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Three injured in crash near Route 9; teen charged with DUI

Wednesday, Jun. 22 by Laura Peters | 30 comments | Email this story

A Leesburg teen was charged with driving under the influence on Tuesday when she crashed her vehicle near Route 9, injuring two other people. Rukiye Nicole Miller, 19, was her driving her 2002 Volkswagen Jetta on Harpers Ferry Road near Route 9 outside of Hillsboro around 7:40 p.m. when authorities said she drifted into the left lane, overcorrected to the right and ran off the side of the road, hitting a utility pole and a tree. The crash happened just north of the intersection of Harpers Ferry Road and Route 9. Miller was taken to Inova Loudoun Hospital in Landsdowne and was later airlifted to Inova Fairfax Hospital where she remained in critical condition on Wednesday, according to the Loudoun County Sheriffs Office. Passengers in Millers vehicle, an 18-year-old and a 23-year-old, were taken to Cornwall Campus of Inova Loudoun Hospital. Both were treated and later released from Cornwall.

Wed, Jun 29 at 09:35 AM by Didn't learn lesson | Report this comment

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This isnt her first run in with alcohol. Just look up her name through the Loudoun court case information website.
Wed, Jun 29 at 06:54 AM by Shane Khan | Report this comment

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Nicole is still very critical, i saw her yesterday, please pray for her everyone, she is a really good friend of mine
Tue, Jun 28 at 11:12 AM by Stephen | Report this comment

I wonder if they were coming home from the end of school party over in Purcellville?
Mon, Jun 27 at 08:44 PM by Mellee | Report this comment

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As a mom, my heart goes out to the family. I truly hope she makes it. Having said thatif she does make recovery then it is time for family and friends, especially her parents, to find out why this young adult is relying on alcohol and drugs. There is more to this story than meets the eye. Yes, the outcome could have been worse of course. This should be a very clear wake up call for her. I hope she makes itand makes a huge change in her life. If drugs and alcohol are making your life a mess, then you have a problem. Address it and live a great lifenot a wasted life.
Mon, Jun 27 at 06:00 PM by Barb | Report this comment

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Mr R says .. things happen. Oh really? Bad things happen when people are careless and reckless when they get behind the wheel. It was recenty noted, even a small amount of alcohol impairs driving. I think the problem here is people dont want to accept responsibility for their actions and that is wrong. It is not ignorant to make that observation. Also Mr R needs to develop a vocabulary instead of relying on profanity. Grow up!
Mon, Jun 27 at 12:13 PM by Jim-Bob | Report this comment

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Are there any updates about her condition? Is she going to be ok?
Mon, Jun 27 at 08:41 AM by edit | Report this comment

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Edit. Though she may NOT have hit..

Mon, Jun 27 at 08:31 AM by Consequences | Report this comment The Loudoun Times-Mirror

This story is very similar to what just happened in Winchester over the weekend. Under aged child under the influence had an accident (if you choose to call it that). This person had a history of drugs/alcohol at such a young age. However, he killed a family of four in a fiery explosion resulting from a collision. Though she may have hit an innocent vehicle, it could have happened. That is the reason so many people here are commenting ignorantly towards her. Of course, some of you will support her that is your right. But please understand that unless you are her friend or family member, the comments are going to be generally negative. NOBODY is perfect but people that choose to make the decisions, need to expect comments from the public!
Sat, Jun 25 at 09:21 PM by Ryan Kranz | Report this comment

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All you people with your great hindsight need to shut the #### up.. shouldnt have done this, shouldnt have done that things happen and not a god danm one of you is in place to judge so either be a constructive part of humanity or shut the #### up.
Sat, Jun 25 at 03:23 AM by Just sayin' | Report this comment

First of all, Nicole may not have consumed that much alcohol, but she was definitely messed up on Xanax (which she did not disclose to the other passengers before they got in the car with her) Second of all, she could have gotten the alcohol from anyone. Why automatically assume the 23 year okd provided it to her? All three victims were out partying in a group setting. Dont punish the innocent victims when the blame for this horrible accident falls entirely on Nicole Miller. That being said, my prayers go out to her, her family, and the other victims of this accident.
Fri, Jun 24 at 05:35 PM by two sides | Report this comment

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Jennifer, I think what the people are trying to say is her actions could have harmed someone else. If she is guilty of drinking and then driving, it is absolutely unacceptable. I understand your loyalt and concern, that is what friends are for. However, if she would have killed an innocent person, who would be there for that family? If society continues to place pressure and hatefull reminders to people after making these mistakes, maybe they would think twice. Hopefully she pulls through and learns a valuable lesson. I would speak the same thoughts if it were my own child but be there at the same time worrying like you.
Fri, Jun 24 at 05:21 PM by Jennifer z | Report this comment

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I am currently sitting in the waiting room praying for life to come back to this 19 year old, beautiful young women to whom many of you are speaking so terribly about. Its absolutely mind blowing how cruel you people really can be. To sit and post horrific opinions for her mother and loved ones to read is incredibly disrespectful. For those of you reading for answers and pure worry, she is still currently on life support. She is very strong willed and I believe she has the strength to come out of this. I will be here supporting her, and her mother until

the moment she wakes. For those of you who have so many ideas and opinions on the cruelty of teenage mishaps why dont you do something positive to prevent future injuries and possible fatalities instead of arrogantly speaking negative. This is why the world wont change. Thank you- personal friend of Rukiye Nicole Miller
Fri, Jun 24 at 04:47 PM by Personal friend | Report this comment

I was there she didnt even drink enough to be inebriated.. And she overcorrected herself.. Plus it was raining at the time. And the road is known for many accidents due to all the slight turns She is a great woman and if you didnt know her or even was there you have no room to judge.
Fri, Jun 24 at 12:58 PM by general obvious | Report this comment

capt obvious she has been charged with having a fake license, so I guess that answers the question. Why blame the 23 year old?
Fri, Jun 24 at 12:00 PM by Capt Obvious | Report this comment

@ Good thing it was not another car she hit: Who provided her with alcohol? The penalty of providing a teen with alcohol should be serious. That person should face the same penalty as her. Who provided the alcohol? My guess would be the 23-year old she was with. You think we should call Matlock in on this one?
Thu, Jun 23 at 02:32 PM by scared of some of you | Report this comment

That said it not a crime to drink a it is when you are 19 yo. lord some of you people havent a clue.
Thu, Jun 23 at 01:18 PM by Barb | Report this comment

Sorry no sympathy from me. I lost my 24 year old sister to a traffic accidentalcohol was at fault. This girl sounds like a brat or even a monster if you believe her criminal history. Dont try to foster support for her. To think you can move a 2 ton vehicle through space and do it while under the influence is a careless vicious crime.
Thu, Jun 23 at 11:19 AM by ALeesburgResident | Report this comment

@vigilante supporter: ...There are too many victimless crimes,... Thank you for a good chuckle.
Thu, Jun 23 at 10:26 AM by Pauly Walnuts | Report this comment

Wed, Jun 22 at 07:25 PM by Sounds like a well behaved kid | Report this comment Her criminal history is interesting. She had fake license court appearance coming up in a month. She has been arrested for alcohol realted issues in the past. She skipped court and somehow got that thrown out. Seems to be a pattern.. Duh Sharon
Thu, Jun 23 at 09:55 AM by sharon | Report this comment

soprano, your daughters an angel. be sure your house isnt glass before you slander someone else
Thu, Jun 23 at 09:32 AM by Tony Soprano | Report this comment

Daughter says her drug and alcohol use is well know at LCHS, graduated last year
Thu, Jun 23 at 09:21 AM by Joe Smithfield | Report this comment

And while all this is happening the Leesburg police arrest my daughter for making a false statement to police, only problem is she has never made a statment to them.
Thu, Jun 23 at 07:39 AM by LCRez | Report this comment

Drive to stay alive whether youre sober or not. This is true, Keith, especially around this freakin place where the majority of people need a refresher course on how to drive properlyusing turn signals, not tailgating, stopping at stop signs, cutting back on the speed, using the cell phones and not paying attention - did I miss anything?!?
Thu, Jun 23 at 12:42 AM by Life catches up to you | Report this comment

She was ground transported to FFX check your sources LT. Keep her in your thoughts even though she made a horrible decision.
Wed, Jun 22 at 11:50 PM by Keith | Report this comment

I am not pointing any fingers, because when I lived back there in the 80s that easily could have been me, and I would have had to pay the price. Unfortunately, I was to naive to realize that alcohol and drugs impair the senses to the point where operating a motor vehicle is not a wise choice. That said it not a crime to drink as long as you dont operate a vehicle. Texting, answering the cell phone, changing the radio station, looking away from the road at a friend who is talking, can produce the same result. Drive to stay alive whether youre sober or not. When youre not let someone else drivestay alive.
Wed, Jun 22 at 08:26 PM by Greg | Report this comment

At least only the idiots were hurt and not an innocent person. Its tough when Darwin comes to visit.
Wed, Jun 22 at 07:45 PM by dont'drink and drive | Report this comment

She was not airlifted due to weather, she was taken by ground transport
Wed, Jun 22 at 07:25 PM by Sounds like a well behaved kid | Report this comment

Her criminal history is interesting. She had fake license court appearance coming up in a month. She has been arrested for alcohol realted issues in the past. She skipped court and somehow got that thrown out. Seems to be a pattern..
Wed, Jun 22 at 04:01 PM by vigilante supporter | Report this comment

use of a false ID to get alcohol is a victimless crime. As long as she doesnt drink and drive. There are too many victimless crimes, and too many that are felonies.
Wed, Jun 22 at 03:12 PM by Good thing it was not another car she hit | Report this comment

Who provided her with alcohol? The penalty of providing a teen with alcohol should be serious. That person should face the same penalty as her.

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