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Reiki Blessings


Reiki Master Course

by: Allison Dahlhaus

Copyright 2001 - Allison Dahlhaus, Reiki Master/Teacher

Please do not reproduce this handbook without permission.

Table of Contents

Dedication and About

What is
A Brief
The Reiki
Who Can Do
Determining Your Dominant
A Quick Hand
Self Care Message - From Journey to the Heart by Melody

Lesson 1

Picking Up Negative

Lesson 2 Assignment and Case

Distance Healing

Lesson 3


Lesson 4 Assignment & Case


Different Uses for

Crystals and

Lesson 5

Charging for
Teaching Reiki to
The Templar Degree, Seichim & Lightarian
Conclusion and contact
Pictures of Hand

I dedicate this Reiki Master Handbook to all of my students, past, present, and future.
You are not my students in reality, but my teachers.
May we all learn from each other and grow in wisdom and spirituality.
May we share this wisdom and healing with everyone we come in contact with.

About Me:
My name is Alli and I, like you, am in search of true peace, happiness, love, and contentment. I
have studied many different healing arts including different forms of Reiki, reflexology, crystal
healing, Chakra therapy, creative visualization, dream interpretation, metaphysics, color therapy,
sound therapy, regression therapy, astrology, Yoga, acupressure, herbology, aromatherapy, aura
clearing, and more. I am a Gemini and a Deer in the Native American Medicine Wheel. As part of
the Butterfly Clan, I am always jumping from one source of wisdom to another. It is hard for me to
focus on one thing for too long! I was born into the Catholic church and was brought to church
with my family every Sunday until I turned 16 years old. My Mom is a very spiritual and
wonderful lady who felt that by giving her kids a religious base, we could better prepare for our
spiritual paths. I quickly found that church was not the place for me at that point in my life and
completely strayed from all structured religion. I was met by many with a very harsh view on
faith and spirituality, which I couldn’t accept. I personally do not believe in hell. I do not believe
that my loving and all powerful God would create a place of torture and destruction. I believe
that we have free will to choose to be with God or be without him. Perhaps I consider hell to be
without God, whether on Earth or after death. I think the people who bother me most in life are
the ones who tell others that if they do not follow their set of religious beliefs, they are doomed,
yet the source that they are speaking from clearly states that God is the only judge. So I have
been in search of a religion that fits me correctly. I don’t feel that I need a church community as
this point, but instead a set of spiritual beliefs that fit closely to mine. I have heard of many
beliefs that I agree with and take what I like from each religion. I have just enrolled in a course on
the Kabalah and I feel that this may be what I’ve been looking for. I feel that Reiki has brought
me to my true path in life. It is my calling to spread the word of true health on all levels of being
(physical, emotional, and spiritual) to as many as are willing to listen. I have been incredibly
interested in Alternative healing techniques since 1998 when I first began to learn Yoga and
Aromatherapy. It wasn’t until 1999 that I learned Reiki. I became a Reiki Master in the year 2000,
and ever since I have been initiating people with one singular attunement, which I call the
Complete Master Attunement. There have been many people that are opposed to this idea and I
respect their opinions...I will just never change my view on the subject. Reiki is a simple healing
art that we are all born with. It doesn’t take years to take back what is rightfully ours and it also
shouldn’t cost thousands of dollars. It wasn’t until very recently that I discovered that Dr. Usui
himself only gave one singular attunement to his students. I have to admit that this made me
feel pretty good. To this day I don’t understand why people who are supposedly so “in touch”
with their spirituality, doubt the ability for something as simple, yet powerful as a distance
attunement. You will find that the “leaders” of Reiki in the West are totally against this
movement. My thoughts are that they do not have faith in the unlimited power of the mind, but
perhaps the are just on a different wavelength than I am. I have found that our minds can do
anything (that we allow them to) and go anywhere. I rely completely on my higher power, whom I
refer to as God, for everything in my life, and it is through God that I am capable of attuning
someone whether through a distance attunement or a hands-on attunement. I believe in free will
and the power to change our own destinies. I believe that all physical illnesses comes from a
metaphysical root. I believe that there is no such thing as an incurable disease. These are just a
few of my beliefs and the reason that I am telling you all of this is so that you will feel a closer
connection to me. It is important to have support and someone to talk to while learning and
growing in our spirituality. You should know that I am always here to offer my thoughts and
guidance. I am young, but I have learned a lot, and I will always do my best to help you along
your chosen path.
You are embarking on a wonderful journey!
Take your time and have fun.
With Light & Love, Alli
Legal Information

Before you begin your journey into the wonderful world of Reiki, it
is my duty to explain a few boring legal issues with you...
It is important to know that if you plan on practicing Reiki as a
profession, there is a chance that you will be met with some
opposition. You should know that there are Reiki Practitioners and
Teachers in every state and in every country and that there are easy to
follow and legal ways to get around any regulations. There are certain
states that have laws passed by their Massage Therapist Boards which
state that Reiki Practitioners must be Licensed Massage therapists in
order to practice professionally. You can find out if your state has this
law by calling the Massage Board in your state or by visiting: The simple way
around this is to become an ordained minister. If you are practicing
your spiritual or religious beliefs you are protected by the Constitution
of the United States. Because Reiki is very spiritual in nature you may
be drawn to becoming ordained. If not, you may simply want to offer
your services on a donation basis. If you are not setting a
professionally set fee for your service than you should be fine. You
should start by contacting the Massage Board to see if you have
anything to worry about or not. If you would like information on
becoming ordained please contact me. I have organized a ministry
that has been formed to free natural healing arts from the restrains of
any government regulation. The ministry is nondenominational and
registers people as Healing Ministers. If you feel that you are led by
your higher power to practice and teach Reiki than receiving
ordination may be just the thing for you.
You should also know that it is illegal to “diagnose”, “prescribe”,
“recommend”, “advise”, etc. These terms are left to Licensed Medical
Doctors. You are not in the disease industry, which medical doctors
are, you are in the holistic healing industry. You do not need to figure
out what disease someone is suffering from and you also do not need
to know what particular drug or even herb will “cure” that condition. It
is perfectly legal to teach someone how to stay healthy. If you are led
to teach Reiki, you will have no problems as long as you do not
attempt to “cure” diseases.
Now on to the Good Stuff...

What is Reiki?

Reiki is Japanese for Universal Life-force, or Spiritually-Guided

Energy. There are two parts to the word. Rei means Universal, or all-
encompasing and all-knowing. Rei is what you might think of as your
'inner self' or your 'higher power'. Ki means Life-force energy, and is
the same thing as Chi in Chinese, Ti in Hawaiian, and I believe it to be
the same thing that people call Neutrinos and Super Strings in physics.
Whatever you call it, Ki is the energy that runs through everything at
all times. It is the energy that binds all living things together. There is
an unlimited amount of Ki flowing into and around the Earth that
anyone can extract for healing and/or strength. Put this energy
together with the wisdom of the “Universal Mind” and you've got the
most powerful source of healing available...Reiki.

A Brief History
Dr. Mikao Usui rediscovered Reiki in Japan in the late 1800's or early 1900’s.
From what is known he was a well-traveled man...seeking the truth about healing
through spirituality. It is said that he traveled to the West to find out how Jesus
healed with no luck. He then went back to Japan, where he studied Buddhism.
He wanted to learn how to heal, but most of his teachers did not know, or at least
wouldn't tell him the healing methods used in ancient times.
Finally he decided to learn for himself, from the Universe. He went on a 21
day fasting retreat in the nearby mountain, Mt. Kurama. On the final day he saw
the Reiki energy coming straight towards his third-eye. His first reaction was to
run, but he did not and the energy struck him, leaving him unconscious. While he
was unconscious he was attuned to, or initiated into the Reiki energy and was
shown the symbols and how to use them.
After he awakened, he was running back to his temple to tell his teacher of
his discovery, when he stubbed his toe on a rock. He instinctively put his hand
on the toe and it healed very quickly. He stopped in a restaurant on his way back
and ordered a very large meal, one that would have made someone ill after
fasting for 21 days, but he had no troubles. A lady working in the restaurant was
sick and he healed her. Upon arriving at his temple he found his teacher to be
bedridden and he healed him as well. These occurrences came to be known as
the 4 miracles.
Dr. Usui, or Usui Sensei, went to the poor and deformed and healed many
of them physically, but he found that many did not want to be healed of their
deformities because they had become lazy and begging was easy for them to do
for a living. This was a hard time for Dr. Usui, and is supposedly where the
'energy-exchange' idea came from. He had people bring him a gift, no matter
how small, in exchange for his time and to teach them his method of healing.
He traveled all over Japan and China, healing and teaching his
people. He opened many clinics because of the overwhelming number
of people interested. Dr. Usui spread Reiki to many people. It is said
that he was a very warm, generous, and caring man.
Dr. Usui died of a stroke in 1926, after having taught around 16
'Masters'. One of them being a retired military man, Dr. Chujiro
Hayashi. Dr. Hayashi opened a clinic where he focused on the hand
positions (i.e. what hand position helped what ailment). He eventually
knew that War World II was coming and that he would be called to war.
Because of his peaceful nature and desire only to heal others and
never harm another he is said to have simply left his body during his
final workshop. Before he died he taught Mrs. Hawayo Takata the
Master level of Reiki. Mrs. Takata was born in 1900 in Hawaii. She
traveled to Japan because her sister was dying and there she became
sick herself. She was hospitalized and when they told her she needed
surgery she asked if there was anything else she could do. They told
her about Dr. Hayashi's Reiki clinic. She was healed of her condition
and was taught the first two levels of Reiki. Later Mrs. Takata was
taught the third and final “Master” level when Dr. Hayashi traveled to
Mrs. Takata established clinics and became well known as a
powerful healer and teacher, initiating her students up to level 2. In
1970 Mrs. Takata started initiating Reiki Masters. She charged
$10,000 for one weekend of teaching. Her students could not take
notes, not even of the symbols. You can see why there are so many
variations of the symbols. It's not really known why she didn’t allow
her students to take notes, but I accept that she must have had her
reasons, whether good or bad, it doesn't matter. What does matter is
that because of her and others, there are now millions of Reiki
practitioners around the world.
The Reiki Principles

The secret art of inviting happiness

The miraculous medicine of all diseases

1. Just for today, do not be angry

2. Do not worry and Be filled with
3.Devote yourself to your work
4. be kind to people

Every morning and evening join your hands

in prayer,
pray these words to your heart,
and chant these words with your mouth
Usui Reiki Treatment for the improvement
of body and mind

The founder . . . Mikao Usui

Who Can "Do" Reiki?
Because Reiki is from God, Goddess, Buddha, Allah, The Creator, Spirit,
Source, The Universal Mind, Your Inner-Self, or whatever you call it or them,
anyone can "do" it. We are all equal, and we ALL have the ability to heal
ourselves and others. It is our birthright. Being a Reiki "Master" doesn't make
someone better than anyone else, and in the West it doesn't even have to mean
that you have mastered the 'art' of Reiki, it simply means that you have been
attuned to the Master Level of Reiki, learned all of the Reiki symbols, and know
how to give Attunements, etc. In my personal opinion we should all be called
Reiki practitioners, but since the Attunements are only given, or should I say,
accepted from Reiki Masters, you can see why there needs to be some kind of
distinction. To some people, the title "Master" gives them a feeling of superiority
or power, just like with many other occupations. I accept that it can be very easy
for someone to become a Reiki Master, and that doesn't sadden me in the
slightest bit. I say, the more the better! Besides, all that is needed to channel
Reiki successfully is an open mind and heart. With the desire or intention to heal,
many are led on different paths to fulfill that destiny, some to Reiki, others to
other forms of healing (ex. doctors, nurses, acupuncturists, massage therapists,
aromatherapists, etc.) and many different forms of hands-on healing and energy
healing as well.

Feeling Reiki
Many people talk about what it feels like when you are doing
Reiki. Each one of us is different in the way we experience Reiki.
Some people don't feel anything when they give Reiki, and that's okay.
Seeing, or in this case, Feeling isn't believing. The common physical
sensations that people describe are: heat or cold coming from their
hands, tingling or pulsating in a part of their or someone else's body,
seeing bright colors and shapes while doing sessions, or hearing a
noise during it. I haven't really heard of what other people hear, but
personally I hear a humming sound, almost like the wind when it's
blowing across your ears. I interpret this as being the energy entering
my crown Chakra. These are some of the physical sensations, but
many experience more on the spiritual or emotional sides while giving
and receiving Reiki. Many feel past emotions that have been
suppressed coming back to the surface to be released, others feel
elation as they discover their spiritual nature. Just remember that
we're all different, we are all unique in our spirituality, so just because
someone you know says that their hands get burning hot when they do
Reiki, doesn't mean that yours will. You may instead feel very calm
and relaxed, or you may see beautiful seas of green and violets! Just
go with the flow and know that Reiki is always at work for the greatest
good of all involved.


Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning "wheel". They are the energy

centers of our bodies that turn and 'process' the life force energy
inside of us. There are seven main chakras in the body, each one has
a specific color and function. In traditional Western Reiki this is where
the hand positions are held. They are all located in the center of the
The root Chakra is located between the anus and the genitals,
the sacral Chakra is in the lower abdomen, solar plexus is in
between the navel and the base of the sternum, heart is below
the collar bone, throat is at the base of the neck, third eye is
above and between the eye brows, and the crown is above and
on top of the head.

Chakra Color Main Issues

Root or Base Red Survival/Physical Needs
Sacral Orange Reproduction/Sexuality
Solar Plexus Yellow Self will/Personal Power
Heart Green or Pink Compassion/Love/Relationships
Throat Blue Communication/Self-expression
Third Eye Indigo or Violet Intuition/Wisdom
Crown White, Violet, or Gold Spirituality

Determining Your Dominant Hand

I've learned to determine your dominant or 'power' hand by

holding your hands at a comfortable distance in front of you with your
palms facing you. Turn your eyes and attention towards your left hand
and concentrate on your palm. Feel the energy flowing from the
Universe down into your crown Chakra and then flowing down into
your hand. Feel the energy in your palm. Now turn towards your right
hand and do the same thing. Whichever one feels stronger, more
tingly, more hot or cold, etc. is your 'power' hand. It might take you a
little while to start feeling anything, but that's okay, you will soon

A Quick Hand Exercise

First, do what you did to determine your dominant hand. Now

turn your palms toward each other and hold them about 3 inches
apart. Feel the lines of energy flowing between them. They may feel
hot or cold, pressurized, etc. Keeping them at this distance, move
your hands up and down, side to side, and around in circles, feeling
the lines of energy connected to each palm. Now slowly pull your
hands further apart, about a foot apart, and do the same thing, up and
down, side to side, and around in circles. Feeling the lines still
connected. Now slowly push them back to about 3 inches apart. Feel
how the energy in between them becomes compressed the closer they
are together. Now turn your hands like you are holding a ball in
between them (one hand above the other). Feel the energy forming
into a compressed little ball. Now you can place this ball of energy
into any place that you'd like. Wherever you put it, imagine that it
expands and fills your entire body.

Letting Go

As a Reiki practitioner you must learn to let go of outcomes. Reiki is

intelligent energy that will go where it is needed. It only works for the Greatest
Good in any situation, and at times the greatest good may not be what we or
someone else wants. It may be hard at times to accept the way things must be
for the Greater Good, for example, letting go of a loved one who is ready to pass
on, or not getting a job we want even though it's really not right for us. It's
always good to look at things in a positive way, like when we get stuck in traffic,
perhaps something bad would have happened to us if we didn't, or if we had lots
of money maybe we wouldn't appreciate things as much. Remember that Reiki
will never do harm, it is pure and loving and totally unconditional. Never let
anyone convince you that Reiki shouldn't be used at a certain time, they are
confused about the true meaning of Reiki or they may be doing a different form
of energy healing. There is no time when Reiki is 'bad', because it is intelligent
beyond our imaginations. It knows exactly when (and in what way) to heal. You
may think it's strange that I'm saying this right now, but you'd be surprised what
many Reiki Masters will say is the wrong time to give Reiki. Usually the argument
is that healing may not be right at that specific time, but I say that Reiki knows
when healing is needed and when it is not, it's not my place to judge that. I
believe that when you get down to it, our souls are love and Reiki is love, so how
could sending someone unconditional love be wrong?


Before doing Reiki it's a good idea to set an intention. This is like
turning on a 'Reiki switch' that gets the energy flowing and allows you
to relax and focus. I like to put my hands together in the prayer or
"Ghassho" position (See picture C-1). Ask your inner self what a good
intention for the situation would be if you are unsure. Here are some
examples: "Let Reiki flow through me for the Greatest Good of
(person's name, mankind, the Earth, etc.), "May (person's name) find
the source of their problem" or "May we all be freed from pain and
suffering" or "Let my Reiki session go perfectly" or "May I find my path
and purpose in life". Or you can just say "Reiki". Any intention is fine,
just say whatever comes to mind, and then Drop it. Do not let the
intention distract you from being an empty channel to the healing
*Remember that you are not directing the energy, it knows where to
go, let it guide you to the source of the problem. Trust your intuition.
Lay your hands in the position and just 'be'.

Self Healings

Giving yourself regular Reiki sessions is very important. You should

definitely stick to a plan of giving yourself Reiki treatments on a regular basis,
everyday if at all possible. A good time for me is in the morning before I get out
of bed or at night before I fall asleep. The self healing session can be done the
same as it is with someone else, starting at the crown Chakra and going down to
the base Chakra (See pictures B-1 - B-8). Keep your fingers on each hand
together and simply put them on each Chakra. Leave them there for as long as
you’d like or at least 2-3 minutes. Make this time a special time for yourself with
no distractions. If this isn’t possible because of work or young children, just take
some time while you are showering or using the bathroom to do a session for
yourself. You deserve it! Try to give yourself a full session whenever possible,
but when it's not, putting your hand or hands on your solar plexus (B-6) will do a
lot of good for settling nerves, on your heart Chakra (B-5) for depression, your
third-eye or your ears (B-2 or B-3) for a headache, sacral (B-7) for menstrual
problems, etc. You can never give yourself too much Reiki. If you're sitting in the
car at a red-light give yourself some Reiki, watching TV, drinking tea, talking on
the get my point, anytime is a great time for Reiki! This is where you
will begin to trust your intuition. Pay attention to any messages that your body
may be giving you during a session. Is your stomach rumbling? Do you have a
headache? This is, in most cases, a blockage of energy and you are releasing
toxins that have built up over time. Spend extra time on these areas. Begin your
session by setting your intention. Say a prayer or offer thanks to Mother
Nature...whatever your beliefs lead you to do. Be specific or general, for
example: “Dear Lord, I ask that this self healing go perfectly for me and my
needs at this time.” Or “May I find the source of my diabetes.” Experiment and
have fun! You can never go wrong with just a simple “May Reiki flow through me
for the highest good of the entire Universe.”
After your intention is set, you are ready to go. Place your hands on your
crown Chakra (on top of your head) and imagine/visualize your connection with
the Source of Reiki (whatever or whomever you feel that is) as a string leading
from them to your crown Chakra. “Feel” and focus on the energy traveling from
your crown Chakra to the palms of your hands. Focus on your palms for a bit and
then imagine the energy pouring out of them. You are being continuously
supplied with Reiki through your crown and concentrating and focusing it through
your palms. Now follow the hand positions and practice others as you see fit. If
your shoulder is hurting then by all means, Reiki it. Don’t be limited by any of
these guidelines, they are only meant to give you support. Do what feels right
and you will achieve the best results. After you finish your session, you may want
to say a prayer or dedication of thanks. It is a good idea to keep a journal of your
experiences. Below is your first assignment. If you are new to Reiki, please
complete this step before moving on to working with others. I suggest this even
if you are not new to Reiki, unless you are working as a healing practitioner. Take
this next 30 days for yourself and see what a difference it makes.

Self Care Message

"Take time to rest and regroup as often as you need. At the beginning
of the
journey and along the way, take time to honor your body; you honor
your soul.

You have been working hard on yourself, on your spiritual growth. You
moving forward, evolving at a rapid pace. Give your body time to
catch up.
Your body isn't a bother; it's an ally. Your body knows what it needs,
what your soul needs, too.

Tune in to your body. Listen. On those days when your body is

regrouping, shifting because you're growing and healing emotionally
spiritually, let it do that. Don't ignore it. Don't force it. Be gentle.
Recognize its nuances. Ask it what it needs. Juice? Vitamins? Rest?
Exercise? Let it tell you. Then go easy. Do tasks that are easier, that
seem to fit what you can handle that day.
After a spiritual growth spurt, our body works diligently to flush the
released when emotions are cleansed and healed. After a day, week,
or month
of intense spiritual growth, our body is tired from flushing so many
emotions, going through so many changes. To deny the body's
connection to
our growth, to push it when it needs to rest, is denying the importance
impact of the spiritual work we're doing.

By taking time to honor the body, to honor its shifts and needs, it will
there for you in a way that it has never been before. Rest and care will
help it come back to center quickly. You will have the benefit of a
spirit and a body that was allowed to adjust and adapt to that healing
process. You will be honoring the oneness of body, mind, and soul.
You will
be honoring your newfound connection

Taking time to honor the needs of your body is taking time to respect
needs of your soul."
From Journey to the Heart by Melody Beattie


Lesson 1 Assignment

This is probably the most important assignment of the entire course.

Please take it seriously! If you are going to be using Reiki to heal
others, you first need to make a commitment to healing yourself.
These next thirty one days are for you to practice what you have just
learned. Set aside about 30 minutes to an hour each day. If you are
thinking you don’t have time to do this you may want to rethink why
you chose this course to begin with. Your day cannot be too filled up to
give yourself 30 minutes of peace and relaxation.
On the following page is a calendar for you to check off each day you
do your self healing session. Before you start the thirty days of self
healings write a paper on how you feel now. For example: What is your
attitude like? Are you physically healthy? Is there something you’d
like to change about yourself? Do you feel spiritually healthy? Do you
sleep well? Etc. List any health complaints. This paper doesn’t need
to be formal, just write about whatever you want to say about yourself,
your past, etc.

Now you are ready to begin your self healings.

Each day when you finish your session think about how you feel.

When you are finished with the thirty one days, write another paper.
Write about how you feel and any experiences you had during your self
healings. What is your outlook on life like? Is it different than when
you started? How is your physical health? Emotional? Spiritual?
Please tell me any problems or questions you had with your sessions, if
any. I want you to be totally honest, if you didn’t feel anything, that’s
fine. Just list in detail how you are feeling now. Did any life-changing
events take place in this time frame? Etc.

Hands-on Sessions

Reiki is a wonderful thing to share with others. Start by doing your self
healings and when you feel ready, move on to your family and friends to get
more comfortable. When you give a Reiki session you need to be relaxed. If you
aren't then it will be harder to be an open channel for the energy. Also, the
receiver needs to be relaxed, preferably on a massage table or in a recliner. You
may be comfortable either standing or in a rolling chair. Make sure that the
person knows exactly what you'll be doing, explain to them what Reiki is and
what hand positions you'll be using so they don't get nervous or feel
uncomfortable as you're doing it. Show them the picture of the chakras or
pictures A-1 - A-11. You might want to play some soft music and light some
candles and incense. I feel that it's best to talk as little as possible during the
session, because it can be distracting and in some cases even disturbing to you
or your client. Remove any bulky jewelry so that it doesn't get in your way.
1. Start by making your intention. Remember to drop it and then focus on your
breathing and being relaxed. You may also want to draw the Cho Ku Rei symbol
on both of your palms before you get started. I usually close my eyes during
most of the session, but this is up to you. You'll probably want to stay in each
position for about 5 minutes, unless you feel guided to do otherwise, or if you are
in an emergency situation. Try to stay in contact with the body whenever

2. Place your hands, with fingers closed (unless it's uncomfortable), on their
crown Chakra, on top of their head (A-1). Imagine that pure loving energy (Reiki)
is flowing in through your crown from the Infinite Source, Universe, etc., down
through your hands and into their crown Chakra.

3. Move your hands gently over their eyes (A-2). Make sure you aren't closing off
their nose.

4. Now over their ears (A-3).

5. Slide them down to their throat (A-4). Make sure you don't press hard, this is
an extremely sensitive area on most people.

6. Now over the heart Chakra, right below the collar bone (A-5). If this makes you
or the client uncomfortable then it's fine to hold your hands slightly above the
body. Make sure this is already discussed before the session begins.

7. Lift your hands and move them to the solar plexus Chakra (A-6).

8. Down to the sacral Chakra (A-7).

9. Lastly, hold your hands slightly above the base Chakra, unless this is a person
you are very close to (A-8).

10. When you work on the chakras, it travels through the body to the back, but if
you'd like you can do the chakras on the back. The knees (A-9), and the feet (A-
10 - A-11) are good to do.

11. After you finish the session you should do what is called "sweeping the aura".
Hold you hands slightly above the body and, starting at the head, use your palms
(face down with short strokes) to brush the aura of any left over negative debris.
Once you get past the feet you should flick your hands towards the ground
imagining that the negative energy turns to white light. This will also release any
energy exchanged between you and your client during the session.
Picking Up Negative Energy

If you find that after you do a session you have acquired the
person's symptoms or you feel worn out, you have either tried to direct
the energy yourself, been connected to, or overly concerned about the
outcome, or you used your own energy to do the healing. Don't worry
though, it's a very common mistake and can be easily corrected. Just
imagine that you are surrounded by White Light. The Light penetrates
your entire body through every pore. As you breathe in, imagine
sucking in the White Light and filling your body up with it, feel it
traveling all the way down to your fingers and toes, and as you
breathe out imagine that everything that is not White Light is being
blown away.

*Remember that Reiki knows what is best for all. You have no part in
the actual healing of another person other than being the channel for
the unconditional love that will help them to heal themselves. The
person receiving the Reiki and the Universal Life-force are the healing
forces in Reiki. Giving a Reiki session should make you feel really
good, almost as good as when you are the receiver, because the
energy is flowing through you and into them. The more Reiki you give,
the more you receive.


Scanning is very simple, but it also takes time to really get the
hang of it. This can be done before a session on yourself or others and
it deals with learning to detect the subtle energy that is around the
physical body, the aura. At first you may not be able to feel the aura
of yourself or others, but don’t worry, this isn’t necessary to do in order
to practice Reiki successfully, it is however very useful and fun. Start
the session as you would regularly by relaxing and making your
intention. If you will be scanning someone else, stand to the side of
them while they lie on their back or stomach, whichever side you are
planning on working on first. Now put you dominant hand on or above
their head and hold your other hand slightly above their body (about
2-3 inches). You will eventually be able to feel their aura at this
distance where it is most condense. Let your hand move slowly down
their body and “feel” for any dips, heat, cold, or any other “out of the
ordinary” feeling. This is where you will need to spend more time
during the healing session. Now proceed with the session as you
would regularly. You can also use this method if you do not have time
for a full session.

Lesson 2 Assignment

Now that you’ve learned how to do a healing session on someone else,

you should start practicing right away. If you are just learning Reiki, it
is a good idea to start with family and friends, including any plant and
animal friends that you may have. Cats respond especially well to
Reiki! In this assignment you are required to practice for 4 weeks and
do full healing sessions on at least 6 different subjects at least 3 times
per week. You will have 6 case studies to fill out and return to me.
Each one of these case studies should be on a different subject,
whether they are a plant, animal, or human. Fill them out to the best
of your ability. Make copies of them as they will not be returned to

Case Study #1: Full Healing Session on
Someone Else

Name:________________________________Birthdate:_____/_____/_____ Sex:____

Health problems (if any):


Did you have any problems or questions during the session? Circle one:
Yes No
If yes, please explain:

What did you feel during the session?


What did they feel during the session?


How do they feel now (after the session)?


Do they feel that Reiki would help them with any of their health
problems (if no problems - Stress Relief / Relaxation)? Circle one: Yes

Any other observations:

Case Study #2: Full Healing Session on
Someone Else

Name:________________________________Birthdate:_____/_____/_____ Sex:____

Health problems (if any):


Did you have any problems or questions during the session? Circle one:
Yes No
If yes, please explain:

What did you feel during the session?


What did they feel during the session?


How do they feel now (after the session)?


Do they feel that Reiki would help them with any of their health
problems (if no problems - Stress Relief / Relaxation)? Circle one: Yes

Any other observations:

Case Study #3: Full Healing Session on
Someone Else

Name:________________________________Birthdate:_____/_____/_____ Sex:____

Health problems (if any):


Did you have any problems or questions during the session? Circle one:
Yes No
If yes, please explain:

What did you feel during the session?


What did they feel during the session?


How do they feel now (after the session)?


Do they feel that Reiki would help them with any of their health
problems (if no problems - Stress Relief / Relaxation)? Circle one: Yes

Any other observations:

Case Study #4: Full Healing Session on
Someone Else

Name:________________________________Birthdate:_____/_____/_____ Sex:____

Health problems (if any):


Did you have any problems or questions during the session? Circle one:
Yes No
If yes, please explain:

What did you feel during the session?


What did they feel during the session?


How do they feel now (after the session)?


Do they feel that Reiki would help them with any of their health
problems (if no problems - Stress Relief / Relaxation)? Circle one: Yes

Any other observations:

Case Study #5: Full Healing Session on
Someone Else

Name:________________________________Birthdate:_____/_____/_____ Sex:____

Health problems (if any):


Did you have any problems or questions during the session? Circle one:
Yes No
If yes, please explain:

What did you feel during the session?


What did they feel during the session?


How do they feel now (after the session)?


Do they feel that Reiki would help them with any of their health
problems (if no problems - Stress Relief / Relaxation)? Circle one: Yes

Any other observations:

Case Study #6: Full Healing Session on
Someone Else

Name:________________________________Birthdate:_____/_____/_____ Sex:____
Health problems (if any):

Did you have any problems or questions during the session? Circle one:
Yes No
If yes, please explain:

What did you feel during the session?


What did they feel during the session?


How do they feel now (after the session)?


Do they feel that Reiki would help them with any of their health
problems (if no problems - Stress Relief / Relaxation)? Circle one: Yes

Any other observations:

Distance Healings - Method 1

There are many ways to send distance healings. This is the way I
was taught by my Reiki Master.
1. Close your eyes and imagine the person you are sending healing to
(it doesn't have to be a clear image, even a name is enough).
2. Send the symbols to either their third eye or heart Chakra. You can
either physically draw them or just imagine them. You don't need to
press them in this time, like you do during an attunement.
3. Dissolve their image and imagine a beautiful white rose.
4. Send the symbols to the rose and imagine pure loving energy
flowing into the rose through its stem and up to the flower where it
fully blooms and glows with Reiki energy.
5. Now bring back your image of the person you're sending healing to
and send them the rose. Imagine that they accept the rose and place
it into their heart Chakra.
6. Imagine the rose sinking into them and their entire being is filled
with Reiki. They radiate with light and love.

That's it. You don't need to think of helping any specific area, you
have just sent it to their entire being. If you have a bunch of people to
send healing to, you can just imagine them all in a big group and do
the procedure one time.

Distance Healings - Method 2

Do the hand exercise that we did before, but instead of putting

the energy ball into yourself, imagine the person you'd like to send the
healing to and mentally imagine placing the ball inside of them. You
can put it wherever you want to on them, I usually place the energy in
their heart Chakra and imagining the ball expanding and filling their
whole body.

Distance Healings - Method 3

This one is simple and can take as little or long as you’d like. Just do
the hand exercise and imagine that you are holding the person or
thing in between your palms. Imagine the lines of energy flowing
through your palms and into the receiver.
Lesson 3 Assignment

In this lesson, you will practice sending distance healings. Ask some friends or
family members if they would like to have a free distance healing sent to them.
Try all three methods at least once and if you feel like trying another method not
in this handbook, then by all means do it. After you have sent a distance healing
to at least 3 different people write a paper on what you experienced during them
and if possible what the receiver experienced. List as many details as you can
and send this paper in to me. Be sure to include any questions that you may


Attunements are part of what separates Reiki from other energy healing
modalities. There is no scientific explanation as to how and why they work, they
just do. Here's a way to think of what an attunement does: We all have the
capability of connecting to the Universal Life-force Energy, in fact, when we are
born we are totally connected to it. Over time the connection gets weaker as we
become more connected to the physical and emotional aspects of the Earth.
Becoming attuned is kind of like tuning a radio. It's also making a statement to
our subconscious minds that we are ready to take control of our lives, our health,
and our spiritual well-being, and we are going to do it with our own two hands!
Before receiving this handbook you have been fully tuned in to the Universal Life-
force, and the ancient symbols have been permanently placed in your aura. You
may need to 'adjust the knob' a bit, but before long everything will come
together. After an attunement is received all that needs to be done to give Reiki
is have the intention to heal and it will immediately begin flowing.


The Reiki symbols are very beautiful. They will help you focus and give you
more confidence in your healing abilities. Although the symbols by themselves
do not hold any special power, and you may eventually feel that you don't need
to use them anymore, they are very important to learn. Some people think that
they should be kept a secret, and that's fine, you do as you feel guided to do.
The main point is to be respectful of them because many people hold them, or
the ideas behind them, sacred. In my opinion, making something public doesn't
mean that you are necessarily being disrespectful.
Now there are a lot of variations with the symbols, but these are the
symbols I've been taught and the ones that you have been attuned to, so in
other words, these will work perfectly for you.

The Power Symbol
The first of the symbols is also known as the "power symbol". It
means "put all the power of the universe here" and is usually learned
in Level 1 or 2. It's name is: Cho Ku Rei (pronounced: cho-koo-ray).
Use it whenever you feel drawn to do so, either by drawing it with your
palm, chanting its name out loud or in your head, or just imagining it
in your mind. You may want to use it before each session on your
palms or on the person's crown Chakra.


The Emotional Symbol

Next, is the 'emotional' symbol, learned in Level 2 it means "God

and humanity become one" and is called: Sei Hei Ki (pronounced: say-
Again, use this symbol as you are drawn to do so, especially when
there is an emotional release or buildup.

The Distance Symbol

The next symbol is the 'Distance Healing' symbol. It is learned in

Level 2 and means "May the Buddha in me connect to the Buddha in
you to promote harmony and peace." It allows the energy to travel
unhindered through time and space. You will find eventually that you
no longer need this symbol to escape these boundaries. Our minds
also have this power, it just needs to be recognized. Use it before you
send a distance healing or attunement. If you cannot remember
exactly how to draw it at first you can just say its name three times to
activate it. It is called: Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen (pronounced: hon-sha-
Tibetan Master Symbol

These next two symbols are the most important of the symbols
used in Usui Reiki. They can be used to access deep within the soul.
Some people use either one of the next two symbols below. I use
them both. The first one is called either: Dumo or Tibetan Dai Ko Myo
(pronounced: doomo or dye ko myo). Its main purpose is for healing
and connecting the body and mind in order to grow spiritually. You
may want to use it during every healing session.


Usui Master Symbol

The second is also called: Dai Ko Myo or Usui Dai Ko Mio. Use this
symbol during healings and Attunements. The symbols name can
mean "Great Being of the Universe Shine on Me" or "great shining
light" and is used to cleanse the spiritual body.


The Grounding Symbol

This symbol is used for grounding after Attunements. Simply

draw it from the top of their head down to the ground. It lifts negative
karma and separates the auras of the Master and the attunee. It is
called: Raku (pronounced: rakoo).


Distance Attunements

I love to send and receive distance Attunements, they are truly a wonderful
gift. There are many different ways to send an attunement and eventually you
will find the way you are most comfortable with. This is the way I usually do it.
There have been times when I felt like doing something different and I did, just
go with the flow and you will have wonderful results. Always take your time, be
relaxed, and don't rush the process.
Now, if you would like to separate your Attunements into levels, you should
use the same method, just make your intention to whichever level you desire. I
wouldn't suggest breaking up your Attunements into any more than 3 levels,
level 1, level 2, and the Master level. I've seen some people split up 5 levels!! In
my opinion, this is just to make more money. My Master joined Level 1 & 2
together. I have had wonderful results when sending complete Master
Attunements no matter what level the person was at, from beginners to
advanced. Some people find it easier to handle the changes or gentler to split
them up. I think that the Universe knows what each person can and should
handle so I leave it up to Spirit to decide what the person is ready for.

1. Sit cross-legged or in a comfortable position. Relax and ground yourself. You

can do this by imagining that your legs (or feet if doing a hands-on attunement)
have roots growing out of them that reach far down into the Earth. You may want
to draw Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen to diminish the time and space barrier, but this is
not necessary. I have done it with and without it and they both work just the
same. Now imagine that you are sitting in front of the person you are attuning
(you don't have to have a clear mental image of them, just saying their name is
enough). Imagine that their hands are in the prayer position.

2. Start with your hands in the prayer position in front of your chest and ask your
'higher self' to make the attunement go perfectly. If you are going to separate
your Attunements into levels this is were you would mention the level of
attunement desired. Be confident and know that your request has been

3. Then, open the person's aura by placing your hands on their head and then
slowly opening them up to the sky, then move them downwards to symbolize the
entire aura opening (See pictures D-1 - D-4).

4. Next, place the symbols individually into the person's crown Chakra by drawing
them with your dominant hand's palm over their head. Imagine that they are
going down into their head as you slowly move your hand downwards. Always be
gentle and slow with the placing of the symbols. Feel the pressure, tingling
sensation, hot or cold, etc. in your hand as you press them down. You may also
want to blow over the symbol to express the sinking of the symbols.

5. Now, take the person's hands from the prayer position and move
them on top of yours on each of your/their knees. Use the opposite
hand to place each of the symbols into their palms. In other words,
you will have one hand below theirs and one hand above theirs, and
the above hand will draw and place the symbols into their palm in the
same way as with the crown Chakra. Again, imagine that the symbols
are sinking into their palms as you move closer to them. Move your
hands up and down above their hands a few times and feel the
pressure in your hands.

6. After that, raise their hands back into the prayer position.

7. Place the symbols into their third eye Chakra with your 'power' or
dominant hand (See "Determining your Dominant Hand"). Again
imagining them sinking in.

8. Next, place them into their heart Chakra in the same way.

9. Now imagine that you are surrounded in white light, sort of like fog.
Breathe in this light and fill your entire body with it. Then blow or use
your hands to waft the light onto and into the attunee and imagine
that they breathe it in and are now also filled and surrounded with the
same light.

10. Now, close in the light in their aura by reversing what you did to
begin with. Imagine that the white light is now trapped.

11. Draw the Raku symbol starting at the top of their head and going
down to the ground. This will ground them.

12. Put your hands back into the prayer position and give thanks to
your 'higher power' for making the attunement a complete success.

And that's it! Don't worry whether it worked or not, IT DID! Everyone
experiences Attunements differently, which is part of what makes
them so beautiful. Don't think that because someone says that they
didn't feel anything, that it was unsuccessful, they will most likely
experience many changes, all for their Greatest Good. I've noticed
that if you expect to hear something, you won't.
"To have no expectations is to have everything" Confucius

Hands-on Attunements

A hands on attunement can be done the same way as the

distance attunement, except the person should be sitting in a chair.
Tell them what all you'll be doing and that they should close their eyes
and put their hands in the prayer position. You will probably want to
stand behind them to open their aura and place the symbols in the
crown Chakra. Then you can move back to the front for the rest of the
procedure. When you finish the attunement let them know that they
should sit for a while to ground themselves. They may be dizzy or
even a little nauseous for some time afterwards. Reassure them that
what they are experiencing is a normal reaction to Attunements.
Before you begin doing hands-on Attunements, you may wish to
practice on a teddy bear or pillow to gain confidence. Practice as
much as you need to in order to feel more comfortable.

Many people experience a cleansing period, which is all of the negative
stuff they've been keeping bottled up inside, whether physical, emotional, or
spiritual, coming out. This may take the form of anything from an immediate
emotional release to the later onset of a cold. There's no way to be sure, so be
understanding and supportive. Always be there for the people you attune, even
through distance Attunements. You are their "Master" or Teacher and in making
that commitment you have decided to take the responsibility to listen to any
problems or concerns that they have. I'm not saying that you have to solve their
problems for them, of course you can't, but you should always try to be there to
listen to them. During the first 21-30 days after an attunement it is a good idea
to try to stay away from red meat, coffee, alcohol, smoking, and fried foods, and
to get lots of rest, drink plenty of clean water, and Reiki yourself everyday.

Lesson 4 Assignment

In this lesson you will be practicing sending Attunements. Even if you

do not plan on teaching or attuning others to Reiki as part of your
practice, it is still important to become comfortable with the methods
involved. Attunements are fun and are one of the best parts of Reiki
as far as I’m concerned. Try at least 2 Attunements, one hands-on and
one distance attunement.
If you cannot find any human subjects who are willing to participate,
you can attune an animal. Fill out the case studies below to the best
of your ability and return them to me.
Case Study #1: Attunement

Name:________________________________Birthdate:_____/_____/_____ Sex:____

Did you have any problems with the attunement? Circle one: Yes No
If yes, please explain:

What did you experience during the attunement?


What did the attunee experience?


Do you have any questions? Circle one: Yes No

If yes, please list in detail:

Was this a Distance or Hands-on


Case Study #2: Attunement

Name:________________________________Birthdate:_____/_____/_____ Sex:____

Did you have any problems with the attunement? Circle one: Yes No
If yes, please explain:

What did you experience during the attunement?


What did the attunee experience?


Do you have any questions? Circle one: Yes No

If yes, please list in detail:

Was this a Distance or Hands-on


Different Uses for Reiki

There are so many uses for Reiki, there's no way I can name them all. You
can give Reiki to plants, animals, medicine or herbs, food and water, machinery
(including cars), computers, world situations or disasters, Mother Nature,
humanity, an upcoming event, a past-life, and on and on and on. Have fun and
remember that this energy knows no limitations. You can send Reiki back and
forth in time, it may sound far-fetched, but it works! Give it a try.
Crystals & Reiki
Many people use crystals in their Reiki practice. This is not part of
traditional Usui Reiki, but is good information to have nonetheless. Crystals have
powerful healing properties. Here are just a few examples that I have read about
and tried myself. Place them on the chakras or just hold them in your hands and
imagine energy flowing through them and into you or your client. Many people
say that they amplify the energy. They are great to use during distance healings
and meditation too. Quartz is used for any and all of the chakras. If you are
interested in using crystals in your practice, you may want to supplement this
course with my Crystal Healing Course. You can read more about it at the end of
the course. I also have Crystal Chakra Clearing Sets available. The set includes
one of each of the following: Clear Quartz, Chevron Amethyst, Sodalite, Blue Lace
Agate, Rose Quartz, Golden Citrine, Carnelian Agate, Bloodstone, Hematite, and a
satin carrying pouch. The set is only $10 and you can order it with the included
order form or through the Reiki Blessings web site.

Chakra Name Crystals

Root or Base Bloodstone, Snowflake Obsidian
Sacral Carnelian, Silica
Solar Plexus Yellow Tiger's Eye, Citrine
Heart Rose Quartz, Serpentine
Throat Amazonite, Blue Lace Agate
Third Eye Sodalite, Amethyst
Crown Clear Quartz, Chevron Amethyst
Lesson 5 Assignment

This lesson should be fun and really get you involved with the energy.
I want you to go about your daily routine and pick out different times
when Reiki would be good to use. Think of different things that you
can give Reiki to and write these down. You may want to carry a little
pad of paper with you and write things down as you think of them.
Use your imagination and like I said, have fun with it. Write a brief
description of the things you are doing and the ideas that you have
come up with and send this paper to me.
Charging for Reiki

Some people do not charge for Reiki sessions and Attunements. Offering
your services for free is a very generous gesture, but if you want this to be your
life's work, obviously you will need to be able to support yourself. You must start
by realizing your ability. You have to be confident and secure with yourself, your
knowledge and experience before you will feel like you are worth making a living
doing something that you love to do. I suggest giving free trial sessions to
friends and family to get started and gain confidence. You may want to
remember that you are not charging for the energy; it's free for everybody. It's
your time and commitment to what you've studied that you are charging for.
I started out giving Reiki by offering free distance Attunements. Offering
these free Attunements was very fulfilling and I feel like I made a difference in a
lot of peoples' lives - people who did not have the money to pay for an
attunement but wanted to learn how to heal themselves and others.
I would never turn someone away from a healing or attunement because they
didn't have enough money. That is just not right in my opinion. Remember the
law of karma, what goes around comes around.

Teaching Reiki to Others

As a Reiki Master you may have everything you need to start teaching
others. I say that because some of you are already advanced in your Reiki
studies and have experience, others of you do not. You should have plenty of
practice and experience before attempting to teach someone else. One reason
experience is necessary is your students will have questions and you should be
able to help them. Another reason is if you attempt to teach others before you
have really taught yourself (through practice with the energy) you may be
missing out on part of the big picture. Reiki is beautiful and one reason is in its
simplicity. The concept of Reiki is one that can be easily grasped, yet there is a
lot to learn through trial-and-error. You can begin attuning others even if you
don't have experience. Practicing Attunements will help you gain knowledge into
the processes involved in Reiki, both through your own feelings during the
attunement and through the attunees experiences. I became a Reiki Master so
that I could teach others. Teaching and expanding Reiki to as many as possible
has always been my goal and desire, as I'm sure it is for many of you. Even after
reading books on Reiki, receiving the Attunements, doing hands-on healing
sessions, and sending many Attunements to others, I still didn't have the
knowledge to be a Reiki Master/Teacher. It wasn't until I asked my higher self to
assist me in writing my first Reiki Handbook (which has evolved quite a bit since
then), that I discovered my ability to teach Reiki to others. What a feeling! When
it was finished I gave a copy to the people I had previously attuned and for the
first time I could call myself a Reiki Master/Teacher. I'm not saying that this is the
way it should be for everyone, all I'm saying is that we all have our own unique
connection to Spirit and we each experience Reiki in different ways. These
individualities should be expressed in our teachings and our new insight should
be passed along through our own works. I'm not suggesting a new form of Reiki
for each person, just an expression of views and perhaps a slight evolution.37
Other Forms of Reiki

There are probably thousands of different forms of Reiki. You

should know that no form of Reiki is more “powerful” than the Reiki
you are currently experiencing. Every form of Reiki comes from the
same Source, the difference comes in how we connect to this Source
and how we choose to perceive the energy. Most of our brains need
constant stimulation and learning new forms of Reiki can be very
beneficial. I have been attuned to many different forms of Reiki and
choose what I like from each one, producing a new form that stands on
it’s own. I have given a brief introduction to the different forms of Reiki
that I have learned.

Karuna Ki

Before I received my Karuna Master/Teacher attunement and

information I thought I had reached the highest level of Reiki, only to
be shocked by the new energy. After the attunement I noticed many
physical sensations, such as my hands shaking when I reached a
troubled area. I also recognized my inner voice more distinctly.
Karuna is all about compassion and love, and extending this loving
Reiki energy to the entire Earth and Universe. When we give a Karuna
Ki session, we not only channel the healing energy into the client, but
to each and every thing in our Universe. Karuna Ki is not copyrighted
like Karuna ReikiTM but it contains the same 8 symbols that are used in
Karuna ReikiTM. Karuna Ki has additional exercises, meditations, hand
mudras, chanting and toning exercises, and much more. I offer a
course in Karuna Ki that includes Vincent Armador’s Karuna Ki manual
(it is available for free at:, a distance
attunement called the “Singular Karuna Ki Master Attunement”, and a
beautiful certificate. The Karuna Ki course is only $25 and you can use
the order form included to purchase it. If you are interested in learning
more about Karuna or Karuna Ki please visit my web site: or call me for more information.

The Templar Degree
There is very little information about the Templar degree, but I
will share the information that was given to me:

“The Templar Degree is the symbol of Oneness and the manifestation

of Christ Consciousness into our world. The symbol was received
through a transmission from the Ascended Master Sananda and
Archangels Metatron and Melchizedek in July of 1998 by Reiki
Master/Teacher, Darla Traylor. The attunement is to be shared with
those Reiki practitioners who feel called to receive it. We extend our
gratitude to the Ascended Realms for sharing this Divine symbol with

I received an attunement to the Templar Degree a while back and

it is lovely energy. If you feel a calling to receive this attunement,
along with instructions on attuning others to this energy, the symbol of
Oneness, and a beautiful certificate, please think of buying my
Templar Degree Course. It is only $25 and definitely worth the money.
Please use the order form included or visit my web site for more

Many of you may have heard of Seichim. I only recently received
my attunement to Seichim and it has been a great learning
experience. Through the book All Love by Diane Shewmaker I have
learned a lot about energy healing that I did not already know. The
symbols involved are very beautiful and I am pleased to be able to
offer you this training. If you are interested in Seichim, please visit my
web site for the course information. The entire course, which includes
the above mentioned text book, Seichim Master attunement, and
certificate, is only $100.

Lightarian Reiki

Lightarian Reiki is fairly new to me, but I cannot express the

power that is passed during the attunements. It is said that there are
seven bands of Reiki energy in the Universe. Usui Reiki is the first
band, Karuna is the second, and the Lightarian levels are the next five.
There is a tremendous amount of information on Lightarian Reiki at my
website and at the Lightarian Institute at: I hope
to share these new energies with you!

Your Lineage

To me lineage isn't important, but to others, it's vital, so here is

your lineage for your information and in case you need it one day.

Dr. Mikao Usui, Dr. Hayashi, Mrs. Takata, Phyllis Furomoto, Claudia
Hoffman, Mary Shaw, Christine Henderson, Bruce Way, Ariane McMinn,
Mona Khalaf, Allison Dahlhaus.


Well, I know this was a short handbook, but it contains everything

you need to know about Reiki. Please don't limit yourself, you have
everything you need to practice Reiki successfully, in fact, you had it
before you ever read this. You were born with it. Some people put
many rules and restrictions on 'their' Reiki. Always be open-minded
and trust your judgment. Don't just go along with what someone says
because they have years of experience. Use your common sense and
develop your 'inner voice'. If you have any questions or problems or if
you just need someone to talk to, please e-mail or call me anytime at: (478) 956-8974.

With Many Bright & Loving Blessings,

Alli Dahlhaus, RMT, IARP
(International Association of Reiki Professionals)

Please send all lessons, tests, and case studies to:

Reiki Blessings
P.O. Box 2000
Byron, GA 31008

Or E-mail to:


Final Exam

*Please complete the following questions on a separate piece of paper

and return them to me in order to receive your Reiki Master Certificate.
You will want to make copies as these will not be returned to you unless
your grade is not passing, in which case you will have to review the
course and try again.

1. How would you describe Reiki to a member of your family or

one of your friends if they asked?

2. Did you have any problem determining your dominant hand?

Which hand is it?

3. Name the chakras and their corresponding colors in order

from bottom to top.

4. How do you "sweep" an aura?

5. How do you feel about becoming a Reiki Master?

6. What is a "cleansing period" and what should you do and

avoid during one?

7. Where and when did Reiki originate?

8. List the Reiki principles.

9. When someone comes to you with a headache should you

direct the energy into their head? Why or why not?

10. What do you see yourself doing with Reiki in the future?
(i.e. opening up a shop, offering distance Attunements, etc.)

11. In all honesty, what has this course done for you, if


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