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Department of Biological Sciences National University of Singapore Standard Operation Procedure

Title: Chemical Inventory and Management Lab: Dept of Biological Sciences

Written by Approved by Issue date

Ref. No DBS/SOP/009 Rev. No Page: 001 2

Review date

Michelle MOK LS

A/P Sanjay Swarup

07 April, 2008

1. Purpose The objective of this SOP is to ensure that all laboratories in Department of Biological Sciences (DBS) adopt a consistent record keeping of all chemicals used and stored. 2. Scope This SOP is applicable to all laboratories in DBS. 3. Responsibility 3.1 It is the responsibility of the PI in conjunction with the person in charge to ensure that those chemicals received and withdrawn are properly registered in the chemical inventory record. 3.2 It is the responsibility of the PI in conjunction with the person in charge to ensure that those users who use the chemicals are aware of this SOP and familiar with the chemical inventory management system in the laboratory.

4. Procedures 4.1 Overview of Chemical Inventory and Management System a. Chemicals are segregated based on their compatibility and stored in shelves, flammable cabinets, corrosive cabinets and refrigerators in every lab. Poisonous chemicals must be kept under lock by PI or person in charge. b. All chemicals used or stored in a laboratory must be recorded in a chemical inventory record system in every lab. c. All forms of inventory record must be secure and reliable. Only persons authorized by the Responsible Person have access to the inventory record. d. The inventory record may be kept in soft copy. e. The inventory record system must contain the following information: i. Chemical Name (In both common and scientific names if applicable) ii. Date of purchase/ preparation (if available)

Department of Biological Sciences National University of Singapore Standard Operation Procedure

Title: Chemical Inventory and Management Lab: Dept of Biological Sciences
Written by Approved by Issue date

Ref. No DBS/SOP/009 Rev. No Page: 001 2

Review date

Michelle MOK LS

A/P Sanjay Swarup

07 April, 2008

iii. Quantity of the substance iv. Storage Location v. Name of owner/person responsible for the chemical substances vi. Date of last update/use f. Additional information field can be created if necessary. 4.2 Updating of Inventory Records a. All inventory records must be updated. b. An inventory check must be carried out quarterly. Any discrepancies that are discovered in the updating exercise must be reported to the Responsible Person. The Responsible Person must decide if an investigation is required to account for the discrepancy (if the person performing the updating is not the Responsible Person). All discrepancies must be documented regardless of whether an investigation is carried out. 5. Safety precautions a. Users are required to wear proper PPE when handling chemicals. b. PIs or Responsible Person have to ensure that hazardous chemicals are properly accounted for and securely kept to prevent unauthorised usage. 6. Records Chemical Inventory record

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