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Nihad Awad

Sent: Monday, November 20,200610:23 AM
To: Nihad Awad
Subject: Greetings from Ambassador Abdul Wahab

My dear Dr Nihad Awad and Ms Hadia Mubarak I am sure the banquet on 18 November was a
great success. While I was planning to come for this important event, I got bogged down
here because of the Palestine issue which was taken up by the General Assembly's Special
Session in New York and the OIC's Extraordinary Ministerial Meeting in Jeddah. I hope to
be able to attend such events in the future.

I am also sending this message with regard to the Symposium with Georgetown University.
This morning, the Adviser to OIC Secretary General (Mr Ufuk Gokcen) called me to say that
the Secretary General wanted me to immediately get in touch with you and to request if the
process could kindly be expedited. I understand from Mr Ufuk Gokcen that he had explained
to you that the OIC would have no problem in transferring the required funds to the
Georgetown University after the SG receives the letter on this subject from Prof Esposito.
I believe Mr Ufuk Gokcen had also informed you that the OICSG has some ideas about the
topic and list of invitees etc which he would propose after the basic issue of the budget
is worked out.

In case my visit for further discussions with you and the Georgetown University can be
helpful in expediting the process, I would be happy to come to Washington DC on any day
that you recommend.

With best wishes and regards

Sincerely your
Ambassador Abdul Wahab

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