Pontundinho - Crispin

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Crispin was a porcupine with sharp quills that covered his entire body.

He had a pink nose and big brown eyes, but you could hardly see his eyes as his body was brown too. One day it rained long and hard. Crispins family stayed in their little tunnel. The rain didnt stop falling. Crispin watched the big, round drops of water come down on the soft, mossy ground. Were going to have to find a new home, Crispins father said. And so once the rain had stopped, the little porcupine family made their way through the forest in search of a place to make their new home. They came to a new part of the forest. It was beautiful there. Crispin saw families of squirrels, rabbits, birds, and other animals running around.

Pontudinho era um porco-espinho, e, claro, seu corpo era coberto de espinhos. Seu nariz era cor-de-rosa e seus olhos castanhos, mas mal se podia ver seus olhos porque seu corpinho tambm era todo marrom. Certo dia choveu torrencialmente. A famlia de Pontudinho ficou dentro do seu tunelzinho. A chuva no parava de cair. Pontudinho observava os grandes pingos dgua redondos que caiam no solo macio e musgoso. Vamos ter que encontrar uma nova casa disse o pai de Pontudinho. Quando a chuva finalmente parou, a famlia de porcosespinhos entrou pela floresta procura de um lugar para seu novo lar. Chegaram a uma nova parte da floresta que era muito encantadora. Pontudinho viu famlias de esquilos, coelhos, pssaros e outros animais correndo por toda a parte.

One day, Crispin was looking behind some rocks when a rabbit came up to him. Hello. Whats your name? the rabbit asked. Crispin hadnt seen the rabbit approach, and was startled. Oh, you scared me, he said shyly. My name is Crispin, I just moved to this part of the forest. Whats your name? Gray. My parents call me that because of the color of my coat, see? He turned around, and showed Crispin his dark gray body.

Um dia, Pontudinho procurava atrs de algumas pedras quando um coelho se aproximou. Ol! Como voc se chama? perguntou o coelho. Pontudinho no viu o coelho se aproximar e se assustou. Puxa, que susto! disse ele timidamente. Meu nome Pontudinho, acabo de me mudar para esta parte da floresta. E como o seu nome? Cinzento. Meus pais me chamam assim por causa da cor do meu casaco, t vendo? Ele se virou e mostrou seu corpo de pelo cinza escuro.

This is Crispin, Gray said, as he introduced him to a group of animals. And these are my friends, Jed and Milo, Gray said, pointing to a nearby squirrel and robin. And this is one of my sisters, Corrie. As time went on it seemed that Crispin didnt really fit in. Sometimes the other animals would tease him about his sharp quills. They would say that he couldnt play with them because he might hurt them with his quills. Crispin was very sad, because he wanted to be friends with the other animals.

Apresento-lhes Pontudinho disse Cinzento ao grupo de animais e esses so meus amigos, Janjo e Milo continuou Cinzento estendendo o brao para um esquilo e um sabi. E essa uma de minhas irms, Pelcia!
O tempo foi passando, mas Pontudinho no parecia se enturmar. s vezes os outros animais pegavam no p dele por causa de seus espinhos. Diziam que no podiam brincar com ele porque podiam se machucar em seus espinhos. Pontudinho ficou muito triste porque queria fazer amizade com os outros animais.

One day, the animals went to a different part of the forest, and there they played. They all had so much fun that they forgot what time it was. Soon the sun was setting when Corrie realized that it was getting late. We stayed out too long! Our parents are going to be worried, Corrie said, as she looked around the darkening forest. They all started on their way home, no one saying much. As they were getting nearer to their homes Milton said, My mother told me that big animals come out at night. Ssssh! I heard something! Jed said. They looked where Jed was pointing and saw a big gray wolf, standing nearby.

Certo dia, os animais foram a um lugar diferente da floresta e l brincaram. Todos se divertiram tanto que se esqueceram da hora. Logo o Sol ia se pr quando Pelcia se deu conta de que estava ficando tarde. Ficamos fora muito tempo! Nossos pais devem estar preocupados afirmou Pelcia olhando ao redor para a floresta que escurecia. O grupo comeou a ir para casa; ningum falava muito. Ao se aproximarem de casa, Milton disse: Minha me me disse que noite os animais grandes acordam. Psiu! Ouvi algo! disse Janjo. Eles olharam na direo em que Janjo apontava e l estava um grande lobo cinza. Os bichinhos corriam o mais rpido que podiam, mas o lobo era bem mais veloz. Ele comeou a se aproximar deles.

The little creatures began running as fast as they could, but the wolf was much faster. He started gaining on them.

Suddenly distracted, the wolf stopped chasing the two rabbits and the squirrel. Crispin had stepped onto the path. Quick! Run! Crispin called out to them. But what about you, Crispin? Corrie cried. Just go! Crispin told her. Corrie and all the other animals ran off to hide as fast as they could in any nearby bush or burrow. Crispin got up and walked away from the oak tree. The wolf followed, wondering what this strange animal was. Then the wolf bent down and sniffed Crispins back a little too closely. He yelped as a few of Crispins sharp quills got stuck on his face. Then he ran off, still yelping.

De repente, o lobo se distraiu e parou de perseguir os dois coelhos e o quati. Pontudinho se interps entre eles. Rpido! Corram! disse Pontudinho. Mas e voc? perguntou Pelcia. V, no se preocupe! Pontudinho disse. Pelcia e todos os outros animais correram para se esconder o mais rpido possvel numa moita ou arbusto ali perto. Pontudinho andou para longe do carvalho. O lobo seguiu, se perguntando o que seria aquele estranho animal. Ento o lobo se abaixou e cheirou as costas de Pontudinho um pouco perto demais. Ele uivou quando alguns dos espinhos pontudos do bichinho se prenderam sua face. Ento fugiu, ainda uivando.

Its okay, everyone. You can come out! The wolf is gone. Crispin called. You saved us, Crispin! Corrie said joyfully. All the animals cheered for Crispin.

Pronto, pessoal! Podem sair! O lobo se foi! chamou Pontudinho. Voc nos salvou, Pontudinho! disse Pelcia cheia de alegria. Todos os animais deram vivas ao Pontudinho. Peo desculpas por implicar com voc, Pontudinho disse Janjo cabisbaixo. Todos ns sentimos muito disse Cinzento. Os outros concordaram meneando a cabea. Tudo bem. Esto perdoados respondeu Pontudinho. Daquele dia em diante, todos os bichinhos se tornaram timos amigos de Pontudinho.

Im really sorry for teasing you, Crispin, Jed said, looking down at the ground.
We all are, Gray said, and the others nodded in agreement. Its okay. I forgive you, Crispin said. And from that day forward, they were all best of friends.

Porcupine - porco-espinho Brown - marrom Quills - espinhos Body - corpo Forest - floresta Tunnel - tunelzinho Rocks - pedras Rabbit coelho Squirrel - esquilo Robin sabi Darkening escurecia Wolf lobo Bush arbusto Oak tree carvalho

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