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tt FOS HS 9-14 da - 342-10 /Rep/-F TNA g_1450-382-10 OPERATOR'S MANUAL [TULINOIS STATE LIBRARY EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION |p 1-5) CONTROLS AND INDICATORS (p 2-1) PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE (p 2-11) ‘OPERATION UNDER USUAL CONDITIONS ip 2-25) POWER STATION, ‘OPERATION UNDER GUIDED MISSILE SYSTEM, UNUSUAL CONDITIONS (p 2-145) AN/TJQ-9 (1450-00-383-5265) LUBRICATION (p 3-1) TROUBLESHOOTING (p 3-13) This copy is a reprint which includes current pages from Changes 1 ehrougs 3 (PERSHING 1a FIELD ARTILLERY MISSILE SYSTEM) es HEADQUARTERS, DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY Hy al DECEMBER 1979 @ @ WARNING @ ¢ DANGEROUS VOLTAGES ARE PRESENT DURING OPERATION OF THE PS. YOU CAN GET A SEVERE ELECTRICAL SHOGK IF YOU DON'T FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS. Don't work on electronic equipment unless someone else is near who knows about the operation and hazards of this equipment. He should also know how to give first aid, Htyou have a helper, make sure he knows what items are dangerous, ‘Whenever you can, shut off power to the equipment betore you start to work on it Ground every capacitor that is likely to be dangerous. ‘When you are working inside the equipment, and after you have turned off power, ground ‘every part before you touch it, Do not touch high-voltage connections when you install or operate this equipment. 7 Don't be fooled by the term “low voltage". YOU CAN BE KILLED BY AS LITTLE AS 50 VOLTS! 8 Whenever you can, keep one hand away from equipment to reduce the chances of current flowing through vital organs of your body. 9 Read FM 21-11 so you'll know about artificial respiration anon o + + WARNING + « HAZARDOUS SOLVENTS When you use solvents, be sure that the place you work in is well ventilated. WEAR GLOVES AND EYE PROTECTION. If you don't have good ventilation, read TB MED 223 and use the recommended respiratory (breathing) protection. DON'T USE FLAMMABLE SOLVENTS AROUND HEAT, OPEN FLAME, OR SPARKS. IF YOU GET SOLVENT IN YOUR EYES OR ON YOUR SKIN, FLUSH THE SOLVENT AWAY WITH WATER FOR 15 MINUTES; THEN GET MEDICAL HELP. TOXIC AND FLAMMABLE CHEMICALS Use the same care far toxic and flammable chemicals as you would for hazardous solvents. CHEMICAL, BIOLOGICAL, AND RADIOLOGICAL CONTAMINATION Notify your supervisor if you think you have been exposed to chemical, biological, or radiological contamination. TM 9-1300-275/2 gives procedures for decontamination. ll WN I) e ILLINOIS STATE LIBRARY TM 9-1450-382-10 ca @ @ WARNING @ @ SAFETY MEASURES FOR HANDLING HIGH-PRESSURE AIR SYSTEMS Before you handle high-pressure airhoses and operate equipment thal uses high-pressure air, learn all about the equipment and thé procedure you have to perform. THIS PS USES 3,000 PSIG (20,684 kPa) AIR! When orecedures tell you to use special care, USE SPECIAL CARE! If your supervisor or the unit you are in requires you to wear safety equipment, WEAR SAFETY EQUIPMENT WHEN REQUIRED! Before you make any connections, inspect the hoses for cuts, kinks, and scuffs. Replace any hoses that are not in good condition. It you find any valves or regulators that are dirty or leaking, clean them, or notily your supervisor that repair is needed, Do nol use oils of greases on high-pressure alr equipment if the equipment requires: lubrication, someone alse will do the job with an approved lubricant. Clear all airhoses and valves at regular time spans. Before you disconnect hoses, relieve pressure from the system, When you turn on high-pressure air, stand clear of hose connections. Open valves slowly and smoothly, When you turn off high-pressure air, clase valves slowly and smoothly. DO NOT OVERTIGHTEN VALVES OR USE WRENCHES ON THEM! When you bend a high-pressure airhose, DO NOT BEND IT TO A RADIUS LESS THAN WHAT IS LISTED FOR EACH AIRHOSE SIZE. Inside Oiameter Bend Aadius 1/4-inch 4 inches a/B-inch 6 inches 12-inch 7 inches a4-inen 9-1/4 inches Do not paint or coat an airhose. Whenever you can, depressurize airhose and protect if from sun. Don't kink, twist, walk on, run over, or park airhose. Allow at least 2 feet (0,61 meter) of slack for each 100 feet (30.5 meters) of airhosa. (Hose expands in diameter when prassunzed- and shortens in bangth.) Secure high-pressure airhose at 36-inch (0.91 meter) intervals. Use straps, stakes, hose clamp tiedown assemblies. or sandbags as necessary. DANGEROUS NOSE LEY EL Eats AROUND ari OPEATAG POWER STAT Hoes, PROMA AMER. TEST STATION WEMICLE TM 9-1450-382-16 @ WARNING @ ¢ 2 HOUR EAPOSun Laks KOT, TOU CAR ORE AB paie 4M OPERA TIM POA EE STATION AS LOM: ad ERGHIIRED (Ff 7 WE ae A HEAT Ce ar ROWE EAR PROTEC THO, im 6, DAY a Wy A PUES PEE Oa PERMANENT BAR Cau ACE MAY OCCU I YOU ABE EXPOSED TO MOHSE BEPOMD SARE TIME LIMUTS WITHOUT APPROVED EAR PROTECTION. SAFE VIAAITS FOR AINLAS ARE SHO IM THES ILLUSTRATION AMD LESTED i THE LEGEND BELCHe. LEGEAD. SS 1 FOOT (0d a 1 MOU Re Day M2 FEET (410 A): 3) HOLES PER DAY CR 4 FEET 1.2 Mb WO We ARE [PASS THROUGH Givi ry) “eee BFE id ib dl HU Pe ay wiS 11S? ¢/(d blank) ci TECHNICAL MANUAL “TM 9-1450-382-10 HEADQUARTERS, DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WASHINGTON, D.C., 15 December 1979 Operator's Manual POWER STATION, GUIDED MISSILE SYSTEM, AN/TJQ-9 (1450-00-383-5265) (PERSHING 1a FIELD ARTILLERY MISSILE SYSTEM) REPORTING ERRORS AND RECOMMENDING IMPROVEMENTS You can help improve this manual. lf you find any mistakes or if you know of a way to improve the procedures, please let us know. Mail your letter, DA Form 2028 (Recommended Changes to Publications and Blank Forms), or DA Form 2028-2 located in back of this manual direct to: Commander, US. Army Missite Command, ATTN: DRSMI-SNPM, Redstone Arsenal, AL 35898, 4 reply will be furnished to you. CHAPTER 1 Section | Section tl CHAPTER 2 Section | Section || Section Ill HOW TO USE THIS MANUAL occ ccccecesessuseneneresmamnneereeees Caparpeir iat Vp Fee sc ie ee es ee eee eee Equipment Description |......:0cccrcseececee Pr) eee eee Oa Be OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS. .cccsciccccscccssccesseecciscsssseenticssaucnesereeess | Description and Use of Operator's Controls and-Indicators — Preventive Maintenance Checks amd Se@rviG@sh ....cccc.ccccccceseeeer Operation Under Usual Conditions |.......................--.......--.-....sacee00e. Section IV Operation Under Wirusual Cormeitiong]...ciccccccccscseeeceressesseneerseeeceeneees CHAPTER 3 MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS ....-.--......0----..0.ccececcsecsescccceessauascorenas Section | | Lubrication Img iructhome |. .ecccccceccccccececcacevececeececseececssesseeececeersseeeveeeeess CHAPTER 4 MAINTENANCE OF AUXILIARY BQUIPMEMT ooccccccccccccccccsssssccceerreses APPENDIX A Ped SED ne dite op nhcetecsie uaa iincuanypnansanadsdianisne yal peheedusaullwbestqvacispetalnensd APPENDIX B BAS PSE ITEMS LUST occas ics hasedetiaseddeereeaade buna APPENDIX C EXPENDABLE SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS LIST...........0..00.00.0..0.. 2-1 2-1 2-11 2-25 2-145 d-1 a-4 3-13 3-25. Index 1 "This TM and TM 9-1450-382-20 supersede TM 5-1450-204-12, dated 8 December 1972, including Changes 1 through B. TM #-1450-362-10 HOW TO USE THIS MANUAL spend a few minutes looking through this manual. It has a new look that is very different from the manuals you've been using. You'll find the new look ig a lot easier to use, and you can find what youre looking for a lot faster, We got rid of as many words as we could and put in lots of piciures to show just about everything you'll be doing to operate and maintain your equipment. so HOW DO YOU USE THIS MANUAL? Like This: TM 9 1450.382-40 1 Suppose you want to start the power station and operate it. eked Look at the cover, and you'll see black bars near the right-hand edge with Subject titles next to them. You'll find “OPERATION UNDER USUAL CONDITIONS PAGE 2-25. You can mci smcvdued skip over to page 2-25. GWDED MISE SYSTEM (iS ed ae] OR Bend the pages a bit and look at ihe edges. You'll see black bars on some of the pages that are lined up with the black bars on the cover. Pe i i ee HDADDUASTIAE DEP eee oF THE Sauer Aiea tere if you pul your thumbnail on the black bar that is lined up with the one on the cover for operation under usual conditions and open the man- ual, you'll ba on page 2-25. Now look at the index on page 2-25. Right under the section tithe, you'll see a list of the procedures by title, paragraph number, and page. Youll see “Preparation for Usme...... 2-6 2-26." Just what you want, $0 flip to page 2-26. 10 11 12 13 14 15 TM 9-1450-382-10 On page 2-26 you'll find Preparation for Use, just as it says. Now you are ready to begin. Look at the steps of the procedure Some steps are in boxes and others area mot The sleps in boxes have pictures with them to show you where to look, and at what. Notice the numbered arrows. These are called index num- bars. As you read the step, we tall you where to took, by including the index number (in parentheses) alter tha name of each thing we call out. Some pictures have red arrows on them ta show you which way to move. if two opposite movements are called out in the procedure. for éxample, “turn clockwise turn counter clockwise", we only snow the first movement — clockwise. When several sieps are included in the same box, all of them re er to the same picture. Steps that aren't in boxes don't have any pictures because you won't need any to understand what to do. Notice that some of the words in each step of the procedure are darker than the rest. These dark words (and the pictures) can help experienced operators to scan the procedure and do it quicker. If you don’t know much about the equipment, read all of the words. You can also use the table of contents in the front of the manual or the index in the back to find the information you want. Either one will lead you to the page number of the procedure you need The index in the back of the manual has items listed alphabetically in several different ways. For example, if you're looking for information on lubricating the air compressor, you can look under A or L. If you look under the A listing, you find “Air compressor”. Under the heading, you will find “Lubrication”, along with the paragraph and page numbers. If you look under the L listing, you find “Lubrication”. Under that heading, you find “Air cam- pressor’, along with the same paragraph and page numbers iii TM 9-1450-382-10 ENGINE GaGE PANEL AIR COMDTIOWER ACCESS DOOM ACCESS DOCHOR COMDITISNED AiR OUT foe WARMIPES HOA TOF OOOR ACTUATING HANDLE AM CONDI TCAER POWER SLAVE EXHALIST DOME j COANEC TOS MWD MOUNTING T WPL RRS es PaREL VENTILATION BATTERY NLET DOOR] ACCESS DOO HEATER FMLET OoHOR FigE EXTIMGGLIMHER BISTRIBLITIOR a La | HaMioLt AIR PURIFIC A Te UKET ACCESS DOE PRHEURAATIC GUL AILLERS CONNECTOR PAMEL ADCESS Oc Gr. Gear CONTROL PREuManc “OCESS DOow USC LE Ge PAMEL LETT S102 AMD FRONT CF PS TOP Cache Pie LFS PPE TLUENLOCK FASTENER BASE f WFPER STRLACTUAE a STRUCTURE WENT EZHALIST COMPRESSOR ANC} Fan Doe GINDEATOe MAINT Eran ACCESS DOORS. REPLIES Pas, FUEL CUSTER MAINTENANCE ACCESS Goo FEL FILLER | PORRLIET PRIMARY FUEL here FILTER ACCESS Dieoa PuEL T&nK MWARMTER ARE ACCESS ODORS BIGHT SIG ara REAR CF PS mS Pray Power Station 11054700. 1-0 Cd TM 9-1450-362-10 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION Section |. GENERAL INFORMATION Para Page DE PN a acca riers ate hi aaan cas 1-6 1-3 List OF ADDreviatiOns. .........cccsssssssecerersetsunecneerressseceepnesssacennnves 1-5 1-2 Maintenance Forms and Records.....................-.......0.-....... 1-2 1-1 Nomenclature Cros5-Rie@herence ........cccccerer:sesseceenesrseenceerrersas 1-4 1-2 Reporting Equipment improvement Recommendations (EIR S) -.......:.:..-ccccssseeeeeererssteeeeereeess 1-3 1-1 1-1. SCOPE. Thig manual contains the instructions you need to operate and maintain Transportable Guided Missile system Power Station AN/TJQ-9 (which we will call the PS). The PS provides ac and dc electrical power, conditioned air, and high-pressure air to the PERSHING ‘ta missile, programmer-test station, and erector-launcher at a missile firing site. The PS is usually mounted on the rear of a truck, such as the M656, behind the programmer-test station (PTS). In the back of this manual, there are three appendixes. Appendix A provides a reference to the manual that contains a complete list of all manuals used in the PERSHING ta (Pta) Field Artillery Missile System. Appendix 6B contains a list of components that are part of or used with the PS. Appendix C contains a list of expendable supplies and materials such as solvents, solutions, and so forth. We'll be referring you to appendix C in the back of this manual from time to time for you to get the materials you need to do a procedure. The appendix will give you the information you need to get the Item you'll have to use. 1-2. MAINTENANCE FORMS AND RECORDS. Department of the Army forms and procedures used for equipment maintenance will be those pre scribed by TM 38-750, The Army Maintenance Management System (TAMMS). 1-3. REPORTING EQUIPMENT IMPROVEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS (EIR's). Hf your PS needs improvement, let us know. Send us an EIR. You, the user, are the only one who can tell us what you don't like about your equipment. Let us know why you don't like the design. Tell us why a procedure is hard to perform. Put it on an SF 368 (Quality Deficiency Report). Mail it to: Commander, US. Army Missa Command, ATTN: DRSMI-SNEM, Redstone Arsenal, AL 35896. We'll send you a reply. TM 9-1450-382-10 1-4. NOMENCLATURE CROSS-REFERENCE. Shortened nomenclature is used in this manual to make procedures easier for you to read. A cross- reference between the shortened nomenclature and the official nomenctature is in the following table. Manual Nomenclature Air servicer or instant air system Daily Erector-launcher or EL Launching control group or LOG Missile Power station or PS Programmer-test station or PTS sequential launch adapter or SLA Truck M656 or truck 1-5. LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS. Nomenclature Cross-Reference Official Nomenclature Guided Missila Gyroscope Air Servicer Transportable Shelter Lift Dolly Set MB05E1 Semitrallar Mounted Guided Missile Erector- Launcher M790 Guided Missile Launching Control Group 0OJ-365 (AO-1)(V)'G Surface Attack Guided Missile MGM-314 Transportable Guided Missile System Power Station AN/TJQ-9 Transportable Guided Missile Programmer-Test Station AN/TSM-87 Part of Gulded Missile Launching Control Group OJ-365(X0-1)(V)G &x 8, 5-Ton Cargo Truck M656 opecial or unusual abbreviations and symbols used in this manual and their meanings are listed below. Gommon abbreviations that you already know are not listed. Abbreviation or Symbol AG, ac amp appx BG CN oO DC, de DECA EA, 8a EIF EL °F gal GEN GL Hz in. INCR List of Abbreviations Meaning alternating current ampere(s} appendix bag can degree(s) Celsius direct current decrease each equipment improvement recommendation erector-launcher degreas} Fahrenheit gallons) generator gallon hertz (cycles per second) inch increase TM 9-1450-382-10 1-5. LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS — CONTINUED. List of Abbreviations — Continued ——— or Symbol Meaning kg kilogram(s) kPa kilopascal(s) kVA kilovoltampere(s) kw kilowatt(s) LB pound ib/min pound(s) per minute LOG launch control group m meter(s) NiCad nickel cadmium (batteries) NO... No number PMCS preventive maintenance checks and services pr pair PS power station psig pound(s) per square inch gage PTS programimer-tast station ORA quick reaction alert OT quart APR, rom revolution(s) per minute scim standard cubic foot (feet) per minute SLA sequential launch adapter degree(s) of arc 1-6. HAND RECEIPTS. Hand receipts for components of end iter (COEI), basic issue items (Bll), and additional authorized list (AAL) items are published in a Hand Receipt Manual. This manual is published to aid in property accountability and is available through: Commander, U.S. Army Adjutant General Publication Center, ATTN: AGDL-OD, 1655 Woodson Road, St. Louis, MO 63114. 1-3,'{ 1-4 blank) TM 9-1450-382-10 Section Il. EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION Para Page Capabilities amd Fea ures... cc csescccccccscceccccerssseenece, 1-8 1-5 Differences Between Modells ......cccccccccccccccccccccccecccesccccecccce, 1-10) = 1-17 Location and Description of Major Components ............... 1-9 1-6 POPP TWO CME ici 1-110 7-11 PUP OT Petes sas eascecsriccteceacinsecinssnnterseakedanetoesea eee 1-7 1-5 1-7. PURPOSE OF PS. The PS provides ac and de electrical power, conditioned air, and high-pressure air for the EL, PTS, and missile. Normally, the PS (1) is mounted on a truck behind the PTS (2). 1-8. CAPABILITIES AND FEATURES. The PS is self-contained and can be used in all weather conditions. It operates from a gas turbine engine with JP-4 fuel or approved substitute as listed in appendix C. The PS provides the following outputs: DC power: 28 volts at 135 and 300 amp (dc generator No. 1 and de generator No. 2) 24 volts at 2 amp (battery) AC power: 120/208 volts, 3-phase, 400 Hz, at 40 kva High-pressure air; 3,000 psig at 9 sctm Conditioned air (at sea level): 40° to 77°F at 25 Ib’ min flow minimum 1-3 TA 9-1450-382-10 cl 1-8. LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION OF MAJOR COMPONENTS. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM COMPONENTS LEFT SIDE AND FRONT OF PS ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION BOX. Contains electrical connectors that furnish operating power to PTS, EL, and SLA. DC GENERATOR NO. 1. Provides 28-volt electrical power to PTS and missile. Also used to start engine in PS. AC GENERATOR. Provides 120/208-volt, 400-Hz electrical power to PS, PTS, SLA, and/or EL. DC GENERATOR NO. 2. Provides 28-volt electrical power to PTS and missile. BATTERY CHARGER. Provides 24v dc for charging PS batteries. BATTERIES. Two 12-volt batteries (either lead acid or nickel cadmium) connected in series to furniah 24v de to PS and PTS, POWER SLAVE CONNECTOR. Recelves starting voltage from external source when PS batteries will not start engine. CONTROL CUBICLE. Contains circuit breakers, switches, gages, and meters used to start and stop PS, monitor operation, and adjust electrical outputs. 1+ cl TM 9-1450-382-10 1-9. LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION OF MAJOR COMPONENTS — CONTINUED. PNEUMATIC SYSTEM COMPONENTS LEFT SIDE AND FRONT OF PS AIR COMPRESSOR, Operated from engine gearbox. Supplies high-pressure air to air purification unit. AIR PURIFICATION UNIT. Receives high-pressure air from air compressor or instant air system. Cleans the alr and supplies it to missile and EL- PNEUMATIC PANEL. Controls high-pressure air source {air compressor or instant air system). Supplies high-pressure air from PS to missile and EL. AIR SERVICER, Contains high-pressure air cylinder and instant air control panel. Supplies high-pressure air to air purification unit when air is needed quickly, PNEUMATIC CONNECTOR PANEL, Contains two pneumatic connectors. One supplies high- pressure air to missile. The other delivers and receives high-pressure air to and from instant air system, 1-7/( 1-8 bhenk} TM 9-1450-382-10 1-9. LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION OF MAJOR COMPONENTS — CONTINUED. ENGINE AND GEARBOX COMPONENTS LEFT SIDE AND FRONT OF PS ENGINE AIR INTAKE. Supplies air to be mixed with fual in engine. ENGINE EXHAUST, Vents exhaust gas from engine turbine into the alr. Muffles sound of engine exhaust. ENGINE. Gas turbine engine runs on several kinds of fuel, Fuel is mixed with air, compressed, and ignited in turbine. Resulting hot gas turns engine turbine, which is connected to the gearbox by a shaft FUEL TANK. Holds 60 gallons of JP-4 of other authorized fuel (as listed in appendix C, item 13) 2 GEARBOX. Uses power from engine to turn air compressor, two de generators, and one ac generator. TM 9-1450-382-10 1-9. LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION OF MAJOR COMPONENTS — CONTINUED. MISCELLANEOUS SYSTEMS COMPONENTS RIGHT SIGE Apa REAR INTERMAL Wie 1-10 TM 9-1450-382-10 1-3. LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION OF MAJOR COMPONENTS — CONTINUED. 1, WENTILATION INLET DOOR. Raised to 45° position during operation to provide air to interior of PS. Engine will not start if door ils not at 45° position. 2, TOP DOOR. Opened before operating to vent engine exhaust. Engine will not start If door lg not open. 3. FIRE EXTINGUISHER HANOLE. When plastic cover is pulled away and handle is pulled, dis- charges two fire extinguishers in angine compartment. HORN. Used to warn personnel that PS is about to start AIR CONDITIONER. Supplies conditioned air to missile. FIRE EXTINGUISHERS. When operated, discharge chemical agent to forward and rear areas of PS. VENT EXHAUST FAN. Draws air through PS to prevent overheating. Air is drawn through ventiation inlet door at front of PS, through vent exhaust fan, and out vent exhaust fan door at rear of PS. 1-10. DIFFERENCES BETWEEN MODELS. This manual applies to power stations with serial numbers 05001 and higher. Future differences between models will be covered by changes to this manual. 1-11. PERFORMANCE DATA. You will find the following data useful when you perform your duties as PS operator, WEIGHT AND DIMENSIONS FN sie eee ee aaa a a A eee I ete nsreen epee eeernrenies peenete repre tehtesiies cs inereeiiued ee nero aba beehierestarenhineteasbatennineres TE TE LG OUTPUTS IE asi nissacsasnnsnceacssaasaiuenesessssieeniesscebiss pioet saaipbanesesiesbievedddsidesiaunsveneensesic ane WORE: hgh ENTE) 28 volts, 135 amp 24 volts, 2 amp (battery) AG power ... sectattiteascerttttseseerrerteeeomisetereee L208 volts, 3-phase, 400 Hz, 40 kva High-pressure a air .. shiciebennt iy sbtiensnreenbaikbbbeebiacenses . J000+200 psig, 9 sctm Conditioned air (sea level) ae 40° ‘to TTF, 25 Ib/min flow minimum CAPACITIES Engle fuel... ccceeeerrerenmces OO US. gal (227 liters) EPPO NT nije aan iy eatcenannvenanicrahe be bchenssaauucsbaneriaiesisaheciuaddaviestsemeacs 1 oe Qe (Se Ree) EE GO ccs ccicgnanccccsiacseivsescnisseury cnissensatsesssesvais pensteiwalipsespemssiaariyreanssiasicasteresion. Tell HOME] Loe ene All COMPPERSOTS OF)... ccctsssserrredsccceesrscssasseenssssssaenssecssacaunanstsssassennseeppieisaqaascoseeaaa eet COs ber) 1-11/( 1-12 blemk) TM 9-1450-382-10 CHAPTER 2 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Section |. DESCRIPTION AND USE OF OPERATOR'S CONTROLS AND INDICATORS Para Page Coombe rnd WiC GOB oo csccccc ee cccecceccccsccvausseecscssewesevereeeveers 2-2 2-2 a abbreeeettabeekorertibis 2-1 2-1 2-1. GENERAL. The controls and indicators that you will use while you operate the PS are shown and described in this section. Study the pictures and descriptions of the controls and indicators before you attempt to operate the PS. The terms right, left, front, and rear are used in this manual to identity the sides of the PS enclosure, as well as the sides of the internal assemblies. These terms are established as follows: the front is identified by the electrical distribution box, the right side is blank, the left side is identified by the control cubicle, and the rear is identified by the refueling panel, 2-1 TM 9-1450-382-10 2-2. CONTROLS AND INDICATORS. CONTROL CUBICLE PANEL Kay Control or Indicator DC BREAKERS group 1 FUEL PUMP circull breaker 2 PTS circuit breaker d Panel lamps (10) 4 PS circuit breaker ENGINE CONTROLS group 5 MASTER switch 5 HORN switch fi ENGINE START switch POWER APPLICATION group & AC GEN switch 9 AC GEN indicator 10 DC GEN NO. 1 switeh a OC GEN WO. 1 indicator 12 DC GEN NO. 2 indicator 13 DC GEN NO. 2 switch 1d AIR’ CONDITIONER indicator 15 AIR CONDITIONER switch 2-2 ma Parad Function Applies battery voltage to fuel pump; trips to OFF position if circuit overload occurs. Applies battery voltage to PTS; trips to OFF position if circull overload occurs. Provide panel lighting. Applies battery voltage to PS circuits: trips to OFF position if circwit overload occurs. Applies battery voltage to PS internal circuits. Operates horn, Applies battery voltage to all engine start functions. Applies ac voltage to output connectors. Lights when ac voltage is turned on. Applies de voltage to output connectors. Lights when de voltage from de generator No. 1 is turred on. Lights when dc voltage from dc generator No. 2 is turned on. Applies dc voltage to output connectors. Lights when air conditioner is turned on. Turns on air conditioner. 2-2. Key Control or indicator TA 9-1450-382-10 CONTROLS AND INDICATORS — CONTINUED. CONTROL CUBICLE PANEL — CONTINUED ms 10a Function AC GENERATOR MONITOR and DC GENERATOR MONITOR groups 16 1 18 19 20 1 25 26 er 28 AC generator frequency meter AC generator voltmeter DC generator No. 1 voltmeter DC generator No. 2 voltmeter DC generator No. 2 VOLTAGE ADJUST control DC generator No. 2 OVER VOLTAGE indicator DC generator No. 2 MISSILE/GENERATOR switch DC genérator No. 1 VOLTAGE ADJUST control DC generator No. 1 MISSILE/GENERATOR switch DC generator No. 1 OVER VOLTAGE indicator FIRE indicator UNDER VOLTAGE indicator PHASE MONITOR switch Indicates ac generator output frequency. Indicates voltage produced by ac generator. Indicates voltage produced by de generator No, 1. Indicates voltage produced by de generator No. 2. Increases or decreases dc generator No. 2 output voltage. Lights when de generator No. 2 output voltage ts too high, GENERATOR position: connects dc generator No. 2 output voltage directly to dc generator No. 2 voltmeter, MISSILE position: connects de generator No. 2 out- put voltage through missile and cables to dc gen- erator No, 2 voltmeter, Increases or decreases dc generator No. 1 output voltage. GENERATOR position: connects dc generator No. 1 output voltage directly to dc generator No. 1 voltmeter, MISSILE position: connects dc generator No. 1 out- put voltage through missile and cables to de gan- erator No. 1 voltmeter. Lights when de generator No, 1 output vollage is toa high. Lights when PS gets too hot. Lights when ac voltage is too low. Selects voltage phase to be indicated on ac gen- erator voltmeter. TM 9-1450-382-10 2-2. CONTROLS AND INDICATORS — CONTINUED. CONTROL CUBICLE PANEL — CONTINUED Key Control or Indicator 2 AG generator VOLTAGE ADJUST control 30 AC generator OVER VOLTAGE indicator at FREQUENCY ADJUST control aS 1 PaaS Function Increases or decreases ac generator output voltage. Lights when ac voltage is loo high. Changes engine speed to increase or decrease ac generator output frequency. ENGINE, AIR CONDITIONER, and AIR COMPRESSOR groups ae Fuel gage ad Percent rpm gage a4 Exhaust temperature gage a6 Conditioned-air tamperature meter indicates amount of fuel in fuel tank. indicates percentage of engine speed (i100 percent is normal). Indicates temperature of engine exhaust. Indicates conditioned-air temperature. 2-2 é Key a6 af ae 39 40 41 Control or Indicatear LOW OIL PRESSURE indicator WATER SEPARATOR indicator LOW OIL PRESSURE Indicator OVER SPEED indicator UNDER SPEED indicator FUEL PUMP PRIME switch Miscellaneous 42 PANEL LIGHTS switch 43 INDICATOR LAMP BRIGHTNESS control 44 PAOTECTION BY PASS switch 45 AUSILIAAY POWER indicator 46 Battery ammeter 47 CHARGE switch 44 AUXILIARY POWER switch 49 MALFUNCTION RESET switch SO HEADSET VOLUME control 51 TEST JS connector TM #-1450-382-10 CONTROLS AND INDICATORS — CONTINUED. CONTROL CUBICLE PANEL -— CONTINUED Function Lights when air compressor oll pressure is too low. Lights when air conditioner water separator bag needs replacing, when icing occurs, or when out- put temperature is below 40°F. Lights when engine and/or gearbox oll pressure is too low. Lights whan engine speed is too high. Lights when engine speed is too low. Primes fuel system when required. a beara Turns on panel lights. Increases or decreases brightness of all green indicators. Allows PS to be operated with certain malfunctions, Lights when auxiliary ac power is applied and AUX- ILIARY POWER switch is set to ON, Indicates rate of battery charge or discharge. Connects battery charger to battery for a preset time period when auxiliary power |s applied. Applies auxiliary ac power to battery charger and ac circuits. Turns off maifunction indicators after malfuncton has been fixed. Raises or lowers volume of intercom headset. Provides test points for testing PS. 2.5 TM 9-1450-382-10 2-2. CONTROLS AND INDICATORS — CONTINUED. PNEUMATIC PANEL ery Control or Indicator 1 MISSILE SUPPLY BLEED valve 2 Pane iamp (3) a CYLINDER AIR BLEED valve 4 CYLINDER AIR SHUT OFF Valve 5 MISSILE SUPPLY SHUT OFF valve 6 MISSILE SUPPLY PRESSURE gage Function Bleeds PS-to-missilé air pressure. Provide panel lighting. Bleeds air pressure from instant air system cylinder, Passes air from compressor to instant air system cylinder or from cylinder to missile, Applies high-pressure air to missile. Indicates amount of air pressure. 2-2. ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION BOX Control or Indicator AC POWER J5 connector Panel lamp) (4) AC POWER J2 connector TEST J3 connector 120 VAC 400 HZ JB and J9 connectors HEADSET J4 connector CB circuit breaker AUXILIARY AC INPUT J7 connector MISSILE DC POWER J6 connector DC POWER ON PS TO PTS indicator DC POWER AND CONTROLS J1 connector TM 9-1450-382-10 CONTROLS AND INDICATORS — CONTINUED. MS ea AG Function Provides ac power connection from PS through 60W16 to PTS. Provide panel lighting. Provides ac power connection from PS through 4250 to EL. Provides test points for tasting of PS. Provide ac power outlet for use by PS operator or maintenance technician Provides connection for PS operator's intercom headset. Applies 120v, 400 Hz power to J8 and JS: trips to OFF position if circult overload occurs. Provides for connection of auxiliary ac input power through GOW 105. Provides de power connection from PS through BOWS, 60OW111, or BOW112 to missile. Lights when J1 supplies dc power to PTS. Provides dc power connection from PS through BOW 17 to PTS. ae? TM 9-1450-382-10 2-2. CONTROLS AND INDICATORS — CONTINUED. INSTANT AIR SYSTEM CONTROL PANEL Key Centrol or Indicator Function 1 CYLINDER AIR OUTLET Provides means of connecting instant air system high-pressure alr to PS. connector 2 CYLINDER AIR PRESSURE Indicates alr pressure in instant air cylinder. gage a CYLINDER AIR SHUT OFF Controls instant air to missile. valve 4 BLEED VALVE Releases high-pressure air between CYLINDER AIR SHUT OFF valve and CYLINDER AIR OUTLET to permit connection of airhose. TM 9-1450-382-10 2-2. CONTROLS AND INDICATORS — CONTINUED. ENGINE GAGE PANEL > BAS, Las Key Control or Indicator Function 1 Hourmeter circuit breaker Provides overload protection for hourmeter. 2 Hourmeter Records running time. 3 Start counter Not used. 4 Engine oil pressure gage Indicates engine oil pressure. 5 Gearbox oil pressure gage Indicates gearbox oil pressure. AIR PURIFICATION UNIT Ph LN bly r= a A —— = i Ve * La \| P Key Control or Indicator Function 1 Red popup indicator Indicates that filter alament is contaminated and should be raplaced. 2 DRAIN valve Bleeds air from unit when opened manually. 2-9 TM 9-1450-382-10 2-2. CONTROLS AND INDICATORS — CONTINUED. MISCELLANEOUS CONTROLS, INSTRUMENTS, AND CONNECTORS LOE + é : a B Al Us h a | a —_ i ia, iy | RS <= oe = i= r ) a = Kay Control or Indicator Function 1 CYLINDER AIF connector Provides for connection of instant air cylinder to ‘ (quick-disconnect) PS high-pressure air system. 2 MISSILE OUTLET alr Provides for connection of high-pressure alr from connector (quick- PS to missile. disconnect) a Top door actuating handle Opens and closes top door. 4 POWER SLAVE connector J1 Provides means tor starting PS from external source. 5 Fire extinguisher handle Used for operating Internal fire extinguishers. {behind plastic cover) 6 VENT hose connection Used for venting air and furnes from fuel tank while refueling. r FILL hose connection Used when refueling with fuel filling kit. a Pushbutton drain cock Allows alr to enter fuel filter and drain the filter. 9 Fuel shutott valve Shuts off fuel to engine If normal! shutoff system tails, 10 Drain cock Used to drain fuel and empty the fuel filter, 11 Fuel tank drain valve Drains fuel tank. 12 Gearbox oll sight gage Indicates gearbox oil level when engine is not run- ning. TM 9-1450-382-10 Section ll. PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES Para Page PPPS PUI ones nd ve csnesceccucnde os teddabiuedshraceduceaserqiaceue: 2-4 os | 2-3. GENERAL. Preventive maintenance checks and servicas (PMCS) are scheduled maintenance items used to make sure that the PS is ready for operation at all times. Inspect the PS regularly and carefully so that you can find any defects and correct or prevent them. Follow thease rules when performing PMCS. a. Before You Operate. Always keep in mind the CAUTIONS and WARNINGS. Perform those procedures listed for before (B) PMCS. b. While You Operate. Always keep in mind the CAUTIONS and WARNINGS. Perform those pro- cedures listed for during (D) PMCS. ¢. Affer You Operate, Be sure to perform those procedures listed for after (A) PMCS. a. if Your Equipment Fails To Operate. Troubleshoot with prope éguipmment. Report any dafi- clencies on the proper forms (see TM 38-750). @. Whenever Necessary. Routine checks like cleaning, dusting, washing, checking for frayed cables, storing items not in use, covering unused receptacles, and checking for toose nuts and bolts are not listed as PMCS. They are things thal you should do whenever you see that they must be done. if Your Equipment fs Reported Not Ready. Do not attempt to operate the equipment unless otherwise directed, Ask your supervisor what to do, 2-4. PMCS PROCEDURES. The PMCS procedures are listed in the following chart. The “Item No.” column lists the sequence numbers of all procedures in the chart regardless of interval. You must use the “lem No.” column a5 a source of item mumbers for the “TM Number” column on DA Form 2404, Equipment Inspection and Maintenance Worksheet. The “Interval” column tells you when to perform the PMCS: “B" (before), “D" (during), “A" (after), and “OQ” (quarterly). The “ITEM TO BE INSPECTED/PROCEDURE column identifies the equiprment area, the exact item of equipment, and the procedures. The “Equipment Will Be Reported Not Ready (RED) tf" column identifies the conditions that will redline the equipment. 2-11 TM 9-1450 2-4. PMCS PROCEDURES — CONTINUED. PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES NOTE it the equipment must be kept in continuous operation, check and service only those items thal can be checked and serviced without disturbing operation, Make the complete checks and services when the equipment can be shut down. 8-—Betore Operation D-—During Operation A—Afier Operation Q - Quarterly Interval ITEM TO BE INSPECTED Equipment Will Be Reported item Mot Ready Na. PROCEDURE (RED) It: NOTE @ These procedures cover only those itams which af- fect the performance of your mission. Normal! chmin- ing and replacement of missing and damaged hard: ware ara not considered fo be PMCS functions but should be done whenever needed. @® These procedures incvde checks during shutdown and checks during operation. The checks during shutdown are first. These are arranged so that you cen start af the lett side of the vehicle and progress ground the rear and right side of the velicia, check- ing ems aa you go, @® When you complete the shutdown checks, you are diracted to start and run the PS and check key items during operation. These PMCS checks include references fo fie appropriate operating procedural steps. The PMCS checks should be performed each time that the PS is operated. @ if you find a problem [hat is not corrected by fie PMCS procedure, tel! your supervisor. IR? COMPRESSOR COOLING FINS (3) MS [ParSE 1 * Make sure that the air compressor cooling fins are clean and unobstructed aa follows: a. Position ladder (1) at left side of vehicle. b. Fully open ventilation inlet door (2). 2-12 TM 9-1450.382-10 2-4. PMCS PROCEDURES — CONTINUED. PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES — CONTINUED B—Betore Operation D—During Operation A—Aftter Operation QO —Quarterly Equipment Will Be Reported Not Ready (RED) tt: ITEM TO BE INSPECTED PROCEDURE AIR COMPRESSOR COOLING FINS (3) — CONTINUED c. Remove any foreign material such as leaves or dirt from air compressor cooling fins (3). d. Close ventilation inlet door (2) to 45° position. CONTROL CUBICLE PANEL (2) a. Open control cubicle door (1). 6. Check that calibration date on each of the following meters on the control cubicle panel (2): DC generator No. 1 voltmeter (3) OC generator No. 2 voltmeter (4) AC generator frequency meter (5) AC generator voltmeter (6) c. Tell your supervieor if any meter has an expired cal- ibration date. d. Make sure that PS circuit breaker (7) is set to ON, and MASTER switch (8) is set to AUN. e. Press each red, green, and amber indicator, and make sure that it lights. !. Set PANEL LIGHTS switch (9) to ON, Make sure that all panel lights light, Set PANEL LIGHTS switch to OFF. g. Set MASTER switch (8) to STOP. Set PS circuit 2 . Check control cubicle panel as follows: breaker (7) to OFF, Close contro! cubicle door (1). TM 9-1 450-382-10 2-4. PMCS PROCEDURES — CONTINUED. C2 PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES - CONTINUED 8 —Belore Operation B- During Operation A-Altter Operation Nrvieer gl ITEM TQ BE INSPECTED |Sgart Ne. A PROCEDURE ENGINE OL a * * Check engine oil level by the procedure of paragraph 3-5. Add oil if needed. If more than 1/4 inch of oil (measured on dipstick) was used for each hour of op- eration (para 3-6), tell your supervisor. . H mission requires PS to be run continuously for long periods of time, check engine oll every 3 to 5 hours | of operation (para 2-7), Notify your supervisor and ask permission to shut down before checking oll level, 41 COMPAESSOR OIL 4 a * Check air compresaer oil level by the procedure of paragraph 3-2. Add oil if needed. If more than 1/6 inch of oil (mesgured on dipstick) was used for gach hour of operation (para 3-3), tell your supervisor, 2 lt mission requires PS to be run continuously tor long periods of time, check air compressor oll every 3 to § hours of operation. Notily your supervisor and ask permission to shut down before checking oll jewel. GEARBON OIL 5 * a Cheek gearbox oll level by the procedure of paragraph 3-8. If ofl is needed, add oil and check for oil leaks (para 3-7). If off has been added betore, tell your supervisor, o if mission requires PS to be run continuously for long periods of time, check gearbox oil every 3 to & hours of operation, it oil is visible in the sight gage, itis nol necessary to shut down to check oil level. If oil is not visible in sight gage, add oil and tell your supervisor, 2.14 O-— Quarterly Equipment Will Be Reported Moi Ready (RED) If: Oil is below ine marked "KEEP ABOVE THIS LINE.” Oil ts below ine marked “ft CVD ial il is teat visible in sight gage. €2 TM 9-1450-382-10 2-4, PMCS PROCEDURES — CONTINUED. PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SEAVICES — CONTINUED B -Betore Operation D—During Operation A—Atter Operation Q - Quarterly Equipment Will Be Reported Not Ready ITEM TO BE INSPECTED ras Pas be 6 e Check the condition of the air purification unit filter and dehydrators as follows: a. Open air purification unit access door (1). b. Using open end adjustable wrench, turn turn- lock fastener (2) counterclockwise wniil it ia hore. c. Slide air purification unit (3) oul. d. Observe red popup indicator (4). It red Red popup in- Plunger is in raised position, tell your dicator is up supervisor, Filter element must be changed in raised before PS is operated again. position. «. Open engine gage access door (5) and observe hourmeter (6) indication. f Check fogbook for engine hours recorded when Dehydrator alt purification unit dehydrator cartridges cartridges were last replaced. If lt has been about 6 have been in hours since cartridges were last replaced, use more than tell your supervisor. (Cartridge musi be re- 6 hours, placed every 6 hours of operating time.) g. Close engine gage panel access door (5). 2.15 TM 9-1450-382-10 2-4, PMCS PROCEDURES — CONTINUED. PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES — CONTINUED B- Betore Operation O- During Operation A-~ After Operation O- Quarterly ITEM TO GE INSPECTED Equipment Will Be Reported item Nol Ready Nid. PROCEDURE {RED} If AIR PURIFICATION UNIT — CONTINUED M5 14a?o0 h. Turn slide release knobs (7) inward to release catch. Slide air purification unit in firmly and hold. Using an open end adjustable wrench, turn turniock fastener (2) clockwise until it a: tight. i, Make sure that air purification unil (3) is secured firmly in place. If it is not, tell your supervisor. j. Close alr purification unit access door (1). 7 * Lubricate air purification unit drawer slide with grease by the procedure of paragraph 3-9. 2-16 TM 9-1450-382-10 2-4. PMCS PROCEDURES — CONTINUED. PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES — CONTINUED 68 -—Betfore Operation 0 —Owring Operation A—After Operation O—Quarterly Interval ITEM TO BE INSPECTED Equipment Will Be Reported item Not Ready Mio. PROCEDURE (RED) it: BATTERIES iS LUA? 8 . Check for electrolyte fluid on the outside of the batteries and in the battery tray as follows: a. Open battery access door (1). b. Turn handle (2) of quick-disconnect connector (3) counterclockwise to release, and pull con- nector away from connector recepiacie (4). * @ WARNING @ @ LEAD ACID BATTERIES CONTAIN CORROSIVE SULFURIC ACID ELECTROLYTE, AND NICKEL CADMIUM BATTERIES CONTAIN CAUSTIC POTASSIUM HYDROXIDE ELECTROLYTE. EITHER ELECTROLYTE CAN SERIOUSLY BURN YOUR SKIN OR EYES. WHEN YOU HANDLE BATTERIES, WEAA AUBBER GLOVES, RUBBER APRON, AND ACID-TYPE SAFETY GOGGLES. iF ELECTROLYTE GETS ON YOUR SKIN OR IN YOUR EYES, WASH WITH CLEAN, AUNNING WATER IMMEDIATELY. GET MEDICAL ATTENTION AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. c. Using an open end adjustable wrench, turn jurniock fastener (5) counterclockwise to re- lease. Pull battery tray (6) owt. d, Check batteries and battery tray for spilled fluid. é. I! necessary, clean the batteries and battery tray by the procedure of paragraph 3-13. a= 17 TM 9-1450-382-10 2-4. PMCS PROCEDURES — CONTINUED. PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES — CONTINUED B Before Operation D—During Operation A—Atter Operation Q— Quarterly ITEM TO BE INSPECTED Equipment Will Be Reported iter Not Ready Mo. PROCEDURE {RED) If BATTERIES = CONTINUED mh OSD 8 * Make sure that there ba no corrosion around terminals of connectors (1). If there is corrosion, tell your supervisor. 10 e Remove vent plugs (2) and check them for cracks or clogged vent holes. H vent holes are clogged, use a thin, stiff wire to unclog them. ® 6 CAUTION © @ NEVER OVERFILL BATTERIES. BATTERY SOLUTION MAY FOAM DURING CHARGING AND CONTAMINATE THE BATTERY TRAY. NOTE Perform step 17 for ead acid batteries only. 11 * Check fluid level in batteries. Fluid level should be just above top of plates. If necessary, add distilled water to bring fluid up to this level. Reinatall vent plugs (2), 2-18

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