Leesburg Town Council Teeters On Access Road Decision - LoudounTimes

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Leesburg Town Council teeters on access road decision

Tuesday, Jun. 28 by Laura Peters | 4 comments | Email this story

Leesburg Town Council huffed and puffed but could not blow the issue of the Linden Hill access road and the house on Country Club Drive down to a decision. During a Town Council meeting June 28, council was pressed to vote on a resolution which would allow an interested party to purchase the home at 1 Country Club Drive, then receive easement payments from the town in order to build the access road. The project, which would be an addition to the South King Street widening project set to start in the spring of 2012, would add an access road between the residential developments of Linden Hill and Leesburg Country Club. The one set-back is the access road would require the demolition of the house at 1 Country Club Drive. The council has placed a price cap for the town to purchase the house at $375,000, which has proved to be not enough. The 36 house development of Linden Hill has had its residents petition council numerous times in the past to get the access road approved and set up for design and construction. The problem Linden Hill residents are facing is that if the widening project is completed without the access road, they will have to turn right on South King Street, then make a u-turn if they want to go into the town of Leesburg. On this issue, I have received many e-mails from our residents expressing overwhelming support for the access road, Terry Elvers, president of the Linden Hill Homeowners Association said. It will be the talk of Linden Hill for weeks to come. Its about you, the council, listening to us a small community. Without that access lane, our property values will go down dramatically. I believe this access lane is the best solution for Linden Hill and for Country Club. Not only will we get an additional left-hand turn lane, but Country Club will too. The proposed plan is to add two left-hand turn lanes on Country Club Drive at the South King Street intersection, along with the access road connecting the two developments. The problem council had with the proposed resolution is that someone else besides the Town of Leesburg, would have to purchase 1 Country Club Drive, then the town would pay easements toward the property so the access road could be built. This will have a third party to take control of the house, then to build the road, the town will acquire it through easements, Town Attorney Jeanette Irby said. If town wants to move forward on building the access road ... the town must offer condemnation, but we do not have authority for that at this time. Council member Tom Dunn was pressing council to approve the resolution, citing that in other residential neighborhoods, council has done everything they could to help residents out. The resolution itself does not commit the council to any action. It doesnt finalize anything, but it creates a level playing field and if someone wants to come in and make a deal with the town, the council would know what those offers are, Dunn said. We have spent more money in other communities because there is a need, and there is a need here. Were playing games and its a shame. According to town staff, the design for the access road was to be finished by June 1. At almost a month behind schedule, it now moves the project back to the fall of 2012. Council voted to postpone the resolution and motioned to draw up a design on the access road which passed 6-1. Town staff will move forward in drawing up a design for the access road. Town staff also mentioned design plans could start, taxpayers money could be spent and council could turn the whole project down in the end.
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Wed, Jun 29 at 02:55 PM by Dennis D. | Report this comment Subscribe via RSS News | Sports

Lets not forget that Ken Reid was pushing hard for this. Now that he (and he alone) believes he should be voted on to the Board of Supervisors, he is dropping the Reids Folley project support that he himself originally supported so strongly. Why? Because it benefits so few people at an exhorbitant cost, he realizes the error of his original way, once again. (And it hurts his already slim chance of getting votes for Supervisor)
Wed, Jun 29 at 02:36 PM by Greater Good | Report this comment

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How about we cancel the whole thing instead of blowing a million bucks to fix a problem caused by a developer that affects 25 homes? Is there nothing else that could use that money that would benefit a substantially larger portion of the Towns tax payers? Raise your HOA fees if you want an access road for your own neighborhood. For 99% of us, this provides zero benefit.
Wed, Jun 29 at 01:42 PM by leesburgsw | Report this comment

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Do the residents of Country Club want the main access to their community altered to accommodate a subdivision (Linden Hill) that never wanted any connection to their neighborsuntil now?
Wed, Jun 29 at 01:25 PM by Laugh | Report this comment

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Lets start up with reality: Katie Hammler, David Butler, Marty Martinez, and Tom Dunn, demonstrate that they are truely the stupidest elected people imaginable. They do not under stand anything, and in general, have no reasoning ability. Katie Hammler stumbled through this one, not understanding one thing about the topic. She stalls, and frets, and NEVER makes a decision. Then, you have all of them, like the blind leading the blind, to attempt to understand Robert Rules of Order. The topic, dividing a motion. This one is a no brainer. You dont divide a motion that is germaine. UNLESS you have a motion that carries by the majority. You dont just CLAIM a motion consists of unrelated items, and then fret about whether or not to divide the motion. For some, they will claim till the cows come home that the moon is made of green cheese. That does not make it so. Yet, Dave Bulter obviously believes the moon is made of green cheese, and Katie Hammler, Marty Martinex, and Tom Dunn are so stupid that when Dave Butler says the moon is made of green cheese, they flutter their arms, and say what a brilliant guy Dave Butler is. Help is from such idiots.

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