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Inside a sunflower lay a tiny seed. His name was Sunny.

It was warm and cozy and he had other friend seeds too. In the same sunflower lived Sunnys two friends, Fleur and Dandy. All day long they lay on their soft, fluffy bed, in the heart of the great sunflower. They soaked up the sun, and sometimes had a nice shower from the rain. They were so happy.

Dentro de um lindo girassol vive uma pequena semente. Seu nome Samanta. O girassol era quentinho, confortvel e ela tinha outros amigos tambm. No mesmo girassol viviam dois amigos de Samanta, Lico e Leco. Durante todo o dia eles ficavam l deitados em sua cama macia e fofinha, no corao do grande girassol. Tomavam banho de sol, e s vezes aproveitavam um gostoso banho de chuva. Eram to felizes!

Mas um dia o sol no brilhou to intensamente. O vento esfriou. Os pingos da chuva ficaram cada vez mais fortes. Samanta sabia que chegara o outono. Os dias quentes de vero se foram e logo todas as sementezinhas iriam embora do girassol em busca de novos lares.

Then one day the sun didnt shine so brightly. The wind grew cold. The raindrops fell harder and harder. Sunny knew that autumn had come. The warm summer days had ended, and soon all the little seeds were going to have to leave the big sunflower and find new homes.

One day a big gust of wind blew. It blew harder and harder on the big sunflower, sending all the little seeds flying out of their warm bed and tumbling to the ground. The wind blew Sunny out, and Fleur, and Dandy too.

Certo dia bateu um forte vento. To forte batia no grande girassol que ps todas as sementinhas a voar para longe de sua flor. Elas caram no cho. O vento levara Samanta, Lico e Leco tambm.

Tumble, tumble, they went. The winds made them spin and twirl, blowing them here, and then sending them there. They landed in a patch of soft grass. Sunny, Dandy, and Fleur were all near each other. Are you okay? Sunny asked his friends. Yes! Dandy. said Wereokay! But its so cold, and the wind is still blowing. I know,Sunny said. Lets dig deep, deep into the ground. Then well be warm! So the little sunflower seeds buried themselves in the warm earth. And as they slipped beneath the soil, they were warm. The ground covered them, and they slept and slept and slept for a very long time.

Tim, tim, l se foram eles. O vento os fazia rodar e voar, soprando-os para um lugar e depois para outro. Caram sobre uma grama macia. Samanta, Lico e Leco estavam todos pertinho um do outro. Esto bem? perguntou Samanta a seus amigos. Estamos! respondeu Lico. Tudo bem, mas est muito frio e o vento ainda est soprando. Eu sei. Vamos bem para o fundo da terra. L vai estar quentinho! disse Samanta. E assim as sementinhas de girassol enterraram-se na terra amena. Ao se afundarem no solo, ficaram aquecidos. A terra os cobriu e dormiram. Dormiram por muito tempo.

Then one day, Sunny felt a little tendril starting to poke out of his side. Stretch! Stretch! Stretch! Soon a little sprout, a tiny shoot, started growing from the little seed. The soft rain came, and the sun shone warm on the little plant that now poked its head out of the ground. After many days had passed, a little flower bud began to appear. When the bud opened up, Sunny realized he had become a beautiful little sunflower! buried myself in the I ground when I was just a little seed,he said, and then I grew, and I grew. And now Ive become a sunflower! But I still can grow more! Im going to grow taller and taller, and bigger and bigger.

Ento um dia, Samanta sentiu um brotinho saindo do seu lado. Estica, estica, estica! Logo um broto de verdade, um pequeno ramo comeou a crescer saindo da pequena semente. A chuva suave caiu e o sol brilhou aquecendo a plantinha que agora colocava a cabecinha para fora do cho. Depois de muitos dias, um pequeno boto de flor comeou a aparecer. Quando o boto se abriu, Samanta percebeu que tinha se transformado num lindo girassol! Eu me enterrei no cho quando era apenas uma sementinha, e cresci e cresci disse. E agora me transformei num girassol! Mas ainda posso crescer mais! Vou ficar to alta e grande!

He soon saw Fleur. Fleur was a sunflower too! And there was Dandy.He was also a sunflower! The three friends were all together again. They were so happy! They smiled and laughed and Sunny said, We didnt know what was going to happen when we had to leave our happy home, but we found a brand new place, and were bigger and happier than ever, and were still all together. Just like God takes care of His creation, so will He always take good care of us all!

Ela logo viu Lico. Ele tambm era um girassol! E l estava Leco, mais um lindo girassol! Os trs amigos estavam novamente juntos. E to felizes! Sorriram e riram quando Samanta disse: No sabamos o que ia acontecer quando deixamos nosso lar confortvel, mas descobrimos um lugar totalmente novo, somos maiores e estamos mais felizes do que nunca, e ainda estamos juntos. Assim como Deus cuida de Sua criao, Ele tambm sempre vai cuidar de todos ns!

Adventure aventura Sunflower girassol Seeds semente Warm quentinho Cozy confortvel Friends amigos Sun sol Rain chuva Summer vero

Autumn outono Wind vento Ground cho Covered cobriu Slept dormiram Tendril brotinho Flower bud boto de flor Grow crescer Home lar

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