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Asthma Update: Part I.

Diagnosis, Monitoring,
and Prevention of Disease Progression
MATTHEW MINTZ, M.D., The George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences, Washington, D.C.

Despite increased scientific knowledge about asthma and improved therapeutic options, the disease continues to
cause significant morbidity and mortality. The National Asthma Education and Prevention Program Expert Panel has
updated its clinical guidelines on asthma medications, prevention of disease progression, and patient self-management.
Diagnostic criteria have not changed, and identification of the disease relies on the physician’s analysis of the patient’s
symptoms, family history, and spirometric measurements of lung function. Classification of asthma severity also has
not changed, but many obstacles remain, including the variability of asthma and the classification system’s inability
to account for physical activity levels, which may result in significant underestimation of the severity of asthma. The
National Asthma Education and Prevention Program recommends the use of written action plans with or without
monitoring of peak expiratory flow, although evidence supporting these management techniques is inconclusive.
Patients with asthma may benefit from earlier use of inhaled corticosteroids, which have been proven safe in the usual
dosages. However, further studies are needed to determine whether inhaled corticosteroids can prevent the progression
of asthma. (Am Fam Physician 2004;70:893-8. Copyright© 2004 American Academy of Family Physicians.)

This is part I of a two- sthma accounts for nearly 500,000 they are based on the most current research.
part article on asthma
treatment recommenda-
hospitalizations, 2 million emer- This is especially important for asthma, given
tions. Part II, “Medical gency department visits, and 5,000 some of the recently available medications
Management,” will appear deaths in the United States each and the vast number of studies published
in the September 15, year.1 Despite an increased understanding in recent years. The NAEPP decided that an
2004, issue of AFP.
of pathophysiology and treatment options, efficient approach would be to update the
See page 801 for the disease remains undertreated. Asthma guidelines on a periodic basis, and to focus
definitions of strength-of-
guidelines have been established to address on key clinical questions rather than rewrite
recommendation labels.
the disparity between scientific knowledge the entire guideline. These position state-
and actual management, and these guidelines ments will be published as NAEPP Expert
have been updated recently to answer several Report Updates. The most recent update4
key clinical questions. Part I of this two- was published in 2002, and future updates
part article reviews the updated guidelines, will be incorporated into a Web-based ver-
examines the supporting evidence behind the sion of the existing guidelines (http://www.
changes, and discusses the clinical implica-
tions of diagnosing and treating asthma in htm).
children and adults. Part II2 will discuss the
medical management of asthma. Diagnosis and Classification
Aspects of asthma management that remain
The Updated Guidelines unchanged in the updated guidelines are the
The National Asthma Education and Preven- diagnosis of asthma and the use of a clas-
tion Program (NAEPP) Expert Panel, orga- sification system to determine severity of
nized by the National Institutes of Health’s the disease. Unlike diseases in which objec-
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, tive numeric values are used to establish
was convened in 1989 to improve asthma a diagnosis (e.g., hypertension, diabetes),
care in the United States. The panel pub- asthma is a clinical diagnosis that incor-
lished its first set of asthma guidelines in porates genetic predisposition and clinical
1991; six years later it released a second set symptoms with objective measures of lung
of guidelines.3 function (Table 1).3
Clinical guidelines are most valuable if Before making the diagnosis of asthma,

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physicians should determine whether other
TABLE 1 conditions could be causing a patient’s symp-
Diagnosis of Asthma in Children and Adults toms (Table 2).3 Spirometry, not just the use
of peak expiratory flow (PEF) meters, is crit-
Episodic symptoms of airflow obstruction ical for diagnosing and managing asthma.
Difficulty breathing The NAEPP recommends the use of spi-
Chest tightness
rometry for initial assessment, evaluation
Cough (worse at night)
Symptoms occurring or worsening at night, awakening the patient of response to treatment, and assessment
Symptoms occurring or worsening with exercise, viral infections, of airway function at least every one to two
changes in weather, strong emotions, or menses; or in the presence of years.3 However, physicians should note that
animals, dust mites, mold, smoke, pollen, or chemicals patients with asthma can have normal lung
Wheezing function.
Airflow obstruction at least partially reversible Disease severity is determined by pulmo-
Diurnal variation in PEF of more than 20 percent over one to two weeks
nary function measurements, asthma symp-
Increase of at least 12 percent and 200 mL in FEV1 after bronchodilator
use (indicates reversibility) toms, and the need for rescue medication
Reduced FEV1 and FEV1/FVC ratio using spirometry (indicates obstruction) (Table 3).3 Several factors can complicate the
Alternative diagnoses excluded (see Table 2) assessment of asthma severity. First, disease
classification is based on the symptoms the
PEF = peak expiratory flow; FEV1 = forced expiratory volume in one second; FVC = patient had before starting treatment. Once
forced vital capacity.
treatment has begun, classification becomes
Information from reference 3.
more difficult. Second, asthma is a variable
disease. Studies have shown that patients
with asthma rarely remain in the same
category over time,5 and that patients them-
TABLE 2 selves often underestimate their symptoms
Differential Diagnosis of and thus are classified incorrectly.6 Further-
Coughing and Wheezing more, the current classification system does
not take activity level into consideration.
Infants and children One study7 found that asthma initially clas-
Allergic rhinosinusitis sified as mild was much more severe when
Cystic fibrosis
patients’ activity levels were considered.
Enlarged lymph nodes
Foreign body
When activity level was included in the clas-
Heart disease sification system, 93 percent of the patients
Tumor had persistent asthma, and 77 percent had
Viral bronchiolitis moderate to severe asthma.7
Vocal cord dysfunction Finally, objective measures of pulmonary
Adults function, such as PEF and forced expiratory
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
volume in one second (FEV1), do not always
Congestive heart failure
Cough secondary to use of angiotensin-
correlate with the severity or frequency of
converting enzyme inhibitors asthma symptoms.8 For example, one study 9
Mechanical obstruction of airway found that although a decrease in FEV1 was
Pulmonary embolism predictive of an asthma attack in the fol-
Pulmonary infiltration, with eosinophilia lowing year, more than 25 percent of study
Vocal cord dysfunction participants with normal lung function had
Adapted from National Asthma Education and Preven-
a subsequent asthma attack.
tion Program. Guidelines for the diagnosis and man- The previous NAEPP guidelines noted
agement of asthma: expert panel report 2. Bethesda, that underdiagnosis and inappropriate ther-
Md.: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,
Public Health Service, National Institutes of Health,
apy contribute substantially to asthma mor-
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, 1997; NIH bidity and mortality.3 Despite the recent
publication no. 97-4051:22. updates to the guidelines, the diagnosis of
asthma and classification of its severity (an

894 American Family Physician Volume 70, Number 5 � September 1, 2004

essential consideration in selecting asthma ten asthma plans independent of specific

medications) remain challenging. asthma education, such as videos and hand-
outs. For this reason, the NAEPP panel4
Monitoring reviewed several studies of
The updated guidelines address two key medical management with or Spirometry should be
clinical questions about the monitoring without written action plans. performed for initial
of patients with asthma: whether writ- All of these studies had signifi- assessment of asthma,
ten asthma action plans improve outcomes cant limitations: most included evaluation of response
compared with medical management alone, limited or no asthma educa-
to treatment, and assess-
and whether written action plans based on tion, only one included children,
ment of airway function
PEF monitoring improve outcomes more and many lacked power to show
at least every one to two
than plans based on symptoms. However, significant differences between
the data to support the use of action plans study groups.
with and without PEF monitoring were A Cochrane review of 25 stud-
inconclusive. ies of asthma educational interventions found
Written action plans and PEF monitoring that patients who self-managed their asthma
have been considered essential components with written action plans derived signifi-
of asthma self-management education.10 cant benefit compared with patients who
Written action plans tell patients how to did not, as measured by decreased emer-
adjust medications and control their envi- gency department visits, fewer hospital-
ronment to manage their asthma on normal izations, and improved lung function. In
days and during attacks, and encourage addition, the results of a well-conducted
them to seek care before an attack begins. study,10 which was mentioned in the
PEF monitoring often is included in these updated guidelines but not included in the
plans, and numeric values serve as indicators Cochrane review because it was not ran-
that patients should take certain actions. domized, showed that written action plans
Busy physicians, however, often use writ- were associated with a 70 percent reduction

Asthma Classification in Adults and Children*

Daytime symptom Nighttime symptom

Asthma classification frequency frequency Lung function

Mild intermittent 2 days per week or 2 nights per month PEF or FEV1: 80 percent or
less or less more of predicted function
Mild persistent More than 2 days More than 2 nights PEF or FEV1: 80 percent or
per week but less per month more of predicted function
than one time per
Moderate persistent Daily More than 1 night PEF or FEV1: 60 to 80 percent
per week of predicted function
Severe persistent Continual Frequent PEF or FEV1: 60 percent or less
of predicted function

PEF = peak expiratory flow; FEV1 = forced expiratory volume in one second.
*—Classification is based on symptoms and lung function before treatment.
Adapted from National Asthma Education and Prevention Program. Guidelines for the diagnosis and management of
asthma: expert panel report 2. Bethesda, Md.: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service,
National Institutes of Health, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, 1997; NIH publication no. 97-4051:20.

September 1, 2004 � Volume 70, Number 5 American Family Physician 895
in mortality in asthmatic patients acutely
presenting to a hospital. TABLE 4
PEF monitoring has been considered Airway Wall Changes in Patients
adjunctive to a written action plan because it with Asthma
was thought that objective measures would
help patients make decisions Airway smooth muscle hypertrophy
about managing their asthma.
Basement membrane thickening
Inhaled corticosteroids However, the addition of PEF Epithelial cell destruction
improve lung function in monitoring to written action Increased submucosal vascularity
patients with asthma and plans provided no clear evi- Subepithelial collagen deposition
are safe for use in children. dence of benefit. Few studies
of the use of PEF meters were
available for review, and these
studies had limitations similar to those in in the pathogenesis of asthma.12 The pro-
the studies of written action plans. Despite longed inflammation that asthma triggers
lack of evidence for the use of PEF monitor- in the small airways can lead to structural
ing, factors such as a patient’s inability to changes in the airway wall that may cause
recognize signs of worsening asthma may additional airflow limitation (Table 4). This
indicate that such monitoring is necessary. remodeling has been found even in patients
Although evidence for written action with mild asthma.13 Although asthma gen-
plans and PEF monitoring is inconclusive, erally is a reversible disease, these changes in
the NAEPP panel continues to recommend the airways are permanent.
written action plans as part of an overall It has been proposed that if airway remod-
effort to educate patients in self-manage- eling could be halted in the early stages of
ment of asthma. It also recommends consid- asthma by reducing inflammation, inhaled
eration of PEF monitoring in patients with corticosteroids might have disease-modify-
moderate or severe persistent asthma. These ing properties in addition to their known
management techniques have few risks and clinical benefits. The NAEPP panel reviewed
low costs, and they may improve communi- four studies14-17 examining the effects of the
cation between the patient and physician. use of inhaled corticosteroids soon after
the diagnosis of asthma. All four stud-
Prevention of Disease Progression ies found that corticosteroid use improved
The NAEPP panel also studied the effects of lung function in patients with asthma, and
early treatment on the progression of asthma, that a delay in the initiation of therapy was
specifically whether earlier intervention with associated with decreased benefit. However,
long-term therapy (i.e., inhaled cortico- the panel found several methodologic flaws
steroids) prevented disease progression in with each of the studies, including a lack
patients with mild or moderate persistent of statistical significance testing,15 a high
asthma. The findings were inconclusive but dropout rate,16 a high proportion of smok-
intriguing. ers compared with nonsmokers,17 and a lack
Airway remodeling has a significant role of statistical significance between groups.14
Therefore, no conclusion could be made
about the effect of inhaled corticosteroids
The Author on disease modification.
MATTHEW MINTZ, M.D., is associate professor of medicine and director of the The panel also reviewed the Childhood
primary care clerkship at The George Washington University School of Medicine Asthma Management Program (CAMP)
and Health Sciences, Washington, D.C., where he also received his medical study,18 a large, prospective trial of more
degree and completed residency training in primary care and internal medicine. than 1,000 children with mild asthma. The
Address correspondence to Matthew Mintz, M.D., ACC 2-105B, 2150 Pennsylvania
CAMP study, which compared the inhaled
Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20037 (e-mail: Reprints are corticosteroid budesonide, the mast-cell
not available from the author. stabilizer nedocromil, and placebo, found

896 American Family Physician Volume 70, Number 5 � September 1, 2004

Strength of Recommendations

Key clinical recommendations Label References

Patients who self-manage their asthma with written action plans derive A 11
significant benefit compared with patients who do not.
Inhaled corticosteroids improve control of asthma in children with mild or A 4,18
moderate persistent asthma.
Peak expiratory flow monitoring is recommended in patients with moderate C 4
or severe persistent asthma.

that patients who received budesonide had ticosteroids is recommended in all patients
improved outcomes compared with the with persistent asthma and is also recom-
other groups. The study also firmly estab- mended in infants and children in whom the
lished the safety of inhaled corticosteroid diagnosis of asthma is suspected.
use in children. However, there was no
evidence of a progressive decline in lung The author indicates that he does not have any con-
flicts of interest. Dr. Mintz is a member of the advisory
function in children with asthma, whether board for GlaxoSmithKline and the speaker’s bureaus
they received active treatment or not. Nor for GlaxoSmithKline, Aventis Pharmaceuticals Inc., and
was there evidence that corticosteroid use AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals LP.
prevented the worsening of asthma. When
treatment was discontinued, symptoms and
airway hyperresponsiveness returned. The REFERENCES
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