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Council shakes up administration at reorganization meeting - NorthJersey.com

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Story tools Council shakes up administration at

Comments: 7
reorganization meeting
E-mail this story Wednesday, January 5, 2011
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ENGLEWOOD CLIFFS - The Republican-controlled council voted against

reappointing some current borough employees at the reorganization meeting on
Jan. 2. The borough administrator was among the officials who failed to win
Share reappointment.
Like Be the
first of Council President Robert
Agresta, a Republican, said in
to like an e-mail message that the
moves were made to "save the
vote taxpayers money." He added,
now "The taxpayers deserve an
administration capable of
efficiently working in their
interests to reduce the

The council's 4-2 Republican

majority chose not to
STAFF PHOTO BY JOE CAMPOREALE reappoint Borough Attorney
Buy this photo Fred Semrau; the labor
attorney, Fred Knapp; and
Englewood Cliffs council members at the
Borough Administrator
reorganization meeting on Jan. 2 opted
/Clerk Ilene Cohen.
not to reappoint several key officials,
including the borough administrator. "I'm still in shock," Mayor
Joseph C. Parisi Jr., a
Democrat, said a day after the
reorganization meeting. "I am aghast of the treatment of the borough employees;
it's inhumane."

Parisi said he has been trying to get information from the Republicans about these
appointments the last three weeks. He said there was no indication that changes
were going to be made. "Everything came as a surprise to me." Parisi said, adding
that he has yet to receive the names of any people who might fill the vacant
positions. The appointments that were not approved by the council will be carried
over for 30 days.

E-mail: or call 201-894-6700

Click here for more news from: Englewood Cliffs

Reader Comments (7)

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1. Saturday January 8, 2011, 3:22 PM - ECFD says:

It's really sad that those terrible Republicans don't understand. They should leave
everything as is because the Democrats know best because they are experienced.
They really know how to work the system and many municipal positions have been
filled by people they chose. So you know they are good people. In addition, the
Democrats are open minded about new ideas and accept contrary points of view,

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Council shakes up administration at reorganization meeting - NorthJersey.com

even from people inferior to them. Plus they are very classy people (see previous
comments)and only they can tell when someone has the best interests of the
residents. That's why the comments about Carol, boys, etc are not really as infantile
as they sound. It's only infantile when you are wrong, and they know better because
they are experienced good guys. I am lucky to have the Democrats looking out for
my interests. I support their position to increase taxes because the residents
demand the best and most expensive municipal services. After all, we are
Englewood Cliffs and we are (soon) Democrats.

2. Thursday January 6, 2011, 9:35 AM - bushes says:

Ah ha! Now we get to the bottom of the EC GOP despicable shenanigans at the
reorganization meeting. ITS ABOUT THE SPOILS! They are soiled with spoils
(another word for payola). In a civilized world, victory at the voting booth does not
entitle you to loot the town but the republicans choose to dump all qualified
employees and replace them with.....SPOILS. To all residents: watch what happens
to your taxes after the "boys-agresta, petrone and deli man) get finished putting in
their buddies. we will all pay twice for the same services that the present employees
are admirably performing.

3. Wednesday January 5, 2011, 9:17 PM - freetobeme says:

Nepotism-definition: undue favoritism in awarding public appointments to one's
relations....Last I heard, none of the people that are loosing their jobs are related to
any of the Democrat's. If this is for the good of the town, can't wait to see what the
Republican majority has in store for EC next. Good luck!! I will have to guess that
the spoils will be going to the Republicans..right? the winners. At least that is what
they call now. But wait we will be paying more taxes for the
new attorney's and for a BETTER administration. WHAT A JOKE!!!!

4. Wednesday January 5, 2011, 3:59 PM - tcsh says:

Hey Freedom, the only problem with you argument is that the Republicans were the
ones that appointed these people to begin with last year when they took over. This
was done for purely political purposes because Carol and the boys weren't getting
what they wanted to hear from their appointees. So their solution fire them all, and
put even bigger cronies in. Look at their planning board and Board of Health
appointments, all of them flunkies for the majority. (Consalvo, Bancroft, O'Shea,
Halas, etc.) Oh and please show some evidence of the nepotism that exists currently
in EC. It's a nice red herring to throw around, but I suspect when you actually look,
you will find little if any of that happening.

5. Wednesday January 5, 2011, 3:04 PM - FreedomforNJ says:

I see is that the Republicans have done what had to be done and that is to get rid of
the nepotism in the town. These borough employees are not working for the town,
they work for the old administration and keeping them in power, never looking after
the town’s best interest. The republicans must put in place a new system of hiring
for borough employees. A system similar to that used in NYC and other towns where
people take a test and are added to a list, and as positions open up the next one in
the list gets called without skipping or preferential treatment. This will stop the
nepotism in the towns for both parties. The system must be put to vote by the
people of the town via referendum. This will keep the council members or any future
administration subject to it and a majority not overturning it. Only way to overturn
would be by the people of the town. To the republicans, please make sure that you
put good qualified people in these opened positions. No more friend and families like
the democrats have done for many years. The mayor still thinks that this is his
personal playground and that needs to end. Independent Voter of Englewood Cliffs
for better Government.

6. Wednesday January 5, 2011, 1:50 PM - tcsh says:

It's all a game to the majority. How can Carol and they boys say that this is going to
save money when it is going to result in a lawsuit and going to add costs of bringing
new people on. This screams of political toadyism by people who have no interest
the functionality of local government. Just hope the town can survive until these
people are voted out in November.

7. Wednesday January 5, 2011, 1:02 PM - Vincognito says:

Parisi you reigned long enough, to the winner goes the spoils

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