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FiIm Lunguuge:

Post Production und Editing

Toduy we ure:
Leorning why edifing is used in medio
Leorning fhe differenf fypes of edifing ond
fhe effecf fhey hove on fhe oudience
W y the end of this Iesson:
W AII of you:
iII be obIe fo expIoin whof posf producfion is, why edifing is
used in medio ond describe fhe fwo differenf fypes of
W Most of you:
iII be obIe fo describe ond idenfify edifing fechniques found
wifhin fiIm cIips
W Some of you:
iII be obIe fo onoIyse why specific edifing fechniques hove
been used in fiIm ond wiII be obIe fo creofiveIy oppIy edifing
fechniques fo on exompIe work.
Sturter Questions:
W rife down your onswers - Ieove o spoce
underneofh eoch onswer....
W hof does posf producfion meon7
W hof is edifing7
W hy is edifing imporfonf in medio7
W hof differenf fypes of edifing con be
The Three Stuges of Mediu
W hen creofing o medio producf (such os o fiIm, mogo;ine,
newspoper efc) fhere ore fhree sfoges you musf go fhrough:
W !re-!roducfion - Ideos, roising money, designing droffs,
wrifing scripfs efc.
W !roducfion - Shoofing fhe fiIm, phofo shoof for fhe
newspoper/mogo;ine/websife efc
W !osf !roducfion - Edifing, Dubbing, Adding SpecioI Effecfs
ond Credifs
W ifhin eoch sfoge fhere ore ofher processes fhof musf
hoppen ond before fhe producf is seen by fhe pubIic o
number of sfeps musf hoppen.
Post Production
W hy is posf producfion imporfonf, especioIIy in fiIm7
W If is imporfonf becouse if heIps fhe oudience moke sense of
fhe piece.
W If oIIows fhe oudience fo foIIow fhe sforyIine ond norrofive
(Morrofive ore fhe eIemenfs fhof hoId fhe sforyIine
W If heIps fo show o chonge in fime
W If heIps fhe oudience undersfond when eoch scene hos ended
W If oIIows fhe fiIm fo progress smoofhIy (edifing) - wifhouf
ony jumps befween scenes
W If con odd excifemenf fo o scene
W If con signoI on imporfonf chonge wifhin fhe piece
W Edifing is fhe mosf fime consuming eIemenf when moking o
W If is fhe process of seIecfing ond monipuIofing imoges ond
words fo moke o medio fexf.
W %he edifors job is o very imporfonf one whefher you ore
producing o video or o newspoper poge - fhe edifor mokes
fhe uIfimofe decision on whof goes info fhe finoI fexf, ond
fhus decides whof if wiII oII meon fo o reoder or viewer.
eneruI Editing Techniques
W Sudden chonge of shof from one viewpoinf or Iocofion fo onofher. On
feIevision cufs occur on overoge obouf every 7 or 8 seconds. Cuffing moy:
W chonge fhe scene,
W compress fime,
W vory fhe poinf of view, or
W buiId up on imoge or ideo.
W %here is oIwoys o reoson for o cuf, ond you shouId osk yourseIf whof fhe
reoson is.
W osf !oced Edifing:
W Suggesf excifemenf, ocfion ond confronfofion
W hffp://
W SIow !oced Edifing:
W oy be used wifh compIicofed comero shofs - such os Iong frocking shofs.
Add fo fension or give o scene o sense of specfocIe.
W hffp://;iALnSML4
eneruI Editing Techniques
W Inset,
W An insef is o specioI visuoI effecf whereby o reduced shof is
superimposed on fhe moin shof. Offen used fo reveoI o cIose-up
defoiI of fhe moin shof.
W SpIit screen,
W %he division of fhe screen info porfs which con show fhe viewer
severoI imoges of fhe some fime (somefimes fhe some ocfion from
sIighfIy differenf perspecfives, somefimes simiIor ocfions of
differenf fimes). %his con convey fhe excifemenf ond fren;y of
cerfoin ocfivifies, buf if con oIso overIood fhe viewer.
eneruI Editing Techniques
W Trunsitions
W %hese ore woys fhof fhe edifor moves fhe fiIm from one scene fo
onofher. ExompIes incIude:
W ode %o 8Iock
(osf froiIers use fhis fo show o possing in fime)
W DissoIve
(Losf shof dissoIves info fhe nexf shof) mosf of fhe fime is used for
smoofhness ond eIegonce
W ipe
W (Mexf shof moves ocross fhe screen wiping off fhe Iosf shof). %his
drows offenfion fo fhe edif, used in momenfs of quief or ends of
ifferent Types of Editing
W %here ore fwo moin fypes of edifing:
W Confinuify Edifing
W (hen fhe fiIm echoes reoIify os much os possibIe - you ore
drown info fhe fiIm, fhere ore no obvious fIows)
W hffp://*%S;oog&feofure
W Disconfinuous Edifing
W (hen scenes jump from one fo onofher - you ore owore you
ore wofching o fiIml)
W hffp://
ontinuity Editing
W Confinuify edifing is designed so you don'f nofice ifl
W EyeIine ofch
W An edif befween fwo peopIe - o person Iooking in one direcfion ond
onofher person Iooking of fheir eyes. MormoIIy used in
W Shof Peverse Shof
W %his is when o scene is shof from muIfipIe ongIes, when chorocfers
ore normoIIy heId in o conversofion fo heIp show fhe oudience fheir
reocfions. 0eneroIIy over fhe shouIder shofs of eoch chorocfer
which ore edifed fogefher fo show how eoch chorocfer feeIs.
ontinuity Editing
ofched cuf/ofch on Acfion
ofch on ocfion is fhe edifing of muIfipIe shofs fogefher fo keep fhe
ocfion confinuous ocross fhe edif.
W confinuify of direcfion,
W compIefed ocfion,
W o simiIor cenfre of offenfion in fhe frome,
W o one-sfep chonge of shof si;e (e.g. Iong fo medium),
W o chonge of ongIe (convenfionoIIy of Ieosf 30 degrees).
W %he cuf is usuoIIy mode on on ocfion (for exompIe, o person begins
fo furn o doorknob in one shof, fhe nexf shof, foken from fhe
doorwoy, cofches his hond compIefe fhe furn of fhe doorknob).
8ecouse fhe viewers eye is obsorbed by fhe ocfion he is unIikeIy fo
nofice fhe movemenf of fhe cuf ifseIf.
W egree RuIe
The camera stays on the same side of the characters in order to keep
the viewer orientated
ontinuity Editing
W ross utting
W A cuf from one Iine of ocfion fo onofher. AIso
oppIied os on odjecfive fo sequences which use
such cufs.
W ReveuI
W A reveoI is when fhe comero is ;oomed ouf during
fhe course of o scene fo reveoI new informofion fo
fhe oudience
iscontinuous Editing
W onfoge
W A series of shofs generoIIy foded or cross cuf fogefher fo
show o ronge of differenf scenes from differenf fimes. %o
show fhe possing of fime
W hffp://
W Jump Cufs
W An edif wifhin fhe some scene, on fhe some comero ongIe
wifh objecfs or peopIe noficeobIy dispIoced. If wiII couse
fhe objecf fo jump in fhe frome. %his is coused by cuffing
befween fwo very simiIor shofs of fhe some person or
objecf. A jump cuf is nof o cuf from one objecf or person fo
onofher objecf or person.
ontinuity und iscontinuity
W Cufowoy/cufowoy shof
W A bridging, infercuf shof befween fwo shofs of fhe some
subjecf. If represenfs o secondory ocfivify occurring of fhe
some fime os fhe moin ocfion. If moy be preceded by o
definife Iook or gIonce ouf of frome by o porficiponf, or if
moy show somefhing of which fhose in fhe preceding shof
ore unowore.
W If moy be used fo ovoid fhe fechnicoI ugIiness of o jump
cuf where fhere wouId be uncomforfobIe jumps in fime,
pIoce or viewpoinf. If is offen used fo shorfcuf fhe possing
of fime.
Looking ut Editing
hof edifing fechniques con be seen in fhese cIips (fhink
confinuous7 %ronsifions7 Efc):
TeII me whut editing techniques you
wouId use if you were to muke un,,,,
In oncIusion:
W Lef's refurn fo our originoI quesfions, fhis
fime odd in fhe defoiI you hove Ieornf fhis
W hof does posf producfion meon7
W hof is edifing7
W hy is edifing imporfonf in medio7
W hof differenf fypes of edifing con be

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