Symposium Panos Markopoulos

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Inaugural symposium

Blauwe Zaal, Auditorium, Eindhoven University of Technology, Friday, September 16, 2011 Preceding the inaugural lecture of prof.dr. Panos Markopoulos, a mini-symposium will be held on the theme Beyond the disappearing computer: designing systems and user experiences to empower people.

Program 12.00-12.45 12.45-12.50 Arrival of guests with coffee and sandwiches Opening by the symposium chair Berry Eggen, Department of Industrial Design, Eindhoven University of Technology, NL Extended Episodic Experience Prof.dr. Alan Dix, Computing Department, Lancaster University UK From Technology Development towards Social Innovation Dr. Boris de Ruyter, Philips Research Europe, NL What I Talk about when I Talk about Learning... Dr. Janet Read Please turn over





Affective Social Computing Dr. Wijnand IJsselsteijn Designing and Engineering Computer Systems that Change the Way we live Prof.dr. Albrecht Schmidt, University of Stuttgart, DE Ambient Intelligence 2.0 Emile Aarts, Philips Research Europe, NL Break Socio Digital Experiences Inaugural lecture by prof.dr. Panos Markopoulos, Department of Industrial Design, Eindhoven University of Technology, NL Reception in the Senaatszaal



15.20-16.00 16.00-17.00


Registration Attendance is free but you are kindly invited to register for the symposium before Wednesday, August 31, 2011. Please contact the secretariat of the UCE group, Department of Industrial Design, e-mail:

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