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One day, God said, Id like to know how much My beloved people are praying.

My angel, Id like you to go down to Earth and collect for Me all the peoples prayers and bring them before Me, so that I may rejoice in My creation and know that My people need Me and want to come to Me with their needs. I so enjoy answering all their prayers. Go, My angel, swiftly. The Angel replied, Yes, my Lord. As You wish. Um dia, Deus disse Gostaria de saber quanto os Meus amados tm orado. Meu anjo, gostaria que fosse Terra para coletar todas as oraes das pessoas e trazer diante de Mim, para que Eu possa Me alegrar com a Minha criao e saber que o Meu povo precisa de Mim e quer vir a Mim com suas necessidades. Gosto tanto de atender as suas oraes! V depressa, Meu anjo! O Anjo disse, Sim, meu Senhor. Como quiser.

The angel came back huffing and puffing, barely able to carry the load. The basket was full to the brim. Here, my Lord, the angel said. I can hardly carry it all. Your people sure like to petition You for their needs and desires. Oh, how I delight in My people! God replied. How I like their prayers. So many of them, so many. Make sure theyre all answered, down to the last and smallest one. O anjo volto ofegante, mal conseguindo carregar o cesto, cheio at a borda. O anjo disse, Aqui, meu Senhor. Quase no consegui carregar tudo. Com certeza que o Seu povo gosta de Lhe pedir as coisas que precisa e deseja. Deus disse, verdade! E como gosto do Meu povo! Como Me agradam as suas oraes! So tantas e tantas! Certifique-se que todas so devidamente atendidas, at a menor.

Later, God called another angel. He said, Now, after all these prayers have been answered, My people must be very thankful. I wish to see just how much they appreciate it. Go and gather now all the praises of My people. The angel replied, Yes, my Lord, with delight. Mais tarde, Deus chamou outro anjo. Ele disse, Meu anjo, agora que todas aquelas oraes foram respondidas, o Meu povo deve estar muito grato. Eu gostaria de saber o valor que do ao que fiz. V e colete todos os louvores e agradecimentos do Meu povo. O anjo disse, Sim, meu Senhor, com todo prazer.

After a short while the angel came back with an almost empty basket. My Lord, said the angel. I tried so hard, I looked everywhere but all the praises I found are here, my Lord. God said, Oh, my the basket is almost empty. Are you sure you collected them all? The angel replied, Yes, my Lord, but this is all there was. God said, Oh, it really isnt much. My people sure know how to ask for things, but when it comes to thanking Me It is very sad, very sad indeed. Pouco depois, o anjo volto com o cesto quase vazio. Meu Senhor tentei muito, busquei em todas as partes mas todos os louvores e agradecimentos que encontrei foram estes. Deus disse, Puxa mas o cesto est quase vazio! Tem certeza que coletou todos? O anjo disse, Sim, meu Senhor, mas s deu isto. Deus disse, Oh, no grande coisa. O meu pessoal sabe muito bem pedir, mas quando chega a hora de Me agradecer Que tristeza!

God doesnt mind our taking all that He has for us, but in return He looks for our thanks and appreciation. He wants us to acknowledge that we are pleased with all the gifts that He has given us and how He takes care of us so well! O Senhor no Se importa que tiremos dEle tudo aquilo que tem para ns, mas, em contrapartida, espera que expressemos gratido e considerao. Ele quer que manifestemos nossa alegria por todas as ddivas que nos concede e pela maravilhosa maneira como zela por ns!

God Deus Angel anjo Collect coletar Prayers oraes Basket cesto Thankful grato Praises louvores Empty vazio

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Art from Activated! Kids Magazine. Used with permission. Story The Family International

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