Irom Sharmila Letter To Anna Hazare

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Kongpal Kongkham Leikai Imphal East 795001 Manipur India Contact: +91-9862696184 Email:

Sharmila response to Anna's invitation

23 August 2011, Tuesday 10.27am, Security Ward, JN Hospital

Respected Anna, I whole heartedly welcome your invitation to join the anti corruption rally you are crusading. And yet I would like you to be convinced of the reality of my situation, that I cannot get the advantage of exercising my non-violent protest for justice against my concerned authority as a democratic citizen of a democratic country, unlike your environment. This is the problem I cannot understand. My humble suggestion is if you feel seriously; please try to reach the concerned legislators (read authorities) to let me get free, like yours, to join your amazing crusade to root out corruption which is the root of all evils. Or you can come to Manipur, the most corruption affected region in the world. With full solidarity and best wishes.

Yours, Sd/Irom Sharmila Hunger Striker to repeal the draconian Armed Forces Special Powers Act

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