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e the will b ok. Create t e wha , -bo Decid of your e roft Word rc nt i ng conte e n t i n M If usi um ages. e a d o c Docs or P ad th le ownlo late Goog ou can d temp y atted ages, P rm / ing fo ollow s f age //im docs/ zip http: ages/ ices_EN. t/p r suppo est_Pract _B ePub

epub. t as . f en .pd docum save , .docx or es g In Pa vert .doc ww.2epu w n To co se http:// s. u er files, r convert e or oth



Drag unes. u p i T epub Open e. s" op th nd dr t h e " B o o k a . to brary file in he Li r of t folde

Silvia Rosenthal Tolisano ~


To add Artwork (book cover) to your e-book. Right (control) click the file under the books folder and choose "Get Info".

1. Choose Artwork 2, Click Add 3. Browse for the image 4. Click Choose 5. Click OK

Silvia Rosenthal Tolisano ~


Once the file is in your Books folder of the library. Connect and sync your iPad to iTunes and the book will appear on your book shelf under iBooks.

You will be able to create customized shelves or collections to organize your e-books.

Click on the book cover to open up your e-book. It wil have the same function as a book downloaded from ihe iTunes store. Reading size, background color, brightness, search function, bookmarking, etc...

Silvia Rosenthal Tolisano ~



Hold your finger on a word to select it, then choose to copy, use the Dictionary, highlight it, write a note or search in the rest of the book.

Table of Contents

If you took care with the formatting of your document or used the WordPress Anthologize plugin, you will now have a functioning Table of Contents.

Silvia Rosenthal Tolisano ~

If you are using WordPress as your blogging platform, the plugin Anthologize is a wonderful tool to pull certain categories/posts from your blog and make them individual ebooks

Anthologize let's you create a project from individual blog posts and organize them into different parts, which later will become your e-book chapters in the Table of Contents. Once you are ready to export, choose "ePub" as the Export Format.
Silvia Rosenthal Tolisano ~

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