Email Hacking

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Attacks on Email and Security Measures

How Email works ?

Email sending and receiving is controlled by the Email servers. All Email service providers configure Email Server before anyone can Sign into his or her account and start communicating digitally. Once the servers are ready to go, users from across the world register in to these Email servers and setup an Email account. When they have a fully working Email account, they sign into their accounts and start connecting to other users using the Email services.

Email Travelling Path

Lets say we have two Email providers, one is and other is, ABC is a registered user in and XYZ is a registered user in ABC signs in to his Email account in, he then writes a mail to the and click on Send and gets the message that the Email is sent successfully.

Email Travelling Path (Cont.)

But what happens behind the curtains, the Email from the computer of is forwarded to the Email server of Server1 then looks for on the internet and forwards the Email of the for the account of XYZ. receives the Email from and puts it in the account of XYZ. XYZ then sits on computer and signs in to her Email account. Now she has the message in her Email inbox.

Email Service Protocols

SMTP SMTP stands for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol. SMTP is used when Email is delivered from an Email client, such as Outlook Express, to an Email server or when Email is delivered from one Email server to another. SMTP uses port 25. POP3 POP3 stands for Post Office Protocol. POP3 allows an Email client to download an Email from an Email server. The POP3 protocol is simple and does not offer many features except for download. Its design assumes that the Email client downloads all available Email from the server, deletes them from the server and then disconnects. POP3 normally uses port 110.

Email Service Protocols

IMAP IMAP stands for Internet Message Access Protocol. IMAP shares many similar features with POP3. It, too, is a protocol that an Email client can use to download Email from an Email server. However, IMAP includes many more features than POP3. The IMAP protocol is designed to let users keep their Email on the server. IMAP requires more disk space on the server and more CPU resources than POP3, as all Emails are stored on the server. IMAP normally uses port 143.

Configuring an Email Server

Email server software like Postcast Server, Hmailserver, SurgEmail, etc can be used to convert your Desktop PC into an Email sending server. HMailServer is an Email server for Microsoft Windows. It allows you to handle all your Email yourself without having to rely on an Internet service provider (ISP) to manage it. Compared to letting your ISP host your Email, HMailServer adds flexibility and security and gives you the full control over spam protection.

Email Security
Now lets check how secure this fast mean of communication is. There are so many attacks which are applied on Emails. There are people who are the masters of these Email attacks and they always look for the innocent people who are not aware of these Email tricks and ready to get caught their trap. You have to make sure that you are not an easy target for those people. You have to secure your Email identity and profile, make yourself a tough target.

Email Security
If you have an Email Id Do not feel that it does not matters if gets hacked because there is no important information in that Email account, because you do not know if someone gets your Email id password and uses your Email to send a threatening Email to the Ministry or to the News Channels. Attacker is not bothered about your data in the Email. He just wants an Email ID Victim which will be used in the attack. There are a lots of ways by which one can use your Email in wrong means, i am sure that you would have come across some of the cased where a student gets an Email from his friends abusing him or cases on Porn Emails where the owner of the Email does not anything about the sent Email.

Email Spoofing
Email spoofing is the forgery of an Email header so that the message appears to have originated from someone or somewhere other than the actual source. Distributors of spam often use spoofing in an attempt to get recipients to open, and possibly even respond to, their solicitations. Spoofing can be used legitimately. There are so many ways to send the Fake Emails even without knowing the password of the Email ID. The Internet is so vulnerable that you can use anybody's Email ID to send a threatening Email to any official personnel.

Methods to send Fake Emails

Open Relay Server Web Scripts

Fake Email: Open Relay Server

An Open Mail Relay is an SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) server configured in such a way that it allows anyone on the Internet to send Email through it, not just mail destined To or Originating from known users. An Attacker can connect the Open Relay Server via Telnet and instruct the server to send the Email. Open Relay Email Server requires no password to send the Email.

Fake Email via Web Scripts

Web Programming languages such as PHP and ASP contain the mail sending functions which can be used to send Emails by programming Fake headers i.e. From: To: Subject: There are so many websites available on the Internet which already contains these mail sending scripts. Most of them provide the free service. Some of Free Anonymous Email Websites are: o (Send attachments as well) o o o

PHP Mail Sending Script

Fake Email Sending

Consequences of Fake Emails

Email from your Email ID to any Security Agency declaring a Bomb Blast can make you spend rest of your life behind the iron bars. Email from you to your Girl friend or Boy friend can cause Break-Up and set your friends to be in relationship. Email from your Email ID to your Boss carrying your Resignation Letter or anything else which you can think of.

There can be so many cases drafted on Fake Emails

Proving a Fake Email

Every Email carry Header which has information about the Travelling Path of the Email Check the Header and Get the location from the Email was Sent Check if the Email was sent from any other Email Server or Website Headers carry the name of the Website on which the mail sending script was used

Email Bombing
Email Bombing is sending an Email message to a particular address at a specific victim site. In many instances, the messages will be large and constructed from meaningless data in an effort to consume additional system and network resources. Multiple accounts at the target site may be abused, increasing the denial of service impact.

Email Spamming
Email Spamming is a variant of Bombing; it refers to sending Email to hundreds or thousands of users (or to lists that expand to that many users). Email spamming can be made worse if recipients reply to the Email, causing all the original addressees to receive the reply. It may also occur innocently, as a result of sending a message to mailing lists and not realizing that the list explodes to thousands of users, or as a result of a responder message (such as vacation(1)) that is setup incorrectly.

Email Password Hacking

There is no specified attack available just to hack the password of Email accounts. Also, it is not so easy to compromise the Email server like Yahoo, Gmail, etc. Email Password Hacking can be accomplished via some of the Client Side Attacks. We try to compromise the user and get the password of the Email account before it reaches the desired Email server. We will cover many attacks by the workshop flows, but at this time we will talk about the very famous 'Phishing attack'.

The act of sending an Email to a user falsely claiming to be an established legitimate enterprise in an attempt to scam the user into surrendering private information that will be used for identity theft. The Email directs the user to visit a Web site where they are asked to update personal information, such as passwords and credit card, social security, and bank account numbers, that the legitimate organization already has. The Web site, however, is Bogus and set up only to steal the Users information.

Phishing Scams could be:

Emails inviting you to Join a Social Group, asking you to Login using your Username and Password Email saying that Your Bank Account is Locked and Sign in to Your Account to Unlock IT Emails containing some Information of your Interest and asking you to Login to Your Account Any Email carrying a Link to Click and Asking you to Login

Prevention against Phishing

Read all the Email Carefully and Check if the Sender is Original Watch the Link Carefully before Clicking Always check the URL in the Browser before Signing IN to your Account Always Login to Your Accounts after opening the Trusted Websites, not by Clicking in any other Website or Email

Email Tracing
Tracing an Email means locating the Original Sender and Getting to know the IP address of the network from which the Email was actually generated. To get the information about the sender of the Email we first must know the structure of the Email. As we all know the travelling of the Email. Each message has exactly one header, which is structured into fields. Each field has a name and a value. Header of the Email contains all the valuable information about the path and the original sender of the Email.

Checking the Headers in different Email service providers


Checking the Headers in different Email service providers


Checking the Headers in different Email service providers


Locating the Sender

You can easily get the IP Address of the sender from the header and then can locate the sender. Once you have the IP Address of the sender, go to the URL and Find the location of the IP Address.

Keystroke Loggers
Keystroke Loggers (or Keyloggers) intercept the Targets keystrokes and either saves them in a file to be read later, or transmit them to a predetermined destination accessible to the Hacker. Since Keystroke logging programs record every keystroke typed in via the keyboard, they can capture a wide variety of confidential information, including passwords, credit card numbers, private Email correspondence, names, addresses, and phone numbers.

Types of Keyloggers
Hardware Keylogger

Software Keylogger

Some Famous Keyloggers

Actual Spy Perfect Keylogger Family Keylogger Home Keylogger Soft Central Keylogger Adramax Keylogger

Securing your Email Account

Always configure a Secondary Email Address for the recovery purpose Properly configure the Security Question and Answer in the Email Account Do Not Open Emails from strangers Do Not Use any others computer to check your Email Take Care of the Phishing Links Do not reveal your Passwords to your Friends or Mates

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