After A Decade of Fatal Accidents, Route 9 Warrants A Fix - LoudounTimes

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After a decade of fatal accidents, Route 9 warrants a fix

Sunday, Jul. 24 by Matt Vecchio and Laura Peters, Times-Mirror Staff Writers | 27 comments | Email this story

Matt Spinks has seen a multitude of accidents on Route 9, the windy, two-lane highway that runs from Leesburg to West Virginia. For Spinks, its personal his uncle lost his life on a stretch of the road in 1999. He was heading west on Route 9. He had just got off Route 7, out of Leesburg, when he got down to where the road turns left at the bottom of the hill, just before the Waterford Texaco station. Spinks recalls a car passing the double line into his uncles lane. [The other driver] ran him off the road down into a ditch where he struck a tree. Years later, after some of the pain had passed, Spinks witnessed another serious accident at the same intersection during a yard sale. A woman and child were involved. I have seen many accidents and near-accidents on the road. There definitely needs to be something done there. Spinks uncle was not the first, or the last, to lose his life on Route 9. The roads death toll continued to rise in the new millennium. One fatality occurred in October, 2001, another in January, 2003, and another just two months later, in March. Two more happened in late 2004. One each in 2006 and 2007. One in 2010 that claimed three lives, and one on March 29 of this year. Of those cases, three occurred when a driver crossed the double-line and hit traffic head-on, the same situation that killed Spinks uncle. On May 29, 2011, Satish Mallavaram, 36, of Ashburn, died in a head-on-collision in which witnesses say he may have been preoccupied with an electronic device prior to swerving across the road and colliding with a vehicle carrying a husband and wife who were airlifted to a hospital due to life-threatening injuries. Part of the problem with the road is that, because of its turns and two-lane format, it leaves very little room for error. If a vehicle crosses over the wrong lane, a driver has very little time (and even less) room to react. Six more motorists were in the hospital on June 15, 2011, after 40-year-old Michael D. Brown, of Washington D.C., attempted to avoid pursuit on Route 9 near Hillsboro, which resulted in a three-vehicle crash. One person died. These fatalities are recorded only from two precincts, the Loudoun Countys Sheriffs Office and the Virginia State Police. The West Virginia State Police and the Jefferson County Police did not return phone calls seeking information. For the last several years, Route 9 has been the primary east-west highway of Northwestern Loudoun County and its still just a single lane in each direction. As a result, the state highway is a major overburdened commuter route. And people have paid with their lives. After pouring over the statistics, its no surprise that some Loudouners try to avoid the road at all costs. I avoid it, Vicki Clark Johnson said. Id rather go out of my way to get to West Virginia than travel on Route 9. Johnson is not alone. Katy McCauley grew up in Hillsboro. Her family was the original owner of the Hill Tom Market in Hillsboro, a staple of the area since it opened in the late 1930s.
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Traffic in Hillsboro was horrible through that little town and on Route 9 when I was growing up, McCauley said. I cant even imagine what its like today. A significant part of the problem with the high volume of cars on the road is incoming commuter traffic from West Virginia. And it may get worse. A cloudy future West Virginia is constructing a four-lane expressway bypass of the current Route 9 to Route 340 in Charles Town. This expressway will end at Route 9 at the Virginia state line a point of concern for Loudoun County, and especially Hillsboro residents, because of an inevitable increase in traffic. This issue came up frequently in recent years in board meetings, and a bypass of Hillsboro was proposed and considered as part of Loudouns long-range transportation plan. The bypass was debated publicly before being rejected by the county Board of Supervisors in June 2010. Now, the county is studying traffic calming measures in an attempt to be proactive, in hopes of encouraging West Virginia traffic to detour through Clarke County using Route 340 and Route 7. But some believe this is just a shot in the dark. It wont get any better after the Route 9 Bypass opens at the top of the mountain, regardless of what efforts are made to direct people to use Route 7 and Route 340, Mike Carter, a frequent user of the road, said. There is a reason that Route 9 at rush hour is called the West Virginia 500. Loudouners arent the only ones who are tentative to use the road. Im one of those annoying West Virginia commuters that use that road all the time, Craig Foster said. [There are] so many issues, from one end to the other. Stretching out Spinks said that part of keeping the road safe is up to authorities. What needs to be done is more police presence, Spinks said. Also, the lights need a longer wait time to spread the traffic out more and the road system of out West Virginia needs to be established to ease the load of cars. Spinks thinks a road from the West Virginia section of Route 9 at Mission Road that cuts through to the Shenandoah Retreat off of Route 7 would ease a lot of the burden and thin traffic. They already have old fire roads and jeep roads there, Spinks said. They could create a new road in that location. Another idea to encourage drivers to take an alternative route is putting up a toll both. I would have no problem setting up a toll for those coming out of West Virginia, they use the road more heavily than most Loudoun residents and pay no taxes to maintain or repair the road, Spinks said. Other than that, its pretty much up to the citizens to be alert. Loudoun County Sheriffs Office Spokesman Kraig Troxell said it is important that people stay alert on Route 9. Many vehicle crashes in Loudoun involve distracted drivers and motorists following so closely that they could not avoid a collision in the circumstance when the driver in front brakes suddenly, Troxell said. He recommends that, especially on a two-way highway like Route 9, drivers dont tailgate, wear a seatbelt, obey the speed limit, report aggressive or reckless drivers and never drink and drive. Additionally, you can avoid the road entirely. We encourage motorists to review use of alternate routes, including the use of Route 7 and Route 340 to reach their destination, he said.
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Tue, Jul 26 at 10:13 PM by Luanne Webter | Report this comment

Traffic calming measures like those now in place, and working, on 15 and 50, and on 287 in Maryland. A perfect place to start: Rte 9 + 704, where 5 roads come together and where vehicles traveling on 9 are routinely rammed from behind. There is a huge expanse of pavement that looks to my untrained eye like enough for a roundabout.
Tue, Jul 26 at 05:50 PM by mm | Report this comment

Drivers have a simple choice: either use another route or obey the law. Ive lived here a mere 22 years, but in that time Ive seen seen several accidents, found a car upside down on the road in front of our house, and been in a head-on collision just outside of town when a driver went off the steep shoulder and proceed to lose control of their car. Hillsboro was here in 1752 before 24wheel trucks, cell phones, gamblers and angry little drivers and it isnt going anywhere. Neither are we. But you still have a choice.
Tue, Jul 26 at 12:56 PM by Thomas | Report this comment

Anybody want to second my motion that Alby is one of those old tymers that dreams of one day being dictator of a revived south-land? Seriously dude, take a chill pill and post an update in the AM. I agree with most folks here, when I take Rt. 9, its because its the middle of the day and Im not in a rush. Rt. 9 sucks. Always has and always will. All of VAs roads suck. Coming from NC to VA via 220 sucks, from MD to VA via 15 sucks, from WV to VA via 9 sucks its like VA builds their roads crappy on purpose and I wonder why so many VA dwellers are butt wipes! Look at how they plan their roads! It might even be wrong to call those roads planned! Going to Charles Town (two words Alby) is no fun, but neither is going to Winchester via Rt 7. Each fatality Ive noticed the past few years on ALL the roads Ive talked about have been VA drivers either dying or killing folks cause they cant drive on their own crappy roads. Check out fatality rates on the other side of the boarder in MD, WV and NC you wont find nearly as many fatalities because those folks know how to plan and build roads. I know one things for sure, Ill be the first to try out the new 9 in WV when its done. And I wont be spitting out the window on VA when I cross the line either, cause I love this country and Gosh darn it, VAs part of it too, even though the roads look like they were designed by a 3 year old Latvian immigrant (not that theres anything wrong with Latvians or immigrants, legal ones anyhow but thats a different issue isnt it?).
Tue, Jul 26 at 09:30 AM by duh | Report this comment

Wow, what a bunch of terrible ideas by govt loving leesburg lefties. Safety isnt our primary concern while driving and never has. If it was, you would be driving a car that was governed to have a top speed of 10mph. Just think of the lives that could be saved!!! Come on people we all know that Rt. 9 drastically needs improvement (wider/faster/knock down Hillsboro). For heavens sake raise the speed limit back to 55 at least, and add some passing zones. There are more problems with DCians traveling 35mph headed to the casino than WVers headed to work at speed.
Tue, Jul 26 at 07:25 AM by Yep | Report this comment

Iwhere i7n this article do you see WV residents calling for change on RT 9? I dont see any comment made by a WV resident tthat is calling for VA to change anything. Its Loudoun County residents. Dont do the whining and crying bit about WV residents trying to change your County and stepping on your rights. Btw- This morning on my way over the mountain from Mission Rd and down Rt 9 to Purcellville, 2 cars with VA tags raced to pass everyone on curves and double lines. Almost running over 2 kids trying to catch the summer school bus. I guess WV drivers arent the ONLY jackasses clogging up your side of Rt 9. I wonder if theyd have used the excuse that the volume of traffic and the road coerced them into driving like that or if theyd actually admit that they were running late and rules dont apply to them.
Mon, Jul 25 at 11:39 PM by Alby | Report this comment

Why does RT.9 upset me? Because everybody is calling for bypasses or road improvements. Trouble is, its those from WVA calling for the changes, yet we in VA get stuck with the bill. Itll be our tax dollars that will go to funding a Hillsboro Bypass, traffic calming, or more road enforcement. All to the majority benefit of those dropping their tax dollars and paychecks into WVA coffers. As such, I have zero interest in spending a nickel on RT.9. If the folks in WVA want improvements, they can start enjoying their drive via RT.340/RT.7 which is ready-made for all the volume that hits RT.9 today. Now if everybody in WVA is up for a commuter tax or toll road to fund RT.9 improvements, Im all for that. But nobody in Virginia or Loudoun should spend a nickel on RT.9.
Mon, Jul 25 at 05:49 PM by Also Amazed at Alby | Report this comment

Wow Alby! Who pissed in your corn flakes this weekend? A WVer, no doubt. Why the hate, buddy? Take a chill pill and stay off my road. As a transplanted Leesburger, I love this road and use it all the time and abide by the laws. Thats all that is necessary - everyone obey the laws. Its really that damn simple. But as any officer will tell you, the laws dont apply to people. Certainly, thats what we (the populace) show in our behavior everyday, everywhere. On the roads, very few obey the laws; Its the That doesnt apply to me mentality. And, why wont more police patrols fix anything? No one passes anyone on Grubs Stake Farm hill when a patrol car is parked at the bottom. That fixed that Youre just transfering the a$$es that drive 9 over onto 340 & 7 - your thoughts just show it doesnt matter to you WHERE they kill or die, just off of Rt. 9. One thing I agree with - if you dont like Rt. 9, please dont drive it. Oh yeah AND GET OFF THE DAMN PHONE. NOW!
Mon, Jul 25 at 03:31 PM by Amazed at Alby | Report this comment

Alby - I hope all the out of staters who come to WV to waste all their money at the casino will be charged that toll you wish for.dont forget the WV citizens using Rt 9 are the ones who work to serve the Loudoun residents.
Mon, Jul 25 at 02:38 PM by SteveM | Report this comment

Cant widen 9 in Hillsboro. Theres not really a good place for a bypass that wont greatly extend commute times. So the only real solution is to slow people down. Reduce the speed limit and replace all intersections with traffic circles. There might be a few places where curves could be straightened as well.
Mon, Jul 25 at 01:56 PM by Does Anyone Think Here? | Report this comment

I travel Rt. 9 everyday and realize it appears more risky than some other roads, but what I dont know, and this article does not seek to answer is this: Based on some objective measure of traffic (# of car trips, some sort of mileage gauge) is Rt. 9 any more dangerous than any other road per driver, per mile? I dont know, but that would be interesting to learn. If it isnt more dangerous, than what is called first level thinking (characterized by evidence like car crashes) is at fault here and this is mountain out of molehill stuff. If it is more dangerous, why? Is it speeds? Is it capacity? Both? Another reason? Knowing what causes a problem is a pretty good way to start to solve it.
Mon, Jul 25 at 10:28 AM by Alby | Report this comment

More Deputies on RT.9 wont fix anything. Its a Traffic Volume and Road Design issue. Heavy Volume on a 2-Line Road is a recipe for disaster no matter how you slice it. The statistical average of a stupid drivers doing something that causes an accident only increases as the volume on the road increases. The (ONLY) solution is to either curtail traffic volume or widen the road to support

the increased traffic volume. Curtailing traffic is likely impossible, so that leaves road design as the only solution. (BUT), that solution already exists with RT.340 between WVA and Virginia. The only snafu, it adds 30mins to everybodys journey to/from Charlestown. So how do you get people to use RT.340 vs. RT.9 to commute to/from Charlestown,WV? You make it difficult, expensive, and/or time consuming to use RT.9 for commuters. That will force them to use RT.340. Net Result, accidents decline, lives are saved, and Hillsboro residents stop fussing about traffic through their town. Its a Win/Win for everybody in Virginia. As for those in WVA, tough love.
Mon, Jul 25 at 09:30 AM by Drivin all day | Report this comment

Big suprise, its all a WV drivers fault. I fail to see even with the example given that WV drivers are the cause for all these accidents. Isnt it true that Mr. Brown was from DC? Mr. Mallavarm was from Ashburn. The issue is that Ft 9 needs to be patrolled more vigarously for drivers who are speeding, texting, reading, ect. While I understand that the police can only do so much, its very unfair to blame things on commuters. I, persoally, am a professional driver in Loudoun County and all day I am dealing with people that dont follow the traffic laws. Speeding, no signaling, just very aggressive all around. The issue isnt the road, its the drivers. Use commons sense, obey traffic laws, and most of all use caution! Also, I dont believe the old road that leads from Mission Rd between VA and WV, can be reopened. Part of that land has deemed National Park Service and motorized traffic is prohibited.
Mon, Jul 25 at 08:42 AM by ttpams | Report this comment

Oh brother. The West Virginia haters are out in full force. I grew up in Hillsboro, and like many who have spoken here, was forced out of my beautiful home county by all those who come from somewhere else and ruin it. Traffic is not caused by one side or the other. There are just as many Virginians and Marylanders coming into Charles Town to play slots as West Virginians going to work in Virginia. Problems are when too many people want to move in and want nothing changed. Widen the road, Virginia-thats what W. Va. is doing. Enforce the laws. Virginia NEVER has deputies between Hillsboro and W. Va. Too far out in the county for them to travel to enforce anything.The National Park at Harpers Ferry is another problem childwiden 340 and eliminate some of the frustration of sitting for hours and folks may not attempt to go so fast. Other than that, the truth is that it is not the road, it is the driver and always has been and will be. Until drivers accept responsibility and quit blaming an inanimate object like the road, there will be a problem.
Mon, Jul 25 at 08:17 AM by Alby | Report this comment

Tollroad Update Give all Virginians a TollRoad Free Pass. Make all those from WVA pay to use Route 9. Now putting a tollbooth at the state line might be difficult. But if you build a Hillsboro Bypass, you can stick a tollbooth on that bypass and then make it 1000x more difficult to get around the toll road and drive through Hillsboro (Long Stop Lights at Rush Hour, Speed Bumps, etc). This will force those who use RT.9 the most (ie: WVA Commuters) will pay for the use and future expansion of RT.9. Virginians should not sink a dime into a road that is the Bread and Butter for those choosing to live in WVA.
Mon, Jul 25 at 08:04 AM by the end | Report this comment

You would think those that drive the road enough would know that passing the one car in front of you gets you nowhere other than right behind another one. I drove 15N for several years-the Maryland portion of 15 (even though still 2 lanes) was a much easier drive. Then wed get to Loudoun and traffic always bogged downno shoulders, no visibility to see the traffic ahead because of encroaching trees and turns. Sorry to say but both 15 and 9 in VA need help. I am not saying we need to 4 lane Rt 9-God knows the idiots will just drive faster and turn it into a race track, but there needs to be wider shoulders and clearing of the right of way so drivers can see the the amount of traffic ahead of them.

Once they can see an endless string of cars the passing across a double yellow line will decrease.
Mon, Jul 25 at 07:29 AM by Lives in Charles Town | Report this comment

I use Rt 9 2x day to/from work. I see idiots trying to cross the solid line barely missing a head on accident ALL the time. People just need to be PATIENT. Most of the drivers I see have VA plates. Everyone just needs to follow the laws & these accidents wouldnt happen!
Mon, Jul 25 at 01:15 AM by Kathy | Report this comment

Whoa - whats up with all the WV haters? Our country is filled with workrelated interstate travel. This is not about Virginia or West Virginia - its about people being irresponsible on the road. I grew up in Loudoun and now teach there but had to move to WV because I couldnt afford to live there. Ironic since I really wanted to live there and give back to that great community. I wish the state would do something about that intersection though. Losing lives affects us all. I pray for the families who have lost their loved ones there.
Mon, Jul 25 at 12:52 AM by x96Exr | Report this comment

Cool to hear that!

Mon, Jul 25 at 12:49 AM by Joe Somebody | Report this comment

I read the entire article and still cant figure out how the road is at fault for these accidents. Innatentive driving, reckless driving, and plain old idiots are the cause. Slow down, pay attention and RELAX!
Mon, Jul 25 at 12:25 AM by Marshall Grove | Report this comment

I have traveled Rt. 9 for over 25 years. I grew up in Loudoun County, but putting a toll road is absolutely ridiculous! Umm. What about the West Virginians that purchase all of their gas in Virginia? What about the West Virginians that stop at the grocery stores in Leesburg or Purcellville to purchase groceries on their way home? What about the West Virginians that take a lunch break and purchase their lunches in Virgina? Loudoun County is a beautiful County. However, it needs to go back to the way it used to be. What ever happened to everyone getting along and helping eachother? Its not about Keeping up with the Jones which is what Loudoun County has become. Its very unfortunate. Loudoun only sees money signs! What about the constant tax increases in Loudoun that has forced Loudoun County residents to move to West Virginia? Well, the taxes here are increasing too! Im sure they did not want to leave their homes, considering Loudoun is one of the most beautiful counties in the area. I agree, Rt. 9 is a dangerous road. Dropping the speed limit to 50MPH was a ridiculous move while Harpers Ferry Rd. (Rt. 671)is still 55MPH. Its just a way for the County to fine folks in order to make money. Is the County truly concerned about the lives lost on RT. 9 or is it more about the statistics??? I pray they are concerned about lives lost, but its more about statistics and wanting to put the blame on West Virginians! Yes we are all entitled to our own opinions! I can deal with 50MPH, but the police officers should fine the folks going under the speed limit as well!!! BTW, its not just West Virginians, its also folks using Rt. 9 from Maryland. Perhaps the Decision Makers should review the traffic on the weekends as well! In fact, I traveled Rt. 9 yesterday and the traffic was horrible umm even noticed all of the Virginia license plates heading to West Virginia most likely to the Casinos or grocery shopping since it is a bit cheaper here! Its sad. I think we all put our pants on the same. Its not about the materialistic things we have. After all, were not taking it with us! Its about having a good heart and getting along and helping eachother!
Sun, Jul 24 at 11:19 PM by Alby | Report this comment

Turn RT.9 into a Tollroad and charge $5.00 for one way traffic. Thatll force everybody onto RT.340 and solve everybodys problems. And the only people who will be pissed are the folks in W.VA who cant vote in Virginia elections.
Sun, Jul 24 at 11:14 PM by Alby | Report this comment

If you dont like Route 9, Use RT. 340. Its 1000x better and designed for handling a higher volume of traffic than Route 9.
Sun, Jul 24 at 08:11 PM by Tired of the whining | Report this comment

This could all be solved if these drivers followed the traffic laws I.e. Slow down and get of the dang phone. The road is not the problem the people driving are the problem.
Sun, Jul 24 at 07:28 PM by ScumStopper | Report this comment

Rt 9 predominately follows the same path the old horse and wagon trails followed a century ago. Every town and village is about a days ride between. They didnt have the machinery to move the mountain and hills, so the pathways weaved and curved around them. When asphalt came along and car pushed the horses aside, the states didnt keep up. They paved the proven path. Then to compound the issue, the preservationists & tree huggers fight the solution to the issue. Their staunch distain for modernization does nothing but result in deaths and injury until it is a member of their family they bury or nurse. Thats when it becomes personal! Its time to either continue riding the horse or get out of the way!
Sun, Jul 24 at 06:13 PM by Happyinwv | Report this comment

The Rt.9 issue has been one for over 50 years. Loudoun County has done nothing. How many of these accidents were caused by West Virginians??? Most were caused by Virginians. There are a great deal of Virginians on this road too. Loudouns finest needs to concentrate on distracted drivers. All the time we see texting, book reading, and using cell phones.
Sun, Jul 24 at 05:49 PM by Appanage | Report this comment

If you want faster travel move closer to your destination. Safe travel should be the priority and - whether youre a Liudoner or a West Virginian - we shouldnt be held at gunpoint to build a big highway just because West Virginias shoved one down our throats with their disproportionate amount of highway funding.
Sun, Jul 24 at 05:31 PM by Duh | Report this comment

What a useless article. Jeesh people, we dont want longer wait cycles, and traffic calming circles of stupidity. We want/need a major East/West divided highway. I travel this road every single day, and the only ideas they have had in the last 10 years are to slow people down, add lights, and take away passing zones making the road even more miserable. Lets open up a major artery where people can make up time headed to work. I like the idea of opening up a route just west of Hillsboro cutting diagonally down to Rt. 7 off Cider Mill road with a 4 LANE HIGHWAY!!! We want faster travel not a nanny state trying to keep everyone safe.

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