Task 10 Questionnaire Analysis

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Task 10 Questionnaire Analysis Target Audience. 1) What gender are you?

? Female = 7/8 Male = 1/8 2) What age group are you in? 17-25 age group = 8/8 3) Do you watch soaps? Yes = 3/8 Sometimes = 4/8 No = 1/8 4) What is your favourite soap? Doesnt have one = 1/8 Hollyoaks = 3/8 Eastenders = 4/8 5) Why? Doesnt have one = 1/8 Hollyoaks = The stories, characters, similar age and its modern Real life issues people our age go through Issues we face every day and characters are our age Eastenders = Nothing else is on Its awesome, always dramatic storylines and it can be comic One of the characters is fit Its exciting and lots happen 6) How often do you watch soaps? Everyday = 2/8 Once a week = 1/8 Few times a weeks = 3/8 Very rarely = 2/8 7) What do you like to do other than watch soaps? Watch soaps = 2/8 Anything = 1/8 Music = 1/8 Eat and sleep = 1/8 Films and go out with friends = 1/8 Read = 1/8 Nothing = 1/8

8) Are you? Student = 4/8 Employed = 1/8 Student and employed = 4/8 9) If employed what is you job title? N/A = 3/8 Teacher = 1/8 Shop assistant = 4/8 10) What attracts you to soaps? Possibly new soaps = 1/8 Storylines = 4/8 Men = 1/8 Characters = 1/8 Real life experiences = 1/8

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