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COLUMBA CATHOLIC CHURCH July 24, 2011 Seventeenth Sunday of Ordinary Time


Prayer Meeting
On Thursday nights from 7:00-8:30 p.m. a prayer meeting is held in the Ministry Center. All parishioners are invited to join us for prayer, song and scripture. Come and give glory and praise to God. We welcome your prayer petitions. Simply fill out the yellow form and drop it in the box at the back of the church. We will read them and pray for them on Thursdays and throughout the week.

Pastors Corner ~
If God gives us a chance to ask us what gift we want from Him, I would imagine that many will ask for money, power, beauty, popularity, health or any other quick fix to human needs and wants. Many times we hear these in peoples prayers of petitions. These things are not bad in themselves if only used for a good purpose, but I wonder if anybody will be like Solomon who did not ask for anything out of selfish interest but the Wisdom to know the right and wrong, to know the best way to govern his people and to know the will of God. WISDOM is a gift necessary for us to understand life, its purpose and value and its relation to the Creator. Wisdom always leads us to the right path and enlightens us in our decisions to arrive at what is best in every situation. Solomon, whose name means peace, asked God for wisdom in his young age, that he may learn to please God as he performs his job as leader of Gods people. Since he asked for Wisdom and not wealth and long life, his wish was granted and was given many other blessings besides. The Gospel Reading is another series of parables on the kingdom of heaven: the hidden treasure, the pearl of great price and the drag net. All these parables also relate to Wisdom, for they all refer to what is essential in the kingdom of heaven. Wisdom points out to us the way to Eternal Life. Christ is Wisdom personified. He is the way to the Father, just as wisdom is the way to doing the will of the Father. Wisdom always serves the glory of God and the good of creation. And if we want real treasure that will last forever, ask God for the gift of Wisdom, and He will grant us all other gifts as well.

Please pray for the following who are ill, their families and those who care for them, especially ~
Linda Amick, Erlinda Castro Aquino, Mary Brunnhoelzl, Hermilito Catane, Patricia Chuilli, Pat Connolly, Betty Conners, Sue Cooper, Marlena Daniels, Paul & Rita Doman, Doug Farnum, Toni Gaylord, Kathy Glenwinkel, Mary Golden, Gaye Harkey, Richard Hudjohn, Mark Little, Regina Lucero, Sue McGee, Laura McKune, John McManus, Robert Medina, Vic Miranda, Francis Buddy Mitchel, Vilma & Veronica Ortega, Candida Perez, Mary & Greg Rodriguez, Evelyn Sefkow, Myrna Singca, and Michelle Wadlow

Mass Intentions for the Week

MONDAY, JULY 25 6:30 am Communion Service 8:15 amME Int. of Aura Natallelo TUESDAY, JULY 26 6:30 amME Donors Intention 8:15 am Communion Service WEDNESDAY, JULY 27 6:30 amAA Candy Lane 8:15 am Communion Service THURSDAY, JULY 28 6:30 amAA Shawn Kavaney 8:15 am Communion Service FRIDAY, JULY 29 6:30 am Communion Service 8:15 amME Int. of Theresa Toledo SATURDAY, JULY 30 8:15 amLN Betty Rowell 5:30 pmME Int. of Sister Theresa LaMetterey SUNDAY, JULY 31 7:30 amEC Michael Chavez 9:30 amME In Thanksgiving 11:00 amME People of the Parish 5:30 pmEC Lorraine Costa
AA-Fr. Abraham Ahn, EC-Fr. Edward Corcoran, DF-Fr. Dennis Flynn, ME-Fr. Mario Elias, LN-Fr. Louis Newman


& Eucharistic MinistersAugust schedules have been emailed. Paper copies are also available in the sacristy. For questions call Kathi 858277-3863/email:
you on August 11th for our bus trip to Julian.

Seniors ClubNO MEETING Thursday, July 28th. See Healing MassThursday, July 28th, 7:00 p.m., music by Donna Lee at 6:45 p.m., Celebrant: Fr. Mario Elias, assisted by Deacon Bill Vasquez. For more information, contact Shawn & Mary Quinn: 858-278-0526. Memorial Mass & Rosary Lois Wadlow ~ Rosary-Monday, July 25th, 6:30 pm;
Memorial Mass-Tuesday, July 26th, at 11:00 am. July 30th, at 1:00 pm.

Flora Culver ~ Rosary & Memorial Mass, Saturday,


JULY 24, 2011

Join the Choir

Do you love singing? Do you sing in your car? Do you sing in the shower? Why not consider joining one of the St. Columba choirs? Contact Pat Dalton at 858-2773006 about volunteering your time and talent in one of the choirs.

Monthly Schedule
ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT: Held the 2nd Saturday of month, Daily Chapel, 8:45 am - 3:30 pm. ANCIENT ORDER OF HIBERNIANS: Every 2nd Wednesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. in the Music Room. BIBLE SHARING (Sunday by Sunday): No class during the summer; will resume in September. BINGO: Every Friday night at 6:30 p.m. Doors open at 4:00 p.m. Babysitting is available. CHILDCARE: Every Sunday from 9:00 a.m. till noon in the Preschool; for infants and children up to four years of age. For more information, call (858) 279-0161. DIVINE MERCY DEVOTION: Join us Mondays and Fridays at 3:00 p.m. in the Daily Chapel for a Divine Mercy Devotion (chaplet, rosary and a reading from the diary of St. Faustina.) GRIEF & BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT GROUP: The 1st Monday of each month, 7:00-8:00 pm in the Ministry Center. Please call Robin, (858) 277-3861 for more information. HOSPITALITY GREETERS: Contact Lois Shenk at (858) 278-9117. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS: Council #1349. Round Table, Richard Portugal. For information call (858) 279-8731. LAY APOSTLES for JESUS CHRIST RETURNING KING: 2nd Tuesday every month in the Music Room, 6:30-8 p.m. Contact Peggy Keller at (858) 569-5996. MENS CLUB: The 1st Tuesday each month at 7:30 p.m. in the Music Room. All men of the parish are welcome and encouraged to join. MENS FAITH GROUP: First Saturday of the month in the Ministry Center, 8:45 am-10:00 am. All men are invited to this informal spiritual gathering to share our lives and grow in our faith. Prayer, discussion and donuts. PRAYER MEETING: We invite you to join us in praise, songs, scripture readings, teachings and worship every Thursday at 7:00 p.m. in the Ministry Center. R.C.I.A. (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults): For adults seeking Baptism or for baptized adults seeking full membership in the Catholic Church by preparing to receive the Sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist. For information, call Mike Conroy, (858) 278-1507. SENIORS CLUB: 2nd/4th Thursdays of the month, 10:30 a.m. in the Parish Hall. Open to seniors over 50 in our parish. Watch bulletin for upcoming events. YOUTH GROUP: Sundays, 6:30-8:30 p.m. in Ministry Center for both Junior and Senior High. For more information call (858) 277-3861.

Young Adults 18-39

Visit the web site of the Diocesan Office for Young Adult Ministry for information about various opportunities offered throughout the diocese:

Christian Service Network

Medical supplies for loan, bathtub rail attachment, canes, crutches, depends, shower chair, walkers, wheelchairs and more. All items are free to borrow. Items for donation are being accepted as well. Call Frank at (858) 569-0651.

St. Columba School News

In the summer, we slow down quite a bit; however, students are having a wonderful time during our summer school. Our program combines academic enrichment with field trips, crafts and fun activities, a welcome relief from the regular school day. ITS NOT TOO LATE to enroll your child in St. Columba Catholic School for the 2011-12 school year. We provide a quality education in a community of faith. St. Columba offers one of the lowest tuitions in the diocese due to our wonderful parent community and the support of our parish. Many parents have asked about our standardized test scores; although it is a policy of the diocese not to publish scores, we are very pleased to report that for all grades tested, our class scores are well above the average. Call or come in and find out how your child can benefit from an education that promises to teach heart, mind and soul.

Readings for the Week

Mon: Tues: Wed: Thurs: Fri: Sat: Sun: 2 Cor 4:7-15/Ps 126:1-6/Mt 20:20-28 Ex 33:7-11;34:5-9,28/Ps 103:6-13/Mt 13:36-43 Ex 34:29-35/Ps 99:5-7,9/Mt 13:44-46 Ex 40:16-21,34-38/Ps 84:3-6,8-11/Mt 13:47-53 Lv 23:1,4-11,15-16,27,34-37/Ps 81:3-6,10-11/ Jn 11:19-27 Lv 25:1,8-17/Ps 67:2-3,5,7-8/Mt 14:1-12 Is 55:1-3/Ps 145:8-9,15-18/Rom 8:35,37-39/ Mt 14:13-21

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