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Human Rights Alert Joseph Zernik

DN: cn=Joseph
PO Box 526, La Verne, CA 91750 Zernik, o, ou,
Fax: 323.488.9697; Email: email=jz12345@e, c=US
Blog: Date: 2011.04.07
Scribd: 23:10:12 +03'00'

11-03-31 Request and Response in re: Authorization of Attorney Mark Asdourian to appear as
Counsel of Record in Lomas v Bank of America (KCD59379)


# Date Records Page


1. March 31, 2011 Lomas’s request for certification of authority as Attorney of Record 2

2. April 6, 2011 Asdourian’s response 5

In Lomas v Bank of America (KC059379) Plaintiff Susan Lomas tries to protect her rights
through a Quiet Title action against alleged fraud by Bank of America and others in foreclosure
The case is opined as Fraud on the Court through collusion of BofA, California Judge PETER
MEEKA, and Clerk of the Court JOHN A CLARKE, and Attorney MARK ASDOURIAN
aimed to dispossess Plaintiff Susan Lomas, while denying her Due Process and access to an
honest court.
On March 31, 2011, Plaintiff Susan Lomas requested that Attorney Asdourian certify his
authority to appear as Attorney of Record for Bank of America in the case.
On April 6, 2011, Attorney Mark Asdourian responded, in fact refusing to certify that he was
authorized to appear as Attorney of Record for Bank of America in the case.
Fraud on the Court in courts across the United States, through appearances of unauthorized
attorneys on behalf of Countrywide Financial Corporation (today a subsidiary of Bank of
America) “with no communications with clients” clause was documented in the March 5, 2008
Memorandum Opinion of the Honorable Jeff Bohm from the US Bankruptcy Court in Texas. [i ]
08-03-05 Case of Borrower William Parsley (05-90374), Dkt #248: Judge Jeff Bohm's Memorandum Opinion,
rebuking Countrywide's litigation practices, Countrywide's false outside counsel scheme - appearances by
counsel who are not Counsel of Record, with "no communications with clients" clause:
03/31/2011 14:23 19095904077 CRH MARKETING PAGE 01/05

2528 Kend~n St"eet, La Veme, CA 91750
..__ ... __. __. _..__ Tcl.:ph~nc;.Q23)__~3-~24~

March 31, 2011

Mark V. Asdourj,an (State Bar # 123688)

610 Newport Center Drive, #1250
Newport Beach, CA

RE: Susan Lomas, et al v Bank oE Ameri~a, NA, et al (KCD59379 0)

Attorney Asdourian:
This letter is a demand for a declaration that you are
Attorney of Record for Defendant Bank of America, NA as
successor by merger to LaSalle Bank National Association as
Trustee for the C~BASS Mortgage Loan Asset-Backed Certificates,
Series 2006-CB7 for the case titled SUSAN LOMAS, an individual;
SUAN LOMAS, Trustee of the Michael A. Heredia and Susan Lomas
Joint Living Trust Dated January 22, 2008 vs. BANK OF AMERICA,
NA, et al (KC059379) in the Superior Court of California, County
of T"os Angeles - East District, Pomona Courthouse South.. To
date, none of the papers you have filed in the case is signed by
you as Attorney of Record for the Defendant.
You should note the case of William Parsley (05-90374) in
the us Bankruptcy Court in Texas, where the Honorable Jeff
Bohm I s Memorandum Opinion (Dkt #248) rebul~ed Countrywide I s
litigation practices, including Countrywide's false outside
counsel scheme - appearance by counsel who are not Counsel of
Record, with "no communications with clients" clause.

In his Memorandum Opinion Judge Bohm states that:

Countrywide and their counsel 'have shown a disregard

for the professional and ethical obligations of the
legal profession and jUdicial system'. (P8)

03/31/2011 14:23 19095904077 CRH MARKETING PAGE 02/05

2528 Kendall Street, L•. Verne, CA 91750
_. _, . ~. ---.I
clce.hone :_(323). 53~~~242

Your immediate attention to this matter is requested as

time is of the essence. Response is hereby requested within 2
Business Days.


Susan Lomas, Trustee
Plaintiff in Pro Per

CC: General Counsel

Bank of America Corporation
Legal Department
101 South Tryon Street
Charlotte, NC 28255
Tel 704-386-6834
Certified Mail, Restricted Delivery

USPS Certified Receipt No. 7010 1870 0003 0526 4644

7010 1870 0003 0526 4651
03/31/2011 14:23 19095904077 CRH MARKETING PAGE 03/05


• Complete Items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete A Signoturo I
Item 4 WRestricted DoI\very Is daalrecl. o A9<>n' I
• Print your name and address on the reverse X e_
SO !hat we can return !he card to you.
• Attach this card to til. back of lt1e maJlplece,
B. ReceJvod by (Pr1ntod t/Qm&) Ic. Dale 01 DellvOlY :
or on the front Wspace permlts.
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Human Rights Alert
PO Box 526, La Verne, CA 91750
Fax: 323.488.9697; Email:

11-04-06 Response by Attorney Mark Asdourian on request to certify his authority as Counsel
of Record in Lomas v Bank of America (KCD59379)

From: "Mark V. Asdourian, Esq." <>

Date: April 6, 2011 9:33:32 PM PDT
To: "'Susan Lomas'" <>
Cc: "'Jamie Ackerman'" <>
Subject: RE: Request for Declaration of Attorney of Record

Dear Ms. Lomas,

While I am in receipt of your March 31st correspondence, a response was not provided for one simple reason.  I am not 
sure I understand what it is you are asking for.  

It is important for you to understand that the laws of the State of California, not Texas, apply in the State of California.  
Accordingly, reference to opinions from or procedures incident to actions pending in the State of Texas as cited in your 
letter have no application here.  The register of actions for your lawsuit reflects that my professional law corporation 
entered a general appearance and, after setting aside the default you caused to be entered, interposed a demurrer to 
your complaint as attorney of record for Bank of America National Association as Successor by Merger to LaSalle Bank 
National Association as Trustee for the Certificate C‐BASS Mortgage Asset‐Backed Certificate Series 2006‐CB7 (“Bank of 
America” ).  To the extent you are requesting confirmation that my professional corporation is defending Bank of 
America against your lawsuit, the pleadings we have served, the appearances made in open court and the court docket 
should well suffice.

I trust this responds to your inquiry.


Mark V. Asdourian, Esq.

Admitted in CA and NY


610 Newport Center Drive, Suite 1250   

Newport Beach, CA 92660

Direct T. 949.644.5300

Direct F. 949.644.5301

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