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12.44PM From: PeterJames Ryan OPM (44 1224 459056)- To: +61297446929

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Fax Message
To: From: Peter James Ryan QPM

Fax: +61 2 97446929 Pages: L of 2 (includlngthis page)

Date: 4 /O4 /2 A L 1 1 2 :4 4 PM

I have been informedof the way former DCI IOHN X BERLINwas treated in the

LocafMagistratesCourt at Grafton on TuesdayMarch 29,2A1L.

I am astoundedhavingsuppliedformer Magistrateand now Barrister,Mr.DavidImlah, in

Lisrnorewith John'sOfficialAustralianPoliceRecordof Service.

This is an OfficialRecordof JOHNXAVIERBERLIN'sPoliceService,maintainedby

the PoliceRecordsSectionat ParramattaNSW PoliceH.Q.

DiscreetenquiriesI have made, suggestthat the Magistrate,H/Hon. David Heilpern,

has really been got at and rattled by the PoliceCornmanderfrorn Coffs Harbour.

Six years as Commissioner in NSWhave given me many hundredsof high profilecontacts

and I will do all in my powerto ensurethat these spuriouschargesagainst
my friend and trusted POLICEwork colleague,IOHN X BERLIN,do not proceed.

I was assuredin writing that the new LNPState Government,would call a Royal
Commissioninto Pollce,Prlsonsand Politlcalinvolvementin NSW Land Development
in the last 15 years.Morefool me, for still believingNSW Foliticans.

If I can assistyou in any way further to obtainjustice for this man who took 21
evil, crooked,NSW CIB PoliceOfficers,off the streets during the Wood RoyalCommission,
(albeitwith officialdifferentI.D.'s supplied),and was very nearly
shot dead in December1996, then pleasedo not hesitateto contact me by fax
or ernail: 44 1224 459056 -

Peterlames Ryan QPM8A Msc

12.44PM From: PeterJames Ryan QPM (44 1224 459056)- To: +61297446929

The Strand


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