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Innovative Research Group, Inc.
Toronto :: Vancouver

Maclean’s Election Survey Series 

2011 Federal Election: Second Wave

Innovative Research Group

56 The Esplanade, Suite 310
Toronto, ON
M5E 1A7



• The online survey was conducted among current members of INNOVATIVE’s
Canada 20/20 panel from April 8th to April 11th, 2011.
• The Canada 20/20 Panel is recruited from a wide variety of sources to be
representative of the known distribution of Canadians by age, gender, region
and language.
• Each survey is administered to a series of randomly selected sub samples of the
panel and weighted according to Census data to ensure that the sample is
representative of the age, gender, region and language breakdown of the
Canadian population to provide results that are intended to approximate a
probability sample.
• Each panellist is provided with a unique URL in their invitation so that only
invited panel members are able to complete any specific survey. Each URL can
only be used to complete one survey.
• The weighted total sample included 2059 responses eligible for inclusion in our
analysis. An unweighted probability sample of 2059 would have an estimated
margin of error of ±2.16 percentage points, 19 times out of 20.
• The margin of error will be larger within each sub-grouping of the sample.
The Horserace
National Decided Vote by Region
Q If a Federal election were held today, which party would you vote for? In that case, which party do
you lean toward slightly?

42% 42%
35% 38% 37% 37%

25% 24% 23%

18% 20% 20%21% 19%
16% 16%
10% 13%
8% 7% 7% 6%

BC Alberta Prairies Ontario Quebec Atlantic

Conservative Liberal NDP Green Bloc

39% 28% 17% 7% 9%

National Vote Intention

Federal Leaders
Leader Favourables
Q Now we are going to provide you with several names of public figures. Please indicate whether or not
you have heard of that person and, if so, whether you have a strongly favourable, somewhat
favourable, neutral, somewhat unfavourable or very unfavourable impression of that person.

ROC Quebec
S tephen S tephen
24% 17% 6%10% 43% 8% 15% 13% 17% 46%

6% 24% 27% 25% 17%
Michael Ignatieff
12% 23% 15% 18% 32%
Jack Layton 21% 50% 16% 9%3%

Jack Layton 16% 31% 18% 17% 18%

Gilles Duceppe 30% 23% 15% 11% 19%

Elizabeth May 9% 25% 30% 15% 18% Elizabeth May 4% 14% 37% 13% 20%

S trongly favourable S omewhat favourable S trongly favourable S omewhat favourable

Neutral S omewhat unfavourable Neutral S omewhat unfavourable
S trongly unfavourable S trongly unfavourable
Leader Favourables – Stephen Harper
Q Now we are going to provide you with several names of public figures. Please indicate whether or not
you have heard of that person and, if so, whether you have a strongly favourable, somewhat
favourable, neutral, somewhat unfavourable or very unfavourable impression of that person. Stephen

ROC Quebec

Wave 2 24% 17% 6% 10% 43% Wave 2 8% 15% 13% 17% 46%

Wave 1 22% 19% 6% 11% 42% Wave1 8% 16% 9% 17% 49%

S trongly favourable S omewhat favourable S trongly favourable S omewhat favourable

Neutral S omewhat unfavourable Neutral S omewhat unfavourable
S trongly unfavourable S trongly unfavourable
Leader Favourables – Michael Ignatieff
Q Now we are going to provide you with several names of public figures. Please indicate whether or not
you have heard of that person and, if so, whether you have a strongly favourable, somewhat
favourable, neutral, somewhat unfavourable or very unfavourable impression of that person. Michael

ROC Quebec

Wave 2 12% 23% 15% 18% 32% Wave 2 6% 24% 27% 25% 17%

Wave 1 11% 25% 13% 17% 35% Wave1 6% 29% 24% 24% 16%

S trongly favourable S omewhat favourable S trongly favourable S omewhat favourable

Neutral S omewhat unfavourable Neutral S omewhat unfavourable
S trongly unfavourable S trongly unfavourable
Leader Favourables – Jack Layton
Q Now we are going to provide you with several names of public figures. Please indicate whether or not
you have heard of that person and, if so, whether you have a strongly favourable, somewhat
favourable, neutral, somewhat unfavourable or very unfavourable impression of that person. Jack

ROC Quebec

Wave 2 16% 31% 18% 17% 18% Wave 2 21% 50% 16% 9%3%

Wave 1 17% 31% 16% 18% 18% Wave1 27% 45% 16% 7%3%

S trongly favourable S omewhat favourable S trongly favourable S omewhat favourable

Neutral S omewhat unfavourable Neutral S omewhat unfavourable
S trongly unfavourable S trongly unfavourable
Leader Favourables – Gilles Duceppe
Q Now we are going to provide you with several names of public figures. Please indicate whether or not
you have heard of that person and, if so, whether you have a strongly favourable, somewhat
favourable, neutral, somewhat unfavourable or very unfavourable impression of that person. Gilles

Wave 2 30% 23% 15% 11% 19%

Wave 1 28% 27% 18% 11% 16%

S trongly favourable S omewhat favourable

Neutral S omewhat unfavourable
S trongly unfavourable
Leader Favourables – Elizabeth May
Q Now we are going to provide you with several names of public figures. Please indicate whether or not
you have heard of that person and, if so, whether you have a strongly favourable, somewhat
favourable, neutral, somewhat unfavourable or very unfavourable impression of that person.
Elizabeth May

ROC Quebec

Wave 2 9% 25% 30% 15% 18% Wave 2 4% 14% 37% 13% 20%

Wave 1 10% 24% 30% 14% 18% Wave1 5% 18% 33% 10% 22%

S trongly favourable S omewhat favourable S trongly favourable S omewhat favourable

Neutral S omewhat unfavourable Neutral S omewhat unfavourable
S trongly unfavourable S trongly unfavourable
Best Prime Minister by Region (Wave 2)
Q Which of the following party leaders would make the best Prime Minister of Canada?


40% 41%
31% 31% 30%
25% 27%
19%18% 19%16%
17% 15%
13%12% 12% 12%
3% 5% 4% 3%
2% 1%

BC Alberta Prairies Ontario Quebec Atlantic

Harper Ignatieff Layton May Duceppe

36% 22% 19% 3% 3%

Best Prime Minister (National)

Campaign Discourse and Events
Awareness by Leaders
Q Have you read, seen or heard anything about…

ROC Quebec
S tephen S tephen
87% 13% Harper
74% 26%

74% 26%
82% 18%

Jack Layton 61% 39%

Jack Layton 71% 29%

Gilles Duceppe 59% 41%

Yes No Yes No

RSH - Stephen Harper and the Conservative Party

And what was it that you have read, seen or heard?

ROC Quebec
Controversy over excluding people from rallies 26% Party platform/promises - general 20%
Party platform/promises - general 15%
Controversy over excluding people from rallies 15%
Harper - negative 6%
Harper - negative 6%
Getting rid of the long gun registry 6%
Campaigning/campaigning locations 5% Budget announcements/plans to balance budget earlier 5%
Economic recovery/deficit reduction 5% Platform/promises wont come into effect until after budget is balanced 5%
Plans to increase TFSA (after balancing budget) 5% Funding issues of Pont Champlain - Montreal 5%
Budget announcements/plans to balance budget earlier 4% General media coverage 4%
Economic recovery/deficit reduction 3%
Bruce Carson scandal 3%
Campaigning/campaigning locations 3%
General media coverage 3% Plans to increase TFSA (after balancing budget) 2%
Tax breaks/cuts - general 3% Controlling the media/limiting media to five questions per day 2%
Attack ads/general campaign ads 3% Quebec sales tax TVQ 2%
Controlling the media/limiting media to five questions per day 2% Election - general 2%
Tax break/cuts - general 2%
Tough on Crime Bill 2%
Hydro deal in NFLD 2%
Against coalition government 2%
Not listening to people 2%
Other 15% Other 14%

Verbatims – Stephen Harper

Controversy over excluding Party platform/promises - Harper - negative
people from rallies general
•Throwing people out of rallies •He looks like a fool on a quad.
because of information he has •Platform released. •I don't want to talk about it
about their beliefs. •I've read his new campaign because he's a creep.
•About folks not being allowed to platform. •Everyone is putting him down.
attend his rallies because of •He presented the Conservative
•another scandal about how
perceived liberal affiliations and Policy Platform to the people of
Canada. tyrannical he is as a prime
the RCMP screeners overstepped's his way or the
their bounds. •Election promises, election
highway. it doesn't matter what
•The RCMP removed some promises.
the people want or even what
people from the organized •His election promises. his party wants, it's all about
Conservative rallies as they were •Campaign promises. what he wants.
thought to favour another party. •Steve ain't doing so good
•His Party's campaign platform.
•That he has publicly altered his campaigning.
•He released the party's election
convictions on barring people •Pathological liar and hypocrite.
platform document.
from his events. My perception is
•Election platform which is a •He makes mistake after
that his apology is not honest.
rehash of the budget which didn't mistake. He offends everyone.

RSH - Michael Ignatieff and the Liberal Party

And what was it that you have read, seen or heard?
ROC Quebec
Is s ues s urro und ing t he inap p ro p riat e co mment s mad e b y cand id at es 15%
Anno uncing p art y p lat fo rm fo r t he elect io n / Red Bo o k 13%
P ro m is e s to re pla c e C ha m pla in B ridge 19%
Healt h care p ro mis es 9% Is s ue s s urro unding the ina ppro pria te c o m m e nts m a de by
c a ndida te s
Ig nat ieff camp aig ning acro s s t he co untry/ Camp aig n t rail 7%
He a lth c a re pro m is e s 10%
Anno uncement o f t he Family p ack / Help fo p r families 7%
Elect io n p ro mis es (uns p ecified ) 5% Anno unc ing pa rty pla tfo rm fo r the e le c tio n / R e d B o o k 9%
Enhanced fund ing fo r ed ucatio n / p as s p o rt 4%
Ele c tio n pro m is e s (uns pe c ifie d) 9%
Co rp o rat e t ax increas e 3%
Lib eral t v ad s 3% Enha nc e d funding fo r e duc a tio n / pa s s po rt 5%
Ig nat ieffs crit icis ms o f Harp er / Co ns ervat ives 3%
Anno unc e m e nt o f the F a m ily pa c k / He lp fo pr fa m ilie s 3%
Ig nat ieff - Pers o nal o p inio n - Neg at ive 3%
Ig nat ieff - Pers o nal o p inio n - Neg at ive 3% Igna tie ff - P e rs o na l o pinio n - Ne ga tive 3%
General elect io n co verag e 2%
Igna tie ff c a m pa igning a c ro s s the c o untry/ C a m pa ign tra il 2%
General M ed ia 2%
Exp ens ive s p end ing init iat ives (i.e s o cial p ro g rams ) 2% Libe ra l tv a ds 2%
Sp end ing init iat ives 2%
Ge ne ra l m e dia (tv/ra dio /inte rvie ws , e tc .) 2%
Emp has is o n child ren care / Day care 2%
Wo uld reco ns id er t he p urchas e o f F-3 5 fig ht er jet s 2% Othe r 24%
Ot her 19%

Verbatims – Michael Ignatieff

Issues surrounding the Healthcare promises
Promises to replace Champlain inappropriate comments
Bridge made by candidates •He has promised 6% increases
•Proposes to replace the in transfers to the provinces
•Racial remarks by a candidate
Champlain bridge in Montreal. once the current agreement
•Iggy's having problems with expires.
•He would replace the Champlain
loose lipped liberal candidates. •He has promised to protect
•He has been doing damage our National Health care.
•He says he will replace the control over remarks made by
Champlain Bridge. Just hope he •That he is going to increase the
Liberal candidates - one in
doesn't spend billions trying to Quebec and one in Alberta. funding for health care
figure it out. •Got clear of one of his member •His latest promise is that he
•He presented the Liberal after rude remarks, but kept the will increase the funding for
platform last Sunday, he promised other one (the judge) which was health care. (whilst sitting with
a new Champlain Bridge... even worst. a patient awaiting five hours of
•Wants to rebuild new bridge in •Something about one of the chemo therapy).
qc. candidates making statements •Just finished watching TV and
about sexual assault that were see he has promised to
•He would replace the Champlain widely considered to be offensive. maintain 6% funding increase
immediately I still don't know what the for health care.
comments actually were.

RSH - Jack Layton and the NDP

And what was it that you have read, seen or heard?

ROC Quebec
Layt o n camp aig ning acro s s t he co unt ry/ Camp aig n t rail 13% Incresing support in polls (especially in Quebec) 12%
Emp has is o n healt h care imro vement s 9% Election promises (unspecified) 8%
Platfo rm revealed 6%
More funding for seniors / Home care 6%
Do es no t want to s p end mo ney o n jet s b ut rat her up d at e the navy's fleet 5%
General media (tv/radio/interviews, etc.) 6%
Platform revealed 6%
The fo cus o n Layt o ns healt h is s ues 5%
Layton - Personal comment - Positive 5%
Electio n p ro mis es (uns p ecified ) 5%
Layton campaigning across the country/ Campaign trail 4%
Camp aig n ad s 4% Layton wants to limit interest charged on credit cards 3%
Defence p lan releas ed / M ilit ary p o licy / Whit e Bo o k 3% Emphasis on health care imrovements 3%
Want s to increas e CPP 3% Wants to increase CPP 3%
M o re fund ing fo r s enio rs / Ho me care 3% Defence plan released / Military policy / White Book 3%
General med ia (tv/ rad io / int erviews , et c.) 2% Att acking the Conservatives/Harper 3%
Po licy ag ains t co rp o rat e t ax cut s 2% Does not want to spend money on jets but rather update the n 3%
Sp end ing initiat ives (g eneral) 2% Strong support for families 3%
At t acking t he Co ns ervat ives / Harp er 2% Review /Cancel contract for Jet Fighter aircraft 2%
He s up p o rts BC keep ing t he $1.6 b illio n HST allo wance fro m Ott awa 2% Campaign ads 2%
Stro ng s up p o rt fo r families 2% Policy against corporate tax cuts 2%
Layt o n want s to b uild s hip s fo r navy in Canad a 2% Support for people taking care of an elderly/sick relative - 2%
General elect io n co verag e 2% Layton stating how he and his party is there to benefit the 2%
Falling s up p o rt fo r NDP in t he p o lls 2% His position on environment 2%
Ot her 26% Other 19%

Verbatims – Jack Layton

Increased support in polls Election Promises Emphasis on healthcare
(especially in Quebec) improvements
•That the polls have given him 19 •More stupid election promises
that taxpayers cannot afford. •Layton's strong push on health
per cent of the vote, up 2 from
yesterday. •He is promising everything under care issues and on increasing
the sun. old age security.
•NDP moves into second place in
•Jack promises us the world but •NDP are supporting better
always fails to mention where the Health care- they are they only
•His increase in popularity in money will come from to pay for party to really talk about it.
Quebec. these programs. That's ok
•He was on TV going on about
•Il est plus populaire au Québec because I already know that I, the
taxpayer, will foot the bill. Thanks how he was the only one that
but no thanks. could save health care.
•Les sondages au Québec sont en
•Campaign promises. •Layton is pushing for more
hausse pour le NPD.
•The usual NDP drivel - promises attention to long-term health
•Que le parti gagne des votes care, and accusing "Harper's
he'll never be able to keep
dans les sondages. because he'll never get to be PM. Government" of a lack of
•Le NPD fait des gains au Québec. attention to details in this
•Promising 2500 new jobs in
regard, citing Holder's refusal to
•Que le NPD augmente dans les (something?).
discuss Health Care during
sondages •Election promises. election rallies.

RSH - Gilles Duceppe and the Bloc Quebecois

And what was it that you have read, seen or heard? [Asked in Quebec Only]
That he is defending Quebec's interests 13%
Duceppe - Personal comment - Negative 13%
Attacking Harper/ Conservatives 7%
Insists on tax harmonisation 7%
Campaigning 6%
In favour of the Champlain bridge replacement 5%
That he opposes funding for the Lower Churchill project 5%
Complaining (unspecified) 4%
Bloc Quebecois - Personal - Negative 4%
Help for the forest industry 4%
Campaign ads 3%
General media 3%
Asking for a reform to EI 3%
Comments regarding Arhurs absenteism 3%
Duceppe - Positive 3%
Other 17%

Verbatims – Gilles Duceppe

Duceppe - Personal comment
That he is defending Quebec’s Attacking Harper/
- Negative
interests Conservatives
•La défenses des intérêts du •C'est un parasite.
•Commentaire négatif sur
Québec. •Il fait une mauvaise campagne.
•Il continue à défendre les •Qu’il etait mal honnete. •Attaque Harper l,HYPOCRITE
intérêts du Québec. S'il n'était
•That he is there for the pay, and
pas à Ottawa pour s'opposer aux •Calls Harper a liar.
is only good to help to stop the
politiques de Harper, cela ferait •Ses attaques contre les
conservative bunch of crooks in
longtemps que le Québec n'aurait Quebec, no real good to the conservateurs au Saguenay-Lac
rien. province beside that. Saint-Jean.
•Défense du Québec. •C'est quoi il fais au fédérale ce •"que harper aurait du mettre
•iL DEFEND BIN LE qUÉBEC,MAIS cré est la juste pour l'argent de ces promesses dans son
IL NE PEU PAS PRENDRE LE il fas rien du tout. budget"
POUVOIR,ALORS C'EST PLUS •Il ment toujours, on ne peut pas •son discours et sa
FACILE DE CRÉTIQUER..... lui faire confiance. demonisation de Harper alors
•M.Duceppe promet de continuer •Bien oui les mêmes niaiseries, je que ses antecedents syndicales
à prendre les intérêts des ne peux plus voir cet homme, il sont plus epeurants que tout ce
Québecois. me fait faire des ulcères....... que harper peut evoquer
Party supporters, especially Liberals and NDPers, like
what they hear form their party but not from others
Q Did what you read, saw or heard leave you feeling more or less likely to vote…

ROC Quebec
Cons ervative 5% 9% 37% 9% 41%
Cons ervative 14% 7% 37% 8% 35%

Liberal 9% 16% 51% 8% 16%

Liberal 13% 16% 39% 9% 23%

NDP 7% 25% 61% 3%


NDP 7% 15% 57% 5% 16%

17% 7% 51% 8% 19%

A lot more likely S omewhat more likely

A lot more likely S omewhat more likely
No difference S omewhat les s likely
No difference S omewhat les s likely
A lot les s likely A lot les s likely
Campaign Engagement
Campaign of average interest in ROC but less interesting
than normal in Quebec
Q Is this election…
In Quebec, non-Tories are more likely to say the election is
MUCH less interesting, in ROC, Tories seem less engaged


21% 22%
16% 15%

ROC Quebec
A lot more interesting than most elections S omewhat more interesting than most elections
About the same level of interest as most elections S omewhat less interesting than most elections
A lot less interesting than most elections
Majority say federal parties are talking about the issues
that matter, particularly outside of Quebec
Q Are any of the federal parties talking about issues you care about in this federal election?





ROC Quebec

Yes No Don’t know

When it comes to hitting the issues Conservatives lead in
ROC while NDP lead slightly ahead of Bloc in Qc.
Q Which of the federal political parties is talking the most about issues you care about in this federal
Generally, loyalists say their party is talking the most about issues they
care about, but the NDP is doing better than expected in Quebec.


27% 26%
22% 20%

7% 6%

ROC Quebec

Conservative Liberal NDP Green Bloc Quebecois

Campaign Developments
Majority aware of facebook/rally controversy
Q Have you read, seen or heard anything about the Conservatives asking someone to leave one of
their events because she had a picture with Michael Ignatieff, the Liberal party leader, on her
facebook page?



2% 4%

ROC Quebec

Yes No Don't know

Incident left close to half in both ROC and Quebec less
likely to vote Conservative
Q If yes,  did that incident leave you more or less likely to vote Conservative?

Tory loyalists generally unaffected but about half the independents in

the panel less likely to vote Tory after this controversy

41% 41%

6% 6%
2% 3% 2%

ROC Quebec

Much more likely somewhat more likely Will not effect vote

S omewhat less likely Much less likely

Most think it is unreasonable to exclude people from
campaign events despite their political views
Q Do you think it is reasonable for political parties to prevent people who appear to support other
parties from attending their events?  Is it very reasonable, somewhat reasonable, somewhat
unreasonable or very  unreasonable.



ROC Quebec

Very reasonable S omewhat reasonable S omewhat unreasonable Very unreasonable

Majority are familiar with the Conservatives  apologizing
to the person they asked to leave one of their events…
Q Have you read, seen or heard anything about the Conservatives  apologizing to the person they
asked to leave one of their events because she had a picture with Michael Ignatieff, the Liberal party
leader, on her facebook page?




6% 4%

ROC Quebec

Yes No Don't know

Tories no Maple Leaf on this issue
Q If yes, did that apology leave you more or less likely to vote Conservative?


20% 19%
6% 4% 4%
2% 2%

ROC Quebec

Much more likely somewhat more likely Will not effect vote

S omewhat less likely Much less likely

Majority are aware that the Liberals fired their
candidate in the riding of Manicouagan
Q Have you read, seen or heard anything about the Liberals firing their candidate in the riding of
Manicouagan, the former head of the Association for the Rights of Whites, over past comments he
allegedly made about aboriginals?

75% 75%

23% 22%

2% 3%

ROC Quebec

Yes No Don't know

This incident had little effect on the intention to vote
Q If yes, did that incident leave you more or less likely to vote Liberal?


11% 11%
8% 8% 8% 9% 9%

ROC Quebec

Much more likely somewhat more likely Will not effect vote

S omewhat less likely Much less likely

Over half are aware of comments made by a Bloc
Quebecois candidate towards NDP Rival
Q Have you read, seen or heard anything about a Bloc Quebecois candidate saying his NDP rival would
lose votes because that candidate was aboriginal? [Asked in Quebec only]



Yes No
The incident had little effect on Bloc voter intent,
especially in a positive way
Q If yes, did that incident leave you more or less likely to vote Bloc Quebecois?


1% 1%

Much more likely somewhat more Will not effect vote S omewhat less Much less likely
likely likely
Majority say too much attention has been put on gaffes
and not enough attention has been put on the real issues
Q A lot of media coverage in this campaign has been about campaign mistakes or gaffes.  Which of the
following statements is closest to your view?



6% 6%

ROC Quebec
Too much attention is being given to campaign gaffes , the media s hould focus more on is s ues and policies .
The media are right to focus on gaffes becaus e often the gaffes tell us more about a party than their carefully crafted policies .
Don’t Know
Traffic Congestion
Few feel that the federal government should take
the lead on dealing with traffic congestion
Q Which of the following best represents your view about the role of the federal government when it
comes to dealing with any traffic congestion problems in your area?

39% 38%
30% 31%


ROC Quebec
The federal government should take the lead on dealing with traffic congestion
The federal government should be an equal partner with other governments
The federal government should play a small role while other governments take the lead
The federal government has no role in dealing with traffic congestion
When it comes to traffic, majority do not know which
federal party is best able to deal with congestion issues
Q And which party do you feel is best on dealing with traffic congestion?


14% 14%
7% 9% 10%
5% 7% 5% 5%

ROC Quebec

The Conservative Party The Liberal Party NDP Green Bloc Quebecois Undecided/Don't know
Role of federal government (with respect to traffic) by42
federal party best able to deal with congestion issues
Which of the following best represents your view about the role of the federal government when it
Q comes to dealing with any traffic congestion problems in your area?

The federal
The federal The federal
government should The federal
government government
play a small role government has no
should take the should take the
while other role in dealing with
lead on dealing lead on dealing
governments take traffic congestion
traffic congestion traffic congestion
the lead

Conservative 20% 13% 15% 10%

Party best
able to deal Liberal 21% 13% 7% 3%
with traffic
NDP 12% 8% 4% 2%

7% 4% 3% 3%

Green 16% 7% 7% 5%
One-off Questions
Majority disagree that corporate taxes must be lowered
to stimulate economy
Q For each statement below please indicate if you strongly agree, somewhat agree, neither agree nor
disagree, somewhat disagree or strongly disagree with each of the following statements:

Corporate taxes must be lowered to stimulate the economy.

28% 29%
16% 17%

ROC Quebec

S trongly agree S omewhat agree Neither agree nor disagree

S omewhat disagree S trongly disagree

45% in ROC and 58% in Quebec say that corporations
should be taxed more to fund social programs
Q For each statement below please indicate if you strongly agree, somewhat agree, neither agree nor
disagree, somewhat disagree or strongly disagree with each of the following statements:

Corporations should be taxed more to finance social programs.



20% 20% 22%

14% 13%

ROC Quebec

S trongly agree S omewhat agree Neither agree nor disagree

S omewhat disagree S trongly disagree

Majority of Quebecers feel that Conservative election
promises will benefit ROC more than Quebec
Q For each statement below please indicate if you strongly agree, somewhat agree, neither agree nor
disagree, somewhat disagree or strongly disagree with each of the following statements:

(ROC) The Conservatives' election promises will benefit the other provinces more than my province.

(QUEBEC ONLY) The Conservatives' election promises will benefit the other provinces more than


22% 23%
11% 11%
9% 9%

ROC Quebec
S trongly agree S omewhat agree Neither agree nor disagree

S omewhat disagree S trongly disagree

Contact Information

Managing Director
Greg Lyle Direct: 416-642-6429

Innovative Research Group, Inc. |

Toronto Office Vancouver Office

56 The Esplanade, 1055 West Hastings
Suite 310 3rd Floor
Toronto ON | M5E 1A7 Vancouver BC | V6E 2E9

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