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DSM-IV-TR A. Intentional production or feigning o physical or psychological s&s B. Motivation for behavior is to assume d sick role C.

External incentives for behavior r absent E:g o behavior : Economic gain Avoiding legal responsibility Improving physical well being Code based on type : Wif predominantly psychological s&s : If psychological s&s predominate in clinical presentation Wif predominantly physical s&s : If physical s&s predominate in clinical presentation With combined psychological & physical s&s : If both psychological & physical s&s r present but neither predominates in clinical presentation

FD wif predominantly psychological s&s Presentation: Bereavement Eating disorder Hypersomnia Depression Amnesia Transexualism Posttraumatic stress dz Substance related dz Paraphilias Pain dz Psychosis Bipolar I dz Dissociative identity dz Symptoms: Depression Bizarre behavior Hallucination Dissociative & conversion sympt Pseudologia fantastica : Limited factual material is mixed w extensive & colourful fantasies Imposture : Lying , Px assume d identity o prestigious person Wif predominantly physical s&s AKA Munchausen syndrome Predisposing factors : True physical disorder during childhood xtensive medical tx Grudge 2ward medical profession Employment as medical paraprofessional Important r/ship w a physician in past Able to present with physical symptoms Clinical presentation : myriad dizziness Fever Hematoma N&V Hypoglycaemia haemoptysis Abd pain Lupus like syndrome

Fa ctitious disor der

Intentional production o physical pathology or feigning o physical or psychological symptoms with apparent aim o being dz as ill

Factitious disorder not otherwise specified Px with factitious s&s do not meet DSM criteria for specific FD Most notable dz is FACTITIOUS DISORDER BY PROXY A person INTENTIONALLY prod physical s&s in ANOTHER person who is under 1st person care DSM-IV-TR RESEARCH CRITERIA for FD by Proxy A. Intentional production or feigning of physical or psychological s&s in another person who is under individual s care B. D motivation for d perpetrators behavior is to assume d sick role by proxy C. External incentives for behavior (such as economic gain) r absent D. D behavior x better accounted by another mental disorder
nha 0813

Mx Major goals : 1. risk of morbidity & mortality 2. Address d underlying emotional needs or psychiatric dx underlying factitious illness behavior 3. To be mindful of legal ethical issue Guidelines of mx & tx Active pursuit or prompt dx can minimize d risk of morbidity & mortality Minimize harm avoid unnessary test or procedures especially invasivetreat according to clinical jugdement, keeping in mind that subjective complaint might be deceptive Regular interdisciplinary meeting to conflict & spliiting among staff mx staff countertranference. Consider facilitating healing by using double-bind technique or facesaving behavior strategies such as self-hypnosis or biofeedback Steer px toward psychiatric tx in empathic, nonconfrontational, facesavingmanner. Avoid aggressive direct confrontation. Tx underlying psychiatric disturbance such as Axis I dz & Axis II dz. In psychoitherapy, address coping strategies & emotional confict Appoint a primary care provider as a gatekeeper for all medical & psychiatric tx Consider involving risk mx professional & bioethics from early point Consider appointing a guardian for medical & psychiatric decisions Consider presecution for fraud as behavioural disincentive



Somatoform disorder

Hv obvious, recognized environmental goal in producing s& s Seek hospitalization to : Secure financial compensation Evade police Avoid work Can stop s&s when they r no longer considered profitable or when risk too great Px x usually conversant with medical terminology & hospital routine

Personality disorder Schizophrenia Substance abuse Gansers syndrome

a/w prison inmate respond to simple question w incorrect answer to avoid punishment or responsibility for their actions

Bahawa sesungguhnya setiap amalan itu bergantung kepada niat, dan bahawa sesungguhnya bagi setiap orang apa yang dia niatkan. Barangsiapa yang hijrahnya menuju kepada Allah dan RasulNya, maka hijrahnya kepada Allah dan RasulNya. Barangsiapa yang hijrahnya kerana dunia yang dia mahu mencari habuannya, atau kerana seorang perempuan yang dia mahu kahwininya, maka hijrahnya ke arah perkara yang ditujuinya itu.

nha 0813

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