Flux 35 Branding Business

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Table of Contents

Mission statement
Keys to success
Executive summary
Venture history
Venture description
Venture organization
Venture market
Venture operations

mission statement
Flux35 is a leader in providing innovative interior design/ architectural services to our customers by creating a
successful partnership with them throughout the design process. We aim to ensure the longevity of our company
through customer satisfaction, by exceeding the expectations of our clients. Our mission is to continue offering the
highest level of professionalism, honesty, and integrity to our clientele.

keys to success
•Provided the highest quality of interior design/architecture consulting experience possible.
•Retain clientele to generate repeat services and initial referrals.
•Utilizing a diverse staff of architects and interior designers in order to provide a wide variety of design styles.
•Maintaining an array of local and international connections.

The objectives for the first three years of operation include:

•Develop an architecture/interior design agency that will grow to profitability within year two.
•Create a company whose primary goal is to exceed customer’s expectations.
•Create a firm that provides the target customers with valuable services and provides the owner with a
flexible, creative, fun, and profitable business opportunity.
•Creating new niche in market by Year 4 of three dimensional construction documents and interactive digital
presentation to clients.

executive summary
Flux 35 is a PA venture between that specializes in architecture/ interior design services for commercial and corporate
office, hospitality, government, residential, and retail projects based out of Greensboro, NC. The firm focuses its
efforts on client satisfaction, while serving as an instrument for economic growth. Through the use of technologically
advanced processes, Flux 35 provides increased value for clients and enhanced design. The clientele we are seeking
are segmented into the following categories: contractors, developers, government, and homeowners. After 10 years of
successful practice, the firm is in a mature, yet ever evolving state of development. Flux 35’s uniqueness stems from
its innovation and design prowess. The firm’s current proprietary rights are our intellectual property, relative to our
designs previously created, as well as currently evolving projects.

venture history
Flux 35 was formed in 2001 as a result of the collaborative efforts of fellow UNCG Alumni. After winning numerous
design excellences awards in school, Flux 35 emerged from a collective of pre-existing friendship of talented designers.
Following the completion of multiple successful interior design projects together in school, Flux’s partners Dasso,
Willis, and Linn decided to form a firm. What followed was innovative projects that caught the eye of the public
worldwide. Marketing promotion has been driven by word of mouth promotion, as well as the reputation earned via
positive press.

venture description
Flux 35 is in the business of designing buildings, interiors, and everything that falls under the category of built
environment. After 10 years of successful practice, the firm is in a mature, yet ever evolving state of development.
Flux 35’s uniqueness stems from its innovation and design prowess. The firm’s current proprietary rights are our
intellectual property, relative to our designs previously created, as well as currently evolving projects.

venture organisation
Flux Thirty-five is an Architecture and Interior Architectural Design Firm established as a PA, (professional
association). Principal designers are: Brittany Dasso, Tiffany Garber, Kurt Huizenga, Jeff Linn, and Kristen Willis.

Principal’s biographies and credentials are as follows:

Brittany Dasso graduated from UNCG with a degree in Interior Architecture in 2012. She is a partner in the firm
FLUX 35. When working on the project for Stockholm, Sweden she primarily focused on model making and form
making. She worked in furniture and product design, and also focused on residential interior design. She has a focus
on sustainability and biomimicry.

Tiffany Garber has 10+ years of professional experience in the design field. Starting as a college graduate from the
University of North Carolina at Greensboro in Interior Architecture. From there she went straight into Haute
Design located in Charleston, SC. Over the course of her next 3 years there she had much experience working with
not only residential interior design, but commercial including small local banks, health care and retail design. She
also specialized in hospitality design during her time there. After leaving Haute Design she transferred to Archer
and Buchanan Architecture Firm where she worked for the next 5 years on many Historical preservation projects for
private residences as well as commercial work on higher education projects and continued her specialty in hospitality
design. During her time at Archer and Buchanan she received her NCIDQ as well as LEED accreditation. She has
now been at Flux 35 for the past 2 years and has continued to show exceptional work for our team in not only her
specialty of hospitality design, but all over the spectrum as well.

Kurt Huizenga specializes in GSA projects and has been a practicing architect for the past ten years. He has been a
member of the Flux 35 team heading up the GSA division for the past two and continues to build the foundation of
Flux 35’s GSA program.

Previously working for the Bjarke Ingels Group, he was a principal member of their team developing experimental
architectural solutions for environmental design. This experience allows him to bring a new, innovative approach to
GSA services and is reshaping the direction of Flux 35’s sustainability programs.

Kurt graduated from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro in 2011 with an undergraduate degree in interior
architecture, and has continued his education at The Catholic University of America earning masters degrees in
architecture and urban planning in 2016.

With 15 years of practice, Principal Jeff Linn brings award winning ideas to Flux 35. Inspired by the natural world and
how humans relate to it, Linn has an eye for innovation. Blurring the boundaries between interior and exterior, and
daring to question the status quo, Linn’s work for Flux 35 is driven by his ability to build on precedents set by the
past in order to design for the future. Linn has dedicated his work with the Flux 35 design team to creating iconic
monuments of architecture that stand the test of time.

Kristen Willis received her Bachelor’s Degree in Interior Design from UNCG where she graduated Magna Cum
Laude. As an undergrad, she served on the Interior Architecture Professional Advisory Board [1999-2003] She then
went on to receive her Master’s in Architecture at NC State University. Upon graduation, she was offered a job at
HMC Architects in Los Angeles, CA where she worked for 5 years. In her last two year’s at the firm she served as
a project manager of the interiors studios. In 2007 she was awarded Designer of the Year when she entered into
and won the Mecklenburg Pro-Design Competition amongst 500 other talented designers. In 2008, she received

business 5
the National Interior Design Award for “exceptional and exemplary work in interior design.” She is currently a
practicing interior designer at architectural/interior design firm FLUX35 in

Greensboro, NC where she is one of 4 principals. She has adapted to many aspects of design as her range of
expertise varies from interiors to landscapes. She is a member of AIA, ASID, IIDA, and is LEED Accredited.

-Key support groups for the Flux 35 design team include the following Junior Designers: Charese Allen, Young
Moon, Katie O’Boyle, Tristan Olarti, and Brittany Styles.

-Marketing and branding services for Flux 35 are handled exclusively by global firm, EYE ARC 451. Account
managers and creative directors for Eye Arc 451 include: Michelle Bodon, Brianna Cerame, Hannah Daugherty,
Kevin Lahti, Alyssa Thrower, and Missy Wicker.

venture market
Market competition analysis - see attached US MARKET RESEARCH document.

Major competitors include but are not limited to: Tertia Design Studios, Trace Ink, Helix Design, as well as a
variety of other firms from Austria, Denmark and the United Kingdom. Some of these firm’s strengths come from
their background in interiors as well as their global perspective of design. Flux 35 distinguishes itself from the
competition via its innovative approaches to merging interior and exterior environments.

venture operations
Flux 35 operates on an annual budget of $500,000. Ten percent of annual gross profits are dedicated to
reinvestment in bidding on new projects, marketing and promotional opportunities, as well as market research and

Within the next three years, we expect to reach $102,000 on the first year and increase to $500,000 by the third
year of operation. We will be profitable within three years of starting.
The most significant challenges ahead include securing a suitable location, establishing the initial client base, and
ultimately positioning the firm to be able to have a presence in a larger, global market.
This business plan outlines the objective, focus, and implementation of this start-up firm.

venture financing
Flux 35’s startup costs were initially financed by each of the firm’s founding principals in 2001 when the firm was
created. The five founding partners each brought an equal investment of $100,000 to finance the company’s first
three years of operation. Since the start-up costs have been recovered, Flux 35 operates on a 6 equal shareholder
model for any annual net profits. Each partner receives a full share, while the remaining sixth share is divided
among the firm’s junior designers on a seniority basis.

Architectural Services Industry Analysis - see attached INDUSTRY FINANCIAL DOCUMENT.

business 7
Branding Guidelines

corporate signature
The flux 35 corporate brand
is simple and easy to read.
Consistency of the signature is
paramount to keeping flux 35 a
recognisable name. The number
35 features overlapping characters
to represent the companies fluid


colour palettes
The colour palette represents
core identifiability of the

In print, or online materials,

colour codes should be used
in order to ensure precision of
colour consistency.
Orange Grey Black

tint: 100% - 75% tint: 100% - 60% tint: 100%

cmyk: 0,35,87,0 cmyk: 19,15,16,0 cmyk: 0,0,0,100
rgb: 251,176,60 rgb: 205,204,204 rgb: 35,31,32
hex:FBB03C hex:CDCCCC hex:231F20

For all documents of
correspondence branding is to
be used in the fullest. With
alternatives for black and white,
personal stationary, and any other
aspects in which colour is not
1. standard header
availiable or cost effective.

2. personal stationary

3. black and white header

On the footers of any page the
standard footer should be used, if
there are multiple pages, a page
number should be issued to the
designated area. 1. standard header

branding page number

2. personal stationary

3. black and white header

branding 11
for titles and
headers helvetica
helvetica neue ultralight
neue has been
selected due to its
ease to read. In
all cases kerning abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
should be set to
+5 to improve 0123456789!@£$%#^&*()
legibility at smaller
headline option 1
Helvetica neue
ultralight has also
been selected for in
all lesser case
this sample of headline text
helvetica neue ultralight
text annotations. 18
In these cases
the graphic style headline option 2
should still be
followed. normal title case
This Sample of Headline Text
helvetica neue ultralight

option 1
this is a sample of annotation/subtext
lower case

helvetica neue ultralight10

option 2
this is a sample of annotation/subtext
lower case

helvetica neue ultralight 8

For body type
hoefler text has
hoefler text
been selected for
its, serifed font
contrast of shape
style to helvetica VWXYZ
It has been
reserved for body
text of phamphlets
or letters, or
other text based Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer quis erat
applications. turpis. Proin et fringilla tellus. Sed scelerisque sodales nulla quis iaculis.
Vivamus turpis orci, congue vitae adipiscing in, bibendum sodales nisi.
Maecenas neque diam, aliquam id eleifend sed, tincidunt facilisis nibh.
body text option 1 Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada
fames ac turpis egestas. In varius sagittis augue, ut mollis nisl consectetur
normal case
nec. Proin consectetur est sed nisl dictum placerat. Proin convallis rutrum
hoefler text 10 dignissim. Maecenas rhoncus ornare lectus ac iaculis. Morbi luctus nulla
id est aliquam sodales. Aenean sed aliquam eros. Aliquam auctor sagittis
sapien, in faucibus turpis molestie sed. Etiam tristique facilisis turpis id
vestibulum. Curabitur eu dui in nisl ullamcorper placerat. Nam semper
risus justo, vel dignissim elit. Duis eu ante et leo volutpat consectetur nec
non dui. Phasellus fringilla pulvinar congue.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer quis erat turpis. Proin et
fringilla tellus. Sed scelerisque sodales nulla quis iaculis. Vivamus turpis orci, congue vitae ad-
body text option 2 ipiscing in, bibendum sodales nisi. Maecenas neque diam, aliquam id eleifend sed, tincidunt
facilisis nibh. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac
normal case turpis egestas. In varius sagittis augue, ut mollis nisl consectetur nec. Proin consectetur est
sed nisl dictum placerat. Proin convallis rutrum dignissim. Maecenas rhoncus ornare lectus
hoefler text 8 ac iaculis. Morbi luctus nulla id est aliquam sodales. Aenean sed aliquam eros. Aliquam auctor
sagittis sapien, in faucibus turpis molestie sed. Etiam tristique facilisis turpis id vestibulum.
Curabitur eu dui in nisl ullamcorper placerat. Nam semper risus justo, vel dignissim elit. Duis
eu ante et leo volutpat consectetur nec non dui. Phasellus fringilla pulvinar congue.

branding 13
business cards
Business cards
issued to associates
of flux 35 will
follow a consistent
outline as
illustrated. front side

flux branding

john smith | principle name/title


portrait DEEL ,ABIR ,AIA

anilorac htron | orobsneerg


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