HAT S OOD Oose: For The

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Thanksgiving Dinner 2003 Guest of Honor Forrest Gander

By Geoffrey Gatza

Thanksgiving Dinner 2003 Guest of Honor Forrest Gander

Whats Good For the Goose

A Dinner for Forrest Gander

Thanksgiving 2003 By Geoffrey Gatza

Tomato Hominy Pozole with Mojave Mulatto Chile Salsa

Sweet Potato Soup with Nutmeg Chive Goat Cheese Quenelles

Conch and Lychee Fritters with warm Turnip Cream & Haystack Leeks

Intermezzo of Mulled Bourbon Cranberries & Plums

Roast Goose with a Queen Amme Cherry Sauce, Brown Bread Stuffing, Caramelized Red and Yellow Harvard Beats with Onions and Pancetta

Apple Walnut Ozark Pudding with Rum Sauce

Tomato Hominy Pozole

I have splashed orange brown and honey in a festive motif on the face of the new, new twenty dollar bill then wrapped them up in corn husks and twine and placed one at each place setting with a personal inscription to each guest penned in Florida blue ink from an instrument purchased from the Andrew Jackson estate that was used by the President himself; this type of thing brings an immediate personal touch to the table

tourists are money

Mojave Mulatto Chile

40 Seconds in the Desert

From blue black edges you see holy angels navigating storm clouds in a tricked-out 42 Studebaker waving Yankees pennants bestowing hot dogs and long neck bottles of ice cold Pepsi on a huddle of demonstrators in what could be any non-establishment protest of bed sheet signs tied to broom sticks held high by middle class white-kids dressed in Abercrombie & Fitch who, you can tell, want; would rather have a coke & smile the distress in this work is its title Brand Loyalty

Sweet Potato

Gordon Elliotts Knock

Shameless, self promoting, lacking humility, here ....

Make it Campbells Instead


false positive

I did call Governor Pataki's office about the taxation issue over the Indian treaty violation and I think I received their response. Last week I tested positive on a drug test. Got to retest as it was characterized a false positive. The deadline for the retest was today and it was made quite clear that if I did not take the exam and present proof within this time frame I would be terminated. The weather sucked this week and I had today off so I made plans to retest. I had some shopping to do so I went to the Indian reservation to buy more tax-free smokes. A police blockade was in place about a half a mile before the reservation. I was pulled over for an expired inspection sticker on Donna's car. Then we discover my drivers license is not valid and it's expired on top of that, this is a misdemeanor. He didn't arrest me or impound the car which he said he could have done; he didn't search me and find the pot I had hastily hidden under the backseat. Nevertheless, he did confiscate all my photo identification, cited three violations that I must present myself before the Lewiston judge on Dec. 9th at 5:30PM. Then let me go. The policeman was very nice and if I had been a different person I would be in jail for a long while. Not years, mind you, but orange jumpers would be all the fashion for the coming season. It was then that I realized I needed my identification to take my drug test. I called and confirmed that I could not take the test without valid photo ID. I was thankful that I wasnt arrested and that I didnt have to fail the upcoming test and get fired. I stand, this evening, free, from prison, employment and taxation

hoe bring yo ass


Moth Balls

I am pulled toward tungsten filaments attractive as moths are attracted lit up I bat them away taking all the fun for myself Sometimes, to pass time away the cat claws my shirtsleeve attracted as moths are attractive fluttering like paper on string She excites when I bat her away distractive correlatives attracted

Goat Cheese

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a place

of electricity






The aroma of Lychee is relaxing and evasive, it envelopes you then disappears within the senses inhale the floral bouquet, the fragrance of Lychee is mysterious, oriental, floral and gently sweet. The softness of rose and the body of apple The flavor is delicate and sweet like honey, it perfumes the tongue with fruity and sweet

While discussing the concept of "yeet hay" and "leung" (the heating and cooling attributes of foods) with a Chinese chef, I asked her why the lychee fruit is considered "yeet hay" or heating. It is a very sweet fruit and is delightful when chilled. One would think it would be "leung" or a cooling food.

She replied "Ah yes, well snakes seek out Lychees trees to urinate on, thus Lychee is considered "yeet hay" because snakes are "very, very yeet hay"

Turnip Cream

When Lackey decided to leave the farm he packed his life tightly into his pickup befuddled He saw horizons of colors before him Dark purples parallel to thin yellows, red Periwinkle cutting through fields of lime Salmon cutting through orange streams

At the local Starbucks the waitress cut him a large slice of apple pie When you are in town, you dont stir your coffee with your thumb

Haystack Leeks

There are two sides to every tablecloth There are two sides to every tablecloth There are two sides to every tablecloth There are two sides to every tablecloth There are two sides to every tablecloth There are two sides to every tablecloth There are two sides to every tablecloth There are two sides to every tablecloth There are two sides to every tablecloth


Johnson & Wales



Thanksgiving in Providence sounds so Currier & Ives So Normal Rockwell beating his wife in the Bronx or Admitting you are gay while passing the gravy tureen Listening to Fred talk the strategy of NASCAR go fast and turn left, got it This heart attack was nothing you should have been here for the one in ninety-four now that was a heart attack, Barbara here started browsing new Cadillac brochures she was that sure I was done for, werent you sweetie the snow globe close your eyes the better to see


fuzzy blue lines wear uncomfortable wool pants posed relaxed holding his head upward on a fist deliberate ennui scrawls his eyes on some point distant memory of guns, ear tugs, family portrait

Think on your face freely become the you, you are after you forget that you are you


An alarm clock rings and a blindfolded man wandering with a candle A man holding an ear trumpet talks with a blue woman holding a fish Buildings lean down the street a calico cat rubs against a door An ancho chili expression of radicalized beauty is nothing by itself, when you study circles the center is hollow; the pepper holds seeds

What can we learn about Securities Trading by looking at a blindfolded man and a fish?

Roast Goose


Goosey, goosey, gander, Whither dost thou wander? Upstairs and downstairs And in my lady's chamber. There I met an old man Who wouldn't say his prayers, I took him by the left leg, And threw him down the stairs.


Sisters of Providence @ Saint Mary-of-the-Woods

Thanksgiving Services Held

November 27, 2003 7:00; 9:15; 11:00; 12

Friends, I agree with you in Providence; but I believe in the Providence of the most men, the largest purse, and the longest cannon. Abraham Lincoln

Brown Bread

we must follow, not force Providence

Martini glasses float on air for strings bubbles branch off of birch tree icicles A turkey making a get-away in a stolen car a red ambulance resuscitating a graveyard rainbows over industrial sections of a city A water tower uplifting itself and roaming A president on an aircraft declaring victory Michael Jackson awarded best pop prisoner aliens on Mars eat NASA scientists then send back for more

any of these images would make excellent television commercials a time to cast away stones, turn

Harvard Beats

wrapped in a knee length red and yellow scarf worn green felt fedora tipped faintly off-center Doctor Who briskly entered Harvard yard as an unearthly child transmitting golden survival. The final episode could be, tonight the end. Could this be the end, end of the series, actor? The Doctor dismissed this due to his popularity Doctor Who was popular, as popular as ever. And who could not love this mans DVD titles; Revenge of The Cybermen, Dimensions in Time, etcetera Comforted, he returned to TARDIS, K-9, his travels



Roy Horns Tiger

My cats havent treated me the same since they heard about the terror attack on the Vegas performer Roy Horn. She smiled and said, he had it coming, one day out of nowhere. And thats how it happened, too first there was a protest or two, then the war happened, then the war went away but it was still touch and go for a time. They report the casualties along with the football score. CNN indicates Horn and the Tiger will both pull through this and perform as Siegfried and Roy again predators circle gently

So the Tiger said, "Very well, I won't eat you this time, but you must give me your beautiful little Red Coat." So the Tiger got poor Little Black Sambo's beautiful little Red Coat, and went away saying, "Now I'm the grandest Tiger in the Jungle."
From: Little Black Sambo



a hazelnut is a miserable nut to quarrel with, now a walnut is the essence, the character of existence a mural in shades of brown a mans heart devises his dance and earth charms away his days

Ozark Pudding

For Johnny Cash

Well meet again sounds strange waiting gone to grace as all things go for water goes for shining yellow raincoats shining as the sun keeps blowing

that lonesome whistle balancing uncertainly dont know where dont know when wavering blue linen some sunny day

Real Name: Geoffrey Gatza

Occupation: Crime-fighter, Poet Base of Operations: Buffalo, NY USA Height: 6'3" Weight: 195 lbs.
Eyes: Blue Hair: Brown BlazeVOX2k3: an online journal of voice blazevox.org Author Site: blazevox.org/gatza email ggatza@daemen.edu

Portrait of the Poet as an Action Figure

by artist Donna White.

A prodigy who obtained his Literature degree while still in his teens, Geoffrey Gatza was a gifted poet, whos inability to work within the system led him outside of established literary circles. As the "Midnight Poet," Gatza used his great wealth, talent and formidable network of contacts to provide Avant Garde poetry for a wide range of readers for whom orthodox poetry had failed. While investigating the influx of new and dangerous bio-mimetic languages, Gatza was infected with mutagenic viruses which interacted randomly with other chemicals in his bloodstream. As a result, Gatza lost his vision, except while using special goggles of his own creation. Beatnik was one of the strongest Poets on Earth until his untimely fall before Gatza. During a final confrontation with the original Beatnik, Gatzas power level was increased tenfold when his father, seemingly performing an act of good will before his death, bestowed Gatza with his superior mental powers. With his father's ability to project lifelike three-dimensional images and psionic energy beams the Nobel Prize seemed well within his reach. Recently, Gatza was committed to Subway Asylum following several violent mental breakdowns. While there he made fast friends with T.S. Elliot who was committed for acting like a cat and Ezra Pound. Shortly afterward, a confrontation with Elliot, Pound and Closed Verse left Gatza nearly dead. He retreated into his mind, seemingly lost forever in a coma. It has been speculated the energy Gatza received from his father was the catalyst for his insanity but this is not entirely true. Something else has been infecting his mind...something powerful. Gatza has dedicated himself to protecting the downtrodden of his city from a continuing series of deadly schemes by the insidious Iowa writers.

Geoffrey Gatza is editor and publisher of the online poetry journal BlazeVOX2k3. He is a recent graduate of Daemen College with a degree in accounting and literature. Favorite color is orange, likes chocolate ice cream and is a graduate of the Culinary Institute of America and worked as a chef for 10 years. The former U.S. Marine now lives in Kenmore, NY with his fiance Donna White and his 2 cats Blaze and Clarice. Recent art work appears in Fiera Lingue (Italy), Side Reality, Conundrum, 88, Slope, and Exquisite Corpse. His work seeks to unify the ideals and disappointments of Avant Pop. He is the author of Avatar, an epic poem of Superman through the 20th century; Secret Origins (Charles LaSalle Publishing, 2003) John 9:25 (CD-ROM) His digital art has been displayed internationally and was selected as one of the top 50 artists in the electronic literature organizations State of the Art 2002 exhibit.

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