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Release Notes

2.1 b24

BlackBerry Desktop Software

About this product

The BlackBerry Desktop Software works with BlackBerry smartphones to complete the following tasks: > > > > > Add, update, or remove smartphone applications and BlackBerry Device Software Back up and restore your smartphone data Synchronize your organizer data Synchronize your media Switch to a new smartphone

New features and enhancements

The new features and enhancements for the BlackBerry Desktop Software 2.1 include the following items: Tablet Support General Sync and import your media files with the BlackBerry PlayBook tablet. Provides fixes and improvements to the features.

Fixed issues
This section lists fixed and closed issues between the BlackBerry Desktop Software 2.0.1 build 14 and the BlackBerry Desktop Software 2.1 build 24. Installation/Connection If you're connecting a new device, the BlackBerry Desktop Software becomes unresponsive if you quit the application with Command + Q or the X button before the new device screen appears. (DT 754392) When you uninstall the BlackBerry Desktop Software, you aren't prompted to restart your computer. (DT 711322) Notes/Memos The note entry that is synced from your device to Apple Mail Notes is getting deleted from Apple Mail Notes when you open and close the note. (DT 473156)

Music You receive an incorrect message why trying to sync your music to a device without a media card or built-in media storage: "This Blackberry device requires write permissions on your media card to sync your media files." (DT 719636) Wi-Fi music sync The activity icon for Wi-Fi music sync doesn't stop spinning after the download is complete. (DT 893330)

Known issues
This section lists known issues for the BlackBerry Desktop Software 2.1 build 24.

If you connect a tablet when it's turned off, the tablet isn't connected when you turn it on again. (DT 1196935) After updating from the previous version of the BlackBerry Desktop Software, the phone number for the Apple Assistant in your contacts switches fields but you didn't make that change. (DT 1012344) If you connect a device with BlackBerry Device Software 4.1 or lower, you don't receive a message that the device is unsupported. (DT 890537) Some configurations, such as updating your media card size, aren't displayed when you connect your smartphone. (DT 633783)

Applications and software loading

The BlackBerry Desktop Software doesn't notify you that the "Allow Web-Based Software Loading" IT policy has been set to No. When you check for updates, you won't receive any updates. (DT 1103650) You aren't prompted to retry the connection when you attempt to update software without a battery in your smartphone. (DT 989053) You cannot update your third-party applications through an ALX file. (DT 832054) Your computer goes into sleep mode when loading applications and restoring data to your device fails. (DT 633954) Workaround: Manually restore any missing databases to your device. You receive the following error message when you try to update your device with a slow Internet connection: " BlackBerry Desktop Software failed to validate your BlackBerry device update." ( DT 508239)

Backing up and restoring data

If you change computers or switch user accounts, a backup of your smartphone data isn't created when you update or reload your software or move to an earlier version of your software. Your data isn't restored. (DT 1410705) Messages and organizer data are included in your backup file even if you don't select these options. (DT 1406352) If you change computers or switch user accounts, you receive an error when backing up your smartphone: The backup failed due to an unexpected error. (DT 1105356) You don't receive any instructions on turning on mass storage mode when backing up your device. (DT 755328)

Workaround: Turn on mass storage mode (on your device, click Options > Memory and select Yes for Mass Storage Mode) and try again. The BlackBerry Desktop Software is displaying the wrong message when a device with built-in media storage has mass storage mode set to off: "Device does not have on-board device memory." (DT 711448) You receive a "Restore data cancelled" message in the status bar even though the data from your media card and built-in media storage is restored. (DT 647668) You don't receive a warning message when a backup files isn't created because there isn't enough disk space; you receive a message that "The selected backup file is either invalid or corrupt." (DT 614089) You cannot complete an encrypted backup with a large amount of data in your built-in media storage. (DT 349826) Workaround: Turn off encryption or delete some data from your built-in media storage.

The BlackBerry Desktop Software is trying to add a fixed alarm to each event in iCal even though it was already deleted. (DT 1041456) An error occurs when you sync an appointment recurring every year that was created on iCal, with an end date and multiple interval option. (DT 849143) When you add an occurrence of a recurring calendar entry on your mail client, and sync to the device, a conflict window appears. (DT 822068) Calendar entries are duplicated in iCal after upgrading the BlackBerry Desktop Software to version 2.0 and synchronizing your data. (DT 812353) If you update a recurring calendar entry to include an end date, the end date isn't updated on your device. (DT 807118) Choosing to delete the data from your computer after clearing the data on your device and synchronizing with your computer doesn't delete the data. (DT 766002) A recurring appointment on the last day of February is synced to the device as the first Saturday in February. (DT 765973) Changing an entry to a recurring entry on your calendar isn't synchronized to the device. (DT 762026) Entries that are set to recur on "every last day of each month" or "every last day of a month every year" are not synchronized to your device. (DT 761216) Your appointment reminders are duplicated in iCal after selecting "Forget Device" before you synchronize. (DT 755258) The URL field in iCal is deleted during when you synchronize for a second time and you have slow sync selected. (DT 624178) If you delete entries on your device, they are added to your computer again after synchronizing your data instead of being deleted from your computer. (DT 621260) A conflict occurs when attempting to synchronize organizer data that has a different data format on your computer compared to your device. (DT 621174) Changing a non-key field that exists on your device and your computer triggers a conflict after refreshing your synchronization. (DT 620319) Changing a key field that exists on your device and your computer results in duplicated entries after refreshing your synchronization. (DT 619494) Monthly recurring entries created on the 31st day of the month don't synchronize for months that don't have 31 days. (DT 618214) Recurring events that occur in the past are synced to device when synchronizing with "Future events only" selected. (DT 569719) Recurring, all-day calendar appointments that were created before the first Sunday of November 2006 are pushed forward by 1 hour on your device. (DT 569465) You receive a sync error when adding or removing a BlackBerry Internet Service calendar for the first time after synchronizing. (DT 532306)

Only one all-day entry is synced to the device when creating monthly recurring, multiple all-day events. (DT 525554) You receive sync errors if synchronizing the Meeting calendar category in iCal. (DT 519976) Workaround: Sync all categories except for the Meeting calendar. There might be problems synchronizing all-day events from your computer to your device if your device has a different time zone. After synchronizing, the All Day Event check box isn't selected on your device and the start time isn't updated to the correct time. (DT 456610) There is an extra entry on your device calendar when synchronizing a daily, all-day recurring event. (DT 431336) Changing a single instance of an all-day recurring event creates a duplicate entry on your device. (DT 424576) You don't receive a warning when a new calendar event from your device cannot be added to a deleted calendar. Calendar events are added to a different calendar. (DT 382912) In Microsoft Entourage, if you synchronize a meeting (with attendees) again without making any changes, the organizer name is added to the attendee list with a status of "Accepted" using the safer sync option. (DT 356242) Workaround: In BlackBerry Desktop Software, click Device Options and select the faster sync option. Calendar entries turn into all-day events and end dates roll back by one day, if you synchronize an event again from 12:00AM to 12:00AM using the safer sync option. (DT 355548) Workaround: In BlackBerry Desktop Software, click Device Options and select the faster sync option. If you change one entry from a recurring event from iCal, a duplicate entry is created on your device. (DT 355496) Reminder time reverts back to its original value after changing it on the device and syncing again with Entourage. (DT 122278)

Deleting the last name of a contact doesn't sync to the device. (DT 797201) If your computer is set to India Standard Time, your birthday and anniversary field show up one day behind after synchronizing to your computer. (DT 711659) If your computer is set to India Standard Time, a new occurrence of a daily recurring entry on your device is not synchronized to your computer. (DT 711595) When synchronizing the Address Book, you receive a "A sync error occurred. Please retry the sync." (DT 710257) You receive the following error message when synchronizing your contacts: Address Book cannot be accessed for synchronization. (DT 639912) Workaround: Complete the following steps: 1. 2. 3. 4. Back up your device. Clear the Address Book database. Restore the Address Book database to the device. Synchronize your data.

The "Home" email address label changes to "Work" after adding a contact's home email to your computer's address book, synchronizing it to the device, changing it on the device, and synchronizing it again. (DT 541893) Multiple home or work numbers for contacts aren't synced from Entourage to your device. If two home or work numbers are included for contacts in Entourage, only one of them is synced. (DT 540616)

The third line under a contact's street address is deleted from the Apple Address Book after changing a field from your device and syncing again. (DT 534211) Your contact images are synchronizing to your device as different sizes depending on the quality of the source image, even though the source image is large. (DT 445249) You receive an error when synchronizing with BlackBerry Desktop Software after having synchronized with PocketMac without uninstalling PocketMac. (DT 353972) Workaround: Uninstall PocketMac and the BlackBerry Desktop Software and then reinstall BlackBerry Desktop Software.

Notes are duplicating on your device and your computer when synchronizing with Entourage and Apple Mail. (DT 396172) Notes stored in Microsoft Exchange are not synchronized to your device; only notes that are locally stored on your computer are synchronized. (DT 361078) An incorrect error message is displayed when attempting to sync with an application that doesn't exist on your device: "The [application] database cannot be accessed for synchronization. For help resolving the issue, refer to KB19454 in the BlackBerry Desktop Software Knowledge Base." (DT 358106)

The recurrence field for the tasks on your smartphone doesn't sync to iCal or Outlook for Mac 2011. (DT 1098702) If you have a completed task entry in Entourage and your smartphone, the task is duplicated in Entourage after a sync. (DT 894395) Deleting a single occurrence of a recurring task on a mail client duplicates the task on the device. (DT 831317) If you delete a recurring task that is completed, and sync your data, it is duplicated on your device. (DT 762031) A completed task is changed to uncompleted when synchronized to Entourage. (DT 759541) A conflict appears when you synchronize your tasks after upgrading the BlackBerry Desktop Software version. (DT 709676) The reminder field for a task is lost in Entourage and iCal when synchronizing after changing your data. (DT 627799) Synchronizing a changed task from Entourage changes the time in the due date on your device. (DT 627751) The time stamp in the due date for the device task becomes 12:00AM after changing fields in Entourage. (DT 358782) When the value in the Status field in your device tasks is set to "In Progress," "Waiting," or "Deferred," the value in the Status field in your device tasks is deleted and set to "Not Started" after modifying any field in your iCal Tasks. (DT 356655)

Switch to a new smartphone

Your smartphone doesn't restart after switching from a smartphone activated on a BlackBerry Enterprise Server to a wiped smartphone. (DT 1429449)

If you rename the artist or genre in iTunes, the BlackBerry Desktop Software no longer recognizes it and the playlist is cleared. (DT 1020955)

If your media card is full, you can't sync the rest of your media files until you reduce your reserved storage space and sync again. (DT 1020938) Workaround: Clear the All events check box, and then select it again. Try to sync your media files again. Changing a song's genre isn't updated on the device when you sync again. (DT 799796) If you rename a song with symbols in iTunes, the new name of the song isn't synced to your device. (DT 745960) The storage bar shows the amount of music even when you receive the following message: Please insert a media card. (DT 662659) Songs with long names are cut off in the progress bar when you synchronize your music. (DT 658632) Apple lossless files are synced but can't be played on your device. (DT 648742) Partial music files are not deleted when a device is disconnected during synchronization and the partial music file is duplicated during the next synchronization. (DT 570554)

If an album in iPhoto has a large amount of pictures (20,000), CPU and memory usage spikes when you open the BlackBerry Desktop Software. (DT 1042729) Workaround: Delete the album. Previously synced pictures are imported into iPhoto again, if you select the Include previously imported media check box. (DT 1016736) If you optimize your pictures to sync to your device, the time stamp is changed. (DT 805107)

Sizes for video files aren't calculated accurately and might prevent larger videos from being synchronized. (DT 1027100) When importing media, it looks like unsupported videos are available to import but they aren't supported in iPhoto. (DT 1025486)

Wi-Fi music sync

A two to three second delay can occur when streaming songs while songs are also being downloaded. (DT 1395887) Deleting songs from a playlist in iTunes doesn't sync the changes to the device when the playlist was created on the device. The playlist on the device remains unchanged. (DT 1395844) Workaround: Try syncing again or try a USB sync. In some cases, renaming a playlist in iTunes that was created on your device creates a copy of the first playlist with a different name. (DT 1279323) Workaround: Delete the copy of the playlist in iTunes. The server fails to bind to ports when Parallels Desktop for Mac is running. (DT 1039578) When you clear your "Tracks on the device" playlist in the Music section of BlackBerry Desktop Software, the playlist remains on your smartphone and will re-appear when you next connect your smartphone to the BlackBerry Desktop Software. (DT 1030773) After connecting your device with a USB cable and downloading some music, ongoing activity is still being shown in the Wi-Fi music sync status. (DT 1003216)

The home music listed on your smartphone is updated without warning if your smartphone has been registered to use Wi-Fi music sync on another computer. (DT 880013)

System requirements: BlackBerry Desktop Software

Computer and software > > > > > > Mac OS 10.5.8 or later iTunes 7.7.1 or later for music synchronization iPhoto '08 or later to import your pictures and videos An active Internet connection BlackBerry Device Software 4.2 or later and a media card or built-in media storage For the Wi-Fi music sync feature, BlackBerry 6

BlackBerry devices

Legal notice
2011 Research In Motion Limited. All rights reserved. BlackBerry, RIM, Research In Motion, and related trademarks, names, and logos are the property of Research In Motion Limited and are registered and/or used in the U.S. and countries around the world. iCal, iPhoto, iTunes, Mac, and Mac OS are trademarks of Apple Inc. iTunes is not endorsed in any manner by Research In Motion Limited. Microsoft, Entourage, and Windows are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Wi-Fi is a trademark of the Wi-Fi Alliance. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. This documentation including all documentation incorporated by reference herein such as documentation provided or made available at is provided or made accessible "AS IS" and "AS AVAILABLE" and without condition, endorsement, guarantee, representation, or warranty of any kind by Research In Motion Limited and its affiliated companies ("RIM") and RIM assumes no responsibility for any typographical, technical, or other inaccuracies, errors, or omissions in this documentation. In order to protect RIM proprietary and confidential information and/or trade secrets, this documentation may describe some aspects of RIM technology in generalized terms. RIM reserves the right to periodically change information that is contained in this documentation; however, RIM makes no commitment to provide any such changes, updates, enhancements, or other additions to this documentation to you in a timely manner or at all. This documentation might contain references to third-party sources of information, hardware or software, products or services including components and content such as content protected by copyright and/or third-party web sites (collectively the "Third Party Products and Services"). RIM does not control, and is not responsible for, any Third Party Products and Services including, without limitation the content, accuracy, copyright compliance, compatibility, performance, trustworthiness, legality, decency, links, or any other aspect of Third Party Products and Services. The inclusion of a reference to Third Party Products and Services in this documentation does not imply endorsement by RIM of the Third Party Products and Services or the third party in any way. EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT SPECIFICALLY PROHIBITED BY APPLICABLE LAW IN YOUR JURISDICTION, ALL CONDITIONS, ENDORSEMENTS, GUARANTEES, REPRESENTATIONS, OR WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY CONDITIONS, ENDORSEMENTS, GUARANTEES, REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES OF DURABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR USE, MERCHANTABILITY, MERCHANTABLE QUALITY, NON-INFRINGEMENT, SATISFACTORY QUALITY, OR TITLE, OR ARISING FROM A STATUTE OR CUSTOM OR A COURSE OF DEALING OR USAGE OF TRADE, OR RELATED TO THE DOCUMENTATION OR ITS USE, OR PERFORMANCE OR NON-PERFORMANCE OF ANY SOFTWARE, HARDWARE, SERVICE, OR ANY THIRD PARTY PRODUCTS AND SERVICES REFERENCED HEREIN, ARE HEREBY EXCLUDED. YOU MAY ALSO HAVE OTHER RIGHTS THAT VARY BY STATE OR PROVINCE. SOME JURISDICTIONS MAY NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF IMPLIED

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