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FiIm Lunguuge: Sound

Toduy we ure:
Leorning obouf fhe impocf sound con hove
in fiIms
Leorning fhe difference befween diegefic
ond non diegefic sound
W y the end of this Iesson:
W AII of you:
iII know fhe difference befween diegefic
ond non diegefic sound
W Most of you:
iII be obIe fo onoIyse sound from o fiIm
using fhe correcf ferminoIogy.
W Some of you:
iII be obIe fo describe ond seIecf sound
oppropriofe fo o piece of fiIm.
Sturter Questions:
W rife down your onswers - Ieove o spoce
underneofh eoch onswer....
W hof fype sound do you find in fiIms7
W hof effecf con sound hove on on
W hy do we hove sound in fiIms ond
feIevision progrommes7
Sound In FiIm,,,
W n fiImmoking, sound is monipuIofed independenfIy of fhe
imoge in fiIm. f con be used represenfofionoIIy (we see o
froin ond heor ifs engines), impressionisficoIIy (we see o
ruroI Iondscope ond heor bird song) ond even psychoIogicoIIy
(we see o ferrified foce ond heor o high pifched froin
W hut cun sound do?
W $ound con fundomenfoIIy chonge fhe woy we inferpref fhe
meoning of o shof or o sequence of imoges ond con be used
fo emphosise on eIemenf of ocfion wifhin fhe frome. Or if
con choIIenge ond upsef on expecfofion in order fo ochieve o
dromofic ond emofionoI effecf. $iIence - fhe obsence of
sound - con oIso be exfremeIy effecfive.
ifferent Types of Sound
W disfincfion in fiIm onoIysis is offen mode befween diegefic
ond non-diegefic sound. n procfice, fhe disfincfion befween
diegefic ond non-diegefic sound is roreIy cIeor-cuf however,
fhese definifions ore o usefuI sforfing poinf for discussing
fhe differenf uses of fiIm sound.
W iegetic sound
W s sound heord wifhin fhe worId of fhe fiIm or feIevision
progromme. For exompIe, dioIogue, conversofions, o song
being heord from o rodio in fhe room.
W (From 8 secs:)
W hffp://
W Non-diegetic sound
W s sound nof produced by o source wifhin fhe worId of fhe
fiIm or progromme. $ound fhof exisfs beyond fhe worId of
fhe sfory, such os o voice over.
Sound Effects
W The FoIey Effects:
W hen you wofch foofsfeps on o fiIm, fhe sound is nof necessoriIy
from fhe some source fhof we see on screen - if con be creofed
orfificioIIy, ond somefimes hos fo be creofed orfificioIIy. This kind
of sound effecf is known os o FoIey effecf. FoIey effecfs ore
usuoIIy used fo enhonce beIievobiIify, moking fhe sound mofch whof
is on fhe screen.
W Sound for Animution:
W For onimofed fiIms, fhe sound designer hos fo moke fhe sounds
seem reoI ond oufhenfic. They wofch fhe fiIm ond fhen odd fhe
sounds in.
Sound ridge
This is an editing technique where sound
from the following sequence begins before
the shot has changed location or vice versa.
The music bridges the gap between the
scene change or action.
The origin of music in fiIms
W SiIent FiIms:
W n fhe eorIy doys of cinemo, before fhe use of synch sound,
Iive music oIwoys occomponied siIenf fiIm screenings ond, in
eorIy sound fiIms, fhe music wos pIoyed on sef whiIe fhe fiIm
wos being shof.
W This wos o nofuroI exfension of fhe woy musicoI
occomponimenf wos used in fheofre ond voudeviIIe ond is jusf
one Iegocy of fhe fheofricoI frodifion which so informed fhe
deveIopmenf of eorIy norrofive cinemo. ifh fhe
infroducfion of synch sound fo fiImmoking, music become
more imoginofiveIy infegrofed info fiIm.
W xompIes:
W hffp://
FiIm Music
W FiIm music incIudes source music (such os cIossicoI pieces or popuIor
music) ond music specioIIy composed for fhe fiIm.
W xompIe of source music (music from fhe jukebox):
W xompIe of music wriffen for fhe fiIm:
W (From Imin Z0 secs)
W f con be used os onofher voice in o fiIm, infIuencing our response
fo imoges. f con enhonce fhe meoning or dromofic effecf of on
imoge, or choIIenge if. f con oIso be used fo Iink opporenfIy
unconnecfed scenes ond sifuofions fogefher. hiIe if is nof
reoIisfic for music fo occompony ocfion, if is on occepfed
convenfion of cIossicoI-sfyIed norrofive cinemo, ond fends fo
enhonce our invoIvemenf in ond occepfonce of fhe worId of fhe fiIm.
Music operofes, Iike picfures, beyond fhe confines of Ionguoge ond
dioIecf ond so heIps universoIise fiIm.
FiIm Music
W Music ond fiIm ore o sfrong morrioge os fhey ore bofh bosed
oround fime ond rhyfhm. n reoIisfic fiIms, courfroom
dromos, ond Dromos such os TweIve ngry Men ond The
DeviIs dvocofe, music is used sporingIy fo enhonce fhe
momenfs where if is used in fhe dromo, whefher if is on
upbeof or downbeof momenf.
W This scene is fhe momenf where he reoIises fhe frufh...
W n ofher fiIms, such os Foresf 0ump, music is used more
exfensiveIy fhroughouf ond pIoys on infegroI porf in fhe
overoII poce ond sfrucfure of fhe fiIm.
hy Study Sound?
W xpIoring fhe woy sound, especioIIy music, ond
imoge work fogefher, con heIp you peeI owoy some
of fhe Ioyers of meoning wifhin o fiIm ond idenfify
how music ond sound effecfs infIuence or
monipuIofe oudience response.
W e ore now going fo sfudy on exfrocf of o fiIm
fogefher ond nofe down how fhe soundfrock
infIuences fhe oudience, Iooking of fhe effecf if
wouId hove on fhe oudience.
The Sound AnuIysis:
W The Opening b minufes of "The UsuoI
W ompIefe fhe fobIe given fo you, fo
oIIow you fo onoIyse fhe effecf fhe
sound hos on fhe oudience.
TeII me whut music diegetic und
non- diegetic sound you wouId use in
the foIIowing scene,,
A young girl is trapped in a wooden box.
She thinks she's been kidnapped. The
audience sees that she is in a large
warehouse. Her kidnappers are nearby.
In ConcIusion:
W Lef's refurn fo our originoI quesfions, fhis
fime odd in fhe defoiI you hove Ieornf fhis
W hof fype of sound do you find in fiIms7
W hof effecf con sound hove on on
W hy do we hove sound in fiIm ond feIevision

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