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OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAI STATE OF ILLINOIS Lisa Madigan AVTORNEY GENERAL March 8, 2011 VIA CERTIFIED MAIL Steven E. Roach Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Springfield-in-Illinois, 1625 W. Washington Springfield, IL 62702 Re: Foster Care and Adoption Practices Dear Mr. Roach’ ‘The Civil rights Bureau of the Office for the Attorney General for the State of Illinois, Lisa Madigan, is charged with the responsibility of investigating all violations of laws relating to civil rights and undertaking the necessary enforcement measures when such violations are established. This office received notice that Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Springfield-in-Illinois (the tion”) discriminates against Illinois citizens based on race, marital status and sexual ‘on in its provision of adoption and foster care services. Specifically, we understand that the Organization has requirements for potential foster or adoptive parents that are not required by Niinois law ~ for example, requirements about religious beliefs ~ or refuses to provide services to potential foster or adoptive parents in violation of Ilinois law ~ for example, refuses to provide services based on the marital status or sexual orientation of a potential foster or adoptive parent. Please be advised that the Illinois Human Rights Act (“IHRA™) makes it a civil rights violation for any person to “deny or refuse to another the full and equal enjoyment of the facilities, goods, and services of any public place of accommodation” on the basis of unlawful discrimination 775 ILCS 5/5-102(A). Unlawful discrimination includes discrimination on the basis of “race, color, religion, sex, national origin, ancestry, age, order of protection status, marital sta of mental disability, military status, sexual orien or unfavorable discharge from military service in connection the availability of public accommodations.” 775 ILCS 5/1-102(A) physic: phy mation and documentation for the Organization the present, unless otherwise specified: Please provide our office with the following in| from January 1, 2006 th Child h the (inois Deparin ren and Family Services (*DCFS acts Roach Letter March 8, 2011 Page 2 of 2 u Please submit the information and documents responsive to our request by Friday, March 2011. If you have any questions or would like to discuss this matter, pleas All policies, procedures and manuals relating to services provided pursuant to contracts with DCFS. All policies and requirements for: (a) foster parents; and (b) adoptive parents. All services provided by the Organization and the location(s) where each service is provided. ‘The Organization's financial statements, including, but not limited to: (a) IRS Form 990; (b) Illinois Charitable Organization Annual Reports filed with the Illinois Office of the Attorney General; (c) Annual Reports; and (d) all other financial statements regardless of whether or not they are audited. The Organization's by-laws or articles of incorporation. The Organization's mission statement or other documents regarding the purpose of the Organization. ‘All documents regarding the relationship of the Organization to the [Catholic Church or other religious body] All employee handbooks. ‘All documents concerning complaints of discrimination against the Organization that were filed with the [llinois Department of Human Rights or in any state or federal court, including but not limited to complaints alleging discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, marital status or sexual orientation, Stave whether any court, commission or department, including but not limited to those listed in Request Number 10, has found that the Organization was or was not liable for discrimination and, if so, produce a copy of the judicial or administrative order or decision. contact me. ly A. Hayes Assistant Attorney General, Civil Rigl Office of the linois Anomey General 100 West Randolph Street, 11th Floor go, IL 2) 814-8109 ts Bureau ors oral a B97) 505 4658 GRAHAM & GRAHAM, LTD. ene April 25, 2011 SI iT BY. JAIL AND FAX - (312) 81 Ms, Polly A. Hayes Assistant Attomey General, Civil Rights Bureau Office of the Illinois Attorney General 100 West Randolph Street, 11"* Floor Chicago, Illinois 60601 Re: Request for Documents from Catholic Charities re: Foster Care and Adoption Programs Dear Ms. Hayes: Please be advised that this office represents Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Springfield-in-Ulinois. Your correspondence of March 8, 2011 addressed to Steven E. Roach of Springfield Catholie Charities has been forwarded to me for response. T understand that you have granted an extension of time in which to respond to your request until up through April 27, 2011 It is my understanding that Bob Gilligan of the [Minois Catholic Conference may have already attempted to contact you or will be in the process of contacting you to request a meeting of all of the Illinois attorneys of Catholic Dioceses who also received similar inquires from your office. In this regard, T would like 10 similarly request a meeting with you at a time and place of your convenience, It may be easier to coordinate ‘a meeting with all [linois attorneys and yourself through Mr. Gillgan (217-528-9200). Hook forward to meeting you. BE. Hud BEH/tsw ce: Steven Roach, Executive Director Catholic Charities. bee: The Most Reverend Thomas John Paprocki

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