Portraits of American Rhodes Scholars

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Portraits of American Rhodes Scholars

Government Officials:
Adm. Stansfield Turner
Director of Central
Intelligence Agency
R. 'ames (oolsey
Director of Central
Intelligence Agency
(illiam '. +,ill- Clinton
President of the .nited
States !"")$/00!&
(alt (. Rosto1
2ational Security Advisor
Dean Rus4
..S. Secretary of State
2icholas 5at6en7ach
..S. Attorney General
Ro7ert ,. Reich
..S. Secretary of 9a7or
Susan :. Rice
..S. Re;resentative to
the .nited 2ations
2ational Security Advisor
=arlan ,. Cleveland
..S. Re;resentative to
2ATO !"3*$!"3"&
George C. >cGhee
..S. Am7assador to (est
Germany !"3)$!"3%&
Carl Al7ert
S;ea4er of the =ouse
'ohn >. =arlan II
'ustice of the ..S.
Su;reme Court
,yron R. (hite
'ustice of the ..S.
Su;reme Court
David =. Souter
'ustice of the ..S.
Su;reme Court
'. (illiam ?ul7right
..S. Senator
D$Ar4ansas@ !"8*$!"#8&
Stanley 5. =orn7ec4
..S. Am7assador to the
2etherlands !"88$!"8#&
(. (alton ,utter1orth
..S. Am7assador to
Canada !"3/$!"3%&
Phili; >. 5aiser
..S. Am7assador to
=ungary !"##$!"%0&
Richard 2. Gardner
..S. Am7assador to S;ain
>ichael >c?aul
..S. Am7assador to
Russia /0!/$/0!8&
Richard '. Dan6ig
Secretary of the 2avy
(alter ,. Slocom7e
.nder Secretary of
Defense for Policy
Ashton ,. Carter
De;uty ..S. Secretary of
Defense /0!!$/0!)&
Ro7ert D. >cCallum 'r.
..S. Am7assador to
Australia /003$/00"&
2ancy$Ann >in DeParle
(hite =ouse De;uty
Chief of Staff for Policy
Gen. Charles =.
,onesteel III
Commander@ ..S. %th
Army A5oreaB !"33$!"3"&
Gen. ,ernard (. Rogers
Su;reme Allied
Commander of :uro;e@
2ATO !"#"$!"%#&
Gen. (esley 5. Clar4
Su;reme Allied
Commander of :uro;e@
2ATO !""#$/000&
Adm. Dennis C. ,lair
Director of 2ational
Intelligence /00"$/0!0&
Adm. Charles +Steve-
Commander of ..S. SiCth
?leet !""3$!""%&
9t. Gen. ,radley C.
Su;erintendent of ..S. Air
?orce Academy
9t. Gen. >ichelle D.
Su;erintendent of ..S. Air
?orce Academy
9t. Gen. =o1ard D.
Su;erintendent of ..S.
>ilitary Academy
9t. Gen. ?ran4 G. 5lot6
Commander of Air ?orce
Glo7al Stri4e Command
9t. Gen. Christo;her D.
Air ?orce De;uty Chief of
Staff for Strategic Plans
and Programs
Arthur =. =ayes 'r.
Commissioner of ?ood
and Drug Administration
Ro7ert (. ,urgess
Director of the Census
,ureau !"*)$!"3!&
Alan D. ,ersin
Commissioner of
Customs and ,order
Protection /0!0$/0!!&
5eith P. :llison
'udge of the ..S. District
Court for the Southern
District of TeCas
A=oustonB !"""$;resent&
'ames =. ,illington
9i7rarian of Congress

Career Politicians:
David 9. ,oren
..S. Senator D$
O4lahoma@ !"#"$!""8&<
President of .niversity of
O4lahoma !""8$;resent&
,ill ,radley
..S. Senator D$2e1
'ersey@ !"#"$!""#&
Richard G. 9ugar
..S. Senator R$Indiana@
Paul S. Sar7anes
..S. Senator D$
>aryland@ !"##$/00#&
9arry Pressler
..S. Senator R$South
Da4ota@ !"#"$!""#&
Russ ?eingold
..S. Senator D$
(isconsin@ !"")$/0!!&
Thomas =. Allen
..S. Congressman
D$>aine@ !""#$/00"&
'ohn ,rademas
..S. Congressman
D$Indiana@ !"*"$!"%!&
'ames =. S. Coo;er
..S. Congressman
D$Tennessee@ !"%)$
!""*@ /00)$;resent&
David Ditter
..S. Senator
:lliott =. 9evitas
..S. Congressman
D$Georgia@ !"#*$!"%*&
>elvin '. Reynolds
..S. Congressman
D$Illinois@ !"")$!""*&
Charles +Tom- >c>illen
..S. Congressman
D$>aryland@ !"%#$!"")&
=eather A. (ilson
..S. Congress1oman R$
2e1 >eCico@ !""%$/00"&
,rad Carson
..S. Congressman
D$O4lahoma@ /00!$/00*&
Cory A. ,oo4er
..S. Senator D$2e1
'ersey@ /0!)$;resent&<
>ayor of 2e1ar4@ 2e1
'ersey /003$/0!)&
5urt 9. Schmo4e
>ayor of ,altimore@
>aryland !"%#$!"""&
:ric Garcetti
>ayor of 9os Angeles@
California /0!)$;resent&
Gov. ,o77y 'indal
Governor of 9ouisiana
Richard ?. Celeste
Governor of Ohio
,usinessmen@ Cor;orate 9a1yers@ and Organi6ation :Cecutives:
Charles :. Salt6man
Partner of Goldman@
Sachs E Co. !"*3$!"#)&
Ro7ert S. =arrison
Partner of Goldman@
Sachs E Co.
Alfred =ayes
President of ?ederal
Reserve ,an4 of 2e1
For4 !"*3$!"#*&
Ro7ert D. Roosa
Partner of ,ro1n ,rothers
=arriman E Co.
?ran4lin D. Raines
Chairman and C:O of
?annie >ae !"""$/008&
,enGamin =eineman 'r.
General Counsel of
General :lectric Co.
>aura A7eln Smith
General Counsel of
Pe;siCo /0!!$/0!/&
:dson (. S;encer
Chairman of the 7oard
and C:O of =oney1ell@
Inc. !"#%$!"%#&
>orris ,. A7ram
Partner of Paul@ (eiss@
Rif4ind@ (harton E
Ala1 firm in 2e1 For4 CityB
!"3/$!"3%@ !"#0$!"%"&
>atthe1 2imet6
Partner of Paul@ (eiss@
Rif4ind@ (harton E
Garrison !"#8$!"##@
Thomas 9. =ughes
President of Carnegie
:ndo1ment for
International Peace
(alter Isaacson
President of As;en
Institute Aof =umanistic
StudiesB /00)$;resent&
Richard 2. =aass
President of the Council
on ?oreign Relations
Stro7e Tal7ott
President of The
,roo4ings Institution
5ermit Gordon
President of The
,roo4ings Institution
,enGamin T. 'ealous
President and C:O of
2ational Association for
the Advancement of
Colored Peo;le 2AACP&
(hitney =. She;ardson
Director of Council on
?oreign Relations
Stringfello1 ,arr
President of ?oundation
for (orld Government
Paul >. Dody4
Partner of Cravath@
S1aine E >oore
'ohn (. Dic4ey
Partner of Sullivan E
Ala1 firm in 2e1 For4 CityB
'ournalists and Authors:
'ohn ?ischer
:ditor$in$Chief of Harpers
Magazine !"*)$!"3#&
:r1in D. Canham
:ditor$in$Chief of
Christian Science Monitor
'ohn ,. Oa4es
:ditorial Page :ditor of
The New York Times
=edley Donovan
:ditor$in$Chief of Time@
Inc. !"38$!"#"&
'ason D. >c>anus
:ditor$in$Chief of Time@
Inc. !"%#$!""*&
,oisfeuillet 'ones 'r.
Pu7lisher and C:O of
The Washington Post
9. Gordon Crovit6
Pu7lisher of The Wall
Street Journal
George Ste;hano;oulos
Anchor of Goo Morning
!merica on A,C
Charles C. Colling1ood
Chief ?oreign
Corres;ondent for C,S
=o1ard 5. Smith
Co$Anchor of A,C
:vening 2e1s
Rachel >addo1
=ost of The "achel
Maow Show on
:ugene 'ose;h Dionne
Columnist for The
Washington Post
2icholas D. 5ristof
Columnist for The New
York Times
>ichael R. Gordon
Chief >ilitary
Corres;ondent of The
New York Times
:rnest 5. 9indley
Chief of (ashington
,ureau of Newsweek
maga6ine !")#$!"3!&
2aomi (olf
'onathan 5o6ol
'aco7 >. (eis7erg
:ditor of Slate maga6ine
,renda ,uttner
=ost of #ulls $ #ears on
?oC 2e1s
Cleanth ,roo4s
College Presidents:
9incoln Gordon
President of 'ohns
=o;4ins .niversity
Steven >uller
President of 'ohns
=o;4ins .niversity
2eil 9. Rudenstine
President of =arvard
.niversity !""!$/00!&
Christo;her :isgru7er
President of Princeton
.niversity /0!)$;resent&
Charles '. =itch
President of .niversity of
California at ,er4eley
?ran4 Aydelotte
President of S1arthmore
College !"/!$!"80&
'ohn (. 2ason
President of S1arthmore
College !"80$!"*)&
Courtney C. Smith
President of S1arthmore
College !"*)$!"3"&
(illiam :. Stevenson
President of O7erlin
College !"83$!"*"&
>arvin 5rislov
President of O7erlin
College /00#$;resent&
'ohn '. Tigert
President of .niversity of
?lorida !"/%$!"8#&
Ro7ert H. >arston
President of .niversity of
?lorida !"#8$!"%8&
Oliver C. Carmichael
President of .niversity of
Ala7ama !"*)$!"*#&
(ilson =. :l4ins
President of .niversity of
>aryland !"*8$!"#%&
:dgar ?. Shannon 'r.
President of .niversity of
Dirginia !"*"$!"#8&
'ames >. =ester
President of 2e1 For4
.niversity !"3/$!"#*&
Dergil >. =ancher
President of .niversity of
Io1a !"80$!"38&
'ohn O. >oseley
President of .niversity of
2evada !"88$!"8"&
David ,. ?rohnmayer
President of .niversity of
Oregon !""8$/00"&
:lvis '. Stahr 'r.
President of Indiana
.niversity !"3/$!"3%&
College Presidents:
Christo;her ,. =o1ard
President of =am;den$
Sydney College ADirginiaB
'osiah ,unting III
President of =am;den$
Sydney College ADirginiaB
'ohn Delane (ilson
President of (ashington
and 9ee .niversity
ADirginiaB !"%)$!""*&
?rederic4 9. =ovde
President of Purdue
.niversity !"83$!"#!&
Roger =o1ell 'r.
President of ,o1doin
College !"3"$!"#%&
Alan Dalentine
President of .niversity of
Rochester !")*$!"*0&
Thomas Alva ,artlett
President of Colgate
.niversity !"3"$!"##&
Thomas C. >endenhall II
President of Smith
College !"*"$!"#*&
Ro7ert (illiam >acDicar
President of Oregon State
.niversity !"#0$!"%8&
'on 2. (estling
President of ,oston
.niversity !""3$/00/&
:. (ilson 9yon
President of Pomona
College !"8!$!"3"&
'. David AleCander
President of Pomona
College !"3"$!""!&
(illard Deming 9e1is
President of 9ehigh
.niversity !"38$!"%/&
Gordon 5eith Chalmers
President of 5enyon
College !")#$!"*3&
=o1ard 'erome ,urnett
President of (ashington
and 'efferson College
APenn.B !"#0$!""%&
Richard ?. Schol6
President of Reed
AOregonB !"/!$!"/8&
David C. =ardesty@ 'r.
President of (est Dirginia
.niversity !""*$/00#&
:li6a7eth 5iss
President of Agnes Scott
College /003$;resent&
George A. Dra4e
President of Grinnell
College AIo1aB
(illiam C.=. Prentice
President of (heaton
College !"3/$!"#*&
College Administrators:
,. =arvie ,ranscom7
Chancellor of Dander7ilt
.niversity !"83$!"3)&
Cale7 ?. Gates 'r.
Chancellor of the
.niversity of Denver
!"8!$!"8)@ !"83$!"8#&
Col.& (esley (. Posvar
Chancellor of the
.niversity of Pitts7urgh
>aG. Gen.
'ohn S. Grinalds
President of The Citadel
Al7ert Charles 'aco7s
President of Trinity
College A=artford@ Conn.B
Chancellor of .niversity of
Denver !"8"$!"*)&
:d1ard S. >ason
Dean of Graduate School
of Pu7lic Administration at
=arvard .niversity
Don 5. Price 'r.
Dean of Graduate School
of Pu7lic Administration at
=arvard .niversity
'ose;h S. 2ye 'r.
Dean of 'ohn ?. 5ennedy
School of Government at
=arvard .niv.!""*$/008&
'ames G. S;eth
Dean of Fale School of
?orestry and
:nvironmental Studies
9ester C. Thuro1
Dean of Alfred P. Sloan
School of >anagement at
>assachusetts Institute of
Technology !"%#$!"")&
(il7urt C. Davison
Dean of Du4e .niversity
>edical School
Ro7ert =. :7ert
Dean of =arvard >edical
School !"3*$!"##&
Carleton ,. Cha;man
Dean of Dartmouth
>edical School
(illard 9. S;erry
Dean of Divinity School at
=arvard .niversity
Guido Cala7resi
Dean of Fale 9a1 School
Thomas P. Gerrity
Dean of the (harton
School of ?inance and
Commerce at .niversity
of Pennsylvania
(alter ?loyd Pratt 'r.
Dean of the School of
9a1 at .niversity of South
Carolina /003$;resent&
Sarah 'ane Deutsch
Dean of Social Sciences
at Du4e .niversity
Peter ,. =enry
Dean of 2e1 For4
.niversity 9eonard 2.
Stern School of ,usiness
(illiam D. Carmichael
Dean of Graduate School
of ,usiness and Pu7lic
Administration at Cornell
.niversity !"3/$!"3%&
College Professors:
,ernadotte :. Schmitt
Professor of =istory at the
.niversity of Chicago
Crane ,rinton
Professor of =istory at
=arvard .niversity
(illiam F. :lliott
Professor of Government
at =arvard .niversity
>yres S. >cDougal
Professor of 9a1 at Fale
.niversity !")"$!"#*&
Ro7ert Penn (arren
Professor of :nglish at
Fale .niv. !"3!$!"#)&
Samuel =utchison ,eer
Professor of Government
at =arvard .niversity
Alain 9eRoy 9oc4e
Professor of Philoso;hy at
=o1ard .niversity
Ro7ert P. Tristram Coffin
Professor of :nglish at
,o1doin College
Gordon A. Craig
Professor of =istory at
Stanford .niversity
Charles ?.T. ,roo4e
Professor of :nglish at
Fale .niversity
Daniel '. ,oorstin
Professor of American
=istory at the .niversity of
Chicago !"*3$!"3"&<
9i7rarian of Congress
Richard D. Portes
Professor of :conomics at
9ondon ,usiness School
Thomas D. Ro1e 'r.
Professor of 9a1 at Du4e
.niversity !"#"$;resent&
,rand ,lanshard
Professor of Philoso;hy at
Fale .niversity
Thomas (. >errill
Charles :vans =ughes
Professor of 9a1 at
Colum7ia .niversity<
De;uty Solicitor General
of the ..S. !"%#$!""0&
Carlisle ?ord Runge
Professor of A;;lied
:conomics and 9a1 at
.niversity of >innesota
School of 9a1
>ichael S. ,arr
Professor of 9a1 at
.niversity of >ichigan
/003$/00"@ /0!!$
David O. ,eim
:Cecutive Dice President
of ,an4ers Trust Co.
!"#%$!"%#&< Professor of
Professional Practice at
Colum7ia ,usiness
School !""!$;resent&
Randall 9eRoy 5ennedy
>ichael R. 5lein
Professor of 9a1 at
=arvard 9a1 School
2oah ?eldman
,emis Professor of
International 9a1 at
=arvard 9a1 School
Ste;hen Stamas
Dice President of Pu7lic
Affairs at :CCon
Ro77in St. Clair 'ohnson
Senior Dice President for
Cor;orate Affairs at
Cargill@ Inc. /000$/00#&
Richard A. (iley
:Cecutive Dice President
of ?irst 2ational ,an4 of
,oston !"#%$!"%*&
(. ,o1man Cutter
>anaging Director of
(ar7urg Pincus
Ste;hen A. OCman
Senior Advisor at >organ
Stanley !"""$;resent&
Thomas S. (illiamson 'r.
Partner of Covington E
,urling Ala1 firm in
(ashington@ D.C.B !"%/$
!"")@ !""#$;resent&
'ose;h ,ur4e 5na;;
Senior Dice President for
O;erations at The (orld
,an4 !"#/$!"#%&
Ral;h C. ,ryant
Director of Division of
International ?inance at
the ?ederal Reserve
?ran4 G. (ells
President of (alt Disney
Co. !"%8$!""8&
Dennis C. Stanfill
Chairman and C:O of
/0th Century ?oC ?ilm
Cor;. !"#!$!"%!&
Ro7ert I. Rot7erg
President of (orld Peace
?oundation !"")$/0!0&
,rig. Gen.& Amos A.
President of Center of
Strategic and
International Studies
:lliot ?. Gerson
American Secretary of the
Rhodes Trust !""%$
;resent&< President of
Travelers Insurance Co.
9t. Col.& 'ohn A. 2agl
President of the Center
for a 2e1 American
Security /00"$/0!!&
>ichael S. Teitel7aum
Dice President of Alfred P.
Sloan ?oundation
:lmer =. Davis
Director of Office of (ar
Information !"8/$!"8*&
=o1land =. Sargeant
President of Radio ?ree
:uro;eIRadio 9i7erty
(endell 9. (ill4ie II
General Counsel of
9a1rence P. Tu
Senior Dice President and
General Counsel of Dell@
Inc. /008$;resent&
(illiam Percy >addoC
..S. Consul$General in
Singa;ore !"*"$!"3!&
(illiam A. +,ill- =alter
9ieutenant Governor of
Ar4ansas /00#$/0!!&
>aurice A. 'ones
De;uty ..S. Secretary of
=ousing and .r7an
Sylvia >athe1s ,ur1ell
..S. Secretary of =ealth
and =uman Services
>ichelle D. Gavin
..S. Am7assador to
,ots1ana /0!!$/0!8&
'ames A. =imes
..S. Congressman
9eonard P. Star4
'udge of the ..S. District
Court for the District of
Dela1are /0!0$;resent&
Richard G. Stearns
'udge of the ..S. District
Court for the District of
(illiam A. ?letcher
'udge of the ..S. Court of
A;;eals for the 2inth
Circuit ASan ?ranciscoB
Scott >. >atheson 'r.
'udge of the ..S. Court of
A;;eals for the Tenth
Circuit ADenverB
Charles R. Clason
..S. Congressman
Daniel C. :sty
Commissioner of the
Connecticut De;artment
of :nergy and
:nvironmental Protection
Gina Raimondo
General Treasurer of
Rhode Island
Clar4 5ent :rvin
Ins;ector General of ..S.
De;artment of =omeland
Security /00)$/008&
Glenn Alan ?ine
Ins;ector General of the
..S. De;artment of
'ustice /000$/0!!&
'ohn T. >c2aughton
Assistant ..S. Secretary
of Defense for
International Security
Affairs !"38$!"3#&
,rig. Gen. Peter >.
=eisman Tro;hy reci;ient
in !"*%
Pat =aden
?ormer Huarter7ac4 for
9os Angeles Rams 2?9&
:d1in P. =u77le
International Scientist and
5ris 5ristoffersen
=olly1ood Actor
2icholas '. S;aeth
Attorney General of 2orth
Da4ota !"%*$!""/&
Other American Rhodes Scholars (1904-1997)

Gregory D. A7o1d@ ReC D. Adams@ >ar4 Agrast@ Priya R. Aiyar@ >aG. Gen. Ames S. Al7ro 'r.

Sa7ina Al4ire@ 2icholas (. Allard@ Diogenes Allen@ ?ran4 Aller@ Ral;h D. Amado

Ro7ert A. Anthony@ Jayde Gordon Antrim@ ?ran4 Davis Ash7urn@ Ro7ert ?. Ashman@ 'ames R. Atlas@ 5aren Avenoso

Ro7ert S. ,a7coc4@ 9isa ,ac4us@ 'ose;h 9. ,adaracco 'r.@ Tyler A. ,a4er@ David >. ,ala7anian@ 'ohn C. ,ald1in

Ryan 5. ,alot@ Paul ,am7erg@ Ronald >. ,ancroft@ >aG. Gen. 'ohn C. ,ard@ Diva ,art4us

'ames G. ,as4er@ ?ord 9. ,attles@ >arshall (. ,aut6@ Atherton ,ean@ Peter ,edne4off

Peter ,einart@ Thomas C. ,erg@ Randy ,erholt6@ Susan ,iemesderfer

Tom ,irmingham@ Gordon ,Gor4@ Staige D. ,lac4ford@ Perry '. ,lac4shear@ 'onathan D. ,la4e

'ose;h ,. ,oard 'r.@ 5enneth ,o7roff@ (illie ,ogan@ 'ohn ,ohstedt@ Glen ,o1ersoc4@ 'ames >. ,raden

5enneth ,rashier@ ,rad R. ,raCton@ 5enneth S. ,recher@ Thomas '. ,re1er@ (allace S. ,roo4e

David A. ,ro1nlee@ (ade ,uchanan@ 5nute C. ,uehler@ 9ance D. ,ultena@ Theodore :. ,ur4@ George ,utte

,ruce :. Cain@ David A. Cam;7ell@ >ichael R. Cannon@ Thomas :. Car7onneau@ Peter A. Carfagna@ Paul O. Carrese

?rancis ,ayard Carter@ 'ohn Chalmers@ Richard O. Cha;man@ Clayton >. Christensen@ 'ohn =. Churchill@

Clifton R. Cleaveland@ =ervey Clec4ley@ Sarah =. Cleveland@ Daniel G. Clodfelter

Paul :. Coggins@ 5alman '. Cohen@ David Coleman@ 'ames '. Collins@ Carolyn G. Conner@ :li6a7eth >. Cousens

'ohn :. Crandon III@ (illiam Cronon@ Steven A. Cro1n@ 'onathan Culler

Ro7ert Darnton@ Guy >. Daven;ort@ =orace (. Daven;ort@ 'ames Der Derian@ (illiam :. Derry7erry@ 'ames R. Doty

AleCander :. Dreier@ Daniel 9. Dreis7ach@ ,enGamin ,. Dunla;@ Clifford '. Durr@ Ronald >. D1or4in

:d1ard :agan@ Douglas S. :a4eley@ Ro7ert 9. +,o7- :arl@ Ro7ert =. :7ert@ D1ight :ddins@ 'onah :delman

Ro7ert G. :dge@ >ar4 :isen7raun@ 9ynn :nterline@ Alain C. :nthoven@ Ro7ert '. :sther@ S;encer :th

9t. Gen. David S. ?ado4@ Richard =. ?allon@ 'ames >. ?allo1s@ 'ohn ?anestil@ Tali ?arimah ?arhadian@ (illiam =. ?arley 'r.

Guy Otto ?armer@ ,rian ?ay@ AleCander 9. ?etter@ David 9. ?inegold@ 'ohn D. ?leming@ >ar4 ?oulon

Ross =. ?ran4@ >. Taylor ?ravel@ >aureen :. ?reed@ George ?reeman@ >ichael ?ried@ Ste;hen C. ?erruolo
Sean >. ?ahey

>ichael Gaffney@ 9aura '. Gar1in@ Atul Ga1ande@ Thomas A. Ga6iano@ 'ohn '. Gearen@ Thomas D. Gelehrter

,arton Gellman@ Georgie ,oge Geraghty@ 9eigh Gerdine@ Ivan Getting@ Prosser Gifford@ Dan (agenen Gilson

9a1rence =. Gi;son@ ,rian A. Glasser@ Darryl '. Gless@ Peter Glomset@ Donald 'ay Gogel@ Su6anne Goh

'oel 5. Goldstein@ Gerrit (. Gong@ George '. (. Goodman@ >ar4 Gorenflo@ Antonio >. Gotto@ =erve Gouraige

,runs =. Grayson@ :ric Greitens@ ,ar7ara A. Gre1e@ ,rian C. Griffin@ :rich S. Gruen@ Gregory >. Gunn

'ames D. Gunton@ 2i4olas Gvosdev@ Re6a 5. GandGei

Paul =. =aagen@ Ro7ert T. =aar@ 'ulian 9. =agen@ Ann >. =aight@ Christo;her Patric4 =all@ >ichael P. =ammond

(illiam R. =andley@ Dice Adm. Carl Thor =anson@ Russell =ardin@ Thomas P. =ardman@ ,ar7ara Ann =armon$Scham7erger@ Chauncy D.

Col. Steven ,. =arrison@ Griffith =arsh@ Ral;h D.9. =artley@ ,ryan C. =assel@ >ichael :. =asselmo@ 'ennifer =aver4am;

Donald (. =a1thorne@ Christo;her =edric4@ Ro7ert (. =ell1arth@ >arvin =en7erg@ Chris T. =endric4son@ Alan 5. =enri4son

ReCford ,. =ersey@ Peter =essler@ Gregory A. =ic4s@ 'ames =ildreth@ Ro7ert C. =oc4ett@ >ilton =offman

Andrea =ollen@ ?ran4 :. =olman@ Steven =. =olt6man@ :arnest A. =ooton@ >aG.& 'ohn A. =ottell

,lair =oC7y@ Caroline >inter =oC7y@ ,rad >. =oylman@ A. :. Dic4 =o1ard@ 'anice A. =udgings@ 9ane P. =ughston

>alcolm 9. =unter 'r.@ 'ames ,. =urloc4@ Dennis '. =utchinson@ Ro7ert '. =arris

>aryana ?. Is4ander@ David 5. Ismay@ Ryan >. I1asa4a@ ReC 9. 'amison@ >ar4 (eston 'anis@ Clay S. 'en4inson

David 9. 'ohnson@ Richard A. 'ose;h@ 'ac4 ,. 'ustice

>orton G. 5ahan@ Peter '. 5alis@ Susan 9. 5aramanian@ Ruth >a6o 5arras@ >ar4 5asevich

=o1ard '. 5aslo1@ Ronald S. 5at6@ (illiam 5each@ 5ent >. 5eith@ David :. 5endall@ 5enneth 5eniston

Ro7ert P. 5im7erly@ Ste;hen ,. 5innaird@ >ichael :. 5insley@ Rachel 5levit

'ohn 5nu7el@ Ro7ert 5udrle@ Al7ert S. 5yle@ (illiam 9. K,illK 5ynes

>odu;e 9a7ode@ >arc :. 9ac4rit6@ :ric S. 9ander@ >ichael 9anese@ Clifford R. 9arsen@ 'anelle >. 9arson

9e1is& Arthur 9arson@ 5athrin Day 9assila@ Divian S. 9ee@ 'ames 9e>oyne@ Renee 9etto1 9erner

(illiam (. 9e1is@ :mory 5. 9indLuist@ Stace 9indsay@ >arc 9i;sitch@ Charles 9ister

A. (alton 9it6@ Good1in 9iu@ Carlton 9ong@ Ro7ert A. 9ong@ 'ohn 9ui4

Timothy T. 9u;fer@ Ro7ert D. 9us4in@ David 9ut6er@ 2nenna '. 9ynch

Ira C. >aga6iner@ Terrence ?. >alic4@ Tom >alino1s4i@ 'esse >al4in@ Ro7ert >alley@ Carl D. >arci

Richard C. >arston@ >ichael >. >artin@ ,rig. Gen. >ar4 >artins@ ?rancis Otto >atthiessen@ ?red ?. >anget@ Charles (. >aynes

Pamela D. >c:l1ee@ :arl >. >cGo1in@ 9aura >cGrane@ 'ames '. >cGuire@ >artin C. >cGuire@ Ro7ert G. >c5elvey

'effrey S. >c5inney@ >alcolm >c9ane@ Sarah >c2amer@ 9a1rence C. >cHuade@ >aC1ell '. >ehlman@ Gerald >. >eier@

Richard G. >ena4er@ Samuel P. >enefee@ Charles '. >erdinger@ 'ames =. >errell@ Col. ?rancis P. >iller@ Ro7ert ,. >itchell

Ro7ert :. >ontgomery 'r.@ Alison >orant6@ Christo;her D. >orley@ (illie >orris@ Charlotte >orrison@ ?red 9. >orrison

Ro7ert >orstein$>arC@ 9e1is S. >udge@ '. Russell >uirhead@ Ste;hen R. >un6er@ 'ames R. >urray@ (illiam >cCurine 'r.

,arry 2ale7uff@ Andre C. 2am;hy@ :d1ard '. 2ell@ ,ryce 2elson

Ro7ert D. 2euge7auer@ George ,. 2e1house 'r.@ (aldemar A. 2ielsen@ Richard =. 2olte@ >aG. Gen. Alan A. 2ord

'. Daniel OM?laherty@ 'ames OMToole@ >artha Oa4ley@ >ancur Olson@ David A. OntGes

'ohn 2. Paden@ Stanley '. Pani4o1s4i III@ Raymond Paret64y@ Richard (. Par4er@ Ste1art >. Patric4@ Ro7ert PaCton

Roy D. Pea 'r.@ :duardo >. Penalver@ (ilder G. Penfield@ >ar4 S. Pe;;ler@ Su6anne Perles@ Gregory A. Pets4o

Richard (. Pfaff@ Steven Pfeiffer@ 'ohn D. Philli;s@ Randal Pin4ett@ :llen >. Pint@ Ro7ert ,. Pirie 'r.

>ichael ,. Polia4off@ Tanya Pollard@ >ichael A. Ponsor@ >. 9aurence Po;ofs4y@ Roger ,. Porter@ Daniel R. Porterfield

:lliott I. Portnoy@ Anthony Preus@ :d1ard Reynolds Price@ Richard Primus@ Richard C. Pugh

9ois :. Huam@ David Huammen@ Ro7ert (. Radt4e@ Paul A. Rahe@ 'ahan Rama6ani@ 'ohn Cro1e Ransom

Ro7ert =. Ra1son 'r.@ Ronald A. Re7hol6@ :ric Redman@ ,ruce 2. Reed@ Carter Revard

2icholas D. Riasanovs4y@ >arilynn Richtari4@ 'effrey Rideout@ Adam Rindfleisch@ 'ohn ,. Ritch III@ Ronald C. Ritter

,rig. Gen.& David =. Roe@ 9ief D. Rosen7latt@ Ro7ert A. Rosenfeld@ Andre1 Rosenheim@ >allory =ayes Rottinghaus

Richard Ru7enstein@ ,ruce 5. Ru7in@ 'effrey ,. Rudman@ Ro7in .. Russin

9arry '. Sa7ato@ ,onnie St. 'ohn@ ?aith C. Salie@ Annette Salmeen@ Thomas A. Sancton@ >ichael '. Sandel

'. Stanley Sanders@ Catherine '. 5. Sandoval@ 'ennifer Santoro@ David Satter@ Richard A. Sau7er

Andre1 Savit6@ >ar4 :. Schant6@ ,rett G. Scharffs@ David Schat6

9eonard Scho;;a@ David >. Sco7ey@ 'ohn Searle@ Dirginia A. Seit6@ (ilfrid Sellars@ >ortimer 2. Sellers

Sarah Se1all@ Athan 'ames Sha4a@ Charles A. Shanor@ Catherine >. Shar4ey@ >ichael A. Shea@ Patric4 A. Shea

Paul Shechtman@ ,urton D. She;;ard@ 'udson D. Sheridan@ ,en Sher1ood@ :li6a7eth D. Sher1ood$Randall@ 'effrey Shesol

'oel Shin@ =enry Shue@ 'ohn G. Simon@ :ugene ,. S4olni4off@ Claudena S4ran@ Charles R. Sleeth

2eil '. Smelser@ ?rederic4 >. Smith@ >atthe1 G. Smith@ Ral;h =. Smith@ Sterling :. Soderlind@ 2icholas S. Souleles

'esse S;i4es@ =arold (. Stanley@ Reginald Stanton@ 'ames >. Stec4el7erg@ Richard Stengel

Richard ,urleson Ste1art@ Richard :d1in Ste1art@ (alter =. Stoc4mayer@ 'udith Stoddart@ Carlton Stoi7er@ Gilmore Stott

Clarence 5. Streit@ Ro7ert P. Stric4ler@ 'ane :. Stromseth@ Surachai Su;atta;one@ Stuart (. S1etland

'ames A. Talcott@ ?ran4 D. Tatum@ Terrence >. Tehranian@ Ronald '. Ten;as@ 2orman Terrell

Denise Thal@ Clifford& ?. Thom;son@ (. Scott Thom;son@ 5evin 9. Thurm@ Douglas Tilton@ Dacia Toll

Roger (. Tom;4ins@ Timothy '. Toohey@ 'ose;h >. Torsella@ 'essica Tranci4@ ,yron R. Trauger

,yron 5. Tri;;et@ C. Christo;her Tro1er@ Richard (. Tsien@ 'ohn >ar4s Tem;leton

2icholas .lanov@ Steven >. .min@ Craig =all .nder1ood@ 'ohn R. .nger II@ Al7ert :. .tton

Paul >. Daaler@ 9a1rence '. Dale@ >artina :. Danden7erg@ Timothy A. Danderver@ =u7ertus van der Daart

9t. Gen. Dale A. Desser@ 'eremy Detter@ Ro7ert =. Donderheide@ ?ran4 2. Don =i;;el

De7ra (alt$'ohnson@ >ichael D. (aters@ Doron (e7er@ Timothy (eis4el@ 'on 2. (estling@ Arthur P. (hita4er

Phili; (. (hitcom7@ 'ohn :dgar (ideman@ Dirgil (ie7e@ Daniel (. (illiams III@ 'ohn :.?. (ood@ Alfred >. (urglit6

>ilton >. Fasunaga@ 5enGi Foshino@ Jachary '. Jilia4@ 'ason Jim7a@ Samuel D. Jurier
Recent American Rhodes Scholars (1998-2011)

S. Kristine Abrams Ro! ". #ahat Andre$ %asti&lione 're&or! S.(. %riste )o*&las +. de ,oren-o

#r!an Shiloh 'raham #laine 'reteman Scott A. .ersho/it- Anne Katherine 0ones 1ara!anan Kasth*ri

,eslie Kendric2 )a/id %arlisle ,atimer 0*lie .a!a ,e/ison 3alerie +ac+illan Kirsten (ar2er

"brahim (atel ,a*ra (ro/in-ino Adeel 4albani 0*lia Rais2in 'retchen Rohr

5iona Rose 1oam Scheiber +icah 0. Sch$art-man Rachel Simmons 0acob S*lli/an

%*llen +. 6ani&*chi ,a*ra 6a/ares 0onathan 6e77er 0ohn 6!e 0o! 8*-.o 9an&

0onathan 1. 9in2ler O$en 9o-nia2

#oba2 R. A-amian "rin Ann #oh*la Sean +. #ras$ell 0enni:er ,. #*m&arner 9alter Ra!mond %oo7er

Antonio Ramon )el&ado %hristo7her ,. )o*&las +a*reen 1oel )*nne 0onathan 0. 5iner %ar! %. 5ran2lin

+ar! Anne 5ran2s +ar&aret %. 'leason 0enni:er R*th 'r*ber 1eil A. .attan&adi A2ash Ke!es Ka7*r

+ira %. ,*t&endor: 0e::re! ). +anns Karen 8oshi2o +ats*o2a +an*el-0*lian R. +onto!a 1a/in 1ara!an

)ena (ed!no$s2i Siobhan K. (ei::er %arla 0o! (eterman 9illiam R. (ol2in&horn ,isa Ann (o!neer

R!an +a; Ro$berr! #eth Alison Sha7iro Ant$a*n ,e$is Smith Sam*el %al/in 6hi&7en Alon <n&er

0ose )anilo 3ar&as "rin 3eronica 9halen

Ariel ). Adesni2 #en=amin ". %annon "ileen Robin %ardillo #randon ". )ammerman %indi ,ei&h )ennis

%helsea )a$n "lander 3a*&hn 6homas 'ra! >>> 0ennie S. .an 0*lian 0. .arris %hristian .*nt

Kristin 1. 0a/aras 0asdi7 Sin&h Kharbanda Rachel R. Klein:eld 0acob 0. Krich >l!ana +aria K*-iem2o

+ichael S. +. ,anham (a*l ,lo!d ,arsen Katherine R. ,arson )ere2 ". ,!ons 0essica ,ei&h +ellin&er S*sanna
#. +iera*

%rai& +. +*llane! 1e$man A. 1ahas %aroline +. (arler "lisha #. (eterson 0ason Roe Sanders )anielle ,eah

+elissa >. St*rm 1eela2sh K*mar 3arshne! 0asmine +arie 9addell Robert +. 8ablon "li-abeth Oli/ia 8o*n&

(hilli7 1. Assm*s ?achar! 0. #attles )a/id +atthe$ #a*&h Seth Andre$ #odnar ,*2e Aaron #ronin

"mma (atricia #r*ns2ill 0osh*a Aaron %ha:et- Sara %ecilia 'al/an #en +atthe$ 'ood$in ,i7i2a 'o!al

#radle! 0ames .enderson 1i*ni* 0i Sarah Ste$art 0ohnson Robert >an %o*rtne! Kla*s 0ordan Asher Krall

6homas S. +c%aleb 0r. (hili7 R. +ann 1icholas O@#rien +elin #randon ). +iller 9estle! 9. O. +oore

#rian Anthon! +*llin 0osh*a ). 1assiri 6homas +. (ellath! Ra=* Ra/al R*d!ard 9. Sadleir %arl #. Stra*chler

+iles 0. S$eet %arl .. 6a7e Anna R*th 6err! #radle! ). 6*&&le %o*rtne! %hristine 0oan 3oel2er +oll! ?ahn

"li-abeth S*san An&ell San=a! #as* Ale;is Renee #lane 1eil Robert #ro$n Katharine 6. #*-ic2!

(a/an K*mar %her*/* Albert .!*nbae %ho Oeindrila )*be %hristo7her "lders +ind! %laire .ebert

Anne "li-abeth Ka:o*re )a/id A. Ko/ara Sam*el 9. +alone Rhett (reston +artin ?achariah Robert +iller

?achar! Scott +orris Andre$ (ar2 ,illian #eatri; (ierce Robert Ro&er (orter 0ohn %al/in (robasco

S*nita (*ri 9illiam #r*ce Ro7er 0r. Ste7hen ". Sachs 1ico >. Slate Robert 0ohn Smith "melia +. S7encer

+e&an S*-ann Ste/en Sha!na ,. Strom Rachel 9alshe "rica 0. 9atson Kendra +arie 8o*n& 'race ". 8*

Keith 9. #enedict %hesa #o*din Sean '. %am7bell Robert +. %hamberlain #en=amin ,. %ham7ion (eter A.

)a/e Asho2 %ho2shi Adam S. %*reton 'retchen 0ane )ome2 0erem! ,enn "n&land #rian 5in*cane 6!ler +.

0acob 'ates 5oster +elanie S. 5ra-er Kam!ar %!r*s .abib 0ohn Arth*r .enderson Anthon! (a*l .o*se +atthe$
0. ,andreman

0onah ,ehrer An2*r ,*thra S*e +en& +arianna #. O:os* Sasha (ola2o$-S*rans2! Andre$ %harnes Sera-in

,a*ra Shac2elton )a/id A. Simon )e/i Sridhar (ratee2 6andon Kathleen )iem-Anh 6ran Anna Katharine 9eiss

.eidi ,ie 9illiams ,indse! Ohlsson 9orth

,ara #riana Anderson %ristina Adriana #e=an 6heresa #rid&eman 0ared Andre$ %ohen )ela/ane )ia-

#ethan! ,ist "hlmann Ol*$ab*sa!o 6emito7e 5olarin )o/ 5o; Allison 'ilmore 0enni:er +ichelle .arris

)aniel >saac .elmer #rett 6. .*ne!c*tt 0e::re! >shi-*2a 0*lia A. 0ames "li-abeth Kistin

(oo=a K*mar All!ssa +. ,amb Kenneth +ichael ,amb .eather ". ,on& "mil! (embro2e ,*d$i&

Richard A. +alins Ale;ander Aaron (ollen Amber +ichelle Ra*b Oli/ia Rissland )a/id '. Robinson Robin

9en Shi (a*l Andre$ 6a!lor Kenneth ,. 6o$nsend Rachael Anne 9a&ner )ec2er 5. 9al2er %hristo7her
9ent$orth 9ells

1icholas 0a! Anthis +ichael ). A7ril (eter (.+. #*tti&ie& )aniel 9. %lemens Rebecca ". %oo2

+elissa ,!nne )ell >an )esai +arissa %. +. )oran 0erem! )aniel 5arris R*th Anne 5rench-.odson

%atherine 0. 5rieman %ha*nce! S. .arris 0r. Sarah 0. .ill 0enni:er ". .o$itt 0ose7h Ste7hen 0e$ell

Andre$ Kim ,a*rel 8on&-.$a ,ee "li-abeth +asiello Rachel 8. +a-!c2 0*stin #rice +*tter S$ati +!la/ara7*

"li-abeth 9est (earson Anastasia (ilia/s2! 0ose7h 5. (reston Ka-i Sabeel Rahman Sarah #. Sch*lman 0ason ).

"*&ene Shendero/ +e&han ". S*lli/an ,e/ Ale;ander S/irido/ 6re/or %. 6hom7son %arol!n 9ills

)aniel Altsch*ler (a*l 0. An&elo +aria S. %ecire 0*stin +. %hal2er Adam ). %handler

Alison %roc2er Ale;ander %. K. )e$ar Sasha-+ae "ccleston Scott R. "r$in Samsher S. 'ill

6an!a Ali .a=-.assan 0acD*eline R. .anna "liana .echter 1athan .errin& E*an-6ran& 6hi .o

9illiam ,. .$an& 'arrett 9. 0ohnson 1icholas A. 0*ra/ich 9illiam R. Kell! 1oorain 5. Khan

,a2shmi Krishnan 0essica ". ,ei&ht "li-abeth 9. +a!ne 0e::re! A. +iller ,*2e (. 1orris %helsea ". (*r/is

0erem! 1. Robinson Rah*l Sati=a 1icholas +. Schmit- #rett A. Shaheen 0e::re! 1. Sto*t Katharine K. 9il2inson

)aniel Armanios Keriann +. #ac2*s 0osh*a #illin&s %ase! %e7 A/i 5eller Shaan-%hira& %. 'andhi

Sean A. 'enis 9hitne! .arin&-Smith #rian %. 0ohnsr*d Katie 1. ,ee 0acob ". ,emie*; #en=amin 9. ,*ndin

?achar!-0ohn A. +an:redi Aaron +ert- Ro;anne 'ene/ie/e 4*ist +aria Re7ni2o/a %hristian Sahner %harles R.

+a!a Shan2ar 1icholas 0. Shell! Ke/in Shendero/ Andre$ '. Shi7le! +ichelle +. Si2es 6imoth! 5. Simmons

#rad +. Smith Amia (. Srini/asan (ar/inder S. 6hiara R!an R. 6horeson 'in&er 6*rner 0*lie 3ero::

"lise 9an& ,eana S. 9en

+elis 1. Anahtar 0ason R. #ello >sra 0. #hatt! %lara ,. #lattler Rebecca A. #r*ba2er

0ason '. %rabtree Andrea +. )en.oed Reed 6. )o*cette #en=amin +. "idelson ,a*rel S. 'abler 6odd R. 'in&rich

Sheri: 'ir&is Andre$ S. .ammond 0essica ". .an-li2 1adine S. ,e/in Adam +. ,e/ine .ila ,e/! #rett 6. +asters

0o!ce S. +en& Sarah .. +iller 0ohn #laine +oore 1icole ,. 1o/a2 'eor&e %. Oli/e >>> 0ose7h S. O@Shea As!a 0. (assins2!

Aaron +. (olham*s (ra/in S. Ra=an >shanaa 1. Rambachan Sha!a2 Sar2ar )ee7 0. Shah Scott +. 6hom7son Katherine ..
A. 3!born!

0arrad +. A&*irre )a/id ,. 3. #a*er Ra2im .. ). #roo2s ,*cas +. #ro$n +allor! A. )$inal Abd*lrahman +. "l-Sa!ed

+atthe$ ,. 'ethers >>> 0*lia (ar2er 'o!er K!le 4. .addad-5onda Ste7hen 0. .ammer 3incent +. .o:er Scott 9. .*&o

%hristo7her ). 0ose7h Sarah #. Kleinman #rian 0. Krohn 're&or! ". ,i77iatt 1oelle R. ,o7e- 0osh*a A. ,os7inoso

Scott +. +oore %aitlin ". +*llar2e! Ashle! ,. 1ord 6imoth! A. 1*nan Anthon! %hase (alisch R. 0is*n& (ar2

+!ron ,. Rolle Aisha >. Saad Abi&ail (. Seldin +alorie Snider Shadrac2 6. 9hite Alia 9hitne!-0ohnson

,indsa! +. 9horton Anna 8erma2o/a

Kira %. Allman <&$echi 9. Amadi 0ordan ). Anderson ?ohar At2ins .enr! R. #armeier +atthe$ ,. #a*m

Ste7hanie A. #ell "li-abeth A. #etterbed Ro;anne ". #ras +ar2 )l*&ash )arr!l 9. 5in2ton "li-a/eta 5o*2sman

9illiam ). 'ohl Ra7hael 0.%. 'ra!bill %aroline 0. .*an& 0ean A. 0*nior "/a ?. ,am "li-abeth #. ,on&ino

+onica ,. +ar2s Andre$ 0. +c%all Ste/en +o #rittan! ,. +orreale 9illiam 0. O77enheim >>> "leanor +. Ott

R*ssell A. (er2ins Ale;andra (. Rosenber& 0*stine O. Schl*nt- 'eo::re! %. Sha$ )aniel ). Shih .enr! ,. S7elman

6!ler S. S7encer 'race 6iao

Anna 3. Ale2se!e/a %aroline #arlo$ Alice ,. #a*m&artner +e&an %. #ra*n 6amma A. %arleton 1icholas A. )i#erardino

0ared A. )*nnmon 'abrielle A. "man*el ?achar! +. 5ran2el Kathleen %. .ansen 5a&an ". 1. .arris +ar2 ?. 0ia

8e-=in Kan& )aniel ". ,a&e 0enni:er >. ,ai Andre$ 0. ,anham (rerna 1adath*r ,a*ra K. 1elson

Ren*&an Raidoo 5atima >. Sabar 0ohn S. Scotti Aa2ash K. Shah S. (a*l Shor2e! 0r. 3ar*n S. Si/aram

(ri!a +. S*r! Sarah A. S$enson ?*=a=a 6a*Deer "sther O. <d*ehi +atthe$ 6. 9atters 6rac! 0. 8an&

#alta-ar A. ?a/ala 9illiam 0. ?en&

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