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DfiClffic -5k;rggryfri:ails - RECORDED FUTURE, INC.

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Business Regi stry


Website Main Phone Toll-Free Phone

J. TvI IFFLI N PL www . recordedfutu re,corn 7 A3- 584 -75L7


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1-Agg9:-:--e--s- i
. Physical Address

Address Information
DUNS: 9627382L2
CAGE: 61P81
Toll-free phone: none
Main phone: 7O3-584-75LL

Security Information

http s : //w ww. ns aarc. co rl . n s a/ arclC omp anyD etai I s 81412010

Dfif,I{Fc -$ggrypqtails - RECORDED FUTURE, INC. Page 2 of 4

Top Secret (TS): No

Security POC:
Security Phone:
Venue Information

Venue Provider: No

Points of Contact
Contact Roles: A-ARCAcctManager B - Business T-Technical M - MarketSurvey

Titlc l{ame Phone Email Fax Role

Head of Federal Jason Hines 7 A3- 584- 75L1 ja so n@ recordedfutu re. com

Small Business: Yes Conrpany has a S€IF? i'.1,:

Minority 0wned Businessr I'lcr N$ANet access? hli:

Srnall Disadvantaged Susiness: ii* Facility Clearance? FI

Woman Owned Businessr l'i': HgA-Cleared Personnel? Itli:

Veteran Owned Business: No DOD-Cleared Personnel? Yes
Historlcally Black College or University: N* NSETS II Tier 1 A

Service Disabled Veteran Owned: i'Jo t{sETs rI ?ier Z N/A

Hispanic Servicing Institu tion : f..!c AXISS NiA
Tribal Colf ege {other than 1994}: IATS NiA
Alaskan Native Corpnration: N': CAGE Code: 61P8 1

l'ribally Owned Firrn: N'; Registered in CCR? Yes - last updated Yesterday
Hawaiian Native Organisation: tlCI DUNS Number: 962738212
l{ub Zone: iic Has Foreign Alliance? N,:
8A: N* nISA participant? i'to
PISA Granted? Nc


http s : l/www. ns aarc . colf nsa/arclC ornp anyDetails

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DOCI,$'p -$qutpgq$qtails - RECORDED FUTURE, INC. Page 3 of 4

No contract vehicles found.

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Software Publishers

Recorded Future is an has developed a breakthrough technology that allows intelligence analysts and knowledge workers to analyze and assess the past, present
and predicted future of almost any person, group, organization or company. This patented technology mines open source as well as proprietary data sources,
identifies events organized by time, and builds a rich temporal index of the past, present and future. Using this system, non-technical analysts can visually map
the future using time lines, dynamic charting tools, built-in alerting and more, Recorded Future offers intelligence analysts unprecedented speed in gauging future
events by ingesting millions of open media sources and providing easy to use web-based analysis tools. Recorded Future's algorithms go beyond link analysis, by
identifying underlying associations between entities and events across documents and sources. In addition to extracting event and entity references, Recorded
Future also analyzes the time and space dimension of unstructured text. With this information it is possible to determine when and where an eveht has taken
place, or even when and where it will take place -- since many sources actually refer to events expected to take place in the future. The time and space analysis
described above is the first way in which Recorded Future can make assessments about the future -- by aggregating weighted opinions about the likely timing of
future events using algorithmic crowd sourcing. The second way Recorded Future brings the future into focus is though the use of statistical models. These
advanced methods allow us to forecast future happenings based on historical records of chains of events of similar kinds. This combination of automatic event
extraction, entity extraction, and time extraction, implicit link analysis for novel ranking algorithms, and statistical prediction models forms the basis for Recorded
Future's next-generation analytic index. Our mission is not to just help our customers find sources which shed light on the events to come, but to enable them to
obtain evidence for future events around in the world. Recorded Future offers both hosted web-based solutions and a locally installed solution for use on private
networks. Our investors include Googte and In-Q-Tel. Current customers are major intelligence agencies, financial services firms and hedge funds.
i cePeg$:iq: i
Recorded Future is an has developed a breakthrough technology that allows intelligence analysts and knowledge workers to analyze and assess the past, present
and predicted future of almost any person, group, organization or company. This patented technology mines open source as well as proprietary data sources,
identifies events organized by time, and builds a rich temporal index of the past, present and future. Using this system, non-technical analysts can visually map
the future using time lines, dynamic charting tools, built-in alerting and more. Recorded Future offers intelligence analysts unprecedented speed in gauging future
events by ingesting millions of open media sources and providing easy to use web-based analysis tools. Recorded Future's algorithms go beyond link analysis, by
identifying underlying associations between entities and events across documents and sources. In addition to extracting event and entity references, Recorded
Future also analyzes the time and space dimension of unstructured text. With this information it is possible to determine when and where an event has taken
place, or even when and where it will take place -- since many sources actually refer to events expected to take place in the future. The time and space analysis
described above is the first way in which Recorded Future can make assessments about the future -- by aggregating weighted opinions about the likely timing of
future events using algorithmic crowd sourcing. The second way Recorded Future brings the future into focus is though the use of statistical models. These
advanced methods allow us to forecast future happenings based on historical records of chains of events of similar kinds. This combination of automatic event
extraction, entity extraction, and time extraction, implicit link analysis for novel ranking algorithms, and statistical prediction models forms the basis for Recorded
Future's next-generation analytic index. Our mission is not to just help our customers find sources which shed light on the events to come, but to enable them to
obtain evidence for future events around in the world. Recorded Future offers both hosted web-based solutions and a locally installed solution for use on private
networks. Our investors include Google and In-Q-Tel, Current customers are major intelligence agencies, financial services firms and hedge funds.

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http s :I I www. nsaarc. con. nsa/arclC o mp anyD etail s 8t412010

DSf,I+Fp -Sqngmr*'p4tails Page 4 of 4

End User Computing, Messaging Seryices, Subscription Service, News Service, Web Services, Web Portal Service


http s :I Iw ww. nsaarc. con. ns a/arclC omp anyD etail s 81412010

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