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UPDATE: Man identified in Pentagon bomb plot arrested for grand larceny in Leesburg
Monday, Jun. 20 by Laura Peters | 63 comments | Email this story

-An Alexandria man arrested Friday in connection with a bomb plot scare on the Pentagon appeared Monday in Loudoun County General District Court on unrelated charges. Yonathan Melaku, 22, made an initial apperance in court on Monday. A judge ordered him to be held without bond on two grand larceny charges until a status hearing on Thursday. The two grand larceny charges are in addition to a rash of other vehicle tampering cases Melaku is believed to be responsible for, according to the Leesburg Police Department.

Courtesy Photo/ Loudoun County Sheriffs Office

Melaku hit Leesburg May 26 on Glade Fern Terrace where police say he broke into twenty seven vehiclesa move that netted him four counts of grand larceny. According to Master Police Officer Christopher Tidmore and spokesman for the Leesburg Police Department said there is no information as to why Melaku was in Leesburg destroying personal property. Melaku was arrested by Leesburg Police Department on May 27 and he made a $5,000 bond the same day, according to Loudoun County Sheriffs Office spokesman Kraig Troxell. According to police, Melaku was identified as the suspect in the auto tampering case that occurred on May 26. Pentagon bomb plot Melaku was found in Arlington National Cemetery after 1 a.m. on June 17 and was taken into custody, according to the Associated Press. He was carrying a bag with a substance that appeared to be ammonium nitrate, according to the Associated Press. According to ABC News, Melaku was also carrying materials and notes that made reference to al Qaeda. Authorities also found Melakus 2011 Nissan on June 17 parked near the Pentagon in the bushes of a parking lot, according to the Associated Press, but found nothing suspicious inside the vehicle. Authorities also searched his Fairfax house. No federal charges have been made at this time against Melaku in the June 17 Pentagon incident.
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Wed, Jun 22 at 09:51 AM by An American Citizen | Report this comment

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@Muslim American Citizen, You speak on this site about upholding the constitution yet do nothing to oppose sharia openly in groups to oppose sharia in America. Why is that? If you sincerely believe in upholding our constitution you would not have an issue with standing up against sharia law but than if you did would you be considered an apostate, so says the Quran.

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@leesburger, Sharia is already involved in our legal system, sharia law favors the Muslims and has no respect for other faiths or laws of a any nation. Where is the separation of church and state where Islam is concerned.Christians, Jews and other faiths are not allowed prayer and at work or observe their holidays in schools while Muslims are ALLOWED to perform their required daily or several times a day prayer and have holidays observed as well. Islamic sharia law should not even be considered for use in our legal system yet it is. This undermines our legal system and goes against our constitutional law of the land.
Tue, Jun 21 at 11:18 PM by Muslim American Citizen | Report this comment

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American Citizen, Dont ever say again that Muslims do not stand up for the Constitution. Muslims all over the US SWEAR to uphold it every day. I am telling you here and now that the Constitution IS the law of the land and the only one that should be respected. You can NEVER make that false claim again. Do you have no respect for the muslim American soldiers who have died defending our country? Do you have no respect for the various provisions of the constitution that protect Muslims and all religions? Is it you who does not care about Article 6 or the 1st Amendment? Would you die protecting my right to practice Islam freely as I would die to protect the constitutional rights of Christians and Jews and others to practice their faiths freely? You sir, may be a citizen, but you need a remedial course in what it means to be an American and the protections of the constitution. Not to mention you clearly only know about Islam what you learned from Bin Laden. I have an idea - go to a local Mosque and talk to an Imam and ask what he (or she) thinks about those verses and what they mean to him. As someone else on here pointed out, ALL religious books have verses which can be taken out of context and used badly. I love Christianity and Judaism and they are fellow people of the book. Why is it that the Muslim on here is expressing love for the Christians and the Jews - as the prophet Isa (Jesus)taught us - and you are spreading only hate. God is love man. Love your enemy. If you are a Christian, I suggest you pray in your heart that God will relieve you of your hate.
Tue, Jun 21 at 11:07 PM by Muslim American Citizen | Report this comment

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I am a muslim American (American first) living in Loudoun. I reject Shariah as law for the US or any other country, as does EVERY SINGLE MUSLIM I KNOW in the United States. I am also a Republican conservative and people like American citizen are bigots with too much time on their hands and they embarass the conservative movement. What they do is distract us from our true enemy which is NOT muslims, but Islamists. How can you defeat an enemy you do not understand. It is clear American Citizen knows nothing about Islam or Muslims if he cannot differentiate 99.99% of the muslims in America from our enemy - the Islamists who attack us and our allies. He just hates muslims. Plain and simple. And that is what makes him a bigot. Ironically, he uses the SAME interpretation of the Quran as bin Laden. So he is here on this forum SPREADING bin Ladens false view of Islam. All of us must reject bigots - a word I do not use lightly. They are distracting us from real issues. Today they attack Muslims, tomorrow Mormons or Jews or blacks. These same types of people have attacked various groups for decades. American citizen and Mary. Please end the bigotry now. America needs to stay

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focused on Islamists and not have Muslims like me - who love the United States wasting time arguing with people like you who spread terrorist ideology as fact.
Tue, Jun 21 at 06:00 PM by Leesburger | Report this comment

Not standing up to oppose something does not mean they are advocating for it. Jews are not advocating for their Sabbath laws to become the law of the land because theyre not standing up to oppose it. Its simply that nobody is seriously proposing it.
Tue, Jun 21 at 05:57 PM by Leesburger | Report this comment

@An American Citizen, Can you provide real evidence, not sensationalism or hype (which is all Ive seen), of people actually pushing for Sharia law to become the law of the land in the U.S.? I havent and I would strongly oppose that, just as I would oppose the Jewish Sabbath laws becoming the law of the land. I support those Jews that honor their Sabbath by not working on those days, even at the cost of losing $$$ in their businesses. THAT is sticking with their beliefs even if it costs them. What I would really like to see is actual, serious examples of people pushing for Sharia law to become the law of the land in the U.S. We all know there are several absurd laws proposed by lone lawmakers each year. Id like to see examples of serious efforts to make Sharia law replace U.S. law.
Tue, Jun 21 at 05:45 PM by An American Citizen | Report this comment

@Leesburger The point everyone is missing: Muslims in America are not standing up and defending the Constitution and denouncing sharia law. By remaining silent they are advocating for sharia.
Tue, Jun 21 at 05:42 PM by Leesburger | Report this comment

@An American Citizen, That Quran verse you quote is actually more liberal than Deuteronomy 13:7-11. That Quran verse says those who wage war against Allah and His messenger and strive to make mischief in the land and give the option of killing them or just imprisoning them. Deuteronomy 13:7-11 imposes killing for those that try to entice you to serve other Gods. No outright war is necessary. No option for the offender to live.
Tue, Jun 21 at 05:37 PM by Leesburger | Report this comment

@An American Citizen, Were both factually accurate when we write what verses are in these books. However, youre moving from fact to your perception (which is amply fed by some media) that all of Islam still interprets that verse literally. Many Muslims HAVE moved on from what you describe as a 14th century mentality into a more understanding interpretation, like how most Christians have. You cant paint all Muslims with the same brush any more than you can paint all Christians with the same brush. Nice try.
Tue, Jun 21 at 05:14 PM by An American Citizen | But in defense of our nation remaining silent is not an option. @Leesburger; Quran (5:33) - The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His messenger and strive to make mischief in the land is only this, that they should be murdered or crucified or their hands and their feet should be cut off on opposite sides or they should be imprisoned; this shall be as a disgrace for them in this world, and in the hereafter they shall have a grievous chastisement This is one of many verses that state kill the non-Muslim. Islam still lives with in the 14th century mentality and has never

evolved from that time period as Christians have done over the years. Nice try. " class="blue2">Report this comment

@Lady Liberty, The Muslims that are being killed by other Muslims is due to the"not Muslim enough syndrome. I have a bible and Ive read the bible which is more up lifting than the Quran any day of the week. But in defense of our nation remaining silent is not an option. @Leesburger; Quran (5:33) - The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His messenger and strive to make mischief in the land is only this, that they should be murdered or crucified or their hands and their feet should be cut off on opposite sides or they should be imprisoned; this shall be as a disgrace for them in this world, and in the hereafter they shall have a grievous chastisement This is one of many verses that state kill the non-Muslim. Islam still lives with in the 14th century mentality and has never evolved from that time period as Christians have done over the years. Nice try.
Tue, Jun 21 at 05:03 PM by Leesburger | Report this comment

@An American Citizen, Also, while were talking about a religions holy book commanding violence against other religions, the Bible has this to say: If your own full brother, or your son or daughter, or your beloved wife, or your intimate friend, entices you secretly to serve other gods, whom you and your fathers have not known, gods of any other nations, near at hand or far away, from one end of the earth to the other: do not yield to him or listen to him, nor look with pity upon him, to spare or shield him, but kill him. Your hand shall be the first raised to slay him; the rest of the people shall join in with you. You shall stone him to death, because he sought to lead you astray from the LORD, your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, that place of slavery. Deuteronomy 13:7-11 See? I can selectively quote from the Bible to make it seem full of hatred, too. These selective quotes do NOT convey the message of the Bible, particularly in the Light of the Gospel message of Jesus. But they are contained in our holy book nonetheless.
Tue, Jun 21 at 04:28 PM by Leesburger | Report this comment

@An American Citizen, Why dont you go buy a Bible and read it. Read where it lists capital punishment as the appropriate punishment for cursing ones father or mother: Anyone who curses his father or mother shall be put to death; since he has cursed his father or mother, he has forfeited his life. and again for adultery If a man commits adultery with his neighbors wife, both the adulterer and the adulteress shall be put to death. Leviticus 20:9-10 Have you thought of how hatefully people can misconstrue the Bible? You think people can misconstrue the Koran to suit their agenda?
Tue, Jun 21 at 03:32 PM by Sterling | Report this comment

@ Lady Liberty, I really dony have a vested interest in this, just like a good mud slinging debate. Thanks,
Tue, Jun 21 at 03:29 PM by Lady Liberty | Report this comment

Sterling, LOL..the unicorns and butterflies are here with me now. They say Please love everybody, no matter what their race or religion.
Tue, Jun 21 at 03:18 PM by Sterling | Report this comment

@ Lady Liberty, Fools like you always suffer the same fate. You come face to face with the people you are advocating for and say , hey Im on your side and you know what happens next. It makes me laguh knowing that fools get it the worst in the end. Keep living in your utopian ignorance and say hi to the unicorns and butterflies for me.
Tue, Jun 21 at 02:40 PM by Lady Liberty | Report this comment

An American Citizen, You sound like an raving lunatic who is ignorant of any facts. The peaceful Muslim are also being killed by the Radical Muslim! Who do you think is doing all the killings and bombing in IRAQ, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, etc. Who do think the Taliban and Amahdinejad and Assad are killing???? Christians? Grow up and become educated. I feel sorry for you
Tue, Jun 21 at 02:09 PM by An American Citizen | " class="blue2">Report this comment

@lady liberty Go purchase a Quran & Reliance of the Traveller (Islamic sacred/sharia law) READ THEM BOTH. Then you can preach how peaceful Islam after you discover the amount of violence, sexual abuse to women and children among other violent acts towards non-Muslims there is in these books. One more item: Why are Muslims in Egypt and other Islamic nations burning churches and killing Christians and other non Islamic faiths so rampantly in this the 21st century and if Islam is supposed to be tolerant of other faiths why are they choosing to be so violent when Islam is supposed to the religion of peace. Re: Dont play the radical Islam BS on me: Why is it that the peaceful Muslims do nothing as a whole to stop the violence from the so called"Radical Muslim to protect these non Muslims as Islam is supposed to be tolerant of all faiths.
Tue, Jun 21 at 01:08 PM by Lady Liberty | Report this comment

Sterling, Stop being ignorant. Not all Muslim Males want to kill Us. We have Muslim congressman, businessmen (CEO of Ethan Allen, etc.), Doctors (Director of NIH) Engineers (Sears Tower etc.)and many other Muslim Americans that dont commit crime. Its the second largest religion in the world with 1.5 billion followers. The people that commit crimes and kill AMericans and others in the name of Islam are not rue Muslims and are a minority. Would you like it, if I thought ALL Italian males were part of the Mafia? Get real!
Tue, Jun 21 at 12:42 PM by Sterling | Report this comment

@ Lady Liberty, I am an American of Italian heritage whos ancestors came here through Ellis Island in the 1800s. Spare us your history lesson. Young muslim males want to kill us. Period. Has nothing to do with being tolerant of Immigrants. They want to kill us.
Tue, Jun 21 at 12:37 PM by General Custer | Report this comment

@ Lady Liberty, Im all about helping the poor immigrants who are coming to America daily. In fact I have some nice Wool blankets to give them as a gesture of good will. Cough, Cough, itch
Tue, Jun 21 at 11:53 AM by Lady Liberty | Report this comment

The immigrants of today are NO different than all the others that have come to this country in the past. There will ALWAYS be good and bad immigrants and it doesnt matter if they came here in 1805, 1905 or 2005. If they are naturalized, they are American citizens and should have the same U.S. rights and priviliges as the rest of us!!
Tue, Jun 21 at 11:51 AM by An American Citizen | Report this comment

@Lady Liberty: you still missed the boat. Sooner or later youll get it and go duh.
Tue, Jun 21 at 11:36 AM by Lady Liberty | Report this comment

Does this sound familiar? The main reasons for Italian immigration were the poor economic conditions in Italy during this period, particularly in the southern regions. In the United States, Italians settled in and dominated specific neighborhoods (often called Little Italy) where they could interact with one another, establish a familiar cultural presence, and find favorite foods.Many Italian immigrants arrived with very little cash or cultural capital (that is, they were not educated or intellectually sophisticated) and generally performed manual labor. Their neighborhoods were typically slums with overcrowded tenements and poor sanitation. Tuberculosis was rampant. In many cases, the Italian immigrants were subjected to severe anti-Catholic, anti-immigrant discrimination and even violence As a result of the large wave of Italian immigration to the United States in the late 19th century and early 20th centuries, the Italian language was once widely spoken in much of the U.S., especially in northeastern as well as San Francisco, Saint Louis and New Orleans. Italian-language newspapers exist in many American cities, especially New York City, and Italian-language movie theatres existed in the U.S. as late as the 1950s. Many Italian Americans still retain aspects of their culture. This includes Italian food, drink, art, Roman Catholicism, annual Italian American feasts and a strong commitment to extended family. They worked hard in order to have money to send back home. In 1896, a government commission on Italian immigration estimated that Italian immigrants sent or took home between $4 million and $30 million each year, and that the marked increase in the wealth of certain sections of Italy can be traced directly to the money earned in the United States.
Tue, Jun 21 at 11:34 AM by Lady Liberty | Report this comment

Maybe you should become informed about our countrys history regarding immigration and leave you ignorance, xenophobia and nativism at the door. I guess youre saying the Irish, German, Russian, Italians, Chinese and all the immigrants spoke English right off the boat or plane and were waving American flags and dont live in places like Chinatown, Little Italy, Little Germany (Pa. Dutch) El burrio and others!! Get a clue
Tue, Jun 21 at 11:10 AM by An American Citizen | Report this comment

@lady liberty: Coming to America does not have the same meaning today as it once did when America was young. We bring in refugees from foreign nations that have no desire to assimilate into our culture and these same people live as mush as possible like they did in home country without regard to our laws and society. Get off the high horse about the past when our early country men were from other nations. Those people respected America AND the people we have coming into our nation do not respect our nation one bit.
Tue, Jun 21 at 10:38 AM by Lady Liberty | " class="blue2">Report this comment

An American Citizen, So whats your point? Unless youre a Native American, we ALL have ancestors that were once naturalized citizens and we DON"T expel American citizens naturalized or born here and hopefully we NEVER, EVER will.
Tue, Jun 21 at 07:05 AM by An American Citizen | Report this comment

Be coming naturalized does not mean that anyone will become loyal to our nation. Many of you accept that hes now a citizen simply because he became naturalized. You think nothing about the oath taken when naturalized which makes clear that you will defend and protect America:not destroy her from within. You can take a person out of their homeland but that homeland and life, lessons learned etc. stays with them and those lessons may be used against America:Naturalized or not.
Mon, Jun 20 at 04:51 PM by Sterling | Report this comment

We get it Todd, youre passionate about this. We get it!

Mon, Jun 20 at 08:56 AM by Oh boy | Report this comment

Hes naturalized U.S. citizen so this is his country now. Hes a LEGAL U.S. citizen If he breaks the law than we need to throw him in prison, if not he needs to be left alone.
Mon, Jun 20 at 07:44 AM by Fly him home | Report this comment

He is one of millions already here. Gotta start somewhere. Half of the population is filled with liberals. They will defend people like this until something happens. Then they board the bandwagon to remove him. After a few weeks they jump off the wagon and defend his rights again. Sorry folks, we are forced to live in a society of idiots that have that mind set. You can try to educate people with the obvious truth but some will never catch the common sense train. This guy needs tossed back into his country. That simple.
Sat, Jun 18 at 04:40 PM by Crystal Owens | Report this comment

From the moderator: This story has been updated to correct the headline and the lead sentence. We regret the error.
Sat, Jun 18 at 10:35 AM by burn | Report this comment

random comment insulting a poster on this forum

Sat, Jun 18 at 09:19 AM by We're from the Govt and we're here to help you.... | " class="blue2">Report this comment

Correct, there are nuts but the ones you referenced were not done in the name of religion. Jusy sayin.
Sat, Jun 18 at 09:09 AM by ribbit | Report this comment

Terrorist Attack? What attack? LTM, youre just a ragawful, awful journalism. As for many of you commenters who are quick to paint with a broad brush by using sweeping generalizations and would deny due process and other constitutional rights, thank God we have more non-morons out there to keep your dangerous kind in check. Let the law investigate and prosecute; the crazed hateful mob is not wanted or needed.
Sat, Jun 18 at 06:54 AM by Show me your papers | Report this comment

Were from the Govt and were here to help you, There is also the Unibomber, Eric Rudolf, VA Tech Killer, Columbine killers, anthrax attacks, D.C snipers,John Bendel(2010 pentagon attack), the Neo Nazi at the Holocaust museum,Russell Weston-the U.S. Captitol shooter (1998) KKK and others who were not Muslims! Just saying
Sat, Jun 18 at 01:28 AM by FideiDefensor | Report this comment

Sounds like this may have been a practice run for a single act of jihad. The suspect was not very co-operative with the answers to what his activities were, an official said on Friday. (more here: This incident follows on the heels of a report that al Qaeda has put out a hit list of prominent Americans with names and pictures and is seeking home addresses on these individuals: FTA: The FBI is calling the list of names the most detailed web-based al-Qaidalinked threat since Osama bin Laden was killed. The list has also been discussed on another al-Qaida-linked web forum. The concern is a lone actor could try to use the specific information for a plot. The FBI letter says the information on the overseas websites is aspirational and its unknown if the threat will progress beyond these discussion forums.
Fri, Jun 17 at 11:48 PM by We're from the Govt and we're here to help you.... | Report this comment

@Katie: What youre saying is that anyone who listens to Fox is an idiot. Give me a brake. What are your points? Jump straight to the name calling.. @Todd: McVeigh? Not a Liberal? LOL!! Didnt say Liberals are terrorists. Ireland is different, and isolated situation and Im looking at attacks on the great United States of America. I do, however, think Liberals have their head in the sand. Just look at the first WTC bombing in 93, Kobahr Towers, USS Cole, 9/11/01, Fort Hood, Underwear Bomber, etc., etc., etc. All were Muslim attacks against the U.S.. Im really concerned about radical Jews and Christians running around planning on blowing up my country. LOL! Also, nobody was locked up for what they think. I seem to recall this Muslim had a substance appearing to be ammonium nitrate. Have you seen what a mere two pounds can do? Id hope you would since youve been following McVeigh. @A: So what youre saying there was no attack today, you repeated, no attack today. So a person actually would have to have blown up something to be a terrorist? Youre funny too.
Fri, Jun 17 at 10:21 PM by Katie | Report this comment

Jeanne Maybe if you stopped watching Fox News, you would stop sounding like an ignorant moron!!
Fri, Jun 17 at 08:28 PM by Jeanne | Report this comment

Todd, LOL!
Fri, Jun 17 at 05:57 PM by A | Report this comment

Loudoun TImes - there was no terrorist attack on the Pentagon today. Repeat, there was no terrorist attack on the Pentagon today.
Fri, Jun 17 at 05:50 PM by Todd | Report this comment

Jeanneyou should read the conversation youre involved in here before mouthing off further. You obviously havent done that. Some of the things people are saying refer to the conversation, not the article. Or are you just being thick and accusatory to be thick and accusatory?
Fri, Jun 17 at 05:18 PM by Jeanne | Report this comment

So now its arrest for what he thinks? Where in the article does it say or imply this individual is being locked up for what he thinks? Did you even read it? Were in a post-9/11 world. And what was he doing in Arlington National Cemetery in the early morning hours?? He was also arrested in Leesburg for destroying property. He should be locked up. Good grief.
Fri, Jun 17 at 05:16 PM by Terri | Report this comment

This conversation has turned into the next chapter of Orwells 1984. Hard to believe people seriously call for police to arrest and convict anyone for what they might do next time and you blame it on bleeding heart liberals when you dont get your way. If you defy the government, call for an end to huge chunks of the Constitution and hate half the population based on their political beliefs, you arent really an American at all. Youre calling for totalitarianism and thats as anti-American as it gets. Move to Iran, youll find their government and society much more to your liking.
Fri, Jun 17 at 05:05 PM by Todd | Report this comment

I am bothered by the fact that anybody in this country thinks it would be OK for the government to lock people up for what they think. Thats what this country is supposed to be AGAINST, isnt it? What kind of a police state is it youre trying to create?
Fri, Jun 17 at 05:01 PM by Jeanne | Report this comment

Like Alby and the LTM, you seem to be overlooking the fact that this nut didn !t actually do any !attacking!! today. Intent, intent, intent. Why was he doing this? Was this a practice run? His actions reflect his mindset. he didnt do any attacking today? What about tomorrow? What about others who may be doing this as well? And why arent you bothered by any of this, Todd?
Fri, Jun 17 at 04:56 PM by Todd | Report this comment

Unless you live in Ireland, where none of the terrorists of the past century have been Muslim. Theyve been Catholics and Protestants. I bring up McVeigh and Im not a liberal. Why not bring it up? Does pretending it didnt happen make it easier for you to pretend liberals are somehow responsible for terrorism?
Fri, Jun 17 at 04:43 PM by We're from the Govt and We're here to help you.... | Report this comment

Not all Muslims are terrorists, must Most terrorists are Muslim. Love how the Left brings up McVeigh. That was a horrible crime but it was an N of 1.
Fri, Jun 17 at 04:36 PM by Terri | Report this comment

Of COURSE it matters if he had a bomb or not! Thats the dumbest thing Ive ever heard. We dont people in jail for life for thinking about committing crimes! Thats something out of Nazi Germany!

Fri, Jun 17 at 04:26 PM by Todd | Report this comment

Re: Todd ... doesn!t matter that he didn!t have a bomb!he CLAIMED to have a bomb. For that, he should go away until the situation can be resolved. You must be one of the bleeding heart liberals that my father keeps talking about. The situation IS resolved. What you want is the way things like this are handled in Iran and Saudi Arabia. In the United States we actually have laws. If wanting laws to be followed makes me liberal, so be it. But youre talking about making this into EXACTLY the kind of place you claim to be against.
Fri, Jun 17 at 04:24 PM by Todd | Report this comment

Thats pretty funny. If you really think writing the word Taliban is in an act of jihad, I guess you and I are both guilty now too, huh? Like Alby and the LTM, you seem to be overlooking the fact that this nut didnt actually do any attacking today. He sounds more like a delusional mental patient than the next Osama Bin Laden. He didnt have any bombs and he didnt try to hurt anybody. He just went somewhere he wasnt supposed to go and made up a story when the police caught him. Thats trespassing and maybe hindering a police investigation; its hardly terrorism, genocide or jihad.
Fri, Jun 17 at 04:24 PM by Angeleigh | Report this comment

Todd ... doesnt matter that he didnt have a bombhe CLAIMED to have a bomb. For that, he should go away until the situation can be resolved. You must be one of the bleeding heart liberals that my father keeps talking about.
Fri, Jun 17 at 04:20 PM by Jeanne | Report this comment

This was the act of jihad: Sources close to the investigation also said a notebook believed to belong to the man was found containing threatening phrases like Al Qaeda, Taliban rule and defeated coalition forces.
Fri, Jun 17 at 04:09 PM by Todd | Report this comment

Alby.really? Youd sentence a man to life in prison without trial for just saying he had a bomb? He didnt actually have a bombyou understand that, right?
Fri, Jun 17 at 04:07 PM by Leej | Report this comment

If the stupid supervisors would just build the overpass I designed this would never have happend
Fri, Jun 17 at 04:03 PM by Alby | Report this comment

Guilty. Send his butt to GITMO forever.

Fri, Jun 17 at 03:59 PM by Terri | Report this comment

Tampering with cars is an act of jihad? Seriously, how stupid are you? How should the US respond to such an attack? By crossing against traffic lights, or maybe not picking up our dogs poop?
Fri, Jun 17 at 03:54 PM by Todd | Report this comment

Mary, Timothy McVeigh? Ever heard of him? He was a white, Christian, US Army veteran who blew up the Murah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, killing 165 people in the worst pre-9/11 terrorist attack on US soil. Should the US

military also not allow whites or Christians to serve?

Fri, Jun 17 at 03:50 PM by Marvin Harbors | Report this comment

Terrorist attack? It was reported six hours ago that he didnt have any weapons or explosives, and no building or person was attacked. As for why he was released in Leesburg, its because (A) the Constitution requires those accused to be released unless there is evidence that they will harm others or flee the jurisdiction, and (B) there arent enough jails on the planet to detain everybody arrested on every charge.
Fri, Jun 17 at 03:31 PM by Jay | Report this comment

he was released the same reason an adult attacked my then 4yr old son while at the babysitters and she was released and charged with trespassing What a dope.
Fri, Jun 17 at 03:28 PM by Jeanne | Report this comment

This is being continually updated, but the suspect is a Muslim born in Ethiopia and a naturalized U.S. citizen. According to the article linked below he lives in Virginia (Fairfax County). Sources close to the investigation also said a notebook believed to belong to the man was found containing threatening phrases like Al Qaeda, Taliban rule and defeated coalition forces. This was an act of jihad: According to the Leesburg Police Department, a person with the same name and date of birth was arrested last month for breaking into vehicles at around 3:30 a.m. on May 26 in Leesburg, Va. Twenty-seven vehicles were damaged during the break-ins, according to police. More here:
Fri, Jun 17 at 03:25 PM by Leesburger | Report this comment

Mary - why would the US Marines employ a Christian? Havent you seen the Westboro Baptist Churh holding signs at military funerals saying theyre glad the soldiers died?
Fri, Jun 17 at 03:23 PM by Mary | Report this comment

why would the US Marines employ a muslin?

Fri, Jun 17 at 03:08 PM by can't believe this. | Report this comment

he was released the same reason an adult attacked my then 4yr old son while at the babysitters and she was released and charged with trespassing.
Fri, Jun 17 at 03:02 PM by Kat | Report this comment

Charged with grand larceny in Leesburg, and he was loose? WHY

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