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Estimation of tubular HE internal shell diameter

Tubes in equilateral triangle Tubes in square

t fT1t

Crosshatched area equates to an area of 1 tube in a tube plate

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Tube plate area that is equivalent to 1 tube (pitch of tubes is t).

fT1t = t2 * √3 / 2 fT1t = t2

Tube minimal plate area = minimal shell internal area

 * Di2
ATtot  nTtot * f T 1t  Acutout 

Shell internal diameter

ATtot n * fT 1t  Acutout
Di  2 *  2 * Ttot
 

For tube plate totally full of tubes (without any cutout against inlet etc.)

nTtot * f T 1t
Di  2 *

nTtot nTtot
Di  2 * Di  2 *
 *1,15  * 1,00

Di  2 *
 *

Θ = 1,15 Θ = 1,00

Di ....... shell internal diameter

t ......... pitch of tubes
nTtot .... total number of tubes in HE

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Specify a minimal internal shell diameter of a circular evaporator with

these parameters:

Number of tubes nTtot = 1250; external tubes diameter dTe = 32 mm;

tubes pitch t = 1,5 * dTe = 1,5 * 32 = 48 mm; tubes are installed in

equilateral triangle.

Area of central circulation tube (  600 mm) is ACCT = 282 600 mm2;

area of cutout for steam inlet is Acut = 120 000 mm2.

steam inlet tubes bundle

central circulation tube

evaporator shell

cutout for better steam

distribution in tubes bundle

Total minimal area of tube plate

ATtot  nTtot * t 2 *  ACCT  Acutout

ATtot  1250 * 48 2 *  282600  120000  2896753 mm 2

Minimal internal diameter of evaporator shell

ATtot n * f T 1t  Acutout 2896753

Di  2 *  2 * Ttot  2*  1920 mm
  

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