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Kals Korner

WHY the Democrats and Republicans will Never TRULY "Reform" Themselves
by Kal K. Korff
Internationally Syndicated Copyright 2011 by Kal K. Korff - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

When I moved to Europe in the year 2000 and settled in the beautiful city of Prague in the Czech Republic, I left my country of the United States of America as it became divided, as it had never been before.To refresh everyone's recollection, Al Gore would eventually narrowly lose to George W. Bush, the election awarding the presidency to Bush was decided ultimately not by American voters, but by the U.S. Supreme Court, who predictably voted along party lines. With half the voters understandably upset, the contest between Bush and Gore was so close, half the country would have been angry regardless. I saw for the rst time since the protests of the Vietnam War, which I remember as a child, a nation polarized and divided. 911 to the Rescue When America was attacked by the Islamofascist group al-Qaeda, our people rallied and came together. However, like Pearl Harbor, the attacks against us by Osama bin Laden, COULD have been avoided, if only Democrat President Bill Clinton had bothered to get serious about the Taliban instead of courting them, and had used every means at his disposal to kill bin Laden. While Clinton says "I tried everything," he is not telling the truth. Clinton is, after all, an American president who got impeached for lying, his words: "I did not have sex with that woman," are among his most infamous lies. The attacks of 911 caused Americans to put aside their very real political differences and come together one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all unless one were declared a "hostile combatant."

Bush, having history and most of the world's sympathy briey united behind him in the aftermath of 911, had a truly historic opportunity to further world peace and progress. Instead, he blew it with both lips, eagerly isolating and polarizing not only the American people once again, but indeed the entire world. The United States of America has long led the world in defending universal human rights, democracy, and freedom, yet even our track record is selective and spotty. America was founded at the expense and upon what can only be called the genocide of its native inhabitants, the Native American Indians. As many as 25 million were killed, we will never know their numbers, because we never really cared and we can never go back in time to get an accurate body count. We supported the brutal Shah of Iran, and continue to prop up Saudi Wahhabia and other immoral regimes who deny women even basic rights. Everyone Has "Universal Human Rights" Until You Attack the United States Although Democrat Bill Clinton started the policy of what is euphemistically called "rendition," (with the eager support of "humanitarian" Al Gore), it was George Bush who took things to a whole new level. Renditions are when we export suspected terrorists or criminals to other countries such as Jordan, Egypt or Saudi Wahhabia, so that they will torture them for us. Proponents of renditions falsely claim that this gives the United States "clean hands," when in reality, it sacrices our very soul and the values we "swear before God" that we will never violate and are morally bound to uphold and defend. Bush passed a series of laws taking what had been Clinton's previous policies to new heights of horror. Instead of leading by moral example, Bush led by immoral example, going so far as to outright lie to the American people and the world, by denying that we torture human beings. We still do torture people, even under Barack Obama, who has renewed many of the same policies of Bush's that he said he was "against" when he was pandering for votes, but like John Kerry, is now suddenly for. By the time Saddam Hussein was dethroned, which was the right, moral thing to do based on humanitarian reasons (Saddam had committed genocide and killed more than one million people), America went from being united after 911 to being divided again.

Copyright 2011 by Kal K. Korff - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this content may be reproduced in any form nor by any means without the express, written consent of Kal Korff. Fair use, does NOT apply. By reading this document, you willingly agree to be legally bound by its terms and conditions. Violators of this policy will have a felony DMCA Copyright infringement notice filed against them with law enforcement. First time offenders may be fined up to $500,000, imprisoned for five years, or both. For repeat offenders, the maximum penalty increases to a fine of $1,000,000, imprisonment for up to ten years, or both. This is a DMCA protected document, illegal copying and/or reproduction of its contents are tracked on the Internet and reported to law enforcement for felony prosecution.

The rest of the world was also stuck in this schism, as its politicians and especially the global lamestream media screwed up their coverage on the issue of Saddam's Weapons of Mass Destruction, helping spread the myth and entrenching in the minds of many people still today, that Saddam "never had any" and that invading Iraq was "never justied." These arguments are easily disproved by the Iraq Survey Groups reports, which hardly anyone bothered to read the full contents of. I have asked "kritics" of the Iraq war a simple question: How many people does one have to kill when committing genocide before one should be overthrown? Is a million people enough, or not enough? Predictably, their answers make so sense. They never offer any. Instead, they proffer up "excuses" because they refuse to admit the obvious: that the WORLD community should have removed Saddam Hussein a long time ago, when he committed genocide. They did not do so because they did not truly care, just like the Democrats and Congress as a whole did not truly care about the genocide committed in Rwanda until it was too late and some one MILLION people were murdered. The time to stop genocide is before it happens, not after it has already claimed its victims. The Holocaust of Adolf Hitler and his Nazis taught everyone this obvious lesson, yet too many people are still are not listening. The "Chosen One" Arrives: Barack Obama By the time Bush's presidency was winding down, he was burned out. Bush invaded Iraq without a post-war plan. No one in Congress cared, especially his NeoCon backers. Bush and Rumsfeld also dickered in Afghanistan, especially over the issue of a Pashtun-led Northern Alliance, and then nally "settled" on backing Hamid Kharzai, who was once an enthusiastic supporter of the Taliban, until they (predictably) murdered his father. Rumsfeld made it clear that he did not care if the Afghan Drug Lords returned, as long as they weren't Taliban nor al-Qaeda. Pakistan eagerly sheltered terrorists such as bin Laden, who were allowed to escape from the battle at Tora Bora, precisely because Rumsfeld and CENTCOM Gen. Tommy Franks refused to commit enough resources to hem in and kill the al-Qaeda leader. By botching the "war on terrorism," screwing up Iraq and abandoning Afghanistan, combined with the implosion of the American economy, conditions were ripe and easy

Copyright 2011 by Kal K. Korff - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this content may be reproduced in any form nor by any means without the express, written consent of Kal Korff. Fair use, does NOT apply. By reading this document, you willingly agree to be legally bound by its terms and conditions. Violators of this policy will have a felony DMCA Copyright infringement notice filed against them with law enforcement. First time offenders may be fined up to $500,000, imprisoned for five years, or both. For repeat offenders, the maximum penalty increases to a fine of $1,000,000, imprisonment for up to ten years, or both. This is a DMCA protected document, illegal copying and/or reproduction of its contents are tracked on the Internet and reported to law enforcement for felony prosecution.

pickings for Barack Obama to use his silver tongue to ride in like the Great Black Knight and "save America." Obama promised "hope" and "change we can 'believe' in," despite the fact that "hope" is never a strategy, it is usually a sign of desperation pleaded and emphasized the absence of any real, concrete plans. In my radio segment Kal's Korner, which aired around the world years ago, I told everyone who would listen that Barack Obama would largely fail as a President, and certainly NOT "deliver" on the lofty "promises" that put him in the White House. I saw through Obama, and because I did I refused to vote for either him or John McCain, because McCain as well did not represent "change," and neither did Obama. Instead, both of these candidates can only offer chump change, and thats not what the American people want nor deserve. MOST Americans are disillusioned with Obama today, and deservedly so. They say he has failed them. I argue instead, that the American people get what they vote for. American voters have FAILED THEMSELVES. Our country is now 14 TRILLION dollars in debt. This is so much money, that it will NEVER be paid back. This does not include the interest. If you had a stack of $1,000 bills, it would reach 67 MILES high to equal the amount of debt we have, thanks only to two political parties: the Democrats and the Republicans. No other parties have caused our nancial problems, the Democrats and Republicans OWN it all. America is now over 230 years old. Yet it has only two viable political parties to show for itself. This fact alone proves that it is stagnating, and wastes its time bouncing back and forth between two polarities: Democrats or Republicans. The American people DESPERATELY need a THIRD VIABLE ALTERNATIVE. The Democrats and Republicans will NEVER TRULY REFORM themselves. They both love and chase Big Money too much, and are corrupt and beholden to it because of their lust and greed. Notice that despite all of the lofty, over the top "promises" Barack Obama made, he has deliberately broken some 40% of them, and they are biggies. Obama "promised" to hold Wall Street accountable. Yet no one has been prosecuted. No one is in jail. Obama "promised" to end renditions. Instead, he has INCREASED them, and thanks to expanding military facilities such as Bagram in Afghanistan, he has his replacement for GITMO (which he promised to close but hasn't) so that when it is nally shut down, it won't matter. It's called a shell game.

Copyright 2011 by Kal K. Korff - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this content may be reproduced in any form nor by any means without the express, written consent of Kal Korff. Fair use, does NOT apply. By reading this document, you willingly agree to be legally bound by its terms and conditions. Violators of this policy will have a felony DMCA Copyright infringement notice filed against them with law enforcement. First time offenders may be fined up to $500,000, imprisoned for five years, or both. For repeat offenders, the maximum penalty increases to a fine of $1,000,000, imprisonment for up to ten years, or both. This is a DMCA protected document, illegal copying and/or reproduction of its contents are tracked on the Internet and reported to law enforcement for felony prosecution.

Obama "promised" to give the American people ve days notice before every major bill is passed, and to make sure Congressional hearings were held on C-SPAN and out in the open, and to post the pending laws on the Internet for everyone to see. Nothing stops Obama from keeping these promises, instead he just chooses NOT to. The list goes on and on. With the Republican presidential candidate list for 2012 shaping up to being retread participants from previous failed election contests, and with Obama running for re-election, Americans have "choices" all right: The same old same old. Remember, you GET what you elect. Use your vote for REAL change, not chump change, or don't complain. 1.0v3 May 28, 2011 Kal K. Korff is an internationally known author, columnist and investigative journalist.

Copyright 2011 by Kal K. Korff - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this content may be reproduced in any form nor by any means without the express, written consent of Kal Korff. Fair use, does NOT apply. By reading this document, you willingly agree to be legally bound by its terms and conditions. Violators of this policy will have a felony DMCA Copyright infringement notice filed against them with law enforcement. First time offenders may be fined up to $500,000, imprisoned for five years, or both. For repeat offenders, the maximum penalty increases to a fine of $1,000,000, imprisonment for up to ten years, or both. This is a DMCA protected document, illegal copying and/or reproduction of its contents are tracked on the Internet and reported to law enforcement for felony prosecution.

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