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09-30-11 ;04: 10PM;


;518 426 6953



New York, New York 10007-2563 (212) 618-1100

Senator Martin Malave Dilan AssembLyman Robert Oalcs

Senator Michael F. Nozzoljcj Assemblyman John I. McEneny


CO-EXECUTIVE DIRECTORS bthra A, Levine Lewis M. Hoppe

September 30, 2011 To: Assemblyman John S. McEneny Senator Martin Malave Dilan Assemblyman Robert Oaks Dr. Roman Hedges Welquis Lopez

From: Senator Michael F. Nozzolio To ensure compliance with 83-m(13) of the Legislative Law, as enacted by Part XX of Chapter 57 of the Laws of 2010, I propose that the Legislative Task Force on Demographic Research and Reapportionment (LATFOR) immediately begin geocoding the address file provided by the New York State Department of Corrections and Community Supervision CDOCCSD. To ensure a uniform process, which is consistent with generally-accepted standards and practices, LATFOR should use Calipers 015 redistricting software, Maptitude, which LATFOR uses to perform the line drawing process in conformity with the Census Bureau s2010 TIGERJLINE geography file and the PL 94-171 census redistricting data file. LATFOR technical staff should verify inmate addresses and remove individuals with out-of-state, incomplete and unusable legal residence addresses from the total inmate and adjusted state populations. Subsequently, LATFOR technical staff should accept inmate address records that contain complete, unadjusted, legal residence addresses for reallocation purposes. Upon completion of that process, the remaining inmate addresses should be edited with established procedures for address acceptance and standardization. In compliance with Legislative Law 83-m(l 3)(b), we should ensure the highest degree of accuracy in the reallocation of prisoner addresses and, where it is not possible to do so, those addresses should be treated as address unknown and removed from the adjusted total state population. -continued-


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Following accepted address standardization practices, LATFOR technical staff should allow abbreviations such as St., Blvd., and Rd. to be standardized to Street, Boulevard and Road; allow hyphenated street numbers to be standardized for use in geocoding, but not interpreted or changed; allow the removal of leading and trailing spaces and punctuation; and allow removal of apartment designation when specifically identified as an apartment. Substantive address changes should not be allowed and, pursuant to Legislative Law 83-m(13)(b), those addresses should be treated as address unknown and removed. When the legal residence address refers to another address option (father, mother, etc.), that address should only be used if it conforms to the above criteria. Otherwise, those addresses should be removed from the adjusted total state population. After completing this address verification process, LATFOR technical staff should geocode the accepted inmate legal residence addresses using LATFORs standard process. Pursuant to Legislative Law 83-m(l3)(b), any address that cannot be identified to a single census block should be categorized as address unknown and removed from the adjusted total state population. Finally, I believe we should confer with counsel regarding the LATFORs legal obligations concerning the production of an adjusted census database in conformity with all applicable federal and state legal requirements. CC: Debra A. Levine Lewis M. Hoppe

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