Tocando Jesus - Touching Jesus

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Story retold from Luke 8:43-48 / Releitura de Lucas 8:43-48

One day Jesus was on His way to the house of a man whose daughter was very ill. As usual, a crowd followed and pressed around Him. In the midst of the crowd was a woman who had been sick for 12 years. She had spent every bit of her money on doctors, yet the sickness continued. Desperate, the woman thought, Oh, if I could touch Jesus, I know I would be healed! Then, seeing Jesus afar off, she anxiously made her way toward Him. It wasnt easy to get through the mob of onlookers who were all trying to get as close to Jesus as they could, but she was driven by that thought. She just had to touch Him!

Certo dia, Jesus estava a caminho da casa de um homem cuja filhinha estava enferma. Como de costume, uma multido O seguia e cercava de tal forma que no podia se movimentar livremente. Em meio de toda a essa gente, havia uma mulher que sofria com uma enfermidade contnua fazia 12 anos. Ela j tinha gastado todo o seu dinheiro com tratamentos, mas ainda continuava enferma. Desesperada, pensou: Ah, se eu ao menos conseguisse tocLo, sei que seria curada! Ento, vendo Jesus a uma certa distncia, ansiosamente comeou a abrir caminho em Sua direo. No era fcil atravessar aquela multido, mas um pensamento a impelia: toc-lo, ainda que apenas a Sua roupa!

Finally she came within reach, stretched out her hand, and was able to barely touch the edge of His robe with her fingertips. Immediately the pain that had plagued her for so long stopped completely. A warm and wonderful feeling of health and wellbeing swept over her body. She was healed at last! Jesus paused for a moment. He had felt healing power pass from Him. He asked, Who touched Me? With this crowd pressing around You, His disciples replied, You ask who touched You? But Jesus already knew who had touched Him. He turned to the astonished woman. She fell at His feet and told Him her story.

Finalmente chegou bem perto de Jesus e, estendendo a mo, mal conseguiu encostar na borda da sua veste com as pontas dos dedos. Imediatamente a dor parou completamente! Uma sensao calorosa e maravilhosa de sade e bem-estar percorreu-lhe todo o corpo. Finalmente estava curada! Ao sentir que dEle tinha sado poder de cura, Jesus parou e perguntou: Quem Me tocou? Seus discpulos respondeu: Com esta multido apertando de todos os lados queres saber quem que Te tocou? Jesus, sabendo quem O tocara, fitou a mulher curada. Ela prostrou-se aos Seus ps e Lhe contou sua histria.

Your faith has made you whole, He told her. Go in peace and be healed of your disease. Touching His clothes hadnt made her wholeher faith had. There were probably several hundred people in that crowd, and surely many others also needed healing. What set this woman apart from them was that she believed with all her heart that Jesus could help her, so she acted on her faith. And the instant she made contact with Him, she was wonderfully healed.

A tua f te curou garantiu-lhe. Vai em paz e fica curada da tua doena. O que a havia curado no foi o tocar Sua roupa, mas a f. Provavelmente havia centenas de pessoas naquela multido, das quais vrias precisavam de cura. O que diferenciou aquela mulher das demais foi acreditar de todo corao que Jesus a podia ajudar, e, por isso, agiu com base na sua f. E no instante em que fez contato com Ele, foi maravilhosamente curada.

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Cover art and story Aurora Productions. Inside illustrations by Didier Martin.

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