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Three Worthwhile Quotations:

(1) “Often, a cold shudder has run through me, and I have asked myself whether I
may have devoted myself to a fantasy (postulating a theory of evolution).”
(Charles Darwin, the 19th Century theologian who popularized an evolution theory.)

(2) “A whole age of scientific endeavor has been wasted searching for a phantom
(the proof for evolution, i.e., the missing link). It is time we stopped and
looked at the facts! Natural sciences have failed to supply any evidence for
Evolution. Christian philosophy has tried to accommodate this unproved postulate
of materialist philosophies. Much time and intellectual effort have gone in vain,
leading only to negative moral consequences. It is time we told those working in
the humanities the truth: There is no evidence for evolution.” (Gerard J. Keane,
B.A. and M.A. in Forestry as It Relates to Genetics; a Ph.D. in Plant Physiology;
and a Ph.D. in Genetics; from Creation Rediscovered, by Gerard J. Keane)

(3) “If I knew of any Evolutionary transitionals (links showing that there was at
one time an intermediate form of a current species type), fossil or living, I
would certainly have included them in my book, Evolution.” (Colin Patterson,
Senior Paleontologist at the British Museum of Natural History, which houses over
60 million fossils)

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