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Symptoms pattern : Obsession contamination Patho doubt Intrusive thought Compulsion Washing w/out Checking If self doubt compulsion guilty Religious obsession Compulsive hoarding Trichotillomania (compulsive hair pulling) Nail bitting Masturbation Medical condition Symmetry Slowness Treatment Pharmacotheraphy SSRI E:g:Citolopram,paroxetine,sertraline S/E : (transient) Sleep disturbance N&D h/ache anxiety restlessnes used w behavioural theraphy clomipramine Titrated upward over 2-3 wks to avoid GIT s/e S/E : GIT s/e Orthostatic hypotension Anticholinergic effect : dry mouth, constipation Combine w other drug & behavioural therapy Resistant case Valproate Lithium Carbamazepine Venlafaxine Pindolol Phenelzine Atypical anTpsyc drug : risperidol Therapies Behaviour Psychotheraphy Family Group Electroconvulsive therapgy Psychosurgery Cingulotomy Capsulotomy

Tourettes disorder Other psych dz

Ddx Disorder o basal ganglia Syndenhams chorea Huntingtons dz Usually co-exist w OCD 1. Psychotic OCD px always acknowledge unreasonable nature o their sympt Psychotic px w hv other symp that r x characteristic o OCD 2. Depression Obsessive sympt a/w depression : Only found in presence o depressive episode True OCD Sympt persist despite remission o depression

obsessive compulsive Recurrent & intrusive thought, Conscious, standardized, feeling idea & sensation recurrent behaviour Mental event Behavior
nha 0813

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