3rd Stewart

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Simton of the Seeing Eyes NEWS

n K TT «» *•»»*»
Colllormo 3.A
(By A»v David Farquhoreon)
A child was to the Tempi*
Family is Left *•**
Sunday, Dec. 17, 1953

Without Home
Nuys, had livd '.i ibt> trailer
In deepest poverty cam|> at 7710 Balboa rflvd.
Whose light lot Jew and Gen- Hf> came Uf) from Texas and
tile shone Florida, and purchased his horn*
And all the worlds that be,
So poor they cannot give a
Two pigeons they do bring;
for Christmas
, _„ ,, ..
un wheels in San Antonio.
S<*fff>ns saifl hf had a i ranged
with the company to get credit
, Uur four months' payments on the
A 27-year-old trailer park] lrajler( Dialing sm because «
No priest was there to wel- resident, his wife and two water closet broke, flooding th*
come them children spent Christmas JEve'trailer and causing $400 damage.
Or bless their offering. without a home. I But he explains he couldn't tell
But Simeon of the Seeing Eyes Paul Sefi'ens, his wife Bev- it to two private detectives who
Saw God's own Lamb in Him erly, 27, and Steven, 8, and gave as their company the Cali-
fornia Auto Contract Adjuster!
He who would make all na- Launi, 3, stood by while two of Los Angeles, and described as
tions see private detectives put Sef- waving a telegram from a San
When moon and stars grow fens' furniture on a sidewalk Antonio finance company.
OLD WEST range robbery re-appear* In South Antelope dim. and took back the trailer, They also refused to lake S250
Valley M Hereford cow ii destroyed, and rib section and fere and "There's nothing I can do about he offered them in payment for
hind quarter* on rifht side removed, leaving rent of carcass to Lamb-Lamp to shine when all said SeWens miserably, ex- the money the company says h«
spoil. £11 Mum, of Muni Bros. Company, Is shown with dead
lights die plaining that the men came un-
When brightest suns grow dim expectedly for the trailer Thurs- The Yule spirit was second to
animal, one «f hi* herd. Following night, two saddles were taken In our deep darkness hear our
}from ranch barn. Mr. and Mrs. Muni also k«ep residence in day at 2 a.m. d u t y so far as the detectr-es were
cry Claims Misunderstanding concerned.
Sherman Oak*. And Simeon'* rapture bring. He said it was all due to a mis- "It's our job." they explained,
understanding regarding monthly wniie the Seffens family took a
(Christmas, 1953)
Rustler's Gain Is Rancher's (Editor's Not*—thit 1» th* last poem
written by <h» tat* Rev. Farquharson,
Perform Duty
last look at their Chrlstm?; Trs*
surrounded by Christmas cards
SeWens, a steam fitter at the and gifts, and their windowt,
Loss; Hereford 'Butchered'
Eli M u n z. prominent pioneer mas," somewhat e a r l y anci in
completed Just a few day* bclor* Ills
Schlitz Brewery Plant in Van highlighting Christmas cards,

South Antelope Valley rancher, d u b i o u s fashion, and certainly

And who maintains a residence Jn didn't observe the Golden Rule or Funeral Scheduled CIVIC LEADERS hear Sertoma Club officials explain program of new Youth
Employment Service being instituted in Van Nuys as club project. Seated from left
Slierman Oaks, is wondering to- help the rancher in so doing.
day whether same "rustler" didn't Have Extensive Holding
forget that Christmas \ias just 1 Munz and his brother Eric S
are Mrs, Rene Gullatt, youth counselor; Nat Recht, club president, and Van McWhir-
(or Local Builder
ter, president of Van Nuys Chamber of Commerce. Standing are A, H. Meaeham, DENTAL NO
around the corner. iMunz comprise Mimz Bros. Com-
Munz renori-; that on the nightj ) ) a n y ( owners and operators of
president of Van Nuys Business Men's Association, left; A. B. Stridborg, employ-
Who Dies at Home
ment coordinator heading Van Nuys School Works office, and Elden H. Stephens, club PLATES
of Dec. 13. some throwback toJ M u n z Rant.h, "producing s i n c e
the OH West shot one of his pure< 1898." with extensive holdings, Funeral services for Otto Fin-
bred Hereford cows in the neck, they produce wheat, barley, hay, ney, 62, o£ 14560 Magnolia Blvd.,
vice president and chairman of sponsorships. Tt» N-W, photo
destroying the animal, then pro- pears and apples, in addition to who has been in the construction
ceeded to r.oto himself to right feeding cattle. b u s i n e s s here since 1937. are
Youth Employment Service Robert B. Stewart TERMS _ ___

rib section ft -id the right fore and Munz Lakes Resort, likewise pending at Praiswater Funeral DR. ROSSEN
d quarters, leaving the rest of operated by the family, is a popu- Home, Is Sertoma Club's Project Receives Promotion
carcass to spoil.
Also Disappear
lar spot for Valley and other Hev. Porter BanrinKton, pastor Van Nuys Sertoma Club today Nuys businessmen and industrial to Army Corpora!
pleasure-seekers, and for organi- ot First Baptist Church, will offi- s proceeding actively and enthu- plants. Robert B. Stewart, son of Mr.
The incident occurred in a 1900- zational outdoor m « » t 1 n g s and ciate. Rev, J. G. Carmichael will siastically on its new project — The YES office, under direc-
acre pasture of Munz Ranch in picnics. and Mrs. Ivan P. Stewart, 7056
be soloist. Interment will be in the Youth Employment Service. tion of Stephens and staffed by Shoshone Ave., Van Nuys, was re-
South Antelope Valley, and the Mr, and Mrs. Eli Munz make Glen Haven Memorial Park. This Youth Service Is coordtnat- Mrs. Rene Gullatt, youth counsel- cently promoted to corporal while
dead cow wa* discovered by & their Valley home at 14619 ing with and extending the em or-t is bejng readied and formal serving with the Army's 3rd
West Antfbpe Valley merchant ens St., Sherman Oaks, and are Mr, T i n n * y died yesterday
ployment service of Van Nuys|open js scheduled soon.
es he was Driving down an adja- acti«s in civic, church, and Re- morning at his home from a heart School Works office, headed by| Transportation Railway Service STATE 5-6536
attack following an Illness ofj The YES program is a sponsor- in Korea.
cent road. publican circles. A. B Stridborg, employment co- shlp tthich Sertoma International
Munz rej 7rts that on the fol- approximately a year. More than 90% of the supplies
lowing ever ing, Dec, 14, two sad- He came to California in 1923 ordinator. | recommend- to the individual and ammunition used by UN corn-
and moved to the Valley in 1937 The club works closely with the t clubs ^ a civ]c pro]-ecti ^ "jt js bat forces was hauled by the 3rd
dles were t '.ken out of his barn—
his own pe-sonal saddle included He was a member of Van Nuys TMRS over the Korean National
in this "habL" The second saddle Masonic Lodge 450 and of First in jobs and positions with Van c i v i c responsibility," as ^Railroad. In the truce period, the
was found thrown over a fence Baptist Church of Van Nuys. explained by Vice President Elden unit continues to act as a life-
« half mile from the Munz ranch Mr, Finney is survived by his H. Stephens, who is chairman of line for UN security forces ano
house. His own saddle— his far widow, Etta Mae; a daughter, PROTESTS DENIED dub sponsorships. Korean civilians on the war- A9O1^./ 'ASKING AND
crite for riding—* M d e n 1 1 y is Mrs. Johnny Floyd of Van Nuys: Protests against proposed im- Stephens outlined the program scarred ffeninsula. * > * * : ' , /TRANSPORTATION
"gone for good," and two grandsons, John J. and provement of Otsego St. between,before the Van Nuys Chamber ot Corporal Stewart entered the
Now, Mu&z figures that some- Ronald Floyd. Genesta Ave, and Amestoy Ave.' Commerce b o a r d of directors, Army in August 1952 and holds [
one provided their own "Christ- have been denied by the City where it w as r e c e i v e d with the UN and Korean service rib-|
Council. acclaim. i bons. i
Southland Boasts
Irene Curtis More Phones than
Is Columnist Africa, Australia
The Southland had more tele-
Jn Sepufveda phones at the beginning o£ the
year than the continents of Africa
Sepulvedans, f o o d and
true—and all who live in the
Sepulveda district:
Step right up and meet the
and Australia combined, accord-
ing to the latest issue of "Tele-
phone Statistics of the World,'
published annually by the Ameri-
No Crowds! No Weary
new "Aliss Sepulveda" of The

M'ss Irene Curtis, daughter ol Mr.; 1

ON "BEAT"— I r e n e can Telephone and Telegraph Co
Data in the book, which took
nearly a year to compile, shows
that Africa and Australia had a
Waiting! See The Rose
Parade While You Relax
totai of 2,427.000 telephones at
Mrs. Wallace I. Curtis! to receive new? articles and photo the beginning of the year. At that
Versatile, well known, and with requests. time Pacific Telephone and other
distinct liking for newspaper Mrs. Ralph Boyd (Georgene companies in Southern California
work. Miss Curtis
^j i i J . _is
. ' J _finishing
t - _ ^ . X T J herjWukojevich). whose "In -r-^,-,-
Seoul- served 2,471,000,

In Your Living Room!

.»_^ T:
:urnalism studies in- *Van Nuys .. ..
K veda" has been so well received
igh School at present, and her by readers, was columnist prior to
current "In Sepulveda" columns Miss Curtis's taking over the as-
The world total had climbed to
84.000,000, double the number in
1940. Sixty per cent, all privately ^*^
bespeak a continuation of the in- signment at the present time. owned, are in the United States.
te-esting^writings a la Sepulveda Mrs. Boyd is moving to Oakland Australia's and all but 20.000 of
bv her predecessors. jto be with her husband during Africa's telephones are govern-
Her mother, Rita Curtis, con- balance of his Navy tour of duty. ment owned.
di.cls highly succe^ful swimming
srhools in thp Valley, and 'n sum- 6609 Von Nuys Blvd.—Van Nuys
mertime Irene—an e\pert natator
fn her own richt—keeps tan and Phone STate 5-4235
til as an instructor.
Ha\mg "met" Mi^s Curlis. the Shop Won. & Fri., 9:30 a.m. 'til 9 p.m.
publishers feel all Sepulvedans
will be happy to continue the co- Other Days 9:30 a.m. 'til 5:30 p.m.
oreratton and good will so much General EJ««f rie
enjoyed and appreciated by writ-
rr= who have covered news tn
the area.
Miss Curtis may- be contacted at
R220 Sepulveda Blvd.. telephone
5-1617, and will be happy
Black Daylight
iov. Knight Says
No More New DRAPES
California Taxes
"W> shall not have any more
ti«"«* taxes in Calnornin if I rail
hHp it " Thai w a * Governor
Hnodwin J- Knichi ^peaking and j
hi1: w*v(H wf musir in ih»» ears
of 1h» mn«;t fax-nddi-n folk in all
Calling al<--:i(inn \n
lhal h.v
in Sacrnni^iito — lh<*
"rainy fln\" fund*: trrta
flj.pniMmaiHy ]V? miUum
- ihf f:n\ Tnor t^i'd
' I will n»J a i K 11i<- pcn|.l" a*
California for an aridilinnal nirk-cl

« i» J'inc »* siiTjtJn' Tiifini'-s n»si

i r.ur iflull 1 d'inl Ihink oar
r- IWT; .thi ulrl V^1 la\-"(3. a n d
lavn to iTial vi<' ffin
Doy or Evening Appointment

n ' rir-v unti if am bi'tiy

CALL NOW I 5154)6221
in tun t1 in 1)if }>sriV. il •
J-', IhTI* ViV Ibn.f v Tin r For Your Free Estimate St* bacl ««d rplfli! Tu** 'i on yciur new GE Uttravij.ion Tekvttion ai ^i* lot*
NO OBLIGATION, OF COURSE! P*r«d* 9«t» under «»>) ULTRAVIS1ON a ttie yc#i Home Gift—»nd i+>n ye«r
fp' .Ji'n Ifir TTJfrtP 1 1 1 lj] I. . .Hi' ""III y»u and every me-mbfr o-f your l^mlly c*n enjoy a &-«nd Stand i*«1, right in
1 < l J.fly f U T J / T l l f > ] « 1 3 l ' *l- 111 1
<-. ? r> «i^"\ *-ti*jj]i?^ 1i7T>Tr<' me Tt D^ YOUR HOME SHOP MOOtl NO. 31 MIT your own living room) Such *h»rp deta-l 1 Such bril''aM bJacks a«d wtiitei! Or»ry
14524 VANOWEN ST. ST 5-0632 G£ Stack DayligH) tJV(taviiio-i T/ can give you -thit ciei 4 mg d?tait! Get i*t to
tJTIt'iUnfl fl^ i?lT-(-tr-iil1 f m f l j i r me Ir.r
3 ttoort \\*-tl «r Var No?-* Blid. vJe* fH« Big Parade ... in th» eomfort of your own Home . . . . wrtti TV"j
STORK tIOt~RS: Daily »:«» t«i C:M—Pridnv 9 to * m*rvef! Yowl) My yc* wet »«lched tn* Roi« Parade
j r p l f JTT 1!Jl'-
''n't if 1 1 1 w ir,1 1^ <.ft\f frit M
ON COMVrWIFWT MOtfTHtT TfRMS MOTHIWG DOWN 10 contforiaWv , . , of enjoyed rt *o much . . . tefor*.'
f* i",-flav ' ul w "'nil* lf> Mit ULTRAVtStON PRICES START AT
rr r cl > nif ii '" ' ' •• n 1 TIV 12123 Hoxnttn St—Hexl to Seam, North Hollywood (M opprcrc^J credit). UP TO 24 MONTHS TO FXT
»li " Jtl' I * ' J' -' 11" ';f I"; ]|. Other GE Television Frier* S*ort Af
We Give and Redeem "S&H" Green Stomps fwr
V..I '• 1 i 'i i J ' I ' -i i
™ ci' JV " dsTC• rt I' i • " j i ' i i ' OF
•» 111 1 ' if Ml*' « If ,' ^ i >!
V, > . },a> i . . n • (,'i"l t r f ." Curtains in the Southland OI»K> MO.\II.\ I IIIHAV VK.IITS'lil
CVy C(. Ji.nl, t


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