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FRANCISCO DUENAS, called to preside over the des

tinies of Salvador in 1865, by the grace of President
Carrera of Guatemala, was a member of the legal pro
fession, and had already figured in public affairs. He
was from early youth destined for the cloister, and in
due time took the vows as a Dominican. But being
of an ardent temperament, he came after a while to
think himself adapted for a political leader rather than
to serve God under a monk s habit.
He accordingly
entered the political field, and soon attained promi
nence. In 1845 he was a minister of state, and had
previously been a deputy to the federal congress,
wherein for lack of eloquence he made no display;
but in committees and private conversations with his
In 1829, when convents were closed in Guat. he had to leave the cloister,

and afterward obtained a papal dispensation from his vows. He then studied
law, and received the degree of licentiate in 1830.
X 392)

colleagues, he often managed to have his ideas ac

cepted. He was one of the deputies who voted
against the fatal decree leaving the states free to con
stitute themselves. He was then a friend of Central
American nationality, and often defended it almost as
warmly as Barrundia. Pretending to follow public
opinion, he was affiliated with the liberals. But his
chief aim was even then the furtherance of his own
political advancement. Thus we see him join the oli
garchic clique, and ally himself with Carrera of Gua
temala, from which time he discountenanced every
attempt to restore true democracy. The republic-
became one in name only, for his government was
personal and absolute. With the aid of the oligarchs
he managed to sustain himself for years, the country
enjoying peace and material prosperity, for which, as
well as for his not neglecting public education, he
should have some credit. 3
In December 1868, he was elected president for
the next term, and public affairs continued in a nominal
condition for some time, the most friendly relations
being maintained with foreign powers, and specially
with the other Central American states. But in the
latter part of 1870 serious differences occurred with
the government of Honduras, the latter imputing to
Salvador marked favors to Honduran and Nicaraguan
refugees, who were constantly plotting to overthrow
the administration of President Medina. At last the
Honduran government accredited two commissioners,
namely Celeo Arias, and Teodoro Aguiluz, in San Sal
vador, with the view of settling those differences,
if possible, in a
friendly manner. Salvador on her
part named Rafael Zaldivar her commissioner to treat
with them, and their conferences began on the 16th

Slowness and procrastination ruled supreme. A citizen of Salvador said
of Duefias to describe his policy: El mejor caballo para Duenas es el que no
In Jan. 1866 he married a wealthy widow, who had been educated in
the U. S. That same year the university conferred on him the degree of doc
tor of laws. Nic., Gaceta, Feb. 3, March 3, 1836.

of January, 1871, but they led to no satisfactory re.

suit. At the fourth and last conference, on the 21st
of January, the Honduran commissioners, after pro
testing against Salvador s course in rejecting their
demands, proposed as a last resort to preserve friend
in view of the fact that all hope of
ship arriving at
an understanding had disappeared, as confidence be
tween the two governments no longer existed- -that
the legislatures of both states should be convoked to
meet on the 12th of March, and the two presidents,
Medina and Dueiias, resign their offices. After which
elections for chief magistrates should be held, with
the express condition that during those elections both
Medina and Dueiias should reside out of their coun
tries.Four days having elapsed without any answer
having been returned to that proposition, the Hondu
ran commissioners on the 25th renewed their protest,
declared the conferences closed, and demanded their
passports. However, after this, Zaldivar signified to
them an acceptance of the proposal concerning the
*The Hondurans claimed on the strength of art. 8th of the treaty concluded
at Santa Rosa on the 2oth of March, 1802, the concentration in the interior
of Salvador of Gen. Florencio Xatruch, the priest Miguel Bustillo, and Jose
Manuel Selva, Hondurans; and also of certain Nicaraguaiis, who after their
rebellion against the government of Fernando Guzman in their own country,
had found a refuge in Salvador, and made common cause with the enemies
of President Medina, because he had supported Guzman with the moral and
diplomatic influence of his government. The Salvadorau negotiator denied
that Xatruch was a political refugee. He was sent by Nic. in 18(J3 to Salv.
at the head of an auxiliary force. Later with Nicaragua s permission he was
employed by Salv., he being since ISoS a general of division of her army, a
rank conferred on him for his services against Walker and his filibusters; and
was therefore entitled to all the rights of a Salvadoran. citizen. Salv. pledged,
however, that he would do no hostile act against Hond. As to adopting any
action against the Xicaraguans, the demand could not be acceded to, because
they did not come under the provisions of the treaty with Honduras, nor
were they political refugees at all. The commissioner of Salv. made counter
charges: 1st. Hond. had violated art. 9 of the treaty of Santa Kosa, in that
her legislature had empowered the executive to declare war against Salv.
without tirst complying with the terms of that clause. 2d. She had allowed
asylum to Salvadoran refugees, giving them employment on the frontier of
Salv., where they had been constantly plotting and uttering menaces against
their govt, using arms obtained from Honduran govt warehouses. All re
monstrances against such proceedings had been disregarded. 3d. Hond.,
heeding false reports, had raised 1,500 men, keeping a portion on the Salv.
frontier, and maintaining a warlike attitude. The Honduran commissioners
denied the correctness of the charges, and quoted instances in which their
government had given proofs of deference and friendship toward its neighbor,
^a/r., Protocol) de las Con/., 1-16.

resignation. This inspired some hope that peace might

yet be consolidated. But it proved to be a vain hope ;

for the government of Honduras on the 7th of Feb

ruary suspended all treaty stipulations between the
two republics, and Salvador despatched in the same
month a body of troops to invade her neighbor s terri
tory; in consequence of which President Medina on
the 5th of March declared war against Salvador, or
rather against Duenas government. 6
The liberal party took advantage of the situation to
adopt active measures for the overthrow of despotism,
and the restoration of democratic principles. General
Santiago Gonzalez, who had been called to head a
movement, made an address to the people, which pro
duced a great excitement. Duenas tried to strengthen
himself by means of a so-called plebiscit, but this only
served to show that a revolution was impending.
Gonzalez applied for aid to the government of Hon
duras, which, being then on the point of waging war
against Duenas, was prevailed on to place under com
mand of that officer the forces he had organized to
invade Salvador through Sensuntepeque. With his
Salvadorans and Honduran allies Gonzalez made him
self master of the departments of Santa Ana and
Sonsonate, from which he could procure abundant
supplies. The government forces, which had been
kept in suspense, not knowing which would be the
invaders objective point, attacked them at Santa
Ana, and after four days hard fighting, though much
Kic. had mediated on behalf of peace, accrediting H. Zepeda and M.
Montealegre as commissioners at Amapala. But an affair of arms at Pasa-
quina frustrated the efforts of the legation. Circular of Nic. Foreign Min.,
Sept. 5, 1876, in Salv., Gnceta Ofic., Oct. 26, 1876.
The oligarchs pretended contempt for Medina s action; some said, Ke-
dina es un loco, y Honduras un
esqueleto; others, La quijotesca actitud de
Honduras alianzara mas nu?stro poder. Uriarte, Observ. . Union Hep. Cent.
. .

Am., 3.
It was said that Medina was enticed into
assisting the liberals, under the
delusion that they would call him to rule over the united states of G-uat.,
Salv ami Hond.
San Salvador, the capital, had been several days fortified awaiting an
assault, but the invaders, not knowing how much force there might be a*
hand for its defence, preferred to march ou to Santa Alia,

superior in numbers, were utterly routed on the 10th

of April, with heavy casualties the main army was ;
put to flight, and the reserve forsook their standard.
Gonzalez was then proclaimed provisional president,
and Duefias government collapsed, he, together with
Tomds Martinez, ex-president of Nicaragua, who com
manded in chief the government s army, and others,
seeking a place of safety in the United States legation,
then in charge of General A. T. A. Torbert, minister
resident. The next day Gonzalez and his army
marched into the capital amid the most enthusiastic
acclamations. His first step was to protect the per
son of Duefias against possible violence from his exas
perated enemies, among whom were the friends of the
never-forgotten Gerardo Barrios, whom Duefias had
caused to be shot in cold blood, and to obtain his sur
render that he might answer before the nation for his
O illegal
acts. Both Duenas and Martinez were
.surrendered to the provisional government on its giv
ing a pledge that their lives would not be imperilled.
The surrender of Duenas was made on the 20th of
April, with his own acquiescence; he was then trans
ferred as a state prisoner to the military school build
ing. Martinez was released and permitted to leave
the republic. 12
Ex-president Duenas was, on the 13th of April,
1872, declared by the senate legally deposed, and
amenable to the laws for acts of usurpation. Murders,
among which was reckoned the execution of Ex-presi
dent Barrios, unjustifiable executions, and imprison
ments of citizens, incendiarism, misappropriation of
Hond., Bolctin Ofic., no. 2, contains the official report of the action, copied
in Nic., Gaccttt, March 13, 1871.
A guard was kept around the minister s house as long as Duenas was
his guest.
He was kept there, treated with respect and consideration till after his
trial. The particulars of his surrender appear in the official correspondence
of Min. Torl>ert with both his own and the Salvadoran governments. U. S.
Gov. Doe., II. Ex. Doc., Cong. 42, Sess. 2, i. 693-5.
There was no reason to keep him a prisoner. He could no longer injure
Medina, and moreover, the government took into account his valuable ser
vices to Cent. Am. in ISoO 7 against Walker. Lafe-rrivre, De Paris a Gua e-
tuala, 197 -8.

public moneys, and other misdemeanors. It was fur

ther ordered that the accused should be turned over
to the jurisdiction of the courts for trial, pursuant to
article 71 of the constitution. In July of the same
year, while the constitution was in suspense, during a
temporary internal disturbance, the supreme court set
him which caused much agitation in Salva
at liberty,
dor. He
the country after giving bonds in $100,-
000 that he would not land in any port of Central
America. He went to and remained in Europe
some time, then returned to America, residing a while
in New York, and afterward in San Francisco, Cali
fornia. Subsequently he was permitted free access
to his country, and was treated with high considera
tion both in Salvador and Guatemala.

The constituent assembly, which had been convoked

by the provisional government, was installed July
28, 1871, and began its labors on the 31st, when the
provisional president gave an account of his official
acts, all of which were legalized at once. The fol
lowing persons were, in the order named, designated
to take charge of the executive, provisionally, in the
event of disability of Gonzalez; namely, Rafael Campo,
Manuel Gallardo, and Cruz Ulloa.
On the 16th of October, the assembly adopted a
new fundamental law in twelve titles, which may be
said to have been in perfect accord with democratic
principles. This constitution was amended on the
The process was accordingly passed to the camara de 2d instancia. El Por-
venir de Nic., June 2, 1872.
u The revolution was declared one for the restoration of the people s rights,
(roiizalez being recognized as provisional president. His recall of the supreme
court was approved of.
Freedom to meet peaceably for the discussion of public affairs and the
conduct of the rulers; freedom of speech and of the press wcrj recog
nized and established, as also the inviolability of life, personal liberty, prop
erty, and honor, which no man could be deprived of except for cause after
undergoing a fair trial. A
citizen s domicile and private papers were also
declared inviolable. Primary instruction was to be uniform, gratuitous, and
obligatory. Secondary and superior education were to be free, though subject
to the supervision of the civil authorities. Passports were abolished. The
Roman catholic was declared to be the state religion, but other Christian sects
not repugnant to morality and good order were tolerated. Foreigners could

9th of November, 1872, in a few particulars by a con

stituent assembly, the presidential term being made
of four years instead of two. He
could neither be
reflected for the next immediate term, nor act as
president even a single day beyond the time for
which he was chosen. 16 This same assembly in 1872
enacted several secondary laws of importance, to wit:
on freedom of the press; trial by jury in criminal and
libel cases; use of martial law; elections by universal

suffrage; public instruction; codification of the laws

in force since 1821; and appropriation of private
property for great public uses.
The presidential election under the new charter of
1871 resulted in Gonzalez, the provisional president,
being chosen the constitutional chief magistrate, his
term to begin on the 1st of February the following
year. The amendment to the constitution of Novem
ber 9, 1872, extended it to February 1, 187G.
The political relations of the governments of Sal
vador and Guatemala with Honduras had, early in
1872, become so unfriendly that a war was unavoid
able. Salvadoran and Guatemala forces invaded Hon
duras, and were successful in their operations, the
details of which will be given in connection with the
history of the latter country. President Gonzalez
become naturalized after two years residence, and Spanish Americans after
one year. All Salvadorans of 21 years or upwards, and of good moral char
acter, were citizens, provided they had either one of the following qualifica
tions: being father of a family, or head of a household; knowing how to read
and write; possessing an independent livelihood. Those of only 18 years of
age having a literary degree were also voters. The military in active service
could neither vote nor be voted for. The government was vested in three
distinct powers: legislative, composed of a senate, renewable yearly by thirds,
each senator owning at least $2,000 in real estate, and a house of deputies, the
whole renewed yearly; the executive, vested in a president owing at least
$10,000 in real estate, his term being for only two years; and the judiciary,
consisting of the supreme and lower courts. No ecclesiastic was eligible.
The president, vice-president, and members of both houses of congress were
to be chosen by electoral colleges. Laferriere, De Paris d Guatemala, 199-
2J2; El Porvenir de Nic., Nov. 26, 1871; Jan. 7, 1872; Ruiz, Caleml Salv., 70.
Full Sp. text in Laferriere, De Paris d Guatemala, 343-82; U. S. Govt
Doc., H. Ex. Doc., Cong. 43, Sess. 1, For. Rel., ii. 788-94, 811-20; Nic,,
Gaceta, Nov. 30, 1872; Nic., Semanal Nic., Nov. 28, 1872.
Salvador s acceptance of the war declared by Hond. March 25th was
signed by President Gonzalez, and countersigned by his cabinet; namely,
Gregorio Arbizu, min. of foreign rel. Manuel Mendez, min. of pub. instruc-

and his victorious army on their return to San Salva

dor inJune received an ovation. Subsequent events
demanded the despatch of more troops to Honduras,
which, together with Guatemala s, completed the work
of the first campaign. The government also felt com
pelled to exile a number of persons who were mani
festly conspiring for the destruction of the liberal
regime. The
ministers addressed an expose to the
constituent congress, which had been in session since
September 27th, reviewing the policy of the adminis
tration, and submitting for its sanction the late war
measures, at variance with the constitution. All the
acts of the president were subsequently approved by
The only other event of 1872 worthy of mention
was the murder of the vice-president, Manuel Mendez,
on the night of the 1st of September, in the public
by a man named Juan Melendez. At first it
was supposed that the act might have been prompted
by other motives than personal revenge; the latter
proved, however, to be the real cause. The assassin
fled into Honduras, but was finally discovered and
surrendered to Salvador, where he was tried and
The year 1873 in its first part was a calamitous
one for Salvador. A series of earthquakes caused
tion; Borja Bustamante, min. of the treasury and war; and Antonio G. Val-
des, acting min. of govt. El Porvenir de Nic., May 12, 1872.
A plot was to break out simultaneously in San Salvador, San Vicente,
Sensuiitepeque and Cojutepeque, with ramifications in Guatemala. The
Indians of Cojutepeque rose against the garrison and were beaten off.
The report was dated Oct. 4th, and signed by the ministers, G. Arbizii,
J. J. Samayoa, and Fabio Castillo. The legislative sanction was given Oct.
14th. Report of Thomas Biddle, Am. minister, in U. S. Govt Doc., H. Ex.
Doc., For. ReL, Cong. 43, Sess. 1, ii. 784-7.
Mendez held also the position of minister of public instruction, justice,
and ecclesiastical affairs. He was an honorable, energetic, and talented man,
and his loss was much deplored by the country, and particularly by Pres.
Gonzalez. U. S. Govt Doc., H. Ex. Doc., Cong. 42, Sess. 3, i. 547-8. The
republic also lost this year, Dec. 10th, one of her most gifted and valuable sons,
Gregorio Arbizu, who had likewise been vice-president, and for many years
minister of foreign relations. His funeral was conducted and the expenses
defrayed by the government, as a mark of respect and appreciation of his
services. Nic., Semanal Nic. Dec. 26, 1872.
He was captured in Jan. 1875, and shot on the 29th of Apr. Salv., Dario
Ofic. Jan. 20, May 1, 1875.

destruction in many places, specially on the 19th of

March, ruining the capital for the eighth time in its
history. The national congress, after approving the
government s acts to the date of closing its session,
leftthe country to devote its best energies in repairing
the havoc of that catastrophe. The rest of the year
and 1874 formed, indeed, a period not only of res
toration but of marked progress in every respect.
National industries went on developing, public in
struction, under the fostering care of the authorities,
was constantly being spread among the masses, and the
had become much improved. Peace
financial condition

reigned at home, and the relations with foreign powers

were on an amicable footing; cordiality seemed to
preside over those with the other Central American
states. The future, at the inception of 1875, promised
concord and good- will as well as undisturbed progress-
ivcncss. But these expectations were not realized.
The public peace was disturbed on two occasions; the
first, by the Indians of Dolores Izalco, who, because
of a dispute with the authorities anent their community
lands, rose in arms, and on March 14th assaulted the
garrison of the city of Izalco, to be repulsed with con
siderable loss. Their head men were arrested and
imprisoned some months, until, promising good be
havior in the future, they were released. The other
affair was a more serious one, calling for energetic
action on the part of the military power. An armed
mob of reactionists and religious fanatics, led by one
Tinoco and a clergyman named Jose Manuel Palacios,
on the 20th of June, fell upon the city of San Miguel,
slaying the small garrison, together with the coinan-
dante general, Felipe Espinosa, and several citizens,
sacking the business houses, and burning down a por
tion of the town. Such deeds of blood, robbery, and
Such was the flattering account given by the government to the national
congress, on the opening of its labors Jan. 18th. Salv., Meiwije del Presid.,
Jan. 20. 1875; Id., Mem. Sec. Rel. Ejcter., 1875, 1-12; Id., DiarioOfic., Jan.
20, 1875.
Under a decree of amnesty of Nov. 2, 1875. Salv., Diano OJlc., Nov. 4,

incendiarism as those of the 20th to the 24th had

seldom been witnessed in Central America. Troops
arrived from La Union, and the Honduran port of
Amapala, on the 24th, and the malefactors fled, bat
not before about thirty of their number, including
Father Palacios, were taken prisoners. A
part of the stolen goods was recovered. Reenforce-
ments followed, and the department was secured from
further molestation. President Gonzalez was at San
Miguel on the 27th.
On the other hand, a sanguinary and disastrous war
with Guatemala caused an entire change in the ad
The general assembly had, on the 1st of March, con
voked the people to elect on the first Sunday of De
cember a president and vice-president for the second
constitutional term to begin February 1, 187G, and
end February 1, 1880. Andres Valle was chosen
president, and Santiago Gonzalez, vice-president. The
latter offered his resignation, but the assembly did not
accept it. They w^ere inducted into office on the ap
pointed date. But previous to this, Guatemala having
assumed a menacing attitude, congress decreed that
in the event of the president going to the field at the
head of the army, Valle, then a senator, should act in
his stead, pro tempore. On the same date a forced
loan of $500,000 was also ordered to be raised.
The difficulties arose from a supposed understanding
of President Gonzalez with Guatemalan refugees in
Salvador, and the government of Ponciano Leiva in
Honduras, with the ulterior object of bringing about
the downfall of Barrios. The latter alleged also that
Gonzalez intended to uphold with his forces the gov
ernment of Leiva, which, according to him, was entirely
unpopular, because of its subserviency to Salvador.
This intervention was deemed not only an attack

governments of Guat., Nic., and Hand, tendered aid. The rebels
were eventually pardoned after some months imprisonment. Pan. Star and
Herald, July G 28, 1875; Salv., Diario Ofic., June L3 to July 21, 1875



against Honduran autonomy, but a menace to Guate

mala. Gonzalez was notified that if he persisted in
that course, Guatemala would then interfere in favor
of General Medina, who was then trying to overthrow
Leiva. The result of this attitude was a renewed
assurance by Gonzalez of friendly feeling, and a prop
osition to hold a verbal conference on Honduran affairs,
which Barrios accepted, and such a conference was
held now with President Valle at Chingo, and a con
vention was signed on the 15th of February, under
which Marco Aurelio Soto, an Honduran by birth,
was to undertake the pacification of his country, backed
by equal forces of Guatemala and Honduras. Barrios
contended that, though Valle was president, Gonzalez
was the real power in Salvador, whom he accused in
a public manifesto of hypocrisy and treachery. Angry
words continued, the two nations beinoc O now armed
for the conflict, till
they agreed to disband their forces.
Both governments claimed to have done so, imput
ing to the other a wilful neglect of its obligation.
The probability is, that, distrusting one another, they
merely pretended compliance, keeping their troops
ready for action. Barrios sent 1,500 men into Hon
duras, and came himself with a force to threaten Sal
vador on the west, and actually invaded the latter
without a previous declaration of war. At last, on
the 20th of March, Jose Maria Samayoa, minister of
war in charge of the executive of Guatemala, formally
declared all official relations with Salvador at an end,
and then again on the 27th, alleging that Salvadoran
troops had invaded Guatemala, decreed the existence
of war, giving Barrios unlimited power to make such
uses of this declaration as befitted the dignity of Gua-

This intervention was apparently on the ground of humanity, to stop
the civil war raging there. But the main reason recognized was that the sit
uation in Hond. was a menace to Salv., and might lead to an interruption of
friendly relations between the latter and Guat. Salv., on being accused of
violating the compact, alleged that by strict rights it had become obsolete
after the action of Naranjo, when Leiva s administration demolished its foes
and recovered its full authority. However, Salv. was disposed to fulfil her
agreement. Salv., Diario Ofic., March 23, 1876.

temala. The government of Salvador on the 26th
of March decreed the treaty of amity and alliance
concluded with Guatemala January 24, 1872, to be no
longer in force.
Barrios plan for the campaign was to assail Salva
dor on the west direct from Guatemala with an army
under his personal command, and at the same time
by a movement from Honduras under General Grego-
rio Solares on the eastern departments of San Miguel
and La Union.
The Mexican general, Lopez Uraga, adjutant-gen
eral of Barrios, was stationed with a garrison at
Jutiapa to guard the army supplies. At this time
the Salvadorans unsuccessfully attacked an isolated
position on the frontier, which roused the ire of Bar
rios. He then directed Uraga to move the supplies
to Chingo, whence he started, himself to the invasion
of Salvador. Solares had not yet been heard from.
He had first of all to get Medina and Leiva out of
the way in Honduras. The Guatemalan president
then marched to the Coco hacienda, and hearing that
Chalchuapa was abandoned, occupied it at once.
The Salvadorans had their headquarters at Santa
Ana. The armies which were to encounter each
other on the field of battle were the most numerous
Central America had ever seen. Barrios with 8,000
or 9,000 men laid siege of Ahuacnapan. Uraga sta
tioned himself at Chalchuapa with about 1,500, and
Chingo was left with a handful of men.
The Guatemalans who had occupied Apaneca were
driven away, and on returning thereto encountered
the Salvadorans on the 15th of April, and after a
These decrees were countersigned by the qther ministers, J. Barberena,
F. Lainfiesta, and Joaquin Macal. Guat., Recap. Ley., Gob. Democ., 202-6;
Pan. Star and Herald, Apr. 17, 1876.
It denies all the charges of Barrios and his govt as unfounded in fact
and slanderous, and imputes to Barrios the intent to conquer Cent. Am., be
ginning with Salv. and Hond. This decree is countersigned by the ministers
Manuel Caceres, Dositeo Fiallos, Julian Escoto, and Carlos Bonilla. Salv. t

Diario Ofic., March 29, 1876; Pan. Star and Herald, Apr. 8, 1876.
Uraga acted under orders, and wonders why the Salvadorans did not
fall upon Chingo and
capture all the supplies there. Rtplica, 12-16.

fight lasting from eight in the morning till nightfall,

were routed, and pursued as far as Atiquizaya, sus
taining heavy losses.
Meantime the belligerent armies in the east were
not idle. Solares after hard fighting from the 17th
to the 19th of April won a signal and decisive vic
tory at Pasaquina over the Salvadorans commanded
by generals Brioso, Dalgedo, Sanchez, and Espinosa;
the results of which were that" he obtained control of
the departments of San Miguel and La Union, men
acing those of San Vicente and Usulutan, and even
the official residence of President Valle; thus depriv
ing the government of large resources, and disheart
ening the army of Gonzalez in Ahuachapan and Santa
Ana. 30 After this victory, Solares being reenforced,
the Salvadorans, now reduced to 800 or 900, precipi
tately retreated to San Miguel, but by desertions on
the march dwindled down to less than 200. The de
fence of San Miguel became impossible, and Solares
occupied it, as well as La Union. There being in
sufficientelements to defend San Vicente, the govern
ment ordered the scattered garrisons to concentrate
at the capital.
The condition of the army of the west was not
much better. There were in Ahuachapan about 2,000
men, and in Santa Ana hardly 3,500. The former was
greatly decreased by constant fighting during the holy
week, and on the day after easter hardly exceeded 900
demoralized troops. An unsuccessful attempt was
The victors did not occupy Apaneca because the enemy, though de
feated,was still much superior in numbers. The Salvadoran general-in-chief
claimed a victory over 2,500 well-disciplined Guatemalans. The Diario OJir.
of San Salv., Apr. 18, 1876, had it that 4,000 Guatemalans were put hors de
combat in the two fights of Apaneca evidently an exaggeration.
The Salvadoran army of the east was annihilated. Gen. Delgado, and
colonels Henriquez and Jerez were killed, Gen. Figueroa and Col Benj.
Molina wounded. A large numl>er of prisoners, about 1,500 Remington
rides, and much other war material fell into the victors hands. El Guatemfil-
frro, Apr. 25, 187G; Pan. Star and Jfemld, May 1, 2, 1876. According to a
Salvadoran account, the eastern expeditionary force consisted of 1,500, while
that of Solares was of 2,500. The former claimed a victory on the 17th,
confessing, however, that they had finally to retreat. Salv., Diario Otic., Apr.
19, 23, 25",

made against Chalchuapa.

A few days later Salva-
doran commissioners visited Barrios headquarters, as
he was, it is averred, on the point of raising the siege
of Ahuachapan.
He then marched to Atiquizaya,
and the next day to Chalchuapa, where the negotia
tions for peace were held, which resulted in a con
vention, preliminary to a treaty of peace, concluded
on the 25th of April, ratified the next day, and coupled
with the condition sine qua non of a complete change
in the personnel of the Salvadoran government.
He had thrown into it 900 bombs without other result than destroying
a few buildings. Un Guatemalteco, Cartas, 26; Salv., Diario Ofic., Apr. 21, 1876.
Gen. Gonzalez told a different story.
Gonzalez said that during the negotiations there were 2,300 men in
Ahuachapan and 2,000 in Santa Ana; of the latter only one half were well
armed. The Guatemalans had every advantage numbers, arms, discipline,
and abundant resources of every kind. They had but few desertions, whereas
from the Salv. ranks there had been many. Barrios army on entering Santa
Ana exceeded 9,000 men. Salv. still had a chance of obtaining honorable
terms. If these were refused, she could, after providing for the defense of
the capital, concentrate the remainder of her forces in Santa Ana, and trust
to the chances of a battle. Gonzalez, Eel. de los Heckos Ocurr., 1-18, in Pap.
Far., ccxxvii. no. 14.
The commissioners were Jose Valle, Jacinto Castellanos, and E. Mejia
for Salv., and Gen. Lopez Uraga for Guat. The terms are here epitomized:
1st. Presid. Valle was to resign the executive office to the person hereafter
named. 2d. Gen. Gonzalez to give up the command of the forces to Valle.
Both were to have full guaranties for their persons and property. 3d. The
Salv. forces now at Santa Ana were to retire to San Salv. Santa Ana to be

evacuated by 12 M. of the 27th inst. War material that could not be removed
in time was to be delivered to Uraga under inventory. 4th. Santa Ana, and
territory within two leagues of the town, were to be occupied by the Guate
malans, the civil authorities being allowed to exercise their functions therein,
but expected to furnish supplies; Barrios guaranteeing security of persons and
property to the inhabitants. The Guat. forces in the east were to occupy
San Miguel, and territory within one league, under the same guaranties
allowed the civil authorities and people of Santa Ana. 5th. Presid. Valle
was to convoke a junta of notables, within four days from the ratification of
this convention, to meet at Santa Ana, and choose in accord with Barrios the
person in whose hands Valle must resign his offices. 6th. The acting execu
tive must, within ten days, convoke the people of Salv. to freely choose, a
month later, the president of the republic. 7th. The person designated by
the notables shall have organized his government and issued the convocation,
the forces of Guat. will leave the Salv. territory. 8th. Barrios and the pro
visional executive of Salv. will make a treaty of peace between the two
republics. 9th. This convention must be ratified
by Barrios at once, and by
telegram within twenty -four hours by Valle, the ratifications to be exchanged
within six hours after. An additional article made free the transit between
the two countries. The convention was duly ratified. Upwards of 200 per
sons at Santa Ana sent Barrios, after the occupation of the town by his troops,
April 30th, an address of thanks for his magnanimity and generosity, adding
that no Salvadoran could justly complain of the behavior of the Guat. army.
Guat., Boletin de Noticias, no. 8; Barrios, Mensaje, Sept. 11, 1876, 7-11; Sale.,
Diario, Ofic., May 4, 7, 1876; Id., Gaceta, Ofic., May 26, 30, 1876; Costa /?.,
InformeSec. Rel, 1876, 11-12; Pan. Star and Herald, May 16, 1876.

Under the preliminary convention of April 25th,

Rafael Zaldivar was chosen provisional president, and
on the 1st of May appointed his cabinet. 34 defini A
tive treaty of peace, friendship, and alliance, offensive
and defensive, was signed at Santa Ana May 8th, 35 in
which Honduras joined on the 27th of May. Gen
eral Gonzalez had meantime repaired on board the
British war ship Amethyst at La Libertad, transfer
ring himself afterward to the American mail steam
ship Costa Rica, on which he left Central America.
Pursuant to the 6th clause of the convention of
April 25th, the people were called upon to choose, on
the first Sunday of June, a president and vice-presi
dent, as well as representatives to the legislative as
sembly, the latter to meet at San Salvador on the
1st of July. This clause having been duly carried
out, the Guatemalan forces withdrew from Salvador,
in accordance with the 7th. The elections took
place, the national congress being installed July 3d,
and Rafael Zaldivar declared to have been duly chosen
constitutional president to continue the term from
February 1, 1876, to February 1, 1880. He was ac
cordingly inducted into office on the 19th of July.

Rafael Zaldivar had previously served in both

houses of congress, in the cabinet, and filled several
diplomatic missions, notably that of minister plenipo
tentiary in Berlin. On his return he became Presi-
Cruz Ulloa, min. of foreign relations, justice, eccles. affairs, and pub.

instruction; Jose Lopez, of govern.; Estanislao Perez, of war; and Fabio

Moran, of treasury. Salv., D
uirio Ofic., May (i, 1870.

By Cruz Ulloa and Marco Aurelio Soto. The treaty provided also for

the surrender of common criminals, the concentration away from the frontier
of political refugees; fostering legitimate and checking illicit trade; exclud
ing Jesuits. In the event of misunderstandings, the parties must resort to
arbitration. The treaty of Jan. 24, 1872, and the Rivas-Carazo with Nic.,
were repealed. Honduras and Costa Rica were to be invited to join it. Ralv.,
Gaceta Ofic., 11, 1876; La Regeneration, May 16, 18713
May , Salv., Diario
Ojic., April 1879; Pan. Star and Herald, June 1, 1876.
-ft., Pap. Sueltos, no. 17. Gen. Indalecio Miranda, who had been
proclaimed president in some parts, recognized Zaldivar.
native of Salv. he studied medicine in Cent. Am. and completed his

professional studies in Paris. On his return home he soon had a remunera

tive practice, and came to be considered one of the best physicians in Cent.
Am. His professional duties did not, however, keep him out of politics.

dent Duenas right-hand man and supporter. He

was president of the last general assembly at the
time of Duenas downfall, and considering his life in
danger, he concealed himself, and finally escaped out
of the country. 38 After this he lived in exile about
five years.

The new administration had no home or foreign

complications to distract its attention from the usual
routine of duties, and progress was soon noticeable in
every branch of industry as well as of the public ser
vice. The executive, on the 3d of April, 1879, called
the people to choose a constituent congress to effect
reforms in the constitution of November 9, 1872.
This body was duly installed June 9th, under the
presidency of Teodoro Moreno; but after appointing
a committee to frame a constitution, it adjourned July
2d to meet again between the 1st and 15th of Janu
ary, 1880. It reassembled on the latter date, and
proceeded to consider the project of a fundamental
law laid before it by that committee. Some amend
ments were finally adopted on the 19th of February,
and Zaldivar was reflected president for the ensuing
term from February 1, 1880, to February 1, 1884.
Nothing worthy of special mention occurred till the
end of 1882. The constitutional congress opened its
session on the 5th of January, 1883, when the
dent gave an encouraging account of the political situ
ation. Peace reigned, and the people were devoted
to their industrial
pursuits. The relations with the
other nations of the earth were cordial, Salvador,
though a small power, being the recipient of respect
and regard from all others. With Costa Rica the rela
tions, interrupted since October 1879, were renewed,

He effected his escape from the capital disguised as an Indian with a
load of grass on his head.
In Feb. 1879 congress thanked the
emperor of Germany for the honor
of knighthood conferred on Zaldivar. In France he was given the title of
officer of pub. instruction. The same month and year congress gave him a
vote of thanks for his services.
Ualv., Diario 0/?c., March C, 8, 1879.

and with Nicaragua the most perfect understanding

existed. The treaty of alliance with Guatemala and
Honduras was in full force. 40
But this happy state of things was not to last.
At 2 o clock in the
morning of April IGth, a body of
men armed with shot-guns, revolvers, and
machetes attacked the garrison at Santa Tecla, crying
Viva la religion Viva el Doctor Gallardo
! Mueran !

Zaldivar y Barrios! They were repulsed by the

troops commanded by Colonel Matias Castro Delgado,
who captured forty prisoners. The government forces
went in pursuit of the others in the region of the
neighboring volcano. The insurrectionary move
ment had ramifications in other towns, namely, La
Libertad, San Salvador, Santa Ana, Ahuachapan, and
Sonsonate, where its authors expected to be seconded.
The president at once placed the departments of
San Salvador, La Libertad, and the west under
martial law. This and other prompt measures pre
vented any further action on the part of the would-be
revolutionists. Quiet having been fully restored, the
decree of martial law was repealed. 42
Another change in the constitution was made this
year. The executive called a convention on the 18th
of October to meet between the 15th and 20th of
December, to revise the charter of February 19, 1880,
adapting the fundamental institutions of the country
to its present needs; and also to take cognizance of
other matters which the executive would lay before it. -I.-:

He therefore saw good reason to tender congratulations to the repre
sentatives of the people on the promising condition of Salvador and the other
Cent. Am. republics. Zaldivar, Mensaje, Jan. 5. 1883; Pan. Star and Herald,
Jan. 17, 1888; Pan. ElCronista, Jan. 20, 1883.
Among the persons taken as leaders of the movement were Gen. Fran
cisco Menendez, l)r Manuel Gallardo, Marcial Estevez, and Manuel A. Louccl.
Salv., Diario Ofic., Apr. 16, 17, 1883; Pan. Star and Herald, May 5, 7, 1883.
June 1st. This decree caused much satisfaction among all classes.
The grounds for the convocation as stated were that the people had
almost unanimously declared that some of the clauses of the constitution of
1880 were not suited to the national requirements. The Diario Ofitial ex
pressed the hope that the revision would give a more judicious application of
the principles of a republican government, thus strengthening the public
liberties without weakening the principle of authority.

A new constitution was adopted soon after, contain

ing all the political rights recognized in the most lib
eral instruments of the kind, guaranteeing also the
free exercise of all religions not repugnant to morality
and public order. 44 President Zaldivar was reflected
and reinaugurated on the 1st of February, 1884. 45
But obtaining leave of absence to visit Europe, where
his family had been some time, he turned over the
executive office to the first designado, Angel Guirola,
who was to hold it till his return. 46 He was again
in San Salvador in August, and resumed his duties.
Another period of trouble is now again impending
on Salvador. Elsewhere I give the particulars of
the undertaking of Barrios, president of Guatemala,
to reconstruct Central America as one republic by
force of arms. It is unnecessary to do more than
glance at the same here. On finding a deliberate
opposition to his project on the part of the govern
ments of Salvador, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica, he
placed his army in the field to support any move
ments in those republics toward the end he had in
view. The people of Salvador responded to the call
of their authorities, 47 who in a short time had about
1,800 volunteers enrolled, and relied, moreover, on
the aid of the other three governments equally inter
ested in defending their autonomy. About 12,000 men
were stationed on the western frontier under the direct
command of President Zaldivar, but no act of hostility
was committed, out of respect for the American min-
The govt was vested in three distinct powers: legislative in two cham
bers; executive in a president for four years; and judicial in a supreme court.
He constituted his cabinet with the following ministers: Salvador Galle-
gos, of foreign affairs; Domingo Lopez, interior; Pedro Melendez, treasury
and navy; Asun. Mora, war and public works; Luciano Hernandez, education;
and Antonio J. Castro, justice. Guat., Mem. Sec. If el. Exter., 1884, p. 6; Costa
R., Mem. Sec. Rel. Exter., 1884, 5-6; Pan. Star and Herald, Jan. 16, Feb. 23,
26, 1884.
visited the U. S. and France, being received with the honors due his
rank as chief magistrate of a
friendly nation. La Estrella de Pan.. Aug. 14,
Sept. 11, 1884; El Ouatemalteco, Apr. 29, 1884.
Proclamations and manifestoes of Pres. Zaldivar and the assembly of
Salv., March 14, 15, 17, 1885. Costa R., Boletin OJic., March 21, April 1, 1885;
La Estrella de Pan., March 28, 1885.

ister,who had been mediating, and obtained from Bar

rios that he would not invade Salvador if his own
territory were not assailed. But this pledge went for
nothing. The Guatemalans invaded Salvador March
30th, compelling the Salvadorans who had been forti
fying the hacienda del Coco to abandon that position,
though only after severe fighting, and retire into their
fortifications of Chalchuapa. The latter were assailed
by the whole force of the
enemy, but the garrison re
turned the fire with success, and gallantly met the
desperate onslaught until a signal victory crowned
their well-directed efforts. Barrios, the intrepid
leader of the Guatemalans, lost his life, but this did
not put an end to the fight for several hours yet. 49
The discomfited assailants began their retreat to the
frontier at six o clock, or a little later, in the evening,
With the friendly intervention of the foreign diplo
matic corps an armistice was signed, giving time for
negotiations, which culminated in a treaty of peace
with Guatemala, the particulars of which are given else-
The Salv. official reports claimed victories at Coco and San Lorenzo.
The attack against the latter was made at 10 r. M. of the 31st, and repulsed.
Repeated the next day from 5 A. M. to 3 r. M. ; the assailants were driven
back by Gen. Monterosa. Cota R., Boletin Ojic., April 2, 1885.
According to a Guat. account, an error was committed in not bombard
ing the Salv. stronghold, Casa Blanca. Barrios at 8 A. M. of the 2d led the
assault on the N. E. side of the fortification with the Jiron brigade of Jala-
pas, which on that day behaved cowardly. Shortly after the assault, a little
past 9, Barrios was mortally wounded, and forthwith removed. The Jalapas
gave way, divulging to other troops the death of the president. Thus it came
to pass that the first who saw Barrios fall were the first to take to flight, fol
lowed by men of several other brigades. To avert a disaster, the troops oper
ating on the N. side were recalled. The firing ceased on both sides at 4:30,
and the retreat to the Magdalena began at 6:30, the Salvadorans not pursu
ing. The same authority claimed that if the firing had been kept up an
hour longer, the Guatemalans would have won the day, several bodies of
troops having abandoned the town, and the supply of ammunition in the
place being already scanty. He asserts that the Guat. loss in all the fights
was in killed, besides the president, and his son Gen. Venancio Barrios, colo
nels A. Jiron, V. Bonilla Cruz, Urbano Sanchez, Major Gonzalez, a few other
officers, and 200 rank and file. Campana de la Union Cent. Am., in La Estrella
tie Pan., May 30, 1885.
Further details may be seen in Zaldivar, Mensaje, May 4, 1885; Costa
I?., Informe Sec. Eel Exter., 1885, 1-4; Id., Boletin Ojic., Apr. 5, 1885; La
Ettrclla de Pan., Apr. 4, May 2, 9, 1885; Pan. Star and Herald, Apr. 10, 24,
27, 1885; 8. F. Cronteta, Apr. 4, 11, 15, 25, May 2, 1885; Mex., Diario Ojic.,
Apr. 4, 1885; Id., Monitor Rel, June 23, 1885; hi., La Prensa, supl. no. 162.

With Honduras 52 a treaty was concluded,
with the assent of the three allies, which restored
friendly relations. Zaldivar called congress to hold
an extra session, and laid before it, May 4th, an ac
count of the campaign and its results, and concluded,
asking that body to accept his resignation. This was
unanimously refused nor was his subsequent request

for a year s leave of absence granted. But on his

declaring his intention of taking the unused time of
the leave given him in 1884, that body acceded, and
allowed him to be absent twelve months. On the
14th, he placed the executive authority in the hands
of the second designado, General Fernando Figueroa,
his minister of the treasury, who had the support of
Zaldivar s friends; and on the following day departed
for Europe. An insurrection had already broken

out the west, promoted by political adversaries,

whose leader was General Francisco Menendez. The
government reported a victory over the insurgents at
Armenia the 19th of May, but the revolution gained
ground so rapidly that Menendez, who had been pro
claimed presidente provisorio, made his triumphal
entry in San Salvador on the 22d, midst the acclama
tions of the populace. The revolution was success
ful, and the new government was afterward recognized
by foreign powers.
In August, Menendez called on the people to choose
a constituent convention, and preparations were made
therefor; but disturbances having occurred in several
places, he prolonged his dictatorship and redeclared

The gov. of Salv. proclaimed peace on the loth of April, and granted a
all who took part in the war
full amnesty to against Salv.> and generally to
all in exile for political offences.
Though the gov, had made common cause with Barrios, it manifested a
disposition to cut loose from the alliance after the late events.
Costa R., Gaceta, May 19, June 24, 1885. Zaldivar well knew that there
was a powerful opposition to him.
Menendez was a man of energy and courage. He possessed good com*
mon sense and natural shrewdness. His habits were simple. Polite and
unassuming, he always made a favorable impression.
Costa R., Gaceta, July 1, 1885; Pan. Star and Herald, July 18, 1885;
La Estralla de Pan., July 25, 1885.
martial law. Zaldivar was charged with improper
uses of the public funds, and the government refused
to recognize a certain indebtedness incurred in his ad
ministration. His property in Salvador was seized,
and an attempt was made by certain persons to lay
hands on some real estate of his in Costa Rica, but
they were not permitted to do so. Shortly after
there was a rupture with Nicaragua, which did not
last long, a treaty of peace being signed at Amapala
in January 1886.
Nov. 26 and 27, 1885. Pan. Star and Herald, Sept. 9, Dec. 7, 1885.
This state of things still existed in March 1886. Correspondence of March
1st, to 8. F. Pout, April 2, 1886.
The supreme court would not recognize the right of the Salv. courts to
demand it. Costa R., Gaceta, Nov. 1, 1885; Pan. Star and Herald, Sept. 18,

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