cost and effort to
master. They are also the most difficult arms to get private buys on as the cops and BATfags watch
buyers of these arms like a hawk so make arrangements to transact away from the gun show.

Single shot rifles start at about 1200 dollars. Some models you have to take the bolt out, cram a round
into the extractor claw on the bolt then reassemble the bolt. Some models you can literally chuck the
round in and slam home allowing a decent rate of fire. Some break open like a shotgun but most use a
bolt action.

Some bolt action models utilize a magazine, allowing a potentially greater rate of fire so long as you
have spare mags and a assistant to keep them loaded.

The Barrett Model 82(M107) is a semiautomatic 10 round .50 BMG rifle. It even boasts iron sights
graded out to 800 meters. This rifle is huge, heavy but since it’s semi auto could be used to engage
helicoptors. Not quite as accurate as the bolt action .50’s.

Extremely accurate bolt action rifles

These are your sniper grade rifles made by Remington, Savage, Winchester, Sako, AWG, etc. They shoot
.308, .300 Winchester Magnum, .338 Lapua, and a few other proprietary long range sniper rounds. They
all will shoot a dime out past 300 meters and really are fit for master shooters as only they can wring out
the most from them. They really are marvelous weapons and I wish I had the time to refine my skill to
justify purchasing one. All of them will use rifle scopes as expensive as the weapon itself. These will have
a rangefinding recticle known as the mil-dot, have target knobs and be very rugged.

“Assault rifles”

These will be semi-auto only versions of true full auto assault rifles. They still have their place as they are
more compact, or can be than full power battle rifles, and do offer more rounds to use.
I don’t like the AR’s and never will-the M4 craze is going to go by the bye when people discover how
hard it is to use all those kewl CQB optics and forgrip to engage targets past 200 meters when ammo is
scarce, and they have to fuck with cleaning a forever jamming rifle.

The AK series rifles are rugged but require more refined technique to use its crude sights and trigger, but
folding stock models can fit inside a duffel bag. They are also more reasonably priced and I cannot see
myself paying over 500 dollars for a carbine when I could use that money to get a .308.
The SKS has developed a cottage industry of aftermarket accessories to try and upgrade it. Ten shot
internal magazine, 7.62x39mm it’s typically better left as is because all the zytel duckbill magazines suck.
The SKS-D that feeds from AK-47 magazines is another story, as it’s more than a match for the AK’s. A
Liberty Trainer version, configured like a Garand is a good option for low cost Rifleman Training. Go to for more information on the modification.

Military surplus bolt action rifles

Mausers, Enfields, Mosin-Nagants: these three are currently cheap to get and have reasonable stocks of
ammunition. All of them have iron sights graded out to 1-2000 meters because that’s the 19th century
heritage of volley fire of whole companies onto targets to achieve a machine gun effect. All of them feed
from stripper clips holding 5 rounds generating a decent rate of fire. They’re accurate enough to hit a
man sized target at 500 meters and can be gunsmithed into much greater accuracy. Mausers are the
easiest to load but the bolt can be clumsy, the Enfields have 10 round magazines and extremely rapid
bolt throw but the rimmed rounds jam unless loaded staggered in the clips. Mosin Nagants require
effort to press the stripper clip down, and the bolt requires manipulation by the palm of the hand, not
the fingers like other rifles-but they’re the cheapest and steel core ammunition can be had by the case.
American bolt action rifles, the M1903 Springfield and M1917 Enfield are much more expensive, but
feature much better aperture sights and were designed to shoot accurately using a shooting sling.
Enfields are above 500 dollars and Springfields much more than that. Unless you get lucky your money’s
better invested in a semi auto rifle.

Swiss K31 rifles are straight pull bolt action rifles, incredibly accurate but the round it shoots is scarce in
the USA and converting it to fire 7.62mm NATO is extremely difficult. Too bad because otherwise they’d
be the perfect bargain rifle.

Swedish Mausers fire a 6.5x55mm round. In the 90’s both rifle and ammo could be bought by the crate
but they rapidly disappeared. The round is devastating and the rifle itself is very very accurate.

Can commercial rifles cut it?

In a pinch. Hunting rifles are made for lightweight carry and are reasonably accurate-but their recoil can
make them uncomfortable to use. Also, many civilian hunting rifles are usually well made, but some
parts just aren’t up to military standards of ruggedness and reliability. Also, do you think you can find
your caliber five years after martial law is fully enacted and there’s no more ammunition to be had?

If that’s what you got and all you’re going to have for the foreseeable future, get spare parts or consider
a trade up to something else above. Otherwise, have spare, extended mags if it feeds from a detaching
magazine or learn to grab four-five cartridges at once to more rapidly reload instead of grabbing for
your ammo pouch several times.

.22 training rifles

Need to target practice, train, hunt small game, have a relatively quiet rifle and the .22 fills that niche.
The Ruger 10/22 has detaching magazines and can be configured into a target rifle, a folding stock for
discreet carry, or as a Liberty Trainer to save on centerfire ammunition expenditures. The Marlin 60 is
rugged, costs nearly half as much, feeds from a 18 round tube and is more accurate than a standard
barrel Ruger. Very easy rifle to find. Numerous bolt action and pump action 22 rifles exist as well.


You use these when you’re attacked. You use these to fight your way to your long gun. You use these in
home defense, or very close quarters. Because to facilitate their small size the cartridges they fire have
to be much weaker than rifle or shotgun rounds. That being said, handguns do have their uses.

No revolvers if you can help it!

They’re bulkier than automatics, are limited in capacity, clumsy to reload. The .38 special will live on in
snub nosed revolvers because you can store them for years loaded. The .357, .41, .44, .45 Colt, .454
Casull, and the .500 S&W are handgun hunting rounds-they recoil violently taking time off from shot
recovery and the muzzle flash and blast are tactically debilitating. .44 magnum and more powerful
revolver rounds might have a specialty use for those wanting to punch through soft vests and have
repeat shots, but if so a folding stock AK in some kind of luggage might serve better.

Short list of semi-automatic handguns

The following are handguns I’ve owned-tried.

A .22 like the Beretta/Taurus is good for summer carry but hit for the head! Any other guns in this class
are junk, I’ve tried them. .25 is the same story.

The Ruger .22 automatic is a great target pistol and it’s quiet action is favored by those that fit
In the .380 auto the Makarov is a sensible gun in price and reliability given the power of the cartridge.
Reloading is clumsy given the heel release.

The CZ 52 in 7.62x25mm gives a handgun user the potential to penetrate soft body armor. Eight shot
magazines, awkward balance and the need to replace the issue cast steel firing pin with a aftermarket
forged pin are the bad points on this pistol.

With the latest hollowpoint rounds I consider the 9mm, the .40 S&W and the .45 ACP to be close
enough-they’ll do the job if you’ll do yours and shoot to kill. Less common cartridges like the .357 Sig
and 10mm are semi auto pistol rounds with .357 magnum power. No I don’t care for Desert Eagles
they’re too big.
Glocks are reliable-except there’s no manual safety. You grab the gun its loaded and ready to fire. The
trigger isn’t the best, but the target model triggers are good-but you MUST BE ESPECIALLY CAREFUL. I’ve
owned the 9mm 17, 17L longslide and the 10mm model 20 and I must say the 10mm equipped with
extended capacity magazines in a submachine gun pouch makes for a most potent handful of firepower.
Close behind it in combat capabilities are the new .357 Sig chambered Glocks-you can use standard .40
mags with them.

I like the Browning Hi-power 9mm once you remove the magazine disconnect. Fits better in the hand
and extended magazines are around. Get modern high profile sights because the 1930’s era notch and
blade are difficult to pick up even target shooting.

I don’t care for the Smith & Wesson models. Just something bleh about their accuracy and reliability.
Rugers are even worse in their reliability and their ergonomics suck.
Beretta/Taurus 9mm are solid handguns, they never jam but they are wide at the grip.

I like the M1911 series handguns once quality iron sights are installed. They’re called an expert’s gun
and I agree; the light trigger pull and pointability allow more precise shooting than with other models. I
would practice and shoot with extra magazine stuck between the fingers of your support hand and
practice swapping magazines out of your gun so you can keep up with the 15+ round 9mm and .40
handguns out there. Plus in a ammo-short world full metal jacket might be all you can get so that swings
the advantage back to the .45 ACP.

Haven’t tried the new Springfield Armory series of Croatian handguns but I’ve heard good things about
I detest the Tec 9. Someone designed it to fail yet make it kewl enough for them to be popular. All they
do is jam up. You can’t holster them, their sights and trigger suck.

The M-11 could be a much better handgun with quality magazines and sights but as is-no! I’ve owned
four of them and they’ve all failed to feed with the original zytel magazines. When they do feed and fire
however, they can be surprisingly accurate. The threaded barrel allows attachments. Still a 9mm so get
the pistol version. No decent holster options exist.


These are useful for a few shots or maybe a few magazines. I’m talking about the Hi-Point series of
handguns-oversized blowback pistols that fire 9mm, .40, and .45. Don’t expect them to last anywhere
near what a Glock can, but if you perceive a need for a handgun you can afford to lose they’re not bad.

Jennings, Lorcins, etc. just pass on them. Don’t even waste your time.

They carry relatively few shells, but a 12 gauge can do a lot of damage no matter the load, even birdshot
when used very close, but you want buckshot for shot that will penetrate up to 25 yards and slugs out to
100 yards-if you have sights instead of a bead.

Single shot shotguns can be reloaded quicker if you grab shells and keep them in your left hand as you
operate. Double barrel shotguns with internal hammers can keep up and even exceed the fire rate of
pump and semi-auto tube fed shotguns if you keep shells in your left hand.

Tube fed shotguns have the advantage of being able to be reloaded as you shoot, but for rapid reloading
requires some kind of tube speedloader. For pump action the Mossberg, Remington and Winchester is
the short list and is good for basic home defense. Semi autos the Browning Auto 5 is no longer produced
but is reliable. The new Mossberg 12 gauge semi auto was accepted by the Marines.

They could be better… The Saiga 12 gauge shotgun is an AK-47 modified to fire 12 gauge rounds from a
5, 8, 10 round box magazine. Aftermarket 20 round drums make it even more devastating.

Here’s the whole problem with shotguns: even with slugs they’re out of their element after 100, even
150 yards. Fit a rifle bullet in a sabot you still have the problem of stabilization so you need to induce
spin-but will the weapon’s design allow for accurate groups?

I have an ideal for a solution; three or four fin stabilized elongated projectiles loaded in a standard rifled
slug. You can find the design here: INSERT LONG RANGE SHOTSHELL DESIGN


I’d look for the gun shows to be banned soon. Open air arms bazaars are not compatible for the
technotronic society the beast is about set up for us. Slaves and guns don’t mix. In fact all private sales
will be banned.

A new wave of gun control legislation thanks to the Second Amendment destroying Heller ruling by the
9 old pedophiles in the ‘supreme court’ have stripped the last vestige of the Bill of Rights from us. A new
assault weapons ban will be passed.

Quiet efforts to quietly round up those that resist will escalate.

Sooner or later, we are going to wake up to find troops kicking in our doors in a hot martial law to seize
guns. Most will give them up valuing their soft lives than Freedom and so will lose their soft lives
anyway. Have spares of your guns, ammo, gear stashed away.

Ask yourself are you willing to defend yourself from the beast with a gun. Ask yourself are you willing to
give everything up, even your family, even your own life in a war for your Freedom. If you cannot
resolutely answer yes then at least provide comfort and arms to those that will say yes.
Posted by J. Croft at 2:37 PM 3 comments



J. Croft

“That’s my team!”

I understand that.

I understand that you got a lot invested in your teams. That it’s more than a trip to the stadium or a
afternoon in front of the big screen-it’s buying the gear, putting on your team’s war paint. It’s
celebrating the victories and comforting each other in defeat over beers or whatever else you like to
inebriate yourselves with. To you it is cheering for your home town going to war against other towns,
winning as much as possible until hopefully you win the championship.

That is a impulse, a tribal instinct from ancient times competing with other tribes for basic resources.
This instinct has been harnessed by dukes, princes and kings since civilization began. Only today, that
tribal instinct is used to commit unarmed robbery on you. Fifty dollars and up for a single ticket to a ball
game. Ten dollars for a watery “beer”, five dollars for a nasty ass hot dog. …That’s why a lot of you
invest in the tailgate parties-bring your own beer and food! …You dish out big bucks for the kegs, the
deep fryer you installed in your truck, the stainless steel barbecue grill.

These ball games of yours, you know it’s big business right? The stadium owners, the owners of the
major league teams-the dukes and princes of the corporate world-they reap all the real benefit off your
devotion to your sports teams… Nothing has really changed since medieval times, setting up little wars
to settle bets or insults or cull the excess population and tamp down on the justifiable dissent over them
robbing the People blind. Robbing you blind today.

And not just robbing you of your money; your energies are robbed-
“I work all fucking week; I got to have something to cheer for!”

I understand that too! You work your asses off all week and you need SOMETHING… yet isn’t it just TOO
convenient that SO MUCH press and TV time is given to sports coverage, sports commentary, sports
interviews, sports history-my God there are shows about fucking fantasy football! Come on.

“You saying it’s some kind of conspiracy theory? You got your tin foil hat when you wrote this?”

Again, who benefits from your money and devotion? Not you. The players themselves get fame and
some money-but they’re touted as examples for millions of Americans to waste their lives pursuing
sports or hero worship them than do something to rebuild the nation. Remember that while you’ve
been cheering(put your sports team here), the way too rich owners of “your team” milk you for every
cent they can at the stadium, and every cent they can at tax time when you pay for their stadiums, tax
incentives to stay in your town-whatever.

And while you’re spending all your time and money and the city cuts them breaks, small businesses hit a
wall of red tape so they can’t get started. People look for work but major cities would rather tickle the
pro team owners balls with their noses than give incentives for businesses to stay. People without
money have to work harder for that money so they don’t have time to learn who’s fucking them over in
city hall. So they-you-resign yourselves to a lifetime of drudgery and pine for the weekends and holidays
when “your” team can actually win something.

You get all your worth vicariously. Professional athletes for your manhood. Lindsay Lohan, Paris Hilton
and other jumped up celebrities for your womanhood. From childhood you’re conditioned to not be self
sufficient, to not look to yourself to solve your problems, be your own success. You rely on experts to
run what’s supposed to be your society. Those same experts train you-yes, train-through television and
public schools to be dependent, work a wage slave job-and admittedly you have no choice as small
businesses have a uphill battle against both megacorporations and government favoring them.

Do you see how systematically played you are?!

Do you see that you’re a work horse and your sports obsession is but the carrot dangled in front of you
to spur you to produce more the rest of the week?!

You’ve got a lot of reading to do. Really you got some serious head gear flushing to do. You should start

J. Croft

Posted by J. Croft at 2:36 PM 3 comments


J. Croft

Today’s America doesn’t allow much time to reflect on things, to find out why our once great nation has
gone the way of many other empires-that it became a empire. You and most Americans like you seek
some kind of living. Many, with enough school loans go to college where hopefully you’ll actually land a
job after you graduate. Most people can’t get the money together or the motivation and therefore seek
out a trade or some kind of niche. All to be able to have the nice home, the nice car, food in the fridge,
money to go out on when the weekend hits. The basics-but the cost of those basics goes up, and never
stops going up! Much of that is made up of taxes of all kinds, from every level of government. Of course,
I need not mention that Americans typically get a ‘wage’; not even a percentage of the profits, the fruits
of our labors belong solely to our bosses.

So, we all work hard, harder, and harder to maintain some semblance of lifestyle our parents and
grandparents could do on one job. Yet even working two jobs isn’t enough so we’ve literally mortgaged
the next century to have a taste, a hologram of prosperity our parents and grandparents had. Worse,
having the entrepenurial spirit bred out of us we Americans work for corporations, for the government…
and what do they do? They lop off at least a quarter of your all too hard-earned paycheck before you
even see it. Come the new year you send money you desperately need to the IRS. The IRS takes that

…sends it as payment to the federal reserve…

…to go on the INTEREST the government pays on loans from bonds and borrowing its money-OUR
MONEY illegally from the federal reserve!

We pay private bankers interest on them loaning to us the currency we use instead of just issuing money
with precious metals backing, or commodities. Only bankers and thieves would think up of something
like that-only bankers could bribe enough congressmen to sneak it through on Christmas Eve, 1913, get
the president to sign it in.

So, the government that is supposed to be our servant is our master-the beast. Why should we remain
loyal taxpayers to a monstrosity that passes bankster bailout bills that reward those fuckers for setting
up a second depression. A bailout that makes certain those bankers aren’t out even one cent as America
gets even the wheelbarrow covering it’s naked ass seized.

So when does the instinct of self-preservation kick in with you? When do you, your family, friends,
neighbors come to the conclusion that this is not what America is supposed to be about? How about

So how do you free yourself?

Let’s break this down: first you cut spending, second you find untaxed sources of income, third you
become debt free.

First, cut spending. Make out two columns. Left hand column, you put in things that actually generate
income. Rented out apartments, stocks(good luck)that generate dividend income or you otherwise sell
at a profit(again, good luck), after tax income.

Right hand column go all your expenses. Mortgages, taxes, car loans, school loans, credit cards, food,
gas, utilities, hobbies.

Add up both columns-the left hand column will for Americans be smaller than the right hand column. So
now you got some decision making to do. Downsize your home if you can, sell that new car and get a
reliable older vehicle, stop spending so much on mall runs and going out. Economize.

Now, work to transition to tax free means of making a living. The first option is finding an employer who
will pay in cash. That can be relatively easy, if you’re doing a construction trade as a laborer, or some
restaurants. The thing you have to look out for is that because you’re working for someone under the
tax man’s radar, that employer might decide that they can disregard being decent to you as well. Be
prepared if your employer’s a scumbag: keep records of when you work, even if you have to take
pictures of your time card with a digital camera, and have a voice recorder handy. Yes, you’re not paying
out taxes and there’s no records but you’re still working for a wage, your employer still keeps most if not
nearly all the fruits of your labor. You can do better-if you don’t believe that, how can you do better?

In some occupations that’s difficult, nearly impossible-at least all the time-but doctors, lawyers(rat
fucks), accountants and other self-employed types can do under the table work now and then. Running
their business as a corporation, you have to register, although Nevada offers a means to do that
anonymously. Wyoming and Delaware offer similar levels of protection. Basically a corporation takes the
tax burden off of you, along with all the liabilities of ownership yet letting you retain control. Saying that
I strongly recommend you do your own research and consult a professional, it’s easy to get set up by
scumbag IRS agents.

So, a better option still is a trade, or a number of trades that you can keep under the radar. Growing a
garden and selling the surplus(so long as you’ve stocked your pantry first)makes use of your land. Using
your van or truck to haul people and goods is a good moneymaker. Work crews need transportation,
people have scrap and debris they need to get rid of, you have stuff to haul to the recycling center or
flea market to sell. You got a skill, you can hire yourself out to do repair work, or teach, or make items to

I’ll mention flea markets again. Find one that is preferably indoors, that has a high traffic flow-that
means near major roads and not way out of the way. Bring along food and drink because there are
operators there that sell food, sometimes for ridiculous prices, and it’s probably not even good to look
at. You’re conducting retail selling and the key to that is patience enough to wait for the person who will
come by and buy at your price. Patience, and endurance; this is something you do every week. You’re
going to be dealing with more than a few bottom feeding assholes at these places, these places seem to
attract them.

Have more than one source of income. No such thing as job security in this new great depression
America so you have to have cash flow security. You got talents you can make practical use of to
generate income, use em! Use them all, and learn how to do more. Repair work of all kinds will always
be in demand. People will need knowhow, instruction, so if you’ve got a library of practical knowledge
and survival skills that’s a source of income you can use to sell. Don’t neglect your land as a source of
cash crops. Again, your vehicle can be used as an income generator by hauling people and things.

So, exploit what you know and what you got to the max. Phase out your wage job, your taxable income
job and use all the money from that to become debt free. Debt free means Freedom; we were all tricked
by the bankster scum through their deliberately generated inflation to taking on the debt so we
wouldn’t feel we were falling back. Those delusions have cost us dearly, and it is our job and
unfortunately our children’s job to restore what the banksters and their lawyer toadies that run the
government and the bureaucrats that administer the self-serving laws the lawyers write for themselves
and their bankster massahs. We’ll all have to contend with the tin badge gods that have let themselves
be brainwashed into thinking evil is good and good is evil who will attack us all in our efforts to Free
ourselves. Freedom’s never free, and there are two Americas-our Land of the Free and the banksters
permit society where we live so long as we have license issued by the state ‘letting’ us. It’s up to us to
Free ourselves from the beast because there’s only room for one America in this land.

Much more can be learned from the books by Adam Cash, in particular "Underground Economy" and
"Guerilla Capitalism".

Posted by J. Croft at 2:34 PM 0 comments


J. Croft

Why are you putting up with being called ‘nerds’? You think it’s a backhanded kind of cool-like Blacks
using the n-bomb on each other? Guess what? You are what you let others define you-you want to be
fucking defined by slurs? You take the sand kicked in your face and pretend it’s anything but?

You let yourselves be called insults, and insult each other, you limit yourselves. That is why you gravitate
toward powerful characters and settings far outside your own lives-you crave for the power others
would deny you-that more importantly, you deny yourselves.

Yeah, I know you’d love to have Kevin Pererra hang with you and play with your X-Box all day. I know for
a fact you’d love to hang with Olivia Munn all night! Yet, you have to realize this: they are spokespersons
for G4 Network. G4 is but a subsidiary for NBC-Universal, which is a huge media conglomerate… but it’s
yet another subsidiary of some other megacorporation conglomerate that absorbs corporations and
people and personalities you’re literally programmed to idolize just like the Master Control Program in
Tron. Just like in Tron at the heart of these megacorporations are way too rich, powerful, old white men
whose sole pleasure in life is power.

You know because there is a strong moral core in most science fiction and fantasy that such powerful,
power mad people are evil. There is much truth to that, more than most of you know. These ‘people’
have an agenda they’ve perpetrated on us all, and you see that agenda all around you:

*Racial conflict

*Economic collapse

*The theft of Freedom

*Ecological destruction

*Using America’s military to usher in the Apocalypse

Fucking pissed? I am, but that’s what the media corporations are for. They have key lackeys of those
MCP-type old fucks that get the orders to keep you distracted and dumbed down. They in turn set
corporate policy on what gets past the mainstream media gatekeepers. Ever try producing anything
independently, you know EXACTLY what I’m talking about.

So that’s what Kevin and Olivia are-gatekeepers. They know what’s allowed and what’s not, and that’s
why they march in ideological lockstep with literally every other media figurine in keeping the status quo
of media bullshit going. That’s why when real questions about the Kennedy Assassination or 9/11, or this
new Wall Street bailout… a payout to them for ripping America off… they go with the pre-written script
and call anyone with more than two functioning brain cells ‘tin foil hat wearers’.

…Keep laughing. Reality’s about to intrude on your fantasy life. Going to be real hard to pay to go to
Comic Con when you have no job and what money’s in your pocket can’t even buy a loaf of bread. Or
afford the electric bill to keep your computer going-there goes your internet, your Max Payne, your
downloaded porn collection.

I’ll repeat: have you even glanced at the recent news? The Wall Street gangsters, the banksters are
waging economic war against us by creating instability in the Dow Jones average to scare us Americans
into going along with the economic cap to the head their bailout to themselves is. In spite of a hundred
to one ratio of Americans-like you-screaming, those traitors in Congress passed the bankster bailout. If
there was anyone in need of a bailout it’s US!

US-for the economic gangrape of our once great nation; sending our factories and jobs and technology
overseas, probably to never come back.

US-for enduring taxation of over fifty percent and parking the funds raised in investment vehicles so the
beast can profit even more from our suffering.

US-for twisting our cops and soldiers to becoming our oppressors instead of our protectors since we’ve
been illegally barred from exercising our Second Amendment Rights in defense of our families, towns,
and nation.

US-for their never-ending legal assault on our Freedoms. You can’t have Freedom if you have to ask a
public servant for permission to exercise that Freedom.

They’ll be coming for your guns next. You got guns don’t you? You’ve learned how to shoot-not with a
joystick, not from some bullshit Hollywood movie that deliberately teaches you the WRONG way…
actually getting down with a rifle, a handgun and practicing the fundamentals of making a shot every
time, as rapidly as you can.
If you have a rifle, plant the buttstock into the meat of your shoulder. Not shooting from the hip.

If you have a pistol, hold it UPRIGHT-that sideways gangsta style’s a Hollywood invention.

Front sight on your target…

Line up your rear sight with the front…

Take a breath, let some out, hold…

…While keeping your sights on target SQUEEZE your trigger-let the gunshot surprise you, it won’t hurt.
Squeeze through with your trigger finger.

Recover from recoil, work the action if it’s manually loaded do the same thing all over again.

Get some training: go to for rifle training.

Get to the gun shows, scour the classifieds for private unregistered sales. Get semi-auto .308 military
pattern rifles, extra magazines, web gear and as much ammunition as you can acquire.

Get in shape so you can handle your rifle better, fight better.

This is the foundation of Freedom-armed, capable Citizen-Riflemen. You and others united in Freedom
are known as Militia-a term the beast disparages the most because Free People are those turds
ideological arch-enemies. Exercising Freedom, you’ll want more. You’ll want to spread the word, Free
others, start taking back your government… enough of us do this we can all get back our power, our

You want respect, you want power? It’s not from making the perfect scale model of a Klingon
battlecruiser or the ultimate Star Wars fan film, it’s standing with your countrymen in defense of our
nation and Freedom in the face of the beast known as the US government! Join us in the Second
American Revolution and together we can make our most outlandish Star Wars Old Republic fantasy
reality. Don’t, and we face post nuclear apocalypse Terminator, Children of Men… extinction. The choice
is yours, and it’s the most important choice you’ll ever make. Retreat back into your little prefabricated
geek world and you guarantee your own destruction and ours.

Our Father, in Heaven, created us so that each of us can be the best we can be. If you don’t feel Your
Father in your heart, you truly have nothing. To know God is to know Love, Truth, and Justice. Without
Love, Truth, Justice, what is Freedom? And what is life without Freedom but existing under another’s
rule. We all know what kind of life that is.

Posted by J. Croft at 2:32 PM 0 comments

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Television: the electronic narcotic.

J. Croft
60 Cycles a second. That is what American television sets scan the images that entrance you and that
rate was scientifically researched to induce a trance-like state in your mind. Hypnotism: and the more
you watch television the easier it is to get entranced, start flipping channels, watching any
inconsequential shit on and the next thing you know two, three, four hours have passed. Time you will
never get back. Time you lost forever that you could've spent learning a trade for that additional income
stream you know you need now or some quality time with your kids/parents/spouse.

Bad enough you say? Wait I've just started.

Why do you think they call television shows programming? There are messages both overt and covert
that you receive once you've entered into your zombie television viewing mode to instill what those that
control the media want you to believe, act, react to. Flip any channel on and the viewpoints are the
same no matter if the mouthpiece or actor is playing 'liberal' or 'conservative'.

First example being 'conspiracy theorists'; those who try to expose the many frauds promoted as
'realtity'. The media seeks out the crazy cat piss smelling idiots who wait for the mothership and
associate them with what should be described as truthseekers. Someone tries to expose the truth about
Kennedy-gets called a kook and has the so-called Mythbusters dorks rig an obviously biased test where
even the sniper doing the shooting criticizes the test. Someone brings up Gulf War Syndrome, they're
stonewalled and ignored. God help you if you expose 9/11 for the government black op it is, you'll get
called a terrorist.

There exists in American mass media a general liberal streak a couple miles wide. You know by heart the
er, values the major media promotes:

*Major, liberal dominated urban areas are bastions of civilization in spite of all the crime.
*'Flyover country' is full of mutant gun-crazed racist hicks.

*Cops are (mostly) benevolent, and whatever they do is 'necessary' for 'society'(whatever those in
power deem).

*Single mothers, divorced couples, adulterers are morally superior to stuffy married people-besides they
have more fun.

*Guns are only for cops and soldiers and maybe the anti-hero private detective so long as all the permits
are in order. Anyone and everyone else can't handle guns and will blow their own heads off.

*If someone suffers and/or dies because of a policy promoted by the media they're a worthy sacrifice-
it's the principle that counts!

*Self-sufficient independent thinkers are stupid, uncool, tin foil hat wearers waiting for the apocalypse
with beans, bibles and bullets. There are people in the phone book that handle emergencies and stuff.

*Education is best left to the state schools. Home schoolers are crazy conspiracy buffs.

*There is no conspiracy of course. What's presented on the news and TV shows is the way things are.

*Anything a talking head on TV says is true.

*There are conservatives on TV-on Fox News. Go tune them in you troglodyte… not that they don't get
their own brand of spin to keep the left-right paradigm going.

I could go on for an entire book with the examples.

Terrible? Yes it is. Unfortunately it gets much, much worse.

Subliminals are words or images presented in a very brief period of time-well under a second-and
camoflaged within the image or integrated in it so that it isn't obvious something's flashing… but
something IS. This is a powerful technique because the subliminal registers with the subconscious mind.
Since the subconscious is 90 percent of the human mind… useful to those that control us but there are
more advanced techniques. Subliminals are also inserted in the audio, and there are a variety of means
of masking them from conscious detection yet be able to reach the subconscious.

Neurolinguistic Programming-What?!

NLP is a largely hidden, patented, and highly guarded science that exploits the human subconscious to
deliver messages, instill conditioning, forge attitudes. Since Television is such a widespread, addictive
means of delivering messages, instill conditioning, forge attitudes it is used very heavily. Incidentally
neurolinguistic programming is also used by mainstream churches, the military, corporations-it's a topic
unto itself. The foundation of NLP is dual meaning: apparently saying one thing but delivering through
verbal and visual cues a hidden message. Could be a left-hand gesture that clicks something in the
subconscious, or the way your voice sounds or how fast or slow you speak. It's a evil science, and
unfortunately for this article I'm just beginning to grasp just how pervasive and powerful this is!

So, isn't all this illegal?

I wish! Actually the government has been a tacit partner with the major media conglomerates in
perfecting this insidious technology. Your television you depend on for your entertainment, for a
persepctive on the world is the main tool to enslaving you. This enslavement's unnoticed because the
conditioning, the messages are delivered in pieces, repeatedly, and your own mind does the assembling.
Every American's mind does the assembling of the pieces into the group-think that dominates.

And who determines what goes into the American group-mind? Major media corporations, left-liberal
gatekeepers, neo-marxist college professors, and a lot of government bureaucrats and shadow
operatives. All the traitorous scum that have reduced us to slaves-with lavish homes provided at
interest. The trappings of the American Dream can and are being taken away and not even the beast's
electronic narcotic will be able to mask the hard slap of reality when the true state of our servitude is

What do we do?

What do we do depends on what you do-stop watching television. Yes it's effectively a drug, and like all
drugs it lies to you as it steals your time and energy. But if you can cut the TV out you'd have the
willpower to get in shape. With the additional time and much greater energy, after cleansing your body
going on a organic diet, along with execise your mind will work better. You'll want to know more of how
deep a hole we're all in and what you and your talent set can do to help out.

What WE can do depends on how many WE there are.


J. Croft

If you’ve been reading my blog a few of my posts have consisted of power point-like presentations, and
some odd instructions on making a tract. If you look at my previous post “Tin Foil Hat Wearing Idiots”,
you’ll also see two attachments from where I have printable sheets of those panels attached
in a grid.

That’s the printout of a Freedom Tract. It’s my contention that such tracts can be a valuable addition to
the kinds of media Patriots can use to reach others and awaken them.


You’re going to divide your page into cells. Because of the need for formatting, your tract is either going
to be 14 or 30 pages, so plan well ahead what your tract’s going to be, it’s layout.

Go into Table along the top bar. You want Number of Columns to be 2 and Number of Rows 4. Be certain
your margins are exactly the same left to right, top to bottom or your tract will be misaligned.

Each page fits into a cell. They go in a specific order. For a one sheet, 14 page(not including front and
back cover)tract:

For a two sheet, 30 page(not including front and back cover)tract:


Each page must be 4.7 by 2.7 inches. You set those in Paint by going into Image menu along the top and
selecting Attributes. Select for Units in inches and type in the Width and Height fields 4.7 inches wide
and 2.7 inches height.

From there you can use Paint to insert pictures, draw, draw and insert, type or copy text to the page.
When done, choose a file name and Save.


Keep the diagrams above in mind you select the page number you want and put it in the correct cell. Go
to Insert along the top bar, click Picture, then From File; click on the image you want and click Insert.


Keep in mind you’re going to have an overhang of one extra page from the cell table formatting, and if
you simply hit the Print icon you’re going to ruin most of your subsequent copies.

So, go into File. Select Print…

In Number of Pages, select 1-2, or 1-4 depending on tract size.

Go into Properties and select Duplex printing-it’s vital that you’re able to print on both sides of your



If you don’t have a dedicated paper cutter you’re going to need a very steady hand. Cut along the rows,
you’ll have 4 or 8 strips of the same kind. Start stacking the top row atop the next row, atop the next
row etc. until the tract is assembled. Using a long enough stapler to reach the center bind them and be
neat. Fold firmly and be straight with the crease.


You may have to play with the margins to get a proper print. Use the rulers in Word and play with the
margins, making single test prints until the tracts come out perfect.

Unless you’re able to use a company or school or library printer, you’re going to need to invest in
cartridges and paper.


DVDs or CD-Rs are great, but you need a player and a screen.

The web, you need some kind of device to view it as well.

Books require dedicated time to read, and are more expensive but you can pack a lot of information in.

Freedom Tracts can be used to INTRODUCE an ideal, or item. They’re portable, in a sense cute, cheap
and don’t require plugging into a device or much in the way of resources-any computer made past 1995
can do the job.

Jack Chick, the inspiration behind my tracts, has been producing mini comic books for years. It’s hard to
resist just scooping up a pocket sized comic or interesting looking tract and reading it. And we Patriots,
being locked out of the mainstream media, our internet communications threatened, need every means
possible to get our message out.

We need to get people to begin the walk each of us took to liberating our minds. Some of us found an
ideal or book or video that started the mental avalanche of truth seeking. Others are in a crisis and reach
an epiphany about the fraud modern America is.
Remember the mental state you were in when you started your journey. Remember that your target
audience isn’t truth seekers its folks struggling along, being led into the slaughter and they can’t and
won’t take a two hour dissertation on how they’re the Militia, or how the federal reserve is really a
private banking cartel that has waged economic warfare against us for the past century.

They will however, relate to sympathy to their own personal struggle. Perhaps you can figure out a way
to twist that sympathy and sympathetic ear to just begin looking at how things really are. That is victory
enough for starters-getting folks to start asking the hard questions instead of keeping their heads firmly
planted in the sand. Besides this is a good exercise in creativity, and good for the mind.

J. Croft

Sacrifice. The ugliest word in today’s ‘murika’-because it means giving up something, to the point where
it’s presently painful. A lot of times not even for your own benefit. Which is understandable given how
we’re literally programmed by mass marketed consumer culture that we deserve everything we want
now-after we’re told what we’re supposed to want.

Funny thing though, whatever choices you make, you’re already making sacrifices. You choose to stop
reading this uncomfortable article, you’re sacrificing the opportunity to learn how much you’ve been
enslaved. Yes, this is a calculated gambit to spur you to read on; because the fantasy land known as
modern America is being foreclosed and being shipped overseas by those that have engineered our
nation’s destruction. Worse, that destruction, can be faulted not just at the feet of the banksters-those
inbred blueblooded psychopaths that run the world in secret-not just at their puppet corporations, their
puppet presidents, congressmen, nor just all the millions of wannabe elite millionaire dickholes who sign
on to get a piece of that putrid pie or the millions of bureaucrats, rat fuck lawyers and tin badge

Our destruction can also be laid at your feet-for the decisions you’ve made, the sacrifices you make.
You’ve already sacrificed watching over your local government-the primary vehicle of the beast’s
tyranny against us all as most politics is local. What did you sacrifice control over the enemy’s weak
point for?(1) Probably watching ball games, dancing with the has-been stars, or an evening logging on to
porn or whatever gets you off. Now you can sacrifice your Rights as irksome bureaucrats and tin badge
gods put you in what they regard as your place… paying excessive taxes, fines, having your Rights taken
away as they just wait for you to make an objection so they can really make your life hell. Which is their

You’ve sacrificed your financial independence for that bigger McMansion-which is either being
foreclosed on or already foreclosed on because you opted to work for a corporation that shipped your
job overseas than learn to be an entrepenuer. You can kiss that SUV goodbye as it’s repossessed too-so
now you can only take what you can stuff in a bag so you can also kiss your debt financed possessions
goodbye as well.(2)

And what have you sacrificed for being “politically correct”? Let’s go through a brief list:

*Sacrificed Free Speech for being overly sensitive to minorities acceptable to elitists. Meanwhile, poor
whites get hit with the minstrel-like white trash redneck image all the time. Now we got more latent
racism than any time in a hundred years, the tinder for a engineered race war… thank the social
engineers for deliberately doing this.

*Sacrificed your Right to Bear Arms in defense of self, family, neighborhood and nation for… I can’t think
of what you got for giving that up-your enemies just took that away from you! Blame TV for being made
in freedom-hating Chicago, LA and New York City, blame your teachers and the lawyer class you let rule
over you-being educated by freedom hating marxist professors. Hope you like genocide because after
the Marines go door to door to take the guns they’ll be marching you off to make soap and lampshades
out of you.(3)

*Sacrificed our heritage of Freedom, and striving for a more perfect form of Freedom in the face of age
old prejudices and avarice of those who would continue the sins of their ancestors. Throwing the
proverbial baby out with the bathwater, the p.c. taliban dump on America’s legacy of Freedom along
with this nation’s many sins. I would refer them to my essay “The Two Americas” at but common sense and the knowledge of right and wrong left them
a long time ago.

You sacrifice something. There’s no avoiding choice. There is also no avoiding that current conditions
can change-and they are changing very rapidly as I write this in December, 2008. In case you haven’t
been keeping score:

1. We’ve been through a collapse of the stock market brought about by debt leveraged to levels beyond
insanity that have proven to be no good…. because the same financial system that created derivatives
like Mickey Mouse as the sorcerer’s apprentice in Fantasia have rigged their global economy to ship all
the jobs out. No jobs=no money for shopping sprees, no servicing all that debt they’ve checkmated
Americans into taking on.

2. The federal reserve, in an attempt to stabilize things and head off further collapse… or more like stage
one more ripoff are lining up trillions of dollars-half this nation’s GDP-to bail out the banks. …Or more
like pay for all the bad investments they foisted on Americans and get them off scot free. Whose
supposed to pay? Us. So taxes are going to go up, but that isn’t the worst of it; the specter of
hyperinflation in a collapsing economy will overwhelm us early next year.

3. Already, the above is having an impact on the Christmas shopping season, the time of year retailers
and the real estate owners the retailers lease from. When the full magnitude of the economic collapse,
the job losses, the hiked credit card interest rates hits home a lot of retailers are going to close. When
that happens kiss commercial real estate goodbye.

4. The collapse of credit is going to have yet another after effect-farmers can’t get the fuel and fertilizer
to plant next year’s crops. This year’s disastrous weather has also endangered both food and seed crops.
Worse, the government is proactively using onerous regulations and SWAT teams to enforce those
regulations, and they've already ruined many farms and private co-ops. This is leading to the collapse of
the independent farmer. Without independent sources of food the beast will have a monopoly on food
supply, and with ever increasing socialist control of the economy and transport can shut off supply of
food at will.
So many more points I could make, but do you get the gist?


You do not have much time to get your head straight and act to save yourself-before conditions
deteriorate to the point you won’t be able to. I’ve been writing at my blog Freedom Guide that things
are coming to a head, well we’re at the head now. Now you’re at the crossroads. Now is the time to
decide whether to disregard this essay or start acting to save yourself… hopefully your family, and
maybe even a few trustworthy people.

You can wring what credit and/or cash you got left and get some food stores, seeds, privately purchased
semiautomatic military pattern rifle w/ magazines and web gear, learn to
shoot( place in the country well away from the cities with fresh water. If you
can’t do it yourself, get together with those who are awake like you are. At least get the rifle and ammo
and as much food as you can. Things like food, get a co-op going. A place in the country to bug out can
be done jointly, although just moving out and being of use locally is a MUCH BETTER option.

Oh, while we still have something of a free internet, download as much survival how to and basic 19th
and 20th century how to knowledge as you can. Get some portable hard drive or USB thumb drives and
hit the torrents, , and google search terms. I’m not just talking about guns and
explosives and how to kill a man with your bare hands; I’m talking how to build a machine shop from
scrap(hint), how to grow food organically in your back yard and in a green house, how to build a
underground home, manufacturing the chemicals and components for ammunition. If you have the
brains I’d download Tesla and Free Energy, see if you can do us all a huge favor and make it work
practically-although you should first get cracking on our own wireless internet nodes the beast can’t
interfere with.

Sacrifices, you willing to sacrifice your free time and playing Santa Klaus for the Truth and a shot at

In fact, surviving on your own is not an option, what’s coming in 2009 is going to swamp even the most
prepared-you survivalists who stock up for yourselves and ignore your unprepared, desperate neighbors
will join them in misery as their children starve to death and they act in desperation. And if they don’t
take you out, the government will-take your guns, take your food stores, take you to that FEMA camp.
Someone’s going to snitch to get some kind of benefit from the beast-rat on you and what you got.

See, a lot of people have sacrificed their integrity for a few scraps at their master’s table. Americans in
general have been bred to put comfort and perceived safety above being self-sufficient… the basis to
being Free. That’s why we’ve been made so decadent. And that decadence is a weapon against you.
Make you ignorant in the first place of watching out for others-because you would want to be watched
out for as well.

You go for the debt, the comfort, the easy way out, “go along to get along”-you’ve made sacrifices.

Past time to Sacrifice willingly what keeps you from doing what we all must to free ourselves. And I’m
not talking about personal preparations, although that is vital because self-sufficiency is the bedrock of
Freedom. It’s past time you took Responsibility-sacrifice’s better cousin-Responsibility and start cleaning
up government so you don’t have to risk a heart attack running your fat flabby ass from FEMA. The
beast has the national offices pretty much locked up, and the state governments are also no-go’s.

To get the state government, the federal government under control requires a fully functional national
party on the scale of the democrat/republican party.(4) This requires building from the grass roots up-
from your town’s government. Yes, your local government-if you live in a major city then it’s your
precinct-but your mission is the same: organize and win a local election.

Yes, this will require a lot of Sacrifice on your part, but what’s at stake is whether or not we could
possibly have peaceful change.

First be honest. If you have dirt, any dirt on you, get someone else to run for office. Have a entire slate
for public office because you want to sweep ALL the crooks out.

Have TWO campaign offices; your real operational center you WILL KEEP SECRET and the “official” office
that will be surveilled and probably raided under some bullshit pretext by the cops.
Know your town. Literally map out, street, house, the population-demographics, voting record, income,
crime. You give the enemy any competition you can bet they’ll pull out all the stops to win people over.

The local media will of course be in the hip pocket of the establishment’s man so you’re going to have to
be your own media. Internet, pamphlets, door-to-door pressing flesh with a lot of strangers who are
unaware they’ve sacrificed their Freedom and Country by their instilled lifestyle. Remember how hard a
time you had waking up and go with what they can comprehend.

Your platform will be both a return to Constitutional Republic and flexible in delivery. You preach
Freedom; smaller government, taxes eliminated, incentives and support for local businessmen, police
reform, respect for rights. You alter the approach from person to person.

Encourage friends and friends of friends to vote. You want help? Offer them help. A job or gig, a place to
sleep, get some groceries, hold a shooting match or otherwise offer basic marksmanship training,
patronize local business. People will back you if they see you are tangibly helping them out with their

Watch out for the opposition; they’ll use every dirty trick imaginable, from planted drugs, to slander, to
harassment, to sabotage. These “people” aren’t like you and I-they’ve been eating a lifetime diet of
bullshit that because they got a college degree they’re superior to us and therefore have license to rule
us. They’ll do whatever it takes to hold on to that power.

Most of all watch out for vote fraud! Electronic ballot machines are perfectly hackable, and even paper
ballots can be tampered with. Google “Battle of Athens, Tennessee 1946”.

You’re asking your prospective voters to Sacrifice their time and leisure to vote for you-give them good

You win, carry out your promises to the best of your ability. Grow the Second American Revolution by
city, county and state. (5) Be the Real Life Example we need to illustrate how enslaved we are-and how
Free we could be again.

Or sacrifice your Freedom now and especially later-for what, some kind of comfortable existence?!

A existence that is going to end in 2009.

When you lose your job.

When you run out of food, and your kids are screaming at you for food.

When your utilities are shut off.

When your home is foreclosed on and you’re homeless.

When you’re on the street and CPS(6) take your kids.

When you’re fighting with more and more people for less and less garbage to pick through because the
restaurants and grocery stores are closing for lack of business and less people have food, and you’re
starving… you know what it’s like? Never ending pain as your body consumes itself to keep brain
function going; even so you can’t really think of anything beyond eating so you start eating tree bark,
leaves, bugs, worms, rotting flesh… maybe even a dead body.

That’s what you will Sacrifice changing the direction our nation’s going on for your own personal
comfort, your own delusions given to you by the enemy that wants you dead.

(1) If you’re motivated, and still on the internet look up the voting records for your town and county
elections and cross reference them with the latest population figures… you’ll find a shockingly small
percentage of people bother to make their voices and votes felt. Vote fraud aside a reasonably popular
person could get all his friends and all their friends to write him or her in the ballot at the next election.

(2) If I were homeless, I’d squat in a foreclosed home in a neighborhood that had a number of
foreclosures. Learn how to lockpick-download the instructions while you’re on the internet, get or make
the tools and practice on your own doors. Tom Brown wrote a book on city and suburban survival which
is a good primer on surviving without income or regular shelter. Also google “surviving homelessness”
there’s a blog written by a man who was homeless by choice… try keeping your car, or trade for a
vehicle that’s paid for.

(3) The FEMA camps are real; the Bush Administration’s pet megacorporation, Halliburton(Cheney owns
stock and was a CEO)was contracted to build and upgrade hundreds of “detention facilities”. The camps
have been reliably documented, they’ve been documented by Patriots since the 1980’s. Mena cocaine
kingpin Oliver North was questioned in Congressional hearing about the Rex 84, Operation Garden Plot,
and the camps by a Congressman and he claimed “national security” as to why he wouldn’t give a
straight answer. Hurricane Katrina survivors-after being cut off by FEMA from state, local and private aid
for five days were herded at gunpoint by both military forces and police, had their arms stolen from
them and were detained in toxic FEMA trailer parks under guard. Whole families were broken up.

(4) The Democrat and Republican parties are at the top a single party with a shared agenda of
consuming and obliterating Our America. Doesn’t matter which party rules, increased government,
increased imperialism both domestically and overseas and our never-ending diminishment are the
shared policies enacted with utter reliability. What you see on the fiction on TV called the “news” is but
a political version of a pro wrestling script.

(5) The Free State Project and Free State Wyoming are the models I’m basing my plan on but the
aformentioned campaigns are trying to do too much-a state-with too few people. It will never happen
unless prospective voters can point out a town where people are Free.

(6) CPS-Child Protection Services-is a pack of pedophile predators operating under color of law. They
look for excuses to take kids from families. Many reports of sex slavery, brutality, and rape can be
attributed to these... people. If targeted your best bet would be to hide your children with a trusted
relative or friend until the situation can be resolved


J. Croft

It’s a New Year as I type this. Another year the forces of evil have triumphed. Another year the forces of
Freedom found their shorts yanked down to their ankles as they mounted the field of battle, giving the
likes of Biden, Obama, McCain, Bush, Rockefeller, Rothschild yet more cause to laugh at hapless Patriots.
They had us figured out but good. Obama was their heir apparent and the enemy’s entire campaign to
elect him president was to 1.) discredit Ron Paul and remove his followers as a threat to the status quo,
and 2.) wear everyone down to accepting yet another charismatic fraud as their messiah with enough
political pro wrestling scripted tactics to give Vince McMahon a headache.
The economic take down of America continued. The subprime collapse, engineered by the banksters led
to more components of the mortgage bubble to be popped. The stock market, propped up by the
government, started its first legs of collapsing itself, taking the wealth of millions of suckers who were
goaded by the likes of Jim Cramer to buy at the top. With the collapsing financial system credit(debt
financing) halts and the real economy has been all but shut down… what’s left of it.

What’s left of it: after our enemies have systematically stripped America of domestic industry big and
small, and especially start up entrepenurs who get it from literally all directions. With the television and
movies they have reduced the minds of most Americans into a barely cognizant haze of celebrity gossip,
sports, and nebulous fears of Al Qaeda. Public Schools don’t teach people how to think-they destroy
minds. Go to to find out how bad it really is.

All of which is to enslave us, to destroy our Freedom because the American People are the number one
target of the beast-because we are the greatest threat. You, awake and able to fight back, are the
greatest threat to our enemies. If they fail to destroy America we can and will rise again and our
heritage of Freedom will spread to all the Nations of Earth like no ideology or creed has and the
American Revolution will become worldwide-which shall spell the end of the illuminati. With the inbred
psychopathic bluebloods out of the way we can finally fulfill our destiny among the stars.

This however cannot begin until you truly want Freedom. You want true Freedom, you have to fight for
it-intelligently for a change. How can we start winning more?

Start with some resolutions:


TV is the electronic narcotic that mentally enslaves you. It is the mind prison Americans are trained to
lock themselves in, and as their minds and bodies deteriorate to mush, rob them of time they’ll never
get back, they’re programmed to be the perfect slaves-they think they’re free!

Is there anything more insidious? Is there any greater reason to stop watching the fucking thing?!

Find anything else to do. Anything-like go for a walk. Walking helps circulation, it tones muscles, helps
clear the mind. You’ll meet actual real life people, and not some Hollywood fantasy. Better would be to

You could hit the internet more, and start downloading survival and 19th and 20th century how-to
information, learn a trade(I’d go with gunsmithing). I’d also hit,, and learn what’s really going on.
Learn how to shoot a rifle. The beast especially hates people who can fight back against their minions.
Plus mastering rifle marksmanship instills pride, self-sufficiency and competence; traits that lead to
pursuing self-sufficiency and competence in other areas of one’s life, which the beast hates.
Independent people.

Hit a gun show if it’s the weekend-your sports team’s gonna lose anyway and why gamble away that
money when you can get a rifle and ammo to learn how to shoot.

Look up who runs your town, what laws they pass, why they keep thug cops and unctuous bureaucrats
on the payroll.

Make an assessment of all your friends, family and acquaintances. Be honest, and weigh them as to not
just their world view, how awake and willingness to awaken, but more important and basic just how
reliable they are. I’m talking lying to the cops if they’re looking for you. I’m talking willing to hook you up
with a couch or a room if you need it until you can get back on your feet. I’m talking willing to come
guns blazing to get you out of life-ending danger. Anyone even questionable you will HAVE to cut out of
your life… especially blood relatives; I know a couple guys who’re going to get their throats cut when the
beast enacts full martial law because their family is going to totally snitch on them because they’re
fucking sheep…

For that matter, how reliable are you? Would YOU be willing to do these things? Can YOU keep your big
mouth shut?


Our food is in the hands of the enemy, who have spent a lot of time and money to poison us in every
possible way. The pesticides are carcinogenic. The seeds are genetically modified and are having
unpredictable side effects on us-none good.

To guarantee a supply of healthy food, form a food co-op; get together with others and buy/rent some
unused land that hasn’t been sprayed with pesticides and plant some heirloom seeds. Or, rent a
warehouse and use organic hydroponics-more energy intensive but you can greatly speed up the
harvest cycle plus you can grow year round.

I’d go further and start using natural supplements-be advised that the government is squeezing sources
of supplements and organic farmers and co-ops. Having a legal defense fund is advisable, but a much
better option is to take over the county government-in particular the Sheriff’s office to be able to block
state and federal enforcement activity. More on that later, but…


America is enslaved to authority! We’re enslaved physically by over-testosteroned armed thugs when
they enforce laws, codes, regulations-whatever… if they’re even honestly enforcing them, which more
and more they’re not. But we’ve been brought up by television to be in worshipful awe of authority
because fucking Adam 12 and TJ Hooker’s out there in the patrol cars stopping all those evil poop
colored people stealing and raping and murdering. And if they can’t get it done Columbo, or Starsky and
Hutch, or the fat fucker from NYPD Blue’ll take care of it-oh and get all those evil guns off the streets!

You don’t need guns! You’ll put an eye out with that BB gun! You’ll shoot yourself in your foot or your
kid will get a hold of it and kill someone playing The Shield! That’s why we have the BATFE to put you in
prison for ten years for! You being some prison rapist’s jit rag is well worth the price of a safe society!
That’s why the cops need to be crooked-to catch all the bad guys!

…Three million Americans imprisoned. Many hard core felons, but 90 percent of them were socially
engineered by the very authorities we have foolishly entrust to run America. Yeah, they’ve ran America-
into the ground. Cops, and bureaucrats, and doctors, scientists, psychologists, analysts, executives,
judges, mayors, governors, presidents, lawyers-TELL ME IF AMERICA’S BEEN BETTER OFF IN THE HANDS

These “authorities” have turned government, media, business, medicine, science into a vast web of
interlocked rackets. They go to the same schools, work together, socialize together. So of course when
that tin badge god pops you with that planted bag of weed you don’t stand a chance-the courts are
rigged by the lawyers, the media won’t tell the truth how corrupt government is because they’re in bed
with the state, and putting your ass in a disease ridden cell makes money for those milking the beast for
cash. Law is a racket; all lawyers know this but it’s a huge conspiracy(oh God that word)they and the
media keep to themselves. Meanwhile, you don’t have a clue how “authorities” are the REAL criminals
because nobody on the ten CSI shows or the twenty Law and Order shows acts like real life cops,
lawyers, judges, politicians.

So when that puffy chested armed meter maid pulls you over for no reason but for some lame excuse to
jack up his ticket record and systematically violates all those rights you’ve never been taught you had,
and your shyster lawyer is hustling you into a plea deal because that tin badge fuck planted meth or
found that gun you use to defend yourself, remember this: TV fucking lies to you! The state fucking lies


The law isn’t made by us, its made by lawyers who operate not just out of greed and lust for power, but
an agenda of breaking down this nation and its people to nothing. Millions of pages of millions of laws,
buttressed by millions of more rules and regulations by the federal, state, and local agencies charged
with enforcing those laws.

Millions of bureaucrats administer all those millions of laws, all those millions of regulations. Being
control freaks, they gravitate to the job. Being cowards, they happily sic thug tin badge gods to enforce
their edicts with a high tech police state, armored vehicles, and automatic weapons. The mantra is
forever drummed into peoples heads by the media and especially the traitors in government that you
can’t fight city hall…

Yet silence, and obedience, equals consent. We may not have the numbers or influence to change the
laws and fire the bureaucrats and thugs, and bar lawyers from public office… yet… but we can start
breaking their psychological domination over us by breaking their petty little laws.

Stop giving your real address, your home phone number. Move: use another place for an address, have
it as the registration for a mail drop and route your mail that way. Don’t update your drivers license…
more on that unctous card and how to counter it later.

Pick and choose your battles as best you can of course, no need to feed the prison industrial complex
but all resistance begins with small acts. Those acts successfully carried out embolden the spirit and
form the foundation for larger acts of resistance to the beast-and there are so many anti-American
freedom killing laws, and regulations to break! I don’t have to talk about stealing from the government
or lawyers and bureaucrats… when rural farmers are being hit with SWAT teams and having their lives
wrecked over selling a no-life having snitch raw milk. What small acts can you do to fuel the spirit of
resistance and the Second American Revolution in your heart and actions?


Americans are a people wedded to the moving image. As much as I put into these essays, I’m fully aware
that most folks would rather see a video. A well produced, interesting video. That they can relate to, yet
lead them to start on the path we’re on.

I could curse the beast for dumbing Americans down, but rather than curse corporate media, we need
to step up, come together and ramp up production of our own movies, our own stories. The internet still
offers a golden opportunity to get our message out whether it be instructional videos, news, or fiction.

Digital cinema has advanced to the point where a decent film-like image can be had with video cameras.
A computer from the store can edit the video and even insert special effects that even five years ago
required the efforts of a major studio. The independent film… industry, for lack of a better word, is like
the rest of America in a state of collapse so there’s a lot of talent looking for work.

Web series are taking off. A lot like the old serials that played in movie theaters before television, they
can tell a story in sections. Major studios are already showing their programming on the internet and
have commercial advertisement before each segment-so there’s no economic reason why a filmmaking
co-op of Patriots cannot get together on a story, get advertising dollars to cover production costs, put
some of the segments up and then do a nationwide tour, selling DVDs at showings. There is a dire need
to get our message out, and movies are a prime way to do so.
30 Dollar Film School by Michael W. Dean is the best basic how to make a movie/video book. An
excellent starting point for Patriots.

Got an ideal: since Alex Jones is very busy at his own end, someone should document how he puts
together his media, offer it as classes for others to emulate or even improve on his techniques. Bear in
mind Alex Jones has not only had years of experience, he’s also had training, so a how-to video would
help Patriots step up their game.

So, get a HD editing capable laptop-a thousand dollars can get you one with HDMI input.

A high end consumer HD camcorder(700.00) or lower end prosumer HD camcorder(2500.00)and a lower

end HD flash camcorder(300) for covert shooting, and AUDIO GEAR! Boom mike and sound recording.

Take some lessons or read 30 Dollar Film School a LOT.

Start producing short web videos. Look at it and if it doesn’t match what you think it would there’s
something wrong. USE A SCRIPT.

Practice, practice, practice! Practice and adjusting to improve makes Proficient. Americans are visually
oriented and Patriots that can communicate visually and activate them are needed!


Don’t rely on the beast for income or shelter or food or even entertainment. Dependence is slavery, and
Americans in the major cities are utterly dependent on the beast for the basics. Like the Eloi in the Time
Machine we Americans are utterly naïve and clueless as to how to take care of ourselves as we work for
the beast for the money we pay back for shelter and food.

Become an black market entrepenur. Flea markets, yard sales, direct dealings with farmers and
businessmen for cash under the table. Getting Started in the Underground Economy by Adam Cash is a
excellent primer. Get it at the gun show when you shop for your guns and ammo.

Get out from your mortgage if you can. Team up with others to rent a home or even better a place in
the country. Or at least use some farmland and start growing your organic foods. Dig a well or exploit a
spring water.

You can also team up for a business that will be successful in a depression/basic level economy.
Machinists can pool their talents and resources and open a factory or shop. A neighborhood can finance
the best businessman among them to start a neighborhood store. Once enough capital is accrued
people can be paid out or even better, the next great ideal, the next good enough entrepenur can be
financed as well.
Develop a basic trade for the coming simpler times. Metalworking, all manner of repair work,
constructing home power systems, gunsmithing, ammunition manufacturing.

Learn how to barter. If you are the seller, high ball with a goal at a lower price, if you’re the buyer low
ball with a goal at a higher price. Know your markets, know what sells, what don’t, and how much
competition you got.

Integrate you and yours with other like minded groups or even better, rural communities. The more
groups, the more communities trading underground, the more independent we can be. Work out your
own local script or values for tangible goods to wean yourselves from dollars as they’re printed into
worthlessness or made useable only if you have a card to buy or sell.

BEWARE: like I stated above, government agents have been targeting organic farmers and those selling
raw milk-they send in undercover agents and snitches, and when the sale’s made, just like a drug bust a
SWAT team arrests them and destroys everything they got. Go to and look it up. You and yours have to stand together and make a stand or you’re going to
have to start over-and you will probably have only one shot at building a sustainable survivable


The current internet is being killed off so we’re forced onto the intellectual concentration camp that will
be known as internet 2; free speech like you’re reading right now will not be allowed.

Begin constructing redundant wi-fi nodes so we can have our own internet without it being controlled
by corporations or the government. They should be redundant, cheap to build, have their own power
sources, and use off the shelf components and accessed by current wi-fi transceivers.

Why wait for the beast to kill off our primary form of communication? It’s beyond stupid to just let the
enemy act without countermeasures.

I admit, my knowledge of technology is limited so I’m calling on those that are able to make the moves
now to build up our own internet before we’re not able to.


Guns. The beast hates those in our hands the most. Reason alone to get them.

If you don’t have a rifle, a pistol get them now along with magazines, ammo and web gear to hold the
magazines. Get quality marksmanship and tactical training so you’re competent in their use.

That’s not enough; you have to have the will to use your guns to defend you and yours… and your

Yes-recall the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina when after five days of deliberately holding back aid the
federal government sends in troops and cops from all over America… to loot the survivors, steal their
guns and ship those who weathered the hurricane to camps. Americans were forcibly disarmed.

No troops refused the orders to wrestle little old ladies to the ground and rip the revolvers out of their
arthritic hands. No cops refused the orders to besiege families with automatic weapons and disarm
them under the penalty of death; guaranteed to be swept under the rug.

It was an exercise in conditioning the military and police to steal guns from Americans-this was
confirmed last year in Kansas when after a series of horrific storms guns were once again stolen from
the People. The government feels confident because Americans by and large:

1.)Have been conditioned to submit to authority no matter how horribly they’re acting.

2.)Not stand together, armed, lest they be characterized as “vigilantes” or even worse, “racist militia” to
instill dependency on the same authority oppressing and victimizing them on a daily basis.

Americans won’t fight, let alone fight to defend their neighbors. Yet Americans have a rich history of
successful community defense when they’re willing to stand together, armed. Against a foe-whether it
be the James and Younger Gang in 1876 Minnesota, the good ol’ boy power structure of Athens,
Tennessee in 1946, or Korean businessmen in Los Angeles during the 1992 Rodney King riots.

Again, defense of you and yours can work only when everyone in your community makes it their
business to defend you and yours-and most importantly, you willing to do likewise. That means fulfilling
your obligation to our country as part of the Militia:

*Buy private sale military pattern rifles, ammo, magazines and web gear-google when the next gun
show’s in your area and take a couple thousand dollars to get started.

*Learning to shoot( a rifle out to 500 yards. No enemy can withstand people
able to hit them that far, there’s no way you can protect everyone everywhere out to 500 yards. A
nation of riflemen can’t be enslaved; our ancestors proved that!

*Gain military training. Go to register for the forum(no need for any truthful info). Link
up with other local Militia who will get you and your gear up to speed.

*Get together with like-minded Patriots in your area and form up in secret. Train, get in shape, get your
caches in order, your meetup places, your how to knowledge. That’s the how to make a machine shop-
out of scrap(; just get a catalog and you’ll find books on how to make guns and
ammo. Hit the internet RIGHT NOW, go to get a free membership and start
downloading pdf’s using obvious keywords like “guerilla”, “sniper”, “rifle”, “tactics”, etc. Google those
terms adding “torrent” and use the fattest internet pipe you can. In fact, don’t use your home computer
for any of these searches.

*Watch the attitudes of your neighbors and friends; those that appear to be where you were when you
had your breakthrough, start to convert them over. With the worsening conditions, a good point will be
lots of new recruits. Have loaner military surplus bolt actions and SKSs to equip them until they can get
up to speed.(Think of the movie “Outlaw Josey Wales” when he escorts that Kansas family to the cabin;
there were a rack full of rifles to defend themselves with. Same principle.) Don’t forget airguns or airsoft
replicas of your guns and lots of targets and pellets for daily training.

*Know your neighborhood, your town, and surrounding towns-that is your Area of Operation. Figure out
where your members are, where would be good places to muster when alerted. Do a survey of
resources-in urban areas this would be sources of supply for basics, main roads, side roads, places to
sneak through or routes for smuggling tunnels, lots for growing food as natural resources will be at a
premium at best. In rural areas it’s the same principle except you’re going to be more isolated, but the
trade off is less manufacturing and resources.

*Your primary concern will be of course, defense; urban militias have a lot more potential threats to
concern themselves from, mainly from the concentrated presence of government agencies but also
from marauding gangs… the flip side of that being the potential for a lot more recruits and allies nearby.
Rural militias have fewer nearby threats but will have to concern themselves with outside threats
overpowering them so back up rally points will have to be figured out.

*Call your public militia a neighborhood watch committee or something else just as innoculous. Be the
ones helping people out, offer marksmanship training and what not. Your militia stays secret and trains
in secret.


It’s a trap. The District of Columbia is surrounded by the greatest concentration of government agencies,
plus the shadow government that really runs the country isn’t even near the place. Media coverage
would at best be skewed to the government, more than likely nonexistent. Even a peaceful protest
would get false flag saboteurs to shoot their fellow government thugs giving the beast a reason to
kill/imprison the whole bunch-all those earnest, naïve Americans cut down.

I wouldn’t even go for the city in wartime as it’s the designated lightning rod for American rage-and
therefore the bait to any trap that would destroy resistance. So forget Washington unless and until
literally every other part of America is taken back from them.

Changing the adversarial relationship the government has with America means only one solution:
replacing the people in the government. The universal vote fraud, sabotaged campaigns and corruption
give testimony to how ruthlessly these unprincipled people will hang on to power.

As I’ve stated to the point of ad nauseum at my blog Freedom Guide, a national campaign requires a
national party. A national political party can’t be had unless there are supporting state parties.
Supporting state parties can’t exist unless there are local parties.

Local parties can’t be had unless a critical mass of the People get activated and pointed to the right
directions, the right actions. To do that the People have to see there is a means to peacefully take their
government back.

Therefore, it is critical to the future of the Freedom Movement, the Second American Revolution, that
Patriots concentrate their efforts on a few towns judged vulnerable to a emergency recall election. We
want scandal ridden little shitburgs where the government has been running roughshod over the
People-we should not be wanting for candidates.

You, or your candidates if you can’t pass both the Upstanding Citizen test or the Electability test(be
honest), you must count on your opponents to use every dirty trick to stop you.

They’ll try and derail your emergency recall campaign…

…Try to dig up dirt on anyone and everyone involved with the campaign and everyone even acquainted
with them…

…Plant drugs at your campaign headquarters for a drug raid, plant surveillance devices, or simply set a

…Entrap your candidates or those around them, frame them up on bogus criminal charges, assault

…There’s always vote fraud; electronic voting machines, hanging chads.

A good countermeasure would be to have TWO SETS of candidates; the decoy set that gets all the
publicity, and hopefully all the incumbents wrath and the set that hopefully will go unnoticed until
election day. Another is to have your militia, your neighborhood watch committee not your secret
militia, be active in monitoring the election results and to get everyone to individually record their vote
as they cast it and compare that with the government’s results in a public audit.

Prepare for a legal campaign to challenge the vote fraud. Prepare for a civil disobedience campaign to
drive home that fraudulent, criminal government will not be blindly obeyed. Prepare your militias in
case the beast decides to try to crush any retaking of government by brute force. Prepare to avenge
those that fall because they fight for their Freedom. Such resolve in the face of the beast is the only way
we’ll win.


First thing you need to do is fire ALL the bureaucrats. They’re satraps, government pharisees who lived
being parasites on us all. Send them all to the unemployment lines.

Go over the books-both of them. The Comprehensive Annual Financial Report will contain the true
financial state of your town/county. Provided that those investments haven’t disappeared in the
collapse, divest them and cut checks for everyone. Property-sell it or offer free leases to in-town start up

Go over the records of every cop. Anyone who even gives the air of not being TJ Rooker good, they get
the boot immediately.

You can scrap about 90% of the city legal code, easy.

Taxes… cut them for the People, but raise them on out of town major businesses. Your town will prosper
on its own.

Keep your media team on to advertise on TV, newspapers… more likely the internet… what you’re doing
and how the People feel about the changes. Make DVD and CD-R copies and distribute them if you can’t
get media access. Spread the word that they’re enslaved, and there’s a peaceable way to free

Take your campaign team and start cloning it in neighboring towns, counties. With news of your victory
getting more people on your campaign will be easy. Conversely government resistance will increase, and
I can’t project what all they’ll do. Be careful, but be bold.

Be bold in slashing and eliminating taxes, giving government investments-paid for by your taxes-back to
you. Stage mass debt repudiations, mass drivers license and tag burnings, mass smoke-ins. Take up the
Amish practice of shunning and direct it toward government workers: don’t acknowledge their very
existence, refuse to service them, etc.

By this stage, you can probably start drilling your Militias in the open, unless the beast decides to answer
your taking back your government with Army Combat Brigades, in which case your Militias won’t be
drilling in the open, they’ll be openly fighting.

I’ve written some essay detailing what to do if the beast goes that far:

Martial Law Survival Guide

Message to the Patriot Movement
Second American Revolution Victory Guide
You Are the Militia

…and a lot others at my blog Freedom Guide.

Go to now, and start studying how to be Militia. Don’t be stupid and form a 90’s era
militia group, you’ll have government provocateurs and spies setting you up to be busted and you’ll do
ten years or more being bubba’s sex sandwich. Train in secret, train as shooting clubs, self-defense
groups, neighborhood watch groups-DON’T CALL YOURSELVES MILITIA EVEN THOUGH YOU WILL BE,



J. Croft

If there’s anything I want you to take from my essays, it’s to be your own leader.

That isn’t however how Americans… or what passes for Americans… are. We as a society are
conditioned from birth to defer all thinking, all the important decisions to “experts”. Doctors,
CEO’s, talk show pundits, cops, bureaucrats, actors, shyster ass lawyers who have a lock on
what is supposed to be our government. They make the decisions we’re forced to live with.
Doctors poison us with their drugs and we go back to them to take more prescriptions for more
poison to alleviate what their first dosage of death did to us. Doctors long ago surrendered to
the insurance racket known as HMO’s which have about destroyed what little benefit America’s
hospitals had.

CEOs export the American economy, stick us with more taxes and we have to work two, three
jobs and still make less than when we had the factories. CEOs lobby the shysters to favor them
in the laws, kill our Main Streets in favor of their megacorporate superstores and we have to
buy with what little money we have left over after being taxed to death crap made in China.

Talk show pundits who all but monopolize the key decision making positions bind us to
international treaties that steal our Rights, our land, our wealth and we have to accept that
even if we do keep our jobs, our houses can be stolen by eminent domain or to protect some
mythical ‘wetland’, we have carbon taxes shoved down our throats… when we exhale carbon…
that plants use like we use oxygen. You can thank those walking fossils for engineering
America’s rise as a world-straddling empire and all the blood shed in our name. You can thank
those council on foreign relation member TRAITORS for our continuing decline into a third
world hellhole coming apart at our racial seams. Meanwhile most ‘murikans pick their noses in
incomprehension thanks to the deliberate dumbing down we as a nation have been subjected
to for the past century.

Cops are bullshitted into thinking all the injustices we as Americans are subjected to is the norm
and we’re subjected to many of them scratching the ‘expert’ inflicted wounds, making the racial
and social divides worse. Cops drink the kool aid that they’re ‘exceptional’, that they’re the only
ones to exercise the 2nd Amendment, that they’re ‘a breed apart’, ‘the thin blue line’; we get to
experience their overbearing arrogance-at best. Cops are encouraged to set up innocent
people, manufacture busts from traffic tickets to planting drugs and rusty .25 pistols to justify
murder, use their arrest victims to sell drugs or go to prison; meanwhile we’re conditioned by
the twenty Law n’ Order shows that the cops are dicks but they’re dicks to protect us.

Bureaucrats steal our money in enforcement of their petty rules and we let them. Bureaucrats
attack our Freedoms and we allow them to live. Bureaucrats sic agents and cops to enforce
their bullshit rules on those Americans still willing to make a stand against their tyranny, and we
leave them twisting in the wind-cheer for our oppressors in fact.

Actors… this true for a lot of them… shoot their ignorant mouths off about issues they don’t
understand, and because we’re so dumbed down we get confused the distinction between TV
characters and those that play them; treat them as experts. Actors spit out their politically
correct Freedom thievery, property thievery, lies and because they’re on the TV we treat every
verbal fart of theirs as pronouncements from God. Because the TV set is our fucking god.

Lawyers… I could write a whole article-wait I did write a article about these shysters: Kill All
Lawyers. Google that. Suffice it to say, we let these motherfuckers write the laws we meekly
obey, even unto the poor house, the jail house, the morgue. We let them administer their laws
which they enforce with armies of cops, agents, bureaucrats and we block that out as we cling
desperately to the TV god we buy at 28%APR. We let them bring us to trial in their fraudulent
courts, submit to their kangaroo trials, where judge, prosecutor and ‘your’ defense attorney
work as a tag team to fuck you.

I can’t believe I almost forgot this, given the recent headlines… the bankers. They’re the worst
fucking ‘experts’ of all; experts at hustling our money from us, multiplying that many fold.
Meanwhile they make us use their fraudulent federal reserve notes as they decrease the value
of them by forever inflating them, so saving what you can is a exercise in futility, you need a
second job, you need to take on debt to finance what your parents and grandparents could buy
out of pocket. Next thing you know you lose your job because those bankster fucks crash the
economy, you lose your job and you lose all the money you poured into your debts as your
house, car and all your goods are repo’d.

Do you get it?

You rely on ‘experts’ to run your life you get screwed. You have been getting screwed. And
you’ve been trained to like it. By ‘experts’.

Our ancestors, who fought and beat the British Empire certainly didn’t rely on so-called
‘experts’. They didn’t rely on cops to bear arms for them, media to form their very thoughts,
bureaucrats to give them permission to fight, actors to emulate and worship, and certainly not
lawyers to interpret law and figure out it was bad. The farmers, workers, merchants and
frontiersmen practiced law themselves, didn’t need to worship anyone but God, didn’t need
cops to defend them. They did need to defend themselves from those parasitic elements and so
do we-more than ever.

Our ancestors, simple everyday folks not so different from a lot of us, drove back the greatest
army on Earth at Lexington and Concord. …Picture 90’s militiamen standing up to the 100
machine gun equipped ATF army that besieged the peaceable Americans at Mt. Carmel… Waco
to most folks… and driving those back shooting cowards back to town and laying siege to that
town to drive them from there! That is what those Americans accomplished on April 19, 1775.
They formed the backbone of resistance whether it be valiantly formed into ranks going toe to
toe against the redcoats, or much more intelligently using their rifles and shooting their leaders.

…Okay, there’s one huge difference between those Americans, and today’s 300lb sacks of
diabetic fat-those Americans were willing to FIGHT AND DIE FOR THEIR FREEDOM. They were so
willing to fight and die for Freedom, many of the Hessian mercenaries imported by the British
like Blackwater in Iraq, defected and joined our side. Freedom is that powerful a concept-which
is why it had to be made forgotten to Americans. That took the lawyers and their bankster
masters who took over America with the 1787 Constitution two centuries to lay the foundation
of tyranny in the very structure of the document; slowly grow their power through obscure
clauses and emergencies real and manufactured; lull Americans to sleep generation by
generation through slowly evolving public education that dumbed them down; evolve and
transform the economy into a industrial plutocracy that favored the money men and crushed
everyone else; introduce gun control to disarm blacks and police to give the appearance of
protecting the people; introduction and expansion of a fraudulent monetary system designed
to systematically impoverish the American People.

The heart of this multi-generation conspiracy? That the government will lead you. The
government will take care of you-just obey and don’t make waves. That’s why you’ve been
dumbed down, lulled into complacency, apathy, distraction, dependency, disarmed-all the
components of slavery. That’s why all the ‘experts’ in your town government, state
government, media, academia, corporations, financial institutions, federal agencies feel they
have license to rule over you. They do.

Again, you are the government’s slaves.

So stop letting others lead you.

Lead yourself. Start making up your own mind about things, and not what others peer pressure
you into, because they’re in lock-step with the mainstream group mind; all the millions of TV
watching ‘murikans who emulate the culture and social ideals presented by the TV set…
Programmed by the very enemies I’ve been warning you about; they have been slowly
disarming you mind, making you apathetic and dependent, in body by encouraging bad health
and pacifism, and spiritually with Santa Claus Christianity. The world is 180 degrees opposite
what the TV depicts which is why your naïve ass is going to get killed if you don’t wake up.

Lead yourself. Find your own way to God-stop relying on money grubbing blasphemous
televangelists to dictate God to you through that Santa Claus Christianity. They want you to
subsist on a false sense of piety, being apathetic, letting others lead, do the duty toward your
fellow man YOU need to be doing, giving your money and time to some huge, honking, gaudy
megachurch. Ever ask how many homeless families could have been GIVEN homes with the
money and materials WASTED on those blasphemous temples of vanity? Their so-called
prosperity gospel is but a guide for you to be as wasteful, selfish and gluttonous as any other
‘murikan-only you ask God to bless you for it!

Lead yourself. Find organic foods that are delicious. Grow your own organic food, liberate your
body from corporate gene altered, chemically poisoned garbage. Stop drinking tap water or any
beverage made from tap water-it has chlorine, bacteria, flouride… flouride is the other reason
why so many Americans are so apathetic and dulled. It’s a poison. Processed foods are
poisonous, filled with high frutcose corn syrup, MSG, other toxins designed to attack your
health. Then you get to spend your life’s savings… or otherwise hock the rest of your life in debt
slavery… trying in vain to stop the cancers, the diabetes ravaging every other adult American
with more poisonous drugs. The same people that sell you your poisoned food, sell you your
poisoned pharmeceuticals.
Lead yourself. Get a military pattern semiautomatic rifle, magazines, web gear, essential spare
parts and as much ammo as you can lay your hands on. Get rifle training from and go to to round out your training as a member of
the Unorganized Militia of EVERY ADULT AMERICAN.(Oh no there’s that word-‘militia! Pack of
racist redneck commandos stroking their guns in the back woods! Why, I saw on TV how those
evil militiamen took over a hospital, and held that red headed little boy from The Sixth Sense
hostage, but Chuck Norris came and saved the day!) Yeah right. Get over your programmed
response to YOU taking up arms, learning their use and defending yourselves-because
Blackwater sure as hell won’t! If you need further convincing, read these:



Lead yourself. Wean yourself from the beast’s economy; barter, stop consuming crap you won’t
use twice, discover your true skills and find ways to make a living in the free, underground
economy. Because you’ve been herded by the sabotaged school system and the sabotaged
economy that all but bar entrepenurialship and invention into working for some corporation-
right off the bat you take home but a small fraction of what you would if you were self
employed. Then, the government wades in, takes from a quarter to half of that five
percent(maybe) of the results of your labor the corporation might leave you. Which if it were a
dollar is about two cents; and guess what? One cent goes to all kinds of sales and property
taxes, any fines the courts can nick out of you, fees for every last little thing. That last cent goes
to the basics; clothing, feeding yourself, shelter-and if you have any left over and you don’t
have kids, you can drink or get a buzz and try to forget for a few hours just what kind of wage
slave you are. You can be your own boss and keep all your money when you join the free,
underground economy AND starve the beast.

Lead yourself. Network with other like-minded Free Americans, scout out a small, corrupt town
ripe for takeover by Patriots. Stage a Recall Election NOW, don’t wait for the next election cycle
there’s no time. Make that town a example of Free America and grow the Revolution. Because
if you’ve read this far you’ve had it with this fraud of a country as much as I, so start changing
your government. It IS your government, and the reason those in public service don’t act like
it’s YOUR government is because YOU won’t get rid of those crooks. So, be smart, pick that
scandal ridden town where the government officials waddle about like they’re untouchable,
start a recall petition drive for all of them. Get a slate of candidates people can relate to and
rely on to clean things up. Be smart, take precautions against dirty tricks like losing the
petitions, snitches planting drugs in your campaign office so the SWAT team can raid you, vote
fraud, etc. When you take over, liquidate all the investments you’ll find in the Comprehensive
Annual Financial Report and invest in your town; eliminate taxes, drive out the thug police, give
loans to local start up businesses and build a Main Street economy.

Lead yourself. Support those in the state legislatures that are asserting their sovereignty,
restoring Freedom at the state level. This is a movement that surprised me, but I am pleased
that as of this writing 29 states have binding resolutions upholding their 10th Amendment
rights against the federal government. The beast moved too far and now there’s a reaction.
That is why they’re building an army to handle the Patriots, with the Army combat brigades
fresh from slaughtering Iraqi civilians, why they’re employing mercenaries, why they’ve spent
decades conditioning cops, keeping them psychologically apart in their own subculture; to treat
us as the enemy. Because Free people leading themselves are the enemy of any tyrannical

Lead yourself. Spread the message of Freedom. Burn DVD copies of Loose Change, From
Freedom to Fascism, Alex Jones’ films. Hand print copies of whatever essays inspired you. Or
make your own if you have the voice to do so, because the more voices there are to awaken
and prepare the American people, the more of this country we can save and salvage. Perhaps
you can come up with the words, the images that will be the spark that awakens all the millions
of walking, spending, eating comatose slaves of the beast.

I’ve been writing essays on the internet for the past four years. I’d like to thank those who have
encouraged me, your words mean more to me than anything. I’d like to thank those who take
time to read what I’ve written to audiences, I’m honored that my words have inspired. God
willing, I’ll be writing but for a new medium-video. I intend to take the thoughts I have, put
them in a form that a lot more people will take in than 5,000 word essays. If you’re interested
in helping, whether by setting up a Nevada incorporation, banking account, contributing to a
money bomb, have a camera, or other forms of assistance by all means contact me at j- .
Posted by J. Croft at 10:50 AM 0 comments


J. Croft

Newsweek had on its cover “we are all socialists now”; first off what the fuck is this “we” crap?!
My stuff-what little there is-ain’t yours and it certainly ain’t some human sized turd with a
government job. I got bad news for you, the “socialists” are communists and they’ve been
cultivated in the universities for generations now. Whether they’re Barack Hussein Obama or
the five bubbas running your little shitburg’s city council voting in a SWAT team that’ll just be
used to terrorize everyone, they’ve been filled with a lot of BS about how they’re the
“intelligentsia”. How they’re better, smarter than you and therefore have to rule you. By the
time they graduate they’re all power hungry, insufferable little shits.

And then they get to law school. Become lawyers and therefore license to “practice law”;
whether arguing cases in America’s kangaroo courts, or presiding as judge, or writing and
enacting the laws in the first place. The lawyers have made America’s political system into their
own racket-all in service to the foreign financiers that are liquidating what’s left of America. Do
they care? Have they ever?!!

Their monopolization of political power through the farce of the two party system alone is
enough to seek to remove the traitors from office. Those that have eyes to see and ears to
hear… hopefully they will have the brains to comprehend what they’re reading here, and a pair
to actually do something. Something needs to be done; the federal government is reaching
down and taking over the state and local governments so we need to act to start taking back
what is supposed to be OUR government-NOW!

So target your first town with care. Go over the criteria I laid out in my essay “It’s Time” at my
blog. That and search for the most corrupt little shitburg that fits.

After that, there are three obstacles we’re going to face.

The first obstacle? All the Walter Mitty lip service “patriots” who’d rather shoot down ideals,
start fights within their own ranks, and stroke the actions on their semiautomatic weapons than
actually doing something about the tyranny that is now in full bloom. While we still have some
form of elected government at the local level we can easily defeat in a recall election.

Yes: many in the freedom movement are posers, cammie clad serfs with as much credibility in
their actions as some rich white teenager claiming on the internet he’s some bad ass gangsta.
Unfortunately they’re the norm for most of what passes for Americans; let someone else
handle the problem so long as they can watch the ball game on the weekend. Rather argue
arcane bits of some dead person’s philosophy, or pick a fight with those who are supposed to
be on the same side-over nothing-than do something about the enemy that has radicalized
them in the first place. Unbelievable thinking about it, but oh so true.
Look, finding patriots in a land of TV lobotomized debt slaves is challenge enough, but you’ve
got the additional problem of all the TV lobotomized debt slaves taking on the airs of Free Men
without the understanding of what that means. So look at their actions, or lack of. Perhaps
some will see that this is a God given opportunity to make amends for being do-nothings but
most won’t. All you can do is persevere, keep putting your message out until it finds audience in
for-real Patriots who will click with the ideal of taking their government back.

So, you’re going to put together your campaign staff. Have your candidates-MAKE CERTAIN
THEY’RE SQUEAKY CLEAN AND BEYOND REPROACH!! God knows the enemy is going to have the
resources to do an investigation, don’t make their job any easier. If dirt does come up, or is
manufactured pray to God your candidates have the force of personality to make the dirt moot.
Better to get new candidates and try in a different town though.

Gather your forces. Depending on the town and your numbers… or lack… you and yours should
establish legal residence in your target town before your petition drive. Ideally they should be
people known in the area, or know the area well enough to be accepted by the local townsfolk.
Being accepted is very important as people will listen to those like them more readily than
“outsiders”. Don’t believe me? Ask a office type when leftist protestors rumble in and start
yelling and a few still have sense to engage in dialog-see if they don’t think they’re off-putting.
Cultural similarities go a long way toward bridging the ideological gap we have with the rest of
modern America.

are like cockroaches you have to get rid of them all, or what’s the point? This will deliver the
message that you and yours are serious about cleaning up your government. Each person must
have a facet of the campaign that reflects them and yet complements the ticket at the same

You’re going to need to delegate. Someone needs to run the phone and pamphlet staff.
Someone needs to handle the bills. Someone who knows what dirty tricks the state will pull
needs to run security. You’ll need two campaign offices; an official office and the office you’re
going to keep secret so that you opponents don’t plant drugs and stage a SWAT raid.

Cash will be needed, to print pamphlets, pay for the utilities, events, etc. Hopefully, patriotism
will drive your staff to volunteer part time, in which case you’ll potentially need double the staff
so they can support themselves. Yes most Americans can hardly scrap enough cash together to
pay the bills, so you’re going to have to find other means than dollar bills to acquire what you
need, get who you need. Offer a room to stay in for campaign work, or someone can fix
something, or offer training in some skill or cut their lawn or whatever. Barter still works.

A media saavy crew is vital. Fortunately HD cameras and HD video capable laptops are in the
price range of a small town campaign. Finding media saavy Patriots? Hit the message boards.
Hit craigslist. Lots of college age kids are looking to DO something. You get to provide that. If
they’re hard up, offer room and board.
You’ll need Militia undercover-NOT THE WALTER MITTY GUN STROKERS-to covertly provide
security, in case of the worst… I mean we need men of action who know how to stay hidden
and are willing to do whatever is necessary.

All these people are going to have to be recruited, largely from the patriot movement… who are
willing to provide the time and effort. Like I stated there are too many lip service patriots so
you’d better start your recruiting and vetting process now, right after you read this.

All right-all that was to address the FIRST obstacle! The second obstacle is going to be the recall
petition process itself. Keep in mind that it is going to be the same pack of self-serving
gangsters in office garb you’re seeking to remove from power that will be administering your
recall petition. Given the proven, outlandish history of vote fraud in America this will be a

So-first thing after you set up your campaign is to begin the propaganda campaign; you selected
this particular town to take back because of the especially obnoxious manner in which those
“public servants” crush and squeeze the people. Air their dirty laundry, slap the people in their
faces with how they could expose their loved ones, friends and neighbors to tyranny.

Use video. Professionally produced spots work best in a TV enslaved America, I hate to say. But
whatever the means, get that dirty laundry aired. Our enemies will have dirty laundry, or they
wouldn’t have been targeted in the first place.

Never, ever miss an opportunity to confront your opposition, even if they’re not doing
anything. Confront their bully boys when they harass people, confront them in restaurants, in
church, at the mall. Confront them with their own Consolidated Annual Financial Report when
they make excuses at town hall meetings for more taxes. Have your own film crew whenever
you do this…

Everyone must record writing their name on the petition. The government will do anything to
state that the recall petition didn’t go through-not enough votes, disqualified votes, whatever.
For that matter everyone voting for your ticket must record their vote and all the records must
be compiled to be able to challenge any vote fraud in court. Because you must count on the
enemy hacking the black boxes, messing with hanging chads or absconding with the paper
ballots behind locked doors and armed guards.

Your last and most formidable obstacle will be the very residents of your target town. Your
election campaign rests on activating enough people to swamp those ballot boxes with votes
for your candidates. Typical small town elections don’t have high vote counts because politics is
boring… until those politicians do something that affects Americans personally-and that’s the
conumdrum we face. A lifetime of TV programs, mind enslaving state schools and peer pressure
not to speak out, not to be smart makes ‘murikans an easy flock for our opponents to fleece
and otherwise manage. They’ve suffered from Stockholm Syndrome for so long, it’s ingrained
into them that they suffer “authority” even when they throw families out onto the street for a
$200 property tax.

Take your film crew and ask these people hard questions. Structure your questions in a way
that starts relatively easy but that will lead your target to an epiphany. We need to cause as
many epiphanies as possible, because only through crisis will Americans change, start taking
back their nation. It’s the only way this will work and we’ll all pay the price for this character
flaw. Best start the process now while it’s under our terms.

In review:

Get your group together-good luck with all the lip service patriots and walter mitty gun
strokers, they are legion and worse than useless. Good news is there still are Patriots worthy of
the name, they just need a purpose. Know what your campaign will need and fill the needed

Target your town, using the criteria laid out in my essay “It’s Time”; same blog you found this
one. I’ll get into that deeper in my next essay. Know your enemy, the dirt, the issues the locals
have with them. That will form your campaign. Know the demographics. Know the rules
regarding recall petitions and monitor them.

Don’t let up on the campaign! Pamphlets, videos; make it short and to the point, attacking each
issue, each opposing candidate. Confront citizens, ask them hard questions on why they’d let
their family and friends be exposed to such tyranny-shake them out of their Stockholm

Monitor the election; independently record each and every vote, compile them and compare
with the official stats; any fraud, hammer em.

Have some for-real Patriots to covertly provide security.

We can do this.

You can do this! Your family and friends are counting on you to save them from tyranny,
whether they know it or not.

J. Croft
Posted by J. Croft at 8:52 AM 0 comments

Time to begin the Second American Revolution. Time to take that first step-and take back a

J. Croft


Before I proceed I’d like to thank each and every one of you for your support for my essays
these past four years. Your encouragement means more than I can express. It’s a good thing
when you come up with thoughts, ideals, put them to words and people out there understand
what you’re saying. So I hope you’ll agree that taking action and getting results are more critical
than ever. Because I’m going to ask you do something; get together with others as sick of just
protesting, talking yourselves blue about change and burning precious hours in endless circular
arguments on the net. Because I am, too.

Time to put the ideals I’ve given you into real life results. We’re going to take over a town, kick
off the Second American Revolution with a Recall Election.

We’re going to come up with a list of candidate towns; these will be based on the following

*Good geographic distance from major urban areas. Keep the mindless urban hordes at bay,
reduce political influence of urban and state governments.

*Mix of local industry, resources, agriculture, potential for independent power generation. If a
collapse goes forward, the more the candidate town can be self-sufficient, the better.

*Potential defensibility. Expecting trouble is prudent. Terrain can work with us like, say, in
Appalachia, out West, the Ozarks. Towns in the Great Plains are like France in 1940; a flat
expanse asking for assault. Plus local populations in mountain communities stand a chance of
not being completely gelded.
*A review of that town’s Consolidated Annual Financial Report; a lot of what we’re going to do
rests on just how much that town has bilked Americans for their taxes just to invest it. Given
the current economic climate, yes there may not be much left-or there may be enough land,
buildings, assets, cashable investments, etc. to give that town a economic rebirth.

*Political vulnerability of existing local government. This is the most important criteria. So
important that I personally would be willing to compromise on other criteria if we can find a
corrupt little shitburg whose people are ready for change-that we will give them!

We’re not going to get our Second American Revolution at the national level-we tried that, we
don’t have the numbers, media penetration, or political strength. We have to build that
strength one state at a time. Which means we have to build up our strength to take over that
state one county at a time. Which means we have to build up our strength to take over that
county one town at a time-and we as a movement have to take that first step, because with our
numbers and relative strength concentrating, taking over a town and using it as a real world
showcase for our ideals and showing Americans what Freedom really is is the only way we can
penetrate the enemy’s cultural and media grip on them.

So which town will that be?

Help choose that town. Use your God given intelligence, mull the criteria and give us some
candidate towns that need our attention first. Go to this message board:

We’ll post candidate towns, gather intel, have lots of arguments about where to concentrate
our efforts. It’ll be worth even the effort, but victory and emulation as our Revolution spreads
like Ebola across America… can you picture it? Yet we can’t take that journey until we take that
first step-that first step beyond mere internet theorizing and flaming each other because we’re
all understandably frustrated we can’t get our message out. A Second American Revolution in a
corrupt shitburg and transforming it into a model community of Free Humanity, and publicizing
the results in a never ending stream of news reports will get the message out.

So if you’re into actually doing something about the way things are going spread this message
to the four winds! We’ll go from there, narrow our choices to a few towns or even one town.
Then, establishing legal residencies-a mail drop in a house will do-we’ll begin with that town
and states applicable emergency recall petition rules. We’ll select our candidates and begin our
campaign as I’ve outlined in my articles.

It’s time. Let’s do it already!

J. Croft
There is no need for Patriots to wait for a full election cycle to replace corrupt public
officials and take back YOUR government! Use the power of a Recall Petition.

It worked in 2003 in California to replace Grey Davis… except that it was a op to get Arnold
Schwarzenegger in who otherwise couldn’t have gotten elected.

We can use this! Gather all the Patriots in your state, pick a town that’s corrupt. File legal
residency, and start a recall petition. Usually, you have 90 days to get all the names.

Then stage your election. Take precautions to have duplicate offices, have squeaky clean
candidates who won’t sell out.

When you get in… you’ll know what to do.


Recall of State Officials

March 21, 2006


Recall is a procedure that allows citizens to remove and replace a public official before the end
of a term of office. Historically, recall has been used most frequently at the local level. By some
estimates, three-fourths of recall elections are at the city council or school board level. This
brief, however, focuses only on the recall as it applies to state officials.

Recall differs from another method for removing officials from office - impeachment - in that it
is a political device while impeachment is a legal process. Impeachment requires the House to
bring specific charges and the Senate to act as a jury. In most of the eighteen recall states,
specific grounds are not required, and the recall of a state official is by an election.

Eighteen states permit the recall of state officials:

New Jersey
North Dakota
Rhode Island

The District of Columbia also provides for recalls. Virginia is not listed as a recall state because
its process, while requiring citizen petitions, allows a recall trial rather than an election. In at
least 29 states (some sources place this number at 36), recall elections may be held in local



Ala. Code §11-44-130 - 11-44-134

Municipal commissioners and mayors
No restrictions on when a recall petition may be commenced

No specific grounds are required

No time limit for gathering signatures

Signature requirement is number equal to 3% of the inhabitants of the municipality according

to the last federal census who are qualified to vote for a successor (§11-44-130). Signature
requirement is number equal to 30% of those who voted in the last election (§11-44E-16


Const. Art. 11, §8

AS§29.26-240 et seq.
All elected public officials in the state, except judicial officers
Recall may commence after first 120 days in office.

Grounds for recall are misconduct in office, incompetence, or failure to perform prescribed

Time for gathering signatures is 60 days.

Signature requirement is number equal to 25% of the votes cast for that office in the last
regular election.

Const. Art. 8
Every public officer in the state holding elective office, either by election or appointment
Recall may commence after 6 months in office.

No specific grounds are required.

Time for gathering signatures is 120 days.

Signature requirement is number equal to 25% of the votes cast for that office in the last
regular election.


Ark. Code §14-47-112, 14-48-114, 14-61-119, 14-92-209

Mayor, member of board of directors, commissioners of suburban improvement districts (for
the latter, a petition triggers a recall hearing, rather than an election)
Recall may commence after 6 months in office

No specific grounds are required

No time limit for gathering signatures

Signature requirement for mayors and directors is number equal to 35% of ballots cast for all
candidates for the office at the preceding primary at which the officials were nominated or
elected; for commissioners of suburban improvement districts requirement is number equal to
25% of the owners of realty within the district


Const. Art. 2, §19

Election Code §11000 et seq.

Elective officer of a city, county, school district, community college district, or special district, or
a judge of a trial court

County and city charter provisions providing for recall are not affected by state provisions.
Recall may commence after 90 days in office. Recall may not commence if officer has 6 months
or less left in term.

No specific grounds are required.

Time for gathering signatures is 40 - 160 days (depending upon the size of the jurisdiction).
Signature requirement varies according to the number of registered voters in the jurisdiction:
30% if registration is less than 1,000; 25% if registration is between 1,000 and 9,999; 20% if
registration is between 10,000 and 49,999; 15% if registration is between 50,000 and 99,999;
10% if registration is 100,000 and above.


Const. Art. 21, §4

CRS §31-4-501 et seq.

Elective officers of any county, city and county, city and town

Cities, counties and towns may provide for the manner of exercising the recall, but cannot
require a petition be signed by more than 25% of the entire vote cast in the last election for the
office subject to recall.


Fla. Stat. Ann §100.361

Any member of the governing body of a municipality or charter county
No recall may commence until official has served at least one-fourth of his term

Grounds for recall are malfeasance, misfeasance, neglect of duty, drunkenness, incompetence,
permanent inability to perform official duties, and conviction of a felony involving moral

Time for gathering signatures is 30 days

Signature requirement varies according to the number of registered voters in the jurisdiction:
50 electors or 10% of the total electors, whichever is greater, in a district of fewer than 500
electors; 100 electors or 10% of the total electors, whichever is greater, in a district of 500-
1,999 electors; 250 electors or 10% of the total electors, whichever is greater, in a district of
2,000-4,999 electors; 500 electors or 10% of the total electors, whichever is greater, in a district
of 5,000-9,999 electors; 1,000 electors or 10% of total electors, whichever is greater, in a
district of 10,000-24,999 electors; 1,000 electors or 5% of the total electors, whichever is
greater, in a district of 25,000 or more electors


Const. Art. 2, §2.4

Ga. Code §21-4-1 et seq.

All state and local officials who hold elective office
No recall may commence during the first or last 180 days in office.
Grounds for recall are conduct which relates to and adversely affects the administration of his
or her office and adversely affects the rights and interests of the public; and act(s) of
malfeasance, violation of oath of office, failure to perform duties prescribed by law willful
misuse, conversion or misappropriation of public property or funds.

Time for gathering signatures is 45 days for a petition requiring 5,000 signatures or more; 30
days for a petition requiring fewer than 5,000 signatures.

Signature requirement is number equal to 30% of the electors registered and qualified to vote
at the last regular election.


Const. Art. 6, §6

Idaho Code §34-1701 et seq.

Every public officer in the state of Idaho, excepting the judicial officers. Specifically includes:
County officers–members of the board of county commissioners, sheriff, treasurer, assessor,
prosecuting attorney, clerk of the district court, and coroner. City officers-mayor, members of
the city council. Special district elected officers for whom recall procedure is not otherwise
provided by law.
Recall may commence after 90 days in office.

No specific grounds are required.

Time for gathering signatures is 60 days.

Signature requirement is number equal to 20% of the number of electors registered to vote at
the last regular election at which the officer was elected. For special district elected officers,
requirement is 50% instead of 20%.


Const. Art. 4, §3

KSA §25-4301 et seq.

All elected public officials in the state, except judicial officers
Recall may not commence during first 120 or last 200 days in office.

Grounds for recall are conviction of a felony, misconduct in office or failure to perform duties
prescribed by law.

Time for gathering signatures is 90 days.

Signature requirement is number equal to 40% of the votes cast for the office in the last


Const. Art. 10, §26

La.R.S. §18:1300 et seq.

Any state, district, parochial, ward, or municipal official except judges of the courts of record
Recall may not commence during last 6 months in office.

No specific grounds are required

Time for gathering signatures is 90 days.

Signature requirement is number equal to 33 1/3% of the electors of the voting area, unless
fewer than 1,000 electors reside within the voting area, in which case the petition must be
signed by at least 40% of those electors.


Const. Art. 2, §8

MCL §168.951 - 168.975

All elective officers except judges of courts of record
Recall may not commence during last 6 months in office.

No specific grounds are required

Time for gathering signatures is 90 days.

Signature requirement is number equal to 25% of the persons voting in the electoral district at
the time of the last election for governor


Minn. Stat. Ann. §351.14 - 351.23

Any public official who is elected to countywide office or appointed to an elective countywide
office, including county attorney, county sheriff, county auditor, county recorder, county
treasurer, soil and water conservation supervisor, county commissioner elected or appointed
from a commissioner district or a soil and water conservation district supervisor elected or
appointed from a supervisor district
Recall may not be commenced in the 180 days immediately preceding a general election for the
office which is held by the officer subject to the recall.
Grounds for recall are malfeasance or nonfeasance in the performance of official duties during
the current or any previous term. Prior to circulating a petition, there must be a court hearing
to determine if there is probably cause for the grounds for recall.

No time limit for gathering signatures.

Signature requirement is number equal to 25% of the persons who voted in the last election for
the office which is held by the official named in the petition


MRS §77.650, 78.260

any elective office in a third class city
Recall may not commence during first 6 months in office

Grounds for recall are misconduct in office, incompetence, and failure to perform duties
prescribed by law.

Time for gathering signatures is 60 days.

Signature requirement is number equal to 25% of the total registered voters in the city


MCA §2-16-601 et seq.

Every person holding a public office of the state or any of its political subdivisions, either by
election or appointment
Recall may not commence during first 2 months in office.

Grounds for recall are physical or mental lack of fitness, incompetence, violation of oath of
office, official misconduct, or conviction of a felony offense

Time for gathering signatures is 3 months.

Signature requirement for county officials is 15% of the persons registered to vote at the last
county general election; for municipal or school district officials requirement is 20% of the
persons registered to vote at the last election


NRS §31-786 - 31-973 and 32-1301 - 32-1309

Any elected official of a political subdivision and any elected member of the governing bodies of
cities, villages, counties, irrigation districts, natural resources districts, public power districts,
school districts, community college areas, educational service units, hospital districts,
metropolitan utilities districts, and sanitary and improvement districts.

The recall procedure and special election provisions apply to the mayor and members of the
city council of municipalities with a home rule charter notwithstanding any contrary provisions
of the home rule charter.
Recall may not commence during first 6 months in office or within 6 months prior to the
incumbent filing deadline for the office

No specific grounds are required.

Time for gathering signatures is 30 days.

Signature requirement is number equal to 35% of the total vote cast for that office in the last
election except that a) for an office for which more than one candidate is chosen, requirement
is 35% of number of votes cast for the person receiving the highest number of votes for that
office in the last election; b) for a member of a board of a Class I school district, requirement is
number equal to 25% of total number of registered voters residing in the district; c) for a village
officer, requirement is 45% of the total votes cast for the person receiving the most votes for
that office in the last election


Const. Art. 2, §9
Every public officer in the State of Nevada is subject to recall from office by the registered
voters of the state, or of the county, district, or municipality which he represents.
Recall may not commence during first 6 months in office.

No specific grounds are required

Time for gathering signatures is 60 days.

Signature requirement is number equal to 25% of the persons voting in the last election

New Hampshire

RSA 49D:3(e)
Charters adopted by towns, cities, village districts and unincorporated places may provide for
Provisions vary by jurisdiction’s individual charter.

New Jersey*

Const. Art. 1, §2(b)

Any elected official in the state or representing the state in the United States Congress. Includes
local officials.
Recall may not commence during first year in office.

No specific grounds are required

Time for gathering signatures is 160 days.

Signature requirement is number equal to 25% of the registered voters of the district

New Mexico

Const. Art. 10, §9

Elected official of a county
A recall election cannot be conducted after May 1 in a calendar year in which an election is to
be held for the office subject to the proposed recall.

Grounds for recall are malfeasance or misfeasance in office or violation of the oath of office
during the official’s current term. Prior to circulating a petition, there must be a court hearing
to determine if there is probably cause for the grounds for recall.

No time limit for gathering signatures.

Signature requirement is number equal to 33 1/3% of persons who voted in the last election for
the office

North Dakota*

Const. Art. 3, §10

Any elected official of the state, of any county or of any legislative or county commissioner
Recall may be commenced at any time.

No specific grounds are required.

No time limit on gathering signatures.

Signature requirement is number equal to 25% of the those who voted in the last election


ORC §705.92
Any elective officer of a municipal corporation
Recall may not commence during last 190 days in office.
No specific grounds are required

Time for gathering signatures is 90 days.

Signature requirement is number equal to 15% of the total votes cast in the last regular
municipal election


Const. Art. 2, §18

ORS §249.865 - 249.880

Every public officer in Oregon
Recall may not commence during first 6 months in office.

No specific grounds are required

Time for gathering signatures is 90 days.

Signature requirement is number equal to 15% of all votes cast in the electoral district for
governor at the last election

South Dakota

SDCL §9-13-29 - 9-13-35

The mayor, or any commissioner or any alderman in municipalities of the first and second
classes with or without a city manager
Recall may commence at any time.

Grounds for recall are misconduct, malfeasance, nonfeasance, crimes in office, drunkenness,
gross incompetency, corruption, theft, oppression, or gross partiality

Time for gathering signatures is 60 days.

Signature requirement is number equal to 15% of registered voters in the municipality, based
on the total number of registered voters at the time of the last general election


Tenn. Code Ann. §6-31-301

Members of boards of education, city council members
No recall election may be held during the 90 days before or the 90 days after a municipal
No specific grounds are required.

No time limit for gathering signatures.

Signature requirement is number equaling 66% of the total vote cast for the candidate receiving
the highest number of votes at the last election


Const. Art. 1, §33-34

RCW §29.82.010 et seq.

Every elective public officer of the state of Washington expect judges of courts of record
Recall may not commence during last 6 months in office. [effective until July 1, 2004]

Grounds for recall are acts of malfeasance or misfeasance while in office or violation of oath of

Time for gathering signatures is 180 days. [effective until July 1, 2004]

Signature requirement for city officers of cities of the first class and county officers of counties
of the first, second and third classes is 25% of total votes cast for the office at the last election;
for all other political subdivisions, requirement is 35% of total votes cast for the office at the
last election

West Virginia

WV Code §8-12-4(3)
Any city may be charter provision provide for the recall of an elected officer.
Recall may commence at any time.

No specific grounds are required.

No restriction on time for gathering signatures.

Signature requirement is number equaling 20% of the qualified voters of the city.


Const. Art. 13, §12

WSA §9.10
The qualified electors of the state, of any county, city, village, town, of any congressional,
legislative, judicial or school district, or of any prosecutorial unit may petition for the recall of
any incumbent elective official
Recall may not commence during first year in office.

No specific grounds are required

Time for gathering signatures is 60 days.

Signature requirement for county officials is number equal to 25% of the votes cast for
governor in the county the county the officer represents; for a city, town, village or school
district officer, requirement is 25% of the votes cast for president in the district the officeholder


Wyo. Stat. §15-4-110

Any elected officer of a city or town operating under the commission form of government.
Recall may commence at any time.

No specific grounds are required.

No restriction on time for gathering signatures.

Signature requirement is number equaling 25% of all registered electors in the city or town.


J. Croft

Yes I‟m talking to you.

If you spend most of your time regurgitating dead men‟s philosophy you agree with but
won‟t take the actions to live up to those words because its enough just to look cool to
your internet friends…
If you thrive off pointless internet flame wars with people who are on the same side as

If you beat your chest, tell everyone you‟d never give in to the beast but say “yas suh
boss” when you‟re hit on to pinch fellow Patriots, or even just obeying their ridiculous

If you pledge to help out fellow Patriots, but when it comes down to it, when they‟re in
trouble you‟re nowhere to be found…

…then you‟re nothing but some lip service patriot who should never had bothered in the
first place, have done nothing for the Cause.

It‟s bad enough I get labeled a “tin foil hat wearing idiot” by those who refuse to awaken,
I got to face indifference and yes, flak, from so-called “patriots” who can only be aroused
to attack those actually trying to get something accomplished.

They‟re jealous. You‟re jealous because you have fantasies about yourself you‟re too lazy,
apathetic, frightened to make reality. In fact you‟re so used to having your reality
dictated by others that this act you put on-being patriots-isn‟t really a threat to our
enemy the state. Because those in power know that when your cards are called you fold.
Every time.

What about me, you say?

Some trolls would say I‟m a lip service patriot typing away at my blog, a keyboard
commando, whatever. First on that, I‟d like to see THEIR blogs. I‟d like to see just
exactly WHAT they have sacrificed in getting the education about our situation, honing
their writing skills, to even begin to try to change some minds. Yes, long form essays
aren‟t for most people but I‟ve Sacrificed a lucrative career, being plugged into the beast
for sustenance to emancipate myself. To be Free. I‟ve spent the past four years trying to
wake people up, get them activated, point them in directions that will actually produce
This isn‟t a game for me. I am probably one of the more outlandishly abrasive, bold
writers on the net and even though I take precautions to be anonymous I cannot expect
to remain untouched by the beast… beyond the personal sacrifices I‟ve made. I‟d like to
go to bars every night, get blotted, hang with cool, pretty women. I‟d like to have nice
cars, go on road trips, have a business, ply that money into investments and filmmaking.
I can‟t do that and free myself from the beast‟s control grid.

Way things are going… I wrote a essay titled “No apologies, no retreat, no quitting, no
surrender” and I‟ll keep swinging at the beast with my words as long as possible, given
conditions. I give no guarantees I won‟t go down in homelessness, or get found and
silenced-which one of you lip service patriots will pick up the flag I bear when I‟m felled?

Well, that‟s me; there are others who‟ve done far more:

David Icke(yes he‟s British, so what-he‟s more a Patriot than you Walter Mittys), he‟s
been writing, researching, investigating, speaking out about the beast since 1990 or so.
Not even American and he‟s done more for the Patriot Movement than all you lip service
patriots put together, so can the cracks about reptilloids running the planet from the 5th
dimension-he‟s been right on nearly everything. What have you been right about?

I know a very brave couple. A.P. Magee and Stella. They‟ve spent over a decade on a
weekly radio show; “Domestic Decay”. is where you could find them and
that‟s how I found them, on the net. They‟ve endured harassment, ridicule, ostracism.
They‟ve had city councilmen they criticized try and take their radio show away. They risk
getting arrested when they tried to reach out to hostile, brainwashed, roided up tin
badge gods with copies of “Vampire Killer 2000”.

You know what the worst they‟ve had to endure? The indifference of many, if not most,
of their listening audience, to their efforts. Lip service patriots abound when a call to do
something about taking back the government from the beast‟s control is made.

Rayelan Allen, publisher of Rumor Mill News endured years of hell being married to a
CIA agent and all the games the government played with her. Afterward she started
Rumor Mill to air the tidbits she and others get from that shadowy world. She gave up a
lucrative career as a psychic and subsists on a pension and what donations she can scrap
together. She‟s not the only one scraping by at RMN either but that‟s not the point; the
point is they sacrifice, have sacrificed and will continue to sacrifice. Something you‟ve
never done.

Charlie Puckett, the former commander of the Kentucky State Milita, he walked the
walk. Formed a militia, got hundreds of people in the militia movement. Turned out it
was a waste of time when the feds came gunning for him and all those lip service
patriots threw him under the short bus they came in. The man served years in a federal
penitentiary-who came to his defense? Who even kicked money for his shyster? Charlie
Puckett was forgotten, left to rot in prison along with the militia he founded. After he got
out, he disappeared: I don‟t blame him either given how NOBODY helped him.

Any of the hundreds of lip service patriots even try to contact him, even to apologize for
being the little bitches they are?

Jim Tucker has been investigating the Bilderburgers longer than I‟ve been alive. Every
time the inbreeds have a meeting he‟s there and somehow manages to get the dirt on
what they‟re up to-and not get killed. I‟d like to know where all the keyboard
commandos and lip service patriots are… or maybe I don‟t, I‟d probably off myself in
despair knowing just how lazy, apathetic “murikans” have degenerated.

Seriously, you lip service patriots are nothing more but uppity slaves. Serfs with guns
and a lifestyle acquired through lifetime debt servitude. You dress and talk like you‟re
free but your slave conditioning is there and kicks into gear just as soon as any challenge
by the beast threatens.

William Cooper walked the walk. This wasn‟t just talk for him, this wasn‟t a game. He
was in the U.S. military, he was in the beast, found out just how wicked it was. And like
another Patriot, Marine General Smedley Butler he rebelled, resisted the beast. He put
out a book, “Behold a Pale Horse”, he had a radio show. He was martyred right after
9/11, to shut him up. And I regret not actively entering the Patriot Movement earlier, I‟d
like to have at least corresponded with the man. William Cooper was more a man than
all you lip service patriots put together.

Certainly if you want to talk martyrs you cannot forget to mention the 93 men, women
and children murdered at Waco by the federal government. You cannot forget how the
beast swept the matter under the rug. What I can‟t forget is how so many people
professing to be “patriots” didn‟t and wouldn‟t hold those who ordered their murders
accountable, nor those that pulled the strings and dodged any responsibility to account.
Where were all those lip service patriots? Certainly some voted Republican(figure out
they and the Democrats are one and the same at the national level?) Certainly most ran
around the woods playing Rambo in the militias; until the Murrah Building black op by
the government was blamed on those militias and, where did all those fine „murikans

The Weavers… who came to their aid when federal agents were trying to set Randy
Weaver up-exploiting a poverty stricken backwoods man with controversial beliefs to
gain a bust, murdering his wife, two of his children and a friend? Gerry Spence, a shyster
lawyer, stepped up to the plate but where were all those lip service patriots beating their
chests vowing to resist tyranny?

I‟d bet Gordon Kahl is asking this from the grave. He had the balls to trade gunfire with
the beast‟s minions-more than could be said for those that professed to have had his

Now, Alex Jones…

Alex Jones gets a lot of flak: “Alex Jones is a egomaniacal wannabe celebrity. Alex Jones
is out to make a buck. Alex Jones is an asshole. Alex Jones is a shill. Alex Jones is too
quick on the draw, etc(I‟ve said that myself). Alex Jones won‟t attack the Jesuits, he is
one, wife‟s a Zionist, etc, he‟s a huckster.”


Look, Alex Jones isn‟t perfect, and he‟s admitted he has his flaws but he IS on the radio
six days a week, IS making movies that have done so much to awaken people. C‟mon,
admit it. Alex Jones is the biggest gun we got. Where‟s your videos? Where‟s your talk
show? Where‟s your audience? Where are you while he‟s protesting, bullhorning the
beast‟s minions?
Alex Jones is running a BUSINESS. He‟s in the Adult World and needs CASH FLOW to
keep his radio show going, his filmmaking, his protests. How many lip service patriots
are out building a voice, a following, spreading the truth-oh wait, they‟re too busy
bitching on their keyboards how big Alex Jones is. Get over it, or get off your 300lb
funky, diabetic asses and do better… or do anything in the first place!

So I say again to the lip service patriots-what have YOU done for the cause… ever?

Don‟t you have ANY shame?

Don‟t you feel ANY responsibility to go beyond regurgitating other dead people‟s

Don‟t you feel ANY genuine motivation to move beyond putting on woodland camo,
strut around with your tricked out M-4 clone at your meets, your hutarees-or whatever
you call it when you get together-and yap your mouths spewing out the same platitudes
you do on your keyboards and gossip? Not get any training in or recruiting?

Why don‟t you see that there can be no enemies in the Patriot Movement? Yes the beast
infiltrates organizations and tries to entrap good people and bust up opposition, but that
doesn‟t mean you need to help.

Why don‟t you see that you need to travel outside your too-worn circles, reach out to
others, be able to relate where they‟re at, who they are?

Why don‟t you see that getting things done requires ACTION? By YOU?

I‟m someone who looks for solutions. They‟re not that hard to figure out:

*Having rifles and being proficient in their use both for personal protection and as part
of your Militia responsibility.
*Getting involved with local government-taking it back to build a political base to
retaking the state and federal government.

*Becoming self sufficient by pursuing your talents, starting your own business, grow
your own food.

*Cut yourselves off from the beast system, its debt slavery, taxes, obligations.

*Right wrongs committed in our name by our enemies in positions of power.

*Getting your mind, body and spirit in order to be able to do all the above, and more.

You turn back and fight the beast by taking ACTION. The beast is at war with us all, and
adept at exploiting both our strengths and our weaknesses and turning them against us.
This is the most critical time in our history-what we do, and don‟t do every moment can
determine whether we win or lose. From what I‟ve studied, times like these are rare and
if we miss our opportunity to end the cycle of manipulated growth and destruction of
civilization we won‟t have another shot at Freedom for a very long time. Hopefully this
will put into perspective how you conduct yourself.

Posted by J. Croft at 12:54 PM 0 comments


J. Croft

If revolution is needed anywhere, it is in the United States of America, yet it isn't. It's a mystery,
we have all the ingredients:

*Oppressive overclass openly looting us, exploiting us, keeping us down and divided against
each other

*Legacy, dimly remembered, of Freedom and Revolution

*Widespread, if monitored and heavily regulated, firearms ownership

So, what happened?

I'll tell you what happened; the beast up to now has been so damn good at putting down
previous rebellions and revolutions Americans have subconsciously adopted a slave mentality.
This the reason we put up with tax rates up to 60%, and more. Reason we put up with so much
lording over by officious bureaucrats and thug cops, shysters making so many laws the legal
system takes on an officious lawlessness.
America's elite have feared another American Revolution since 1775, so they've been very
careful in gradually taming us, getting us as a people to "trust our leaders". When they got
enough of us to trust them, THEN they started to harness us with laws and regulations. Once
they got their chains on us THEN they started taking away, whipping us, yanking on our
collective bridle reminding us who we let be our bosses.

The rest of the world now knows America is a slave state, a prison state: we act like prisoners,
all afraid if we don't behave and do what we're told we will be punished. And the beast
employs the worst kinds of people who will happily administer that punishment.

What is needed, now, is a successful resistance. Unfortunately the beast employs the best
psychologists to mold our trusting, flouride damaged minds, and to spot any troublemakers.
Lawyers who run all public offices, have a monopoly on the practice of law and who have no
vested interest whatsoever in any revolution. Soldiers and cops who refuse to know better,
who only care that it is only THEY who will have the guns and the training to use them as the
21st century version of the elites knights.

I tell you, they CAN be fought, and they CAN be beat! Their economic system can be beat by
opting out. Their laws can be ignored if we'd get together and start taking back local
government, slashing taxes, using CAFR investments to self invest and lock out corporate
traitors like Wal Mart.

Their military isn't invincible either. Neither are their SWAT teams-there's ways to beat them
both which I plan to show you in the near future.


The Whole World Is Rioting as the Economic Crisis Worsens -- Why Aren't We?
By Joshua Holland, AlterNet. Posted February 3, 2009.

Americans are rightfully angry about the economic decline, but with a few small exceptions,
quietly so. Why? It depends on whom you ask.

Explosive anger is spilling out onto the streets of Europe. The meltdown of the global economy
is igniting massive social unrest in a region that has long been a symbol of political stability and
social cohesion.

It's not a new trend: A wave of upheaval is spreading from the poorer countries on the
periphery of the global economy to the prosperous core.

Over the past few years, a series of riots spread across what is patronizingly known as the Third
World. Furious mobs have raged against skyrocketing food and energy prices, stagnating wages
and unemployment in India, Senegal, Yemen, Indonesia, Morocco, Cameroon, Brazil, Panama,
the Philippines, Egypt, Mexico and elsewhere.

For the most part, those living in wealthier countries took little notice. But now, with the global
economy crashing down around us, people in even the wealthiest nations are mad as hell and
reacting violently to what they view as an inadequate response to their tumbling economies.
The Telegraph (UK) warned last month that protests over governments' handling of the crisis
"are widespread and gathering pace," and "may spark a new revolution":

A depression triggered in America is being played out in Europe with increasing violence, and
other forms of social unrest are spreading. In Iceland, a government has fallen. Workers have
marched in Zaragoza, as Spanish unemployment heads towards 20 percent. There have been
riots and bloodshed in Greece, protests in Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary and Bulgaria. The police
have suppressed public discontent in Russia and will be challenged again at large gatherings this

Consider a snapshot of a single week of unrest, courtesy of the Guardian:

Greece: "There are many wellsprings of the serial protests rolling across Europe. In Athens, it
was students and young people who suddenly mobilized to turn parts of the city into no-go
areas. They were sick of the lack of jobs and prospects, the failings of the education system and
seized with pessimism over their future. "This week it was the farmers' turn, rolling their
tractors out to block the motorways, main road and border crossings across the Balkans to try
to obtain better procurement prices for their produce."

Latvia: "The old Baltic trading city had seen nothing like it since the happy days of kicking out
the Russians and overthrowing communism two decades ago. More than 10,000 people
converged on the 13th century cathedral to show the Latvian government what they thought of
its efforts at containing the economic crisis. The peaceful protest morphed into a late-night
rampage as a minority headed for the parliament, battled with riot police and trashed parts of
the old city. The following day, there were similar scenes in Vilnius, the Lithuanian capital next
door." France: "Burned-out cars, masked youths, smashed shop windows and more than a
million striking workers. The scenes from France are familiar, but not so familiar to President
Nicolas Sarkozy, confronting the first big wave of industrial unrest of his time in the Elysée
Palace. "France, meanwhile, is moving into recession, and unemployment is going up. The latest
jobless figures were to have been released yesterday, but were held back, apparently for fear of
inflaming the protests."

Iceland: "Proud of its status as one of the world's most developed, most productive and most
equal societies, Iceland is in the throes of what is, by its staid standards, a revolution. "Riot
police in Reykjavik, the coolest of capitals. Building bonfires in front of the world's oldest
parliament. The yogurt flying at the free market men who have run the country for decades and
brought it to its knees."
Britain (via the Times of London): "Wildcat strikes flared at more than 19 sites across the
country in response to claims that British tradesmen were being barred from construction jobs
by contractors using cheaper foreign workers." Russia (via Al-Jazeera): "Thousands of protesters
have rallied across Russia to criticize the government's economic policies and its response to
the global financial crisis. "Russian police forcefully broke up many of the anti-government
protests on Saturday, arresting dozens of demonstrators."

At least in Western Europe, cries of "burn the shit down!" are being heard in countries with
some of the highest standards of living in the world -- states with adequate social safety nets;
countries where all citizens have access to decent health care and heavily subsidized
educations. Places where minimum wages are also living wages, and a dignified retirement is in
large part guaranteed.

The far ends of the ideological spectrum appear to be gaining currency as the crisis develops,
and people grow increasingly hostile toward the politics of the status quo.

The Financial Times quotes Olivier Besancenot, a young leader of "France's extreme left,"
promising "to reinvent and re-establish the anti-capitalist project." "We want the established
powers to be blown apart," Besancenot said. Europe's far right is gaining momentum, too, using
the economy and populist outrage over immigration to gain a legitimacy it hasn't enjoyed in
some time.

Notably absent from the list of countries where the economic crunch is rending the social fabric
is the good ole US of A, a state with the greatest level of economic inequality in the wealthy
Outside of a few scattered and quickly contained protests, the citizens of the U.S. -- a country
born of revolution, but with an elite that's been terrified of that legacy since immediately after
its founding -- have been calm, despite opinion polls showing that Americans are more
dissatisfied with the direction in which the country has been headed since they began
measuring such things.
It's a baffling disconnect, considering that real wages for all but the top 10 percent of the
economic pile haven't increased in 35 years.

It's more bizarre still when you consider that while European governments have handled their
own bailouts relatively transparently, the U.S. government has doled out close to $10 trillion in
bailouts, loan guarantees and fiscal stimulus -- if there were a million-dollar bill, that would be a
stack of 10 million of them -- with a stunning lack of oversight or accountability.

Even the congressional commission charged with overseeing key parts of the banking bailout
can't get answers to basic questions like "who's getting what?"

Americans are rightfully angry about that state of affairs, but with a few small exceptions,
quietly so. Why? It depends on whom you ask.
In a 2006 interview with Harper's, Barack Obama shared a subtle, but rather fundamental
observation about America's political culture: "Since the founding," he said, "the American
political tradition has been reformist, not revolutionary." If there is to be positive change,
Obama has argued, it must be gradual; "brick by brick," as he put it in one of his final campaign

Mark Ames, author of Going Postal: Rage, Murder, and Rebellion -- From Reagan's Workplaces
to Clinton's Columbine and Beyond, argues that Americans have been beaten down to a degree
that they're now a pacified population, largely willing to accept any economic outrage its elites
impose on them.

In a 2005 interview with AlterNet, Ames said the "slave mentality" is stronger in the U.S. than
elsewhere, "in part because no other country on earth has so successfully crushed every
internal rebellion."

Slaves in the Caribbean for example rebelled a lot more because their oppressors weren't as
good at oppressing as Americans were. America has put down every rebellion, brutally, from
the Whiskey Rebellion to the Confederate rebellion to the proletarian rebellions, Black
Panthers, white militias ... you name it. This creates a powerful slave mentality, a sense that it's
pointless to rebel.

Anyone who has witnessed the brutal police riots that have become so common since the
infamous "Battle in Seattle" protests against the World Trade Organization in 1999 can tell you
there's some merit to the argument.

It's also the case that European societies tend to be more homogenous than the mishmash of
tribes we call the United States. Whereas Americans are divided by religion, region, ethnicity,
urban-rural tensions and all the other trappings of the "culture wars," the primary split in most
European countries is class.

Thomas Frank argued eloquently in What's the Matter With Kansas that those wedge social
issues that the American right nurtures with such care obscure the fundamental differences
between the rich and poor, the powerful and the disenfranchised.

Indeed, any hint of discussion of economic inequality in the U.S. is shot down with cries of
"class warfare" -- exactly what is playing out in the streets of much of the world today.

As the crisis deepens, as virtually every analyst predicts it will, that may well change. As The
Nation's Bill Greider told Democracy Now's Amy Goodman, "you can't do this to people year
after year -- that is, upturn their lives, take away what they thought they had earned, and so
forth and so on, without provoking rather intense political reactions. ... We're just, just
beginning to see a few bubbles like that around this country. I don't say we're going to have
riots, but I think ... people, out of their own distress and anger, will organize their own politics,
and they will make themselves seen and heard around this country."

Stay tuned.


J. Croft

Our Father, the father of everything, everyone, the creator, loves us.

See, Creation is an act of love; an ideal is mulled over, sifted, tested, given form in thought. Created.
Love is giving. Love is sacrifice-your time and energy and thought-for something else. A new creation.
Normal people when they have a child together experience such joy in their creation, that 9 months of
swollen bellies, doting, back pain, biting tongues, mood swings, sweating the numbers on how they’re
going to take care of this kid; all that passes away when they hold their child for the first time. That is
how Our Father feels about His Universe. Every galaxy, planet, species, every creature, the very atoms
and subatomic particles that so ghostly, sparsely make all of us and everything God loves.

Our Father loves His Creation. Loving parents rejoice when their children grow, learn, advance, exceed
themselves and most of all do as they did and have children of their own-and they grow, learn ,advance
and exceed their parents.

Inventors engineers, architects, builders and artists of all kinds show their love when they design and
build devices, buildings, machines that make life better for their fellow man without unduly damaging
the world God so graciously gave us. Their love-put to form in their inventions-that make all of our lives
better is a reflection of the building blocks God gave us. God approves of invention, of His Children
making their lives better, to not be dependent on how many game animals are in a territory, of
dependence on the sun, rain, the seasons.

Those that have seen the heart of God, seen enough of creation to see that Man deserves, needs to be
able to grow, learn, advance, exceed previous generations and sought to make certain they could-they
reflect the love of Freedom God has, and the need to shoulder the Responsibility of jealously
safeguarding that Freedom. God approves of people such as the American Minutemen who faced down
the British Army at Lexington and Concord. People such as Patrick Henry, Sam Adams, Thomas Jefferson
who saw beyond themselves, saw what Man could be if despots, tyrants and their sycophant agents and
thug soldiers could be swept aside by the righteous uprising of the People. God approves and loves
people like the returning G.I’s of Athens, Tennessee who in 1946 saw corrupt government-loathsome
creatures not fit to be called men who used their positions of public service for personal profit at the
expense of everyone. Those veterans did the right thing and sought to use the ballot box to sweep THEIR
government of those that betrayed the public trust-and when the ballot box was literally stolen at
gunpoint by those despots, their sycophant agents and their thug soldiers they once again did the right
thing. They brought arms and took back their ballot box, their government by righteous force.

Freedom fighters of all walks, of all races are the apple of God’s eye. He sees people who will not
succumb to the demons that long ago consumed the current rulers of this world make their stand and
He approves. God approves those that will not back down to the psychotic control freak sycophants that
must enforce every rule every law passed. God approves those that challenge those despots who cling
onto public office as if it were their own fiefdom to drain the People of all. God approves those great
and small that bring the truth of our situation to those that don’t know, even those that don’t want to
know because they are afraid that by facing what they quietly fear their carefully crafted little illusion
will shatter, never to be put together again.

They’re right.
They would have to face their Responsibility to make our world better for their children. Today that
means not just inventing, building, creating. It means fighting:

*Fighting those that use public office for their own personal gain at the expense of everyone else. That
means everyone from the tin badge god who won’t wake up, gets off rousting whoever they think they
can get away with assaulting and ruining their lives, to the chiefs of police who hire the thugs, who
slavishly follow an agenda of conquest-conquest of us.

*Fighting city and county officials rubber stamping agendas by dark forces so long as they rule, so long
as they can get a cut of the taxes and rule their little fiefdoms. Rule with their property taxes, hiding
them in investments that could eliminate the need for taxes… but taxation is control.

*Fighting the state and federal office holders and bureaucrats who view their power over the American
People as absolute. Arrogant state troopers, arrogant DMV clerks, arrogant bureaucrats, arrogant agents
and tactical teams with military hardware-all waging wars of conquest against each of us.

*Fighting the scientists, engineers, inventors who give no thought as to what they make nor how it is
used against their fellow man. Everything from surveillance systems integrated into our computer
screens to killer robots portending the Terminator, to bioweapons that could exterminate us all. These
idiots give no thought as to how their creations are used. None.

*Fighting the lawyers, and career politicians who make ruling us from both Corporations and Congress
their personal privilege. Rockefeller, Clinton, Bush, Biden, Schultz, Kissinger, Foley, Kennedy and many
other names although their numbers are few they wield near absolute power over the power structures
they and their ancestors built.

*Fighting the clans of banker families and so-called royalty that have made the thrones and offices of
the Nations their personal property. Operating in secret, controlling uncountable wealth-wealth that
could instantly turn this planet into paradise-they have been squeezing Man for centuries. They are the
hands that wield the strings of their puppets… all the traitors you just read about. All to maneuver us
into destroying ourselves so they can have the Earth to themselves as a paradise.

Our Father isn’t looking for the genocide of Man.

No one who can create universes yet fret over each and every creature, each and every child would-
could-give license to murder, conquest, the greed of violent inbred psychopathic bluebloods and their
demented minions. No one who cheers on parents, inventors, artists, those that fight for their People
would want government drug trafficking and a fraudulent drug war that fuels a prison-industrial
complex. Want trillions of dollars blown on gold plated weapons systems when children go cold and
hungry. Want America-warts and all-the greatest triumph of Free People disappear in a global tyranny.
“So, what’s God going to do about it” you ask. You ask to see the hand of God in defeating all these
enemies of Man. I’ll tell you something that’s probably a secret to you yet is so obvious you won’t
believe it.

You want to know how Our Father works? He works through us; we are God’s Hands, with our actions
both great and small. Unfortunately God is pretty much suffering a stroke because we won’t do what’s
right-we don’t even know what we’re supposed to do because we’ve been so lied to. God’s work isn’t

Dirty cops keep victimizing us because nobody cleans out the corrupt little shitburg government that
hires those thugs. Nobody will get together and stop them from abusing their power.

Corrupt, greedy lawyers keep dominating the writing of law, administration of the law, judging the law
because nobody gets together to systematically clean out their governments-starting at the local level
because most politics is local.

Demented bureaucrats drunk with power keep wrapping us in red tape, taxes and thug enforcement
agents because nobody is systematically cleaning out their governments, making these cretins find real
work.(Getting a hint here? That maybe you should start the cleanup in your own town?)

Inbred ‘elites’ use the Nations as their toys-build them up and smash them against each other for their
sick thrills, because we won’t compare notes, get together and chase them down to the ends of the
Earth, and exterminate them.

“My pastor says to leave things in the hands of God. And that government is constituted by God so we
should obey it.”


I assume you’re Christian. I’ll also assume you don’t literally worship your pastor and bust your bank so
he can put more gaudy decour on his megachurch.

First, he’s been co-opted by the federal government to pacify you. He’ll use the authority you gave him,
his relationship with you as a so-called ‘authority figure’ to preach Romans 13 and get you to disarm.

Which leads me to Second…

Christianity is about God and His Son Jesus, correct? Correct.

So if Jesus is the Son of God then it is Jesus’ word we should heed first-because Jesus is God’s Son and
would know God’s will better than Abraham, better than Moses, better than Paul, correct? Correct.
So how come in the Christian religion Jesus’ words have only survived in tattered fragments in four thin
Gospels-sandwiched between the Jewish Torah and the writings of Paul, which upon closer examination
contradict Jesus on more than a few points? Why am I making an issue out of this, why do I see a
discrepancy? I’ll tell you; because what Jesus told, or what has survived in the Biblical Canon contradicts
what the Torah and Paul say what is God’s Will.

For example, Paul stated in Romans 13 to basically submit to authority, even if you’re a slave. From the
four Canonical Gospels, Jesus had Peter arm himself with a sword. Jesus took a bullwhip and assaulted
the bankers(moneychangers) at the temple, endlessly abused the Pharisees and Sadducces-the lawyers
of Judea.

Paul discriminated against women. Jesus sought out the company of not only women, but criminals,
lepers, children, and saved His discrimination against those that thought themselves holy-like a Pharisee
like Paul did.

Paul does not deserve to be labeled any kind of disciple; he bragged that he deceived, put truer
followers of Jesus’ teachings to death at the hands of the Romans. Its hard to judge from two millenia
and scant written records but it seems that Paul went way out of his way to defuse the radical equality
and Freedom Jesus tried to preach. Unfortunately Paul was quite successful because the Roman Empire
has survived in one Empire or another.

I mentioned the Torah, the Old Testament, contradicting Jesus. It’s true.

Jesus asked His Disciples who they were praying to, and they stated they were praying to God, and Jesus
told them He didn’t know the God they were praying to, that that wasn’t the Father but the devil
himself. Which fits the old testament god yahweh(no capitalization intended)as it terrorized “his
people” with forced marches through the desert, random murder, using them as foot soldiers in wars,
imposing the maniac Jewish religion on them and when they ‘backslid’ sent foreign armies to murder
and conquer them. Charming.

You didn’t know that Abraham was Sumerian? True. It’s also true that the first five books, the
Pentatuch, are an heavily edited version of the Sumerian creation texts? That’s true too. yahweh
exploited and twisted Sumerian history to an ignorant underclass-Abraham’s descendents-to gain
Earthly followers. You know the 40 year trek through the desert, the random punishments… or you
should. Read your Bible, I’m not lying. yahweh had no respect, certainly not love for either the Hebrews
nor the Egyptians who got systematically terrorized. After the Hebrews got led to the ‘promised land’
and stole it from other people, committing genocide against them you had the saga of a thousand years
of yahweh coming back every so often to make certain the Levite priests kept his people in terrified
obedience. Or sent the Assyrins or some other empire to crush them.

So, we’re back to Paul-actually Saul-and he was a Pharisee, and Saul was damn good at his job. Saul had
some ‘conversion’ via a ‘bright light’ and became a Christian. Whatever. But what can’t be dismissed is
Saul’s co-opting of Jesus’ message; twisting just about everything around back to what the pattern of
most organized religion is. Patriacal, overbearing, underspiritual, dominating, always wanting more
money and power and then it degenerates into just another power cult. But that’s one of the Bible’s
many charms, you can twist it into anything you want, I suppose. What you get for a text sewn together
literally at sword point by the emperor Constantine to reunify the Roman Empire. The Canonical Bible
was sewn together like a frankenstein monster-a psychopath god, a cunning deceiver wrapped around
just enough of what tattered rags of Jesus’ teachings to twist folks into obeying inbreeds. Look up the
Council of Nicea-326 AD.

Organized religion is in the hands of powerful men with their own agendas. Always has been. Jesus
warned us not to have organized churches-we got churches everywhere sucking in the wealth of billions.
For what? To pay pedophiles and perverts. To build gaudy stadiums of worship-for the pastor. To invest
just like every other corrupt entity on Earth to turn those dollars over. Meanwhile, that sweet old granny
who just dived into her rent money to salve the megachurch induced guilt is going to be throw out on
the street. Get any help from her megachurch… I dare you to hold your breath.

The Roman Catholic Church of course, needs no explanation.

Jesus hates hypocrites. Priests, lawyers-those that hold themselves most sacred drew the most wrath.
Why don’t we emulate Jesus and do likewise?

Jesus would not tolerate the bankers looting the Nations of Earth, impoverishing the People, co-op their
governments to institute war and a global police state to stifle the expected dissent.

Jesus would not tolerate the likes of John Hagee, Paul and Jan Couch, Pat Robertson et al in virtual
blackface for murdering men, women and children because they’re Palestinians. In virtual blackface for
the beast which is for all intents and purposes making what’s known as biblical prophecy come true… all
to exterminate us and leave the planet for the inbred psychotic blueblood ‘royalty’.

Jesus stated none are good but the Father. Jesus also said you talk to Our Father in a quiet place, alone,
where you quiet yourself until you can hear Him.

Our Father is in our hearts. You pause and quiet everything else and you focus on your heart you’ll hear
Our Father.

Our Father doesn’t want empty promises, He demands action. He demands that you see the suffering of
your fellow man, and do something, anything. Because the beast and its minions are at war with us,
have been at war with us since the very beginning, since long before the rise of Sumeria.

America represents the last, best hope of Man to right what has been wrong with this planet.
Unfortunately we Americans have forgotten ourselves, trusted the beast, which assumed the form like
that of Our America but like Paul’s fraudulent theology is a twisted funhouse mirror fraud. The illuminati
inbreeds have turned America, the land of the Free into history’s greatest, most horrible practical joke.

Wake up. Clean your body, your mind up. Pray to Our Father in a quiet place and listen for His voice.
Start helping others out, not expecting reward but especially in secret so that only you and Our Father
know. Heed Jesus’ last commandment to get arms and know how to use them. Fight for what is yours,
starting from your town hall and work your way up. In fact, don’t let those traitors sit one more day in
your offices-begin a recall election now and remove them! Spread the Second American Revolution
across the land, then across the Earth.

We don’t have to have an apocalypse-even if it was written in a text cobbled together by a debauched
Roman Emperor who was just looking for a ideology, a religion to reunite a debauched, murderous
Roman Empire. A loving creative God doesn’t wish your extermination. He wishes our enemies gone so
we can build a truly free human civilization that fulfills our destiny in the stars.



J. Croft

Officers, Troopers, Agents; it is time to start considering whether the orders you’re given are
worth following. Whether the laws you are tasked to enforce are just, whether the methods
you’re trained to use just wind up victimizing people. Actually, it’s past time. Way past.

Four years ago I wrote an essay with the same title, where I asked if you felt like an ass
enforcing laws made by lawyers, administered by lawyers, presided over in court by the same
pack of lawyers-who have a legal monopoly on the ‘practice’ of law. In many jurisdictions it is
illegal to hold public office without a law degree. Yet when this nation was founded the vast
majority of Americans practiced law. Lawyers were very few and far between, and it was a
literate, thinking, self-sufficient American People that ruled themselves… except in the offices
where it counted.

…Ever wonder why law isn’t taught in grade school-wouldn’t it be common sense to instruct the
youth on the law, since everyone is supposed to obey the law? I mean, if ignorance is no excuse
then it would be in the state’s interest to instruct everyone on the law so that the minimum of
laws are broken, the minimum offenders sent through the legal system… except there’s too
much money to be made by imprisoning and fining Americans. The system you serve is
criminally imprisoning Americans-YOU yourself have stolen your fellow countrymen’s time, and
certainly money, for the most inane excuses lawyers and bureaucrats can come up with!

And there’s too much law to possibly obey! That’s done on purpose; America has the largest
body of law on the planet. There’s so much law, whole wings of libraries are stuffed with local,
state, federal code. Again I ask the rhetorical why this is done? Because your employers want
people to break the law. They want who you call your brother officers to be armed robbers for
the state-issuing tickets to people for over for going a few miles over an arbitrary speed limit,
grass a quarter inch over some limit, drinking beer on their front porch, growing a garden
without a permit.

You know you don’t work for The People you work for lawyers, who work for the richest. These
same lawyers who’ve made government their private racket have turned the Land of the Free
into a slave permit society. Driving a car, bearing arms, planting crops, fishing, adding onto your
home-if someone who’s otherwise peaceable and upstanding does these things without
government permit you go in and wreck their lives. ‘Protect and Serve’ means protect and serve
the lawyers.
Are you smirking, laughing at this? It’s no laughing matter to the Americans trying to go about
their lives, trying to survive in a collapsing economy, a society at war with them. Most
Americans have a thin margin of survival and when you feel like slapping them with a ticket, or
smacking them with your baton and throwing them in jail because they’re asserting their Right
to be left alone by the state you make more Americans your sworn enemy. How many millions
of Americans are already mauled by the legal system you feed for the pettiest of reasons? How
many millions more will you and your thin blue line of robbers, thugs and serial killers will you

Do you see why what you do matters?


Oakland massacre…

Lovelle Mixon, a unemployed ex-felon is pulled over for some traffic infraction and opens fire
on the officers-killing Mark Dunakan, Erv Romans, Dan Sakai, and John Hege.

Who to blame? The shooter? Yes, because he pulled the trigger, and I’m glad I don’t personally
know him-probably steal from me or something. With four dead Oakland cops however we
have to ask what motivated him? What set him off?

Probation officer games-putting off meets, costing him valuable time until Mixon, frustrated,
skipped a scheduled meeting, conditioned by that probation officer he’d get stood up again.
Which was used by the same probation officer to issue a warrant for his arrest. It was only a
matter of time and circumstance until Mixon was confronted by your brother cops for
something-a traffic stop. Not wanting to go back to the hell of prison because his probation
officer played games to get another body back in the system, he fought back and fought hard.
He fought well too, braining the two cops who pulled him over with a pistol, in a combat
situation-and that’s no small feat!

Mixon then hid at his sister’s apartment-tactically stupid by the way-and awaited the response;
a SWAT team entered and as they approached the closet Mixon was at he unleashed an AK-47,
killing two more officers before falling himself. Be thankful Mixon didn’t think to use the sights
on that AK-47, and await that SWAT team across the street, picking them off on semi-auto.

Were those deaths worth serving the lawyers who never stop stealing from us all?

Stanton Heights massacre…

Paul Sciullo III, Stephen Mayhle answered a domestic dispute call-Richard “Pop” Poplawski and
his mother were arguing over the dog peeing on the rug. When you’re called out on a domestic
dispute call someone’s going to get arrested-got to make answering in family fights profitable
for the state y’know. “Pop” knew that under illegal federal gun control laws domestic dispute
arrests meant he’d lose his firearms. Apparently backed into a corner, reading constantly about
federal gun grabbers and the unconstitutional laws they operate under, Poplawski decided to
make a last stand and opened fire. Eric Kelly, going to work, decided to back up Sciullo and
Mayhle-and paid with his life along with his fellow officers.

Pop? Man was a flake, a failure, a wannabe racist-who I despise-but like millions of Americans
he did not want his guns taken over some technicality. So when his mother called the cops on
him he fought. Having body armor, and an AK-47, again, he shot five officers-three dying-and
held the rest off for hours, in spite of being wounded. That took heart you have to admit, even
if the brains were clearly lacking. Be glad most citizens don’t have the training to hit and run
and not make these suicidal last stands you’re superbly trained and equipped to win.

…Yet how many more Americans are going to kill your brother officers to keep their Rights?
How many more officers will lay down their lives for an utterly corrupt, evil government at war
with the American People? How many more cops will have to risk their lives for laws evil
lawyers write, administer, rules written by rat bastard bureaucrats? When will enough be
enough for you?

…When you back up a CPS goon squad and the parents open fire, protecting their kid because
some bureaucrat saw an opportunity to use the law to steal them?

…When you pull over a truck with a rusty back gate and the man whose had people like you
hound him, steal from him, hold him back and trip him up his entire life decides enough-and
opens fire on you?

…When you’re face to face with a D-9 Bulldozer that’s been heavily armored by the man the
local power structure goes out of their way to screw over, because their business buds wanted
to legally run all over him?

…When you roust some person sleeping on a steam grate or under a bridge because… whatever
the reason he was once a productive citizen and he’s now done for, and he’s definitely done
with you harassing him denying him even some sleep and he’s got a knife for you?

…When you pull someone going home from a bar you’ve been stalking certain you can bag
another DUI even though they weren’t driving dangerously, even though you’d escort them
home if they were a ‘brother officer’-and the man decides he isn’t going to get hosed?

…When you and another narcotics cop sell each other crack in some bar so you can use asset
forfeiture laws to take it over, but the business owner decides he won’t go out without one last

…When after some disaster you go door to door under your chief’s orders and try to seize guns
from Americans by force, and you come across a home owned by a ex-Navy SEAL who’s even
more covetous of Freedom than this writer?
…When you operate a checkpoint for seatbelts, or DUI, or drugs, safety inspection or whatever
lame excuse your superiors come up with, and the next car that pulls up is driven by someone
who just got hosed before by the local criminals in pinstripe suits and judge’s robes and isn’t
having this?

…When you go back up a foreclosure and the family that has nowhere to go except the tent
cities and your constant harassment for being homeless decides to repudiate their debts and
resist what they’ve worked their entire lives for stolen-because the bank wouldn’t renegotiate?

…When you go arrest someone for defending themselves from street criminals, because it’s
illegally against the law to exercise one’s Second Amendment, and that person decides they’re
not going to share a cell with the friends of the people she had to shoot to save her life-or her

I’m going to get into a history lesson. You need to read this because you cannot solve the
problem of your fellow officers being ambushed and shot until you understand the root cause
of the problem and fix it.

You ready to find a solution, before some American’s bullet finds you? Read on..


See, the reason this nation has fallen from the lofty heights of Freedom and prosperity that
took Man hundreds of generations of struggle against tyrants and their legions of lackey and
thugs to overcome in a new land is the lawyers. The lawyers as a class were in the service of the
financiers of that era. Those way too rich men wanted discreet yet effective control over the
new government of America-except that the Articles of Confederation were drafted to prevent
a government strong enough, centralized enough, for the covert agents-the lawyers-of the
financiers to control.

The financiers and their lawyer lackeys had a huge problem; the hundreds of thousands of
armed, proficient Americans, many of whom spent several years taking on the greatest armed
forces on Earth, the British Empire. More than a few of whom could take a muzzleloading long
rifle and plant a .45 caliber ball in their heads from 300 yards out, or sneak into their mansions
and slit their throats while they slept, or steal cannon and simply blast their estates to rubble.
No, they weren’t going to face down people who stood toe to toe with the British Army lightly.
They had to be clever. They had to create a crisis

Being financiers, they had the money to play with the markets of that era, and seeing how the
United States of America was 13 sovereign nations in confederation they staged all kinds of
economic havoc between them. Tariffs, hyperinflation, defaults, stock market manipulations,
draconian foreclosure practices on American farmers and merchants-all designed to create a
crisis the Article of Confederation government couldn’t handle. Wasn’t equipped to handle.
Rebellion seethed among the “lower classes”; foreclosures in Massachusetts prompted Shay’s
Rebellion, where Revolutionary War veterans waged war against constables-police of that era-
creditors and judges for taking farmers crops and land. Not realizing the bankers, the financiers
economically generated the catastrophe. Not realizing the bankers were playing chess and not
telling them the rules. Armed rebellion threatened another revolution-one that threatened to
dethrone the ‘elite’ the lawyers, big merchants and plantation slave owners trying to establish
control over this new nation.

Congress called for a meeting, a Constitutional Convention in 1787 to fix the Articles of
Confederation to fix the problems. This was the opportunity the bankers and lawyers were
waiting for! Create a problem, build a crisis, put enough pressure for enough people to change
the rules. Now it was time for the banker’s solution-one primarily drafted by their primary
agent, Alexander Hamilton, Esquire. Hamilton was George Washington’s Aide de’ Camp during
the American Revolution. He was ambitions, ruthless, highly intelligent, an anglophile(why was
he fighting for the Colonies then?!). He was also, unfortunately for history, as big an elitist as
the bankers.

Hamilton wanted a strong central government, one that gave the illusion of being of, by, and
for the People yet quietly and firmly controlling them, increasingly expanding its power and
scope as it kept the American People lulled in that illusion-too busy settling a continent to see
the greatest threat was the very government he designed. Alexander Hamilton got what he
wanted-oh he and his fellow Federalists had to compromise and accept a Bill of Rights but the
design of the new federal government had in it’s inherent design the capacity to eventually
overcome those restrictions on power. Funny thing about the lawyers who drafted that
constitution, almost none of them fought in the American Revolution. They did however, made
themselves available to steal that revolution. The Constitution was drafted, and it took three
years of overcoming fierce political resistance to get it ratified by the 13 states… Rhode Island
rejected the Constitution and it took the threat of embargo and isolation to break them.

Once ratified the 1787 Constitution took effect and as America expanded, the US government
expanded as well. The bankers had their lawyers gradually expand the power and scope of the
government, using whatever problems or crisis real or rigged. The lawyers grew the body of law
until its size necessitated in the minds of Americans unaware of the closet war being waged
against them by those same lawyers that only they should interpret and administer their laws.
The bankers starting in the mid 19th century promoted the Prussian military model of public
education, molding young minds into obedient workers and soldiers; the days of independent
minded Americans were forgotten. Corporations, controlled by the lawyers and bankers
became privileged in the eyes of their laws-being legal fictions given power to control.

As government power expanded, the need for enforcers of the lawyers laws prompted the
founding of the first police departments. Gun control laws were introduced in the South to
keep Blacks disarmed, then expanded to only allow people ‘permitted’ by the state to carry or
even own. Public education was standardized, then dumbed down and bastardized. The culture
was centralized by the corporations through radio, motion pictures, music, television,
newspapers and books-the corporations becoming the gatekeepers by which what was
presented to the increasingly dumbed down masses. A once Free People, self sufficient and
armed have been reduced to the masses of hapless sheep dependent on corporations for their
wage slave jobs, their poisoned and processed foods, the petty entertainments to salve the
pain and forget they’re slaves. Many reduced far further as they and their children were lured
to the cities with factory work-when those factories were shipped overseas by the
corporations, they became trapped in what became the ghettos. Poverty breeds broken homes,
desperation, and drugs were “somehow” pumped in to breed a criminal class to make the
sheep scared, driving them further into the arms of the ones who engineered the drug war, the
ghettos. Ask Terry Reed, Catherine Austin Fitts and Michael Levine how much the US
government’s into this.

Now, most Americans are the stupid, irresponsible sheep you despise. You, the remnant of
those Americans who could take care of themselves, or some of the remnant as I see it, are
manipulated by your sense of civic responsibility to serving what can only be called the beast.
The beast… the US government and the major corporations that have strangled America.

For two centuries this land has been locked in a ongoing struggle between the American People
and the government born through economic manipulation, staged chaos and conspiracy at the
highest levels. Two Americas: one Free, the other the multifaceted slavery given the false image
of Liberty preparing it’s death blow against us all. So, what to do, what with the US government
so huge, out of control and seeking to finish off what’s left of Our America?

Actually there’s a lot, but first you must get ready:

1.)Learn the truth about the way things are. You cannot solve the problems until you know the
root causes of those problems, or even that there are problems in the first place. Time to hit
those alternative news sources on the Internet, while we still have Free Speech. Do try to use
discernment… cross compare what people say, and no you probably won’t get to the truth but
you can reason on your own. Use that God-given brain of yours. Perhaps you’ll come to some of
the same conclusions I have.

2.)Start thinking about the Why. Why are you ordered to do this or that. Who benefits. Who
gets the money. Perhaps that order to up your traffic ticket quota, that arrest quota isn’t best
served on that working mom.

3.)Find God. Not join a religion or church, but God. Find a quiet place and still your mind, and
ask for God. If you don’t have a spiritual center, a foundation, everything built atop will
collapse. With God you can stand against anything. Without, you can’t stand when things get
tough, and if you have a conscience and not given over to criminality, evil, like many of your
‘brother officers’ you know what I’m talking about.

4.)Join Oath Keepers; Patriot military and police seeking to defy the beast. Their ten part Oath:
1. We will NOT obey orders to disarm the American people.

2. We will NOT obey orders to conduct warrantless searches of the American people

3. We will NOT obey orders to detain American citizens as “unlawful enemy combatants” or to
subject them to military tribunal.

4. We will NOT obey orders to impose martial law or a “state of emergency” on a state.

5. We will NOT obey orders to invade and subjugate any state that asserts its sovereignty.

6. We will NOT obey any order to blockade American cities, thus turning them into giant
concentration camps.

7. We will NOT obey any order to force American citizens into any form of detention camps under
any pretext.

8. We will NOT obey orders to assist or support the use of any foreign troops on U.S. soil against the
American people to “keep the peace” or to “maintain control.”

9. We will NOT obey any orders to confiscate the property of the American people, including food
and other essential supplies.

10.We will NOT obey any orders which infringe on the right of the people to free speech, to
peaceably assemble, and to petition their government for a redress of grievances.

Their website:

5.)Prepare for Martial Law. Get a network for survival, both in your town and a place in the
country. Make a decision now how far you’re willing to go to resist. Go here:

6.)Join the Appleseed movement and learn how to hit with a rifle out to at least 500 yards.
Riflemen were the backbone of the American Revolution, they will be the military backbone of
the, yes, Second American Revolution. Go here:

More suggestions, from my original Message to the Police Officer:

How you can resist

Get to know your non-cop friends again, and your neighbors. You probably let those relationships go
bye-bye when you bought into the crap that cops are "a breed apart". The people you joined the force
to 'serve and protect'; and you view them as scum?

Your mindset will be the first obstacle to overcome, but since you're reading this you're hopefully
already on that road. The 'cop culture' like most aspects of American culture is managed by it's own
'gatekeepers' who serve an Agenda-to fill your discipline and duty oriented mind with all sorts of
psychological cues that herd you into being a insufferable elitist.

Yeah, that's what that 'they' want-there's always a 'they' around to ruin it for everyone. You blindly
enforcing laws which oppress everyone. 'They' fill you with pride in your profession, give you a cool
looking uniform, all sorts of means to carry out your job-and you get guns! All of which are but bait-
egotistical masturbation.

Assaulting this egotistical masturbation is your first duty, assaulting your 'brother officers' programming
as you can is your second duty. There is a line, and it's different with each individual, but it basically is
their patience at listening to you challenge what they've been programmed with. Don't count on getting
them to see the light quick, as you know the programming's thorough and very deep. Don't push too
much, and use examples you come across. This is a war-not a battle.

Your third duty: shielding the People as best you can from the ravages of the laws lawyers pass. Look
into your heart-if you are with God, you will know which laws are sensible(stopping murder, rape,
robbery, reckless drivers, crack dealers selling to grade school kids). The rest(niggling regulations, laws
that rob people of their rights) must not be enforced. They must be IGNORED.

Ignoring as best you can, because your supervisors watch you to make certain you do your job as
proscribed by them. You're in a bad spot, and sometimes you will be forced to pick your battles.
Sometimes you won't be able to directly help someone about to get steamrolled by the state. You'll
have to surreptitiously get evidence of their innocence and get it to a attorney willing to fight for their
freedom. Sometimes you'll encounter a scumbag son of a bitch-who's shielded by the local powers-that-
be. That person might even wear the same badge and uniform as you. Here is where you shall have a
real gut check: what if there isn't a way to stop this bastard legally? What if this state sanctioned
criminal plants dope to cause a raid and asset forfeiture seizure? What if this human sized cockroach is
going to whack a 'troublemaker'; someone working for Freedom just like you?

How far will you go to do something about it? And can you do it smarter-as in being able to get away
with it? There are people who know of these things, and one or two even wrote books on the subject if
you can't get a hold of that someone. Beyond that I dare not say what you should do, except that it
needs doing, and nobody's doing it at all.

There's more you can do; a lot more. You can do this under a alias or not, but it's my wish you cops
would start showing the People on a individual and community level how they can defend themselves
from the bureaucratic predators. How to get around the bureaucrats, and who among them are still
patriots. There are bad and good in every walk of life, and if bureaucrats can see that they too can join in
renewing freedom, this struggle shall end in victory that much faster! Motivating them as officers to
actually stand up and as a group demand that laws start getting scrapped. Tell them that they wouldn't
have so many cops and bureaucrats in their lives if there weren't so many laws for them to enforce.
Make it plain that their lives will NEVER get better if they let themselves keep being hypnotized by that
electronic narcotic called the TV.

Teach the People how to physically defend themselves and their communities. Yes, if you love freedom
this would include the safe and effective use of firearms and when to do it. Your police and military
training makes you a natural choice to teach the People. Yes, this incurs the risk of being labeled a
'militia', but for hundreds of years the gathering of all able bodied adults in case of a collective danger
was a key part of American civilization. They organized and drilled and shot their rifles in public square it
was that enshrined. It was when a permanent, standing US Army and a permanent standing professional
police force that the Citizen's Militia quietly faded away from American public life.


Get politically active. Know the truth; the federal and state offices are pretty much sewn up by
our enemies. However, most government tyranny is still administered at the local level, and
local politicians are the most vulnerable.

America has millions of local governments-somewhere are communities ripe for change, within
the capacity of the few Patriots on the ground to get together and change. Using the Recall
Petition, get signatures to force a RECALL ELECTION. Your job will be to get evidence of petition
and vote fraud and tampering and if necessary to step in and arrest those attempting to steal
the election.

Until a election campaign can be mounted in your jurisdiction it is up to you to defend the
American People from the beast government that seeks to crush and destroy them. Seeing how
most people are kept in a fog of make believe it is up to you to shake them back to reality next
time you spot them breaking the law. Remind them that the reason there are so many laws is
because lawyers run the country-because they won’t take responsibility and dictate to who are
supposed to be “public servants” how to run their jobs.

Here are some more guides on doing this:



The future is up to you.

J. Croft
SWAT (special weapons and tactics) book review

J. Croft

This is an important book.

This is for all intents and purposes a foundational doctrine document for today's police state. Written in
the late 70's the principles laid out by the author Phillip Davidson still apply to SWAT operations and
general police attitudes towards their fellow Americans-something they like to forget.

Yes, the diagram standards are laughable, yet they're still quite instructive; here for example is a excerpt
detailing room clearing:
Oh, for educational purposes only... here is the book in full:

One thing you must remember is that this book was taken seriously by enough old school SWAT
operators to embed a hatred of the American People in the police forces. Can't have the government's
enforcers having thoughts of defending the Citizens from them. Look at this excerpt and be warned.



May 11, 2009 by freedomguide

Note: the government has been using tax dollars to invest for decades now. Those investment if
released back to their owners-the American People-would unleash an economic Hiroshima that
would nearly instantly reverse this planned depression and usher in a Golden Age. That’s how
massive the government’s holdings are. And the government will never, ever release those
investments and return what they’ve stolen from the American People.

The only way to get what’s ours back is to take it back.


1940’s Secret “Corporate” Tactic By Which Government Took All!By Walter Burien05/10/09
Many people have asked for a simple explanation as to the intent behind the CAFR and what
happened over the decades?

Well, in a nut shell here is the foundation block that allowed government to take it all over by

It started in the mid 40’s and grew into what we have in government now seventy years latter
come 2009.

Government started out as a “pay as you go” structure. By transforming into a corporate
liability company over the decades, this gave them the ability to use “advance projections” to
strip annual operating funds and create advance forward liability accounts whereby in doing so
they were able to by stealth build numerous “wealth bases” of equity in many designated fund
balances separate from the budget reports that were exclusively presented for public viewing.
When looking at the “whole picture” through the CAFR and sub investment fund reports noted
per gross income, only 1/3rd is tax income whereas when you look at a budget report for the
year it gives the impression per gross income that nearly 100% is tax income. Very deceptive
when only one side of the coin is presented.

Budget reports are presented giving the false impression that it “is” the true financial picture
and it is far from it. What is shown is primarily tax income for a “selective grouping” of accounts
where tax income is collected and expended.
Review a few CAFR surplus reviews –

The takeover by government was primarily orchestrated by attorneys, both private and acting
from within the Judiciary on the city, county, and state level. Many private associations were
created since the 40’s to push government along into becoming an administrative clearing
house for revenue collection and control with many of these private associations calling the
shots and firmly entrenched in the ever expanding cash flow from the troth. Laws were
“created” as each and every push was moved forward to consolidate and expand the takeover
by government as the public was masterfully entertained with distraction, misdirection, and
misinformation due to the money involved.

Where has all this brought us today? I strongly recommend that all look at their local “County”
CAFR. I have noticed a disturbing trend being forcefully implemented by the attorney complex
in control today. (65% of Governors, Senators, and Congressmen are now attorneys) The place
to look in your County CAFR is the Statistical Section at the end of the report. Currently most
counties will give a ten year or a six year showing of the growth.

Many County CAFRs that I have looked at from the eastern side of the country show that over
the last six to ten years:

1. There was a 100% increase in property taxes collected.

2. There was a 100% to 135% increase in the money pouring into the judiciary.
3. There was a 100% to 115% increase in the money pouring in to the prisons run by the county.

One thing I found particularly interesting was that even though their was over a 100% increase
in cash flowing into the prisons, the prison average daily population had decreased in many a
cases. Also I took note that the personnel working for the prisons was the largest employee
base working for the county.

Now there were modest increases in social services programs for the youth, adults, and elderly,
but nothing in comparison to the take being facilitated by the attorney complex for Judiciary
and Prisons. It appears the trend is gearing up to “process” more people through the courts and
prisons based on the money being applied.

Has the increase in processing the people started yet? By the numbers as of 2007 it appears not
yet. I have a feeling though by 2010, they will be in full swing and who knows, the reader of this
post may just be the lucky recipient of this expanding government service..

The middle class natives are getting restless with massive increases in forced taxation, home
confiscations, job loss, and a weakened economy from the last and massive wealth transfer of
trillions taken from one hand and transferred to the other hand through international market
derivative manipulation. I still would like to know how many trillions of dollars ended up in
those off-shore government accounts for a clear showing of profit held in “the other hand”.
I will give you an example County CAFR to look at here from 2007. It is from York, PA. –

I am not picking on York but the showing in their statistical section is a clear example of what is
brought forward in this article. Look at theirs and then look at your own county CAFR to see if
the same findings are evident in your own.

We all are the end target of our government’s intent. Where they apply the money and the
showing of their own growth establishes their intent.

Look and comprehend. It is your asses that are on the line in the end. Either by paying the bill or
as a forced beneficiary of the structure created, or in some cases both.

When the people realize the true end result of allowing attorneys to takeover and run the show
and when the people take true action to stop it, then maybe the tide will change. Until then,
the stench of death will grow nearer and in most probability ever present in the air as the ever-
expanding made “legal” plunder and theft out of opportunity continues unabated..

TREASON: “Treason doth never prosper; what’s the reason? For if it prosper, none dare call it
treason.” Sir John Harrington, 1561-1612

Sent FYI from and truly yours,

Walter J. Burien, Jr.P. O. Box 2112Saint Johns, AZ 85936
Tel. (928) 445-3532

—————-Any local government can be restructured to meet their annual budget needs
“Without” taxes. TRF (Tax Retirement Funds) paying for every City, County, State’s annual
budgetary needs!—————-To automatically subscribe to CAFR1 NATIONAL posts –
Posted by J. Croft at 4:31 PM 1 comments
...This is why we've been in
Afghanistan for the past eight years....


This isn't a treatise on economics, its a treatise on survival. Who will define what a dollar is-because the
future of America depends on the answer

J. Croft

…Or rather, who will we let define what’s a dollar. Because the private banksters of the private federal
reserve banking cartel, who have with their illegal central bank have through their ever weakening
counterfeit dollar wrecked America. See, the value of a constitutionally correct dollar-the one mandated
to be of silver and gold specie-held constant. It held constant due to the scarcity of silver and gold and
the difficulty of extracting the rare metals from the earth, crushing the ore, smelting, refining, casting.

Before the 1787 constitution the United States had both Continental dollars and currency issued by each
State. Given the huge debts incurred by the Revolutionary War, the classic and futile tactic of printing
more money without backing caused inflation… when each dollar buys less because there’s more dollars
circulating in the economy. The constitution mandated gold and silver as the lawful money of the land
preventing hyperinflation. This was the case until the Civil War when Abraham Lincoln had the Treasury
start printing Greenbacks to fund the Union Army and win the war. The Greenback was not backed by
precious metals, it was simply issued. When Lincoln was killed the US went back to silver and gold.

It was in1913 that the banking elite looting the planet today set up the tool of our destruction; they
snuck through on Christmas Eve both the Federal Reserve Act and the 16th Amendment ratifying an
illegal income tax. Now, pay attention how the federal reserve system works:

The US treasury weaves the cloth, prints the ink, cuts the “federal reserve notes” dollars then ships it to
the federal reserve system for them to LEND BACK TO THE US GOVERNMENT TO ISSUE OUT AT
INTEREST. Then, on every April 15th we pay taxes to the internal revenue service which sends the
money to pay the interest to the federal reserve central bank.

Because these notes-for debts public and private and not to be used as lawful money as originally
printed-had nothing but the “full faith and credit of the United States” backing it, the banksters now had
the means to inflate the money supply… making everything cost more and more. It’s surreal to hear old
folks talk about how little everything cost. Go to the movies for a quarter. five cents a gallon of gas. A
brand new Mustang for 5000 dollars. Buy a home for 20,000 bucks-a lot of times up front. Just insane
how much a dollar could buy back then… because it COULD!

You could work a single job, your spouse could stay home take care of the kids and you still had more
than enough money to take a couple vacations a year… own a boat and/or small airplane… go to
college… start a business or buy a small apartment building… invest.. That was what I call America’s first
golden era and the banksters cultivated that period to lull Americans into complacency. A people
who’ve had it good for awhile can be further lulled into distraction with television. A people who watch
seven hours of TV a night can be systematically programmed to whatever attitudes, belief systems that
the programmers want. And the programmers ultimately work for the banksters-because through sitting
on many corporate boards they can dictate both government policy and the policies of the major

So to milk more money off of us-because we obviously had too much for them-they printed more and
more dollars. Since the banksters through their minions controlled educational policy they worked to
gradually dumb down each class of Americans for the past century. Dumbed-down Americans don’t
understand economics, are conditioned by the Prussian model public schools to view economics and
knowledge in general as boring, so they can lie about their debasing the dollar pawning it off as the
consequence of “economic activity”. The Women’s Liberation movement, good for equal rights for both
sexes but it was exploited by the banksters to double the tax base as inflation was ramped up.

So now both husband and wife have to work to keep up a lifestyle they could easily sustain with only
one person working ten or twenty years earlier. The banksters start sending factories overseas through
currency manipulation and making it government policy to deindustrialize America, so the economy
itself enters a depression… but it isn’t called a depression. A depression hidden from the American
People, never called that, but the factories have disappeared, it costs eight bucks just for a movie ticket,
two to four dollars a gallon for gas, a Mustang costs over 30,000 dollars, houses were bigger, but not as
well built and cost over ten times what their parents paid. And starting a business, buying commercial
real estate and investing are milionaire’s games… or you have to spend the rest of your life paying off
the mortgages.

To do ANY of the things I just wrote now takes debt-credit cards for food and fuel, loans for cars,
mortages for a home. Taxes have grown from 2% during World War Two to 30% and above for income
tax, Social Security is at least another 10%. There are property taxes you pay or you lose your home
anyway for missing the rental payment to the beast. Sales taxes for everything, on everything just
further increase the tax bite-to over 60% now in the Obama era. Oh yeah; the banksters have
designated We the People as the ones who are going to pay to them the money they stole from us.

And that’s how paradise was lost.

To get it back we need our own dollar.

What’s a dollar again? A sheet of rag paper with some ink on it. What gives a dollar it’s power? The
perception that it is a symbol of worth. Those sheets of green rag paper you use to trade for goods and
services are backed only by a commonly held belief in their worth.

Get that? The dollar is only backed by acceptance by people that it is of worth, not because it is
intrinsically worth anything beyond the time, effort and material to issue them by the trillions.

So, to get back our nation we need our own dollar-one that has worth.

What is “worth”? Worth can be perception of something’s usefulness, or the observed results of
something’s worth. A car has worth because the machine can transport you far faster than you can walk,
carrying far more than you could, even with a pulled cart. Seeds have value because you plant them,
tend them they produce your food. A rifle and ammunition has value because it enables killing blows at
hundreds of yards distance. Books have value for the knowledge they contain, as do more advanced
media but they require electricity and a machine to read and display the data they contain. Coal, oil,
natural gas and their processed byproducts have worth for their utility as fuel. Wood, stone, iron have
worth as building materials. Silver and gold have worth due to the rarity of the material, the effort
needed to refine the material from the ore and it’s use as a measurment, a measuring stick to gauge the
worth of everything else.

People have worth for the work they do; farming, building, guarding, administrating, investigating,
planning, healing. Now with people that worth is a variable as to their capability as well as their
character. A person can do a mediocre job but if you can rely on him to do that mediocre job on a
consistent basis then that is how much worth that person has. On the other hand a person who is
capable of doing a good job but is for whatever reason inconsistent in when he does it or underperforms
or is angling to defraud you-then that person’s worth is actually lower than the reliable mediocre
person. Because you can’t rely on him. Worth is something you rely on. Worth has to be something

Barter is the trade of things of worth. Say, a jerry can of gas for a basket of food. It is simple enough if
two parties have what each other wants but barter becomes a pain if one party hasn’t what the other
needs-then they need to find someone else, or establish a trade wth a third party who does have what is
needed. That third party may not be available.

Script is a sheet of paper promising a good or service from the person issuing it. Script is dependent on
the issuer’s ability and willingness to deliver on it. It’s a promissory note. Personal money, and its
shortcomings are about as bad as barter-except you can trade that script if the person issuing it is
reliable. If they’re reliable and talented then that person’s script becomes something of higher value-like
a Front Sight firearms academy’s grey ticket.

Silver, gold, trade items are of a intrinsic value, a worth that can be gauged. The goods and services
traded for it can vary in their worth depending on needs and wants. For example, a day at an
amusement park is highly valued in times of economic prosperity, but in times of economic famine
people are going to be forced to find cheaper distractions from their problems.

Money then, is script issued by a social association(country)that is accepted by all, that is a universal
substitute for trade goods and services. So the issue for Americans wishing to be Free is to create a
dollar that has worth recognized by all without the advantage of a central, relatively trustworthy
institution like a treasury issuing it as such is impossible with separate bands trying to hide and strike
back against a occupying hostile power. Like the United States government.

Making a citizen dollar-a dollar truly issued by the People, for the People

A common design and value will have to be agreed upon by separate groups, individuals. Everyone will
in essence be an issuing bank. This will be dependent on the issuer’s ability, trustworthiness, the value
of their goods/services to each other. A citizen dollar therefore is going to rely on trust-but doesn’t the
federal reserve note rely on our trust of it’s worth? Establishing trust in something someone calls a
dollar will be the biggest hurdle, but fortunately it is the first hurdle. As more people leap that hurdle
and trust the citizen issued dollar the momentum towards a true money will increase, and with it vital
economic activity in a free(underground)market that can and will counter the invasive, centralized, debt
slavery based control grid of the enemy. Eventually as the Second American Revolution progresses,
towns will issue dollars, then counties, states-once Americans have taken back their national
government constitutionally proscribed dollars can be issued. That will be at the end of the journey back
to Freedom sadly…
We have to start the journey; how then do we back a citizen issued dollar? The answer is obvious-what
do each of us have to back it up with?

Backing with work

This will be gauged by known reputation at first. If the issuer is known to be reliable, their dollars will be
relied to hold their power. If the issuer is unreliable, or worse a crook then their dollars will be worse
than worthless-they will drag down the value of dollars that are issued by reliable people. Such parasites
must be eliminated. The worth of citizen issued dollars will also be gauged by the quality of their work,
giving more value to their dollars for how needed or good their work is. Of course, the more work they
can do the more dollars they can issue. The one thing each American must remember is to issue dollars
for their work only as much as they can provide the service demanded for that dollar. Print more dollars
than you can deliver work for, then your dollars-everyone’s dollars-will fall in value and fall hard.
Something we can’t afford.

Backing with silver/gold

Silver and gold are rare, with silver rarer and more valuable than gold for people surviving due to its use
as an anti-bacterial, anti-viral agent. Silver and gold will still continue to be recognized as money so the
citizen dollar will have these in part as a peg to stabilize its worth. The exact worth will just have to be
determined as we go along….

Backing with finished goods and commodities

Everything from wheat to wood to coal to nails, nuts, paper, fuel, and ammunition has worth of some
sort and therefore can be used to back citizen dollars in lieu of work or silver and gold, or better yet,
along. Issuance will be based partly on demand for ones goods and commodities and their worth.

Government opposition-enforcement

Of course the federal reserve shareholders aren’t going to stand for this one bit-individual Americans
acting as their own bankers?! They’ll want to crack down, shut down the American People’s mint-except
they will have to shut down hundreds of individuals acting as their own mint… then thousands… tens of
thousands… Maybe millions but I suspect the citizen dollar will have become the new de facto money of
America by that time, displacing the fraudulent federal reserve debt note and any multinational or
global replacement.

Growing the underground economy-getting acceptance for our dollars

The key is enough reliable people surviving and thriving, attracting others and helping them do likewise
for mutual benefit and profit that the ideal will take on a life of its own, with the People as self-
governing enforcers. A common standard of making citizen dollars will have to be agreed upon, as well
as mutual enforcement of honoring and maintaining value of said citizen dollars. Penalties must be real-
one way or another, if the citizen dollars issued aren’t honored or able to be honored they become a
debt that must be repaid. Somehow.

Repudiating the 14th Amendment making the national debt a matter not to be questioned.

The national debt is something no American approved or voted for. The national debt is the creation of
the federal reserve shareholders who have an agenda to systematically destroy America. Since the
federal reserve was born in treason and deception it is fraudulant and so are their debts. Citizen dollars
and their users/issuers will dodge that issue once political gains are made-that is, actual territory taken
back and held. Debts held over Americans with the federal reserve notes will be as worthless as the
notes really are-citizen dollar acceptance will become a de facto jubilee of debt forgiveness for

Citizen dollars will become accepted as federal reserve notes are hyperinflated into toilet paper.

Since 1913 the federal reserve has been issuing more and more debt notes, debasing the currency with
more and more notes in circulation. Since 1973 when Nixon took the federal reserve note off any
backing of gold the rate of inflation has increased exponentially. This is a process that will go into a
parabolic nightmare of hyperinflation, making economic activity with federal reserve notes impossible.
Citizen dollars on the other hand are backed by goods and works and will retain their value in a
underground… free economy that rejects bankster toilet paper. As people look for the things they need
they will gravitate to the sources… the free markets where they will see much fewer citizen dollars
needed for items than the wheelbarrow of federal reserve notes. Issuing their own dollars for work or
goods will beat having to give up precious survival items… the hardest part will be establishing one’s
reputation for their work-trust will be hard to earn but once won and maintained then one’s citizen
dollars will be as good as the next Free American’s.

The economic glue, bonding of a nation is its money. For too long Americans have let their sworn
enemies define what a dollar is, and it’s led to our national demise. To resurrect America, for Our
America to vanquish the beast we need a common front, a common purpose and a common currency.
Money is a valuable tool and prerequisite of a civilization. When a civilization’s money is debased so is
the civilization, ultimately leading to its destruction as it cannot sustain economic activity. That is where
America is now and it is up to us to save our own nation. Our enemies the federal reserve shareholders
certainly won’t.

J. Croft

Recently it’s been reported that millions of government volunteers are going door to door asking
questions, and logging down the GPS coordinates. It’s not just everyone, it’s targeted for certain people
the government views as the enemy-namely political opponents. This is serious. If the government is
logging down GPS coordinates of it’s declared enemies it makes no sense to be around when they
decide to come knocking with a tactical team… or a tactical strike.
Who is the government’s enemy?

If you ever protested against government policy, you’re the enemy. Agents record faces and license
plates and digital scans of your government issued identification match you up. You go on a watch list.

Protest the wide open borders for illegals? You’re the enemy; you want to preserve America. Your
government wants to break down that nationalism, mix Mexico with the US and Canada, have a North
American Union-and you dare say no.

Protest abortion? Enemy. Your government has deemed it necessary to cull your numbers and besides,
certain elements of your public servants find your opposition to child murder infringes on their satanic
religious beliefs.

If you voted for Sarah Palin(I know you voted McCain but really meant her), you’re the enemy. You want
reform enough to vote for a “maverick”. Didn’t you get the hint when the entire media formed a
execution squad, made her seem vapid, venal, ambitious and hick stupid?

If you voted for Ron Paul, you’re definitely the enemy as you voted for someone who actually wanted
change and would have gone through with it. That goes for any third party candidate. You volunteer
you’re just higher up on the list.

Oh and if you’re on the quote/unquote “left” and you don’t go along smoothly with what the
government want, you’re the government’s declared enemy. Any kind of activist or organizer is a threat
to the government’s need to have a monopoly on public opinion.

If you got the gall to run for public office to reform government, guess what, yes you’re the enemy. You
threaten the livelihood of thieves, hustlers, poverty pimps, drug dealers, pedophiles and murderers.

If you spend time and try to warn your fellow Americans, shake them out of their
government/corporate-induced apathy and ignorance, you’re the enemy. Enough people awaken and
rise up, the government’s done for, so yes they’re going to literally bust down doors to shoot the

If you own a gun you’re the enemy as in the government’s viewpoint only its minions need be armed. If
you bought a gun through a federally licensed dealer, signed a form 4473 then the government knows
you have a gun.

If you applied for a concealed carry permit you’re the enemy in the government’s viewpoint as you
actually dare to exercise your Right to Bear Arms-however imperfectly you do so by asking permission
from people who view you as the enemy.
If you signed up for tactical training from a shooting academy-like Front Sight or Thunder Ranch-you’re
definitely an enemy to the government as they have a perceived need to be the only ones who can
competently use small unit tactics against their declared enemies…

…Like Patriotic Solders, Veterans and Police. You’re trained to use all kinds of dangerous weapons our
federal government keeps from little people. Especially you Special Forces types-oh yes you are the
government’s declared enemy.

…Not as much as declared militia members. Anyone who flies the Gadsen Flag, trains with their unit, has
semiautomatic military pattern rifles, even if they’re lip service patriot posers, is number one on the
government’s hit list. A lot of you may stupidly advertise yourselves as volunteers to local law
enforcement but they’re indoctrinated to view you as the enemy as much as the state and federal turds.

I’m certain there’s more than one category of anti-government types I missed but don’t worry, you’re on
the list. If you’re reading this and you’re stupid enough to do it from your own home, or otherwise from
a computer that’s in your name or a computer you logged onto with your own ID then congratulations,
the government just put you on it’s enemy list.

So, if you’re anyone mentioned above, then you’re going to have some government weenie in a dorky,
flaming faggot blue shirt with a faggot man purse come by, ask you as many questions as they can get
away with, look inside your private property and log your home onto a digital GPS database. This
database will be used sooner or later to make it convenient for government jack booted thugs and tin
badge gods to take you away, or out. So what to do?

Option one-move now to a new home while you can and do it under an assumed name. Don’t you dare
use your government registered name and social slave number for anything. Have alternate,
underground means of making your bills, keep those at a minimum. Look up “80/20 way” on the search
engines; you can get 80 percent of what you need for 20 percent of the cost. Not everything falls in this
category-firearms come to mind-but you must develop frugality. And a entrepenurial instinct. Have
several means of making money, the little creeks will build up into enough for you to survive. Find out
what people need and provide it better than the other guy.

Have to rent. Have to find a place that will accept cash. No apartment buildings or anyone going through
some kind of service they will want a background check.

Housing swap-just swap homes with new Patriots who haven’t bought a gun yet, registered political
opinions under their own name with anyone. Become a caretaker for someone else while that person
caretakes your property. Whatever you do set it up NOW while you can!

Set it up now, and your candidate swapper should have NO political connections or registered with any
organization objectionable to the government AND not have any firearms ownership records, the 4473
forms AND not look up any objectionable material or spout objectionable viewpoints on a computer
registered in their name/address. This necessitates that house swappers or landlords be NEW converts
to our cause and made to understand that their discretion in airing their beliefs is more valuable than
marking themselves as just another target by their naïve exercise of their Freedom. That’s what it’s
come to in America.

Option two is to have a bug out bag and a destination you can reasonably get to.

Bug out bag-lightweight carry rig having the bare basics for escape, evasion, and survival til’ you get to
your destination, and you’d better have a destination. Food, water filter, canteen, knife, fire starting
materials, a good compact survival book, your rifle, pistol and spare magazines and ammo. Practice
carrying this load for long hikes with sprints for short distances. Practice getting in your gear as fast as
you can. A camoflage poncho with a mylar space blanket layer underneath will help keep you hidden.
Practice map reading and navigation.

Practice your bug out. Make it look like you’re just hiking or traveling, no need to alarm anyone who has
declared you the enemy.

Have caches along your route-a spare rifle. Definitely spare food, ammo, magazines. It will likely get very
rough going. Have more than one way to get there…

Your destination: needs to be a place you’re established at on a social level, either through trustworthy
friends/family that live there or trustworthy fellow targets of government death squads. Have a backup
destination or four, just in case. You just hit the woods, you’re going to be alone, you’re going to run out
of fish and game and supplies real quick with all the other loners trying to hide in the woods. You’ll get
found and being alone you’ll be done for then.

Oh, unless you relish chancing fighting your way through a entry team and through a perimeter of cops,
soldiers and snipers with aerial recon/support you’d better have some kind of early warning system-a
grapevine-or a conditional tripwire of some kind to get out of dodge before trouble comes knocking
down your door.

Whatever option you take, the hardest part is to find people to partner up with.

Americans are bred to be unreliable, base, apathetic, selfish, agnostic, wantonly ignorant, slothful,
patronizing, unthinking, unfeeling, obsessed with corporate issued baubles and trinkets and carefully
groomed celebutards. They can have their nation economically strip mined, their government stolen
from them by all sorts of criminals, wars against nations murdering millions of innocents done in their
name-so long as they have their wage slave job, there’s a ball game on the TV and they can have their
barbecues they’ll believe the hype they live in the “land of the free”. So yes, finding awake, aware,
reliable Americans is going to be tough. Especially among gun owners, activists, and military and police
who see the threat… and are in denial. Target detection is always the hardest task.
Next is the testing. I personally hate being tested but I recognize that it’s a necessity to establish trust.
You do that with deeds-small deeds, you’re building a working relationship. You keep your word with
action; unless there’s some legit something or other you say you’re going to do something or provide
something your word is bond. And your partner’s word damn well better be as well or you get what’s
yours off his worthless ass and find someone better. It’s better to have to be alone, even forever, than
to have leeches, traitors and otherwise worthless types around. Family’s the worst to deal with…

Now, can all of you keep your mouths shut? Can you and yours keep your mouths shut-even with the
feds in your face in their interrogation room for hours at a time, denied sleep, water, food, a trip to the
bathroom, under threat of being tortured, raped… your loved ones under the same treatment, the same
threat? That’s the level of dedication you will need to keep you and yours. And all of you have to be
willing and able to help each other out when the government’s demented minions try to take you out.
Be ready to cash in some silver and gold as needed for a legal defense fund…

Keep your mouths shut. Say nothing. You will exercise your Fifth Amendment Right against self-
incrimination even at the threat of contempt of court. The legal system still needs you to confess and a
confession can be ANY admission of ANY possible illegality. Don’t. Talk. Ever.

There’s nobody coming to save you but yourself, and the people you link up with to survive, persevere,
and ultimately triumph. There’s victory in resistance itself but we can win this. We can win the Second
American Revolution and the first priority is survival. Not being where you’re expected to be will put you
well down that path.

J. Croft

People have been predicting doomsday since the beginning of time. Almost all have been kooks or
hustlers of one sort or another. Some have a darker agenda. Some have only the best intention. Most
are way off and forgotten, but it is those that prove accurate to at least some degree that are

Ancient seers like Merlin, Mother Shipton, Nostradamus have track records and a lot of their past(to
us)predictions have come true. The Bible is chock full of predictions, and it could be argued that a lot of
them have come true, giving credence to predictions for the future.

Webbots are a computer program that tracts word usage on the internet. From the words used they
compile what could become predictions. Enough of them have come true that the program has to be
treated with respect. Not saying that a lot of the predictions can’t or aren’t derailed or delayed or
nullified by actions-surely the US government reads the web bots and most likely has a similar program
they use. Not to mention how their current control of the mass media and the centrally controlled
culture allow them to program just about whatever words and attitudes they desire. They have-most
Americans are ignorant as hell, dependent, in debt and set for a fall.

You don’t have to. You can read these predictions, mull them, throw them out the metaphorical
window-but I’d keep this around anyway in case enough of them come true to convince you. The
following are from what the “time monks” dub their final ALTA report. I wrote a report on their 2009
predictions here:
I’ve roughly organized them to chronology and general subject-although everything is going to bleed
into everything else if they’re right. I’ve also added my recommendations…. there’s no need to suffer
anymore than we have.


Kiss the Internet good bye

By October the Web bot project will no longer be able to reliably do its job due to restrictions on the net
plus problems with web servers and power cuts. I would err toward government attempts to shut down
the internet because we who use it to communicate to each other and not just download free porn have
caused too much damage to our enemies agenda. Start setting up alternate means of communicating-
phone or e-mail trees, pamphlets, dead drops(a place in public but out of the way of foot or road traffic
where you can place messages, you check up on them on a regular basis). More important is to start
setting up our own internet. It would be wireless and the servers would be cheap to build, redundant
and use off the shelf components.

Economic collapse

Government will try to keep economy going but will fail. Or at least make a show of it enough to lull
people into being loyal to their executioners just a little longer. This will be MUCH worse that the Great
Depression; seven million Americans died of starvation then and we had 90 percent of the American
People in small towns and farms. This year we have less than 5% on the farm and they’re being shut
down because of both catastrophic weather and the banks hoarding all our bailout money for them and
not issuing loans for needed fertilizer and fuel. Additionally, new government regulations threaten to
finish off what independent farmers there are while leaving corporate run agriculture to monopolize
farming. So the first thing you need to do is learn how to grow your own food, but there are additional
issues we are going to face so more specifics on what you need to do later…

Economic implosion will cause the nanny state to fail. Kiss your welfare and social security good bye.
Benefits, GI program, pork barrel money-forget about it. In fact, even accounting for the never ever
talked about Consolidated Annual Financial Reports( government will be desperate for
funds. Which means they will enact every last scheme they can come up with to keep the cash coming
in-that means more taxes, more fines, and much harsher enforcement of said taxes and fines.
It will not be enough. Hopefully because you will begin to start spending less, spend with people who
don’t pay sales taxes-or any other kind of taxes. It is projected the collapse and the cash flow becomes
so desperate, government workers start walking off jobs due to not being paid by late summer.

Dollar repudiation due to China using IMF to demand audit of US. When Ft. Knox is revealed to be empty
of gold, or refusal of audit world will drop dollar as reserve currency. They will not want US military
bases anymore either. US government will have problems getting troops, material home without hard
the economic collapse but you can protect yourself.

Project softer civil war by May-already several confrontations with police by people not willing to be
subject to the tin badge gods and evermore greedy government apparatchiks for various reasons.
Unemployed confronting their former owners, families being evicted and made homeless will also
prompt confrontations with U.S. government as they desperately try to hold onto their homes they’ve
worked their entire lives for or just looking for shelter and mutual protection in tent cities or in
foreclosed homes. Currently there are whole neighborhoods abandoned. Riots will start in summer,
continue through 2010.

As you read this look up the next Appleseed shoot; go to and if nothing else start
downloading all you can about rifle shooting. Get an airsoft replica of your rifle or nearest equivbalent
and practice! If you haven’t acquired a rifle and ammo don’t go to a dealer you’re federally registering
you r guns when you file out that 4473 form. Sadly, gun shows are now dangerous places to get guns
because they concentrate so many motivated Americans it’s a natural spot for government agents to
record faces and license plates as they shop. So, set up a survival network and trade as needed. Scour
the internet while you have it for guns. Use the firearms dealers for ammo, magazines, gear. Don’t
forget web gear to hold your magazines. SHOOT your rifle and get to know it, and get spare parts now.

Web bots project Hyperinflation later this year. This is a no-brainer as all that federal reserve money
they’ve doubled US government debt with has to kick in the economic consequences sometime. Silver
and gold will be used for trade as it’s the only reliable money, so BUY SILVER AND GOLD! Food, heirloom
seeds, fuel, tools, ammunition, spare guns will also be prime trade items as they are all survival goods.
So will tobacco products, alcohol, and entertainment not involving electricity.

NASA and UFO’s

NASA is a heavily occult organization; according to Richard C. Hoagland at

they launch only when the stars in the sky are in astrological alignment! Incredible, but true. Well a
NASA whistleblower will reveal secrets. Will do it just a little late. But those secrets I suspect might have
to do with either UFO’s or the real space program… you think B2 bombers and cantankerous 30 year old
shuttles flown with computers NASA has to constantly scavange parts for is all we have? Where do you
think those trillions of dollars of black budget funds went?

10,000 fold increase in UFO sightings. Massive sighting in S. America this fall. Undeniability of UFOs by
March, 2010 in three month process. According to the web bots It’s a TPTB plan to control and keep us
in their “flock”. Google “project blue beam”; their holographic technology and voice to skull technology,
they can get you to believe Barney the Dinosaur is the returning messiah. IT’S NOT REAL!!! These will be
times that test men’s souls and the best way to steady yourselves in this grand deception and treachery
is a firm relationship with your Father in Heaven. Not just a saying or statement, Truth. He is the
motivator behind me writing the approximately 70 essays at my blogs. If you’re a reader of my work you
know that’s a lot of typing-I’ve given up a lot to be able to put them together and get them out. But,
enough about me, it’s what you can do that will count. Find a quiet place to pray and empty your mind
of thought, and focus on your heart-that’s where God is at. Listen and do. You won’t go wrong.

Loss of power

One of their 3 main control arms over us is lost this year. Could be related to revelations predicted by
the web bots about the government predicted. Will probably be purged or shut down so get your
alternate means of news and communications going; ham radio, micro am/fm, clandestine wi-fi
internet, pamphlets. Learn how to operate a camera, video production. Each of us will have to become
citizen journalists.

Web Bots “Summer of Hell” economic and weather related. Droughts, violent rainstorms, powerful
winds. Wild temperature oscillations-90 to 30 in a few days. Unusual giant landslides, huge amounts of
rain, rapid extremes of heat and cold. Winds, droughts and wildfires unprecedented in size, and severity.

This is a lot to cover. First off, have survival gear around you at all times. A backpack or duffel bag or
even a fanny pack can carry the basics. Compact, storable food, water filter straw, knife, hatchet,
multitool, a compact book of basic survival know how. Tarp for shelter, change of clothes, means to
start a fire, soap, toothbrush, fishing hooks and filament. A cell phone for communicating. A reliable,
cheap pistol with spare magazines and ammo. A single shot shotgun can shoot buckshot for close in and
slugs accurate out to 75-100 yards, and can be broken down and reassembled in seconds. The NEF single
shot can also be a rifle caliber and break down just as fast, and surprisingly fast to reload if you clutch
spare rounds in your support hand. Cheap too.

Food: there are more reasons for doing the following than the above predictions of extreme weather
changes but… you’re going to have to start growing your food indoors by window cills, in a greenhouse
or hydroponic setup. This will shield your food from the worst of the projected winds and temperature
swings. It will also shield your food from the increasing threat of ultraviolet radiation. Additional threats
come from genetically altered terminator seeds that blow about and contaminate perfectly good food.
Hydroponics allow altering the plant growth cycle to allow much more food production and with lights
and reflective materials you can give them light 24 hours a day, grow year round.
Possible technological breakthrough in electrics through matter, it’s probably some “new” concept in
power generation that “somehow” won’t be available to us for years-if ever. If you experiment and by
some miracle have some form of new power system by all means share it with the rest of us so we can
further free ourselves from the beast! Power generation not dependent on resources that need to be
extracted and processed would be a great boon and needed for a better effort at resisting the beast.

Shortages due to economic collapse; America a 3rd world nation by summer, which is believable. We’re
a 3rd world nation now with the powers that be, the illuminati, the “elites” having strip mined our
nation of it’s economy since the 1950’s. It’s just that reality will catch up to the country as we’re
transformed into a continental sized ghetto. No jobs, lots of crime and violence, no future… within the
system. Recognize it is the “system” that has screwed us all. We must free ourselves of our presumed
masters if we are to save ourselves.

Face masks will be common sight by summer due to pandemics. As I write this, some new bioengineered
form of swine flu is making it’s debut in America and it’s spreading very rapidly. It is air transmittable. So
yes, get face masks now while they’re cheap. Avoid crowds if possible. Learn how to brew your own
colloidal silver-get two of your silver rounds and build your own colloidal silver generator. Colloidal silver
will kill the swine flu virus and any other bioengineered nasty the beast tries to send our way to try and
kill us off.

In August, MSM information comes out how they’re being controlled by elites and lie for them. Five
individuals control the MSM will do whatever it takes to maintain control. They get angry as things begin
happening and truths come out when their control loosens. I would suspect they will try to kill the
internet by then so set up those alternate means of communication now.

Chemtrail truth comes out this summer, MSM to root for it, to stop the uv rays. Chemtrails stop anyway
due to increasing volcanic activity, will block sun especially by 2010-11. Volcanic eruptions everywhere.
New volcanos form. All due to squeezing of Earth by Galactic magnetic field. You will definitely need
those hydroponic gardens by then.

Govts. also resort to death squads to stop leaders of opposition to their machinations and control. Have
friends and safe houses, bug out bags with rifle, pistol and loaded mags ready to go at a instant’s notice.
Have several ways to get to your hide outs. The best defense is to not live where you’re registered to the
government at and vary your daily routine. Practice observing people, learn how stalkers work because
death squads will stalk you. Double around every so often. Practice your snap shooting, instinctive
shooting. Avoid if at all possible areas where you’re out in the clear with no bullet resistant cover.

Dollar loses reserve currency status late summer-early fall. Get gold and silver now, profit later.
Deflation of most investments, real estate, debt repudiations leaves dollar used in USA but that
deflation- will destroy value of remaining global paper debt trade markets. Don’t have debt! Sell your
home if you owe on it. Sell your stocks now and get ammo and heirloom seed, and any prescriptions and
medicines you need.
Food, medicine prices skyrocket nov/december become unavailable. This is when a global shutdown of
trade happens due to the coming war. America will be embargoed and economic shutdown of domestic
manufacture of pharmeceuticals will make a bad situation impossible. Disease and starvation will run
rampant, and so will food riots and mobs of starving people looking for anything to eat. The most
dangerous places will be the cities! By all means head for the country now, well always from major

Gold and silver coins create gray market, govt. too busy with crisis to clamp down. Will cause liberation
from paper as it’s discarded, discovered worthless, causes huge consequences for international markets.
It will be the debt and credit paper/electronic economy we’ve known versus the underground
gold/silver market. This will be the economic foundation of a Free America. Your trading for gold and
silver, bullets, food, pledged services starves the beasts and builds Our America-the America the beast
has hid behind and falsely represented itself as to it’s victims. It is our duty and responsibility to kill the
beast every way we can and nonviolent economic resistance is part of the foundation as is learning how
to handle a rifle and make hits out to at least 500 yards.

Sadly, most of the population will not be aware of enough to either catch the trends as they emerge nor
to grasp the gravitas/magnitude of the problems emerging. TPTB and Minions-some will fail to grasp the
obvious as well. This will exasperate the problems. We’ll have millions of unprepared, unethical
countrymen looking for food and will do whatever and hurt whomever to get it. Millions will perish from
diseases that if they just avoided the virus shots and used alternative treatments like colloidal silver
could have saved themselves, just as starting that hydroponic garden would keep them fed and learning
how to shoot a rifle enable them to resist the beast.

Hyperinflation in the fall, could be over relatively quick or prolonged, depending on how leaders tackle
it. I would bet toward a prolonged period of trotting wheelbarrows to buy bread as the beast wants us

China manipulating IMF to their own ends. They want to be the superpower, they feel an entitlement
due to their long history and century long humiliation by people they consider inferior. They will want to
economically eliminate America’s influence-it’s reserve currency and military. They will demand an audit
of us. When there’s an audit of gold and refusal to audit or discovery there is no gold dollar is dropped
as reserve currency. Again get gold and silver, buy what you need now while it’s available.

Severe economic problems projected until 2011. I would err toward a permanent fall and no recovery so
stock up on basic how to books, 19th and 20th century know how so you can help in rebuilding our


Government death squads, already in effect, will greatly increase activities as summer of hell proceeds.
Will do best to eliminate whistleblowers and troublemakers of all kinds. These death squads work
directly with Vatican Jesuits and the Royals. Again, be observant, learn how to spot people tracking you;
train to fight as a single person-deny them flanks; channel their attacks; use cover; outflank them; shoot
farther, faster, and with more accuracy than your opponents; don’t be where they expect you to be.
Don’t be alone! If you go on the offensive don’t try to dazzle them tactically they’re trained in most all
those scenarios-just lure them into a place where you can blow them up, gas them or have you and your
friends catch them in a cross fire with no cover.

It’s not possible to garrison the USA it’s too big, too many people. Fema camps, military martial law
rumors are fear tactics. The beast is powerful and has a lot of resources but they are not invincible! The
coming war with the rest of the world will cut them down to size but it will be up to us to finish them
off. Their attempts to murder us off will harden those that won’t bow to them. We will need those
underground tunnels to hide basic machine tools, foundry equipment. These tunnels must have some
form of independent energy source and the most practical is a geothermal source with a water supply
and a turbine. Unless that “free energy” actually happens but I wouldn’t bet on it….


Banks will shut down!!! Don’t keep your cash in them any longer-just long enough to get it out and
survive on, hopefully get some precious metals, seed, ammunition.

Scarred woman, incarcerated, linked to Russia and Canada will be center of major unrest, incident, with
NASA whistleblowers. She will be the harbinger of more revelations from shadow government. She is
involved in secrets told by dying powerful man, reveals past secret society atrocities.

Information will be the breakthrough for most people to start accepting reality of their situation-what
those they’re programmed to label tin foil hat wearers have been warning them about. Be ready to
greatly speed up their learning curve because, we’ll all need to be on our toes with what the inbreeds
got for us.

Summer of hell, but fall even worse, great die-off in winter… government bioterrorism, starvation and
war. So get your food preps, partners and allies in order.


Triggered by economic collapse of American Empire, loss of dollar as reserve currency and its collapse
and American troops and bases getting kicked out of host countries but great difficulties by US
government to remove them and material.

Global coastal event and UV havoc on agriculture, economic pressures goad American People into first
supporting war to October 26th, a shift point. Israel attacks Iran October 26th, nuclear weapons used.
Radioactive fallout from attacks spread throughout Southeast Asia. Initial attack is a military success but
magnitude of horror of the attack will sicken world. Israel will brag, boast, threaten world with more
nuclear attacks. Yet the Zionists will sweat, as the counterattack doesn’t come right away.

After Israel’s October nuclear attack on Iran, American People react against supporting Israel as the
pictures come in. First effects are large, chaotic protests that go nowhere. Zionists mount huge
counterprotests to whip up support for Israel that work… for a day. Massive death tolls of US military
personnel are found out, ending support. TPTB start war November 5th to slaughter mankind. US elites
panic! Israeli attack on Iran stops world trade. Food, oil, supplies all running out! Elites attempt massive
draft of men and women. Draft marks beginning of widespread rebellion which will coalesce into
revolution by November and December. Deliberately overuse US military to destruction to accomplish
this and prevent successful rebellion by US military. As coalition of nations, Pakistan and Iran attack
North Korea will take opportunity to attack South Korea. US military goes in overconfident, gets
defeated very bloodily. Zionist war machine trapped and nearly destroyed in backlash attacks.
Asymmetrical attacks will start, then greatly increase and situation will spin badly out of control. US
military bases in Europe also attacked. Heavy casualties. US military will fight many hard battles but will
be overwhelmed and lose.

China will defeat us. US military fails to stop China as it’s already overwhelmed with Israel, overextended
and worn out from decades of elite abuse and deliberate decay. China will expand, taking Taiwan, Korea
and Japan. US military defeat will be global.

Miles long trains of dead soldiers rattle throughout America. This will likely be because our opponents
allow us to take our dead home to sink in the lesson that the American Empire is over.

Obama Administration and Illuminati pissed off at everyone in Nov/Dec due to everything coming out
and not able to control as much as before, and the war. US elites retaliate with military attacks,
biowarfare attacks on American People.

Army will support government steps to attack American People to suppress dissent. Only battle they can
hope to win by then they’ll be so badly beaten, nearly destroyed.

Relatively good news: few nuclear weapons used, no invasion of America. 2-3 months, very dynamic and
mostly conventional war. Israel burns.

…If you have family or friends in the service talk to them. Do your best to break through their
conditioning. You can build a makeshift fallout shelter and survive for a month as the radioactive fallout
wafts through the atmosphere. Go HERE:

After effects of war. Over half of Americans unemployed by first months of 2010. Starvation in all
continents but especially in America and Western Europe dependent on now shut down economy.
Health care system collapses by end of this year. No more pharmeceutical manufacture. No more
imports due to war, dollar repudiation.

5 wars by year end.

Revolutions in Mexico and South America.

…What can we do?

We can do our best to stop the soldiers, we can’t stop the geopolitical dominoes once America’s
economic hegemony is officially viewed as gone, US is kicked out of their global bases and a power
vacuum panics the Zionists into nuking Iran.

Or can we?

We need to call upon Israelis RIGHT NOW to hold a recall election and clean their government of the

We need to make it plain to our soldiers and those that serve as officers that they can be heroes if they
won’t fight for zionists but they will be disowned if they fight for tyranny, and given no funeral when
they die. Any traitors murdering Americans of course, are to be exterminated. Any successful preventing
of a Third World war still leaves a very dangerous US military that could turn on us… something to

WE MUST take back our political system! We must build a opposition party worthy of the name and we
must start with the local governments. Even if we don’t succeed in time to avert World War Three we
can build a political base of resistance, just as the gray market is the economic base of resistance.

We have to try. God willing, we can succeed and through our will stop the inbred psychopathic
bluebloods from trying to murder us!

The following web bot predicitons are more exotic-global ocean rise, exotic cosmic energies, the
crossing of the galactic plane. Most of these megadisasters stagger the mind and I’m tempted to want to
dismiss them, but the web bots have had too good a track record to ignore the warnings. Also, many
other ancient and modern “seers” have seen events like this…

If the web bots are right about economic and political collapse then we would be stupid not to consider
heeding other predictions and try our best to prepare to survive them.


Starts Mid-may.
Reports on Antarctica already shut down by government.

More groundings of vessels next temporal markers signaling beginning of coastal event.

Effects by mid-june. Ships washed in well ashore. Coasts evacuated causing multiple Katrina effect
migrations of people inland. Massive evacuations put unbearable strains on inland cities, food supplies
and worsening economics. By summer people will understand Earth changes. So be ready to bug out. Be
ready for refugees if you’re within 300 miles of ocean. Prepare for ever more competition for no jobs,
scarce food. Hungry, tired, displaced Americans rudely treated by law enforcement/military will riot,
revolt when there’s no jobs, no relief. National effect of refugees-will be like a pressure cooker on a
volatile stew of no livelihood, no freedom it will explode. Revolution is why bioweapons will be

Displaced water from rising land, injections of Antarctic, Greenland ice(?) floods coasts at least to a
depth of 20 ft. China will suffer devastating losses of arable, liveable land-at the very limit of habitability
as far as their current infrastructure and technology go, will go to war.


Solar system wide disaster will engulf Earth.

Galactic magnetic pressure will increase on planets, sun, will compress them. Sun will “shut down”.
Earth, squeezing will cause volcanos to erupt-possibly Yellowstone as well as we head for 2012. If
volcanic activity increases get the hell away from any volcanos and get several states away from the
Yellowstone caldera!

Earth’s magnetic field, already fading, will collapse. Dangerous UV and other radiations will scorch
planet endangering life, ending open field agriculture. We will be forced to live underground anyway.

Sun will dim, and along with volcanic activity will cause ice age. Seas shrink back some(?) A good bet
would be to exploit the increasing geothermal activity for power if the free energy doesn’t pan out.

Die offs of animals, humans due to magnetic compression effects of lost sleep, wild mood swings,
accidents. People will start doing odd stuff from effects. Beware of crowds! They could go mad at once.

Illuminati testing on troops “Ormes” tuned to each soldier to stop radiation and magnetic problems. It is
for them.

Peak in 2012. In 2013 the planets are progressively relieved of the galactic magnetic squeezing and the
results will be extremely violent crustal shifts, earthquakes.
A second pole shift. Need to know the pivot points those would be the safest areas. Also caves and
shelter underground in geologically stable areas that won’t get flooded by the ocean.

Magnetic field problems to last through 2020. Indoor agriculture will be needed at least til’ then.


Some governments will use this as means of controlling the population but they won’t be able to
succeed. Other entities will make contact and affect the people.

Some of these entities will control, enslave at different levels but many extraordinary things might
happen at new levels of consciousness.

Will have wild effects on Sun, planets. People will riot.


Sun will blow in 2013, scorching the northern hemisphere with CME. Illuminati securing polar, Australian
and S. American caves, refuges in deep underground military bases. Hopefully their tombs. We need to
plan our own shelters from CME.


Either due to Earth realigning or Nibiru the equatorial centered 13 mile bulge of water will stay there
and wherever the planet spins will be deluged. Winds will be beyond hurricane force, strongest along
lines of pole shift spin.

Nibiru real?

Where’s the tip points? The axis of the pole shifts? Again, those will be the safest surface areas.


Everyone will eventually experience this.

Linked to mysterious space entity.

Arise month after government whistleblowers. Will hit hard by fall 2009.

Sleep medications will not cure this, will in fact aggravate psychotic effects.
Symptons are stupor, causing accidents, psychosis, causing violence, and hypersexuality.

Accidents in all endeavors increase by 50%.

Some large scale disasters will result.

Notes: If you feel groggy or on edge for God’s sake take a break. Take a nap, or a walk. Get a treat. If
you’re feeling the hypersexuality effects well, enjoy the sex with a consenting partner.


Up to 95% of people projected to die.

Illuminati using trillions stolen through their demolition of their global economy and America to buy
hard assests for after time. They’ve been working on this plan for the last century, 99% of core
requirements ready. Welcome die off to solidify control and consolidation after catastrophes.

Biblical “prophecies” engineered for now, relative for our time and purposes. Up to us to not allow it to

By March 2012 we won’t care much about December 21, 2012.

The big problem is when the galactic magnetic pressure starts relieving the squeeze on the sun and
planets after 2012.

Second continental pole shift. Violent outbursts of energy on all planets and sun.

HUMAN WILL CAN ALTER DESTINY! It is however currently under Illuminati control through culture,
miseducation, drugs and toxins. Most humans don’t have spiritual discipline and vision to harness this
power so it will still be in the hands of the beast in most critical times. This is why we were made so

The key to the beast is to not feed it your fear, it nourishes it uses it to control you.

Enough of us that can make it through these times can defeat the TPTB in their bunkers-make them
their tombs!

We are our only hope.

Coping mechanisms: meditations, pies and treats, naps, doing good, fighting the good fight.
Note: I have more respect for the inbreeds than most of the lazy, programmed sheeplike
clowns comprising the so-called "freedom movement". Perhaps our enemies can teach us a few
things on how to conduct ourselves...


20 Things The Illuminati

Can Teach You
By Stefan Fobes

Today I again, write here about a vast, sprawling movement which comprises a dedicated part
of the population who work day in, day out to bring great changes to this world.

In this arena, the majority does not see intelligence, courage, honor, decency, skill, as great
things. They speak of these in glowing terms, yes, but the reality is just the opposite. Your
worth is decided strictly, by most people comprising this "underground", by the resources you
have at your beck and call, and how many worshippers, clones and mindless thralls you have
sloshing saliva in your path at the moment. The naive neophytes are fed upon by hungrier,
slicker fish who lie, and think of nothing other of their own self-aggrandizment, no matter what
the cost to anyone else. Who will take them for everything they are worth and go home and eat
fabulous dinners and sleep quite well.

Independently creative thought is generally at a minimum. Raw recruits sit back, read their
prepared daily briefs, and follow the included orders from the bigger fish. The reptilian brain by
and large, runs the show here.

I'm talking about the malevolent, cutthroat world of Illuminati rituals and their secret society

No. I write of the conspiracy research arena.

I see this grotesque attitude permeating what should be the nexus point for the kindest, the
wisest, the toughest. What really should be a gathering place for the best of the best. But
instead I see constant desperate struggles, by the so-called awakened just as in the world of so-
called sheeple, to try to grab power over others and see themselves as better than everyone
else around them. The reptilian brain rules.

I see instead of dynamic individual minds who are so in speech and in deed, joining ideas
instead of easily infiltratable groups, just innocent lambs waiting to be eaten by the next
Illuminati agent with a fancy, cleverly worked out website and a loud enough voice booming
with fake intensity.

I see penis measuring contests on who has the biggest hits on Alexa instead of brainstorming on
what actually works and then simply going out and doing it.
And so, from a guy who comes from an Illuminati family himself, here are 20 things the
Illuminati can teach you. This is not an endorsement of them.

1. They are voracious in their infoseeking. If it takes all night long, or weeks, or years, they
will look and look till they get what they have been looking for.

2. Whenever one of their associates or slaves needs something for a mission, Illuminati
members make sure this person or persons get the material resources they need to get the
job done, whether it be by contributions or whatever. Even if the person is disliked, all that is
necessary is that the person has the skills for the job and the plan be workable. No whining
on forums, no silly speeches, just gets done.

3. They know how to conserve their resources. They do not throw out all their chips all in on
one go.

4. They trust their instincts.

5. If they see an opening, they do not hesitate to take advantage and exploit it.

6. They do not go into deep dark depressions just because they had one minor setback. They
use everything they have to find out exactly what went wrong, and correct the problem.

7. They know how to organize themselves.

8. Among them, concepts of color, sexual orientation, and fame are meaningless. The goal
goes first.

9. They know what TV is and does - they introduced it, you know! The goal comes before the
TV or any of their other mind control devices, such as video games. Watching all those hours
every day and being "awake" are like matter and anti-matter. They cannot be in the same
place at the same time.

10. They know to not let anyone take what they have. If someone tried to CPS their kids
there'd be hell on all involved in trying, even the person who made the call. Literally.

11. You can insult them all you want, call them anything, and they do not take it like Joe and
Jane Public would. This is because they have absolutely no pride or morals, but anyone who
does with intelligence can easily integrate this into their minds.

12. They would NEVER, under any circumstances, sell out themselves out by giving their
family secrets out to the public for peanuts, like so many of the commoners do by selling out
their countries and spying on and black opping their fellow humans.
13. In the public eye, wanting a lot of material resources is seen as something to be ashamed
of. It is a damn good thing! Everyone should have all the material items they need to do
everything they need to do, and should feel pride in having the self-love for holding that
perspective and moving with it. This is the mindset the leadership of the Illuminati hold.

14. When information is placed before them that is obviously a threat to their well-being,
they immediately take action about it and do not go rushing to drown life circumstances in a
TV or bag of takeout, even if they do not know precisely what to do at the moment.

15. Even if all hope seems lost, and the odds are against them, they still keep on working at it

16. They know the value of building up networks.

17. They feel no guilt about defending themselves from legal, physical, or other attacks. At
times I read about people I see acting nice to their agents, saying sorry to them, when it was
the agent who had infringed upon their rights. Never be sorry and apologetic to them. It's a
clear cut sign of victim mentality and is asking for trouble.

18. They are flexible, to an extent, and do not work with the controlled by them mainstream
science and know the reality and value of homeopathy, energy and herbal healing, and do
not hesitate to take full advantage of these using all the resources they have at their disposal.

19. They have always understood that they have their livelihood to defend, which is their
pyramidal control system and all the luxury that comes with it. Humanity will learn from this,
whether it be gently through information like this article, or the hard way. Everyone must
understand that their livelihoods are also being threatened, and act upon this via exposure of
the agenda.

20. They know to set aside their petty differences when business needs to be taken care of.
Posted by J. Croft at 11:34 AM 1 comments

Nonviolent stratagems and tactics that work

J. Croft

Riots in the greater scheme are a half measure between protests and open warfare, and half
measures seldom work. A riot without immediately progressing to fully armed struggle is a go
signal to government thugs everywhere to conduct batting practice on your heads with their
nightsticks, and a court’s wet dream as they work you through the legal system and bleed you
of your money and time. And Freedom.


Some twit working for the beast commits one offense too many sends too many people at once
over the edge and they start marching in the streets screaming and ready to do worse.
Unfortunately the beast is also ready with thugs in riot gear getting hard at the prospect of
hurting men, women and children. And if it’s a protest that’s peaceful they have undercover
agents to pose as anarchists to false flag a incident so that protest can be declared a “riot” and
the troops roll in and get some batting practice on your head. Or your loved one. Hell they even
pepper spray infants.

Worse, the media is owned by the beast, is part of the beast. They will trash you to the TV
zonked American public. You will be called thugs, kooks, terrorists. Your cause gets pummeled
in the minds of Americans along with yourself. The tin badge gods get new stories of how they
pepper sprayed your infant. The inbred psychopathic bluebloods get a laugh at the carnage
they engineered and their agenda to do us all in advances. More people want to have guns but
are ineffective because they won’t get trained and in shape. When martial law’s declared they
are but sport for the tin badge gods.

No, riots don’t work. Ever. Avoid them.


Suppose you’re out and some twit working for the beast does something like shoot a 5 year old
in the back. It’s happened. It will happen again as long as Americans won’t take responsibility
and clean their government out of the scum that run it. Something happens and people see it
and get agitated. The cops gathered get ordered back so there’s no authority figure to stifle
peoples natural reaction to their latest atrocity.

Get the hell out of there-now!

Keeping away from the gathering cops, you see where the crowd’s gathering and you go
anyplace else. Just leave. Leave-even if you have to abandon your car and march out on foot,
it’s better than getting pummeled, tasered, fried by microwave cannon, pepper sprayed, shot,
corraled into jail and into the beast legal system.

When a riot comes toward you get the hell out of there! In fact, leave town at any start of a
riot. Secure your home otherwise and repel all boarders.

The best advice for avoiding a riot? Make better forms of protest known.


The thing the inbreeds, their pedophilic minions and their tin badge gods and shyster lawyers
fear the most is NON-COMPLIANCE. Not individual but MASS NON-COMPLIANCE to their
authority. This can take the form of bullets but that just allows the enemy to slaughter
everyone, which is what they want in the first place. No, the way to go is to refuse to submit,
and there are many forms of peaceful non-compliance that, even if 10% of the People take a
certain form, with all the forms being taken can bring the beast to its knees.


You don’t fix their houses and cars. You don’t do their laundry, serve their food, take their
phone calls. You don’t acknowledge their very existence in public. They are not there. They’re
not even ghosts or have names.

Shunning works. The Amish practice it and in their tight knit communities it’s the Kiss of Death.
A town out west gave the feds being pricks about their farms and businesses a taste of
shunning and they stopped being pricks. So much. Shunning can be done by anyone; you
encounter a tool of the beast about you don’t take their order, look at them. You utterly ignore
them. Unless they’re a tin badge god and go to arrest you, what can they do? Feel damn
uncomfortable that’s what. Make them reconsider their career path.


This is a big next step-but it’s just one step.

You submit to asking the state permission to drive, fish, boat, buy guns, practice your trade, fix
your home, exercise your Constitutional Rights, travel, and a lot else. Worse, you submit to
asking private corporations for permission! When you ask permission you give up Rights for
privilege. So stop asking permission.
Stop renewing your drivers license. In fact have a mass protest where you burn your drivers
license and plates in a huge bonfire. Same with your boating licenses.

Stop submitting to filing out ffl forms to buy guns.

Stop applying for licenses to be able to practice your trade.

Stop applying for permits. That’s for everything from peaceful protest to installing a patio.
You’re Americans-act like it!
Certainly don’t ask a private corporation for permission for anything. Who the hell are they to
tell you what to do?!


If you don’t ask for permits from the state and corporations because they’re evil the next logical
step in freeing yourself is to stop paying taxes… which is going to be a lot tougher than simply
not applying for permits and licenses. But it is possible.

Income taxes, social security(tax), etc. Work for cash/barter in the underground economy. Swap
your registered domicile for a place that isn’t in your name. You keep your money, and you
disappear from the beast’s control grid. If even 10% did this-what could they do?

Property taxes…. only two ways and one of them involves the militia in a armed confrontation.
The other is to stage a emergency recall election for… anything. Clean out the scum running
your town, clean out your town’s consolidated annual financial report of investments. No more
property taxes.


I’m not talking about personal debts to the local Mom and Pop or your friends and loved ones.
Debt repudiation is for the banks, the major corporations, and most of all the federal reserve
system. Its all fraud, and contracts made under fraud are null and void. Besides you got
everything better to do with all the money you ply on interest.


You could say the above steps are a form of permanent general strike against the system but
for those who still live in homes they’re registered for, work jobs that withhold or otherwise
pay taxes and their debts this is the most powerful nonviolent protest.

You don’t go to work. You hang out, have a party, play games, make love, fish, hunt, hit a
Appleseed shoot and get some rifle training. You do this for weeks, months even.
…How do you support yourself?

Buy enough food for a few months. You should have a pantry anyway. Have enough cash for a
few months living without a job. You should have savings anyway. Consider this a extended
vacation but you live cheap. Just make certain the utilities stay on-and you should be investing
in getting off the enemy’s grid in the first place.

You should be looking for the first excuse to stage a general strike; it’s a vacation with the
purpose of shutting down the economy until demands are met. Taking the other steps outlined
above are of course the ultimate expression of the general strike.
Posted by J. Croft at 10:33 AM 0 comments

J. Croft

Patriot Activists today are God’s prophets to America. Everyone from the 14 year old passing
out 9/11 pamphlets and DVDs at school to Alex Jones making movies and spending hours every
day on air are sounding the warning, the call to action. Unfortunately our enemies the inbred
psychopathic blueblooded “elite” hear you as well. Given the deliberate destruction of America
and the world so they can consolidate public over our graves you can expect your lives to
occasionally go to hell. So, the following:


As Robert Ringer stated in Winning by Intimidation, you need to believe you’ll make the sale of
Revolution… that’s what you’re selling… but at the same time you expect to fail selling
Revolution to the next person you talk to, who sees your work. Keep swinging; every pamphlet,
video, person you talk to is a blow to the beast, so enjoy your work. You are Blessed to be alive
at this time!


Unless you’re hidden like the mythical Osama Bin Ladin, being alone and out in the public
invites danger. There’s safety in numbers. There’s support in numbers, encouragement,
resources, perspectives. Have as many circles, as many people as possible. And part of having a
circle is giving. Give your time, your good will, your laughter, your support. God gives back
what’s given to the Cause. You’re an activist-be the part!



Save the pot smoking until after the Revolution’s won. Likewise don’t be out at the bars every
night-the beast keeps them open to draw people out, get them drunk and high, and bust them
for everything from bar fights to being drunk. Certainly don’t do stupid stuff like… just about
anything these days. It literally takes nothing to get one of the beast’s tin badge gods on your
ass. They want you in the system and they love having your loudmouth ass in the joint. So stay
sober in public, stay behaved, come correct. Don’t be a casualty due to a moment’s weakness.


That’s plural-have cameras on you. Your own cameras. Cameras born by others around you.
Always be ready to shoot(your camera) because news could happen right in front of you-like
some tin badge gods trying to stop you from passing out The Obama Deception. Decent enough
digital cameras for daytime start at $50. DSLR w/ video capability can do much better at night
than similarly priced flash camcorders due to their much bigger sensor and so should be used at


Yes, I wrote “Kill All Lawyers”. Lawyers as a group have done about as much as the banks in
ruining America. Have a Patriot Attorney that’s proven in the courtroom when you get arrested.
You WILL get arrested. You WILL need someone who can put up battle, and you WILL need to
not be alone so be known among your fellow Patriot activists so you have a defense fund.


If you can have passive cash flow as taught by Robert Kiyosaki in his “Rich Dad, Poor Dad”
series… but amended for a deliberately destroyed economy. If you can’t quite do it, have as low
stress a job as possible because you cannot do this grinding your teeth worrrying if your boss
will fire you or even dwelling on crap you endured on the job. Getting Started in the
Underground Economy by Adam Cash is a good start on finding cash flow to fund your activism.

The epitome of self-supporting activism is of course, Alex Jones. His websites, offer swag, a membership where you can view
exclusive content, and he’s not boring. In fact he’s about the most dynamic personality in the
media today. A lot of people hate on him for making money-don’t hate, imitate.


This should be everyone’s priority.

As long as you live where you’ve registered with any corporation or government entity you can
be hit up for business, arrested, served court papers, get raided for guns, for your kid having a
scrape on your knee, being an activist asshole to the potbellied pedophiles.

Swap houses with someone. Anyone. Trade places and equivalent bills. Park your car well away
from your new crib. Better yet, have a Patriot friend chauffeur you about. Or take the bus. If
you’re not where you’re registered the government can’t find you or the person you traded
places with… unless they’re looking for both of you, so trade with multiple people. If everyone
played a shell game with the govenrment their entire GPS census spy grid is made usesless.
That’s another paper but I mention it for your operational security.

As an extension, stop accessing the internet from a terminal registered in your name at your
own place. Use public wi-fi with a lot of traffic, or a public access computer you don’t have to
register with ID to use. Use pre-paid phones. Stop using credit cards, checks. Use cash, barter,
money orders.


Something will go wrong even with the last recommendation and you will need a place to hide
out. This safe house needs to be run by a covert Patriot whose never ever:


*publically expressed opinion on the internet beyond what movie they liked and such

*bought a gun through a ffl or with a check/credit card or anything else the inbreeds don’t like

*felony record

THEIR BELIEFS. Most won’t listen to you-so be it-but someone WILL see what you’re getting at
and will see their mission as to be a secret shelter in times of need. Be certain to make sure
they’re not foreclosed on before you or one of yours needs a place.


You will burn out. You will get tired. So take a break. Have a bonfire. Play some first person
shooter video games. Get some shooting in. Tend your survival garden. Study a new trade.
Make love. Write a story. Exercise. Pray to Our Father. I wish all of you out there the very best.
Certainly we are going into the worst of times but if we keep swinging, keep our eyes open,
keep sight of the goal of Freedom we can and will win. In the meantime, we have to fight. Fight
smart and win.

Don't think you can hack being a 3 percenter, a Oath Keeper, a Patriot with your 350lb fat ass
keeping your beer mug from spilling while waving your wii around.


J. Croft

20 Questions
If your spouse ran into the room and said her brother - a state trooper - just called to warn that
raids under the new Federal assault weapons/domestic terrorism laws were beginning tonight:
1) Would you flee, assuming that you believed yourself to be "a person of interest"?

2) Whether your decision was to flee or to stand, what would your spouse and children do?

3) What would you and your family use as money and travel documents?

4) Would you have an adequate bag or two suitably packed and ready to go for each "fugitive"?

5) Would you have all medical necessities addressed for you and your family (e.g., teeth,
immunizations, mitigation of any preexisting conditions, adequate supplies of maintenance
drugs, etc.)?

6) What about three-season (fall/winter/spring) clothing for you and each family member?

7) What would you use for transportation?

8) What would you use to refuel your transportation?

9) Where would you go?

10) By what route(s)?

11) Upon arrival, where would you stay and for how long?

12) What would you use for communications (both receive and transmit)?

13) What would you tell your employer?

14) What would you tell your neighbors?

15) What would you tell your friends and family?

16) What would you use to buy what you need while in flight (fuel, food, transport, bribes,

17) How would you alter your and your family's physical appearances while in flight?

18) Who would be your allies trustworthy enough to guard your life and the lives of your

19) How would you contact your allies?

20) What are your three alternate plans for each of the preceding questions?
Anonymous said...
I would tell my wife to leave with the children for wherever she wants to go, get my gear, and
go after THEM. I'm sick of this runnin' crap.

March 31, 2009 2:49 PM

Anonymous said...
1. Don't go anywhere, just use the things that you have already prepared. If you had any
intelligent brain material at all, you would have had a way to defend yourself, a months worth
of food and water and a network of friends that you can call on that would be willing to ambush
the traitors before they ever get near your home.

March 31, 2009 4:13 PM

pops1911 said...
Good list - it requires much thought now if not already done. When you realize you need to
know the answers, it may be too late - plan ahead for the coming problems & contingencies.

March 31, 2009 7:26 PM

Anonymous said...
I wouldn't run. I'd rather stand and the death if need be. I've already told my family, if
this sort of thing ever comes to pass..get out of the house and away from the neighborhood.
My only hope is that my neighbors will help out by catching the invaders in a cross fire...and I
think they would.

March 31, 2009 8:59 PM

Anonymous said...
I would go directly to my psychiatrist's office as I clearly have been listening too long to the
tinfoil hats.

I'm not saying they aren't out to get you, and won't come for you at some point, but don't you
have plenty of other shit to worry about?

March 31, 2009 9:25 PM

streetdog said...
What did our Founding Fathers do after Paul Revere and William Dawes spread the alarm? I
suspect that most thoughtful patriots who visit this website already have a good idea how they
are going to react. May God save our Republic!

March 31, 2009 10:35 PM

Anonymous said...
"If your spouse ran into the room and said her brother - a state trooper - just called to warn
that raids under the new Federal assault weapons/domestic terrorism laws were beginning

I think that we'd know far in advance - this thing simply would have to be too big to hide, esp.
when a lot of people in all branches of government are on our side (even if they aren't making
the decisions). IOW, I think that this particular premise is a bit flawed...

...though the general question of "what will you do if..." needs to be answered by each
individual or small group, and done so in a thoughtful and realistic manner. In that sense, this is
an excellent post. It gets everyone to thinking...and the more that lots of people begin to
formulate responses, whether they post them or not (such as "I'm going hunting" and the like),
the less likely it is that such responses will be necessary (which is, I believe, the whole point of
this and similar posts here and elsewhere - they are the rattlesnake shaking his tail for all he's
worth, telling the world to leave him the F alone, OR ELSE).

March 31, 2009 10:39 PM

Anonymous said...

Your kidding, right?

What would you do if it were a bunch of chinese invading and taking your weapons?

What is the difference in enemies foreign or domestic?

April 1, 2009 1:32 AM

Concerned American said...
There is "flee" and then there is "flee".

Defending fixed positions gets you dead, especially with (tactically) inferior numbers and assets.

A lot of good folks are going to die learning that lesson.

April 1, 2009 1:36 AM

Anonymous said...
There's always Hit & Run Tactics.

Your main party continueson to safe havens that have been agreed to beforehand.
As the Men make some Pain. Then Pull back and wait & Hit again.
Will create intimidation.
Why? Your pursuers will not know when you are gonna strike at them next, or from where.
Will slow them down.

April 1, 2009 1:59 AM

Anonymous said...
Well, this house to house raiding isn't going to happen. Too many kooks like myself around, and
the lessons of places like Stalingrad to dwell upon for military/police locked in to any grand
One, cops are more patriotic than most. They won't abide by this kind of nonsense. Second,
many nations have overthrown dictators without any arms in public possession. The Romanians
took them from the army and police, and as soon as they saw the furry of the masses the army
and police went in to hidding. What is best to remember is that doing nothing is the worst thing
possible. Gun owners should organize large armed protests and put some fear back in to the
system, some respect for the worker bees is what's needed by these damn politicans.

April 1, 2009 6:42 AM

Anonymous said...
Well, this house to house raiding isn't going to happen. Too many kooks like myself around, and
the lessons of places like Stalingrad to dwell upon for military/police locked in to any grand
One, cops are more patriotic than most. They won't abide by this kind of nonsense. Second,
many nations have overthrown dictators without any arms in public possession. The Romanians
took them from the army and police, and as soon as they saw the furry of the masses the army
and police went in to hidding. What is best to remember is that doing nothing is the worst thing
possible. Gun owners should organize large armed protests and put some fear back in to the
system, some respect for the worker bees is what's needed by these politicans.

April 1, 2009 6:44 AM

Anonymous said...
Yea, what's the difference between foreign invaders or domestic traitors? Treason is treason,
and Invasion is invasion. Who cares what they say they are doing. UN troops from Canada just
helping out with the domestic problems? Or, part of a plan for treason?
The British sent some poor smucks to disarm some tribal folks in Afganistan recently and guess
what, they all got killed. Fact is, the last ones were holding out pictures of their familys begging
for their lives when they got shot.
Seems that disarming the natives was reconsidered after that incident. Go figure.

April 1, 2009 6:51 AM

Anonymous said...
Concerned American, there are worse things than death. Like flee, you hide, I will fight.

April 1, 2009 2:02 PM

Concerned American said...
Dying in place at the address the FedGov has for you is neither brave nor patriotic.

"Flee" simply means not being where your 4473s show as your home.

There's going to be enough unpleasantness w/o freedom-loving folks signing up to die


April 1, 2009 5:50 PM

Anonymous said...
And when you get tired of running? What then? Do you then choose to stand? With all respect,
it appears you are not as fed up with all of this mess as I. I was born here, I am old, tired and
angry and I will not flee from any tyrranical gov., foreign or domestic. Just as David of old, I will
go to meet the enemy and there it will be done. It is not about bravery or patriotism, it is about
being fed up with being tread on. I will say no more concerning this matter.

April 1, 2009 10:29 PM

Ya Basta said...
I think Waco showed pretty clearly what happens to small armed groups that stand and fight.
The good souls at Waco won the first day. They let the ATF agents retreat. The next day fed
goons came back with reinforcements and a tank. Members of MOVE in Philadelphia were
winning their standoff before the PD used a helicopter to drop a bomb on them. For all practical
purposes, the State possesses unlimited resources.

Maneuver is key to any civilian resistance. Guerrillas don't fight from fortresses, they shoot and
move, winning the sympathy of non-combatants and exhausting their larger, more
cumbersome adversaries.

April 2, 2009 2:59 AM

Concerned American said...
In addition, if people understood Boyd's Observe-Orient-Decide-Act (OODA) loop, they would
understand that not only does the OpFor not have the resources to hit all places
simultaneously, but they also do not have the ability to react when folks think faster that they

Hit 'em where they (the pointy-end of the spear) ain't.

Again, people who are freedom-minded need to get out of the "it's my castle and I will defend
it" mode.

April 2, 2009 4:37 AM

Anonymous said...
I just stumbled upon this article through Steve Quayle's website and find your discussion very
interesting. Having been in Iraq and Afghanistan for the past 6 years, literally. I only go home
for 2 weeks every 4 months. I found an author who clearly understands guerilla and insurgent
warfare. His name is Poole. He has authored several books on ht subject. Start with "The Last
Hundred yards" to find his works on Amazon. They are all well worth the read and to keep for
reference. Best of luck to anyone who decides to stand and fight!

April 2, 2009 8:42 AM

Anonymous said...
I'm an old single gay man. I don't have to worry about kids or women.

Gee, kinda of an exciting question. I mean, been victimized all my life by the system anyways.

Well, I've been preparing for this kind of blantant treason. I mean the writting been on the wall
for a while now.

Cached some stuff in the highways and byways. Left a map for a special person in case I die. I've
prepared with food, and am building a bunker, just in case. Hey, I don't have the hassles of the
rest of you. I do what I want.

I sold a few guns to a previously dead guy, so technically I don't own but a couple.

So, you say some old flame calls and warns me these idiots are making a go at treason in the
What do I do, what do I do?

Well, I'm gonna go and get the guns I own and say goodby to them.
Here ya go Mr. Traitor. I never really wanted them anyways. I just got them because I'm old and
afraid. It's a such a relief to finally not have to worry about all those guns on the street. Bye, bye
now, look out for the IED's.

Afterwards, well, I'm going shopping. I'd sure like to get my hands on a new XM29, and how
else is that going to happen. Thanks for bringing one to my neighborhood. It makes shopping so
much easier.

Any ideas when the shopping might start? The sooner the better as far as I'm concerned. I don't
want to die before all the fun starts.

April 2, 2009 1:21 PM

Anonymous said...
You guys are kidding yourselves if you think it’s going to play out in any of the scenarios
described. The comparison with Afghanistan is completely bogus. The Afghans have been at
war forever, they live in a tribal society, are heavily armed and prepared to fight, and have just
about nothing to lose except a life spent in poverty and misery. This country is full of pampered
and deluded people who don’t want to lose their HDTV’s and Starbuck’s frappucinos.

If the government wants your guns they’ll first create a pretext by staging a false-flag terrorist
op or creating some other kind of “national emergency.” Gun owners will be marginalized as a
threat that must be neutralized for the “good of the country.” They’ll announce a grace period
for everyone to turn in their guns to be followed by the imposition of a draconian penalty.

They may even claim it is going to be temporary and guns will be returned after the emergency.
They may go through the charade of inventorying your weapons and giving you documents with
which to reclaim them “after the emergency is over.” That’s all it will take for most people to
turn in their guns. Let’s not forget that the media has been demonizing guns and gun ownership
for decades now, and there are millions of your countrymen who think you’re a dangerous
wacko for even owning a gun.

Those hold outs left with guns will then be part of a very small minority that is perceived as a
threat to the country (after all, since you didn’t obey the law you’re now a “criminal”), requiring
good “patriotic” Americans to turn them in to the authorities, with the understanding that they
will be rewarded, while if it is discovered they knew and didn’t report it they will also suffer a
draconian punishment. That mother-in-law, cousin, brother-in-law, uncle, neighbor, etc, that
doesn’t like you or your politics won’t even need the incentive of a reward to turn you in.

If they think it is still necessary at this point, when it looks like they’ve got all they’re going to
get this way, they’ll pick someplace where there are a lot of registered gun owners (remember,
they’re going to have records that allow them to estimate the hold out ratio), or some
community that has been vocal about opposing confiscation, and stage a sweep there. They’ll
give everyone an opportunity to surrender their guns and then go in using full military force.
Anyone who resists in any way will be exterminated. After that, all except the most hardcore
diehards will turn in their weapons.

As far as running goes, run to where, with what, living how? This country is already locked
down tighter than a drum. In the kind of scenario we’re talking about you’re going to need
special ID’s. People will be told to be suspicious of people paying in cash, and especially of
anyone using gold or silver, and people from out of town. You have children –then why aren’t
they in school? Work places will be required to report people who don’t show up for work and
people seeking employment. If you join a group somewhere you’ll be even easier to identify
and eliminate, ‘cause at this point they’ll be taking out “militant groups” with predator drones.
You won’t last a week on the run unless you can get out of the country and are prepared to live

Virtually no one with a family is going to fight. You fight and your family is dead. That leaves old
people and young singles. Maybe a few old couples will go down together fighting, and a few
single males with romantic notions of glory or nothing to lose. Let’s not forget that not one
person resisted turning in their guns in the aftermath of Katrina, and the same logic that
rationalized that will rationalize cooperation during a national confiscation –that it will be
temporary, only until the emergency is passed, and it’s not worth dying for.

April 3, 2009 4:13 PM

Anonymous said...
When people start dropping like flies.... that is when the confiscation would start. I am amazed
that adding 2 + 2 seems to yield 6 today.

If you bother to add all the clues into a single formulation, it is not required that a rocket
scientist interpret the data. The wording of congressional bills, the preparations of national
groups such as FEMA etc..., the preparedness of "vaccines" to epidemics which have not even
happened with, to the impossibly accidental contamination of flu vaccines with h5n1 bird flu (a
level 2 or 3 bio-hazard material).... I said "impossibly accidental" since flu vaccines are not
produced in a bio-hazard lab handling such lethally dangerous viruses to begin with, let alone
the same room designed specifically to prevent viral or bacterial escape from the room! DUH!

Understand please, that all concerned know full well that the number of gun owners in the US
FAR outnumbers the combined personnel of BOTH the police and all branches of the armed
services combined. In fact, we have more gun owners in the US than the standing army of
CHINA! If one out of 10 managed to hit 1 aggressor, they would run out of troops long before
the US ran out of gun owners.

Simple fact.

Now, they also know that a determined effort by a small percentage of those would crush
opposition, even considering force multipliers, such as helis, planes, tanks, APC's, and drones.

Too many people would initially "shop around", as some people have already hinted. There is
also to be considered the stated movements of military and police personel, which would
defect to the cause of the citizens, and bring their own supplies....

To be blunt, not even a stupid and arrogant aggressor would try such facing what is evident,
unless they believe that there would be no cohesion to the forces opposed. Which, from what I
have seen from all the hillbilly mentality (watch your own back, let everyone else fend for
themselves garbage), might actually be the case.

If that time ever comes, quite simply you must stand united, or die separately. A house divided
against itself cannot (and will not) stand.

I personally hope that time never comes within my lifetime, but I do know that such mentalities
as what have been cooking up these schemes are cold and completely ruthless.

United, 5% of the population took on a much larger, much better equipped and trained fighting
force, and won.

We became a nation united then, hopefully we can remain one now.

April 4, 2009 11:49 AM

Anonymous said...
"United, 5% of the population took on a much larger, much better equipped and trained
fighting force, and won."

This is mythology, not history. There is no comparison between the situation then and now. We
had significant material support from France, who was at war with Britain. Most importantly,
both sides had roughly the same weapons capabilities.

There's not going to be any militia fought revolution in this country that is anything like the
revolutionary war. All you need to do to see what's going to happen is look at Gaza and Iraq.
There are no battles with US or Israeli forces that don't result in annihilation for the enemy.
That's why the other side uses rockets and IEDs and suicide bombers.

If you want to talk about the military being on our side, yeah, that's a different equation. But I
think you're underestimating the kind of demonization process that's going to take place before
anything like this happens, and the controlling infrastructure. This isn't going to happen

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Think Globally, Act Locally: 20 More Questions on "Let's Win"

Victor Davis Hanson lays out the overall tactical situation here. Sample section below, but do
read the whole thing:

...Stimulus, Stimulus and Not a Drop…

A “stimulus” of nearly a trillion dollars was proposed, without which we were told,
unemployment would skyrocket and credit would tighten further. Six months later —
unemployment having risen even higher than the administration’s forecast would have been
the case had their stimulus package not been implemented — now the same proponents of
massive borrowing demand a second stimulus to accomplish what the first ’successful’
borrowing apparently did not. If you fail, then try the same thing to fail even bigger the second
time — while calling for more success to follow the earlier success?
The Larger Agenda

Note here I mean something quite different from the accustomed notion of “accomplish.” You
see, I think the point was never much to build more bike paths on borrowed money or just bail
out GM, but rather more to reengineer the tax code, as part of a grander vision of creating a
new equality of result in America.

Soon we will all end up after each April 15 about making the same, driving the same sort of cars
and using the same sort of mass transit, living in about the same sorts of houses, and having
about the same sorts of “”they will take care of it for me” philosophies — all overseen by
brilliant, but highly ranked and exempt Platonic Guardians who suffer on our behalf as they jet
and limo at breakneck speed ensuring our welfare.

Gorging “the Beast”

We are beginning to sense the debate is not about “stimulus” (politicians did not even read the
various bills that they rammed through and care little about the fiscal impact from them).
Rather, we are witnessing an inversion of Reagan’s sort of playing chicken, once called “starve
the beast” (which I thought was a wrong notion), a philosophy of cutting taxes to cut revenue
to starve the federal government’s excessive spending in the face of spiraling deficits.

Under Obama’s “gorge the beast” version, America will simply write so many bounced checks,
run up such an enormous $10 trillion debt, that taxes will have to rise on “them” — and wasn’t
this really the point of it all anyway: to “spread the wealth around” and “never let a crisis go to
waste”? Since new programs never shrink, but, like Johnson grass, grow with impunity, and
since Democrats, even more so than wasteful Republicans, don’t worry about deficits, taxes
must escalate to avoid catastrophe.

The Bad Guys

Ponder a simple fact: The Obama administration is dispersing income lavishly to those who do
not pay taxes and it will have to be paid for by those who do. For all the talk of that awful
percentile who make over $200,000, this administration has not distinguished the hyper-rich
1% that make untold money (e.g., the Buffets, Soroses, Turners, Gateses, Kerrys, Gores, etc.),
from the much more demonized, larger 5% of the population whose income does not come
from investments and insider influence and deal-making, but rather from providing more
tangible goods and services — the family doctor, the plumbing contractor, the small lumber
company owner, the car dealer, the local family-held insurance company, the airline pilot, the
car-leasing firm, the patent attorney, etc.

“Their Fair Share”

Last fall we heard that this percentile was unpatriotic, did not wish to spread the wealth
around, and had made off like bandits under Bush. But the fact is, to quote Mayor Gavin
Newsome’s ‘like it or not’, they are precisely those who decide most dynamically whether to
hire, fire, expand, contract, buy/sell goods, etc.

And the results of the Obama war against them are threefold: 1) in major key states, the
productive minority’s state income taxes will near or exceed 10%; their federal rates will go to
40%; the abolition of caps on FICA will ensure 15% plus of most their income will go for new
Medicare and Social Security bites; and they may well be eligible for a newly proposed punitive
health-care surcharge tax of 4-6%.

Add It Up

1) If one were to add all that up (forget rises in sales taxes, inheritance taxes, luxury taxes, etc.),
then one can get to 70% of one’s income. So right this minute, the electrical contractor is

‘I made $412,000 last year due to Saturday jobs, overtime, risky bidding, gambles on new
equipment, and new lines of credit, but under Obama I will pay maybe $50-80,000 more of my
income to the government. In other words the cost of, say, hiring two more entry-level
electricians, or the cost of outfitting an entire new van with boom and equipment, or what I
cleared every Saturday last year — all that will go to the government.”

Ripples of Doubt

And that means rippling throughout this key sector of the economy — even before these taxes
have been enacted — are hesitation, stasis, and ultimately constriction — at first for
psychological reasons, soon confirmed by the actual facts of less money. In short, very bright
people will be thinking how to hide income, how to barter, how to slow down and not produce
goods and services, rather than blast full speed ahead and enrich angry others.

A Certain Paranoia

2) Do not discount again the psychological element. This putative electrical contractor also
knows that after handing over his profits to the new government, and delaying or ending his
plans for enlargement, he will not be praised, but continually demonized (I scanned CNN,
MSNBC, CBS, and NBC the other evening, and all the stories had a common theme: the “rich”
(yes, you see, ACME Electric is now about the equivalent to AIG and Citibank) will have to pay
their “fair share” for all sorts of “overdue” necessities: cap-and-trade, nationalized health care,
education grants and freebies, and new social programs.

You Owe Us

So our electrician senses that despite his newfound, sizable contribution to the public good, he
will a) not be thanked but only further ridiculed; b) see his money diverted from his own wise
use of it, to anonymous agencies’ liberal expenditures of it: the money will not be just lost, but
invested in things that will make things worse, not better, through subsidies of failed programs
and the destruction of incentives; c) see that the world under Obama is now unfair in Orwellian
fashion: the Citibanks and AIGs, in Robert Rubin fashion, are so well connected to both parties
that they will suffer little for their mistakes; the Ivy-League and Washington technocratic class
that is to run all this is happy with its government perks and does not think new taxes and
compliance apply to themselves (cf. Dodd, Rangel, Geithner, Daschle, Murtha, etc.).

You Never Needed All That Anyway

3) Finally the now chastised and ossified electrician will begin to see that his new truck, his
boat, his vacation home, all these are somehow immoral in carbon, political, cultural, racial, and
social terms. And he senses that others, who do not pay any income taxes (approaching 50% of
the population), see themselves at war with him: the more he pays in taxes, the more others
see that his compliance with such new burdens is proof of what he “really” owed all the time,
and a sign that he can pay even more next round...

Vandam gives us the strategic outlook here; money graf:

...The great principle of America is that free people pursue their interests freely and the
government attends only to the irreducible commonalities. That has already been eroded to
the point where Americans, one way or another, stand in line in the government cafeteria. This
presidency is adding bars to the windows even as it sucks the air out of the room. It’s going to
be a dreadful experience. It will be everything that the most self-loathing of Americans have
long wanted but didn’t have the initiative to emigrate to Cuba and get it straight up for

We also know what the price was to crack the national government's will in a much more virile
America, circa 1968. By the end of that year, 36,152 American troops had been killed in the
Vietnam conflict. That fact led to a change in the national government, which in turn sued its
opponents for peace.

Goethe has supplied an operational concept.

So let's ask another "20 Questions", using the following assumptions:

- Two of the three branches of the Federal Government, along with most of their constituent
agencies and bureaucracies, have been captured by totalitarian statists who routinely violate
the limitations on their power expressly required by the US Constitution/Bill of Rights;

- The so-called "opposition party" is only marginally less statist than the incumbents, and in fact
sponsored many of the most egregiously unconstitutional programs when they last held power;
- State and local governments are so financially dependent on Federal transfer payments that
they are de facto mere departments of the national government, rather than the separate
sovereigns envisioned by the Founding Fathers; and

- All rational prognoses are for the situation to grow worse with each passing quarter for the
foreseeable future.

1) Do you know, if you deem such actions to be both moral and necessary, which targets in your
area-- both materiel and otherwise -- you would select for political action?

2) Do you have the means (i.e., the tools and materials) needed to engage each of those targets

3) Do you have the skill sets and mindset needed to engage each of those targets successfully?

4) Do you have the operational support needed to engage each of those targets successfully?

5) Having engaged those targets in your area successfully, do you have the

- means,
- skill sets,
- mindset, and
- operational support

to evade investigation, capture, interrogation, and sentencing, so as to be capable of future

missions against different targets in your area or elsewhere?

6) Do you have the means and skill sets to properly and safely exploit your successful missions
for maximum propaganda value via YouTube and other media?

7) Do you have the resources to help others execute steps 1-6 in your area without
compromising your own operational ability?

8) Do you have the ability to relocate successfully to other parts of the country as part of your
post-mission exfiltration/recovery period?

9) Do you have the funds and personal items (essential medicines, etc.) that you would need if
you suddenly had to relocate?

10) Do you have viable forms of alternate identification?

11) If you have alternative identification, do you know how reliable it is?
12) Do you have Spandoflage headwear as part of your mission kit?

13) Do you have viable gloves that will be usable in tactical situations yet unobtrusive during
both your ingress and egress?

14) What steps -- in detail -- have you taken to avoid the standard crime scene rule that
"everyone leaves evidence behind, while at the same time takes evidence away"?

15) Have you been dedicated in your physical training?

16) Have you considered the very-close-work operational utility of a snubnose .38 revolver with
a dehorned hammer?

17) Have you considered the close-work operational utility of the rifled slug (12 or 20 gauge)
fired from a short-barreled shotgun?

18) Have you considered all of the wonderful ways that modern statist technology is vulnerable
to the creative application of force/friction/heat/cold/electrical current/water, both as a
standalone event and as a triggering event for a subsequent response?

19) Are you morally squared-away for what you are about to do?

20) Have you practiced your tactics and skills so that you have a realistic assessment of your
own strengths and weaknesses, and have your plans been modified in light of that assessment?

Special bonus question:

21) Do you understand that, with the millions upon millions of vulnerable, unarmed,
government-paid collaborators and Quislings at the local, state, and Federal levels, let alone all
of the government-owned property in every jurisdiction of this huge country just aching for
traditional American political action, one of your biggest problems (after the initial decision and
commitment, of course) will be in focusing your efforts so as to achieve maximum effect with
minimal exposure to you?

Audentes fortuna iuvat.

Anonymous said...
We are very close to the brink now. I truly hope folks have their affairs in order.

July 15, 2009 6:15 PM

Anonymous said...
outstanding....need to get this onto flyers and get it disseminated into the public

July 15, 2009 6:43 PM

Atlas Shrug said...
Very good stuff.

With more "mainstream" folks like VDH writing such things, more shreds of figurative clothing
are stripped from this evil emperor.

Of note in this vein. I was layed up sick yesterday and heard lots of radio, including Limbaugh
and Levin. Both of these guys were pointing out very clearly that the Obama regime is doing
and getting exactly what it wants, while the obvious failures in doing what it says are not
enough to slow things down.

No, they don't go to the next step and talk about what needs to be done to stop this (although
Levin gets closer). However, the talk is getting out there and may be laying some groundwork to
help many make some connections on their own....

Keep your powder dry,


Feedback on "20 More Questions": Accomplices and Collaborators

Got a call from a friend who was offended by question #21 in our recent "20 More Questions"

21) Do you understand that, with the millions upon millions of vulnerable, unarmed,
government-paid collaborators and Quislings at the local, state, and Federal levels, let alone all
of the government-owned property in every jurisdiction of this huge country just aching for
traditional American political action, one of your biggest problems (after the initial decision and
commitment, of course) will be in focusing your efforts so as to achieve maximum effect with
minimal exposure to you?

At issue was the implication that every single employee -- armed and unarmed - of the
combined local/state/Federal Leviathan was a legitimate recipient of political action, however
each individual American defines that activity.

Here's the thing -- every last one of those government employees is subordinate to you, the
individual American citizen -- at least according to one of our system's central articles of faith.

In cold reality, compared to private-sector workers and business owners (who, not
coincidentally, pay the taxes that feed and house each government parasite's family), they are
your betters -- more pay, better benefits, greater job security, shorter hours, more vacation,
and much better retirement plans.

In short, all government workers know that you, the American taxpayer, are subordinate to
each and every one of them -- from the newest-hired Motor Vehicles drone to the tenured
government schoolteacher to the uniformed police officer who just pulled you over for a local
revenue opportunity....uh, I guess they still call them "speeding tickets".

And before any readers get their knickers in a twist -- yes, there are dedicated government
workers who go above and beyond the call of duty...

And still enjoy better benefits and better retirement perquisites, along with more vacation,
than their private-sector peers in equivalent positions.

But that's not the real reason why all government employees should face the wrath of free

The real reason is much more simple: each civil servant is a cog in Leviathan's machine.

As Vanderboegh pointed out the other day, if you want to break a windmill -- simply throw a
wooden shoe into its mechanism.

Ergo, if you want to hobble Leviathan, simply provide creative incentives for the cogs to absent

If a cog doesn't report to its proper place, the tyrant's infernal machine will grind on, but nearby
cogs will notice the absence.

If several cogs no longer are in their assigned positions within the mechanism, the machinery
will start creak and shudder.

Lather, rinse, repeat.

And make no mistake: each and every one of those cogs in every government agency chooses
every single work day to climb into his or her cubicle and serve the omnivorous beast
Government, because doing so is in each cog's best interests.

Engaging Government successfully therefore simply requires a new calculus of self-interest to

be created and effectively disseminated to the governing hordes. As Solzhenitsyn said in the
The Gulag Archipelago:

And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every
Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether
he would return alive and had to say goodbye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass
arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had
not simply sat there in their lairs, paling in terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at
every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set
up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or
whatever else was at hand. The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers
and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst; the cursed machine would have ground
to a halt!

So don't fret about Leviathan's civil service whores. They've already made their choices, and
each has elected to make a career from leeching off the productivity of their former fellow

So be it.

It's now time for all freedom-lovers to make their choices.

Submission -- or action.

Your call.

Audentes fortuna iuvat.
Anonymous said...
Of course, most work for the government directly or indirectly. They have a desire to meet
Solzhenitsyn in person, yearning for his gulag.
Of course, Solzhenitsyn is dead.

July 17, 2009 5:20 AM

chris horton said...
Best one yet. And exactly what I've been thinking of late.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Several outraged reactions have been posted thus far to this piece discussing the vulnerability
of government workers to political action by freedom-lovers.

Read all of the comments, but a few things need emphasis:

1) Oath-Keepers: I was an early supporter of this fine organization founded by Stewart Rhodes
earlier this year, both in this space and elsewhere. Unlike many, I traveled (along with Mike
Vanderboegh) to Lexington Green on April 19th, renewed my oath, and participated in the
Oath-Keepers' truly inspiring event. I applaud every single Oath-Keeper's commitment to
personal freedom, political liberty, and the restoration of the American Republic. I commend all
Oath-Keepers for their unwavering commitment to The Ten Orders We Will Not Obey, and I will
stand and fight besides the good men and women of that organization, do or die.

But remember Admiral Stockdale's Paradox?

“You must never confuse faith that you will prevail in the end – which you can never afford to
lose – with the discipline to confront the most brutal facts of your current reality, whatever
they might be.”

The most brutal facts of our current reality are as I posted in comment reply last night:

Re Oath Keepers:

Presumably, every Oath Keeper who is honest will acknowledge that:

a) they are paid via taxes collected through the threat of force from American citizens;

b) as such, they are, by definition, subordinate to the people that pay them, both by virtue of
who is actually the productive party in the taxpayer/tax parasite relationship and by virtue of
the guiding principles of the American Republic (see comment above);

c) all of the current and former oathtakers since 1916 or so have failed in their duty to defend
the Constitution from domestic enemies such as Wilson, FDR, Truman, LBJ, Nixon, Reagan, Bush
41, Clinton, Bush 43, and the Kenyan, along with the respective Congresses from 1916 forward;

d) they are well overdue in actually doing something (other than talking) about reversing that
abysmal 93-year record of failure in actual, effective oath-keeping.
Re Anon and his point re target ID, amen. I do not truly believe that every .gov employee is my

But boys and girls, it is no-shit well past time for those men and women of good faith within
government to start linking up with the Resistance and getting as much info and materiel out to
the freedom team as possible. Every day that you folks sit on the sideline, the more each of you
is tarred forever more with the indelible fecal smear of Comrades Soetero, Pelosi, and Reid.

Maybe I should have titled the essay "Collaborator, Quisling, or Undercover Operative? Time to

Know my rules?

1) The man or woman shooting besides me at the enemy is my friend;

2) The man or woman shooting AT me (or helping others shoot at me) is my enemy; and

3) Anyone not in groups 1 or 2 (unless they are feeding me information/materiel/other logistics

support) is, at best, a high security risk.

Make sense?

Now, to be honest, in the light of day, I regret that reply.

More specifically, I regret that I left the philandering Jack Kennedy off the list of American
Presidents who have successfully violated the Constitutional limits on their power, based upon
his undeclared wars in Cuba at the Bay of Pigs and in a little place called Vietnam.

Everything else stands.

Note that I said nothing derogatory whatsoever about Stewart's organization.


What I did say is the simple and bitter truth -- that since 1916 straight through today, everyone
who has taken an oath to protect and defend the United States Constitution and its express
limitations on Federal power has failed completely in their oath-bound duty.


Myself included.

Has failed.

Anyone who doubts that painful fact need only look to today's Leviathan, comparing the scope
and scale of the combined Federal/state/local apparatus to the minimalist structure mandated
by the Constitution.

If you need any additional proof, run your copy of the fundamental human rights enshrined and
"guaranteed" by the Bill of Rights against the everyday and unaccountable actions of
Leviathan's agents everywhere across this country.

If you have the courage and the intellectual honesty to do so, you'll weep. I know I have, on
multiple occasions.

I've wept for what has been lost, and I have also wept for how few men and women in today's
America are willing to do what it will take to stop the totalitarian bastards who continue, even
as I write, to use all of their energy and all of their power to eradicate the country and the
principles in and by which I was raised.

So what to do when you get knocked on your tail?

You get up and do whatever it takes, by any means necessary, to

- stop the enemy, including his allies, accomplices, collaborators, and Quislings;

- reverse his gains;

- destroy his fighting ability; and

- hold any surviving enemy forces fully accountable for their actions.

So, my fellow oathtakers and Oath-Keepers, let's get busy. We've got 93 years of defeats to


2) Fundamental Principles: The next part of my comments was inspired by the late Bill Hicks, a
brilliant comic who performed, flamed out, and died in the Nineties. His advice to marketers
and advertisers in the following video segment is my advice to every government worker, be it
at the Federal, state, local, or tribal level, who does not understand the following basic

a) You live off the tax dollars stolen by force from every productive non-government worker,
business owner, and saver in this country; and
b) As a government worker in the American system, you are, by definition, subordinate to your
true bosses -- the taxpaying non-governmental American citizen. As long as you remain as a
government worker -- from new hire, all the way up to President of the United States -- you
remain, regardless of rank or job description, subordinate to every single taxpaying non-
governmental American citizen.

I know that there are many (most?) government workers who understand, accept, and even
celebrate these fundamental principles of the dying American Republic. For those of you in the
audience who do not, I commend to you the same actions as Bill Hicks suggests for marketers
and advertisers in this video clip (caution: harsh language):

Really -- I am not kidding. Do it now.

And you're welcome for the advice.

3) "Terrorist Organization": A commenter called the essay "a sure fire recipe for failure for your
"freedom team" since it will be considered a terrorist org. by anyone except radical Atlas Shrugs
toting anarchists."

Well, chiefie, everyone's entitled to his opinion. My opinion is that everyone who comes to this
site is already pinged for special treatment as a thoughtcriminal. Rather than deal with that fact
and acting accordingly, you and your ilk are wasting precious time trying to figure out how to be
nice to statists so that they won't hurt you.

Guess what? Leviathan will eat you too.

So sorry.

And besides, I'll bet you haven't even read Atlas Shrugged. You should -- it might clean some of
the mush from your skull.


My encounter with the King of Pop, Rock and Soul-days after his reported death!

J. Croft

I met Michael Jackson, in Flint, Michigan. Today-and that’s no lie. I was walking down the sidewalk
minding my own business, hoping I didn’t get jumped by some cracked out gangbanger or meet up with
a pack of wild dogs. Flint’s nasty. Whole neighborhoods abandoned. No jobs. No businesses, about.
There are places you just don’t go to, and I was taking a route around one of those when I saw him.

Michael Jackson.

Naw, that’s crazy. He’s dead-but there he was! He wasn’t wearing any of those sequined band leader
outfits, or have that glove but it was him with that overly touched up pixie nose, straightened out hair,
bleached skin-shuffling about. Either someone went through a lot of trouble to look like 50 year old
Michael Jackson… which given Flint’s zombie economy is a whole lot more improbable… or… or media
reports of him dead are not so true after all.

Now, I know, I know: everyone’s reporting that the Moonwalker is dead and probably awaiting his
second autopsy. Seems his doctor gave him Demerol and some other medicines that obviously didn’t do
him any good. Then Michael turns, like he’s expecting me.

“Sup.” I say.

“What’s going on?” Down to that soft, sweet soprano voice! This can’t be! What’s Michael Jackson doing
kicking it in Flint, Michigan?!

…Hell with it, I’m bored-I’ll play along…

“So, what are you doing in Flint?

“I live here now.”

“Why?” Yeah-why aren’t you on your comeback tour? Or is this your strategy; fake your death, gain all
your dignity back after your “death” and then come back and stage the ultimate comeback tour?!

“Now I know what your thinking but, yeah, all us dead celebrities are hiding out in these industrial ghost
towns. Last place anyone will look.

“So is Farrah Fawcett here?”

“No. Sorry. That guy who did the Oxyclean commercials is dead too-bumped his head too hard landing,
died later-just like that… who was that-Natasha Richardson.”

“No shit!” Damn, he died too!

“Yeah. He’s going to Cleveland. Ed McMahon there as well, says with the US government killing off the
auto industry there should be plenty of ghost towns sprouting up. Nobody would think of looking for
their passed away idols where they’d more likely find themselves dead. I’d stay out of that
neighborhood over there if I were you.” And MJ points at the neighborhood I was staying the hell away
from in the first place: though about all of Flint is like the proverbial gas station restroom.

“Okay” I laugh, “this is pretty good-tasteless as all hell but this is funny. Dude, I gotta give props to the
effort you put into your getup.”

“Dude I ain’t playing. In fact I’m waiting for Elvis Presley to roll up.”

I put my hand to my forehead, shake. This is getting ridiculous-but wait, there’s more:
“We gonna hit some bars, hang with some dudes, get drunk-y’know. Shit I couldn’t do when I was living.
Man… my dad messed me up! I know a lot of people wished they were me, had my talent… okay had my
talent, but damn! You know what its like to have your childhood totally denied to you, worked 12 hours
a day singing, performing?!, You wind up overcompensating?! The shit my old man did to us…” I couldn’t
tell whether Michael was more angry or sad. Or at least this Michael; it’s not like I’m going to believe
Michael used a body double to fake his death or resurrect like The Crow.

Then this shit gets even more surreal.

Elvis Presley does show up… okay someone who could pull off a mean Elvis impersonation… rolls up in a
76 Cougar, just a bit dirty on the outside, lived in quite well inside; cracked leather seats, ashtray full of
butts, a growing stack of empty liquor bottles in the back floorboards. The other King had a bit of growth
of gray streaked beard framing a craggy, well worn face, and cigarette dangling from his lips like he
didn’t give a fuck about it. Not like an Elvis impersonator at home out of his character, but Elvis if he’s
spent the past decade in Flint hanging low. Just the most contemptible look in his eyes he casts about
this whole sorry ass town I got no ideal why I’m at.

“Is that really-“

“Yep. That’s the King.”

“Damn.” Two dead music icons in a few minutes-who else is gonna roll by?

“What’s really going on here?”

“Look” Michael said. He had the look of someone who had a LOT to say; “there’s some things we have to
talk about.”

“You sure you’re not some impersonator? Cuz they got treatment for-”

“-Damn we don’t got time for this! The country’s going down the fucking tube and you of all people are
jacking around with me! The whole country used to bust on me for those… charges and now I’m dead
they all worshipping me!”

Elvis stops, gets out. No he wasn’t in his gay white karate suit but he was still fat in an old man way. He
had a bottle of Thunderbird in one hand too, oversized t-shirt to hide the gut, cargo pants. Wouldn’t
know he was Elvis Presley.

“How y’all doing?” Dude certainly had that Elvis Presley drawl though. Certainly had that Flint ghetto
attitude along with it. Just rough-it was quite the dichotomy.
“O-kay.” I managed.

“Flint’s pretty fucked up ain’t it?”

“Well, I’m expecting the History Channel to show up anytime, start filming season two of Life After

“That’s a good one there, J” Michael laughed. So did Elvis. It wasn’t a mirthful laugh…

Elvis gets a little closer. He wasn’t a happy dead celebrity either. “That bullshit’s propaganda they put
out, conditioning, to get you out of your survival instinct as the goddamn inbreeds you write about kill
us off. Like your blog by the way.

“You read all that?”

Elvis takes a swig, adorably contemptuous about laws against public intoxication“…You see what they
did to my adopted town; fucking corporations got everyone dependent on them for jobs making cars
more fucked up year after year. Now those jobs are gone because the government makes making shit in
this country economically impossible so the place is a shithole. Fucking eugenics! They’re killing us off!
You watch dude, they’re going to use the carbon taxes, that cap and trade bullshit, to regulate us, steal
from us until we starve and freeze us to death. Or fight-and you know those 300lb sacks of diabetic fat
can only shoot their mouths off. Those tin badge gods gonna have a good time killing those fools off..
Not to mention all the lethal so-called vaccines they going to make us take at fucking gunpoint!”

I don’t remember Elvis cursing like this. Or talking like this. He definitely had gone native living in Flint,
but his politics… he must be on

Elvis patted his belly: “Still got my .45.” Elvis turns to Michael “y’know you get to have dudes
impersonate you now.”

“Watch half of them are pedophiles…” something in Michael was coming to the surface…”Croft, you
know what its like to be called a child rapist? Yeah, I had children over, for sleepovers, to be friends
with. I didn’t have a chance to develop like a normal person, I was fucking Michael Jackson! Fucking King
of Pop, Rock and Soul! You know what its like being famous? Everyone’s out to get a piece of you; and if
they can’t leech off you they’ll sue you or get you in trouble, just to get something through the court.

“Amen to that.” Flint Elvis took a swig, holds it out to me. I take the T-bird in hand take a swig:
something about cheap, high powered wine. So ghetto-but I suppose going ghetto’s a great way for Elvis
Aaron Presley to blend in, go incognito. I hand it off to Michael Jackson and the dude started belting that
“Damn I hope you’re getting me another one.”

“Sorry.” Michael hands the alcohol back to Elvis “I needed that. Anyway, what we need to tell you J is
this: you gotta tell people to stop grieving over me so much, or let the media whip them into grieving
me like I was the second coming.”

“Only one King of Kings.” Elvis added. “Meanwhile those congress-cocksuckers just passed a 1300 page
bill, gonna make the whole country into fucking Flint, Michigan.”

“And you know that other cocksucker, Obama, is going to sign it with his Indonesian commie ass.” And I
didn’t know Michael Jackson could talk like that either. “People are going to lose what jobs they got.
They’re going to become government inspectors and make themselves and everyone around them even
more miserable than they already is going into their homes and writing fines. Call free speech
“cyberbullying”, put you under federal charges-you better watch your ass J, they’re going to be after you
when that bill’s signed.”

“I could throw the fucker at someone and hurt em’” Elvis was good at butting in. “I got my .45 and a
double barrel when I’m rolling through town-you know how Flint is.” I got the M1 Garand with armor
piercing rounds when the tin badge gods bust down my door looking for guns.”

“Well, why don’t you two do something about it?” Reasonable enough question, the two are/were rich
and powerful. Did they still have control of their fortunes or did they have to give that up to go
incognito-wait, now I’m believing this bullshit…

“Dude we’s dead.”(I’m still going along with this shit) “Even when we was alive we couldn’t do much of
anything. Both of us were watched, all the time. We had handlers and agents and managers and
executives who made certain we said the right things at the right time. Wind up like JFK if we tried the
ol’ frontal assault trying to tell the truth y’know? Price of fame.”

“Wasn’t really worth it thinking back about it” Elvis said. He kills the T-bird in a mighty swig and chucks
the empty bottle against a collapsing house, taking out one of the last intact window panes with a crash.
Nobody was around to say anything. “In my time I wouldn’t be able to bust out a window-I’d been
arrested… well, I’d have to get out of it. But our point: you need to tell everyone that Michael’s death
and the media cult of worship set up for him is distracting from what’s really important-the traitors in
the government finishing off this country.”

Michael turns to me. “People has got to stop letting themselves get their brains zonked out watching TV
all night. Ain’t nothing on there but lies and distractions-like me. They has got to stop buying bullshit
they ain’t going to use again and prepare for this fall!”

“The fall? What happens in the fall?”

Elvis chortled “you think shits fucked up now, you wait until the insurance market collapses, the
commercial real estate bubble collapses, the quad-whatever dollar derivatives market collapses,
hyperinflation sets in as those federal reserve motherfuckers finish off the dollar bailing themselves off
and buying everything that’s left.”

“Gonna be some pissed off people” I said.

It was Michael’s turn to preach to the choir(me, not you-you need to hear this): “About fucking time.
Without the TV-and me to worship-maybe they’ll finally pay attention to what their public servants . You
ask us why don’t we do something about this shit? Why don’t the American People stop sopping up
American Idol and the lies on the so-called news channels, and the hundred goddamn cop shows and
look, see how things are. Maybe it’s too late-to turn things around-but it’s not too late to get together,
prepare and find ways to survive what’s coming. Having control of a few out of the way towns with local
power sources and a good mix of agriculture and light industry-but all that you already spelled out in
your writings.”

“People don’t read.”

“People do.” Michael was looking at me, hoping to spark something. “J man, people gots to fight for
what’s theirs. The same people who promoted me to virtual godhood are using my death to distract
people from them finishing looting the country. And if America falls, if her People don’t arise and
wrench themselves from the beast and it’s government, culture and economy and begin to reclaim their
minds, souls, lives and government they will die. Die of starvation when this time next year
unemployment’s at 50%, or fighting in the Middle East because of oil, or from a vaccine, or a
government issued bullet for protesting, or just because some bully cop wants to up his arrest record.”

“I’ll say this; your politics are sure different from when you were alive-this ain’t some ‘we are the world’

“Naw, we are the world-but we let others run it. This is our world. We should run it, decide how to live,
have clean technology and whatnot. Instead we let others run it while we wait for the weekend ball
game. Look where it’s got us. I’m dead. You’re in Flint.”

“Well so are you two. I’ll give it my best. It’s all I can do I suppose. So, where you going again? I could
use a night out”

Michael started for Elvis’ vintage Cougar-too bad he was riding that thing into the ground, that thing
needed a restoration job bad…

“Sorry-this a dead celebrity thing only. Besides you got this vision to write down. Don’t forget to include
links to your other articles, so people can begin to figure out what the hell we’re talking about.”
I watch the two get in. Elvis starting up the engine-man that was a sweet rumble from that V8, Michael
slouching down lighting up… a JOINT?!!. “You think they can handle that much reading?”

Elvis shrugged. “I got to believe they can. Hey Mike pass me that joint, man-you ready to get tore the
fuck up tonight?”

“Hell yeah! Later J.”

I waved, watching them fly down the street just racing that old Cougar through this town of boarded up
buildings, crackheads, and shit just all over the place. I wondered if those that read this can understand
that this was a parable-using media deified entertainers against their creators in a blow for Freedom.

I wonder if they can understand that and take the next step, which is stop living their lives through other
people’s fantasy designed to make them impotent but for going to work for not even 5% of the fruits of
their labor-the corporation they work for keeping the benefits. That 5% the US government is angling to
take more than half of that. Two percent left-and every salami slice tax, corporate fee, interest payment,
what have you is squeezed out of them.

What’s left? Lint? And grey hairs?

There’s a better way, but your first and hardest goal is to have that epiphany that about everything
you’ve been told is a lie. That the new god you are to worship, Michael Jackson-who just the previous
week was the butt of a whole cottage industry of pedophile jokes-is but another distraction for you to
keep your eyes off the ball. That ball being the cap and trade bill about to be passed through the Senate.
Call your senator. You have two of them and you need to express your outrage that they’d try and vote
on a 1300 page bill they got only a single copy of for the entire Congress and were given like, ten
minutes to read. That’s how the nazi-ass “patriot” acts were rammed through-prewritten-right after
9/11. Wake up already.

And do some reading. You got a steep enough learning curve. Go HERE:
















MY 9/11



























This is an alert from B.A. Brooks the founder of United American Freedom Fighters and
everyone must read this NOW.

Do NOT join a militia or seek out a group, they are ALL INFILTRATED by the enemy!

Those that aren't are deep, deep underground so you will not find them.

You need militia knowledge? While the internet's still available GO TO YOUR PUBLIC LIBRARY
and use their computers to download from and use keywords on sites like and the torrents.

You want training? Learn to shoot on your own. Download from or
reference my blog for the Rifleman post. Get an quality airsoft replica of your rifle and IN YOUR
HOME practice all the tactical stuff you will need, plus make half inch wide targets and shoot in
your hallway.

Certainly get in shape; walk, jog, run, lift.

Network quietly. Sniff people out. Make survival circles and if you've got quality people... are
you a quality person... if you've got quality people and you've trained and prepared-there's
your militia. Not some 20 star jackass or some fed operative looking to profile and target as
many Americans who would resist as possible for The Day. The Day is coming...

Is the Truth Movement Hijacked? That would be the govt. number one priority, get your deep
cover operatives in to steer the movement into a brick wall... how many brick walls have
organizations with patriotic Americans run into? Too many. How much pissy infighting? Too

I myself never joined a militia group. I knew they'd all be hijacked or founded by traitors. Be

J. Croft



By: B.A. Brooks


When I first got active in the patriot movement, one of my goals was to unite all militia units
within The United States under some kind of allegiance with a main purpose of communication
and unity. What I learned was that most militias operating in America are using the patriot
movement to further their own personal agendas which range from many extreme and radical
theologies. Some are pure racists while others are religious radicals, and then you have the
radical religious racists. There are only a handful of actual militias operating today and I have
found the rest to be just a bunch of guys with guns who wear camo. I would also be inclined to
say that 99% of American militias have been infiltrated by FBI agents and or informants, if not
actually being started and run by the FBI.

I have also learned that many individuals within the patriot movement are really
informants/narcs and this is why I have now isolated myself from most people and
organizations. It is not that hard to point out these individuals if you just sit back and watch
what people are doing. Who is always starting trouble within the movement? Who is always
pointing fingers and blame at others within the movement when in reality they should be
focusing on the true political problems we are all facing? Who is always trying to create
infighting within the movement? Who among you is trying to insight violence? When you start
looking and listening, you will see clearly who these people are. I have found out in life that the
person that is constantly telling you they are your best friend and will always have your back, is
the first person to put a knife in your back. I do not talk about others in the movement but will
tell you that a few of these individuals are highly revered by many and when they are exposed,
most will be totally caught off guard and shocked. Many of you reading this article right now
have unknowingly befriended FBI/CIA/ATF Agents, undercover law enforcement, informants
and narcs. This is the main reason why I have disassociated my self with The American
Resistance Movement, while also isolating myself from most others within the so called patriot
or truth movements.

Many of these people are the real deal

but with that said, most have been seriously infiltrated or are actual federal agents. Learning
the truth about all of these things has been very hard for me to accept because I have been
such a huge supporter of A.R.M. and other organizations over the past several years that I must
now walk away from. It was a good idea but it is over now and I urge you all to move in new
directions. You can only really trust yourself, close friends and family in these Orwellian times.

I have always said that knowledge is power and that you should share your power. What do you
think I meant when I said this? I meant to learn about the truth and share what you learn. Not
to share your personal information with others which they can use against you in the future.
When it comes to your past and personal background, it is always best to keep these things
private, especially if you have had any kind of felony arrest in your past. When you share
knowledge about your personal background, you are giving away your power and making
yourself vulnerable and a possible target of law enforcement. Keep your private information
private. Never reveal too much about yourself or your family and friends. Loose lips sink
ships! Remember that you never really know who you are talking to on the internet. Even if you
have progressed into phone conversations and even meet-ups, you still never know what is
motivating another. Some informants do it for the added excitement that it gives to their lives,
while others do it because they have been caught up in a felony arrest and have chosen to turn
in others in order to save their own skin.

I have removed the forums and chat rooms from within my website because I will not stand by
while some people with a low mentality end up representing everyone. Some call these people
shills or trolls, and all you have to do is read the comments at most patriot sites to get a good
idea of this mean, childish and hateful speech. Myself, Alex Jones and a few others within the
movement have been the focus of much talk over the past several months on message boards
and comment forums, in an effort to discredit our work. Mostly verbal attacks using fabricated
lies and cointelpro tactics in a clear attempt to confuse issues and destroy reputations. My own
mission is the same as it always has been, and that is to expose the truth within a world of lies.
To stop the new world order and their agendas dead in their tracks and I will continue to report
what I find, continue to write articles while working on my newest full length movie. I have
added a few links under this article that will demonstrate a little of what I speak of today.
Watch your backs people!

Americans are being set up
Attorney: FBI Trained NJ Blogger To Incite Others
Hal Turner Admits He Worked for the FBI
Turning the US army against Americans
Pentagon Caught Subverting Protest Group
EXCLUSIVE: Defense analyst in spy case was FBI double agent

J. Croft

Take a moment to study these photos:

A very brave soldier put her face on YouTube, violating “protocol”-certainly endangering her
life-to get these photos out. It is a RFID tracking device. The US government has procured tens
of millions of these things, coupled them to metal wristbands that once installed will never be
removed... all to track who has a flu shot.

No, to track who is obedient. Who is willing to take a death shot of live viruses, squalene,
mercury, thimerosol. Who will be “permitted” to travel. Anyone who refuses this literal Mark of
the Beast will be put on a bus, shipped to one of the hundreds of concentration camps already
set up in America.

Once known as the Land of the Free. Home of the Brave.

The US government is completing a long term project to bring their number one enemy to heel.
Not Al Qaeda or the Taliban. No, it’s us. We the American People who are the targets of the
roadblocks and checkpoints that will be set up to ensnare those that don’t immediately comply
with taking the flu shot, taking the permanent bracelet.

The gun raids will likely come first. Traitorous law enforcement and military stationed in our
nation, entrusted by the American People with defending them will be their targets. Most likely
nothing will be stated on the evening news-a communications blackout to stymie any possible
resistance coalescing, catching nearly everyone save those with a alert survival network by
surprise. When most people give up their guns... and they likely will... America will become a
fully functional police state-instead of a fully functional police state operating an elaborate
charade for those that still naively believe this country’s still the “land of the free”. Meanwhile
you’re chasing Iraqis and Afghans in a war waged to be perpetrated, not won. You die while the
CEOs that have sucked America of its prosperity and future get rich. Off of your spilt blood and

You need to come home. Now. All of you... or at least as many of you as can see what’s going

Basically I’m calling for the immediate self-evacuation of all US military forces overseas. Iraq.
Afghanistan. Korea. Okinawa. Germany. England. And everywhere else the US government has
sent you. Mutiny-take over your units, your bases, your ships. Return home and defend the
American People against the government that has run amok.

Make no mistake: you by heeding your conscience will be mutineers in the eyes of the
government who sent you over to die for nothing. Keep in mind you were sent to die for no
good reason as you and your fellow soldiers, sailors, airmen, marines plot your route back to


Be careful. Be smart. Certainly be brave.

If you are alone or have but a few people in your unit willing to self-evacuate you must link up
with a unit composed of sane Americans however you can. Staying will be a death sentence as
traitors will go insane purging their ranks of those wanting to return home. First, you must get
past those still loyal to the beast. If your unit has only a few of those dimwits it will be easy
enough to isolate them-ditch them and such.

If you only have a few in your number then you will have problems self-extracting. If you have
but a few sane Americans and you’re surrounded by not just the enemy you were sent to fight,
but those who despite the obvious still want to die for the traitors running our country into the
proverbial ground...

Know who is with you and not just in your unit but as many surrounding units as possible.
Figure out as many escape routes and directions as possible, cache fuel, spare ammo, food
along each route, how you’re retreating whether by foot, commandeered assets, etc. It will be
up to you and yours to figure out the particulars of your return.

The biggest problem will be with the CIA/MI6 run “Al Qaeda” forces who WILL attack you to
keep you in country. Hostile air power can be neutralized if all air bases participate and shut
down any mission to frag mutineers. As stated before you must make preparations for a mass
self-evacuation before you do it-and keep the particulars from the officers.

Hostile units made up of deluded Americans and traitors will definetly try to stop you. Because
this will be a military attacking itself your success will hinge on who wants to self-evacuate,
where they’re at, and what kind of assets they will have under their control. Plan accordingly...
you must evacuate starting with the forces on the front. They will be the most combat ready
forces armed. They must be ready to primarily engage hostile American forces. Civil war is
never civil and our next civil war will most certainly be exceedingly bloody as this will be a
winner take all struggle for our country-and what it’s about.

It must be expected that in desperation, nuclear weapons will be used to stop you so plan
accordingly; space your units and convoys out so that no single blast can wipe your entire
evacuation out, yet retain the ability to mutually support each element.


Study the map of the world immediately below:

Note I have drawn three primary evacuation routes for the three primary areas American forces
are deployed; Europe, Iraq and Afghanistan, and South Korea. Each area will have its difficulties
in Americans self-evacuation from being NWO blood sacrifices.


39,000 or so combat soldiers with all their equipment are poised to make a suicidal stand
against the North Koreans. Why? To prevent them from returning to America and helping their
fellow countrymen set things right. Between the North looking for weakness like a mass mutiny
and self-evacuation by Americans to launch their long awaited all out assault. South Korea
psychologically needs American troops to maintain a deterrence against such an attack. So
negotiations must be covertly made to uphold the defense pact with South Korea while
removing American troops. Nuclear weapons must already be under friendly control to pull this


Truthfully this also covers the bases in the Gulf States but first things first.

Self-Evacuation begins at the outlying bases, picks up steam as American forces coalesce into
columns and head either south to Basra or Kuwait or north through the Caucasus. The southern
self-evacuation push will be the obvious but it is exceedingly vulnerable to enemy interdiction
from Al Qaeda or more powerful hostiles who will do anything to prevent this operation from
going forth. As I’ll repeat later, cooperation with in theater Air Force and Navy battle groups is
vital in providing a shield.

I do not believe Iran will mind Americans soldiers self-evacuating. It might even throw any
Israeli plan to bomb Iran off while the removal goes forth. Neither will homegrown Iraqi
resistance, in fact they will probably cooperate as much as possible to get rid of us.

Afghanistan will be much, much harder. Geography is against us as the country is mountainous
and landlocked. Pakistan is a most dangerous pack of wild cards, although a route through
Baluchistan to the port city of Karachi is the obvious evac route, but Al Qaeda could
simultaniously stage a revolt within the Pakistani government as American soldiers self-
evacuate, seize the nuclear weapons and employ them. The result will likely be the same as the
British experience in the 19th century as their own army in the country was wiped out
attempting to do the same feat.

A less obvious route is north through the Central Asia states of the former Soviet Union. I
mention this as a desirable alternative because the Russian Government will see a self-
evacuation by Americans as politically desirable to destablize the US government... the same
governemnt that sent you to die for nothing. I strongly suspect they’ll do everything including
the proverbial red carpet to aid any evacuation that takes them around the Caspian Sea and the
Caucasus. Eventually, linking up with Iraqi evacuee forces they will wind up in either Georgia or
Ukraine. From there its the Navy’s job to get our men and their equipment back home where it
will be most needed.

Provided things don’t go too disastrously wrong, and the required ships assembled to pull off a
evacuation there are two routes to take back to America; through the Red Sea, Suez Canal and
the Mediterranean and around Africa. Study the map again; although a Suez/Mediterranean
route will be much shorter in terms of raw miles and allow efficiency of evacuating Americans
from Black Sea ports and Southern European bases, that is also where the heart of any
potential NATO/Israeli response will be likely. It could be that the enemy will wait until a
sufficent mass is present in those confined waters before launching a all-out assault, turning
the Mediterranean Sea into a death trap. Which is why the bulk of American forces need to
take the much longer, but safer route around Africa.


This will be the most difficult, both politically and militarily. As NATO high command is solidly
under enemy control, self-evacuation involve an even greater degree of brinkmanship than in
Korea. The bases and men deepest in the NATO countries start self-evacuating acquiring
whatever road, ship and rail assests they can to haul themselves and their material out, linking
up with more forces as they self-evacuate, heading toward the ports.

I expect the self-evacuation effort to be a halting affair as NATO forces confront Patriotic
Americans along their evacuation routes. There may be a number of fierce battles, in particular
against German, French and British forces. The only way to deter such attempts will be for
American forces to coalesce in temporarily defendable positions. I do not believe nuclear
weapons will be used, but then again a mass mutiny by Americans wanting to clean up their
own nation will make the inbred psychopathic bluebloods desperate enough to try ANYTHING.
Then, providing a minimum of blockage occurs it will of course be up to the US Navy to provide
transport back home. More on how further in the article.

Those are the three primary zones that must be evacuated. American troops in Africa and other
outlying areas must join as they can, but the nature of the solution for the transport problem
will solve that problem as well.


The US Navy by itself does not possess the cargo capacity for this operation, even with a 100%
mutiny rate-which won’t happen. Fortunately, the illuminati created depression has ironically
given us the answer to that problem...

There are currently hundreds of operational cargo vessels just off Singapore that can be
commandeered-they’re there because your current political masters have deliberately trashed
the world’s economy with their manipulating and expanding bubbles then busting them. That’s
another reason to hate them, another reason to return to America but that’s another
discussion for another time.

What is pertinent is that those vessels be seized, fueled, crewed and sailed to Korea, the
Persian Gulf, Georgia, and Europe to assist in the extraction of yourselves and whatever
equipment you can strip off and carry with you.

It is important that the ground troops in the forward areas start retreating first. As they head
toward the support bases, Patriotic Americans must join the move. As the numbers and
momentum of the retreat grow, further revolts along the lines of retreat must join up. The
ports, by this time, must have the ships necessary to haul the divisions back home.

The cooperation and participation of the U.S. Navy is critical. It will be up to Americans aboard
the ships of the battle groups and submarines to countermand orders to attack the “mutineers”
and provide escort. Attacks by Israel or NATO will most likely involve nuclear weapons attacks
via cruise missile delivered by bombers or submarines. The carriers are vital to provide a shield
against both threats. They will be vital later on during the invasion phase in engaging traitor
assets and opening up landing zones.
The Air Force-in America they must wait as long as possible before joining as they will not have
enough ground combat troops to defend against seizure of their bases. As the “rebel” invasion
force approaches the coasts orders will be received to engage and destroy and it will be then
that any plan to join and assist the self-evacuation must be carried out.

Army, National Guard and Marine forces loyal to the American People must be ready to
coordinate with friendly Air Force bases within range to provide protection as they sortie out in
support of returning overseas forces. This will involve flying combat air patrol over hostile
enemy and over landing zones.

CONUS objectives are obvious:

Interdiction of checkpoints, roadblocks, gun raids, vaccination drives.

Liberation of concentration camps

Territorial linkup of friendly bases

Engaging hostiles attempting to either attack returning forces or seek reprisals against the
American People.

Attack priority enemy command and communications

Assist in capture of nuclear weapons and conventional stockpiles

Assist Patriotic Americans as needed with support, training, supplies

By authoring this I am violating many laws-most illegal-and am putting my own life in jeopardy.
I’ve been doing that for years but we are at the most critical time in our nation’s history; we act
or we face the wrath of our children asking what happened to the Land of the Free.

J. Croft
Posted by J. Croft at 12:30 PM 5 comments


J. Croft
Time is short. Agendas pushed by evil men are rapidly coming to fruition; each advance cuts
shorter the time you have left to hang back and let others fight the problem. The economy
implodes, martial law is being implemented more and more blatantly, the nations are
maneuvered into war, new diseases are unleashed, the enviroment collapses under the poisons
generated by century-old polluting technology. The luxury of you pawning off your
Responsibility to fight evil however you can has long passed but we are in critical times.

Ask yourself this: what excuse will you try to tell God when you die and you just minded your
own business? Just going about your personal business as our nation-having been undermined
in every possible way for the past century-collapses from economic starvation, imperial
overreach, and moral decomposition is not going to win you any points in Heaven. Far from it. If
you’re one of those waiting for some televangelist-promised Rapture ask yourself, and be
honest; you think God wants you to wait for a free ride to eternal life as millions starve, millions
are murdered, and the whole sorry Human Race suffers under a multi-generational tyranny…
and you do nothing but wait for some promised escape?

And don’t be in denial! Those that have set America up for the hardest fall in history are
showing their faces now: stealing trillions of your tax dollars; putting the finishing touches on
the most brutal, powerful police state in history. The rot in America is on the surface, and no
amount of mortician’s wax and makeup can cover it up. Your loved ones, neighbors… or you…
have been squeezed by a dollar that buys less than less, taxes on every act and every thing. Our
grandparents were lured from the small townfarms, self-owned businesses and self-sufficiency
to the cities. Became dependent on corporations for wage jobs that seemed to deliver more
money than working a farm or small town general store but that was nothing more than luring
them into the bridle of wage slavery. Like a horse; you bait it with their favorite treat and once
you got the harness on your theirs. That slavery was bred into your parents, and then into us…
but as stated the economic rug was pulled out from under us.

What we do matters. Because the fate of the Earth and the Human Race is precariously
balanced upon what you do. What we do. Americans demonstrated this recently on 9/12: two
million of us marched on OUR CAPITOL to make it plain to the beast we’ve finally drawn a line
in the sand. No amount of lying corporate spin could hide the magnitude of the event, and
what a powerful meeting of minds and will it was. Could not have happened soon enough, but
we have to work with what we got. Are.

Yet, that “tea party” was but a demonstration; nearly 1 out of 100 Americans holding signs,
shouting, listening to speakers does not by itself translate into meaningful social and political
change. Demonstrations by themselves are not ACTION. ACTION is what is needed-ACTION that
produces REAL LIFE RESULTS and not just some vague feeling of hope and well being as you
trundle back to the couch, potato.

What can you do?

You can start with yourself. Have to anyway, you’ve been programmed by the beast to be lazy,
apathetic and that programming is deep.

You need get in shape, cleanse your body of processed foods by eating organic, exercise, and
develop a relationship with Our Father. Note I didn’t say develop a regular tithing schedule with
your favorite televangelist. Ouly Our Father is in our hearts. Jesus instructed us to pray to Him
in a quiet, isolated place, and to simply still the mind and will ourselves to listen to God. He will
speak, and you really need to listen; not nearly enough people do, which looking on the surface
of that statement doesn’t make sense as God’s omnipotent and good. Then of course, you
remember how the culture, media, education and religion are in the hands of those that have
compelled me to speak out against them and its no wonder people don’t know this.

Get your house in order: get out of debt, eliminate as best possible your dependence on the
enemy; get out of debt, stop indulging in their addictions and I’m not just talking about drugs
but their television, their music, their gambling and spurilous entertainments. Grow your own
food, get a group of like-minded individuals together and prepare together.

Begin to make yourself as anonymous as you can. Move if you can to a place-it could be a rental
you don’t register or you can swap houses with someone like minded, which would actually
work better with families. Don’t update your information with anyone-not the government, not
corporations, not even your bank. Use a rental box to receive mail, have all correspondence
routed through that so that when you move to your anon home you can keep appearances up.
You don’t have to make a display of resistance; living anonymously and quietly free is the best
revenge against the beast.

Someday-can’t say when-that will not be enough. Get a rifle while you can, a military pattern
semi-automatic, with spare magazines, ammunition, spare parts, and gear to hold the spare
mags and ammo on you. Get a airsoft replica of your rifle and going to learn
the basics of making the shot, carefully analyzing and correcting for errors made. Once you’ve
mastered the basics, you can expand your training to tactics; get in a good shooting school-be
warned that once you do register with a class the government will also know you’re taking this
kind of training. Perhaps one in your group can “take one for the team” and register, then train
the rest of your group. You will NOT survive being alone. Nobody does.

Yes, your group can do more than get together and survive. Once you’ve helped yourself(how
can you help others if you need help-that’s an old saw for a reason)you can get involved with
helping take this planet back from those bent on destroying it. Where to begin…

You can spread the truth: alternative news sites on the internet. Perhaps you can brainstorm,
compare how you woke up and use that to adjust what you put out to get more people woke

Get together hundreds of like-minded individuals and pick a small town. Put up a full slate of
candidates and find a reason to call for a recall election. This is a subject that deserves its own
essay, so I wrote two of them.
It’s Time

Recall Election: Obstacles to Overcome

It would be prudent if you got support, so do a test run of the takeover by taking over the small
town church. You join, make a majority, and when the pastor and/or board step out of line find
an excuse to fire them.

While the internet’s still up go to these sites:


RumorMill News


The Appleseed Project

A Well Regulated Militia
Posted by J. Croft at 11:02 AM 0 comments


The Tripwire

by D. van Oort & J.F.A. Davidson

From The Resister

"How we burned in the prison camps later thinking: What would things have been like if every
security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether
he would return alive?"

-- Alexander Solzhenitzyn, Gulag Archipelago

What would be the tripwire resulting in open rebellion? Examining the Bill of Rights, and
considering EXISTING laws only, and not failed attempts, you will find that every clause has
been violated to one degree or another.

Documenting those violations would fill volumes, and it is important to remember that only
government can violate the exercise of unalienable individual rights and claim immunity from
retribution. We omit martial law or public suspension of the Constitution as a tripwire. The
overnight installation of dictatorship obviously would qualify as "the tripwire," but is not likely
to occur. What has occurred, what is occurring, is the implementation of every aspect of such
dictatorship without an overt declaration. The Constitution is being killed by attrition. The
Communist Manifesto is being installed by accretion. Any suggestion that martial law is the
tripwire leads us to the question: what aspect of martial law justifies the first shot?

For much the same reason, we will leave out mass executions of the Waco variety. For one
thing, they are composite abuses of numerous individual rights. Yet, among those abuses, the
real tripwire may exist. For another, those events are shrouded in a fog of obfuscation and
outright lies. Any rebellion must be based on extremely hard and known facts. Similarly, no
rebellion will succeed if its fundamental reasons for occurring are not explicitly identified. Those
reasons cannot be explicitly identified if, in place of their identification, we simply point to a
composite such as Waco and say, "See, that's why; figure it out." Any suggestion that more
Wacos, in and of themselves, would be the tripwire, simply leads us back again to the question:
what aspect of them justifies rebellion?

For the same reasons, we leave out a detailed account of Ayn Rand's identification of the four
essential characteristics of tyranny. She identified them quite correctly, but together they are
just another composite from which we must choose precipitating causes. These characteristics
are: one-party rule, executions without trial for political offenses, expropriation or
nationalization of private property, and "above all," censorship.

With regard to the first characteristic of tyranny, what is the real difference between the Fabian
socialist Republican Party and the overtly [Bolshevik] socialist Democratic Party? Nothing but
time. Regarding the second we have the FBI's Hostage Rescue Team and the ATF's enforcement
branch. In action they simply avoid the embarrassment of a trial. Regarding the third, we have
asset forfeiture "laws," the IRS, the EPA, the FCC, the FDA, the Federal Reserve, the Justice
Department's Antitrust Division, and a myriad of other executive branch agencies,
departments, and commissions whose sole function is to regulate business and the economy.
Regulating business for the common good (fascism) is no different in principle than outright
nationalization (communism).

However, the fourth characteristic of tyranny, censorship, is the obvious primary tripwire.
When ideology and the reporting of facts and how-to instructions are forbidden, there is
nothing remaining but to fight. Freedom of speech and persuasion -- the freedom to attempt to
rationally convince willing listeners -- is so fundamental an individual right that without it no
other rights, not even the existence of rights, can be enforced, claimed, debated, or even
Does this censorship include the regulation of the "public" airwaves by the FCC, as in the
censorship which prohibits tobacco companies from advertising -- in their own defense -- on
the same medium which is commanded by government decree to carry "public service"
propaganda against them? Does it include federal compulsion of broadcasters to air politically-
correct twaddle for "The Children"? Does it include the Orwellian "Communications Decency
Act"? Does it include any irrationalism "sexual harassment" or tribalist "hate speech" laws
which prohibit certain spoken words among co-workers? The answer: unequivocally yes.

Although the above do not pertain to ideological or political speech, yet they are censorship
and are designed to intimidate people into the acceptance of de facto censorship. We say that
any abrogation of free speech, and any form of censorship, which cannot be rectified by the
soap box, the ballot box, or the jury box, must be rectified by the cartridge box -- or lost

Americans have been stumbling over tripwires justifying overt resistance for well over 130
years. On one hand, we submit that gun confiscation is a secondary tripwire only. It is second to
censorship because if speech is illegal we cannot even discuss the repeal of gun control, or any
other population controls. If only guns are illegal, we may still convince people to repeal those
laws. On the other hand, gun confiscation may be a sufficient tripwire because the primary one,
censorship, can be fully implemented only after the citizenry has been disarmed.

Resistance, in the context of this article, means those legitimate acts by individuals which
compel government to restrict its activities and authority to those powers delegated to the
Congress by the people in the Constitution.

The distinction to be drawn here is that the objective of patriotic resistance is to restore original
Constitutional government, not change the form of government. To this end we believe:
The enforcement of any laws -- local, state, or federal -- that through the action or inaction of
the courts makes nugatory the individual means of resisting tyranny, justifies resistance.
The operative terms of the above statement are the parameters that must be defined and
understood if resistance to tyranny and despotism is to be honorable, and for the cause of
individual liberty, rather than anarchy resulting from a new gang of tyrants. Rebellion can never
be justified so long as objective means of redress are available, which are themselves not
subverted or rendered impotent by further or parallel subjective legislation.

The goal of patriots throughout the country must be the restoration of objective constitutional
law and order. The failure to enforce a subjective law (i.e. the Communications Decency Act)
does not justify that law existing, but it also does not justify resistance. This is because non-
enforcement leaves avenues of redress, including the forbidden activity itself, still available.
Should a lower court uphold or ignore a case that challenges subjective law, peaceable means
of redress are still open by higher or lateral courts in another jurisdiction.

However, should the U.S. Supreme Court uphold subjective laws, or refuse to hear the cases
challenging them, then the legislative, executive, and judicial branches have all failed to
guarantee individual liberty, from the widest principles to the smallest details. A single refusal
by the highest court in the land to overturn a whim-based subjective law, or to refuse to hear
the case, is sufficient to justify resistance to that law because there is simply nowhere left to
turn for further attempts at redress. At such time nobody is morally bound by that law. Tyranny
gets one chance per branch.

America is either a constitutional republic or it is not. If we can restore our republic it will
ultimately occur through reason, and reason will then lead our representatives to make
unconstitutional those laws which, by any objective standard of justice, should have never been
considered in the first place. However, we cannot assert our claim to restore our liberty if we
but accede to a single socialist construct. Freedom and serfdom cannot coexist. We cannot
have it both ways.

Life, and the means to preserve it, cannot coexist with disarmament. Liberty, and its rational
exercise, cannot coexist with subjective constraints. Property, and its acquisition, use, and
disposal cannot coexist with expropriation. The federal government's first task is to obey the
Constitution. It has refused. Our first task as free men is to force the government to obey it
again. The Constitution of the United States of America is a constraint on the federal
government, not on the individual.

Likewise, the constitutions of the various states are constraints on the state governments, not
on the individual. The Constitution contains many provisions allowing the violation of our
natural rights as free men by immoral and unethical men in government. The true heroes of the
ratification debates were the Antifederalists, who secured Federalist guarantees that the Bill of
Rights would amend the Constitution.

To their undying credit, the Federalists lived up to their promise. Nevertheless, only after
constitutional limitations on government have been restored in their original form can we
consider amending the Constitution to redress its very few remaining defects (for example, the
absence of a separation of state and the economy clause).

Laws that make nugatory the means of resisting tyranny and despotism determine the tripwire.
The creeping legislative erosion of the 2nd Amendment is not the only tripwire that justifies
resistance. We submit that any gun control is a secondary tripwire. Not only because it can be
effortlessly evaded, but also because it strengthens our cause. It is second only to censorship. If
speech is illegal we can discuss neither repeal of gun control, or the repeal of any other
unconstitutional "law." Censorship is not a tripwire, it is THE tripwire. Thus, by default,
censorship morally justifies rebellion.

Under censorship, no other rights, including the right to be free from censorship, can be
advocated, discussed, or queried. It is incorrect to say that after censorship comes utter
subjugation. Censorship is utter subjugation. There is no greater usurpation of liberty while
remaining alive. After censorship come the death camps, and they are not a prerequisite of
censorship, they are merely a symptom of it. Censorship qua censorship is sufficient in itself to
justify open rebellion against any government that legislates, enforces, or upholds it.
However, that is not the half of it. Censorship is alone in being the only violation of individual
rights that does not require actual enforcement or challenges in court, before rebellion is
justified. When the government forbids you to speak or write, or use your own or a supporter's
property to address willing listeners or readers, that government has openly and forcibly
declared that the art of peaceful persuasion is dead and will not be tolerated. Upon that very
instant, all peaceful avenues of redress have been closed and the only possible method of
regaining that liberty is force. Whenever we give up that force, we are not only ruined, we
deserve to be ruined.

Censorship is already being "legally" imposed through accretion by compromisers, appeasers,

and pragmatists within government at all levels. Note the demands by "progressive"
organizations and self-appointed "civil rights" groups to ban so-called "hate" speech (they mean
thought and debate), or "extreme" language (they mean principled dissent), or "paramilitary"
books (they mean the knowledge of how to resist). When our government imposes censorship,
it will be because our ability to use force to resist censorship no longer exists. Buying copies of
The Resister is not yet prohibited; buying machine guns already is. Unwarranted search for
unlicensed books has not yet occurred; unwarranted search for unlicensed weapons has
already begun. As your unalienable right of peaceable discussion and dissent is being daily
abridged, your right to peaceably assemble and associate in advocacy of your own self-defense,
according to your own free will, has already been outlawed (courtesy of ADL's "model" anti-
militia legislation).

Unconstitutional federal agencies now arm themselves with weapons that you may not own,
and train in tactics that you are prohibited from mastering. Before a government is sure you
won't resist, it will make sure you can't resist.

The most irrational, contradictory, short-range, whimsical notion possible to men who claim the
unalienable right to resist tyrannical government is the notion that they must first let their
ability to resist be stripped from them before they have the right to use it. This is the argument
of so-called conservatives who pish-tosh the notion of legislative "slippery-slopes," and
sycophantic adherents of a supreme Court that has no constitutionally delegated authority to
interpret the Constitution in the first place. We reject the notion of mindless compliance with
subjective "laws." Subjective laws must be resisted on metaphysical and epistemological
principles, moral and ethical grounds, and on constitutional and historical precedence.
No rational man desires ends without means. No rational man can be faced with his own
imminent subjugation and truly believe that, once things are as bad as they can get,
"sometime" "someone" will do "something" "somehow" to counteract that trend. Any man
who counsels another to appeal to those mystical equivalents of "divine intervention" for
"deliverance" from tyranny is our enemy by all principles conceivable within the scope of
rational human intelligence.

The time to organize resistance is not after censorship, but before it. The time to prepare
resistance is when our ability to resist is being threatened. The time to begin resistance is when
that threat has been upheld or ignored by the courts. The unalienable rights that safeguard our
ability to resist are limited to those which, if not violated, allow us to plan and use all materials
necessary for resistance. We submit that only the following meet that criteria:

* freedom of speech and of the press, and the right to peaceably assemble--so that we may
advocate ideas, report and discuss news, and instruct others how to carry out resistance
activities (1st Amendment);

* the right to keep and bear arms -- so that we may have appropriate force in our hands should
we need it, and be trained to use such force as necessary (2nd Amendment);

* the right to be let alone -- so that we may be free of government intrusion in our lives, liberty,
and property (3rd Amendment);

* the right to be secure in our persons, dwellings, papers, and property from unwarranted,
unaffirmed searches and seizures -- so that our records, ideological materials, and weapons will
remain in our hands (4th Amendment).

For the purpose of this discussion, we believe that no other rights are relevant because if every
individual right other than those four were violated -- although it would be an unspeakably evil
act on the part of the government, justifying immediate and unforgiving resistance -- their
abridgement would not effect our ability to resist. If any of the first four amendments are
infringed by legislation, enforced by executive power, and their abrogation is upheld or ignored
by the courts, unremitting, forcible resistance, and aid and comfort to its citizen-soldiers, is a
moral imperative for every single person who believes that life, liberty, and property are
unalienable and self-existing, and not grants of government privilege.

J. Croft



Idiocracy was a movie put out a few years ago. It was on its surface a comedy, staring Luke
Wilson as a US Army private, a complete slacker, who is placed into a program testing a
cryogenic process to preserve the military‟s best warriors until they‟re needed for some war or
whatever. Never mind they‟re building a literal Terminator style Skynet and a family of robotic
weapons-but that‟s beside the point. The point is, due to typical bureaucratic mismanagement
the project gets scrapped and somehow the cryogenic chambers Luke Wilson and some prostitute
played by Maya Rudolph get thrown into a garbage heap-America in the year 2505.

Idiocracy America: I think we‟re a little closer than you think….

Well, as Luke Wilson and Maya Rudolph sleep, America and the world degenerate. No, not by
nuclear war, famine, Earth changes or some other cataclysm, but through a maintained path of
pollution, waste, and deliberately dumbed down people(although HOW future „murikans were
deliberately dumbed down isn‟t touched). By the 24th century there are literally mountains of
garbage-which avalanche, reveal the cryogenic chambers and Luke is awakened… in some
idiot‟s apartment as he watches a show consisting of a man repeatedly getting his balls assaulted
in one way or another.

Television in the 21st-er, 24th century… Ow! My head!

Ignoring the obvious mess, the man gets off his couch/toilet and throws Luke out, and the man
staggers along in a Calcutta police state with cameras and soldier cops everywhere.

Po-lice in the Idiocracy. Rockin…

The, er… “people”… are retarded derivations of Hispanic, Black and Appalachian urban poor,
dependent on the creaking, crumbling automated infrastructure they‟ve long forgotten how to
take care of, and through centuries of the stupid lower class people outbirthing the too-
intelligent-yet-too-ignorant-for-their-own-good “smart” upper class people… guess what?
Everyone‟s a „tard.

I know more than a few dudes like him now…

Luke can‟t get no help from these bred down, dumbed down people as the creaky automated
police state they‟re hopelessly dependent on has its way with him-until a test determines this
guy, a complete slacker, average in every way-is the smartest man on Earth.

Anyone who can put two and two together is too smart for the average „murkan

And that creaky automated system has broken down so much they can‟t even grow crops
anymore. Because they‟re irrigating with a sports drink(“it‟s got electrolytes”). Luke comes up
with the solution to use water-but that puts the sports drink maker out of business. Which puts
most of America out of work.

Will Obama resort to weighlifting, weave and firing a M249 SAW to keep his polls up?

He‟s put on trial, sentenced to “rehabilitation”, where he‟s to get run over by monster trucks.
Maya however sees that the plants are growing under the water(does it have flouride? Of
course). She enlists the help of one of the tards, shows footage of the crops growing under the
water, saves the day and they get married and he becomes president. America‟s still a shithole.


Television, the electronic narcotic; centrally controlled reality distorting, lying media that‟s in
every home in America. Hollywood studios and Madison Avenue put out the approved
programming. It is programming-programming you how to think, dress, act, give you the
approved opinions, designate the approved enemies.
All the programs show the same stereotypes, the same caring and competent cops and doctors
and lawyers and judges. The same retarded, low-bred (put your stereotype here). The system‟s
basically good. Liberals are saints, but there‟s a token amount of “right wingers” to preserve the
artifice of the American left/right paradigm.

And don‟t you DARE own guns! Or question authority! Or think for yourself, find out things
for yourself. Certainly, you need to leave politics to the politicians-you‟ll be missing the next
American Idol or the weekend ball game. You don‟t want to be seen as some kind of freak-do
you? Just kick back after working for the same corporations that have enslaved you, watch their
television programming, feast on their corporate farm produced poison/food. And if that isn‟t
enough there‟s a medical diagnosis readily available to facilitate a legal prescription-just don‟t
get caught driving with your pills…

Not 500 years from now-NOW!

I must repeat, Americans spend several hours a day passively taking in the products of
corporations and government pysops. The same people who‟ve already transformed America
into an idiocracy have transformed Americans into a kind of hive mind, a group mind whose
common nexus is… that widescreen you give your time and devotion to every night.
Naked corporate sponsorship of propaganda, by half naked teleprompter readers? Why not, were
about there now.

State schools

John Taylor Gatto and Charlotte Isebyrt have exposed the treasonous sabotage of American
minds in grade school. America‟s state schools were patterned after the Prussian model;
regimentation meant to instill obediency and willingness to perform repetitive tasks for days,
months, years, decades if necessary. Learn how to think? That would allow Americans to
analyze their situation objectively. Learn about the truth of their past and in detail? That would
allow Americans to compare what their corporate massahs are doing now, compare that to the
past-and figure out what they‟ve lost. And then how would a nation be harnessed for the benefit
of a few way too rich old white men?
Better there be misspelt signs than deal with a energized, awakened, hostile people.

Corporate run culture

I know I bust on the television, and it needs busting on, but have you ever watched “Mad Men”?
Madison Avenue salesmen have been using the television and psychology to sell buying all the
crap they sell. Not having a clue, our parents and grandparents bought the sophisticated mind
control, got themselves and us into debt.

We don‟t need to wait 500 or 5 years for corporate takeover and pimping of every facet of life-
people are wearing corporate swag as fashion now. Every stadium and convention center has a
corporate sponsor that puts their corporate name on the damn building. Grade school athletic
teams whore themselves for corporate sponsorship.
…In a few years, I could see the above sign being commonplace-feeding millions of fat, stupid
„murkans gorging themselves on grease, preservatives, rotten meat and God knows what else!

In the movie, America was so dependent on this gatorade-like drink they irrigate their crops with
it. America is positively addicted to their aspartame and flouride filled soft drinks.

What keeps the police state going? Taxes. How do you sell the dumbest people on Earth to
remember to pay their taxes? Sex. I could see that happening but troops with grenade launchers
for handguns would be the preferred IRS technique.

Corporate run wasteland

Corporations have taken over the American economy, monopolized it and have run the whole
country into the ground with their “free trade” that have drained this country of its productive
capacity and their Madison Avenue consumerism that have along with a ever-weakening dollar
reduced most of us into debt slavery.

We live in what can be called in part a merchantilist dictatorship. A corporate oligarchy so

pervase, so all-powerful the biggest buildings are corporate edifices. Fashion is advertising.
And the only way to keep a roof over your head and some kind of… food… in your fat diabetic
gut is to work for the very corporations that pimp you out for 19 out of every 20 bucks you earn-
and the government takes half of that last dollar… then you got rent, gas, utilities, which enrich
some incorporation or another. That last few cents? Guess where you spend it-way too big
corporations. Like so:

From Debt Repudiation: Time to free yourselves from fraud by author.

Scientific dictatorship. That‟s what we live under and if you think abou it there‟s no other way
to deal with the situation than face it head on.
Fortunately, the enemy‟s engineered economic collapse is also offering a golden opportunity-to
see how things really are, to break free of the beast and its debt slavery the electronic narcotic,
the preoccupation with baubles and passive entertainments. Seeing how much danger they‟re in,
Americans have been arming up at a rate unparalleled in American history, the greatest arms race
in history is happening now between the American People and the United States Government.

Armed, intelligent, Free people cannot be slaves.

It isn‟t enough however to arm yourself, to recognize the toxins both mental and physical that
our enemies have pumped us full of. We as a People and as individuals must aspire to become
the utmost we can be. To reach for the pinnacle of human potential.


A contemporary of Nicolai Maciavelli, Da Vinci‟s artistic and scientific accomplishments are

monumental; it could be stated he was the spark of the Renaissance. At the time, Italy was just a
geographic term: dozens of small states were constantly at war with each other, making the land
vulnerable to conquest for centuries but for the power of the Pope in Rome and the Venetian
Renaissance Italy

Although working with late medieval technology his concepts of the tank, the breech loading
cannon, automobiles, aircraft, armored warships would all be realized by the Industrial
Revolution. He had incredible artistic talent, and could draw a self-portrait without the aid of a
See, this essay‟s useful after all-just get some DOM pipe, welding equipment, build a mount….

Not only was Leonardo Da Vinci an intellectual giant, he was physically more than a match for
any of the brain dead thugs held up for worship by the “elites” Idiocracy.

From Wikipedia:

Leonardo da Vinci, (April 15, 1452 – May 2, 1519), is regarded as the archetypal Renaissance
Man. Little is known about his personal life and he appears to have been secretive about his most
intimate relationships. However, much research and speculation has been invested in these
aspects of his life, because of the fascination exerted by his artistic and scientific genius, and his
apparent personal magnetism.[2]

Description and analysis of Leonardo‟s character, personal desires and intimate behaviour has
been based upon a number of sources: records concerning him, his biographies, his own written
journals, his paintings, his drawings, his associates and speculations that were made concerning
him by contemporaries.

These demonstrate a man who appears to have benefitted from his nurturing family, who worked
with others cooperatively in apprenticeship and encouragingly as a master and who provided
well for the needs of those for whom he had responsibility.

Leonardo Da Vinci had a number of powerful patrons, including the King of France. He had,
over the years, a large number of followers and pupils. With two of these in particular, Salai and
Melzi, he maintained close relationships.

Descriptions and portraits of Leonardo combine to create an image of a man who was tall,
athletic and extremely handsome. Portraits indicate that as an older man, he wore his hair long, at
a time when most men wore it cropped short, or reaching to the shoulders. While most men were
shaven or wore close-cropped beards, Leonardo‟s beard flowed over his chest.

His clothing is described as being unusual in his choice of bright colours, and at a time when
most mature men wore long garments, Leonardo‟s preferred outfit was the short tunic and hose
generally worn by younger men.

According to Vasari, “In the normal course of events many men and women are born with
various remarkable qualities and talents; but occasionally, in a way that transcends nature, a
single person is marvellously endowed by heaven with beauty, grace and talent in such
abundance that he leaves other men far behind….Everyone acknowledged that this was true of
Leonardo da Vinci, an artist of outstanding physical beauty who displayed infinite grace in
everything he did and who cultivated his genius so brilliantly that all problems he studied were
solved with ease. He possessed great strength and dexterity; he was a man of regal spirit and
tremendous breadth of mind…”[3]

Leonardo was a man with great personal appeal, kindness and generosity and was generally well-
loved by his contemporaries.

According to Vasari “Leonardo‟s disposition was so lovable that he commanded everyone‟s

affection”. He was “a sparkling conversationalist” who charmed Ludovico il Moro with his wit.
Vasari sums him up by saying “In appearance he was striking and handsome, and his
magnificent presence brought comfort to the most troubled soul; he was so persuasive that he
could bend other people to his will. He was physically so strong that he could withstand violence
and with his right hand he could bend the ring of an iron door knocker or a horseshoe as if they
were lead. He was so generous that he fed all his friends, rich or poor…. Through his birth
Florence received a very great gift, and through his death it sustained an incalculable loss.”
Some of Leonardo‟s personal wisdom is to be found in a series of fables that he wrote. A
prevalent theme is the mistake of placing too high esteem upon one‟s self, and the benefits to be
gained through awareness, humility and endeavour.

The diversity of Leonardo‟s interests, remarked on by Vasari as apparent in his early childhood,
was to express itself in his journals which record his scientific observations of nature, his
meticulous dissection of corpses to understand anatomy, his experiments with machines for
flying, for generating power from water and for besieging cities, his studies of geometry and his
architectural plans, as well as personal memos and creative writing including fables.

It appears from Vasari‟s description that Leonardo first learnt to play the lyre as a child and that
he was very talented at improvisation. In about 1479 he created a lyre in the shape of a horse‟s
head, which was made “mostly of silver”, and of “sonorous and resonant” tone. Lorenzo
de‟Medici saw this lyre and wishing to better his relationship with Ludovico Sforza, the usurping
Duke of Milan, he sent Leonardo to present this lyre to the Duke as a gift. Leonardo‟s musical
performances so far surpassed those of Ludovico‟s court musicians that the Duke was delighted.

Leonardo always loved nature. One of the reasons was because of his childhood environment.
Near his childhood house were mountains, trees, and rivers. There were also many animals. This
environment gave him the perfect chance to study the surrounding area; it also may have
encouraged him to have interest in painting. The two earliest memories of his childhood were of
a kite hovering over his cradle, and of a cave in the woods.

Leonardo was and is renowned primarily as a painter. Two of his works, the Mona Lisa and The
Last Supper, are the most famous, most reproduced and most parodied portrait and religious
painting of all time, respectively, their fame approached only by Michelangelo„s Creation of
Adam. Leonardo‟s drawing of the Vitruvian Man is also regarded as a cultural icon, being
reproduced on everything from the Euro to text books to t-shirts. Perhaps fifteen of his paintings
survive, the small number due to his constant, and frequently disastrous, experimentation with
new techniques, and his chronic procrastination. Nevertheless, these few works, together with his
notebooks, which contain drawings, scientific diagrams, and his thoughts on the nature of
painting, comprise a contribution to later generations of artists only rivalled by that of his
contemporary, Michelangelo.

Leonardo is revered for his technological ingenuity. He conceptualised a helicopter, a tank,

concentrated solar power, a calculator, the double hull and outlined a rudimentary theory of plate
tectonics. Relatively few of his designs were constructed or were even feasible during his
lifetime, but some of his smaller inventions, such as an automated bobbin winder and a machine
for testing the tensile strength of wire, entered the world of manufacturing unheralded.As a
scientist, he greatly advanced the state of knowledge in the fields of anatomy, civil engineering,
optics, and hydrodynamics.
End quote but can you imagine such a man living today?! Talk about the absolute opposite of
the tards of the American idiocracy. DaVinci would probably be diagnosed by some psychiatric
witch doctor, given ritalin and had his mind destroyed in public schools.

Leonardo DaVinci had a methodical mind, this is a breakdown of how he thought according to
his own writings; taken from the internet under Fair Use.

1. Curiosità. Curiosità is an “insatiably curious approach to life and unrelenting quest for
continuous learning”. Great minds have one characteristic in common: they continuously ask
questions throughout their lives. Leonardo‟s endless quest for truth and beauty clearly
demonstrates this. What makes great minds different is the quality of their questions. You can
increase your ability to solve problems by increasing your ability to ask good questions. Like da
Vinci, you should cultivate an open mind that allows you to broaden your universe and increase
your ability to explore it. Here are some ways to apply Curiosità:

o Keep a journal. Bring a journal wherever you go and use it often. Write your ideas and
thoughts there. Try to write several statements a day that start with “I wonder why/how…”

o Observe according to a theme. Choose a theme and observe things according to the theme
for a day. For example, let‟s say you choose “communication”. For the entire day, observe every
type and instance of communication you come across. You can then record your observations in
your journal.

o Stream of consciousness exercise. Pick a question and write the thoughts and associations
that occur to you as they are. Don‟t edit them. The important thing is to keep writing. This is also
referred to as freewriting.


Dimostrazione. Dimostrazione is “a commitment to test knowledge through experience,

persistence, and a willingness to learn from mistake”. Wisdom comes from experience and the
principle of Dimostrazione helps you get the most out of your experience. Here are some ways to
apply Dimostrazione:

o Check your beliefs. Do you hold any beliefs that you haven‟t verified through

o Three points of view. First, make a strong argument against your belief. Next, take a
distant view of your belief (for example, as if you live in a different culture) and review it.
Finally, find friends who can give you different perspectives.

o Analyze the advertisements that affect you. Look at the advertisements in your favorite
magazine and analyze the strategy and tactics they use. Find the advertisements that affect you
most and find out why.

o Find “anti-role models” to learn from. List the names of some people whose mistakes you
want to avoid. Learn from them so that you won‟t encounter the same pitfalls.


Sensazione. Sensazione is “the continual refinement of the senses, especially sight, as the means
to enliven experience”. According to da Vinci, we can best practice Dimostrazione through our
senses, particularly sight. That‟s why one of Leonardo‟s mottoes is saper vedere (knowing how
to see) upon which he built his work in arts and science. Here are some ways to apply

o Write detailed description of an experience. For instance, describe your experience of

watching a sunrise in your journal.

o Learn how to describe a smell.

o Learn to draw.

o Listen to different sounds around you. Learn to listen to different intensity of sounds
from the softest (e.g. your breathing) to the loudest (e.g. traffic).

o Live in the moment. Practice mindfulness.

4. Sfumato. Sfumato is “a willingness to embrace ambiguity, paradox, and uncertainty”. An

essential characteristic of da Vinci‟s genius is his ability to handle a sense of mystery. Here are
two ways to apply Sfumato:

o Befriend ambiguity. Find some situations in your past where you faced ambiguity (e.g.
waiting to hear if your application for a job you wanted was successful). Describe how you felt.

o Ask yourself questions that relate two opposites. For example, ask yourself how your
happiest and saddest moments are related.

o Practice the Socratic method. The goal with the Socratic method is to examine
possibilities, and that is done by asking questions, not by giving answers. Socrates was known
(and criticized) for asking questions to which he didn‟t have answers.[2] The key to using the
Socratic method is to be humble. Don‟t assume that you or anyone knows anything for sure.
Question every premise.


Arte/scienza. Arte/scienza is “the development of the balance between science and art, logic and
imagination”. This is thinking with the “whole brain”. Mind mapping is a powerful method that
can help you combine logic and imagination in your work and life. The end result of mapping
should be a web-like structure of words and ideas that are somehow related in the writer‟s mind.


Corporalità. Corporalità is “the cultivation of grace, ambidexterity, fitness, and poise”. Leonardo
had amazing physical ability that complemented his genius in science and arts. Here are some
ways to apply Corporalità:

o Develop a program for physical fitness. Your program should include three things:
flexibility exercises, strength training, and aerobic conditioning.

o Develop body awareness. Study anatomy. Try yoga. Dance. Do some contact juggling.
Whatever strengthens the connection between body and mind, go for it.

o Cultivate ambidexterity. Leonardo could work with both his right and left hand and
regularly switched between them. You can cultivate ambidexterity by using your nondominant
hand for relatively simple tasks like brushing your teeth or eating your breakfast. Later you can
use your nondominant hand for writing.

7. Connessione. Connessione is “a recognition of and appreciation for the

interconnectedness of all things and phenomena”. This, in other words, is systems thinking. One
main source of Leonardo‟s creativity is his ability to form new patterns through connections and
combinations of different elements. Here are some ways to apply Connessione:

o Find ways to link things that seem unrelated. For example, you can try to find
connections between a bear and the World Wide Web, or geology and the Mona Lisa (real name
“La Giaconda”).
o Imagine dialogues. Imagine talking with a role model to gain new perspective and
insight. Or you can imagine how some role models would discuss your problem.

o Think about how things originate. Take an object and think about what elements are
involved in its creation and how.

Unfortunately, the wrong Italian is held up as a role model-Maciavellian intrigue is practiced in

every corner of American society, especially among many of the Patriot Movement who‟d rather
turn a potentially nation-saving cause into a joke of petty soap opera intrigue and treason.


That can only start with YOU. What do YOU aspire to be?

What do you hold up to be a virtue?





Active in one‟s community?



Some corporate media invented image of coolness?

Minding your own business?

Going along with what celebrities and other “authorities” say?

Many a society have chosen the path of the Idiocracy instead of self-actualization.

Most were conquered, or simply collapsed from within by the social rot.

Some were harnessed by evil men, turned into empires.

When empires are allowed to rule, only death, destruction and the further retardation of Man

The United States is an empire. To us it is an Idiocracy that can go overseas and murder
whoever it is acceptable to treat like niggers, and we can cheer the weapons paid for by our
beyond-serfdom level of taxes on the evening news. Hell we cheer when the US government‟s
tin badge gods do their own Shock and Awe on our own fellow citizens.

Our America was not inspired by Maciavelli and all his intrigue and power games. Our America
was inspired in great part by Leonardo Da Vinci. One of history‟s most self-actualized men, he
sought to the best he can be, and it was that dream that propelled the masses of common people
to this country, to be the best they could be-or knew how to be. Certainly a revolution had to be
fought, and that revolution was eventually hijacked by the sons of Maciavellil with the
engineered political and economic crisis that led to the US Constitution… and the tyranny we
now live under.

The ideal of Our America remains. You can never, ever, kill an ideal; especially the ideal of

The enemy can kill off however many people they can. They cannot kill the desire to be Free.
Even in the most totalitarian regime, the darkest age that desire will lay dormant, gestate. Its
roots will penetrate the first crack it can and grow from there, spreading, growing.

That ideal has been growing for countless generations, in the face of centurions, knights, barons,
satraps, janissaries, barons, dukes, kings, khans, emperors. It has weathered the worst the
international bankers have thrown at it; the scientific dictatorship called Modern America… and
yet it remains, still growing. Even when the organizations of those that remember that dream, of
Freedom, are penetrated, perverted, turned agains those that joined to fight for that Freedom-that
dream still lives.

Freedom has grown up. No amount of neurolinguistic programming, role models, authority
figures, laws, weapons are going to stop it. Those that have carefully crafted this society, this
Hologram of Liberty to harness our energies and quietly enslave us to embark on a century of
wars to found their “new world order” cannot destroy ideals. On the contrary every person they
seduce into debt creates someone who will repudiate their debt and cut off their chains of usury
slavery. Every person they imprison for some ridiculously trivial “code infraction” becomes an
outlaw who will NOT obey ANY PART of their byzantine legal code. Every person they
murder creates a martyr-a blood debt-that they who think have conquered us will have to pay for.

J. Croft

That’s what I do and that’s what you need to do if you want to survive what’s coming. What’s here now.

What’s here now is the proverbial Fat Lady singing on the preplanned destruction of America. Our
America. The jobs are gone, we’ve pissed off the entire planet, we’ve signed over responsibility for our
country over to the CEO’s, banksters, lawyers, bureaucrats who have perpetrated our destruction.
We’re bankrupt in every measurable way, overstretched, millions are destitute, our cities and
infrastructure crumbling or outright imploding.

We by and large can’t even find our own country on a map. Can’t even properly answer why our
Ancestors rebelled against the most powerful empire on Earth and won. Or do basic arithmetic in our
heads. Balance our personal finances. Discern when we’re being hustled-let alone do something about
it. Defend ourselves against the modern day barbarians in the bankster created urban ghettos.

Our Ancestors led themselves, could lead themselves. They were, allowing for the knowledge base, one
of the most educated populations in Earth’s history. And they certainly could find their own country on a
map-and name all the cities, counties, rivers, mountains, and bordering states.

Our Ancestors knew when they were getting screwed. Tried for decades before that fateful day in
Massechuttsettes April 19, 1775 to alleviate, ameliorate what their king and government were doing to
them.(Really it’s a pittance compared to what’s been done to us-but that just shows you how totally
they’ve screwed us.)

And our Ancestors were able to fight and win against the most powerful government and military on
Earth because they knew how to add, read, had business sense, grow their own food, make their own
weapons and ammunition. Most of all because they were willing to fight back. At the least take over
their local governments when they became corrupt-and after that day on the road back to Boston from
Lexington take on the British Army and beat them.

After which our Ancestors expanded, took an entire continent-and after a long series of ill advised wars
against Native Americans and each other over slavery forged a nation. Which the banksters and their
lawyer and bureaucrat agents twisted into an empire-their America. Then again the banksters have
always been in charge. They’ve had to be careful as Americans were smart, self-sufficient, armed, tough
and willing to fight...

So they laid their groudwork, the foundation for taming us. After engineering depression and economic
calamity to stir up reactions the banksters got approval for a secret convention in 1787. That is where
the constitution was written; on the surface a blueprint for divided, distributed government it actually
blocked reform, spread responsibility while quietly allowing this American ‘elite’ to maintain control
over their presumed subjects. All you need to remind you it was an elitist document cleverly configured
to seemingly promote freedom is that slavery was still recognized and a slave was 3/5 of a vote.

It was pushed onto the American People in a classic fear campaign mixed with political blackmail that
saw Rhode Island subject to complete embargo to break it. Only the inclusion of a watered down Bill of
Rights for the People to hold onto some hope of justice enabled it to pass, become the law of the land.

So the banksters got their government. Then they set out to get our minds.

Education was the logical choice; 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, 9 months out of the year for 8 to 12
years the minds of generations of Americans were the plaything of the educators. Steeped in the
Prussian school of education-turn out obedient workers and soldiers-they still maintained a high level of
learning but instilled in the American regimentation, obedience.

If you can get a person to obey you, you can get them to do anything else you want. Get their kids to
trust you, you can start to quietly, subtly degrade their education. In 1909 high school students could
read and converse in latin. In 2009 high school kids have to go to college remedial courses to get only
part of the education the high school kids in 1909 got before they reached puberty.

The law too gradually became the exclusive playground of the lawyers. See, back in the early days of
America people represented themselves in court-they knew the law. A few decades after the 1787
constitution was shoved down our throats the lawyers openly took over, both representing clients and
judging. A 13th Amendment banning titles of nobility and prohibiting said persons from holding office...
esquire is a title of nobility... was quietly ommitted from public record. Every single judge,
representative and public servant who is a lawyer is actually in violation of the law. Try to bring that up
in court...

With the takeover by the lawyers and the dumbing down of Americans the next step came with the
industrial revolution-the move into the cities. Starting in the 19th century the trend really came into its
own after 1900 with the automobile. Millions of Americans regimented to work in the factories instead
of running their own lives... gun control began to be applied to all Americans instead of just blacks and
indians. And it was accepted by people who never shot a gun, never took care of themselves, depended
on the very people who tried to enslave their ancestors.

Next they created the engine for our dissolution with the Federal Reserve Act passed by three traitor
senators in secret session on Christmas Eve, along with the Internal Revenue Service Act as a collection
service. With the nation’s treasury in the hands of a cartel of banksters-the same banksters who
manipulate the stock markets and economy, forced their 1787 constitution down our throats, they had
the mechanism to debase the currency when Roosevelt took us off the gold standard and stole
Americans gold by law-his first act as President! Replaced with “federal reserve notes”, not even lawful
money... they commenced on a century of printing more and more dollars, devaluing the bills in your
pocket so you have to spend more to buy. Even after the postwar boom alleviated the effects of
bankster created depression and war(Wall Street financed both Hitler and Stalin-ha! ha!)the overall
trend was to destroy America with dependence on the bankster owned factories... that would be
shipped overseas because its cheaper to pay a Indonesian a dollar a day instead of an American ten
dollars an hour. The government made the bankster economic strip mining of their own factories official
policy; having been conditioned, trained for generations to work for massah what are a nation of slaves
to do? Grow their own food? Start their own business? From local to federal the tax codes and
regulations were written to suppress that as much as possible while encouraging dependence on
megacorporate superstores and disappearing factory jobs.

What nailed us however was the rise of mass media-motion pictures, radio, television. The best social
psychologists were employed to shape, guide the minds of millions of unsuspecting Americans. Guide
them into docility, into materialism, into blind patriotism when needed, apathy the rest of the time. All
being mediums requiring massive amounts of investment to produce and operate they lent themselves
to our enemies machinations. We came to love our oppressors.

Love our idols who made it cool to be stupid, apathetic, selfish, materialistic, ignorant of everything but
keeping your wage slave job and the bankster owned sports team you’re trained to live vicariously
through. Love our con artists who took us for usurious loans and interest rates. Love our thieves for ever
increasing taxes and masking it behind some b.s. public good excuse as they hid the real state of
govenrment finances in the consolidated annual financial reports. Love our murderers when they took
the lives of people just wanting a job, or food, or promised benefits, or just because they’re a different
skin color.

America has been in a 220 year civil war; a war between two Americas....

...Our America, the Land of the Free...

...and the United States government and its controlling corporate interests, it’s millions of laws and
millions of lawyers, bureaucrats, and thug cops to enforce them.

...yet it hasn’t been an entirely one-sided struggle.

Whiskey Rebellion, 1791-Western PA farmers used corn liquor made with their humble stills as an
alternative currency. Alexander Hamilton however, the architect of the 1787 constitution wanted to
quickly assert more federal control. Those farmers, having fought government tyranny when they were
British subjects started yet again on the warpath to maintain their basic livelihood. Being President
George Washington’s aide d’ camp(a kind of lieutenant with authority) during the Revolutionary War
and now Secretary of Treasury he had Washington personally lead an army into Western PA to crush
this rebellion before it became a revolution.

Anti-Masonic Party, 1830’s-The Freemasons were the architects of the American Revolution, and
ultimately the United States government and 1787 constitution. Naturally the lower level freemasons
would move to take advantage, work the local offices, do favors for each other, favor each other over
their fellow soldiers (“profane” to them) in battle. Our ancestors formed a party specifically to throw all
the freemasons they could out of office, drive them back to their temples.... not quite far enough

Andrew Jackson and the Second United States Bank-President Jackson, a veteran of both the American
Revolution and the War of 1812 faced off against the banksters when they wanted the charter for the
Second US Bank renewed. Which was a predecessor of the cartel federal reserve system. Thanks to his
actions during his term of office America enjoyed a stable dollar for eighty more years-until Americans
forgot, nodded off to sleep enough for three traitorous senators to pass the federal reserve act and the
16th Amendment...

Civil War-say what you will about the Confederacy’s defense of states rights to protect slavery(you
should) and the latent racism they still put up a hell of a fight against the federal government trying to
assert domination over the states. Keep in mind Lincoln didn’t give a damn about blacks, would have
kept slavery if they could break the power of the states. And broke they were, allowing the federal
government to expand after the war. On the other hand Lincoln’s institution of the Greenback-interest
free money straight from the US government to help pay for the war effort-likely contributed to his
death as much as slavery or the invasion in the first place.

Battle of Little Big Horn, 1876-the Plains Indians united to oppose gold mining in the Black Hills-
promised to them by treaty(the US government never honors treaties). The details of that battle are
well enough known but one must realize it was due to broken promises and greed that made the Native
Americans make yet another stand. They can only be thankful Custer thought the two Gatling Guns in
his wagon train too heavy and balky to be taken into battle-being a quick acting cavalry officer.

Turn of the last century, ordinary Americans worked to death in the factories and mines peaceably
revolted repeatedly. They formed unions to organize, form a collective bargaining position because it’s
obvious you cannot deal with powerful corporations that practically own you and can literally murder
you without any repercussions. The Carnegies, Rockefellers, Vanderbilts, and the like bought armed
thugs, belt fed machine guns and negotiated with bullets and blood. Literal battles were fought and lost-
and won by Americans. Eventually the unions won significant concessions from the banksters-so their
leadership was co-opted and the unions became another control mechanism for our enemies.

Bonus Army March on Washington DC, 1932-The depression was taking a horrific toll on Americans,
with millions out of work, going hungry, starving. Thank the banksters for creating the financial bubbles
they popped; they were creating the foundation of desperation that would allow FDR to bring in the
“new deal” of socialist control and taxes. First, the American People had to be beaten down to the point
of accepting this. The soldiers who braved suicidal marches over open ground against machine guns
were starving, their families were starving in front of them. In desperation they made one more march
on Washington DC-where Gen. Douglas McArthur, Col’s Dwight D. Eisenhower and George Patton led
the U.S. Army against them with cavalry, tanks, aircraft. The shantytown they had
build(“hooverville”)was burnt to the ground, murdering hundreds. The Bonus Marchers were unarmed.
Probably, the banksters were hoping for such a demonstration so that Herbert Hoover would be blamed
for the atrocity, and bring in FDR.

Battle of Athens, Tennessee August 2, 1946-Returning American Servicemen were greeted by a corrupt
local govenrment run like a criminal racket. Nothing unusual there-most local government IS corrupt-but
if you had a single beer and stepped outside a bar you were arrested, brought to their kangaroo court
and robbed. That was just one example, for the criminals had many statutes with which they could
profiteer at the expense of the People.

Having liberated people from totalitarian governments in Europe and the Pacific the men of McMinn
County decided to do something about it-THEY FORMED A FULL TICKET OF G.I. CANDIDATES TO SWEEP
THEIR GOVERNMENT CLEAN. The local criminals in public service tried intimidation-assaulting a G.I.,
then taking the ballots and a couple G.I.’s prisoner and barricading themselves in the local jail. The G.I.’s
did something about that-going to the National Guard Armory, collecting the small arms and
ammunition there and laid siege to the jail until dynamite could be procured and used to blow the doors
open. The crooks surrendered, nobody was killed and the Tennessee state government declined to
interfere, lest a much larger campaign get set off.

The Patriot Movement of today-in spite of all the government disinfo and dissemblers, the agent
provocateurs, the systematic and all pervasive thought control and with practically no resources-this
movement has been brought low repeatedly only to rise again bigger and stronger. Patriots like Gordon
Kahl, William Cooper, Vicky Weaver who were murdered; their deaths only drew attention to how right
they have been in resisting the beast. The 90’s Militia Movement which suffered a false-flag attack via
Oklahoma City-getting the blame for what the federal government perpetrated, has been resurrected in
this decade by the very actions of the banksters and their minions in completing their great and terrible
plan. Barack Obama’s election alone resulted in the greatest arms procurement by the American People
in history, making any martial law endgame impossible to win in the long run, even if just one out of
10,000 resists. It is imperative however that those in the struggle fight to win.

There are many ways to fight-most of the best don’t involve a single act of violence.

First, you must get ready.

Start with yourself:

Stop watching the TV! Television’s the enemy’s number one mind control weapon. It is propaganda, lies,
distraction. It makes you think how the so-called “elite” want you to. Turn it the hell off.

Now that you’ve stopped watching television you’ll find you have a lot more time on your hands. Get in
shape: walk, lift weights, do some participatory sport. Better yet, learn how to shoot a rifle, it not only
will save your life someday, it instills discipline and a methodical approach in the basic steps of firing the
shot that can be transferred to a lot of other areas of your life.

Get on the internet-while it’s still up-and learn about what’s really going on. Don’t just rely on one
source, cross examine different viewpoints, develop your own conclusions. Our Ancestors who fought
and won the Revolutionary War did, and they didn’t have the net. Oh, and download as much survival
and how to information as possible. Especially prized are 90’s survival books. Use a public access
computer that doesn’t have a web camera and that you don’t have to register to use, otherwise you
might as well be doing this at home.

Cut your expenses, up your cash flow. Entrepenurialship is the way to go-stop working for massah
corporation and massah state, getting less than a penny for(ever shrinking in purchasing power)federal
reserve note’s worth of work you put in. If you have a trade or skill offer them under the table. If you
have land grow extra vegetables. Work the swap meets, flea markets, or start one yourself. Stop paying
the credit cards, they are a trap-repudiate the debt. The banksters have been at war with you, return
the favor!

If your home is being foreclosed, make them produce the note at the court hearing. If they can’t the
foreclosure’s null and void because they cannot prove ownership.

Form or join a survival network-a circle of people you can trust with your life. If you can’t trust them
with your life, forget them. Have safe houses and several different ways of getting there. Establish mail
drops and dead drops. Have a couple home defense guns at the most for your home, stash the rest with
the bulk of your ammo. Get all the rifle training and survival training you can-not just the commando
stuff but how to do basic survival stuff, like grow your own food, build, that sort of thing. From your
circles will build the Free Communities that will organically grow and become the heart of the
resurgence of Our America.

Most important of all establish your own relationship with God. Theological debates aside, all the
churches are 501(c)3-that means they are not only censored by government edict, they have become
fronts for instilling obedience to martial law and the end of Our America. Shun them and shun those
that hear the truth but refuse to heed! Which will force you to find God on your own anyways. Find a
quiet place where you won’t be interrupted; calm your thoughts and feel what your heart says. Close
your eyes. It will take some time and effort but before long Our Father will speak-now your next task is
to learn to listen. Think of God as not a dictator but the one that is overhead and sees the big picture-
and wants us to win. He’s guiding us to victory and since God has perspective...
We’d be Free already if more people would listen to Our Father.


Start with your own community. Or a community that’s politically vulnerable-the ruling clique is weak or
overconfident and the People are pissed. Follow the example of the GI’s of Athens Tennessee and have
a full ticket of candidates-and challenge any attempt at vote fraud. Use the recall election so you don’t
have to wait for the next election cycle.

I explain this in much greater detail with my articles, IT’S TIME and RECALL ELECTION: OBSTACLES TO

Suffice it to state in this article, local political activism, debt repudiation, dollar substitution, the
underground economy and basic survival steps are going to be the foundation of the Second American
Revolution-not futile Alamo style last stands.


Any organization that you join, has already been penetrated, compromised, or was set up by the enemy
in the first place to trap and divert Patriots from being effective. You have to expect this because the
government has a vested interest in maintaining the status quo-which is literally killing us.

You must be on the lookout for those that either call for violent action when it would be monumentally
stupid, or calls for not taking any action when the obvious needs to be done. This has happened many
times. Another attack angle is the operative who will gain prominence, then reveal themselves as a flake
in order to discredit the movement.
Deep Cover Operatives-these will be long term agents who will spend years, decades, building up
credibility in order to gain leadership. Once they have a powerful following they will divert their
organization away from actions that will be the most effective.

Most organizations will be led by good people-but the immediate lieutenants will have agendas, or be
penetration agents, deep cover operatives who will monitor the org., take down names, and generally
act to sabotage the group. They will automatically deny certain facts. They will sabotage efforts that are
the most effective, seek to cut off and discredit those who are being attacked.

Be ready to do end runs around such operatives, as they will have wormed their way into positions of
power-since our movement is mostly internet based they will be forum moderators or webmasters. So
compile your own e-mails of those you can trust and communicate privately. If the website/org. owner
is basically a good guy, get together and bombard his e-mail with messages about the shady characters.
If the org is run by a deep cover operative, expose him and run him out-or set up another org.

Note: This is why there isn't more resistance-Americans have been systematcially broken by the
institutions of our enemy the US government, major corporations and the communist and
fascist subversives. The base of the answer is stated in the article: morale. That comes from

Read on:

Are Americans a Broken People?

Bruce E. Levine

Wed, 16 Dec 2009 20:28 EST

In general, Americans represent a collective battered spouse who hopes that the batterer will
change. Spitting teeth and squinting through two black eyes, they usually go back for more of
the same.

This isn't politics. It's pathology.

- The Devil and Mr. Obama

Can people become so broken that truths of how they are being screwed do not "set them
free" but instead further demoralize them? Has such a demoralization happened in the United

Do some totalitarians actually want us to hear how we have been screwed because they know
that humiliating passivity in the face of obvious oppression will demoralize us even further?

What forces have created a demoralized, passive, dis-couraged U.S. population?

Can anything be done to turn this around?

Can people become so broken that truths of how they are being screwed do not "set them
free" but instead further demoralize them?

Yes. It is called the "abuse syndrome." How do abusive pimps, spouses, bosses, corporations,
and governments stay in control? They shove lies, emotional and physical abuses, and injustices
in their victims' faces, and when victims are afraid to exit from these relationships, they get
weaker. So the abuser then makes their victims eat even more lies, abuses, and injustices,
resulting in victims even weaker as they remain in these relationships.

Does knowing the truth of their abuse set people free when they are deep in these abuse

No. For victims of the abuse syndrome, the truth of their passive submission to humiliating
oppression is more than embarrassing; it can feel shameful - and there is nothing more painful
than shame. When one already feels beaten down and demoralized, the likely response to the
pain of shame is not constructive action, but more attempts to shut down or divert oneself
from this pain. It is not likely that the truth of one's humiliating oppression is going to energize
one to constructive actions.

Has such a demoralization happened in the U.S.?

In the United States, 47 million people are without health insurance, and many millions more
are underinsured or a job layoff away from losing their coverage. But despite the current sellout
by their elected officials to the insurance industry, there is no outpouring of millions of U.S.
citizens on the streets of Washington, D.C., protesting this betrayal.
Polls show that the majority of Americans oppose U.S. wars in Afghanistan and Iraq as well as
the taxpayer bailout of the financial industry, yet only a handful of U.S. citizens have protested
these circumstances.

Remember the 2000 U.S. presidential election? That's the one in which Al Gore received
500,000 more votes than George W. Bush. That's also the one that the Florida Supreme Court's
order for a recount of the disputed Florida vote was overruled by the U.S. Supreme Court in a
politicized 5-4 decision, of which dissenting Justice John Paul Stevens remarked: "Although we
may never know with complete certainty the identity of the winner of this year's presidential
election, the identity of the loser is perfectly clear. It is the nation's confidence in the judge as
an impartial guardian of the rule of law." Yet, even this provoked few demonstrators.

When people become broken, they cannot act on truths of injustice. Furthermore, when people
have become broken, more truths about how they have been victimized can lead to shame
about how they have allowed it. And shame, like fear, is one more way we become even more
psychologically broken.

U.S. citizens do not actively protest obvious injustices for the same reasons that people cannot
leave their abusive spouses: They feel helpless to effect change. The more we don't act, the
weaker we get. And ultimately to deal with the painful humiliation over inaction in the face of
an oppressor, we move to shut-down mode and use escape strategies such as depression,
substance abuse, and other diversions, which further keep us from acting. This is the vicious
cycle of all abuse syndromes.

Do some totalitarians actually want us to hear how we have been screwed because they know
that humiliating passivity in the face of obvious oppression will demoralize us even further?


Shortly before the 2000 U.S. presidential election, millions of Americans saw a clip of George W.
Bush joking to a wealthy group of people, "What a crowd tonight: the haves and the haves-
more. Some people call you the elite; I call you my base." Yet, even with these kind of
inflammatory remarks, the tens of millions of U.S. citizens who had come to despise Bush and
his arrogance remained passive in the face of the 2000 non-democratic presidential elections.

Perhaps the "political genius" of the Bush-Cheney regime was in their full realization that
Americans were so broken that the regime could get away with damn near anything. And the
more people did nothing about the boot slamming on their faces, the weaker people became.

What forces have created a demoralized, passive, dis-couraged U.S. population?

The U.S. government-corporate partnership has used its share of guns and terror to break
Native Americans, labor union organizers, and other dissidents and activists. But today, most
U.S. citizens are broken by financial fears. There is potential legal debt if we speak out against a
powerful authority, and all kinds of other debt if we do not comply on the job. Young people
are broken by college-loan debts and fear of having no health insurance.

The U.S. population is increasingly broken by the social isolation created by corporate-
governmental policies. A 2006 American Sociological Review study ("Social Isolation in America:
Changes in Core Discussion Networks over Two Decades") reported that, in 2004, 25 percent of
Americans did not have a single confidant. (In 1985, 10 percent of Americans reported not
having a single confidant.) Sociologist Robert Putnam, in his 2000 book, Bowling Alone,
describes how social connectedness is disappearing in virtually every aspect of U.S. life. For
example, there has been a significant decrease in face-to-face contact with neighbors and
friends due to suburbanization, commuting, electronic entertainment, time and money
pressures and other variables created by governmental-corporate policies. And union activities
and other formal or informal ways that people give each other the support necessary to resist
oppression have also decreased.

We are also broken by a corporate-government partnership that has rendered most of us out of
control when it comes to the basic necessities of life, including our food supply. And we, like
many other people in the world, are broken by socializing institutions that alienate us from our
basic humanity. A few examples:

Schools and Universities: Do most schools teach young people to be action-oriented - or to be

passive? Do most schools teach young people that they can affect their surroundings - or not to
bother? Do schools provide examples of democratic institutions - or examples of authoritarian

A long list of school critics from Henry David Thoreau to John Dewey, John Holt, Paul Goodman,
Jonathan Kozol, Alfie Kohn, Ivan Illich, and John Taylor Gatto have pointed out that a school is
nothing less than a miniature society: what young people experience in schools is the chief
means of creating our future society. Schools are routinely places where kids - through fear -
learn to comply to authorities for whom they often have no respect, and to regurgitate material
they often find meaningless. These are great ways of breaking someone.

Today, U.S. colleges and universities have increasingly become places where young people are
merely acquiring degree credentials - badges of compliance for corporate employers - in
exchange for learning to accept bureaucratic domination and enslaving debt.

Mental Health Institutions: Aldous Huxley predicted today's pharmaceutical societyl "[I]t seems
to me perfectly in the cards," he said, "that there will be within the next generation or so a
pharmacological method of making people love their servitude."

Today, increasing numbers of people in the U.S. who do not comply with authority are being
diagnosed with mental illnesses and medicated with psychiatric drugs that make them less
pained about their boredom, resentments, and other negative emotions, thus rendering them
more compliant and manageable.

Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) is an increasingly popular diagnosis for children and
teenagers. The official symptoms of ODD include, "often actively defies or refuses to comply
with adult requests or rules," and "often argues with adults." An even more common reaction
to oppressive authorities than the overt defiance of ODD is some type of passive defiance - for
example, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Studies show that virtually all children
diagnosed with ADHD will pay attention to activities that they actually enjoy or that they have
chosen. In other words, when ADHD-labeled kids are having a good time and in control, the
"disease" goes away.

When human beings feel too terrified and broken to actively protest, they may stage a
"passive-aggressive revolution" by simply getting depressed, staying drunk, and not doing
anything - this is one reason why the Soviet empire crumbled. However, the
diseasing/medicalizing of rebellion and drug "treatments" have weakened the power of even
this passive-aggressive revolution.

Television: In his book Four Arguments for the Elimination of Television (1978), Jerry Mander
(after reviewing totalitarian critics such as George Orwell, Aldous Huxley, Jacques Ellul, and Ivan
Illich) compiled a list of the "Eight Ideal Conditions for the Flowering of Autocracy."

Mander claimed that television helps create all eight conditions for breaking a population.
Television, he explained, (1) occupies people so that they don't know themselves - and what a
human being is; (2) separates people from one another; (3) creates sensory deprivation; (4)
occupies the mind and fills the brain with prearranged experience and thought; (5) encourages
drug use to dampen dissatisfaction (while TV itself produces a drug-like effect, this was
compounded in 1997 the U.S. Food and Drug Administration relaxing the rules of prescription-
drug advertising); (6) centralizes knowledge and information; (7) eliminates or "museumize"
other cultures to eliminate comparisons; and (8) redefines happiness and the meaning of life.

Commericalism of Damn Near Everything: While spirituality, music, and cinema can be
revolutionary forces, the gross commercialization of all of these has deadened their capacity to
energize rebellion. So now, damn near everything - not just organized religion - has become
"opiates of the masses."

The primary societal role of U.S. citizens is no longer that of "citizen" but that of "consumer."
While citizens know that buying and selling within community strengthens that community and
that this strengthens democracy, consumers care only about the best deal. While citizens
understand that dependency on an impersonal creditor is a kind of slavery, consumers get
excited with credit cards that offer a temporarily low APR.

Consumerism breaks people by devaluing human connectedness, socializing self-absorption,

obliterating self-reliance, alienating people from normal human emotional reactions, and by
selling the idea that purchased products - not themselves and their community - are their

Can anything be done to turn this around?

When people get caught up in humiliating abuse syndromes, more truths about their
oppressive humiliations don't set them free. What sets them free is morale.

What gives people morale? Encouragement. Small victories. Models of courageous behaviors.
And anything that helps them break out of the vicious cycle of pain, shut down, immobilization,
shame over immobilization, more pain, and more shut down.

The last people I would turn to for help in remobilizing a demoralized population are mental
health professionals - at least those who have not rebelled against their professional
socialization. Much of the craft of relighting the pilot light requires talents that mental health
professionals simply are not selected for nor are they trained in. Specifically, the talents
required are a fearlessness around image, spontaneity, and definitely anti-authoritarianism. But
these are not the traits that medical schools or graduate schools select for or encourage.

Mental health professionals' focus on symptoms and feelings often create patients who take
themselves and their moods far too seriously. In contrast, people talented in the craft of
maintaining morale resist this kind of self-absorption. For example, in the question-and-answer
session that followed a Noam Chomsky talk (reported in Understanding Power: The
Indispensable Chomsky, 2002), a somewhat demoralized man in the audience asked Chomsky if
he too ever went through a phase of hopelessness. Chomsky responded, "Yeah, every evening .
. ."

If you want to feel hopeless, there are a lot of things you could feel hopeless about. If you want
to sort of work out objectively what's the chance that the human species will survive for
another century, probably not very high. But I mean, what's the point? . . . First of all, those
predictions don't mean anything - they're more just a reflection of your mood or your
personality than anything else. And if you act on that assumption, then you're guaranteeing
that'll happen. If you act on the assumption that things can change, well, maybe they will. Okay,
the only rational choice, given those alternatives, is to forget pessimism."

A major component of the craft of maintaining morale is not taking the advertised reality too
seriously. In the early 1960s, when the overwhelming majority in the U.S. supported military
intervention in Vietnam, Chomsky was one of a minority of U.S. citizens actively opposing it.
Looking back at this era, Chomsky reflected, "When I got involved in the anti-Vietnam War
movement, it seemed to me impossible that we would ever have any effect. . . So looking back,
I think my evaluation of the 'hope' was much too pessimistic: it was based on a complete
misunderstanding. I was sort of believing what I read."

An elitist assumption is that people don't change because they are either ignorant of their
problems or ignorant of solutions. Elitist "helpers" think they have done something useful by
informing overweight people that they are obese and that they must reduce their caloric intake
and increase exercise. An elitist who has never been broken by his or her circumstances does
not know that people who have become demoralized do not need analyses and pontifications.
Rather the immobilized need a shot of morale.

Let us so live that when we come to die even the undertaker will be sorry.
- Mark Twain

There is a great deal of pain in life and perhaps the only pain that can be avoided is the pain
that comes from trying to avoid pain.
R. D. Laing
Posted by J. Croft at 1:35 PM 0 comments

J. Croft

Every time you tell the truth about yourself-where you live, shop, your opinions, hobbies,
whatever-every time you tell anyone else the truth about yourself you surrender your privacy.
You give a potential enemy knowledge about you, you give them leverage.

You wouldn't tell your worst personal enemy where you live...

...your opinion-well, of them as long as they didn't have a means of retaliation... or a means of
retaliation they wouldn't use without a very good reason as the consequences would be


...but you tell your worst enemies these things and much more every day.

Who are they you ask? Isn't it obvious?

Well, for those this isn't obvious to it's those who own your life:

The banks and major corporations you take out loans for all the things we've been literally
programmed to crave. The latest electronic toys, the latest fashions, a remodeled kitchen.
Worse, we need to borrow just to keep a roof over our heads and transportation. That too has
been socially engineered:

A dollar transformed from being backed by gold and silver and holding its value to a debt note
backed only by illusion debased by over 99% since the federal reserve banking cartel was
illegally set up in 1913.

The decimation of small town and farm life by the industrial revolution-banker's money backing
major corporations that centralized mass production, innovation, into the major cities.
Manipulation of the commodity markets, forever squeezing mom and pop stores and family
farms force Americans to flood the cities... sacrificing their independence and self sufficiency
for the Madison Avenue invention called the "American Dream".

The quiet, inexorably rising tide of government bureaucracy, laws, rules, regulations-and the
government police forces required to enforce all those edicts, taxes-remind the people who
owns them.

Bankers. Major corporations. Government. They are your worst enemies.

And what do you do? You take out loans because the major corporation(or subsidiary)you work
for just doesn't pay you enough-because the bankers keep printing more dollars debasing the
currency and therefore driving prices up. Because the government goes in and takes at least a
quarter of your paycheck before you even see it.

Seeking a salve, you go out and use the 30 percent APR(if not more, or otherwise locked) credit
card to go on a shopping spree, hoping that being able to buy some made in China crap will
make you feel better. I suppose it does but you're just making that debt chain of slavery that
much more secure.

Oh, let's not forget next April when you put off doing income taxes! Enforced by a
unconstitutional IRS that is above the law and uses terrorist tactics and a self-written code that
enables them to get you no matter what.

God forbid you're actually awake and start protesting this... then you're labeled some kind of
insurrectionist (according to their files). Then you're monitored and once you're put on that list
there's no getting off it.

Oh, and if you buy a gun through a federally licensed gun dealer (govt. snitch, agent compiling
lists of gun owners) you and your weapon are registered with the government through the
4473 form and the NICS instant background check. Had to add that but back to regaining your

First off, embrace lying. Lying protects. Lying is fun. Lying will lead the bad guys down the wrong
path, keeping you safe(r).

So, lie about where you live-really, you need to move to a place where your name is on nothing-
not the title, not the rental contract(nothing on paper if possible-lie otherwise-cash paid
promptly on the due date is enough), certainly not any of the utilities. Don't tell relations not
living with you, friends-certainly not work. And most certainly not your creditors or any
government agent or bureaucrat. Route your mail through a P.O. Box using your old address to
register. Do. Not. Update. Especially not anything the government demands. Practice an air of
barely functional incompetence…

Don't have a connected landline phone, use a pre-paid phone. Never talk about revolution,
bombs, guns, Alex Jones or anything else even remotely controversial on them either. Have
more than one pre-paid phone, omit all correct personal data, and segregate your usage-one
for personal affairs, one for work, one for your business, one for your survival group in case of
emergency... you need a survival group-people you can go to and likewise whom you help in
time of need. Speak in a pre-arranged code, phrases or substitute words for describing sensitive
matters and such. Better still, have a meeting place and a dead drop; some place you can drop
off notes and whatnot that you can access without being seen and not be suspicious.

Internet: when you move you will also stop accessing from your new home. Wi-fi and public
access computers where you don’t have to register, and you will NOT log in and access personal
information and then a patriot website right afterward. You will have separate sessions-
sessions to read e-mails, accounts and such, and sessions to do more politically sensitive things
like reading this. Do it from separate computers. Your wi-fi connection… have absolutely no
identifiers on your portable device. That means you buy it second, third hand(better)off a
private seller. Do not put your name or any other truthful information that could POSSIBLY be
used to link you to your online words and actions.

Which leads to Keeping Your Mouth Shut. Embrace silence on personal matters when you don't
have to give an answer. Nobody need know where you live. Otherwise every other measure
you take will be wasting your time. Don't even let it on that you're taking measures to regain
your privacy, or the next person who finds out will be some kind of government bureaucrat or

Once you've secured the home front, everything else will fall into place.

Your automobile is already registered listing your old address... don't update that information.
Have no bumper stickers, keep the interior pristine with not so much as a candy wrapper or gas
store receipt. Have a locked container secured to the car for your valuables and personal
information-and your gun in case you're pulled over. Manufactured traffic offenses are big
government business. ...What would be better would be if you could ditch the car-live in an
area you can walk to everything. Then you wouldn't need a driver's license in the first place-and
states are requiring additional proof of residence, such as utility bills to weed out privacy
seekers still wanting to drive. So you’d best find a place you can live without a car or band with
other privacy seeking Americans, take over a small town and rewrite the rules… which would be
a nice step for the movement. The GI’s of Athens, Tennessee showed us the way back in 1946.

Stop using credit cards. Their horrific interest rates aren't the only reason to quit them, they
record every last item you buy with them. Including all your gun purchases... you should only be
using cash or barter for those.

Quit the banks. They record everything you do with them, dick you over on their terms, take
your money and make all the investing you could be doing yourself. Just quit them. Keep your
savings in gold, silver, valuables. Take responsibility for your own finances. STOP TAKING OUT
LOANS!!! And stop accepting checks. Both you and the sender are on bank records-which
makes them government records. Oh, and since the banks have no idea where you live-
repudiate your bank debt. They're at war with you, so strike back and starve them of their cash

Work for cash. Be the best employee you can. Live cheap and stack your cash and you will soon
be able to save enough to start your own for-cash small business. Live well under your means.
Learn and live the 80/20 rule: you can get 80% results with 20% expense. Shop flea markets,
swap meets, Craigslist. Yes advice on regaining your privacy blends into other areas, but that’s a
good thing. Plus it helps build the underground economy; the truly free economy-our America.

This is only a starting glance at regaining your privacy, an introduction. You got just two choices:
have your Freedom or have the few comforts those that have enslaved us lend you. The longer
you remain in their slave system the tighter the control they will have over you and your loved
ones. I’d act about now to regain your Freedom.



I've recommended his books in the past. They're good. This one is no different and if what I
write won't convince you you've been sold slavery as security then maybe this book will.


A classic. No it doesn't cover some of the more pressing technological threats given its vintage
BUT, it does lay the groundwork in other areas to retake your privacy-which is your freedom.


Posted by J. Croft at 8:06 AM 2 comments


J. Croft

Being an Oath Keeper, I make a stand with other Patriotic Americans both in and out of service
against all enemies foreign and domestic....

What if one is alone in their unit, their department the only one who actually paid attention
when they recited the oath to protect and defend our nation from all enemies foreign and

One must not only reach teach and inspire, one must choose one's battlefield more carefully.

The first choice is whom of your fellow soldiers, officers you reach, teach and inspire. Don't be
naive; you as an Oath Keeper have enemies embedded in all the positions of power in our
America. They see Americans like us as a mortal threat to their tyranny, their crimes. So, just as
the French Resistance, the Dutch Resistance had to use covert means to grow their numbers, so
must we when we're in our units and departments and we are alone in honoring and upholding
our Oaths.

Spread the message around. Use pamphlets, stickers, brocures. Use them carefully-cameras
abound and a lot of East German Stasi wannabes will want to make you an example. So know
when you're being watched and don't get caught. Can't be much of an Oath Keeper if you're
kicked out of your unit, out of your department.

So, use your heads but spread the message wherever you can, as not only will your fellow
soldiers and officers know there's an alternative to serving evil, the American People will know
not everyone in service will go along with using LRAD weapons on children sitting on their own
porches, or tasering or running them over with their cruiser. Certainly not going along with that
nightmare scenario-martial law. Some are confused about that however... we already live under
martial law when children are assaulted by oath takers-oath traitors-without consequence.
Since we as a people have allowed our police and military forces to be led by such oath traitors,
the ranks filling with such filth we must be most careful whom we approach. The wrong person
we talk to about the Bill of Rights, about the brave stand our Ancestors made at Lexington
Green or the Alamo, or in Athens Tennessee* could lead us to the wrong side of a internal
affairs investigation or court martial. Have to deal with lawyers-who all work together

Know who you talk to before you talk to them. Someone who doesn't smirk, smile or shake
with anticipation when they hear about new measures against the People, or who don't get off
committing atrocities against their fellow countrymen. Best to just let the conversation roll
naturally; when whom you're talking with confide with you that they just aren't with the
steamroller of fascist... communist... tyranny-whatever you want to call the rising tide of anti-
American Freedom hatred you tell them you're doing something about it, by being an Oath

And that you can do a hell of a lot more if they joined up as well.

Then you won't be alone. Then you will begin the hard process of cleaning out your
department, your unit of oath traitors and not only be able to say no to an official
annoucement of martial law but to be able to say no to all the "little" acts of the martial law we
live under now-the ones that see the oath traitors cleared and innocent lives ruined. Stand up
for the American People and together we all can take our nation back.

*Battle of Athens, Tn-August 2nd 1946: GI's returned from cleaning out the tyrannies of Japan
and Nazi Germany to a local tyranny of a Dukes of Hazzard kind. After repeated petitions to the
Governor of Tennessee in vain the GI's formed a party and full campaign ticket, and were
widely supported. The Cantrell political machine used voter intimidation and the local law
enforcement to literally steal the ballots, took two of the GI election workers hostage, injured
another GI(black as if that mattered)and holed up in the town jail threatening to shoot anyone
who approached.

The GI's went to the National Guard Armory, requisitioned for themselves the few Garands,
Enfields, .45 pistols and the lone .30 Browning and laid siege all night to that jail and the oath
traitors holed up inside. The affair ended with some scrounged dynamite that blew the porch
out and the criminals who had stolen the good people of Athens government surrendered. The
Governor did nothing, fearing a backlash from everyone in eastern Tennessee and the GI
candidates were sworn in.

J. Croft

Most Americans regrettably have to have someone tell them what to think and do. What we get for the
grandfolks dropping the ball on their responsibility of keeping a tight leash on their public servants.
Thought everything was okay in America, went about their little lives… next thing the so-called ‘elites’
engineer a depression, shut down the economy and con everyone into thinking that the government are
the ones who can save the country-instead of hanging the banksters and their private federal reserve
cartel that shut off the money supply on purpose. But ‘murkans didn’t know any better back then so
they accepted a bigger brother-who didn’t really provide them with jobs until World War Two came
around. And there was just no stopping the enemy after that-because the enemy controlled the media,
owned the media through interlocking board chairs, stock holdings. Of course they controlled the
money and the US government and since ‘murkans were really naïve back then they listened to their
own worst enemy as they systematically broke them-
-To ever increasing taxes for defenses against enemies they financed; Germany, Japan and the Soviet
Union were financed to be credible foes to scare us into a national security state.

-To surrendering their free time to the television, the most diabolical means of mass thought control
and time wastage ever invented. Between the reality shows, the sitcoms inducing selfish backstabbing,
the million cop shows inducing worship of our enslavers, Neo-Marxist Hollywood and Madison Avenue
have made the psyches of Americans their little bitch.

-To submitting to ‘reasonable’ licenses and fees… which start out voluntary to raise revenue but become
mandatory, in violation of our Rights. Rights become privilege, privilege becomes restricted to certain
approved people-and that list always shrinks.

-To state run schools based on an un-American Prussian model of regimentation to turn out dull,
dumbed down unquestioning drones.

Can’t be Free if you submit to 60% and more tax rates. Can’t be Free if your mind and will are enslaved
by American Idol and the 100 spinoffs of CSI. Can’t be Free if you’re afraid to light a cigarette in a public
place, or choose not to wear a seat belt, or exercise your Second-even to defend your family. Certainly
cannot be Free if you let your enemies who wish you enslaved teach you and yours, you only get lied to
…when you can summon the strength to actually pay attention to the deliberately dulling curriculum.

Know for a fact you’re not free when you’re intimidated by mouthbreathers with police powers into
being felt up and having your privates scanned by devices. Expect one at a mobile checkpoint real soon.

Yet we listen to our worst enemies for everything from financial advice(so they can fleece us), to
fashion(so they can make us look retarded and have to buy new wardrobes every year) to health( so
they can poison us), to “opinion makers” for those who actually watch the news(so they can tell the
political equivalent of a pimp’s game on their ho… YOU.)

So, whom to listen to. I would say Be Your Own Leader but that requires more than common sense it
requires knowledge, wisdom. Some of the things bred out of modern Americans. A backbone to use
your power of NO, to refuse to demur to every demand an ‘authority figure’ presents you.

Well, willpower is something of a mental muscle, you have to exercise it in the first place in order to be
strong. As for seeking advice, opinion, wisdom:

1. Everybody has an agenda. If they say they don’t they’re lying and you shouldn’t be listening to them in
the first place. So, what’s their agenda-do you agree with it… enough to listen?

2. Are they attempting to implement that agenda in an intelligent fashion… let alone honestly? Do they
have a half-way reasonable plan that envisions victory? Believe it or not that matters.
3. What are they getting out of it? By that I mean personally, what are they getting out of it-is it
altruism, do they go out of their way to hide or deny any self-benefit, do they get a cash flow? Now
that’s not necessarily bad, as things cost money. Like utilities, server costs, studios, cameras, etc. That’s
understandable. Making a living, that’s understandable. Milking a movement for personal wealth and
power… that can never be tolerated and demonstrates an hidden agenda.

4. Who are they connected with? Directly or indirectly? Any possibility they’re compromised, or duped?
Or a deep cover operative leading you and your organization over a cliff, or nowhere-or some other kind
of ringer?

5. Do they do what they say they will do? Do they follow through or do they quit on the first real
obstacle? Does it seem like they’re going along with a bad pro wrestling script?

6. Are they reasonably together, given personal quirks-or do they reek of month old cat piss and ramble
about really crazy shit like space beams taking down the World Trade Center, and endless postings
about trillion dollar “packets” that are always diverted and delayed? Or some other silly Santa Klaus
fantasy crap.

7. Do they go out of their way to fight with others… in the movement? Engage in frivolous innuendo
with most asinine trains of what passes for thought? Build mountains out of typically nothing or
otherwise nothing of consequence? Attack the dead TRUE Patriots?

8. Is their information accurate? Can you trust them to make an attempt at accuracy, or do they rely on
a cult of personality to ride through the fact they don’t know what the hell they’re talking about, that
they can post the most absurd shit and you’ll still buy it… because they tell you to “visualize” it
becoming reality.

Now do some math: add up all you know and feel about who you listen to, and what they’ve
accomplished, their fruits. It will be obvious who you should listen to.

…But why do you listen?

Are you looking for hope? Hope can be the most dangerous weapon against you, right along with the
word reason and any derivative thereof.

Are you listening because they give you a sense of hope or accomplishment-and that’s enough? You
know in your heart that it isn’t, that anything in this world can only get done if you actually work on it
and not just fantasize about it and lie to yourself that suffices.

Are you looking for a painless way out of this? There isn’t.
Are you looking for answers why things are so messed up with our nation, our world? Do you do this
knowing those you listen to may be ideologically skewed by the Madison Avenue artifice known as the
left/right paradigm? Or otherwise discounts any truthful perspective outside of their own ideology?
Have to accept your world view most likely isn’t 100 percent accurate, that a true picture of the way
things are will require you to go places you’re not comfortable going. Because the only way we can get
through this is with an accurate view of what opposes us in the first place.

Are you looking for solutions, workable means to getting your Freedom? That’s the most important
question to ask. Most people want solutions but Americans are conditioned to subsist on style, image,
good feelings about those they listen too-all of which can be induced. Meantime, those presented lead
them nowhere. They ride a tsunami of hope and expectation fueled by desperation, throttled by
ignorance and lacking a clear vision. Oh, they can talk a good game but the details… somehow are
lacking. Next thing, they fold at the first sign of trouble devastating all the followers who gave up their
jobs, life savings and shelter to follow them. Worse, they DO get into positions of power and totally
punk their followers by doing exactly the opposite of what they promised. Powerful thing,
neurolinguistic programming.

No, way past time you subsisted on escapism, entertainment, misplaced hopes. Way past time you
looked at our situation the way it really is, looked at the enemy. How they operate, their
strengths(many) their weaknesses(surprisingly many) their goals and how to defeat them. Just as
important however is that you need to look at yourself-how you’ve been bred to be weak, to be a
follower, to need people to guide you , to listen to like you were still a child. Essentially, Americans ARE
adult sized children.

Strengthen your mind, your body, your will, your knowledge and your capabilities. Most of all
strengthen your spirit. Get back with Your Father in Heaven. All you need to do that is to find a small
quiet place-you can be driving. Let your mind go blank or otherwise automatic, think about God and for
once let Him speak to you. From your heart. And, actually do because God has what you can consider
the overhead perspective of everything. And He’s on our side. I mention this because Americans have
had a solid spirituality sandblasted from the culture by the enemy, and a people who are afraid to die
for their cause will not fight for it even so much as minor acts of civil disobedience-like not pay fines
generated by automated speed cameras, let alone stand for their other Rights, country, family.

Maybe you'll come to the realization that you're better off being your own leader...

J. Croft

This is the typical blueprint of a organization:




Your rank and file member is likely your typical modern American whose awake but lacks due to
a lifetime in the enemy’s control grid(collective state schools, corporate mass culture,
government)lacks the tools inside to do much more than voice support, give money and attend
a rally once in awhile.

Your more motivated members will rise to the top. Hopefully not by favoritism, but by energy,
effort, talent; they become the Managers, the Coordinators, Lieutenants, henchmen-whatever.
They control the day by day function of the organization. Which makes sense because the
leadership can’t do it all-they can set course or run the organization but cannot do both. Should
not do both.

Now, the Leader… your leader is going to be someone with a vision, a plan, and ways of getting
others to see their vision and join them. They set the course for the organization. They lay out
for their Lieutenants, their assistants what the goals are, how to get there-if they’re smart
they’re constantly talent searching for those motivated, able to make a greater contribution
and raising them up.

(This is anathema to any true American-that only a few have the vision and the energy and the
rest just kick membership fees and maybe a protest here and there. Yet this is about the best
your typical modern American can apparently generate…)

So, let’s look at that org. again:





The course the organization takes is with this model the responsibility of the leaders, the
general membership provides through their amalgamated efforts the resources which the
middle management sorts out. Hopefully effectively, and ethically…


…Do you see the problem?

Organizations are easily penetrated-or founded to deceive those that join. Organizations
founded by well meaning Americans, that show any, any headway are targeted for penetration.
The enemy has unlimited resources and practically infinite experience at penetrating and
subverting hierarchies and the organization you’re proudly a member of is most likely
Penetration agents will gravitate toward the levers of power. Secretarial positions where they
can limit access to leaders and gleam incoming and outgoing information. Offices such as
treasurer offer a great opportunity to compile lists of paying dues members and contributors,
gleam tax information, and from there put them under surveillance. Also, such offices present
the opportunity to sabotage the organization with misdirected efforts, making certain efforts
that are effective fail by deliberately bad leadership or seeding with other penetration agents.

Worse than the good organization penetrated is one founded by what can best be described as
a deep cover operative: someone posing as a patriot who gets a following, leads them down a
primrose path and either gets them onto effectively a gerbil wheel going nowhere or leading
them into a surprise brick wall of failure-capsizing both the movement and the morale of those
who were fooled into joining. They can also be honeytraps, gaining intel on those willing to join,
what they do, have etc.-the best way to keep track of your enemy. And the beast has made it
plain over the years to those that have paid attention that we are their enemy.

So… let’s take a look at that org. again:





The original goals-that got the membership in the first place-are on the left(OF THE PAPER).
Now whether it is the lieutenants or the leadership itself that’s traitorous is irrelevant it will be
the lieutenants that will enact cleverly worded, structured ideals and policies that will carefully
substitute the new, replaced, cleverly reworded, ineffective goals for the original goals. Like

original goals-forgotten...





The Leadership and loyal Lieutenants basically bullshit the unthinking, passive general
membership(YOU)that these “amended”… “fleshed out”… “realistic” goals are what they
wanted in the first place. The goals are typically not shifted over at once unless something
catastrophic happens. Typically they’re gradually shifted-“evolved” with some imagined
changed circumstance.
Those that see the con for what it is-and it is a bait and switch-are given derogatory labels like
paranoid, conspiracy kook, tin foil heat wearer. If name calling doesn’t work the organization is
tightened up and they’re shut out.

What to watch out for:

People steering conversations. Good ideals are subjected to personal attacks on the originator,
thus attacking the ideal they couldn’t find an attack to use. Principles are twisted into corners of
inaction. Anyone with the first blemish on them are ruthlessly targeted. If such types worm
their way into becoming moderators, and will outright ban anyone who approaches anything
near effectiveness. Worse is when open debate is shut down, or otherwise atomized to the
point where communication is deemed not worth the effort for most people. Most people as
stated rely on their organization to act for them, and not seeing an alternative or having
invested too much time/effort they go along. Which is what the penetration agents and their
masters bank on. This is happening with Oath Keepers, Appleseed, and the Tea Party.

Principles, guidelines, goals that lead to nowhere. Any org. whose principles can be interpreted
as a call to inaction or action only under extraordinary circumstances is an organization that will
only sink you back into a state of inactivity. You’re demoralized and leave. Enemy’s goal
achieved. This can be anything from calls to look out only for yourself, to staying disengaged, to
meaningless ceremony, to goals impossible to achieve with either the current
knowledge/understanding of the membership or means. Oath Keeper’s “leadership” goals to
“reach, teach and inspire”-but no more-means that the current police state will continue along
while the rank and file are put in a procedural and doctrinal sleeper hold that will eventually
turn OK into just another symbolic feel good club that’s good at protesting-and not much else.

Leaders who sabotage their own movement. Someone gets a movement going and they
themselves crash it into a brick wall of failure, lost opportunities and challenges not met,
obstacles not even touched. The movement curdles, people get dispirited, their goals and
aspirations are lowered and a threat is blunted. People go back to a reduced or nonexistent
level of engagement. Happened with the Ron Paul campaign in 08 the moment he announced
he wasn’t going to challenge the vote fraud in New Hampshire Primary. His campaign staff
made life hell for all the local and state initiatives by Ron Paul Revolutionaries, going so far as to
have them arrested. Yet I ask the question if he was a ringer and they totally spaz on me, still
devoted to the quitter. Which he was-I still don’t know if he was intimidated, really was a deep
cover operative or just decided that a lame ass symbolic campaign was good enough for his
supporters… who left their jobs and gave up their precious time and money for him.

Leadership will NOT support contributing members when the enemy targets them. I can offer a
personal account: a shooting instructor and patriot with a national movement to promote
effective rifle marksmanship was targeted by the feds via a local government using the most
absurd technicalities to shut down, sieze the property he inherited so as to stop his training
Americans. Upon hearing of his troubles I went to the organization he belonged to, cut and
paste an appeal to help… the “leader” a crusty old government jackboot licker by the name
“fred” sent this reply:

You have just been sent a personal message by Fred on Appleseed

Project - National Headquarters - Volunteers Welcome.

IMPORTANT: Remember, this is just a notification. Please do not

to this email.

The message they sent you was:

J, your recent post seeking help for STRAT out in the NW has
removed as "not on mission".

It was not me who removed it, nor my idea, even tho I agree it's
not part of our mission.

You say, "It’s time to stand and tell the tyrants; 'Hell no!'”

And here's where you may have a difference with me in our mutual
understanding of the Appleseed program.

We are into educating our fellow Americans. We are the teachers

of the history and tradition.

We are not the troops. Nor are we the fighters.

We teach. That's all we do. That's all we are supposed to do, in


I understand, even sympathize with, the feelings stated in your


Theoretically, it's possible every last person on our site could

read that post, and donate every dollar they have to supporting
fight you want them to fight.

Of course, it's not gonna happen, human nature being human

nature - but if it did, where would Appleseed be?

We've faced this issue from the very first. Siren calls to get
involved in this fight, or that one. Preventing or promoting
this or
that piece of legislation.
If we succumbed to those calls, thousands, and ultimately,
millions of Americans would never learn their history and
heritage -
because we'd all be out fighting these temporary fights.

You've heard the expression: Appleseed is not about elections -

because elections (substitute "legislation" or "zoning issues in
or whatever you like) are like weather - good today, bad
good the day after, etc.

Appleseed doesn't care about weather, because the Appleseed

Mission is to change the climate.

If you understand the difference, you understand this PM - and

you understand why this is not a fight Appleseed should be in.

I understand you've posted other places, mentioning Appleseed


I would ask you to go back and edit those posts to take out any
reference to "Appleseed".

If you have any questions, any contrary opinions you want to

express, fine - simply PM me back.

It's hard for a lot of people to understand the Appleseed

Mission. It's hard for a lot of people who are in this program
because they are people of action to know when to exercise

We're about something far more important than saving a range,

or defeating a piece of legislation. We're about saving a

That's the ball we must constantly keep our eyes on.

If we don't, it's possible for enemies of this program to

defeat the program by simply creating 'fights' all over the
that will suck in Appleseed volunteers and resources to the
Appleseed itself is left high and dry.

And our fellow Americans are no longer exposed to opportunities

to hear from and about the founders - or the story of April

If you disagree, it's a free country, and no hard feelings.

You may disagree to the point you want to leave Appleseed to put
all your energy into helping STRAT. That's fine too - and you
need anyone's permission - certainly not mine - to do it.

And, I hope, regardless of how you decide, there'll be no hard


There are many ways to serve...

Slick… many ways to serve yourselves by throwing your own instructors under the bus when
the government you suck up to targets Patriots because they want their serfs to stay helpless.
No I will not be deleting jack, and I only wish I’d responded to your Benedict Arnold ass earlier-

Oath Keepers did the same thing with July4Patriot/aka Sgt. Dyer when he was arrested on false
charges of child rape brought up by his ex-wife. Threw him under the bus in a desperate, crude
and ultimately futile attempt to appear not associated with the REAL originator, the REAL
founder of Oath Keepers-which isn’t Ron Paul protege Stewart Rhodes:

Found discussion on July4Patriot in the Oath Keeper garbage pile…

Oath Keeper arrested!
• Posted by Thomas Matos on January 18, 2010 at 12:34pm in Closed Message Archive
• Send Message View Discussions
Oath Keeper "July4Patriot" out of California has been arrested on rape and weapons violations.
Follow this link to learn more.

Replies to This Discussion

Permalink Reply by Earline Clark on January 18, 2010 at 1:23pm
This is not good if he is indeed an Oathkeeper.

►Reply to This
Permalink Reply by Ray Harris on January 18, 2010 at 2:09pm
Here's the original documentary that made July4Patriot, as well as Oathkeepers, so well known.

PLEASE watch it before you draw any conclusions....

►Reply to This
Permalink Reply by Earline Clark on January 18, 2010 at 5:11pm
I didn't see him say or do anything wrong or threatening. He just spoke the truth. But the rape
and weapons charge?

►Reply to This
Permalink Reply by Earline Clark on January 18, 2010 at 7:00pm
Jeff I have to agree with you on that. Rape is not accecpatable no matter who does it.

►Reply to This
Permalink Reply by Earline Clark on January 18, 2010 at 7:04pm
Ray, as far as I am concerned the young man said nothing wrong. But the charges that are
supposedly filed against him is what is not good if he is an oathkeeper.

►Reply to This

Well the membership apparently wanted to support Sgt. Dyer but what did Stewart Rhodes
have to say?
Permalink Reply by Stewart Rhodes on January 18, 2010 at 7:49pm
Send Message
Just to be sure you know the facts, Charles Dyer never became an actual member of Oath
Keepers. I met him when he attended our April 19, 2009 gathering at Lexington, and back then I
considered him for a position as our liaison to the Marine Corps, but I decided against that
when he made it clear he intended to train and help organize private militias across the country
when he got out of the Marines. I considered such plans to be incompatible with the Oath
Keepers mission and goals, and certainly incompatible with any leadership position within this
org. He understood and agreed with my decision to not have him become officially involved
with Oath Keepers. All of that was long before we even offered official memberships. So, he
was never a member, and never in any leadership position.

Unfortunately, there are videos of him all over youtube with an Oath Keepers patch and tab on
his fatigues (just as anyone can purchase and wear our patch and tab), but we will just have to
deal with that as his case progresses. However, if anyone asks you, now you know the facts so
you can make it clear he is not and never was an official member.

I certainly hope he is not actually guilty of the sexual offense he is being accused of. I would like
to think he was not capable of such (in our brief time visiting, he struck me as a young man of
principle and honor). We will have to wait and see what happens.

Stewart Rhodes

►Reply to This
Permalink Reply by Earline Clark on January 18, 2010 at 8:07pm
Stewart thank you for the heads up. He does sound like a young man that has his head on right,
but the sex charges stuck in my throat. I sincerely hope he is not guilty.

►Reply to This
Permalink Reply by Steven B. Hart on January 18, 2010 at 10:04pm
While in the Marine Corps, we were reminded that we were held to a higher standard that the
public. John Q. Public, when are arrested for a crime is discribed by the media as "John Q. Public
committed that crime". As Marines, we were told that if any of us were arrested for a crime,
the media would say "A Camp Pendleton Marine was arrested for .........".

Now granted, we have to assume innocence until proven guilty. But there is a lesson here for all
of us in maintaining intergrity of the organization. With numbers rising quickly approaching 14,
200 members, it is inevitable that at some point, situations like this will arise.

I would also like to point out that there are 435 congressmen/women. Far fewer than the
number of our members, so if the media would like to compare criminal statistics....we should
happily oblige them.

►Reply to This
Permalink Reply by John R McClure on January 19, 2010 at 5:15am
Damn it son... you just made me spit out my coffee.

►Reply to This
Permalink Reply by John R McClure on January 19, 2010 at 5:20am
Let us all remember that no matter how this is played in the media; no American is guilty until
pronounced so by a jury of their peers in a court of law. For now, these are allegations... all the
charges are allegations.

If he is guilty, and the prosecutor isn't an idiot... he'll be found so after trial. If he is innocent, a
lot of damage can be done to a person and the rest of their life because people ran with the lie
and convicted him in the court of public opinion.

►Reply to This
Permalink Reply by Jim Harding 1 day ago
You almost have to wonder what has truly transpired here. I don't want to proclaim Dyer's
innocence or guilt. I do want to point out how quickly the attention of the rape charges were
redirected to illegal weapons/explosives activities. What would a bomb-sniffing dog have to do
with a child abuse case? Nothing. This has all the stink of a setup to me, perpetrated by a
government running scared of a vocal, increasingly high-profile dissenter. If you see me getting
arrested after posting this, it will prove my point. ;) I will pray that he's justly tried and found
innocent, fully acquitted, a public statement of apology issued by the authorities and that ALL
charges will be dropped without lasting negative impact on his personal testimony or to the
groups he endorsed.

►Reply to This
Permalink Reply by Damon 34 minutes ago
Its all bullshit. He is being setup to no end. They are trying to make a poster child out of him and
instead making him a martyr. II pray Oathkeepers will stay next to this great American until
there is a verdict.

Stewart Rhodes made the decision to deny Sgt. Dyer three times before the sun rose-but he got
caught red handed….


This is it-Gossip Boy, now Hate Trackers. Quick to boast aren’t they?

They boast about Stewart Rhodes doing damage control, apparently throwing Sgt. Dyer under
the bus:
So, the ARM-penetrated after all. Gives a nasty confirmation about an earlier warning by its


By: B.A. Brooks
When I first got active in the patriot movement, one of my goals was to unite all militia units
within The United States under some kind of allegiance with a main purpose of communication
and unity. What I learned was that most militias operating in America are using the patriot
movement to further their own personal agendas which range from many extreme and radical
theologies. Some are pure racists while others are religious radicals, and then you have the
radical religious racists. There are only a handful of actual militias operating today and I have
found the rest to be just a bunch of guys with guns who wear camo. I would also be inclined to
say that 99% of American militias have been infiltrated by FBI agents and or informants, if not
actually being started and run by the FBI.
I have also learned that many individuals within the patriot movement are really
informants/narcs and this is why I have now isolated myself from most people and
organizations. It is not that hard to point out these individuals if you just sit back and watch
what people are doing. Who is always starting trouble within the movement? Who is always
pointing fingers and blame at others within the movement when in reality they should be
focusing on the true political problems we are all facing? Who is always trying to create
infighting within the movement? Who among you is trying to insight violence? When you start
looking and listening, you will see clearly who these people are. I have found out in life that the
person that is constantly telling you they are your best friend and will always have your back, is
the first person to put a knife in your back. I do not talk about others in the movement but will
tell you that a few of these individuals are highly revered by many and when they are exposed,
most will be totally caught off guard and shocked. Many of you reading this article right now
have unknowingly befriended FBI/CIA/ATF Agents, undercover law enforcement, informants
and narcs. This is the main reason why I have disassociated my self with The American
Resistance Movement, while also isolating myself from most others within the so called patriot
or truth movements.

Many of these people are the real deal

but with that said, most have been seriously infiltrated or are actual federal agents. Learning
the truth about all of these things has been very hard for me to accept because I have been
such a huge supporter of A.R.M. and other organizations over the past several years that I must
now walk away from. It was a good idea but it is over now and I urge you all to move in new
directions. You can only really trust yourself, close friends and family in these Orwellian times.
I have always said that knowledge is power and that you should share your power. What do you
think I meant when I said this? I meant to learn about the truth and share what you learn. Not
to share your personal information with others which they can use against you in the future.
When it comes to your past and personal background, it is always best to keep these things
private, especially if you have had any kind of felony arrest in your past. When you share
knowledge about your personal background, you are giving away your power and making
yourself vulnerable and a possible target of law enforcement. Keep your private information
private. Never reveal too much about yourself or your family and friends. Loose lips sink ships!
Remember that you never really know who you are talking to on the internet. Even if you have
progressed into phone conversations and even meet-ups, you still never know what is
motivating another. Some informants do it for the added excitement that it gives to their lives,
while others do it because they have been caught up in a felony arrest and have chosen to turn
in others in order to save their own skin.

I have removed the forums and chat rooms from within my website because I will not stand by
while some people with a low mentality end up representing everyone. Some call these people
shills or trolls, and all you have to do is read the comments at most patriot sites to get a good
idea of this mean, childish and hateful speech. Myself, Alex Jones and a few others within the
movement have been the focus of much talk over the past several months on message boards
and comment forums, in an effort to discredit our work. Mostly verbal attacks using fabricated
lies and cointelpro tactics in a clear attempt to confuse issues and destroy reputations. My own
mission is the same as it always has been, and that is to expose the truth within a world of lies.
To stop the new world order and their agendas dead in their tracks and I will continue to report
what I find, continue to write articles while working on my newest full length movie. I have
added a few links under this article that will demonstrate a little of what I speak of today.
Watch your backs people!

Americans are being set up

Attorney: FBI Trained NJ Blogger To Incite Others

Hal Turner Admits He Worked for the FBI

Turning the US army against Americans
Pentagon Caught Subverting Protest Group

EXCLUSIVE: Defense analyst in spy case was FBI double agent

Hate Trackers gloating about Oath Keepers apparently throwing Sgt. Dyer under the bus in an
attempt at damage control:

The red italics quote:

Note: As militia members are a half an IQ point from being called Corky, we need to explain
that this paragraph in no way says we worked undercover for the ATF as informants to set up
Dyer. Until Saturday after this story was written we'd never discussed Dyer with any law
enforcement agency. At times we have been asked for information about a certain group,
person, or crime and cooperated and that's because you mother fuckers are some paranoid ass
freaks that are far more dangerous in your unstable states than your meth-enhanced New
World Order delusion is.]

These boys have been targeting him for awhile:


Organizations can be useful, even those set up or penetrated by the enemy. It is simply a
matter of circumventing either the agents or the leadership while utilizing what resources that
org. can provide. Basically you keep your counterorganization hidden in the grassroots until it
reaches a critical mass that can shift the entire organization back to its original course.

First countermeasure is to gather e-mails of like-minded sincere people. You do this using the
networking opportunity the organization provides either through mailing list, forum, or
meetings. You find people who share your doubts-in private you share them but tell them to go
along with a script at the forum or the meetup. What you say public is a script; you convince
the guy his fears are misplaced and he/she goes along with it. The two of you can stay on,
mouth the platitudes publically, pull the doubters aside, do likewise and adjust the script so it
doesn’t look like a script, grow your numbers. With numbers you will eventually be able to
penetrate into positions of power in the org by convincing those who’ve coopted it in the first
place that YOUR agents are with them.

As stated your group penetrates through the grass roots of the organization, stays grass rooted
and begins penetrating upwards to gain access to the organization’s resources YOUR MONEY

Rebranding-your penetrated organization will start shifting stances, activities away from what
you originally intended. So what you do is to make policy statements, stands, give support and
use the organization as a logo, a stamp so that public perception will force the leadership to
either give in and go along with your stands or make their treason to the membership plain.

Say you joined Appleseed because a rifle instructor got you excited and active about developing
your marksmanship skills for the country. Say that instructor was targeted by the local boss
hoggs at the behest of the feds to shut down shooting ranges and in particular teaching
“civilians” about rifle marksmanship. …The “leadership” the head office shuts down all debate,
all support for the instructor-basically throwing him under the bus.

What you do is you and your e-mail chain you make statements of support using the Appleseed
logo, whatever of that organization you can. You have fundraisers in their name. You make
chip-ins, protest, make videos stating that Appleseeders stick by their own and that anyone
who would abandon their own is NOT part of the organization.

Now the head office has a choice-go along and help the instructor out or maintain their
backstabbing posturing and discredit themselves, or the organization.
Or say your friend who got Oath Keepers going he gets in a serious jam with the feds
themselves-getting bogus child rape charges slapped on him. Your leadership decides that
moment that they will screen all debate and posts on the national forum and basically throw
your friend under the bus. This atop other statements of vague noncommittance to enacting
the principles they expouse to keep the organization in basically an inactive state as far as
taking back our Freedom.

So you make statements as Oath Keepers that you are behind your friend the person who got
the ball rolling on the movement in the first place. Form your e-mail chains and using the
appearance the trappings of Oath Keepers go out and protest, raise money and support your
friend. Furthermore whenever someone like Wiley Willis of the Shreveport LA police
department gets reinstated with back pay for the year and a half he was “fired” for violently
assaulting a woman half his weight and editing the assault out of the tape, you make contacts
within that department to get him back off the force-where the fucker belongs. And if that
don’t work you do what you got to so that the good citizens of Shreve port aren’t “protected
and served” by such criminals. More than one way to Reach, Teach and Inspire…

Another countermeasure that is not as appealing but might be more effective-or have to rely
on if the original organization’s on to your efforts-is to clone the organization and its
purpose/methods into a new noncompromised group using tighter security measures in the
critical leadership positions. Know that your new org. is going to be targeted by the enemy you
have a public face and office that is a shell, leads nowhere and cannot sink you if its broken
into, raided after drugs are planted etc.

Basically this should be done when your efforts to co-op your organization are thwarted with
blanket bans and lockouts by the traitors. You make record of who they are, what they’ve done
and that 1.)you will not stand by and have the cause you sacrificed for be damaged and
2.)There’s an organization you now have that WILL step up.

One serious issue that comes up is the celebrity who turns traitor. He/she build a brand name
around themselves and their company/organization and basically build a cult about them. This
could certainly be an elected official but it could be any of a number of people patriot-posing.
Linda Thompson the Adjutant General of the Unorganized Militia… laughingly comes to mind as
does Bo Gritz but I use them as illustrations of what to look for. Basically you have to get the
goods on them-solid evidence along with a clear view of their track record that they are NOT
part of the solution and that they either step back, shape up or get what’s coming to them…

J. Croft

Some random thoughts on our situation…

The Democrats are likely scripted to fail, allowing a second coming of the neoconservatives through a
scripted savior-Sarah Palin and a co-opted Tea Party. It is imperative we expose the puppet strings so
the rank and file Tea Bagger can see… maybe even get Palin to see the strings. Attack the neocons,
attack Sarah’s adopted(programmed)neocon talking points by showing the blood and suffering her
endorsement causes. She’s now a neocon babykilling cheerleader. Make neoconservatism unappealing
to her by associating her personally with the worst aspects. And show the neocons and the Democrat
Marxists are really one and the same. Attack all the neocons-literally tar and feather them and boot
them out of the Tea Party.

The enemy wants to control us through economics, through scarcity and a electronic control grid. So it is
up to us to grow and be a part of the underground economy-the Free Economy. Encourage barter, use
of alt. currencies, script, metals, commodities. Anything but the federal reserve notes.

The mainline, megachurches have a religious choke hold on millions of American professing to be
Christians. Tell them to go along with the enslaving of their country with platitudes of prosperity and
that they’ll be ‘raptured’. The likes of Joel Osteen, Franklin Graham and the inbred degenerates of the
TBN lineup preach a false gospel. The key to combat this is a true spirituality, a true connection with
God, Our Father. Those that know what I write of and can explain this to the American Churchgoer by all
means get to work now! We deprive them of tithe givers we shut them down! Conversely, promote
genuine gatherings of those who know Our Father and work to oppose the beast.

This is America and an Gestapo/Stasi wannabe organization like Homeland Security must not be allowed
another day without being challenged! Protest. Sue. Shun those that work for them. Lie to them about
everything, become anonymous.
Make being honorable the way to be. Hold up those who are honorable-be honorable yourself no
matter who you deal with and expect likewise! Too long the enemy has made being double dealing,
lying, devious behavior the way to go with their programming.

Obama’s going to cut his own throat or some other appendage off on his own, let him be he’s been the
greatest boon to our movement by moving way too far way too fast. USE the generated outrage, and let
the golden goose of our Revolution lay more eggs of awakened aware Americans.

Something has to be done to get the Israeli on the street to stand up to their nazi-like zionist
government. Sooner or later they are going to try to blow up the world and they simply must be
stopped. Only the Israeli People can shut them down by refusing to be their Spartans.

Must instill into more Americans to distrust their trusty TV set-point out their lies already.

Make an issue of all the upcoming Hollywood war movies, ask pointed questions of what they’re trying
to goad us into.

Attack every aspect of the enemy control grid-the banking, the mortgage fraud, the centralization of
mass media and mass culture generators. Attack the police brutality, the government secrecy, the
continued warfare against Iraqis and Afghans-haven’t we paid them back for 9/11… if it WAS them in the
first place?

Promote Independent Patriot Media. Form collectives to generate funds to make and distribute movies,
music and other content to not only entertain but inform. Use DIY production and distribution
techniques to bypass the enemy media conglomerates. Promote honorable behavior, patriotism,
initiative, cunning in the face of the enemy, examples of resistance, those who have resisted or suffered
by the enemy. Use our media to remember the Patriots past-of the Revolutionary War, of the many
unsung battles for maintaining freedom, the veterans of Athens, TN, the current members of the

Attack every aspect of banks and banking. Attack their issuance of fiat money, attack the fraud of
savings and checking accounts while they reap the real profits off using your money to invest for their

Promote recall elections, candidates, volunteer time, money, resources. Most of the enemy’s control is
at the local level so by taking over the smaller rural towns and expanding from there we can take the
country back even during a shooting war as nonviolent resistance will still be the core of the effort.

Promote in the States with laws exercising the 10th Amendment to shield arms manufacture from
federal control investment with those individuals and companies undertaking these vital efforts.

Buy a rifle and a can of ammo for a vet the enemy has concocted a legalistic disqualification. A Mosin-
Nagant and a case of ammo should set you back only $300-at February 2010 prices. The Mosin’s
accurate, powerful enough to take on body armored enemy forces.

Learn community organizing and use it to help the rising tide of homeless Americans. It’s not just for
humanitarian reasons to spare them the beast’s enslavement but to grow our numbers. This can be as
simple as offering a spare bedroom to a out-of-work and freshly homeless machinist(can make guns),
engineer(make chemicals), IT tech(hack enemy computer systems),dispossessed farmer(show how to
grow food), veteran(train others how to fight and shoot)… get the ideal? Take in a runaway or a
throwaway child and you can raise them to be better Americans than we are.

Learn Alinsky’s tactics and hoist the enemy up their own petard.

Promote the development of alternate energy. If there’s some theory that sounds off the wall-build a
test model of the proposed design and try it out. Might find a substitute for gasoline like, say, in-engine
conversion of water into burnable hydrogen and oxygen to combust and drive the engine. Perhaps a
means to tap into the very energies of the universe might be found and we can truly liberate ourselves
from the enemy’s lock on technology, forcing us to use the junk while they play with God Knows What.


J. Croft

Notes on the show-my comments in italics.

No shortage of food or water. You will NOT be able to buy it... you may go hungry because you
You will lose 30-50 percent of your purchasing power in 12 months. They want to do this orderly keep
people from jumping off the saddle too quick. Inflation plus unemployment. ONLY jobs will be with the
government. Don’t want to go too fast to lull people to not abandon their system until it’s too late.

Crime will greatly increase-even people who may never have considered stealing will commit robberies
when faced with starving loved ones.

Buy what you need now. Food, seed, tools, ammunition.

Rip yourself from the enemy’s slave grid while you’re able to. Repudiate debt, get out from under
mortgages and auto loans, rent and use older cars you can pay in full-or live in a community where you
don’t need a car. Get with other like-minded people and build free economy where dollar is repudiated,
with emphasis on local manufacturing, food production, basic trades and services etc. Can only be done
clandestinely or under a local government controlled by Patriots so we’ll need recall election campaigns,
autonomous zones in abandoned urban areas, countryside. Need to form survival circles, network with
other survival circles and build up from there. Advances in 3d printing and other desktop manufacturing
plus public revelations of long suppressed energy technologies will enable us to economically and
technologically declare our independence. The states declaring their 10th Amendment Right to not
regulate arms and ammunition production in-state may be a economic catalyst to ultimately unleashing
this potential. That independence will require a political independence from our enemy which will require
ultimately the militia-that is a dirty word so those in the movement will have to publically repackage
themselves or go through Oath Keepers. WORD OF CAUTION: OK leadership questionable-proven after so
quickly throwing July4Patriot under the bus-so do what you need to do by using that organization’s
brand name. Do this with every organization-NRA, Appleseed, Tea Party, etc. Use the organization as
much as possible, brand true patriotic actions under them-spite the ringers.

Enemy pays no attention to currencies they value assets, gold, silver. They make the paper out of
nothing to them they buy something with nothing and get us to value their nothing over tangibles.

Buy tools, ammunition, heirloom seed, silver, gold, other tangible assets. Get the gold and silver-
concentrate on silver it’s much rarer above ground than gold, it will increase by a much greater
percentage. Hard money must be made available and the recent South Carolina plan to issue 1787
Constitution correct silver and gold money is a huge step towards this. Even using script you back
personally with assets or skills or even your reputation is preferable to using the enemy’s sabotaged

Don't care about the USA, global focused. America expendable they want the world. America will be
destroyed finishing their world order.

Up to us to rise up in revolution in every possible way and the best way is mostly nonviolent yet
establishing our independence from their political, economic, and social controls. Our success will be the
key to disrupting their plans because if they’re too tied down trying to police us, spend too many
resources their own survival will be in jeopardy.

Dollar is still the method to price crude oil. Still at 50 dollars. As dollar declines, OPEC will
be allowed the purchasing power of 50 dollars/barrel. If dollar drops 50 percent in value,
price will go to 80/90 dollars a barrel. Watch crude oil prices and you will see the progression
of the elitists. Will go up in proportion to dollar devaluation. 50 percent in 12 months.
Could go to 5 dollars a gallon.

As crude oil prices go up, that will tell their progress.

Much harder to produce gasoline than food. Will need to develop alternate means of powering our
vehicles-biofuels, in-engine hydrogen electrolysis/combustion, electrics, as oil and gas are made
artificially scarce and they will block attempts to tap into vast American reserves. Will need vehicles as
America is built around the automobile, yet the enemy’s control grid will be aggressively targeting
alternate fuel vehicles. Political cover in the form of communities taken over will be needed.

Watch Dubai World. Can't pay debts because crude oil prices depressed-elite bankrupted
the Arabs. Not Dubai city. Dubai World biggest promoter of derivatives on Earth.

Don't trust any financial insturment written on paper. Somewhere back in the history of
any such insturment derivatives were involved. Again, get into tangibles.

Derivatives have put the world's financial system on the brink of collapse thanks to Dubai World

Get money out of major banks, start local credit unions, take over small communities. Or have resilient
communities with a common bank for common profit for all the depositors-a depositor’s bank.

There will be no war with Iran for a year to a year and half and won’t start unless Israel starts it, but it's
planned. Enemy using Ezekiel 37-38 “prophecy” scenario, which their preachers will use to keep the
churchgoers in line. Probably their plan they wrote into the Old Testament; operating off a millennia-old
plan. Catastrophes made worse by their sabotaging and distracting us until too late.

Need a Israeli anti-war movement now! Need to find people who will lead nonviolent noncooperation
initiatives. Protests won’t work, denying them money and labor will and will shut down their war

7 buzzwords:

Oil is priced in dollars. Watch the dollar and you will know by its decline where gas prices are going and
the elite's process.

Educate people and get them out of the beast system. Save all we can.

Financial deficit spending is awash in paper-don’t trust anything on paper.

Make certain town takeover that all investments are cashed in the proceeds returned to the town’s

Health Bill is government takeover! Gun confiscation, euthenasia, electronic chip ID, control.

Must refuse participation, this is slavery! Must get out of the beast system totally-debt, licenses,
everything that ties and obligates you to them. Go underground, hit the hills, form clandestine networks
or take over towns via the emergency recall election process. Must encourage clandestine production of
arms, ammunition. Alternate health and food production can only be sustained in a favorable political
environment so need free areas-either through small town elections or by the bullet. MAJOR

Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen is only saber rattling, a distraction from true issues. Afghan
is largest producer of opium in world. Banks trade more money in opium trade than any
other item on Earth.

Education of Americans of where their heroin comes from.

Chinese are the strong ones... America will be relegated to 3rd world status and will be integrated.

Our America must overthrow the US corporate gov. Only with an America free of the enemy’s obligations
and control can a worldwide coalition be built from states and peoples embracing the revived American
Revolution of Freedom. Most importantly, China needs to be infiltrated with Freedom lovers.

The prices are going up! Buy NOW! Inflation will be big.

Personal survival comes first. Stock up on seed, ammunition, silver, gold, knowledge. Learn basic trades.
The crisis must be spotlighted and the light shone on the true danger of the situation or a lot more
people will be snared in the beast’s trap of inflation and obligation-and fear of homelessness and hunger
if job is lost.

In the immediate... no relief, no turnaround in the economy anytime soon. Things will get worse.
They want the world where they're taking it.

Hold them personally responsible by whatever means…

Elite have everything to gain by their actions-own the businesses, banks, real estate, anything
mortgaged, they will repo like crazy! They want the assets! Paper is NOTHING to them! They are going
to literally bankrupt the world and foreclose on them imposing a technological and economic slavery.

Take over or destroy their assets. Gather assets of our own-productive assets. Build economic and
political bases of support that can grow into neighboring communities. The GI’s of Athens TN. showed
the way back in 1946!

NO DEBT! Debt means the banksters own it.

Ought to repudiate the debt, challenge them in court to produce the note for your house.

If you can, buy gold and silver-preserves purchasing power.

Have a paid-for roof over your head, get it at any cost. Or rent from someone who has a paid-for place.

N.W.O. set up, here-just a matter of fulfillment. Had to destroy America’s God, poison our minds and
hearts. Will break the dollar and will affect us in 12 months.

Enemy knows where they’re going. Start with your spirit.

Our attack plan:

*Personal liberation from the beast’s social, economic and political controls. Regain one’s personal
leadership, get in shape, find God on their own, learn how to fight and shoot, grow food, figure out what
basic trade they’re good at that they like, find their talent.

*Debt Repudiation-they obligate us and work us to death through fraud, so call them on it! It is the
slavery of their social-engineered rat race, a hamster wheel of futility. The houses will never be paid off
and will fall apart they’re so shoddily made. The cars are ready for the junkyard by the time they’re paid
off. There’s always some new technology making what you worked your ass off obsolete, always a new
season of fashions you’re cued by Madison Avenue to buy.

*Self Sufficiency in all affairs-economic, social, spiritual. Develop skills needed in a guerilla/basic
economy yet support those who can offer the movement as a whole benefits such as inventors, artists,
filmmakers, warriors, etc.

*Tribing up into survival circles and communities and grow the numbers of such circles as virulently as
possible. Capabilities will follow, economic, political and defensive.

*Build a barter/script/gold and silver economy; grow our own food, fuel, make our own ammunition and
develop new and suppressed technologies.

*Use the emergency recall election-don’t wait for the next scheduled election cycle to form political
shields to encourage five points. Grow the Second American Revolution from these seeds to form the free
areas needed to build the economic, political and military machine needed to take America from the
*Make common cause with as many people as possible no matter where they are. Rediscover the
reasons the American Revolution was fought by the common man and expound like missionaries pushing
the Gospel or the way communism was spread. China must be penetrated by the American Revolution in
order to spare the Earth what the elites have been working on for centuries. Disrupt and destroy them.


J. Croft

I’m telling you, this oil slick is going to be the cause of a great many woes…


The New York Times reported on May 15th:

Scientists are finding enormous oil plumes in the deep waters of the Gulf of Mexico, including
one as large as 10 miles long, 3 miles wide and 300 feet thick in spots. The discovery is fresh
evidence that the leak from the broken undersea well could be substantially worse than
estimates that the government and BP have given.

“There’s a shocking amount of oil in the deep water, relative to what you see in the surface
water,” said Samantha Joye, a researcher at the University of Georgia who is involved in one of
the first scientific missions to gather details about what is happening in the gulf. “There’s a
tremendous amount of oil in multiple layers, three or four or five layers deep in the water
The plumes are depleting the oxygen dissolved in the gulf, worrying scientists, who fear that the
oxygen level could eventually fall so low as to kill off much of the sea life near the plumes.

AP reported on May 27th that scientists had found a second giant plume deep under the water.
The plume is 22 miles long and 6 miles wide. reporting that a third giant underwater plume has
been discovered:

Today, the Washington Post is

A Louisiana scientist said his crew had located another vast plume of oily globs, miles in the
opposite direction. James H. Cowan Jr., a professor at Louisiana State University, said his crew
on Wednesday found a plume of oil in a section of the gulf 75 miles west of the source of the

Cowan said that his crew sent a remotely controlled submarine into the water, and found it full
of oily globules, from the size of a thumbnail to the size of a golf ball…. Cowan said the oil at this
site was so thick that it covered the lights on the submarine.

“It almost looks like big wet snowflakes, but they’re brown and black and oily,” Cowan said. The
submarine returned to the surface entirely black, he said.

Cowan said that the submarine traveled about 400 feet down, close to the sea floor, and found
oil all the way down. Trying to find the edges of the plume, he said the submarine traveled miles
from side to side.

“We really never found either end of it,” he said.

Those BP bastards have already made the catastrophe a global problem-they add toxic
chemicals that make the situation worse… aside from toxicity this shit they spray somehow
makes the oil go underwater, defeating any means of containing it.

“The plume or the cloud of dissolved hydrocarbons in the water was discovered northeast of the
wellhead, about 35 kilometers (22 miles) to the northeast,” he said.

It was the second major deepwater plume discovered since the April 20 blowout at BP Plc’s
Macondo well. Hollander said it was believed to stretch all the way from the wellhead to the site
where it was first detected on Tuesday, in an area off the continental shelf south of Mobile,

Mr Hollander said scientists had yet to determine whether the dissolved hydrocarbons, found in
oxygen-depleted waters, were the result of chemical dispersants used deep below the Gulf
surface to break down oil from the leaking well.
But he said the contaminants – which could eventually be pushed onto the continental shelf
before shifting slowly down toward the Florida Keys and possibly out to the open Atlantic Ocean
– raised troubling questions about whether they would “cascade up the food web.”

The threat is that they will poison plankton and fish larvae before making their way into animals
higher up the food chain, he said.

The underwater contaminants are particularly “insidious” because they are invisible, Mr
Hollander said, adding that they were suspended in what looked like normal seawater.

“It may be due to the application of the dispersants that a portion of the petroleum has
extracted itself away from the crude and is now incorporated into the waters with solvents and
detergents,” he added.

“We think there could be both short-term and long-term implications … There’s a lot of
unchartered territory that we’re moving into with this oil spill,” said Hollander.

That shit gets in the air… the Gulf’s one of the warmest bodies of water on Earth…

It Is Raining Oil In Florida

From Eve

Making this quick, don’t feel well. About 4:15pm or so eastern, coming back from Tampa, Florida north on Veteran’s Expressway…about
7 miles perhaps from SR 54…it sprinkled some gray watery and solid black oil on my car. Thought it was bugs, but so fast did not make
sense and windshield wipers just smeared it. Got out of car at store and looked on the paint and solid black dots on my car…I touch?
huh? it’s wet? it’s OIL!!!!!

I had several folks verify it before I sprayed it off and it came off easier than the few love bugs. Two hours later still wet like OIL! nope,
not water, smell it, OIL!!!

Anyone on Gulf try not to smear touch it as it is harder to wash off if it happens to you. Bands of storm clouds coming this way from Gulf
of Mexico…has not actually rained at least where I have been, just ran through the sprinkle. I smell it now I am inside the house…it’s just
hard for me to believe also. One can think of a other things…oh maybe it was a vehicle in front of you…there was no vehicles near me at
the time. So coincidence oil spill in the gulf and it rains oil on my car? okay believe what you will…but I know my gut and what happened
to me, what I saw, others witnessed, I took pics of (sorry don’t know how to post them, and it photos could be debatable anyway, take
my word or not whichever…but we are in deep hocky doo folks.

I was noticing that big black blotch closer to west coast FL on some images that someone posted yesterday on Disasters
board…wondering. Well, maybe wrong board but felt more may see it here and ones that live here. Be careful, if it gets on your clothes,
pets, hair, eyes, skin…it won’t be so easy to wash off as a well waxed car is.

Not checking this for now, gotta wash out my ears, eyes, nose and lay down…change clothes as I smell it now inside the house on my
clothes. I did not smell it while out though and my nose is now desensitizing, but I feel nauseated. I am really sensitive though, some may
not be so much or get the heavy warnings I do.

Thanks for letting me post this bopp, if you want to move it, okay with me I understand…maybe nobody pay attention anyway and I am
not super pops here as it is.

Wait until we get a hurricane; how much real estate do you think is going to become
uninhabitable? Say goodbye to Dixie:

The British Petroleum oil spill is threatening the entire eastern half of the North American
continent with “total destruction,” reports say.

An ominous report by Russia’s Ministry of Natural Resources warned of the impending disaster
resulting from the British Petroleum (BP) oil and gas leak in the Gulf of Mexico, calling it the
worst environmental catastrophe in all of human history, the European Union Times reported.

Russian scientists believe BP is pumping millions of gallons of Corexit 9500, a chemical dispersal
agent, under the Gulf of Mexico waters to hide the full extent of the leak, now estimated to be
over 2.9 million gallons a day.

Experts say Corexit 9500 is a solvent four times more toxic than oil.

The agent, scientists believe, has a 2.61ppm toxicity level, and when mixed with the warm
waters of the Gulf of Mexico, its molecules will be able to “phase transition.”

This transition involves the change of the liquid into a gaseous state, which can be absorbed by
clouds. The gas will then be released as “toxic rain” leading to “unimaginable environmental
catastrophe” destroying all life forms from the “bottom of the evolutionary chart to the top,”
the report said.

Gulf oil spill is public health risk,

environmental scientists warn
• Pollution could do lasting damage to locals’ health
• BP’s ‘top kill’ attempt to stop flow enters third day

Prolonged exposure to crude oil and chemical dispersants is a public health danger,
environmental scientists warned yesterday as BP spent a third day trying to initiate a “top kill”
operation to cap the ruptured well on the sea bed.

The oil firm moved to a second stage of the procedure by injecting material such as golf balls,
shredded tyres and rope into the well. But John Pack, a spokesman for BP, said it would not be
clear until tomorrow if it would work. “We have never said there is a deadline or a schedule,”
he said. “We need to take this pretty slowly, but everything is going according to plan.”
BP’s beleaguered chief executive, Tony Hayward, yesterday drastically scaled upwards his
assessment of the spill in the Gulf of Mexico. “This is clearly an environmental catastrophe.
There is no two ways about it,” he told CNN. “It’s clear that we are dealing with a very
significant environmental crisis and catastrophe.” In an interview with the Guardian two weeks
ago, he had described the oil spill as “tiny” relative to the size of the gulf.

“The amount of volume of oil and dispersant we are putting into it is tiny in relation to the total
water volume,” he said then.

However he was optimistic that the “top kill” stood a good chance of success, which he put at
60-70%. “We have wrestled it to the ground, but we haven’t put a bullet in its head yet,”
Hayward said.

With no immediate end in sight, there were growing concerns over the effects on public health
of a prolonged exposure to the oil as well as to the more than 3,640,000 litres (800,000 gallons)
of chemical dispersants sprayed on the slick.

Environmentalists and fishing groups in Louisiana say prolonged exposure to the oil, in the form
of tiny airborne particles as well as dispersants, could be wreaking devastating damage on
public health.

They also accuse BP of threatening to sack workers who try to turn up for clean-up duty
wearing protective respirators, and the Obama administration of refusing to release results of
air and water quality tests that would show the impact of crude oil and dispersants on the

Wilma Subra, a chemist who has served as a consultant to the Environmental Protection
Agency, said there was growing anecdotal evidence that locals were falling ill after exposure to
tiny airborne particles of crude. Air quality data released earlier by the EPA suggested the
presence of chemicals that – while still within legal limits – could be dangerous. But Subra
complained that the EPA was not releasing all data it had gathered from BP.

“Every time the wind blows from the south-east to the shore, people are being made sick,” she
said. “It causes severe headaches, nausea, respiratory problems, burning eyes and sore
throats.” Long-term health effects include neurological disorders and cancer.

Subra said there was even greater concern for those recruited to lay booms and skim crude off
the water, since they were in closer proximity to the oil and the chemical dispersants.

Clint Guidry, of the Louisiana Shrimp Association, has accused BP of threatening to sack workers
who turn up wearing respirators. The oil firm said it was not aware of any workers being turned
away, but noted that it was the responsibility of the Obama administration to decide whether
such protective gear was warranted.
Hugh Kaufman, chief investigator for the EPA’s ombudsman, said he encountered similar
worker safety policies after 9/11. “If people are wearing respirators, it scares people because
they realise how toxic it is,” he said “The administration is down-playing the problem because it
saves them money down the line. It was the same at Ground Zero.”

The Gulf of Mexico, the Southeast, the Carribean-gone. Wait until the oil breaks out into the
Atlantic… look at the maps:

This is going to poison every ocean. Anywhere ocean currents penetrate, the toxified oil will
go. Anywhere there are ocean spawned storms or even ordinary evaporation and convection,
wherever the winds blow the land below will be contaminated.

So… what are all the enviromentalists doing about this? …Not exactly front page with them… …Okay they got a picture of oil soaked swamp. What do they
propose to do about it? Where are the protests against BP corporate officers?

Yes: whose holding those that run, that own BP responsible? HAVE YOU JUST READ THE WIKI ON THIS FUCKER?! FUCKING

The British and Dutch “royal” families own BP:

GOOGLE search:

Very revealing news article:

LONDON, Aug. 28— The British Government plans to set two prices when it sells its remaining
31.5 percent stake in British Petroleum P.L.C. this fall, requiring foreigners and institutional
investors to pay more than British individuals, the Government’s adviser said today.

The offering, the largest ever, is expected to raise about $:6 billion, or $9.8 billion, and will
coincide with a new B.P. share issue that is expected to raise another $2.4 billion.

N. M. Rothschild & Sons Ltd. said the British public and existing British Petroleum shareholders
would be offered shares at a fixed price to be announced in mid-October. The existing
shareholders would also be allowed to buy a number of shares based on the size of their
existing holdings.

Another price, determined by demand and expected to exceed the initial price, would be fixed
later for the institutions and foreigners, although foreign investors would be permitted to buy
more stock than in previous privatizations, Rothschild said.

The merchant bank said the two-tier offering would provide wider share ownership while
increasing the amount the Government would receive.

The British Petroleum offering would be the first sale of shares in a state company in which the
Government would use two-tiered pricing. The move reflects the Government’s inceasing
sophistication in the use of financing techniques as it sells off more state assets.

In the Government’s last privatization, the sale of BAA P.L.C., the airports authority, investors
were given the option of either applying for shares at a fixed price or, for the first time, making
a tender offer.

The Government also plans to break with its previous practice of not offering more than 20
percent of a company’s shares to foreign investors.

British Petroleum said ”a significantly higher proportion” of its shares would be sold abroad.
B.P. has said it would like to increase American shareholders’ interest in the company to 15
percent, from 6 percent. Earlier this year, B.P. acquired the 45 percent of the Cleveland-based
Standard Oil Company it did not already own for $7.9 billion.

The Board Members are:[39]

 Carl-Henric Svanberg – Chairman

 Sir Ian Prosser – Non-executive director
 Byron Grote – Chief Financial Officer
 Andy Inglis – Chief executive, Exploration and Production
 Antony Burgmans – Non-executive director, board of Mauritshuis, AEGON, Unilever
 Cynthia Carroll – Non-executive director, CEO of Anglo American, also board of De Beers
 Sir William Castell – Non-executive director chairman of The Prince’s Trust
 George David – Non-executive director
 Tony Hayward – CEO/MD BP Worldwide
 Ian Conn
 George David vice-chairman of the Peterson Institute for International Economics
 Erroll Davis, board of General Motors and Union Pacific.
 Douglas J Flint, CBE director HSBC
 Dr DeAnne Julius, director of Chatham House

So what’s everyone’s Messiah up to?

Obama’s Gay Lover Speaks…


Obama and Emanuel: Members of same gay bath house in Chicago

President Obama and his chief of staff Rahm Emanuel are lifetime members of the
same gay bath house in uptown Chicago, according to informed sources in
Chicago’s gay community, as well as veteran political sources in the city.

The bath house, Man’s Country, caters to older white men and it has been in
business for some 30 years and is known as one of uptown Chicago’s “grand old
bathhouses.” WMR was told by sources who are familiar with the bath house that
it provides one-year “lifetime” memberships to paying customers and that the
club’s computerized files and pre-computer paper files, include membership
information for both Obama and Emanuel. The data is as anonymized as possible
for confidentiality purposes. However, sources close to “Man’s Country” believe
the U.S. Secret Service has purged the computer and filing cabinet files of the
membership data on Obama and Emanuel.

Members of Man’s Country are also issued club identification cards. WMR learned
that Obama and Emanuel possessed the ID cards, which were required for entry.

Obama began frequenting Man’s Country in the mid-1990s, during the time he
transitioned from a lecturer at the University of Chicago Law School to his election
as an Illinois State Senator in 1996. Emanuel, reportedly joined Man’s Country after
he left the Clinton White Hosue and moved back to Chicago in 1998, joining the
investment firm of Wasserstein Perella and maintaining his membership during his
2002 campaign for the U.S. 5th District House seat vacated by Rod Blagojevich,
who was elected governor.

Man’s Country appears to be a “one stop shopping” center for gay men. The club’s
website advertises steam rooms, “fantasy rooms,” bed rooms, male strippers,
adult movies, and lockers.

However, Man’s Country was not the only location for Obama’s predatory gay sex
activities. The Chicago gay community is aware that Obama often made contacts
with younger men at his famous “pick-up basketball” games. It was at these “pick
up” matches where Obama first met Emanuel and a young Democratic campaign
worker and senior bank vice president named Alexi Giannoulias. Currently running
for Obama’s old U.S. Senate seat now occupied by Roland Burris, Giannoulias
successfully ran for Illinois Treasurer in 2006 after being drafted for the run by
Chicago’s Democratic machine.

The Blagojevich trial: “Sex, Lies, and Audio tapes” — Fitzgerald’s US Attorney’s
Office part of White House cover-up of gay sex in the Second City

Giannoulias was a vice president and senior loan officer for his father’s bank,
Broadway Bank, from 2002 to 2006. Broadway Bank made real estate loans to
Antoin “Tony” Rezko, the chief of Rezmar Corporation. On May 13, 2008, Rezko
was found guilty, after being indicted by a grand jury at the behest of the U.S.
Attorney for Northern Illinois Patrick J. Fitzgerald, of six counts of wire fraud, six
counts of mail fraud, two counts of corrupt solicitation, and two counts of money
laundering. Rezko has been in solitary confinement at the Metropolitan Detention
Center at Van Buren and Clark in Chicago since June 2008. However, Rezko has not
yet been officially sentenced to a federal prison. A Syrian-American, Rezko is
considered to be a flight risk, even though his one-time fortune of $50 million has
been reduced to zero.

One Republican politician in Chicago told WMR that Rezko will be a prime witness
for Blagojevich’s defense. “Figure it this way, Rezko’s been in solitary confinement
in the city jail since June 0f 2008 . . . if he is released to appear at Blagojevich’s trial
as the primary witness, everyone expects him to squeal like a pig,” said the
Republican politico.

In 2005, Rezko reportedly engaged in a complicated real estate “flip” through

which his wife Rita and Obama agreed to split an empty lot adjoining a home that
Obama bought in Chicago’s Kenwood district. The deal saw Obama buy the home
for $1.65 million, which was $300,00 below market value. Obama then bought a
strip of the adjoining property from Mrs. Rezko, a speculative deal that stood to
make Obama a handsome profit. Since Rezko’s conviction, the property has has
reportedly gone into bankruptcy. Giannoulias’s Broadway Bank was seized by the
Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation on April 23, 2010,
reportedly as Secretary of Treasury Tim Geithner was on his way to Chicago to
present the bank with a bailout check. Geithner quickly changed his plans.

Giannoulias, Broadway’s then-senior loan officer, has denied being involved in the
decision to loan money to Rezko.

Last month, Blagojevich’s trial judge, U.S. District Court judge James Zagel, a crony
of former Illinois Republican Governor Jim Thompson, ruled that all 500 hours of
phone calls intercepted and taped by Fitzgerald could not be played during
Blagojevich’s trial as demanded by Blagojevich and his defense lawyers.
Blagojevich demanded that Fitzgerald “show up in court and explain to everybody .
. . why you don’t want those tapes that you made played in court.”

WMR has learned that the tapes may contain salty references Obama’s and
Emanuel’s private lives.

WMR attempted to interview Blagojevich’s senior defense lawyer Sam Adam to no

avail but other informed sources told us that the tapes, if played, would highlight
the corruption of not only Obama, Emanuel, and other member of Obama’s
Chicago “brain trust” but also Fitzgerald himself. WMR was told that Fitzgerald’s
tactics have included providing sex and drugs to imprisoned felons to get them to
provide perjured testimony at federal trials.

It is exactly the type of federal prosecutorial misconduct by Fitzgerald that former

Republican Governor said was used by state prosecutors when he commuted the
death sentences of Illinois’s death row population. Ryan was indicted by Fitzgerald
for fraud and he is currently serving out a federal prison sentence.

Blagojevich’s trial is scheduled to begin on June 3 and Fitzgerald’s main interest is

to keep the trial focused on Blagojevich, especially after he managed to “flip”
Blagojevich’s former chief of staff John Harris to testify against the impeached and
ousted governor. WMR learned from informed sources that one lawyer on Harris’s
defense team is involved in a gay partner scandal that was discovered by the
attorney’s wife.
Some of the wiretaps may reveal that it was not Valerie Jarrett, Obama’s longtime
friend and current White House policy adviser who was Obama’s top candidate to
fill his U.S. Senate seat, but the young 32-year old “pick up basketball” friend of
Obama, Giannoulias, then serving his second year as state Treasurer. However,
Obama has avoided campaigning for Giannoulias in Illinois and there are
indications that the president has “thrown Giannoulias under the bus,” according
to some Democratic political circles in Chicago.

Mutiple Chicago sources report that Republicans who see Giannoulias’s Obama
connections as providing an edge in his Senate race this year should not celebrate
prematurely. Giannoulias’s GOP opponent, U.S. Representative Mark Kirk, a Naval
Reserve intelligence officer, has also been identified as a closeted gay man. Kirk
divorced his wife last year after an eight-year marriage. They had no children.

In addition, U.S. Representative Aaron Shock, who took over the House seat
vacated by Obama’s Republican Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood, is, according
to Chicago Boy’s Town sources, a habitué of Minibar, a noted gay bar in Chicago’s
gay district. For an extremely young first term member of the House, observers
were surprised when GOP Minority Whip Eric Cantor of Virginia named Shock as a
Deputy Minority Whip.

Man’s Country, one of Chicago’s “grand old bathhouses” and located at 5015 North
Clark Street in Chicago’s “Boystown,” was a frequent hangout for State Senator
Obama and Rahm Emanuel

Sources in Chicago’s gay community report that Obama was attracted to Man’s
Country’s older white clientele because he generally enjoys being fellated by older
white men. Obama would regularly be seen at Man’s Country on Wednesdays.

Obama reportedly has never engaged in reciprocal activity. The sources also
confirm the allegations made during the 2008 campaign by Larry Sinclair, a Chicago
visitor who revealed that in 1999 he engaged in such oral sex activity and crack
cocaine use with then-State senator Obama on two occasions, once in the back of a
Chicago limousine operated by Five Star Limousine Service, and the other at a
Chicago area motel, the Comfort Suites in Gurnee, Illinois.

After revealing details of the encounter at a press conference at the National Press
Club in Washington, Sinclair was arrested by Washington Metropolitan Police on a
fugitive warrant issued by Delaware Attorney General Beau Biden, the son of
Obama’s vice presidential running mate, Senator Joe Biden. Sinclair was charged
with a misdemeanor count of theft of money orders, however, the state of
Delaware declined prosecution. Beau Biden later declined to run for his father’s old
Senate seat because of his duties to prosecute a major pedophilia case involving
Lewes, Delaware pediatrician Dr. Earl Bradley. There are reports that Biden’s office
helped to cover up Bradley’s activities, including failing to authorize search warants
for Bradley’s office and computer.

Chicago’s “DLC” — not the Democratic Leadership Council but the “Down Low
Club” — a gay matchmaking service

WMR spoke to several well-placed sources in Chicago who reported that Jeremiah
Wright, the pastor of Obama’s former church of 20 years, Trinity United Church of
Christ (TUCC) on Chicago’s south side, ran what was essentially a matchmaking
service for gay married black professional members of the church, including
lawyers and businessmen, particularly those with children. The matchmaking club
was called the “Down Low Club” but references to it over the phone and email
simply referred to the group with the code phrase “DLC.” The ruse, according to
our sources, was to make anyone who was eavesdropping on the communications
believe that the references were to the Democratic Leadership Council, also known
as the DLC.

The gay DLC’s services were intended to keep ensure TUCC’s gay members avoided
posting solicitations on web services like Craig’s List and refrain from cruising gay
bars. The strategy was to protect them from getting busted and being “outed.”

Among the members of the gay “DLC” were Obama and TUCC’s choir director,
Donald Young, an openly gay man who reportedly had a sexual relationship with
Obama. Two other gay members of the church were Larry Bland and Nate Spencer.
Young and Bland were brutally murdered, execution style, in late 2007. Bland was
murdered on November 17, 2007 and Young on December 24, 2007. The latter was
killed by multiple gunshot wounds. Spencer reportedly died on December 26, 2007,
official cause of death: “septicemia, pneumonia, and HIV.”

“DLC” members often went on camping trips arranged by TUCC. Wright reportedly
was the head of the “DLC” matchmaking services and ensured that its members
protected each other.

The “DLC’s” clientele included Obama and other gay members of TUCC, including,
reportedly Young, Bland, and Spencer. Fox 32 Chicago reported that Bland’s
mother, Josephine Bland, was so upset at her son inviting men into their home as a
result of contacting them through gay web sites like “Adam4Adam,” she moved

The gay community in Chicago knows to keep away from the TUCC and “DLC”
stories because of the “creepiness” of the operation and the suspicious deaths of
the three TUCC gay black men.

Although Obama protected his alternate life style through the secretiveness of the
“DLC,” he was not so careful when he proclaimed he was a state senator while
frolicking at Man’s Country in uptown Chicago.

Love: Obama’s personal trainer

Reggie Love, a former Duke basketball and football player and unsuccessful
National Basketball hopeful, currently serves as Obama’s personal trainer and
White House “special assistant” — he has been called Obama’s “body man” — who
receives a salary of $104,000 a year. Love is also reportedly one of Obama’s regular
gay sex partners. Love joined Obama’s Senate staff in a senior staff position in

Media General’s tabloid, the National Enquirer, proffered a story last year about
Michelle Obama being furious about the relationship between her husband and his
“body man.” TheEnquirer’s sister tabloid, The Globe, later floated a story about
Obama having a relationship with a Democratic campaign official named Vera
Baker. WMR has been told that this relationship was a clever ruse to throw off
speculation about Obama’s actual past sex partners. Baker has apparently left the
United States for relatively more obscurity in Martinique. Media General’s tabloids
have scooped the mainstream media on sex scandals involving Bill Clinton and
Gennifer Flowers and Monica Lewinsky, Tiger Woods, and John Edwards and Rielle

WMR’s Chicago sources believe the Secret Service records of presidential candidate
Obama’s activities in Chicago would show that Obama regularly arrived at Love’s
Chicago residence at 9:00 am and departed at 9:15 am. Sources told WMR that
while 15 minutes is much too short for a personal training exercise, it is ample time
for fellatio.

Bill Frist, “Brokeback Mountain,” and Obama

In 2006, after Obama became the junior senator from Illinois, WMR’s sources in
the Congressional Black Caucus reported that there were persistent rumors of gay
trysts between Obama and then-GOP Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist of
Tennessee. The allegations at the time seemed unbelievable.

However, based on Obama’s penchant for receiving fellatio from older white men,
a column written by The Washington Post’s “In the Loop” columnist Al Kamen on
April 7, 2006, some four months into Obama’s Senate term, may have expanded
relevance. Kamen reported he received an invitation to attend Frist’s “5th Annual
VOLPAC ’06 Weekend” in Nashville from April 21st to 23rd and that the invitation
card required one to “unbuckle the cowboy’s pants and look inside to see what this
was all about.” Kamen opined that the invitation seemed “a bit too ‘Brokeback

The invitation advertised that the shindig would feature “one-of-a-kind music and
special friends,” although Kamen said there was no indication what made the
“friends” so “special.” Kamen then wrote, “The back of the card shows the cowboy
from behind with a red flowered handkerchief sticking out of his right pocket. Wait
a minute — wasn’t there something about how this used to be some kind of code
in the gay community years ago? A way to signal each other in crowded, noisy
bars? So we checked the’s Hanky Codes. Sure enough, there it
was in the chart explaining what they mean: red hanky in right pocket. Oh, dear.”

Rumors about Obama and Frist ran amok in Congressional Black Caucus circles in

Although Frist ran on the pledge of only serving two terms, he became Senate
Majority Leader with all the perks of the office. WMR’s sources in Chicago’s gay
community revealed that Frist’s Majority Leader predecessor, Senator Trent Lott of
Mississippi, was also known to seek the services of male prostitutes. Frist, who said
he planned to run for President in 2006, decided against a run for the White House
and also declined a run for Tennessee governor in 2010.

With the rumor mill running at full speed in 2006, it is obvious why Frist
abandoned politics so quickly for the medical business. Frist later endorsed
Obama’s health care proposals. A year later, when GOP Senator Larry Craig was
arrested while soliciting for sex in a men’s toilet stall at Minneapolis-St. Paul
International Airport, he changed his mind about immediately resigning his Senate
seat. Knowing about his colleagues’ behavior, he dug in his heels and completed
his term in January 2009.
Rahm the “Sugar Daddy”

Obama’s chief of staff Emanuel, who won a scholarship to the Joffrey Ballet but
turned it down to attend college, is married and, like Obama, has children, in
Emanuel’s case, a son and two daughters.

However, Emanuel, who is 50, also travel frequently with a male companion, a
wealthy Chicago real estate developer, some five to six years his senior. WMR has
learned from Chicago’s gay community as well as political sources that Emanuel
and his friend have gone together on a trip to India, skiing vacations, and soon plan
a vacation in Florida, sans Mrs. Emanuel and the kids.

In Chicago’s gay community, Emanuel is known as “sugar daddy,” promising young

men with perks and lucrative positions if they sleep with him. On occasion,
Emanuel has been with older men, such as his travel companion, but his preference
is young, according to WMR’s sources. Emanuel also often uses bicycling and
basketball venues to make his approaches. Being an Emanuel “basketball buddy” is
a key to professional success.

WMR spoke to one member of the gay community in Chicago who had first hand
knowledge of one of Emanuel’s bed partners, an older man who runs a non-profit
symphony organization.

Obama’s other sex partners

WMR has previously reported on Obama’s past trysts with Alabama Democratic
U.S. Representative Artur Davis, a current primary candidate for governor of
Alabama. Although not in the same class, Obama and Davis attended Harvard Law
School during an overlap of their attendance at the law school.

The information on Davis and Obama was gathered by opposition researchers for
former Alabama Representative Earl Hilliard, who Davis defeated in the 2002
Democratic primary. Recently, WMR was informed by sources in Alabama that
Attorney General Eric Holder traveled three days ago to Alabama to inform Davis
that if he loses his primary race, he would be nominated by Obama to fill the job of
U.S. Attorney for the Middle District of Alabama, a position still held by Bush-
appointee Leura Canary, one of the main prosecutors of convicted and jailed
former Alabama Democratic Governor Don Siegelman.
Chicago sources also informed WMR of another past gay partner of Obama,
Massachusetts Democratic Governor Deval Patrick.

Men who have reportedly had sexual relations with Barack Obama

Donald Young, TUCC Choir director

Larry Sinclair, gay escort

Reggie Love, White House presidential assistant and Obama’s “body man”

Artur Davis, US Representative from Alabama and gubernatorial candidate

Bill Frist, former GOP Senate Majority Leader

Deval Patrick, Governor of Massachusetts

The Clear and Present Blackmail Threat

Leading secret alternate life styles, Obama and his chief of staff provide classic
blackmail threats. Considering Obama’s choice for the Supreme Court, Elena Kagan,
who is reputedly a semi-open lesbian, the question must be posed how much
Obama’s and Emanuel’s own covert life styles led to the decision to nominate
Kagan, someone with no experience on a judicial bench.

Similarly, the fact that so much is known about Obama’s and Emanuel’s trysts in
Chicago begs another important question. If politicians, gay community activists,
and journalists in the Windy City are aware of Obama’s and Emanuel’s highly
blackmailable gay life styles, the same can certainly hold true for the executives of
one of Chicago’s corporate headquarters — that of BP America’s Production

Throw in the intelligence agencies of America’s allies, friends, enemies, and the
situation becomes a clear and present danger to the national security of the United
Very important article on the mindset and strategy of Wall St. banksters.

They have grown their power and influence like kudzu until they have choked off the American
domestic economy-Main Street, where we Americans used to be able to start our own
businesses. Can't do that with Wal-Mart around unless you take my advice about taking over
your town's government...

The thing about fraud, they cannot keep it going forever and they know it.

They have a endgame. When their fraudulant potemkim economy collapses they will have a
globalized electronic slavery for us in exchange for food and shelter.

Listen to this Wall Street fucker's words. Understand he's as much the enemy as the oath
traitor swat cop that shoots your granny in the neck at 4 in the morning or the
neoconservatives seeking an apocalypse to keep the US empire going.


Confessions Of A Wall St. Nihilist: Forget About Goldman Sachs, Our Entire Economy Is Built On

by Mark Ames
April 30, 2010

There was a strange moment last week during President Obama's speech at Cooper Union.
There he was, groveling before a cast of Wall Street villains including Goldman Sachs chief Lloyd
Blankfein, begging them to "Look into your heart!" like John Turturro's character in Miller's
Crossing...when out of the blue, the POTUS dropped this bombshell: "The only people who
ought to fear the kind of oversight and transparency that we're proposing are those whose
conduct will fail this scrutiny."

The Big Secret, of course, is that every living creature within a 100-mile radius of Cooper Union
would fail "this scrutiny"--or that scrutiny, or any scrutiny, period. Not just in a 100-mile radius,
but wherever there are still signs of economic life beating in these 50 United States, the mere
whiff of scrutiny would work like nerve gas on what's left of the economy. Because in the 21st
century, fraud is as American as baseball, apple pie and Chevrolet Volts--fraud's all we got left,
Doc. Scare off the fraud with Obama's "scrutiny," and the entire pyramid scheme collapses in a
heap of smoldering savings accounts.
That's how an acquaintance of mine, a partner in a private equity firm, put it: "Whoever pops
this fraud bubble is going to have to escape on the next flight out, faster than the Bin Laden
Bunch fled Kentucky in their chartered jets after 9/11."

And that's why this SEC suit accusing Goldman Sachs of fraud is really just a negotiating bluff to
give Obama's people some leverage--or it's supposed to be, anyway--according to the PE guy.
He dismissed all the speculation that the fraud investigations would turn on other obvious
villains like Deutsche, Merrill, Paulson & Co., the Rahm Emmanuel-linked Magnetar and so on.

"You don't get it, Ames. Even Khuzami, the SEC guy in charge of the Goldman case, is a fraud;
the fucker was Deutsche's general counsel when they pulled the same CDO scam as Goldman.
You have no idea how deep this goes."

And it's clear that a lot more people here are aware of how fundamentally rotten things are but
they're not willing to face the big fraudonomics bummer yet, preferring instead to stick with
specific accusations.

My position on this was, "Good, throw the book at those crooks too, I don't see what the
problem is here."

This was exactly what I argued a week ago, during a verbal slapfight with that acquaintance of
mine. We were making a scene in a Midtown yuppie restaurant, arguing over just how much
damage Wall Street had caused, and what to do about it.

His position was indefensible, and he knew it, so he switched tactics:

"OK Ames, which bankers would you throw the book at? Because you're arguing that they're all
guilty. So which ones do you go after? Two of them? Three? Half of them?"

"Every last one of them. Lock 'em up in one of their private prisons."

"Not gonna happen, Che."

"Che? Me? Listen, Scarface, I'm about law and order. Don't any of you PE degenerates believe
in that anymore?"

"OK, here's the deal, Che. I'm going to walk you through this nice and slow so that even an
agave-sweetened hippie like you can understand this. Stick with me, this is gonna be a little
complicated. Ready?" And so he began.

"Let's say the government decides one day, 'You know, we oughta listen to Che here, let's
throw the book at every firm and every executive that our people can make a case against.
Because you know, gosh, it's all about rule of law and blind justice, just like Che says.' OK, so
now this means indicting just about every serious player in finance, so they take down Goldman
Sachs, they take down Citigroup, JP Morgan, BofA... and they also serve all the big funds who
are at least as guilty, if not more. So they shut down Pimco, Blackrock, Citadel... maybe they
indict Geithner and Summers, haul in some of Bush's crooks... right?"

"Too bad they don’t serve popcorn here, this is getting good."

"OK, now guess what you've just done? You've just caused the markets to completely tank.
Remember what happened after the Lehman collapse? Remember how popular that made
every politician in Washington? Still wondering why they coughed up a trillion bucks? They
were scared for their lives; that's why they voted for that bailout. You'd have done the same
goddamn thing. But if we go after everyone guilty of fraud and theft, the market crash this
country would see would make 2008 look like Sesame Street. Open that can of worms labeled
'Fraud' and the whole fucking economy collapses. You may as well prosecute people for
masturbating. No one will know where the fraud investigation stops and who will be charged
next--everyone will try to cash out, and the markets will tank to zero. And guess what happens
when the markets tank to zero? Every fucking American with a retirement plan, or an
investment portfolio, or a 401k--every state pension plan in the country, every teacher's
pension fund, every fireman's pension--every last one of them will be wiped out. That's what
the Lehman collapse taught us."

"Us? It didn't teach anything but that this country is run by maniacs."

"Jesus H. Christ, Ames– you're even more clueless than the idiots who managed the Lehman
collapse. I mean, didn't everyone get it how badly those idiots screwed up with Lehman? It was
the biggest screw-up this hemisphere has ever seen. You had Secretary Paulson and Fed Chief
Bernanke scratching their asses not knowing what to do, so then they go, 'OK, we're supposed
to be a free market economy, and we're supposed to be the Republicans--let's try something
different for a change since nothing else is working. Let's go out on a limb and actually give this
"free market" thing a whirl. Who knows? Maybe the "free market" really works the way we
always say it does. Nothing else seems to work, let's let the free market decide Lehman's fate.
Maybe corporate-socialism isn't the answer.' So they hung Lehman out in the free-market, and
BAM! The. Shit. Hit. The. Fan. No shit, dudes--the free market is for suckers, didn't your daddy
teach you idiots that? Not only did Lehman collapse--everything collapsed; confidence in the
entire system collapsed. And here's what I'm trying to explain to simpletons like you: Our
economy is just a confidence game. Don't ask me how it got this way, don't care."

I tried saying something insulting to him, but he just talked right over me, lurching forward
baring his laser-whitened teeth.

"I'm sure you have the answer, you and Ron Paul and all the other pot-smoking libertarian do-
gooders have it all figured out. But what I'm saying is, no confidence means end of the
confidence game. That's what Lehman showed. Every single player in finance suddenly had to
face the fundamental problem--this whole fucking economy is built on fraud and lies and
garbage. So when Lehman collapsed, every single player panicked, going, 'If Lehman was
nothing but a Ponzi scheme--and I know what I'm running is a Ponzi scheme--holy shit, that
means everyone else is running a Ponzi scheme too! Run for the exits!' No one trusted anyone
else, everyone pulled out, and the entire global economy collapsed just like that. And that
meant your parents, my parents, every teacher, every fireman, every person in the country
going into retirement, every price on every asset--wiped out.

"And here's what I'm trying to get you to understand: In the grown-up world, when an entire
country's savings accounts are wiped out because of some do-gooder and his law books and his
Thomas Jefferson 'What about free and fair markets?' crap, that is a big problem--people don't
give a fuck about Jefferson and 'free and fair markets,' they just want their savings to be worth
something. And people are right: Jefferson was an imbecile. He should have been a folk singer,
not a Founding fucking Father. But that's another issue that's over your head--the point is, the
guy who destroys this economy because it's 'the right thing to do' will have to flee for his life,
and whatever president or political party was in power when that decision was made will be
out of power for the next 200 years. That's why Washington panicked and passed 'the bailout,'
they didn't want to be the fools whom all the Ponzi victims blame for tanking the Ponzi scheme,
so they broke the glass and pumped up a newer, bigger Ponzi scheme. It was an expensive 14
trillion dollar lesson in, 'Stay the fuck away from free-market experiments, assholes!' How naive
are you people to actually believe that 'free market' crap? The problem is when people in
power are stupid enough to listen to guys like you: all the do-gooder libertarians and the do-
gooder free-market Republicans who forgot that they're supposed to lie. Hello!"

"Libertarian, me? Since when was I ever a libertarian?"

"That's my point: Fools like you don't even know who you are anymore. They forgot that
they're supposed to lie about all that libertarian free-market shit, keep it far the fuck out of
policy. But instead of just lying about free-markets while secretly propping up Lehman, the
idiots actually tried pulling off a 'free-market' miracle, and we had to pay $14 trillion just to find
out what I could have told them for no fee at all, which is: 'Hey, assholes, you're supposed to be
hypocrites, OK? You're supposed to be two-faced free-market liars, not libertarian Quakers!
You're not supposed to believe in anything--your job is to get up in front of the public and lie
about free markets and the rest. Period.'

"That's it, how fucking hard is it? Look, watch my face: Say one thing out of one side… and do
the other out of the other side. Got that? Let everyone else whine and cry about, 'Ooh, that's
not fair, ooh, that's a bailout, that's socialism, that's corruption.' That's what losers do--they
whine. You, for example, Che--you whine all the time, and look at you… Can you pay the bill for
this meal? Is there a libertarian on earth who can afford to buy a decent meal in Manhattan?
And now, look at me: I'm a hypocrite. Hell yes I am! I lie every day of my life, I lie to myself in
my sleep. Hell, I'm lying to you right now, in fact I don't even know what the fuck I'm saying
anymore because I'm so used to lying. And yet--who's the guy with the black card? Who's the
one who's going to pick up the check tonight? Guys with power, guys like me, we lie. You got
that? 'Lie' as in 'My Lai' the massacre--as in, 'My Lai you long time, me so free-markety.' You
distract the dumbshits with free-market B.S. because hey, for whatever reason, that's what the
public likes to hear, it doesn't really matter what lie you feed them so long as it's the lie that
puts them in a trance. And then behind the scenes, you do the very opposite: You fix the game,
you cover up this problem here with those funds there, you move shit around, you skim
budgets and you subsidize the system, you cover up the bad shit and once in a while throw a
has-been to the wolves to keep the public entertained--that's the way the system works, and
anyone who's an adult understands that. And everyone who doesn't understand that can go
form an online libertarian chat group and complain with all their little libertarian friends about
free markets and Jekyll Island and 'Wahhh! It's not not fair, waahhhh!'"

"What's with the libertarian accusation?"

"It's just that you all sound the same to me. Libertarians, hippies--is there really a difference?
You all whine alike: 'It's not fair, man! Ooh! You can't do that, it's fraud, it's corruption, ooh no!'
Or: 'It's the income inequality, man; Goldman Sachs controls us all man; it's socialism for the
rich; it's all too scary for my retarded 5-year-old libertarian brain!' Seriously, anytime I meet
libertarians like you--"

"Listen--I'm not a fucking libertarian, OK? I want free handouts. How clear do I have to make
this? Me--handouts. Me--Big Government. I want to collectivize your productive cash, because I
am a resentful parasite. Are you capable of processing a single word of what I'm saying to you,

"Uh-huh, sure, whatever. Here's the thing: I think it's great that you and your friends
memorized Road to Serfdom in between Star Trek episodes--no really, I'm happy for you. Yeah,
we're all so proud. But here's the thing: We grown-ups are really, really busy now trying to sort
out the free-market mess you made with that Lehman move of yours. Yeah, so why don't you
run along to your libertarian chat rooms and have your little debates about Jekyll Island and the
gold standard, because it really means a lot to us. And report back to me as soon as you have it
all figured out, m'kay? Just get the fuck out of my face and leave the adults alone."

It got a lot more vicious and personal than this, but when our verbal slap-fight ended--and he
paid the bill--I thought about what he said, and it made a lot more sense. Fraud has become so
endemic in this country that it's woven its way into America's DNA, forming a symbiotic
relationship that can't be undone without killing off the host. If they push it just a little too
hard, the entire American economy could crash, asset values could tank, and that means tens
of millions of extremely pissed off retirees and Baby Boomers. As the Wall Streeter put it:
"Whoever is responsible for bursting this latest bubble by exposing all the fraud--and tanking all
the markets--will not only be out of power for at least a generation, but they'll all have to get
radical reconstructive surgery on their faces and seek political asylum somewhere remote. No
one wants to be that guy, and that's why it's not going to happen."

That may be true, but all bubbles to eventually burst, all Ponzi schemes do collapse. The only
question is when. For those of us not on the verge of retiring, the sooner we have this day of
reckoning and get it over with, the better.

Fraudonomics: 10 Fun Fraud Facts

Ever since I got kicked out of Russia and forced back home, I've been collecting all kinds of news
articles about fraud, in a document file titled "America Is Russia." Here's a little taste of the
wonderful world of American Fraud:

1). Accounting Fraud: Last year, America's leading banks were insolvent. They had tens or
hundreds of billions in losses on their books, and the only way to wipe those losses out would
be to either a) own up to the mess, raise enormous amounts of money on top of all the bailout
money; or b) get out a big fat eraser, and wipe those losses off the books as if they never
existed. The first option was nice and all, but a real hassle. So Geithner and Larry Summers
chose Door Number Two: Accounting Fraud. They forced the FASB to accept a rule-change in
the accounting methodology called "mark-to-model" which let banks decide how much their
assets were worth, rather than letting the markets decide. So if for example a BofA owned a
complex security called "Orion Butt Fungus" that was worth 5 pesos on the open market, but
BofA was too broke to go out and raise 5 pesos to cover that loss, under the new accounting
rules, the government told BofA that rather than pricing "Orion Butt Fungus" at what the
market will actually pay for it, why not first ask, "How much would BofA like 'Orion Butt Fungus'
to be worth, in a perfect world?'" If BofA answers, "Doyee, gee I dunno, how about $500
million?" then under the "mark-to-model" accounting rules, BofA could now value "Orion Butt
Fungus" at $500 million, and voila! Their problems are over. That wasn't so hard, was it?
Suddenly, BofA looks like it knows how to pick winners! And no one's going to second-guess
them, because everyone else is mark-to-modeling their "Orion Butt Fungi" too! The end result:
under the old rules, BofA would have had to raise money just to cover its debts, sort of like you
and me have to do, and that's just a lot of money going to waste. But now that its portfolio is so
profitable, BofA has a much easier time raising money, which it uses to pay ginormous bonuses
to its executives.

2). Big Pharma Fraud. Remember that scene early in Fight Club, when Edward Norton explained
his job, when it was more profitable to let a car defect go and pay whatever lawsuit settlements
come from the deaths, and when it's better to recall the cars because the number of deaths will
result in too many lawsuits? This is humanitarian do-gooder stuff compared to the savage real-
world fraud-for-profit model that drives America's drug companies. It's really simple and it goes
like this: the more fraud a drug company commits, so long as it's off-the-scale fraud with the
most horrible consequences for the victims, the drug company's profits always outdo the
criminal fines and lawsuits by factors of 20, 30, 100... It's as simple as that. Because the billion
in penalties here or the two billion in class action lawsuit settlements there are always far less
than the tens of billions you earn from pushing harmful drugs on unsuspecting idiots. To wit:
Between May 2004 and March 2010, a handful of top drug companies like Pfizer, Eli Lilly and
Bristol-Myers paid over $7 billion in criminal penalties for bribing doctors to prescribe drugs for
unapproved uses, with sometimes deadly consequences. However, as a Bloomberg report
noted, the fines are always a fraction of the profits--Pfizer alone paid almost $3 billion in
criminal fines since 2004, yet that was just one percent of their total revenues; Eli Lilly got
busted bribing doctors to prescribe a schizophrenia drug, Zyprexa, to elderly patients suffering
from dementia, even though company-run clinical trials showed an alarming death rate of 31
people out of 1,184 participants (double the placebo rate). Whatever--the market for elderly
dementia patients meant billions in extra revenues. So Eli Lilly continued pushing Zyprexa on
the elderly for another four years until it the Feds busted them. Eli Lilly got hit with $1.42 billion
fine, but that was peanuts compared to the $36 billion it earned on Zyprexa sales from 2000-
2008. To make it happen, the drug companies buy off all the checks and balances: lawsuits
revealed the enormous bribes they pay to doctors, and even America's medical journals are so
corrupted by drug company influence that they're no longer reliable as much more than hidden
advertisements, according to a recent UCSF study. Medical journals are 5 times more likely to
publish "positive" drug reviews than negative reviews, and one-quarter of all clinical trials are
never published at all, leading doctors to prescribe drugs assuming they have all the
information. The result: prescription drugs kill one American every five minutes ...while
Americans pay more for drugs than anyone in the world, spending a total of $12 billion on
drugs in 1980 to spending $291 billion in 2008--a 1,700% increase. America is ranked only 17th
in the world in life expectancy.

3). Alan Greenspan: Fraudonomics Maestro. America's central banker from 1987-2006 once
told a do-gooder regulator not to fuck with the bankers' fraud schemes, because in Greenspan's
mind, fraud was not a crime and didn't need to be regulated. Then Greenspan forced the
regulator, Brooksley Born, to resign. Just in time for his next and final act as Central Bank chief:
from 2001-2004, Greenspan pumped up the biggest housing bubble in human history by
holding rates down to nothing, while touring the country promoting the glories of subprime and
Alt-A mortgages. Then in late 2005, when the bubble was ready to burst, Greenspan tendered
his resignation and switched over to the other side, signing lucrative contracts with three
investment firms all of which bet big against gullible American homeowners, and reaped
billions. First, Greenspan signed up to work for Deutsche Bank, which is being sued for
securities fraud for selling an Abacus-like CDO to a Warren Buffett-owned bank, M&T;
Greenspan also worked for Pimco, which earned $2 billion in a single day in September 2008,
when Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were nationalized with Greenspan's lobbying help; and
lastly, Greenspan went to work for Paulson & Co., the hedge fund that raked in $1 billion off the
same Abacus CDO deal that brought the SEC fraud suit against Goldman Sachs. It's an unusually
perfect record for Greenspan, given his atrocious forecasting record at the Fed. It recalls the old
Greenspan circa 1984-5, when he worked as a lobbyist for Charles Keating trying to push
regulators off his back and vouching on the record for Keating's character...Keating was
eventually jailed for fraud in the worst savings and loan collapse of all.

4). Municipal Debt Fraud. America's $2.8 trillion municipal bond market is rife with fraud of the
sort you'd expect in an emerging tinpot economy: opacity rather than transparency, plenty of
corruption and kickbacks, resulting in decimated budgets and services cutbacks in communities
across the country. The problem all stems from way the bonds are issued these days: instead of
holding open tenders, nearly all are the result of backroom deals. Back in 1970, only 15 percent
of municipal bond contracts were awarded through no-bid contracts; last year, 85% of muni
bond deals were assigned in no-bid, non-transparent agreements. Studies show that no-bid
bonds invariably cost municipalities more than bonds resulting from open tenders. So far, fraud
and corruption charges have been leveled against state employees and city councilors in
Florida, New York, New Mexico, Alabama and California, to name a few. Muni bond defaults
soared from just $348 million in 2007 to $7.4 billion in 2008--that's an increase of 20 times–
with growing numbers of cities, counties and states on the verge of bankruptcy.

5). Journalism fraud. The Washington Post got caught whoring out their venerable editorial
staff to corporate lobbyists for anywhere from $25,000 to $250,000 a date, depending on the
access. The Atlantic Monthly admitted to TalkingPointsMemo that it routinely sold access to its
editorial staff for cash. As for business journalism, all sorts of articles and studies have asked
the obvious question: "How did every mainstream business outlet miss the financial collapse of
2008?" Among all the self-flagellating mea-kinda-culpas, you won't find the word "fraud" in
their answer. Speaking of business journalism and fraud, The Business Insider, one of the top
business news blogs, published a pair of articles defending Goldman Sachs against the SEC fraud
charges. The author of the articles defending Goldman Sachs is Business Insider's co-founder
and editor, Henry Blodget. In 2003, Blodget himself was charged with securities fraud by the
SEC for repeatedly misleading clients into buying stocks of companies that in private emails
Blodget referred to as "piece of shit." Under the terms of Blodget's settlement with the SEC, he
agreed to a lifetime ban from the securities industry, and he paid $4 million in fines and
disgorgements. Since he is not barred from the world of business journalism, Blodget was able
to post an article last Friday headlined: "HOLD EVERYTHING: The SEC’s Fraud Case Against
Goldman Seems VERY Weak."

6). Fraudonomics K-12. If you want your kid to grow up to succeed in a fraud-based economy,
you need to teach him the ABC's of cheating starting at a young age. This is one area where
America's schools aren't failing their students. Cheating is so rampant in schools that nowadays
if the student doesn't cheat on his exam, chances are his teacher or administrator will cheat on
his test for him. One in five elementary schools in Georgia are currently being investigated for
tampering with the students' standardized test scores--although suspicious patterns of erasing
and remarking answers showed up in half of the state's elementary schools. In California, as
many as two-thirds of its public schools admitted to fudging its students' standardized test
scores. A survey of graduate school students found that 53 percent of business school grad
students admitted to cheating, more than any other grad school discipline. Overall, up to 98
percent of college students today admit to cheating, compared to just 20 percent who cheated
in 1940.

7). Boardroom Fraud. Corporate America's boardrooms are stacked up these days in tight,
intertwined relationships that turn public companies into crime scenes, plundering money from
unsuspecting shareholders and divvying up the loot among the directors and top executives. In
2008, Chesapeake Energy's stock price collapsed from $74 per share to $9.84, wiping out $33
billion in shareholder value. The CEO, Aubrey McClendon, gambled and lost 94% of his stock in
the company on a margin call, personally losing about $2 billion. So what did the board of
directors do? They voted to award McClendon $112 million for 2008, the highest of any CEO in
America. Shareholders were outraged, calling it a "bailout," and several pension funds tried
suing Chesapeake, but the courts in Oklahoma blocked the lawsuits. That's because Aubrey
McClendon is sort of the George Bush of Oklahoma--a spoiled fuck-up with a rich and powerful
granddaddy--Robert Kerr, former governor and senator, and founder of Kerr-McGee--meaning
plenty of VIP connections for the loser grandkid. So on Chesapeake's board, you had Aubrey's
cousin, Breene Kerr; Frank Keating, Republican ex-governor of Oklahoma whose son Chip (and
Chip's wife) works for Chesapeake; Don Nickles, Republican ex-Senator of Oklahoma who co-
funded with Aubrey the Republican anti-gay marriage campaign in 2004; Richard Davidson, the
former head of Union Pacific, whose corrupt board of directors lavished Davidson with tens of
millions in bonuses and a $2.7 million per year pension when he retired... Now multiply a board
of directors like this by the sum total of "Corporate America" and you get…a corrupt, tin-pot
corporate culture masquerading as a civilized First World corporate culture. That's us. (You can
read about this problem in an excellent new book Money For Nothing: How The Failure of
Corporate Boards is Ruining American Business and Costing Us Trillions.)

8). Corrupt credit rating agencies. The only way big institutional investors like pension funds
could justify buying a piece of the Orion Butt Fungus CDO pie was if ratings agencies like S&P or
Moody's gave it a top-notch seal of approval: AAA rated, with a little star on the forehead for
good behavior. And in the world of fraudonomics, good behavior looks like this email from a
Standard & Poor ratings analyst in December 2006:

"Rating agencies continue to create an even bigger monster _ the CDO market. Let’s hope we
are all wealthy and retired by the time this house of cards falters."

The happy ending to this story is that a huge percentage of thieving scum like this emailer saw
their hopes become reality: they got wealthy and retired before the CDO market crashed in a
trillion-plus dollar heap of shit. And if they didn't retire, even better--because bonuses in 2009
were soaring, thanks to the always-gullible American taxpayer.

9). Regulatory Fraud: In the OTS, OCC, Fed, pension benefit guaranty agency and of course the
SEC, where whistleblowers were routinely ignored because the regulators were too busy
painting their monitors while surfing sites like

10). Judicial Fraud: Juvenile court judges in Pennsylvania took millions of dollars in kickbacks
from privately run prisons in exchange for sentencing thousands of innocent kids to juvenile
prison terms. Chronic on-the-bench masturbation is running rampant: an Oklahoma judge was
accused of using a penis pump on the bench, while nearby in Texas, a Harris County judge
masturbated and ejaculated on a defendant's hand. Speaking of Texas, the entire juvenile
prison system there was turned into a sex abuse racket involving Texas state officials–over 750
official complaints about prison administrators molesting or raping underaged inmates in all 13
juvenile facilities had been officially logged between 2000 and 2007.

The list goes on and on. Hell, even our literature was corrupted with fraud: James Frey's
addiction "memoir" A Million Little Pieces turned out to be A Million Pieces of Bullshit, the
biggest literary fraud of our time. Fooled readers sued, Oprah chewed him out and Frey is now
a bestelling "fiction" author.

This is just scratching the surface, but you get the point. We’re way past the point of
redemption. No wonder everyone’s dreaming of a violent apocalypse to wipe the slate clean,
and take us away to another plane where everything would be better. Anything but this.


About author

Mark Ames was founder and editor of The eXile, the notorious Moscow-based, English-
language newspaper shuttered last year after a raid by Russian authorities. He is the author of
two books: The eXile: Sex, Drugs and Libel in the New Russia (together with Matt Taibbi), and
Going Postal: Rage, Murder and Rebellion: From Reagan’s Workplaces to Clinton’s Columbine
and Beyond.

No Known Cure For The AK-47 Disease

April 12, 2010: American and NATO trainers are frustrated at their inability to train Afghans to
shoot accurately. The Afghan soldiers and police, despite the constant example of superior
marksmanship on the part of foreign troops, persist in pointing their weapons, instead of
aiming them. Meanwhile, Afghan traditionalists are trying to change the way the Taliban fight.
This can be seen by the increase in the use of sniping by the Taliban. In the two years, NATO
units in southern Afghanistan estimate there has been a sharp (over 30 percent) percent
increase in sniping incidents. This is not seen as a major danger. NATO troops wear protective
bests and helmets that can stop bullets fired at long range, making it very frustrating for the
Taliban shooters trying to hit a distant target in a vulnerable spot. And there was not a lot of
sniping by the Taliban to begin with.

This shift in tactics is largely a reaction to the better training, and weapons, of U.S. and NATO
infantry. Afghans, and especially the Taliban, consider themselves great warriors. But they are
getting tired of being defeated every time they get into a firefight with the foreign troops.
Worse yet, if the Taliban stay put during a fight, the damned foreigners bring in a warplane that
drops a smart bomb or two, bringing an inglorious (for the Taliban) end to the action.

Then some of the young guys remembered grandpa decrying the decline in marksmanship
years ago. Back before the Russians showed up, in the 1980s, the best an Afghan could hope to
have was a World War II, or World War I, era bolt action rifle. These weapons were eclipsed in
the 1980s by full automatic AK-47s and the RPG rocket launcher. The young guys took to the
AK, and the thrill of emptying a 30 round magazine on full automatic. Not bad for a brief
firefight, and suddenly hardly anyone, except a few old timers, wanted to use the old bolt
action rifle, or learn how to hit anything with single shots.

What was not noticed much outside of Afghanistan, was that this shift in weaponry brought to
an end a long Afghan tradition of precision, long range shooting. Before the 1980s, this skill was
treasured for both hunting and warfare. When doing neither, Afghan men played games
centered on marksmanship. One, for example, involved a group of men chipping in and buying
a goat. The animal was then tethered to a rock, often on a hill, and then the half dozen or so
men moved several hundred meters away and drew lots to see who would fire in what order.
The first man to drop the goat, won it. Since Afghanistan was the poorest nation in Asia, ammo
was expensive, and older men taught the young boys all the proper moves needed to get that
first shot off accurately.

During the 1980s, Saudi Arabia spent billions of dollars to arm Afghans with all the AK-47s and
ammo they could use, and they used lots of it. But rarely for target practice. Compared to bolt-
action rifles like the British Lee-Enfield, the AK-47 was less accurate when one shot at a time
was fired. The old timers, or a few young traditionalists, kept their Lee-Enfields, and made
themselves useful picking off Russian soldiers at long distances, on those rare occasions where
that was needed. A few Afghans noted that the AK-47, fired one shot at a time, was pretty
accurate out to about 300 meters. But the Russians had more firepower, and it was rarely
prudent to stay too close to them for too long. So "spray and pray" (going full automatic all the
time) became the new Afghan warrior tradition.

The Lee-Enfield is one of the oldest, and still widely used, rifles on the planet. Over 17 million
were manufactured between 1895 and the 1980s. While there are more AK-47s out there (over
20 million in private hands), these are looked down on by those who use their rifles for hunting,
or killing with a minimum expenditure of ammunition. The 8.8 pound Lee-Enfield is a bolt-
action rifle (with a ten round magazine) noted for its accuracy and sturdiness. The inaccurate
AK-47 has a hard time matching bolt action accuracy more than a hundred meters out.
Meanwhile, the Lee-Enfield can drop an animal, or a man, at over 400 meters, on the first shot.

There are millions of Lee-Enfields still in use throughout India, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and even
Iraq and other Persian Gulf nations. These are largely World War II leftovers. In the early half of
the 20th century, the British gave out millions of these weapons to allies, or those being
courted. Noting the accuracy of the Lee-Enfield (.303 caliber, or 7.7mm), the locals came to
prize the rifle for hunting, and self-defense. There are still many gunsmiths throughout the
region (and at least one factory in India) that will refurbish century old Lee-Enfields to "like
new" condition. Ammunition is still manufactured, with the high quality stuff going for a dollar
a round, and lesser quality for 25 cents a round. These rifles sell in the west for $500-1,000. The
Lee-Enfield will carry on well into the 21st century.

One place where the Lee-Enfield found lots of fans was Afghanistan. There, the Afghans had
been introduced to rifles in the 19th century, and they treasured these weapons. This was
particularly true after the introduction of smokeless powder rifles in the late 19th century.
Many Afghans were still using black powder rifles well into the 20th century. But once Lee-
Enfields began show up in large numbers after World War I (1914-18), no one wanted the
larger, heavier and less accurate black powder rifles (which always gave off your position, with
all that smoke, after you fired a round.) Now, wealthy drug lords are buying expensive hunting
and sniper rifles for their militias, but so far, the Taliban Snipers appear to be using grandpa's
old Lee-Enfield.

NATO trainers get nowhere by mentioning the old Afghan warrior tradition of sharpshooting.
The lack of discipline, and literacy, among so many Afghan recruits leaves less time for weapons
training anyway. Meanwhile, the allure of "spray and pray" is too strong for a generation that
has access to automatic weapons, and all the ammo they can carry.


To the adults in the government reading this(you are), act now to take charge of the Gulf Oil
Volcano and stop it. Today. Yes I know it was placed right on the end of the New Madrid fault
line to not only pollute the oceans but to make stopping mean the potential to unleash a
earthquake that will devastate the Midwest. Compared to the alternative... there is no
Get the enemies of all of us out of the way so that this oil volcano can be stopped, the damage
to the Gulf of Mexico honestly begun to be repaired. This ecological false flag attack was
deliberately conceived to devastate first America then in two years the entire planet with toxic
air and rain making life on the surface of this planet impossible. This will mean you too. Do
not think for one second that a species like us faced with extinction will NOT take you down
with us. And if you don't act to stop this you will.

The Tea Party must be allowed to continue their rise and take power-no more vote fraud, or
moves to stop a peaceable Second American Revolution. If for nothing else that it's in your own
best interest in taking out the beast and begin a transistion to a more balanced arrangement
between yourselves and the American People. The crisis can be used as a form of rehabilitation
to a people mentally, chemically and spiritually drugged by (I will presume for argument's sake)
our common enemy. The reforms that will be made in America can mean a graduated decrease
in geopolitical tensions, a new economic cycle can start on the foundations of enviromental
restoration, infrastructure repair, and a free hand in techonolgical innovation and
entrepenurialship. A new era for Man can begin instead of some long-scripted apocalypse.

If you act your role can be spun as heroic and there can be a true partnership between you and
us. If you don't act then you cannot expect not to be treated as enemy.


First a fresh alert about the ever worsening Gulf Oil Volcano:

Petroleum Engineer -Gulf Oil Rig Intentionally Sabotaged

June 15, 2010






















The Gulf Oil Volcano: an ecological 9/11. Sadly it makes perfect sense, it happened on April 20-
a favorite date for these bastards. That is not the worst of it:

Gulf Coast Explosive Tsunami

June 15, 2010







To anyone reading this and living in the South and along the East Coast EVACUATE NOW.

Look at the following information about moisture patterns from the Gulf of Mexico and the
Atlantic Ocean:

East of the Rocky Mountains, air of Pacific origin has become relatively dry, and its importance
as a source of precipitation is replaced by moist air from the Gulf of Mexico. The influence of
Gulf air extends northward well into Canada. Annual precipitation increases to the east and
south under the more frequent intrusions of moist air from the Gulf and the Atlantic. The
greatest annual precipitation is along the Gulf coast and the southern end of the Appalachians.
You can draw a rough diagonal line from Northern Mexico through Texas, Missouri, Illinois,
Indiana, Lake Erie, Lake Ontario and the Saint Lawrence Seaway; anything to the East is a
potential danger zone. Basically anywhere ANY Gulf or Atlantic sea moisture penetrates there
you will have toxic air and toxic rain.

This is what's in the air over the Gulf of Mexico NOW:

The numbers they cite in the clip are from early May; with the concentration of crude oil
CoreExit, hydrogen sulfide and other toxins...

May Levels of Toxic Gases in Gulf Back Up Claim Made by Lindsey Williams
June 12, 2010

Appearing on the Alex Jones Show earlier in the week, pastor Lindsey Williams said that gases
— Hydrogen Sulfide, Benzene, Methylene Chloride, and other toxic gases — pose a greater risk
to human health than the presence of oil washing up on Gulf of Mexico beaches. Williams said
the EPA is not reporting on the amount of gases escaping from the BP oil gusher. However, the
second video below suggests the EPA has released data on the amount of Hydrogen Sulfide and
Benzene in the air in Louisiana.

Health Effects of Hydrogen Sulfide

H2S is classed as a chemical asphyxiant, similar to carbon monoxide and cyanide gases. It
inhibits cellular respiration and uptake of oxygen, causing biochemical suffocation. Typical
exposure symptoms include:

W 0 – 10 ppm Irritation of the eyes, nose and throat

D 10 – 50 ppm Headache


Nausea and vomiting

Coughing and breathing difficulty


H 50 – 200 ppm Severe respratory tract irritation

Eye irritation / acute conjunctivitis




Death in severe cases

Prolonged exposures at lower levels can lead to bronchitis, pneumonia, migraine headaches,
pulmonary edema, and loss of motor coordination.

Health Effects of Exposure to Benzene (from the CDC):

- The major effect of benzene from long-term exposure is on the blood. (Long-term exposure
means exposure of a year or more.) Benzene causes harmful effects on the bone marrow and
can cause a decrease in red blood cells, leading to anemia. It can also cause excessive bleeding
and can affect the immune system, increasing the chance for infection.

- Some women who breathed high levels of benzene for many months had irregular menstrual
periods and a decrease in the size of their ovaries. It is not known whether benzene exposure
affects the developing fetus in pregnant women or fertility in men.

- Animal studies have shown low birth weights, delayed bone formation, and bone marrow
damage when pregnant animals breathed benzene.
- The Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) has determined that benzene causes
cancer in humans. Long-term exposure to high levels of benzene in the air can cause leukemia,
cancer of the blood-forming organs.

People who breathe in high levels of benzene may develop the following signs and symptoms
within minutes to several hours:

* Drowsiness

* Dizziness

* Rapid or irregular heartbeat

* Headaches

* Tremors

* Confusion

* Unconsciousness

* Death (at very high levels)

There are persistent rumors that the US Military and Homeland Security are gearing up for a
massive staged evacuation of the immediate Gulf Coast and Florida. Why wait? The South's

Look at this map and you figure out where you stand from there...

First, you have to have a place to go. Do a Google search of foreclosures(don't worry the
economy's still in free fall there's plenty to choose from.) Select a city(NOT Chicago, Flint or
Detroit if you can help it)... a smaller town from west of the red line. Get what money you can
get together, go to the next foreclosure auction and bid. Or go to to a
town out of the danger zone rent a home, which might be better. You could try squatting-will
work later on with the inevitable unrest and potential for civil war when everyone's herded into
the FEMA camps and disarmed. Now, you want to just be moving before you get profiled as
one of those preppers or survivalists or some other subversive. Take the opportunity to get a
whole group together and concentrate on a few small towns or one town you will be able to
survive and defend each other much better that way.

If you get this message later than today 6/15/2010 then evacuate through as many side roads
as you can. Get a quality road atlas, figure out more than one route. You will probably hit
bridges across the Mississippi and Ohio Rivers, which will become choke points. Unless you get
a ferry across or travel light and get a boat, you will likely be stopped there and wind up in a
camp with everything you have left stolen from you. Why I say get out of the danger zone now
before they get their operation going.
This is to the adults in the US Government: if the inbreeds and their hand puppets are allowed
to have their way the entire planet is going to become dead. That toxic oil volcano will at best
keep churning out oil and hydrogen sulfide and God knows what else. British Petroleum will
keep spraying CoreExit. The vast oil plumes will reach the Atlantic and the Gulf Stream will
carry that poison to the coasts of Europe, Africa, South America, the Indian Ocean and
eventually the Pacific. Storms feeding off ANY water with the poisons in them will contaminate
whatever land and water they travel upon, sicken and murder whoever is in the path of even
the mildest of rain clouds originating from those waters. In two years there will be no rains that
will not be toxic.

Of course we're likely to be starved to death from the lack of food, fighting over the lack of
food, or die in nuclear blast from the nations in the death throes of attempting to survive in
such a hopeless situation. Which is upon us now. Obama and BP are playing a game of
pretending to do something while making the problem worse. They obviously perpetrated this
ecological false flag attack on the entire planet. What happens next is up to you, and upon you
will be whether the Earth and it's peoples can be saved. Make your choice now whether or not
this is allowed to continue.

6/16/10 update:

From Tree of Liberty forum:

Oil fumes in downtown mobile alabama

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- is reporting that oil fumes are now noticeable in downtown Mobile, Alabama. Other
reports as far east as Pensacola, Florida.

One person in the article described it as "like smelling a gas station." It will only get worse in
DOOMER DOUG's opinion.

Now you understand why our esteemed fuhrer is sending down 17,000 troops to the Gulf. They
are, in DOOMER DOUG'S opinion, being prepositioned to "help" with the looming mass
evacuations. The air quality in Mobile is described as "moderate" one up from good. In another
month or so the air quality will be very bad. Already people with asthma and other respiratory
issues are in trouble.

As bad as the oil gusher is now, it will get worse.

another issue is Tampa, Florida. Tampa has the largest fresh water desalting plant in the USA.
19 million gallons per day methings. It uses reverse osmosis filters which can easily be clogged
with oil. Besides that, there is the nuclear power plant and the potential to clog its intake
valves. clogged valves means emergency shutdown. So we are looking at lack of fresh drinking
water and electric brownout/blackouts in Tampa, Florida if the oil slick gets there. The oil slick is
heading east according to the media report. Assuming, which DOOMER DOUG does,
it gets to Tampa we are looking at the collapse of fresh water and electric supplies.

Not sure where John Galt lives in Florida, but imagine he can fill us in on how bad the shutdown
of the desalting and nuclear plants will be.

DOOMER DOUG is officially going on record as predicting mass evacuations from the Gulf by
the end of July. Hope to be wrong, but think not. the relief wells will not be finished until early
to mid August. 2 plus million gallons of oil spewing into the Gulf of Mexico daily. Another 45
days minimum. another 100 million gallons, 10 Exxon Valdez's worth.

This is bad. it is getting worse; then it will go critical. DOOMER DOUG is so angry at BP, Obama
et al he can barely type.
Where Did the Tea-Party Anger Come From?

June 29, 2010 - by Victor Davis Hanson

Why is the Angry Public so Angry?

I think we all know why the Tea Party movement arose — and why even the polls do not quite
reflect the growing generic anger at incumbents in general, and our elites in particular.

Anger at Everything?

There is a growing sense that government is what I would call a new sort of Versailles — a vast
cadre of royal state and federal workers that apparently assumes immunity from the laws of
economics that affect everyone else.

In the olden days, we the public sort of expected that the L.A. Unified School District paid the
best and got the worst results. We knew that you didn’t show up at the DMV if you could help
it. A trip to the emergency room was to descend into Dante’s Inferno. We accepted all that in
other words, and went on with our business.

But at some point — perhaps triggered by the radical increase in the public sector under
Obama, the militancy of the SEIU, or the staggering debts — the public snapped and has had it
with whining union officials and their political enablers who always threaten to cut off police
and fire protection if we object that there are too many unproductive, unnecessary, but too
highly paid employees at the Social Service office. In short, sometime in the last ten years public
employees were directly identified with most of what is now unsustainable in the U.S. The old
idea that a public servant gave up a competitive salary for job security was redefined as hitting
the jackpot.
The Tea Party is not over

There is another Tea Party theme that those who play by the rules are being had, from both the
top and bottom. The Wall Street bailouts and financial help to the big banks smelled of
cronyism, made worse by the notion that liberal “reformers” like Obama got more from Big
Money than did the usual insider Republican aristocrats. (The continual left-wing trend of
wealthy elites is an untold story, but it suggests a sort of noble disdain: “We make so much that
we are immune from the hurt of higher taxes, but like expanded entitlements as a sort of
penance for our privilege.”)

Emblematic of the anger at both top and bottom was the 2008 meltdown: those who had not
played by the rules still got their mortgages, then defaulted, and left the taxpayer with their
bills; those who made the loans and profited without risk took the bailout money, and left us
with the cleanup. Those in between with underwater mortgages and higher taxes pay the tab.

We are not 19th-century poor

Somehow we forget that we are in the 21st century with our multitude of cell-phones, laptops,
no-down-payment new car leases, big-screen TVs, cheap food, and accessible rent that have
permeated all society and given the proverbial underclass appurtenances that only the very rich
of the 1960s could have dreamed of. Yet the Dickensian rhetoric has only intensified. There is
rarely any acknowledgment of the public’s investment in anti-poverty programs or of its efforts
to promote social equality. Instead, an overtaxed electorate is constantly reminded of its
unfairness and its moral shortcomings. (I just left a multimillion dollar ICU unit in Fresno, where
I was visiting a relative. Over a third of the visitors there did not seem to speak English, and so I
was impressed by the public generosity that extends such sophisticated care to those who that
day seemed largely to have arrived here recently from Mexico. The notion that a visitor to
Mexico could walk into such a unit in Mexico City and get instant, free — and quality — care is,
well, inconceivable. Yet politicians talk of our heartlessness, not our generosity.)

Existential Blues
There is a sense of futility: new higher taxes won’t lower the deficit and won’t improve
infrastructure or public service. Much of it will go to redistributive plans that, the middle
believes, will only, fairly or not, acerbate social problems. In California there is a sense (born out
by statistics) that we lack a civil and humane public culture brought on by two often neglected
facts: a small cadre of overpaid public employees ensures that we don’t have the money for
continuance of basic public services; and, second, we feel our tax money is going to
redistributive entitlements rather than focused on improving a collapsing infrastructure of
dams, canals, freeways, airports, and trains. The idea that a California could ever again build its
share of the transcontinental railroad, recreate its Sierra network of dams, copy the Central
Valley Water Project, or match the 1960s standards of the UC and CSU university systems is
laughable. (But we surely could write a position paper on why the above are either ecologically
unsound or in fact counterproductive.) In short, our intent now is not achievement, but equality
by any means necessary.

Law — what law?

There is an anger that the law is now malleable. Creditors are bumped at Chrysler, violating
contractual agreements. We hear of rumors that cap and trade and amnesty can be
accomplished by administrative fiat rather than by law. Of course, BP is demonic in its Gulf
performance, but where does Obama obtain the legal right to demand $20 billion in confiscated
capital (why then not $50,100, or 200 billion?).

Federal immigration law — as Labor Secretary Hilda Solis recently demonstrated — is not to be
enforced, since it is now a race/class/gender issue, or rather a question of demography as seen
in purely political terms. Most accept that “government” goes after the misdemeanors of the
law-biding citizen to justify its existence, while ignoring the felonies of the lawbreaker, whose
enforcement requires expense, and occasional danger. (Why else would the federal
government declare some border spots as “no-go” areas in the style of Sadr City?). Are we in
Jacobin times, when revolutionary fervor determines which laws are enforced and which not, as
if their validity is a political matter alone?
Success in not an accident, but then neither is failure

For some reason, our elite classes either cannot or will not explain openly and without artifice
why it is that innately wealthy countries like Mexico or those in the Arab world or in Africa
cannot adequately feed, educate, house, and employ their own citizens. Instead, we are to
assume that some sort of ubiquitous oppression exists that that makes us wealthy,and others
thousands of miles away poor, and requires apologies rather than exegesis. (Don’t dare suggest
that the age-old causes of wealth and poverty still apply everywhere: either one ensures the
rule of law, private property, an open economy, a free press, independent judiciary,
constitutional protections, and religious tolerance, and allows science to evolve free from
government and religious interference, or one does not and stays impoverished).

The Wages of Never Waste a Crisis

All of which brings us back to Obama. Why has he crashed in just 18 months, or, better yet, why
still at 47 percent approval? Perhaps many don’t want to be accused of racism in openly stating
their disappointment. Others feel that to admit his failures is a sort of self-incrimination of
having voted for him; others still believe in a honeymoon and want to give their relatively fresh
president a fair shot. All that said, I think his polls will soon reach historic lows, largely because
he did not address middle class unease, but instead manipulated it to press for a
transformational neo-socialist agenda, when most wanted less not more government.

The point is not that Obama is ipso facto as president responsible for the recession, the 10%
unemployment, the ongoing wars, the congressional corruption, or the BP spill, but rather that
he sold himself on the notion that he was not merely a different politician (originally, distinct
from Hillary and Bush, and then McCain), but an entirely new sort of public figure altogether,
beholden to no one, eager for bipartisan 21st century-change, ready to address long-festering
problems in untraditional ways.

You were had

After 18 months, the people feel they have been had — in the way that a blow-dried mansion
living, philandering John Edwards is hardly an advocate for the “other America,” or a green-
scheming, instant multi-millionaire Al Gore is hardly a disinterested advocate for welcoming
reasonable debate about a sustainable planet. Prophets fall harder, especially when “we are
the ones we’ve been waiting for” prove to be a reflective of the Chicago way, the snooty
ineptness of the Harvard lounge, and the shrill leftism of SEIU.

Rangel, Dodd, Geithner, the Blago mess, the lobbyists, the earmarks, and the political bribes to
pass health care together have convinced half the electorate in just a few months that Obama
is not merely not a reformer, but perhaps the most ethically compromised president since Bill
Clinton or Richard Nixon.

Stimulus is Still Borrowing

His massive borrowing and poorly focused “stimulus” simply squandered federal cash and
made things worse. As we go over the cliff, we are told by some that the stimulus was too small
or we need to be bolder still and print ever more money — sort of like the madman who
screams he needed wings as he jumps into the abyss. By constantly demonizing business, and
libeling everyone from surgeons to investors, the administration scared the private sector. If
that were not enough, serial loose talk of new taxes, health-care surcharges, income tax
increases, caps coming off income exposed to FICA hikes, rumors of federal VAT or excise taxes,
all coupled with the states raising income and sales taxes, has persuaded employers either to
hold off buying equipment and hiring, or to look for part-time workers only. Psychology, of
course, matters.

War on the war on terror?

The war on terror is seen not as a war at all, but a showcase of good intentions, and so
constantly renamed, punctuated by apology, and characterized by complete hypocrisy and
contradiction, whether flip-flopping on Guantanamo or the KSM trial, the politically correct new
euphemisms, the appointments like Janet Napolitano or John Brennan, or the Orwellian
adoption of the very Bush protocols (Predators, renditions, tribunals, wiretapping, intercepts,
etc.) that Obama not long ago demagogued as unconstitutional. I fear the threat has grown, not
Reset Nauseas

Abroad, there is a general rule: any nation that was well intended toward the United States
between 2001-09 (e.g., Britain, Colombia, the Czech Republic, Germany, India, Israel, Poland,
etc) is now suspect; those that clearly were anti-American in that era (eg., Cuba, Iran,
Nicaragua, Palestine, Russia, Syria, Venezuela, etc.) now earn American outreach and
deference. Is it better to have been a friend or enemy of the U.S? The Russian spy ring, the
Chavez socialist tour, the Syrian sale of missiles to Hezbollah, the Iranian full speed ahead on
nuclear attainment, the increase in foiled terrorist plots at home, the China snub, and the
Turkish furor all suggest that both neutrals and our enemies are not swayed by magnanimity as
much as emboldened by tentativeness.

The recession, anger with Bush, deficits, the furor at Wall Street, unease with the long wars
abroad — all that put the American people into a restive, herd-like mood by 2008 to the point
that they were liable to charge at any given target. Barack Obama, however, focused that anger
by using their hoof-stomping to sneak in a neo-socialist agenda that he knew in normal times
had no public support. But he thought the current crisis of public confidence and the fawning
media together might help him get it through.

Horns lowered

Instead, the herd turned, roared, and now with horns lowered is charging at Obama — and of
all people!


Posted by J. Croft at 12:07 PM 0 comments


J. Croft

The McDonald vs Chicago ruling is fraudulent.

In 214 pages this court ruling bends over backwards in hitching to the 14th Amendment instead
of ruling that the 2nd in and of itself guarantees the right it upholds. This in and of itself is a
major red flag as there is controversy among Constitutional scholars about various aspects of
that amendment that, rather than uphold equal rights for all, instead imposes a hidden form of
slavery. This deliberately concealed aspect of the 14th Amendment is something that has never
been discussed among the American People save for those few scholars and their readership
who have as a matter of course investigated other aspects of governmental malfeasance and
The Heller decision itself imposes via the courts restrictions on the 2nd Amendment not
previously recognized at a national level. State and local

level most certainly but Heller opens the precedent (courts making their own laws) enshrining
restrictions-making a unconditional right subject to both context (in self defense-remember
Supreme Court rulings have the same force of law as anything passed by Congress or Executive
Orders signed by the President)… both context of limiting the now privilege to self-defense as
well as permit and therefore in the eyes of the courts

and government in general nullifying the Right to Bear Arms.

The language in this ruling serves to reinforce the legal precedent in Heller of restrictions on the
context of the Second Amendment. Again: anytime a judge refers to our Rights as “privilege”
that is a nullification of that Right. Look at this precious quote:

“…a privilege of American citizenship recognized by clause 1 of the Fourteenth Amendment…”.

If a 14th Amendment US citizen is different LEGALLY in status from a natural born American
then the inclusion of the privilege language in this court ruling nullifies in the eyes of the court
and the United States Government(officially)the Right to Keep and Bear Arms.

Nothing of the above would be admitted by a sitting judge of course.

Judges are attorneys-all members of the American BAR Association, the officially recognized
monopoly of, by, and for lawyers. The ABA itself is a subsidiary of the British Aristocratic
Registry-the BAR in the

name of the American legal monopoly.

The above doesn’t reflect a complete analysis of the McDonald vs Chicago ruling, but that isn’t
necessary given the character and track record of those who crafted this ruling. The point is,
McDonald vs Chicago is the Supreme Court giving license to the States and local municipalities
to impose gun control in a framework sanctioned by them. Restrictions on the context of
firearms usage and the decimation of what was once a right into a privilege-license and
therefore legal revocation-is the real goal of this ruling. It is up to Americans to recognize the
fraud of nine corrupt lawyers given absolute power and to ignore them in exercising their

The mentality of obedience to this fraudulent government ground into even the most ardent
American is the single biggest obstacle. There is a fundamental confusion, out of ignorance, to
the nature of the US government and its private corporate partners. Truthfully, there are TWO
Americas: the one we are taught as being the true state of the nation is a mirage, a Potemkin
village, the greatest fraud perpetrated in history. The other America is what can only be
rightfully referred to as the beast; the entity based out of New York City and the District of
Columbia that has systematically grown in both power and scope as Americans naively assumed
they were free.

Nobody in today’s America can assume they’re free today.

Then again it has always been foolish in this world to assume you have any Freedom. Freedom
is a most precious thing, something you must guard against the slightest hint of threat. The
Fabian socialists in America have used the strategy of gradualism over the period of a century
to not only steal our Freedom but to condition us through the media and government schools
to the lies that we still had that Freedom.

Is there an endgame? Of course-our abject slavery which is about complete save for the coup
de gras that will come from the Gulf of Mexico as the ever building oil spill will contaminate the
world. Already this summer the heating of the Gulf of Mexico will aerosolize the Corexit
dispersants, crude oil, hydrogen sulfide and other toxic compounds. Even without any
hurricanes or other tropical systems that polluted air and moisture will find itself penetrating
inland. As it does and people die martial law will be quietly declared.

With a legal framework that has been completed at the national level, the disarmament of the
American People as they react negatively to the after effects of the Gulf Oil Volcano can
proceed without any more legal obstacles. It is easy to dismiss the connection of the ever-
worsening Gulf catastrophe to the McDonald ruling but as Rahm Emmanuel stated, one should
not let a good crisis go to waste.


J. Croft


Do it now before you‟re part of a herd. Herds get herded-into FEMA camps. Ask a survivor of
Hurricane Katrina just how not an option a FEMA camp is. Because when you‟re forcibly
evacuated at gunpoint by the US military to a FEMA facility you probably dismissed as the wild
imaginings of someone wearing a tin foil hat you will be forcibly disarmed, forcibly separated
from your family, and forcibly put to some kind of slave labor useful to your new masters. It
will be just like prison. You will likely not get out.

The ever-worsening Gulf Oil Catastrophe won‟t give you the option of staying either; already
there are reports of oil rains, crop damage as far north as Memphis, respiratory ailments. Even
without a single hurricane strike(pray) the warm Gulf waters will transform the Corexit
dispersant, crude oil, hydrogen sulfide and other horrific compounds spewing uncontrollably
from the Gulf Oil Volcano into aerosols. The aerosolized poisons will form into clouds and with
clouds come rain, which will drop death wherever those clouds travel.


Roughly, wherever moisture from the gulf travels, move out of that range. Safer bets would be
North of the Ohio River, into the Great Plains. The important thing is to get out of the range of
moisture and air currents from the Gulf. In a sick twist of fate there‟s plenty of room in those
regions; bank fraud has emptied the Midwest of family farms, and US government policy has
emptied the Great Lakes of industries leaving half-empty towns.


You will need people you know to support each other. Allowing yourselves to be thrown into a
situation by yourself will only further endanger yourself and whoever you‟re with. That means
your family doesn‟t count, you need a real group; several full families would be a minimum.
You‟re not just preserving you and yours, you are preserving the ties, culture of who you are and
what you stand for. Cultures the world over have employed this strategy since the beginning of
recorded history; Jews, Somalis, Koreans, Chinese, Japanese, Irish, Italians… they stuck together
from the Old World to the New. They grouped together in communities. Those who had the
best shot at a successful business were backed up by the entire community. They in turn helped
the next runner up when the investment funds became available from the first business; one good
business spawns several more.

To protect their communities, immigrants did two things:

*Arm up as a group-call them gangs, but you can consider them militias or whatever good
sounding term you want.

*Get involved in local government. Not just to have a voice but to ensure that their community
was protected from their enemies politically as much as possible.

So, form a group, select a town in the Midwest or Great Lakes and move there together.
Whatever you do stay unified as a group so that you are not as easily discriminated against, nor
taken advantage of.

So, might as well take the opportunity to start taking the Nation back from those that have
perpetrated this situation. AS suggested, coordinate with other groups of refugees and
concentrate on one town. Use the recall election process and sweep the local government clean
then enact reforms. I‟ve written extensively about that here:





Survival is still going to be a priority as this ongoing catastrophe is going to make millions of
acres of farmland poisoned. Millions will be displaced, forced into the FEMA concentration
camp network yes but millions will make it to wherever they wind up. YOU will be smarter, and
have a plan not only to leave before the Southern Diaspora but a plan where they will go and
what they will do when they get there.

The number one priority is having potable water. The upper Great Lakes region offers the best
chance of security on that front for the most obvious reasons; the Ogalala Aquifier has been
recklessly depleted over the past century and a massive influx of refugees from the Gulf and
Atlantic coasts will likely finish that underground store… a great pity as all of Earth‟s surface
waters are fated to be contaminated.

Yes, all of Earth‟s waters WILL be contaminated from the aerosolized vapors from the Gulf.
Underground stores of water separated from the surface, or ice mined from the polar caps will be
the only trustworthy sources not requiring distilling. Distilling takes a lot of energy, a lot of time
and the need for food production alone will swamp any such facility.

Number two, but not by much, is the need to produce food. Unfortunately with the impending
poisoning of Earth‟s entire ecosystem open-air agriculture will become unfeasible as the
pollution advances across the globe. The Midwest will be the last region of Earth that will be
contaminated but that is but a matter of time. Maybe one more growing season will be possible
so that must be taken advantage of to produce as much heirloom seed as possible. Because
indoor food production using hydroponics and an artificially induced decrease in the growing
time with grow lamps and the use of dry ice will be desperately needed.

Which leads to the third priority-without which the other two will be impossible… security.
Roving gangs will be an immediate threat but any town that can muster a company‟s worth of
riflemen, maybe make a few makeshift cannon, and some time honored defensive tactics can
deal with most of those. No, the real threat will be from the government. Organic co-ops and
Amish farmers trading raw milk are subjected to SWAT teams. Agenda 21, the feel-good term
for American Communism‟s plan to steal Americans land for whatever kind of environmental
excuse can be ginned up, is being enacted from coast to coast. What we all will have to confront
is the most powerful government on Earth-and this confrontation is compounded by two
centuries of propaganda claiming we are free-when we really aren‟t.
That local political organization I advocated earlier can provide some shielding but against state
or federal incursions into your community and your survival will require your community to
stand united with other communities and groups.

A single person is easily conquered, a single group is still no problem for the beast; every
organization, every group is easily penetrated. A town requires some exertion, but whole states
in common cause of both Freedom and SURVIVAL will require a Civil War level effort…
unfortunately the US government is prepared to go to that level. Yet there is no alternative,
because that is death. One could argue going to the government for aid is the alternative but you
think you‟re a slave now?! All slaves eventually want to be Free so why even go that way in the
first place? You‟re AMERICANS-act the part!

One could have your group go separately, prepare the way but that may not be practical given the
short time before even the sheer concentration of toxins literally aerosolize and just seep ashore.
Upon the declaration of martial law on the coast it most certainly won‟t be practical. You will
need to convoy.


First, figure out where you‟re going.

Second, figure out who all is going with you.

Then figure out what all you‟re taking.

Figure out what vehicles you have-or can get.

Then figure out your routes. That plural‟s deliberate.

So where are you going? As stated before, someplace in the upper Great Lakes would be
optimal for both water resources and buy as much time as possible to still practice open air
agriculture before the pollution from the Gulf of Mexico completely transits the Earth-the
Midwest and Great Lakes region will be the last to be hit although there‟s no guarantee, but it‟s
the best you can hope for. Real Estate prices are currently depressed, but land with clean water
will be valued more-much more later so get together and buy now.

When you figure out where to go you get to sell your new home to your group. If you haven‟t
made some kind of survival circle out of… whoever… do it now. The more people you take
with you, the better your chances of not only making it where you‟re going but making it where
you wind up at. Extra hands also help with the moving.

Now to figure out what you‟re taking. As much as possible keep it practical:

*Tools, including machine tooling, ammunition reloading equipment, anything that can
contribute to a basic productive business.
*Guns, and as much ammunition as you can bring with you.

*Food stores.

*Water purification equipment-this should be your number one investment.

*Family heirlooms and such. Why? It‟s important to remember who you are, where you were;
keep hope alive that you can return to your old homes one day.

*Extra gasoline or diesel fuel, spare tires, extra automotive spare parts. Expect breakdowns.

Which leads to what vehicles you got or can get, and hopefully they‟re vehicles you can easily
find parts for. Vehicles break down and they will certainly break down hauling you and yours
and their valuables a thousand miles or more. Have the most common/easily fixable vehicles
you can, which means older pickup trucks and vans and you‟re looking for reliability and cargo
capacity. Four wheel drive will be of great value. The new airless tires, if you can get them for
your vehicles will give you a great advantage over any inflatable tire. Semi trucks can haul the
most but are the hardest to maneuver and can‟t exactly ford a small creek if needed.

You will want for your convoy smaller more nimble vehicles for scouting and in case the convoy
gets in trouble. A motorcycle or two offer great scouting ability, and with a CB or radio can
provide some eyes and ears. An ultralight aircraft or gyrocopter is even better, offering aerial
reconnaissance and light strafing capacity-store that in a moving van, ready to go at a moment‟s
notice. A couple pickup trucks or vans full of willing shooters hanging back offers the convoy a
cavalry team in case of trouble. Half your firepower should be with them.

You will need a dedicated command car complete with full communications gear and detailed
maps of all your possible routes. Your convoy leader must be someone people respect, have a
clear head in a crisis-which you‟re in-and good negotiating skills.

Children should be in one van or bus. Have lots of snacks, games, and a couple adults skilled at
keeping restless and scared youth in better spirits.

All vehicles should have two drivers who can work in shifts for continuous travel. In case of
breakdowns or much worse there‟s a spare pair of hands.

You don‟t want to look like a caravan of post apocalyptic marauders; don‟t have spikes or barbed
wire adorning the vehicles, keep weapons out of sight. In fact don‟t travel too close; each
vehicle should be just within eyesight of each other, interspersed irregularly. Just look like a
patch of traffic going through, and it would be a good idea to have some vehicles with different
state license plates. Only bunch up for protection if you are in a known danger zone.

Have a scout car or two well forward, about a half-hour‟s travel ahead who can report on
roadblocks, downed bridges, trouble as well as finding places to rest. It will be of great help to
have people en route you can stop, rest, take with you… get networking.
If convoys are being targeted don‟t hesitate to break up the convoy, spread out and have meet
spots for the various routes…

To figure out your routes, get detailed road maps because you will be doing about all your travel
along side roads, at least until you reach bridges or ferries. You will have the Mississippi,
Kentucky, Tennessee, Red, Ohio, Illinois rivers plus dozens of smaller rivers, reservoirs-all of
them will be choke points. The danger in going later than about the first two weeks of July is
that the government will probably concentrate resources on those choke points hoping to catch
survivalists like yourself. You could wait until there‟s a uncontrollable panic out of the South
but then the random danger will be much greater from competing bands and individuals. Plus
government forces will likely be much more trigger happy. Then again you may have no choice
but to start later but perhaps those manning the checkpoints or roadblocks may see the situation
for what it is and let you through. Or get paid to let you through.

If things turn utterly chaotic, you must be ready at all times to both scavenge and fight. When
you park, assume a circular or square defensive formation-literally circle your wagons to provide
a defensive circle. Seek out places to rest that offer good fields of fire-no buildings, brush or
obstacles nearby that offer enemy gunners cover from your defensive fire.

Your best defense is to keep moving.


Before you reach your new home sell yourself as an asset to the community, not an additional
burden and you will integrate much easier. Not easy, but being more than more mouths to feed
will help you have much fewer enemies. Have people already where you‟re at and your job will
go even smoother.

Be honorable. Keep your word. Don‟t be assholes but don‟t let people take advantage or push
you and yours around. Be respectful of how your new home is-until they harm you and yours.

Very likely, your new home‟s Freemason run power elite will see you as a threat so one of your
primary tasks will be to sweep them out of power. It will help the Nation to get them out of
office as expeditiously as possible. If the Tea Party would help all the better but do NOT expect
help from them. Only sure way of going forward.

It will be too late for this year‟s crop season so you‟re preparing for next year‟s harvest-which
again, will be the last you will be able to conduct out in the open. You may be forced to go
hydroponic anyway due to GMO contamination from the giant corporate farms so start setting up
your hydroponic farm as soon as you‟re settled in.

Remember to offer businesses the town will need, and you will have to have the resources to
jump start an especially depressed economy.

We can talk about mounting a real cleanup effort along the coast, and Kevin Costner‟s
centrifuges and using a nuclear device to make the fault line that well was drilled shift laterally
cutting it off all day long but nothing… absolutely nothing can or will ever be accomplished until
and only until those that perpetrated this environmental 9/11, this act of global genocide are
brought down. Brought down NOW.

Start the Second American Revolution in your locale. Don‟t rely on the Tea Party, Ron Paul,
Sarah Palin, or any other media figure or proverbial Man on Horseback. You have to be the
hero, be your own leader.

The beast is vulnerable at the local level-too much to cover. Start there, build a political machine
from the grassroots and with the combination of rifle marksmanship, entrepenurialship, small
scale agriculture we stand a chance of building something that can take the nation back. Nothing
else can be done until we start taking what‟s ours back. We don‟t have much time.

J. Croft

This was the last success by ordinary Americans over the tyrannical beast that has been
growing in our country for the past 200 years. Returning GI's fresh from fighting Nazi and
Japanese tyranny sought to root out the tyrants in their own hometown. The Cantrell
political/crime machine was a bunch of Good Ol' Boys no different really than all the Good Ol'
Boy masonic cliques who control government today.

These veterans, these Real Oath Keepers mounted a recall election campaign and did it right:
they organized a full campaign ticket, campaigned and would have won quietly had not the
Cantrell machine decide to seize the ballots by force, kidnap some of the GI campaign
workers and hold up in the town jail.

The GIs did the right thing; they requisistioned from a nearby National Guard Armory some
weapons and ammunition all our taxes paid for and laid siege to the traitors until they
surrendered. Should have strung them up but the GIs decided not to.

An example? Yes...

A triumph? No.

The tyrants that occupy America were smarter than their Nazi and Japanesse counterparts.
They were Fabians-they took over quietly bit by bit as Americans celebrated life and thought
things were alright after a generation of bankster created deprivation known as the Great
Depression, and the bankster set up and initiated Second World War.

I mean, look at them:

...All of them happy, smiling. Not having a clue that there were tyrants who would brainwash
their children, string them up on debt and that they and their grandchildren would see the
country they defended so magnificently be systematically destroyed.

No, not even the GIs of Athens, Tennessee saw the homegrown tyrants and their bankster
massahs for what they really were. They went back to life as normal. They saw their own
town taken over once again by criminals with law degrees... only this bunch and legions of
like-minded knew to bide their time, to move slowly. Use obsfucating language and neutral
terminology, not tax too much at once, to exploit a crisis real or set up to take that next
step. To dumb the children down slowly, in increments; using them as a moral shield to lay
claim over all our homes, our money, our Freedom. To move most gradually of all on the
subject of firearms.

Remember the GIs of Athens TN, 1946. Keep in mind what might have been if they only could
have sustained that righteous anger, that mission that took out the Nazis and Japanese
Militarists; sustained it in a late 40's Tea Party movement that could have averted 60 years of
our America's gradual dismantlement.

Remember-and ARISE
















The Story-from American Heritage:


by Lones Seiber

The GIs came home to find that a political machine had taken over their Tennessee county.
What they did about it astounded the nation.

In McMinn County, Tennessee, in the early 1940s, the question was not if you farmed, but
where you farmed. Athens, the county seat, lay between Knoxville and Chattanooga along
U.S. Highway 11, which wound its way through eastern Tennessee. This was the meeting place
for farmers from all the surrounding communities. Traveling along narrow roads planted with
signs urging them to ―See Rock City‖ and ―Get Right with God,‖ they would gather on
Saturdays beneath the courthouse elms to discuss politics and crops. There were barely seven
thousand people in Athens, and many of its streets were still unpaved. The two ―big‖ cities
some fifty miles away had not yet begun their inevitable expansion, and the farmers‘ lives
were simple and essentially unaffected by what they would have called the ―modern world.‖
Many of them were without electricity. The land, their families, religion, politics, and the
war dominated their talk and thoughts. They learned about God from the family Bible and in
tiny chapels along yellow-dust roads. Their newspaper, the Daily Post-Athenian, told them
something of politics and war, but since it chose to avoid intrigue or scandal, a story that
smacked of both could be found only in the conversations of the folks who milled about the
courthouse lawn on Saturdays.

Since the Civil War, political offices in McMinn County had gone to the Republicans, but in the
1930s Tennessee began to fall under the control of Democratic bosses. To the west, in Shelby
County, E.H. Crump, the Memphis mayor who had been ousted during his term for failing to
enforce Prohibition, fathered what would become the state‘s most powerful political
machine. Crump eventually controlled most of Tennessee along with the governor‘s office and
a United States senator. In eastern Tennessee local and regional machines developed, which,
lacking the sophistication and power of a Crump, relied on intimidation and violence to
control their constituents.

In 1936 the system descended upon McMinn County in the person of one Paul Cantrell, the
Democratic candidate for sheriff. Cantrell, who came from a family of money and influence in
nearby Etowah, tied his campaign closely to the popularity of the Roosevelt administration
and rode FDR‘s coattails to victory over his Republican opponent.

Fraud was suspected—to this day many Athens citizens firmly believe that ballot boxes were
swapped—but there was no proof. Over the following months and years, however, those who
questioned the election would see their suspicions vindicated. The laws of Tennessee
provided an opportunity for the unscrupulous to prosper. The sheriff and his deputies
received a fee for every person they booked, incarcerated, and released; the more human
transactions, the more money they got. A voucher signed by the sheriff was all that was
needed to collect the money from the courthouse. Deputies routinely boarded buses passing
through and dragged sleepy-eyed passengers to the jail to pay their $16.50 fine for
drunkenness, whether they were guilty or not. Arrests ran as high as 115 per weekend. The
fee system was profitable, but record-keeping was required, and the money could be traced.
It was less troublesome to collect kickbacks for allowing roadhouses to operate openly.
Cooperative owners would point out influential patrons. They were not bothered, but the rest
were subject to shakedowns. Prostitution, liquor, and gambling grew so prevalent that it
became common knowledge in Tennessee that Athens was ―wide open.‖
Encouraged by his initial success, Cantrell began what would become a tenyear reign as the
king of McMinn politics. In subsequent elections, ballot boxes were collected from the
precincts and the results tabulated in secret at McMinn County Jail in Athens. Opposition poll
watchers were labeled as troublemakers and ejected from precinct houses.

The 1940 election sent George Woods, a plump and affable Etowah crony of Cantrell, to the
state legislature. Woods promptly introduced ―An Act to Redistrict McMinn County.‖ It
reduced the number of voting precincts from twenty-three to twelve and cut down the
number of justices of the peace from fourteen to seven. Of these seven, four were openly
Cantrell men. When Gov. Prentice Cooper signed Woods‘s bill into law on February 15, 1941,
effective Republican opposition died in McMinn County.

McMinn County Court, which was still dominated by Republicans, directed the county to
purchase voting machines. The Cantrell Democrats countered by having Woods get a bill
passed in Nashville abolishing the court and then selling the machines to ―save the county
money.‖ Department of Justice records show investigations of electoral fraud in McMinn
County in 1940, 1942, and 1944 —all without resolution.

During the Civil War, deep from within secessionist territory, McMinn County had sided with
the Union; in 1898 she had declared war on Spain two weeks before Washington got around to
it. How could Cantrell have such undisputed control over a county noted for its independent
and cantankerous spirit? One answer lies in the Second World War: 3,526 young men, or about
10 percent of McMinn‘s population, went off to fight. Most of those left behind—older and
perhaps more timid—contributed to the Cantrell machine‘s growth by remaining silent. Still,
as the war dragged on, people began to tell each other, ―Wait until the GIs get back—things
will be different.‖

In the summer of 1945 veterans began returning home; by 1946 the streets of Athens
overflowed with uniforms. The Cantrell forces were not worried.

The more GIs they arrested,‖ one vet recalled, ―the more they beat up, the madder we got.‖

Bill White recalled coming home from overseas with mustering-out pay in his pocket: ―There
were several beer joints and honky-tonks around Athens; we were pretty wild; we started
having trouble with the law enforcement at that time because they started making a habit of
picking up GIs and fining them heavily for most anything—they were kind of making a racket
out of it.

―After long hard years of service—most of us were hard-core veterans of World War II—we
were used to drinking our liquor and our beer without being molested. When these things
happened, the GIs got madder—the more GIs they arrested, the more they beat up, the
madder we got …‖

At last the veterans chose to use the most basic right of the democracy for which they had
gone to war: the right to vote. In the early months of 1946 they decided in secret meetings to
field a slate of their own candidates for the August elections. In May they formed a
nonpartisan political party.

As the election approached, there were few overt signs of impending trouble, although to the
citizens of McMinn County it was apparent that something had to happen: there was too much
at stake on both sides. The Daily Post-Athenian was characteristically silent. The most
significant news item appeared on election eve, July 31,1946, at the bottom of page one:
VFW members in neighboring Blount County said that four hundred and fifty veterans were
ready to respond to any need in McMinn County. Above this was a report that Tony Pierce had
killed a muskrat in his front yard.

The veterans fielded candidates for five offices, but interest centered on the race for sheriff
between Knox Henry, who had served in the North African campaign, and Paul Cantrell. Since
the 1936 election Cantrell had gone on to the legislature as state senator and installed Pat
Mansfield as sheriff of McMinn County. A big, jovial sometime engineer for the Louisville &
Nashville, Mansfield had done very nicely for himself during his term of office: his four years
as sheriff had netted him an estimated $104,000. But now, in 1946, Cantrell was running for
sheriff and Mansfield for state senator.

In the final week a flurry of advertisements appeared in the Post-Athenian; Cantrell

enumerated the accomplishments of the Democratic party; Mansfield denied that two men
arrested on July 30 with a shipment of liquor were deputies, even though they admitted they
were and had been delivering ―election whiskey‖; downtown merchants announced that all
stores would be closed on Election Day to give employees a chance to vote, although this had
not been necessary in previous elections (the merchants were perhaps following the example
of the mayor of Athens, Paul Walker, who would be vacationing on Election Day); Cantrell
warned that the veterans had printed sample ballots with the intention of stuffing ballot
boxes; the veterans offered a one-thousand-dollar reward for verifiable information about
election fraud and repeated a slogan that for weeks had sounded again and again from their
carmounted loudspeakers: YOUR VOTE WILL BE COUNTED AS CAST.

Two days before the election the GIs ran an advertisement in the Post-Athenian: ―These
young men fought and won a war for good government. They know what it takes and what it
means to have a clean government—and they are energetic enough, honest enough and
intelligent enough to give us good, clean government.‖ A couple of pages farther on, the
Democrats had their say: ―Look at the facts—and you will vote for the Democratic ticket. The
campaign fight is as old as the hills—it is the story of the outs wanting back in.‖

The next day, the paper reported that veterans from Blount County had offered to come help
watch the polls. Mansfield began building an army of his own. ―It has come to my attention,‖
he announced, ―that certain elements intend to create a disturbance at and around the polls.
… In order to see that law and order is maintained … I will have several hundred deputies
patrolling the county.‖ He hired all of them from outside the county, some from out of state.
They would crowd inside every voting precinct. And they would be armed.

August 1, 1946: Election Day found voters lined up early in the largest turnout in local history.
Joining them were some three hundred of Sheriff Mansfield‘s special deputies. Trouble began
early. At 9:30 A.M. Walter Ellis, a legally appointed GI representative at the first precinct in
the courthouse, was arrested and jailed for protesting irregularities.

Sirens wailed throughout the morning, and police cruisers were seen speeding toward the jail.
GIs began gathering on Washington Street outside L. L. Shaefer‘s jewelry store, which served
as an office for their campaign manager, Jim Buttram, who had seen action in Africa, Sicily,
Italy, and Normandy. Above the door a sign read: ―Phone 787, Jim Buttram,‖ the number to
which voters were to report election fraud. Only after prolonged pounding did a harried
Buttram cautiously open the door to his comrades. As more than two hundred GIs filled the
small store, the somber mood of their leader told them they were in trouble. He showed
them copies of two telegrams dated July 22: one he had addressed to Gov. Jim McCord,
Nashville, Tennessee; the other to Att. Gen. Tom Clark, Washington, D.C. They requested
assistance to ensure a fair election. Neither had been answered.

Otto Kennedy, not an ex-GI himself but a political adviser to the veterans, entered the office
and announced that Cantrell had posted armed guards at each precinct. They all knew that
this move was in preparation for the 4:00 P.M. poll closings when the ballot boxes would be
moved to the jail for counting. A small group of the veterans demanded an armed
mobilization and called for a leader. Buttram declined. So did Kennedy, but he offered the
rear of his Essankay Garage and Tire Shop across the street as a meeting hall.

The group crossed the street, held a meeting, and agreed that those who did not have
weapons should get them and return as quickly as possible.

By 3:00 P.M. most were back at the Essankay and most were armed. At about this time, Tom
Gillespie, an elderly black farmer from Union Road, stepped inside the eleventh-precinct
polling place in the Athens Water Works on Jackson Street. Windy Wise, a Cantrell guard, told
Gillespie, ―Nigger, you can‘t vote here.‖ When Tom protested, Wise struck him with brass
knuckles. Gillespie dropped his ballot and ran for the door. Wise pulled a pistol and shot him
in the back as he reached the sidewalk.

The crowd began to demand the lives of the captives; some veterans agreed.

The first shot of the day brought crowds streaming up Jackson from the courthouse. Sheriff
Mansfield‘s cruiser turned off College Street and screeched to a halt in front of the Water
Works, and deputies loaded the bleeding Gillespie into the car. Mansfield ordered the
precinct closed, posted four deputies outside to guard the Water Works, and then took
Gillespie to jail. A dozen veterans from the Essankay started up Jackson toward the Water
Works. They were unarmed.

During the confusion following the shooting, the two GI poll watchers, Ed Vestal and Charles
Scott, had been seized and held hostage inside the Water Works by Wise and another Cantrell
deputy, Karl Neil. When the veterans reached the Water Works, the crowd began taunting the
armed guards. As Wise and Neil stood at a window watching the angry throng outside, Vestal
and Scott plunged through the plate-glass windows and ran bleeding for the protection of the
crowd. Wise stepped through the broken glass, waving his pistol; several veterans rushed
forward but were quickly pulled back to safety. One of them shouted, ―Let‘s go get our
guns!‖ and they left for the Essankay.

In the meantime Chief Deputy Boe Dunn had his men form a cordon from the building to his
cruiser, and the ballot box was carried out to the car. Wise told Dunn about the GIs‘ threat;
the chief deputy ordered two of his men to GI headquarters to arrest those whom Wise could
identify. The rest of the deputies piled into the cruiser, which sped back toward the jail.

When the two deputies reached the GI headquarters, they were disarmed and taken prisoner;
so were two others sent later as reinforcements. A crowd began to gather outside; three more
deputies came with pistols drawn, only to be pummeled and dragged inside. The crowd began
to demand the lives of the captives; some of the veterans agreed. This talk alarmed Otto
Kennedy, and he left, vowing to have no part in murder. The crowd began to disperse, and
most of the GIs left; soon a small nucleus of veterans was alone with seven hostages. The
veterans took the hostages to the woods, ten miles out of town, beat them, and shackled
them to trees.

A polling place for the twelfth precinct had been set up in the back of the Dixie Cafe, across
Hornsby Alley from the jail, and it was commanded by Minus Wilburn for Cantrell. Bob Hairrell
and Leslie Dooley, who had lost an arm in North Africa, were assigned as the Gl poll watchers.
Throughout the day they had observed Wilburn letting minors vote and handing cash to adult
voters. At 3:45 P.M., when Wilburn attempted to allow a young woman to vote despite the
fact that she had no poll-tax receipt and that her name did not appear on the registration
list, Hairrell‘s patience gave out. As Wilburn reached to deposit the ballot, Hairrell grabbed
his wrist. Wilburn slapped him across the head with a blackjack and kicked him in the face as
he fell to the floor. Then he closed the precinct, ordered Hornsby Alley blocked at both ends,
and, with a procession of guards, crossed the lawn to the jail with the ballot box and the GIs
as captives.

The Cantrell forces had calculated that if they could control the first, eleventh and twelfth
precincts in Athens and the one in Etowah, the election was theirs. The ballot boxes from the
Water Works (the eleventh) and the Dixie Cafe (the twelfth) were safely in the jail. The
voting place for the first precinct, the courthouse, was barricaded by deputies who held four
GIs hostage, and Paul Cantrell himself had Etowah under control.
By 6:00 P.M. it seemed to be over. GI headquarters was deserted, and unhappy crowds moved
quietly along the streets. Another election had been stolen, and nothing could be done about

At the Strand Movie Theater across from the courthouse, the marquee read: ―Coming Soon:
Gunning for Vengeance.‖

Bill White, who had fought in the Pacific while still in his teens and come home an ex-
sergeant, had gotten angrier as the day wore on. At two in the afternoon he had harangued
the group of veterans in the Essankay, saying: ―You call yourselves GIs—you go over there and
fight for three and four years—you come back and you let a bunch of draft dodgers who
stayed here where it was safe, and you were making it safe for them, push you around. … If
you people don‘t stop this, and now is the time and place, you people wouldn‘t make a
pimple on a fighting GI‘s ass. Get guns…‖

In the early evening White went to get the guns himself. He sent two GIs to get a truck and,
with a few other veterans, perhaps a dozen, he headed for the National Guard armory. There,
he said in a 1969 interview, he ―broke down the armory doors and took all the rifles, two
Thompson sub-machine guns, and all the ammunition we could carry, loaded it up in the two-
ton truck and went back to GI headquarters and passed out seventy high-powered rifles and
two bandoleers of ammunition with each one.‖ By 9:00 P.M. Paul Cantrell, Pat Mansfield,
State Rep. George Woods, who was also a member of the election commission, and about fifty
deputies were locked inside the jail and going through the ballot boxes. The presence of
Mansfield and Woods meant that a majority of the election commission was on hand, so the
tallies could be certified and validated on the spot. More deputies were still barricaded in the
courthouse, but along the streets none were to be seen. If the Cantrell forces had been a bit
more wary, they might have spotted some shadows slipping up the embankment directly
across the street from the jail.

Opinion differs on exactly how the challenge was issued. White says he was the one to call it
out: ―Would you damn bastards bring those damn ballot boxes out here or we are going to set
siege against the jail and blow it down!‖ Moments later the night exploded in automatic
weapons fire punctuated by shotgun blasts. ―I fired the first shot,‖ White claimed, ―then
everybody started shooting from our side.‖ A deputy ran for the jail. ―I shot him; he wheeled
and fell inside of the jail.‖ Bullets ricocheted up and down White Street. ―I shot a second
man; his leg flew out from under him, and he crawled under a car.‖ The veterans bombarded
the jail for hours, but Cantrell and his accomplices, secure behind the red-brick walls,
refused to surrender. As the uncertain battle dragged past midnight, the GIs began to have
some uneasy second thoughts. They knew that they had violated local, state, and federal laws
that night, and if Cantrell was not routed before his rescuers arrived, they might spend the
rest of their lives in prison. Rumors compounded their fears: ―The National Guard is on the
way!‖ ―The state troopers are here!‖ ―Birch Biggs and his gang are coming!‖ (Biggs ran Polk
County more ruthlessly than Cantrell ran McMinn.)

If the veterans had known the truth, they would have been less apprehensive. George Woods
had telephoned Biggs earlier that night for help. Biggs was not there, but his son, Broughton,
took the call. His answer: ―Do you think I‘m crazy?‖ Woods then slipped out of town.

The veterans were eager to end the battle. Some of them made Molotov cocktails, others
went to the county supply house for dynamite. The gasoline bombs proved ineffective, but at
2:30 A.M. the dynamite arrived. At about this time an ambulance pulled around to the north
side of the jail. Assuming it was for the evacuation of the wounded, the veterans let it pass.
Two men jumped in, but then, instead of returning to the hospital, the ambulance sped north
out of town. The men were Paul Cantrell and Pat Mansfield.

At 2:48 A.M. the first dynamite was tossed toward the jail; it landed under Boe Dunn‘s
cruiser, and the explosion flipped the vehicle over on its top, leaving its wheels spinning.
Three more bundles of dynamite were thrown almost simultaneously; one landed on the jail
porch roof, another under Mansfield‘s car, and the third struck the jail wall. The explosions
rattled windows throughout the town; leaves fell from the trees, debris scattered for blocks,
and the jailhouse porch jumped off its foundation. The deputies barricaded in the courthouse
a block away rushed onto the balcony, eager to surrender. The jail‘s defenders staggered
from their ruined stronghold and handed the ballot boxes over to the veterans.

With the Cantrell forces conquered, ten years of suppressed rage exploded. The townspeople
set upon the captured deputies and, but for the GIs, probably would have killed them all.
Minus Wilburn, a particularly unpopular deputy, had his throat slashed; Biscuit Farris,
Cantrell‘s prison superintendent, had his jaw shattered by a bullet; and Windy Wise was
kicked and beaten senseless. Joined by a number of their fellows, the GIs cleared the jail of
the rioters and locked up their prisoners for the night.
At dawn the veterans slipped from the jail, made their way through the detritus of the battle,
and dispersed into what they hoped would be anonymity. Miraculously there had been no
deaths. But on August 2 a page-one headline in The New York Times wrongly trumpeted the
news: TENNESSEE SHERIFF is SLAIN IN PRIMARY DAY VIOLENCE. All day long reporters with
cameras and notebooks poured into town to photograph, question, analyze, and write. And
every newcomer passed the sign on Highway 11:


―The Friendly City‖

The ―victory‖ of the veterans that night in August 1946 appeared, at first, to have settled
nothing. The national press was almost unanimous in condemning the action of the GIs. In an
editorial perhaps best reflecting the ambivalence of a startled nation, The New York Times
concluded: ―Corruption, when and where it exists, demands reform, and even in the most
corrupt and boss-ridden communities, there are peaceful means by which reform can be
achieved. But there is no substitute, in a democracy, for orderly process.‖ The syndicated
columnist Robert C. Ruark commented: ―There is very little difference, essentially, between
a vigilante and a member of a lynch mob, and if we are seeking an answer to crooked politics,
the one that the Athens boys just propounded sure ain‘t it.‖ Commonweal cautiously
compared the battle to the American Revolution, then went on to say that ―nothing could be
more dangerous both for our liberties and our welfare than the making of the McMinn County
Revolution into a habit.‖

In the early days of August 1946 a power vacuum existed in McMinn County that easily could
have spawned anarchy. Armed GIs patrolled streets that were still tense with rumors of a
Mansfield army poised to reclaim Athens. Hundreds of men were issued permits to carry
weapons, and machine guns on rooftops guarded the approaches to town. Several times
groups of veterans rushed to barricade roads and occasionally they terrorized innocent
travelers in their attempt to thwart an invasion that never came.

On August 4 Pat Mansfield telegraphed his resignation as sheriff of McMinn County to Governor
McCord and requested that Knox Henry fill his unexpired term, which would end on
September 1. Henry was appointed immediately, and the next day State Rep. George Woods
returned to the county under GI protection to convene the election commission and certify
the election. A cheer rang out in the courthouse when Woods rose as the canvass ended and
announced that Knox Henry was elected sheriff by a vote of 2,175 to 1,270.

After their victory, GIs with machine guns waited for a Cantrell counterattack.

On August 11, 1946, the five GIs elected to office in McMinn announced that they would
return to the county all fees in excess of five thousand dollars. Elsewhere in Tennessee, E. H.
Crump and his machine were finally on the way out, with the election of Gov. Gordon
Browning and a young United States senator, Estes Kefauver.

For a full year afterward the national press seized upon the most insignificant news from
Athens as evidence of the veterans‘ ―lawlessness.‖ There was, indeed, remarkably little
criminal prosecution in the wake of that violent night. Only one man had charges brought
against him: Windy Wise, the deputy who shot the old black farmer, Tom Gillespie, drew a
sentence of one to three years.

As for the larger results of the Athens rebellion, the GIs universally hailed the return of the
―independent vote‖ to the community and the election of ―fine people‖ to lead it. The
national press continued to show interest in what had happened (the best, if incomplete,
account of it at the time was a Harper‘s article by Theodore White).

Finally, on the first anniversary of the violent election, the Times reported, ―Today it appears
that this political coalition of World War II veterans for direct action in community affairs,
which many at the time regarded as a factor likely to develop nationally in the postwar
period, was purely [a] local phenomenon in which veteran participation was incidental.‖ With
this epilogue the press turned away from tiny Athens.

Knox Henry served two terms as sheriff of McMinn County and was succeeded by Otto
Kennedy. Paul Cantrell, after seeking temporary asylum in Chattanooga, returned to Etowah
and continued to operate the bank there with his brothers. They are all dead now, as is Jim
Buttram. Otto Kennedy still lives in Athens. Pat Mansfield returned secretly to Athens on
August 8, 1946, to resign his membership on the election commission. He met with Otto
Kennedy for two hours, apparently with no ill feeling on either side, and then announced:
―I‘m through with politics for good. It‘ll sure mess you up sometimes. I‘m going back to

Athens has not changed that much in forty years. There is a new courthouse, an imposing
structure that is too large for its site. The old one burned down during renovations in 1964.
Farmers no longer gather on the square; there is no place for them. An effort at downtown
renovation can only be described as timid, a cautious imitation of similar projects in the
larger cities. They have a new jail, an austere building that seems to embody the adage that
crime does not pay. The Daily Post-Athenian is alive and well and still comfortably middle-of-

In the mid-fifties Athens was isolated by a new highway that intercepts Highway 11 south of
Niota and rejoins it at Riceville. Along it a new Athens grew, a town of McDonald‘s, Kawasaki,
and Pizza Hut. If you ask people along the street about the election of August 1946, they will
point up White Street and mumble something vague about a shoot-out. There are no signs or
monuments to commemorate the event; people have forgotten or do not wish to remember.
But the graying manager of a local store, a friendly sort and so gentle with his grandchildren,
squeezed off round after round at the jail that night. And the driver snoozing behind the
wheel of his cab, not really caring whether he catches a fare or not, helped wrap and toss the
deadly bundles of dynamite that sailed through the night air. You can bet they remember.

A native Tennessean, Lones Selber was seven at the time of the events he describes here. He
watched the battle from the corner of White and Washington streets.

The editors wish to thank Thomas J. Baker, Jr., whose study of the McMinn County political
machine provided valuable additional information.

J. Croft


The law.

Or rather, the lawyers who draft the laws, sign the laws into effect, administer the bureaucrats and law
enforcers who won’t give a first thought to throwing you in the same cell as the very type of urban
barbarian who tried to end your life in the first place. They’re influenced by a insidious, anti-American
belief that they’re superior to everyone else, something driven into their soft skulls since their first day
of college by Marxists, and the lust of the power they wield… that we let them wield against us.

I mean, even the ‘best’ of them see the futility of it, how they signed up with Leviathan, the Beast that is
the government and they figure that they might as well just go for theirs. That’s the best of them;
typically they collect the taxes, fines, fees and gloat when your family wails in agony as you’re led off in
shackles to the same second home as your assailants… or your assailant’s friends who will be looking for
revenge. Pray it’s a quick shank in the shower stall, but more likely it’s going to be a lot of beat

The cops know all this. Y’know what? They don’t care either-and that can be stated because even the
ones that could will NOT speak out when their oath traitor partner arrests you for protecting your life
and exercising your 2nd.

A quote from the article “Why Cops Aren’t Whistleblowers” by Radley Balko:

While awarding Barron Bowling $830,000 last September for the beating he suffered at the hands of a
Drug Enforcement Administration agent in Kansas City, Kansas, U.S. District Judge Julie Robinson went
out of her way to acknowledge another victim in the disgraceful affair: Kansas City police detective Max

In January 2003, Bowling was on his way to fill a prescription when Timothy McCue, an on-duty DEA
agent, tried to pass him illegally on the right side of a wide one-lane street. Bowling accelerated to
prevent McCue from passing, and the two cars collided. After the collision, McCue and another agent got
out of their car. McCue drew his gun, threw Bowling to the ground, and beat him to the point of inflicting
brain damage. McCue later justified the violence by saying Bowling “resisted arrest” when he lifted his
head from the pavement. According to witnesses, McCue threatened to kill Bowling, whom he called
“white trash” and a “system-dodging inbred hillbilly.”
McCue, the DEA, and officers of the Kansas City Police Department then conspired to cover up the
beating. Bowling was charged with leaving the scene of an accident and assaulting McCue with his car
during the collision. He was later acquitted on those charges but convicted of possessing drug
paraphernalia—a marijuana pipe police found in his car. Witness statements incriminating McCue for
both the accident and the beating were lost or destroyed, as were photos of the damage McCue inflicted
on Bowling’s face.

Only one of the officers at the accident scene that day had any integrity. That would be Seifert, a cop
with an exemplary record. Seifert took the witness statements that implicated McCue. He documented
Bowling’s injuries and testified for Bowling in his lawsuit. He actively fought the cover-up.

As Judge Robinson pointed out, Seifert was forced into early retirement because of his actions. He lost
part of his pension and his retirement health insurance. He was “shunned, subjected to gossip and
defamation by his police colleagues, and treated as a pariah,” Robinson said. “The way Seifert was
treated was shameful.”

So what happened to the cops involved in the cover-up? Ronald Miller, then Kansas City’s police chief, is
now the police chief in Topeka. Steven Culp, then Kansas City’s deputy police chief, is now, incredibly,
executive director of the Kansas Commission on Peace Officers’ Standards and Training. Officer Robert
Lane went on to become a councilman for the town of Edwardsville, where he was later convicted of
participating in a ticket-fixing scheme. And McCue is still with the DEA.

It may be true that abusive cops are few and far between, as police organizations typically claim. The
problem is that other cops rarely hold them accountable. Perhaps that’s because they know they will be
treated the way Max Seifert was. For all the concern about the “Stop Snitchin’ ” message within the hip-
hop community, police have engaged in a far more impactful and pernicious Stop Snitchin’ campaign of
their own. It’s called the Blue Wall of Silence.

Even the real Oath Keepers have to toe the line one way or another if they want to keep their jobs in a
hostile environment. About all of them are in the freemasons at any rate. For our purposes that’s your
local good ol’ boy’s club where after they get through with their rituals do some haggling, make deals,
etc. Guess who are freemasons? Yep-bureaucrats, cops, lawyers, politicians… and that includes the
oath traitor arresting you for defending yourself and exercising your 2nd, the oath traitors backing him
up on your arrest, the oath traitor prosecuting you, the oath traitor who will bang his gavel and find you
in contempt of court if you bring up your 2nd, and the ringer who will pretend to represent you.

They in large part set up this whole criminal subculture; exported jobs and downgraded educations in
what is touted to be the richest nation on Earth, along with a engineered decline in ethics and
patriotism, government ran/sponsored drug smuggling and a good dose of racism-all on our public
servants. They perpetrate the problem because fear is their control mechanism over us plus there’s too
much money to be made, and too much power to be had to not have armies of gangsters, violent
addicts, and the biggest penal system on the planet. And, they hate us; waging a war against the
American People in all but name. What other answer works to explain the systematic destruction of our
So, one must not only defend against the government generated social predators, one must defend
against the government.


It would be a mistake to state that the law is on your side. Not only do laws differ greatly given the
jurisprudence, but their enforcement as well. Just because your state laws may “grant” you a “castle
doctrine” doesn’t mean the responding law enforcers will adhere to that law. Your local lawyers in the
DA’s office will certainly either try to be creative about the law’s “intent” or they will ignore it
completely, relying on judicial fiat and raw force to take you down, you scumbag gun nut you.

Basically you have better legal standing… unless you’re in New York City or someplace like that… but
escape? Forget it-unless you abandon everything you’ve worked your life for, your loved ones, your
friends, your career (do you still have one?) and start over. Possible still believe it or not but it’s a hell of
a choice. I’d be seeking justice if a pack of traitors sought to rob me of Life and Freedom for defending
me and mine.

Or expend about everything you’ve worked for defending yourself in court. The lawyers and judges
laugh at you.

Yep, I gotta reiterate; you’re a scumbag to our public servants if you so much as dare presume taking the
Bill of Rights at face value. Because they’re the enemy; having a superiority complex already they go
into the law or law enforcement for the power, and those that teach happily feed their little minds the
bullshit that they’re some kind of ‘elite’. By the time they’re in their uniform-issue uniform or pin
striped suit-they’re as insufferably arrogant and elitist as any nobleman of old. And they don’t abide any
challenge to their monopoly on force which you bearing arms represents to their fragile egos.


Fight them in court anyway, make a last stand? Good luck. The enemy is very skilled at breaking down
their opponents (you); they find your weak points… family, friends, career, property… and ruthlessly,
predictably attack them. One big happy family-one big happy crime family of cops, lawyers,
prosecutors, jailors, judges and they work together. The enemy loves when you buy into their fraud.

Move to a town friendlier to the Bill of Rights-though in this depression that is likely a no-go. Matching
up a town where you’ve landed a job in this economy is bad enough. And you may likely wind up living
under even worse oath traitors, although if you get together with other like-minded Americans you can
negate that through a recall election and a full ticket of candidates to sweep the America-hating scum

Run for it? Well that involves a new life, a new identity… more like NO identity. You’d have to learn to
live under the enemy’s radar, use cash, rent a room or apartment without ID’ing yourself, change your
appearance, give up your vehicle, accounts, everything. Or literally take to the wilds, but either way you
go if you’re just hiding you will get weary and eventually, subconsciously want the ordeal to end. You’ll
make a mistake and that mistake will get you caught-and then you will face a murder trial… you did run
for it anyway no matter if you were defending you and yours.

(Oh, the bad guys don’t like it when you opt out of their fraud like this. They’ll hunt you for the rest of
your days, and when they catch up to you they WILL make an example out of you. Try explaining that
you can’t get justice? They’ll laugh-and it’ll be a knowing laugh.)

One possible solution out of this horrific double-bind would be if one neighbor is attacked by criminals,
everyone else in the neighborhood rushes with arms to defend them… and if that neighbor is
threatened by the criminals in public service, everyone else in the neighborhood and all the surrounding
neighborhoods rushes with arms to defend them… you… and you doing likewise. That involves
effectively forming a Militia…*. Much, much harder in today’s sorry excuse for America to have
neighbors who recognize the truth of their situation, let alone find their balls.

There’s one solution, but it involves the most effort. Get to that later but if you think that defending you
and yours in your own home is problematic?


…You think you got legal problems blasting some living dead meth head busting in? Having the same
situation out(no matter if you’re carrying or not)only makes it legally easier for the enemy to put you in
a cell where you’d be made into a prison rape sex sandwich.

Fortunately, unlike home defense, self defense out in the big bad scary modern ‘murika offers the
chance of escaping the long arm of our number one enemy, Johnny Law. Shoot and scoot-and by that I
mean get the hell out of there! Let’s break down the problem:


Where does this go down?

Where are you? Or, a better question, where does a robber, rapist or murderer go hunting? The
proper answer is always “anywhere”. You cannot assume a criminal is going to be stupid, or even look
like a criminal-though most will be in packs, wear lower end urban gear, give the obvious vibe of being
low-end predators. Making assumptions in most situations in life can merely make an ass out of you,
but making assumptions in a life or death situation will end yours.

Your first opponent(s) will pick the most opportune time and place to take you by surprise, or corral you.
This will likely if they have any functional brain cells… be away from your second wave of opponents
(cops) so this gives you some chance of escape and evasion. And this will be escape and evasion after
you blast that crack head looking to murder you for your pocket change. If where you’re going is iffy,
don’t go if you can avoid it. If you can’t, have ways out and means to accomplish this, and backup of
your own… if it comes to that then this is an extreme situation and I personally hope I don’t wind up
facing such a choice!
Always be mindful of your surroundings! Always! When out in public look for cover-anything that will
stop pistol bullets and shotgun pellets. That would be thick trees, concrete architecture, engine blocks,
corners, etc. Rifle fire requires SOLID barriers such as stone walls, rolling terrain, etc. KNOW where you
are at-know the neighborhood, who lives/hangs out there, where you can go if trouble comes looking
for easy prey, etc.


Always be ready for combat. Not a fight, combat. Literally, have a plan to fight whoever you run into or
have a couple escape routes, know safer places to escape to, and where your car’s at-and park so all you
have to do is hop in and take off. Always park with the front bumper out, and don’t let anyone block
your exit. Have an extra key separate from your keychain so you’re not fumbling. If you’re not ready to
kill to defend you and yours, just don’t read any further, find yourself some fantasy football league or
porn or whatever. If you don’t have that brand of retardation your attitude will ping off street criminals-
and yes they have a highly developed sense of whose easy prey-and will find someone else. Of course,
that same ping might attract a cop who will want to interview you-and today’s cops will find a legally
acceptable pretext to do so, so be able to mask that awareness and readiness vibe.


You want to blend in and be part of a norm so you’re not profiled by the cops fishing for a bust on a
peaceable American. Know what people wear, what groups expect, think, act-and go along with it. At
the same time, you want to exude that you’re nobody’s target, which fits in with mindset, but your
appearance will be what your weapons choice will revolve around. In other words, don’t look like food,
you likely won’t be eaten-certainly not by your average street criminal. An oath traitor cop on the other
hand looking for an easy bust and seeing you not looking like food will suspect you of being armed.
They WILL present you with just as serious a life or death situation… and they have backup.

Your weapons choices will largely revolve around how well you can successfully conceal them. That
means no tell tale bulges, no sagging here or there, no limps or leans caused by your weapon. To
complicate things, there are obvious items of clothing or accessories that scream “I’m an uppity armed
American”-like fanny packs. Also, having a gut reduces the space inside your shirt and coat you have
toward carrying concealed so that’s another reason to lose weight. If you wear clothes specifically made
and marketed for concealment-they won’t to the cop aware of them and you will get interviewed.

Oh, and your apparel and build will dictate what you can carry and how.

Check out the following chart-and learn from the obvious mistakes shown:
You’ll note the people depicted aren’t obvious criminals, but peaceable Americans exercising their 2nd.
Note it was the NYPD that produced this chart. Further proof today’s law enforcement are tasked with
waging war against the very people they lie to about “protecting”.


With a lot of weapons necessary for a sure draw but you also have to think “if I got to run to avoid oath
traitors putting me up for 10 to life, do I really want a holster I can’t simply chuck down a drain along
with my gun?” A holster does allow a secure pistol that won’t drift about or even fall out ensuring it’s
there and you can draw it however…

However much money you feel like spending on your holster, be sure you can detach it from your body
quicker than you can mount it. And, it doesn’t necessarily have to be on your body-it can be in a jacket
or a duffel bag or briefcase…


I’ve carried quite a few pistols for personal protection-in spite of the laws-so the following is from

Pocket pistols that fit in your hand and are lightweight are naturally easy to conceal but you’d better
practice a lot to achieve not only a quicker draw than your adversary but a lethal first shot hit. A lot of
gangsters and criminals practice getting their gun out for taking on cops and are practicing as best they
can. More than a few have had military training so don’t believe that everyone on the streets holds
their gat sideways.

The pocket pistol will be in a caliber no larger than 9mm and will carry 5-7 rounds. This gives you even
more incentive to get that first, lethal hit in-and engage your other threats in as quick and accurate
succession as you can. This means a LOT of range time and unless your pocket pistol was made by
Beretta, Colt, Glock or Ruger you’ll be buying another of that make and model before you’re done
training as many of them were made to be fired relatively few times. Worse, most of this genre of guns
are not in 9mm parabellum but in .380, .32, .25, and .22 so head shots are mandatory. These dinky
calibers are a little quieter than a 9mm/.40/.45 but you pay a price in performance. 38/357 snub nosed
revolvers are much clumsier to reload, plus the magnum and +p loads will give you instant night
Full sized handguns

Glocks are reliable as the sunrise but are thick so you will have to
put in more effort dressing around them. You can however pack a couple 33 round extended
magazines-I did. Actually I packed four 33 round magazines and two 17 rounders giving me 167 rounds
of 9mm hollowpoints… yes it was fall/winter/spring and I could pull it off with my coat. Use a bulkier
coat and you can conceal this piece. Lose some weight, wear a size bigger pant and you can carry
concealed better.

Given the similarities in external appearance with the Springfield XD you can apply the same carry

Beretta 92, uh, reliable but not a good choice for concealed carry, it is too
thick, too heavy. Won’t jam though-have it as a car/bedroom gun.
Colt 1911 is a good full sized carry gun as its thin width profile makes
carrying concealed much easier. HOWEVER, those 7 round magazines mean you have to practice a rapid
reload and do it more often. The solution is to grasp 3 of those thin seven round magazines in your
support hand and when your Colt runs dry the next mag’s in hand. Double stack mag 1911s have been
available since the 90’s and that a solution too.

Browning Hi-Power is an excellent carry gun-thinner than the Glock and

you can get 17 and 30 round magazines. This gun’s sore point is its bad trigger pull-get rid of the
magazine detach part and that will solve that. Plus the Hi-Power points and shoots naturally; it was John
Browning’s last pistol.

Ruger P series is a blocky gun, even blockier than the Glock, even more
than the Beretta. Just a clumsy mess. I’d pass. The SR-9 does look a bit more promising…
Sig Sauer is a bit blocky but a good gun. I have no personal experience with one.

Calibers-9mm, .40, .45ACP believe it or not perform about the same. You need a high performance load
with the 9 but that’s been out. All three will perform about as well as a auto pistol cartridge will so your
job will be to make your shots COUNT!
The 10mm Auto full load cartridge is more powerful than the .357; in the Glock 20 you can get extended
magazines-yes you can! Couple that with a extended slide and you’re set for anything up to a SWAT

Now could you carry something bigger? Yes, but in say, a duffel bag-but if you have one you could carry
anything with a folding stock. Or folded in on itself like the Kel-Tec SUB 2000 and SU 16 carbines.
A Romanian AK with a folding stock and several 30 round magazines in a removable tactical vest or even
a pouch could give you more than a fighting chance, but admittedly that’s an extreme measure… though
we do live in extreme times though. Yes I’ve done the AK in the duffel bag bit more than once.

One thing all these weapons have against them, is the blast and noise they make when they fire. You
can live with that and hope your shooting skill and your legs can carry you out of there before the cops
come, or you can risk 10 years in a federal penitentiary… and use a silenced weapon, shooting them
before they can kill you. Provided you don’t have witnesses you can get out of there… a lot of well
meaning law-abiding folks are shitting themselves


Getting away with preserving your own life would be easier if the gunshot itself didn’t attract the
government criminals….


Guns, obviously, make noise. Gas expansion from the muzzle and if it’s a revolver from the gap between
the cylinder and barrel (unless it’s a Nagant revolver) makes the loud boom. Mechanical noise varies
with design; a revolver makes a small click as the firing pin strikes the primer, while a open bolt
submachine gun makes a loud klack as the bolt slams home. If the round goes over 1100 feet per
second (supersonic) then there’s a supersonic crack.


From your bullets, fired casings with your fingerprints and the machine marks from your weapon-c’mon
you’ve watched at least ONE of the hundred or so cop shows… any weapon that ejects a shell casing to
load that next round flings potential evidence about. When you use a weapon in self defense you are
essentially using that weapon for the last time as it will either be stolen by the cops/courts or you will
have to dispose of it for evidence sake.


Know what you’re thinking and it seems to be a great idea but… If caught, even if you signed the ATF
form, got approval, will get you in trouble. An unregistered suppressor will get you 10 years and a
100,000 dollar fine. By itself. Used to defend yourself and it becomes the centerpiece in your death
penalty trial. That is if the device is caught on you or otherwise survives… and they WILL comb the area
to bust an uppity gun nut.

That being said if you’re going to the trouble of fitting a silencer onto your gun you might as well rig up a
way to catch the shells. There are plastic brass catchers that fit over the slide, or you can jury rig a bag
and wire over a pistol with a enclosed bolt like the Ruger MK II .22 or Astra 400. Oh and all current
production autoloading pistols need a aftermarket extended barrel to attach whatever. After that
there’s how you’re going to carry this embiggened pistol-and the only way will be in some kind of bag or
box or briefcase.

Fingerprints, DNA from hair follicles, skin flakes, spittle, blood. You get shot you’ll bleed and you will
leave evidence. All over the place. IF it’s raining hard enough perhaps the evidence will wash away…
but can you count on it raining when you’re being ambushed?


A variable-the saying is when seconds count the cops are minutes away. Or they could be across the
street. Now if you know there are officers in the vicinity you could conceivably attempt to reach them…
if they don’t peel out getting away from you, or just sit there “waiting for backup”-and actually doing
their jobs-then you run the risk of being arrested for exercising your 2nd… any which way, you’re likely to
be arrested anyway.


If there are witnesses, bystanders-maybe they’ll tell the truth, but a lot of cops will still arrest you
anyway because it’s ‘procedure’. The prosecutor will at the least cost you months of anguish, thousands
of dollars to defend your obvious innocence. If you rightly run, the enemy will have a description of you.
Don’t run directly to your car or home. If out, circle about until you’re sure either witnesses or cops are
not around you or your car. Witnesses mean you will have to sweat being found or you have to play the
court’s game.

If you’re injured… unless you have combat medicine training, know a doctor or medic who will patch you
up on the sly and you can plausibly find a excuse to lay low and recuperate that will not arouse
suspicion. If you can’t, you need to get to the hospital and then you will be asked why you run-and
telling them the truth about the rat bastards of the legal system won’t cut it… maybe with a jury. If
you’re injured and you can’t run and you can’t lay low without being suspected or permanently disrupt
your life as you recover you have to stay and you certainly will be screwed if you use a suppressed
firearm. Them’s the breaks.


Now that we have all the pieces of the puzzle-variables aside-we can work on a solution.

Either dress around your weapon so it doesn’t “print”-show up or put your piece in a container-a box or
bag. Something NOT A FANNY PACK they scream I’M A UPPITY GUN OWNER.

Your weapon must not show through your clothing whether you stand, bend over or sit.
Weapon Selection-we want a gun that doesn’t spit empty shells everywhere, and can be effectively
silenced. Strangely enough this eliminates the automatic pistol… unless a rigid brass catching device can
be attached that will not interfere with function. Tape around the griping surfaces and trigger so there’s
no prints, wear gloves, and never ever handle the shells with bare hands-from the box to the magazine.
Course you’d have to attach the catcher to the gun, then you’d have to attach the throwaway
suppressor-in the middle of an ambush? And you’ll need an extended barrel…

Concealment-let’s opt for our piece in a container.

I would opt for a shrouded hammer revolver with a short barrel. Attach a glove around the handle and
inside the trigger guard and pad the interior while holding the piece firm. A flap can disguise where you
slip your hand in. There are still plenty of cheaply had revolvers that are perfectly disposable-package
and all-if that means saving your life from the bad guys… all of them.

There’s THIS setup:

Another option which is more wieldy would be the gas sealing Nagant revolver, which were made in the
millions and currently at 100 bucks perfectly disposable, though it’s 7.62mm Nagant cartridge is much
less common a round; you won’t find it at Wally World. Slip a disposable suppressor over the muzzle
and you’re good to go… as long as you can resolve your problem in seven shots as the Nagant loads like
a Colt single action-you have to painstakingly eject and load each shell through a loading gate.

One brute force option would be the folding stock AK in a duffel bag with a pouch full of magazines and
simply blast your way out… just throwing it out there.


Get the first shot in. Just do it. If you spot trouble, don’t wait for the enemy to draw and present-do it
first and if you can get by with a warning God bless you.

Beyond that principle, know where all your opponents are, where cover is at, and come up with a plan-
quick. Basically you want to be as dynamic a threat to your enemy as possible so you will need to know:
Awareness-don’t be in la-la land. Don’t be on your gadget, etc. Yeah, yeah, impossible to do 24/7, but
try. Because when you’re not looking is when they will pounce.

Quick Draw-means a secure holster for a reliable, no snag draw, and practicing daily; slow is smooth and
smooth is fast. When you get that down THEN you can reduce your time needed to get the first shot off.
Street criminals are practicing not only their marksmanship but also their draw speed-a Department of
Justice study of incarcerated felons indicated they go for the fastest draw possible.

“Get Off The X”-a term good as any, it means when you decide to shoot, you MOVE! You make a snap
move to the side as you aim and shoot at the same time. Simple to describe but requires more effort to
master. The purpose is to move and shoot before the bad guy can react… its taking advantage of his
OODA loop: Observe, Orient, Decide, Act. You go through your OODA loop and decide to fight and you
snap move and shoot-bad guy’s in the middle of deciding, or about to act and you maneuvering and
firing forces them to mentally reboot his OODA loop. Your mission is to shut down his brain activity
before he reboots and shuts down yours.


Tactics in these situations are needed where strategy fails and a quick draw and marksmanship are not
enough. Got a chart I’ve made up for my upcoming “Second American Revolution Victory Guide” HERE:
Shoot as much as you can-but since ammunition costs are skyrocketing get an airsoft copy of your gun
and practice at home.

Get all the combat training you can without ID. Get how-to videos from the internet or a gun show. I
recommend Gabe Suarez’s work as well as Jeff Coopers. Both are real world, practical, combat proven.

smart if you bought your rounds from someone not a firearms dealer, to throw off any investigation.
For that matter get your guns the same way. Never handle your ammunition with your bare hands.


Remain silent. The enemy will try to get you to incriminate yourself and will use every gambit on an
American who doesn’t act like helpless sheep. Especially if you act like you’re actually an American…
insisting your Rights be respected and such. Remain silent. Say nothing to them, they are not going to
help you.

Agree to nothing. Absolutely nothing-no plea bargains, no statements, nothing incriminating, which
means nothing at all. The enemy wants a quick kill and to get onto their next victim but pleading out
with the presented hope of stopping the pain is their first tactic. Giving in means going down for
defending yourself, which means you WILL need to be an outlaw in order to protect yourself.

One important technical point: the US legal system operates under what in patriot circles refer to as 14th
Amendment US Citizenship, which is a federal citizenship based in the District of Columbia. You’re
shanghaied into it with your birth certificate which creates a legal fiction in the same vein as a real
estate title over a piece of land. That legal fiction abrogates your Rights codified in the Bill of Rights and
binds you to contract law… and all the legal permissions and prohibitions the lawyers impose on you
instead of your lawful rights. It would be better if you weren’t a US citizen (which they will ask you even
if it’s obvious you’re American) and reclaim yourself as an American. No driver’s license, social security
number, birth certificate-none of that. Completely out of their system as its slavery. Something you
want to think about.

Insist on a jury trial. Last thing you need are the same lawyers who put you in this spot to decide your
fate. Better to take your chances with twelve strangers and attempt to convince them of your
innocence. Defend yourself.

The enemy will throw you in with the worst street criminals hoping you’ll break and cop a plea, but if
you’re steadfast at least some and perhaps most of the inmates will see you’re opposing their jailors and
will support you. Then you will just have to worry about undercover cops posing as inmates, snitches
and suck ups and the guards/admin who don’t give a fuck you were defending you and yours.

Challenge and oppose them at every step. Make motions for discovery of all evidence including video,
police radio recordings. If you can, get statements from those witnesses…
Lawyers… most people will advise you to find a good attorney who will actually defend you. I’m
generally ambivalent about the breed in the first place as the lawyers are the courts. Rigged game and
finding a good guy who has a license to practice law… good luck.

At any rate, if your legal eagle turns out to be a legal chicken and won’t stand by you in fighting this to
the end, dump em.

When you get to trial, you will be facing a legal opponent with the judge as a partner, and likely the jury
as they will select 12 unthinking law and order gov. loving types. The guards will try to take your court
notes for “security purposes” so be on constant alert.

At any rate the cops will alter/disappear evidence and since Americans are deluged with legal and cop
shows they will associate those oath traitors with their favorite actors…. guess who they’ll associate you

The prosecutor will be a master of spinning words, misrepresenting evidence, verbal judo, and
neurolinguistic programming techniques. He will attempt to create a “Delphi” with the jury-establishing
a rapport, being likeable, reasonable… guiding those 12 soft minds to the conclusion that they need to
rule you’re guilty. Guilty-even on a reduced charge that’s still a win for the scumbags and your life
completely wrecked. You not only have to be aware of all these techniques but have countermeasures
as well, and that means constantly bringing up points of order, questions, anything to disrupt the
prosecutor’s verbal and mental flow. He’s done this at least dozens of times and likely hundreds of
times-the court system is a well oiled machine with a near 100 percent success rate… that’s a lot of
innocent people who get suckered or steamrolled.

Better to run for it and keep your mouth shut, no?


OPPOSITION’! At best they can be said to have fought a fighting retreat… in actuality they often
collaborate on the gun laws they’re supposed to be opposing.

And that’s the problem-these criminal oath traitors are the ones in office. They make policy that the
oath traitor law enforcers are more than happy to inflict on peaceable Americans.

And the obvious solution is to get rid of the oath traitors. Kick the elected officials who appoint them
out of office and clean your town government of those scum, replace them with real Americans. I’ll
refer you to these articles:


*Or you can make it happen. What’s a militia if not armed Americans banding together for common
defense? You have the guns-practice group rifle shooting where a group of targets are taken on jointly.
Corner shooters take on the corners, middle shooters divide up the middle targets. Very simple

Now practice shooting at those targets with your group physically spread out. Work out who shoots
first and that’s the signal for everyone else to open up. What you’re practicing is a classic enveloping
ambush-your enemy will be well armed, with a perimeter screen and the ability to call additional
reinforcement, etc. but they’re looking to terrorize not fight to the death. You can either send a
representative and tell them they’re not robbing for the state today or you can simply open up on them.

To achieve maximum effect on current generation battle armor shoot for the head, or below the belt if
you lack armor piercing ammunition.

You CAN load your own AP: get some plastic sabot inserts, worn carbide drill rods. Cut the rods to the
length of a standard bullet, shape the tip with a lathe or CNC machine and fit to the sabots. Look up
ammunition reloading and sabots for more information.

And I’d recommend you use the rifle, shot not from right at the window but from deeper inside the
house. Or even from a house not directly facing the threat, but because of the gaps you can snake the
round in between the buildings to the enemy. Plus that shooter can take on anyone forming a

Wear disguises, don’t shoot from your own homes, have an escape plan if things go wrong-AND if things
go right. If you win, count on being targeted by authorities for reprisals, even if you’re successful as they
will hold everyone in the city to account. Which is why you wear the disguises or ski masks, and gloves,
and never handle all your weapons and ammunition with your bare hands. Hide or dispose of your
Y’know, the same principle can be applied anywhere-don’t be alone! The gangs are in gangs. The cops
are a gang onto themselves, who also serve the lawyers-another gang. All of them know the value of
circling the wagons and sticking together. Do likewise, and you do that by being an asset to others,
keeping your word, and expecting likewise. You’ll either attract quality people or you need to find
someplace with quality people to begin with. Be ready to lay your life down to save yours from a gang
assault or the legal system, because nothing less will do-and yours had better do likewise or you need to
find new people to tribe up with.


What the Tea Party needs from its candidates if the country is to be taken back peacefully.

J. Croft

So I finally got around to joining the Tea Party-Tea Party Patriots to be precise:
and I am glad. Tea Party Patriots is the most decentralized, the most proactive, filled with real Americans
who are their own leaders, who know how to say NO, who want genuine change. Of course I had to sign

Genuine change; actually going in and scrapping lawyer-made anti-freedom laws, rules, regulations,
downsizing the beast, repatriating the CAFR investments(1), bringing the troops home from guarding the
oil pipelines and poppy fields(2). Cut the beast down to size and much the economic and political burden
will be removed from the American People. Bring the Gulf of Mexico destroying megacorporations(3)
and traitor-run media conglomerates under heel will be a formality-THEN you will see an American

…Well, if the national Tea Party campaigns work and Washingon‟s cleaned up there‟s still the state
offices to clean up-tens of thousands of petty tyrants brought up under the most corrupt political system
on Earth. All of them will do what they must to hold onto power and save a military coup they will retain
their offices and power.

Do you know where the real power lies? The real power over our daily lives, the power we have to
contend with on a daily basis? Local government: it‟s your local government who:

*Imposes property taxes “for the children”; miss a payment to your landlord they take the home you‟ve
worked your whole life for, sell it at a tax foreclosure auction for a fraction of its value.

*Deny your Right to Bear Arms in defense of self, family, community.

*Deny your Free Speech, requiring their permit. If you‟re a Tea Partier then maybe you won‟t even get
that permit.

*Has armed men pretty much immune from prosecution ambush you on public roads for driving a few
miles over the speed limit, or for some rust on your car if you‟re in Pennsylvania, or whatever else they
can get away with calling a “code infraction”.

All that is but the tip of the iceberg; local politicians, their cronies and their local rich patrons sew up the
contracts for themselves, do their best to monopolize the economic flow in their communities through

If you have a problem you can talk to their code enforcers. Not peace officers or even cops-code
enforcers. They write the codes. They will get you and yours one way or another and if you‟re in the
way well, maybe you‟ll get pulled over for speeding or weaving, maybe they‟ll smell alcohol on you or
just plant drugs they copped from the street dealer padding their retirement fund. Same dealer that
might‟ve gotten someone you known hooked on crack or meth or heroin. Maybe got someone hooked on
drugs that you once loved.
Worse, these local oath traitors are allowed to do all the above in exchange for advancing the agendas of
others. Look up “agenda 21”(4) and if it crops up in your local government it means your local gangsters
are subcontractors of far more evil people both in public office who want to take more from you and those
Marxists in academia who want to continue a generations-long campaign of subverting the Land of the
Free into the next Communist Paradise.

I mean, Obama‟s president and he was brought up by communists, mentored by arch American
communist Bill Ayers-leader of the 60‟s Weather Underground terrorist organization… who turned from
bombings to penetrating and taking over academia so as to churn out generations… of the same traitors
who run your local, state, national governments(5). These traitors are backed by think tanks like the Ford
Foundation, Rand, Carnegie Institute, Council on Foreign Relations. You should read what they write in
their journals like Foreign Affairs, the Financial Times, you‟d understand what they‟re about. They in
turn are funded by the ultra rich-monopoly men whose inbred psychotic families want absolute power,
utter domination-as long as you breathe you are competition.. no, that‟s not accurate; as long as you and I
breathe we‟re slated for extermination because they want the whole damn planet for themselves. At any
rate, it is ultimately their agenda for the gradual breakdown of Our America that has brought us to this
perilous state of affairs.

That‟s pretty much the extant of the problem.

It is systemic. Therefore we must have systemic solutions. That means sweeping the entire government
clean from top to bottom. Which means having local victories as well as state and national victories, yet
there isn‟t much glamour in winning local election… yet that‟s where most of this country‟s tyranny
eminates from-had any pleasant experiences with your local city hall lately? Ever? What‟s that enemy
catch phrase? “Think Globally, act Locally?” Do likewise. (6)

Fight the enemy where they‟re weakest-all these local elections only attract a few percentage points of
voters, total. Believe it or not you have a model by which to achieve this: the GIs of Athens TN in 1946.
Oath Keepers all they came back to a classic Boss Hogg political machine that made its money off
rousting these heroes after they came home fighting Hitler and Tojo. Not having their treasonous
criminal activity under color of law, the GIs formed a campaign ticket for EVERY OFFICE. They
wanted to sweep THEIR government clean of those deluded criminals who thought themselves massah.
They had to as they were over the top… about as bad as about every town in America today.

So they put together their campaign ticket, got their family and friends involved, held meetings, made
speeches. And on election day, August 2, 1946, they won… after some notorious troubles the Cantrell
political machine caused but being GIs they outmatched those thugs with revolvers. (7)

So, full campaign tickets to sweep local governments clean. Has to be that way-not single office seekers
who even if they won would be all but useless with the rest of the gov. filled with crooks and traitors.
Talk to people where they‟re coming from not from where you‟re coming from. You got where you‟re at
because at some point you had an epiphany about how our country really is, and you chose the proverbial
red pill. A lot of people haven‟t had enough in the way of political observation nor experience at the
hands of the beast to that critical level you or I have, so you have to start with that little push to have that
epiphany. Provided they take that proverbial red pill you can go from there-or get called a f*cking
a**hole but them‟s the breaks.(8)

And we of the Tea Party need a demonstrator model; a town where we can cash in all the CAFR funds
long siphoned off and invest in slashing taxes and giving out most generous grants to local citizens… who
arent‟ the local Boss Hoggs… Americans really don‟t have a clue by and large just how enslaved they
are. Most really don‟t. And to gain their vote, their support we need to show them just what Freedom
really is.

So do you know what would help? Support from the state and national Tea Party candidates. If for
nothing else to let the prospective voter know that the slate of Tea Party candidates they‟re being asked to
vote for aren‟t alone in their assessment of the critical condition of our nation.

Reciprocity; we support a state or national candidate they must campaign locally for those Tea Party
candidates seeking local office. Support from their campaign offices would go a long way toward
alleviating the resource and experience shortfalls local candidates face against entrenched opposition…
entrenched CORRUPT opposition-it‟s not beyond a lot of them to plant drugs in your campaign office
then have a snitch report said drugs for a SWAT raid.

So, reciprocity-the local candidates add the state and federal candidates into their campaign, just like the
two headed national party we know as the Democrats and Republicans. They of course rely on the local
level 1.)your apathy and despair, and 2.)contributions from their rich patrons. Well, it‟s the same at the
state and national level as well-but the beast is vulnerable at the local level! I‟m telling you; if the Tea
Party can concentrate their manpower and resources on a handful of towns with a particularly unctuous
pack of criminals running it, defeat them in election, institute reforms and report the results far and wide
the whole nation could be ours in but a few election cycles.

We of the Tea Party have arisen because of the repeated broken promises, the betrayals of those who
promised reform, who promised to stop the deliberate destruction of our nation. It does us no good to
hold those we raise up… or who at least claim Tea Party… to higher standards than we have the likes of
Reagan, Gingrich, et al.

Reciprocity: these Tea Party celebrity candidates want to truly be part of the Second American
Revolution they have to play ball and actively support genuine local candidates and build the Tea Party
into the people-led political machine it has to be in order to win the political front of this Second
American Revolution. We can and must do better from our national candidates.

If you don‟t demand reciprocity from your national and state Tea Party candidates the local front will be
lost before it starts. Without a grass roots base the state and national Tea Party efforts will be at the
mercy of the same traitors with too much money that have penetrated every hierarchy based organization
corrupted every candidate and chairman. We who have been in this struggle have seen it all before and
seeing it repeat in certain organizations who rely too much on a few people giving orders, on celebrity
candidates artificially raised to be the proverbial heroines on white horses.
Therefore, those that wave the Tea Party banner at the state and national level, they have to give support
and guidance(the kind that wins elections)to local candidates. We cannot be the force necessary to win
the Second American Revolution peacefully if we continue to permit ourselves to be hustled by well
trained puppets who deliberately ignore the need for coat tails.

You remember that old political term? Coat tails are the lower level candidates that an office seeker
going for higher office gets elected, and so far between Ron Paul and truthfully the current crop of Tea
Party candidates and wannabes-no it‟s not happening. Coat tails are how political machines are built and
maintained. Coat tails will give the American People a real choice-continued slavery or a shot at true
Freedom. Coat tails mean active support for local campaigns; providing advertising, logistical support,
people on the phone, banners and advertising produced and speeches leveling the plain truth at the People.
Because the American People have been lied and lulled and hypnotized to the point of national

Of course there‟s one other requirement of reciprocity: respect. That means not imposing upon local Tea
Party campaigns… not ideological baggage, nor any incompetent guidance. Certainly not anyone out to
sabotage the campaign and the movement in general but it should be obvious that anyone who reveals
themselves to be a traitor needs to be kicked to the curb. Hard. No elitists masquerading as populists
either, we‟ve had more than enough of two-faced career politicians! We have got to do better or we can
either pick up the rifle or pack it in.


1.)CAFR stands for Consolidated Annual Financial Report. This is NOT the annual budget as that
document deliberately leaves out all the stocks, bonds, derivatives and whatever else local, state and the
federal governments take YOUR TAXES AND INVEST IN. Truth be told if the CAFR funds were by
some miracle repatriated back to the American People this nation could lead the world in a truly global
Renaissance that would make Earth into Paradise and take us to the stars. No exaggeration. For more
information go to and get a epiphany you won‟t believe!

2.)No bullshit, we‟re guarding the very fields fueling a heroin epidemic in America. Here‟s photographic

…and video of media whoremeister Geraldo Rivera interviewing a Defense Dept. stooge and defending
growing the smack that‟s probably fucked your kid‟s life up… or yours:

3.)British Petroleum perpetrated an ecological 9/11. Look at the following evidence…

4.)Agenda 21 is a grand plot to use environmentalism to impose taxation and laws designed to take
what‟s left of your wealth and freedom, and hopefully(to them)your lives.
5.)Funny thing it was investigating that incident with the college professor being arrested by Cambridge
Mass. officer Terry Crooks that led to the beer on the White House lawn that led to exposing THAT
agenda. Go here for a video:

6.)Over the years I‟ve written extensively about utilizing the vulnerability of local elections to start taking
back America, so go here:

7.)Battle of Athens, Tennessee:

8.)Written about this:


There's certain people in the alternative media who lay the blame of the world's ills on the
Illuminati-dependent on what they think that is.
Some think they're old European and Asian aristocracy, and there is a startling amount of direct
blood relations of nearly all American Presidents, for example. That this is the same clan that
has branches extending back to Rome, Persia, China, and that this clan has been ruling and
running the planet since the days of Sumer.

Some say they're the Bildeburgers-the term given to a cabal of leading politicians, bankers and
industrialists who meet every so often under the heaviest security possible. Jim Tucker has spent
his career, his life, covering their meetings and their leaked agendas have a tendency to become
front page news, history.

Some say part of the Illuminati is the Roman Catholic Church itself-two thousand year old
institution whose stored riches could literally end poverty, who keep a lot of history hidden
behind the walls of Vatican City, whose Jesuit Order is rumored to have engaged in social
engineering in America since the time of the Revolution. Greg Syzmanski of
has contended they are the true power.

Some say it's the Jews. Aside from die-hard nazis there are people who assert that there is a
Jewish Cabal that has maneuvered the nations of the world to the point where as asserted in the
Protocols of Zion they will induce the gentiles to destroy themselves so they can present
themselves as the saviors from the apocalypse they created.

There certainly is a Jewish Cabal that controls Hollywood. Ask Rick Sanchez about speaking
about that truth; it's an acknowledged fact by Hollywood itself but if you're not Chosen then
you're a racist for pointing out the obvious.

The Neoconservatives worship at the altar of Zionism. Israel certainly has been lavished with
American money and American weaponry. When Palestinians are used for target practice the
media bends into a bowtie to find an excuse for Israel.

Why am I writing this?

I posted an article from J. Bruce Campbell, "Defense Against Jewish Aggression". Why?
Because as much as we need to watch out for rogue federal law enforcement agents, infiltrators
into the movement and economic sabotage, we need to stand against anyone... anyone... who
seeks to destroy us and our Freedom. Since there's this cloak of silence about the Jewish ELITE
component of the problem... note the emphasis... due to the Holocaust this acts as the perfect
shield for the Zionists, the Neoconservatives and anyone looking for the world to blow up so
they can get raptured.

Just looking at 9/11 alone there were:

Mossad agents posing as arabs cheering as the World Trade Center was explosively demolished
in a brutally clever false flag exercise to get the US military into Afghanistan and Iraq. Iran's

Larry Silverstein, who ordered World Trade Center 7 "pulled"-demolished-mere hours after the
staged attack... when it takes WEEKS to prep a building of even that size for a demolition job
that turns a multi-billion dollar skyscraper into a pile of rubble in it's own "footprint"-without
much spillage or toppling over into other buildings... which would've been the LOGICAL choice
of a terrorist.

Jews working at the WTC were alerted to not go into work that morning....

Look, I can agree we need to defend against aggression, but there's a difference between holding
those responsible, and scapegoating an entire people-and by that I will refer to where I got the
article from: John Kaminski's website,

John was a popular writer over at who wasn't afraid to delve into the Jewish
components. However for the past few years Mr. Kaminski has gone too far. How far? He's
postulated that the Jews, the Ashkenazi Jews from the Caucasus are-get this-descended from the
last remnants of the Neanderthals. Literally a subspecies. That all Jews need to be rounded up
and isolated in their own little country.
Jumping the shark doesn't begin to describe the ridiculousness of that... Herr Strumbanfuhrer
Kaminski has led himself into the logical fallacy that because certain connected, corrupt, evil
members of a group do a deed that makes everyone else of that group responsible.

Now, do the Jewish People tend to stick firmly together? Oh yes, there's a lesson to be learned.
Just as there's lessons to be learned from Jews about not blindly following leaders... literally into
the gas chambers(yes I believe the Holocaust was real, just that there's been regrettably inflated
claims as to the numbers killed.)

Do Jews tend to be bigoted? Who isn't.

Is it from some supposed Neanderthal blood in their veins? Maybe we should find a more
plausible reason.

I would say its their traditions and religion.

The Jews and Judaism offer a model on how to maintain one's culture and nationality in the face
of overwhelming odds and dispersal. The Jewish People's downfall is that they were cued,
trained to accomplish this in a selfish manner. If you belong to a culture and religion that
emphasizes self serving survival above everything else you will view everyone not of your
people as a threat... or a target.

Read the Talmud.(1) I have been on and off. It's a very very thick book and I'm quite certain I
will never ever finish it-but I get the gist. You have a teaching and then several more
explanations and arguments about that teaching and then several more footnotes about
exceptions and whatnot, so it's very confusing, very legalistic. Some of those teachings are
troubling.... so are some Christian and Moslem teachings for that matter. It's just a bunch of sick
old men who think if they back each others writings enough and pass it all down that that will
give the whole mess authority. And if you're in a tight knit culture that's survived millenia well,
you get those Orthodox Jews who kill Rachael Corrie with a D9 Bulldozer, bomb a hapless,
defenseless Gaza into starvation and ruin for shooting a few defiant model rockets blindly. You
also get a elitist clique willing to murder millions of their own people in cooperation with their
enemy so as to bring about their own state.(2)
Look: just because it's a tradition doesn't make it right. In fact if a teaching is wrong, don't
follow it. If someone's pushing that misguided or even wrong teaching, don't listen to them. Just
because someone in a priest's robes or behind a podium advocates slavery, or colonialism, or
suicide bombing of civilians, or treating everyone outside your race as subhuman "goy", "mud
people", or as targets for genocide doesn't make that right. In fact a minimum of objectivity
would reveal that to be so patently wrong it's ridiculous-but we've all been manipulated by the
religions and beliefs passed down. It's how I got out of my parent's fundamentalist, end time
rapture wishing at the expense of the human race-I actually read the Bible, and made my own
decisions on what I hold true.

Ignore that and you'll find yourselves shooting dirty, starving children in the head for sport...
...Or being led into a mass grave yourself.... because I just can't see the difference when the
enemy's goal is to exterminate us all before we wake up. What better way than with racism-
including Jewish racism.

Let's keep the blame where it belongs:


Bildeburgers, Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateralists, etc.




Hollywood executives

...And any government and corporate stooge who just follows their orders. Basically anyone
who thinks the answer to the worlds problems is to keep waging war against us all.

1. Good luck-there's more than one version.... and yes those excerpts on it being kosher to rape
children is in there:

2.Yes, Zionists DID cooperate with the Nazis... some nasty realpolitik to get the State of Israel
going. Any wonder they're blasting children in ruins?

Where‟s God?

Why does God allow bad people, bad things to happen?

Why if God supposedly loves us, there are natural disasters, disease, theft, fraud, murder?

Why does God allow all sorts of evil people to run amok in this world? Why does
God allow wars, famines, genocide?

Why does God allow bad things to happen to good people?

Yeah, I‟ve asked those questions myself, often after something bad happened to me; getting
fired, betrayal, health problems, the furnace breaking down, or the car you car share with,
missing the bus by just that much. In the rain.

Getting your heart broken is the worst of course. You can bounce back from a broken arm or
leg, find another way to make a living(more or less), but having someone you invested a lot of
time and feeling and sacrifice-having them take all that love and wiping their ass with it?

Yeah, I‟ve screamed at God a few times myself wondering just what kind of madman was ruling
over the Universe, whether the very concepts of Love, Justice, Freedom weren‟t some kind of
practical joke. Whether or not God and the devil weren‟t two sides of the same coin, or was this
all just some kind of humongous, sick game.

If God is truly good, why doesn‟t He do something?

Well, he does. He does through us.

God granted us Free Will. God, being consistent, grants us Free Will but we have to at the same
time accept the consequences. You want Free Will? You have to accept that for everyone else,
and the interactions of all those choices.

The enemy knows this, of course. Why else are you encouraged to pray to God to intervene, to
rely on who are really your enemies to help you? Why else are there megachurches to siphon off
what little cash your corporate and government massas allow you to have-and I most certainly
include the biggest megachurch of all, the immensely wealthy Roman Catholic Church. Nothing
at all what Jesus intended: we were to meet in small groups, not have a hierarchy that
brainwashed and robbed us, and most importantly we acted on the world.

Get this through your thick skulls and addled brains-you are God‟s hands, you are the ones that
have to intervene. When you feel in your heart a push to do something, and that source of that
feeling is of absolute love, that‟s God. Why else did Jesus come here except to get you to do
what‟s right. What‟s needed:
You see someone stranded on the side of the road-help. Have a spare gas can, jack, air
compressor, flat fixing equipment, antifreeze, blankets, food, water, etc.

You see someone being assaulted, jump in. Doesn‟t matter if it‟s a little old lady or a small
child, or some other obvious victim. Sometimes if it‟s someone like a child molester or some
dirty oath traitor-jump in and help stomp them.

In fact if your town‟s swamped with crooks in public service-and I guarantee your town is-begin
a emergency recall election campaign with a full campaign ticket.

Have a tool, lend it out.

Have advice, give it.

Learn how to shoot, and fight at all ranges. And train others.

Love everyone… until they give you cause to hate them.

Measure everything by the Jesus in the four gospels. Most importantly the rest of the Bible-you
might come to some interesting conclusions if you have the guts to do so.

Oppose evil. Someone has to. I mean, all the good people encouraged to mind their own
business has only encouraged the enemy to become bolder and bolder.

Find and crack open an old history book. Learn a different perspective, make comparisons, think
about who wrote it and why.

Shop local. In fact buy from locals, use services from people doing things on the side-build the
free economy.

Don‟t gossip maliciously. Now if someone‟s doing dirt then you warn others.

Learn a basic trade. Go into business for yourself-in the underground economy.

Do what you love to do. And do it for others and God.

Do not deny your loved ones your attention.

Take a walk where there‟s nature, a park or something like that. See God‟s creation in its natural

Distribute literature and DVDs that awoke you.

Judge people by their actions; not by their words, and certainly not your wishful thinking of

Buy a gun from a private person-and get magazines and ammo.

Improve something about yourself. Don‟t worry there‟s plenty of room for that.

Break a law. It was weaponized by the enemy against us a long time ago and you need to learn
defiance so start small and build up.

Buy some heirloom seeds.

Try a new hobby.

Pray every day to Our Father. In a private place, where there‟s quiet and you can tune
everything else out-especially your own thoughts. Jesus directed us to pray to Our Father, and
only God.

Give secretly. Take no credit for charity.

Go someplace you haven‟t gone before.

Start a conversation with a total stranger.

Whose that?

The commonly accepted definition of the term is someone in opposition to you, essentially.
How they choose to oppose you is irrelevant to defining who is an enemy, it‟s the spirit they
operate in that is vital to understand.

How do you determine an enemy? By their words and actions, and their track record with
others-Jesus advised “know them by their fruits”.

So who is your enemy?

First it would be a good ideal to state who isn‟t the enemy; they‟re not based on race as all
people are dominated by the enemy. Likewise, hating on people because they have just a little
more money is also wrong-it‟s those that have all the money that are the problem. There are
good and bad people who profess all manner of religious beliefs but religion is a weapon of fear,
hate, and ignorance that has been wielded against us since the Sumerian kings stated it was their
gods desire. Sexual preferences among consenting adults-doesn‟t matter unless they‟re rapists or
pedophiles or some other class of freak.

So, again, who really is the enemy?

Starting at the top, literally, any inbred psychopathic blueblood claiming a so-called right to rule
over you and me just because their kin fucking clan has managed to keep it in the family for at
least a thousand years. Truthfully, a lot longer; the Bush crime family can trace their ancestry
through Britain and further-back to the Piso family of the Roman Empire. Yes they had their
turns ruling. Nearly all US Presidents are of that same clan-Bush is related to Gore who is
related to Gerald Ford, who is related to Roosevelt, who is related to Grover Cleveland, who is
related to George Washington, and vice versa. This incestuous genetic and power relationship
extends across the planet, and back to the beginning of recorded history. This clan, the kings of
old, served the gods directly and so were their high priests, because they are related by blood to
the gods. Make of that what you will but it explains a lot of their arrogance and contempt for

Speaking of that footnote the secret societies such as the Freemasons, Skull and Bones etc. are
power cults drowning in occult practices to awe their membership, who basically want all want
the inside track to power; this runs the gamut from the local good ol‟ boys who run the county to
major cities where if you‟re not Brotherhood you‟re not going to run your business for long, to
those seeking political office. About all US Presidents were Freemasons, the exception being
JFK for being a Catholic. NASA is a Freemasonic cult who launch their space missions under
certain star arrangements and dates-go to and find out just how
ridiculous it gets.

Oh, and those inbreeds are also our bankers.

The international bankers have taken over the government function of issuing money and
corrupted the concept-turning it into their cash flow by selling our own money to us at a profit.
Worse, they took that money and reinvested it countless times in countless ways. Basically, they
own the planet.

They also own pretty much all the governments, corporations, foundations, think tanks. All the
politicians and corporate officers for that matter-and through them control the vast armies of
bureaucrats, corporate workers, and cops. Is everyone in on it? You have to for sanity‟s sake
answer yes because it only takes a few 1000 dollar suited tools to run an organization, and
everyone is cued to do whatever a person in a 1000 dollar suit tells them to do. Especially in the
armed forces and law enforcement, if you‟re not at least questioning the orders given to you,
you‟re the enemy because you‟re not performing your true role-protecting the people from all
enemies foreign and domestic.

And we have an absolutely unbelievable array of domestic enemies. Oh God how we‟ve been
lulled into dropping the ball! Thanks to a century of social engineering, television programming,
state schools and sports, we typically have no interest in who are our public servants-then we‟re
outraged when an oath traitor issues a bogus traffic ticket, or arrests us for defending ourselves.
The lawyers run the courts-judge, prosecution and defense-so you can forget a fair trial even with
a jury-12 modern „murikans just as oblivious to their civic duties as you were before you got

The lawyers-they‟re the banksters hands, and overthrew America in 1787 with the Constitution
and its then covert design to gradually expand the government and lull a then literate, armed and
very wary American People until they could slip the chains back on. You definetly feel those
chains as you submit to drivers licenses, marriage licenses, business licenses, auto insurance,
fishing licenses, and all manner of busybody permits-and if you don‟t pay their enforcers will
drag you into their courts.

You did know that they operate under an undisclosed, hidden legal system didn‟t you? One not
based on the Bill of Rights-it is based on the contract and if you agree to US Citizenship you are
then in their eyes in contract with them. Oh, and to them, nondisclosure of this unknowing
signing away of your Rights isn‟t fraud. Beyond insidious, this legal code encompasses
everything from traffic tickets to murder one. And if you presume you have a right to defend
you and yours they‟ll always come after you. Because you have temerity enough to actually
resist one of the legions of underclass criminals the enemy spawns through their social
engineered inequalities and racism-which means you will at some point defy them. Can‟t have

You sign any kind of agreement they will own you for however extent the contract is. You let
the fuckers issue a birth certificate for your kid, they legally own them. For life. You sign
anything, anything whether it‟s a traffic ticket or plea agreement it‟s a contract. You identify
yourself in court, you are under contract. That insidious.

Oh, and while they will come down on you hard if you engage in a organic food co-op or
homeschool, or exercise any Right without their permit, they will cycle through all manner of
criminals and repeat shit-stupid drunk drivers back onto the street. Because they use them to
keep you in fear, and so dependent on the same massas who create the problem.

Where do these traitors come from? Universities.

The Marxists and other radicals took over the faculty positions to inflate naïve egos and fill them
full of pretentions of being „elites‟. Given a better grade of education than they got in grade
school, these largely ignorant know-it-alls presume the bullshit in their brains means they have
license to rule over you. They become the bureaucrats, the corporate officers. Those that go on
to law school get their pliable brains twisted about even more and either enter the legal scam of
the courts or become politicians and truly decide your life, and death.

Politicians of course belong to the Freemason power cult. The „cream‟ of the crop rises of
course to state and federal government. The enemy talent scouts the „best‟ and once joining the
Council on Foreign Relations are tasked to help finish us off, based on party affiliation and
background. Certainly there are ground floor elements-the enemy is configured as a pyramid-but
those who attain any kind of national office or political stardom find out real quick who really
runs things.

Never mind the foreign enemies the inbred psychopathic blueblood elites have built up: Nazi
Germany, the USSR, China. Wall Street financed all these threats. And the enemy‟s front men
head their governments. Not all the leadership but all the leadership does know who run things
Oh, if you have Al Qaeda on the tip of your lips, they‟re run by the CIA at the top; their number
two man had lunch at the Pentagon six months after 9/11. 9/11 was perhaps their greatest crime
yet as it set the stage for the wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, and the war on us through this preplanned

JB Campbell stated things perfectly clear in his essay “Responsibility”:

We are ruled by parasites. We are ruled by people who not only don’t work but expect us to work
for them. This is totally irresponsible on our part. And we have been carefully trained to be
irresponsible because responsibility is the key to power. We can gain total power over our lives
but not without accepting full responsibility for everything.

The first step in defeating our enemy is to admit somewhere, somehow, some way we‟re
responsible for the enemy being as powerful as they are-either through inaction or blind support
of the enemy and their control mechanisms. If you knowingly serve the beast, yeah you really
have a lot to atone for.
Once you assume responsibility however you can begin to fight back. I‟ve written a lot on how
to do that over the years; just peruse my articles at and
articles of others who see things clearly at to find out how.
Because we can if we can just get some real unity going and ignore/weed out all the operatives
and scam artists that divert and sabotage us.

1. The late Zecharia Sitchen did a lot of exploration of the god myths in his Earth
Chronicles series, as well as William Bramley in his work, The Gods of Eden. Jim Marrs
reiterates these two authors in his book Rule By Secrecy.

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